#jiu jitsu classes near me
rabjjacademy · 2 years
Why Your Children Should Join Jiu Jitsu Classes Near Me
Almost one in four kids is bullied, so it seems wrong to teach them that they can't do anything. Now, this is not to say that anger and violence are acceptable. Instead, teach your child a method that has been tried and true for generations by teaching them Jiu Jitsu. Find the jiu jitsu classes near me and admit them for training.
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Necessary Stuff You Should Have Before Attending Your First Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Lesson
Have you decided to join martial arts classes? If “Yes”, then it’s a great decision. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts classes in Houston by Atos Jiu-Jitsu Houstonisone of the most popular martial arts academies and training in it results in many bodily and psychological benefits. Not only do you get to lose a lot of weight but you can also intermingle with interesting individuals from different walks of life.
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If you want to seriously take up BJJ adult martial arts classes then you’ll be distracted by many things like how well your practice partners react to your presence, whether will it be difficult to pick up the BJJ techniques, whether will it be physically stressful, and much more. But don’t worry because most of your training companions and trainers at Atos Jiu Jitsu Houston will help you out in every possible way and increase your comfort level.
Preparing for your first BJJ classes can make your evolution into a BJJ practitioner much evener. Some of the indispensable stuff you should have before attending your first Houston martial arts academy includes –
·         Safety Gear
Most BJJ gyms don't advise you to wear special safety gear. But it’s for your own safety.  There are a few things that can aid you to be safer on the mats and prevent grievous injury or uneasiness while exercising. The most basic safety gear for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu trainees is cups, mouth guards, and wrestling-style headgear which should be purchased before heading to the gym.
·         Towel
Since BJJ is a body contact sport, hygiene becomes an important issue here. The most crucial thing you actually need after a BJJ training session is a towel if you plan to shower or wash at the gym. It is also essential to guard your car seats from your own perspiration.
·         Proper Clothing
Carry close-fitting sporty clothing. Cotton clothing usually stretches and drops as you’ll train and get soaked in sweat. Loose and oversized clothing can be dangerous in BJJ.  Your partner’s fingers, toes, and nails can get entangled and can get possibly damaged. Shorts, leggings, anklewarmers, etc. can be worn, but shun shorts with pockets, zippers, etc., as these can cause grave injury to your training partners.
·         Food
Of course, it’s not suggested to consume any food item during BJJ classes.  But they’re individuals who might feel sickly while exercising on an unfilled stomach. It’s advisable to consume some fruit or a granola bar 30-60 minutes before a BJJ class starts and this can support you in your exercise session immensely. Carrying a protein bar or fruits can help expedite your recovery process after training.
·         Tape
Mat burn is a common occurrence that no BJJ learner can escape. You can use tape after you get your first blisters or can take preventive measures by taping up your toes. Certain athletic or blister tape is outstanding for the job. Purchase a roll and stock it in your BJJ training bag. It’ll be of use at some point in your BJJ learning process.
·         Water Bottle
Please invest in a high-quality large water bottle for your BJJ classes. BJJ training sessions are generally extremely intense and can burn up to 1000 calories for every hour of training. You’ll be drenched in sweat. So, staying hydrated throughout such high-intensity training sessions is necessary. Keep your water bottle full of water or any energy drink, and keep providing fuel to your body as you train hard. Especially for kids martial arts classes, filled water bottles should never be ignored.
·         BJJ Gym Bag
A superior quality gym bag is a basic necessity for learners. Gym bags with multiple compartments are most preferred. Some are needed for dry stuff and a meshed area for wet gear. Since you’ll be carrying a lot of things at your gym like water bottles, Gi, towels, tape, and more a big sized quality gym bag must be purchased before you start off at the gym.
·         Notebook
Notebook is a thing that differentiates BJJ practitioners from other martial art artists. BJJ classes will teach you lots of grappling techniques and drills during the training session. Since there are so many in numbers, you might forget or overlook some pointers and skills over time. Noting down important things will help you in the future. Basically, it’s an instrument to invigorate your recollection long after each session. You can certainly return to your BJJ notes anytime you require a reminder on a technique or process.
The above things are vital for attending BJJ martial art classes by Atos Jiu-Jitsu Houston without hassle. There you are! You now possess all the stuff you’ll perhaps need to start off with BJJ classes. So, just stop making apologies. Source
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pinnaclemaacademy · 1 year
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 months
I saw you're looking for more post prison spencer and sunshine reader!
What about sunshine reader having a badass moment and save spencer from an unsub? Spence would definitely be worried but amazed at the same time
Only if you want to write it haha thanks! I love your writing always ❤️ 💕
cw: mentions of episode '300' and Spencer and Garcia being taken by the cult. Spencer suffers from a busted lip, broken nose and being in love, so does the reader :)
You were cold with worry and anger. They’d taken Spencer and Penelope from right under your nose. You were gone twenty minutes and the entire BAU is shut down and ripped open because they’re gone. 
Then Penelope came back, disheveled and shaking and you were seeing red. “We’ll find him, Penny.” You whisper to her as you strap your kevlar vest on and set your guns to your hips and boot. 
“Be safe.” She says, gaze wild as Tara ushers her to a seat and you all begin filing out to an SUV. 
When you get to the field, you can hear Spencer talking but you’re not focused on that. 
Emily would have you sit down in her office after this is all over to tell you that you were militant and that you probably hadn’t done everything by the book, but you don’t care. 
You take down two of the guards Ben’s believers have hovering the entrances, and you wait till you catch Spencer’s eyes before breathing out slowly. 
Emily and Matt cover your sides as you sneak around to the back of their altar. 
You’re moving outside of your body, your mind just focused on freeing Spencer and getting to him safely. You just feel your body, using your training to knock them out rather than shoot at them. 
“FBI,” JJ announces and then the gunfire ensues. 
You’re aware of taking down two more members of the believers who try aiming their guns at you and Spencer before Emily, Luke and Tara are barking orders. 
“Hands where we can see them. Everybody on the ground!” Your ears feel stuffed with cotton, all you can see is Spencer; his face bruised and his nose looking a little more crooked than it usually is. 
You cut Spencer free of the rope, arms around his neck as you hold him close. 
