#jiyeon; thread
mndstom · 1 year
continued from here with @wcvensouls
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A little worry - bug hit Jiyeon when her friend didn't answer the spam messages she sent to him. Yes, if she spams someone with messages and they haven't replied to them in a day or two, she will get worried ( she doesn't spam people often, she doesn't want to be annoying ). And if her one phone call is ignored, she will be knocking on the door. She's a worrier. She worries over the people she cares about.
And when she sees Seungjae's appearance, her worry grows bigger. To his answer, she shakes her head. Only if he ends up pushing her away, she will leave him alone, and even then, she will be reluctant to do so. "Get inside your apartment, dumbo." An insult that is said in an endearing manner, no harm meant in her words. "You don't have to talk. I will make food for you, and I will just... Be there. Make sure things are actually okay."
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rcderick · 6 months
‘˖ starter para @untouchzble — nado com sereias
— Está me dizendo que tem mesmo sereias lá embaixo? — Perguntou, ainda desconfiado, olhando fixamente para a água cristalina. — Uma vez eu vi um post no Facebook sobre sereias. Elas eram horrorosas! Tipo, medonhas mesmo. Se for assim eu não quero nadar com essas coisas. E se elas tentarem nos afogar? — Não que estivesse com medo, mas uma coisa era lidar com príncipes e princesas, outra era confiar em seres mágicos para proteger a sua vida debaixo d’água. — Que tal a gente pegar um bronzeado antes? Faz tempo que não aproveito uma praia assim. — Sugeriu, tirando a camisa antes que ficasse com marcas ridículas daquelas mangas bufantes.
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fadinglights · 1 year
continued from here, @mndstom
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"i'm  really  sorry.  i  can  pay  to  have  it  cleaned  at  the  laundry  if  you  want."  luckily,  it  is  just  beer  and  no  real  damage  has  been  done,  like  a  stain  that  cannot  be  reversed.  regardless,  ariel  is  to  be  blamed  for  dampening  the  night  of  a  stranger  just  because  she's  been  talking  to  the  crush  of  her  stupid  twin.  if  only  her  brother  could  drop  his  idiotic  act  and  deal  with  his  poorly  concealed  feelings  for  his  best  friend  already.  "your  mom  has  great  taste!  wish  i  could  steal  from  mine."  too  bad  she  only  has  two  fathers  with  little  knowledge  on  earrings.  "aw,  thanks  so  much!"  she  beams,  not  expected  to  be  complimented  in  return.  "please,  you  look  like  you  could  be  a  model  yourself."  and  she  is  being  serious,  too.
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mournfulminds · 1 year
╱ starter for ❪ @lavenderrpages​ ❫ .
It was an unexpected invitation for James and most likely last-minute on the other's end (not that she minded), for it had been days since she had holed up in her at-home office, working past any sensible hour, to make her deadline. Piles of boxes, both delivery and takeout had shielded most surfaces, sans for the endless sketches and swaths of fabric that were laying around in an erratic bearing, a not-so-subtle tribute to her success. "It is a party at my office to boost moral or some bs, I don't know why you are so excited, it's going to be a bunch of boring lawyers," Hoon said as they were on their way up the elevator, James perhaps a bit overdressed, though she claimed that work was not in her terminology, since she knew one could never look too good. In truth, he had asked her so he did not have to go alone, having just gone through a hellish breakup. And he had a colleague who was quietly waiting to ask him out, unable to reject her and make things awkward, he chose the route of bringing James', and James, well she was just there for the free food and open bar.
