#jjba itfc
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"Just because I am half blind doesn't mean I can't see what's goin on..."
When senpai finally notices you @dong-castle
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ " And you’re never truly gone As long as a part of you in me lives on " First off , thanks to Fran for the amazing song and second I heavily inspired it from an episode of demon slayer because in all honesty it's a perfect scenery to explain the whole concept I was going for. I've always like to headcanon when Joelle falls in her death trance , Chapter Dream keeps her memories alive and even giving it a real feel to it as well , displaying it to remind Joelle to not fall into the 'death pit of destruction' because she can literally delete anything in her path. So part of her memory gives her that piece of light she needs through her mother , reminding her that she will always be with her no matter what and no matter how much time has passed. I can't begin to even count the numbers I cried listening to the song while making this.. it really sparked the big feels and I am super proud of how it turned out!! Hopefully I'll get around to show more scenes in general from my arc to give a clear idea how her story is going to play out!! <3 - Cards ☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆
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💀 hugo 💘💘💘💘💘💘
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ 💀 -> Mohawk
What a rockstar 🤟~ . - Cards
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Inktober - Broken Samurai ☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ "Now, tonight, again, let's party freely, together with the low-tier members from Hell. What will be degraded at the bay of this banquet, is found within the atrocity and savagery among us, so pure and clean that it is wicked." A cat, who has lost a leg, is snickering this way: "The young lady over there, let's play!" The red string tied to its collar cannot possibly be used in place of its lost leg. Ya, ya, ya, ya, I, don't, wanna! A row of lined-up stupas are singing: "The young lady over there, let's dance!" The flowers sneakily blooming underfoot are grimacing and grumbling. The carp streamers are showing their bellies, inside which heaps of skulls are buried. Yai, yai, shall we go play? Yai, yai, smile, smile. Rai, rai, join up, open up. Rai, rai, the Rakshasa and the corpse.
Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro ☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆
I don't usually participate in this kind of challenges since I barely have any time to finish anything lol. But lets see how this one goes!! I am actually very eager to draw some more ocs and some characters I've had in mind for so long hahah~ <3 Enjoy!! - Cards
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- 𝕄𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕤 -
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It was early in the morning , the Sun was barely up in the sky and the morning cold air roamed , marking down that the winter season was soon to come. It was no surprise that Joelle had dug herself deep into the mysteries of the ancient civilizations and the amount of history that followed right after it. She was so invested in finding more information about the arrows and all the crazy 'magical artifacts' that she never really noticed that she hasn't slept for 2 days straight . The purple-haired pillar was looking through so much paperwork to the point where it was scattered all over the place in her office . Every little second was of value if it meant finding more information upon how they can put a stop to it all... a stop to the amount of madness that was growing more and more each passing day. It almost felt like she wasn't getting anywhere , it felt like an endless maze that you're trying to escape to reach the secrets behind it. The more turns you make , the more tangled up you get yourself and keep wondering when will you see the exit of it. She paused herself for a short moment to regain herself , since it felt like the lack of sleep is finally catching up to her , she reached over to the fresh cup of tea she made earlier to try and keep herself awake at some point. Joe focused herself completely on each and every letter that was written on each of the papers until she heard her phone ring , causing her to nearly jump out of her seat and in the whole process without even realizing she had waved her hand to the side hard enough to knock down the cup she had on her desk .
->"Ahh!! Shit , Shit!! I should of known better than to leave it there!! It was gonna happen sooner or later...!!"
She huffed annoyed to herself , because she had one at the back of her head knowing that this will happen sooner or later. A heavy sigh left her lips as she used her ability to rewind the whole scene so the cup was safely returned back in it's previous position. Joe had to make sure not to cause any harm on the amount of papers that were scattered all over the place , since some were very valuable and there was no way she could find a replica if it was damaged. Now all that was left now was to find where the melody from her phone was coming from... She tried to possibly organize some stuff but it was not happening... she began to get more and more frustrated when the piles she had just tidied fell over. Joe looked so tired.. in all honesty she just wanted to fall into the pile of papers and just sleep for days... but that was not going to happen. She took a moment to herself to collect her thoughts , before using her ability one more time to give her the advantage of everything to just float around , giving her so much more space to find where her phone was. After nearly 30 minutes of searching around and probably over 10 missed calls she had finally found it under a large pile of papers. Joe finally managed to pick up getting a rather irritated tone on the other side.
