#jjk fans are actually so fucking dumb
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defnotkanyewest · 6 months ago
JJK fans when they read the manga that dropped in japanese (they cant read japanese) and the stuff they saw seems like poor writing (they cant read the writing because its in japanese)
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epickiya722 · 5 months ago
6,7,9,10 for the choose violence ask for both MHA and JJK
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
For both fandoms, I can find anyone annoying no matter specifically what they ship. Now, if I had to be specific, it has to be people who hate on a ship who are clearly just homophobic.
I recently had been called an "imbecile" by someone over an innocent ItaFushi post and found out they found the ship "diabolical".
Twice, one for each fandom, I made a post about F/F ships and someone had to bring up a M/F ship. Honey, please, I don't care. BEGONE, HEATHEN!
But again, no matter what they ship, if they annoy me, they annoy me.
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
Okay, for MHA, I don't actually hate Hawks. I'm more so indifferent with him even when he did appear. However, sometimes in fandom, I find his presence annoying. Especially, whenever Miruko is involved. I was recently salty for a week because for the Miruko tags, it his face there and the artwork centered around him.
Like, no, last time I checked Miruko was a bunny woman. Not a blond bird man whose jacket I have a disdain for.
I even once wrote a fic out of spite because someone said something about Miruko and hyped up Hawks and I'm like "She didn't do anything to warrant this slander but alright". Ever since then, Hawks would sometimes be the butt monkey in my fics. I actually was thinking about doing a sequel to that fic, too.
For JJK, it only recently became Yuta. Now, unlike Hawks, I don't actually not feel anything towards Yuta. I do like him.
However, I have a deep seething hatred for those who constantly bash Yuji to hype him up. Yuta is cool, but he is not that fucking cool to bash Yuji. Come on now. I hate it whenever I go on a post anywhere and someone will talk about Yuji's accomplishments or just only mention Yuji and some assholes will be like "well, Yuta this" and "Yuta that". Yuta is rocking the teenage boy version of Yuji's mom's haircut, so stop.
9. Worst part of canon?
Okay, did Miruko have to lose 3 of her limbs? Her arm? I was fine with that. A leg, I was actually confused for a while as to how she even lost it until I went back and saw what happened but I don't think she should have completely cut it off. 😭 Her other arm? Okay... her and Edgeshot are definitely the Heroes who lost the most in the final war. Mind you, Miruko's Quirk has her use her limbs. I'm glad she got her a little bazooka in the end, but she low-key sacrificed a lot more than other Heroes.
I actually wrote a fic addressing that because I'm salty about it. It was my recent Miruko-centric fic.
Okay, for JJK... do I have anything? Nothing really actually aggravated me... okay, I think Choso shouldn't have died. Or Yuki. I think about them and start punching the air.
10. Worst part of fanon?
Where to begin here? I feel like there are so many things.
For JJK, I low-key have a disdain for the first person who misinterpreted Gojo would be a fucking playboy. Like, no he wouldn't be in a committed relationship because he can't be loyal because "he's a man, he has needs" or whatever bullshit reason. It's because he's a jujutsu sorcerer! And one of the busiest ones in top of that! Hell, we just found out what his schedule looks like, he wouldn't have time to commit!
There's also how dumb some people tend to make Yuji. Like... he's dumb, he even admits it but I think it's just more so that he's not motivated to learn certain things and he just thinks he is. He's smarter than what he (and the fandom) gives him credit for.
And some of the memes? Don't find funny at all. I actually got tired of the "Nah, I'd win" memes I kept seeing. And how Yuta would make fun of someone for having "No bitches". That's stupid, I hate it.
For MHA, again some memes I just don't find funny. Recently any meme I see about "Midoriya being a fast food worker", who makes them instantly has me wishing they step on a Lego. And just saying, fast food workers have probably done more for anybody than certain people. Or that "Katsuki stole Ochako" from him is definitely a case of "those are OCs with the same name" because we know damn well canon Katsuki ain't touching Ochako like that with even a ten foot long pole and vice versa on her end.
Playboy Katsuki? Yeah, not really my favorite portrayal of him in fiction like that. I can see him being very popular and having a lot of girl fans because that's canon, it makes sense. But hooking up with a lot of people? And using it as some "escape" or whatever? Yeah... eh...
Also, sometimes I feel like folks want to use that "Black Best Friend" trope on Miruko whenever it comes to Hawks and DabiHawks. Like, she got to be his hype man or something. The idea doesn't appeal to me really.
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yuzuyoon · 7 months ago
damn i just went to check and jk has 10 versions of 7 combined and who only has 4 which is only two more than what lc got 💀💀💀💀💀💀 lmaoo and those jjks bitches try to make it as if jimin has more than 50 versions lmao what a joke they’re so fucking dumb and desperate to make jm the inorganic one lol
only 10? i felt like it was more for some reason. 10 is still a ridiculous amount to have for one song. i don't know about anyone else, but i've been feeling a lot of second hand embarrassment for the company lately. i can't imagine how humiliated i would feel if i set up so much promotions for this one song i was trying to use to beat another song and it ends up performing with similar numbers (and not well organically) to the song that literally received nothing. seven wouldn't have stood a chance if it didn't receive the push that it did
but that just goes to show you that organic will always be better than a ton of promo. jimin's fanbase is incredibly loyal and we fight like hell for him. i have a feeling a large portion of jungkook's fanbase would bail the moment they found a better artist and its because its made up of people that consider themselves "jungkook stans" but are actually borderline locals and just every day fans or just casual listeners that will eventually get bored because pop songs get old fast
speaking of "trying to make jimin inorganic" i literally saw a post the other day trying to claim that jimin had like 15 versions combined of who and i just sat there for a minute and went "that's...not how that works." if that were how it worked, jungkook would have 24 combined versions of seven alone 💀
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jimbo-thy · 4 months ago
The Promised Power Scaling Essay
I managed to fall asleep while I was typing some thoughts on power scaling fan-fiction, so now I'm finishing what I started. Much yapping beneath the break.
Part One: Power Scaling and Fan Fiction
The best place to start is to recap how I even got here. As a vague fan of anime and superheroes, I get recommended power scaling videos a lot on YouTube. I'm not too big into the power scaling community, but I know my way around their language and methods. It's good fun to get into as a super hero nerd, and I'm a touch too aromantic to reliably engage with the other half of super hero fan fiction.
That being said...
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At the time of my initial rant, I didn't watch this video. I really wanted to know what was up, but the red flags are apparent to anyone who has observed a power scaler in the wild. Dragonball fan, "Solos," etc. All things considered, it's not really a standout example of this particular genre. I just knew it would be the video equivalent of junk food, and would rather not convince YouTube that I wanted to see more junk content.
I have watched this video (using incognito mode) but my thoughts on it will come later. This is more about the big picture of power scaling and my opinions on fan fiction rather than the minutia.
So, I didn't watch it, I just made a dumb joke out of the thumbnail and tried to move on. I did not move on. The thumbnail alone got me thinking, "Why does Kars win?" Not "how," but "why?"
Like I said, although I don't really interact with the community of power scalers, I do think about these kind of things. Albeit, not in the "traditional" sense of death battles and power creep. I subscribe to the words of Stan Lee:
"The person who would win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win!"
Power scaling is fan fiction, and I use fan fiction to put extra time into the themes and characterization of the characters, not just their powers. But "They win because I say so" is the lame answer! And it's oftentimes dissatisfying to see a character with awesome powers getting beaten by another character that they should be able to beat. (Especially if the author is being disingenuous)
So this leads me to the conclusion that, especially in the superhero genre, victory and strength are very crucial themes to explore with your character. Oftentimes, their power is a key part of their characterization. So a writer has to at least make an effort to stop and think "Which traits can I use to explore victory with my character?"
So lets bring it back to Kars. I'm not going to make him fight all of Jujutsu Kaisen, so I want to pick out a character who is thematically interesting for him to fight. Gojo and Sukuna are "heavy hitters" and bring the most power for the power scaling contest, but also not really thematically applicable to Kars other than being strong as fuck.
This is, admittedly, where my knowledge of JJK breaks down. But preliminary research has been enough. I actually went into this thinking Mahito might be have been a good match, considering he has access to visually similar powers. The fight could also serve as a foil to Kars' mastery over the body vs Mahito's mastery over the soul. It gives Kars an excellent opportunity to learn about the soul and its inherent properties.
But preliminary research on Kenjaku gave me something even stronger. He intends to optimize cursed energy, to test the limits. And to achieve such, he is experimenting with humans and curses. Kars is the ultimate life-form, something that would attract Kenjaku's attention. Likewise, a human trying to replicate the process of Kars would attract Kars' attention. These characters would be directly at odds with each other.
You may notice some parallels with shipping discussion here...
So who do I want to win? Well, I like Kars more than Kenjaku and a villain obsessed with being the pinnacle of life stopping another villain from transcending life is very interesting to me. But in a 1v1, Kars wins pretty easily unless Kenjaku has the "Domain Expansion: Go to Space" up his sleeve. So how do we write a good story between these two characters? How do we make it interesting?
Part Two: Jojo's Bizarre Conflicts
In my mind, Kars is the advent of the "impossible challenge" writing style of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. The impossible challenge is an idea I learned from Matt Colville, where the villain puts a task in front of the hero that is impossible for them to complete, but the hero "changes the conditions of the test" and thwarts the villain's plan.
Joseph Joestar spends the majority of his story in control of every situation. Even in fights where it seems he's on the back foot, his signature style is trickery and mind games. Nothing is ever impossible, he was in control the whole time.
Then Kars becomes the ultimate life form, with 400 IQ, the ability to rewrite his genes at whim, immunity to solar radiation, and blazingly asexual.
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Joseph Joestar cannot beat Kars. It is impossible. He has lost all control of the situation. He has one choice left: to run away screaming...
And by doing so, the conditions of the test are changed! Joseph's goal is no longer to kill Kars, its to lead the murderous ultimate life-form away from the people he cares about. In this, he can succeed, even at the cost of his own life. He believes that if he can buy a little time, the others will find a way to win in his stead.
The fight from here is a miraculous series of events. Joseph throws Kars into a volcano, Kars survives the heat. Joseph accidentally causes the volcano to launch them both into the upper atmosphere, Kars is literally about to just fly away unscathed before sheer dumb luck launches the ultimate into deep space.
The villains to follow Kars would be similarly impossible to defeat. DIO's time stop, Kira's Bites the Dust, Diavolo, Pucci is in a class by himself, Valentine's Love Train, Wonder of U. These powers are all Impossible challenges, only defeated once Jojo changes their approach in a dramatic way.
Even Jotaro, famous for pulling a timestop out of his ass, defeats DIO by changing his approach. Most fights against Jotaro are villains who can avoid fighting him head-on. Even during his early fight against Kakyoin, the only way Kakyoin's Hierophant Green could face Jotaro is by taking a hostage. But DIO's the World is the first stand that can truly go head-to-head with Star Platinum. And in conjunction with DIO's innate vampire powers, Jotaro can't just rush DIO down with devastating blows at the earliest opportunity. He has to slowly wear DIO down psychologically until he makes one fatal mistake. Meanwhile, the villain gets to employ Jotaro's usual strategy of overwhelming speed and power.
So we see this pattern of writing take over after Kars is defeated. The villain sets up the rules, and the hero finds a way to break them. It's a conflict style that is much more prevalent in more "mature" media.
Media such as Jujutsu Kaisen.
Part Three: Powers Based on Rules
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Jujutsu Kaisen share this key aspect of their battles. The abilities the characters use against each other have rules. You can think of it like a strategy card game. The core rules are rules that everyone has to follow, such as "draw a card on your turn" or "you may play only one card per turn." In a series like JJBA or JJK, these core rules are things like "only stands can damage stands" or "only those with cursed energy can see curses."
In this same hypothetical strategy game, there is a way to win. Lets say it's by scoring a certain number of points. Each turn, you want to play cards that increase your score so you'll have the most points. In superhero media, these are the basic punchy fights. Important for winning, but not strategically complex.
But then, you have the cards that don't give you any points, but they change the rules of the game. "Draw two cards" or "You may play three cards this turn" These are the core of what makes this card game a strategy game and they are what makes the game so interesting. You can have a fun game about numbers that simply adds score until the game is won, but it stimulates the brain more to think about which rule-changing cards gives you a more reliable win.
That's why the rules-heavy powers in JJBA and JJK are thematically compelling. They establish new parameters for victory and prevent every fight from ending in one flashy signature super move.
So how does this relate to Kars vs Kenjaku and power scaling?
Part Four: Kars vs JJK
Well that's just it, our problem as a writer is that we need to find a way for a rivalry between Kars and Kenjaku to be interesting to the reader. Again, if Kars and Kenjaku are just meeting up behind the Denny's for a 1v1, then Kars is already inside ordering breakfast. (He doesn't need to eat, but what else do you do after killing your rival?)
So we need to set up the rules of their engagement. And to bring credit to a notorius fandom, career power scalers do set up rules. But where they'll say things like "verse equalization" or "stat matching," I'm more interested in "what will either character do to prevent the other from winning?"
Kars is the easy one here. The arrogant ultimate life-form will simply terminator bee-line to wherever he thinks Kenjaku is. If he doesn't know, he'll hang back and do some research and investigation.
Kenjaku has the hard task of masking his location from the smartest life-form on the planet. To be fair, he was pretty good at masking his location from an entire organization of conceited and self-interested sorcerers, so it might actually be hard for Kars to catch wind of any schemes.
But for this fight to even be a possibility, Kars has to know about Kenjaku and his plans somehow. So now the writer is tasked with finding a way for Kars to learn about Kenjaku.
Earlier, we established that Kenjaku would be interested in an ultimate lifeform. Therefore, it is plausible that he would be the one to provoke Kars anyway. And as the sneaky schemer he is, Kenjaku would likely use a whole web of conspiracy to pull this off, ensuring he's never in a 1v1 with Kars while slowly nearing his goals.
Thus begins a long cat-and-mouse game where the ultimate lifeform attempts to eradicate a spirit user before they can learn the secrets of his ascendancy. Sounds like a Jojo story already. And with the archetypal mastermind villain Kenjaku pulling the strings, Kars can fight any number of JJK characters in his adventure. We don't need to worry about who is more powerful than the other because the characters are now given thematic reasons to win or lose.
Part Five: Power Scaling Complacency
So what's the point of all this? Why invent a whole fan fiction based on a thumbnail I saw in passing once? If power scaling is junk food content, why bother giving it so much engagement? Nerds will have their hobbies, and they'll do it how they want. Trying to change that is to deny people from having fun in their own way.
Because I did some reflection on how power scaling looks from the outside. Most superhero fans have found a rogue Dragonball fan in the comments of their favorite media, pondering the age old question of "Can they beat Goku?" Engagement with one of these people is a losing battle. They take pride in believing that their favorite character could beat yours in a fight with no further depth.
This perception on power scalers has created a strange pocket in fandom spaces. A source of fan fiction which has isolated itself into its own toxic echo-chamber genre. They have their own language and jargon, go on long discussions about character feats, and get into fights that would rival the most inflammatory of shipping wars. It's a wild ride to listen to the extreme mental gymnastics some of them will go through to defend their blorbos being number one.
Nerds will have their own fun, yes, but I want to extend an invitation for more people to break out of the power scaling echo chamber and start breaking down their death battles with a more critical eye. To stop thinking in terms of "feats" and "power" and start thinking in terms of themes.