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When they arrived, the pair got a drink and did a quick lap before Hoon was "abducted" away by some colleagues, for just a conversation with this client, or soon-to-be client, she was not sure which, but she did not care to be a part of the smooze fest, stepping onto the sizable terrace. The darkened sky was surfaced by a sea of stars, quite a lovely canvas, James not seeing, or not caring if there was a "no smoking" sign. The woman was having difficulty getting her lighter to work with the slight breeze when she heard the door open, signalling someone had joined her, either Hoon or someone coming to tell her she could not smoke. "I was holding it for a friend," she quipped, rotating and her features falling when she realised who it was. It was a micro character, more shock than anything as it was replaced with a smile, lissome fingers pulling the cigarette from her lips. "Howdy neighbour... wonderful to see you out here in the wild." A creature of habit, only used to stealing glances of Pyper in the hobby or riding the elevator up and exchanging pleasantries or sunny quips, save for that night in James' place, the scent of rain, lively in her mind.
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plasticflwrs · 7 months
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★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀CAN PLASTIC FLOWERS BEAT THE SEVEN YEARS CURSE? published on february 11, 2023.
With the debut of Belladonna this week, fans of Superbloom Media have been wondering what will happen to Plastic Flowers as they enter the final year of their contract. Many believe that Superbloom was trying to secure their companies future by signing the next winner of Superband, something that helped project Plastic Flowers into their current popularity, and they will not be able to retain their cash cow into 2025.
The topic always comes up during Plastic Flowers few months of hiatus as interactions with fans from all five members become less common. With how many albums they are tasked with creating each year along with working with their junior artists, many fans believe they are on the brink of burnout, especially after releasing multiple full studio albums and mini-albums within three years.
Confirmation of new contract negotiations came just a few weeks ago as an actual employee, only known as CHU, shared what was being discussed in a very long thread. The biggest discussion surrounds solo opportunities as all five members seem to be desperate to make their individual mark on the world. Junyeong is still stuck on his debut that was cancelled in favor of Oliver's last year, Jiyeon wants to make something completely different than the Plastic Flowers sound, and Deurim asked how they could debut solo and release their annual spring and fall albums without harming their creativity.
Salem, as the founder and leader of Plastic Flowers, stepped into her usual role of peace maker, according to the thread. When the members seemed to make very little sense, she was quick to redirect their questions and make Superbloom's representatives be perfectly clear in their delivery as well.
Eagle-eyed fans noticed that Oliver's name was not mentioned throughout the entire thread, making many wonder if he already resigned with the company or is just skipping in favor of his party boy life style. It seems that Korea's Golden Boy is losing his luster these last few weeks.
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annbourbon · 18 days
Dandelion: Wishes brought to you
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Soft Threads
Random Facts
Fanfics or Material for fanfics~
♡ Fanfics Jiyeon needs tbh lol
*This masterlist is a work in progress but whatever~ at this point my whole life is in progress i guess?
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duskterrace · 10 months
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﹙    OOO.    ﹚     ────          DUSK TERRACE   !
               welcome  to  dusk terrace,  a  currently single ( it can be confusing ) muse blog specifically for anomalyhqs   ;  penned by  ghost.  this  blog  currently features  seo jinsol,  a  third year junior-undergrad in SUA balancing a bachelor's degree in astronomy,  a position as house samjoko's captain and an ability that some people could only dream of.
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﹙    OO1.    ﹚     ────          ATLAS   !
#O1 — SEO JINSOL | 서진솔 !
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﹙    OO2.    ﹚     ────         THREAD TRACKER   !
#O1 — 1 MONTH MEME !
› hyeseong ( posted ) | 🌿🥀, ✉️ › noa ( posted ) | 🌿🍒 › rafael ( posted ) | ✉️🥀 › sumi ( posted ) | ✉️🌿🍒🥀 › wonjae ( delayed ) | 🌿🥀 › jiyeon ( delayed ) | 🥚
#O2 — ACTIVE THREADS | 줄거리 !
none yet ... 💤
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frizzle-tales · 1 year
‘Would you like to explain to the doctor how you’ve risen from the dead?’
At his comment, Jiyeon felt embarrassment creep up to her cheeks as she realized what Taehyung said was right, and that her idea did sounded ridiculous, but it was the first thought that came to mind.