“They burst your lip.” Your hands bury themselves in his hair, holding his face close to your shoulder. 
“I’m okay,” he whispers back. Eyes closed and breathing you in. “How’s Penelope?” 
You sigh, “She’s okay, a little shaken up but I’m gonna call her. Let her know we saved you.” 
He breathes a laugh through his nose, pulling away and finding you more worried than he’d expected. 
“It’s not the first time I’ve been with them.” You know Spencer’s trying to make this situation seem lighter but your frown worsens. 
“Spencer, that is not the comforting thought you think it is.” 
He laughs outright this time, walking with you back to the SUV. You call Penelope as soon as you’re back in the car. 
“Hey Pen, we got him and we’re on our way back to you.” She breathes a long sigh over the phone. 
“I’m okay Garcia, thank you for helping save me.” 
The phone call doesn’t last much longer, and you use the time to just stare at Spencer as you sit next to each other in the back. 
“They broke your nose. And you’re going to mottle on your pretty cheekbones.” 
Spencer rolls his eyes. “I set it already, plus the bruising can be helped if I ice.” 
It’s your turn to roll your eyes, your hands hovering near Spencer’s face. He leans into your hand and you smile, your thumb grazing his bottom lip and your index finger brushing his nose. 
“You should take martial arts classes,” you say softly. 
“I don’t like cardio, not that type anyway.” He says the last part so quietly you almost miss it, but you choke on your gasp all the same. 
“It would help stop all these abductions. You could disarm your attacker much easier if you did,” 
“Jiu jitsu, I know. It’s too coordinated and I’m too clunky at that sort of stuff.” 
Your eyes glint with mischief as you pull away your hands from his face. “But you’re good at other types of cardio?” 
He smiles, his dimples popping out making you want to poke his cheek. 
“How’re you feeling? No shaking with the adrenaline comedown?” Spencer deviates from your loaded question with one of his own. His eyes scan your entire body, focusing on your eyes and your hands. 
“I’m just tired now, Spence. Kicking ass is tough. Is the adrenaline supposed to do that?” He nods, you lean your head on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, you can sleep but I think it might be better to stay awake so you can do your reports once we get to Quantico.” Spencer knows how anal you are about doing your reports right after wrapping a case when the memories and details are fresh and unstained by how you wish things went. 
“No, I can do it. I won’t forget it if I sleep,” you yawn. “Plus, I could feel your eyes on me the entire time so you can look it over to make sure I didn’t miss any details.” 
Spencer laughs, Emily and Luke filing into the SUV as he strokes your arm, lulling you closer to sleep. 
“You’re ridiculous, but I’ll look it over for you, sweet girl. Get some sleep.” 
Emily cuts Spencer a look from the rear-view mirror that has his cheeks flushing but he ignores it in favor of setting his cheek to your head and closing his eyes as well; the smell of you flooding his senses as he starts dozing off.
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jewish-vents · 29 days
Two vents in one post:
Vent One, the 'oy, goyim' vent: I've been walking a girl home from classes this summer because she is - totally, utterly justifiably - afraid of getting jumped by antisemites en route. People have started to say something or approach and then backed off when they see my 6"4 jiu jitsu and boxing enthusiast self near her. Everyone is so, so ready to throw down when they see a 5"0 Jewish girl who has a giant plushie backpack. The second they realize the fight might be fair, they back up. There's something about that that lays bare just how cowardly bigots truly are and just how divorced from justice this entire thing actually is. It was never, ever about Palestine. It's not about Palestinians. It's about having an excuse to be evil. As we learned in psychology class, power reveals - when you give someone the power to do what they always wanted to do, you see what they've always wanted to do all along, deep down.
Vent two, the 'oy, Yids' vent: It's been a surreal experience for my Bukharan Reform self to be talking to and getting close to an Ashke Orthodox girl daily. At first I thought I was in for more of the snobbery Orthodox people I'd known freshman year gave out. Instead she was really nice from the get-go, just shy, probably because of the height difference and her being an introvert. But talking makes her less anxious so I made an effort to talk. Somehow over the summer we ended up falling for each other, which is wild since I have never been attracted to a single person in my life, but I digress.
Her parents are furious at her for walking with me and not walking with a "proper" or "appropriate" person. They don't know we're dating. They don't consider me Jewish. And it's so baffling to me because... well, to be blunt, life sucks right now. It's awful. If we can be happy together and make each other laugh and smile, who gives a damn about Orthodox vs Reform, Ashke vs Bukharan? Can we please just, as Jewish people, be a united people in terms of being nice to one another and letting people live their lives? I cannot emphasize enough that we walk together, we sometimes get lunch together and we go to the museum together - nothing sinister. Nothing horrifically goy-ifying that'll turn their daughter less Jewish somehow.
At the risk of sounding whiny I just want to be able to walk with her and exchange stories about dumb stuff our cats do without anyone acting like it's a sin. I just want to be able to exist with someone Jewish happily and peacefully. I don't think anything bad is going to come from that.
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alphaakaza · 7 months
fight so dirty
Kimetsu Academy history teacher Rengoku Kyojuro never disappointed. His classes were beloved by all, and his methods were unorthodox - he believed learning solely from books alone was tiresome and promised disinterest, especially from the young folk of today. Lessons were as hands-on and physical as the school would allow - having the rowdy and excitable teenagers reenact scenes of war, protest, and other historical events (as safely as possible), so the children could experience firsthand what it could be to live through such times. 
And in that spring, with the weather so pleasant, Rengoku often took them out on field trips - like the one they were on at the moment.
A flock of over 20 teenagers trailed behind the sunset-haired teacher like baby ducks, followed by a chaperone - teacher Kanroji. They were making their way to Keizo's dojo, a martial arts school that taught an old, near-dying style of jiu-jitsu. 
They were welcomed in by a small, pale young woman who introduced herself as Koyuki, the dojo owner's daughter; she first took them to the lockers, where they all changed into keikogi, including the two teachers. Koyuki led them inside and showed them to the mats on the floor where they could all sit in front of the teacher.
The brunet man sitting in seiza in front of them was far younger than the one Rengoku made all the plans and arrangements with, and he quickly realized he must be the son-in-law master Keizo had mentioned.
