#job market is atrocious rn
d-eathvalley · 2 days
job hunting is sucking the ever loving life out of me i hate this
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
Did you see that Etoiles week was going on this week? One of their prompts was folklore, I thought you would enjoy that given your knight!Etoiles post.
Also thank you for live-blogging the qsmp, I don't have time to watch the server so it's fun to see no-context posts.
ive seen a few things about it bc of wrangling and a few pieces of art! i need to go through the tags for it actually so this is a good reminder to do that sometime soon :D
and glad to help out! i have far too much time on my hands and am very invested so i enjoy posting about it
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suitepea · 3 months
Omg I'm also a computer scientist in this community (going into my senior year)! Do you have any tips for job opportunities? Unlike last year I wasn't able to land an internship this summer and I heard the comp sci job market is pretty rough rn :(
Yay congrats! You’re in the home stretch now :)
I graduated in December 2020. I hear the job market was marginally better, but I only had 1 internship under my belt and my grades were atrocious. I consider myself to be very lucky that I was able to get a job straight out of college. Not everyone has that experience and I’m super grateful for it.
The best advice I can think of is to focus on getting your foot in the door somewhere. So many people expect these crazy high-paying FAANG jobs right out of school, but it’s much easier to work your way up to that point once you have a few years of experience. I got hired through a recruiter on LinkedIn, which means I got paid below market-rate for the first 6 months while I was technically a contingent worker. I was desperate for any work though and it ended up being a great decision because now I’m locked in and have actually useful skills to show for it. I also love the company I work for so that’s a plus too.
We can chat more if you’d like. Not sure what your situation is but that’s basically what worked for me. Everyone’s experience is different though. Do your best in school, build your portfolio to the best of your ability, build good interview skills (very important)
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
is there a particular career u intend to go into or r u studying things bc ur interested?
well rn the plan is 2 get a phd & try 2 become a professor despite the atrocious job market 4 professors rn 😃👍 but i’m doing a masters first 2 try and narrow my focus + figure out what i’d actually wanna do a phd thesis in…was v lucky 2 get my degree funded i would not be able 2 justify a masters in gender studies if i was gonna be going further into debt bc it really is not. a v practical degree like u can do nonprofit work or become a professor that’s basically all that it might help w lol
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shortcircuitthegreat · 9 months
Have my 72nd(?) job interview today. It needs to go well and I need to get hired for once because 1) if I have to spend one more day in my parents' house over this blessed winter break I am going to lose my mind and 2) my laptop, which I fixed 2-3 weeks ago with a brand new battery, has decided not to work anymore and needs to be replaced. Something that will run everything I need for school goes for $2000. I do not have $2000. I am going to make a human sacrifice to manifest a job at this rate. (For legal reasons that was not a serious proclamation.) Clearly I pissed off SOME force because my luck is atrocious. I should not be struggling this much to find a job when I have more work history than most other people at this point (ain't specifying), am pursuing two STEM degrees, and am heavily involved in pretty much everything I can be. I do soooo much stuff and I can't get a job anywhere and that's crazy. (But I've heard from others the job market sucks, so this isn't as targeted as it feels...and that does not make me feel better about looking for something post-grad.)
Good things HAVE happened but not the things I NEED (i.e. employment and money and functioning technology so I can do the freelance work that has made me next to nothing but remains the one thing tethering me to this realm).
invoking the power of the gods in the club rn
I also need Loki to stop fucking with me because this stopped being funny 69 rejections ago. I very much take a "whatever's meant to be will be" approach to life but come on.
It's also that I feel awful not working when the rest of my family is. Taking a break and doing nothing all day feels acceptable when you're 18-19 and home for the holidays or whatever, but at my age it does not. I feel like I'm leeching off my parents if I'm at home and not contributing anything.
