#joe catalano
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unbblog · 2 years ago
https://youtu.be/t0LUeq_puno Here is our latest Runway Show doing Miami SwimWeek 2023 with FASHION WEEK HAUS @FASHIONWEEKHAUS by @styleonthespot @miamiswimweekofficial GOSTOSO SS24 @gostoso @gostosowear & @cariocawear Special thank you to all our great models and crew DESIGNER Gil Even @sungaguy STYLE BY : Tomas Picek @tomas_picek Carlos Campos @carloscamposmiami @carloscamposphoto MODELS: Anderson Diaz @andersndiaz Joaquin Collini @joaquin_collini Owen Lindberg @owenlindberg Steve Mikuta @Steve.swish Joey Gutierrez @Joeygutierrezforthewin Luis Corrales T @luancor88 James Deuso @Jamesdeuso George Gersky @Gerskyfitness Caleb Branham @calebsthetic DJ Davis @Djnotdiscjockey Jose Luis Villchez @Jhose7788 Daniel Jiawei Li @dlisbergsonton David J Harman @davidjoharman Patrick Callahan @thepatcallahan Joe Catalano @joey_dean Rodrigo Garcia @R.garcia002 Ty Talley @Tytalleyofficial Von Blackwell @vondeon Nahuel Broin @Nawelbroin Shayne @shaynethefox Music by Anitta - Funk Rave @anitta Music Mix by DJ Hector Fonseca @djhectorfonseca Videography & Editing Victor Mayol @visualspride @vicmayol Social Media videos Maor Luz @maorluz_lens Photographers Carlos Campos @carloscamposphoto Anthony Kosinchuk @antonykozz Shop Now @ GOSTOSOWEAR.COM
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carolinahurricanes · 6 years ago
2019 Alumni Game Recap
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fromthefishbowl · 4 years ago
Hi I read your post about why mafia au's are bad and you make some good points! However, you can't compare writing Joe as a terrorist and nicky as a mobster as they aren't even remotely in the same realm. There is a real world problem where people in western cultures genuinely perceive MENA people as threats or terrorists and they are discriminated against because of it. However, no one actively discriminates against Italians because they think they're possible mobsters. Just letting you know :)
I feel like you don’t consider it to be a “real-world problem” because it’s not your problem and you specifically have never lived in a country that has been going through it for centuries and it doesn’t hit you specifically.
First of all, “mobster” is the American term. If you want to write Nicky as a mafioso, don’t use that word.
Second, it really shouldn’t be hard to comprehend the idea that, if multiple Italians have been telling you to please, don’t write Nicky as a mafioso because it’s a hurtful stereotype and mafiose organizations aren’t as cool and sexy as how you want them to be, you should think about your opinion regarding it a few times over.
Third, as I said, it’s fiction and if you want to write him as a mafia boss, you can, it’s just a shitty ass move that is completely tone-deaf to the problems a nation is suffering and shows a great display of ignorance from your part, as well as unwillingness to inform yourself and a certain nit-picking attitude when it comes to understanding what information Italian people in the fandom are providing regarding the issues our, and therefore Nicky’s, country goes through.
Also... my post was not about how much discrimination Italians face because of the mafia? I am not smart nor cultured enough to discuss such issues regarding my own nationality, and I am even less prepared to discuss about what MENA people go through (especially because it wouldn’t come from first hand experience and it would be extremely hypocritical, as well as just plain rude, of me to talk over actual MENA folks who discuss these topics). The point of my post is: don’t write Nicky as a mafioso because it’s a stereotype on the same level as writing Joe as a terrorist, a xenophobic stereotype based on what the media have been feeding us for decades.
Mafiosi are terrorists, regardless of how Americans have been polishing their image through fancy movies, and regardless of the fact that you like it or not. Matteo Massima Denaro, a Cosa Nostra boss, is one of the most wanted men in the world. ISIS terrorists don’t attack Italy simply because mafia organizations let them stay on our territories as long as they don’t attack them, as it would increase police controls.
If you want to go on and write your Mafia AU with Nicky being a boss who wears Armani suits, then go on, there’s literally nothing I can do to stop you, but know that it’s a show of extreme ignorance and unwillingness to learn from Italian people while, in the same breath, pretending to fawn over us, our culture, our actors, and even the characters whose roots can be found in our country.
To drag the point home hopefully once and for all, since that “real-world problem” bothered me to no end, under the cut I decided to add some explanations, pictures, and the names of the people that Cosa Nostra murdered in two terroristic attacks in 1992.
I can provide more if you ask for them.
TW for: remaining of explosions, and non-in-depth re-telling of terroristic acts.
Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino were two magistrates who, in the Eighties and Nineties, were extremely active in the fight against Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian mafia.
In order to kill Falcone, they placed a 400kg bomb on the Autostrada A4, murdering Falcone, his wife, Francesca Morvillo, and three other men (Antonio Montinaro, Vito Schifani, and Rocco Dicillo). It was May 23rd 1992, and this is now known as the “Strage di Capaci”, the carnage of Capaci.
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The mangled car in which Falcone and his wife died is now a monument.
To kill Borsellino, they bottled a car with TNT and made it explode while the judge was driving by to visit his sister. It killed Borsellino and five other people (Agostino Catalano, Emanuele Loi, Vincenzo Li Muli, Walter Eddie Cosina, and Claudio Traina). It was July 19th 1992, and this is now known as the “Strage di Via d’Amelio”, the carnage of Via d’Amelio.
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Our country is still actively mourning them and their work.
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“You didn’t kill them: their ideas are now walking with our legs.”
So... is this a “real-world problem” enough, now?
