#joe keery reader insert
Chapter Twenty: The Lonely Hearts Club
Summary: You and Steve hang out alone for the first time in a while, and your friendship becomes a little more… complicated. (Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, 7.7k words)
Warnings: Things get kinda ~spicy~ towards the end but nothing too crazy lol. Bit of angst also.
A/N: This is the last chapter for ST3! Onto season 4 next - which means a lot more of Eddie, and a lot more angst 😈 also, here’s the link to the Tears for Fears album they listen to in this chapter, in case you wanna play it while you read!
Tags: @dessxoxsworld @blackbirddaredevil23
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August 23rd, 1985
“Oh my god, Steve. How many times are you going to play this stupid record?!” Robin whined from the passenger seat of Steve’s car. 
For the thousandth time that summer, Steve had snuck his Tears for Fears cassette into the stereo and pressed play. It came out months ago, but he was still obsessed with it. Plus he enjoyed pissing you and Robin off. 
“Hey, if you don’t like my music selections, then you can find your own ride, okay?!” He yelled back defensively, cranking the music up louder as an act of protest. 
You were sitting in the back, shaking your head at them with a smirk as you took a sip of the soda you had just gotten from the drive-thru. The three of you were bored that night, and couldn’t think of anything better to do besides getting fast food for dinner and going for a nighttime drive. 
“Thank god I’m almost home,” Robin groaned with an eye roll.
“Yeah, you’re welcome by the way. You know, for driving you literally everywhere,” He grumbled.
“Oh, come on. We all know you love it,” She said as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “What would you even do without us?” 
He didn’t respond to this because he knew she was right and he hated it. She smirked at him knowingly and got out after he put the car in park, slamming the door behind her. 
“Hey! Take it easy!” He rolled down the window and yelled at her. She waved her hand back at him dismissively.
“Yeah, yeah. Bye, Stevie! Bye, Y/N! See you tomorrow!”
“Bye, Robin!” You called back as she skipped up to her house. Then Steve raised his head to look at you in his rearview.
“You coming up?” He asked, patting the passenger seat. You nodded after taking another sip of your drink, then climbed up and ungracefully wriggled your way into the seat beside him instead of opting to get out of the car and back in. You accidentally bumped his elbow and apologized as he rubbed it.
“Ow! Geez, watch it. You spill that in here, you’re paying to clean my car.”
“God, you’re obsessed,” You complained, taking the lid off to show him that you had finished the rest of it so he wouldn’t have to worry anymore.
“How many times do I have to remind you two that without this car we’d all be stranded with no transportation? It’s a miracle my parents even let me drive it still.”
“Okay, I’m sorry! I’ll be careful.”
“Thank you. That’s all I ask.”
He put the car in drive and pulled back out onto the road towards your house. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while before Everybody Wants to Rule the World started playing, and you closed your eyes with a contented hum.
“Don’t tell Robin, but no matter how many times you play this song, I’m never gonna get sick of it,” You admitted. 
“I knew it,” He chuckled at you. “How can anybody not love it?”
“In all fairness to her, I think she did like it before you played it about a billion times.”
He scoffed at this, shaking his head dismissively before reluctantly agreeing that you were right. 
“Okay, fine. But you don’t mind?”
“No,” You said, your eyes still closed happily. “I don’t mind.”
It was the perfect song for a perfect summer night spent with friends. You wished that autumn would never have to come. You could ride around town with Steve and Robin doing absolutely nothing for the rest of your life.
You rolled down the window and stuck your head out, letting the wind blow your hair around your face. Then you twisted in your seat so that your face was pointed towards the sky, and you looked up at the stars. They were remarkably still as the rest of the world sped around you. It made you dizzy, but you couldn’t help yourself. It was too pretty. 
You thought you heard Steve’s voice but couldn’t make it out over the wind in your ears, so you pulled yourself back in and tried to smooth out your unruly hair.
“Did you say something?” You asked him. He smiled at you, shaking his head in amusement. 
“I said, if you keep sticking your head out the window like that, it’s probably gonna get sliced off by a tree branch or something.”
“Wow, very nice,” You chuckled. “Thanks for that. I was just trying to see the sky.”
“Predictable is preventable. The stars are really pretty tonight, though. I know a good stargazing spot. We should go sometime.”
You paused for a second, unsure of what to say. 
That sounded… romantic.
“Uh, you know, with Robin, too,” He quickly added. 
Was Steve Harrington suddenly bashful? You couldn’t contain the smile that began to spread on your face. It sounded kind of nice, actually. Peaceful. 
“We could go now, if you want to. I wouldn’t mind a little stargazing tonight.”
He hesitated to respond, suddenly seeming reluctant to go. 
“Actually… I don’t know. We probably shouldn’t. It’s private property. We could get caught.”
“That’s okay,” You shrugged. “Sounds like a fun adventure to me.”
He looked slightly surprised to hear this, but also pleased. He hadn’t expected you to be okay with breaking the law. It did make you nervous, but you also really wanted a chance to catch up with him, just the two of you. You thought it might be nice to get some one-on-one time to get him to talk about how he was doing with everything that had happened. 
“Well, alright then,” He agreed. “But before I turn around I feel like I should warn you, the place I’m thinking of is Sattler’s Quarry.”
You scrunched up your face at him.
“Sattler’s Quarry? Like, where they pulled Will’s fake body out of the lake? You think it’s pretty there?”
“Uh, yup,” He laughed. “That’s the place. I started hanging out there way before all the government cover-up shit happened. Still wanna go?”
You paused to think about it, then nodded. You couldn’t help your curiosity. 
“Alright then,” He sighed, then put on his turn signal to turn around. “Let’s go.”
When you pulled up about ten minutes later and Steve turned off his headlights, you understood immediately why he liked to go there. It was insanely scenic.
“You wanna get out and look?” He asked you. You shook your head and leaned back into your seat. 
“Nah. I… I wanna listen to the music,” You admitted reluctantly, knowing full well how pleased with himself he would be after hearing it. You snuck a peek at him out of the corner of your eyes and he had a smirk on his face, just as you had expected. 
“Don’t say it,” You warned him.
He put his hands up defensively. 
“Wasn’t gonna.”
You both got comfortable, and you let out a satisfied sigh. 
“You were right. This view is insane.”
“Told you,” He chuckled. “Pretty enough to paint. Or draw.”
“Hm. Yeah. Don’t remind me. I’ve been a terrible artist lately. Just haven’t been inspired.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll find something soon.”
You nodded, but you weren’t so sure. The truth was that what you had experienced in July had left you blocked off. You needed to be able to daydream to make art, and with a reality as insane and terrifying as yours, you were finding it hard to escape it.
“Speaking of which…” Steve said, interrupting your thoughts. “I really wish I could have seen your stuff at the senior art exhibition.”
You snapped your head towards him in shock. You weren’t expecting that. 
“I… didn’t know you knew about that,” You said quietly. 
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” He teased. “Why didn’t you invite me?”
“I don’t know… I didn’t think you’d be interested.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“Why would you think that?”
“I wasn’t sure how close we were. I didn’t wanna be weird.”
“Inviting me to see your art, which you’re planning on making a living off of someday, would have been weird?”
“No, it’s not that. It’s…” You trailed off, rubbing your eyebrow anxiously. You didn’t want to tell him the truth, but there was no better explanation you could give him. You inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly as you prepared yourself to be vulnerable with him. 
“Steve, if you had said you were busy, it would have absolutely crushed me. That’s why. You were my only friend at the time. At least, my only friend my age. It was a lot of pressure.”
He lowered his eyes, trying to comprehend this. 
“Oh… I didn’t realize. But, for the record… even if I did have plans… I would have cancelled them to be there.”
You lowered your head in shame. You felt like a jerk.
“I’m sorry. I should have invited you. I was just a coward.”
He could sense that you felt guilty, and immediately changed his demeanor to make you feel better about it, giving you a smile. 
“It’s okay. I’ll get another chance someday, when you become a big shot artist in New York.”
“Yeah. Right,” You scoffed, shaking your head. “I don’t think I’m ever getting out of this town now.”
“Why?” He asked, shocked by this admission. The last time you talked about it, you were still feeling confident about getting out of Hawkins. But that was before the gate reopened. 
“Steve, how can I leave after everything we’ve been through? What if it happens again?”
He hesitated, then shook his head at you.
“Maybe that’s exactly why you should leave,” He murmured. 
“If it was just me, I would. But I can’t leave you guys.”
A strange look came over his face when you said this. You were having trouble figuring out what it meant. Maybe he was feeling the same way, but didn’t want to admit it to you. 
“Well… that’s really selfless of you. But we’d be okay. You don’t have to worry about us. You should do what you need to do.”
You let your head fall back against the headrest of your seat in frustration. As you stared at the night sky reflecting in the water, you felt every emotion you had been holding in all summer bubbling up to the surface. Maybe now was a good time to confess, while it was just you, Steve, and the stars. 
“Can I tell you something?” You whispered. 
“Of course.”
You heard the squeak of his leather seat as he turned his body to face you. 
“On the Fourth of July, when I ran into you guys at the theater…” You trailed off, then willed yourself to look over at him. He laid his head against his headrest, too, watching you patiently as you gained the courage to continue. “I… I was trying to get away. I watched that disgusting monster almost eat Nancy at the hospital the night before, and it scared the shit out of me. I used work as an excuse to try to get out of fighting it. I don’t ever wanna be that person again. If I go to New York, I’m worried it’ll just be the same thing. That I’ll be running from my parents and this town and my stupid problems. And I don’t want to run away anymore. From anything.”
He let out a deep sigh when you finished speaking, as if he felt every word with his whole chest. 
“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself,” He murmured. “You stayed and fought when we needed you. That’s what matters.”
You studied his expression. You could tell that he really did understand the way you were feeling by the way he was looking at you, and you wanted to know more. 
“Do you… do you ever have nightmares? About the monsters?” You asked him. He snorted and turned his body back to face the windshield again, staring out at the quarry as he spoke to you. 
“Oh yeah. Are you kidding? All the time. Demogorgons, mind flayers, evil Russian soldiers. You name it… I’ve woken up in a cold sweat over it.”
He said this lightheartedly, but you knew the weight of it was heavier than he was letting on.
“I can’t believe you were drugged and tortured by Russians.”
“Believe it. I still get headaches from the shiner those bastards gave me.”
“I’m sorry,” You said with a wince. 
“It’s okay. Dustin told you I got a good shot in first though, right? That I knocked one of them out? Because I need that to be on record.”
“Yes, don’t worry. He was very proud.”
Dustin had excitedly gone over the entire ordeal of how Steve knocked out a Russian guard and won a fight for the first time in his life, but you remembered seeing Steve’s face from across the room. He had a look of pure exhaustion that you had never seen before. It still haunted you. No matter how much he tried to play it off like it was a fun adventure, what he had been through took a heavy toll on him. Physically and emotionally. 
“Seriously though. I’m sorry you had to go through that, Steve,” You said quietly, knowing instantly that he wouldn’t accept it. 
“Eh,” He brushed it off, as predicted. “Guess I should have listened to you, right? Shouldn’t have meddled in their business.”
You sat up in your chair, shaking your head profusely. 
“No way. If you hadn’t, we wouldn’t have beaten the Mind Flayer.”
He smirked at you. 
“So you’re saying that I should never listen to you ever again?”
You rolled your eyes and fell back against your seat, crossing your arms indignantly. 
“Okay, don’t push it, Harrington.”
You both smiled at each other, and then his fell when something new seemed to cross his mind. You braced yourself. 
“How have you been doing with everything though? With Hopper and…Billy?”
Ah. The inevitable question. You clenched your teeth as you tried to think of the least concerning way to answer it. 
“It’s been hard,” You admitted. “I mean, the worst part is watching Joyce go through that pain again. I could tell how much they cared about each other, every time he visited her at the general store. She’s been through so much shit. I think she wants to move away, which I completely understand, but I worry about what that will do to Will. And El, too, Jesus. That poor girl. It’s just so unfair. Hopper was a really good man.”
“He was,” Steve chimed in with a sigh, nodding patiently as he waited for you to continue your rant.  
“And Billy… I mean, you know how I felt about him. And I know how you feel about him, too. But I never wanted him die. Especially like that. Especially in front of Max. I know she hated him, too, but… she grew up with him. And seeing that at her age… she’s been really brave but I know it’s messing her up inside.”
“Yeah,” He agreed. “I mean, I wanted to kill him myself for what he did to us last year. But that was just…brutal.”
“I know. I just wanna be there for Max the best I can. I haven’t been able to get her to talk about it, but maybe that’s what she needs. I don’t know.”
Steve stayed quiet as you finally trailed off, watching you, and you turned your head to try to see what he was thinking. 
“What?” You asked him when you couldn’t figure him out. 
“It’s really kind of you to be so worried about everybody else right now. Not that I’m surprised.”
“Well… of, of course.” You stammered. “I mean, I’m sure it’s much harder on them than it is on me.”
“But I asked how you were doing. I know you had a hard time when we first found out about the Russians. I just wanna make sure you’re okay now. You said it messed Max up seeing Billy die, but what about you? It couldn’t have been easy for you either, seeing that up close.”
You blinked at him. He was figuring you out, and you didn’t like it. The original plan was to get him to open up to you, and there you were, pouring your guts out to him. You had said far too much. 
“I’m… okay. And you?” 
“Okay,” He echoed with a nod. It was clear from your deflection back onto him that you didn’t want to talk about yourself anymore, so he changed the subject instead of fighting you further on it. “You know, I probably wouldn’t have befriended Robin if we hadn’t been subjected to torture together,” He said. 
You snorted, unable to stop yourself. 
“Wow, did you just turn something negative into a positive? Are you ill?”
“Ha ha,” He said dryly. 
“I’m sorry. You’re right. That’s a good way to look at it.”
“That’s the way I feel about you, too, you know,” He added, looking you in the eye. It made your cheeks flush. “I’m glad you stumbled into the junkyard that night and almost got eaten by demodogs with all of us, even though I’m sure you regret it by now.”
“I don’t,” You said quickly. “How could I? We wouldn’t be sitting here right now if I hadn’t shown up that night. I wouldn’t have gotten to know all of you. And what a shitty life that would be.”
You smiled at each other, and then he let out a chuckle. 
“Wow. You’re insane.”
“I know,” You nodded, a pleased smile on your face. “But so are you.”
There was a quiet moment where the two of you stared at each other, then Steve’s attention was captured by the next song starting up on his car stereo. He let out a little gasp of excitement and his hand reached for the volume knob.
“Fuck, this is a good one,” He mumbled, and you laughed at him. He started bobbing his head, and then suddenly began belting out the lyrics to Head Over Heels so loudly that it made you jump. Your eyes widened as you watched him, his face all scrunched up as he sang passionately, but very, very badly.
“See, insane! Told you!” You shouted at him and pushed on his shoulder, trying to get him to quiet down. He took the hint and stopped singing, grinning at you. 
“I can’t help it. It’s too perfect. This song is like… my life story,” He chuckled self-deprecatingly. 
“Yeah, rejected twice in one year? That is pretty harsh,” You teased him with a laugh, then immediately squeezed your lips shut, eyes wide as you realized that you weren’t supposed to know about the second time with Robin. He eyed you and you knew that the jig was already up, but you avoided eye contact with him anyways.
“Hm?” You said, feigning innocence. 
“Did Robin tell you about our conversation in the bathroom?” He asked, an eyebrow raised. You scratched the back of your neck uncomfortably. 
“Uh…yeah. She may have mentioned something about that,” You admitted sheepishly. 
“I knew it. She told you I confessed my love for her, like an idiot? That I actually thought she was into me?”
“Maybe…” You tried to hold back a laugh, and he folded his arms on top of the steering wheel and let his head fall into them in embarrassment. “I’m sorry! I’m not laughing at you, I just feel bad.”
“Please. I bet you guys had a real good laugh about it. Typical Harrington, right? Completely oblivious,” He mumbled into his arms.
“No, Steve, it wasn’t like that! I swear. She only told me because I was asking her if there was anything going on between the two of you.”
“Well, obviously there’s not,” He grumbled. 
“Obviously,” You repeated with a snort.
He raised his head and squinted skeptically at this response. 
“Did she mention… anything else? Any, uh… reasons why we don’t have anything romantic between us?”
“You mean because she’s gay?”
His eyes widened at you before your mouth turned up in a smile. Then he let out a breath of relief and relaxed back into his seat. This was one secret he was overjoyed that you now knew about, and that you were as accepting of as he was. 
“She told you.”
You nodded with the smile still on your face, sharing in his happiness.
“Good. I’m glad.”
“Me too. I’m happy she had you to confide in, though, before I knew. You’re a really good friend, Steve. To both of us.”
He hadn’t been expecting you to say that. He scratched his head and turned away from you bashfully. 
“Eh. Well… I try my best.”
You grinned at his embarrassment, then it faded when you thought about how he might actually be feeling behind the humor. 
“Are you…do you actually want to be with her though? I mean, those feelings don’t just go away when you find out you don’t have a chance.”
You hoped it wasn’t obvious to him that you were speaking from experience. It didn’t take him very long to decide on an answer.
“No. I think I was just hearing Dustin’s stupid voice in the back of my head telling me we were perfect for each other.”
“Ha!” You chortled. “He said that? Guess I’m not surprised. He is kind of obsessed with her.”
“Yeah. You know… he said the same thing about you when we first started hanging out again.”
Your eyebrows raised. No matter how many times people talked about you and Steve like this, it never failed to surprise you.
“Yeah. The night we all watched Star Wars together and you got up to get popcorn from the kitchen, he leaned over to me and whispered, ‘Now’s your chance. Make a move. Just pretend we’re not here.’”
“What?!” You snorted loudly.
“It’s true, I swear.”
“Well, what did you say?”
“What do you think I said? I said, ‘Absolutely not, weirdo.’ Like I would ever try to make a move on someone while hanging out with a bunch of thirteen-year-olds.” 
“Oh my god, that kid is nuts,” You snickered. 
“I know. He brought it up again another time and I just told him that you had a thing for someone else to shut him up for good. Don’t worry, though, I refused to go into the specifics.”
You processed this, then took a second to contemplate whether or not you should share what Robin had said about the two of you as well. You eventually decided that it was safe. 
“Robin actually said something to me, too, when I was asking her about you two. While you guys were in the restroom and you were trying to confess your feelings for her, she thought you were talking about me instead of her at first.”
His eyes widened, confirming your suspicions that Robin had failed to share that with him.
“Really? That’s… weird. What did you say to that?”
“That it was ridiculous,” You shrugged. He nodded back at you, suspiciously quiet. He was probably trying to remember what he said that would make her think that. 
You cleared your throat, interrupting the uncomfortable silence.
“Come to think of it, Max and Nancy also assumed we were dating,” You giggled. 
“Jesus,” He said, throwing his hands up in the air melodramatically. “Can’t a guy and girl just be friends?”
“Apparently not,” You laughed. “But, I mean, everybody at school thought we were a couple, too. It’s nothing new.”
“Yeah, but, none of those other people actually knew us, so their opinions don’t matter.”
You tilted your head at him.
“So you think we should be listening to our friends? Is that what you’re saying?” You teased.
“I, I mean… theoretically,” He stammered nervously.
“Yeah. Theoretically, their opinions are the only ones we should focus on. For any number of…things.”
“Uh huh. Right,” You chuckled, amused by how flustered he was. 
He had a strange look on his face again, and you almost prodded him to speak before he beat you to it. 
“Did Nancy… did she seem jealous?” He asked tentatively. 
You blinked at him in surprise. You weren’t expecting that question.
“Uh… I don’t think so. She said she would be okay with it if we were together. Why? Do you want her to be jealous?”
“I don’t know… maybe,” He confessed quietly.
“I think she was mostly just worried that you hated her.”
His eyes widened in shock.
“What? That’s crazy.”
“I know. Don’t worry, I set her straight.”
“Oh. Thanks.”
He went quiet again after a small sigh, once again thinking about something that you were dying to know about. You figured you may as well jump right to the chase with the tough questions.
“Do you… think you still love her? I know it was really hard for you, getting over her.”
His face scrunched up as he stared out his windshield, agitated that you were making him think about her again. 
