#jocelyn fray icons
blacksea-bitch · 2 years
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perfectly-b · 7 years
“Oh great, Clary's safe, we can all go home now. ”
Literally my favorite line of Magnus ever
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aneurins · 3 years
by clicking on the SOURCE LINK below you will be redirected to a gif pack server where you can access  #82 gifs  ( 268px x 150px )  of the beautiful actress LENA HEADEY in her role as JOCELYN FRAY in the movie THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES (2013). she’s of IRISH descent, and she’s forty seven but was around thirty nine when filming if that helps at all !   they were all made by scratch by me.  please LIKE OR REBLOG this post if you find these helpful. i’d rather if you did not include them in other gif hunts, but you can edit into gif icons and crackships if you’d like to. credit isn’t necessary but appreciated ! please do not use to play the celebrity themselves.
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flyingupward · 4 years
;; muses i’m gonna be adding to this blog ( two were on other blogs and one is new ) as soon as i can get icons done: persephone ( mythology ), jocelyn fray ( the shadowhunter chronicles ), emma whitmore ( timeless )
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Rewatch 106: Of Men and Angels
Not a lot of action in this episode aside from the blue flashbacks, but it is still a good one. The focus is on the family dynamics and I dig it. 
lol Magnus asks what happened to Luke and neither Simon nor Clary gives him the right answer. Luke challenged the alpha. He wasn’t “attacked” and we can see that he needs a warlock’s healing magic. Good thing Magnus arrives at the right conclusion on his own.
I don’t understand if Luke’s hallucination is a figment of his imagination or if it is a magical link to Jocelyn. All I got was that they are dressed as their younger Circle Member selves.
Act One
Sure, the Seelies want to be on the winning side, but this argument doesn’t work when the “winning side” wants them all dead. Also, Maryse was such a bitch.
Clary feeling guilty for doubting Luke is a great moment. So is Magnus hijacking Luke’s healing process to ask for Alec to come and see him. Smooth.
Alec thinks Maryse is on edge, Izzy thinks she’s acting as she usually does. We know Maryse is worried because the Lightwoods might lose the Institute. Supposedly, Alec is right but it’s interesting that Izzy doesn’t perceive a difference in treatment: it speaks a lot to her relationship with Maryse. Same thing with how Robert is affectionate with Izzy but goes straight to business with Alec. These parents clearly have favorites.
This suit and shirt make Max look like the rich kid that thinks he’s better than the other kids at the playground. I know kid-actors aren’t usually great, but this is the wrong fit for Max even physically speaking. Emeraude and Matthew look like siblings and they look like they could’ve been Nicola and Paulino’s children. Blonde, round-faced Jack Fulton? Not so much.  
Jace changing “virgin” to “powerful” is hilarious to me.
The issue between Alec and Jace is quite interesting. On one hand, Jace is arguably breaking the rules to do the right thing: he’s helping Clary to get her mother back, he’s interfering in Downworlder business to save Luke’s life. However, Jace has and is able to get away with rogue behavior: in a few episodes we will see Maryse saying that Jace’s methods might be unconventional, but he gets things done. Alec is in a different position. He doesn’t get a pass; in fact, his superiors (who are also his parents) expect and order him to follow the rules. And it is only because Alec follows the rules and bears that responsibility that Jace (and Izzy) get to be the wild younger children. Jace deciding to go rogue is one thing, Alec deciding to go rogue is another.
I really like the uncle/niece dynamic between Magnus and Clary. He praises her a little too much, as previously discussed, but I guess Clary is one of the few people Magnus watched grow up. I’ll resign myself to him doting on her a little.
This macho-dispute between Jace and Simon is making me roll my eyes. You both fancy Clary, get over it. Luke is literally dying, so if you care about her, hurry up and help save Clary’s father-figure.
Simon pseudo-defends Alec while arguing with Jace and that makes me wonder how a friendship between Simon and Alec could’ve been had they bonded even a little in the last episode. That said, Jace freaks out again when Simons rubs salt on the wound: Jace and Alec’s friendship is strained and Jace loses it.
Act Two
I still love this scene between Alec and Maryse so much.
Honestly, the whole dynamic between Magnus and Clary is great. But the still “Bring it, Warlock” ruins it. Clary is about to learn how her beloved mother was a founding member of a blood supremacy group that preyed on warlocks like Magnus. Had Clary realize how racist she sounded and apologized by the end of the explanation, it would’ve been one thing. As is, the line is as tone-deaf as they come.
