jocprj-blog · 5 years
Design, Development and Formulation of Antiacne Dermatological Gel
In the present study, Adapalene gels were prepared using CMC Na, HPMC, HPC, Carbomer and combinations of cellulose derivatives; as base and PluronicPE-6200 as penetration enhancer for the treatment of Acne. The gels were evaluated for drug content, viscosity determination, in vitro permeation (Nylone-66) and stability studies. The drug content of the gels was found to range from 98-105.7 %. The viscosity of the gels ranged between 7100-83144 cps. . In-vitro diffusion profile of Adapalene gel (optimized formula F-22) obtained in ethanol with water (80:20) indicate that 40.33% drug release found within 6 hrs. while 35.22% of marketed preparation. Although the difference is insignificant, the percentage release of drug was found to increase in the following order of the polymer composition: Carbopol-980> Carbopol-940> Carbopol-934> HPC > SODIUM CMC> HPC+SODIUM CMC > METHYL CELLULOSE > HPMC > HPC+HPMC. Further the formulation F-22 was found to be stable at accelerated stability condition with respect to percent drug content, release characteristics, pH, transparency, feel and viscosity.
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/design-development-and-formulation-of-antiacne-dermatological-gel.pdf
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Mercury induced complementary effects of chromosome stickinessand impairs meiosis
Chromosome stickiness was reported in several plant species and is characterized by sticky clumps of chromatin resulting in sterility. In the present study, sticky behaviour induced by different concentration 10 ppm, 40 ppm, and 80 ppm of mercury on Tritium aestivum. In the meiocytes clumped chromosome masses that did not orient themselves to equatorial plate cause unequal chromosomal distribution were observed. Chromosome form sticky clumps fail to separate at anaphase I and II leads to disturbed cytokinesis. Stickiness found in every stage of meiotic cycle during study following asynchronous division, Chromosome bridges of different thickness were also observed in different stages of meiosis. Regards and precocious movements were also prevalent in the study. Moderate amount of pollen sterility reported in the study. This finding can be helpful in a breeding program.
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jocprj-blog · 5 years
Indian traditional herbs Adhatoda vasica and its Medicinal application
Vasaka is a well-known herb in indigenous systems of medicine for its beneficial effects, particularly in bronchitis.Vasaka leaves, bark, the root bark, the fruit and flowers are useful in the removal of intestinal parasites. Vasaka herb is used for treating cold, cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. The decoction of its root and bark in doses of 30 grams twice or thrice a day for 3 days can be given for this purpose. The juice of its fresh leaves can also be used in doses of a teaspoon thrice a day for days. In acute stages of bronchitis, vasaka gives unfailing relief, especially where the sputum is thick and sticky. It liquefies the sputum so that it is brought up more easily. For relief in asthma, the dried leaves should be smoked. In Ayurveda, a preparation made from vasaka flowers, known as gulkand is used to treat tuberculosis. The juice from its leaves should be given in doses of 2 to 4 grams in treating diarrhea and dysentery.A few fresh petals of vasaka flowers should be bruised and put in a pot of china clay. Some sugar crystals are added and the jar kept in the sun. It should be stirred every morning and evening. The preserve is ready for use in about a month. A poultice of its leaves can be applied with beneficial results over fresh wounds, rheumatic joints and inflammatory swellings. A warm decoction of its leaves is useful in treating scabies and other skin diseases. In olden times its leaves were made into a decoction with pepper and dried ginger. But the modern medicine searched its active ingradients and found out that vasicine,oxyvascicine and vasicinone are the alkaloids present in vasaka and in which vasicine is the active ingradient for expelling sputum from the body.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/indian-traditional-herbs-adhatoda-vasica-and-its-medicinal-application.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 5 years
Aloe vera : A Potential Herb and its Medicinal Importance
Aloe vera contains numerous vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and agents which may be anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. The combination and balance of the plant's ingredients are what purportedly gives it its healing properties. The part of the Aloe vera which is used are the leaves. The Aloe is an Emollient, Purgative and Vulnerary. It is also used for its antibacterial, anesthetic and antiseptic properties, and is good to use as a tool for restoration of tissue. It is most commonly used on burns and minor cuts, especially good for sunburns, although it is being used for the treatment of skin cancer. Aloe is very useful on rashes caused by Poison Ivy, and it may help to draw out infection. It may help with Vaginal Yeast Infections, although this is not solid at this time. Aloe be made into a warm tea, made from the juice as a wash for eyes. The washing of eyes with Aloe may protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays from the sun. It can be used as a purgative. Aloe is also an extremely powerful laxative, and it is not recommended that it is taken internally. It is recommended that the fresh juice from the plant is used, and not the store bought juice within other products or on its own. The reason for this is that the medicinal use of the plant diminishes with time, and there is much questioning about whether or not you can receive benefits from the store bought aloe, even if the product has been filled with preservatives. It gives a healthy and supple look to the skin by reducing wrinkles, curing acne, rejuvenating and giving it a youthful glow.