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younglarva · 4 years ago
Escalation - Nowy • Headband - The John Schroeder Orchestra • City Girl - Main Attraction • Misty Canyon - Sven Libaek • Thief - Enticers • Border Crossing - Jerry Goldsmith • Monmouth - Breakdown Brass • Like Yesterday - Monophonics • Let My People Go - Darondo • I Wonder - The Bubble Gum Machine • Nightrider - The John Schroeder Orchestra • Take Me to the Mardi Gras - Spotnicks • Day Dream - Orchestre Bernard Wystraete • A Time For Us - Joe Pass • Roma A Mano Armata - Franco Micalizzi • Shady Blues - Lee Mason & His Orchestra • Main Chance - Parker & Parrish • New Religion - Trifle • Who Is She And What Is She To You? - Madeline • Hotel (intro) - Artie Kane • Come Live With Me - Dorothy Ashby • African Honeymoon - Golden Music Orchestra • The Windmills Of Your Mind - Dorothy Ashby • Constructions Part 2 - Berry Lipman • Way Star - Rubba • Like A Friend - Roger Webb • Moon Bird - The Roger Webb Sound • Bossa per Alberto - Piero Piccioni • Mary's Theme - Stelvio Cipriani • Ladyfingers - Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass • Soul Girl - Ahmad Jamal • La Polizia Sta A Guardare (Titoli) - Stelvio Cipriani • Foggy Night - Massimo Catalano • Floating - Piero Umiliani • Uccidere in silenzio 22 - Stelvio Cipriani • Audace Colpo Dei Soliti Ignoti  - Piero Umiliani • Risaie - Piero Umiliani • Goodbye - Wojciech Karolak • [download]
Original broadcast 04.17.21
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respirinunfiato · 5 years ago
Per dirti che ti amo in tutte le lingue del mondo
Afrikaans: Ek het jou lief
Albanese: Te dua
Arabo: Ana behibak (verso un maschio) - Ana behibek (verso una femmina).
Armeno: Yes kez sirumem
Bengalese: Ami tomake bhalobashi
Bielorusso: Ya tabe kahayu
Brasiliano: amo você
Bulgaro: Obicham te
Cambogiano: Soro lahn nhee ah
Catalano: T’estimo
Cherokee: Tsi ge yu i
Cheyenne: Ne mohotatse
Chichewa: Ndimakukonda
Cinese: Cantonese Ngo oiy ney a
Cinese Mandarino: Wo ai ni
Comanche: U kamakutu nu
Coreano: Sarang Heyo oppure Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
Corso: Ti tengu caru (verso un maschio) - Ti tengu cara (verso una femmina)
Creolo: Mi aime jou
Croato: Volim te
Ceco: Miluji te
Danese: Jeg Elsker Dig
Ebraico: Ohevet Otach
Esperanto: Mi amas vin
Estone: Ma armastan sind
Etiope: Afgreki’
Faroese: Eg elski teg
Farsi: Doset daram
Filippino: Mahal kita
Finlandese: Mina rakastan sinua
Francese: Je t’aime
Gaelico: Ta gra agam ort
Georgiano: Mikvarhar
Greco: S’agapo (Σ’αγαπώ)
Gallese: ‘Rwy’n dy garu di
Giapponese: Aishiteru
Hawaiano: Aloha Au Ia`oe
Hindi: Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong: Kuv hlub koj
Hopi: Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Islandese: Eg elska tig
Indonesiano: Saya cinta padamu
Inuit: Negligevapse
Inglese: I love you
Irlandese: Taim i’ ngra leat
Italiano: Ti amo
Latino: Te amo
Lettone: Es tevi miilu
Libanese: Bahibak
Lituano: Tave myliu
Lussemburghese: Ech hun dech gaer
Macedone: Te Sakam
Malese: Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Maltese: Inhobbok
Marocchino: Ana moajaba bik
Olandese: Ik hou van jou
Persiano: Doo-set daaram
Polacco: Kocham Ciebie
Portoghese: Eu te amo
Rumeno: Te iubesc
Russo: Ya tebya liubliu (Я тебя люблю)
Scozzese gaelico: Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbo: Volim te (Волим те)
Setswana: Ke a go rata
Sindhi: Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux: Techihhila
Slovacco: Lu`bim ta
Sloveno: Ljubim te
Spagnolo: Te quiero
Swahili: Ninapenda wewe
Svedese: Jag älskar dig
Svizzero-tedesco: Ich lieb Di
Suriname: Mi lobi joe
Taiwanese: Wa ga ei li
Tahitiano: Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil: Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Tedesco: Ich liebe dich
Tailandese: Phom rak khun
Tunisino: Ha eh bak
Turco: Seni Seviyorum
Ucraino: Ya tebe kahayu
Ungherese: Szeretlek
Urdu: mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamita: Anh ye^u em
Yiddish: Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba: Mo ni fe
Zazi: Ezhele hezdege
Zuni: Tom ho’ ichema
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redsoxfantasycamp · 5 years ago
Our Monday recap includes everything from the drafted teams to Sports Center Top 10 catches in the outfield.
 The morning started off with a practice that was meant to loosen up the muscles, but what it turned into was a tryout for the campers to be scouted by their favorite coaches. The looming worry about the lunch time draft left players diving for fly balls, swinging the bat to hit the ball to the moon, and straining muscles they didn’t even know they had. It was as if they were that little kid again in gym class, waiting for their name to be called onto a team. Don’t fret campers, everyone gets drafted! Participation trophies for all!
 The doors then closed and the coaching staff got started on the draft. The room was tense as each name was taken and put onto the board. Victor Rodriguez and Frank Viola got into a scrum over a player who they thought would lead them to the 2020 Fantasy Camp Championship. Trot and Dauber whispered side by side, strategically planning their next move. Alan Embree talked up players he knew nothing about to try and throw off next round choices, but the group caught on to his guerrilla warfare tactics. El Tiante fell asleep.
 And finally, your 2020 Fantasy Camp teams:
 Billy’s Ballgamers
  Cori’s Fireballers
  Embree’s Outlaws
  Gedman’s Bombers
Hobson’s Heroes
  Lenny’s Legends
  Nixon’s DirtDogs
 Sabe’s Babes
  Stanley’s Steamers
  Wins & Saves
  The teams got together, sang a cheer, and headed out to the fields to try and win their first regular season match.
 The Bombers and Heroes had a close game in the main stadium. The campers got fired up as their name could be heard over the loud speakers walking up to the plate. Each team was facing the sun in the outfield. Their chances of catching any fly balls was slim. Against all odds, they rose to the occasion! There were multiple catches made that had the crowd jumping up and down, cheering in pure amazement. Steve Wolfe (Awwwoooooooo) made an unbelievable, almost backwards, snag in the right center. The Heroes were able to rally and win 4-6.