But unfortunately for Jiyeon, her protests and dodging didn’t do a thing, and Taehyung’s words blurred in the background as she fought against him, whining and repeating a firm ‘no’ as the bloodiest scenes popped up in her mind; what if he would make it worse? what if it would hurt? what if this was his first time?
Jiyeon whimpered and immediately stopped her protests when she felt his hand grip onto her throat, it was as if he found her off button and was able to control her with just one swift movement. Her eyes teared up as she held in a breath as Taehyung whispered against her ear, giving her a clear warning and reminding her of who was the boss at his home.
Jiyeon didn’t say anything, instead she let out a defeated whimper, accepting the reality— she had no say in anything Taehyung wanted.
But to her surprise Taehyung’s tone took a turn and he seemed more gentle, and even though this was supposed to calm her down, she became more observant, skeptical and mostly cautious, eyeing his every move, but she still followed his instructions, regulating her breathing just like he told her to.
Jiyeon noticed the thread and needle approaching her head, and she decided to close her eyes; not wanting to see anymore, and if she could find a way to not hear either, she would.
It felt like few seconds later when Taehyung told her it’s over. Jiyeon opened her eyes again. And to her shock, it was true, Taehyung wasn’t lying when he said it wouldn’t hurt, it was painless and quicker than she expected.
A warm feeling flushed over her chest as Taehyung kissed her forehead, she even had to fight back a smile, feeling as if Taehyung was indirectly telling her how he was proud of her for keeping it together. But at the same time all of this was so confusing and Jiyeon didn’t know what to make out of it. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting so… strange? So normal, so sweet.
So human.
“It didn’t hurt.” Jiyeon agreed with him, but before she could say anything else, Taehyung’s lips pressed against hers.
And this time, her body didn’t tense like it used to; perhaps it was the exhaustion, or how drained she felt from earlier, or maybe she was losing her mind… but this time, she melted, her body relaxing into his kiss, and when it all ended, she could feel the heavy weight return on her shoulders as thoughts took over her mind.
This all didn’t make sense.
“Huh?” Jiyeon looked up at him. “Oh, no, no, nowhere else hurts…” The young girl replied back, a bit dazed still.
Taehyung once again moved closer to her, this time picking her up from the counter, and Jiyeon didn’t resist; knowing that she had no say whatsoever either way.
As Taehyung moved towards the bathroom door, Jiyeon caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror; despite her not knowing a thing about stitches, it somehow looked so cared for down to the last detail. The threads connected from point to point in sharp lines, as if he knew what he was doing. Who was this man, really? Was there more to him than the police reports that she thoroughly studied for the radio show?
Perhaps there was a whole other Taehyung that was yet to be discovered.
Then the bedroom. Jiyeon knew very well what had happened in this room, but curiosity took over as her eyes now glanced over to what used to be the person breaking into the home and assaulting her, Jiyeon wasn’t stupid, she knew that he was a goner, and what would happen with his body now, but why couldn’t she tore her eyes away from it? Was it morbid curiosity?
It looked as if a rabid animal had attacked the man; the mess, the way how he was unrecognisable, and how merciless he was killed, by the beast that was carrying her, the serial killer who so kindly took care of her wounds, who had just murdered a man.
Taehyung placed her down on a bed in the guest room, and Jiyeon glanced around it; the only memory she had of this room was very vague, as this room was presented to her shortly on a tour throughout the home when she had just arrived here.
When Taehyung spoke, Jiyeon looked over at him and shook her head. “No, thank you.” She replied to his question about needing a change of clothes.
Taehyung left and returned a mere minute later, and not only did he return with some items, he also returned with bad news; he was leaving, maybe not for too long, but he was still leaving.
“You won’t be gone for long, right?” Jiyeon piped up, feeling her heart beat faster against her chest at the thought of being alone once again.
