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abbeysquidd · 11 months ago
Where to find the Achievement Hunters in a post Rooster Teeth world (updated)
Jack Pattillo: Twitch (JackPattillo), YouTube (JackPattillo)
Michael Jones: Twitch (MichaelStreamsHere)
Gavin Free: The Slow Mo Guys
Jeremy Dooley: Twitch (DooleyNotedGaming), YouTube1 (DooleyNotedGaming), YouTube2 (dooleynotedvods), YouTube3 (DooleyNotedShinies)
Matt Bragg: Twitch (AxialMatt), YouTube (braggaboutit)
Trevor Collins: Twitch (its_Treh)
Alfredo Diaz: Twitch (AlfredoPlays)
Ky Cooke: Twitch (DefinedByKy), YouTube (definedbyky)
BlackKrystel: Twitch (BlackKrystel)
Joe Lee: Twitch (LoeJeez)
Fiona Nova: The Cream Team, Twitch (FionaNova), YouTube (Fiona Nova)
[Links to their Twitters/Instagrams below]
Geoff Ramsey: Instagram (geofflramsey)
Jack Pattillo: Twitter (jack_p), Instagram (jackpattillo)
Michael Jones: Twitter (100PercentMikey), Instagram (ah_michaeljones)
Gavin Free: Twitter (GavinFree), Instagram (gavinfree)
Jeremy Dooley: Twitter (JeremyNDooley), Instagram (realjeremydooley)
Matt Bragg: Twitter (Axialmatt), Instagram (mattrbragg)
Lindsay Jones: Twitter (IAmLindsayJones), Instagram (iamlindsayjones)
Trevor Collins: Twitter (_TrevorC), Instagram (_trevorc)
Alfredo Diaz: Twitter (AlfredoPlays), Instagram (alfredoplays)
Ky Cooke: Twitter (DefinedByKy), Instagram (definedby_ky)
BlackKrystel: Twitter (BlackKrystel), Instagram (blackkrystel)
Joe Lee: Twitter (TheLoeJeez), Instagram (loejeez)
Fiona Nova: Twitter (FionaNova), Instagram (fiona_nova)
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monarchisms · 11 months ago
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breathing-in-waves · 6 months ago
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Some of the RT/AH crew that attended Gav and Meg's wedding :')
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roosterbirds · 2 years ago
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Michael "Mr. Fanservice" Jones
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certified-msher · 1 year ago
Jordan Levin on RT's closure
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thedeaddandy · 2 months ago
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carry-on-my-rayward-son · 2 years ago
i think it’s so funny that people are saying things like “dogbark is such a bad name imo”. like, i mean objectively yeah, clearly, but you’ve literally been following a company called rooster teeth for how long????
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boysappetit · 1 year ago
Ryan Dean and Joe
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keen-arts · 1 year ago
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siren Joe
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whattarush · 2 years ago
this popping up when you get to the end of heartstopper just makes me even more emotional than i already am every time i rewatch this. i cry so much watching this because i am filled with so much freaking happiness while watching it. i love every single thing about it😭😭😭
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reyestrandd · 2 years ago
its the end of an era!
Achievement Hunter has been a huge part of my life since I was 16. Ten years of memories. Hell, this tumblr was made because of THEM.
Its been a fun ride. I've been went them through the ups and downs. I havent truly kept up with them over the last couple of years, but i will never forget the memories I made and them amazing community i was apart of.
I wish them nothing but the best. I can't wait to see how Michael, Alfredo, Trevor and Joe do with the new channel!
Love you forever, Achievement Hunter 💚🖤
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abbeysquidd · 1 year ago
Where to find the Achievement Hunters in a Post AH world
Geoff Ramsey: F**k Face Podcast, ANMA Podcast, Let's Play, and So...Alright Podcast
Jack Pattillo: Inside Gaming and Twitch (JackPattillo)
Michael Jones: Dogbark, Face Jam Podcast, and Twitch (MichaelStreamsHere)
Gavin Free: Slow Mo Guys, F**k Face Podcast, and Let's Play
Jeremy Dooley: Twitch (DooleyNotedGaming) and YouTube (Dooley Noted)
Lindsay Jones: RWBY VT
Matt Bragg: Twitch (AxialMatt), and YouTube (BraggAboutIt)
Trevor Collins: Dogbark, Red Web Podcast
Alfredo Diaz: Dogbark, Twitch (AlfredoPlays), and Red Web Podcast
Ky Cooke: Twitch (DefinedByKy) and All Good No Worries
BlackKrystel: Inside Gaming, Twitch (BlackKrystel), and All Good No Worries
Joe Lee: Dogbark and Twitch (LoeJeez)
Fiona Nova: Twitch (FionaNova), The Cream Team, YouTube (Fiona Nova)
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monarchisms · 2 years ago
so this is the unintentional part two of that summary post i made with geoff talking about the end of achievement hunter. for this post, i'm going to try my best to sum up what michael, trevor, and joe (but not alfredo because he was sick at the time 😔) have said about what will happen in the future on the penultimate episode of off topic, #403. there won't be a transcript this time as i am busy with schoolwork and stuff, so i'll try to make this summary as filled with as much accurate information as i can to make up for it :)
so basically,
trevor starts off by saying they'll be doing the last of various series to wrap everything up. he also notes that some of these finales will be "more nostalgic"
one of the series finales that's up right now is vs episode #150: joe vs BK. the game they played is cooking mama!