"Welcome to Keizo's dojo, we're honored to host you all," the young man spoke, bowing stiffly (Rengoku made notice of Koyuki giggling softly at this). "I'm Hakuji, master Keizo's apprentice and a teacher here. I will be in charge of today's lesson in Master Keizo's stead, since he is bedridden with a minor cold."
At this, Rengoku shouted: "WE SHALL BE IN YOUR CARE!"
His students echoed the sentence, though far less ear-piercingly. 
The history of Soryū, the jiu-jitsu style Keizo taught, went back over 400 years in the past, and though Hakuji had began explaining it a little bit choppily and awkwardly, he quickly gained steam and went over the details he knew with a lot of passion - seemingly, this was a subject he was extremely interested in. 
The oral introduction to the style wasn't supposed to be long - master Keizo understood Rengoku's methods and agreed for the lesson to be more physical - but the young brunet was so enthralled by the subject that he accidentally spent way too much time going over the style theory vocally. Rengoku felt terrible interrupting, though - and to him, it WAS quite interesting -, so the one to stop him was Koyuki.
"Dear... don't forget the lesson plan!" the young woman reminded him in her soft tone, smiling sympathetically.
"Ah...!" Hakuji flushed and flailed a little. "My apologies! I hope I didn't bore you all..."
One of the students was smacked awake by another. Rengoku tried to distract the teacher from the disheartening sight. "Not at all! It was all so interesting! However, it would certainly be nice to move onward with the actual lessons!"
And, just as he finished saying that, the sound of doors opening and closing was heard from outside, as well as some muffled shouts of, "Keizo!? You there!?" Koyuki mumbled, "Oh, that must be him!", quickly walked to the door and left.
Hakuji grumbled and sighed. "That is... Master Keizo's special guest. Master decided it would be a good idea to have him demonstrate Soryū with me," by the slightly annoyed look on his face, it was obvious the brunet was not happy with this. "Hope that is fine with you, professor Rengoku!"
Rengoku wanted to say yes, but he was interrupted when the sliding door was nearly slammed open and-
A near-identical copy of teacher Hakuji clamorously stormed in.
All the students, Kanroji and Rengoku gasped, oh-ed and WAH?!-ed. Some of his rowdier students even screamed - specifically, Agatsuma and Hashibira. The boy with the boar hat jumped to his feet and pointed excitedly at the stranger.
Rengoku had no time to restrain him because the same brown haired boy that had smacked his classmate awake now bonked Hashibira on the head and forced him back on the floor. 
The attention was quickly back on the stranger and Hakuji - all eyes  boggling back and forth from the two, astonished by the uncanny similarity. Their faces and builds were identical - both pale and very fit, with powerful arms and legs, yet gentle, beautiful faces, highlighted by very long and light-colored eyelashes - and the only things that differentiated them physically were the stranger's ear piercings and hair, which was dyed a soft pink. 
Teacher Hakuji, already on his feet the second his pink-haired doppelgänger walked in, was standing next to him with an expression mix of annoyed and apologetic. With a sigh, he spoke:
"...this is Akaza, Keizo's special guest. He and I joined this dojo at the same time, and we have a similar level in Soryū, which-"
"You're just gonna skim over what's boggling their minds, huh?" this Akaza interrupted rudely and turned to the class with a toothy grin. "Hi, I'm his identical twin~ I'll be in your care~ sorry my little brother is such a stick in the mud~"
Hakuji gasped. "I'm not a-! You-! I'm only 5 minutes younger! How-" the brunet grumbled and shook his head, exhaling to try and calm himself down. "Anyway- Akaza and I are going to demonstrate Soryū, and once you all understand it, we can do some rounds with the students like we promised, professor Rengoku." 
When Rengoku exclaimed a resounding, "YES!", he noticed Akaza's eyes were trained on him. The pink haired man grinned and made a small gesture of "hello", which the teacher responded to with a small nod. 
Akaza left for a minute to change into keikogi to match his brother, and when he came back a few of the students (and Mitsuri, again) OOOOH-ed lowly - now that Akaza was wearing slightly shorter sleeves, the tattoos on both of his arms were visible. 
They were dark blue, armband type tattoos, and Rengoku could swear he remembered them from somewhere. The man sporting them smirked at the spectators' reactions, showing them off not-so-subtly by crossing his arms over his meaty chest. 
Hakuji tsk-ed and made to kick his twin on the back of his shin, which Akaza quickly avoided, and deflected with his own foot.
Without any introduction or preparations, the men began sparring - though, to Rengoku, it seemed more like a genuine fight. 
Both men's movements were fluid and fast, and whether it was because they knew each other well enough, or the genuine talent in their fighting style, they were always one step ahead of each other - almost always predicting their opponent's attacks to shield themselves from a blow. 
Hakuji, Rengoku noticed, put more emphasis on his leg and foot attacks, often managing to land kicks to Akaza's back and shins, which the pink-haired man often left unguarded. But despite this, Akaza was still landing more debilitating hits - punching Hakuji on his weaker points with his powerful fists, which seemed like they could punch through concrete.
The session ended when Hakuji fell to the mat floor, pinned by the chest by Akaza's arm after a kick to his legs. The brunet all but growled in frustration at having to tap out and admit defeat, yet he had to show an honorable loss to the students. 
Sitting back down in his previous seiza position (albeit a lot more disheveled and out of breath), Hakuji addressed the students and teachers before him. 
"That was our demonstration of Soryū,” he panted out, and brushed some sweaty hair out of his face. “Now, with professor Rengoku's help, please partner up in pairs, and I shall teach you some basic moves."
Rengoku shot up to his feet in excitement. "That was amazing! You two are amazing! Thank you for the demonstration!"
Saying this, he urged all his students to pick a friend to spar against, unaware of a certain pair of hazel - near golden - eyes following his moves intently, curiously.
The boar hat boy - Hashibira - was disgruntled. "I don't wanna partner up with these weaklings!" He almost roared. Then, he pointed at Akaza yet again, this time challengingly. "Fight me, Akaza! I only fight against the strongest!"