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Football best shooting area and goal ration correlation research based on multivariate statistical model
With continuously development of human society science and technology, human race sports culture is also constantly improving. And football such a movement deep roots in history is also flourishing, which gradually drives national economic and culture as well as other fields moving forward. China as a large country of 1.3 billion population, its politics, economics, culture and society as well as other aspects get rapidly development since open and reform; China furthermore becomes a powerful sports country in sports field, and it has achieved excellent results of ranking gold medal standings first in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games, however China’s men football cannot recover after a setback since 1985.In order to fast improve China football technical level, this paper establishes best shooting area model, applying two dimensional normal distribution and geometrical analysis as well as other methods to define shooting position, and analyzes previous world cups goal data by mathematical statistics analysis, test model precise so as to define players’ best shooting area. Combine with these data, players can take targeted training.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/football-best-shooting-area-and-goal-ration-correlation-research-based-on-multivariate-statistical-model.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Synthesis of deuterium labelled chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and their metabolites
The popularity of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for malaria treatment in many Third World countries emanates from it being cheap, widely available, relatively well tolerated, and having a rapid onset of action [1-4]. Besides being active against malaria, they are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis [5-6] and cutaneous lupus erythematosus (LE) and rashes associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) . They are also used in some photosensitivity disorders and occasionally in other inflammatory skin conditions [9-10]. In addition, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are two inexpensive agents that have been shown to achieve some level of anti-HIV activity. Metabolism studies revealed that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are mainly metabolized to the still active metabolite desethylchloroquine and desethylhydroxychloroquine respectively firstly and then convert to the same metabolite bisdesethylchloroquine. Although 3H&14C chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have been prepared for pharmacological studies, the synthesis of their stable labeled internal standard has not been described in details. In this paper, the synthetic route to [2H4] chloroquine, [ 2H5] hydroxychloroquine and their metabolites were described in detail.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/synthesis-of-deuterium-labelled-chloroquine-hydroxychloroquine-and-their-metabolites.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Study on the agricultural economic efficiency evaluation based on DEA
On the basis of evaluation index system about the efficiency of agricultural circular economy,this paper quantitatively evaluates the efficiency of agricultural circular economy in 11 districts and cities of HeNan Province by DEA analysis.This paper shows the efficiency of agricultural circular economy has obvious differences in HeNan Province.Therefore,improving the efficiency of agricultural circular economy should adapt different measure according to local conditions, increase agricultural scientific and technological input and improve the quality of workers.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/study-on-the-agricultural-economic-efficiency-evaluation-based-on-dea.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Design and synthesis of imidazolylmethyl substituted fluorobenzimidazoles for antitubercular and antifungal activity
A series of novel 2-((1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl)-5-fluoro-6-(substituted/unsubstituted)-1H-benzo[d]imidazoles were prepared by condensation of the dihydrochloride salts of the appropriate 1,2-phenylene diamines with 1-(cyano methyl) imidazole and screened for antitubercular activity against H37RV strain and antifungal activity against Candida species. To examine the influence of imidazole and phenyl ether moiety on the activity chlorine substituted fluoro benzimidazole (8a) was synthesized. The newly synthesized compounds were characterized by I.R, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, Mass and elemental analysis. The most active derivatives of the present series were the imidazole substituted fluoro benzimidazole and the para chloro phenyl ether analog indicating the importance of a halogenated phenyl ether nucleus and the azole moiety at the 6th position. The results suggest that these two molecules are potential candidates for further development as antitubercular and antifungal agents.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/design-and-synthesis-of-imidazolylmethyl-substituted-fluorobenzimidazoles-for-antitubercular-and-antifungal-activity.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
In vitro anti-leishmanial activity of Onosma stenosiphon extract against