“…No. I don’t think I do anymore. What about Eddie? You still in love with him?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. This was an expert deflection on his part. 
“Oh, great. You remembered that, huh?” You groaned, avoiding answering the question. If he could dance around the truth, you could, too. 
“Of course I remember,” He scoffed. “I actually forgot to tell you, I saw him at the mall back in July. So if you still want my help getting that date with him, I’m available. God knows I don’t have anything else going on.”
You sighed with exasperation, closing your eyes and letting your head fall back against the seat again. 
“About that… I didn’t wanna tell you because I was kind of embarrassed, but he showed up with a date while I was working at the theater, and it was incredibly awkward. So that’s a no go.”
“Shit,” He said with a pitying grimace. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay. It wasn’t meant to be, I guess,” You shrugged.
“God, we’re hopeless, aren’t we?”
“The Lonely Hearts Club,” You muttered without thinking, remembering how Robin had described the three of you when she spent the night earlier that month. 
“The what?” He asked you, an eyebrow raised curiously. With all the time the three of you spent together, you had forgotten that he wasn’t actually there for that conversation. 
“Uh… it’s just something Robin said a while ago. That we’re like The Lonely Hearts Club. Just three lost causes keeping each other company.”
“Huh,” He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess she’s right.”
You both fell quiet, and then he interrupted it with another laugh as he rubbed his bottom lip with his thumb, as if he had come to some kind of ridiculous realization.
“What?” You asked him.
“Nothing. Just… honestly, it’d probably be easier if we really did just date like everybody expects us to.”
You stared at him as he continued to laugh at the idea of this. 
“Don’t worry, I’m just joking. I know you’d never be into me,” He added dismissively.
You kept staring at him, and your cheeks began to burn red as you remembered a past version of yourself that was, in fact, very into him. Now it was his turn to try to figure out what was on your mind.
You thought about changing the subject, but apparently this was already a night of confessions, so you rolled with it. What was one more deep, dark secret anyways?
“Do you remember when you asked why Carol would think I wanted you to ask me out in the eighth grade?”
“It’s because I had a massive crush on you the entire time we were friends and she knew it.”
He didn’t react. He just looked like a deer in headlights. You squirmed in your seat anxiously at his unwavering gaze.
“You’re joking,” He finally said with a completely straight face.
“No. I swear, I thought you knew until you asked me that. It was so obvious. Plus, I assumed Carol would have told you.”
“I, I mean… she did,” He stuttered, “The summer after seventh grade. But I just assumed she was being an asshole. Making fun of me.”
“Well, she was. But it was also true.”
“Holy shit.”
He straightened up against the back of his seat, staring into space with his mouth agape. You hadn’t expected this reaction. You assumed he would just tease you. Then you realized that he had said he thought that Carol was making fun of him, not you.
“Wait, why would Carol be making fun of you?”
He closed his eyes and swallowed nervously, then turned his head towards you. 
“Uh… because… I sort of had a massive crush on you, too. I didn’t tell anybody, but I just assumed she figured it out. I actually kind of thought that was why you stopped wanting to hang out with me. Because you found out, too, and got freaked out.”
Now your mouth was hanging open, absolutely stupefied. 
“Okay, now you’re joking,” You protested, convinced that he was truly messing with you.
“I’m not. I swear to god,” He said with a stunned laugh.
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah. Holy shit.”
You stared at each other again, and then you turned away to lean back against your seat, looking up at the stars as you contemplated this. You wondered how different life would have been if you had both been honest with each other about your feelings. 
“I wonder what would have happened if we found out sooner,” Steve said, as if he read your mind. 
You snapped your head back towards him, slightly taken aback that he had the courage to say this aloud. His eyes were studying your face, and you swore he was looking right at your lips. You realized suddenly that with all your talk about your friends trying to push the two of you together, he never made it clear that he disagreed with them. You didn’t know how to feel anymore. 
“Me too,” You said quietly, unable to resist eyeing his mouth as well. The wounds he had sustained from the Russian soldiers left a little scar across his bottom lip, and you had the sudden urge to reach out and stroke it. To comfort him in a way you hadn’t thought to before. 
“You know…” He said, interrupting your thoughts and bringing your attention back to reality. “When we were at that graduation party and I offered to kiss you…I wasn’t really joking. I actually always imagined I’d be your first kiss.”
At first, you were too stunned to even react to this. If it wasn’t clear before, it certainly was now: he wanted to kiss you. The cassette began to play its outro - a slow, hauntingly beautiful tune - and in that moment of pure insanity, you felt like you owed it to your younger self to see it through. 
Honestly, it just felt really good to be wanted. And Steve really wanted you. That was pretty clear when you lurched forward quickly and pecked him awkwardly on the lips, eyes wide as you pulled away and realized what you’d done, and he pulled you back in to keep it going. 
All of your anxious thoughts melted away the longer his lips were against yours. He was safe, and familiar, and a really, really good kisser. It felt like you were thirteen again, getting a fresh start. All of your insecurities from the past five years didn’t seem to matter suddenly. Nothing did. Not the Upside Down, not the fact that your friendship would be forever changed, not even Eddie. You were completely swept away. 
It surprised both of you how quickly you attempted to take control. You struggled to position yourself in his lap in the driver’s seat, banging your knee on the steering wheel and muttering an agitated, “Ow.” 
“Careful, Bruiser,” He teased, laughing at you before moving his seat back in a swift motion that made you gasp and fall into him. “Better?” He helped you to steady yourself, swiping a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
He was looking into your eyes as if the question he really wanted to ask was, ‘is this okay?’ You responded by leaning down to kiss him again. Your brain was screaming at you to stop, but every single glance and touch from him made you want to keep going. 
You were fully straddling his waist now, your thighs wrapped tightly around him. His hands traveled from your hips to your back, ghosting the hem of your top respectfully, and you reached to push them up the back of it. His fingertips brushing over your bare skin gave you goosebumps. 
You couldn’t believe that you had waited this long to kiss someone like this. It felt so good that you never wanted it to stop. 
You arched your back more, pressing harder into him and making him let out a noise that sent a tingle up your spine. His hands slid down your backside to your thighs and up to your waist again, then he rested his forehead against yours before pulling away again to look up at you, his fingertips fidgeting with the button of your shorts. You could tell that he was looking for permission to take things a step further. You pondered it for a minute as you looked down at him. His pupils were huge with lust, but the expression on his face was surprisingly tender. Trying to resist wasn’t an option. You could practically feel yourself melting into him already. You wanted to feel more. Needed to after all the time you’d spent waiting for something exactly like this to happen. You nodded to let him know that it was okay, putting your hand over his as he worked to undo your button. Then at the same moment you bent down for another soft kiss, you heard a loud clacking noise against the window. You both jumped and shouted in fear, then pulled away from each other in shock to see a bright light shining through the glass. You tried to block it from blinding you with your hand, and Steve moved his body in front of yours to shield you as you separated yourself from him. 
You could only make out the reflection off of the rims of a pair of glasses. It was officer Callahan. 
“Fuck,” Steve muttered under his breath. “Alright, let’s go kids! Out of the car,” Callahan yelled, tapping the window again. 
You looked at Steve with a panicked expression as you made yourself decent.
“It’s okay, just let me handle it,” He reassured you.
He opened the car door and helped you out. Callahan rolled his eyes when he saw Steve.
“Harrington? You again? Really? How many times have I told you to stay away from here? It’s private property and it’s dangerous.”
“I’m sorry, sir. We just came here for the view, honest.”
“Right. Is that what you and the other girls I’ve caught you in your car with were doing, too? Enjoying the view?”
You raised your eyebrows. He had brought other girls here?
You glared at Steve as he looked back at you with shame. He opened his mouth to speak, but you interrupted him.
“It was my idea, officer. He warned me we could get in trouble but I convinced him to come anyways.”
“You really expect me to believe that?” He scoffed.
“Don’t get me wrong, he’s an idiot. But it really was my idea this time. I swear.” 
Callahan hesitated, putting his hands on his hips.
“Alright, fine. But this is the final warning. I mean it this time, Harrington. You too…” He trailed off when he realized he had no idea who you were. 
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Right. Whatever. I catch you here again and you’re spending a night in lock-up. Now get out of here.”
Callahan got back into his car and Steve turned to you to try to talk again. You held up your hand to silence him.
“Save it,” You snapped, and walked to the passenger side of the car. “Take me home. Now.”
You were both quiet for a long time on the way to your house. You felt Steve looking at you, but you kept your eyes on the trees passing by. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about his lips on yours, his hands on your bare skin under your shirt, and what would have happened if you hadn’t been interrupted. You closed your eyes to try to silence your brain. “You didn’t have to tell him it was your idea,” Steve finally said. “But thanks.”
You didn’t reply.
“Y/N… I think we need to talk about what happened.”
You rolled your eyes and turned towards him.
“Okay. Let’s talk. When was the last time you brought a girl there?”
He sighed, gripping the steering wheel tightly to brace himself for an argument.
“After prom,” He admitted through clenched teeth.
You remembered how you sat home alone on your prom night. You were suddenly filled with rage at the thought of him in the back of his car with another girl while you cried yourself to sleep that night. And so, so stupid that you didn’t think anything of the spot in the first place. Of course he brought girls there. Was he planning this as soon as he suggested going there? Did he even really care about you, or was he just using you? Was that story about him having a crush on you even true? You felt like you couldn’t trust him anymore. 
“I can’t believe I fell for that shit,” You muttered angrily.
“What shit?” He asked defensively. 
“‘Oh, you know, Robin and Dustin think we would be soooo good together. Isn’t that so stupid? How wrong are they?’ You used reverse psychology on me so I would want to make out with you, just because you’re… you’re… horny!”
“Oh my god, please. Thats not even true!”
“So you weren’t just horny?”
“Please stop saying horny! And no! That’s not what happened. I mean, I don’t really know what happened. But I certainly didn’t have some, some master plan to get in your pants.”
“Ugh, gross, don’t say it like that…” You mumbled, hiding your face in your hands. He literally had tried to get in your pants. 
“Well, that’s what you were thinking, right?”
You turned and rested your forehead against the cool window. 
“God, I’m so stupid,” You whispered.
“You’re not stupid,” He said quickly, trying to keep your from spiraling inward. “I’m stupid, remember? This was my fault.”
You turned to him and shook your head at his attempt to be the martyr. 
“That was my first kiss, Steve. My first…everything.”
“Not… everything…” He tried to joke. You glared at him to let him know that none of this was a laughing matter. 
“You know what I mean,” You snapped. 
“I know. I’m sorry, okay?”
You pressed your fingertips into the bridge of your nose as if you were silently praying, begging for god to beam you up and out of that car as soon as possible. 
“Can we just…pretend it didn’t happen?” You squeaked, your voice cracking. 
He stiffened, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed and set his jaw. 
“If that’s what you want.”
You rolled your eyes at him impatiently.
“Well, what do you want?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“Exactly. You don’t know,” You huffed, throwing your hands up. “You need to figure out your shit, Harrington.”
“Well, obviously, I’m trying to…”
“You wanna know what I think?”
“I think you’ve been making it perfectly clear what you think already…”
“I think you can’t tell the difference between platonic love and romantic love,” You interrupted his grumbling. "Just because I’m a girl and you care about me, that doesn’t mean you’re attracted to me.”
He narrowed his eyes at the road, refusing to look directly at you. 
“I think I know when I’m attracted to somebody. That’s never been a problem for me. Attraction is not the issue here.”
“Oh, really? Because a month ago you thought you were falling in love with Robin. Robin!”
“Okay, well that was just a fluke.”
“So, what? Are you attracted to me then? Or was this a fluke, too?”
He paused from this rapid fire back and forth to run a hand through his hair as he thought about it, then propped his elbow up against his window and rested his hand against his cheek while he steered with one hand. It was clear that he was exhausted, but you weren’t ready to let up yet. 
“I don’t know…” He admitted exasperatedly. “I mean, yeah. Obviously. I guess. I must be. I kissed you back, didn’t I?”
“Goddammit, Steve,” You hissed through clenched teeth. 
“I’m sorry, I’m trying my best to be honest!” He raised his voice at you, lifting his head out of his hand so he could gesture with it in frustration. 
“Well can you try a little harder, please? Because I’m seriously confused here and you’re really pissing me off.”
He snapped his head around to look at you for the first time since you’d started your argument, his expression hardening with aggravation that he couldn’t hold back anymore. 
“You’re confused?! You’re the one that kissed me first!” He yelled. 
“Oh, spare me!” You spat back. “As if your eyes weren’t begging me to, and you didn’t just try to shove your hands down my-”
“You know what, fine,” He interrupted you loudly, waving a hand in the air to silence you. “I told you it was my fault. I’m a douchebag! I’m sorry. I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.”
After a long pause, when you began to feel your anger simmer down, you took a deep breath and made sure your voice was at a lower, less ferocious volume when you spoke again. 
He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t resist responding in an equally quieter but more frazzled tone. 
“I’m sorry. It’s not your fault.”
“Well, it’s not your fault, either,” He shrugged, his eyes glued to the road. 
“I know. Look, we’re not thirteen anymore. You don’t actually like me, Steve. Maybe you did when we were kids, but we’re different people now. We’re friends. You’re just lonely, and trying to cope with what happened.”
He scoffed at this explanation of his side of things, then tried to play it off like he didn’t. 
“Okay, well, what about you? Why did you kiss me then?”
“For the same reasons. It was a good distraction, and you made me feel safe for a minute. And also because… I can’t have who I really want.”
He fell silent, the only sound in the car the soft hum of the engine and his fingers tapping anxiously against his steering wheel. Then he sighed deeply. 
“You really want to just forget about this then?”
He looked over at you, and you nodded slowly. 
“Yeah. I think I do. Don’t you?”
He gave you a small half smile, then returned his gaze to the road. 
“Sure I do.”
You crossed your arms over your torso and relaxed back into your seat, watching out the window for the rest of the ride. The stars really were pretty. Too bad the two of you didn’t really do any actual stargazing. 
When he pulled up to your house and put the car in park, you hesitated before unbuckling your seatbelt, waiting for him to speak. But he stayed quiet, eyes lowered as you gathered your things. You sighed as you opened the car door and got out, making sure to pay close attention to how gently you closed the door so he wouldn’t have another reason to be angry with you. You began to walk away when you heard him roll down the window. 
“Hey!” He called, and you spun around to face him. 
“I’ll… see you tomorrow?”
He was straining to meet your eye line as you stood over him in front of the window, his brown eyes big like a sad puppy. 
“Yeah, Steve. I’ll see you tomorrow,” You assured him with a forced smile, then gave him a little wave before leaving him to walk up to your house. 
You snuck a peek at him through the crack in your door before you closed it behind you. His head was hung low as he clutched the steering wheel with both of his hands tightly, then when he composed himself he started his car up again and drove off. You shut the door and let your forehead fall against it. 
‘See you tomorrow.’
You both knew the words were a lie as soon as they left your lips, but it felt better to pretend. As much as you may try to forget, you knew it wouldn’t work. 
You had just had your first kiss (and then some) with Steve Harrington. Not Eddie, like you’d been planning since you were fourteen. Steve. Your best friend, Steve. How were you supposed to forget that? How were you supposed to hang out with him again like nothing had happened? You couldn’t. Even if you kept it between the two of you… and Officer Callahan. 
Jesus Christ. 
Your summer escapades with Steve and Robin may have already been coming to an end, but the events that transpired that night were the final nail in the coffin. The summertime bliss was officially gone.
You banged your forehead against the door a little too hard, then muttered, “Ouch,” as you rubbed it with your hand and trudged up the stairs to your bedroom. Maybe it wasn’t possible in the long run, but for the night, you would have to do your best to pretend that nothing happened so you could try to get some sleep for once. 
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dearest-nell · 2 months
morning person
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s. harrington x reader, 2.8k
summary: a snapshot into the morning routine of steve harrington, now that the two of you have moved in together includes: established steve x reader, domestic fluff, steve is a busybody. warnings: literally none except i am still incapable of proofreading properly
a/n: honestly if anyone has any requests i would love to hear them, or just want to chat about this show that has ruined my life, because i'm spiralling into obsession over here.
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People who complain about mornings have obviously never spent one waking up beside Steve Harrington, this you’re sure of. Because if they had, then they would know there was nothing in the world so deliciously saccharine than that drowsy, softened look on his face as he blinks the sleep away from mingling eyelashes, his lips curving upwards into a dreamy sort of smile. This isn’t even the first time he has awoken this morning. 
Steve Harrington is a morning person – an early riser, a dawn greeter, a restless child on christmas day. His body clock is set as the sun begins to kiss the horizon, his eyes blinking open into a dark, cool bedroom. New. This bedroom is new. He is still getting used to it, this apartment, a dingy one bedroom located just a few blocks from the rougher side of town. It’s a far cry from the mansion he used to live in, small and outdated and a little worse for wear, if he were to say so himself, but it’s home. It’s home because it’s his, and it’s home because it’s yours. You rent it together, bills strung haphazardly from paychecks of jobs you’d both rather live without. Steve doesn’t mind that he still works at the video store, not when it lights up the lamp on his bedside, or cooks the pasta on your shitty gas top that flickers every so often. He needs to call the service guy, now that he thinks about it, but it’s too early to matter. 
He can feel the heat of your body pressed in beside him, curled in on yourself, face buried into the pillow now folding creases into your skin, shoulders rising and falling in a steady rhythm. You have never been a morning person, he learned rather early on. You’re delirious, and grumpy, and still so beautiful despite the glare in your eyes when he used to wake you, and now, he knows to let you sleep. His impatience to rouse you, to kiss you and touch you is an urge he’s learned to swallow, so he pauses for a moment simply to stare, to smile to himself at the way you mumble in your dreams. 
He has the time, he thinks, considering it’s still dark out, and his shift at the store is not due for half a morning away, so he lets himself linger, tucked into the warmth of bedsheets as he works up the courage to leave it. He knows he needs to, that he’ll feel better if he does, that the routine always pays off even if it means parting from you. The air will be chilly outside, but he needs the cold to clear his head. His morning run is his time, after all. It gives him the solitude to consider, to plan, to unwind. 
He slips from the bed, careful footsteps walking a still unfamiliar path through the bedroom, boxes stacked against a near wall still unpacked from the move. His sneakers are in the wardrobe, well placed for a quick pick up, though he hasn’t accounted for his discarded shirt rippled right in his path. He trips, stumbling slightly, cursing himself as the thud that resounds as heavy feet meet the floorboards. He turns with a cringe, hearing you stir, though you do not rise as you wriggle deeper into yellow linens, disappearing beneath the comforter. 
He’s quick to dress, not wanting to risk another incident and the wrath of your disturbed sleep, slipping out into the living room to tie his shoes, still half asleep and blinking blearily. Despite its flaws, he likes this apartment more than he thought possible. There’s a passthrough between the kitchen and the living room that lets him talk to you as he cooks, you hanging over the bench to smile at him, pressing kisses into his shoulder when he dares to come too close. There’s a strange nook that sits in the wall by the door, one that now holds your keys and bumble bee umbrella, though neither of you are too sure why it was built in the first place. There’s a flat expanse outside the bathroom window that you want to build a flower box into, though Steve is yet to determine how, since neither of you are particularly good at D.I.Y. He loves this second hand couch Eddie found on the curb, loves the strange, abstract art piece Will designed for you both as a housewarming, loves the ceramic clown that Robin stole from an overpriced giftshop to hide in one of your moving boxes, now settled in the bookshelf beside an array of half read novels between you. 
He’s building a life here with you, and Steve is trying his best to remind himself of it every chance he get. There will be Christmases spent in these walls, games night drinks spilled on this carpet, and so many I love you kisses pressed to smiling cheeks beside that front door – he hardly knows how to contain the excitement for it all, even as he ties his laces. 
The morning is colder than he expected, but Steve has never been one to check the weather even now, even after he caught a cold from a raining run one morning, taking himself straight to work rather than home to you to shower. He figure’s he’ll wing it, deal with the consequences as they come, and enjoy the way you dote on him as he whines and groans in his flu like delirium days later. Cold, but not raining, he knows he’ll be fine this time. 
