#jobs in gulf for indian
spreejobs · 1 year
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ajosoph · 2 years
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thozhar · 8 months
Gulf migration is not just a major phenomenon in Kerala; north Indian states also see massive migration to the Gulf. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar accounted for the biggest share (30% and 15%) of all Indian workers migrating to GCC1 countries in 2016-17 (Khan 2023)—a trend which continues today. Remittances from the Gulf have brought about significant growth in Bihar’s economy (Khan 2023)—as part of a migrant’s family, I have observed a tangible shift in the quality of life, education, houses, and so on, in Siwan. In Bihar, three districts—Siwan, Gopalganj, and Chapra—send the majority of Gulf migrants from the state, mostly for manual labor (Khan 2023). Bihar also sees internal migration of daily wagers to Delhi, Bombay, and other parts of India. Gulf migration from India’s northern regions, like elsewhere in India, began after the oil boom in the 1970s. Before this time, migration was limited to a few places such as Assam, Calcutta, Bokaro, and Barauni—my own grandfather worked in the Bokaro steel factory.
Despite the role of Gulf migration and internal migration in north Indian regions, we see a representational void in popular culture. Bollywood films on migration largely use rural settings, focussing on people who work in the USA, Europe, or Canada. The narratives centre these migrants’ love for the land and use dialogue such as ‘mitti ki khusbu‘ (fragrance of homeland). Few Bollywood films, like Dor and Silvat, portray internal migration and Gulf migration. While Bollywood films frequently centre diasporic experiences such as Gujaratis in the USA and Punjabis in Canada, they fail in portraying Bihari migrants, be they indentured labourers in the diaspora, daily wagers in Bengal, or Gulf migrants. The regional Bhojpuri film industry fares no better in this regard. ‘A good chunk of the budget is spent on songs since Bhojpuri songs have an even larger viewership that goes beyond the Bhojpuri-speaking public’, notes Ahmed (2022), marking a context where there is little purchase for Gulf migration to be used as a reference to narrate human stories of longing, sacrifice, and family.
One reason for this biased representation of migration is that we see ‘migration’ as a monolith. In academic discourse, too, migration is often depicted as a commonplace phenomenon, but I believe it is crucial to make nuanced distinctions in the usage of the terms ‘migration’ and ‘migrant’. The term ‘migration’ is a broad umbrella term that may oversimplify the diverse experiences within this category. My specific concern is about Gulf migrants, as their migration often occurs under challenging circumstances. For individuals from my region, heading to the Gulf is typically a last resort. This kind of migration leads to many difficulties, especially when it distances migrants from their family for much of their lifetime. The term ‘migration’, therefore, inadequately captures the profound differences between, for instance, migrating to the USA for educational purposes and migrating to the Gulf for labour jobs. Bihar has a rich history of migration, dating back to the era of indentured labor known as girmitiya. Following the abolition of slavery in 1883, colonial powers engaged in the recruitment of laborers for their other colonies through agreements (Jha 2019). Girmitiya distinguishes itself from the migration. People who are going to the Arabian Gulf as blue-collar labourers are also called ‘Gulf migrants’—a term that erases how their conditions are very close to slavery. This is why, as a son who rarely saw his father, I prefer to call myself a ‘victim of migration’ rather than just a ‘part of migration’. It is this sense of victimhood and lack of control over one’s life that I saw missing in Bollywood and Bhojpuri cinema.
— Watching 'Malabari Films' in Bihar: Gulf Migration and Transregional Connections
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notwiselybuttoowell · 11 months
In the past two years Glasgow has become the first UK museum to repatriate objects to India. Newcastle and the Horniman in south London followed an example set by Aberdeen and Cambridge by returning looted Benin bronzes to Nigeria. Exeter handed sacred regalia to the Siksika Nation in Canada. Oxford returned the remains of 18 indigenous people to Australia.
Earlier this month Manchester completed a landmark return of 174 objects to the to the Anindilyakwa community, who live on an archipelago in the Gulf of Carpentaria, off the northern coast of Australia.
The scale of repatriation – or rematriation as it was proudly labelled by a Scottish national museum returning a totem pole to Canada – is unprecedented but missing from all this, campaigners say, are the nation’s London-based national museums who look increasingly isolated.
“Regional museums are so far ahead of national institutions,” said Lewis McNaught, who runs the not-for-profit Returning Heritage project.
“It has been led by Glasgow and it really just remains for national collections to wake up to the trend which is, actually, now global. The UK is really falling behind quite dramatically.”
Dan Hicks, a professor of contemporary archaeology at Oxford University as well as curator at the city’s Pitt Rivers Museum, said repatriation has become part of the “fake culture wars” with some on the right seeing it as “wokery”.