“….Can you please check if there’s no one here before you leave, please?” Jiyeon then asked, before scooting closer to Taehyung and holding up her feet, and when the familiar click sounded, she realised that she would be once again chained and defenceless, and part of her wanted to ask Taehyung if she could sleep without it for once, but she found herself not daring to ask.
“Will you lock the door and windows before you leave?” She asked, picking at her sleeve.
Jiyeon then went under the blankets, feeling her body relax as soon as she laid down on the thick mattress; wondering to herself how long ago it must’ve been that she was able to sleep in a proper bed. However, despite how comfortable the bed was, she couldn’t shake off this anxious feeling that was bubbling up in her chest.
What if someone was on the lookout? What if they’ll see Taehyung leave and take their chance?
“…Thank you for making it better.” Jiyeon spoke softly, laying on her side as she glanced over at the serial killer. “…and for saving me from that creep.”
“It shouldn’t take me long.” Taehyung repeated, answering Jiyeon’s inquiry. An odd feeling creeped in as the adrenaline drained from his body. He felt exhausted, yet also.. softer than normal. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from the young woman. She seemed so delicate, so fragile, like a cherry blossom about to crumble at any minute, or a helpless bird with a broken wing.
“I’ll check every room.” Taehyung whispered his fingers brushing through her hair for a moment before his knuckles trailed down her cheek.
Tomorrow morning, he’d run her a bath. Help her wash all the dried blood from her hair without snagging any stitches.
When the girl slipped her ankle out from under the covers, the tender spell cast over the man weakened. That’s right — he had a task to go do. And not a second later, the chain clamped around her ankle.
“Of course.” Crossing the guest room, he started with double checking to make sure the window was securely locked. But as his back was turned, his precious little prisoner spoke up again, her honey like voice melting the stoic composure he was trying to rebuild.
His arms dropped back to his sides before he made one last pit stop by Jiyeon on the bed. “You are mine, Jiyeonnie. My caged pet. Only I get to decide what happens to you. Only I get to lay a hand on you.” His fingers held her chin, gentle yet firm. “As much as I want to say you are welcome..” He leaned in closer, giving into the nagging compulsion to press his lips against hers once again. “.. I don’t think I could ever stop myself from saving you.”
It was a feeling that took over his whole body — No, controlled every fibre of him. His only thought was her, his one concern was the young woman. Fuck almost being robbed, she was touched.
“Now get some rest.” With that, Taehyung left the guest bedroom, and just like he promised, he checked every room in the house, locking every window as needed. When that was dealt with, he ventured back to the bloody crime scene upstairs.
For a second, the killer stood over the body, head cocked to the side. No sickness lingered in his stomach. The copper stench smelt the same to him as anything else. But there was one thing that almost bothered him; was this the first time he expanded his victim profile?
He shook off the thought, whether it was or not, the boy still deserved every bit of the fate he got. Taehyung got down to business, wrapped the body in duct tape and garbage bags before rolling the dead body up in the blood covered area rug.
With a sharp breath, he hoisted the weight into the trunk of his SUV before closing it with a slam.
Taehyung pulled the keys out of his pocket, about to circle around to the driver’s side before his feet froze on the cobblestone. The outside air was eerily still, almost too quiet for his liking. Not even a cricket’s chirp echoed in the night.
Glancing back at his home, it felt so.. ominous. The old brick house looking almost haunting in the dark. Taehyung couldn’t help but recall the girl, chained alone upstairs yet again.
… This boy was alone, wasn’t he? Did didn’t seem very experienced. More like moronic. But the thoughts of the idiot did nothing to ease the discomfort itching under his skin.
What if he wasn’t alone after all? He wouldn’t be here to protect her, for her to call out to come save her.
Taehyung started his car, letting it warm up before going back inside. He grabbed a coat from the closet near the front door before making his way back to the guest room.