He’s been planning out this new jogging route as he goes, still learning the maps and turns of each new lane. He’d never been to this part of town much before the move, but he’s starting to acclimate one run at a time. It’s not too far from Hawkins, after all. It still feels like a familiar place, but it’s closer to the community college to save you the travel time. Steve’s a visual learner, after all. It gives him the roadmap that he’ll need to plan out his week. He’s taking himself the long way just to jot down the layout; the farmers market, the hardware store, the cafe with the good coffee. He waves to the people he passes by, few and far between, trying to appear friendly. He doesn’t know yet the culture of this community, but he’s eager to make a good impression. He recognises the old man who runs the news agency, stops to chat as they talk about the community centre. Steve’s agreed to volunteer for the refurbishment, he’s hoping it’ll help you both settle in, and you’ve promised to bake up your best batch of pastries to feed the hungry husbands as they work. Steve’s not yet a husband, but he’s planning on changing that in due time. 
The sun mingling with the clouds by the time he departs again, his pace quickening through midtown suburbia to take him home. The paperboy is tossing rolls at the doors, barely breaking on his bike as he passes house after house. Steve moves onto the road to avoid any collisions, shaking his head as the teen wheels off past a corner. He hasn’t even thought about his week yet, he realises, and his pace drops in consideration. There’s a stocktake coming up at work that will take more energy than he has to give, his parents are due over for dinner later in the week (he’s hoping they’ll cancel), and Robin has booked him tickets to some kind of gig that he’s certain he’ll hate. He mentally notes the checklist – things to buy, things to do, things to clean – now able to see his lot clearly without the buzz of a busy world around him. His days run smoother this way, alone, soles beating against the pavement. It starts him on the right foot. 
He’s out of breath when he arrives back on your block, panting heavily without the grace of a water bottle. He knows he should have brought one, but there’s no point stewing on it now. His thighs ache as he climbs the staircase, three flights of stairs his least favourite part of coming home. He can’t imagine hauling groceries up this stairwell is going to be an enjoyable weekly endeavour, but for the price of rent, he’s willing to make the effort, even with a slightly busted knee. 
He’s a little louder than he wants to be as he eases open the lock, slipping into a slightly brighter apartment than when he left. He doesn’t think you’re awake, but he takes pause to slow himself down, turning into the kitchen instead of the bedroom. Steve clicks on the faucet, hanging his head below the tap to let the cool water run directly into his mouth. He lacks grace as he guzzles down half a litre, droplets trickling down his cheeks and chin into unclean dishes from the night before. There’s urgency, he decides, in this drink. No type for a cup, no time to pause. He pulls away gasping, wiping a cupful of water across his sweat slicken face, unable to suck enough breath into his lungs. He leans back against the benchtop, eyes pressed skyward to focus on slowing himself down, letting his heart rate drop back to a blissful pace. 
He knows he should shower, but more than anything, he’s aching to get back between the sheets with you. It’s funny how he still misses you when you’re not within reach, even for an hour, even when he knows you’re still wrapped up tight in the comforts of his bed. It feels wrong to love a person this much, like he shouldn’t be made to feel so much, so deeply, every passing minute of every passing day. But he does. He knows he’s not the first to feel such a love, but he thinks he might be the only one regardless, because no one else has you. He thinks it’s strange that everyone in the world isn’t aching to be by your side, that hearts all over the town aren’t skipping beats at the wideness of your smile, the curve of your shoulder, the tickle of your laugh. This love must be special, then, because how else can he be the only one so enamoured by you. 
He forces himself into the shower, the water not yet warm even as he sinks his head beneath the stuttering stream. The pipes are old, though a cold shower bothers him far less than it bothers you. He’ll be out quicker this way. He is less thorough in his cleaning than he thinks he ought to be, scrubbing furiously at his body with the loofah you bought him, scraping sweat and red streaks into a now fading tan. He’s seeing the sun less these days in the dead of autumn, but he’ll make it up later. Right now, all he is focused on is climbing back into his bed, his skin stained with a citrus scent embedded into the new soap you had bought. It’s not his usual brand, but he thinks he likes the change anyways. It reminds him of summer picnics with you, fingers digging into orange peels, juices dribbling down his fingers until he tears out slices one by one. The scent lingers, filled with your orange flavoured kisses and sun streaked highlights burning into his mind, and yes, he thinks, the change isn’t so bad. 
He shuts off the tap, yanking his towel from the rack to pat himself dry, hair shaking out like a puppy dog with rambunctious excitement to be on his way. He doesn’t bother to redress, dropping the towel to the floor without focus, padding back towards your bedroom. You’re exactly how he left you, though a little more illuminated in the morning light. You’ve wiggled out of the blanket again, one foot kicked out to the side to regulate your body temperature, one hand reaching out towards his side of the bed. You reach for him in your sleep sometimes, and he hates the idea of not being there for you when you do. 
He clambers into bed his eagerness betraying his stealth, expert hands lifting your arm up for him to slide under, hanging it securely over his waist as he settles into the warm dip of the mattress. Your body responds instinctively, rolling into him with a groan, still not quite awake, though he can tell you’re not so far off. He runs fingers through your hair, trying to stave off your inevitable waking for as long as he can manage. Your alarm isn’t due for another hour, and he wants every second before that  spent just like this.
He doesn’t mean to fall back asleep, but sleep takes him anyways, his eyes blinking shut under the hypnotic pattern of your breathing beside him. He’ll wake up again groggier now, but there is nothing to be done to change it. He tugs you in closer, rougher in his sleep, his neediness permeating his unconscious mind until you’re pressed square against him. The movement spurs you awake, slowly and unintentionally, though it takes you a moment to understand why. 
There he is, your man, your darling boy, mouth hanging open with quiet, rumbling snores, arms wrapped around you in a protective lock. He’s never looked more beautiful, even with your eyes out of focus, one closed and pressed into the fabric of your pillowcase. You can smell the soap, feel the softness of his now cleansed skin beneath your curious fingertips, and you know he’s already been out of bed. He tries his best not to fall back asleep, but your smile curves wider to be blessed to see it. There’s a jealousy in you, after all, that he gets to watch you sleep so often. Times like these are rare, when you awaken first, and you’re greedy in your enjoyment of them. You’d take a picture if you thought you could reach the camera, but the moment would spoil, you were sure. You commit it to memory instead, every dip and curve and freckle and hair burned into your head until it’s all you can see. You want his face to be a fading image that blinks to life behind every close of your eyes, an after image repeating itself well into the day when you’re far away from him. 
He is so lovely, and you are so in love. 
The alarm breaks the two of you out of your reverie, your body jolting at the surprise of it. Steve is slower to start this time, groaning a drunken sort of sound as you slam your hand down on the rattling clock. His arm tightens around you, dragging you until your body is half wedged under his own, your giggles drowning out into muffled chuckles as your face burrows into the crook of his neck. 
“I fell back asleep.” He mutters, closing his eyes with a sigh. 
“I know.” You coo back, adjusting the curve of your back to a more comfortable position, tangling legs between his own until you’re thoroughly wrapped. 
“You sound awake.” He mumbles back, squeezing at your waist with unmasked affection. “Were you up?” 
“Yeah.” It’s an airy sort of confession, made to match the tender strokes of fingers reaching to scrape lovingly at his scalp. “Just watchin’ you sleep.” 
“Perv.” He teases, kissing at your hair, mouth hungry and missing your skin entirely. He lights up as you giggle, his head lifting with heavy blinks to gaze down at you, hair pressed upwards into a lopsided mess. You do your best to pat it down for him. “You like what you see?” 
You crook your head to the side, focusing your gaze in a tender expression. “Something like that.” His brow arches curiously, leaving you to laugh again. “I love you, you moron.” 
His smile widens, head dropping to nuzzle his nose roughly into your cheek, lips catching on your jaw every so often with exaggerated noises of enthusiasm. “Love you too, baby.” 
There is silence for a minute, nothing but his lips dragging affection across the planes of your cheek, his hands wandering underneath the fold of your bedshirt to press fingertips into fading stretch marks across your hips. You’re worried he’ll fall asleep again, and you know you don’t have the heart today to wake him a second time. 
“You want breakfast? I can make jam on toast?” 
He hums a happy sound, though does nothing to release his grip on you. “Yeah, okay. Gonna have to escape me, though. Can’t make my arm move.” 
He pretends to try and shuffle his grip, putting on a little show with a pout when his hold does not dislodge. You roll your eyes, brushing the pad of your thumb against his brow bone. 
“Five more minutes, then.” 
Steve was back asleep within three.
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pillow talk
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
wc: 1K
warnings: this is post activities, so its safe. just sweet sweet fluff
summary: post sex discussions
A/N: used the prompt sweet after sex by @jasminesfury *not proofread, i’m confusing myself so badly looking at one specific sentence*
masterlist / steve harrington
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the sun was setting. orange and yellow hues sparkled through the windows that the curtains let peek through. the room was quiet, the only noises coming from the shared breathing and the rustling of the bedding. the room felt hot with the door closed and the previous activity that had you and steve just laying in bed with the sheets up to your naked, sweaty chests.
steve rolled over and changed from laying on his back to his stomach, staring at his ceiling while adjusted his body so his head lay on your stomach. he had one leg in and the other out, your right leg in between. steve managed to wiggle an arm under your back as his free hand drew whatever came to mind onto your sticky belly.
a tilt to your head as it lay on the pillow, a lovesick smile tugging the seams of your lips. a hand fell on steve’s head and you began running the digits through his thick head of brown hair with a few lighter parts popping out from his time in the sun. nails scratching at his scalp to pull vibrating groans or fingers twirling strands of ruly hair around.
steve rubbed his open palm over your waist and down to your thighs before trailing up again. his wonderful lips plant wet, open-mouth kisses over your stomach and the imperfections scattered over your lower half. his nose would glide over your belly button before setting his chin just above it to peer at your with lidded eyes.
“yes, handsome?” you hummed as you pushed hair behind his ear.
“i love you.”
three words, eight letters.
the two of you have said them for years. at first just surface level meaning, friendly-familia meaning, something you say in passing to your parents as you leave the house in a hurry or friends when they do a favor for you. but eventually, the words held a different meaning for the two of you. it would be lingering touches and eye contact maintained longer that was acceptable. staring at steve’s side profile as he talked, letting your thoughts run away from you with imaginary scenarios before shaking them away and landing back to reality.
and now the words held all those meanings, silver bands wrapped around ring fingers showing the world.
“i love you too, stevie.” thumb straightening his left brow into place.
steve rubbed his thumb up and down at your hip bone. more kisses pressed to your stomach, some quick and open, some more lingering, and some with heat as he gave little bites at the skin. you would giggle or squirm, a moan pulled from your throat when the feel of his lips felt tantalizing. fingers would curl and pull steve’s hair in response, you would feel the smile as he continued his loving assault.
“you know,” lingering kisses to your lower stomach, “i can’t wait to have kids with you.”
“oh, yeah?” top teeth biting into your bottom lip to stop a smile.
steve stopped the kisses (much to your disappointment) to once again rest his chin on your stomach. it was slightly discomforting but you didn’t push him away.
“yeah. i know you don’t want many if we were to have our own. so i want an older girl so she can help keep her younger brother in line.”
you let your index finger run down the slope of steve’s nose bridge, “how long have you been thinking about this?”
the quick dart of steve’s eyes piqued your interest. he only did that when he was embarrassed by the information he was about to lay out. you didn't push him, just observed him as you waited.
you felt steve’s voice but didn’t hear it. he spoke his words into your skin and it took you a moment before you realized he said anything. you asked him to repeat it politely.
he cleared his throat. “since our third date.”
“why our third date? if this was a romance anything, you would’ve said our first date.” you weren’t criticizing, just curious. you just remember it as a fun roller rink date.
your simple question sparked a twinkle in steve’s pupils. “i know what you're thinking.” “what am i thinking?”
“that it was just a roller rink date. why is that so special to start thinking about kids? right?” a shrug was your answer. steve continued his version of the story.
“okay. well, i was getting us food and you stayed in our booth. after i placed our order i leaned against the wall so i could continue to watch you-“ “stalker.”
steve tickled at your sides, breaking you into fits of laughs and tears before you conceded. “anyway. i was staring at you, my mind just constantly saying, “you got your girl”. and then you stood up and walked to a claw game. i was gonna rush over so i could impress you, but stopped when i saw you crouch down and start talking to a little boy. then you started to play the game and after many, many, many-“ you shoved his shoulder and the both of you chuckled, “many tries. you got the boy a stuffed animal. and in his excitement, he hugged you. and just seeing the way you froze before holding him tightly with your eyes closed…”
steve trailed off and you could feel the tears wishing to fall. hands grabbing for steve’s cheeks and giving a slight tug to signal him to climb up your body. his hands sat by the sides of your chest as you planted kiss after kiss over his face. a kiss to the side of his lip and you move his head back.
“here’s a potential plan. we wait another year or two, getting more marriage on the plate and getting used to our grown-up jobs. and then from there, we could start having a bit more carefree sex and just… see what happens. what d’you think?”
steve’s eyes went side to side then to your lips and back to your eyes. “i say…” he leaned closer, lips ghosting each other as he whispered, “that’s a good plan, honey.” and he kissed you until you couldn’t remember your name, only steve’s.
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worth-the-chaos · 9 months
Adventures in Babysitting Masterlist (ongoing)
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Series Summary: As Dustin’s babysitter, you encounter the perils of the Upside Down as you try desperately to rid Hawkins of the evil lurking just below the surface. However, you’re not alone; you have the gaggle of kids as well as the one and only Steve Harrington by your side as you risk your lives attempting to solve the mysteries of your once quiet rural town | steve harrington x fem!reader (message me to be added to the taglist!)
Chapter summaries and links below the cut!
Part 1 - You haven’t been babysitting Dustin for very long. Underestimating his tendencies for rebellious behavior, you realize too late that he’s snuck out, with your dire search for the boy leading you to the last place you wanted to be: Steve Harrington’s house. | Word Count: 6.5k
Part 2 - With the events of last fall in the past, you attempt to move on, still working on your academics and babysitting Dustin. You and Steve have drifted since your encounter with the otherworldly, but he begins to make more active efforts to talk to you, making sure you have an invite to Tina’s big Halloween party. | Word Count: 6.3k
Part 3 - Billy is still hitting on you, Steve’s still mad, and Dustin’s still a pain in the ass to babysit. When he tells you and Steve that there’s a massive problem of upside down proportions, the two of you have no choice but to drop everything to help the boy, reprising your roles as badasses who eradicate the supernatural in Hawkins. | Word Count: 7.0k
Part 4 - Looking for Dart isn’t easy, but it gives you and Steve a lot of time to have a heart to heart, as you slowly start to realize your feelings for one another. | Word Count: 6.5k
Part 5 - The situation with the demogorgons gets increasingly more dire, leading you to the Byers’ house to wrangle four kids that can’t listen to save their lives (literally) while everyone tries desperately to save Will and the world. | Word Count: 8.9k
Part 6 - It’s summer, and you and Steve are working at Scoops Ahoy so that you can make money while Dustin is at summer camp. The lines between friends and something more continue to blur as your relationship with Steve gets more intimate, allowing doubt to creep in…and the Russians are invading Hawkins. | Word Count: 6.4k
Part 7 - You continue attempting to translate the code, commencing your operation to determine the nature of Russian involvement in Hawkins. Robin and Dustin continue their attempts to push the two of you together, tired of the mutual pining…oh and Erica has enough sass to probably take out an entire Russian army. | Word Count: 5.9k
Part 8 - Well, the five of you do get in that secret room, but the problem is you can’t quite find a way out. Tensions rise as you realize the gravity of the situation, the forced proximity revealing hard feelings between you and Steve. | Word Count: 7.2k
Part 9 - Held captive by the Russians, tensions rise and as you and Steve attempt to navigate communicating in a drugged up haze, your feelings for each other become even more apparent. | Word Count: 7.4k
Part 10 - The Russian invasion and the upside down begin to merge as you meet up with the rest of the crew. You are in the fight of your lives as you scramble to try to stop the monstrous creature from the upside down before it destroys you. | Word Count: 5.8k
Part 11 - Steve and you are finally officially dating, the kids are finally in high school and no longer need any sort of official babysitting, and life is overall pretty damn good. You try to push aside the unease settling in your chest, but how long can you ignore it before it manifests into something much worse than you could possibly imagine? | Word Count: 6.7k
Part 12 - The evil that you thought you had gotten rid of is still very much lurking within Hawkins. You, your boyfriend, and your friends race against time to try and find Eddie before it’s too late. | Word Count: 6.5k
Part 13 - As you all attempt to connect the dots of the gruesome murders occurring around your small but sinister town, secrets start to spill when Steve realizes you’ve been keeping things from him. | Word Count: 7.2k
Part 14 - Nancy and Robin take a shot in the dark and Steve tries to protect you from the supernatural. When the darkness comes to get you, will his love be enough to protect you? | Word Count: 6.0k
Part 15 - Racing against the clock, you and your friends desperately attempt to connect the dots before it’s too late. Your efforts bring both progress and peril as you and your boyfriend dive headfirst into life-threatening scenarios in order to save each other. | Word Count: 8.8k
Part 16 - For all your encounters with the Upside Down you hadn’t had to deal with it directly. Now, in a fight in foreign territory, you and your friends must struggle to find your way back to the Hawkins that you are familiar with. | Word Count: 9.7k
Part 17 - After finding out more information about Vecna, you and your friends prepare for the worst, and tensions rise as you mentally prepare for the possibility of a future without you in it. | Word Count: 7.7k
Part 18 - You venture into the Upside Down once again in an attempt to find Vecna and stop him in his tracks before he can bring about the end of the world as you know it. With Steve and your friends by your side, you fight against time to get to Vecna before he can get to you. | Word Count: 7.2k
Coming soon!
Steve takes care of your injuries | Word Count: 2.2k
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megxplryxb · 1 year
Masterlist <3
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Steve Harrington fics
Roommate Romance
Romance is Dead, Isn't It?
More Than This Part 1
More Than This Part 2
Let Me Show You
Serving More Than Ice Cream
Our Little Secret
Tainted Love
Date Night
Fighting The Fireworks
Green With Envy Pt.1
Green With Envy Pt.2
Things We Didn't Say
Bite Me
Truth or Dare
Steve Harrington Imagines
Steve Imagine #1
Steve Imagine #2
Steve Imagine #3
Steve Imagine #4
Dating Steve Harrington Would Include
Colby Brock
Lockdown Lovers
As Bad As You Are
How Can it be Over When it Never Really Started?
Daryl Dixon
Pete Dunne
Twisted Temptations
Secret Passion
Till The Bitter End
Currently Working On.....
Steve being totally in love with his friend Eddie’s girlfriend. ❤️ (Not a Steddie fic)
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❤ A Valentine's Day Special! ❤
Summary || [Steve Harrington X Female Reader SMUT] Your devoted boyfriend gets creative waking you up on Valentine's day morning. 
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Your Boyfriend Steve | 2.5k words | NO BETA/ SELF-EDITED, Swearing, Valentine’s Day Theme, Prompt: “Day One + Steve Harrington + Chocolate,” Established Relationship, Glasses!Steve, Food Play (Hershey’s Kisses Chocolate), Morning Sex, Body Worship, Foot Massage, Breast Humping, Oral Sex (male receiving), Anal Fingering (male receiving), Aftercare. 
More Valentines! | Just Keery Fics | Main Masterlist
Your friends laughed at you– laughed!– when you bought a new mattress. 
"Don't you sleep at Steve's house most nights?," Jonathan inquired. 
"No, she passes out at her desk because she’s a workaholic," Robin teased. 
"You're wasting money on a bed when you should be saving up for an apartment," Nancy chastised. 
"What you’re really wasting is a perfectly good mattress," said Eddie, but he stopped grumbling the second you told him he could have your old one. 
"I think you just keep doing you, girl," Argyle added from over the phone and then proceeded to describe how he was holding both of his thumbs up. 
But you picked one from a top rated brand and jumped on the bed until the stiff springs softened. Tonight, you fall into your clean sheets and pillows and comforter in silky sleep clothes after a nice shower and you sleep like a happy little rock. 
