#joe schmoe x reader
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theyanderespecialist · 2 years ago
You Can See Me? (Headcanons and Secnerio) SCP 1504 X Unaffected Reader (Yandere) (SCP Foundation)
#Yandere #YandereSCP1504 #YandereJoeSchmoe YandereSCP #YandereSCPFoundation #Headcanons #Scenarios #SCPFoundation #SCP #SCP1504 #JoeSchmoe #Reader #SCP1504XReader #UnaffectedReader #JoeSchmoeXReader #Reader 
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with another chapter this one is SCP 1504 and with a reader/listener who can actually be aware of what SCP 1504 is saying and doing Anyways, I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here muffins!]
[This is also, in video format on youtube!]
(Disclaimer: Jow Schmoe is not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanons from canon. Yanderes and SCPS are not ideal partners to have in real life.) 
-Yandere Headcanons With Joe Schmoe X Unaffected Reader-
.No One could see or tell what he was doing or saying at all.
.He could kill someone and no one would notice it.
.He could kick a baby like a football and the mother would notice nothing.
.He was unremarkable and unremembered in every single way.
.He had been with the foundation once.
.Then they lost him.
.They got him again and you were made his doctor. For Your ability to be unaffected by perception warpers.
.When he found out you could see and hear everything he said and did.
.Well it was only a matter of time before he would become obsessed with you.
.You are the only one who can see him. See the real him.
.He needs to be with you as much as possible.
.He would throw fits if you do not come and see him.
.Would hurt the guards as well.
.He needs to be your sole focus as you are the only one who can see him.
.He is a violent yandere, not to you, never to you.
.But everyone else, especially rivals.
.Anyone who looked at you even a second too long was on his hit list.
.Anyone who touched you was on his hit list.
.No one is good enough for you, you were made for him.
.And he was made for you.
.He would break out, it is only a matter of time.
.Once he does he would kidnap you and no one would see anything wrong with it.
.Except that they could hear you screaming.
.Though they cannot place why that is wrong.
.Why would you be screaming, it does not make any sense.
.Once he gets you away to safety he has you chained to a bed.
.Yes this man has snapped.
.As a yandere he would go off the deep end SO Fast.
.He needs to keep you, so he makes a home for you.
.He also cannot have you getting the foundation involved.
.So be ready to be blindfolded and gagged when he is not near.
.As long as you are with him you will have the freedom of being able to see and speak.
.But you only will be able to see him and speak to him only.
.Do not worry, he will take good care of you.
.Soon he will be the only person you want to see and be with.
.He just knows it.
.Does not even confess just declares it at some point.
.Snaps to the point you saying no does not register.
[Now onto the Scenario]
(SCP 1504/Joe Schmoe's POV)
I watch as the Researcher comes in they are stunning. Not that it did not matter, they would never be able to see me.
"So, Joe, I am Dr. (Last Name), but you can call me (Name)." They tell me. "How are you feeling today?"
"What do you care? You are probably some stuck-up Bitch!" I snap at them.
Their eyes narrow and I stop. What the...
"That is rude, I did not come in here calling you names." They scold me. "Now I think you should start again."
I stare... They can see me. They Can see me! "You can see me!" I shout excitedly.
This is the first person who can see me. Finally, I get to talk about everything and be seen! I feel my heart race and my palms become sweaty. I will never let them go! They are MINE! They were made for me!  
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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onismdaydream · 11 months ago
write to ur hearts content homie! as long as the cheating is tagged i dont see why it'd be a problem . unless joe and schmoe just dont wanan read the dang tags!!1 me personally i think all those ideas are fun, but i also like the extra angst betrayal of not being aware about the cheating as a faithful partner/being the person who is being used to cheat and not having that disclosed to you. feeling used and distressed after the fact, all of your trust having been compromised by this person <3 sigh. but i also do like being evil sometimes! but the only reason i feel like a cheating fic where reader cheats might not resonate with an audience is that like... not many people can put themselves in those destructive shoes and feel good about it me on the other hand im a demon i fuck and suck to my hearts content( in minecraft of course)
most of the way i write x readers are like... completely different than how i am actually so i never have a problem creating/reading a "horrible" reader!! idk why im so hesitant to write it with everything else i've written that i think would be more morally questionable than a cheating fic lol
but this is still hypothetical because my brain is refusing to give me any kind of direction to start with so i'm just kinda stuck with the thoughts swirling around in my head
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blizzardfluffykpop · 4 years ago
Blind Date
Summary: When your parents expect you to bring someone home for Christmas,... Desperate times call for desperate measures and your best friend Seungkwan has just the guy for you.
Oneshot full of Fluff
Word count: 1,236
Jeonghan X Reader (Best friend! Seungkwan)
Requested: Heyy, I wanted to request Jeonghan (Seventeen) + 11, if it's okay. Thank you in advance. 🤗
Prompt: 11. “You’ve never been kissed under the mistletoe? We’ve gotta change that--” 
Seungkwan rushes into my apartment, with a big smile on his face. He sits across from me on a barstool and I ask him what’s got him so happy. “Well, you know how you need to bring someone home?” I nod, my eyebrows furrowing wondering what trick Seungkwan has under his sleeves. “I have just the guy for you, but that depends on you of course. So, I took the pleasure of setting you guys up on a date.” I sigh, knowing I’m not getting out of this blind date. 
