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muka-rapak · 1 year ago
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Das 3. Jahr - Der Adler Des Sultans
The 3rd Year - The Sultan's Eagle
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chussyracing · 1 year ago
Max Verstappen is very submissive and likes when his girlfriend is harsh on him, all paddock knows <- ?????? how did you even hear that rumor skjsksjkss makes sense though that man is embodiment of mummy issues
I wish I never heard that sentence which was uttered right after "Max Verstappen took Daniil Kvyat's seat and then his place in Kelly's bed too", but my comms are just a different breed 😶‍🌫️
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thepeatlandwitch · 4 months ago
I was today years old when I realised the master is wearing all black because he is still mourning Jirkos death, not because he's being edgy. I don't know why it took me this long.
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dasdunkleband · 8 months ago
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Ellen Jantzen - “Consuming Memory”
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kikotapasando · 8 months ago
Opportuun nr. 2 is uit
Nieuwsbericht | 29-03-2024 | 11:40 Een nieuwe editie van het OM-relatiemagazine Opportuun is verschenen. Ook nu staat het blad weer bol van praktijkverhalen van OM’ers uit het hele land. Met deze keer onder andere: • Een lab vol Mexicanen: de strijd tegen drugskoks; • ‘Deel info over gevaarlijke gevangenen’: officier Jirko Patist over voortgezet crimineel handelen in detentie; • Vlissingen…
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aaesaesthetic · 7 years ago
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I’ve been really busy lately (especially this week’s been absolutely NUTS), so I haven’t been able to do some digital art. But have some traditional doodles I’ve done during classes, breaks and workshops.
The 3 lined paper doodles are for my class subjects in my notebook. It helps me know at what section which subject is (easier to remember visuals than text, y’know)
DnD doodles. One for designing Hisvari’s bow, one of her as an adult (probably around 25 years of age) and my newest character Jirko, a shy, unexperienced munchkin catfolk sorcerer
My Sonic OC Lesla, who I’ve been doodling A LOT lately
Ember from Warframe, cause my new Warframe buddy and I are obsessed with those amazing #thunderthighs
Some characters I came up with during my storyteller workshop and my teacher, who’s a professional story & comic book writer, absolutely loved them both (I’m hoping to do more with them, cause I really like them too)
A doodle of Jesse from Breaking Bad for a group assignment in chemistry, as we were allowed to draw something on our assignment
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arianelalibre · 5 years ago
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Astronaut by Jirko Bannas
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doomedandstoned · 4 years ago
Betelzeus and Ockultist Share Harrowing New ‘Split From The Isolation’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
Review by Billy Goate
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Art by Niku Arima
I've been warning you Doomers & Stoners that it was coming. A treasure trove of content from those boredom-driven collaborations of the Great Lockdown opened up for the world to see and hear. As one who is endlessly fascinated by the creative process, I'm especially interested in music borne of struggle -- especially an experience so many of us have shared. Isolation is a real son of a bitch and it can easily drive a person to languor, restlessness, self-loathing, even madness...or it can inspire some fantastic inventiveness and innovation.
You're about to be treated to a massive effort between two bands that labored through the fear, uncertainty, and grief of the 2020 pandemic and bared their soul in the process. It's a record that's vicious to the core, yet brilliant in its own right. Doomed & Stoned is pleased to give the world premiere of this 'Split From The Isolation' (2021) by Betlezeus and Ockultist from neighboring Sweden and Finland. For those of you who have been starving from lack of sludge in your diet, have I got a smorgasbord of wicked nourishment for you!
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BETELZEUS emerged from Lahti in 2014. Their first album 'Congolese Sterilization' (2019) was released as a DIY cassette. It contained some original sounding sludge doom with a small twist of post rock soundscapes. Later the album was reissued on cassette (Kohina Records) and on CD and LP (Interstellar Smoke Records). Read the Doomed & Stoned review.
It's good to have Betelzeus back with brand new material. In fact, Split From The Isolation is just the first of the three records the Finnish foursome is planning for the remainder of the year.
Joonas (vox), Jirko (guitar, noise), Toni (bass), and Efe (drums) dish out a heaping helping of bruising doom, beginning with "Shitborn," a caustic number underscored by the apocalyptic chords, sawing riffs with sharp dissonance, and Jirko's acid-spewing vocals, which echo into the long, dark night. This sludgy number is one that'll be circulating in my playlist for some time.
"Paradise/Parasite" crawls forth next, with a solitary statement of the theme in guitar, accompanied by swirling pedal effects that summon a huge wall of noise. Drums and bass join in, and it feels like we might just have been abducted by UOFs while sound asleep, lounging on a hammock tucked away between two palm trees somewhere in the Carribean Islands. Now, we've become the parasite strapped down for probing and dissection by the Roswell Greys. I'm totally making that up, of course. It could have a higher-minded meaning, like how we're all sucking the life out of this blue planet of ours. That while we're fighting off bugs and slugs, mosquitos and worms, that we're the real parasite on Mother Earth. You decide (or make no decision at all).
The last track on the A-side is a cover of "Deathcrush" by Norwegian black metal gods MAYHEM, which the band quips "shows what happens when you strip tremolo-picking guitars and blast beats off the black metal classic." Hell yeah! And we're not even through with this sludge feast, either.
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Are you ready for the B-side of the split? I don't think you're even ready, bro. I'm looking at you sitting there with your shoulders hunched over, snacking on your Doritos, and I just don't think your heart can take it. Well, ready or not, you're about to be pummeled by OCKULTIST.