“What that means, sadly, for our national institutions is that they are being forced into a position of inertia and making themselves increasingly irrelevant with every week that goes by and every restitution that we see from the regions and elsewhere around the world.
“Everyone else is getting on with it.”
The big reasons for the two different narratives is that the London-based national museums are hamstrung by legislation.
The British Museum Act 1963 specifically forbids the museum from disposing of its holdings. The National Heritage Act of 1983 prevents trustees of institutions, including the V&A, Science Museum and others, from deaccessioning objects unless they are duplicates or beyond repair.
Regional museums, whether they are run by local authorities, universities or are regimental museums or private, don’t have the same issue.
But the picture is more complicated, said Hicks, and repatriation is also not a new issue or debate.
“There is a deep and long history to restitution in this country. Edinburgh university was returning human remains two generations ago, never mind one generation … there are scores if not hundreds of stories over the past 40 to 50 years.
“It should be part of what museums do. It’s a part of the job.”
Glasgow is seen as a leader in the repatriation conversation since an agreement in 1998 to return a Sioux warrior shirt acquired at the end of the 19th century from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show.
The return of the Lakota Sacred Ghost Dance Shirt to the Wounded Knee Survivors’ Association established criteria that have been widely adopted in the museum sector.
Duncan Dornan, the head of museums and collections at Glasgow Life, said repatriation should be seen as a two way process and recalled the joy at the signing ceremony last year for the repatriation of artefacts to India.
“It was a very emotional event and Glaswegians of Indian heritage were very emotional. Their response was that they were very proud of their city.
“We see repatriation as establishing a relationship of equals and emphasising Glasgow as an outward-looking modern city.
“This is about a 21st-century relationship rather than a historic relationship.”
The recent Manchester Museum return of objects was seen as important because they were not giving back things that had been looted. They were everyday objects, including dolls made from shells, baskets and boomerangs.
“We believe this is the future of museums,” said Esme Ward, the director of Manchester Museum. “This is how we should be.”
Unesco hopes that Manchester will be a model for other museums to follow. Krista Pikkat, Unesco’s director for culture and emergencies, said: “It is a truly historic and moving moment. This is a case we have shared with our member states because we felt it was exemplary in many ways.”
The UK government has no plans to change the law that could then lead to movement in some of the most high-profile repatriation debates such as the Parthenon marbles and the Benin bronzes.
Campaigners say the UK is looking increasingly isolated and there is a growing movement for a change in the law.
Lord Vaizey, a former long-serving Conservative arts minister, has said the 1983 act “makes it almost impossible for UK museums to establish themselves as outward-looking, modern institutions fit for purpose in the 21st century”.
There are ways of getting around it. The V&A announced last year that it was returning the Head of Eros, a life-sized marble carving dating back to the 3rd century AD, to Turkey to be reattached to the famous Sidamara sarcophagus.
It made good a promise made by the British government in 1934 but the return is essentially a long-term loan, not an unconditional return.
Across the world, from the US to France to Germany and the Vatican, countries are repatriating objects. “Almost everywhere you look, items are being returned,” said McNaught.
In July, for example, the Netherlands repatriated nearly 500 looted objects to Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
The objects going to Sri Lanka include the famous and fabulous ruby-inlaid Cannon of Kandy dating from 1745, one of six objects from the Rijkmuseum that represented the very first return of colonial items from the museum’s collection.
The Vatican has also voiced willingness to return indigenous artefacts. “The seventh commandment comes to mind: If you steal something you have to give it back,” Pope Francis said in April.
The London-based national museums are undoubtedly hamstrung by law but that does not stop the regular calls for the return of objects.
Some cases are indisputable, say campaigners.
McNaught pointed to Ethiopian tabots that have been in the British Museum’s stores for more than 150 years.
The wood and stone tabots are altar tablets, considered by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church as the dwelling place of God on Earth and the representation of the Ark of the Covenant.
“They have never been exhibited and they never will,” said McNaught. “They have never been studied. They have never been photographed. The only people who can release these items are trustees and they can’t see them either.
“So if you are a trustee and you say, ‘Let me see what all the fuss is about,’ then you can’t.”
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rockislandadultreads · 9 months
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In Memoriam: Authors We Lost in 2023
Master of Disguises by Charles Simic
In this volume of poetry, Charles Simic shows the height of his poetic powers, as its poems mine the rich strain of inscrutability in ordinary life, until it is hard to know what is innocent and what ominous. The face of a girl carrying a white dress from the cleaners with her eyes half-closed. The Adam & Evie Tanning Salon at night. A sparrow on crutches. A rubber duck in a shooting gallery on a Sunday morning. And someone in a tree swing, too old to be swinging, blowing a toy trumpet at the sky. Simic served as poet laureate of the United States from 2007-2008.
