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mullitoffroading · 7 years ago
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#Obsidian getting ready to leave #HeadQuarters @dedonaenterprises, An upgrade and a cpl mods added this past week, my vision is very close to being complete, what would you do next? • • • #TiredOfWhiteLines Need to take #ThePathLessTraveled #Offroading #DedonaEnterprises #NoFilter #Dana60 #OneTon #FullFloat #40s #JkOn40s #Beast #BeastMode #Insane #8Lug #Wheels #Rims #LifeIsGood #BecauseJeep #Jeep #Jeeps #Jeeping #JeepLife #JeepEverything #JeepSyndicate #TheJeepSyndicate @jeep_obsidian
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assaultind · 7 years ago
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#AssaultEquipped💪 <-- Not just UTVs 🤙 From @righicon // Ready for another day at the beach 🏖 finally had chance get shot of upgraded interior mods #corbeauseats #rockhard4x4 •--{🤘🏽|||||||🤘🏽}<--• ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---——---—---——---—---— #Jeep #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #lifted #stance #22x14 #jkon40s #moneypit #jeepbeef #4x4 #offroad #jeeplife #liftedjeeps #jkuworld #itsajeepthing #stancenation #jeepin #liftedjeep #jeepher #jeepfreaks #righicon // ��@black_label_coatings @gear_headz_customs @rippsuperchargers @poisonspyder @theoriginalsmittybilt @rpmoffroad @offroadelements @fueloffroad @aevconversions @nittotire @oraclelights @synergymfg @ampresearch @teraflexsuspension @borlaexhaust @corbeauseatsusa @rockhard4x4 @rock_krawler @evo_mfg #assaultmedia (at Assault Industries UTV)
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karnagemotorsports · 7 years ago
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What makes Jeep. #jeep #wrangler #jku #karnagemotorsports #jkuon40s #jkon40s #miami #wynwood #hydroblue #florida #sundayfunday #karnagekrew #power #glory #4wd #4x4 (at Wynwood Art District)
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azzysdesignworks · 7 years ago
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Check out another acetone build at #jeepbeach sporting a team adw cluster, this one an Overlord in blue! @thebeastjk ・・・ The Beast is in the @rippsuperchargers go check out @tokinjew and @grapplerjk builds are both top notch!!! ———————————————————————— @Baker_off_road @RedClayOffroad @Rippsuperchargers @HIDprojectors @VPR4x4 @TaylorsAudio #rippsuperchargers #hidprojectors #RedClayOffroad #BakerOffroad #taylorsaudio #vpr4x4 #bradfordcustom #mytop #powertank #dana60 #kingshocks #maxxis #warn #evomfg #rigidindustries #jeepbeef #customeverything #wrangler #jeep #4x4 #jeepwrangler #offroading #jeeponcoils #jeeppage #maxxistires #trepadors #jkon40s #itsajeepthing #jeepfamily
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mullitoffroading · 5 years ago
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Thoughts? Someone's ready for Santa! . from @thatgreenjeep If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. #deepthoughts Also, this will be the last Christmas tree picture...I promise 😂 #frontendfriday _________________________________________ #myfendersarejcroffroadmaulernarrows #gajeeptech #jku #jk #jeeplife #jeepworld #jeep #wranglernation #metalcloak #jeeppage #jeepflex #jeepbeef #jeepsofinstagram #jkuworld #nationwidejeeps #jeepnation #instajeepthing #jeepfreak #racelinebeadlocks #worldwidejeepers #sevenslotbattalion #jkon40s #rippsuperchargers #jcrallthethings #jcroffroad #mallrated #jkontons #ultimatedana60 (at Georgetown, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/B51W8gbguM6/?igshid=1qsiuccuwtrel
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
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Everyone is all posting their green Jeeps and I can't even make Instagram's filters get me close! Ohh well. happy #stpatricksday ladies. •-->👊🏼👊🏼<--• ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JK #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #merica 🇺🇸 #lifted #stance #jkontons #jkon40s #picoftheday #moneypit #jeepbeef #offroad #jeepsofinstagram #4x4 #jeeplife #2a #liftedjeeps #jeepin #sergeantcrush 🏆. ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🔌 @toms4x4superstore @rebeloffroad @rock_krawler @spicerparts @adamsdriveshaft @synergymfg @Jeep @sewardoffroad @corbeauseatsusa @nittotire @trbeadlocks @rocksolidfab ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 📆 Jeep Beach - Daytona Beach - April • Jeep Beach Jam - Panama City Beach - May • Bantam Jeep Fest - Pennsylvania - June • Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion - August • Sheriff's Jeep Fest - Jasper, GA - September • ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🇺🇸 USMC 🇺🇸 ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— (at Dublin, Ireland)
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assaultind · 7 years ago
