carrdas · 7 years
( @jjedi )
“YOU’LL GET USED  to it,” he said with a shrug. There was something about making your first run; the uncertainty, the excitement. It was a bit of an adventure. But they also had a job to do, & he’d taken a special interest in the girl & her career in his organization. He’d personally recruited her, & therefore had a personal investment in making sure she learned the ropes. Generally that would fall to someone else, one of his lieutenants, but -- rules were made to be broken.       They’d cleared spaceport control, their ID overlay had proven adequate, & it would only be a few minutes more before they landed.       He glanced over at her from the copilot’s seat & nodded towards the sensor array. “You have any final questions? It’s now or never. When we touch down it’s the real thing.” 
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