Kat looks nothing like the actress playing young Jocelyn. That’s a casting mistake because people literally take Clary for Jocelyn when they first see her. They should’ve chosen an actress that resembled Kat or let Kat herself play the part.
And now we get a parallel scene with Izzy and Robert. I dig the Lightwood family so freaking much.
The Clave is doubting the Lightwood command of the New York Institute because of the unauthorized missions Alec sanctioned. Which started after the Clave’s orders to keep Clary in the Institute back in 102. Let’s count those rogue missions, shall we? 1. searching for Dot at Pandemonium; 2. going to the City of Bones; 3. attacking the DuMort; 4. (arguably) meeting with Magnus Bane; 5. searching for J.C.’s box at the Fray’s loft. That’s about five missions (the Magnus Bane one might have been authorized since Hodge knew about it) that Alec sanctioned without the Clave’s approval in the span of about four days. No wonder the Lightwoods are losing the command of the Institute.
Act Three
Okay, Magnus. Sure, if it wasn’t for Jocelyn and Luke, Valentine would’ve taken the Mortal Cup. But if it wasn’t for them, the Circle wouldn’t exist either. One thing doesn’t cancel the other. They have Downworlder blood in their hands and Clary is right to be upset.
Alec’s motivation to go and help Magnus is reaching his breaking point. He’s about to lose the last thing he had, his private life. At this point, he doesn’t care anymore what the consequences of his disobedience will be. He already lost it all.
Act Four
Sorry for the outburst. Anyway, how convenient are Simon’s hallucinations? Always when he’s alone.
Gay Love saved Luke.
It’s interesting how medieval the Shadowhunter culture is. More interesting still is how Izzy didn’t seem to understand that until now. She behaved like the wild child her whole life without realizing there would be consequences? Unfair consequences, but still. I guess Izzy is smart, but not wise.
Some Alec and Clary bonding. Noice. Another superficial making up for the Parabatais. Not so noice. I wonder why Alec doesn’t tell Jace about his impending marriage. Still, Jace is so emotionally dysfunctional he can’t even bring himself to articulate an apology to Simon for putting a blade to his neck, so the young men in this show aren’t exactly great communicators among themselves.
Maryse is so close to telling Izzy about her past in the Circle. Well, of course, she won’t, but she does tell Izzy about how she was wrong for thinking that she could “change the world by breaking the rules.” Only, Maryse’s rule-breaking meant killing innocents. Izzy’s rule-breaking means self-expression and sexual autonomy. There is an important distinction to be made there.
Wait. Is Luke implying that experimenting with Downworlder blood is what turned Valentine into a monster?
Act Five
Oh, yes. It’s the blood injections that made Valentine mad. Not his ideologies, not his jealousy, not his twisted principles. The Downworlder blood. This is bullshit.
I want to point out that Luke (and presumably Jocelyn) were still going on rogue missions to kill Downworlders with Valentine up until when Valentine set Luke up and left him to die. It’s important to me to point this out.
Act Six
While Izzy represses herself into the box her mother wants her in, Alec has that drink he postponed with Magnus. I dig this parallel a lot.
At the risk of losing my Malec card: Magnus’ iconic “you’ve unlocked something in me” line comes out of nowhere. He saw Alec twice: one time for a second or two, and another when they exchanged a few sentences and then Magnus proceeded to hit on Alec hard to little-to-none reaction from Alec. Then they talked on the phone. At this point, Magnus could, at most, feel attracted to Alec. Saying that Alec’s mere presence made Magnus think he’s ready for a serious relationship again is a little hard to believe. I prefer the “breakfast” 218 scene where both Alec and Magnus trust each other against their “better” judgment but also don’t want anyone to know they were nice to a shadowhunter/downworlder. There, I said it. Please don’t kick me out of the fandom. I still love them.
Luke is a little bit exalted, isn’t he? Kind of yelling. That’s a weird direction for the character.
Clary’s power of turning things into drawings was inherited from Jocelyn; they are not due to her pure angel blood. I need to remember that.