On the other hand, I also want to extend an invitation to people outside the power scaling fandom to give it a try. You don't need to count up feats or calculate the tonnes of TNT that your character's punch is equivalent to. You can have a high literacy perspective on the notion of death battles and power scaling, writing compelling stories as two characters start butting heads in a cross-over fan fiction. Just like shipping, it's not for everyone, but the themes of hatred, strength, and violence are prime material to explore without the clouded lens of competition and toxicity that defines the power scaling fandom.
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tarysu · 1 year ago
REQUEST TIME !! can i pls request a university tachi? what major would he be, what would his hobbies be, how does he meet reader? etc
<Babi i love you smmsmmssm I WILL HYDRATE MYSELF TO THE POINT I DISSOLVE INTO WATER, I've been away and off from tumblr since I'm pretty crazy and rotting in bed (school holidays is getting to me really hard). BUT BUT LET ME WRITE YOU THIS SAHHAHDUAUSD. Small reminder that I'm NOT a university student myself, as you can see I'm pretty young a still a teen girl so I have no knowledge abt uni majors (I pre-prepared majors for my future so I think I have a thought or two on how tachi would work in Uni) ANWAYSYYY SRUMDELI YUM YUM YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!> 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀 !! | 𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 (𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒)
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✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ ✦ Michizou would most likely be doing criminology (I can vision him studying crime, courses like psychology and law) OR a stem major (his ability could be proven useful, Mechanical Engineering would suit him a lot!!! I mean this guy would be establishing some cool machineries). ✦ I'd say Michi would be a well organised university student, given how he can balance his military identity between his Mafia persona. I'd say he'd cope with his schedule (rip all the other students dying of no sleep.) ✦ Tachihara doesn't get regular sleep (not that he gets less sleep just...not a regular sleeping schedule), but I'm 100% sure he's alright. He'd sometimes nap randomly, bro would nap at the most random time anyways LOL. ✦ What extra curriculums he'd do in Uni? BRO WHEN I TELL YOU HE DOES SPORTS FOR SURE!! Basketball in particular. He'd be the star of the show, with his good build and pretty feisty look. Girls on the basketball stadiums would be head over heels. What can I say? He's a popular fucker amongst his peers. I'm positive he is someones hallway crush on the first year of Uni. (definitely the readers.) ✦ He's talkative, always blabbering about dumb shit or shitty jokes. He laughs before he could say the joke, he starts getting an aneurysm on the spot for laughing so hard. ✦ What does he do in his extra time? Hangout with his mates or fuck around a lot in game lobbies. He would be spending hours and hours grinding for a fortnite skin or honestly just pay 2 win (bro bought the whole jjk skins on fortinite). ✦ Michizou takes studying pretty fucking seriously, he failed countless times in his junior years during highschool. He only took his grades seriously once life was hitting a little TOO hard. ✦ Tachihara wasn't interested in any romantic relationships, not until he gets a stable job and house in future. He just wasn't ready for that kind of commitment and he stuck to that style until he met you. ✦ He's friends with all kinds of people and would honestly vibe with all of them, his social battery can get drained pretty easily. ✦ You were doing a medical course and hardly had any rest (I mean any medical majors in my opinion are pretty hard from my perspective). You and Tachi tend to study together, though both of you have different courses. ✦ You two actually knew each other back in highschool. Though you've never TALKED until a certain event in uni. (a small disaster I'll write a fan fic abt it) ✦ You two go on dates once in a blue moon, given how passionate you are about being a doctor (or nurse, you're a pretty tired person.). ✦ Sometimes Michizou would find you cheering the loudest amongst the girls when he plays on the basketball field. (You're definitely the number 1 cheer girl) ✦ After winning the game, he'd run over to you. Cool sweat trickling down his face. He'd hug you and give you multiple of kisses, you'd also give that in return. ✦ EXTRA : Tachihara would always let you stay the night (or two) over in his dorm whenever you have fights with your parents. You live with your parents but sometimes they could really get on her nerves. You'd usually come over frustrated with tears, but hey!! he'd pamper you, coop you up on the couch and just kiss those silly tears away
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alltheotherblogs · 10 months ago
The recent trends I've been seeing of "Cross-universe" matchups and why making two characters from different worlds fight doesn't make any sense.
You've probably seen them too, on YouTube and in random social media posts. Maybe it's just me. Regardless the sudden influx of "Misc fictional character V.s. character from other fictional world." or even "Misc fictional character V.s. EVERY character from other fictional world." I've even seen some people being really really stupid regarding Jujutsu Kaisen. JJK is the most recent addition to the "The Fans are Idiots" club of anime and manga. Of course, we all know it's just because it's particularly popular. Regardless, pretending like Sukuna can defeat anyone from JJBA is delusional. (I wonder if anyone else has seen that video, lol.)
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I'm gonna set this up before I dive in. First, think about it, JJBA doesn't have Cursed Energy, or domains. One could argue abilities like Za Warudo and King Crimson are Domain expansions. But, that isn't what those are, they are Stand Abilities. Manifestations of a fighting spirit and potentially even some kind of sentient disease. Depending on which JJBA universe we're talking, Sukuna honestly gets beat in Part 2 JJBA, and if we're talking Universe 2, he gets beat in every single part. Sukuna can't even react and move as fast as Joseph, and he isn't as smart, and if he is IN THE JJBA UNIVERSE, HE CAN'T USE CURSED ENERGY!!! Of course these absurd arguments try to insert whatever power into each universe disregarding what that would mean. These people blatantly ignore basic rules to hypotheticals. If your opponent has a power, so do you.
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So, that's point #1, universes do not automatically share special abilities like Cursed Energy or Stands. While Stands are either a disease or a biblical miracle, only one of those is technically transferable across universes, and Stands obviously use some form of magical not physics based ability. Like, can you imagine ANYONE in JJK against Za Hando? Yeah, no, they all fucking lose in a fair fight. Za Hando is way too fast, and he just REMOVES space and time. The Hand has the potential to be King Crimson on steroids combined with The world. Regardless, I'll get to point #2. Can you imagine pairing up anyone from JJK or JJBA against normal ass people? That's why JJBA V.s. things like IPPO, BAKI, or Kengan makes no sense either. You have to nerf or buff someone. Regardless, I am actually interested in what Baki, Ippo, and Kengan's stands would be... Holy shit. That's a great hypothetical idea. Seriously though, think about it. When even the physics between each world change so dramatically, making two people fight who aren't remotely the same TYPE of combatants, is just absurdly dumb. Think about if any Baki character trained JUST AS HARD in the DBZ universe. Baki characters would be godlike powerhouses in DBZ with near infinite Ki energy and would even invent their own techniques. If you are taking a character, their training should be what transfers, not their power. Think about the sheer WIPES which Goku has in every univers-... Oh wait, no, even with all his powers Goku loses to people like Kenichi. The powers of people like Kenichi aren't BASED on physics, they are based on stands. And so, Echoes making Goku heavy would work regardless of how strong he was. See what I mean? People ALSO just assume how things work, how everything functions, despite not actually knowing the full extent of anyone's power. Sure, once made heavy, Goku could just unleash Ki to explode Kenichi with his damn mind. Well, maybe, honestly probably not. Imagine the amount of effort it would even take to TRY and overcome Echoes power? Too much concentration to do anything else. Kira has to use abilities with preset outcomes just to overcome other enemy stands. That is what makes Kira deadly, his intellect and planning. Not his destructive power. Goku wouldn't be able to unleash Ki, out of morals, out of lack of concentration, so on. See how these matchups immediately become unfair? Goku can't do anything, Kenichi is stuck making Goku heavy. That is why it makes no sense to pit up two fighters of different power types against each other.
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Point #3 is revolving around points #1 and #2, powers do not automatically carry over, and if they do vice versa, physics and laws of other universes don't carry over, and if they do, vice versa. Think of it like "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." If Goku got strong by training, then what happens to Baki? If Jotaro gets a stand, then what happens to Gon? If Yuji Itadori V.s. Naruto...? Then what? That's why it isn't "Who wins?" It's, "Well what happens?" And that's what people gloss over immediately. If their worlds merge, powers come together as one, Jotaro is now a world destroying threat, Killua is faster than ultra instinct, Naruto can imbue all his techniques with Cursed Energy, and Yuji can use a fucking stand. It just makes no damn sense and you go back and forth making logical rules based on something which isn't logical. There are some match ups which seem fair at first, which just aren't because world rules don't apply. They can't magically apply some rules and not others. It's all or nothing, not just some things in an unfair and unbalanced way. Cross Universe matchups aren't just a "smash brothers tournament" those characters are balanced to fit the universe, otherwise Kirby would just eat sephiroth and kill the entire roster in one hit. But, instead of making a fair balanced fight and calculating who beats who on a Rock Paper Scissors mentality of skill, we just throw up numbers like we magically know what each character is capable of, when most of the people doing these hypotheticals DON'T KNOW THE ACTUAL ABILITIES OF THE CHARACTERS! That's just the worst part to me, is people who blatantly ignore information. They just don't care, that's the fact of the matter. They are content farming.
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Obviously I'm not policing another persons hobbies. It's your fantasy, you do whatever you want with it. But I just want you all to know who is biased and who is doing it very very very VERY wrong. If you do cross universe matchups, you need to factor in what actually crosses universes, cause not everything does.
In writing, I stay away from these CUM's, "Cross universe matches." Because, it's dumb. I think it's dumb, I know it's dumb, I just told you why it's dumb. But if I did a CUM, here is how... Let's try to take two characters that actually make sense to matchup, and we'll do a run through of what each character would be like in each world. Baki the Grappler, the ultimate force of will, constantly ascending the ladder and proving his inhuman abilities every single day to those around him. While there are some minor lies sprinkled throughout Baki, the universe is largely kept realistic and grounded. What if Baki was sent to the JJBA Universe? Well, right off the bat it's obvious that he's just one of those people who naturally develops a stand. These people are rare, but it does happen in the show. Some people just... Get them. Baki's sheer force of will would probably force his into existence, regardless of which timeline he is a part of. Who do you match Baki up against? For me, personally Jotaro just doesn't train hard enough to be a fair fight for Baki. Someone more like Dio, whose constantly practicing his timestop to extend its duration. Giorno, who is working, learning, practicing, honing his abilities to become what he knows he needs to be. Johnny (Part 7) who risks life limb and everything else he has, because he just MUST! Those are characters with strength of will parallel to Baki. Now, what universe do we put them in? Obviously, Baki beats everyone besides maybe Dio. Dio is the only one I can imagine putting up a fair fight at a similar age so long as he still has his part 3 mentality. Put them into a Kengan style anything goes fight, and it'd be a blast to watch! Now, you put Baki back into the Jojoverse, and it's not so obvious... What would Baki's stand even be? Baki is someone who wants selfishly to become the strongest. It's in his DNA. Baki would have a stand that reflects himself, mirrors his ever pushing desires. Something that can only go one way, and that way is forward, kind of like a train. I think Baki would have a brawler type stand which works in conjunction with his own fighting style, rather than letting his stand do all the work, Baki would tag-team with himself, sort of. Delivering impressive combos to his opponents and widdling them down till they can't fight any longer. Aiming to beat them in a fair contest of strength. This is why Baki wouldn't necessarily have an ability like Timestop, rather he'd probably have an ability like Crazy Monsters. A transformation and or buff to him and his stands physical abilities. This makes him a close fight for anyone which doesn't have some sort of cheating power, and since he is a similar stand to Star Platinum and The World, he could probably learn their abilities like Jotaro supposedly did... And let's not forget, Baki's secret true ability is exactly that. Baki learned from others, took what worked for them and made it work for himself. Baki's stand ability would be to rapidly learn and repurpose. Does he see Star Platinum stretch? Well, Baki will teach his stand to stretch. Does Dio stop time? Welp, time to painstakingly train my reflexes till I can do something akin to that. King Crimson erase ten seconds? Don't mind if I do. Baki would be this ever gobbling learning sponge which never ceases to develop new techniques based on other stands. And he'd probably never realize how unique this ability of his actually IS. If baki was left to his own devices, undefeated, his stand would attain Heaven, just like Pucchi.
I think this is what makes Baki a threat. His desire to keep going no matter what. Which causes this to be an unfair match no matter what world you put him in. If we actually transfer the character themself to the world, the CUM works. But, if we just take Baki, and take Jotaro... Yeah, it's just boring. I guess the fun for these people comes from calculating "ooh what does this mean for these characters" but they don't actually take everything into account, just like I said before. If Sukuna just fights anyone from Jojo, he loses the second Joseph steps up to the plate. Joseph can dodge lightning. Killua just needs to input a combo and he'll do a Mortal Kombat finisher on Sukuna. Your basis for deciding these things falls flat. Try it, see if you like it. Write some actual fiction instead of just saying "hehe character I like wins cuz i like them more."
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crehador · 1 year ago
brother crab’s 2023 seasonals in review: summer
surprisingly easy to rank season for me, so i'll get right to it
anime of the season + runner-up for summer goes to...
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undead girl murder farce and zom 100: zombie ni naru made ni shitai 100 no koto! nothing else even came close
i'm giving ugmf anime of the season because i personally vibed with it a lot (murder mysteries with a rakugo flair + arsene lupin trying to fuck the phantom of the opera in the background you really cannot go wrong) and also because zom100 has yet to release its last few episodes
zom100 is such a consistently solid show, though, that even without seeing the full cour i'm prepared to give it runner-up of the season. and it's honestly a strong contender for anime of the year. the first episode especially... i would rank it even higher than the first ep of oshi no ko tbh
lots of sequels this season as well!
