#job in quetta
findlyjobs · 6 months
Announcement: Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) has declared job openings for the year 2024. Interested individuals can apply conveniently online for positions at QESCO by visiting the official website of Allied Testing Service, www.ats.org.pk. The advertisement for QESCO Jobs 2024 was featured in newspapers today, dated March 24, 2024.
Both male and female applicants from all regions of the country are encouraged to apply for the QESCO Jobs 2024. The maximum age limit for applicants is 45 years. The deadline for submitting the QESCO Application Form is April 7, 2024. The application form can be downloaded from the provided website.
QESCO, one of the largest electricity distribution companies in Pakistan, serves over 650,000 consumers with a workforce of 6,000 employees and an annual revenue exceeding Rs. 85.94 Billion. Its operational domain spans across Balochistan, excluding Lasbela District. QESCO is committed to providing reliable and secure electricity services within its jurisdiction.
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Quetta Electric Supply Company QESCO Jobs 2024
QESCO is currently seeking qualified candidates for various positions in Contract Management & Regulatory Affairs under the Director General of the Market Implementation and Regulatory Affairs Department (MIRAD), to be stationed at QESCO Head Office in Quetta. Prospective candidates should possess dynamism, motivation, and a proven track record of integrity, legal expertise, and contract management experience.
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filectory · 11 months
Pakistan Armed Services Board PASB Jobs 2023 Ministry of Defence MOD
Pakistan Armed Services Board PASB Jobs 2023 Ministry of Defence MOD latest. This Job advertisement has been published in the Express newspaper on November 5, 2023. Pakistan Armed Services Board requires the services of retired personnel on a regular basis. A 5% quota will be reserved for minorities. Candidates possessing the required qualification can apply until November 20, 2023. Only…
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explosionshark · 1 year
my favorite Miorine thing is that she's so laser focused on suletta to an almost comical degree. prospera reveals that she wants to ruin delling's life (like, her dad, who is dying at the hospital) and miorine goes "ok but leave suletta out of this!". near the end prospera goes on a tirade about eri and miorine, pissed out of her mind, says "you have another daugher! suletta, remember??". i love her.
I think the show does a really good job acknowledging that 1) Suletta and Miorine both have REALLY different methods of parsing their emotions and expressing themselves and 2) holy shit they're fucking IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER FOR REAL
You really cannot meaningfully analyze these characters and the decisions they make and the way they relate to each other without keeping their toxic relationships with their parents in mind. There's SO much projection going on - Miorine project herself onto Suletta and Suletta projects her mother onto Miorine.
When we meet Miorine she's isolated and miserable and her only concern is to spite her father and secure her own future. She feels at once dismissed by Delling and also oppressed and controlled by him. Suletta and, subsequently, Earth House are the only real connections she's made with other people. It doesn't take very long for her priorities to shift from getting herself away from her father to providing for her groom and gund-arm.
By late S1 she's undergone this massive shift - she's in charge of a project she chose, working with people she cares about. She's got two things she never had before: autonomy and support.
When Miorine hurts Suletta's feelings by trying to take greenhouse duties away from her, by endorsing her spending time with Elan, she is trying to give Suletta the most important thing she can think to give: autonomy. Freedom to choose how she spends her time and with who. It's a great conflict because it's such a revealing miscommunication. By projecting her own feelings and trauma onto Suletta, Miorine misses what Suletta actually needs. And it beautifully foreshadows the conflict in s2.
Bc the turn in s2 is that Miorine needs to reconcile the version of Suletta that she has come to know and care so much about with the Suletta she was confronted with at plant Quetta. Correctly, Miorine identifies that Suletta is being manipulated and controlled by Prospera. But she takes it further - she overlays her own parental trauma onto Suletta. Miorine sees herself and her father in Prospera's control over Suletta. Worse even: to her father, Miorine was a chess piece in reserve. But Prospera isn't holding Suletta back from anything to preserve her though: she's putting her on the front lines. She's using her as a weapon. And Suletta lacks the perspective to see it.
Suletta is, it seems, incapable of conflict. She can't stick up for herself. We see this all the time but especially in the whole lunch fiasco when she decides everyone hates her because she's too sad to ask for food. Miorine, on the other hand, actually has an easier time expressing conflict and disapproval than she does vulnerability. Calling out Prospera for the way she dominates Suletta makes perfect sense because Miorine has been calling her own dad out for the same things pretty much her whole life.
So, ultimately, Miorine deciding that she has the moral right and authority to make decisions on Suletta's behalf is a great piece of character work. The thing she spent her whole life resenting her father for becomes exactly what she does to Suletta.
Suletta projecting her mother onto Miorine is definitely another part of the dynamic. Again, it's something we see most in s2. Right before the sabotaged duel, we see this moment of total cognitive dissonance in Suletta's thinking. Miorine and Prospera come to hold fully oppositional places of importance in Suletta's world. She ascribes basically an equal level of authority to them.