📱 ->" Where were you?! Why didn't you pick up your phone!!? I rang nearly 20 times!! "
The familiar voice was none other than Rei himself , sounding rather angry .
📱 ->" I'm sorry , I'm sorry!! I didn't know where my phone was so I had to search for it... "
Joe brought up her excuse , Rei just sighed heavily.
📱->" I need your assistance on a very serious and 'delicate' case. We might of possibly found more clues that could give us good leads . "
Rei spoke up , as Joe felt her body all of sudden beam with energy the moment he mentioned that 'he found something that will help them.' But then again that left her in wonder what could he possibly mean with it ... surely for a while now , they have been bumping into a lot of dead ends but perhaps this time might be different , or so she hoped.
📱->"Alright! Where are we meeting up?"
She asked.
📱->" I'll have a car come pick you up so you don't have to wander around and waste more time , be ready in an hour. "
Rei gave out his order , before hanging up the phone. Joe began to feel a bit more energized by the news she had just received but there was till that feeling to the side of her body feeling rather heavy from the lack of sleep. She made sure to use this 1 hour she had to freshen up and clean up a bit , so her office wasn't a complete mess. Finally the last minute hit as she headed outside to be greeted by the car that was going to pick her up. Joe felt herself tilting her head to the side , as the tiredness was getting harder to fight with. 'Maybe I can take a short nap...' was the last though that came to mind until she doze off. The ride was rather short , it only took around maybe 25 minutes until Joe felt someone shaking her awake , causing her to freak out.
->"AAH-!! OH uhmm... I am awake , I wasn't sleeping... !!!"
She cleared her throat after her little nonsense as Rei just shook his head.
->"Lets go. I have to show you something."
The blue-haired detective sounded rather demanding about the case. Joe had seen Rei serious before , but this time he looked... more serious? If that made any sort of sense at all , but there was definitely something really odd about his whole behavior to begin with , so maybe it was really important. The purple-haired detective got out of the car and followed Rei along as the two of them entered what it looked like a specialized facility that was made for containing 'things' that weren't supposed to get out... This was really giving Joe the creeps , there was one thing she hated the most and it was facilities like these that just bring back bad memories. However she couldn't avoid them , because it was part of her job after all so she had to just suck it up man up and deal with it... or at least try to. She felt herself step closed towards Rei as they were walking down a hallway until they were greeted by a large amount of people who seemed to be working on something... and that something was behind what it looked like a special glass case. The atmosphere began to feel slightly more heavy the more the two of them got closer to it. Joe felt a familiar sensation hit her the moment her gaze fully fixated on the object right in front of her.
->" Our little 'archeology' crew found this artifact while searching for possible hint of ancient artifacts that might give us a lead upon what are we exactly dealing with and they stumbled upon something rather unusual... They found a hidden shrine room that contained this... mask inside of it. "
Rei began to slowly explain , making sure that Joelle was following up on what he was explaining , by the looks of it she looked rather hypnotized by the mask that was displayed behind the hard glass , giving Rei a possible hint that she might know something about it... or maybe something common to it.
->"We did some research on it but we didn't find anything until we stumbled upon a heavy locked book that it had a paper attached to it.. resembling the seals you have been talking about recently. "
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He added further.
->" I got a professional to try and open it up to see if there might be some information worth digging out , but it seemed mostly harmless. I figured a book that 'bizarre' looking might have something behind it.. but perhaps the force that was trying to keep it locked was weak... or at least this is how I would explain it to myself. "
Rei commented.
->"Well did you find anything?"
Joe finally spoke up , waking up from the trance she had fallen in earlier from eyeing the details of the mask bit by bit.
->" It was in another language by the looks of it , but we did further research and found something very interesting about it. It seemed to have belonged to some ancient curse... a shaman with dark powers who has been known throughout history to have been one mass murderer , causing nothing but chaos. "
Rei began his little tale.
->"It's said that he lived decades ago , spreading his curse... however he was later sealed away and trapped within seals to weaken him , thus making him link back into his 'mask'. Legend says it that there is still a trigger to it and it could unleash a deadly force like no other that will destroy everything in it's way... if we aren't careful enough who knows what kind of chaos we can unleash... I don't even want to think about the alternative. "
Rei sounded almost afraid of it.. surely he wasn't one to really believe much in fairy tales like these , but lately the amount of strange and bizarre things that have been occurring has given him another mind set upon possible ancient figures that might still walk this earth without anyone yet to realize it.