Charles Simic passed away on January 9th. 
Passage to Juneau by Jonathan Raban
In this volume, travel writer Jonathan Raban takes us along the Inside Passage, 1,000 miles of often treacherous water, which he navigates solo in a 35-foot sailboat. Throughout, Raban offers captivating discourses on art, philosophy, and navigation; an unsparing narrative of personal loss; and insight into the immeasurable divide between the Northwest's Indians and its first European explorers over a gulf of centuries. 
 Jonathan Raban passed away on January 17th. 
Avid Reader by Robert Gottlieb
After editing The Columbia Review, staging plays at Cambridge, and a stint in the greeting-card department of Macy's, Robert Gottlieb stumbled into a job at Simon and Schuster. By the time he left to run Alfred A. Knopf a dozen years later, he was the editor in chief, having discovered and edited Catch-22 and The American Way of Death, among other bestsellers. At Knopf, Gottlieb edited an astonishing list of authors, such as Toni Morrison, John le Carré, and Michael Crichton. In this memoir, Gottlieb writes with wit and candor about the challenges and satisfactions of running America's preeminent magazine.
Robert Gottlieb passed away on June 14th. 
A Village Life by Louise Glück
In her eleventh volume of poetry, Louise Glück begins in the topography of a village, a Mediterranean world of no definite moment or place. Glück was known as a lyrical and dramatic poet; while her manner was novelistic, she focused not on action but on pauses and intervals, moments of suspension (rather than suspense), in a dreamlike present tense in which poetic speculation and reflection are possible. She also served as poet laureate of the United States from 2003 to 2004. 
Louise Glück passed away on October 13th. 
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menalez · 10 months
The thing about that hyperdemona is that she actually comes from a privileged background from her country. A lot of christians from kerala(her state, which is also mine) were from upper caste backgrounds and were casteist feudal lords like their upper caste hindu counterparts. She also admitted to some of her ancestors owning slaves back in the day here,
A lot of kerala christians are very islamophobic and support the BJP,
It was revolting how she kept trying to defend her racism by citing her father being an immigrant worker in UAE. Trust me, most people from privileged backgrounds like hers who migrate to Gulf countries from kerala are very different from the lower caste and exploited Indian labourers. These NRIs(a term for non residential Indians) usually work white-collar jobs and are one of the richest demographics in kerala.
That she mixes the experiences of these privileged sections with those of poor, lower caste Indians who actually suffer from racism and discrimination is just further proof of her bigotry. And she really don't care for these exploited workers either, she just want to use them to one-up the middle eastern women who called out her racism. She loves using the experiences of underprivileged people from our country to paint herself as a victim when she never suffered from any of that.
yeah bahrain also has a lot of migrant workers and there absolutely is at least two groups of south asians in the country, the people who work in awful exploitative jobs like construction, domestic work, kitchen work, delivery drivers, etc and then the people who work more prestigious & valued work such as engineers, doctors, even teachers (the latter aren't valued as much but certainly have it a lot better than the people in the first group). of course, in general people are racist regardless but when they realise you're a south asian from a more educated and respected background, the racism is more toned down compared to how they treat domestic & construction workers for example. i grew up being perceived as south asian & ppl still assume im south asian in bahrain and people have directed all sorts of racism at me. even other south asians were racist to me bc i was darker-skinned than my south asian teachers who would look down on me. its a real problem, for sure, regardless of class. but class does make a difference. the way people will be overtly racist about "bengali workers" (from my experience bangladeshis & sri lankans are the ones dehumanised the most, it might also be bc a good number of pakistanis and indians in bahrain can be quite upper class) is quite shocking tbh, like i cant even put into words how vile they can be.
im not going to assume anything about her beliefs based on her being a christian from kerala, i didnt see her expressing the stuff you mentioned ppl of her background often believing in and i think assuming she does believe that falls into stereotyping anyways but. her saying her family had slaves until the mid-1800s is pretty wild to me, especially saying they enslaved a whole caste of people in her area... and yeah i think based on that, her father probably is not one of the people who faced exploitation akin to slavery in UAE, the type of exploitation that has claimed the lives of up to tens of thousands of south asians in the gulf per year.