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Going beyond UTV's 🤙 #AssaultEquipped💪 From @righicon // Wifey gave the Jeep some upgrades for Valentine’s Day. Have post some new goodies soon. Thanks honey @kristinboundsrighi #ridinginstyle #Jeep #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #lifted #22x14 #jkon40s #moneypit #jeepbeef #4x4 #jeeplife #liftedjeeps #jkuworld #itsajeepthing #stancenation #jeepin #liftedjeep #jeepher #jeepfreaks #righicon #NvrDone // @black_label_coatings @gear_headz_customs @rippsuperchargers @poisonspyder @theoriginalsmittybilt @rpmoffroad @offroadelements @fueloffroad @aevconversions @nittotire @oraclelights @synergymfg @ampresearch @teraflexsuspension @borlaexhaust @corbeauseatsusa @rockhard4x4 // 🇺🇸 East Tennessee // #AssaultMedia #playdirty (at Assault Industries UTV)
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pelican-jmlm · 9 years ago
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Trying to flex it out. @starwoodmotors #jkon40s #sevenslotbattalion #currieenterprises #jkuworld #jkontons #2016W4W #wheelinforwarriors
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
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Well @rebeloffroad released some details on their Recon DSS kit for the front of the JK today. Check out this little teaser photo. I'll be running this front and rear kit with color matched @kingshocks and a @rock_krawler Long arm kit for Jeep Beach. Stop by the booth and check it out. It's gonna be baaad! Photo credit @ironman_jk •-->👊🏼👊🏼<--• ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JK #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #merica 🇺🇸 #lifted #stance #jkontons #jkon40s #picoftheday #moneypit #jeepbeef #offroad #jeepsofinstagram #4x4 #jeeplife #2a #liftedjeeps #jeepin #sergeantcrush 🏆. ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🔌 @toms4x4superstore @rebeloffroad @rock_krawler @spicerparts @adamsdriveshaft @synergymfg @Jeep @sewardoffroad @corbeauseatsusa @nittotire @trbeadlocks @rocksolidfab ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 📆 Jeep Beach - Daytona Beach - April • Jeep Beach Jam - Panama City Beach - May • Bantam Jeep Fest - Pennsylvania - June • Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion - August • Sheriff's Jeep Fest - Jasper, GA - September • ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🇺🇸 USMC 🇺🇸 ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
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These two ladies are getting some goodies installed for the long ride to Jeep Beach. Truck is getting some airbags, gooseneck hitch, and a big ass trailer. You already know about the JK goodies (most of them). Stay tuned!! •-->👊🏼👊🏼<--• ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JK #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #merica 🇺🇸 #lifted #stance #jkontons #jkon40s #moneypit #jeepbeef #offroad #jeepsofinstagram #4x4 #jeeplife #2a #liftedjeeps #jeepin #sergeantcrush 🏆. ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🔌 @rebeloffroad @rock_krawler @spicerparts @adamsdriveshaft @synergymfg @Jeep @sewardoffroad @corbeauseatsusa @nittotire @trbeadlocks @toms4x4superstore @rocksolidfab ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 📆 Jeep Beach - Daytona Beach - April • Jeep Beach Jam - Panama City Beach - May • Bantam Jeep Fest - Pennsylvania - June • Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion - August • Sheriff's Jeep Fest - Jasper, GA - September • ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🇺🇸 USMC 🇺🇸 ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— (at Walden, Tennessee)
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
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I've had a LOT of questions about my takeoffs with the upcoming revamp. I have a significant amount of VERY gently used quality parts coming up for sale soon. These will be take offs from #sergeantcrush. I'm not setting prices, I'm going to sell them cheap to people trying to build their rigs up on a budget. Military and College students get preferential treatment because I've done a lot of both and I was poor as shit during that time and still trying to build a Jeep. Parts include: Drag links, tie rods, shocks, springs, control arms, a bunch of factory stuff, disconnects, fox ats stabilizer, maybe a nearly new set of 40's if I can get my new ones in time. If you are interested let me know and I'll message you when I take the parts off. This will be my only post soliciting offers. I love you all 💋💋#semperfi #nofilter #giveback •-->👊🏼👊🏼<--• ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JK #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #merica 🇺🇸 #lifted #stance #jkontons #jkon40s #moneypit #jeepbeef #offroad #jeepsofinstagram #4x4 #jeeplife #2a #liftedjeeps #jeepin #sergeantcrush 🏆. ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🔌 @rebeloffroad @rock_krawler @spicerparts @adamsdriveshaft @synergymfg @Jeep @sewardoffroad @corbeauseatsusa @nittotire @trbeadlocks @toms4x4superstore ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 📆 Crawling for Reid - AOP - March 4th • Jeep Beach - Daytona Beach - April • Jeep Beach Jam - Panama City Beach - May • Bantam Jeep Fest - Pennsylvania - June • Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion - August • Sheriff's Jeep Fest - Jasper, GA - September • ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🇺🇸 USMC 🇺🇸 ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