“Open your eyes, little bird. Come on.” Slipping his hands under the blankets, he unlocked the ankle cuff. In the dark, only the moon illuminating the guest room, it hard to tell if she was sleeping or not, but it wasn’t as if it mattered. At least not now. “I changed my mind, you’re coming with me. Come, put your arms in.” He held open the jacket for her to slip on.
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mgufm · 2 years
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10 AM  —  SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 fall semester school assembly @ the auditorium
at the semestral assembly, both school dean and student council president speak gently of son jisoo's death. after a brief remembrance and a call for cooperation in the ongoing investigations, the program proceeds. freshmen are welcomed with fanfare and short performances. recognition is awarded to outstanding students across different departments. and finally, the red and green club are called onto the stage—presented as the cream of the crop, the best of the best, shining paragons of talent for all to aspire to.
while they stand on stage, the dean announces the school of visual arts' annual fall exhibit—a highly anticipated, week-long gallery show held at the geumjanhwa gallery every fifteenth of september. a pre-cursor to the mugunghwa arts festival held at the end of fall. every year, students hope and pray for an exhibition space on the floor of the first day.
cheers and groans fill the auditorium as the dean gives each member of the red and green club an exhibition space for the first day. the club, as a whole, receives another day-one exhibition space for a commemorative piece about jisoo. recipients of the remaining four spots are announced before the program concludes.
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event specific info . the exhibit takes place on september 15-19. while the exhibit is ongoing, fairs and booths are set up across the campus by students from all departments. some advertise clubs and programs, while others sell goods and services. you can write about your character manning or visiting these booths. the campus is alive with students practicing for the exhibit. if you would like your character to present at the fall exhibit, message the main blog with the day you would like them to present. there are twelve vacant exhibition spaces each day. students can present a maximum of three days. ic, these exhibits are vetted by teachers. the exhibit is an annual event and joining yields significant grade incentives (even instant A’s), so its likely that visual arts students have been preparing for it as early as last year (of course, there will always be procrastinators). non-visual arts students can present on the last day. day one  . son jiyeon, jung miyoung, nam minjun, kim mina, liu mingze, anikka ‘nika’ chaiyon, song siyeon, the red and green club, vacant, vacant, vacant, vacant day two  . day three  .   day four .   day five  .  han junjae/lee muyeol
this is optional. feel free to write about your character’s exhibit. what are they presenting? what media are they using? what do most people think of it? you can also post pictures, edits, playlists or any media you prefer. you can also write about the process they went through to get to the exhibit, either in threads or solos. was their initial work rejected for presentation, or was it smooth sailing all the way? where did they get their inspiration?
check on your art major friends! they probably won’t be sleeping for the first two weeks of the semester.
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ooc info . plot drops, covering specific scenarios and involving specific characters, will be posted at random times. a plot drop about the exhibit will be posted later on. tag event-related posts with #mguacti. it’s possible i missed some details, so if you have any questions just ask!
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becomedecay · 2 years
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#𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐘   ⸻  DUAL MUSE blog for ANCHORAGEHQ , written by tiff ( she/they , 29 , autistic )
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★— HYEONG EUNJI ( park jiyeon ) intro , threads , meta , connections
★— AKIMOTO REI ( myoui mina ) intro , threads , meta , connections
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mndstom · 6 months
continued from here with @vicletnight
Fingers laced together, a smile playing on her lips, Jiyeon walks next to the man who has recently brought her happiness and has started to give her butterflies with the smallest actions he does. It sometimes causes her to chuckle when she recalls the days when people would warn her about him, and he has proven those people wrong. Or maybe it's a big game for him. The female slightly shakes her head to get rid of the thoughts, and her attention turns to the building they have arrived at when she hears his quiet voice next to her ear, a somewhat amused smile tugging onto her lips because of his question. Even when the setting was a date, she wouldn't call it their first date. At least not an official one. But she still nods to his questions. How can she forget such a day when she was treated like a princess? Dark hues follow him, eventually turning back to the store that seems to sell luxury brands, her eyes widen out of surprise when Jaeseong reveals his plans. "Huh?!" She should have expected it, but it still surprised her. "Anything?"