She loves her mom > her mom loves her > her mom would never make choices against Suletta's best interests > whatever her mom says must be right > if it hurts or if it feels wrong, it's because Suletta has to be more mature. And at the same time she loves Miorine > Miorine is smart and capable > Miorine wouldn't make a wrong decision > if she hurts Suletta, it's Suletta's own fault.
After she loses to Guel, Suletta copes by blaming me herself. She doesn't know how to be angry at someone she loves, but she does know how to feel shame for not being good enough. She wasn't the victim of a cruel betrayal, because her love for Miorine means she CANNOT be capable of doing something that bad. It becomes instead a failure of Suletta's - if she has been better, Miorine wouldn't have abandoned her. It's her own fault for losing and for wanting more than she should have in the first place.
It's the exact kind of broken, warped thinking she applies to Prospera. And it's why Prospera is exactly right when she tells Miorine that she too could get anything she wants from Suletta.
This is why I love the reunion so much. It's so explicitly about owning your own actions and allowing the person you love the space and freedom to decide how to respond. Suletta extends her hand. Miorine decides to meet her there.
Suletta chooses to risk herself in the Calibarn. Miorine alone respects her choice enough to raise the permet score, even if she breaks down immediately after.
Anyway wow I'm fully brainsick about these two. Sorry for that long ass rambling reply but oh my god I'm in a chokehold atm
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Mobile Suit Gundam - The Witch From Mercury S2 Episode 10: The Woven Path
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So two things to start. I apologize for not getting this post out until today, but it was Father's day on Sunday (I'm not a father) so was spending time with family. Secondly, really cool that Ryusuke Tarou did an end card for GWitch. They're a super cool illustrator that has just what you need when you want to see all your favorite characters happy and free of trauma, living it up in the modern day. Their Twitter is full of fun and wholesome illustrations.
Anyways, the episode at hand. A lot going on, a lot of callbacks and references, and a lot of importance pieces. Unsurprisingly, that means a lot to talk about! Well, waste not want not, I'll get started.
If it wasn't already clear, Quiet Zero is a very large piece of religious symbolism coupled with the concepts of life and death, and it's not exactly subtle. The episode starts off with a Gundnode that is placed squarely within the cross that appears on Quiet Zero, evoking comparisons to crucifixion in regards to the sins that innocent Eri is forced to bear.
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From the unsuccessful attack on Quiet Zero that brought the Gundnodes out, we bounce around establishing where all the characters begin at this episode. Finding Miorine holed up in her room, the Earth house puttering about getting prepared to follow Suletta into battle, and Suletta herself talking with Elan.
I thought they did a really good job of handling the interaction between this pair, as Suletta sits on the same bench she waited at her Elan for. The current Elan doesn't sit down though, rather he faces away from Suletta. I think it's a nice touch to keep this pair's relationship distant and on different wavelengths, and in part to show this Elan running away from something yet again. It's a great little piece to his character, that thanks to Suletta's words and Norea's book, allows him to see why someone would rally against the fear. For something greater than themselves, something that they want to protect or save.
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Skipping ahead a little bit between the buildup, Guel comes to Suletta to offer her a chance at redemption. Just as she did for himself, though this time in the form of a duel.
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I think it's great, and I also think it's a solid callback to Utena. I also hear there's a similar scene in an older Gundam series, but I'm a first time watcher (essentially) so I wouldn't have known otherwise. Anyways, choosing fencing as the form of combat was a really great decision on Guel's part. Half ego, half character, he challenges Suletta to a form of duel that can't be fibbed or faked, one that relies on the moment itself rather than careful planning or preparation. He wants to fight Suletta to prove himself, but to also allow Suletta that opportunity. He doesn't want to hold Miorine over her, nor does he want Suletta's pity. He wants to stand alongside her, to be shown to be equals through the purest comparison possible. I love it, I really do. I love how much our little Bob has grown into a man, but truth be told, thanks to that piece towards the end of the episode, I'm scared for him.
Anyways, here's the super smooth fencing sequence.
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So, Suletta wins the duel, and with it the chance to talk to Miorine. I think it's very endearing, and like many have said prior to me, does a great job of allowing Miorine to quite literally open her own door. Before that though, she's crushed under the weight of her own actions, unable to move forward. Suletta doesn't offer her mother's hollow words to justify sacrifice, but rather approaches Miorine as someone who shares a terrible burden as well. I could say a lot more, but I'm going to summarize with this: it's the inverse of Suletta's experience at Plant Quetta. It's Suletta reaching out a caring hand to support Miorine through her fear of violence and death that stains her vision red. Suletta herself admits to her actions at Plant Quetta to establish that comparison for this moment.
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Through this conversation, she uses a lot of the words that her mother gave her. That she was protecting someone, that it was the right thing to do. She does very well at realizing her mother's grasp on her in her own way, and in experiencing senseless death first hand, comes to understand how terrible it is. And of course, Suletta is a curse breaking machine through this second cour/season, as she continues to reference her mother's words in opposition to them. What I really love is how she's internalized the original phrase, and subconsciously uses it now, in her own ways, to uniquely support and encourage the characters that need it. It changes bit by bit each time we hear it, but it's still there, and it's still Suletta's version.