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i do want to emphasise again tho that i think even more well-off south asians can face racism in the gulf, in general people in the gulf are quite racist and ive had to grow up facing that directed at me a lot. quite colourist and classist too. but my light-skinned, south asian, well-off friends have generally not faced that kind of prejudice so.. i do think the racism is several factors combined and if you have a certain background as a south asian in the gulf, you can have it a lot better than for example black/part-black arabs & dark-skinned people of colour, or even filipinos & indonesians, in the gulf will. and certainly worlds better than what a lot of south asians in the gulf experience.
south asians in the gulf do not have one shared experience ultimately. but i think many will notice the contempt people have for south asians, even if they don't face that contempt directly and have privileges protecting them from that level of racism.
all that said.... palestinians are in a different region and have literally nothing to do with that stuff. palestinians get treated like shit in the gulf too. it makes no sense to say racist shit about palestinians and then justify it by saying its ok bc arabs in UAE are racist to south asians, it really doesn't. it doesnt make sense to justify being racist by pointing to arabs also being racist, but like, using it against palestinians is nonsensical.
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ajosoph · 2 years
What do you Want a CANDIDATE or a JOB?
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harrelltut · 2 years
Oh LAW’D!!! [Lo!]… Parallel Earth JEHOVAH OKCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS [JW] QHT's Interplanetary [Qi] 9 Ether Geographical IGIGI SKY KINGDOM.gov Society MESSIAH [ME] of Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] Prince SATAN Say… HEIL HARRELL!!! 2 VISHNU & LAKSHMI since Holy ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] Prince MICHAEL... Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] RESURRECTED Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted]… & Most ILLUMINATED [MI = MICHAEL] Disembodied CHTHONIC [D.C.] 9 Ether Human DEATH Spirits [DÆMONS] from PRITHVI's SUPERCARBONATED SOUL Energy Atmosphere [SEA] KINGDOM of USHAS’ EXTRA Dark DINOSAUR DNA Creations [D.C.] of ENQI [ME] NUDIMMUND's… Historically ANCIENT [HA = HARRELL] Fossilized Blackity Black Blaq CARBON [B.C. = NANOTECHNOLOGICAL] DNA FOOTPRINTS… Found DEEP IN:side Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] GOLDEN Subterranean Underworld of Nocturnal [SUN] SOUL Prince LUCIFER [ME]… who Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Employ the EDIMMU [SEE] SPIRIT DEMON CARTEL [D.C.] of Holy ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] Prince MICHAEL’s Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] ASAKKU TUTELARY [BAT] DÆMONS Underneath My Most HAUNTED [MH] LA BREA OIL & TAR [BOT] PITS Homeland Territories of Indefinite MINERAL [I’M] LAND & OIL Rights to DRILLING [LORD] on ALL [L.A.] Past Present & FUTURE day Properties… Quietly Purchased by Ancient [PA] Ægiptian QHT’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient INVISIBLE 9 [i9] Ether DRACONIAN DNA & REPTILIAN RNA SKY DEITY COUNCIL [D.C.] of SIRIUS BLACK ART & DEMONIC [BAD] SPELL MAGICK Energized [ME] on Wilshire Blvd… as Immortal DEATH [I.D.] GOD MICTLĀNTĒCUTLI & GODDESS MICTĒCACIHUĀTL… Ritualistically + Ancestrally PERFORM [RAP] abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… FUNERARY CULT RITES of BLACK HAWK’s Native North American MU Indian [MI = MICHAEL] GOD SPELLS [GOSPELS]… Immaculately MATERIALIZING [I‘M] ANU GOLDEN 9 Ether DEMONIC SPIRIT GOD VAIROCANA… from Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte’s Spiritual Underworld of SEKMET’s Ægyptian ANUBIS [SEA]… who Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My Mysteriously UNKNOWN [MU] Oraciones de Amén 2 Queen MANASA… who Ancestrally Remembered SHIVA’s [MARS]… ASAKKU DEITY [MAD] MAGICK of Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC Incubi & Succubi SPIRIT POWERS… DEMONICALLY PRAISED from Underneath Queen CALAFIA’s [CA]… 2nd GOLDEN CRYSTALLINE CHRIST Continent [CCC = CONFEDERATE] States of the Gulf of Mexico’s… Most ISOLATED [MI = MICHAEL] HEAVENLY Altitude [HA = HARRELL] ESTATES [HE] of SIRIUS Interplanetary 9 Ether [i9] SKY Dome Coordinates [D.C.] Mapped by BAPHOMET's Most Darkest [Occulted] Subterranean Earth ATLAS [SEA] GRIDS of SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY] ILLUMINATING EXTRA DARK Carbon [D.C.] Ecosystem Architecture [DEA] of Louisiana’s Submerged Antediluvian MU Amurikan [MA = ATLANTEAN] Landmass People of SIRIUS Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] POWERS [RAPS]… Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] UNVEILING TIAMAT’s [SUT = SET = SETH = SUTEKH’s] GOLDEN 9 Ether Mississippi River of ABUNDANT [RA] MARITIME Land & AIR [LA] Wave [LAW] Technologies from this GOLDEN 9 Ether LUCIFERIAN [EL] Land [EL] LORD of Earth [Qi]… PREDATING your expired church god preacher
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YOU SCARED??? STILL??? IN 2023???