Early in the pre-dawn morning, some muffled sounds pull your head up from the warm recess of the sleep pool. Your eyes flutter open to find someone sneaking quietly into your bedroom. You would recognize the silhouette of that luscious hair anywhere and grunt because you're not fully awake. 
You see Steve turn his head towards you in surprise. He shushes you gently and whispers, "sorry. Go back to sleep, sweetheart." 
You expected him to join you in bed but are disappointed to see his form retreating after a kiss on the forehead. It almost feels like a dream as sleep pulls you back under and the next thing you know is sweet dreams fueled by the smell of coconut and papaya. 
You dream of laying on a beach with white sands and turquoise waves. Kids play at the edge of the water, the boombox by your towel plays Blue Oyster Cult softly, and the gentle breeze blows a stray beach ball into your hands. Well, it’s actually a basketball. And a tall, lean man in bright red swim trunks crouches by your side with a flirtatious smile, brushing his pretty brown locks off his forehead and holding out his hand. 
“Sorry about that,” dreamy beach boy Steve said as you shook his hand, “gee, you’re awfully gorgeous, aren’t you? How’s about I help you with that sunscreen, doll?” 
You manage to undo the strings of your bikini top before quickly realizing that you must be dreaming. And as always, the dream slips away into memory and you open your eyes and return to your quaint, quiet bedroom which has become lightly sun filled. 
A handsome face appears above you with his wire frame glasses sliding down to the end of his aquiline nose. “Good morning, valentine.” 
“Hey Baywatch,” you mumble sleepily. 
“What,” he chuckles and adjusts his glasses. "Sleep well?" 
You moan. "So good, baby. Maybe… maybe too good…" 
"How's that?" You can't see him anymore now that he's slipped from your view and you can't turn your head. 
"I'm too comfortable, Steve," you almost sound like you're whining. "I can't get up. I can't move." 
Steve comes back into view. "Need a doctor?" 
You try to command yourself to shake your head but nothing happens. Growing slightly concerned, Steve drops a hand on your hip and his thumb absentmindedly circles your skin. It feels good too, not enough to free you from the bed's clutches. 
"Think… you just need to help me get my blood flowing," you finally said, and watched his gentle brown eyes turn hungry. 
"I can do that." 
Steve sets what sounds like a ceramic mug on your nightstand and picks something else up, then shuffles to the end of the bed before mounting it. You feel his knee bump your foot and realize you must have forgotten to use your blankets last night. 
"I was going to save this for after dinner tonight," you hear Steve start to say, "but I guess we'll be doing your presents backwards today." 
"What is it?" 
You hear a bottle open and close, then the sound of his big hands rubbing against each other moistly. "Massage oil. Get you nice and warmed up, sweetheart." 
Steve starts in at your feet, the oil warmed by his hands and easing the friction of movement. Your eyes roll back into your head at the firm pressure of his thumb making circular motions into your arch. And your boyfriend takes his time with you, not overworking nor neglecting certain muscles– just the goldilocks of massaging. He works up to your mid calf before setting your foot down to the side and switching legs. 
The silk fabric of your pants is unfortunately getting stained as he pushes it up your leg, but you can't bring yourself to mind at all as you feel him part your legs and scoot closer and closer to your core. Your blood is circulating at optimal capacity and you've never been so relaxed and yet so worked up before. 
Steve's head comes into view and he looks down at you with a fond smile, stripping your pants off completely and beginning work with his hands on the meat of your thigh. You whimper involuntarily and it only makes his smile widen. 
"Hi baby," he teases you. "How are we feeling?" 
This time, you moan appreciatively. "So good, Steve. Need you…" 
He raises an inquisitive eyebrow. "Need me to what, sweetheart?" 
Of course he is going to make you say it. Despite being close enough to your core to know how wet you were, able to see your nipples peaked under your shirt and the sweat on your neck. The back of his hand is centimeters from brushing your mound and yet he still wants you to say it. 
Stubbornly, you flatten your mouth and turn your head aside, pretending to fall back to sleep. He chuckles at your obstinance and drops a kiss on the exposed part of your neck before climbing off the bed entirely. In a panic, you whip your head around to find him and whine pathetically. 
"Where are you going?!" 
"Nowhere," he laughs, "I'm gonna wash my hands and grab something, calm down!" 
Feeling more awake, you manage to shuffle your legs into a more comfortable position and slide your arms in to start unbuttoning your shirt. Steve comes back with a box of chocolates. He takes a few into his big hand and sets the box on your nightstand where you realize there are also a few candles that hadn't been there before with black wicks and curling smoke. Steve unraps the foil from each of the chocolates and offers one to you, which you gladly open your mouth for and intentionally lick his fingers as you take it. It isn't long before he gets back in bed, but this time he straddles your hips. You glance at the comfy lounge pants on his hips and the bulge resting on your pelvis. 
“What’s that for?” You’re not too excited about food in your new bed but Steve shushes you and asks you to trust him, which you do. Then he pushes open your shirt and admires your bare chest. 
"Oh baby, for me?," he asks as if your naked breasts are a gift (and to him, they are). "You shouldn't have… but boy am I'm glad you did." 
His silly mood dials back as he begins to strategically place the little chocolates on your belly, making a trail between the valley of your breasts, mounting two next to your nipples, and placing one pointed top down in your naval. You roll your eyes but let him play, not quite getting the joke until he leans down and takes the first one, replacing it with his wet lips. 
"A kiss for a kiss," he says as he leans back with a goofy smile and chews. He takes another, inching up slowly.
"You're going to get sick from eating all that chocolate," you say lazily.
"They're minis," he shrugs and upon collection of the next Hersey's kiss, he leaves a sticky wet spot with his tongue. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I won’t leave you hanging.” 
Steve takes a chocolate from your boob and after making sure that it’s evenly melted in his mouth, he licks a stripe over your budding nipple, painting over it. The shock of hot and cold as the chocolate quickly cools has you shivering, and he repeats this action on the other side, then spends a good few minutes sucking it back up and cleaning them. 
The slick is beginning to pool inside your underwear, now having nowhere to go. And when you wiggle your hips, Steve’s stiff cock bumps the lowest part of your belly and leaves a sticky spot where pre-cum has soaked through his clothes. 
“Steve, Steve,” you whine and wiggle needily beneath him. “Please, baby, please.” 
You are moments away from full on crying, incoherent with your blooming desire but trying not to hurry him into anything. You suspect that Steve is just as down bad as you are, though he has patience galore when it comes to worshiping your body, much to your elation and sometimes dismay. 
And for once, or maybe because he can’t wait anymore either, Steve sits up and tugs his shirt over his head, the collar of his shirt accidentally pick up some of the chocolate staining his chin. The hem brushes his happy trail, revealing his freckled skin and hairy chest like a present being unwrapped. His glasses almost fall off, but he rights them once his left hand is free and tosses the shirt to the end of the bed. He’s panting now, same as you, his right hand gliding over his stomach to the waistband of his jeans and undoing his belt. 
Your mouth salivates as Steve pushes his jeans aside and the only barrier left between him and the world is Calvin Klein. Your boyfriend has always been good to you, and you can always ask him for anything you want. Impatience overwhelms you and you stop him just as his thumb catches on the waist band of his underwear. 
You crook a finger at him, then place your hands on his butt and pull, beckoning him to sit higher on your body. Away from your needy sex. He looks confused but he follows your direction, asking what you are doing until his voice trails off and he watches you smear melted chocolate from one breast to the other and lick the remains off your hands. 
The way he whispers your name makes you feel powerful. You take up his heavy cock in your hands and stroke him slowly, bringing him to full hardness and coating his shaft in chocolate. 
It's a mess in the making but you are too drunk on lust to stop. 
"Come here," you coax him to scoot just an inch closer, then settle his cock between your breasts and squeeze, forming a channel around his member and staring up at him. 
Steve could just about faint. He braces himself on his thighs and pulls his hips back and thrusts, feeling his cock slide through sticky chocolate and gathering sweat. On the second test thrust, you stick your tongue out and catch the tip which coats the appendage in pre-cum. 
"F-fuck," Steve gasps. 
Was fucking your tits the filthiest thing you two have ever done with each other? The chocolate does bring it to a close second, but no. It’s never something Steve has asked for, or mentioned being interested in, yet still some instinct inside of you drove you to it and made you feel like this was the action that would satisfy your desire to make him feel good. Pleasing you pleases him, which pleases you, and on and on in a delicate dance of kissing and rutting and caressing that makes you feel boneless and loved. 
Steve whimpers and pets his hair back only for it to flop back into his eyes. The strands are becoming damp and sticking to his forehead. You know he needs more, he always makes those sounds when he needs more to finish. So you walk your fingers around his hip and squeeze his ass, parting his cheeks as his hips stutter and his thrusts become not faster but stronger, rougher. It takes no brain cells for him to take up the task of sandwiching your boobs back over his cock for more friction– but not until after he dribbles spit on your skin to lube it up. 
Steve nods his head before you can even ask permission– he wants it– so you go ahead and slide one finger into his hole, slow and careful so as not to cause him discomfort. And Steve moans, the loudest he’s been all morning. 
“Baby…” Sweat drops from the point of his nose and he keens. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna come…” 
He almost topples over when you suddenly shove him further up your chest, pulling his cock past your breasts until you can lift your head up and wrap your lips around his tip and suck. His whole body jerks unexpectedly, eyes rolling back into his head and his glasses falling off completely without him noticing. You set them aside as far as you can and push him forward again, trying to use your body to tell him what you wanted from him since your mouth was full. 
“Okay, okay…” Steve mutters as he repositions himself and begins thrusting shallowly into your mouth. 
He growls upon feeling you moan with praise, the vibrations pressing right against the sensitive underside of his tip thanks to your playful tongue. You take him further, further, his cock inches deeper until it’s about halfway and then he jerks back just in time for the first rope to paint your chin. 
Shaking and high, Steve watches through his lashes as you greedily suck and swallow his load, his whole cock pink from use beneath the mixture of chocolate and spit. You release his cock with a pop and lick the come off of your chin as best you can, then smile like a cat with creme. Adrenaline drains from his body and he feels like you did when you woke up, relaxed and tingling all over his body. He rolls to the side almost tumbling onto the floor as your bed is unexpectedly narrow compared to his and he waddles off to provide clean-up.
He does yelp when your finger pops out of his ass, not realizing you hadn’t removed it until he stepped away from the bed and his noise makes you laugh so hard your sides hurt. 
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart,” he says as he returns to wipe you down with a warm, clean washcloth. “Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about you, not blowing me!” 
“Valentine’s Day is about us,” you correct him mirthfully. “And I’ll do whatever I want with your body if you let me.” 
He chuckles and sighs, slipping into your bed and curling his arm under your shoulders until you are strewn out on his chest. His heart beats steady in his chest and is already lulling you back into the clutches of sleep. But Steve has one more thing to say before you drift off. 
“Just give me a few minutes of rest, okay? And then I’m going to spend the rest of the night until dinner– when I am taking you to Enzo’s by the way– making you feel so fucking good, you will never be able to masturbate again.”
"Promises, promises," you purr with contentment.
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Other Valentines | Main Masterlist
Thank you for reading! Leave a comment, drop an anonymous message, or reblog if you wanna show me and my work some love! More sexy holiday fics to come leading up to the Fourteenth!
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heresathreebee · 2 years
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Kurt Kunkle | Spree (2020) || Formal Wear // Strap-Ons
Halloween Party; 2k words; NO BETA/ SELF- EDITED, Swearing, Kurt Committed Crimes, Mentions of Medications and Side Effects, NSFW Streamer Reader, Costume Swap, Kissing, Oral (female receiving), Mommy Kink, Pet Names, Domme/Sub Dynamic, Pegging, Cock Ring, Cum Eating
Previous | Masterlist | Next: GOT Koner Body Worship
Influencer Parties always have the same outfits as Frat parties in movies– a dozen playboy bunnies, toga dudes, video game characters, half assed slashers, boring assholes in college-core or quoting movies ('I’m a homicidal maniac, they look just like everybody else'), and party city knock-offs. 
"What the hell are you supposed to be?," you ask from behind the rim of your solo cup. 
Kurt Kunkle brushes some glitter off of his dinner jacket and preens. "Bond. James Bond." 
You roll your eyes and hide a smile by taking a sip of the spiked punch. "Literally cannot believe you went as something other than the Scream killer. And no gun? What kind of spy are you?" 
Kurt shifts his feet uncomfortably. "I'm legally not allowed to hold one– not even a fake one." 
You raise your eyebrows in tandem, "noted." 
"B-but you look amazing," he stutters (and stares at your cleavage). "Let me guess… Catwoman?" 
You raise your cup and reply, "technically it's feline superheroine costume, but yes." 
"It's great, you look super hot," he says and wow he's lame at flirting but he's also super sincere about it and that's kinda doing it for you. "Do you want another drink?" 
You polish off the one in your hand and pull him into the kitchen area, avoiding the makeout sessions and shotgunners. You settle back against the counter and watch Kurt's every move as he fixes you a drink just to be on the safe side. He makes a screwdriver with almost no vodka in it, which is actually adorable. You figure either A) he doesn't want you to think he's trying to get you drunk or B) he made it how he likes it, which is confirmed when he makes one for himself the exact same way. 
“So do you come here often,” Kurt asks as he tries to lean sauvely on the counter (and getting his sleeve wet in the process). “Oh shit…” 
You laugh boisterously. “Did you really ask…? I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Um, kind of? I’ve been to Bobby’s parties before, but this will be my first Halloween party here. I’m surprised to see you without a camera in your hand.” 
This time Kurt sighs mournfully, “Yeah, I’m not allowed to do that either. Kurtsworld96 is officially dead.” 
“Aw, poor baby,” you reply with a mock pouty lip and brush some of the gel from hair slicked back hair off of his forehead. “Actually, I think I like you better without the camera. You have pretty eyes.” 
Kurt blushes and an instagram girl friend ropes you into a game of truth or dare (Kurt follows, naturally). You ignore the game for the most part and keep talking to him, learning that he is intimately familiar with your channel and it's domme content. He has to lean close to you to be heard over the occasional burst of laughter from the people actually playing the game. 
"Yeah, I like the video you did with The_Alpha_Canadian,” he says, referencing a video where you edged a gym bro for over an hour. “I wasn’t as impressed with his performance, like, if it was me, I would have been begging you to peg me.” 
Heat floods through your veins. Guys were all over your stream, accounting for 70% of your revenue– but as soon as it came to admitting they wanted you, or admitting they wanted to be dominated– suddenly the enthusiasm dries up and they all run scared. Kurt did not seem to suffer from at least saying it in confidence. 
You were going to ask him a question, but then half a dozen phone cameras with the flash on were being shoved in your face. “What?!”
“Truth or Dare, bitch!” Someone screamed. 
“Dare,” you growl, and swat at least three cameras out of your face which make the rest of them back up and turn their lights off out of fear respect. 
“Switch costumes with Melli!” 
MasochistMelli, your favorite collaborator (god, she’s a great submissive), was dressed as an angel until she wasn’t, that is. You and her are of similar physical size and you unzip the pleather bodysuit that’s been sticking to your body for hours. She laughs about exchanging sweaty clothes, and just behind her, you catch Kurt’s slack jawed expression as he gazes at your nearly nude forms. It reminds you how much you want to break him (knowing he’s either a total virgin or near enough). 
Once you finished donning the white feathery dress, halo and wings, the group starts seven minutes in heaven (because of course they do, it’s fucking faux high school in this bitch), and you drag the boy into the nearest closet to escape getting stuck with anyone else. 
"Oh hey, I–"  you interrupt him by pulling his lapels and smashing your lips to his. 
Kurt instantly sighs and cups his hands around your waist, pulling you close. He tastes like orange juice and licks what’s left of the flavored lip gloss clinging to your bottom lip. Just to tease, you nip his lip and suck a quick hickey into his neck. 
Kurt swears softly and his grip on your body gets tighter. “This doesn’t have to be just seven minutes, right? I mean, I’m cool with doing this the entire night if you are…” 
Chuckling, you lean back so you can look at his face. “Did you like that little show earlier? Basically got to see me naked. Did that make you hard, Kurt?” 
The man kisses you again and hides his face in your neck and you can barely understand his words in between the hundreds of desperate kisses he peppers on your neck and chest. “Actually… I mean it would have… definitely… normally I’d be rock hard by now… if I wasn’t, you know…” 
You hold still and wait for an answer. “If you weren’t what? Gay?” 
“No,” he sighs through his nose and the air cools the tracks of saliva he’s leaving all over your skin. “It’s these stupid meds I’m on now, they kind of, I don’t know… make it hard to get hard...” 
“Oh,” you nod in understanding. “Yeah, I’ve heard of that. My condolences.” You wrap your arm around his neck and let him grope your thighs and continue to kiss every part of you he can reach. “That’s too bad, I was thinking about seeing if you wanted to do a little video together.” 
Kurt lifts his head so fast he almost hits you. “Are you for real right now? I-I… that would literally be a dream come true for me, I don’t think you understand how big I fan I am of yours!” 
“Oh, but babe, what about…?” 
Kurt’s arms encircle you almost lovingly. “If anybody can make me come, it’s going to be you.” 
Challenge accepted. 
A flight of stairs and a few irate obstacles– sorry, partiers– later, you open the trunk of your car and set up your phone’s camcorder with Kurt in tow. “Hey party people and a late happy Halloween! I hope you’re up to some very naughty things tonight. For my part, I have a very special boy here looking for a good time, which I intend to give him full force, no holds bars. Sound good, Mr. Bond?” 
Kurt’s face lights up adorably and he nods so fast he becomes a blur. “Oh me! Yes! Oh god, yes.” 
Getting Kurt hard was easy because he didn’t seem to have hard limits. Degrade him, praise him, manhandle him, finger him– he really did beg for more at every turn. He’s just the perfect little sub. 
You’ve got him on his knees and ride the flat of his tongue against your clit. “Fuck, Kurt, such a good boy. And you learn so fast, baby. Can you guys believe it?” 
You talk to your recording, still unsure if you’re going to upload this or maybe keep it for yourself. Just when you need it, Kurt slips a few of his fingers into your warm channel and he fucks you at the same rate you hump his tongue. Your orgasm approaches fast, he can hear it coming and he groans at your taste, wanting to make it come faster and succeeding. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” your voice crescendoes until you softly keen and drench Kurt’s fingers in more slick. “That’s good, that’s good, Kurt. Stop now, baby, give me a minute.” 
Kurt rests his sweat slick forehead on your bare hip, his warm breath making you shiver in the night air. “Mommy. Please… I need you to fuck me. Please fuck me, mommy…” 
You can feel his erection brush against your calf and let him rub himself on your leg only because you know he can’t come with such little stimulation. “Okay pet. Can you stretch yourself out for me?” 
Kurt whimpers. “I’ve never done it by myself before…” 
You pet his hair back soothingly. “It’s okay baby. It’s okay…” 
You are strapped, camcorder propped up, car trunk open to give Kurt somewhere to bend over, and his ass thoroughly stretched and lubed. His legs are shaking from the effort not to spear himself onto the thick silicone you have been teasing his hole with. 
“Are you sure you’re ready, baby?,” you say just to be a dick. 
Kurt growls and answers you by arching his back more (but not begging, he’s been whimpering and begging for so long now, of course he’s ready!). 
“Here it comes.” You push the curved tip of the dildo passed his muscled ring and switch the vibration on. As soon as he relaxed just a tiny bit, you shoved the rest of it in fast, all six inches of it until the harness is right up against his cheeks and he���s nearly fallen to his face. Kurt yelps at the sudden movement, but as soon as he finds his footing again, he pushes back just to get it as deep as it can go. “Oh good fucking boy, Kurt! Look at you! You’re doing so well baby.” 
You can’t see his face from behind but you can imagine his jaw hanging open and the silent scream plastered on his face. “Do you want it fast and hard–” 
“Yes!” Kurt’s voice is shrill– “mommy, yes, don’t hold back…” 
As he wishes, you smirk slyly to your camera.