->"I figured you might know something more about it since you have history with these sort of things... but this seems far more fresh than any other ancient artifact that we have stumbled upon. I can't really confirm for sure from which decade it is , but it doesn't seem like it's too too ancient."
The blue haired detective added. Joe began to feel a rather strange sensation hit her all of a sudden.. it almost felt like her entire body was frozen and her gaze was fully fixated on the mask that was behind the heavy protection glass. She didn't know what was going on at all... for a moment there she felt like she might of just spaced out and maybe fall asleep while still standing.. but no.. this was much more different from her 'tiredness' ... it was something else... It felt like the whole room went silent , she couldn't even hear Rei explaining to her more about the so called 'ancient cursed mask' that was right in front of her. Joe felt herself fall into a trance to the point where even her eyes went blank.
->" You do know that you shouldn't toy with curses that you know nothing about.... "
She heard a voice... a voice she wasn't really familiar with .. that was definitely not Rei's voice.. was she hearing things? Was she finally starting to hallucinate or was her mind playing tricks on her? Was someone else from the people around talking to her? No.. that was not it at all..it felt like she had fallen into some kind of space that she wasn't aware of... because it felt like time had completely stopped around her. No one was moving.. neither was Joelle..
She heard her own voice echo as the voice that followed let out a small laugh.
->"Ahh.. so you can hear me? What a pleasant... pleasant... surprise ... "
The sound of that voice... it was sending shivers down her spine in a really bad way. She didn't know where it was coming from , but by the looks of it... the source of it was right in front of her. For a moment there she even thought she might of hallucinated .. the holes of where the eyes should be probably placed... they didn't look so empty... in fact it looked like they were staring right back at her. Joe gasped quietly to herself as she began to feel the sudden panic starting to hit her until she heard that voice again... laughing.
->"What are you so afraid of? You should be grateful that you have a gift... a gift like no other. I can sense it within you... you hold great power... power that can even match a god itself... or maybe close...You are not like those weak and pathetic humans ... hehehe..."
Another laugh creeped out as Joe felt in lack of words , she didn't know if she was dreaming or not , but this seemed much too real to be considered some weird dream or some weird hallucination.
->" But it seems like we might even share a special bond... because you are the only one that can hear me right now... It's... amazing , don't you think? "
He added , as Joe began to feel like her breath was starting to pick up pace ... she began to even heard her own heartbeat in her ears , trying to calm down.. this was not real.. she didn't want to believe it... she refused to ... but it was hard to..
->" W-Who... Who are you...?! "
She finally managed to gather some courage to speak up , however her body nor her mouth was moving.. it almost felt like she was talking to this strange voice through telepathy or something.. or at least that's how she would explain it to herself.
->" Who am I...? Hah... I am everyone's worst nightmare ... chaos itself... "
The atmosphere began to feel more and more heavy as it felt like the air around Joelle made it hard to breathe. The panic was really hitting her hard , for a moment there she felt like her own stand acted on its own like it usually does every now and then , but this time.. it felt so different...
->" It seems however I am short on time... But don't be so sad little one... I'm certain that we'll meet again soon enough ... and perhaps I will give a proper introduction... heheheheh.... "
Was the last thing the voice said until Joe finally snapped back into reality . The moment she finally felt like her soul returned in it's place , however her body wasn't responding to her still so she completely lost any possible balance she might of had her body began to swing down towards the ground , however before she could collide with the floor she felt a pair of arms catch her . Rei seemed to have reacted fast enough , managing to catch her. He looked down at her worried.. 'Now what was that all about?' He thought to himself. For a moment there he wondered what might of happened that caused Joelle to suddenly feel weak... Rei figured it might of been the lack of sleep or something . Regardless he was still very worried about her... thought perhaps he felt something... rather strange himself... but perhaps he could be in the same boat as her , maybe the lack of sleep was finally getting to him too.
->"Joelle!! Joelle can you hear me!? Are you there?! Are you okay??"