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Suletta does successfully encourage Miorine, and coaxes both a potential death flag and future date out of her once-again fiancé, and we get a really impactful scene of Miorine moving forward to open the door on her own.
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While the act is her own, she still has Suletta waiting on the other side to support her. Suletta still extends a hand out to Miorine, like her own mother did back on Plant Quetta. But rather than excusing or justifying Miorine's actions, she's accepting them alongside Miorine, providing a hand to hold onto while she fights onwards. What I really like with this scene is its subtleties. Suletta's hand reaches out further than Miorine's, but despite that action of reaching out, she places her open hand beneath Miorine's to allow Miorine to reach out for Suletta as well, and when Miorine does reach out, there's hesitation at first. And then there's the ending scene of their hands intertwined, where they both appear in the center of the frame without one side greater than the other. Really small details, but I think really important in regards to how the pair are interacting with and approaching each other. It's incredibly cute, and is only further bolstered by the use of a piano rendition of the opening song that punctuates this entire interaction.
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With Miorine out of her room, the plan to begin an assault on Quiet Zero can begin, as Suletta climbs into the monster Calibarn to prep.
There's not a whole lot to comment on as Miorine retakes the reins of the Benerit Group, and even pays a visit to Shaddiq prior to the Calibarn testing. The real impactful piece is Miorine during Suletta's permet score testing. Despite the pain that Suletta's in as she climbs the scores, Miorine is the one that pushes her through to success. I think it's really great how much confidence she has in Suletta through this sequence, and that it all melts away when she reaches the needed score.
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And with that success, the Earth house bolstered by the Benerit Group sorties to challenge Quiet Zero. It's also here that my panic attack for Bob begins. He's sortied in his own Dilanza when a Schwarzette appears and fires on him, with his own brother piloting. I'm scared for two reasons: the last time Guel fought family in space his father was killed, and his brother is piloting a Gundam. This means only one of two things, Bob dies, or his brother dies. I can just barely bare Guel losing his brother as well, but losing Bob himself would be heart crushing at this point.
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Anyways, onto Suletta and Calibarn rallying against Quiet Zero! I really liked this piece because you can tell that Eri is in fact, holding back against her younger sister.
Also, Calibarn is Caliban from Prospero
Yeah, that's on me, I forgot to add it in the last episode where the name was revealed. I was more so irked by the fact that it was the convenient existence of another Gundam, that I completely spaced out on the fact that Calibarn was foretold by the existence of Aerial and Prospera. So yeah, my bad, but GWitch is still holding itself close to Shakespeare's Prospero, with the ideal of bringing Ericht back to life (which is a power that the play version of Prospera does wield).
Anyways, how is Eri holding back? Well, glad you asked! It's pretty clear to see in this one sequence here. The Gundnode has several arms which wield several beam sabers against Suletta and Calibarn's one. Child's play to understand that Eri could have ended the fight then and there, but instead opted for a more even playing field for Suletta. Really nice touch to show the love that Eri still has for Suletta.
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And the icing on the cake, Ericht now appearing above her own casket. The whole idea of a cradle existing within her own casket, where she typically resides is a lot, and speaks to Prospera's grief for her lost daughter, so this sequence takes a different approach. Suletta's only ever seen Eri as Aerial (well, she used to, now they're separate), so the concept of her being "dead" doesn't ring true for her.
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It's here that we find our episode's end though. Left on a cliffhanger, waiting to discover the fate of many of our characters, and what will become of Suletta and Ericht. Lots of great stuff, and I'm very curious to see if GWitch will stay true to it's Shakespearean roots.
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sturmovik · 1 year
A mecha detail I really love about Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
I’m sure multiple people have pointed this out already but I’ll say it again. You’ll notice the mecha in the Asticassia school tend to have more colorful paint jobs, fancy antennae/horns, and put a lot of focus on melee combat, which all help to give their mobile suits a noble or knightly air.
But outside, like on Earth or on Plant Quetta, the exact same models of mecha we see in the school are also being used by the military and corporate security forces, except they are up-armored, painted in dark or drab colors, have no fancy horns or embellishments (they’ll have extra optics/sensors/armor instead), and are bristling with long-range weaponry like extra beam cannons or rocket launchers. They are just built purely for war. 
It’s such a great detail that not only makes the world feel more realistic but also accentuates just how detached from reality the school has been.
(compare the Demi Trainer, Dilanza, Heindree, and Zowort to the Demi Garrison, Dilanza Sol, Heindree Sturm, and Zowort Heavy to see what I mean)
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pastelraccoons · 1 year
SuleMio Request:
After a huge battle, Miorine and the others find an unconscious Suletta. Miorine tries to wake Suletta to seemingly to no avail; as she does this, Miorine starts to break down to tears, apologizing for her negative actions towards her and begging her to wake up. Everyone starts to think that Suletta is dead with Miorine being in denial for a while. As all this happens, Suletta regains consciousness. No one even notices (as they are too busy grieving) until Miorine tearfully confesses her love for Suletta, who telling Miorine that she loves her too, making everyone realize she's alive. Everyone celebrates. Miorine calls Suletta a dummy for making her and everyone worry and makes Suletta promise not to scare her like that again. Suletta agrees and the two kiss.