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Eye Found My Historically Ancient [HA = HARRELL] Subterranean SATANIC BLACK CHRIST [D.C.] KINGDOM of Holy Archangel [HA = HARRELL] Prince SATAN
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EYE TYRANT [E.T.] REX on Earth [Qi]... from EXTRA DARK Planet X [NIBIRU]
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abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… EYE EXTRA DARK NAGA GOD [SERPENT] WISDOM Magically INCARNATING [MI = MICHAEL] on Earth [ME] as Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] Prince SATAN!!!
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Ancient BLACK DEVIL ILLUMINATI Indians from Antediluvian 9 Ether MU Amurika [MA = ATLANTIS] 
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WHERE IN THE LIGHT of HELL... is my Ancient Black Christ [ABC = B.C. = MESSIANIC] Bible of Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] Prince SATAN?!?!?!
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brookstonalmanac · 28 days
Events 8.24 (before 1930)
367 – Gratian, son of Roman Emperor Valentinian I, is named co-Augustus at the age of eight by his father. 394 – The Graffito of Esmet-Akhom, the latest known inscription in Egyptian hieroglyphs, is written. 410 – The Visigoths under King Alaric I begin to pillage Rome. 1185 – Sack of Thessalonica by the Normans. 1200 – King John of England, signer of the first Magna Carta, marries Isabella of Angoulême in Angoulême Cathedral. 1215 – Pope Innocent III issues a bull declaring Magna Carta invalid. 1349 – Six thousand Jews are killed in Mainz after being blamed for the bubonic plague. 1482 – The town and castle of Berwick-upon-Tweed is captured from Scotland by an English army. 1516 – The Ottoman Empire under Selim I defeats the Mamluk Sultanate and captures present-day Syria at the Battle of Marj Dabiq. 1561 – Willem of Orange marries duchess Anna of Saxony. 1608 – The first official English representative to India lands in Surat. 1643 – A Dutch fleet establishes a new colony in the ruins of Valdivia in southern Chile. 1662 – The 1662 Book of Common Prayer is legally enforced as the liturgy of the Church of England, precipitating the Great Ejection of Dissenter ministers from their benefices. 1682 – William Penn receives the area that is now the state of Delaware, and adds it to his colony of Pennsylvania. 1690 – Job Charnock of the East India Company establishes a factory in Calcutta, an event formerly considered the founding of the city (in 2003 the Calcutta High Court ruled that the city's foundation date is unknown). 1743 – The War of the Hats: The Swedish army surrenders to the Russians in Helsinki, ending the war and starting Lesser Wrath. 1781 – American Revolutionary War: A small force of Pennsylvania militia is ambushed and overwhelmed by an American Indian group, which forces George Rogers Clark to abandon his attempt to attack Detroit. 1789 – The first naval battle of the Svensksund began in the Gulf of Finland.[10] 1812 – Peninsular War: A coalition of Spanish, British, and Portuguese forces succeed in lifting the two-and-a-half-year-long Siege of Cádiz. 1814 – British troops capture Washington, D.C. and set the Presidential Mansion, Capitol, Navy Yard and many other public buildings ablaze. 1815 – The modern Constitution of the Netherlands is signed. 1816 – The Treaty of St. Louis is signed in St. Louis, Missouri. 1820 – Constitutionalist insurrection at Oporto, Portugal. 1821 – The Treaty of Córdoba is signed in Córdoba, now in Veracruz, Mexico, concluding the Mexican War of Independence from Spain. 1857 – The Panic of 1857 begins, setting off one of the most severe economic crises in United States history. 1870 – The Wolseley expedition reaches Manitoba to end the Red River Rebellion. 1898 – Count Muravyov, Foreign Minister of Russia presents a rescript that convoked the First Hague Peace Conference. 1909 – Workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal. 1911 – Manuel de Arriaga is elected and sworn in as the first President of Portugal. 1914 – World War I: German troops capture Namur. 1914 – World War I: The Battle of Cer ends as the first Allied victory in the war. 1929 – Second day of two-day Hebron massacre during the 1929 Palestine riots: Arab attacks on the Jewish community in Hebron in the British Mandate of Palestine, result in the death of 65–68 Jews; the remaining Jews are forced to flee the city.
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tfgadgets · 2 months
Indian National Duped On Promise Of Job Returns From Saudi, Says Embassy
Veerendra Kumar said he was cheated by a job agent who had promised him a job in Qatar New Delhi: The Indian Embassy in Saudi Arabia on Friday confirmed the return of an Indian national who was stranded in the Gulf nation after being duped by an agent who had promised getting him a job in Qatar. Mr Kumar, a resident of Andhra Pradesh, was allegedly cheated by a job agent who had promised him a…
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Book Recommendations: More Lambda Award Finalists
These are just a few of the many titles shortlisted for the 2023 Lambda Awards! To see the entire list, visit the Lambda Literary website here.