The clinical appearances of human Leishmaniases implicate a wide spectrum of simple cutaneous self-healing (Cutaneous Leishmaniasis) to a visceral (Visceral Leishmaniasis) disease where the parasites are outbreak into the reticuloendothelial system with a fatal outcome. It is wide range, worldwide, without drug, vaccine, secticide and has not sterile immunity and Efforts in this field has not been successful. Research on efficacy of medicinal plants, is including the research infrastructure. Herbaceous plants tomentose perennial local name Khouchoobe in Kerman and official Zangoolaei Looleh baric and scientific name Onosma stenosiphon "Traditionally in the past as a poultice to treat skin, superficial cuts, wounds and acne has been used . It is disinfectant properties at the site of the wound has been proved. Purpose of this was in vitro antileishmanial activity of Onosma stenosiphon extract against Leishmania major. Sufficient root of Onosma stenosiphon were minced, sterilized and prepared as tropica with concentration of 0.8, 4 and 20 and 100 µg. Leishmania major [MRHO/IR/75/ER] Amastigote was isolated from mice spleens and then transformed to promastigotes in Novy-Nicolle-Mac Neal (NNN) medium , then RPMI1640 and supplemented with penicillin (100 U/ml), streptomycin (100µg/ml) and 20% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS) at 25°C. A fixed initial density of the parasites (both, Logarithmic and Stationary phases) was transferred to screwcapped vials containing 5 ml of RPMI1640 media to which different concentrations of 0.8, 4, 20 and 100 µg OSE were added and each concentration was done in triplicates. Each run also included control. The mortality of parasitoids was measured by the enzyme-linked assay (ELISA) methods. The percentage viability of OSE and stationary and logarithmic phases of Leishmania major [MRHO/IR/75/ER] showed that viability of parasites in PMs significantly decreased in NSE 0.8, 4, 20 and 100 µg treatment compare to control group.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/in-vitro-antileishmanial-activity-of-onosma-stenosiphon-extract-against.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Solid-state chemical synthesis and structural attribute of nanocrystalline succinate cerium
Under the conditions of the presence of surfactants and ultrasonication, the use of different cerium salt, respectively, with succinate under solid state chemistry reactions, the synthesis of nano rare earth metal complexes of succinate cerium crystals was formed. The solid phase was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron diffraction (ED). The particle size, its distribution, and morphology of the prepared nanocrystallite were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that particle sizes are relatively uniform, the morphology of the crystal is spherical, the average particle diameter is about 40 nm, and the yield rate is approximately 92.0%. Furthermore, during the synthesis, the solid-state reaction conditions including raw materials, matching proportion of reactants, additions of inert substance, addition of trace solvents, surfactants and porphyrization time, etc, all have some influence on the morphology, particle size and size distribution of the final products. During the synthesis of the cerium succinate nanocrystallites, the solid state reaction conditions such as changing reactant, matching proportion of reactant, adding inert substance, joining a little solvent or surface active solvent and grinding at different times may influence morphology, particle size and the size distribution of final products.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/solidstate-chemical-synthesis-and-structural-attribute-of-nanocrystalline-succinate-cerium.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Volleyball pass technique teaching effect influence factors SPSS difference test based on AHP
This paper according to volleyball pass success rate affected experimental data, firstly establishes statistics model to research on present influence factors, finds out key factors, and by statistics of volleyball favorable and unfavorable audience and investigating on them, finds out main factors that restrict volleyball development. Then through analytic hierarchy process, analyze affect volleyball pass technique four main elements that are finger flexibility and wrist elastic force, pass teaching method, objective setting, volleyball types, finds out that affect volleyball pass hit rate uppermost factors, and make corresponding suggestions on improving volleyball pass technique.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Research on hydration mechanism of slag composite cementitious material mixed with NaCl
The main purpose of this article is to replace NaOH with NaCl as slag hydration activator, and preliminarily study the hydration mechanism. By strength test, EDS and XRD analysis, we studied the hydration products of slag composite cementitious material mixed with NaCl. The strength test results showed that the N-SM agent’s strength can reach 32.5 P•S standard. The EDS test results proved that the Cl- in NaCl reacted with the slag composite cementitious material and generated crystal of 3CaO•Al2O3•(0.5CaCl2•0.5CaSO4)•12H2O. At the same time, the Na+ generated NaOH and provided better alkaline environment to hydration of slag. The XRD test results proved that the slag generated zeolite mineral 0.8CaO•0.2Na2O•Al2O3 and C-S-H gel (Ca/Si=2) under alkaline environment.  