 Sabe’s Babes and Wins & Saves was a different story. Wins and Saves crushed the Babes, 14-6. Bret Saberhagen was seen shedding a tear in the dugout after the game, while coach Tom Gordon flipped the Gatorade cooler. Yikes… Wins & Saves, congrats on the first game W and welcome to the winner’s circle- for now.
 The Legends and the Outlaws had 27 runs all together. These games were coach pitched. Maybe our coaches should get some more practice in before lobbing the ball over the plate. Campers, take it while you can! That was just a warm up. Embree’s Outlaws outlasted the Legends, and came away with the 15-12 victory.
 Something must have been in the water at JetBlue Park yesterday morning, because there was another 29 run game. Stanley’s Steamers and Corsi’s Fireballers went neck and neck, fighting until the last inning. Corsi was seen pacing the dugout, almost about the charge the Ump, at every play. After last camp, Corsi was longing for a team that could win a game. And gosh dammit, the Fireballers did not disappoint. His team ended the drought and won the game 15-14. Corsi, your luck may be changing!
 The last game was a blowout not usually seen during coach pitched games. Billy’s Ballgamers demolished Nixon’s DirtDogs 18-3. You heard it here folks, 18-3. Trot is known for pitching zingers against his own team, but was that the reasoning here? Or did Billy “Where’s the sunscreen?” Mueller and Keith “I need to take a nap” Foulke draft the dream team to beat?
 We’ll have to wait and see!
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thisdayinfavrd · 6 years ago
July 20, 2009
The word "tsunami" is not in my phone's T9 dictionary, so if you ever get a text from me that says "Trumang!", get the fuck off the beach.   @sloganeerist (jtdobbs dur) – 114
Whoopi thinks the moon landing was faked? I hope this doesn't damage all that credibility she built up as the center square.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 107
Ugh I have to write an autobiography?? STORY OF MY LIFE.   @baileygenine (Bailey Siewert) – 97
First rule of Seal Club is no crying when we say "club".  This means you, Jeremy.   Second rule of Seal Club is no walruses.  *Jeremy*.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 83
I only use extra virgin olive oil. Unsaturated fats really shouldn't have a sexual history.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 76
"I just bought a pedometer."  "Cool. So how many child molesters are near you right now?"   @abigvictory (Michele Catalano) – 73
Well SOMEBODY used a scrapbooking knife to cut my face out of all our wedding photos.   @fireland (Joshua Allen) – 70
Everyone thinks Canadians are so nice and polite.  Excellent.  Stage One is complete.  Initiate Stage Two.  Release the Moose Commandos.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 68
I like the idea of liking the idea better than I actually like the idea.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 66
I can't dance, I love mayonnaise and I just maxed my Banana Republic credit card.  These Whitestrips must be working.   @gordonshumway (Jelisa Castrodale) – 65
1) Wake up 2) Brush teeth 3) Feed fish 4) Take meds 5) Notice pill in fishbowl & bad taste in mouth & wonder if I screwed up 3&4.  Again.   @tj (Fun Size Bytes) – 61
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. And every time you have sex, this one angel gets his binoculars.   @aedison (Avery Edison) – 61
Gnats are super attracted to me today. I'm a magnat.   @awryone (Josh Donoghue) – 59
My weekend did not contain nearly enough weekend.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 58
Q: What's the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom?  A: The pitbull doesn't blame the media for all its problems.   @joeschmitt (Joe Schmitt) – 56
Reading comic books in bed by flashlight.  Still pretty awesome.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 53
My son told me how nobody at school would play with him last week. My pride swells to see him grow up in my own image.   @roughdiction (RoughDiction) – 53
Wife: "I'm pretty much as girly-girl as a girl can be. Except for drag queens. But then me."   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 53
FACT: The chances a large meteor will hit Earth is much less than the chances that another movie will be made about a large meteor.   @joeschmitt (Joe Schmitt) – 51
Today at the Zoo I saw a Lion & a Giraffe & a Rhino & a Zebra & an Elephant & at least 5 Cougars that my Wife wouldn't let me pet.   @OverlandParker (Michael Pierce) – 49
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waitforit4 · 2 years ago
Afrikaans: Ek het jou lief
Albanese: Te dua
Arabo: Ana behibek
Armeno: Yes kez sirumem
Bengalese: Ami tomake bhalobashi
Bielorusso: Ya tabe kahayu
Brasiliano: amo você
Bulgaro : Obicham te
Cambogiano: Soro lahn nhee ah
Catalano: T’estimo
Cherokee: Tsi ge yu i
Cheyenne : Ne mohotatse
Chichewa: Ndimakukonda
Cinese cantonese: Ngo oiy ney a
Cinese Mandarino: Wo ai ni
Comanche: U kamakutu nu
Coreano:Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
Corso : Ti tengu cara
Creolo: Mi aime jou
Croato: Volim te
Ceco: Miluji te
Danese: Jeg Elsker Dig
Ebraico: ohevet Otach
Esperanto : Mi amas vin
Estone: Ma armastan sind
Etiope: Afgreki’
Faroese: Eg elski teg
Farsi: Doset daram
Filippino: Mahal kita
Finlandese: Mina rakastan sinua
Francese: Je t’aime
Gaelico: Ta gra agam ort
Georgiano: Mikvarhar
Greco: S’agapo
Gallese: ‘Rwy’n dy garu di
Giapponese: Aishiteru
Hawaiano: Aloha Au Ia`oe
Hindi: Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong: Kuv hlub koj
Hopi : Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Islandese: Eg elska tig
Indonesiano: Saya cinta padamu
Inuit: Negligevapse
Inglese: I love you
Irlandese: Taim i’ ngra leat
Italiano: Ti amo
Latino: Te amo
Lettone: Es tevi miilu
Libanese: Bahibak
Lituano : Tave myliu
Lussemburghese : Ech hun dech gaer
Macedone :Te Sakam
Malese: Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Maltese: Inhobbok
Marocchino: Ana moajaba bik
Olandese: Ik hou van jou
Persiano: Doo-set daaram
Polacco: Kocham Ciebie
Portoghese: Eu te amo
Rumeno: Te iubesc
Russo: Ya tebya liubliu
