#jisung mom
noonaracha · 10 months
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baby hannie
for @hongjoongpresent
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go-saeng · 9 months
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happy 6 years to grrr 총량의 법칙 🤬
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skzstannie · 9 months
“And I’m Willow!”
SKZ-> Han Jisung x single mom! Reader
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers wc: ~2,100 cw: brief descriptions of the death of a parent, child goes missing (just for a second), 4 year olds can be menaces
summary: you’re outgoing 4 year old daughter turns out to be quite the wingman
A/N: Here’s the Han fic, as promised! Going to make this into a mini series, soooo Parts 2/3 will be out eventually. Give this post some love if you enjoyed it; likes/reblogs and feedback are much appreciated!
Happy Scrolling! | Masterlist
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"Momma, can we get these please?" your daughter whines, shoving a box of tissues in your face.
You snort, "Now why do you want tissues, Willow?"
"You're always crying over those stupid boys on T.V," she answers, distracted by the little bracelet she has tied around her wrist.
Your eyes widen in embarrassment, mumbling out an apology when the elderly couple next to you glances your way. You quickly make your way out of the aisle, praying your daughter will hold her comments 'til you get to an empty one.
Your daughter is the light of your life. She is always so happy and giggly, and she easily becomes the center of attention every time she walks in a room. You love the way she is so carefree, not caring about what anyone thinks of her. While she may only be four, this is certainly a characteristic you wish you had.
"Willow," you chuckle once you're tucked safely away in an empty aisle, "You can't just say things like that in front of other people."
"Because Mommy gets embarrassed easily."
"Because other people don't need to know about our business."
You stop replying, realizing how silly it looks to be arguing with your four year old daughter, and continue shopping.
You push the cart down the next aisle, Willow still sat comfortably in the seat at the front. Suddenly, you bring the cart to a screeching halt. Your eyes lock on the beautiful man stood in front of you, and it's like everything else around you disappears.
Willow lets out an adorable squeak, exaggeratedly lurching forward from the abrupt stopping of the cart. "What was that for, Mommy?" She pouts, her chubby arms crossing over her chest.
You've forgotten how to breathe, and her question goes in one ear and out the other.
Willow, as inpatient as ever, whips her head around, her eyes finding the man you've been ogling for an inappropriate amount of time.
"Mommy, why are you staring at that man?"
The question brings you back to reality, and your cheeks redden when the man in question looks over at you, a teasing smile on his face.
Completely embarrassed now, you whip the cart around, almost taking it on two wheels, and practically sprint to the next aisle.
"Willow," you hiss quietly, your adrenaline pumping at full speed, "Remember what I said? We don't talk about other people in public. It's rude." You run your fingers through her silky hair, making sure she's taking in and understanding your words.
"But whyyy?"
You huff and take a moment to gather yourself, mindlessly staring off at the seasonings stacked in front of you. It's pointless to answer, knowing exactly what she'll say back almost every time.
You're erratic heartbeat has calmed now, and you continue to go about your shopping, grabbing a bottle of ketchup off the shelf. You look down at your phone, crossing it off your list.
In a house with a toddler, you can never have enough ketchup.
You scroll through your list for a moment, but are quickly interrupted by a small tug at your sweatshirt sleeve.
"Mommy?" her small voice perks up, and you're almost too scared to ask.
"Yes, baby?" You're mind is full of random things she might say, and you mentally prepare for something wild to come out of her mouth.
"I have to use the bathroom," she whispers, apparently gaining an awareness of social cues that she lacked 30 seconds prior.
"Ok, I'll take you." You put your phone back in your pocket and make your way to the bathroom at the back of the store. You leave your cart outside the restroom and take Willow out of it. You lead her into the bigger stall by the hand, locking the door behind you guys. She does her business, and you help her to wash her hands.
Walking out of the bathroom, your brows furrow seeing your cart missing.
"What kind of an asshole takes someone's cart?" you whisper to yourself, your eyes scanning the aisles within sight.
You walk down each aisle, your eyes peering in everyone's carts.
Somewhere around the fifth aisle, your hand reaches down to find Willow's hand, but you're met with nothing but air. Your eyes dart down beside you, and you immediately panic when you're little mini-me is nowhere to be found.
"Oh my God," you whisper, eyes wide as saucers. You race up and down the aisles, searching for your daughter, manners slipping your mind as you bump into people left and right. The aisles are crowded, and you're daughter could be anywhere.
You get to the candy aisle, and you're finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. There your daughter stands, a bag of ripped open M&Ms in hand. Your eyes wander over to the person crouched down next to her, and your pulse quickens once again.
Of course, out of everyone in the whole store, this is who your daughter would go up to.
You stalk over to them, a pink tint once again gracing your cheekbones. As you get closer, your daughter's excited voice falls over your ears.
"And then she started crying when the other guy came back on the T.V," she explains animatedly to the handsome stranger.
"Willow," you say, your tone stern. "You cannot walk away from Mommy in stores." You grab her little hand in yours, pulling her towards you 'til she's in front of you. You crouch down, your eyes level with hers.