Mitsuri flailed, trying to apologize to the man while also reeling the student in. "Ino-! My sincerest apologies, Mr. Akaza- You can't just challenge professional fighters like that, Inosuke-!"
Akaza was very visibly having fun, rocking back and forth on his heels slightly and grinning. "I love your spirit, kid!" He praised. "Unfortunately, you're a little bit too small to be challenging me~ I only pick on people my size!" 
After hearing this, Hashibira went red in the face - whether out of humiliation or ire, nobody was sure - and his challenging stance turned into more of a little tantrum. Rengoku trotted up to him and Mitsuri to try and reason with him. 
"Don't falter, Young Hashibira! Mr. Akaza did say you're almost there in terms of muscle mass and height! You can challenge him again in a couple years!"
As the boar boy slowly - reluctantly - calmed down, the pink haired man hummed in thought, resting his chin on his fist - eyes still watching the history teacher, almost as if scanning him.
"Would the teacher perhaps- Rengoku, was it?- want to go up against me, instead?" Akaza said with a wolfish grin, causing a silence to fall over the dojo. He locked eyes with the man and chuckled. "I would go easy on you, of course."
Rengoku felt a shiver of unknown origin go down his spine. 
Hashibira immediately started urging the blond man on, saying, "defend my honor!" and "you're weaker than me, of course, but you've got the build!" A lot of the students were pumped about it, too - seeing their favorite teacher in a "fight" would probably be a topic of conversation for weeks. It would be legendary.
One student though, Tsuyuri, seemed worried, and, though her voice was very quiet, her best friend Kamado wasn't, and his echoing of her concerns reached everyone's ears.
"Professor Rengoku might get hurt? Wait, don't you know, Kanao...?"
Rengoku interrupted everyone when he laughed and proclaimed, "I accept your challenge, Mr. Akaza!" 
He looked over at Tsuyuri and smiled; he was extremely lucky to have such sweet and concerned students who worried for his safety. He gave her a small thumbs up to reassure her and turned back around to face Akaza, as passionate as ever.
"And, you don't have to go easy on me! I come from a long line of kendo instructors, and I have taken quite a few judo lessons since I was a child - I'm a second dan black belt!" 
This received a chorus of OOOH-s and WAAAH-s from his students. More importantly, though, it got a smirk out of Akaza - one that promised nothing but trouble. 
(Despite himself, Rengoku couldn't deny that made him a trouble-seeker). 
After grumbling at his brother, berating him for being rude towards guests, Hakuji went to direct the pairs of students towards the center of the room to begin teaching them - and Rengoku approached his challenger.
"I'm Rengoku Kyojuro, it's a pleasure meeting you!" Rengoku exclaimed, bowing quickly. "I'm more of a sumo kind of guy, but I've seen you on TV and in the news once or twice, so meeting you is an honor, Mr. Akaza!"
The pink haired man hummed, also bowing... and scanning the man, yet again. As a fighter, seeing men of Rengoku's physique instinctually made him size them up - and as an opponent, he was definitely worth his attention.
"Kyojuro," he tried the name out on his tongue - it felt a lot more natural than Rengoku. He smiled. "Not much of an MMA guy, huh."
Rengoku was shocked at hearing his first name from a stranger. He probably showed it on his face, judging by the warmth that rushed to his cheeks, but he made no comment about it. Strangely, it didn't feel wrong. 
"Now that I know you were trained in Soryū, I will definitely be following your exploits more closely, Mr. Akaza!" 
"You can drop the honorifics," the shorter man chimed in, or rather, interrupted. He didn't care for formality - much less with somebody he was interested in- power-wise, that is, of course, he tried to reassure himself. 
"...Akaza," the teacher corrected himself sheepishly, flustered slightly at the casualness. "Shall we begin our sparring, Akaza?"
The pink haired man grinned from ear to ear, excited, and got into a lower stance, fists forward in a defense position. He urged the teacher to do the same, to make the first move with a taunting cock of the head, eager to figure out what kind of fighter this man was - and if his instincts were right.
Rengoku didn't go for an attack right away, instead the two men slowly stepped in a circle, calculating; Akaza, the blond’s first move, and the teacher how to get through that air tight defense he witnessed in the brothers’ sparring. The pink haired man’s stance was low and guarded; like a fortress, and Rengoku was looking for an in to break it down.
When the first move finally came, the fight was on and fast like two animals in the wild - instinct, raw strength and experience meshing into one. The teacher first feinted and immediately went for Akaza’s leg, knocking him off balance and gripping him by his robe, attempting a throw to the ground. The professional fighter quickly defended himself, getting the hands off in a swift movement and kicking Rengoku away, directly in the chest. 
As the blond caught his breath, Akaza lunged with an assault of punches which Rengoku blocked with his arms, wincing and grunting at every hit. 
When Akaza stopped for just a second to redirect the blows to his sides, the teacher immediately seized his opportunity to trap the other man in a headlock; despite his precarious place underneath a heavier man, he nonetheless managed to quickly turn around until he was straddling his back, and still choking him out. 
He thought to himself that he had been right to assume the pro seemed to leave his neck and back unguarded most of the time, and a rush of excitement washed over him. Not every day did he get to overpower an MMA champion.
Almost subconsciously, he realized the students had stopped what they were doing to look, in awe at their seemingly goofy teacher managing to put down someone like Akaza. If he looked back, he would've also noticed Hakuji, slack jawed at the sight.
But he was taken out of those thoughts as he flew head first to the matted floor, knocking his face against it roughly and screaming in pain. Akaza had made a quick movement upwards with his entire lower body that he had too distracted to predict. Dazed from the pain and surprise, he couldn't even defend when the other man grabbed his arm and held it against his back. With his other powerful, calloused palm, he was now retaliating and choking him instead. 
His initial adrenaline filled pride washed away by an intense feeling of humiliation. 
After a couple futile attempts at breaking out of the lock, he growled low in the back of his throat, and slapped the mat with his free hand. 
“I give!”
His arm was let go, but the hand around his neck only released the hold after a couple seconds, and he could’ve sworn he heard the pink-haired man chuckle, or maybe even coo, when he finally did. 