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horimiya, bleach, jjk, and bsd. some new snv came out this season as well but since i binged all that at once it doesn't really feel like a sequel to me
anyway easily sequel of the season goes to bleach, largely because of nostalgia won't deny that but also because it's just that fucking good
horimiya however was also an immense delight! gonna miss these wacky kids :')
quickfire thoughts on everything else:
watashi no shiawase na kekkon is the shoujo of the year, there's been a lot of cute stuff lately but nothing comes close to watakon
vending machine isekai was fine and occasionally funny, but kinda shocked it got a sequel announced already. worldbuilding was definitely the most interesting part and i hope we see more of it in s2
dekiru n eko way kyou mo yuuutsu was absolutely perfect, very fun and cute and soothing
okashi na tensei had a promising premise which it failed to lean into, there was little to no BAKING in this BAKING anime jfc
lv1 maou to one room yuusha seemed like your run of the mill shitty ecchi but actually it's NONBINARY OLD MAN YAOI?! and was kinda good. dumb, but fun
ai no idenshi was... well it was episodic which i like, generally, but it really. was not consistent. some good pieces, some not so good. some interesting, some not so interesting. main failing is it really did not imo balance its 'main' plot with its mini-stories well at all
ayaka was fun! it doesn't really hold a candle to k project like at all but at least it was not as bad as praeter lmao
synduality noir (first cour) was alright. nothing to write home about but a decent enough mecha. as far as anime that are game ads go... i'd say it's okay. a little more interesting than takt op to me, though not as visually stunning. and not as compelling as god eater
hyakushou kizoku was a tv short adapting arakawa hiromu's autobiographical farming manga and it was such a delight lol, especially fun if you're a fan of fma or silver spoon. explains so much about ed tbh
hi no tori: eden no sora was a 4-ep ona that i quite liked overall... ending was just so-so to me i guess
dark gathering isn't quite over still but it's fine as a horror that's heavy on the gore (gorror? is that a thing) actually. probably better than fine, it's just not my genre. some of the stories are definitely more gripping than others, but yeah solid horror overall and really good cast (yandere hanakana what could be better)
helck is also still going but has been really solid, way more enjoyable than i'd imagined. it has an 80s feel to it that i love
and last but certainly not least shuumatsu no valkyrie ii part 2 gives us GYARU FUCKBOI BUDDHA once again. what could be better lmao
op of the season goes to zom100's song of the dead by kana-boon! the song itself is a banger and the way the op changes from episode to episode makes it even better
HOWEVER this was not an easy choice lol bleach and even jjk both came in with strong contenders as well
ed of the season goes to heclk's statice by saji! it just. ough. right in the feels
this was not a very blorbo or ship heavy season for me but i have to just repeat ARSENE LUPIN. AND THE PHANTOM. OF THE OPERA. one day i will circle back to this lol
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zehecatl · 6 months ago
2024 media thread PART AUGUST
6th August: Fear Street 1994
despite my love for the horror genre, i've honestly never watched much horror- in fact, i'd say this is probably my second horror movie, ever? and while i did very much primarily pick this because of the sapphics, holy shit, what a fun time
i'm not very well-versed in the genre, but i really liked the combination of slasher and supernatural. the set up is so interesting, and i'm very much looking forward to learning more over the next two entries. i love how the movie works both as a stand-alone, and as a set up for the rest of the trilogy
also, what a fun cast!! i really liked the dynamic at play here, and how grounded everyone was; outside of the very beginning, i never had a 'oh my god, why are you acting so DUMB' moment. also, a small moment i really loved was how, despite the town's differences, Sunnyside and Shadyside both refused to tell the cops anything. ACAB, and all that 👏
definitely looking forward to watching the other two :]
13th August: Jujutsu Kaisen 0
tfw a friend makes you go watch a movie, and you come out of it with another black haired boy to cry about
okay, for real- while i don't know everything about JJK, i do know enough to watch this, and it's definitely a really good movie. i think Gege's writing actually really shines in it, because it perfectly encapsulates a lot of what he does best- tragedy, human connection, that perfect note of horror that really makes his series special. it was a little rushed, like i think a two-parter would have been really good, but we did get enough to make everything make sense, and, like. this got me attached to Geto. i literally stopped watching s1 before he really got to show up (yes, i know about the thing, but you get what i mean). and i nearly cried at the end
it's! a really good movie!! it did make me really attached to Yuta and Maki and Inumaki (i feel like Panda is more of a gimmick character to round out the cast, than a real character? like, obviously that could change in the actual series, but he did fall a bit flat here) and it does showcase enough of the Geto/Gojo relationship to tease the fans, and all around, it's. a nice way to restart my watch into the series?
it does kind of make me want more time with the kiddos tho. can we get a spin-off. can we get to watch them train together and be babies. that would be nice
(also get Geto therapy. please. i know he's dead, but i think maybe if you give enough therapy to his corpse, that could fix some things)
21th August: WIND BREAKER
how the FUCK is this anime not more popular, how the fuck has the whump community not devoured it whole, how the FUCK is there not more fanart and fanfic, like hello? hello??? the most tumblr-catered thing to ever exist, and NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT...
literally, genuinely, this is just. it's one of the best written shounen i've ever seen. it's so well done- every character is distinct and has an unique and compelling design, and the way the plot and character arcs are weaved together, even just from what little you're getting from the anime, it's just- it's so well done
Sakura, as a protagonist, is so so interesting too. he's completely out of his comfort zone, he's basically a feral kitten forced into an affectionate household, like he has no clue what to do with himself, or anyone- but he wants, so much, to Do Good. this is a guy who has been starved for affection, for kindness, who craves is so deeply he can't even handle other people holding hands. like the whole set up is just. chef's kiss. absolutely delicious i'm eating so good
and then there's the Shishitoren arc, which the anime covers, and which broke my head open and filled me with Love Togame, like just. the whole arc. it's so well-written and perfectly paced, and the way everything is done is just. UGH. UGH!!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH
and just. i could gush for days. about this anime. i could gush about the characters, about the plot, about the ANIMATION. THE FUCKING ENDING AND OPENING?? ARE SO GOOD?? and the FIGHT SCENES, UGH, they're so fucking fantastic, like just. this is genuinely one of the best series i've ever seen, and it's a crime it's not more loved. if we don't get a season 2, i am throwing hands
23th August: Fear Street 1978
pretty good! i do think it suffers a bit from being the middle child, with lots of focus on set up, but i had fun anyway. honestly, i don't have a lot to say about this one?
i liked the sibling focus, i liked the characters, i liked the background we got fed, and how it kept itself tied to what it already set up (Ruby Lane's mother! neat!), but it's- yeah, it's the middle child. not much to say
i will say i fucking died when we got the self harm reveal, because that shit was so crap. also i wish Alice and Cindy had kissed. the tension was there, okay. we could have gotten 3/3 lesbians :(
27th August: Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
usually i wouldn't put this on my list, since i didn't play it, but- i have already played it once. and i did watch Shae play all of it, so. like. it can be here. primarily because i just wanna GUSH about this game for a hot second, like. aaaaaaaaaah
i love this game. like, i ADORE this game. so much. it's so up my alley, with its japanese horror (yokai!! spirits!! SHRINES AND GODS!!!) and kids-going-through-it energy, and just. OUGH. LETTING ME EXPLORE A SPOOKY LITTLE TOWN?? YES PLEASE...
and Midnight Shadows, which is the second game in the series, and also the only one i've played, is just- it's so good. the story is genuinely so well-written and crafted, and yeah, it's not super in depth- you're basically getting a RPGmaker game, here, but. man
Yui and Haru's story hits. the twists hits. there is something so elegant in its simplicity, and i adore it so very much
also, also- Chaco is the best boy. and i love him. and i would die for him. and the fact that you get to walk around with him in the post-game is everything
(also- also- i love the art. there's something about it that just hits my brain real good, and i would absolutely buy an artbook. i would buy multiples. Nippon Ichi, please)
31th August: Fear Street 1666
if 1978 stumbled a bit due to being the middle child, 1666 fucking nailed it by being the youngest- or the finale, more accurately
it absolutely hit all the beats it needed to, and tied up everything so good- even its twist was done fantastically, and makes perfect sense. i do think this whole trilogy was really improved by being filmed at the same time, though i can't imagine it was an easy time. i especially really love the little call forwards, they're cute :]
also, honestly, the 1666 section was probably my favourite- which is mostly because i really like folk horror, and the witch bits, and just. the setting 💖 give me more of that please 💖
also really like the finale bits, and just- idk! it tied everything up really well! i'm ignoring the post-credit scene, because that was so unnecessary, but outside of that, Fear Street is just a really good trilogy. it also had sapphics, which improves everything, in my humble opinion, so like. hell yeah
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m1ckeyb3rry · 7 months ago
FR i love reading platonic and familial relationships too so perfect match LMAOO
Naoya is THE opp im glad to see most people also hate him too but he somehow still has a sizable fan base in the east shdgsjs
NOO PI GIRLIES GETTING HATE?? Elakshi too?? Damn wtf….whatd they even do like?? Also Elakshi also like….definitely not spotlighted as much as other characters and even Tullia?? so I’m like bro what’s there to hate??? I loved the moments where we saw her and the extra drama and story she added but I can’t even think of a specific moment where people can go and attack her for like?? Also is it really that deep SGSHS I can understand like hate comments if a story is specifically setting up a character to be a villain or someone disliked (Naoya’s a good example LMAO) but it rubs me the wrong way when I see blatant hate for OCs or even just side characters like…I mean constructive criticism is one thing but straight up hate….
I love the balance between goofy and serious with y/n and todo’s friendship!!! Honestly a very different approach to him than I’ve seen in other works and it makes me appreciate todo a lot more LMAO
I can totally see gojo as a swiftie I imagine he sings really loudly in the car with Ijichi driving LMAOOO
No because Naoya will always be an opp I seriously can’t see him as anything other than ew
Bro I’m not getting over Tullia getting sliced?? Shibuya chapter hit me hard HAGSH
BEST FRIENDS BROTHER I WILL BE AWAITING THAT I cant wait to return to the goofy ball kicking boys
I actually laughed so hard reading I Leave You THEYRE SO DUMB LMFAOOOO
WAIT LMAOOO YUKI AND MRS L/N MOOTS SO TRUE stop that actually would be so true honestly i can kinda see some similarities between yuki and yuta now that I put them side by side so makes sense that pi y/n would probably go for yuki LOL (bonus points if she meets him via her mom) (also noted about the tags i lowk forgot that’s how they worked LMAO also forgot the search feature within accounts exists as you can tell I really don’t use tumblr for anything other than straight reading LOL)
-Karasu anon
i think adding platonic and familial relationships makes a work/character feel much more well-rounded!! sometimes if you write something longer it can feel one-dimensional or fall flat without those other relationships being explored. given pi’s immense word count it would’ve (to me) felt v awkward of the whole thing was y/n + yuta centered only!!
NAOYA THE OPP OF ALL TIME i have mutuals who like him too and i won’t deny that he does have a pretty character design but like…there’s just so many characters in jjk who are pretty and have better personalities 😭 he’s lowkey kinda funny sometimes just because of how outrageous he is and i think he would be fun to write in a very specific way (his dynamic w y/n in pi is super interesting to me actually because there’s a lot of really weird layers there) but not at all in an actually romantic one…more of a toxic character study or smth like that perhaps. but i fear i will not be the one for that!!
LMAOOOO I DON’T GET IT EITHER apparently the scene during the exchange event where she beats y/n and tullia is 10 ten anime villain moments FKFDJJS let’s ignore how everyone would’ve eaten it up if it was y/n outsmarting people…the truth is that a) y/n got cocky in that fight and b) it was meant to set up how she loses a bit of reason when it comes to the safety of her friends (explaining her going to sukuna in shibuya/‘killing’ herself in shinjuku) but whatever…fuck elakshi ig 😭 all of them hating on the woc immigrant character FAKE ASF LMAOAO /j she’s not meant to be entirely lovable ofc but idk some of those comments are crazy 😨 someone commented “this fic would be perfect if it didn’t have OCs” or smth like that which is what prompted that post where i was complaining that you mentioned in your v first ask/karasu request HAHAHA I WAS TAKEN ABACK LIKE WHOOO COMMENTS THAT ON A FIC?? what do you want me to do at this point too like that’s not even constructive criticism that’s just someone being annoying!! go read smth else tf 😭
YESS pi has converted so many to todoism honestly he seems like a fun guy plus he canonically has really good hygiene and smells nice so tbh bf material?? yeah he’s kinda weird but ykw it’s workable 😫
tullia getting sliced is one of the most diabolical scenes i think esp because there’s so many moments where you’re like “wait she COULD make it” and you experience all of these ups and downs w y/n and at the end it doesn’t matter because she does anyways. UGHH the moment when the l/ns refuse to heal her…haha i think one of the author’s notes on peregrine is literally “l/n slander is always welcome iykyk” and it’s because l/n clan slander was a HUGE thing on this blog back when pomegranate ink was coming out HAHAHA they truly are so villainous
bro i went to do the otoya version of bfb first because i was like “ok smth quick and easy and then i can put my authorussy into the karasu version” except now it’s over 10k words and they’re still not together yet 😭😭😭 i was hoping to post tn but we’ll see how long it takes me to finish 😫 i’m super excited for the karasu version though hehe not even going to attempt predicting how long it’ll be because ik i’ll be wrong but it’s going to be a good blend of cute and a bit angsty (def more serious than freaky friday or fwtkac but not ANGSTY angsty yk!! more like karasu having a mediocrity complex like usual)
YUKI AND MRS L/N BEING MODEL BESTIES IS SUCH A FUNNY THOUGHT TO ME LMAOAOA no because real shit yuki is the yuta of bllk TO ME (even though yuta and isagi look rlly similar) 😩 i think he and pi y/n would actually be so cute together (plus imagine if her and her mother showed up to u20 vs bllk LMAOO you KNOW otoya and karasu would be FIENDING like chigiri’s sister is bad enough but famous model mrs l/n and her gorgeous daughter in the audience?? they’re done for 😭)
tumblr is so confusing don’t worry i’m still figuring shit out and i’ve been using the app (albeit very inconsistently) since 2021…tbh i think my tumblr usage finally became consistent since i got into bllk HAHAHA like before i only followed a couple accounts and only really got on to reblog fanart, post fic updates, and answer asks whereas now i’m a bit better abt following more people (i have a horrible ratio though LDJDJSJSK 60 following vs 850 followers 😓 i’m working on it because i love having an active dash) and interacting w others. truly tumblr is what you make of it ime like if you try to be friends then people will be friendly back but if you just want to lurk and read/enjoy other people’s posts then no one is mad about that!! it’s honestly a rlly fun form of social media to me (plus i like that you can easily choose not to see stuff you don’t want to). that said some of the functions are goofy so it’s easy to be confused HAHA
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choshasan · 8 months ago
This might just be me but...
TLDR: just me complaing for A WHIKE..
As someone who's been a ✨️ C ᵣ ᵢ ₙ G ₑ ₒ ₜ ₐ ₖ ᵤ ✨️™ for the past 18 years,
I feel it was so much easier/better being an otaku "back in the days" than it is now.. like, it was this niche thihg, and sure, we got bullied af.. but like... I'll take getting bullied by some dumb kids any day compared to having to deal with the toxic ass comunity that the anime comunity has grown to be..
Like.. we've always been weirdos, and people argued over opinions and shit, sure.. but... we were weirdos together and like.. idk it just felt so much less toxic than the current, post pandemic / 2020 everyone has seen some anime or read some manga and ~everyone~ shares their opinions and shit.. like... idk.. I personaly don't like hearing the takes of "uncultured normies" that are "just going through a phase" or just casually watch anime / read manga or are just following a trend.. like... my brain is having a hard time phrasing all of this coherently, but like... I preffered when I could be a degenerate and get bullied by "normies" but have otaku friends that were degenerates with me, than being to scared to openly talk about an anime / manga / game because haha idk who's safe anymore and if someone interprets just 1 thing I said wrong, I might just get doxxed! :D yk? Like.. bro, the toxicity of anime getting more mainstream has made me terrified of admiting to the anime and manga I like, like, Sure! I will 100% recommend you Blue Period, or Dr. Stone or Haikyuu!!, but by god even with anonimity, I'm **terrified** of admiting that my fav anime & manga ever is BNHA, or that I play Genshin or that I like Mahito from JJK or that I actually really like authors that are strange / sadistic-ish like Akutami sensei, Fujimoto Sensei, Horikoshi Sensei, Isayama Sensei, etc... or that I like Vocaloids...