Thank you so much for your request! I ended up doing a what-if scenario tied to Episode 20.
Rubble surrounded Miorine after she finally managed to get back to the school from her trip to Earth. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears as she ran through the chaos and destruction around her. The only thing she cared about in that moment was finding Suletta.
She heard about the attack on Asticassia where one of the Gundams that ambushed Plant Quetta reappeared and wreaked havoc. The only other piece of information she heard about was Suletta had jumped into a Demi-Trainer to help protect the defenseless students.
That idiot! Miorine thought. A Demi-Trainer isn’t going to stand up to a Gundam!
Miorine suddenly stopped. Her chest heaved as her eyes frantically scanned the wreckage in search of any signs of Suletta. Her breath abruptly caught in her throat.
Poking out of the wreckage in the middle of the training area was a robotic hand reaching out towards the ceiling.
Miorine rushed towards the buried mobile suit. She slid down the side of the ruined buildings and scattered dirt with little regard to her own safety. Frantically pulling out her data pad, she dialed Martin, the head of Earth House, once she hit solid ground.
“I think I may have found Suletta! Bring everyone over to the practice field as quickly as you can! I’m going to need help!”
She shoved the device back into her pocket. Sweat and dust clung uncomfortably to her cheeks when she finally arrived at the scene. Nausea made bile build up in the back of her throat. Without thinking about it, she grabbed rock after rock in a meager attempt to unveil the wreckage beneath.
Come on, come on! Don’t you dare, Suletta!
Martin’s call of her name didn’t even register in her ears. She didn’t even notice when the students of Earth House started to surround her one by one to peel away the debris. All that mattered to her was that Suletta was alive.
Time slowed to a crawl. A never-ending torrent of dirt and stone flew from Miorine’s hands as she dug. She ignored the stinging of the scrapes and bruises that began to form on her fingers. Desperation and adrenaline forced her to press on.
Finally, Miorine hit metal. Her aching arms threw back one more flat piece of large debris. It fell into the rest of the scrap with a deafening thud.
The Demi-Trainer still sparked from the exposed wires at its joints. Scratches all over it exposed the bare metal beneath the tan paint job. A massive dent on the chest plate revealed part of the destroyed cockpit. Shards of metal littered its floor and shone in the light. Miorine could barely make out a foot amongst the wreckage. Panic flooded her chest.
Without a word, she scrambled forward and grabbed the part of the cockpit that had been pulled up from being buckled in. She groaned and strained while she struggled to open the compartment. She clenched her eyes shut, grit her teeth, then mustered up all her remaining strength. No matter how hard she tried, it didn’t budge.
Open, damn it!
Suddenly, a loud, groaning creak filled her ears. The weight of the hatch abruptly started to lighten. She opened her eyes to see Chuchu on her right and Martin on her left, both helping her by pulling on the panel. With one final clang, they managed to force it open.
Miorine’s eyes widened at the sight inside.
“Suletta!” Miorine cried out.
Blood shone dully on Suletta’s forehead and down her cheek. Her eyes were shut, and an almost peaceful expression was on her face. Her gray pilot suit had several tears in it from the shrapnel that littered the cockpit floor. Her limp body had slumped down low in the pilot’s seat.
Tears started to well up in Miorine’s eyes. She hesitantly reached out to cup Suletta’s cheek in her hand. Her skin felt icy against her fingers. Cold, coagulated blood stuck to her palm.
“Suletta, don’t leave me!” She let her tears finally fall. They burned against her skin. “You can’t!”
Chuchu soon knelt down next to Miorine. She rubbed the back of her neck then gently rested a hand onto Miorine’s shoulder. Despite how calm she seemed, her hand shook against Miorine’s shoulder.
“Miorine, I’m sorry,” Chuchu frowned, clearly not used to showing concern over someone not from Earth. “But I think she’s gone-”
“No!” Miorine’s voice cracked. “I refuse to accept that!”
She tightly held onto Suletta’s suit then half curled in on herself. She pressed her forehead into Suletta’s chest.
“I’m so sorry, Suletta. I did something so cruel to you and left you so alone. I just wanted you to be safe,” Miorine sobbed and hiccuped. “You can’t die like this. You have to wake up, please. Please!”
She pressed her face harder into Suletta’s chest.
“Don’t leave me!” Her voice cracked and became weak. “I love you… So, please. Open your eyes…”
“Hey, Miorine, that hurts…”
Miorine’s eyes snapped open wide. She pulled herself back from Suletta’s body to see a wince had contorted her features. A hiss came from between Suletta’s clenched teeth followed by a strained laugh. The ghost of a smile pulled on her lips.