(That definitely also fed into his humiliation, but, for some reason, for a second, he felt butterflies in the pit of his stomach at it.)
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The rest of the class transpired quickly and without any bumps in the road; though he did receive a lot of flack from the Hashibira boy about losing. His other students, though, clamored and congratulated him in putting up such a good fight. Even Hakuji gave him a subtle thumbs up when nobody was watching. 
Through it all, he fervently avoided looking Akaza in the eye. He had bowed to him after getting up from the fight, and admitted to his strength. Rengoku was a mature adult, but something about this man, and this fight, had left his entire head and body in disarray. 
But, on a subconscious level, he felt as though meeting that golden gaze would make him spontaneously combust. 
But even so, when the scheduled time of the classes ran its course, the teachers and students bid Hakuji and Akaza goodbye, and followed Koyuki back to the dressers to change back. 
Just as they were opening the doors to leave, they heard loud footsteps making their hurried way towards the entrance/exit area, and a huffing Akaza smacked the door open. 
“Just one second! I’ve got… something for the boar hat boy,” the MMA fighter grinned awkwardly at the teacher, then looked back at the kids and Mitsuri behind him. “Y’all can go ahead, I’ll just take a minute.” 
Rengoku raised an eyebrow but nonetheless turned to him, looking over at Mitsuri and nodding. When they were gone, he finally looked directly into those golden eyes. 
He swallowed down the various feelings that had been smothering him for the past hour. “An autograph, I assume? You could’ve given it to him earlier…!” 
“Huh? Oh,” Akaza fumbled in his sweatpant pockets for a piece of paper. “Yeah, of course. Give me a minute.” 
The professional fighter thoughtlessly handed him the little piece of paper with his signature while still looking for a pen, grabbing a backpack from the floor. He found a small photograph of himself holding a champion’s belt and began scribbling. 
“This one’s for you, though, Kyojuro,” he said, grinning, and gave it to him. 
Rengoku dumbly looked down at the two things in his hands. The piece of paper looked like an old receipt. The photo, though, seemed high quality. Recent. When he turned it around, there was a phone number, and a winky face.
“You’re a damn good fighter, Kyojuro. You should think about becoming a pro… Though, if I can’t fight you in the ring,” he purred, leaning down so he could meet the teacher’s downward gaze, and smirked toothily, “I’d gladly do it somewhere else.” 
With that, the pink haired man twirled around and left, hands in his pockets.
Rengoku wasn't combusting, but he definitely was somewhere close to it. 
He shakily pocketed the picture and made his way outside, ignoring Mitsuri’s questioning gaze when she noticed his burning red cheeks. 
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ao3 link | divider credit @benkeibear
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autogeneity · 3 months
Hey! I've decided to take up your recommendation of learning a martial art now I'll be in one place for long enough for taking classes there to feel worth it, and I was wondering if you had any advice for how to pick one. I could just stick with taekwondo since I already know some but I feel like trying something new might be more exciting & therefore more motivating. (Also taekwondo probably wasn't the best for me bc I am not very flexible and there were a lot of high kicks, I only picked it bc it was what my school had available)
sadly I know very little about other martial arts. my initial decision-making process looked roughly like googling "martial arts near me" and checking on places with a decent rating to confirm it's not totally bullshit, lol. and then trying out like, two. my current reasoning is that once I have established some level of competence in my current art, only then will I look to expand my horizons.
vaguely remembered impressions: kung fu is probably bullshit. jiu-jitsu is potentially more practical than most, but involves a degree of very close physical contact that freaks me out. a limitation of many striking arts (karate, taekwondo, etc) is that they don't have a lot of stuff for very close combat or ground fighting, which you need irl. but the advantage of that is I don't have anyone's ass on my face every day so I'll gladly accept it
stuff with weapons sounds very exciting tbh but I never looked into it because there's none near me
anyway I would recommend exploring on youtube and reddit, probably. youtube for seeing what they're like and reddit for opinions in relation to various properties you may be interested in (or wish to avoid).
also most places offer a free trial class ime. probably finding a place with a good vibe that you feel (relatively) comfortable in and good instructors (competent but also not dickheads. unfortunately there is a very high prevalence of dickheads) is going to be more important than the specific art. I think a lot of the core skills gained, especially for beginners, are very transferrable.
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renzograciegarwood · 7 months
Unlock Your Potential with Adults Jiu-Jitsu Classes Nearby
In recent years, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) has gained immense popularity as a martial art and self-defense system. It's not just about physical prowess; BJJ offers a holistic approach to personal development, mental resilience, and physical fitness. If you're an adult looking to explore the world of Jiu-Jitsu and enhance various aspects of your life, finding a nearby academy is the first step towards unlocking your potential.
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The Benefits of Adult Jiu-Jitsu
Adults who embark on their Jiu-Jitsu journey discover a myriad of benefits beyond just learning self-defense techniques. Here are some compelling reasons why adults choose to train in Jiu-Jitsu:
Physical Fitness: Jiu-Jitsu provides a full-body workout that improves cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Through drills, sparring, and technique training, practitioners develop lean muscle mass while shedding excess fat.
Mental Resilience: The mental aspect of Jiu-Jitsu is equally as important as the physical. Training teaches practitioners patience, discipline, problem-solving, and the ability to remain calm under pressure. These skills cultivated on the mat often translate into everyday life, helping practitioners navigate challenges with confidence and composure.
Self-Defense Skills: While fitness and mental fortitude are significant, the ability to defend oneself is a crucial aspect of Jiu-Jitsu training. Adults learn practical techniques that are effective in real-life situations, empowering them to protect themselves and their loved ones if the need arises.
Community and Camaraderie: Jiu-Jitsu academies foster a sense of community and camaraderie among practitioners. Regardless of background or skill level, everyone shares a common passion for the art. This supportive environment encourages friendship, mutual respect, and personal growth.
Finding Jiu-Jitsu Classes Near Me
If you're ready to embark on your Jiu-Jitsu journey, finding a reputable academy nearby is essential. Here are some steps to help you locate adult Jiu-Jitsu classes in your area:
Research Online: Use search engines and social media platforms to look for Jiu-Jitsu academies near your location. Explore their websites to learn about their instructors, class schedules, and facilities.
Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who practice Jiu-Jitsu for recommendations. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into the quality of instruction and the overall atmosphere of the academy.
Visit Academies in Person: Once you've narrowed down your options, visit the academies in person. Observe a class, speak with the instructors, and assess the cleanliness and safety of the facilities.
Trial Classes: Many academies offer trial classes or introductory offers for new students. Take advantage of these opportunities to experience the training first hand and determine if it's the right fit for you.
Empower Yourself with Adult Jiu-Jitsu
In conclusion, adults Jiu-Jitsu near you offer a transformative experience that encompasses physical fitness, mental resilience, self-defense skills, and a supportive community. By taking the first step and finding a nearby academy, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Whether you're looking to improve your fitness, gain confidence, or simply try something new, Jiu-Jitsu has something to offer for everyone. So why wait? Unleash your potential with adult Jiu-Jitsu classes near you today.
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Thoughts After Competing
"Are you going to change your Jiu-Jitsu game in light of your first competition?"
Yes, but not in the way you may expect. Some people I've heard answer this talk about developing a better game plan and drilling specific weaknesses, holes, or gaps in their game. As there are some benefits to this, I don't agree with this in some aspects. From experience in security and law enforcement, chasing the last trend typically does not produce favorable results. If you lose to an arm bar in a competition, and for the next six months you work on armbar defense only, you'll probably get choked out next time around. Some other responses will focus on the intensity of their game. Me? In the months of training leading up to a tournament, I realized a seed was planted, and it started to take root. It was a want that I needed to weed out. I began to care too much and try too hard. So how is my game going to change? I'm going to remove the game altogether. I'm going to focus on learning, flowing, and having fun. I forgot why I got into Jiu-Jitsu in the first place. I didn't start to chase medals, stripes, or belts. I didn't get into it to work up a podium or ranking bracket. I didn't begin to try to best people or prove myself to anyone. And if I had started doing any of that, I would stop. I want to return to the roots of my Jiu-Jitsu journey in the garage. Why just train for 5 minutes? I miss the 30 minutes or more. The 5-7 hours we'd manage to put in during a holiday. [You can insert sprint vs. marathon metaphor here, you won't catch me running either] If my perspective change hinders my promotions or disappoints my teammates, mentors, or coaches, so be it. Guess what? I don't practice Jiu-Jitsu for them, and the color of my belt doesn't define me.
Before I competed, a friend told me a bit about his experience. His takeaway was about handling the adrenaline dump you get when you step out on those mats to face an unknown adversary in front of strangers. And this is true; there is some anxiety and adrenaline response. But it is nothing I haven't encountered before. I grew up doing martial arts competitions, and I distinctly remember one where I was the only kid in my division, so I was moved up to spar and compete against older and higher-ranked kids. Then in my late teens and early adulthood, I had been in combat- shot at, near explosions, etc., and in various life-and-death situations, whether it be my life or someone else's. I've been in situations requiring me to do CPR and take further actions to save someone's life—the adrenaline I can handle.
The other argument for competing is it boosts your Jiu-Jitsu, going out and testing yourself against some random. Again, I get that. But I know different methods return similar results. And the other ways can be more fun. Seminars, for example, are one. Now, don't hear what I'm not saying. I love my coaches, and there isn't a class that goes by that I don't soak up something new. But having a guest instructor or a few hours with someone out of your school just hits differently. I often find myself in awe, not necessarily by the technique taught, but by seeing another human perform Jiu-Jitsu at that level, with a different upbringing. I'd like to think if my head coach went to their school, there'd be some bright-eyed white belt in awe by them too. The other way is to drop in other schools. Now, admittedly, I haven't gotten to do this as much as I'd like, but I have dropped in another school or two, and it's rewarding. The first time, I was still pretty fresh. Still mostly training out of a garage, I popped into a school where a friend of mine was teaching. The next time I had some wear and tear on my belt, which was almost more nerve-racking than my first competition. I was the highest-ranked white belt in the class, and imposter syndrome set in hard. Was I good enough to stand in front of all these dudes in their gym? Long story short, I held my own, and the imposter syndrome faded.
With all that being said. Will I celebrate the promotions of my teammates or even my own? Of course, I will. Promotions are still an accomplishment regardless of your motivation. Will I roll with those who prefer competition Jiu-Jitsu? Why wouldn't I? There are plenty of folks I enjoy rolling with despite their love for the competition scene. And as far as the competition scene, I'm all for the community. The overall vibe of a Jiu-Jitsu competition was way better than the traditional martial art competitions I grew up around.
If you train and haven't competed, don't let this deter you- you may love it, as many do. And I'm not saying I'll never compete again, but I just want to chill for now.
Thanks for reading.
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Two articles ago, I illustrated how every area of my life was ass. In this article, I will list what I'm actually going to do about it.
First, I forgot to mention a big issue in my life, that my research at my full-time job is going so slowly that my boss is showing mild frustration. I haven't made enough time for it between picking up two classes and spinning the plates of my business, fitness, jiu jitsu, art comissions, my weekend EMT job, my MCAT studying, and more. But it's my damn job, so I better get with it. I did just resign from the weekend EMT job, so that is a partial mitigation.
Anyway, mitigation plan list. What I'm going to do is brainstorm a bunch of options for I can do. And then I'm going to pick what I will actually do.
I make the least money I've ever made. I can build my business. I can take that (secret-ish) contract that is coming up and try to knock it out of the park. I can sell my body (just kidding, I'm too much of a germaphobe for that).
I am 6 figures in debt of various types. I can solve this by addressing the previous bullet point. An option is to file for bankruptcy, but we're not doing that.
I'm the shortest, weakest guy at my jiu jitsu gym. I can hit the gym more frequently and for longer stints each time.
For my research/full-time job, I can make time for that. I can wake up at 5am and do that instead of fucking around on my phone and doom scrolling through Reddit. Part of my frustration is that I may wake up at 5:30 but not get into work until 9am between hour-long traffic and ironing my shirt and prepping breakfast, yadda yadda. This sucks especially on Tuesday/Thursdays, when my in-person Ochem class eats up 3 hours of my afternoon. I am capable of mitigating this.