after the series finale of off topic (#404 lol), the final AH video ever will be a let's play in the remastered version of burnout paradise, and the cast will consist of geoff, jack, trevor, and michael. this is a callback to the first ever AH video they did back in 2008, and it's already been filmed! trevor says it was more emotional then he thought it would be :')
michael explains that the video will essentially be a ~70-minute podcast. in it, they'll talk more about the end of achievement hunter, where the cast members have went/what they've all moved on to, and new projects that they'll working on. he also says that he thinks that people will call this video "cathartic" while comparing the vibe to their old gta v series, sunday driving
not as important, but michael said that he was mindlessly driving and turning in burnout paradise in the same way that he'd run and jump in minecraft because he "fucking hated" playing minecraft lmfao
as said before, they decided to close AH and start something new with dogbark instead of continuing like they used to. michael acknowledges that in the last few years, most of the crew had already left rt in some way or moved on to other stuff within the company, leaving just michael, trevor, alfredo, and joe as the most consistent on-screen talent by the end. *bonus bit that wasn't mentioned until later, but alongside these 4, jarren from the post team will be their channel manager for dogbark :)
as this group makes videos for dogbark, michael says that their stuff will be both "tonally different" and "very fluid" as they're still figuring it out as they go, noting that they were balancing it and AH/let's play content at the same time
michael also talks about how he's been doing what he's wanted to do at AH for a long time, but there were some things he still couldn't do within the constraints the AH crew had put on themselves
while there will be some gameplay stuff on the dogbark channel, as mentioned in this episode and the channel trailer, they will primarily focus on live action content. trevor makes a point by saying that the style/theme in the trailer will "not be pervasive throughout the entire brand", and michael adds on to that by saying the trailer "is at 100, but every video won't be at 100"
michael and trevor make a point by saying that there will be more variety, as in "a dozen little formats", not necessarily like the shows/series they made at AH, with joe saying that they're not trying to "tie themselves down" to strict uploads and such, like they were when they were previously fitting into a mold at AH
trevor says that he has seen achievement hunter, and rooster teeth as a whole, having a unique challenge ahead of them. he refers to making content that appeals to an audience who had been following them since the early days while trying to also find new faces, both out there in the audience and internally at the company, in order for AH to stay around
he also points out how difficult it is to do that with a long-standing brand that has had different eras of content, since there would be an audience with differing expectations for them. with that, it became hard for the AH crew to balance said expectations with the authenticity they tried to show in the content they created. the crew has changed as people alongside their audience, and the stress that came with it was challenging
michael stresses that the group not only chose to make a new channel completely, they also had to fight for it for a while, and wanted to slow down on AH content before properly closing/archiving the channel to create dogbark. beyond the struggles of creating something new from scratch, they now have the challenge of preparing the audience for the jump from AH to dogbark while thinking about all the pros and cons before going forward
this week (the week of september 18th) and next week (the week of september 25th) are the last weeks of new AH content. after that, there will be a 1 or 2-day break before dogbark properly starts making new content on october 2nd. trevor feels like people will get a better idea of what dogbark is after a month or two of them uploading content
finally (subject to change, of course), they want to aim for full uploads every monday and friday, with patreon-like exclusive videos with rt first every wednesday and saturday. one of the confirmed things to expect is a first-exclusive podcast. the first week dogbark officially starts, all that content will be public as a sample of what to expect, and every week after that will follow that schedule
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breathing-in-waves · 6 months ago
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More pictures from Meg and Gavin's wedding ❤️
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roosterbirds · 2 years ago
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certified-msher · 2 years ago
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BRB, sobbing.
RIP Achievement Hunter, it's been an amazing run. Can't wait to see what's coming for everyone in the future
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