“But I’m glad to hear that. Because I love you, too.”
"Suletta, you idiot!" Miorine let out a relieved laugh. Tears continued to stream down her face, this time from sheer joy. She flung her arms around Suletta's neck to pull her into a tight hug. "Don't scare me like that ever again!"
Suletta let out another hiss and an exhausted, raspy laugh
"I'm sorry. I won't do it ever again."
Miorine pulled back to cup Suletta’s cheeks in her palms.
“Promise me?” Miorine asked, still teary eyed.
“I prom-”
Miorine abruptly cut her off by pulling her into a kiss. She didn’t care about the taste of copper from Suletta’s blood or the bitterness from the dirt smeared across her own face that mixed with it. All Miorine cared about then and there was getting her true feelings across to Suletta.
Miorine knew her feelings reached Suletta when she felt her hands weakly rest against her hips as she leaned into the kiss as best as she could manage.
Newfound tears rolled down Miorine’s cheeks from sheer relief. She pulled back just enough to break the kiss with a soft gasp. She wrapped her arms tightly around Suletta, careful of any injuries she may have had. Miorine wanted to stay as close to her as possible for as long as she could.
Miorine almost lost Suletta once, and she refused to ever let it get that close again.
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Gundam Witch From Mercury Season 2 Episode 7 Review
- I’d like to get off of Prospera Mercury’s wild ride
- Miorine is finally going to Earth, not to escape her life rife with politics, but instead to try and bolster her image. Meanwhile Guel seems pensive to go back. His small time on Earth changed him into a new man, one that doesn’t have a home in either space or on earth. Meanwhile Kenanji, a professional, has no outwardly displayed anxieties and instead just cracks a joke. He’s been immersed in the dark underbelly of Spacian and Earthian conflict so he’s used to the large pressure everyone’s under
- Martin became Secelia’s water boy and I love it. Okouchi got Quentin Tarantino and Dan Schneider in the writing room for that scene. But for as abrasive as she is, Secelia gives some good advice. Martin can’t spend forever wallowing I’m his guilt. He needs to be upfront with his feelings and accept that sometimes, you just gotta do something, even if it hurts
- Guel recognizing Sedo and chasing after him, leaving Miorine to fend for herself was a dumb move, but a realistic one. He wants to reconnect with a proper relationship this time. Plus, it seems like Guel just has a soft spot for kids in general. However, him chasing after Sedo gave him an important piece of information. That Shaddiq was the one ordered the terrorist attacks that got his dad killed, and boy is Guel pissed. I want to see him 5 v 1 Shaddiq’s squad (Renee and Felsi can fight it out alone) and gain his position as the best pilot in the WFM verse
- Speaking of Shaddiq, this man is the biggest fucking “nice guy” I’ve ever seen. He doesn’t even see Miorine as a human, just a perfect porcelain doll that needs saving. Nothing can be her fault, it must be everyone else’s. Which is even bigger cap because he was the one who let Guel abuse Miorine for two school years and didn’t do anything about it. Asshole. He hates Guel for “dirtying” his precious waifu, even though she’s told him to get bent already. He didn’t care about her dying during the Plant Quetta accident because she would have died with his image of her intact, but now he’s left coping and seething.
- Lauda is similarly coping and seething by thinking that Miorine is ruining his older brother. He just hasn’t realized that Guel has grown independent, and Lauda needs to as well.
- The meeting between Miorine and the Earthian representatives was very interesting. Miorine brought up job prospects, but the Earthians don’t care about that. They want people to stop assaulting, murdering, and taking advantage of them! It’s only until Miorine brings them something that can truly help, medical equipment, that they listen to her. But they still aren’t ready to support her because she has no real power. Sadly the small amount of trust they built up was destroyed due to Prospera’s machinations.
- Suletta truly embodying the tanuki she is by digging through the trash, but luckily, Chuchu comes to help her once again and bring her to her friends. Earth House loves her, and they’ll support her through thick and thin. And through this support, she realizes that Eri loves her too. She wants to protect her from the war and violence that she and Prospera will be inflicting. And now, Suletta is motivated to move forward properly and gain a life of her own.
- I’ve been fawning over Till since the fourth episode cause I think quiet boys are cute, but he fucking stabbed me with that hair down look. He’s such a good person, stating that Nika should be the one to tell them, and supporting Martin but not babying him. He supports Miorine on her business ventures, helped Suletta talk to Miorine, and is just an overall calming presence. Top 3 best boy, next to Guel and El5n
- And speaking of El5n, that scene in the prison room was engineered to make me go crazy. Norea is going crazy locked up in that room, only being able to think about Sophie’s death, her loneliness, and her mortality. The drawings that once comforted her are just black scribbles, showing her mental state. When El5n picks up the discarded book for fun, he passes by the dark pictures and lays his eyes on a beautiful lakefront. A life El5n never had, and a life that was cruelly taken away from Norea. They’re both just children, but they’ve been forced to bear the dark and ugly sides of the world instead of the beautiful ones. And in that moment, El5n fully understands and falls for her. He focused so much on his own life, but now he has someone else to protect. A hurt girl with no future, much like El4n, who he couldn’t save.