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cypherdeluxe · 8 years
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Shadowhunters 2x01 icon pack
includes 80 icons
all icons 150x150
dont steal/claim as your own, if using please like/reblog this post
find the 2x02 icon pack here
find these icons and more here
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dyke-yoonji · 8 years
i have written more fanfic in this month than i have in like half of january. Is Salma coming back to fanfic writing? stay tuned you might never know what hit you. Also this post is inspired by this post and this one and  @quitemagicalbane  and @bisexualmbane love for this brot3… actually for the entire heterophobicmalec squad.
set in an timeline in which victor forgot to go catch jace bcause he was too busy admiring himself for being the best good looking clave representitive the Clave ever sent shoutout to the Clave
“I am so glad you are awake, Alec.” said Izzy, the moment Jace let go of his parabatai. She wrapped her arms around her brother for a few seconds, burying her face in his neck. “You scared me to death.”
Alec smiled at her. “I thought you said you were going to kill me.” He reminded her.
“I am working up the anger, you asshole.” Answered his sister, still not letting go of him.
“Well, I have the anger right here.” Stepped in Jace, shaking his head. “What in the hell possessed you to trust Jocelyn? After all she did-” he spared a look at Clary, who was still holding Magnus’ face and not meeting his eyes. “I mean…”
The red haired shrugged, finally looking up. “It’s fine. I am perfectly aware of how much my mother fucked up. I get it.”
“She did what she thought was right.” Told her Magnus, although he didn’t seem particular confident in his words or in favour of Jocelyn in any way himself. “And on that front, I owe Raj an apology.”
Izzy was making faces at him from behind Alec, shaking her head repeatedly, but it was too late. And Magnus had no clue of what she was doing. Alec frowned at him. “Why? What happened to Raj?”
Now, even Jace was making abort mission signs with his hands, but Magnus had honestly no clue of what was going on. “Oh, me and Izzy knocked him unconscious earlier and-”
“YOU DID WHAT.” Ah, here was the Alec they all loved and missed. He was staring at the entire room like it was filled with complete idiots. “What do you mean, you knocked Raj unconscious.”
Magnus frowned. “He threatened to-”
Alec shook his head, interrupting him. “Raj is all talk. You know that Izzy! He would have never done anything he said he was going to do.”
Izzy crossed her arms over her chest. “He was being rude to Magnus! That was uncalled for.”
Alec sniffed. “Raj has been nothing but supportive of me and Magnus since the beginning. He adores you almost more than he tolerates me. Everyday he’s like ‘Did you know Magnus did this? And he did that? I can’t believe you got to kiss him, you have all the luck’.” He rolled his eyes. “And Aline is even worse.”
Jace looked at him in surprise, while Clary stared in confusion. “Aline? Penhallow? You still talk to her?”
Izzy smirked. “Of course he does. Honestly, I’m surprised she didn’t fly over here the day of the wedding.” She glanced at her brother half apologetically. “I heard the phone call.”
Jace turned to explain to Clary. “Alec was best friends with Aline and Raj back when we were in Idris at the Academy. Shadowhunters Academy.”
“Alec had friends?”
The boy glared at her, picking up his phone. “So funny, Fray.” He took a look at his phone and grimaced. “Oh god. Raj told Aline on the groupchat.”
Jace arched his eyesbrows at the words groupchat, but Izzy was quick to snatch the phone away from her brother. “Izzy!” he called, but the girl was on the opposite side of the room, hiding behind Magnus with the phone in her hands.
“Heterophobicmalecfans changed their name to Alec you got some explaining to do.” She looked at her brother. “Heterophobic?”
“Heterophobia is real and alive. Straight people are dangerous.” He gave Clary a look, and the girl rolled her eyes.
“I’m a lesbian.”
Izzy smiled at her. “Nice.” Then she scrolled back to the texts.
GF Raj: Can you believe the High Warlock of Brooklyn spent the entire day in Alec’s room.
GF Aline: wtf raj, he’s unconscious
GF Raj: that doesn’t make him any less good looking. I think its love
GF Aline: I thought aldetree was ur man
GF Raj: I do have my eye on him
GF Aline: how u gon say u love him then
GF Raj: bicc I got two eyes
GF Aline: then admire this,,,, young aldertree
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GF Raj: how do you straight
GF Aline: @alec wouldn’t know
GF Raj: @alec wake up ur boyfriend knocked me out and I wanna say thank you
GF Aline: if he dies I’ll kill him. He still hasn’t signed my copy of the #MalecKissVideo
GF Raj: wtf how did you get it maryse had them all deleted????