His back arches further when you take up a handful of his hair, the dry gel rehydrating and caking between your fingers. You use it to hold on to him as you start to thrust, keeping an even and quick tempo to ease yourself into the motion. It's not a position you are given often and it feels like such a treat and an honor to give Kurt what he wants– what he needs. 
And god, he's so vocal! You can see in the view window of your recording how red and shiny his cock and balls are, trapped to fullness by the black ring you cinched around it earlier. And when you thrust deep and smack your hips audibly against his, it twitches and begs for release. 
"Fuck baby," you reach around his hip and rip the ring off, "come if you can. I wanna see you. Will you make a mess for me, good boy?" 
Kurt whines his unintelligible answer and fucks himself back on your cock until his whole body siezes and his legs buckle under him. You quickly fist his spurting cock and milk as much white cum out of him as you can, even so far as to pinch the skin of his sack when he seems to be empty and you are instantly rewarded with a full, final jet that hits right into your front facing camera lens. 
Your laughter rings out high and satisfied as you pull your cock out and guide Kurt to rest halfway into the trunk. He's shaking like a leaf in the autumn air but so are you, so exhausted from the sex and in need of a nice warm bed. You pick up your phone and wipe the salty cum off with your tongue, getting enough to stop the video. 
"You okay there, Mr. Bond? I'm not going to have to stuff the rest of you into the trunk and dump your body somewhere, am I?" 
The man lifts his head weakly, looking like he's been through a hurricane. "Do I get the full domme experience? With the whole aftercare and cuddling?" 
You chuckle and stroke some of his hair out of his eyes. "Absolutely."
Previous | Masterlist | Next: GOT Koner Body Worship
I got trapped in a 5 hour game of Aggravation (a real board game by the way lol) it was a lot if fun but it was midnight before I was freed from it lol) thats why this was late
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requests; open (s.h. & e.m.) / new guidelines
so, i literally just got done with writing always the babysitter. it's bittersweet that my second series is done being written.
my requests are now open until about the beginning of november, where i'll start the proofreading, doing edits and posting of always the babysitter.
the characters that i write for are ;
steve harrington (henderson!reader)
eddie munson (newest addition) [henderson!reader]
stiles stilinski
dave hodgman
stuart twombly
thomas (tmr)
mitch rapp
richie boyle
joel dawson
sam taylor
stuff i won't write ;
unaliving one-self
kidnapping / trafficking
stranger things kids (el, max, lucas, mike, will, and dustin. they will be included in the story if the request is for steve.)
stuff i write if asked ;
a certain character (oc's [emma, and olivia{more background; pre atb}], sibling!reader, smut, fluff, angst, etc)
aged up characters (ex: college!steve & reader, dad!stiles)
au's (soulmate, modern, best friends to lovers, fake dating, break up;back together, secretly dating, enemies to lovers [will try my best for any other au's y'all request])
i do also write stilinski!twins, but those take more time to think about.
please stay within these newly found guidelines
if you don't see your request within 2-3 days, please let me know which one you sent and i'll do my best to get it out asap. if you don't see it within a week after that, it's because i've gotten busy with my hubbs, kiddos, and the kids i babysit mon-fri from 3pm-5:15pm, est.
reblog, reblog, reblog. i know you've seen this from every other content creator here on tumblr, but it really helps us out. this isn't tiktok where you like something and it shows up in the algorithm.
likes and comments are welcome! i love it when y'all like and comment on a fic i've written.
i am a mama to a 7 & 2 year old, as well as a wife of almost 10 years. please be patient with me. we're also in minor softball season as well.
please have fun!
REQUESTS ARE OPEN AS I AM POSTING ALWAYS THE BABYSITTER. if you still send one in, i will still write and post it for you within 2-3 days after a new chapter has been posted!!
edited to add: anything with an asterisk is just the working title, and is subject to change at any point during the writing process before or even after posting.
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Y’all thought I was playing with this shit? If I see that your reader inserts fics are not inclusive for us BIPOCs (white coded language, having reader being related to white characters) I’m CALLING YOU OUT. I’m done playing games. Tag your shit as white!reader and be fucking done. Cause I AM!
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Chapter Twenty-Four: The Heartbreaker
Summary: Robin devises a scheme to get you and Steve to work things out. (Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, 9k words)
Warnings: Mentions of sex, language, shameless TS Midnights lyrical references (Robin is absolutely a Mastermind lol)
Tags: @princesseddie @dessxoxsworld @blackbirddaredevil23
Series Masterlist
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September 21st, 1985
The day after your second failed outing with Eddie, Robin called you up to ask you to hang out. She could immediately tell by the tone of your voice that something was wrong. You refused to give her details due to your lingering embarrassment, so she insisted on you letting her take you out to cheer you up. You had planned to see Teen Wolf with her and Steve when it came out at the end of August, but thanks to your falling out with him, you never got around to it. So when Robin suggested finally going to see it, you happily accepted. 
You walked to the cinema, expecting her to meet you there on foot as well, but after waiting for her for several minutes, you watched as a familiar burgundy BMW pulled up to the curb. Your heart dropped. It was Steve’s car. 
You sat on the bench in front of the cinema, frozen, as you watched Robin and Steve bickering in the car. Then eventually, Robin got out and slammed the door behind her, infuriating Steve even more. She rolled her eyes at him and walked over to you, her hands jammed into her jacket pockets.
“Hi,” She said with an innocent smile. You glared up at her from the bench.
“Why didn’t you tell me Steve was coming?” You asked, eliciting another eye roll from her.
“Do you honestly think that I would have voluntarily suggested going to see Teen Wolf? You and Steve were the only ones who wanted to see it. I thought you knew me better than that, Y/N.”
“I assumed you were just trying to be nice because you knew I was sad,” You protested, narrowing your eyes at her.
“Well I wasn’t! I was being devious.”
“What?” You demanded, standing up in front of her. “What does that mean?”
“Did you really think I didn’t notice that there was something weird going on between you and Steve?”
You glanced over her shoulder to get a good look at him still sitting in his car behind her. He was staring at the two of you, and immediately turned his head when he caught you to act like he hadn’t been. 
“Honestly… no I didn’t,” You grumbled.
“Well, I did! And it’s been seriously stressing me out, and I cannot handle more stress in my life right now. I already have to worry about graduating, college, a Lovecraftian dimension, and my love life - in no particular order - so I really don’t need whatever petty bullshit you two are fighting about on my plate, too!”
“Oh my god,” You scoffed, crossing your arms. “I’m so sorry that me and Steve not hanging out is so detrimental to your mental well-being, I had no idea that we were making your life so difficult. Thanks for sharing that.”
“Hey! If I have to listen to you whining about Eddie, and Steve whining about you and not going to college, then I think you can stand to listen to me whine for, like, one minute…”
“Whoa, wait!” You interrupted her, putting a hand up. “He’s been whining about me? What has he been saying to you?”
She swallowed nervously and lowered her eyes, then bit her lip.
“… I’ve said too much,” She whispered, and turned around to go back to the car. 
“Just get in the car!” She commanded, her hand on the door handle of the backseat. “I’m officially calling The Lonely Hearts Club to order. We will work this out together, or not at all.”
“Okay, I choose not at all, then,” You snorted.
“I lied! That’s not an option. Now get in the goddamn car!” She yelled loudly, pointing a finger at the passenger-side door like she was a disgruntled mother trying to corral her children. Your eyes widened with shock at her outburst.
“Please,” She added, much softer after gauging your expression. “Do you wanna see this stupid movie or not?”
You rolled your eyes and stomped over towards the car indignantly.
“Fine,” You whined as you pulled on the door handle, then plopped down into the passenger seat roughly before closing the door behind you. Steve looked between you and Robin with wide eyes. 
“Am I supposed to just pretend I didn’t notice any of that?” He asked.
“Yes,” You both answered at the same time. 
“Okay, then…”
“Alright,” Robin said, leaning forward between the two of you and resting her elbows on each of your seats. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, and I really don’t care. But you are going to figure this out right here and now because I swear to god if I have to be caught in the middle of whatever bullshit this is for one more second…”
“Alright, alright. Easy, Robin. Y/N, I’m sorry,” Steve said with an exasperated shrug, barely bothering to turn and look you in the eye before addressing Robin again. “Are you happy now?”
Robin squinted at him with disdain. 
“No! What the hell was that? What is wrong with you two?! Don’t you guys remember how much we’ve been through together this summer? How we literally slayed a giant spider monster? What could be so much bigger than that that you can’t even stand to look at each other anymore?” 
Steve eyed you, his eyebrows wrinkled together ever so slightly in a way that made him look completely pathetic, and you turned your face to the window so you wouldn’t have to see it anymore. Robin just kept looking between the two of you as she tried her hardest to read between the lines. 
He opened his mouth to say something, and in a moment of panic that he was about to reveal the truth to her, you sat up straight and interrupted him. 
“I’m sorry, too. Okay? We’re both sorry, Robin. Can we drop this now?”
She raised an eyebrow at you, then looked back at Steve who was running a hand through his hair frustratedly. 
“Why are you both being so goddamn cryptic?!” She groaned, pulling down her eyelids in aggravation. “This is stupid. If you don’t wanna talk about it with me here, then I will wait outside the car. But if I deem that your apologies are disingenuous in any way, shape or form, no Michael J. Fox for either of you! Are we understood?”
“Robin, how exactly do you plan on enforcing this punishment?” Steve complained. She cocked her head at him angrily. 
“You really need to start giving me some more credit, Steve. Remind me, who was the one that masterminded this entire Machiavellian scheme to get you two to speak again?”
“…What?” He asked, scrunching his face up in confusion. 
“Never mind! Just… talk! Apologize. For real this time! I’ll be outside.”
She got out and slammed the door behind her once again, leaning against the car with her arms crossed as if she was guarding it. Steve looked like he was about to yell at her for it again, but then bit it back and rested his forehead against his steering wheel to calm himself down instead.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment before you sighed loudly and spoke up. 
“Thanks for not telling Robin about what happened. I’d appreciate it if we continued to keep it that way… if that’s okay with you. I just don’t want her to make it more awkward than it already is.”
“Sure. Whatever you wanna do,” He shrugged as he leaned back in his seat, staring straight ahead. 
You fell silent again, and then heard Robin clear her throat from outside. 
“I don’t hear any talking in there!” She yelled, her back still to the both of you. You rolled your eyes, and Steve let out a loud groan. 
“Look…” He finally said. “I am sorry. I’m sorry for bringing you to the quarry, I’m sorry for confusing you, I’m sorry for taking your first kiss away from you, and I’m sorry that we got caught. I really am.”
You finally made eye contact with him, and unraveled your arms with another loud sigh. 
“No, I’m sorry. I kissed you first and then made a bigger deal about it than I should’ve. I shouldn’t have gotten so mad at you, and I’m sorry for being so cold and distant. I just… I’m having a hard time comprehending everything. It’s… weird for me.”
“It’s weird for me, too,” He shrugged. “But it happened.”
“Yeah. Believe me, I know…”
You pushed your hair behind your ear and turned away from him again. You could feel him looking at you still.
“Do you think you’ll ever be able to move on from it? Or are things always going to be like this between us?” He asked solemnly. 
“I don’t know,” You admitted to the floor quietly after pondering this for a moment. “I’m really sorry. I’m… trying.”
He sighed and rubbed a finger against the steering wheel absentmindedly. 
“Okay, well… can we just pretend for tonight that we’re okay? Just to get Robin off of our backs? I actually do want to see this stupid movie.”
You couldn’t resist smiling a little bit at his admission, and looked over at him with a shrug.
“Me too… Okay. I think I can do that.”
“Okay. Great,” He grumbled, throwing up his hands in a halfhearted celebration. “Let’s go then.”
The two of you got out of the car and stood in front of Robin, side by side. She glanced between both of you a couple of times with her arms crossed, trying to feel out whether or not you had actually settled your disagreement. 
“So?” She asked eventually, her chin jutting out impatiently. “Are you guys done fighting or what?”
“For the record, I wouldn’t say we were ever really fighting,” You protested, then turned to Steve and asked, “Right?” quietly when you realized that might not have actually been the case. 
“Right,” He confirmed with a nod and an unenthusiastic smile. “But we’re good now, Robin. We promise.”
You nodded back at him, then the two of you stood and waited for Robin’s judgement, staring her down as she glared back at the two of you. She seemed skeptical, but rolled her eyes and grabbed you both by the sleeves of your jackets anyways.
“Fine. Come on,” She mumbled, dragging you both into the cinema. You and Steve couldn’t help smirking at each other behind her back over your shared deception. It was what she deserved for trying to pull one over on the two of you. 
Just to ensure that you and Steve were both actually on friendly terms again, Robin made sure that you sat in-between them in the theater. It felt a little awkward at first, especially considering that part of the plot was based around Michael J. Fox’s character trying to decide if he wanted to be with his childhood best friend or not. They even wound up in a closet together as part of a party game. You wondered if Steve noticed the similarities to your real life situation, too. It was making you anxious. But halfway through the movie, when he absentmindedly stuck out his popcorn bucket to you as his eyes stayed glued to the screen, it filled you with a sense of relief.
You missed watching movies with Steve. He always laughed loudly when no one else did and annoyed Robin with his questions about movie plots, and he always made sure to share his popcorn and candy with both of you. The gesture had always meant a lot to you. 
You took a couple of pieces and thanked him and he nodded in response. Then he leaned over and whispered, “Is it just me, or is there absolutely no way this girl would be that into him just because he’s a werewolf?”
“That’s your biggest issue with this movie?” You snorted. 
He chuckled and shrugged, then went back to shoveling popcorn into his mouth as he happily continued watching the film. 
The second the movie was over, Robin sprung out of her seat and began to walk down the stairs. You and Steve gave each other a knowing look. You were about to get an entire lecture on every single thing that was wrong with the movie. 
“Uh oh,” He muttered.
“Here we go,” You agreed with a sigh. “Let’s get this over with.”
The two of you found her pouting in the lobby, her arms crossed as she stood and waited. Steve tossed his popcorn bucket in the trash can as if he was shooting a basketball and then cocked his head at her.
“Alright. Out with it Buckley.”
“I cannot believe that you two actually wanted to see that movie!” She blurted before he even fully finished his sentence. “I will never, ever get that hour and a half of my life back again. I am in mourning.”
“Jesus Christ, come on. It was entertaining at least, wasn’t it?” Steve chuckled.
“No! It was horrible.”
“Hey, you were the one that plotted this scheme, remember?” You added. “You’re the reason why we came here to watch it in the first place.”
“Yeah, so…” She mumbled shyly. “And the plan worked. So, I’d do it again. Any day.”
You and Steve smiled at her, then glanced at each other shyly. Robin rolled her eyes at your shared awkwardness and backed away towards the entrance of the cinema.
“Okay. I’m starving. Let’s get pizza,” She announced, then walked out the door without waiting for either of you to agree with her. 
“Alright, then…” Steve snorted. “Guess we’re getting pizza. You coming, Y/N?”
You nodded at him with a small smile, then let him hold the door open for you before you followed Robin down the street towards the pizza parlor. 
“And I’m sorry, but what the hell was that ending?” Robin continued her rant as the three of you ate your pizza. She had been rambling for a solid ten minutes. “Like, do we really need a heartfelt moral to a story about a teenage werewolf? I thought it was supposed to be a comedy. And by the way, the way they completely glossed over the whole mythical aspect of the werewolf was so stupid. Why didn’t anyone else besides his school care that there was an actual freaking living werewolf in the world?! It would have been a global news story!”
You and Steve laughed at her, then Steve shrugged as he swallowed a bite of his pizza. 
“I liked the basketball subplot,” He said with a smirk, knowing it would piss Robin off. 
“I think his best friend was funny. A huge douche, but still funny,” You added gleefully. “And I loved Michael J. Fox, of course.”
Robin rolled her eyes and grimaced as she threw her pizza crust back down on her plate. 
“You two make me sick.”
“Is there anything you liked about the movie?” Steve asked her. “Anything at all?”
She thought about it, then smiled suspiciously deviously. 
“Well, I will say that the only part I didn’t have any complaints about was him ending up with his friend. He was an oblivious idiot for a while there.”
She smirked at you before taking a bite, and in a moment of panic, you wondered if there was more to her scheme than she was letting on. She had laid her jacket beside her so you had to scoot in beside Steve in the booth across from her. Was it intentional? Your face began to flush as you prepared for her to say something more, but thankfully, she immediately changed the subject after eyeing the “help wanted” sign on the window next to her.
“Oh, speaking of idiots… Steve, did you ever figure out what to put on your résumé for the Family Video job?”
He paused mid bite and dropped his pizza onto his plate, glaring at Robin with an unamused expression. 
“Ha ha, I get it, I’m stupid. I don’t know how to make a résumé. Very funny.”
“Wait, you didn’t have one for Scoops Ahoy?” You asked him. 
“No…my…dad helped me get it. I don’t want his help this time.”
“And we’re very proud of you for that,” Robin added, attempting to backtrack her previous overly harsh jab at him. He glanced up at her, his mouth a thin line, still unamused. 
“No, seriously. That’s great, Steve. I hope you get the job. Let me know if I can help at all,” You offered. 
He smiled at you humbly. 
“Wish me luck, too,” Robin said, interrupting your moment. “I’m also applying.”
“So you guys are, like, competing for it?”
“Well, I know the manager from marching band, so… I’m hoping I can get us both a job.”
“Went from using my dad to using Robin…” Steve grumbled. “Can’t even get a stupid Family Video job on my own. Hopeless.”
“Relax, Steve!” Robin protested. “You’re still gonna earn the job. I’m just going to… help you out a little.”
“There’s no shame in that,” You added sincerely. 
“Then why do I feel ashamed? It’s Family Video.”
“Hey, I’d be working there, too!” Robin objected, offended. 
“That’s different. You’re still in high school.”
“Well, what about me?” You interjected. “I’m working at the general store and I’m a high school graduate. That’s not much different.”
“Yes it is! You’re an artist. What else do I have?”
“You have us!” Robin said, overly gleeful, framing her face with her hands with a toothy grin. “And your boyish good looks.”
“And your car. It’s a very nice car…” You added. 
“And you have very beautiful hair.”
Steve sat back in his chair and shook his leg as he waited for the two of you to give up your bit. 
“You done?” He asked with an eyebrow raised when you went silent. You and Robin looked at each other, then both shrugged unanimously. 
“Yup, that’s pretty much it. That’s really all you’ve got going for you,” Robin said, straight faced, then took a bite of her pizza. Steve groaned and leaned forward, hiding his head in his arms on top of the table.
“Relax, we’re joking Steve!” You said, shaking his arm. “You’re only nineteen. You have plenty of time to figure out what you really want to do with your life. And in the meantime…”
“You get to work with your best friend at Family Video!” Robin cheered, adding jazz hands for extra pizazz. “Where I will happily annoy you every waking moment of your life.”
He lifted his head up, resting his chin on his crossed arms, a frown on his face. 
“You just love torturing me, don’t you?” He whined. 
“Yes,” Robin said with a chortle as if it was the most obvious statement in the world. “It is literally my favorite hobby. I’m going to put it on all of my college applications as an extra curricular.”
“Ha ha ha,” Steve fake laughed and straightened up in his seat, then took a large bite of his pizza. “Good luck getting in anywhere then. Guess you’ll be stuck with me at Family Video for the rest of your life, after all.”
“Gross, don’t talk with your mouth full, dingus!” She scolded him, tossing a napkin at his head that he expertly dodged. They made childish faces at each other, then he bent over to pick it up off of the floor with an amused smirk. 
You giggled at them happily. It felt good to be the third musketeer again, teasing each other mercilessly. Maybe things really would be okay, after all. 
“So, where are you planning on going to school anyways?” You asked Robin, making Steve groan melodramatically.
“Ugh, no more ‘future' talk, please!”
“Aw,” Robin cooed. “You gonna miss me, Stevie?”
He glared at her then rolled his eyes, and she smirked back at him knowing that the answer was yes.
“Anyways… I’m not sure yet. I’m working on getting some scholarships. Or… just, any scholarships, actually. I’ll take what I can get.”