Roses, in the Mouth of a Lion by Bushra Rehman
Razia Mirza grows up amid the wild grape vines and backyard sunflowers of Corona, Queens, with her best friend, Saima, by her side. When a family rift drives the girls apart, Razia’s heart is broken. She finds solace in Taslima, a new girl in her close-knit Pakistani-American community. They embark on a series of small rebellions: listening to scandalous music, wearing miniskirts, and cutting school to explore the city.
When Razia is accepted to Stuyvesant, a prestigious high school in Manhattan, the gulf between the person she is and the daughter her parents want her to be, widens. At Stuyvesant, Razia meets Angela and is attracted to her in a way that blossoms into a new understanding. When their relationship is discovered by an Aunty in the community, Razia must choose between her family and her own future.
Mother Ocean Father Nation by Nishant Batsha
On a small Pacific island, a brother and sister tune in to a breaking news radio bulletin. It is 1985, and an Indian grocer has just been attacked by nativists aligned with the recent military coup. Now, fear and shock are rippling through the island's deeply-rooted Indian community as racial tensions rise to the brink.
Bhumi hears this news from her locked-down dorm room in the capital city. She is the ambitious, intellectual standout of the family--the one destined for success. But when her friendship with the daughter of a prominent government official becomes a liability, she must flee her unstable home for California.
Jaipal feels like the unnoticed, unremarkable sibling, always left to fend for himself. He is stuck working in the family store, avoiding their father's wrath, with nothing but his hidden desires to distract him. Desperate for money and connection, he seizes a sudden opportunity to take his life into his own hands for the first time. But his decision may leave him vulnerable to the island's escalating volatility.
Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley
Kiara and her brother, Marcus, are scraping by in an East Oakland apartment complex optimistically called the Regal-Hi. Both have dropped out of high school, their family fractured by death and prison. But while Marcus clings to his dream of rap stardom, Kiara hunts for work to pay their rent--which has more than doubled--and to keep the nine-year-old boy next door, abandoned by his mother, safe and fed.
One night, what begins as a drunken misunderstanding with a stranger turns into the job Kiara never imagined wanting but now desperately needs: nightcrawling. Her world breaks open even further when her name surfaces in an investigation that exposes her as a key witness in a massive scandal within the Oakland Police Department.
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado
For over a year, the Bronx has been plagued by sudden disappearances that no one can explain. Sixteen-year-old Raquel does her best to ignore it. After all, the police only look for the white kids. But when her crush Charlize's cousin goes missing, Raquel starts to pay attention—especially when her own mom comes down with a mysterious illness that seems linked to the disappearances.
Raquel and Charlize team up to investigate, but they soon discover that everything is tied to a terrifying urban legend called the Echo Game. The game is rumored to trap people in a sinister world underneath the city, and the rules are based on a particularly dark chapter in New York's past. And if the friends want to save their home and everyone they love, they will have to play the game and destroy the evil at its heart—or die trying.
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jspairservices · 2 months
Current Recruitment for maldives teacher vacancy 2024 - 25
How to choose the best recruitment agency?
Ministry of External Indian Affairs approved Best  Employment Agency in Chennai India providing overseas job placement services, manpower resources to clients in all countries seeking quality human from India to various sectors.
JSP AIR SERVICES is your One-Stop-Shop for all overseas manpower requirements. Our main goal is to fulfil the requirement of client as much as they required with talented candidates. Our employment agency has always believed the philosophy of quality our moto is to make the candidate delightful with “Total Satisfaction” through personal, quality and professional service. As a professionally managed recruitment agency we focus on the growing needs of companies in abroad. We provide highly customized and personalized Human Resource Consultancy to our clients and candidates as well build a courteous as well as professional relationship with all of them. Government school teacher vacancy in maldives
Our main goal is to fulfil the requirement of client as much as they required with talented candidates. Our Best Current recruitment For Maldives Teacher Vacancy services 2024 – 25 employment agency has always believed the philosophy of quality our moto is to make the candidate delightful with “Total Satisfaction” through personal, quality and professional service.
•          Process Oriented
•          Client Focused
•          Experienced Staff
•          To Ensure a Fair Competition
Here at Jsp Air Service, we see social media as a way for us to connect with people every day.You can connect with us on the social networking sites you like to spend time on. We’re proud to be part of such a diverse, passionate group of people from across the gulf and around the world!