GF Aline: Izzy is cool like that, we should add her to the chat
GF Raj: you remember the Jace Dissertation? And the Lucian Graymark Discourse? The Dildo Argument??? Do you think Alec Lightwood, Salt Mine and dick enthusiast would ever let his sister read that
Izzy gave Alec a look. “The Dildo Argument?”
Jace pointed at himself. “You had a dissertation about me?”
“A discourse on my dad?” asked Clary, horrified.
Alec hid his face in his hands, blushing. “Aline found the video Luuke did before becoming a cop? The videos for Old Spice? There was a lot of things we had to discuss about that. Can I have my phone- DON’T YOU DARE SCROLL UP!”
GF Raj: I’d lick whipped cream out of Magnus’ butthole tbh
GF Alec: wtf Raj, that’s my boyfriend
GF Raj: uhm, have you defined the relationship yet? Didn’t think so
GF Alec: I called dibs first
GF Aline: @raj same
GF Alec: if anyone is going to lick cream out of Magnus’ butthole ITS GOING TO BE ME
GF Raj: jfc Alec y u so nasty
GF Aline: always thinking about buttholes and whipped cream
GF Raj: so gay
GF Alec: yall so homophobic
GF Aline: how
GF Alec: cause im gay and youre being rude to me
GF Aline: he kissed Magnus Bane once
GF Raj: and he became gay
GF Raj: WOW Magnus Bane tru icon
GF Alec: remember when aldertree and raj kissed and it broke the shadow world news network- oh wait
GF Aline: lmao drag his ass
GF Raj: remember when Lydia Branwell doesn’t even kno your name tho @aline
GF Aline: this is bullying
GF Alec: not even joking but if on my first date with m I try to-
Izzy dropped the phone so fast Magnus thought it had burned her. Magnus picked it up and read the last sentence before giving him back the phone, to an horrified Alec who was hiding. “If you did what you wrote, let’s just say I would not object.”
Clary was just staring at them mildly interested. “How do you apply to become a member of the chat?”
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parabataiedits · 10 years
(c) @lightwoods (tweet)
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blacksea-bitch · 6 years
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Se gostou ja sabe, da favoritei, reblog, responda. Há mande pedidos, fale pra gente o que ta achando do Canto da Sereia na ask, vamos papear, sou legal juro ! ♥
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Written by Ed Decter | Directed by McG 
Here are my thoughts on the very first episode of Shadowhunters. I think I might keep this format for the following episodes. 
Also, this rewatch will be random and sporadic. So, there’s that. Enjoy!
Jace bumps into Clary – not very professional, Jace: you’re invisible, not intangible. More importantly, though, Clary has the sight!
Clary introduces herself to examiners who are almost as unwelcome to her as the audience is. We learn about her drawing skills and that she sees weird symbols and demons around. Again, Clary has the sight!
Oh, yeah. Dot runs an antique shop. Also, hello there, Mortal Cup.
Are Clary and Maureen friends? Or is Maureen friends with Simon, who is friends with Clary? I need to know to evaluate how gratuitous this exposition conversation about Clary’s family history is.
Clary unintentionally draws an angelic rune. Because Clary has the sight! I cannot stress this enough.
Too bad Jace didn’t notice the angelic rune on the van. That could’ve been interesting. But, guys, Jace says it! Clary has the sight!!
Jace has a rather intimate approach to interrogating a Shax Demon. Weird take, but okay, Ed Decter. I guess Alec is… jealous? Mildly bored? Uncomfortable? I’m uncomfortable.
Why does Izzy refer to Alec as “my” brother and not “our” brother, I’ll never know. She refers to Jace as her “brother in every way” in the next episode, so there’s that.
Great scene where Izzy is forcing Alec’s suspicion to be based on jealousy while Alec corrects her and says it’s caution. We know he won the argument because he got the last word.
First “all the legends are true”!! Immediately followed by “we’re shadowhunters”, which is not a legend, but okay. 
we learn she’s been out for two days when Simon calls. This is important because it will be the longest episode timeline wise in this entire show.
Oh, this is the first time I notice the shadow passing behind Simon at 34:46. Cool.
Clary has been drawing runes without knowing about them because, you got it, Clary has the sight!
Is this “choose your path” scene with Jace and Simon pulling Clary to literal opposite directions a lot on the nose? Yes. Do I like it? Kind of. Also, here is the theme of the episode, kids. Clary’s two conflicting halves pulling her apart. She has to choose one or she’ll break.