Scozzese gaelico: Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbo: Volim te
Setswana: Ke a go rata
Sindhi :Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux: Techihhila
Slovacco: Lu`bim ta
Sloveno: Ljubim te
Spagnolo: Te quiero
Swahili: Ninapenda wewe
Svedese: Jag älskar dig
Svizzero-tedesco: Ich lieb Di
Suriname: Mi lobi joe
Taiwanese: Wa ga ei li
Tahitiano: Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil :Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Tedesco: Ich liebe dich
Tailandese :Phom rak khun
Tunisino :Ha eh bak
Turco: Seni Seviyorum
Ucraino: Ya tebe kahayu
Ungherese: Szeretlek
Urdu: mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamita: Anh ye^u em
Yiddish: Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba: Mo ni fe
Zazi :Ezhele hezdege
Zuni :Tom ho’ ichema
Insomma ti amo in tutte le lingue del mondo
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funkbyfunk · 3 years ago
Funk by Funk Show Playlist (24/06/19)
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Snatch - 60 East
18 Wheeler - Benny The Butcher feat. Pusha T
Nueva York Part 2 - Sully Nomad
Call of the Times - Rel McCoy
Hard as Steel - DJ Duke feat. Large Professor
Guns & Roses - Ras Kass feat. Styles P & Lil Fame
Get on Board - Jay Are
Voodoo - Mark Ski feat J57 & Blame One
Francis Scott Key - Jamo Gang
Ha Ha Ha - J57 feat Blu, Exile, Blame One & Johaz
From My Mouth to God's Ears - Big Shoes
Can't Lose the Soul - Priest Da Nomad
Ladi Dadi Doo - Minimatic
Flying High (Don't Look Down Remix) - Kinetik
Collage - Modenine x TeckZilla feat. Awkword
Coco Mago Sliced - Damu The Fudgemunk feat. MF Doom & Insight
Jesus is so Quiet Here - D. Catalano
All Notes Are Friends - LBT
More Vibes - Devin Malek
All Spies - Flying Lotus
I Know It's Gonna Hurt - Ric Chavez
Bang 'em Out - Tranzformer
That Golden Bossa Hip-Hop - Minimatic
Boris Boris - Eletroimas Cataliticos
Dark Matter - Buffalo Brothers
I'm So Dizzy - Omas
Jazzifi Me - Soul Train Vs. Joe Paciallo
Nobody Else - Sivey
Join Mark Ski, Monday nights at 10pm GMT on Inspiration 107.8fm UK as he joins the dots between the latest & greatest Hip-Hop, Funk, Beats, Breaks & beyond.
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dizkidd92806 · 3 years ago
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Unconscionable. ⁠ ⁠ Fred Guttenberg’s daughter 14-year-old Jaime was one of 17 people gunned down in the 2018 Parkland, Florida shooting.⁠ ⁠ Last December, Guttenberg began receiving hundreds of emails, calling his late teen a “slut,” a “c—,” and “human waste,” accusing her dad of molesting her, and many more horrendous things. ⁠ ⁠ The culprit signed off his most recent missive: “God Bless President Trump. F— joe biden.”⁠ ⁠ Now, the FBI has found the person allegedly behind the horrifying emails. ⁠ ⁠ Gun-loving California grocer James Catalano is charged with one count of cyberstalking, following a months-long harassment campaign that targeted Guttenberg, according to a federal complaint first obtained by The Daily Beast. ⁠ ⁠ Reposted from @thedailybeast Get all the details at the link in their bio.⁠ ⁠ ___⁠ ⁠ Illustration: @lrendon/The Daily Beast/Getty⁠ ⁠ #trump #parkland #news #crime https://www.instagram.com/p/CgV_BsJObwB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maxrtina · 8 years ago
Per dirti che ti amo in tutte le lingue del mondo
Afrikaans: Ek het jou lief Albanese: Te dua Arabo: Ana behibak (verso un maschio) - Ana behibek (verso una femmina). Armeno: Yes kez sirumem Bengalese: Ami tomake bhalobashi Bielorusso: Ya tabe kahayu Brasiliano: amo você Bulgaro: Obicham te Cambogiano: Soro lahn nhee ah Catalano: T’estimo Cherokee: Tsi ge yu i Cheyenne: Ne mohotatse Chichewa: Ndimakukonda Cinese: Cantonese Ngo oiy ney a Cinese Mandarino: Wo ai ni Comanche: U kamakutu nu Coreano: Sarang Heyo oppure Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida Corso: Ti tengu caru (verso un maschio) - Ti tengu cara (verso una femmina) Creolo: Mi aime jou Croato: Volim te Ceco: Miluji te Danese: Jeg Elsker Dig Ebraico: ani ohev otach (da uomo a donna)  - ohevet Otach (da donna a uomo) Esperanto: Mi amas vin Estone: Ma armastan sind Etiope: Afgreki’ Faroese: Eg elski teg Farsi: Doset daram Filippino: Mahal kita Finlandese: Mina rakastan sinua Francese: Je t’aime Gaelico: Ta gra agam ort Georgiano: Mikvarhar Greco: S’agapo (Σ’αγαπώ) Gallese: ‘Rwy’n dy garu di Giapponese: Aishiteru Hawaiano: Aloha Au Ia`oe Hindi: Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae Hmong: Kuv hlub koj Hopi: Nu’ umi unangwa’ta Islandese: Eg elska tig Indonesiano: Saya cinta padamu Inuit: Negligevapse Inglese: I love you Irlandese: Taim i’ ngra leat Italiano: Ti amo Latino: Te amo Lettone: Es tevi miilu Libanese: Bahibak Lituano: Tave myliu Lussemburghese: Ech hun dech gaer Macedone: Te Sakam Malese: Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu Maltese: Inhobbok Marocchino: Ana moajaba bik Olandese: Ik hou van jou Persiano: Doo-set daaram Polacco: Kocham Ciebie Portoghese: Eu te amo Rumeno: Te iubesc Russo: Ya tebya liubliu (Я тебя люблю) Scozzese gaelico: Tha gra\dh agam ort Serbo: Volim te (Волим те) Setswana: Ke a go rata Sindhi: Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan Sioux: Techihhila Slovacco: Lu`bim ta Sloveno: Ljubim te Spagnolo: Te quiero Swahili: Ninapenda wewe Svedese: Jag älskar dig Svizzero-tedesco: Ich lieb Di Suriname: Mi lobi joe Taiwanese: Wa ga ei li Tahitiano: Ua Here Vau Ia Oe Tamil: Nan unnai kathalikaraen Tedesco: Ich liebe dich Tailandese: Phom rak khun Tunisino: Ha eh bak Turco: Seni Seviyorum Ucraino: Ya tebe kahayu Ungherese: Szeretlek Urdu: mai aap say pyaar karta hoo Vietnamita: Anh ye^u em (Verso una donna) Yiddish: Ikh hob dikh Yoruba: Mo ni fe Zazi: Ezhele hezdege Zuni: Tom ho’ ichema
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theultimatefan · 5 years ago
National Lacrosse League Announces 2019-20 NLL Award Winners
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The National Lacrosse League (@NLL), the longest running and most successful professional lacrosse league in the world, officially announced the 2019-20 NLL Award winners. All awards are voted on by head coaches, general managers, and the League’s Board of Governors.