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/research-on-hydration-mechanism-of-slag-composite-cementitious-material-mixed-with-nacl.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Cell proliferation activities in vitro model of Thai mimosaceous extracts
The proliferation and inhibition (anti-proliferation) of human white blood cells in vitro model from 21 Thai mimosaceous extracts were investigated. The results showed that plant extracts of Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. branch, Adenanthera pavonina L. leaves, Cathormion umbellatum (Vahl) Kosterm. leaves, Albizia lebbeckoides (DC.) Benth. bark, Albizia lebbeckoides (DC.) Benth. branch and Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd. branch stimulated white blood cell proliferation at 50.88, 40.10, 34.34, 30.83, 24.81 and 24.81 percent respectively, while plant extracts of Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. bark, Entada rheedii Spreng. pericarp, Acacia farnesana (Linn.) Welld. Twig, Parkia speciosa Hassk. pericarp and Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd. leaves inhibited white blood cell proliferation at 24.56, 20.05, 17.67, 17.17 and 14.54 percents respectively at concentration 25 µg/ml. This study found that tannin contamination which was found in all plant extracts had cell proliferation activity 14.79% at concentration 25 µg/ml. However, there was no correlation between cell proliferation activity and tannin concentration in plant extracts. These findings suggest that tannin may interfere the cell proliferation activity in plant extracts and should be considered for future study in vivo model test of their activities.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details to visit @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/cell-proliferation-activities-in-vitro-model-of-thai-mimosaceous-extracts.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Phytochemical and biological study of Albizia lebbeck stem bark
Bioassay guided phytochemical investigation of petroleum ether, chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions obtained from biologically active total alcoholic extract of stem bark of Albizia lebbeck L. Benth led to isolation of nine known compounds including lupenone (1), freidelin (2), lupeol (3), sapiol (4), mixture of β-sitosterol & stigmasterol (5), β sitosterol- 3-O-glucoside & stigmasterol -3-O-glucoside mixture (6), stigmasterol -3-O-glucoside (7), luteolin (8) and rutin (9). Their structures were established on the basis of spectroscopic methods including UV, MS, IR, 1H & 13C NMR, 1H 1H COSY and through comparison with published data and authentics. Compounds 6-8 were isolated for the first time from A. lebbeck. Qualitative estimation of the phenolic and flavonoidal contents of different extracts showed that the plant is rich in phenolic and flavonoidal contents. The major phenolic and flavonoid compounds were detected in ethyl acetate fraction and identified as e-vanillic acid (15079.44 ppm), luteolin (6024.92 ppm) and quercetrin (3120.15 ppm) respectively. GLC/MS analysis of unsaponifiable matter of A. lebbeck, revealed nineteen compounds constituting 55.8% of the total unsaponifiable matter were identified. In addition the GLC analysis of fatty acid methyl esters revealed the presence of 13 fatty acids, ten of which were identified and constitute 91.44 %. Moreover the different A. Lebbeck stem bark extracts showed variable promising strengths in anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details to visit @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/phytochemical-and-biological-study-of-albizia-lebbeck-stem-bark.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Regulation of ACT expression by VPS41 in response to nitrogen starvation in Cryptococcus neoformans
Cryptococcus neoformans is an important opportunistic human fungal pathogen infecting immunocompromised patients and commonly causes life-threatening cryptococcal meningitis. Previous studies have shown that the VPS41 gene plays an essential role in the starvation response, macrophage survival and pathogenicity of C. neoformans. Here we present evidence that expression of an acetyltransferase encoding gene (ACT) under nitrogen starvation conditions was stimulated by VPS41. The transcript level of ACT in the VPS41 deletion mutant vps41∆ was decreased 2.5-fold compared with that in the wild type H99, while reintroduction of the functional VPS41 gene into the vps41∆ cells drastically increased ACT expression. Moreover, constitutive expression of ACT in mutant vps41∆ resulted in greatly improved survival of recombinant strain vps41∆::ACT under nitrogen deprivation conditions. The above observations strongly suggest that one function of VPS41 in the starvation signaling pathway is to promote ACT expression in response to nitrogen starvation. Better Understanding of the mechanism of the VPS41-mediated starvation response pathway could reveal novel drug targets for designing effective therapy for treating C. neoformans infection.
For more details to visit @ http://www.jocpr.com/
Further details @   http://www.jocpr.com/articles/regulation-of-act-expression-by-vps41-in-response-to-nitrogen-starvation-in-cryptococcus-neoformans.pdf
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jocprj-blog · 6 years
Based on the effects of retarding growth model factors of shot put technique development
In shot training and competition process, shot throwing distance is a problem of crucial importance. This paper analyzes shot movement process as well as shot movement data by Newton Kinematics and blockage growth model. According to shot movement process different statuses, divide it into hand push process and air flight process the two stages. Control throwing speed enough large, it needs to improve accelerate speed in accelerated process; When throwing shot, ball throwing direction and horizontal direction included angle should keep around 45 degree. Through statistics Olympic Games shot performance data from 1896 to 2004, use Matlab draw out performance general direction, get conclusions that Olympic Games shot event performance growth situation has an analogy of blockage growth model, therefore adopt blockage model to predict Olympic Games shot event performance. Through searching 5 years’ summer Olympic Games champions performance from 1952 to 1968, make prediction of previous Olympic Games shot performance, and true value get more close to predict value with smaller errors. Finally, this paper proposes relative reasonable suggestions on how to let shot putter gets good results in competition by establishing above model.
Further details @ http://www.jocpr.com/
For more details @ http://www.jocpr.com/articles/based-on-the-effects-of-retarding-growth-model-factors-of-shot-put-technique-development.pdf
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