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rcderick · 4 months
‘˖ starter para @untouchzble — discoteca nas estrelas
Desde pequeno, Roderick nunca lidou bem com despedidas. Até mesmo quando foi preso, pediu que sua mãe e irmãos não chorassem ou sentissem sua falta, que apenas continuasse suas vidas, porque isso traria muito mais paz a ele. Quando veio parar nesse mundo encantado achou que não teria tempo de se apegar ao lugar ou aquelas pessoas, mas agora que sabia que teria que partir, sentia uma mistura de melancolia e injustiça. A verdade era que ele não estava em clima para festas, porém ao cruzar os olhos com Dove no meio de todas aquelas pessoas, um sorriso tomou a sua face. — Você está linda. — Comentou, mesmo aquilo não sendo nenhuma novidade para ela. Devido a sua péssima sorte, ele vestia trajes de camponês, mas ainda assim tentou compensar com seu charme. — Devíamos tirar uma daquelas fotos. — Apontou para a cabine. Sabia que não havia nada que pudesse fazer para lembrar daquele sorriso que volta e meia alugava um espaço em sua mente, porém ainda podiam se divertir enquanto havia tempo. — Quem sabe uma falha na matriz não permita que eu leve essa foto comigo de volta para a cadeia? Vou te procurar daqui a uns dez anos e provar que um dia você já me deu mole. — Provocou de forma divertida, apenas porque não queria pensar que aquele poderia ser a última vez que se veriam. 
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dia1tone · 2 years
@96ymh, yoo minhyuk
approx. 3 months after jisoo’s death
jiyeon sighs into her phone, the screen hot where it’s pressed against the shell of her ear. “can we talk about this later? i need to--i need to get to class.” she squints against the mid-morning sunlight, a hand reaching out to block what the visor of her hat can’t. the voice on the other end of the line sighs, then hangs up.
it’s like this that jiyeon welcomes the new semester at mugunghwa. the summer break had been spent away, out of town, in the homes of extended family as they collectively grieved the lost life of son jihoon’s youngest (and only) son. as if time had been suspended in the meantime, she finds herself right back in the middle of it upon her return; messages from strangers, getting stopped in the hall as someone else laments her loss, the pitying stares from faculty. it never stops, never ends, she’s constantly being flooded with a litany of reminders that jisoo is really gone.
he’s dead. he’s dead. he’s dead.
new notification!
> kim soohyun: hey i’m sorry to hear about …
maybe jisoo intended for this to be his parting wish.
maybe she was destined to be reminded of her dead little brother at every turn for the rest of her life. privately, jiyeon grimaces. even in death, jisoo manages to command the center of attention. 
the hollow in her chest aches as the skin around her eyes tightens anew. jiyeon takes a deep breath.
regardless, she’s something of a woman on a mission currently. jiyeon had already sat through a rather tearful recount of the event from mina--only one other person involved was left to hear from.
the reasoning is purely selfish. jiyeon knows, rationally, that it was a freak accident and jisoo its unlucky victim. but a less rational part of herself craves to know all the answers, to leave no stone unturned and no thread loose. selfish, purely selfish, yet she finds herself at the library’s front counter anyway. 
minhyuk regards her carefully, stiffly, from the other side of the counter. “i need to talk to you.” 