“Well, if you don’t get any, you can always opt to just run away with…” Steve trailed off, then mouthed the name, “Vickie,” covering his mouth with the wrong hand so that you could still see what he was saying. Robin rolled her eyes and reached out to him, slapping down his hand and grabbing what would have been the correct one to put it up to the other side of his mouth instead. Steve slowly lowered it with gritted teeth and mouthed an apology to her. 
“Who’s Vickie?” You asked her with a smirk, leaning forward curiously.
“No one, just… someone from band.”
“Ooooooh, someone from band!” You teased her, and she sat back in the booth to cover her eyes in shame.
“Can you both please stop before I combust?” She hissed. “There is nothing going on, okay? I don’t even know if she likes girls or not. And Steve, for the record, this is the last time I tell you anything.”
“Yeah, that’s probably for the best,” He admitted with a shrug.
“Oh, come on, Robin. Relax. I’m sorry. I’m just teasing.”
“Yeah, come on, Robin,” Steve parroted you, “At least she’s a big step up from Tammy Thompson.”
“Tammy Thompson?” You snorted. “You had a thing for Tammy Thompson?”
“A… a long time ago!” She tried to argue, then muttered, “Thanks again, Steve!” Through gritted teeth. 
“I sincerely hope Vickie really is a step up, because you can do so much better than Tammy.”
“Right?” Steve agreed with an overly enthusiastic nod. “That’s what I tried to tell her!” 
“She was… nice! And pretty. And brave!” Robin squeaked, trying to defend herself.
“Yeah, right, brave… She has to be to try to make it as a singer with that voice of hers.”
You made the mistake of taking a drink at the same time Steve said this, and a little bit of it sprayed out of your mouth as you doubled over in laughter. Robin looked at you in horror, but Steve was amused, joining in on your laughter. 
“I’m sorry,” You said, trying to collect yourself, then turned to Steve. “I was just remembering that one time she made us sit and watch her impromptu concert…”
“Oh my god, yes. In her backyard!” He finished your sentence excitedly. “Holy shit, I can’t believe I forgot about that. We were trying so hard not to laugh the entire time.”
Robin couldn’t help smiling a little at your shared memory, clearly pleased that her plan to bring you both together again was working. 
“You guys were friends as kids?”
“Oh, yeah. You didn’t know that?” Steve said, genuinely shocked that neither of you had mentioned it before. “Tammy lives across the street from me, and Y/N lives, like, a block away. God, the Thompsons were always so annoying. Y/N broke Tammy’s brother’s hockey stick once because he was being a little dick.”
“No way. Y/N? I don’t believe you,” Robin teased, shaking her head.
“It’s true. I did. And he deserved it, trust me,” You giggled.
“Shit, you really are a badass. Not that I… doubted it,” She added with an unconvincing grin. You rolled your eyes at her with a playful scoff.
“Thank you, Robin. I appreciate that.”
You and Steve looked at each other and laughed again, then your smile began to fade when you remembered how overshadowed your happy childhood memories were with your falling out in middle school. And now, with the complication of your kiss, too. Guess it wasn’t so easy to forget, after all.
“Okay, anyways…” Robin filled the lull in your conversation after swallowing another bite of her pizza, bringing your attention back to the present. “Steve, since you insisted on poking at my love life, why don’t you tell us how your date went last Friday with… what’s her name again?”
You snapped your head up in shock to look at him, and he stared back at you with wide eyes. That was the night he had rescued you from The Hideout.
“You were on a date last weekend?” You asked him, sounding a bit more shaken than you intended. 
“Oh, um, yeah. Linda. It was fine. Nothing special, I guess.”
“So does that mean you didn’t get laid?” Robin mocked him, her eyebrow raised deviously. 
Steve swallowed nervously, trying to avoid your piercing gaze. 
“I… well…” He trailed off and covered his mouth with his hand, trying to conceal his reddening cheeks. 
“Holy shit, look at your face!” Robin teased. “You did, didn’t you?”
He turned his head to look at you, unable to resist any longer, then glanced back at Robin and nodded quickly as if he was hoping that neither of you would be able to perceive it. But you both did, and Robin cheered while you continued to stare at him in shock.
“Thank god!” She exclaimed as Steve tried to shush her. “You’ve been such a pill. I think you needed that.”
“Okay, weirdo. I appreciate your concern with my sex life, but can we please change the subject?”
“Alright, alright. Geez. Sorry, since when are you so shy about your romantic endeavors?”
You were the reason why. And also probably the reason why he had been so… frustrated. You knew it, he knew it. The only one who didn’t know it was Robin. You were beginning to feel sick. 
“Okay, Y/N. Your turn. What’s got you so bummed out this time?” Robin pried. “I’m gonna take a wild guess and say… Eddie?”
Great. That question certainly wasn’t helping the knot in your stomach. You began to pick apart your leftover pizza crust anxiously. 
“It’s nothing.”
“Come on. Steve and I both talked about our love lives, now it’s your turn. Out with it.”
You glanced over at Steve who was actually doing a remarkably good job of playing dumb.
“Okay… I hung out with him. And it didn’t go well. That’s all.”
“Shit. What happened? He didn’t live up to the ridiculously high standards you’ve been building up in your head for, like, five years?” Robin teased. 
‘No,’ You thought. ‘More like, I didn’t.’ But you kept this to yourself. 
“I don’t know. Maybe we are just too different,” You said instead. 
At the end of the day, this wasn’t really a lie. He knew exactly what he wanted, and you were floundering. That was the main difference you couldn’t get past. 
You weren’t exactly sure why you were being so withholding. Maybe it was because you were still ashamed by how you acted. Or maybe it was because part of the reason why it had gone poorly was because of Steve (in more ways than one), and you didn’t want to have to dance around it. Either way, you would rather throw yourself into oncoming traffic than talk about it a second longer. Steve must have felt the same, because he cleared his throat and spoke up before Robin could. 
“Ease up, Rob. I’m sorry for bringing up Vickie. Don’t take it out on Y/N.”
“I’m not! She sounded so sad on the phone, I just thought she might want to talk about it.”
Steve turned to you, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. You pinched the bridge of your nose in aggravation. 
“Guys, I’m fine! Okay? Just… disappointed. That’s all. I’ll get over it. Can we drop it, please?”
He and Robin shared a look, then they both went back to eating their pizza in uncomfortable silence. After a minute or so of this, Robin muttered, “Another brutal defeat for The Lonely Hearts Club…” And took a noisy sip of her soda as she avoided the glares you and Steve were sending her way.
When you all left the pizza place together, Robin and Steve began to walk back to his car, but you hung back. You didn’t like the idea of Steve dropping Robin off before you again. It didn’t feel like a good idea to be left alone in his car with him again, considering that the last two times hadn’t gone so well. 
“Hey, guys,” You called to them, and they both spun around to look at you. “I think I’m just gonna walk home. It’s a nice night. Probably the last warm one of the season. I wanna enjoy it.”
You were impressed with how smooth and convincing that lie was. You were becoming an expert. 
“Cool, sounds good. I’ll walk with you,” Robin nodded and bounded towards you, stopping beside you. Steve looked between the two of you, hesitating, then walked over towards you as well. 
“I’ll come, too, I guess. Why not?”
“But… what about your car?” You asked as he strode past you with Robin.
“It’s fine. A little extra exercise never killed anybody.”
“I don’t think that’s necessarily true,” Robin chuckled, and Steve pushed her playfully before calling out to you over his shoulder, “You coming?”
You paused to look up at the sky disdainfully, silently pleading with whoever was up there to put you out of your misery, then trudged off after them.
Midway through your journeys home, just before you made it to Robin’s street, you pulled her behind Steve and waited for him to walk out of earshot. 
“Please don’t leave me alone with him,” You begged her. She rolled her eyes at you melodramatically and stomped her foot like an impatient child.
“Seriously? We’re back to this again?”
“Please, Robin. Can’t I just stay over at your house or something?"
“I have to be up early tomorrow for band!” She hissed back. You closed your eyes with a groan and pulled on the back of her jacket, stopping her from walking away from you.
“Okay, let me put it this way,” You whispered frantically. “I would sooner walk home alone knowing Michael Myers was waiting for me around a corner than walk alone with Steve. That’s how serious I am. Please, help me come up with an excuse. I’m begging you.”
“Jesus Christ, what do you want me to do?! My house is down here. Figure out your own shit! I’m officially washing my hands of this.”
She pulled away and jogged a little down her street before you could protest again.
“Okay, well this was fun, but I’m this way! G’night Steve!” She called loudly, and gave you a frustrated look and nod towards him before she turned to run home.
“Bye,” Steve raised a hand and called back unenthusiastically, not even bothering to watch her go. 
You walked far behind him for another couple of blocks or so. The silence was beginning to make you itchy. Then you realized you had already passed the Harrington residence.
“Hey, didn’t we pass your house?” You called to him.
“Yeah,” He shrugged.
You rolled your eyes behind his back. 
“You can go home, you know. You don’t need to walk with me.”
“It’s fine,” He mumbled. “Wouldn’t want Freddie Krueger to get you.”
He turned around so that he was walking backwards, a giant smirk on his face. He had heard your exchange with Robin. You blushed and turned to look at the passing trees before speaking up a minute later.
“I said Michael Myers, but point made. Sorry you heard that.”
“I have to go back and get my car anyways,” He shrugged nonchalantly, glossing over your apology. 
“You seriously didn’t need to walk with us,” You said with an agitated shake of your head, still avoiding looking at him.
“I know that, Y/N. I guess I just like to torture you.”
His smile faded. Clearly it was beginning to get to him, how sour you had been acting ever since you left the pizza place.
“Nice,” You muttered. “Very nice.”
You didn’t realize that he had stopped walking until you practically ran into him. You froze in front of him and stared up at him.
“I know you wanna yell at me, so do it. Yell at me.”
He crossed his arms like he was bracing himself, but you just made a face at him. 
“I don’t want to yell at you, Steve.”
“Well, you definitely wanna say something. So say it.”
You crossed your arms to match his defensive stance, then shook your leg nervously before giving in.
“Fine!” You shouted, throwing your hands up in defeat. “Were you ever going to tell me that you were on a date last Friday?”
“I don’t know,” He scoffed, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. “It’s not like it would’ve come up naturally. Especially since you weren’t… speaking to me.”
You sighed. He was right. You weren’t allowed to be mad about it, since you were the one that pushed him away. You lowered your eyes, then looked back up at him shamefully.
“I wouldn’t have called you if I had known,” You said, your tone much softer.
“I know. It’s fine.”
You nodded then started walking again, and he followed. You had another question that you were trying to bite back and he could tell, so he waited patiently for you to find the courage.
“So was she… was it… still going on when I called you?” You finally stammered, staring at your feet as you walked beside him.
“Uh… Yeah. She was over still.”
You looked up at him quickly with wide, mortified eyes.
“Oh my god, Steve, please don’t tell me you made her leave so you could come get me.”
“No, of course not. She was… asleep.”
“So you just left her at your house without telling her where you were going?”
“I… left a note.”
“And how did that go over?” You asked with a snort.
“Didn’t even notice I was gone. She was pretty… tired, I guess,” He admitted, scratching the back of his neck. You gaped at him, and he looked away from you bashfully.
“Steve!” You teased, elbowing his ribs. “Look at you. You’ve still got it. Such a heartbreaker.”
“Please. I am not.”
“Did you… take her to Sattler’s Quarry, too?” You mocked him, and he squeezed his eyes shut with a pained guffaw.
“No. No I did not!” He said loudly, frazzled. “I think I’ve finally learned my lesson with that place.”
You both fell into an awkward silence, and you glanced over at him to study the look on his face. He was holding something back. He caught you looking, knowing that you were silently prodding him to speak, and he shook his head at himself in shame.
“I really am sorry about that, Y/N. I hope you believe me that I wasn’t planning… all of that.”
You could tell he meant it, and you felt a little guilty for believing that there was a chance that he had planned it.
“So, you weren’t trying to move in on me… like a ninja?” You taunted him. His eyes widened, then he closed them and scoffed when he realized where you’d probably heard that. 
“Henderson,” He grumbled through clenched teeth.
“Yep,” You nodded with a playful smirk, and he softened slightly when he realized that you weren’t actually mad. Then he suddenly straightened up in panic.
“He doesn’t know about… us, does he?”
“Oh, god no. No,” You chuckled, and he let out a breath of relief. “He was actually…trying to give me advice about Eddie. By regurgitating your shitty advice.”
“Well, I’m sorry about that. Hope that wasn’t what ruined your night.”
“Please. Like I’d be stupid enough to take romantic advice from you after everything,” You teased, making him laugh.
“Well, good. Maybe the two of you can still salvage everything then.”
Your smile dropped. You didn’t quite know how to respond to that considering the previous night. 
“What?” Steve asked you when he noticed your sudden change in demeanor.
“Okay… I, uh. I guess I should just tell you. Eddie and I actually hung out again last night, and we… kissed.”
He froze and gaped at you, a blank look on his face.
“Wow,” He eventually said, a wrinkle forming between his brows briefly before it disappeared again. “That’s… good, right? How did that happen?”
“He took me out to a diner and we talked for a little while… and then he kissed me when he drove me home.”
“So, you went on a date?”
“No, it wasn’t… it wasn’t a date,” You stuttered nervously.
“Y/N… that’s the literal definition of a date,” He retorted flatly.
“No, because you have to be part of a couple for it to be a date,” You argued, scratching your brow with a frustrated laugh. “And we are definitely not a couple. I made sure of that.”
“What? What happened? I thought you really liked him.”
“I did. I do. I just…”
He interrupted you by putting his hand out in front of you, slowing his pace.
“Hold on, it’s not because he’s still seeing that girl you were talking about, is it?” He asked you with a grimace. 
“No… he said that was just casual.”
He lowered his hand and snorted.
“Right,” He said, shaking his head. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. 
“You think he’s lying?”
“I don’t know,” He shrugged. “I don’t know the guy.”
“You have casual relationships… And, I mean, clearly you’re not planning on marrying that girl you spent the night with last weekend, right?”
“No…” He admitted tentatively. “I guess not…”
“So, then, maybe it’s not farfetched that he would have a similar thing with this girl, right?”
He hesitated, thinking about it, then shook his head. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sure he’s telling the truth. I’m sorry.”
You tried to study his face to figure out what he was keeping from you, but once again, he was too good at being withholding. 
“Steve, if you really are into her, if I was way off base, let me know. It just didn’t seem like you were…”
“Alright, we’re getting off topic,” He interrupted you, waving a hand. “What really happened with you and Eddie, Y/N?”
You scoffed at his quick deflection and stopped walking. That was a loaded question with no easy answers. He froze beside you and turned to you with his brows furrowed.
“What’s wrong?”
You pursed your lips together, your forehead wrinkling at the kind, concerned look on his face. He was so sweet. You wanted to be honest with him, but that also meant having to drudge up your tangled past again, and risking him feeling guilty for something he’d already worked so hard to move past. He refused to look away, and you turned your head with a sigh before forcing yourself to speak. 
“Look, I want to tell you something, but I don’t want you to feel bad. Do you promise you won’t feel bad?”
“Uh… okay. Sure,” He agreed tentatively, slightly terrified.
“Okay…” You began, then paused to take a deep breath as you prepared to launch into yet another long rant for him. “I know you know that Carol and Tommy liked to terrorize me, and I know you know I had a crush on you when we were kids… but I don’t think I was completely honest with you about that whole ordeal. I… didn’t just like you, Steve. I really, really liked you. I think I was convinced that I was actually in love with you. And when you stopped talking to me and continued to hang out with Carol and Tommy as they tortured me, my brain filled in all the blanks with the worst possible explanations. And they saw that, and they stoked the fire, and I let them. I let them convince me that I was worthless, and a freak, and that you would never even like me let alone love me because of who I was. And I have been hanging on to that shit… for way too long. I still feel… unlovable. And with Eddie… I probably would have started dating him a long time ago if it wasn’t for that awful voice still in the back of my head. I’ve just been so… terrified. And even though I know that it’s not your fault, I can’t help thinking that a lot of the bad shit that happened to me…wouldn’t have happened if you had just… been there. If you had just noticed what was really going on. And that’s the full truth. I think that’s why I got so weird after we kissed, too. And I’m really sorry. I know that’s not fair to you, because you’ve been so kind and you’ve been there for me through everything we’ve been through, but I’m still… I’m still working on it. On being… trusting. And not necessarily in other people, but in myself. I guess. I don’t know. Did any of that make sense?”
He was frozen, staring at you with his big sad eyes, trying to process everything that you had unloaded onto him. His mouth opened a few times before he was able to speak. 
“Y/N… I’m… I’m so…”
“Don’t say sorry!” You interrupted him, pointing a finger up at him. “You promised me you wouldn’t feel bad. You don’t need to apologize for something you didn’t even do. I could have tried to talk to you all that time, too, but I didn’t. It’s my fault.”
“If it’s your fault, then why do I feel like I’ve ruined your life about a hundred times?”
“Steve, that’s not true. Look, I didn’t tell you all that to guilt you. I just wanted you to…understand. Why I was having such a hard time with everything.”
He went quiet, his hand covering his mouth like it was taking everything in him not to vomit out another apology. Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore, and turned to you again.
“Can I at least apologize for being so oblivious to everything?” He blurted out.
“I guess. But, I was also oblivious to a lot of shit. So… I’m sorry for that, too, then.”
“Okay, well, then… I’m sorry for breaking your heart when we were kids.”
“That’s the thing, though!” You squeaked out with a weary chuckle. “Did you? I don’t even know that it was heartbreak. Does it count as heartbreak if you never even knew how I felt about you? If you never even…technically, rejected me? It was more just…miscommunication. It’s always just been goddamn miscommunication. And then I just skip right to telling myself that nothing ever works out because there’s something wrong with me and I’m not good enough to be in a real relationship.”
“Well… that’s bullshit,” He scoffed, his eyebrows raised.
“Yeah. It is bullshit, isn’t it?” You agreed with a laugh.
You took a deep breath. It felt good to get all of that off of your chest, and Steve seemed to be taking it well. It seemed like he understood. You truly hoped he didn’t blame himself for your own insecurities. 
As if he could read your thoughts, he shook his head at you, then mumbled quietly, “I… I understand feeling unlovable, Y/N. You know that, right?”
You raised your eyebrows at him in shock.
“You do?”
“Yeah, are you kidding?” He chortled. 
You thought about this for a minute, then your face softened when you realized who he was talking about.
“Nancy?” You asked him quietly.
“Yeah, Nancy. Among… other things, I guess. Just… you’re not the only one holding onto past heartbreak. Trust me.”
You nodded sadly. 
“That… explains a lot.”
“Does it?”
“Yeah. Kinda,” You shrugged. “You’ve seemed sort of…lost. Confused. I don’t know. Is that unfair for me to say?”
“No. I’d say that’s a perfectly fair assessment,” He agreed with a chuckle. You tilted your head at him sympathetically. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been so impatient with you, Steve. It just drives me crazy, not being able to tell what’s on your mind sometimes.”
“It’s okay. It pisses me off, too, trust me. I’m working on it.”
“I am, too. Which is why I shouldn’t have been so hard on you about… not knowing what you wanted. Because clearly, I didn’t either.”
He seemed genuinely surprised by this statement, like he was unsure of what you had been trying to decide.
“But… you know now?” He asked.
“I mean… I think so, but that doesn’t mean I can have it.”
He stared at you for a moment, still trying to pick apart your brain.
“You’re talking about Eddie, right? Just so we’re clear.”
You nodded tentatively, and he sucked in a deep breath.
“Right…” He muttered. “I guess I just don’t understand what’s holding you back still. I get the way you’re feeling, I do. But, you guys kissed. That should be the end of it, right? Just talk to him.”
“But… what about the Upside Down?”
He scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion, taken aback by this sudden change of subject.
“What about it?”
“Steve, I can’t bring him into this shit. I can’t subject him to all of that after everything he’s been through in his life. It wouldn’t be fair. And I can’t lie to him. I mean, what kind of relationship would it be if I was keeping a secret as big as that? Not to mention, I’d be willingly putting his life in danger. Look at how many people have died already. It would be selfish of me to overlook that.”
“Shit… I honestly didn’t think about that.”