And like, I don't mean by any of this that I dislike "normies" turned otaku, or otaku that are more lowkey, we all appreciate it in our own way, I'm very loud about my being an Otaku, but obv I don't expect all otaku to be like that.. I genuinly just mean like, I hate the ones that have an "anime is popular so I like anime now", or such, phase and come into anime communities and destroy them and are super toxic, like, I get liking something but.. that doesn't mean you have to interact with the comunity, even less with content you specifically dislike; its so easy to block and ignore people rather than engage in angry discourse or drag / shame people just because *you* don't like something they said.. and like, because of those people, Otaku get a worse wrap than we used to bro... like..?? Like, I genuinly believe if "normies" didn't get involved in the BNHA comunity, we wouldn't be regarded as terribly as we are today, like, yea, stuff would still have happened, but like.. the guy that tried to fuck a frog to bring tsuyu to life (by the way, not the firet anime comunity to do something like this, sadly) would've just been ignored, the girl who smeered her bloody tampon on a bakugo poster would've been ignored, the *supposed* death threaths to Horikoshi sensei (which by the way, nowdays have no evidence of having actually ever happened) wouldn't have been popularised as much as they did, and we'd have been fine, like yea, there's some weird fans, every community does but like, for some reason, it feels like when "normies" come into comunities, they *have* to like dwell on the weird stuff that happens and can't just be like, okay.. some people are weird.. that happens, I hope that person gets help, anyway, now for some good content! :D
And like, bnha isn't the only communuty I'm part of that I've seen beibg destroyed, like, I **love** Oshi No Ko, and it feels like people who didn't like it because of the twincest, couldn't just like.. drop the manga and be like, ah.. okay, damn, too bad, that's not for me. They like just **had** to make content about it and complain non stop about it, and like.. idk it felt like people reacted like its the first time in manga/anime history this happened, when like.. it's really not. It has always, and will always happen.
Also, I've gone on multiple rants abt this in my life, idk if I've talkee abt it on here but,
I get so pissed off by people that like.. think they can change japanese media, because they don't like it.. like... there has always been themes of; LGBT, P-dophilia, Incest, traps/femboys, S.A., S-cide, and other such things that people insist on complaining about. And y'know what?? There's some in western media too, you're not special~
Also, people need to fucking check themselves and do some reaserch before they say shit about manga/mangaka, cuz, I find it fucking disgusting to see grown adults get dragged for drawing teens in skimpy outfits / odd poses // any sort of fan service in their book, that are specifically aimed at teenagers, often times teenage boys since Shonen are generally the biggest victims of this. Like yeah, they're gonna draw girls with big boobs and small clothes, what do 12-18 year old boys care about? BOOBS. Now I'm generalising, but you get the point. Drawing/writing something doesn't mean *you* are attracted to that, but sometimes, you gotta draw stuff to get sales, because your entire fucking living relies on your book selling. And there is such a double standard, cuz, in the same episode, you can have the guys shirtless in the hot springs or changing rooms, and the girls but no one will say shit about a bunch of 16 year old guys being in the same state as the girls, but everyone will lose their shit about a girl having a slightly unbottoned shirt tho!! Like, we see Bachira (blue lock)'s naked, bear ass, multiple times, no complaints. Kirishima (bnha)'s hero suit straight up doesn't have a shirt, but :0 Omg momo's hero suit shows some skin!!!!!!! Thats badddd thats a 16 year old girl!!!!!!! Stfu. They're equivalent. Complain about both, or neither.
Also, I genuinly wanna know when the meaning of Loli/chota was changed?? Cuz it used to be a term for child looking **Adults**, who often even were like a million years old, it wasn't meant for any short character and it was even less for kids. Like.. Ciel Phatomhives isn't a Chota, he's a child. Nezuko isn't a loli, she's 14.
Anyway, I guess I just wanted to rant and complain 🙃✨️ I shall now get back to being a strange degenerate on my own ✨️
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 year ago
i think with jjk is also that in many cases the story never was what they wanted to begin with but up until some point they could ignore or misinterpret enough of it and still get enough page time of their favs.
and the "gege hates character" comes from two places really. one is willful misinterpretation of what gege actually said in some interviews.
and the other one is that the character this issues is most often tied to, gojou, exists mostly as fanon in the fandom. so any manga developments that don't match the fanon are read by the fans as malice directed at them on the side of the author.
the other character that this is tied to, yuuji, also exists as fanon a lot, as the dumb himbo stereotype. plus a lot of the fandom thinks he's boring and useless because they literally ignore the parts he's in and have no fucking clue what he can do or how he has been developing. but that's on them, not on the author.
gege hate is so.. weird and parasocial? the line between jokes and genuine vitriol and hatred for him has sort of blurred. it feels kind of like the result of social media, that rewards negative emotions.. also the inability for some people to come up with fresh opinions— who only build and build on sentiments that have already been expressed. and so what was once a throwaway comment about how gege hates X character becomes "this person deserves death threats for how 'sadistic' they are"
all over fiction. a story that belongs to gege (first and foremost) at the end of the day.
i think some people have never learned to just disengage with media that just goes in a direction that they're not vibing with anymore.. or learned that some stories will simply never cater to their interests like they once did. so it turns weirdly personal
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nonominchan · 3 years ago
🌹 Love Languages with the JJK Men🌹
🌸 ✨ or, their terms of endearment for you and how they express their love ✨ 🌸
Do not plagiarize or repost my work onto other platforms, especially tiktok! No plagiarism or hate please.
Author’s Note: god I spent all day on this and accidentally deleted it so here it is again I’m sorry everyone
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Naoya Zenin, Choso
Pairings: Gojo Satoru x fem!reader, Nanami Kento x fem! reader, Toji Fushiguro x fem! reader, Naoya Zenin x fem! reader, Choso x fem!reader
Content Warnings: use of y/n (your name), reader is fem!reader and uses she/her pronouns. nothing explicit but mentions of sex (specifically withholding sex in an established relationship) in Toji’s part, some mentions of violence/gore/blood in Choso’s. Slight spoiler warnings regarding Choso if you’re an anime only fan. Naoya being a misogynist and just…being Naoya in general? There’s some cursing and bad language.
🧿 🧿 🧿 Gojo Satoru:
-would purposely call you the most obnoxious names ever
-the farther you get into your relationship the more convoluted the pet names will get and the more you learn to just go with it.
-he’ll bounce towards you in public, saying in a sing songy voice, “I’m here, my little hazelnut and mocha cream topped with blackberry jam filled chocolate sprinkle topped choux pastry ball!” without even missing a step, and he’s not even out of breath. You will definitely get a lot of weird stares because he was not even trying to be quiet.
-over time, his pet names for you start to sound more and more like obnoxiously long Starbucks orders.
-will call you cutesy names too. Like (y/n)-chan, or a cutesy version of your name that he does for everyone (I.e: Nanamin, Megumin).
-they’re really random and you wonder how he even comes up with them but they’re weirdly endearing? they’re very much Gojo Satoru.
-for example, he calls you bubbmon because he thinks it’s cute and derpy looking and it reminds him of you (reminder that it’s canon that he’s a digimon fan lmao).
-he starts to get you all the merch he can find of bubbmon.
-for your one year anniversary, he gets you a cheap plastic figurine of bubbmon he got from one of those 100 yen gachapon crane games that he spent over three hours trying to get. You love it.
-ok, hear me out. Exchanging weird gifts is your guys’ love language.
-you start to call him a furby and for his birthday you get him a custom modified furby that you actually paid A LOT of money for. It looks just like him, with white fur and the blue-ist blue eyes (btw I love how the fandom calls him a furby I mean it’s true tho). It even came with a little blindfold and everything!!
-when he gets it, he’s delighted. he realizes he loves it because you obviously spent a lot of time and money into getting something really dumb that you knew would make him laugh. He’s received plenty of extravagant gifts in his life but he’s never felt anything when receiving them. Your gifts just hit different. He doesn’t know why, but like, they’re just so funny and clever and he loves that the gifts you exchange make absolutely no fucking sense to anyone other than you two.
-he carries the furby around everywhere. Like, he shoves it into the face of anyone who will listen and starts bragging about how his wonderful, perfect “bubbmon-chan” got him this customized western toy that reminded her of him.
- at first, while it was sweet and only a little bit obnoxious, the first years didn’t mind. But gojo started to bring the thing with him everywhere. He would have it sit next to him during training, he would even occasionally ditch class and have “Furby! Gojo” be perched on his desk as his “substitute.”
-yeah, you had unknowingly created a monster.
-the furby honestly freaks everyone out.
-his students unsuccessfully try to destroy it, but it turns out he extended his automatic infinity to also protect the furby. They find this out when Shoko tries to put out her cigarette on it and fails when he leaves it behind “to watch over the students” while he’s on a mission.
-“why can’t you two give each other flowers and jewelry like a normal couple?!” Nobara groans, as she vents to you, “I swear, that thing is sentient, its eyes follow me where ever I go.”
-“I think it’s kind of cute,” Yuuji says, “but, ah, it’s also creepy. Like one of Yaga-sensei’s dolls.”
-“do not associate me or any of my creations with that thing,” Principal Yaga grumbles as he passes by.
-But still, it makes you feel all warm inside that he treasures your gift.
-and like, you have to be at least a little bit insane to be with gojo. Just run with it. Embrace it. Because you know he will.
-gojo calls you more cutesy pet names too, just less often. Will coo “my little wife” whether you’re married or not, or “honey-chan”.
-might ironically call you “babe” or “baby” but it gets less ironic over time
🥖 🥖 🥖 Nanami Kento:
-I personally can’t see him as someone who calls you by any pet name at first lol.
-he would never use “babe” or “baby” I can’t see him ever doing that.
-literally will always respectfully refer to you by your name with “-san” even when you’re dating.
-when you’re close enough that he’s privy to your goofier side he calls you “fool” or “idiot” but ofc in an affectionate way—he calls you this as he smiles fondly.
-when you know each other for longer though he slowly becomes less stiff and drops the formal “-san” but he still doesn’t use any cutesy nicknames
-he’s more about showing his love rather than just talking the talk ya know? He’s that kind of guy
-he never dates casually, if he does date he’s looking for something long term and he makes this clear to you from the beginning. At the same time he’s not the most emotionally open guy and it takes a while to get him to put down his walls, so your relationship, while steady, will progress relatively slowly.
-after years and years of dating (yes it takes that long) he’ll finally start using pet names. You’ll probably be married by that point.
-But like, old fashioned and classic ones like “sweetheart”, dearest”, “dear,” “my love,” “love”. When he’s feeling particularly amused by you he calls you “dove” or “my little kitten” or really any animal you remind him of
-I really feel like of all of the characters listed here he’d have the most personalized pet names for you? Whatever silly or random thing that reminds him of you—ex: a detail or character from a story he read or a foreign dish he’s tried.
-For example, he teasingly calls you his angry little kitten because he revealed to you that before you two were acquainted with each other, he had seen you yelling at Gojo for dumping an entire mugful of sugar into your drink before stealing it for himself.
-You tried to jump up to get the drink, slamming your hands against Gojo’s imposed barrier. He had been holding the drink over his head, sometimes turning away to sip from it while shoving your irate face away with his large hand. You started to tear up in rage.
-Eventually Gojo disabled his infinity, infuriating you even further.
-“Aw, you cryin’?” he mocks, laughing while you tried to clamber over his ridiculously long body before giving up, but not before kicking him in the shin and stomping off, causing him to trip and lose his composure enough to spill a bit of the drink on himself.
-Nanami remembered smirking at the sight of Gojo doubling over from your kick—more so in surprise than actual pain, and mentally thanked you, a stranger at the time, in his head for providing him with a small moment of entertainment. After all, watching Gojo being humbled was always appreciated.
-his eyes, hidden by his goggles, had followed you for a reason he didn’t care to think about, and he found himself curious about you, which was…weird. No one really piqued his curiosity. All those idle thoughts vanished, however, when he saw your sad eyes and the tears that ran down your face.
-it was obvious to him that you were sad, and that it wasn’t about the drink, or even about Gojo, who had most likely stolen your drink in a misguided and idiotic attempt to distract you and lift up your mood.
-His hands twitched, and to his own disbelief, he found himself wanting to wipe your tears away. He wondered what had made you upset. Before he could think any further, you were gone in a flash, walking past him without noticing him at all.
-he admonished himself for these ridiculous notions, and was also confused. he wasn’t partial to public displays of emotion, he found them distasteful, even, especially from others. Why had he wanted to comfort you? It’s not like he, a stranger, could walk up to you and catch your tears in his thumb as he tells you it’s alright. Besides, he’s far too awkward and tired and broken to offer emotional support he probably can’t provide to someone he doesn’t even know.
-months later, he finally met you, and found that you were quite professional and subdued. Not at all like the first impression you had unknowingly provided. This piqued his curiosity even further.
-“you reminded me of a little cat trying to pick a fight with a tiger,” he recounted fondly, “when you were trying to get that drink back.”
“An asshole tiger,” you grumbled, “and he’s more of a beanstalk than a tiger, he still owes me for that drink, I paid for it—“
He presses a kiss to your forehead to appease you, “I agree,” he hummed, “Gojo-san is indeed an asshole beanstalk.”
-“more importantly,” he continues, “why were you crying?” He asks. You flush, immediately knowing what he’s referring to.
-“I was not!” you yelp.
-“you were,” he replies calmly.
-“fine,” you grumble, “maybe I was. But I don’t remember. It was something stupid, and that’s all I know. Probably waking up with a crick in my neck, or train delays, or the power in my apartment going out, I just felt really shitty and tired.”
-“and yet you recall that Gojo still hasn’t paid you back for the drink he took from you on that exact day?” He responds with a raised brow. You’re about to stutter out an over defensive and indignant response when you spy the corner of his mouth lift up. Kento? Teasing?
-“if you must know,” you say in a muffled voice, flopping face first into your pillow, “I remember that day only because a certain handsome stranger with the lame glasses I saw sometimes around campus saw me crying with snot running down my nose, and I started to break down and cry in embarrassment again as soon as I got home.”
-when you don’t hear anything for a while, you raise your head from your pillow. You see him, stifling his laughter, his broad shoulders shaking in exertion.
-“Kento?” You ask, concerned. You reach out to touch his shoulder.
-he grabs your hand and squeezes it gently before starting to laugh. The sound was hoarse at first, as if he hadn’t laughed in a while, before it settles into a full, rumbly timbre. The sight of it is odd. You don’t think you’ve ever seen or heard him laugh. You’ve seen him amused plenty of times, sure—your ridiculous antics made that possible—but you’d never seen him laugh in what seemed like pure, unbridled joy. You decide you like how his laugh sounds, and at that moment, you vow to do whatever it takes to hear his laugh again.
“I see,” he finally says, regaining his composure “well, I thought it was rather endearing.”
-he never uses these pet names in public, only during intimate moments shared between you two. You’re more likely to hear him call you a pet name when it’s his day off and he tucks a strand of your hair under your ear as he mutters it under his breath quite casually than when you’re both grocery shopping outside.
🗡 🗡 🗡 Toji Fushiguro:
-if you ask him to call you anything lovey dovey he’ll laugh at you for five minutes straight
-most of the time he’ll just call you “dummy” or “idiot” while fondly ruffling your hair.
-he will also call you “dumbass” or “loser” but not seriously, it’s his way of showing affection. He’s emotionally constipated.
-will call you “babe” or “baby” if you’re mad at him and he’s trying to get back on your good side.
-will even call you “sweetheart” if you’re super pissed at him and not having sex with him as a result.
-ngl most of his pet names for you are insults but you don’t mind because it’s pretty obvious he means them affectionately.
-yes even in soft moments lol, for example when you accidentally make him worried
-like when you forgot to charge your phone and it died while you were out with friends in the evening. when you didn’t answer his calls he panicked and thought that someone who held a grudge against him (very likely considering his line of work and his past) killed you or kidnapped you. Maybe someone related to one of his victims or someone from the Zenin clan.