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fireflown · 2 years
park jiyeon. cis female. she/her. presenting lady tai haeui, twenty-nine-year-old firebender loyal to house tai. resilient yet escapist, they find themself impartial to fire lord chaeseong’s reign. will this be their salvation or their undoing ?
update two!! i have a bigger arc for haeui so please please come plot with me for her!! again, i don’t plan on dropping any threads but you can let me know if you wanna drop or update any that we have! please like this i’ll come running to your dms 🥺
haeui’s getting a little courage upgrade!! at the very least, her allegiances have switched from blind (and fearful) following of house ryu and the fire lord to realising that power will corrupt, no matter your hopes for it </3 baby’s first act of bravery was to escape (not quite) the ryus - which wasn’t difficult considering everything that was happening, and return home!
she watches flames create destruction and death and starts finding it difficult to see beauty in her element. but instead of running away to the northern water tribe, haeui stays rooted in dragonstone - something about the circumstances now make it impossible for her to abandon her country. not when the princes who want to rule it are murdering the very people they’re trying to rule over!
by virtue of being in the north and the furthest away from the fighting, dragonstone was the best place to become a haven/neutral ground. haeui decides to shelter those from the southern regions regardless of allegiance within dragonstone, though their presence is not necessarily known to her family (to be plotted when she’s not the only tai skelly! maybe it’s a family thing too)
so this is what haeui’s doing in the wartime - a determined endeavor to carve out just a little bit of peace and safety for anyone who needs it. she won’t turn anyone away, but those who enter dragonstone need to put down their arms and their wars if they want to live here, and she’s toughened up enough that that rule is strictly enforced
someone who’s helping her keep dragonstone safe, or with healing/providing food/anything that keeps their port going! i imagine they’d hold similar opinions on the war, but they don’t have to be doing this for her altruistic reasons
or someone who’s taken shelter in dragonstone! she could know them from the past, but they could also be total strangers to her?
insert brainstorming here... haeui’s definitely a little more grounded and daring now, so i’d love to do other plots that could tap on that development hehe
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sharpesteeth · 8 months
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#SHARPESTEETH   ⸻  DUAL MUSE blog for ANCHORAGEHQ , written by tiff ( she/they , 29 , autistic )
★— HYEONG EUNJI ( park jiyeon ) intro , threads , meta , connections
★— AKIMOTO REI ( myoui mina ) intro , threads , meta , connections
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mountphoenixrp · 2 years
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We have a returning citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                             Eris, the Goddess of Strife & Discord,                           whose origins stem from Ancient Greece.                                   She is now a dancer at Minx and                       aerial/pole dance instructor at Zero to Hero.
FC NAME/GROUP: Park Jiyeon (T-ara) GOD NAME: Eris PANTHEON: Greek Pantheon OCCUPATION: Dancer at Minx & Aerial/Pole Dance Instructor at Zero to Hero RESIDENCE: A gothic revival cottage located on the border of the forest and posh district. HEIGHT: 5’9"ft / 175 cm WEIGHT: 130 lbs / 50 kg DEFINING FEATURES: Has black, smoke wings made of shadows that she can conceal and reveal at will. Her eyes are like violet, cosmic clouds. There’s a spattering of stars and constellations tattooed along her spine from nape to the tailbone. They shift with the equinoxes and solstices.
PERSONALITY: As a goddess of discord and strife, Eris has a flare for the dramatic. Its presence is evident in her lifestyle from the way she walks, dresses, and talks; grand entrances and flourishing greetings are all in her arsenal.  Rather than causing trouble on a phenomenal scale, Eris has converted much of her desire for chaos into an avid appreciation of vintage film, performance, and theatre—anything for the classics. Her lack of shyness may come off as intimidating to most, but Eris knows how to dial down her intensity with a well-timed smile and smooth words.
But make no mistake, tamed she seems, chaos has not left her. Eris is a force to be reckoned with, a fact she knows well. She is stubborn, bold, and strongly opinionated—when she feels something should be said, she says it without guilt or consideration. (Especially when she’s right.) When provoked, Eris may become the very definition of her domain; untamable, spiteful, and vengeful. Luckily, it’s been a while since she’s felt the urge to destroy everything in her path.