Her little expression drops, her bottom lip wobbling. "I'm sorry," she whispers, tears welling up in her eyes.
"It's ok, baby, you just can't wander off like that. Somebody could take you away from Mommy," you explain tenderly, using the sleeves of your sweatshirt to gently dry her cheeks.
"I just wanted some chocolate, and then I saw the pretty man you saw before, and I wanted to be his friend," she tells you innocently. Your attention is brought back to the bag of candy she dropped on the floor and the very handsome stranger picking each up each individual piece.
"Sir," you panic, "You don't have to do that," you quickly take the bag from his hands.
"No no Mommy, it's ok! He's our friend now!"
"Baby, please stop," your eyes remain on the messy floor, all too embarrassed to look at the man. You hurry to pick up all the M&Ms that spilled out of the bag, throwing them back into the package.
"I was just telling him how you thought he was pretty," your jaw drops in shock, "Oh! And how he looks just like the boys you watch on T.V."
The man chuckles, and you gain the courage to look up at him for the first time.
He's even more handsome from up close, if that's even possible, with dark brown hair parted perfectly, the cutest chubby cheeks you've ever seen on a man, and the brightest smile you could possibly imagine.
"I saw her standing here by herself and figured we’d wait here until you found her. She already had the candy before I saw her," he chuckles, bringing his hand to rub at the nape of his neck while his eyes dart between you and Willow.
"I-uh, thank you so much for watching her. We're working on her listening skills, they need a bit of sharpening." The chemistry you feel between the two of you is unfathomable as you ramble on, and your body warms as you feel his gaze on you. "I'm also so sorry for anything she might've told you. She's quite the people-person, and she wants everyone to know everything-" Your daughter cuts you off, an exasperated look covering her freckled face.
"I just thought it was important for him to know you thought he was pretty."
Your face heats up even more, and you bring your hands up to cover your cheeks. "She's trying to kill me."
The man laughs, a fond look taking over his features. "I'm Jisung, it's nice to meet you..." he offers you his hand, a proper greeting finally underway.
"Y/N," you meet his outstretched hand, giving him a firm handshake. He shakes back and delicately pulls you up to your feet with him.
"And I'm Willow!" she yells, jumping up and down, her big doe eyes focused on Jisung.
"Willow is a very beautiful name," he sticks his hand out towards her, and she clumsily takes it in hers, shaking it quickly up and down. "Now, Willow, do you think your mom thinks I'm pretty enough to give me her number?" His attention shifts back to you, and your heart races at the question.
"Huh? What number-" Now it's your turn to interrupt her. You pull her around to face you and gently guide her face into your sweatshirt, effectively cutting her sentence off.
"She just might," you reply, giving him a flirtatious smile.
After exchanging numbers, it's finally time to part ways. He sends you a subtle wink, the feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"Bye Mr. Jisung!" Willow says as you practically drag her away.
"Willow, you have to promise me you will not run off like that ever again!" Now out of Jisung's earshot, you freely scold your daughter.
"But Mommy, Mr. Jisung was so nice!" She skips beside you, happiness exuding from every inch of her tiny body.
"I know he was, but you have to stay by Mommy at all times. Promise me you will not run off again," you stop walking, pulling her off to the side of one of the aisles. Your grip on her arm is loose enough to not hurt her, but tight enough to make her know you mean business. "Promise me, Willow."
"I promise, Mommy."
"Ok, good. Now to find that stupid cart."
~ ~ ~
For the remainder of the time you spent at the store, Willow talks your ear off about Jisung. Through the aisles, through the checkout, and even on the car ride home.
"And then, Momma, he told me my bracelet was beautiful. Can you believe it?!" Her words bounce with excitement. "Daddy would've loved Mr. Jisung."
Your heart aches at the mention of her dad. He passed away in an unfortunate car accident a year after she was born. While she may not remember her dad, you have made sure to tell her every single last detail about him.
"Jisung was very nice, wasn't he, baby?" you hum, stopping at a red light.
"Yes! I really like him." You gaze back at her through the rearview mirror. The love you have in your heart for your little girl is an indescribable amount, and you only wish one day she'll truly understand what she means to you.
It's a heavy role having to act as both parental roles, but here you are, making it work day in and day out.
It's hard, but you have to be kind to yourself, reminding yourself that she's happy, healthy, and everything that's good in the world.
"You're a wonderful mom," your husband had told you. You were sat in the rocking chair, feeding your baby girl a warm bottle, and he was sat across from you on the floor, his head resting on your knees.
It's been years now, though, and while he'll always be your first love, it's ok to look for love again, right?
~ ~ ~
"Willow, please stop climbing on the furniture like it's a jungle gym; you're going to get hurt," you tell her from the kitchen, stirring some noodles on the stove.
You hear her hum in agreeance, the T.V turning on seconds later to her favorite cartoon.
You ended up finding your cart earlier at the store. To your dismay, you simply walked out the opposite end of the bathroom, and your cart was only around the corner. You were quick to finish your shopping, wanting to avoid anymore embarrassing interactions.