I have fumbled all of my intimate relationships. This one is tough to mitigate with one or a few things. I am getting better at it though. This is a whole other conversation.
I live with my parents again. My Jeep is already setup for car camping. I could do a hybrid week where I'm near my job during the week and at my parents' on weekends. The tougher option would be to make so much money off of my business or another job that I could afford rent.
I am bald as fuck. I have been trying minoxidil with some success. I got lazy and stopped microneedling, which cost me some progress. (Yes, microneedling is scientifically supported. Ask me with my biology and almost-neuroscience degrees lol. The biochemistry behind it is reasonable [sulfotransferase, etc.] and supported in the literature.) The mitigation here would be to consistently use minoxidil and microneedling daily.
I am still pretty chubby despite working out nearly every day. The mitigation is to eat less. Clearly, I'm eating extra. I already do keto, but it has been lazy keto for the past year, and my face has gotten a little pudgy because of it lmao.
My GPA is too low for medical school. I can mitigate this with a perfect MCAT. I can apply only to schools that look at the last 60 credits. I can ask for independent review on my applications. I can make connections with adcoms through my job and apply to their schools. I can make so many quality publications that there is little room for doubt about my scientific capabilities. I could go to a Caribbean or Canadian med school.
My business has only made a few hundred in revenue. I could actually spend more time on it instead of putting time on my calendar and then not actually working on my business. My website sucks. My products suck. The articles are good, but they're slow to publish. I am being slow at all of it. I can just put out more content and products. I know what to do.
I'm already behind in Ochem 1. I can study more. Like the last bullet point, all I need to do is put in the time.
I was born without a dingaling, which makes physical relationships especially hard, on top of my goofy-ass social skills and tendency towards codependence. This one will be tough to mitigate as well, because bottom surgeries tend to be booked 2-3 years out for any surgeon worth their credentials. Will have to look more into this one for concrete steps.
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rabjjacademy · 2 years
Why Your Children Should Join Jiu Jitsu Classes Near Me
It's standard parenting advice to tell your kids they shouldn't punch or fight, but is it practical? Almost one in four kids is bullied, so it seems wrong to teach them that they can't do anything. Now, this is not to say that anger and violence are acceptable. Instead, teach your child a method that has been tried and true for generations by teaching them Jiu Jitsu. Find the jiu jitsu classes near me and admit them for training.
Body coordination and body awareness
For a child to master Jiu-Jitsu, they must master the intricate subtleties of complex techniques. The child's fine motor skills will improve, and their sense of balance and stability will improve as they learn these strategies. The child's coordination and balance will improve due to the development of robust neuromuscular connections. These abilities help them in Jiu-Jitsu and many aspects of their lives.
Constraint and concentration
Just look around; the modern world is bursting at the seams with exciting things to do. As a result, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an epidemic among children. They say that self-control and concentration are like muscles; they need to be worked out. Jiu-jitsu is a lot of fun to study, but the techniques can be challenging to master and execute properly. Children have fun while being motivated to pay close attention in class. Jiu Jitsu is a great way to help kids develop self-control and concentration. The positive effects on one's academic performance, social life, and general happiness will be evident after this implementation.
Martial arts do boost kids' self-esteem. BJJ isn't classical martial arts, yet you'll practice with your training partners daily. Learning requires two things: 
1) You understand how a method works 
2) You learn how to use the approach against an adversary. 
Instead of yelling and smashing boards, you'll observe a child fighting for dominance or escape.
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Last but not least, BJJ can provide your kid with a legitimate method of personal protection. Bullying should concern all schools. Your child's increased self-assurance is the most effective defense against bullies, and jiu-jitsu is a great way to instill that confidence. Self-assured children are less likely to be targeted by bullies, who prefer weaker victims. On the other hand, they won't just have mental fortitude; they'll also be armed and ready to fight through hours of training in real-world scenarios and BJJ techniques rather than through flashy, planned dance-like motions or board breaking.
Final Words…!!!
Your kid will gain a lot from learning jiu-jitsu. Young people can develop excellent problem-solving abilities and self-discipline through these experiences. Through these activities, kids can make friends for life and acquire self-defense skills that will serve them well. So, find the best jiu jitsu classes near me and join; at this point, you are suggested for "RABJJ Academy".
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atosjiujitsuzurich · 9 months
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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes Near Me | +41 76 475 81 82
Students will have the opportunity to learn the same modern Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes Near Me being taught in gi classes, but learn how to adapt them to no-gi situations. Students must wear the Atos no-gi uniform to participate in these classes.
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How Martial Arts Classes for Adults Can Improve Your Lifestyle
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a balanced lifestyle is often a challenge. Between work, family, and social obligations, it can be difficult to find time for self-care and personal growth. This is where martial arts classes for adults can be a game-changer, offering not only physical fitness but also mental clarity and emotional resilience. Whether you're a beginner or someone looking for a new challenge, martial arts training can significantly improve various aspects of your life. At Florida Sports Martial Arts Academy, we offer tailored martial arts classes for adults that help you build strength, discipline, and confidence.
1. Improve Physical Fitness     
One of the most immediate benefits of martial arts training for adults is improved physical fitness. Martial arts like Taekwondo, Karate, and Jiu-Jitsu offer a full-body workout, engaging various muscle groups and improving cardiovascular health. Regular training helps increase your flexibility, stamina, and endurance, which can be difficult to achieve through traditional gym workouts.
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If you're searching for martial arts classes for adults near me, our Taekwondo classes for adults provide an excellent way to strengthen your body, burn calories, and maintain an active lifestyle. Beginners can also find specialized classes designed for different fitness levels, ensuring a smooth and safe introduction to martial arts.
2. Enhance Mental Focus and Discipline
Martial arts go beyond physical training. One of the core philosophies is mental discipline and focus. In a world full of distractions, learning to channel your mental energy is essential for success. Martial arts classes for beginners teach you the importance of concentration, patience, and perseverance. Over time, this practice carries over to your daily life, helping you handle stress and challenges with ease.
The mental focus developed through martial arts classes for adults can help improve performance at work, manage personal relationships, and enhance your overall quality of life. As you progress through the levels of training, you will find that your mind becomes sharper, allowing you to stay focused on your goals.