-So he’s on this downward spiral of despair, thinking to himself that he ruins everything when you unlock the door and pad in. He just stares blankly at you as you unwrap your scarf. Before you can say anything he just wrestles you into a hug and just says gruffly, “you made me worry, asshole.”
-when you respond by teasing him for going soft on you he’ll give you a noogie.
🍎 🍎 🍎 Naoya Zenin:
-will call you by insulting nicknames, but unlike Toji, he will mean them and they are 100% malicious.
-if he’s in a good mood he’ll call you “wife” instead of his standard “woman” or “girl” (you’re probably in an arranged marriage tbh, I don’t see him dating casually bc he probably sees himself as above all that).
-most commonly will point at you or just call you “you”.
-however I know that you Naoya stans are out there so here you go:
-with Naoya it’s all in the tone and the nuances. in the rare, minuscule chance that he ends up somehow developing a soft spot for whoever he marries, he’ll call you “wife” but in a softer tone, muttered under his breath so no one else can hear. If the tips of his ears are bright red and he looks flustered and annoyed instead of his standard smug shit eating expression that means he’s a goner.
-before, when he’d call you “my wife,” or “woman” by saying those words through gritted teeth and barely contained rage, while gripping your wrist possessively when a visiting member of the Kamo clan started to get awfully touchy with you, you knew that possessiveness was akin to that of a spoiled child not wanting to share his toy with anyone else.
-after you start to understand each other though, and he saw the same Kamo try to get closer to you during the next big gathering, he’d ask them what they’d want while referring to you as “my wife”. This time, he’s not clutching your wrist to the point that you wonder if he’ll leave bruises, but he’s taking your arm so that it’s firmly intertwined with his. He’s angled his body so that you’re leaning against him. This time, he’s protective. And probably also possessive and jealous but hey this is naoya we’re talking about.
-it becomes increasingly more obvious that you’re the apple of his eye when you fall ill with a mild cold. He grabs your face and turns your head from side to side, trying desperately to remember any of the remedies his nannies had used for him. He doesn’t, sadly. He’s never had to care for anyone, including himself—there were always others to pamper him. So then why does he feel so helpless?
-He wants you to get better. What’s that tightening feeling in his chest? Is he coming down with whatever you fell ill with?? It’s called thinking about a person other than yourself, Naoya.
-He’s literally stomping around your bed giving pointless demands to the servants and the healer, checking up on you like a nagging mother hen.
 -he literally demands the most expensive doctors and healers to be sent to your room to treat you. he’s even about to have renowned doctors from overseas be flown to your residence before you point out to him that by the time they’ve arrived, you would have probably recovered from the little cold you had.
-to the surprise of the servants, he doesn’t snap at you for speaking back to him or correcting him, but instead reluctantly agrees. When he feels everyone’s stares, his face flushed and he yells at them to get back to work.
-As you’re drifting off to sleep, you could have sworn you saw him wipe your forehead using a cool cloth with clumsy fingers and whisper your name. You blink in surprise because he’s never actually used your name before, at least not in such a sincere way.
-Later, when you wake up, he denies this. “What are you doing getting delirious and hearing things when it’s supposed to be a mild cold? Not that I’d know, I’m not weak like you so I don’t get sick. Hurry up and get better, will you?” (a few days later he falls ill with the same cold you had. He is very uncooperative with all the doctors who are called to treat him, and it is only until you coax him into letting you feed him a spoonful of cheap over the counter cold medicine that he calms down enough to fall asleep and recover, much to everyone’s annoyance).
-soon, word spreads that the spoiled, selfish Zenin heir has a soft spot for his wife. Naoya will punish any servants who overhear him during his soft or vulnerable moments by assigning them undesirable tasks (like cleaning up Naobito’s room after he’s gone on his weekly bender).
- When his family members and fellow members of the Hei unit start teasing him for being such a sap, he challenges them to a “friendly spar” and then beats their asses.
-basically if he has feelings he has no idea what to do with them.
-just to be clear, even if he does fall in love with you he’s still just as unbearable, he’s only slightly less intolerable to you.
🌙 🌙 🌙 Choso:
-he doesn’t get the concept of a pet name or a nickname.
-“your name is y/n, why would I call you anything else?”
-it takes some time. He does think of some pet names for you and Yuuji, but at first they’re just “*insert hair color*-haired love of my life-chan” for you, or “pink haired youngest baby brother-chan” for Yuuji. He’s trying his best, ok?
-the closer you get, the more enthusiastic he becomes. He thinks of some weird ones, like— “my bright sun for whom i would kill a thousand men for and countless more if you so desired,” which was quite a mouthful but oddly sweet.
-but as he grows more comfortable and familiar with the concept, he starts calling you “my muse” or “my light”.
-in settings where you’re alone he calls you “love”. It sounds right somehow. It’s something that you call him too and he likes that it’s a word that you can exchange with him too.
-he also has pet names for you based on inside jokes. When he starts to get better at pet names and suggests that he retire “my bright sun for whom i would kill a thousand men for and countless more if you so desired” because he’s now embarrassed by it, you pout, because you actually like it. When you ask him why he doesn’t want to use it anymore, he flushes before saying, “it’s not accurate. You’re not the sun.”
-“hm?” You respond, listening attentively. He hesitates before clarifying, “The sun is destructive, it makes its presence known immediately, it’s capable of great pain and fear—“
“ah, so did you decide on this after you got that nasty sunburn when we went to the beach for the first time last week?“ you teased, smirking. His cheeks darken and flush and he looks away.
“Sorry,” you say, fluffing his pigtails, “please continue. I want to hear the rest of what you have to say.”
“—If anything, you’re the moon. A gentle, calming presence.” He buries his head in your shoulder, “beautiful.”
-“I like that,” you respond thoughtfully, “I can be your moon. Yuuji can be your sun. He’s capable of great destruction and he’s so bright it’s impossible to not notice.”
“That sounds better,” Choso breathes, closing his eyes, “My moon. My precious moon.”
“But Choso?”
“Would you still kill a thousand men for me if I wanted you to?”
“Yes, I’d kill a thousand men for you. I’d create a crimson sea of blood for you to bathe in if that was what you wanted.”
“…that’s so fuckin’ awesome,” you say under your breath.
“I never knew you were so violent, my moon,” he says.
You snicker in response, continuing to play with his hair.
-however, afterwards he calls you “my bloodthirsty moon” or “my violent moon” sometimes as an inside joke between you two, in addition to “my moon”. At first he does this teasingly but it just comes out naturally as time goes on.
-he doesn’t really like using these terms of endearment in public, it just feels right when it’s you two (and Yuuji).
-remember, while he can be very affectionate, he is also capable of being cold, detached, and stoic. This is especially the case if he’s in protective mode (the killing a thousand men thing was a joke but also not really, he would kill for you without hesitation). When he’s worried about you when you’re in public, that’s the only time he’ll use a pet name for you because he won’t be thinking things through, and it’ll just slip out.
-so one day, you guys find yourselves in a supermarket where they have an extravaganza sale. There’s a line of super aggressive old people and housewives ready to run to the aisles and buy as much food as they can. You had come along and brought Choso (for help with reaching some things in the higher shelves). While you were grabbing a 70% off packet of premium cut sliced beef, a particularly aggressive housewife grabbed it after you, trying to swipe it. You tugged it back, and soon the housewife tries to shove you. Before she can, however, a cold hand grips her wrist.
“Don’t you dare,” a cold voice whispers into her ear, “lay a hand on my moon ever again.”
The housewife shrieks in terror as she sprints away.
“Geez,” you say, “and I’m the violent one?”
He doesn’t answer, and only holds your hand.
“Choso?” You lean in to whisper.
“Thank you,” you say, pecking his cheek. You smirk as you see him flush heavily.
You later find out she complained about you guys to the manager, and you’re banned from the place. But they let you check out your stuff for the last time so you end up getting the premium beef for yourselves and make a really good hotpot so who’s laughing now bitch.
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1kook · 5 years ago
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A COLLECTION  [ updated: 8 . 23 . 21 ]
— STATUS ONGOING — NO REPOSTS — ASKS under #ncouple ! — Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr
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summary If you planned things right, you could rain down your raging displeasure on Jeon Jungkook right after the meal but before this proposed ‘Netflix and chilling,’ maybe dramatically throw your glass of wine at him, before storming out of his place and reporting him to the authorities (Namjoon) for his douchebag personality.  warnings smut in the forms of grinding, oral (f), cum eating, vanilla unprotected sex, dirty talk misc use of the oldest trick in the book (“your hands are sooo big”), shy oblivious AND gentleman jk? pick a struggle, brief ment of app developer kook, evil and conniving oc  word count 10.2k  posted june 12, 2020
summary But there’s more important matters to attend to than Jungkook’s Jersey Shore boner. warnings slight feelings of insecurity, smut in the forms of fingering, cunnilingus, cum eating, squirting, hand jobs, unprotected sex, riding, slight praise kink  misc if you’re not a Jersey shore fan honestly GET OUT, mentions of capitalism😡, more kind/understanding kook, basically a “what are we?” fic but silly, irresponsible emailing habits, its so dumb just read word count 6.3k posted july 4, 2020
summary The occasional dark horse candidate among Barbie movie binges— Jungkook gets weirdly horny and fucks you to the tune of a classic Barbie movie soundtrack. warnings smut in the form of blowjobs, tit play, praise kink, standing sex, unprotected sex, reverse cowgirl (? kinda), daddy kink that morphs into ily kink misc  jk is an avid history channel viewer, jk hates Barbie movies ik we took an L today girls 😔, jk goes thru like 4 personality changes (commanding > soft > mean > in love), honestly idk what to tag it’s a mess, he’s still cheesy and romantic but also 👀 just read word count 9.8k posted august 5, 2020
summary You get a glimpse of the KissAnime screen for a good two seconds before about seven ads pop up. Another tab to a raunchy hentai website opens, and Jungkook groans. warnings mentions of hentai, smut in the forms of cunnilingus, masturbation (f), oral (f), use of a sex toy, fingering, nipple play, face sitting/fucking/riding idk (f), praise kink, hints of dumbification, cum eating, jk is like passive aggressive in this one, 4 (f) orgasms, this is the kicker: sub kook at the end😳, like 2 sec of dom yn lol, & u get 0.002 sec of adams apple kink misc more dumb story lines, made up sex stores bc my creativity knows no bounds, Jungkook plays nice but is actually mean for the majority of it, once again doyeon plays a pivotal role in the furthering of women empowerment, internal love monologues about jk best boy<3 word count 8.2k posted september 1, 2020
summary There’s a pounding on your door a little past noon, so hard and rough, that you almost think it’s the police finally coming to catch you for all your years of illegally pirating Phineas and Ferb. It’s not. It’s just a really drunk boyfriend wailing for your forgiveness at the door.   warnings arguments, feelings of insecurity, bit of asshole jk, smut in the forms of humiliation, dumbification, choking, fingering, spit kink, self punishment (? idk lol), unprotected but [ passionate ] sex, jk losing his cool, the return of mean jk, desperate jk, he is actually an emotional mess in this one wtf misc angst, anniversaries, the L word😳, app developer kook, rip ‘pretty girl’ </3, we all become phineas and ferb stans word count 13k posted september 9, 2020
summary You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.   warnings smut in the forms of brief femdom, handcuffs, nipple clamps, blindfolding, flogging/use of a riding crop, soft dom kook, cunnilingus, spitting, unprotected but passionate, degradation, as always it starts horny n then turns into I love u kink misc kook has a swollen ankle so idk how he did all this, jk abuses the fuck outta pet names part 7, revenge gone wrong tbh, this was honestly a beginner’s intro to vanilla bdsm word count 12.7k posted september 14, 2020
summary You can’t believe this is Jungkook’s preferred sick day treatment; YouTube, cuddles, and an ugly amount of lube. warnings smut in the forms of nipple play, handjobs, spit kink, face riding, unprotected, flavored warming lube, riding, praise kink, soft femdom, missionary bc his eyes are pretty, tit sucking, tit fucking, more jk has an impreg kink, oh and this is all subby kook misc domesticity baby!! fluff, soft scenes /.\, jk is sick:((, doyeon is A Doctor, yn sees an opportunity and she grabs it, surprise ending <3 word count 8.7k   posted september 30, 2020
summary Just like in those Viki dramas Jungkook likes, the world around you is enveloped in shades of pink and red, kisses and hearts, so many goddamn roses it makes you sneeze. It’s absolutely perfect— nothing could possibly go wrong when there’s so much love in the air.   warnings a little hurt + a lot of comfort, mentions of cheating!villain!jin, insecure!kook, emotional breakdowns, mentions of jk’s lonely past, jk cries :( smut in the forms of making out, eating out, fingering, clit play, hickeys, jk likes cum, double orgasm, squirting, tiny praise kink, blindfolding, rough + unprotected sex, doggy style, choking!!!, breeding/impreg kink, JEALOUS KOOK, mini hand kink, a lil bit of spanking, degradation, he gets progressively meaner lol oc cries, jk is a good boy n I want him to be happy   misc there’s a lot of fuckin plot omfg -_-, it’s Valentine’s Eve!, doyeon makes Some Points, mentions of park seojoon juicy ass, they go on a d8 😳, oc like rlly wants to marry him, oc commits double phone homicide word count 16.3k posted january 14, 2021
summary “I wanna watch Solange in Bring It On,” Jungkook smiles, and you have to wonder who exactly this blond man is and what he did with your teen-movie-hating boyfriend.   warnings smut in the forms of kissing, cunnilingus (eating out + fingering), light praise, a lil body worship, jk fat cawk, brief nipple play, playful jk, unprotected sex, riding and missionary, the jk hand kink, I love you kink, jk wants nudes, jk’s cheerleader fantasies mentioned, spit kink, light choking, jk has like a scent kink (?), mention of collars and pet play misc app developer jk becomes even MORE app developer-y, oc is anti-google, there's plot, a 2 year anniversary, Solange knowles appreciation, BLOND JK!!!, gets sappy for a sec, seahorse marriage mention, doyeon x joon side pairing, jk is disgustingly dreamy and oc is threatened by that fact word count 10.7k posted march 23, 2021
summary Never mind the fact you really like Sailor Moon, or that you really want to pay attention to every little detail; the moment becomes Jungkook and his big smile and his red cheeks and the tiny box he produces from within his pocket. warnings smut in the forms of making out, jk nipple play, some 69 action, cunnilingus, blowjobs, brief choking, jk trying his best to listen to oc but he doesn’t rlly :/, fingering, missionary bc his eyes are pretty, unprotected fuckin raw, its romantic but when is it not… misc fluffy and domestic <3, weekend getaway <3, the Big Question, shy jk, sailor moon supremacy, jk makes this big elaborate speech about the sun and moon, mentions of 240p YouTube quality word count 8.7k posted may 21, 2021
summary Never mind your upcoming wedding, this was perhaps the greatest moment of your life— the day Jungkook sought out an anime on his own. warnings kissing, smut in the forms of cunnilingus, cum eating, mentions of anal, doggy style, unprotected sex with the intention of pregnancy, spitting, hand holding<3 misc the wedding night, Doyeon strikes again, jjk watches  jjk, oh no not twins word count 9.1k posted july 31, 2021
coming soon
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summary Jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy Christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (And maybe having his dick sucked.) warnings smut in the form of blowjobs, face fucking, cum facials, fingering, overstim, double orgasm, r*mantic sex, riding, unprotected, cream pies, jk does this weird thing where he licks her face yeah idk, jk loves seeing his gf cry, jk has an obsession with jizz   misc jk pov !!, eggnog slander, jk hates xmas movies, oc dresses like a sexy mrs claus, Elf !!, jk is in loooove word count 7.1k posted december 23, 2020
summary your first pregnancy through the lens of your husband warnings smut in the forms of penetrative sex, sex while pregnant, unprotected sex, tit play, cunnilingus, mutual masturbation, sticking the tip in and jacking off/cockwarming?, creampies, nose kink (? like she grinds against his nose), infatuation with scent, frottage/grinding, lactation kink, titluvr jk [bass boosted] misc married ncouple <3, domesticity, jk pov, mood swings, pregnancy, GIRLDAD!JK, DILF!JK, pregnant!reader, jk’s kids are virgos its true  word count 10k posted august 23, 2021
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— one.