Like all major sports, the 2019-2020 season was interrupted, and ultimately cut short due to COVID-19.  There was over 15 weeks of game play and much success for the players, teams, and fans of NLL’s 13 active franchises—including two competing for the first time this year. All three divisions featured tight races with three or more teams within two games of the lead, the launch of the Alterna Cup Series, and thrilling overtime victories.
"In an unusual year we congratulate such exceptional players coaches and executives,”  said NLL Commissioner, Nick Sakiewicz. “At the end of each season we award top performers and they epitomize everything that is good about the game of lacrosse on and off the field. All our leaders and athletes participate in the top lacrosse league in the world, and this year’s winners have distinguished themselves as the best of the best. We look forward to the time when we can present these awards in person and honor each of them with their teammates in front of their home fans."
Peter Schmitz, President, Professional Lacrosse Players’ Association (PLPA), also shared his praise, “On behalf of the PLPA, I’d like to congratulate all the award winners for their excellence, commitment, and success.  We wish to recognize the effort and talent that it takes to win these awards, especially among so many qualified candidates.”
The voting resulted in major award winners representing a wide array of squads, showcasing the competitive balance of talent and high-level competition in the NLL. Earning the Most Valuable Player Award was Shayne Jackson of the Georgia Swarm. Jackson finished the year with 31 goals and 42 assists totaling 73 points while leading the league in even strength assists with 36. Jackson also tied for the league lead in power play goals with 11 and collected 65 loose balls.
The Rookie of the Year was New York Riptide star, Tyson Gibson. Gibson was the first overall selection by the expansion franchise in the 2019 Entry Draft. Gibson scored 16 goals and had 27 assists for 43 points, which led the team in the Riptide’s inaugural season.
For the third year in a row, Georgia Swarm’s Lyle Thompson won the Sportsmanship Award. He is the only NLL player to ever win it three consecutive times since the award debuted in 2002. He continues to represent the sport of lacrosse to the highest degree and tallied 27 goals and 33 assists on the season.
Making it three consecutive seasons, Halifax Thunderbirds stalwart, Graeme Hossack took home Defensive Player of the Year honors. Hossack lead all defensemen in Time on Floor averaging 27:32 per game, over two minutes higher than the next best player, and finished in the top four amongst all defensemen in goals, points, loose balls, and caused turnovers.
Another back-to-back award winner, the Toronto Rock’s Challen Rogers was named Transition Player of the Year. In 11 games, Rogers scored 11 goals and recorded 14 assists while corralling 51 loose balls.
In his first full year as a full-time starter, New England Black Wolves goaltender, Doug Jamieson won the Goaltender of the Year Award.  Jamieson led the league in Save Percentage (.829), which is a league record for save percentage, Goals Against Average (8.80) and tied for the league lead in wins with 8.    
For the first time in NLL Awards history, the Teammate(s) of the Year honor was a tie to both Dan Dawson, Toronto Rock, and Mike Poulin, Georgia Swarm.  Throughout the season, the players exhibited leadership, sportsmanship, and dedication to their teammates, communities and the sport.  
Philadelphia Wings Head Coach and General Manager, Paul Day received dual honors, winning the Les Bartley Award for Coach of the Year and General Manager of the Year.  Day led his squad to an 8-6 record after acquiring Goaltender of the Year finalist Zach Higgins and veteran forward Cory Vitarelli during the offseason, and overseeing the development of second-year stars, Trevor Baptiste and Matt Rambo. Day previously won the Les Bartley Award in 2004 when he helmed the Rochester Knighthawks.
The Tom Borrelli Award Media Member of the Year goes to Craig Rybczynski of the Rochester Knighthawks.  As the longest-tenured broadcaster in NLL history, calling over 300 straight games, he provides strategic communications, develops community partnerships  and interacts with local, regional and national media
John Catalano, of the Halifax Thunderbirds, was honored as the Executive of the Year, overseeing the day-to-day operations following the franchise’s relocation after a long, successful run in Rochester.  John played an instrumental role in what was a successful inaugural season for the franchise, both on and off the floor. His guidance and expertise in sales, integrated marketing, game presentation, broadcast, and community relations have landed Halifax on the map as one of the newest staple franchises in the league.
The complete list of 2019-20 NLL Awards winners are as follows:
Most Valuable Player: Shayne Jackson, Georgia
Rookie of the Year: Tyson Gibson, New York
Sportsmanship Award: Lyle Thompson, Georgia
Defensive Player of the Year: Graeme Hossack, Halifax
Transition Player of the Year: Challen Rogers, Toronto
Goaltender of the Year: Doug Jamieson, New England
Teammate of the Year: Dan Dawson, Toronto, AND Mike Poulin, Georgia (t)
Les Bartley Award Coach of the Year: Paul Day, Philadelphia
General Manager of the Year: Paul Day, Philadelphia
Tom Borrelli Award Media Member of the Year: Craig Rybczynski, Rochester
Executive of the Year: John Catalano, Halifax
Additionally, the 2019-20 NLL All-League and All-Rookie Teams have been announced. The teams are comprised of the top vote getters for the season awards.