He fell silent, and you shook your head at him impatiently. 
“So… what? No advice for me? No opinions?”
“Look,” He sighed. “If you wanna be a martyr and sacrifice something that could be really good just on the off chance that it may possibly keep him out of harms way, that’s your choice. But… I don’t know. If it were me, and I knew the person I wanted felt the same way, I don’t know if I’d be able to hold back. Whether it was selfish or not. Honestly, I think… screw the Upside Down. Screw Carol and Tommy, screw me. That’s my opinion. You can’t just stop living your life because… you’re afraid of what could happen.”
He said the last sentence quietly, his eyebrows pushed together like he was trying to convince himself as well as you. You weren’t about to let that slide.
“And what about you?” You asked him.
“What about me?”
“What are you afraid of?”
He snapped his head up to look at you, a quizzical expression on his face. 
“What? Nothing.”
“Steve, I can tell you’re hiding something.”
“Y/N, if there was something I wanted to talk to you about, I would. Okay?” He said a little more harshly than you were expecting. 
“Okay! I just… I hope that if there’s something you wouldn’t want to tell me, that you would still tell Robin. Or even Dustin. I don’t know. Just… somebody.”
“Seriously, I’m fine. Alright? I promise,” He snapped. “You can stop worrying about me.”
“Alright. Sorry…” You said quietly, staring at your feet. 
You fell into another uncomfortable silence. Then you remembered that there was one secret that you had told Eddie, and felt instantly guilty. You cleared your throat.
“By the way, I may have told Eddie about us,” You admitted, and Steve snorted impatiently.
“What about us?” He asked, shaking his head. 
“That we kissed.”
You looked up at him. His lips were pursed like he was trying to stop himself from snapping again, and he took a calming breath before he spoke up.
“So… I can’t tell Robin, our mutual friend, but you can tell Eddie?”
“I’m sorry. He… pried it out of me. And I had just interrogated him about what was going on with him and that girl, so it was only fair. He could tell something was up when you showed up at The Hideout and… threatened him.”
“Jesus,” He sighed, shaking his head. “He’s gonna murder me.”
“No he’s not,” You scoffed. 
“What else have you told him?”
You paused to think about it. 
“I… told him I wasn’t sure if… if you even still wanted to be my friend because of it,” You trailed off, studying his furrowed brows. “Do you… still want to be my friend?”
He gazed down at you, searching your eyes. 
“Do you still want to be my friend?”
You stopped walking again, and he stood beside you, his eyes still glued to yours.
“Yes,” You said firmly. “Of course. You’re my best friend, Steve. I don’t want to lose you.”
He cocked his head shyly, looking down at his feet before he sighed and gazed back at you.
“You’re not gonna lose me, alright?” He said gently. “I don’t wanna lose you either. We’ll just actually pretend like nothing ever happened from now on, like you said. Right? I think I can live with that.”
“So you’re not gonna fall hopelessly in love with me?” You asked him with a smirk. He snorted and shook his head at you playfully. 
“No. I won’t. I promise.”
The two of you nodded in agreement, then turned and started walking again, side by side. 
“We had a good night tonight, right? Before Robin made it weird?” Steve asked. “It felt… normal.”
“Yeah, it did. God, I can’t believe she has no idea what happened and she still managed to make it awkward, though. How does she do that?”
“I don’t know. I guess she’s more dangerous flying blind.”
“Which reminds me, what exactly have you been complaining to her about if you never told her about what happened with us?”
“Oh, god,” He grumbled and sucked in air through his teeth. “Nothing… specific. Just that you wouldn’t talk to me. I promise.”
“You sure?” You asked him, nudging him with your shoulder. 
“I’m sure.”
“Okay. So… we’re good, then? Right? No more weirdness between us?”
“No more weirdness,” He echoed, then leaned over and asked, “It was… it was good, though, right? Our kiss?”
“STEVE!” You reprimanded him, pushing him away from you.
“Sorry! I had to ask!”
“No, you absolutely did not,” You giggled. “What happened to pretending like it never happened?”
“Alright, sorry. I had to make it weird one last time. We’re good, Y/N.” He went quiet for a moment, then added, “And you are going to talk to Eddie.”
“What? No,” You snorted. “I think last night was the final nail in the coffin. The whole thing is just way too complicated. An absolute mess. It’s time for me to admit that it’s over.”
“Bullshit,” He said quickly, shaking his head vehemently. “It’s not over.”
You squinted up at him silently, confused by his determination on the matter, and he sighed before offering up the explanation you would have inevitably asked from him. 
“Y/N, I think you both would have given up a long time ago if that were true. The two of you have been pining over each other forever. It’s not over. Trust me. Not on his end, and certainly not on yours. I know you. You’ve gotta see this through, otherwise you’ll never be able to move on. Just, for the love of god, swallow your pride this time and be honest with him about how you feel. Tell him about the Upside Down, don’t tell him. Whatever. Just… don’t let this go on another five years. For the love of god.”
You were taken aback by this speech, especially since you knew that Steve wasn’t exactly supportive of your feelings for Eddie.
“What, so now you approve of him suddenly?” You teased him, unsure what else to say. 
“I didn’t say that…” He mumbled staring down at his shoes as he kicked a stone on the road. “I don’t think I’m ever gonna get it, but I meant it when I said I wanted you to be happy. You really do deserve to have everything you want. I know you don’t believe that, but you do.”
You weren’t sure if he was right, but you appreciated how passionately he felt about it. You watched him continue to shuffle his feet, your heart feeling like it was about to overflow with gratitude for his kindness. 
“You know I want you to be happy too, Steve, right? That you deserve to be happy?” You asked him, and he peered up at you in surprise. Then he blinked a few times and shrugged, as if he had known it was true all along. 
“I do.” 
“Okay. Good.”
You smiled kindly at him, and he went back to kicking rocks.
“So are you gonna go after him?” He asked the pavement. 
"I’ll… think about it.”
“You’re gonna go after him again, Y/N,” He chuckled. “You know it, I know it…”
“I said I’ll think about it! Smartass.”
He smirked at you and the two of you stopped when you both realized you were in front of your house. You sighed, preparing to say goodbye. 
“When’s your interview for Family Video?” You asked him. 
“Not for another two weeks.”
“I’m working at the general store tomorrow if you want to stop by so we can look over your résumé. I was serious when I offered to help you.”
His lips turned up in a brief smile, and he put his hands in his pockets shyly.
“Okay. Thanks. Maybe I will.”
“I hope you do,” You shrugged and smiled, coaxing his back out. 
“So…I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow,” You promised, and the two of you waved goodbye before he walked back down the street. 
This time, you truly meant it.  
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theshortstack · 1 year
Fake friends
The only thing I learned that summer was … I was never first choice I was a the short reply, the desperate times call for desperate measures “friend” if you can even call it that , when you said “ we’re not friends “ you said it a little to serious to be joking yet I always got that text that said “ we should hang“ , I’ve seen how you act with your actual friends and it’s a far cry from you actions with me. you don’t care about me you only care about the fact that your have literally nothing else to do .
By me 😊
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hey!! happy celebration time bestie :) sorry this took forever, i got sick but i'm here now!
i was thinking it would be cute to do a blurb for steve based off these grumpy x sunshine prompts: (i love sassy steve, he's my fav)
having the habit of hugging them randomly
^ and when u forget to hug then, they just stand there like an npc, too cool to ask for that hug.
or they pull you into a hug without any words and wouldn't show u their face after
i feel like steve would get this attitude probably bc you're in front of the kids or something and he doesn't wanna beg for your hello hug but he also doesn't want to go without it. you can decide if they're in an established relationship or not <3 congrats again on 500!!
riley i hope you enjoy this cause i wrote this in two days. both times while at work. completely forgot the grumpy x sunshine part, but i feel you could see hints (let me know if you want a rewrite)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader wc: 969😏
masterlist / steve harrington
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you and steve are friends who’ve kissed a few times. twice while drunk, one at a house party and another while at a surprisingly packed hideout where eddie’s band played. there were three other times where you kissed but both of you were sober and it was broad daylight hours. however, the two of you weren’t a couple. haven’t really chosen when to have a proper discussion or just blatantly ignoring how both of you are just waiting for the next time a kiss could happen.
yet, when it comes to hugging, you and steve are a gross couple in love. always holding onto each other for a time that isn’t considered a friendly passing hug. sometimes you’ll hug steve from behind as a ‘sneak attack’, other times it’ll be a side hug with your arms around his waist and one of his thrown over your shoulder while waiting in a long line. or it’s where you crash into steve chest seeking his warmth as a safety blanket, even could be where the two of you are full on cuddling while taking a nap on his king bed.
hugs are something steve fully expects to receive whenever the two of you are in the same room, within reach or quick steps. so when steve sees you walk into his backyard for this pool party the kids forced him to have, he’s completely frozen when you walk past him and throw your open arms around dustin first. dustin doesn’t deserve to be in your arms first, that’s a steve harrington only privilege. but he allows it since it’s the twerps birthday.
steve just stands back by the loungers, watching as you sway the boy side to side, almost throwing the both of you to the ground. the two of you laugh and steve swears he gets a bit tipsy from the high pitched lilt.
you pull away from dustin and turn on a 180 to then pull bright cheeked max into a sisterly embrace.
“what the fuck?” steve grumbled to himself. his eyes never leaving as you pull each kid, one by one into a firm hug. and when you’ve given will the last one of the group, steve expects you to come find him next, but no. you see nancy and bounce over to her.
“mad your girlfriend ignoring you?” steve startles at the voice of robin appearing beside him. she was unbothered while picking chips off her paper plate. “jesus, gotta put a bell on you.” hand over his heart while side eyeing her.
“i’m not a fucking cat, drill bit. you're just lost in that smooth brain of yours while creepily staring at y/n. might finally put that restraining order on you.” sentence punctuated with her loud chewing.
steve rolled his eyes, “she wouldn’t do that. and she’s not my girlfriend. she’s a girl who’s a friend.” his quiet tone showing his real emotions on that claim.
robin hummed, “yeah. a girl who’s a friend that you’ve kissed five times and been to chicken to do shit about.” he glared at the accusation. she then pointed a salty finger across the pool, “who’s also giving eddie a nice hug and you're over here standing like a tree waiting for her to take the initiative.”
steve whipped his head at robin’s pointed location to see eddie with his right arm casually holding your waist as your left is over his shoulder. steve could only see the mesmerized grin of eddie and it’s making his head fuzzy.
there was a slight shove at his shoulder and it forced him to once again glare at robin. “dude!” she rolled her eyes, “stop being wuss and get your girl. it’s not that hard, you both like each other already. act grossly coupley in public, that’s why you’re always ‘oh, not dating’ bullshitting to strangers.”
“robs, it’s just… i’m- im scared…” steve trailed off while turning his eyes to the ground. robin’s hand touched his shoulder and she asked, “of what? there just needs to be proper communication and everything will come together.” robin squeezed his shoulder before boldly stating, “she loves you. and you love her. be in love together.” and she walks away leaving steve by his porch door.
that is until there’s two arms sliding around his waist from behind and something laying along his spine. he automatically raises his hands to fold over yours, ruffling your arm hair from his back and forth motions.
“was wondering where you were?” your voice is muffled by the way you're pushing your left cheek into steve’s skin.
he turns his chin over his shoulder, “i’ve been here the whole time. thought you were ignoring me.” trying to play the last part off as a joke, but he really did think you were ignoring him.
you gasped and moved to stand in front of him, “never. just wanted to save the best for last. and also i wouldn’t have to let you go after i got to everyone else first.” making your point while rewrapping yourself into steve. his own arms resting over your shoulders with his cheek laying on your head.
“i love you.” he blurted with such an ease that steve was a bit shocked that it was such an easy and true statement.
a dreamy smile on your lips as you replied, “i love you too, stevie.”
and his heart jumped a little faster, both from your silky voice and you possibly saying it in a different meaning, “no, not as a friend.”
“i know, stevie. i love you both as a friend and more.”
steve lifted his head away from your skull and you tilted your head up. the two of you stay held together as infectious smiles grasped at your lips and childish giggles spilled free.
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writerdream22 · 2 years
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requested by: anonymous, I sincerely hope you like this ✨🌻💛
pairings (platonic): Steve Harrington x reader, Robin Buckley x reader, Dustin Henderson x reader, Erica Sinclair x reader
warnings: cursing, mentioning of drugs and blood
feedbacks are always appreciated!
Your head was throbbing. There was a possibility, you thought, that those russian soldiers had drugged you, because you weren't in complete control of your body or your words.
At the moment, you were in the elevator with Steve, Robin, and the kids. The three of you, who were supposed to keep an eye on Dustin and Erica, were now struggling to not fall over and throw up.
At some point, you could almost say that you were in a James Bond movie, but without the nice cars and the romantic scenes.
Well... there was Steve.
“Hey” you said, as he unexpectedly sat down next to you. He responded with a nod of the head, and you smiled.
“You know, you could be my Bond girl, Steve” you stated, earning a laugh from Robin and a confused look from everyone else in response “I mean, look at you. Your hair is so soft... seems like a cloud. Or that thing they make with the... Ah, yes! Cotton candy!”
“Is she all right?” Erica questioned, leaning over to Dustin as to not let you hear. “I don't think so” he responded “We must get the drugs out of her system as soon as we get to the top floor”.
Meanwhile, Robin was still laughing and it seemed like Steve was really thinking about becoming a Bond girl. “Think about it! You would be my companion, you'll wear amazing bathing suits, and... and you'll get to ride shotgun for once!” you remarked.
Steve gasped in surprise. “I get to ride shotgun?” he questioned, to which you nodded in response.
“Then yes, y/n. I'll be your Bond girl”
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secondsineternity · 1 year
Lost & Found
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You and Steve have been dating for two years. Everything was perfect, you had moved in with him not long after the six month period and Steve had recent started looking at engagement rings. That is, until you mysteriously went missing one dark and cold night without a trace left behind.
Exactly one year later, you show up in Hawkins again. Dazed and confused, you claim to not recognize any of your family and friends and that the year is 2023. Determined to find answers, Steve has to start from the beginning, asking your favorite color when he knows your deepest fears. Will he be able to find the truth, or will all hope for your relationship be lost?
A new one from me! Enjoy!
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Fire Hazard
❤ A Valentine's Day Special! ❤
Summary || [Kurt Kunkle X Female Reader SMUT] You’re having second thoughts about what you want from your boyfriend. 
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No Murder AU | 5.3k words | NO BETA/ SELF-EDITED, Swearing, Valentine’s Day Theme, Prompt: “Day Two + Kurt Kunkle + Candles,” Established Relationship, Mild Angst, Dog (Kurt’s Pet Pitbull), Brief Baby Talk, Public Displays of Affection, Groping, Mentions of Vaping and Substance Abuse, Dysfunctional Family, Banter, 69ing, Double Penetration (dildo), Rough Sex, Subspace, Choking, Squirting, No Contraceptives, Dangerous Emergency Conditions, Caught Naked. 
More Valentines! | Just Keery Fics | Main Masterlist
You had been dating Kurt since the previous summer. Dating was starting to feel like an inappropriate word for it as you both acted a little more like teens fooling around rather than young adults courting. The unconventionality of it didn’t bother you originally! What you have with Kurt feels extremely passionate compared to previous relationships. It feels equal and mutual. His parents sucked, so why would you want to be introduced to them? You’re both strapped for cash, so why go out for a fancy dinner? It wasn’t a relationship based purely on sex nor was it lacking, so what is there to improve upon? But eventually, you started looking around you and seeing some metaphorical tiles missing from your roof. 
All of this turmoil is on your mind as you stand outside your favorite taco stand where Kurt told you to meet him. Your old school rival just posted a picture of her and her new boyfriend captioned: all I wanted for Valentine’s Day was flowers and a card, but this guy went all out cooking my favorite meal and playing a love song. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHEN HE LEARNED TO PLAY VIOLIN HAHA
The tweet only makes your ire worse as you stand in the February cold shaking in your skirt and ankle boots. You called your most sensible friend to see if they could talk you down. 
“Ooh no, what’s wrong?,” they joked as they picked up. You spit words at a rapid fire rate trying to explain how your relationship suddenly didn’t feel serious anymore with concerns that Kurt might be an incompatible partner for you. When you finally ran out of breath, your friend took a wise, deep breath and answered, “I think you might be catastrophizing, babe. Relationship 101 says you gotta communicate to him what you need in order to feel happy. Have you talked to him yet?” 
“...no,” you replied sheepishly. “I don’t know how to say what I mean without making it sound like I’m breaking up with him, though.” 
“Look babe, you don’t actually know if he’ll react poorly. Just remember to communicate and compromise with him. Don’t let your anxiety drive you crazy.”
You sigh in relief and throw your head back. “See this shit is exactly why you need to be a counselor!” 
The beep, beep, beep of the phone hanging up leads you to laugh (its a common rib among your friends, as is hanging up after hearing shitty puns) and you fire off a real text thanking them for their advice. The cold is almost all but forgotten when you hear a car honking and pulling up at the empty spot on the curb. It’s Kurt in his silver prius giving you a happy little wave wearing the hoodie you left in his car and a Kurtsworld96 beanie. 
As you walk up to his window trying to prepare yourself for the Talk, Kurt rolls down the window and yells, “hi babe! Happy Valentine’s Day! Come here, I’ve got something for you!” 
You make it to the passenger side door and have to turn your head in confusion. “... are there candles in your car?” 
Kurt opens your door from the inside and waves you in frantically. As you climb in, the hair on your arms stands up even more when you realize how many candles there actually are. Thankfully they aren’t lit but they are placed like he intends to. You feel Kurt press a kiss to your ear. 
“Hey, to all my new Kurties out there, this is not a joke! This is my real actual girlfriend!” 
Your heart sinks. Fuck, he’s streaming right now? How could you forget that he streams basically everything? You cannot have this serious conversation with the internet watching. Plus you’re still mad about the ‘fans’ who made a comprehensive foot cam compilation video from streams and your instagram and your mom's facebook album (yes, they included your childhood pics, the sick fucks). You’re still blocking DMs asking you for feet pics at least five times a day. 
You don’t hear a single word coming out of Kurt’s mouth as you round on him so fast he freezes like a deer in headlights. “Turn the stream off. Now, Kurt.” 
Kurt sputtered. “I-I, you said–” 
“I know!” You had half heartedly agreed to let him stream part of your date the week before. “I know what I said but… just turn it off now, please.” 
Kurt looks like a kicked puppy as he nods and mumbles some sort of promise to update his viewers later, then ends the stream. He looks up at you through his lashes and squirms uncomfortably in the driver’s seat. 
“Can you drive to the Wok, please? The one I like…” 
“Are we going to talk about–” 
“Yes! But I don’t want to talk about it in the car,” you interject and slump into your seat. 
The whole ride is pure, disquieting silence. You know Kurt’s racking his brain trying to figure out how to apologize even though he hasn’t done anything wrong and you mentally kick yourself. This was exactly the thing you didn’t want to happen, you knew you would fuck up and snap at him all because of your own anxiety. You just need to force yourself to be quiet and try to calm down. 
Your steaming silence fuels Kurt to tiptoe around you– something he has never done before with anyone. He parks and ushers you inside, bouncing on the balls of his feet and so nervous that the host who tries to seat you raises an eyebrow. You ask for a private table and a pot of tea. The table you are given has a nice red privacy curtain and optional seating. Sighing, you throw yourself onto the bean bag and scurry to pull your skirt back down. 
Kurt sits himself delicately on the edge of a neighboring bench and hesitantly asks, “...can I sit with you?” 
Of course you hold your arms out to him like a moody toddler demanding to be coddled and Kurt complies with visible relief. He pulls you up so he can settle next to you, cuddling but aware of the public setting beyond the curtain. 
"Okay so… what's going on?," he asks quietly. 
You sigh and melt further into his side, still unsure about how to voice your concern. You are saved by the return of the server who took your food order. And now nothing stood in your way, you just have to say it. 
"I…" you swallow your fear and try to meet his eyes. "I… feel… like you don't take our relationship seriously." 
Kurt balked as if you had slapped him. "What do you mean?!" 