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ebdanon · 5 months
hope you're alright after work <3 and tw for bugs and another long ask lmao
to be honest, we don't have access to mental health resources, that kind of stuff is expensive here, and we already spent a bunch on trying to figure out what was physically wrong with both of us first, during which time my husband (he got ibs) was not working because it was physically impossible for him, and I (thyroid issues) stopped getting paid from the freelance work I do (I'm still owed about 10k which is enough for a down payment on an apartment in the most expensive part in my country) which put us in a ridiculously tight spot. we had to move out of our apartment and start living with my in-laws, which is where more crazy has just been tacked on. it's been a very shitty couple of years in terms of what other people have been doing that directly affects us, but we're trudging on anyway. we finally started applying for jobs abroad, which we couldn't really do until we moved because it was constantly dealing with doctors and with health issues, and scrambling together money for bills and rent and overall living, and then the building got infected with cockroaches which was the cherry on top when we both finally said "we're outta here" and moved out in like 2 days (we knew the consequences of doing that). the day we decided to do that, we were up until 5am - me shrieking at each new baby cockroach I saw, and my husband killing them (I'm terrified of bugs), because a cockroach laid some eggs in a door frame in the apartment. that same week our vacuum made a loud noise and smoke just started coming out of it and it broke, the stovetop also broke, a repairman came and tried to fix it a bunch of times so we had no stove for 4-5 days (which was awful because my husband has to eat carefully cooked meals, and the only thing we could use to cook was the oven, which is ridiculously limiting on an already limited diet), and two of the ceiling lights went out. and then I got a flare up (different health issue) on top of everything which meant I was in bed for a couple of days. it was the worst week of 2023.
we've been applying for the last 6 months, and it's been nothing but rejections because we require visas to move to the countries we're applying to (it's the literal explanation we've been receiving which is a great thing as it's not our skills or something), but it's fine, one of us will find a job at some point (I hope soon) and we'll get to get out of this shithole of a country filled with shitty people. I'm definitely getting a therapist when we're out of here though, I've wanted to talk to one for years but my plan has always been to do that when I leave this country. Mental health is very much taboo here sadly, which contributes to many of the issues people tend to face. Also fun fact, the last time we applied for jobs abroad was at the end of 2019, and then the pandemic happened which meant all the embassy shut down and the applications got canceled (it was a different application system back then). The plan was to get the marriage certificate and start applying again, but the drama happened and we needed to decompress. Then the plan was to start asap after the decompression and then all the health issues happened. Have you ever seen a train wreck lmao it's just me trying to get the hell out of this country since I was 12 BUT IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY I JUST KNOW IT WILL (can you feel the desperation lmao)
i know that may have sounded worrisome but don't worry about me and my lore-filled asks, things will work out, they always do
i really hope you guys are able to get the hell out soon :( the job market here in america (idk where ur applying but might be the same elsewhere anyway because the pandemic fucked everything up for everyone) is absolutely atrocious rn so i wish you the best of luck!! you’re right when you say things work out i know they will for you 🫶 it just takes time unfortunately :( but hopefully soon
also as a fellow renter im crying for you with that apartment stuff jeez. it always feels like everything happens at once tbh
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the-tough-blondie · 4 years
If I started working as a freelancer on Upwork back in 2019 like I intended to, I wouldn't be feeling half as anxious as I feel rn, my own consequences and self sabotage biting me in the ass, a fucking gain. Like when will I stop, like really, because not only I am relying on that as my main income, it is actually the only place where I can find a job, because due to covid a lot of places closed down and our public transport is shitty and it takes forever to take me to the center of the city, so not only would I'd be using unreliable public transport (AND I HATE BEING LATE) but also would be working with public mid pandemic. And people here are atrocious taking care of themselves. Also the job market where I live is very short. So of course I'm anxious. And my usual confrontations with my mom don't help at all. Fuck covid, because I would be in Chile righ now if it wasn't for the virus. AND OH MY GOD HOW THE FUCK DO I TELL MY MIND TO SHUT UP. Like, yes, I got my first job on Upwork which is awesome. BUT WHAT IF I DON'T GET ANOTHER ONE. But I have to wait. BUT I CAN'T BE SITTING AROUND ALL DAY BECAUSE MY MIND ATTACKS ME. And also they give you only 10 connects monthly WHAT IF I RUN OUT OF THEM, that lowers my chances like 99.9%.
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