“What are they like?” He grins, “His name’s Jeonghan and he is your type. I don’t mean your type like you’d be fine going on a date with him. I mean he’s the type where I should be planning your wedding and not your first date with him.” I shrug and say, “Go on,...” He grins, “I’m glad you’re not turning down the idea already.” 'Even if I tried, you’d still make me go',  I hold back from saying that and let him continue. “He’s funny, likes to play pranks, and is a good listener. He’s handsome and comfortable.” “What do you mean by comfortable?” He shrugs, “He dresses nice but comfortable, you know? He’s also comforting to be around. Like you can open up to him and he would never tell a soul.” I shrug, “Alright, anything else?” “You’re gonna like him and your date is at 4:15 tomorrow.” 
Jeonghan sounds like a good person. At least my parents won’t put up a billboard saying, ‘Last dateable person till exit 37. Call, (xxx)xxx-xxxx to set up a date’. Yeah, I can’t deal with that level of embarrassment. That’s why I begged Seungkwan to help me out. He knows almost everyone in this town, so I was bound to at least end up with a Joe Schmoe. But I didn’t think he would go above and beyond that. I guess I'll see about that tomorrow. 
I receive a text on my phone as I get out of my car and head towards the restaurant. My phone dings and it’s a notification from an unknown number that says,  “Hey, this is (Y/n), right?” I text back quickly, “Yeah, is this Jeonghan?” It dings back almost immediately, “That’s me. I’m sitting at the third table next to the open window.” I text back an ‘okay’. I shake off my nerves and open the door and walk towards the third table on the left. I sit down across from, who I assume is Jeonghan. He holds out his hand to me, “I’m Jeonghan, and you must be (Y/n)?” I nod, “That’s me, what made you agree to go on a date with me?” He shrugs, “The same as you if I come home alone for the fifth Christmas. My parents are going to be the ones setting me up on blind dates,... I don’t know if I can handle that.” I laugh, “I thought mine were bad for wanting to put up a billboard that said, ‘Last dateable person till exit 37’,... But man do you have me beat.” He laughs, “Our parents would definitely get along.” I laugh when I finally take in his presence. 
He’s wearing a fuzzy brown cardigan with a black shirt. His brown hair looks fluffy with a slight wave in it. Seungkwan was not joking when he said Jeonghan was handsome. The waiter comes over handing us menus and I look through the selection. “Have you ever been here before?” He shakes his head, “No, but I wish I would have sooner. How does Seungkwan know about this place?” I shrug, “He’s adventurous,...” He grins, “You’re right about that.” 
The waiter comes back over and takes our order. “How did you meet Seungkwan?” He asks me when the waiter leaves. “Oh, that’s easy, when I was seven we moved to a new house and Seungkwan happened to be the neighbor’s kid. From then on we have been close friends. What about you guys, I’ve heard him mention you a few times.” He smiles, “You know Vernon?” I nod, “Yeah, of course, I do.” “He’s my roommate,...” I pat his shoulder, “Sometimes I’m glad that Seungkwan has always been my neighbor and not my roommate. This would be one of those times.” He groans, “I wish I could say the same.” I laugh and he grins back and I ask, “What’s your occupation?” 
“Funny enough, I work for a company that makes billboard signs.” I shake my head, “Now you mean to tell me my parents would call you--.” He nods and we both laugh, “Well, if your parents were looking for a bank accountant, here I am.” He grins and our food comes out. 
When we’re halfway through our food Jeonghan asks, “Well, tell me something no one knows about you.” I contemplate Jeonghan’s question, that’s a difficult thing. When I look up at the ceiling near the ceiling fan hangs mistletoe. That’s when it pops in my head, “I’ve never been kissed under the mistletoe before.” His jaw drops from my statement, “What? I’m not kidding,...” He looks up from his plate and at me and says, “You’ve never been kissed under the mistletoe? We’ve gotta change that--” Before I can take another bite of my pasta he grabs my hand and my fork falls into my bowl. He walks me over to the mistletoe, “Can I kiss you?” Well, he’s cute, funny, and if Seungkwan likes him, what the heck. I nod and he places his hand on my jaw and leans in and kisses me. He pulls away and I can’t help but want more, of course, I don’t do anything about it. But my red cheeks say it all, as a few whistles resound in the restaurant. 
I scoot my chair back in and I ask him in turn what’s something no one knows about him. He runs his hand through his hair. I take a few more bites when he says, “I’ve never been on a blind date before.” It’s my turn to have my jaw drop, “No way” he nods. I grin, “Well, how do you feel about your first date?” He smiles, “I wouldn’t mind if it was my last.” Now that's a coy way of flirting. I smile back at him, “I hope you mean that nicely.” He smiles and after he finishes his bite, “Yeah, I’m enjoying our date.” I grin, “I am too.”
He offers to walk me home when we finish up our dinner date. I agree, not wanting it to end. We walk through the park and I ask, “What’s your favorite gift you’ve ever received on Christmas?”  He takes a second to think about it, “Probably finding out that I would be having a baby sister.” “Aww, that’s sweet… I was going to say a VCR set of my siblings and I growing up. But yours is more sincere.” He nudges me, “Nah, I think yours is sweet as well.” I smile at him, “Your turn.” It goes on like that until we reach my apartment complex. “I don’t want the night to end.” He pouts, “Nor do I, but Seungkwan told me you have work early and not to keep you out late.” I shake my head, “He is worse than my mother,...” He laughs, “That’s what best friends are for though.” I nod, “I know, he’s one of the best.” I look down at my feet and ask him, “Can we do this again sometime?” He places a kiss on my cheek, “It’s a date.”
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