"What I mean is that…" you want to back peddle your statement so much but you need to move forward. Go! Forward! "I mean that I love you, but… I hate that we only have sex in your car." 
"Oh well–" 
"I'm not finished, Kurt! Shush!" Your boyfriend closes his mouth and tries to stay quiet until your direction. "I hate that you only fuck me in your car and I hate that we only play videogames at our own homes for your streams and I hate when we go to influencer parties just so you can get tagged in one picture and stay for hours even though we both want to go home." 
You can't look him in the eye as your problem becomes clearer in your own head. "I don't hate you, Kurt. I don't want to see other people or whatever. I just… want to do everything about the day-to-day differently!" 
Kurt blinked. You had summarized your entire relationship in three short activities. The only part of your relationship that wasn't uploaded to the internet was your sex life and that is only because you asked him not to. You weren't asking him for money or clout or to meet his family. You just wanted more of him. 
"I can do that," Kurt said half to himself. He bumped his head into yours and held your gaze as he said, "we can do that, we can do more. Whatever you want, babe, I promise!" 
Relief washes over you and your food order arrives in time for you both to dig in. A part of you is still skeptical that lasting changes will be made, but time will tell if he'll make good on his promise to be more exciting with the relationship and not fall back and demand you go back to the 'easy' stuff. 
You catch him typing up a tweet and he lets you read it before he sends it. It’s just an apology to his viewers and official announcement of the canceled Valentine’s Day stream with the reason of wanting to spend unpressured quality time with his girlfriend. You split the bill on a full belly and broke away to use the bathroom, texting a thank you to your advice friend and letting them know your talk worked out. 
Kurt was waiting for you by the woman’s bathroom door and kissed you as soon as you exit. He throws an arm around your shoulder as you walk out and head back to his car which is still buried in dozens of candles. He hurries forward and in a flourish, opens the passenger door for you. It’s cheesy, sure, but cute and it does make you feel a little special. 
“Gah, I need to get rid of these,” he says as he has to pick a few up from the driver’s side floor and throw them in the back. “Do you mind coming to my house real quick? I’ll dump them and then we can do whatever you want to do today, okay?” 
Kurt's house is just fifteen minutes away and you chat about nothing the whole way but still end up making plans for a stream next week and an un-streamed nature trip. It isn't until he pulls up into his driveway that you feel those butterflies return to your stomach. 
You really don't wanna meet his parents, at least not today. You know it will put your boyfriend in a bad mood anyways, but Kurt insists they shouldn't be home. He also ushers you to go inside and let him clean up by himself. 
Kurt gives you the house key and you let yourself in, creeping quietly around the bungalow and checking every room for signs of life. Aside from a sleepy pitbull in the laundry room, no one's home. You catch your breath and help yourself to a drink from the fridge, picking from things you hope are Kurt's. 
Meanwhile, Boyfriend runs back and forth carrying bundles of candles in his arms, some of which fall to the ground and nearly break. The dog joins in and almost trips him causing you to laugh and get a glare in return. 
You don't remember falling asleep on his couch but you are awoken by a hot tongue. "...I hope that's the dog." 
"It is," Kurt says as he leans over the back of the couch like he's been watching you sleep. "Ready to start a real date, sleeping beauty?" 
The mall is a little eccentric tourist attraction and your date starts with a brand new romantic movie playing at the theater. The least packed room still has rows and rows of couples and loud kids and couples with loud kids. You and Kurt get some decent-ish seats and buckle down with all the snacks you snuck in. You are practically sitting in the same seat, your legs thrown over his and his arm around your shoulders and his other hand very unsubtly groping your upper thigh in between popping popcorn and candy into his mouth. 
The movie starts and the lights come down, but the noisy crowd never truly goes quiet and the littlest kids scream in disgust every time a kiss happens. You slap Kurt with a twizzler and he retaliates by taking a bite out of it. 
Your mouth brushes against his ear as you whisper. "Are you going to tell me why it took you an hour to get those candles out of your car?" 
With a sly smile, Kurt just shrugs and squeezes your breast which earns him a scolding from an annoyed movie goer who caught him. After the movie ends (so stupid, 10/10), you race each other to the bowling alley and get kicked out for vaping indoors (Kurt’s fault entirely), then enter a few expensive clothes shops to try things on which almost ends with you getting dicked down in a changing room. It’s dark out when you hit up a Baskin Robbins for ice cream before heading back to his house. 
Your face aches from smiling so much. In the car, Kurt pulls a bullet vibrator out of the center console and hands it to you. When you don’t move, he pushes your hand closer to you. 
“What? It’s clean,” he says. 
“I know it’s not clean, Kurt.” You turn it on and slip it in his pocket just as a red light turns green and watch with glee as he squirms the rest of the way back to his house. 
Somehow– possibly due to distraction from such a blessedly fun day and anticipating sex that wasn’t in a car for once– you missed the fact that the house had lights on. Kurt was grabbing something he forgot in his trunk and you waltzed up ahead and entered the house’s side door. Instantly you are greeted by Kurt’s pitbull, waggling its tailless butt and bouncing from foot to foot. 
“Hi baby! Hi!,” you coo and crouch just inside the doorway, both trying to block it and trying to get further inside which is easier said than done with a dog this strong. “Are you happy to see me? Oh, so happy! Are you doing a happy little dance with your happy little feet?! Happy, happy feet! Oh the happiest little feet!” 
The dog howls in song and you imitate it playfully, only to realize there’s a middle aged man in sweatpants watching you from the kitchen. Embarrassed, you stop howling and push the dog gently across the tiles and manage to shut the door properly, hoping it doesn’t obstruct Kurt. The unknown man has lots of grays in his patchy facial hair and looks at you with confusion and disbelief, like you’re a hooligan interrupting a rich man’s dinner. 
Fuck, this is totally Kurt’s dad! “...hi. I’m… Kurt’s girlfriend… he let me come over…” 
“Oh,” Kurt’s dad– what the fuck is his name?- let his guard down and you wonder if he might have been calling the cops. “Well, uh, hi. It’s nice to finally meet you…” 
You give him your name and Mr. Kunkle nods. “Where is Kurt, by the way? I kind of need to talk to him?” 
As if hearing his name, Kurt appeared behind his father. You give him a look and he just says he was upstairs. 
“Hey,” Mr. Kunkle is clearly slurring his words, “you know the club by the McDonalds with the playhouse? I need you to take me there, I have a gig tonight.” 
You have never seen Kurt angry before. It scares you. Mr. Kunkle’s substance abuse problems are legitimately the only things you know about him and it hadn’t occurred to you until now the drunken sway he seemed to have just standing still, he looked like he was standing on the deck of a pirate ship. And he’s going to fuck up everything… 
“Oh, you can just take the car!,” you shout abruptly. 
“What,” the men ask simultaneously. 
Thinking fast, you cross the kitchen and nearly push Mr. Kunkle out of your way, snatching Kurt’s keys from his pocket and shoving them into Mr. Kunkle’s hands before beginning to push him towards the front door. 
“Yeah, absolutely! We wouldn’t want you to be late or anything! And you know, Kurts been sick ever since we left the mall, he should really be on the toilet or maybe in the shower in case he pukes!” 
“What the fuck–” you stifle Kurt’s protests with a hand in his face and continue to shove Mr. Kunkle out the door. 
“HAVE FUN, SIR!” –and then you slam the door, finally alone. 
“Are you crazy? He can’t be driving my car, what you thinking,” Kurt gets in your face as you start to push him towards the stairs. 
“I was thinking we can have sex without company!” Kurt stops resisting you and lets you bully him to move faster, taking the second door on the left into his bedroom with a mysterious warm glow. “I was thinking I didn’t want your dad walking in on us naked and sucking each others… K-Kurt, did you do this?” 
Inside the room was quite small and contained a closet, a mattress and bedding on the floor, and a computer desk and dozens and dozens of lit candles. Arranged in a line on the edge of the desk and in clusters around the bed where they were arranged in groups of four and “stabilized” by makeshift candle holders (read: dinner plates). Smells like something woodsy (Sandalwood? Palo santo? Cedar?), hinting sweet (Mango or Apricot?) and something flowery (rose probably) hung in the air like a thick warm blanket, almost chokingly and it makes you want to open his window. 
“Kurt when did you…” you turn to him for an answer and find him reaching around you to unzip your jacket and slip it off your shoulders. 
“I did it while you were talking to my dad.” Kurt’s hands slide over your belly and he pulls you back against his body, swaying gently. “Do you like it? I tried to pick your favorites.” 
“And that’s really sweet, baby, but… this is a fire hazard.” 
Kurt scoffed. “Come on, babe, it’s not that serious! They’re not even touching the carpet!” 
“I know but they’re also not far from the carpet and fuck there’s a lot of them– hold on a second, let go real quick–” you dance around the candles and throw open his window as wide as you can get it without setting yourself on fire. “Holy shit, fresh air.” 
“Jesus, just–” Kurt catches you by your hip and picks you up to lay you on the bed, “- can you turn your brain off for a second and let me love on you? Please?” 
Sprawled beneath him, you think about it. “...no cameras, right?” 
Kurt groans louder and gets off the bed. He blows out a couple candles that nearly burn his arm as he reaches for the computer mouse to show you that nothing is being recorded. Instead, as the monitor comes awake so does the speaker, both playing the sights and sounds of some twenty-something chick getting railed by two guys. Kurt swears, slapping the keyboard in a hurry to turn it off but you’re already laughing at him. 
“Okay! Point proven,” you giggle and kick your shoes off, careful to set them between the candles. “Geez, maybe we should invite one of your friends over and try that.” 
“Fuck no.” Kurt slips his shirt over his head and tosses it carelessly, narrowly missing the candles and both of you wince. When he unbuckles his belt, he’s looking around for space to put his clothes and settles for under the desk. “‘M not fucking sharing you with anybody.” 
“Aww,” you say as you unhook your bra and shuck your tights off without tearing them. “What about a dildo?” 
Kurt nods as he unzips his jeans, your eyes immediately drawn to the bulge in his boxers. “I can do that, yeah. I think I got one, lemme look. Keep getting naked!” 
Your boyfriend digs through his closet and you lie back and wait with one hand on your breast and the other between your legs, sighing contently as you finally give yourself that much needed attention that you’ve been aching for since lunch. Kurt crawls back into bed and sets the belt and toy aside before leaning on his hands and kissing you passionately. You can still taste the rocky road on his tongue from the ice cream shop, and wrap both your arms around his neck to keep him close. 
Kurt does shake your kiss off to ask, “did I hear you say something about sucking each other off?” 
It isn’t long before you’ve switched positions– with you on top but facing the other way, Kurt’s soft locks brushing your sensitive inner thighs while you hunker down, elbows on his hips and mouth watering. Kurt's thighs shake as you wrap your hand around him, the cold of your palm and fingers touching and stretching back the burning hot velvety skin of his shaft. 
With his lips against your clit, he moans. His wide hands slide up over your ass and squeeze your cheeks, drawing your center closer so his tongue can skim and tease other parts of you, slipping between your folds and tasting your slick. 
"More Kurt, please." 
Kurt obliges by wetting a few fingers with his mouth and pushing them into your channel down to the knuckle. 
You gasp, spit dripping out of your mouth and onto his cock, which you use to quickly coat him in and lick his tip, taking the salty pre-cum and mixing it with more spit and using your hand to spread it back down to his root and over his sack. 
Impatient, Kurt bucks his hips and gags you, the tip of his cock knocking lightly against the roof of your mouth. He sighs into your throbbing clit and inserts a finger into your ass alongside the ones fucking your pussy. 
"Kurt,” you cough, “don’t want you to come yet…” 
He smacks your ass with the hand he was fucking your pussy with. “Get up then, babe. Can you get on all fours for me?” 
“Sure,” you reply, then lay back down on your belly and second guess yourself. 
Kurt focuses on lubing the dildo and figuring out how he wants to wear it. It’s cute the way his brow furrows and his lip curls, not a single real thought passing through in his brain. You pull on his wrist and take it from him by the pink shaft, and he kisses you in thanks with a strong hand on the back of your neck. 
“Hey!” You throw Kurt down on the bed, his hair flopping over the corner of his mattress. His surprise changes to want as you straddle him so his happy trail tickles your sex. His voice drops deeper as he hums, “heyyy…” 
“Stop fucking around and put this on,” your giggling turns into a laugh when you gently slap him with the dildo and he sputters indignantly. “Oh my god, your face!” 
You laugh yourself into tears while Kurt wipes the lube that was streaked across his cheeks. He grumbles as he wraps the belt of the harness around his hips and ends up just as confused as before because usually you’re the one wearing this and it’s made to be strapped between your legs too but if he wants to use his cock too he has to wear it upside down but won’t it slip around when you’re fucking and and– 
Kurt doesn’t notice you’re moving until he feels warmth envelop his hard, red cock. He looks down with wide eyes, taking you all in– arms propped behind you, legs firmly planted forward and your hips rising and falling like a perverted crab walk where you work his girth deeper into your hole. 
Kurt pouts, “I wanted to fuck your pussy…” 
You answer by taking him all the way to the hilt and lean forward with a mischievous head tilt and reply, “well this way, you don’t have to wear the condom you didn’t grab!” 
Fair enough, he does like raw dogging. Finally, the dildo is secured over his pubs and he helps you lift up to put the tip in your pussy and sink down slowly. His hands are nearly bruising with the strength of his grip and the muscles in his arms strain because he needs you to go slow, doesn’t want to stop or pause because you hurt yourself taking too much too fast. He gulps as he feels the tip massage the top of his shaft through the thin membrane wall until you’re sat down again, properly filled. 
When the two of you first became intimate, Kurt quickly came to learn that you are a tough bitch to overwhelm. The first time he pulled your hair, the first time he gagged you on his cock, the first time he groped your naked breast and bit your shoulder as he came (all occurrences performed inside of his car), you barely flinched. Unfazed by his roughness and admitting which ones you loved and which ones you would merely allow. He felt like he could never really surprise you in a good way, that he might never truly wow you during sex. 
But right now? Right now you are entirely dependent on him to hold you upright. He doesn’t remember how but he’s got your arm in one hand and pulling tight to keep you from flopping over. Your breaths are shaking, whining, eyes unfocused and rolling, sweat glistening in the candlelight. He manages to pull you forward enough to catch you with a steadying hand against your collarbone, hand spanning wide thumb at the hollow of your throat and fingers curling on your shoulder. 
“You okay, baby?,” he asks. You nod weakly, and he hesitantly suggests, “you feel full?” 
Your answer is a pitiful whine. He has never seen you like this, so lust drunk, he doesn’t have the words to describe what is happening to you. Either way, it’s making him throb inside you. When you can support yourself (both hands planted on his hairy, sweaty chest), he caresses your body from belly to thighs. 
“You wanna lie down? Babe?” He pets your forehead hoping you’ll open your eyes and you do, still floating but also tethered, like a balloon on a string. “You okay?” 
“M okay,” your words are slurred. “No, I wanna be up, ‘kay…” 
You start your little dance slowly. Your hips move in circles, adjusting to the dual sensation of penetration. Kurt watches you in awe. He helps you transition to lazy thrusts, biting into his bottom lip to keep himself from finishing too quickly. He loves seeing you like this. It’s not the first time you’ve ridden him but fuck, you were right that fucking on a bed is better than the cramped confines of a prius. He could actually lean back and see all of you, no fear of getting charlie horses while he’s trying to blow your back out. Just your bouncing naked tits and messy hair and no concern of being arrested for public indecency. 
“Harder, Kurt,” you beg breathlessly. 
“Fuck… okay baby…” 
Kurt can barely hold onto you, his hands too slippery for a proper grip so he moves up to your waist and begins to thrust into you. The harder he drives himself and the dildo into you, the louder the sounds that punch out of your chest. But you’re not close enough to orgasm while he’s teetering on the edge, and while he's not put off by overstimulation, he prefers to experience it as a consequence of your sadism which he's not gonna get with your current mindless state. 
"Hey," Kurt pats your cheek and shakes you in order to gain your attention. "Hey!" 
He sits up unexpectedly and traps you against his chest. Between the sickly sweet heat from the candles, their overworked bodies, and the cold breeze, feeling Kurt's hot body against your stark cold nipple made you hiss and try to squirm away. 
"What?, you snap, finally coming back to yourself. 
"There you are! Pay attention, I'm trying to make you come," he scolds you. 
Before you can say anything back, his hand slips between you and roughly begins circling your neglected clit, making you gasp. Your ass constricts around his raw cock and he falls back onto the bed as a new flood of adrenaline flows through him. 
"Come on, baby…" 
One slight angle adjustment later and your body shudders involuntarily. Kurt isn't sure if it's your g-spot, but he's ready to find out. His hand comes around your throat roughly as he drills into you faster and harder, reveling in the feeling of your throat constricting under his hand. 
Your last noise is a wet gurgle as your eyes roll back before you come, showering his lower half in liquid and fluttering tightly on him. Kurt empties his sack quickly while you're still being rocked by aftershocks before he lowers you across his chest and pulls out. 
“Holy shit that was good,” Kurt pants and chuckles at your lazy grunt. 
“Is something burning?,” your voice is muffled by the sheets. 
“Yeah, fucking candles– OH FUCK!” 
Well shit, the carpet is on fire. Maybe catching so quickly as it fell on one of the many mystery stains in the room. Frantically, you climb off of Kurt and start using your fingers to pinch other candles out, looking over your shoulder to see the fire is growing rather slowly. 
Kurt leaps over the other lit candles and disappears out the door. You stand up and swipe a discarded flannel shirt to wear before following him– and running directly into his dad again. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Mr. Kunkle tries not to look at your nearly nude figure and barely manages to step out of the way before Kurt comes barrelling back to you, handing off the unattached garden hose. 
“Attach this end to the bathroom sink and turn it on. Now, Kurt!” 
You wait by the still open door and watch the free fire consume a plate full of candles and catch on edge of the mattress. The heat is getting more intense as precious seconds tick by waiting for a signal from Kurt. So of course an older woman appears also in the house who you have to presume is Kurt's mom and she had clearly seen the fire from outside judging by her hysterics. 
"I got it!," Kurt finally shouts above the roar of the fire and you squeeze the trigger, dousing his entire bedroom in gallons of water until the last orange flame is extinguished. 
Kurt stands behind you looking dumbfounded. "Holy shit…" 
Your boyfriend's mom is red in the face. "You are in so much trouble, Kurtis. And put some fucking clothes on, young man!" 
Suddenly feeling self conscious, you rewrap the flannel around your naked body and tip toe into the room to see how bad the damage is. The carpet is completely fucked: black and filling the room with some awful chemical smell that was probably going to delete some brain cells the longer you inhale it, and where the edges are browned, there is also candle wax from those fallen and consumed. 
You had tried to keep the nozzle down and while the fire hadn't crept towards his computer desk, you may have fucked up the tower anyways with the spray. The mattress could technically still be slept on and suffered the least amount of damage. 
But considering the fact that the bedroom is littered with evidence of sheer stupidity, you know neither of you are going to be able to make up any real excuses for this. 
You gave Mr. Kunkle an awkward thumbs up and toss him a pair of boxers you found in Kurt's closet, then push the door closed as you are determined not to spend any more time barely clothed in front of his parents. And while you are sure that you will not be invited back into the house anytime soon (if ever), you smile to yourself knowing you ultimately got what you wanted for Valentine's Day.
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Am I proud of this one? Yeah! Is it good? ...uh I plead the fifth, its dirty and thats all that matters to me. Please leave a like, comment, and reblog to show this fic some love if you wanna see more of this!
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wittyminds · 1 year
Requests are open
I'm a new writer here and really want to start creating stories so if you have any requests i'll do my best!
Characters i'll do:
Remus Lupin, James Potter, Regulus Black
Steve Harrington
Eddie Roundtree/Loving
Steven Meeks, Charlie Dalton, Neil Perry, Knox Overstreet
Finnick Odair, Peeta Mellark
Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani
Bradley Bradshaw
George Weasley, Ron Weasley, Newt Scamander
Jess Mariano
JJ Maybank
Nikolai Lantsov
Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield/Tom Holland)
What i wont write
Inappropriate relationships
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