- As Norea screams at Nika and El5n to die, for everyone to die, she breaks down, realizing she really doesn’t want any death. She didn’t want Sophie, her almost-sister to die in such a horrible way. She doesn’t want to die for some cause that’s way grander than her. She wants a happy life indulging in the simple beauties of Earth. And El5n, someone who understands longing for a happy life despite fate’s cruel jokes, holds her hand and comforts her. The two loneliest people have found each other, and as El5n recognizes her pain, he may bow to stay with her. For someone who said he’ll live no matter what, how tragic yet poignant would it be if he sacrificed his life for Norea? I would cry my ass off. I just want them to live in a lake house, Norea making art while El5n reads books from his predecessor’s library.
- RIP Feng. She worked hard to find a way without fighting and gave Miorine a helping hand. She sniffed out the corruption in the Space League but it came too late. As she struggles from the pain the gunshot gave her, she pushes Belmeria to act. To stop looking away from the pain she’s caused and to truly make a difference for the better.
- Prospera herself doesn’t support the new Ochs Earth, using the distraction she started to destroy the Gundam facility. Prospera acts in her and Eri’s own interest. She doesn’t care about the hundreds of lives she just ruined with her plan. Those lives don’t matter to her as much as her daughter.
- But Miorine cares. As much as she tries to act distanced, she cares. It’s why she gave Suletta a tomato and searched for a way to save lives with GUND-Arm. Miorine cares for others and now in her eyes, she’s caused immense suffering. She went to build up herself, but in that moment, she realized that she should have cared more for the struggling people. With Guel going off on his own revenge play, Miorine is now alone. But Suletta will support her. Just like how Earth House believes in Nika, Suletta will believe in her.
I’m not ready for next episode. Guel and Grassley are going to conflict, Norea will go even more off the deep end, and Miorine will be on her own once again, before she met Suletta.
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jtavington · 1 year
Disabled Miorine Snippet
TW: Ableism
A too-thick tube forced air relentlessly into Miorine's lungs, pushing her chest up against some kind of wide, tight strap. She would have gagged, but the muscles in her throat were pushed out too far. Her wrists, too, were tightly bound to rough, scratchy linen. If there were bindings on her feet of ankles, she couldn't feel them. Gauzy tape kept her eyes shut, as if she had the strength of open them. Her nose twitched with the acrid stench of formaldehyde and alcohol. Low swirls of conversation and mechanical beeping were her only hints that the world still existed beyond her body. She wasn't even sure of that anymore. Sometimes--inasmuch as time still flowed, or mattered--her mind would melt into a hazy morass and the oblivion of sleep, or at least unconsciousness. The rest of the time, she was still in Quinharbor. Smoke burned her eyes. The roar of explosions deafened her. Worst of all were the bodies. People ripped in twain. The carnage Suletta had wroughtt on her behalf at Plant Quetta magnified a thousandfold and played in a loop in her mind’s eye.
She was the murderer.
Blame began and ended with the executive. It didn’t matter if it was the Benerit Group or a student-run company. She should never have brought a mobile suit with weapons on a mission of peace. She should have researched security arrangements beforehand. She should have known about the disappearances instead of wasting valuable time offering jobs when people needed freedom. She had killed as surely as if she had fired the weapon herself. Worse, she had betrayed GUND-Arm and turned a company meant to save lives into a vehicle for slaughter.
“Sarius was in bad shape, but I found him.” Guel’s voice was somewhere close by. “Dominicus will have a lot of questions for him. Doubt he’ll go to present, but at least we stopped him before he could do anything.”
At least one plan she had made that day had worked out. She wondered what Prospera would make of that. She was probably already snaring her web around the new president, whoever that was. As long as she kept Suletta out of it. Her body seized. She strained against the restraints. The deal. Miorine wasn’t the president. If Prospera hurt one hair on Suletta’s head… Miorine had to breathe, had to get out of here.
A warm hand found hers. Calluses on the thumb and first three fingers rubbed over her. “Shh,” Suletta murmured. “It’s going to be okay.. I’m here.”
It was only a matter of time before her brain added Suletta to her visions. The last duel had been the first drop of poison. Like the princes in a fairytale, she had bargained with a witch to take her beloved’s place in what was to come. And, like a witch, Prospera had demanded a terrible price. The only way to free Suletta was to chain herself to the very system she had spent so long to escape. Even to contrive to regain her first, unwanted fiancé. She had to steal from Suletta the being she loved most in the world. And, to make sure that Suletta didn’t follow her into hell anyway, Miorine had spit in her face. Suletta would die hating her, but at least the real her was safe at school.
The phantom Suletta stroked what part of her hand wasn’t covered with surgical tape. “They’re going to take that stuff off your eyes soon. Then you can see all the stars outside your window. I counted three constellations when I slept in here last night. The doctors say you’ll probably come off the ventilator soon.” Her voice was terribly small. “Seeing you like this, it scares me.”