In reality, Eris has been a lonely goddess in her proverbial kingdom that was cured when she touched down in MP. She is still working on her sometimes overwhelming negative qualities, but only Eris knows how far she’s come. She has no desire to prove her ‘better self’ to her fellow Greek gods, whom half the time she acts estranged from, but Eris will always enjoy entertaining a stranger with an ear about wild tales she’s witnessed—or caused—over a fine cup of tea (in every form of the word). Cling cling, ma chérie!
HISTORY: It would be reassuring to say she wasn’t a malicious god, but rather one ruled by chaos. That, however, would be just another ‘maybe’ to add to the Ancient Greek’s timeline endless list of uncertainties. History blurs many lines, and Eris is no exception to the wondrous ways of the universe that not even she could defy. Born from Nyx, mother of the night, feared by even the thunder god himself, while mortals babes suckled from the bosom of manna, Eris feasted on the festering wisps of strife—mortal and divine alike. From her cosmic cloud kingdom of stars and galaxies, the goddess dwelled, watching the world spin. When things seemed to be going well, too well, it was she that stepped in to cause great, glorious chaos. She was the puppeteer, and those beneath her were pretty little marionettes. It was Eris that caused the courageous hero to lose the war. That watched the ruler’s empire crumble to stone. The one that threw the golden apple and uprooted the doomed threads of love in Peleus and Thetis and laughed at the war that unfolded. This is how most would spin such a tale.
But the goddess remembers it far differently. She could not play victim, but nor would she prove guilty. Eris never thought herself the cause of the problem; she simply brought to light what was already there. Insecurity, doubt, contempt—all things that lay claim in the natural world, Eris has always viewed it as her job to free such emotions before they inevitably break from their cage. Eris nurtured the misfortune as people made fools of themself, however deep inside the goddess always wondered when someone would find the beauty in her divine persuasion. Could they not see the meaning in the chaos? Why couldn’t they see from the malice of her lustrous smoke breathed upon them like a rough wind, somewhere within a bough was bent to help them find stability again? Countries would remain unchanged and people would remain utterly ignorant of their own vices or the what could have been without her wicked strategies. It was harmony they craved, but without disharmony, they could not appreciate it.
Searching for someone to understand and reinforce her ideals, Eris left her domain for the mortal world. Upon an island whose origins she did not care about, the goddess one day wandered on an empty couch and began speaking to a divine woman known as Nut. Surprisingly, Eris found herself returning, fascinated by the woman’s wisdom and intelligence. Nut’s words opened Eris’ eyes to an existence beyond lustrous clouds and retribution. Slowly, the visits between her domain and the island lessened, with her stay in Mount Phoenix growing longer and longer. Eventually,  Eris moved to the island permanently, watching the world spin from a different perspective.
POWERS: Chaos is intangible, but for Eris it is a real thing that she can touch and control, like fine black smoke. Can cause confusion and chaos with a wave of her fingers, spoken word, or hex objects. Can also manifest objects out of her chaos, like Mary Poppins and her knapsack. The power of flight using her wings or she can evaporate at will. The goddess has no true physical form as an embodiment of chaos and offspring of the night, but she can take whatever form she pleases using typhokinetic shapeshifting, which can be used to fool others. Can sense the troubling things that plague someone. May form deals to cause discord, making promises sealed under a goddess’ mark. (Inspired by ‘Eris’ from Sinbad, the witch in ‘Snow White’, and Greek poets Homer and Hesiod.)
STRENGTHS: A very critical individual, Eris is good at envisioning something and making it come true, whether good or bad. Fashion, the goddess knows how to dress herself and others; the latter she loves to do at the expense of her wallet. Dancing; her strengths are in aerial and pole, both of which have strengthened her physically and helped her mentally.
WEAKNESSES: Her temper and quickness to lash out when she feels wronged; hint, do not call her a liar. A cynical person, she has a hard time believing when someone is telling the truth. The rest of the Greek Pantheon, but not in a good way, more of a slight inferiority complex to the Olympians; she never had a temple for herself, after all.
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