That whole teaser is great. A nice and functional introduction to the shadowhunters, the existence of demons, and to the fact that Clary is different than your regular mundane girl. Zero exposition is done by dialogue. Effective and compelling.
Clary and Simon's friendship is the sweetest. 
Luke’s terse response about Jocelyn creates some believability later on when he tells the Circle members he doesn’t care about the Frays. Same thing with Luke’s running out of patience with Jocelyn’s lies to Clary.
The dynamic between Clary and Dot is endearing. I’m buying their affection to one another and Dot being worried about what is waiting for Clary now that Jocelyn finally decided to stop gaslighting her own daughter.
“Mom, we’ve had the Talk. I’m good.” Even in the pilot, Clary is shown to be in charge of her own sexuality. Well done, show.
Good for Magnus for pointing out that erasing Clary’s memories won’t protect her. Also, good for the character of Magnus for going along with it anyway. Let’s hope this exchange between Magnus and Jocelyn gets referenced later on.
The entire re-introduction dynamic between Alec and Izzy, Izzy and Jace, Alec and Jace is absolute gold. It humanizes these three suspicious-looking superpowered people we saw in the teaser. Too bad we don’t get a little reaction from Jace to Alec’s snarky “platinum”. But we do get amazing characterization through their dialogue: Alec doesn’t care for mundanes and is the cynical one, Izzy has something to do with science and is the fun one, Jace doesn’t care about the rules and is the soldier-minded one.
Clary checking out Simon when he’s shirtless is there for a reason and I’ll never stop pointing it out.
Clary is a feminist icon and so she tries to help the “girl’ about to be attacked by the crazy dude with the glowing sword. After that, we get a great fight sequence where we infer that the Lightwoods are expert fighters, Alec and Jace act like Parabatai, Izzy kicks ass, and Clary yells and freaks out like the untrained eighteen-year-old she is.
Valentine mercilessly killing that mouthy Circle Member for insulting Jocelyn both works to establish how dangerous Valentine is and to show that his experiments are crazy.
Clary’ unawareness about Simon’s crush on her would be less annoying if she didn’t use such a flirty tone when praising his intelligence. Same thing with “That’s how I know it’s cool” and “You do not tattoo my neck. That creepy.” Whoever told Kat McNamara to use this pretentious sexy tone of voice was wrong. Clary sounds much better when she’s being sassy instead of flirty.
Honestly, “demonic murders” isn’t subtle at all. But aren’t the demons draining mundane blood artistically inclined? Who’d thought they would leave their dead mundane victims looking like a perfume ad?
No, Maureen. A single mother raising her only daughter by herself isn’t suspicious. It’s 2016, get on with the- Oh, wait. Jocelyn just took out a seraph blade and activated it for no reason at all besides being an act break. This level of needless drama requires a sensible third party. I take it back.
So, why exactly can’t Simon hear Jace? People will hear Clary’s phone ringing in a couple of episodes, so why is Jace’s voice inaudible now?
There is no in-context reason for the Circle Members not to mention Jocelyn’s marriage to Valentine as they try to recruit her back. Other than keeping that information hidden from the viewers, that is. But I guess it’s convenient that they don’t mention that in this private conversation.
Why would Valentine’s base be in Chernobyl? I get that they force warlocks to work for them. But still, why? Because it’s evil?
The focus on the missing biscotti is a little heavy-handed, but it consists mostly in a visual-only plot point, so that’s good. 
It’s curious that Jocelyn introduces the Shadow World to Clary using a stele. That will eventually be Clary’s greatest weapon as a shadowhunter. She even uses it to stab a demon, her greatest move as a shadowhunter.
Simon singing “Forever Young” will always be a good foreshadowing. Also, this is the start of the show’s good use of Alberto’s musical talents.
The Circle Members recognize Jocelyn in Clary. Too bad they didn’t have Kat McNamara playing young-Jocelyn in the flashbacks. Give her some bangs and maybe a different tone of red. Kat can do a very good badass and it would highlight the differences between Clary and her mother at her age.
Clary spills out her MO in the first episode. “I’m not interested in being a part of your supernatural fight club. I just want to find my mom. The rest of it – whatever it is – all that I care about is finding my mother.” The warnings were all there and we missed it.
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