All-League First Team:
Doug Jamieson, New England, Goaltender
Graeme Hossack, Halifax, Defense
Kyle Rubisch, Saskatchewan, Defense
Challen Rogers, Toronto, Transition
Shayne Jackson, Georgia, Forward
Callum Crawford, New England, Forward
All-League Second Team:
Dillon Ward, Colorado, Goaltender
Robert Hope, Colorado, Defense
Dan MacRae, New York, Defense
Kiel Matisz, Philadelphia, Transition
Rob Hellyer, Toronto, Forward
Cody Jamieson, Halifax, Forward
All-Rookie Team:
Tyson Gibson, New York, Forward
Andrew Kew, New England, Forward
Connor Fields, San Diego, Forward
Clarke Peterson, Halifax, Forward
Ryland Rees, Rochester, Transition
Joe Nardella, New England, Defense
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covid19-lifestories · 5 years ago
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Theresa Catalano
CATALANO - Theresa "Terry," 91, of (Farmingdale, NY) passed away on the evening of Sunday, April 26th due to COVID-19 complications. Beloved wife of 72 years to the late Rosalino "Roe." Terry was born in Brooklyn, NY to Joseph and Immaculate De Nicola. She is predeceased by her parents, sister Marie, sister Louise, brother Venturo "Sonny," grandson Michael, and grandson Thomas. She is survived by three wonderful children and their spouses Josephine (Mike), Thomas (Vivian), and John (Lori); 5 blessed grandchildren Jeanette, Joseph, Paul (Keri), Cara, Jenna (Joe); and 8 great-grandchildren Casey, Kyle, Kaileigh, Cassandrah, Carissah, Thomas, Zachary and Emmy. She lived in Greenpoint, Brooklyn before moving to Plainview, NY, where she worked at the family run business Abble Awning Co, Inc. in Bethpage, NY. She was a devoted member of Our Lady of Mercy Church, where she was actively involved in the Joseph Lamb Columbiettes and the Angels of Mercy. She modeled her life around the pillars of faith, love and family.
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thisdayinfavrd · 6 years ago
August 11, 2009
I was halfway through the appendectomy when I realized that Wikipedia was full of shit.   @fireland (Joshua Allen) – 113
Me: "You're eating your corn like a typewriter."  Daughter: "A type-a-what?"  Me: "Never mind."   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 112
When my boys run around in tighty whities and capes, they call it playing "Captain Underpants" because I vetoed the name "playing daddy."   @CranberryPerson (N/A) – 76
I'm a lot like Amy Winehouse. But a boy. And with less makeup. And tonedeaf. Hair's smaller. Okay, listen, I just fell off my bar stool.   @phyllisstein (Blight Christmas) – 69
Sneezed so hard my tampon popped out.  Aristocrats!   @abigvictory (Michele Catalano) – 68
I'm preparing a nice, romantic evening at home with my wife by making her prepare me a nice dinner.  LOL jk I'm at the bar.   @thedayhascome (Josh Hopkins) – 67
The more you scream about death panels, the more I want to put you in front of one.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 65
Just spoke with the doctors. Lucy is fine and recovering. The bionic tentacles transplant was a complete success!   @thedayhascome (Josh Hopkins) – 61
Missing tweet #3238943099   @srslainey (Unavailable) – 60
Brooks & Dunn are splitting up. I wonder who'll get custody of the state fair circuit.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 57
With no spousal supervision, I just bought presents for my kid's birthday and booze for vacation. If the recession ends today, that was me.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 57
Though I hope John Hughes doesn't come back as a zombie, I bet "Brains... Brains... and Automobiles" would still be better than "G.I. Joe."   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 54
Why a "spelling bee"? Bees don't spell. Bees dance to tell other bees where food is. So dance, children, dance! Find me the nearest burrito.   @tehawesome (Henry Birdseye) – 54
no, ma'am.  I'm not stalking you.  I'm just watching you.  ...always.   @theduty (duty) – 53
I'm just a sword collection and a ponytail away from going full nerd.   @davegorum (dave.exe) – 53
"What's an endoscopy?" "You get drugged and someone shoves something in your throat." "I didn't know there was a name for my Friday nights."   @abigvictory (Michele Catalano) – 52
Just walked into my son's room without knocking and both of us will be scheduling therapy appointments tomorrow.   @abigvictory (Michele Catalano) – 51
Ugh, frizzies! The humidity is wreaking havoc on my ear hair.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 51
What's the version of a staycation where you travel somewhere? A gocation? I need one of those.   @scottsimpson (Scott Simpson) – 50
I wear the pants in THIS relationship. So what if they're Capri pants? So what if SHE picked them out? Wait. Never mind.   @EightBitsShort (Unavailable) – 49
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thingsilikeon · 8 years ago
via The Geometry of Causality | Space Time Using geometry we can not only understand, but visualize how causality dictates the order of events in our universe. Start your Audible trial today at http://ift.tt/1O5YfxC You can further support us on Patreon at http://ift.tt/2gPq0uS Get your own Space Time t­shirt at http://bit.ly/1QlzoBi Tweet at us! @pbsspacetime Facebook: http://ift.tt/1BNAD8I Email us! pbsspacetime [at] gmail [dot] com Comment on Reddit: http://ift.tt/1Ff3vEI Help translate our videos! https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c=UC7_gcs09iThXybpVgjHZ_7g In this episode we dive deeper into the relationship between space and time and explore how we can geometrically map the causality of the universe and increase our understanding of how time and distance relate to one another. Important Reference Episodes: The Speed of Light is not about Light (1:16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msVuCEs8Ydo Can You Trust Your Eyes in Space Time? (1:16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4rW_pPbD-U Previous Episode: Why Quasars are so Awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TZEp_n3eIc&t=63s Written and hosted by Matt O’Dowd Produced by Rusty Ward Graphics by Grayson Blackmon Made by Kornhaber Brown (http://ift.tt/nSIozt) Comments Answered by Matt: Michael Lloyd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q7EvLhOK08&lc=z135yvabnnr2t1cfv22azxuyiwmux5xai04 Jose Hernandez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q7EvLhOK08&lc=z13zzv5wmvrhe5hpn04chzwbnoznthg4j1w Joan Eunice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TZEp_n3eIc&lc=z13ncrdwnpj0wfplk23exlqwqnauvkpc Mike Cammiso https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TZEp_n3eIc&lc=z13fxdlopsylwh5f122rh3oycpyxjr1pn04 Bikram Sao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TZEp_n3eIc&lc=z12uytbouwb0t3pym04cg3szjmqyeffzvlo0k Cinestar Productions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TZEp_n3eIc&lc=z121zlv51n3ls5m5b04cjpjwcpavu5xok3s Special thanks to our Patreon Big Bang, Quasar and Hypernova Supporters: Big Bang Henry Van Styn David Nicklas Quasar Jelle Slaets Tambe Barsbay Joel Brinton Luna IT Solutions Hypernova Joe Chuck Zegar Craig Peterson Jordan Young Ratfeast John Hofmann Thanks to our Patreon Gamma Ray Burst Supporters: Bernardo Higuera Erik Stein Daniel Lyons Avan & Kyan Griggs Bernardo Higuera Jade Bilkey Kevin Warne JJ Bagnell J Rejc Michael Fischer Dylan Merida Amy Jie Anthony Caridi Avi Goldfinger Corey Smeaton John Pettit Shannan Catalano Florian Stinglmayr Yubo Du Benoit Pagé-Guitard Ronny Polonia Nathan Leniz Jessica Fraley Kirk Mathews Loro Lukic Carl P. Corliss Brandon labonte David Crane Greg Weiss Eric Jackson Will and Sonja Marple
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time-glory-mix-child · 8 years ago
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mix #6 // some of my favourite songs I heard for the first time in 2016
45′ 25″
01/01/2017. 3:18 PM.