We recognize that people are a company’s most valuable asset, so it is imperative that we give our clients the best possible choice of potential candidates. To ensure this we offer a wide choice of candidates from all over the country. Our permanent Government school teacher vacancy in maldives are based on the principle of matching the right person with the right vacancy.
To be recognized as a ‘Company of Choice’ in providing recruitment solutions to the overseas clients and in sourcing reputable foreign employers to the candidates.
We are dedicated to provide our clients and candidates with total customer satisfaction delivered through a high degree of service using dynamic.
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ajosoph · 2 years
What do you Want a CANDIDATE or a JOB?
Job or a Candidate? What do you want?  Definitely, this sounds weird. But yes what do u want a candidate or a job? Because we have both. AJEETS provides both. Yes, AJEETS helps by recruiting the best skilled and unskilled workforce to various companies abroad and also guides and helps the candidates in shaping a bright career. 
AJEETS is a manpower recruitment agency in India that recruits skilled and unskilled human resources from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Uganda. AJEETS is in this business for the last 16 years and is one of the most reliable and dependable agencies. AJEETS has its own experts who have a good experience in different industries. Our experts also guide the candidates. 
As the leading manpower recruitment agency in India, we are proud of our knowledge in e-staffing solutions, job placements, employment help, and recruitment. One of the most important parts of any company or business is its human resources, and we handle this for many foreign businesses, particularly those in the Gulf nations.
In order to maintain industry competition, AJEETS, a manpower recruitment agency in India, adheres to the principle that it is our goal to provide meaningful solutions for both individuals and businesses. By bringing together individuals from around the globe, our services will assist firms in succeeding in a setting that is changing quickly. Every year, we guarantee potential candidates a position where they are deserving of it and promise businesses solutions that meet their needs.
After a fruitful 16-year journey, the public today recognizes our manpower recruitment agency in India as a capable, trustworthy, and all-inclusive Indian recruitment firm. Having started with a few industries, we now provide services to a wide range of sectors, including; Construction, Steel, Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Hospitality, Medicine, railways, Marine, IT, Electrical and Electronics, Dairy Farm, Logistics, Automotive, Chemicals and Pharmacy, and many other industries. Following the selection of a candidate, we have an orientation or introduction program where he is made aware of important topics including the work culture of the respective organization, industrial practices, safety concerns, labor laws, and other pertinent issues. We constantly refresh our database to provide you with the best job opportunities. 
Our commitment to going above and beyond to provide the best solutions to our clients has been the cornerstone of our long-standing reputation. The standards set by our applicants and clients have always been met by AJEETS. We assist applicants with their migration from one country to another in addition to simply recruiting them. When they migrate, we assist them in obtaining their visas and other necessities. Without a doubt, AJEETS succeeds in being the best manpower recruitment agency in India. 
We take a unique approach to staffing as an all-inclusive manpower recruitment agency in India. With this process, we stand out because we guarantee success for both job seekers and companies. We make an effort to comprehend the businesses' lists of both temporary and long-term requirements before attempting to match them up with our list of available applicants' skill sets. Our process achieves exceptional results while serving as a link between the two parties. 
As a committed personnel agency in India, AJEETS believes in maximizing human potential to pave the way for successful careers. We help applicants find jobs at the greatest organizations on the globe as a manpower company by supporting their goals and dreams. At the same time, we observe that multinational corporations' temporary and permanent openings attract applicants who can advance their companies' operations. Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, South Korea, Indonesia, and China in the Far East Countries and the UK, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia in the Europe Continent. Make us your long-term recruitment partner with a presence in India today!