Spaghetti was the dinner your daughter requested for the night, so you picked up all the ingredients at the store earlier. You have the noodles boiling on one burner, your homemade sauce going on the other, and a couple pieces of garlic bread toasting in the oven.
Your phone dings from the table, and you step away from the stove to tend to it. You scroll through your numerous Instagram messages, your friends all too obsessed with sending you countless reels.
Your cheeks flush at a specific notification hidden among the multitude of social media messages.
from Unknown
Hey Y/N, It's Jisung
I know this may be moving a little quick
But I can't stop thinking about you
Can I take you out this weekend?
Part 2/3 -> coming soon!
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haespoir · 1 year
your mom jokes w/ 7dream!
req: anon 💌
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skzoologist · 1 year
The whole group, sitting together on the sofa: *giggling and cooing* Bae, coming back from practice: what's happening? Jisung: your mom dropped by and gave us some of your baby photos! Chan, still giggling: oh my gosh, look at his cute, tiny hands Felix, equally smitten: and his big eyes, gods Minho: *already leaving with several pictures stashed away* Changbin: *occasionally standing up and walking in a circle, unable to contain his adoration* Seungmin and Jeongin: *pretending to collect blackmail material, even though they are just as smitten as the others* Hyunjin: *already dead from cuteness overload* Bae: Bae: if i jumped out the window, would it be fatal
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keepswingin · 3 months
Challenge time!! Write a stand alone scene with 143 words. 😉 (I personally would prefer Minsung or Felix but you can choose whatever you want 😂)
"You're not supposed to die."
Minho huffs. The blanket he's bundled in feels stiff and heavy around his body, anchoring him to a floor that's long fallen out from beneath him. He looks up at his other half, and feels his chest twist.
"Everyone dies eventually," Minho throws back, words snapping against the bitter silence that's settled around them. Jisung's nose is red. The skin around his fingers is brittle and torn as he reaches out, months old callouses scattered across his knuckles.
The blanket shifts slightly as he finds one of Minho's hands, freezing fingers slipping against his warm palm. He should be cold like Jisung, but he isn't, fever burning him from the inside out.
"Not you," Jisung whispers, heartbroken. "Not like this."
Minho doesn't know what else to say.
There's nothing left to say, when he's never felt more alive.
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mxltisqn · 1 year
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Screaming, kicking my feet, crying, shitting bricks, jumping out windows, calling the cops, . . .
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blondie-hyun · 11 months
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lee know looks so good with the red lip and then there's han 😭
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anotherfanaccount · 10 months
I got into k-pop in my early 20s or maybe 18 (don't remember exactly) and I'm cruising into the second half of 20s now and I realise how much the togetherness of a group means to me.
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These 7 boys I've seen from being itty bitty sized 16 yr olds to now big 23 yr olds (on an avg). And they give me so much joy, it's like you're watching little children who are also musically talented and their playlist matches mine.
Anyway what I wanted to say is may you 7 always be together and healthy. Keep making music and be happy.
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nsfwstolas · 1 year
If I was Your Man
Han Jisung × Named Female Reader
Minors DNI!
I will be editing later to add better discussion of the smut but I have no motivation rn
Part 1 of ?
Her kiss was addicting to him. Han didn't know why he kept coming back to her every thought she was no good for him.
It all started after he got a call from Alex crying about her recent boyfriend breaking up with her. Leaving her for the girl he was cheating on her with. Han of course being a good friend went to comfort her. It wasn't the first time he had to do so. She wanted to forget about her ex. He gladly agreed because he's been in love with her for years now. That's how they ended up in her bedroom Han fucking her dumb. Her eyes rolling back with every thrust he gave. Her soft skin covered with hickeys and marks. Han was addicted to her even after that night. She didn't want a relationship with him but that won't stop him from trying.
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tvonq · 1 year
going on holiday this week and i cant look at any images of pretty boys on the internet 💔
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tlanwen · 1 year
you are not immune to topline induced flailing
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chibipandaao3 · 1 year
Loyalty and fandom
I am curious to see other’s opinions on this -
So, I’m extremely loyal within fandom. What I mean by that is I have a favorite person/character that I discovered early on when introduced to a media and that favorite never changes. I’m ride or die.
This happens to me with every kind of fandom; kpop, BL, books, movies, games, tv, everything.
That’s the character I heavily focus on when writing. The character I sort by when reading. My one and only bias in a group (*note* in the event said person does something unforgivable, they’re out… this has happened on 1.5 occasions sadly)
This “loyal bitch” aspect of me, dates all the way back into my childhood. I can pick my favorite character/person from every franchise or group I’m a fan of.
Tl;dr - I’m extremely loyal to my favorites (within reason). Does anyone else experience this tunnel vision? Does anyone else have all their writing, reading, etc. focus almost exclusively on your “favorite” at all times?
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decembermoonskz · 1 year
oh hello the turn around on the poll tho 👀
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fff777 · 2 years
lmao jisung is chenle's mom friend
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starlostjimin · 2 years
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the cutest bear
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