#joan watson from elementary bc holy shit her character arc is so good
arysthaeniru · 2 years
I got tagged by @omicheese, SO long ago, to write a list of 10 favourite characters, each from a different media! This is so hard!
1. Kira Nerys - Deep Space 9
One of the most complex, interesting characters in the show, who balances trauma, badassery and vulnerability really well. I adore how much thought Nana Visitor put into her personality; her struggles with religion, compromise and leadership are genuinely great to watch. Also she is such a closeted lesbian and it is a disaster to watch her date bland white man after bland white man, seeking a safe man after a lifetime of fear, not realizing she's been in love with Jadzia this whole time...
2. Haruka Sawamura - Yakuza
Although the writers never want to acknowledge her trauma, I find her people-pleasing and her forced happiness such a fascinating part of her. Having to deal with essentially becoming the emotional crutch to Kiryu at such a young age because Kiryu can't process his own emotions well, and then essentially being the second parent at the orphanage as Kiryu keeps running off to Kamurocho, and then becoming an idol in order to save her orphanage from debt, even though being an idol wasn't really her dream anyway... She's so interesting, and the way she swallows her trauma and takes in all the wrong lessons from Kiryu's arcs makes her genuinely so good and interesting!
3. Artemy Burakh - Pathologic
For all that I have...problems with parts of Pathologic especially when it comes to depiction of the Kin, Artemy really is such an interesting, nuanced protagonist. His journey of figuring out what it means to balance honouring his indigenous heritage while also navigating the racism of his society and also grief of losing his father while also acknowledging his father's mistakes, and managing this new family of children he's stumbled upon, as well as trying to revive old friendships....it really is such a great arc, and I love him. His arc is about love, even though he doesn't think he's worthy of it. (But also Taya and Capella are also here in spirit because I love them SO much).
4. Edelgard von Hresvelg - Fire Emblem
My little revolutionary meow meow! I love how determined yet conflicted Edelgard is as a person, certain of the arc of her story, but uncertain what the exact beats must be. When it comes down it, I love characters who think of themselves as weapons learning what it is to be human again! It's such a vulnerable, interesting process to entangle, and her friendships and her relationships are always so delightful to think about. Edelgard's arc in Three Houses is about the fallacy of red-brown alliances in leftist politics, actually, and how it can harm your own cause and compromise your vision ❤
5. Aino Minako - Sailor Moon
Mina-chan is such a fun supporting character. I love how ditzy and absent-minded she is for things she doesn't care about, and yet how determined and unrelenting she is about her dreams and ambitions. I loved her grappling with what she really wants from life, having been a Sailor Scout for the longest time and wondering what else she wants to be, who else she could become! I also LOVE her willingness to date four or five people at a time—she is the avatar of love, after all.
6. Riju - Breath of the Wild
My baby! I have no idea why she's in charge, nothing about the Gerudo politics seems to imply that they have a hereditary monarchy, so really, there's no reason for a 15 year old to be in charge, but logic be damned. I see a precocious child burdened with the weight of legacy and responsibility and I have to stan them. (It's why Taya and Capella were shortlists for my fave from Pathologic). The themes are too good and she's one of the best units in Hyrule Warriors. I wish she had better clothes though, she deserves a skirt that actually covers her legs.
7. Azula - Avatar the Last Airbender
My first crush ever, I continue to stan evil women with great senses of fashion!! I find her such an intriguing character and although the show often spends time telling us Azula is clever and manipulative instead of showing us (the Ba Sing Se arc made...zero sense), she's such a clear threat and powerhouse and yet so vulnerable and on the edge at the same time. She is the ultimate representation of how the Fire Nation's fascism has destroyed the idea of childhood altogether, and I think her menace is only added to by the fact that she's deeply emotional about her people, even as she cruelly manipulates them to do her bidding.
8. Anthy Himemiya - Revolutionary Girl Utena
It's about the cycles, it's about the victimhood, its about finding power in being reviled, even as it rips you apart, it's about taking humour in your imprisonment because what else can you do—and then the bright, blinding hope that comes from love and letting somebody in, giving them a chance to help set you free. I love Anthy so much, and it's so important that she's a brown woman. (Though Wakaba is close second because...Wakaba!!!!)
9. Dominic Ash - DIE Comic
DIE is genuinely one of the best comics out there, gutting and powerful and adult in all the best ways, and Ash is my problematic, manipulator fave right in the centre of it all. I love how often Ash uses their power to try and force their friends to follow their bidding and are unable to truly control the consequences of doing so, driving all but Isabelle away. I love how afraid they are of their power corrupting them, yet taking the plunge anyway, for the sake of the greater good. And I love their struggles with love, parenthood and the escapist fantasy of being powerful and desired within the role-playing game, and not necessarily wanting to go back to real life.
10. Glimmer - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Glimmer's such a fun character, desperate to be grown up enough to take on the revolutionary fight and desperate to get better at controlling her own magic and so desperately jealous of her friends' power and terrified she's inadequate and they'll leave her. I love her parallels with Catra and Adora, I adore her thrill-seeking tendencies and her extreme desire to be above-all-else helpful. I love how easily she pushes herself over her limits for the sake of her friends, and how disastrous those choices usually are... also her character design is top-tier.
With absolutely zero-pressure involved, I tag @iammissingautumn @ishtarstripdying @corvidfeathers @touchmycoat @ghostlyeris and anybody else who is interested and wants to do this!!!
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