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5 years ago today I took delivery of this little slice of heaven just how she sits. I swore....really swore (like on a bible), that I wouldn't get stupid with the build. 🤷🏽‍♂️ 👉🏾 0 self restraint. No turning back now!! . #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JK #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #merica 🇺🇸 #lifted #stance #jkontons #jkon40s #jeepbeef #offroad #4x4 #2a #liftedjeeps #jeepin #sergeantcrush 🏆. . ⬛️🔶⬛️🔶⬛️🔶⬛️🔶⬛️🔶⬛️🔶⬛️🔶⬛️🔸⬛️🔸 🔌 @rebeloffroad @rock_krawler @spicerparts @adamsdriveshaft @synergymfg @Jeep @sewardoffroad @corbeauseatsusa @nittotire @trbeadlocks @toms4x4superstore . 🇺🇸 USMC 🇺🇸
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
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#windshieldwonday is a new thing. Made that up today. #ballin #jeepporn #jeepbeef #offroad @rebeloffroad #4x4 @kingshocks #jk #jku #synergymfg #sewardoffroad #wrangler #rubicon #toms4x4superstore #kchilites #merica #mountains @spicerparts @synergymfg #lifted #adamsdriveshaft #sevenslotsforthewin #stance #jkontons #jkon40s 🇺🇸
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
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We are midway through day 1 and we've already been mall crawlin' 👜👜 - Now it's time for some poolside relaxation and some drinks before we decide on dinner. JK is at the shop getting a detail now . She was looking rough on the inside! Happy Sunday ladies! Jeeps are slowly rolling in to Daytona Beach for #jeepbeach2017. •-->👊🏼|||||||👊🏼<--• ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JK #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #merica 🇺🇸 #lifted #jeeps #stance #jkontons #jkon40s #picoftheday #moneypit #jeepbeef #offroad #kingshocks #orangejeep #jeepsofinstagram #4x4 #jeeplife #2a #liftedjeeps #jeepin #sergeantcrush 🏆. ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🔌 @toms4x4superstore @rebeloffroad @rock_krawler @kingshocks @spicerparts @adamsdriveshaft @jeep @synergymfg @Jeep @sewardoffroad @corbeauseatsusa @nittotire @trbeadlocks @rocksolidfab @artecindustries @genrightoffroad @acetrailers2017 @mild2wildsigns ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 📆 Jeep Beach - Daytona Beach - NOW • Jeep Beach Jam - Panama City Beach - May • Bantam Jeep Fest - Pennsylvania - June • Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion - August • Sheriff's Jeep Fest - Jasper, GA - September • ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🇺🇸 USMC 🇺🇸 ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— (at Tanger Outlets, Daytona Beach)
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
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WE MADE IT! At the beach house in Daytona and all unloaded. Tomorrow we get organized, detail the JK and relax. The guys in this pic are the ones that made this build happen on time. I wouldn't be here now with the Jeep without their dedication. Thanks again @4xtom @toms4x4superstore @rocksolidfab and @tootallmayn. •-->👊🏼|||||||👊🏼<--• ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JK #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #merica 🇺🇸 #lifted #jeeps #stance #jkontons #jkon40s #picoftheday #moneypit #jeepbeef #offroad #kingshocks #orangejeep #jeepsofinstagram #4x4 #jeeplife #2a #liftedjeeps #jeepin #sergeantcrush 🏆. ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🔌 @toms4x4superstore @rebeloffroad @rock_krawler @kingshocks @spicerparts @adamsdriveshaft @jeep @synergymfg @Jeep @sewardoffroad @corbeauseatsusa @nittotire @trbeadlocks @rocksolidfab @artecindustries @genrightoffroad @acetrailers2017 @mild2wildsigns ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 📆 Jeep Beach - Daytona Beach - NOW • Jeep Beach Jam - Panama City Beach - May • Bantam Jeep Fest - Pennsylvania - June • Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion - August • Sheriff's Jeep Fest - Jasper, GA - September • ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🇺🇸 USMC 🇺🇸 ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— (at Toms 4x4 Superstore)
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sergeantcrush · 8 years ago
South of Atlanta. Next stop - Tifton, GA •-->👊🏼|||||||👊🏼<--• ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JK #JKU #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #rubicon #merica 🇺🇸 #lifted #jeeps #stance #jkontons #jkon40s #picoftheday #moneypit #jeepbeef #offroad #kingshocks #orangejeep #jeepsofinstagram #4x4 #jeeplife #2a #liftedjeeps #jeepin #sergeantcrush 🏆. ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🔌 @toms4x4superstore @rebeloffroad @rock_krawler @kingshocks @spicerparts @adamsdriveshaft @jeep @synergymfg @Jeep @sewardoffroad @corbeauseatsusa @nittotire @trbeadlocks @rocksolidfab @artecindustries @genrightoffroad @acetrailers2017 @mild2wildsigns ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 📆 Jeep Beach - Daytona Beach - NOW • Jeep Beach Jam - Panama City Beach - May • Bantam Jeep Fest - Pennsylvania - June • Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion - August • Sheriff's Jeep Fest - Jasper, GA - September • ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— 🇺🇸 USMC 🇺🇸 ---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---—---— (at Flying J)
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