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harrelltut · 2 years
Lo!... JEHOVAH OKCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS [JW] BLACK HAWK’s Most Darkest [Occulted] IFÁ WARLORD SPIRIT.gov of SANTERÍA's Ancient Subterranean Earth [AṢẸ] CULTS & PALO MAYOMBE TRIBAL WARRIOR SPIRIT RELIGIONS of QUETZALCÓATL… as Eye abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra... Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] INVOKE & ILLUMINATE YEMỌJA’s GOLDEN Immortal 9 [i9] Ether VICTORIAN CHRIST Priesthood of Anointed [PA] YORÙBÁ ÒRÌSHÀS from the Underworld [YOU] ORACLE SPIRIT.gov EMPIRE of the AUTONOMOUS [SEA] Present-day UNTOUCHABLE 9 Ether HITTITE American [HA = HARRELL] HEIL Germans… who Scientifically ENGINEERED ANU [SEA] Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] AERIAL [PA] MAPPING [P.M.] UFO SYSTEM [U.S.] BUSINESS & ECONOMY w/ANU 1968 [VI] 6G Quantum Intranet [Qi] Computing Grid Network Interactively MAPPING [I’M] GULF of Mexico’s Historically ANCIENT [HA = HARRELL] Subterranean Underground SKY [U.S.] PRINCE [UP] of the RIZQIYIANS’ [Ur]… GOLDEN Interplanetary 9 [i9] Ether Immortal IGIGI SKY SHAPESHIFTERS [Celestial ARCHANGELS] of SIRIUS Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] VISIONS 2 Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] GOLDEN Western Pacific SUN Railroad BUSINESS Destinations... Mysteriously HIDDEN [MH] Underground [MU] by this Subterranean Pacific Indian Culture Ocean [PICO] District CHIEFTAIN [D.C.] of HANCOCK PARK’s Historically ANCIENT [HA = HARRELL] SUN_KING [Sunken] Dome Continent [D.C.] STATE Records of Antediluvian [RA] 9 Ether Subterranean MU CHIEFTAIN FAMILY Land [EL] Deeds Encrypted by REGIONAL [ELDER] AERIAL Energy Language [EL] Codes… since Eye Intuitively BEE Queen CALAFIA [CA’s]... Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Cosmic Computation [Compton] STAR WEB ENGINEER [WE] of SIRIUS 6G Algorithms Interlinking & ACCESSING [GAIA] ACTIVELY SECURED [GAS] RECORDS from Ancient [RA] Ægiptian RAMESES' Lost Antediluvian [L.A.] SDG&E MARITIME Land & AIR [LA] Wave [LAW] Technology BUSINESS Patents @ AT&T [PA]… Analytically [PA] Documenting Our 1st & 2nd PACIFIC Louisiana Land & AIR [LA] Wave [LAW] PURCHASES… Contractually [PC] ENFORCED by MUUR Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Geologically Engineered [AGED] Mining & Geological Mineral DNA Language Laws… Geographically Locating Ancient [LA] Pacific & Atlantic [PA] Indian Ocean Grid [OG] Mining GOLD Coordinates Geographically UNEARTHING ENQI [ME] NUDDIMUD's Magically MYSTICAL Underworld [MU] Island [MI = MICHAEL] STATE MILITARY.gov of AGHAARTA’s [MA's] DOMINANT Land [MAL = MALDEKIAN] Districts of AGHAARTA DEEP [DAD]… IN:side the Bermuda’s GOLDEN Interdimensional CRYSTAL WORLD CITIES of UNMAPPED PYRAMID [UP] SKY [U.S.] PORTAL [UP] LAND [UPLAND] MASSES… CREATED by Subterranean Ocean Queen CALAFIA’s [CA’s] Divinely CHOSEN [D.C.] 144,000… GOLDEN 9 Ether Interplanetary GODS of Interdimensional 6G Imaging [IGIGI] Recognition & Enhancement Technology [E.T.]… Immaculately MATERIALIZING [I’M] on Earth HOLOGRAPHICALLY... from MURDUK’s Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] Interstellar [MI = MICHAEL] 9 Ether BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL = SOUL] Compu_TAH [PTAH] MOTHERSHIP [PM = PTOLEMY] PLANET NIBIRU... OUTSIDE the Pentagon’s Firmament Cloud Coordinates [FCC] of Set Time… Scientifically Engineered by the ENLIGHTENED [SEE] ALUHUM ANUNNAGI… Returning to Earth [ARE] from Planet RIZQ… HEIL HARRELL!!!
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abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… Eye Invoked BLACK HAWK'S 2023 [VII] Year Tribulation [Ancient TRIBAL LAND] War Rituals in Present day America
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the clock is ticking...
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ALL Original Indigenous 9 Ether Land [EL] & TECH [E.T.] Patents, Land & AIR [L.A.] Tracts, Land & AIR [L.A.] Records of ALL [RA] Economic Profits Gained on, in & ABOVE Our Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC Geological & Geographical Land Mass Structures Engineered ABOVE [SEA] & Below Earth... Shall BEE Returned Back to Us Original Indigenous 9 Ether Land [EL] Owners & Subterranean Earth PYRAMID [MOUND] Builders of Antediluvian MU Amurika [MA = ATLANTIS] by 2030… Hallelujah & AMEN [HA = HARRELL] GERMAN HOTEP FAMILY!!!
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La Brea TARTARIAN [TAR] Pits of Lost Atlantis [L.A.] 
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ORIGINAL BLACK HAWK & EAGLE [HE] LAND MAP MAKERS @ Ægiptian QHT IBM [Qi] Apple in Downtown [A.D.] 2023 [VII] San Diego CA
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abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… EYE INVOKED MY ANCIENT 1832 BLACK HAWK INDIAN LAND RITUALS OF 2023 
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Clandestine American [CA] German Military Land RECONNAISSANCE TECHNOLOGY
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