summary Maybe Jungkook wasn’t always as cool and composed as you initially believed. But that’s okay, because you love him all the same.  word count 1.3k posted September 10, 2020
summary Even after all these years, all these doubts, and all this solitude that was really no one’s fault but his own, he still finds himself hoping that maybe you’ll be the one. word count 1k posted september 11, 2020
summary But Jungkook loves the sun. word count 1.5k posted september 12th, 2020
summary For the last ten minutes or so his mind has been bothered by one thing and one thing only— the hair that hung in his face. word count 800 words posted september 22, 2020
summary Startled and inexperienced, he can’t do anything but rub his hands over your back. “It’s fine, it’s fine,” he murmurs, even though it’s not. word count 1.3k posted september 22, 2020
SUMMARY Jungkook enjoyed pushing you down, indulging you in all your little fantasies, but he too had some he wanted to live out. WC 1.8k POSTED september 25, 2020
summary And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare. It’s a perfect plan. word count 2k posted october 30, 2020
summary You always do this— always ask for more. You take and you take until there’s nothing left for Jungkook to give. But Jungkook is the same.   word count 1.9k posted december 28, 2020
summary “I think that, like— me and you? We’re like, totally destined,” you ramble, “you should, like, take my number! And maybe we can, like— Netflix and chill one of these days?” word count 2.2k posted january 8 2021
summary See, there’s no one in this world who ignores his house rules more than you. Even worse, there’s no one on this planet who can make Jungkook ignore his own rules like you do. word count 1.4k posted february 14, 2021
summary You’re too bright, too… there. His shell is too small. word count 1.2k posted may 3, 2021
summary Anyway, if it was up to Jungkook, Kim Doyeon would not be a member of the Engagement Ring Committee. word count 1.4k posted may 8th, 2021
summary Because for as much shit as you let him get away with, Jungkook is certain you’ll draw the line today.   word count 1k posted june 13, 2021
summary Jungkook needs you to know that you can always count on him. word count 1.3k posted july 6, 2021
summary It’s Jungkook’s teenage fantasy— being pushed down by a cheerleader. word count 3.1k posted august 9, 2021
— sixteen.
summary Your skin is warm and smells like sunshine. Jungkook can’t really explain it. (And also like the sunscreen you had doused him in earlier, but that isn’t as romantic.) word count 1.9K posted august 11, 2021
summary She looks his way and suddenly Jungkook is nineteen again, in his dorm, listening to the first person he ever thought he loved telling him he’s too much to handle. word count 1.6k posted august 18, 2021
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beautiful banners made for series!
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cute and cozy gif by the lovely @ladyartemesia​ 
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7K notes · View notes
taetaesbaebaepsae · 4 years ago
Lunar Violence (jjk)
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Summary: You’re not a big fan of your best friend’s favorite band, Lunar Violence. Their werewolf gimmick makes you roll your eyes, even if the music isn’t too bad. When she drags you to a concert just as the blood moon rises, though, everything changes.
Warnings: werewolf sex, possessive behavior, choking, knotting, marking, heats and ruts so whatever consent issues you feel are within that realm, unrpotected sex, werewolf dick, abo dynamics
Word Count:7445
Rating: Explicit
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You're not normally a fan of gimmicks, particularly with your music. So when your best friend begs you for a solid week to go with her to this concert, you're wary when you do a simple Google search.
Lunar Violence might be the dumbest fucking name for a band you've ever heard, but they certainly seem like they're going for a certain vibe. You'd definitely have been into it when you were a teen, the fake fangs, the facial piercings and torn leather pants, the howling they do at the ends of some of their songs.
The music itself isn't bad, the lead singer is stupid hot and has a smooth low tenor and bedroom eyes. 
You flip through only a few of the member pictures before making a decision based on the fact that they're good eye candy, at least.
Your friend Jia jumps up and down excitedly when you tell her and shows you the signs she's made. She's got a thing for the one they call Happy, a lean bassist who has a bright smile and a sexy glare.
"What are with these names? The seven dwarfs? I think they're mixing metaphors."
Jia snorts. "They call the drummer Baby because he's the youngest. It’s not that dumb and the music is really good, you’ll love it, I promise!"
"This is so dumb. You owe me."
"If I get close enough to Happy to make eye contact I'm gonna make him mine and then I'll give you anything you want." Jia says determinedly.
It’s a few weeks before the concert, so you find yourself listening to a few albums and actually getting pretty excited about it. It should be a fun time, get you away from the stress of your every day life, at the least.
You had no way of knowing that the night of the concert would complicate your life tenfold.
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“Do we always have to schedule concerts around rutting season?” Namjoon whines after hitting yet another wrong chord on his guitar.
“It’s the best part about this job!” Hoseok grins.
“I can’t fucking concentrate being horny all the time, I agree with Joon,” Yoongi agrees, banging his forehead down on the keyboard.
“Should have called you Horny rather than Lucky,” Seokjin snorts, and Hoseok laughs so hard he nearly knocks over his bass guitar.
Jungkook watches them with a fond smile on his face, his brothers. Not by blood, of course but being the only werewolves in the city made them have an instant connection and camaraderie, and they’d created a pack pretty quickly. The music had come later, they’d all been interested in it, all had some talent and all been blessed with good looks, and after that it was only a matter of who did what and stage names.
Kim Seokjin, with his regal looks and sharp jaw: Prince.
Min Yoongi, with the scar over his left eye he’d gotten scrapping with a grey wolf in the woods behind his house in Daegu as a pup: Lucky.
Jung Hoseok with his easy smile and eager nature: Happy.
Kim Namjoon, always so serious and intelligent: Beethoven. 
Park Jimin, with his pretty face and sneaky smirk: Sly.
Kim Taehyung with his sweet nature and affectionate personality: Honey.
Finally, Jeon Jungkook, because he'd been barely old enough to breed when they'd met: Baby.
"Baby hasn't had his first rut yet, yeah?" It's Jimin, smirking, always giving Jungkook grief about something. 
Jungkook narrows his eyes and chucks a drumstick at him but it's no use, Jimin catching it in one band and twirling it like a goddamn baton. Jungkook would say Jimin was graceful if he hadn't seen him fall off about a dozen barstools and half a dozen stages, sober even for the latter.
“Kinda late, isn’t it?” Seokjin speaks up, and Jungkook knows he’s teasing but it stings a little, nonetheless. 
“He’s only just turned 23. You were two weeks from your 23rd before you ever popped a knot, hyung, or have you forgotten?” Namjoon snarks, and Jungkook snickers as Seokjin makes a face, that vein on his neck pulsing just a bit.
He shouldn’t laugh, they’re just as likely to come to blows during the beginning of a rut and in a full moon cycle, but he can’t help himself
Yoongi, as usual, manages to keep the peace by offering to order pizza and foot the bill, a truly saintlike act since they could go through a pizza each, as hot as their temperature would be running by now.
Jungkook doesn’t say that he’s had a knot for two years now, the very thought of his hyungs knowing that makes him blush so much he hides it by wiping his face with a towel, pretending to have been sweating. 
Truly, he should have had a rut by now, triggered by all the pheromones' from the shows they’d been doing, this tour had been particularly rough due to the upcoming blood moon, at least for all the other boys, and it isn’t as if Jungkook hasn’t mated, of course, but a full rut? Not even the hint of it. It worries him, but Namjoon keeps assuring him that everyone gets there in time, people are just different.
Taehyung had been a late bloomer himself, not starting his first rut until he met and fell in love with his girlfriend, a short feisty redhead he’d met after a hand injury from stringing his bass guitar and slicing his palm open. She’d been a nurse who scolded him for not coming in sooner and it’d been almost instant, her green eyes triggering every wolf thing about him, or at least that’s how he tells it, all wide eyed and dreamy.
She’s a near constant in Taehyung’s hotel rooms now, sometimes riding along on the tour bus, but he doesn’t let her into anymore of the concerts even when she pouts, because human mates around a group of wolves around rutting season can be a dangerous time.
Taehyung is one of the gentlest wolves Jungkook knows, but he’d seen him snarl when Yoongi so much as winked at the redhead near a rut, so it’s probably for the best.
Anyway, Jungkook wasn’t worried (much). He’d find his true mate eventually, but probably not at a concert. Maybe he’d start his rut there, at least, around the full moon. He’d never have imagined that he’d find both.
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The crowd is nice enough, although they seem a little feral. Some of these girls have signs that should be x rated, but you're not one to judge, especially since you've never actually….done anything too x-rated. 
You feel a little strange when you enter the concert venue and you can’t quite put your finger on it. You shrug and blame it on the strong drink your friend had made you chug before you entered since she couldn’t finish it all herself.
It’s like there’s something living under your skin, some rush like heat, and it  makes you feel antsy, ready to dance along to the music or at least laugh at your friend losing her mind next to you.
There’s a lot of gimmick to the concert and it’s bright and dark at the same time near the stage. You’d swear you’d seen the guitarist strum with no pick, with a sharp claw instead, but you’re sure it’s makeup, part of the show. They’re wearing contacts, too, you’re pretty sure, and the music is good, your friend isn’t wrong.
The song you’d heard that you’d like is actually their encore song, heavy on the bass and drums, and the lead singer even makes your skin feel hot a little when he makes eye contact and winks at you. The last solo the lights come down on the drummer, he’s on the back stage so all you can see is his long hair bouncing, the flex of his admittedly impressive biceps as he finishes the song.
You’ve been jumping up and down and singing along so much that you’re sweating and feeling a bit dizzy, so you drag your friend out the back alley while she’s still swooning, having gotten a direct smile from her favorite bassist.
“Did you see him? He looked right at me! We’re in love, Y/n. Do you want to be my maid of honor?” She’s babbling when you hear the click of a lighter next to you.
There’s people milling about, it wasn’t exactly a sold out show but there was a decent crowd, and people are now piling into the bar next door.
“Did you like the show?” 
When you turn your head you’re shocked to see that it’s the lead singer, a couple strands of his silver hair falling over his eye as he smiles at you.
“Oh. Oh, yes, I liked it very...very much,” you stammer. He’s even more handsome up close. Those are some really good contacts, you can’t tell they aren’t real at all, even though surely no one’s eyes are a violet color like that.
“Sly!” Your friend screams, and you jolt forward, surprised.
The singer’s hand lights on your shoulder and you look down. You have time to think that they must make great money for these expensive special effects because they sure do look like claws before your friend rushes past you, yelling because Happy had come out the back with the rest of the band.
There’s no mob or anything, maybe a dozen people other than you and Jia, but it makes you a bit anxious nonetheless, especially since you’re still feeling just as antsy, hot and dizzy as you were before.
It might be worse, actually, as you stand outside in the moonlight.
“Sly’s just my stage name.” His voice sounds softer, closer to your ear as he leans in. “You can call me Jimin.”
“O-okay,” you stutter, unused to feeling this way. You’re usually more outgoing, talkative, but it feels so strange. You find yourself looking up at the sky as if looking for the moon.
It’s better, once you’re inside the bar, there’s not as much of a crowd and you’re sitting at a big table with Sly...Jimin, you remind yourself, and Jia and Happy, who seems to fit his name well, laughing open and loud with your best friend as if they’ve known each other forever.
After a few hours and a couple of drinks you’ve lost most of that antsy feeling since being indoors, and you and Jimin vibe well, becoming fast friends. You’re both flirty and talkative after getting to know each other, and your mood is lifted from the concert, the alcohol, and the socialization.
You even laugh about calling their gimmick dumb as they dodge questions about where they get their makeup and accessories. You assume it’s some kind of sponsorship situation or contract, not thinking much of it.
You manage to excuse yourself long enough to look for the bathroom, although Jia abandons you since she’s made her way into Happy’s lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and with a blissful smile you’re not sure you’ve ever seen on her.
There’s someone standing in the hall and it’s a narrow hallway and he’s pretty wide from the back so you stumble a little when you turn, placing a hand on the wall.
“Oh, excuse me!” You say, brightly, but when he turns you gasp, a little surprised by the bright red of his eyes before you realize it’s another member of Lunar Violence.
“Hello,” he says, quietly with a little smile and he has these prominent front teeth that are pretty cute, make him look a lot less intimidating, despite those contacts and an eyebrow piercing and his size.
“Oh, hello! You’re…”
“Baby,” he blurts, and it makes you giggle.
You feel a little tipsier than you’d realized, and you guess it must be since you’ve been sitting down for an hour or so and just gotten up.
He puts a hand over his face, embarrassed. “My name is Jungkook,” he explains. “I’m the drummer?”
It’s cute how his voice pitches up into a question, as if you wouldn’t recognize him. He’s definitely a bit more modest than the other two members you’d met, with Jimin and Happy (who you’d just learned also goes by Hoseoki), bragging about tours and performances. 
“Pretty big for a baby,” you tease, and he makes an embarrassed sound in the back of his throat.
“I keep trying to get them to let me change it,” he mutters.
You introduce yourself and he smiles again, and his eyes aren’t as red as you’d thought at first, anyway, maybe it’s just the light. You brush past him as you continue to the bathroom after excusing yourself, and it’s a little zing through you, like static electricity.
It takes you longer in the bathroom than it usually would, that last drink really must have packed a punch, and when you return to the table Jungkook is sitting there, too, next to your empty chair. Jimin looks a little sullen and pouty, but he smiles at you, those violet eyes crinkling up at the corners, and you give him a bright smile back.
Jungkook, on the other hand, is all energy, jiggling his leg and tapping his fingers on the table and Hoseok seems to be watching him intently.
The atmosphere in general seems to have changed, and after exchanging numbers with everyone with the urging of Jia, you two excuse yourself.
The three men walk you outside and Jimin is close while Jungkook hangs back. You imagine Jimin is so close since you mentioned feeling a bit dizzy and he asks you twice if he can call you a car but you tell him that the fresh air will do you good.
It’s funny, the moonlight seems to energize you a bit. When Jimin leans in to kiss you on the cheek, you jump a little at a sound behind you, something like a bark.
Jimin jolts back a little, eyes widening, and you both laugh at your nerves.
“Stray dog,” you remark, and Jimin snorts.
“Something like that.”
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Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose. “So what exactly the fuck happened after I left?”
Jimin is sullen on the couch, arms crossed over his chest with a busted lip and Jungkook is sitting next to Hoseok on the floor on the other side of the hotel room with tissue up his nose, Hoseok tilting his head back.