Great Expectations // The Gaslight Anthem (2008)
Burn After Writing // The Menzingers (2012)
January 10th, 2014 // The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die (2015)
Rattlesnakes // Lonely the Brave (2016)
A Sunday // Jimmy Eat World (1999)
Something // Julien Baker (2015)
Celapram // Horrorshow (2008)
Softer Spoken // Touché Amoré (2016)
Cosmic Love // Florence + the Machine (2009)
Strobe Life // The Bronx (2004)
Queensberry Rules // Gallows (2009)
Cul-de-sac // The Wonder Years (2013)
Two playlists in the same day??? Crazy. But yes. It’s happening. 2016 was a good year for music just in terms of 2016 releases. However. It was even better for me finding all sorts of albums from previous years. And I wanted to make a playlist dedicated to them. And I wanted to talk a bit about each song too. Because... I don’t really know. Because if it weren’t for music, 2016 would have broken me probably. And like yeah. I just wanted to shoutout some songs / albums from previous years that I discovered in 2016, that people may or may not have heard, and that were realistically some of my favourite listens of the year.
So, Great Expectations by The Gaslight Anthem. Great song. Love the reference to a Dickens’ novel I’ve been about halfway through since sometime in 2015... one day I’ll finish it. And that line about Fallon sitting by his bedside reading papers and poetry about Estella (who is a character in aforementioned novel)--I really like that line. Idk why. Maybe because it’s absolutely me. Or something like that. Who knows fam. Funny thing about this song though; song number eight should’ve been I’da Called You Woody, Joe, and song number one was Flowers & You. But for some stupid fuckin reason, they don’t have Sink or Swim on Spotify. And I wasn’t just gonna leave them out, so I swapped the positions of Touché and Gaslight. Thankfully, both still killer tunes.
Number two is Burn After Writing, by The Menzingers. The fucking Menzingers, as Jack and Alex would say (hey who remembers Jalex? anyone still ship Jalex? this guy does both!). Anyway. This song. I actually legit fell in love with it while skating, as I’ve been doing that a lot over the past couple weeks. Went again last night. Almost landed my first ollie yo!!! And by almost I mean it wasn’t even close, but ya know. Anyway, yeah couple weeks ago I was skating around the area in my estate that’s currently being developed. There’s a nice big roundabout there and I just skate around the top of it because it is new and smooth and cars don’t go on top of the roundabout. And I had my small shitty $10 sony earphones in (always gotta have a pair of them. always). And this song came on and that guitar riff hit in the chorus and I’m like yoooooooooooo fav. Right now fav. I don’t give a fuck. This is amazing. And the chorus is actually great--most of the lyrics in this song are. But that whole you cut my hair / you left red ink everywhere / do my hands tell a story / is it boring / is like, that’s like, on some legit writer insecurities / welcome to the real world bitch, level shit. And I love it. But also the fact that it was like, super fast and I had the wind blowing through my hair as I was doing laps around the roundabout on the board. That definitely made the moment a bit more--how do I put this--a bit more I’M THE BIGGEST LOSER IN THE WORLD HELL YEAH!!!!!!!
Song three; January 10th, 2014, by The World is a B E A utiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die. Yeah nothing really special about the discovery of this one other than that my sister had somehow been listening to this album for a year before I even checked it out (despite me being a fan of the band). I was kinda just sitting on the couch, listening to music, while playing Alan Wake a couple weeks ago, and this song played and I was like yoooooooooooooooooooo. And then that whole how great that someone’s doing what many of us should have done line hit with the really post rock guitar noise and I just fuckin melted fam. And then I stepped back out into the train yard in after turning off the power in Alan Wake and the darkness came and possessed every object (portions of the train track; those huge spools of wire; disconnected carriages; etc) in that train yard and I proceeded to die. Over and over again as I had no flashlight batteries. And that’s how I fell in love with this song and rage quit Alan Wake at the same time.
Rattlesnakes is next. Y’all know my feels on this album / band / song, if you read the my albums of the year list. One of the best guitar songs all year. Some of my favourite hella obscure and symbolic lyrics of the year. Lonely the brave are one of the best bands out. I’m glad Black Mire was the first single released off the album, but this was definitely the standout single for me. It’s just so fucking huge and I fucking love it and I don’t remember the first time I heard it. Probably (read: most likely) sat on my ass in Brisbane after my day at uni, browsing twitter when it was announced.