Rei called out , as her eyes finally regained their original form. It really felt like her soul left her body completely and it just returned... the feeling was horrid. She still felt rather dizzy from the whole little 'chit chat' she had with that strange voice that seemed to be connected with the artifact that was in this same room... She didn't even know how to explain it to herself .
->"Yeah... I'm alright.. Just a bit tired."
She wasn't lying about that , however she was not certain if she wanted to share with Rei what she just witnessed ... she couldn't really connect it in her own mind , let alone even try and explain it.
->"Why don't you sit down for a bit? You need some rest ... We can talk more about it when you have some more energy , alright? "
Rei offered , she always appreciated how Rei was always concerned about everyone ... he would put all the pressure on himself as long as he knows that everyone around him will be alright... he was certainly one big role model for Joelle without a doubt.
Perhaps it was time to just take a short break before continuing with this case...maybe what happened was actually a dream.... and the lack of sleep was really fueling her hallucinations factor... but it would still linger in the back of her head ...
...Or maybe there was another storm approaching .... All she could think of right now was that devilish voice echoing in her head.
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- " I'm certain that we'll meet again soon enough ... and perhaps I will give a proper introduction... heheheheh...." -
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- `Napped -
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Meanwhile while I am sick ahaaaa u n u;;; - Cards
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Suddenly I woke up to my warm tears Where can I recapture the thread of that dream? I've been waiting and wishing. I feel so alone Please, give it back When can I finally be free? Fighting off the waves coming and going "I’m not alone," That’s what I want to believe Still groggy with sleep, I bury my face in a white pillow As I wish to have the same dream again, that wish makes me more awake Please, give it back There’s nobody but you I can’t remember your scent, it’s carriеd away by the waves Pleasе wait there until I recapture the thread of that dream I've been touched by your kindness so much, I can't pretend to be alone anymore Let me raise my head I want to believe that I'm not alone I just want to believe it Give it a shot I saw a spark of dim hope in the light, generated just now Hold my hand so I don’t get lost I hope tomorrow We can continue to walk the path That we’ve chosen Cö shu Nie – give it back
☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Like I really cannot begin to explain how much I am in love with this image... and how the song inspired me soo much to create them something wholesome. Because really Joelle couldn't be more grateful for the amazing friends she has made over the years and this image proves that anyone can grow and become a better version of themselves regardless of what they have gone through in the past and continue to fight on for a better future <3. - Cards
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But what if Hearteater was human??
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"Pitiful humans..." - Hearteater
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A figure in a trenchcoat heads over to Hunter, after noticing him. “Hello there, good sir.” (ask-dario-brando-ii)
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Hunter was just heading out from the building nearby , it seemed like he had some 'business' on his hands ,perhaps the amount of disappointment he was dealing with was giving him a rather bad mood and he knew quite well how Jericho gets as well. But regardless sometimes he had no control over certain situations , so he would have to play 'plan B' . Hunter began to hum to himself as he noticed a figure approaching him , he was getting a strangely familiar vibe from him yet he didn't bother too much until the figure greeted him. Hunter turned his calm expression towards the figure that was dressed heavily that looked like he was trying to hide his identity , the dusty-blonde haired man paused himself as his gaze met the stranger's one. ->"Hm? Can I help you?" He began.
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"...You look just like her..." Tonight I'm just gonna drop a little image of my too precious bbies because I've been meaning to draw them for a while now~ <3 aaa. Just wanted some softs since my mind and mentality has been all over the place ... so here is a little bit of Haruo and Joelle ay~ <3 Hopefully soon I will be able to present him officially and explain his story more since I got a really good idea on him ~ , to be honest on a lot of OCs that will be coming soon ahhaha xD enjoy!! . - Cards.