“Baby is about to go into rut,” Taehyung sings, laughing, his girlfriend draped over him on the bed drowsily, his teeth marks littering her neck and throat.
“Don’t,” Yoongi warns. “Everyone’s just wound up. Full moon is in two days, after all, cut him some slack.”
“Sees one girl he likes and suddenly no one else can talk to her,” Jimin complains, gingerly working his tongue across his lip ring to see if it’s torn.
“You tried to kiss her,” Jungkook growls, and Hoseok pushes on his chest to keep him from getting up.
Jungkook can’t explain why his wolf wanted to rip Jimin’s throat out when he leaned in to kiss you, he’d just met you, didn’t even know your last name, but it was visceral, sudden, something crawling up his throat. He’d almost moved forward to do it before Hoseok said his name, sharply.
“We all get a little possessive about potential mates around the full moon,” Namjoon reasons. “But that’s not the way to handle it, Jungkook.”
Jungkook hangs his head and removes the tissue from his nose with a shake of his head. “I’m sorry, hyung.” He looks over at Jimin but he means it for Namjoon. He’s still bitter, somehow, about Jimin’s hand on your lower back, his lips brushing your cheek. It makes his head feel fuzzy, his guts roll.
Namjoon, on the other hand, had been the one to “discover” Jungkook, back when he had no idea why his eyes were starting to change color with the moon cycles or why his nails grew out like claws. He’d started learning percussion just to get rid of some of the energy he had around those times, and he’d been 17 when Namjoon approached him in a music store when Jungkook was looking into buying cymbals. 
Jungkook had been abandoned when he was a baby, adopted at four years old and he had no idea about his wolf lineage, or even that they existed, until Namjoon explained it to him.
“Jungkook doesn’t know his lineage,” Namjoon reminds them all. “He might just be presenting as an alpha, that’s a lot around the full moon, Jimin, you remember.”
Jimin grumbles something under his breath and Jungkook has to take a deep breath through his nostrils, smelling iron from their scuffle earlier, in order not to lunge across the room and hit him again.
Eventually, Jungkook has to move to his own room despite usually bunking with Jimin, and he finds himself unable to sleep, staring at the ceiling. He keeps seeing your bright smile, your curls bouncing around as you talked and laughed, mostly at Jimin, and it makes him stiffen to think of how Jimin had met you first.
Why did it matter, anyway? You’re just a person, just like he is, just a girl, and he doesn’t have the best track record with talking to girls, anyway. You’d been in the front row, with your friend who Hoseok had gotten so smiley about, he’d seen you just before he started his set, his vision clearer around the full moon.
The others laughed at him for how he talked about “the wolf,” as if it wasn’t a part of him, as if it wasn’t who he was, but that’s how it had always felt. He just hadn’t had a name for it until he’d met Namjoon. It was like this thing, inside him, this beast, something that clawed and scratched to get out.
Seokjin keeps telling him that he’s fighting the wolf, that’s why he hasn’t gone into rut or popped his knot, that’s why he feels so achy and fidgety around the moon cycles, that’s why he hasn’t shifted. Namjoon would always respond there was no way to know that but Seokjin just rolled his eyes.
“Aish, I’m your hyung, listen to me. I fought mine, too, when I was young, and when I shifted I broke a few bones. You should give in, let it ride in the front seat once in a while.”
Jungkook had nodded at the time but now, he doesn’t know how to do that. Drumming helped, it was a lot of work and energy expelled and it felt like he could let him out, the wolf, just a little. It’s why he’d gotten so big, staying active and lifting weights was something the wolf liked.
The wolf came sometimes when he masturbated, too, when he’d feel particularly worked up around the full moon, after a concert, sweaty and rolling his hips into his hand.
When he tries it after meeting you, he can’t even finish, ending up panting and sore, the wolf still snarling over the memory of Jimin’s lips barely brushing across your cheek.
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Surprisingly enough, it’s Jungkook who texts you first. Wanna go for a drink?
You’re not sure whether to say yes at first, you’ve been feeling so strange. You can barely sleep, your skin feeling hot, as if you’d burned yourself with a too hot shower. You think about that night at the concert a lot, Jimin’s violet eyes, Jungkook’s almost red ones, how odd you’d felt.
You would have talked to Jia about it but she’s been abducted by the werewolf band, apparently, you’ve barely seen her in a week and when you had she’d been littered with hickeys and with a big goofy smile.
Part of you wonders if this is all some sex ring cult but she seems happy, jubilant even, so you agree, meeting Jungkook at a downtown bar.
He’s there before you arrive, you can see him through the window sitting at a table, looking wide and a bit intimidating until he lifts his head and smiles at you with a little wave.
His eyes are a warm brown now, pretty and wide, you’re able to notice the shape more without the contacts.
Jungkook is still all energy, maybe that’s just how he is, talking to you more and more as the nights go on and you two share a pitcher of beer, scooting his chair closer. You find he flushes a pretty rose when you flirt with him and can’t stop laughing when he nearly falls out of his chair when you prop your legs up in his lap.
By the end of the night he can’t stop smiling at you and you’re intrigued, moreso than you’d imagined you would be when you’d first met him, smiling shyly at you at the bar near the concert. You start to feel funny again, your head fuzzy, probably from the alcohol.
When you tell him, he’s all wide eyed concern.
You giggle. “Now I know why they call you Baby.” 
He huffs a little. 
He walks you outside just as he did before but this time he doesn’t hang back, and when you reach the alleyway, he places a hand on the swell of your hip as you take a few deep breaths of the night air.
You’re surprised, laugh a little until you look up into his eyes. You’d swear they looked red tinged again, but surely it’s just the beer.
“Not a baby,” he murmurs, moving closer, pressing you up against the brick with his body, and you hitch in a breath.
“No?” You ask, boldly trailing your finger along his collarbone through the black tshirt he’s wearing.
He shakes his head, leaned down close enough to your face that his nose brushes yours.
“Prove it,” you tease, and he makes this rumbling sound in the back of his throat that makes goosebumps break out across your flesh.
He leans down further, nips at your lower lip, and you moan, body surging forward toward his as if it was made to fit it. You’re not sure if you kiss him or he kisses you, but his tongue is in your mouth, his hands on either side of your head, caging you in.
You feel hot all over, dizzy in the most pleasant way, at least until he pulls away, gasping.
You whine, a sound you don’t think you’ve ever made before, when he’s not touching you anymore.
“I’m sorry,” he gasps. “I’m sorry. I should go.”
He’s gone before you can even gasp out another whine of his name, and the moonlight on your skin burns instead of cools.
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Jungkook tells this story in a burst to his bandmates the next day, hungover with his head pounding.
“You just left her there?” Jimin says, his face shocked, and Jungkook feels the wolf make a growl start at the back of his throat.
Namjoon puts a hand on his shoulder and it turns into a whine instead. 
“I’ve never felt him that close, hyung. Right at the surface. I wanted to…”
Namjoon and Seokjin meet eyes above Jungkook’s lowered head.
Jimin catches it. Jimin catches everything, it’s one of the best and worst things about him.
“What? You think…” Jimin laughs. “No. She can’t be his.... She’s not a wolf, I would’ve smelled it when-”
Jungkook surges out of his seat, a deep growl rumbling from his chest. “When what, Jimin?”
Jimin’s eyes glow a pale violet as he snarls back, uncaring that Jungkook towers over him.
In the end, Namjoon and Seokjin have to separate them physically as they bark and snarl at each other.
Hoseok and Taehyung are missing, having holed up to ride out their ruts with their human mates instead of the house the seven share.
Yoongi huffs out a breath. “He’s definitely presenting as an alpha.”
“No shit,” Namjoon barks, unusually on edge. 
Yoongi, Seokjin, and Taehyung are the betas of the group, and until now there had only been a slight difference among the bandmates despite their different rankings.
Alpha pheromones were stronger and their senses were more heightened around rutting season, particularly for other mates. 
In the end, they have to completely change how they house themselves, with Jimin sharing a room with Yoongi, and Jungkook sharing with Seokjin.
“I’m sorry, hyung,” Jungkook says miserably, his wolf finally calmed as he sits down on the bed.
“It’s not your fault,” Seokjin says, voice much less harsh than Namjoon’s had been earlier when he’d scolded him. “I saw Namjoon during this time, and it wasn’t easy.”
Jungkook looks up at the elder with wide eyes. “Really?”
Seokjin snorts and nods. “Yeah, around the full moon he was unbearable, snarling at everything.”
“I just didn’t want to scare her or...or hurt her...I wanted to put her against the wall and…” Jungkook trails off, embarrassed.
Seokjin only smiles and ruffles Jungkook’s hair. “That’s normal too, Baby. You wouldn’t have hurt her, especially if it’s what we think it is.”
“What...what does that mean?”
Seokjin shakes his head. “Something you gotta work out on your own.”
Jungkook groans and flops down on the bed as Seokjin laughs, heading downstairs to make dinner while things are calm.
He has trouble sleeping again, but this time instead of wondering why, he knew, could almost feel the soft skin of your hip on his palm like it was still there, how you’d moaned into his mouth, whined for him.
Jungkook isn’t sure there’s a cold enough shower to help.
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You can’t seem to sit still as the full moon nears, feeling like you might jump out of your skin. You can’t count the number of friends you’d called but no one seems up to going out. You bite your lip while looking at Jungkook’s contact on your phone screen.
If you think about it long enough, you can still feel the way he pressed against you, how the hair on the nape of your neck stood up when he nipped at your lip, how hot you’d felt, how wet…
You sigh and scroll up, seeing Jimin’s name instead. Jimin had been fun to be with the night you’d met, easy to talk to, less….intense. And he didn’t make you feel like you were about to crawl out of your skin, so you ask if he wants to meet up for a drink.
It’s late, by the time you decide, and the moon is out, waxing toward fullness. There’s only a tiny sliver remaining, big in the sky, and you can’t stop looking up at it as you walk to the bar near your house.
You’d chosen it because it’s close and not because it’s where hot drummer Jeon Jungkook, also known as Baby, had pressed you against an alley wall and made you almost…
Jimin jolts you out of your thoughts, calling your name and waving as you approach the door. He’s leaned against the doorjamb, giving you a smirk and you think now you understand why they call him Sly.
It makes you smile and again, you vibe well with him, you get along in the best way, conversation is easy and you don’t feel gooseflesh or your hair stand up when he brushes his fingers against yours.
Jimin knows he’s playing with fire when he replies to your text, but they don’t call him Sly for nothing, and you’re interesting, for a human. He’s only met one other female wolf, a tall and feisty woman with a sharp tongue and the most beautiful brown eyes, but she’d had a mate and well...things hadn’t ended well. 
Jungkook thinks of his wolf as this separate entity but Jimin disagrees, let’s his wolf do what it wants, so that all the bad things he feels have some kind of outlet. This was especially so after he’d lost his brown eyed wolf girl, so he invites you back to the house, knowing that Jungkook will be at the gym all night before the full moon tomorrow.
In fact, all of the others will be out, finding fun of their own, and why shouldn’t Jimin do the same? It isn’t as if Jungkook has marked you, or even can, since you’re human. 
Your eyes aren’t quite the same shade of hers, but he can pretend.
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Jungkook works out until his muscles ache but nothing can shake this feeling he has, like something’s wrong. When he leaves the gym even the moon looks off, as if it’s dimmer than it should be, and something’s pulling him home, like this tug in his gut. It feels like it used to as a kid in his first foster home, when he’d get so anxious he’d climb onto the roof and stare up at it.
He’s almost running as he gets closer, feeling his skin prickle as he gets to the house, his wolf so close to the surface he can feel the fur that isn’t there yet standing up on the back of his neck.
He smells Jimin first, wrinkling his nose at the alpha pheromones, and when he walks upstairs it isn’t as if he decides to let the wolf take over, or struggles with it - it’s instant.
You’re standing in the hall, head tilted up, and Jimin is leaning against the wall, smiling down at you, and when you lean up to just softly brush your lips against Jimin’s, Jungkook’s heart nearly leaps out of his chest, and the wolf barks, loud and warning.
You turn, surprised, and Jungkook doesn’t think, doesn’t act, it’s all wolf. He grabs you by your waist, hefts you up over your shoulder, and begins to walk you to his room.
Jimin protests and Jungkook growls over his shoulder, daring him to try something. Later, Jungkook is glad his friend didn’t follow, because he isn’t sure that he could have held the wolf back.
You kick and yell and beat on his back and Jungkook doesn’t realize what he’s done until he’s plopped you down on his bed, crawling toward you.
You kick him in the chest and it barely registers. You stand up and that’s when he snaps back to himself, at least to a degree.
"Don't leave. You can't leave." It's panicked, his voice, higher pitched almost like a whine.
"I can do whatever I want," you snap.
He makes this sound between a whine and a snarl and it's startling, strange, and you stop at the door.
"I know that! I know, but he doesn't!" 
"He..." you turn to look at him and he's trembling, head down, and you step closer, worried. "Baby, what do you mean?"
Jungkook just stands there, still trembling, until you reach out to touch his hair, gently. "He thinks he owns you, that you're his, that no one else can touch you." He explains, almost in a whisper.
"Who is he?" You ask slowly.
He raises his head slow and you gasp when you look into his eyes, instead of a warm brown this burnt amber, red hued.
"The wolf."
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You stand there, blinking in surprise, for a long moment before actively telling your feet to move to the door. Unfortunately, your brain seems to have some kind of disconnect to your limbs, because you just step even closer, lean in and inhale along his neck, this scent of sweat and the iron of the weights he’d been lifting washing over you.
Rationally, you know that you should be shocked, horrified, even, that werewolves are real and you’re apparently standing in a house full of them but all you can do is run your tongue along the vein in his throat and Jungkook is trembling all over, whimpering like a puppy.
“Y/n, please, don’t-” he chokes out.
“Why not?” You murmur against his skin, the scent of him making your body react like you’ve never felt before. There’s this ache between your thighs that you’ve only felt a hint of before and you want more, nipping at his skin, unable to think clearly.
“He wants to...wants you,” Jungkook stutters, balling his hands into fists to keep from touching you.
“He does? Or you do?” You ask, lifting your head to pout at him, and Jungkook groans.
“Both,” he whispers hoarsely. 
“Then take me,” you say, and you don’t even know where the words came from. Your head feels light on your shoulders, dizzy with the scent of him, how his skin tastes under your tongue, and you do what he did to you the last night you’d seen him, nipping at his lower lip. Your canine pierces the skin and you taste iron on your tongue
Jungkook growls and lifts you again, this time with his hands under your ass and thighs and your legs wrap around him instantly. He all but throws you down on the bed, this time, and you whimper when he grips one of your thighs with his big hand, squeezing the flesh there.
“Mine,” he snarls, that high pitched whine at the end, and it makes you arch your back, claw your nails across his shoulders.
Jungkook leans down to sniff at your neck and growls again, wrinkling his nose and when you open your eyes he’s staring down at you with those red/amber eyes. 
You look back defiantly but you’re rolling your hips against his, you can feel him hard against your core and even though you’d never gone all the way with anyone before you want him inside you, can’t think of anything else.
“You smell like him,” he accuses, voice hoarse, and his wide eyes fade back to brown, just slightly, the color dilating around his pupils.