“Take it easy, Suletta. You know what the doctor said about agitating her.”
“I know.”
Wait. She wouldn’t conjure a conversation like that, even hopped up on sedatives and painkillers. This was the real Suletta. The gauze chafed at Miorine’s eyelids as tears built up. That idiot! She was supposed to be at Asticassia, safe and checking off items on her list. She should be finding someone who would love her unreservedly and give her those rings and prettiest dresses. Miorine should mean less to her than the dirt under her fingernails.
“How is our patient today?” asked a different voice. Hm, vitals are strong. Brain activity indicates consciousness. I don’t see any reason we can’t try an SBT tomorrow.”
A spontaneous breathing trial. This thing would no longer be forcing her to inhale and exhale at a speed set by a computer. She could get some water. Brush her teeth.
“That means she can go to a normal room, right Doctor?”
“Correct. Ms. Mercury, if you would step outside. I need to discuss Ms. Rembran’s plan of care with Mr. Jeturk.”
“Right. I’ll just—I have to go.”
“Let her stay, Doctor.”
“As you wish. In addition to the multiple fractures and internal bleeding we’ve already discussed, the tests we’ve run on Ms. Rembran have revealed severe trauma to the spine. Specifically, a complete injury to the spinal nerve at the fifth cervical vertebra. Or, in layman’s terms, she is paralyzed below the chest.”
What? No. No. No. Paralysis was something that happened to soldiers or athletes, not businesswomen. She had seen people confined to hoverchairs. The lucky ones lived full lives, but it was a full life with a catheter and diapers and depending on other people. They were the before image in a GUND-Arm ad. Was this why she couldn’t feel her legs?
“Our first option is conventional rehabilitation. Due to the injury being relatively high on her spine, she will have total or near total paralysis of her wrists and hands as well as lack of movement and sensation below the waist. Once she’s fitted with a hoverchair, she would be able to move from place to place on her own, though she will need help with the activities of daily living. She will be able to speak normally, but her breathing will be somewhat weak.
I’d rather die. She wouldn’t spend her life as a vegetable, dependent on the mercy of others. An object of scorn or pity. Another princess sitting by the window in her tower.
“What’s the other option?”
“I hesitate to mention this, but the rumor is that your very own GUND-Arm is working on implants that would compensate.”
They were. One day, the NanoGUND implants would be the crown jewel of the company. In theory, they would bypass damaged neurons and allow people to walk, talk, and breathe on their own. It hadn’t moved beyond first-stage prototyping and cloned tissue trials. It caused cellular death in thirty-seven percent of those trials.
“I remember her talking about that.” Miorine could almost see Suletta’s face scrunch up. “It could kill her.”
“Which is why I am asking Mr. Jeturk how he wants to proceed.”
“I--I don’t know! We never talked about it!”
“You’re her next of kin.”
Aren’t you supposed to be a risk taker? Of course I want the surgery!
“Guel? For what it’s worth, I think you should go with the surgery. Move for—no. What I mean to say is that I think Miorine would want to take that chance.”
“What she said. She knows Miorine better than I do.”
Alea iacta est. it was simply another duel. If she won, she could rebuild her life and her company and atone for her sins. If she died, well at least she had heard Suletta’s voice once more. Those she had slain had received no such comfort.
“Implantation successful. The rest is up to her.”
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runemyth0 · 2 years
So Guel Bob ran away, huh? Poor guy, obfuscating his name and getting a space trucking job to get away from the plot, only to get pulled back in by factors outside his control. Like, the normal arc for this kind of character is to get back in the saddle as fast as possible, but he kinda skipped right over that and fell right off the cliff. Now he’s all depressed.
And I certainly wasn’t expecting the other two gundams to show up in the hands of Earth-folk. Assuming they are gundams and not just styled after them; I didn’t see any GUND format effects on their faces, so either they’re not gundams or they’re newtype-equivalents like Suletta. I half-expected them to blow the bridge off Bob’s ship.
But everyone seems to be headed to Plant Quetta, so that’s probably where our grand finale is going to kick off at. Can’t wait to watch the fireworks.
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blnjobs · 3 days
Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences QIMS Quetta Jobs 2024
Continue reading Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences QIMS Quetta Jobs 2024
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jobustad · 4 days
Department of Population Welfare Jobs in Quetta September 2024 Advertisement
Department of Population Welfare Jobs in Quetta September 2024 has been announce through latest advertisement applications are Inviting from Suitable candidate whose meet up the Criteria to full these Clinical staff Post at Quetta Details are Mention Below.In these Latest Govt Jobs in Balochistan both Male and Female candidates can Apply in these Jobs and can get these Latest Jobs in Pakistan…
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dailyilm · 11 days
WAPDA Jobs 2024: How to Apply Online for Positions in Punjab
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The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has recently announced new job vacancies for 2024, as detailed in an advertisement published in the Daily Express and Jung newspapers on May 8, 2024. This is an excellent opportunity for job seekers across Pakistan, particularly those interested in positions in Punjab. If you are interested in applying, it is crucial to submit your application before the deadline on May 23, 2024. For more information and to apply, visit the official OTS website at ots.org.pk.