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Inktober - Ghosts! ☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Ghost in a place of fear dreams and memories are decaying here Cold constantly turning sphere where shadows gather and quickly disappear Stepping through time and our minds are always focused on our prey Our Spirits gone recon Our former lives have fallen far away Ghosts See the face of Fear To think they know their enemy will make you stronger Ghosts Recreate the Fear to think its only in their minds will make them weaker Ghosts!! - Celldweller ☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆
Next up coming up with the spooks is Toshio! A well known character that belongs to my friend @dong-castle that I adore so much!! <3 Had to include him in the spooky month , couldn't miss that opportunity!! Coming your way with all the spooks!! >:3 - Cards
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ When you tryin' so hard to get your life together and now the Japon mafia is on your ass lmfaoo. My head just likes making too much dynamics , fight me >:((. Celebrating pocky day with new simp tm in the meantime <3. Hope you all had a lovely day!! - Cards
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- ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠 -
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Name: Katya Sokolova Nickname : Kat (Anyone other than Joelle calling Katya by her nickname , means death.) Age: 35 [In ITFC] Gender : Female Hair Color : Ginger / Tint to dark red or pink Eye color : Lavender / Dark Blue Height : 6″6 Personality: VERY Strict , Responsible , Hot Headed , Serious , Occasionally Humorous BUT VERY VERY RARE Occupation : SpeedWagon Special Forcers Management Specialty : Ex Military Nationality : Russian Short Bio : Katya's life has always been a wild ride , from an early age she had entered the military life in order to protect what was left of her family back during harder times and the war in Russia , when mafias and crime was very heavy . Later on around the age of 27 she gets married and has a daughter , which she loses both her husband and daughter to the well known XPD organization , unaware of who they were from the beginning until later on. Around the age of 31 she becomes part of the SpeedWagon foundation , introduced to be the SPW Special Forces management , she finds herself entwined with the detectives and their work , which later on she learns the truth behind how her husband and daughter were murdered and makes her life goal to put an end to the XPD organization entirely for good. [More info to be added hopefully soon when I get more idea about her entire character.] Stand name : Citizen Soldier Ability : Hardness Manipulation. Katya can manipulate the hardness of anything , allowing other things , people, or themselves to become as hard as diamond or as soft/malleable as rubber. Katya can effectively make it so that whatever is being altered has higher defenses than they ever had before.
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Inktober - Lonely Tiger Who is it, come closer That's right, just a little bit more. A stranger who walks the night without fear listen to me Drinking a glass of water with floating leaves take a break Amitabha Buddha God bless you The god of tree Amitabha I am a young man who turned twenty-one this year I lost my life while trying to catch a tiger At this rate, I can't cross the Nether That's right, you help me. It's good, it's good, it's good, you Do the shoulder dance with me more and more Tonight until I lose my mind and fall under the teeth of the mountain god CHANGGWI (안예은 AHN YEEUN ) ☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆
I told myself I was going to try and make more but sadly I don't think I'll be making for the entire month... however thought , I got hella inspired by this Korean song that I've been having on repeat and my little Korean pop star had to take the spotlight , he is actually very cultural when it comes to his family history and in general Korean traditions and such , one of the few things he actually kind of appreciates and enjoys in his hollow life .
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{ Jun-su and Joelle for the kid meme! A new popstar is born! }
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Name: Hana J.
Gender: Female
General appearance: Curly purple hair that resembles her mother's perfectly. However she has her father's skin color and eye color. Hana likes both long and short hair , but most of the time prefers longer hair because she loves toying with it . Likes wearing a lot of bright colors to show her personality. Obviously from her father she is in love with Korean fashion and in general with fashion , so she always has something new to wear that pops. Styling her hair in different do's is a must for her. She is a big fan of old classic hairstyles . Always has matching accessories with her wear.
Personality: She is a bit of a mixture between the two of them , has a very charming and flirty personality as her father , literally can charm anyone with her sweet talk and confidence. Occasionally she would pop up some ego since she is the daughter of a famous Korean pop star , she wears it proudly. However she does hold a very shy and sweet side , regardless of being a big time diva most of the time. Hana has a good portion of her mother's traits as well , she has a good eye for being a detective when it comes to finding specific make-up or another shirt or dress , thought when she was young she always had an eye for things and really admired her mother's work , so she learned a thing or two from her. Hana has a good portion of her mother's sassy side .
Special Talents: Has a voice that can literally hypnotize anyone , Hana has a very sharp eye and can really spot anything that catches her interest or when she is looking for something specific. She can memorize nearly anything that she finds important , from passwords , to dates , to other things of importance.
Who they like better: As much as she is proud of her father and loves him , she leans towards her mother more. There is still this slight distance and disconnection between the two of them that can really get in the way of kind of getting along and understanding each other when it comes to something specific. When it comes to topics that only her father can be of an assistance , she still has a hard time trying to connect with him , but slowly getting there , finding a possible common 'language' to speak to him about. For emotional support and metal health she always leans on her mother more than anything , even thought there can be a bit of complications. They always find a way to understand and support each other.