“Jungkook,” you whisper, feeling something like guilt, even though nothing had happened, really, and even it if it had…
He rubs his nose against your throat, covers you with his body like he’s replacing any of Jimin’s scent with his own. He licks against your neck, bites down on your skin, making you yelp.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook whines. “I’m sorry, I have to. You’re mine, I have to mark you, have to scent you anywhere he touched you,” he tries to explain, his hands skating down your ample curves.
“It’s okay,” you say, and somehow you mean it, you understand, the very thought of Jungkook smelling like anyone else makes your heart jump into your throat, something primal rise in your gut. “I know, baby.”
“You’re mine?” He says again, voice pitching up into a question just like when he’d introduced himself and it scares you, the way it makes your heart ache.
Instead of speaking you kiss him again, hard, moving your hands to his hair to get him closer. You had worn a skirt and halter out, it’s so warm even though it’s close to winter, your skin feeling so hot under the moonlight that you couldn’t wear much else.
Even as you kiss him he’s tearing at your clothes and you lean up to help him until you’re bare beneath him and panting, this whining noise coming from your throat that you can’t explain.
“God,” Jungkook groans, rubbing a hand over his face. “I don’t know what I’m doing, I-”
“You haven’t...haven’t done this before?” Your eyes widen.
Jungkook realizes what you mean and he blushes a bit. “I’ve...yeah, I’ve done this before but not...not like this. I feel like...the wolf feels like...he’s been crazy. Since the first moment I saw you.”
“Like you’re gonna jump out of your skin? Always feeling...hot?” You ask.
Jungkook nods slowly, eyes widening.
“Me too,” you admit. “I don’t...I don’t know what it means. That’s why I came out with Jimin, I-”
Jungkook cuts you off with a choked whine. “It means you’re supposed to be mine.”
He snuffles against your neck again, hands at your hips, still holding back, trembling. “It means he never should have touched you.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, even though you know you have nothing to apologize for. “I want you. I’ve never...I’ve never done this before but I want you so bad,” you admit, clutching at his tshirt, pulling it up until he gets on his knees and pulls it off, tossing it to the side. You spread your hands across his chest and he lets out a wrecked moan.
“You’re holding back,” you accuse.
He nods. “The wolf, he doesn’t….I don’t want to hurt you. Especially...fuck, no one’s touched you like this before?” His hands slide up and down your thighs as he stares down at your body, your breasts, the cleft of your cunt.
Jungkook knows that shouldn’t make him so hard, shouldn’t make his dick pulse in his sweats, shouldn’t make the wolf keen with pride. Mine mine mine, the first, the only is all his brain is chanting, he feels dizzy like he’s drank too much even though he hasn’t had a drop.
“Please, please, please,” you beg, but he can’t, can’t let the wolf out, he’s afraid he’ll rip you apart. You’re human and a virgin and he can’t risk hurting you.
The wolf won’t even let him say it, so he just shakes his head. 
You huff out a breath, your body aching all over, need making your arousal coat your thighs. You don’t know what you’re going to say until you say it.
“Should I ask Jimin to do it? I bet he can smell me,” you taunt, shocking yourself.
Jungkook freezes, his eyes bleeding to red again and one hand jolting out to wrap around your throat.
“Don’t,” he warns.
You know you should be cautious since you’re about to fuck an actual werewolf, but fuck, you’re so hot, you can’t think, you need something inside you and you drop your feet to the bed, spreading your legs wide.
“Jimin would mark me. He’d fuck me, fill me full like I want.” 
Jungkook feels something in him snap, and his heart hurts and his cock aches and the wolf is keening, clawing inside him and he can’t control it anymore, just like before.
“Never,” he growls, squeezes his fingers around your throat and you gasp, your stomach aching with need.
Finally, finally he slides his fingers along your pussy and you choke out a sob as his thumb slips across your clit but it’s not enough.
“Jungkook,” you whimper. “Make me yours.”
“Already mine,” he murmurs, and finally slides two fingers inside you, making you cry out. “You’re already mine but I’m gonna give you what you want, mark you, fuck you, make sure Park fucking Jimin never so much as sniffs at you again.”
“Yes,” you sigh. “Yes, please, please.”
Jungkook still worries somewhere in the back of his mind that he’ll hurt you, that the wolf will, and by now he understands they’re one and the same but you’re rolling your hips up and his cock feels heavy and full like he’s about to burst, somehow wider at the base and he rips down his sweats, fucking you with three fingers now. 
When his cock bounces against his stomach you gasp, and if you’d been in your right mind you might worry he’s too big but something inside you is crying out in pleasure just at the sight of it. You spread your legs wider and he releases your throat, leaning over to kiss you instead, biting your lip as he slowly works himself inside you.
It’s a tight fit even after three fingers and you’re whining into his mouth, wanting more.
Jungkook isn’t a virgin, far from it although a little less experienced than some of his band members (Hoseok had once bragged about fucking a house of sorority sisters during a rut), but the way you clench around him has his hips twitching, wanting to buck into you even if it would split you open. 
Despite his worry, neither he or the wolf wants to hurt you, though, so he waits for you to adjust even as you beg, waits until you can take all of him.
He’s barely realized that he’s popped his knot until he looks down to see where you’ve joined and he groans. He knows how to do this, has been talked to (endlessly, by Taehyung, about his human girlfriend and how she desperately wants to take his knot and they’re working on it but it will take time and training), knows that you can’t take his knot but the wolf is howling for it, wants to fuck you hard and then pop it inside you, spill a littler into your womb.
You whine and pulse around him, reaching up to tug at his hair. “Kookie,” you pout. “Baby. Want you inside me, fuck me harder, please-”
“I can’t-” he chokes out, but then you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him deeper and the wolf growls, leans down, mine mine mine chanting in his head. My mate.
You felt a tiny pop when Jungkook first entered you, nothing painful and then just need, you want more and more and you don’t even know how to say it. You look up at him, near tears, needing something that you feel he won’t give you.
“I’m not yours yet,” you slur, and he looks pained, his eyes dilating from warm brown to amber red again and again.
He rocks his hips against you slow, and you’ve orgasmed twice already, once from his fingers and one from his cock but it’s not enough and you whine, it comes out almost inhuman, like his.
“Fill me up,” you urge, and Jungkook tries to hold the wolf back, he really does, but he’s too far gone, this close to the full moon and in the start of his first rut. 
Jungkook groans, fucks you harder and faster and when you cry out his name his balls draw up and he thrusts forward harder than he’d meant to, popping his knot inside you.
You make a surprised sound and his eyes pop open, his hands cupping your face even as his hips twitch as he cums, spills inside you.
“Y/n. I’m so sorry,” he mourns. “I’m sorry, I love you, I’m sorry,” he babbles, kissing along your neck and throat, seeing that he’d already marked you twice, once on each side of your throat, and he barely remembers it.
You let out a happy sigh and wrap your arms around his neck, feeling finally sated, at least for the moment. “What are you sorry for, silly baby?”
“Doesn’t it hurt?” He asks, and you look up into his eyes and they’re heterochromatic, now, red hued amber and brown both.
“You’d never hurt me,” you mumble against his throat.
“Never,” he promises. “Never, I love you so much.” 
You’re half asleep, sated with him still inside you, planting soft kisses on your lips and face. You don’t know where you’d learned the word, but it feels right when you say it, right before you drift to sleep.
“I love you too, Alpha.”
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It takes a while to understand, especially between Jungkook being barely able to leave his room since he’s in rut and you’re in heat, but eventually, you figure it out.
Your great grandmother had been an omega werewolf, and it’s a recessive gene so you’d been the lucky one to receive it. Since you had never shifted because your gene wasn’t activated by male wolves, you had no smell.
At least, not until the full moon, when you shifted into what Jungkook says is the prettiest wolf he’d ever seen.
After, when you’d near your heat, Jungkook would snap and snarl at the boys so much just for talking to you that it made you roll your eyes, but eventually you got the dates right (for the most part, there’d been one instance in which Jimin had made a snarky comment and Jungkook had lunged at him and they’d gone rolling down the stairs), and you holed up in your apartment, instead.
Jungkook was working with Seokjin to understand that the wolf is him instead of some seperate entity. You tell him you’ve always known that. From what you know now, if the wolf wasn’t, he would have taken you the very first night. True mates are rare, and you’d both known it the whole time, even when you hadn’t.
You and Jia went to every concert, her always telling you her neverending sexcapades with Hoseok to be able to take his knot, front row, waiting for your Alpha’s set. It’s cute, you think, that they call him Baby on stage but he’s your Alpha, especially since he’s both, always, to you.
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violetnotez · 4 years ago
Random HC I have of the JJK characters
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Pours the cereal in AFTER the milk
Kinda has a wierd love hate relationship with Titanic (poor baby was devastated when Jack died)
Dude likes sleeping butt ass naked
If there’s a fire in the middle of the night he is screwed affff
Had the biggest crush on Hinata from Naruto as a kid
Alssooooo Starfire from Teen Titans
dyed his hair pink as a joke thinking it would wash out
Likes pineapple on pizza
Chugs Yakult at odd ass hours of the morning
Violently kicks in his sleep and doesn’t even know it
Has a pretty singing voice but will never ever EVER let anyone hear it
Has a secret obsession for Tokyo Ghoul
Has a death fear of clowns
Finds Yuuji fucking disgusting for liking pineapple on pizza
Has 2 drawers full of the same pairs of glasses
Type of guy to not show up to work and be found in a random ass movie theater chilling as if it’s normal
Would eat shredded cheese out of the bag at 2am
Can never find a bed his size so he has to take out the frame at the end if it has one and place like a love seat in form of his bed so he has just enough leg room
Once tried to learn piano to pick up girls and got bored in the first week
Has a wierd thing when he eats food he doesn’t like to continue to eat the food as he complains on how shitty it is
Got into Hamilton and was sooooo into it
Follows a CRAP ton of cosplay girls on Insta
Has so many anime waifus Istg 💀😂
Can actually tolerate the taste of orange juice after brushing his teeth
When he stubs his toe, he doesn’t yell, but just stomps around angrily
Has never said the word “shit”
And I think we all know why 👀💀
Wore braces as a kid and is permanently angry from that life experience
Loathes the idea of wearing a frilly gown
A beautiful bi
Looooooooves cheezits
Dream vacay is going to London one day
Hates Disney movies
Thinks Harry Potter is dumb but secretly is obsessed with it
Also finds Yūji fucking disgusting for liking pineapple on pizza
Gets compared to Hanje from AOT ALOT
Didn’t know who tf that was until she watched the show
Now she’s a whole AOT fan and loves Hanje with all her heart
Secretly likes Star Wars
Lowkey a tomboy too
Was the kid who could beat up someone twice her size and not even bat an eye
Somehow owns only one pair of glasses and just takes superrr good care of them
Is a total Disney nerd
also has a wierd ass obsession for My Little Pony she never grew out of
definitelllyyyyy owns a crap ton of plushies she really isnt proud of
whenever someone compliments her hair she turns into a red blushing mess and mumbles for like a straight hour
Gives himself fangs once and a while for the ✨aesthetic✨
Once when Yuuji ate a hamburger he wouldn’t shut up about it
This bitch loooooooves hamburgers
Medium Rare tho cause he’s boujee
Hates allllll of Yuuji’s music
But loves all the emo punk bands
OHOHOOH Corpse Husband is such a vibe for him
Could listen to Corpse Husband for the rest of his sad sadistic curse life
Will scream in Yuuji’s head at like 3am just to fuck with him
Secretly obsessed with ASMR, cause once Yuuji watched a video as a joke and he got ✨tingles✨
Sukuna was like WTF WAS THAT.
so now he gets super excited whenever Yuuji watches an ASMR video 💀
Like Gojo, makes Yuuji follow a shit ton of cosplay girls on Instagram
Freaking weirdo
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years ago
i think i’ve figured out a reason why anime culture exhausts me.
i’ve always tried my best to curate what I see on my dash both here and on twitter. it’s much easier on tumblr, I believe, for me to block things out because on tumblr... there are just such high numbers of shippers and self shippers that I don’t have to deal with what actually exhausts me.
ship wars are dumb, and are for the most part irksome and tiring, but I feel like ship wars to me is like a family fight. it’s you and a sister or a cousin fighting over whether you should get sushi or mexican food. of course they’re two different types of foods. there’s nothing really lining them together, but at the end of the day you move on and forget because thats family. ships wars are irritating because we don’t have a way, but at least we have the common ground of loving the same series.
what exhausts me, grinds my nerves into ash, and makes me irrationally angry is when people pit series against series. I don’t see it here on tumblr, namely because I simply do not scroll on here anymore. but I know the people I follow, I know what they like, and more important what they care about and only see what they post or reblog. to the self insert part of tumblr it doesn’t matter what series is better, or what series is their favorite, they just want to fuck whoever they find arbitrarily attractive — physically or characteristically. I can deal with that. I can deal with seeing shit from fandoms that I have no part of. I don’t care to read hq, i’m putting off watching jjk until the entire first season is finished because I just want to binge it (i am very far into the manga tho), i’ve read and finished chainsaw man and loved it, i thought kny was such a simple but fascinating story, hxh sort of bored me, aot is not a series that I particularly find written or scripted in a way where I thirst after characters. i’ve read and am reading dozens more small name manga because manga, big or small, are all riveting and rich even if they’re not common names & I think it’s great to discover new mangaka!
but on twitter where it’s really, really difficult for me to curate my likes still simply because as soon as things pass 10.0k likes, it seems to show up on your timeline, and I lose my mind. what the fuck is up with people pitting series against series. using things as illogical as numbers and series to broadcast as to why things are more better. I am constantly annoyed by bitches who scream bnha is far less superior than aot and jjk across my timeline as if I care what some ugly ass white boy from minnesota thinks & continue to say with their full chest that midoriya izuku is a whining crybaby as if he’s ever truly been that. why is liking a particular anime make you superior? it’s called having an opinion & just because I don’t agree with you when I say bnha is the best manga i’ve ever read doesn’t mean I should be getting attacked. I know bnha isn’t perfect, there are obvious gleaming issues in horikoshis writings — and they’re apparent in every other mangaka’s writing too.
perfection doesn’t exist or else there would be no problems in the world, no? so it just makes me see red when people who are no longer caught up with bnha and have chose to stop watching and reading it past season 1 episode 3 (chapters 1-3 in the manga) acting like another series is better because of shit that legit has no effect on the actual quality of the storytelling.
it is my opinion to say that bnha is the best manga. it is my opinion to say that horikoshi has the best art style in the entire shonen jump magazine. it is my opinion to say that hori has amazing static scenes but lacks in movement fluidity still. it is my opinion to say that hori has created some of the most human characters in his works with his most controversial characters (ie bakugou & endeavor). it is my opinion to say hori can definitely choose to develop his female characters better but is clearly more interested in his male ones and that’s just something i’ve now accepted. I am okay with other people agreeing and disagreeing with any of that because this is the type of shit where differing opinions is okay. but it grinds disgustingly on my nerves when people who are in no way, shape or form a fan of bnha shit on it because why are you even here? get out.
I didn’t allow myself to like anime and manga until a few years ago, but holy shit, if this is how yall acted when we were in middle school and high school, no wonder why people were bullied. some of y’all are fucking nasty for no damn reason. let people be fucking happy with whatever the fuck they enjoy and go fucking be obsessed with what you like and not what others like tf is wrong with you????
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