Song five; A Sunday. Very sparkle. Much twinkle. Wow. Love it. I believe I had this album to my spotify in the second half of the year, and I may or may not have been walking home from Roma St, and it played on shuffle, and I was like, as with every other song in this playlist, yoo-- kidding. But I was definitely like hey this is pretty rad man. In my head. Not like... out loud. Never out loud. Especially in public (despite the fact that I got caught singing out loud every other day walking to the train station this year... look I can’t help it. it is a problem). But yeah, Jimmy Eat World as I’ve mentioned before; only song I actually knew by them was The Middle, as I feel like that’s the only song that ever got any attention over here in Aus. And I just kinda slept on them for a little bit, but a couple months ago was finally like, yo fuck it, time to binge on Jimmy Eat World’s discog. And I did Clarity, Bleed American, and Static (which are definitely the three) but also did Chase This Light and Damage, which are less good but still pretty good tbh. But it was between A Sunday and For Me This is Heaven as they both had 76 plays each, but then Strobe Life came in with 80 plays and I wasn’t going to do all-encompassed 2016 playlist without anything from The Bronx (I) in it.
And Julien Baker too. Didn’t think I’d listened to her album / EP / whatever as much as I did. But 63 plays don’t lie fam. Like I really fuckin love it don’t get me wrong. Just was surprising seeing this song had 63 plays. And for as much as love Sprained Ankle, I feel like I haven’t really talked about it at all. So yes, Julien Baker’s music is fucking amazing. She’s one of the only, of those kinds of artists I really legitimately enjoy. The whole singer/songwriter, just a woman and her guitar. I feel like a lot of them, no offence or anything, are just hella fuckin MMMMMEH. Especially the hella radio friendly / indie festival crowd / these people all sound the same ones. Baker’s way way far above every other person who plays that music, female, male, or non gender conforming.
Seven is Celapram by Aussie rapper Horrorshow. Fuckin intense pessimistic depressing lyrics. I love it. Got this album (The Grey Space) for $1 at the huge huge huge-ass Lifeline *book* sale in Brisbane. Now that’s a steal fam. But this song in particular hit me in the face on the train back home to Bundaberg a couple days after that.
Song eight. Of course there’s another Touché song in here. Why wouldn’t there be. Best album of the year. This song is also one of the best guitar songs of the year. From halfway in, till the end that guitar line just never fails to kill me dead.
Song nine is a Florence + the Machine song. Crazy. But not really. I actually got the deluxe edition of her latest album for like, $4 as it was in the clearance bin at a JB Hifi in Brisbane, and I’m like, yeah whatever sure why not, I do like that Ship to Wreck song. And that was when I was in Brisbane for that period of three days in june. When my cousin drove my back down there to go talk to the uni people about extensions, special consideration and all that due to how much I wasn’t able to be in Brisbane around that time. That’s the most like, on top of things I’ve ever been in my life yo. I only needed the one day of that three day stint to get all my uni shit together. So then I got this album on the second day of that three-day stint. And literally the day after I went back up to Bundaberg with Dad and Uncle Matt and my younger brother who had to come to Brisbane for the day as my brother had to get his mouth fixed at the Children’s Hospital. And nobody had any music so we listened to How Big, How Bluem How Beautiful the whole four hour drive home. And as doped up as my brother was (like, he was so out of it he walked right into two walls on the way out of the hospital, so we had to like, guide him out), he was still able to manage a “HA GHEY!” towards the album. But this (Lungs) is a better album, in my opinion. And Cosmic Love is my favourite song on that album. And I only got Lungs because Uncle Matt said it has Florence’s best song (Rabbit Heart) on it. But Cosmic Love is my favourite.
Then there’s The Bronx. A Not Metal Pod album recommendation. There’s been a lot of those this year, and if you like alternative (real alternative, not 1975 / Halsey / 21 Pilots alternative), punk, hardcore, metal, rock, any of those genres, you need to listen to that podcast. If you listened to the old Metal Hammer Podcast, you need to listen to this. Stephen Hill and Terry Bezer are the hosts. And it’s so great to listen to two people get as excited about music as I do. Love it. But yeah The Bronx I, I bought because they talked about it being amazing on that podcast. And it is a phenomenal album. And Strobe Life is such a fuckin closer. Even if you��re not into punk or hardcore, I think you’d still like Strobe Life. It’s very very melodic. And that peak when it hits like IT’S TIME TO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE UP / I’VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR FAR TOO LONG is like, good god yes.
Second last track here is a slamming hardcore punk song about how fucked Great Britain is, from a fucking intense hardcore punk album about how fucked Great Britain is, that was released in 2009. I fell in love with it on a bus home from uni after my Japanese class. All you really need to know about it is the union jack has bled away / it’s back and white and it’s fucking grey and that is absolutely my kind of thing. If it sounds like your thing too, well, you know what to do.
And finally, The Wonder Years. Oh The Wonder Years. Oh I love this band so much. So so much. I fell hard in love with The Wonder Years this year. How you ask? Well. Last year there was a Let’s Play the Achievement Hunter guys did with Dan from The Wonder Years. And I didn’t watch it till this year and Dan struck me so much as a person, that I was like yo I need to listen to his band. And then like, a week after I watched that Let’s Play they talked about No Closer to Heaven on the Not Metal Pod and said there was a song with Jason from letlive. on it and that it was one of the best appearances ever. Or maybe they weren’t that gushing. But they definitely spoke very highly of it. And I went back and listened to the podcast episode where they reviewed that whole album and the “yeeeeeees” that Beez screamed when Hill said he loved the album was the most genuine like “OH MY GOD HELL FUCKIN YEAH I’M SO HAPPY RN" thing I’ve ever heard. And anyway, eventually, towards the end of the year (after scouring Brisbane city for their albums and being able to get everything physical but TGG, I caved and got it on bandcamp) I heard The Greatest Generation. And my god. My. Fucking. Lordy. Lord. I think I said on twitter that the first seven songs were total five star, perfect, I-know-every-single-word-to-all-of-these-songs-and-I’ve-only-had-the-album-for-two-days... songs. I would like to amend that statement. The first 13 songs are all those kinds of songs. This is a perfect perfect perfect album. And I decided to choose what Wonder Years song to put on this last, because honestly it was always just going to fill the gap where there was one song missing on the playlist. And that gap happened to be song 12. Cul-de-sac. Perfect song.
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