Who they take after more: 60% Jun-Su and 40% Joelle. She has more similarities on her father side than her mother's. Thought sometimes it feels like it could be the complete opposite .
Personal headcanon: -> She loves old style and old classic cartoons. -> As mentioned in her personality section , she loves toying with old classic hairdo's . -> Hana has a section of her bedroom that looks like a mini stage that she often practice her own performances . Especially when she was little Joelle and Jun-su love watching her little plays , she is pretty good at mimicking and acting . ->As much as she takes inspiration from different fashion , she likes to create her own little trends when it comes to combining outfits or adding accessories. -> She loves hearing about little stories that they have gone through life , although Jun-Su keeps it a bit on the low of being part of the mafia since he doesn't want to involve any of them in this kind of deal , even if Joelle is aware of it , they occasionally would even make up stories. -> As much as she likes playing with her own hair , she loves to style her mother's as well . They have a traditional girly day throughout the week , just to do their own little things and relax. -> Hana has her own little secret stash of all kinds of stickers that she likes to collect , she has a bit of a nerdy side to her. Bonus Content ( Dynamic Ship Story Lore )
Because it hit me a specific way , I wanted to kind of write down a bit of their little lore , since I have a lot of different AUs where I experiment with dynamics , it's always fun to see the many 'What Ifs!' that roam in my head. As much as Jun-Su looks like a hotshot and full of confidence , there is a side of him that no one really knows about. Behind his life of fame , lays a boy that has always been very insecure about himself and full of doubt. Growing up Jun-Su was always a lonely child and had never known a real friend in his life , he has always seen the fake people around him and he just grew up believing it like that. He has always been admired and 'loved' in his fame life , he has gotten used to the 'fake' atmosphere around him that it's hard for him to spot what's real and what's not. He always hears what he wants and is given the luxurious life anyone can dream of... but no one understand how hollow he feels regardless of all the riches , fame , fans and etc . His dad has always been into his career as for his mother , he doesn't even remember anything about her. Out of that he has grown an ego and an toxic attitude , perhaps the only REAL friend he would ever consider since he has been always there for him throughout most of his life is his 'duet friend'. (I don't have a name for him yet , but he is a rapper xD.) So for Jun-Su to even come remotely to even fall in love it's always difficult since he can't tell what 'real love' is to begin with. After meeting with Joelle , although of finding her annoying and bossy from the start , he begins to develop feelings for her because she is probably the only person who treats him 'kind of like trash' (that's a metaphor xD ) . Jun-su finds her very interesting because she is not like the people from his typical surroundings , surely he can act like a spoiled brat at times when he doesn't get what he wants , has a big ego and all that , but there is something oddly charming to him when Joelle hits him with the reality pan on the head and drags him outside the box that he has been living in. He begins to grow more and more attached to her later on after she basically saves his life a good amount of times , during their stay at the place of their current assignment , trying to track down an assassin. During one of the missions , when Joelle had to change her appearance , Jun-Sun called her a 'whore' because he is just attracted to the image of her being herself . As much as he likes being with pretty women , he can basically have any that he desires , but he finds them plain and boring even if the might look like 'the most interesting and beautiful person on the planet.' Jun-Su loves to feel the thrill of being alive and being in a place that he has never been to , that is why he sees her differently , he almost feels like he is part of a big action movie that he is the main character of the whole thing. He flirts with her constantly , even after their leave from the mission , he would occasionally even make free time to go visit her , just so he can bug her more and learn more about her in general. Jun-Su isn't one of the smartest but he does enjoy watching her work even thought he would throw strange questions and accusations constantly , getting that annoying look from Joelle. As much as he gets to hang out with other women throughout the period the two of them are separated and some being rather clingy and forceful on him (BEFORE getting together) , there is only one woman that will forever haunt his mind. (Perhaps I'll write more about them in future posts , because their dynamic is a bit wild and silly and I kind of enjoy it a whole lot too xD. ) Thanks for sending in!! <3 - Cards
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ I don't know when... I don't know why... but they are happening... Like big time happening....!!! The JApooooon Mafia is on da way!! Who knows maybe more associates for XPD... or maybe something... else ~? - Cards
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