Overview of WAPDA Jobs 2024
WAPDA is seeking qualified candidates to fill various roles within the organization. These positions come with competitive salaries and benefits in accordance with departmental regulations. Both male and female applicants from all regions of Pakistan are encouraged to apply through the designated process. Below is an overview of the eligibility criteria and application process for WAPDA Jobs 2024.
Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for WAPDA Jobs 2024, candidates must meet the following educational and experience requirements:
Middle School Pass: For roles such as Cook and Tandoori.
Matriculation: Required for positions including Sr. Cook/Head Cook and Driver.
Intermediate (F.A.): May be required for specific roles.
Bachelor’s Degree (B.A., B.Sc.): For more specialized positions.
Master’s Degree (M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil.): Relevant for senior or technical roles.
Applicants must ensure that they fulfill all the necessary criteria including educational qualifications, experience, and documentation.
Job Locations and Vacancies
The job vacancies are spread across multiple regions in Pakistan, with a significant focus on Punjab. Other regions include:
Major Cities: Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, Hyderabad, Quetta, Peshawar, Gujrat, Sahiwal, Gujranwala.
Provinces: Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Sindh, Balochistan, and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
The WAPDA Jobs 2024 announcement includes various positions such as:
Sr. Cook/Head Cook: Requires Matriculation.
Cook: Requires Middle School education.
Tandoori: Requires Middle School education.
Driver: Requires Middle School education.
Application Process
Interested candidates must follow these steps to apply for WAPDA Jobs 2024:
Visit the OTS Website: Go to the official website at ots.org.pk to access the job application portal.
Access the Job Portal: Locate the WAPDA Jobs section on the website and click on the link to the latest job application form.
Complete the Application Form: Fill out all required fields in the online application form. Ensure that all personal details, educational qualifications, and experience are accurately provided.
Attach Required Documents: Upload all necessary documents as specified in the application guidelines. This may include educational certificates, experience letters, and identification documents.
Submit the Application: Review your application for completeness and accuracy before submitting it. Ensure that you submit your application by the deadline of May 23, 2024.
Additional Information
Application Deadline: All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2024.
Job Advertisement: The job vacancies were advertised in the Daily Express, Jung, and Dawn newspapers.
Contact Information: For any queries, you can contact WAPDA House in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
Stay Updated
To stay informed about job updates and additional opportunities beyond 2024, keep an eye on various Pakistani newspapers and online job portals. Following relevant social media channels and professional networks like LinkedIn can also help you stay up-to-date with future job announcements and career opportunities.
Follow Us
For the latest updates and information on job opportunities, you can follow these platforms:
Daily Ilm:
The WAPDA Jobs 2024 offer a promising opportunity for candidates across Pakistan to join a reputable organization with a range of roles suited to various educational backgrounds. Be sure to complete your application by the specified deadline and take advantage of this chance to advance your career with WAPDA.
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filectory · 2 years
National Logistics Cell (NLC) Jobs 2023: Apply Online at nlc.com.pk/Careers
National Logistics Cell (NLC) Jobs 2023: Apply Online at nlc.com.pk/Careers latest advertisement. This Job notification is published in the Express Newspaper on 12-March-2023. NLC requires the services of staff for recruitment on a contract basis. Candidates possessing the requisite qualification can apply online till 26-March-2023. The step-by-step procedure for applying is given on the NLC…
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jobupdatepk · 2 months
Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Cardiology Centre Job Opportunities 2024 | SMBZAN Institute Of Cardiology Quetta Job Vacancies 2024 Online Apply
Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan SMBZAN Institute of Cardiology has announced the latest 80+ jobs for the posts of auditor, generator service mechanic, mason, sub engineer, boiler engineer, accountant, technician cardiac technology, ultrasound assistant, ecg technician, label person, and other posts. Interested Candidates can apply for the Latest Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan…
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dae-platform · 6 months
DAE Refrigeration & Air Conditioning/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/Information Technology/Computer Science Jobs in Pakistan Aeronautical Complex
JOB OPPORTUNITIES Pakistan Aeronautical Complex needs the applications for regular and contract following jobs advertised on their official website. Tests for regular posts will be conducted in all selection centres (Kamra, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Sukkur and Multan) while for contract and class-IV posts tests will be conducted only in Kamra selection centre. However, the competent…
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jobwop · 6 months
SMEDA Jobs 2024 Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority
Samida is a statutory body responsible for developing and promoting small and medium enterprises. It has its head office in Lahore, regional offices in Karachi, Quetta, and Khuzdar, and regional business centers in major business cities in Pakistan. Salary💲 Age: 📰 Gender 👨 Skills 🔧 PKR 100000 – 150000 30 – 40 Years Male, Female Teaching, Medical Applications are invited to fill the following…
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