3. Build Confidence and Self-Esteem
For many adults, confidence can be a major obstacle in both personal and professional areas. Martial arts empower you by teaching self-defense techniques that not only boost physical skills but also instill confidence. As you master new techniques and advance through different skill levels, you’ll gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in your abilities.
At Florida Sports Martial Arts Academy, we believe that beginner martial arts classes for adults can make a significant difference in building self-esteem. The supportive environment fosters growth and improvement, ensuring that each student leaves the class feeling more empowered and confident.
4. Learn Self-Defense Skills
In addition to the physical and mental benefits, martial arts provide practical self-defense skills. Knowing how to protect yourself and your loved ones can offer peace of mind. Whether you’re walking alone at night or find yourself in a difficult situation, the self-defense techniques learned in martial arts classes for adults can be invaluable.
With our martial arts training for adults, particularly in Taekwondo, you’ll learn various self-defense moves that can help you handle real-life situations with confidence. This is a skill that enhances both your personal safety and overall well-being.
5. Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Health
Martial arts training is also a great way to relieve stress. The combination of physical activity and mental discipline helps reduce anxiety and improve overall mental health. The intense focus required during training sessions helps take your mind off daily stressors and provides a healthy outlet for pent-up emotions.
Engaging in martial arts classes for adults at Florida Sports Martial Arts Academy gives you the chance to clear your mind and leave your worries behind for an hour or two. Many students report feeling more relaxed and mentally refreshed after a class, allowing them to better manage their daily stress.
6. Connect with a Community
Joining martial arts classes for adults near me also gives you the opportunity to become part of a supportive community. At Florida Sports Martial Arts Academy, we create an environment where individuals of all skill levels come together to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. Martial arts classes foster camaraderie and mutual respect, helping you form meaningful connections with others on the same journey.
7. Tailored Programs for Beginners and Advanced Students
Whether you’re just starting your martial arts journey or you’re looking to refine your skills, we offer programs for all levels. Our beginner martial arts classes for adults provide a gentle introduction, ensuring that you feel comfortable as you learn the basics. For those with previous experience, we offer advanced training to help you reach new heights in your martial arts practice.
No matter where you are in your martial arts journey, martial arts in Florida offers something for everyone, allowing you to pursue your fitness and personal development goals at your own pace.
Martial arts training offers a holistic approach to improving your lifestyle. Whether you’re seeking to boost your fitness, enhance mental clarity, or learn self-defense, martial arts classes for adults can help you achieve these goals and more. At Florida Sports Martial Arts Academy, we offer comprehensive martial arts classes for adults that focus on both physical and mental development. Ready to take the first step? Visit www.themartialartsleader.com and start your journey to a better lifestyle today.
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gbhopperscrossings · 10 days
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andrew1symonds · 2 months
Choosing the Right Martial Arts for Kids Near Me: A Parent's Guide with Wondrfly in Jersey City
If you're exploring martial arts for kids near me in Jersey City, Wondrfly offers a variety of programs designed to cater to children's interests and developmental stages. Understanding the different martial arts disciplines and their benefits can help you make an informed decision for your child's enrichment and growth.
Popular Martial Arts Disciplines for Kids
1. Karate: Karate focuses on striking techniques such as punches, kicks, and blocks. It emphasizes self-discipline, respect for others, and traditional forms (kata). Karate is suitable for children who enjoy structured activities and are interested in learning self-defense skills.
2. Taekwondo: Taekwondo emphasizes high kicks, dynamic movements, and Olympic-style sparring. It promotes physical fitness, flexibility, and self-confidence. Taekwondo classes at Wondrfly incorporate belt progression and encourage children to set and achieve goals through regular practice.
3. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): BJJ is a grappling-based martial art that focuses on ground fighting and submissions. It teaches children techniques to control opponents using leverage and technique rather than strength. BJJ promotes problem-solving skills, body awareness, and respect for one's training partners.
Key Considerations When Choosing Martial Arts for Kids
Age and Readiness: Consider your child's age and developmental readiness for martial arts training. Some disciplines may be more suitable for younger children, while others require more physical coordination and maturity.
Goals and Interests: Discuss your child's goals and interests in martial arts. Whether they seek self-defense skills, physical fitness, or personal growth, choosing a discipline that aligns with their aspirations enhances their enjoyment and commitment to training.
Instructor Qualifications: Research the qualifications and teaching experience of instructors at Wondrfly. Experienced instructors who specialize in teaching children ensure safe and effective instruction tailored to their developmental needs.
Why Wondrfly Stands Out
Wondrfly offers a supportive and enriching environment for children to learn martial arts near me in Jersey City:
Holistic Development: Our programs focus on fostering physical fitness, self-discipline, and mental resilience through structured classes and positive reinforcement.
Family-Friendly Environment: Wondrfly encourages family involvement and provides opportunities for parents to observe their child's progress and participate in martial arts activities together.
Community and Camaraderie: We promote a sense of community among participants, fostering friendships and teamwork skills through group activities and events.
Choosing the right martial arts for kids near me in Jersey City involves understanding your child's interests, developmental stage, and goals. At Wondrfly, we offer a variety of martial arts disciplines designed to promote physical fitness, self-confidence, and life skills in a supportive environment. Join us at Wondrfly to empower your child with the benefits of martial arts training and watch them thrive both on and off the mat.
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natashas-writings · 4 months
Experience Premier Jiu Jitsu Training at Park City Jiu Jitsu!
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Searching for the best jiu jitsu lessons near you? Look no further than Park City Jiu Jitsu! Our top-notch Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes are perfect for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Located conveniently, we offer a welcoming and safe environment with highly experienced instructors dedicated to helping you achieve your martial arts goals.
Whether you're interested in self-defense, fitness, or competition, our jiu jitsu classes near me provide the training and support you need. Join our diverse community and experience the best jiu jitsu gyms. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn from skilled professionals in a top-rated facility.
Start your journey today with a free trial class at Park City Jiu Jitsu. Visit us now and discover why we're the best choice for jiu-jitsu!
Learn more: jiu jitsu lessons near me
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