The Stockholm outfit arose, as so many great bands do, from the ashes of an old D-beat band with, their bio states, "the goal of crushing themselves with the slowest and filthiest music their minds could create."
After the release of several demos, Ockultist gave us 'Present Day Neglect' (2017), followed by the LP 'Festering Wounds' (2020) on Sludgelord Records. One could sense each release pushing the band further and further in a heavier, angrier, filthier direction.
Ockultist's contribution to Split From The Isolation sees the band stomping through even muddier territory, seeping with vile death, crust, and black metal along the sludgy way. This is what rises to the surface when Christopher (guitar, vox), Joachim (bass), and Clarence (drums) join forces.
You can feel it in the raw first track, with it's earthshaking footprint. I'm trying to imagine a more ominous motif than this one, and I can't. There's enough rumbling riffage here to wake the goddamn dead (or maybe a Jackass-style rude awakening of Bam's dad). Go ahead, crank it high and offend your neighbors! This is, after all, "Contempt."
"Ulcerous" heaves guttural bile as it drags its weighty iron chains with each step. The heavy laden soul summons more and more strength with every drumbeat, it's race providing it with one last burst of hatred with which to inflame humanity, Primitive Man style.
And wow, what a finish! Sweden covers Sweden in this case, with the younger Ockultist taking on the great Örebro band NASUM, whose name was derived from the 1973 film Flesh For Frankenstein. You can hear the underlying insanity of the original "Fight Terror With Terror" in this monstrosity, which seemed ideal for Ockultist to cover.
Look for the full release of Split From The Isolation by Betelzeus and Ockultist on May 30th (pre-order Side A, pre-order Side B). Each of these heft tracks is dense with doom and slithering with sludge making it a real feast for your jaded eardrums.
Stream it all right here, right now as Doomed & Stoned presents the world premiere of this six-legged Scandinavian beast! The album premier also includes the vinyl bonus tracks. After the stream ends they will only be available on the LP version (ETA: Summer 2021). If you dig the tunes as much as I know you will, remember to show the bands some love!
Give ear...
Doomed & Stoned · Split From The Isolation | Betelzeus & Ockultist
Get The Betelzeus Side
Get The Ockultist Side
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b-galleria · 3 years ago
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Jirko Viljanen: Maissipeltomies ja muita särkyneen mielen katkelmia B-galleria 30.9. - 17.10.2021
B-gallerian päätilaan avautuva näyttely koostuu teoksista, joissa käsitellään hapertunutta mielenterveyttä. Teoskokonaisuus avaa henkilökohtaisen näkökulman siihen, mitä seuraa, kun muuttuva elämäntilanne, uupumus ja menneisyyden painolasti kohtaavat. Mitä tapahtuu, jos ei uskalla pysähtyä kohtaamaan tunteitaan? Viljasen ensimmäinen soolonäyttely on rujo ja rehellinen kuvaus siitä, kun psyyke pettää.
Taidegrafiikkaa ja muita tekniikoita vapaasti yhdistelevät teokset ovat kuin sarjakuvan ruutuja, pieniä osia laajemmasta kokonaisuudesta. Kuvien maailmaa täydentävät taiteilijan päiväkirjamaiset runot ja tekstinpätkät. Yhdessä kuva ja sana muodostavat katkelmia nyrjähtäneestä satukirjasta, jossa kerrotaan rönsyillen särkyneen mielen tarinoita.
Aika avautumiselle
Näyttely käsittelee joidenkin vuosien takaista ajanjaksoa Viljasen elämässä, josta toipuminen on edelleen käynnissä. Tuolloin pitkään kasautunut ahdistus, kipuilu, unettomuus sekä muu oireilu ajoivat Viljasen lopulta pisteeseen, jossa hän löysi itsensä ystävän saattelemana psykiatrian akuuttityöryhmän vastaanotolta. Itsensä ylikuormittaminen töillä ja oman herkkyyden sivuuttaminen olivat lähellä rikkoa hänet. Nyt, muutama vuosi myöhemmin, taiteilija rohkenee viimein olla haavoittuvainen. Teoksissaan hän käy läpi kipeää aikaa ja purkaa vointiaan taiteeseen.
Muistinmenetysjaksot sekä häpeä ovat kuitenkin hidastaneet käsittelyä. Monien muiden tavoin Viljanen on kasvanut ympäristössä, jossa tunteista ei puhuta. Teossarja pyrkii osaltaan poistamaan mielenterveyden häiriöihin liittyvää stigmaa ja tarttumaan sukupolvia vaivanneeseen vaikenemisen kulttuuriin. Puhumattomuudella voi olla kauaskantoisia seurauksia, joten Viljanen haluaa näyttelyllään kannustaa suomalaisia käsittelemään traumaattisiakin asioita.
Taidegrafiikkaa perinteitä rikkoen
Viljanen ei arkaile yhdistellä kuvataiteen tekniikoita keskenään. Hänen työskentelynsä pohjaa taidegrafiikkaan sitä ennakkoluulottomasti soveltaen. Vedoksia rikastetaan esimerkiksi öljypastellia ja mustetta hyödyntäen. Näyttelyn teoksissa on maalauksestakin tuttuja elementtejä, sillä osa on toteutettu kankaalle ja pingotettu kiilapuihin.
Nuori taidegraafikko ei kumarra traditioihin. Perinteisesti taidegrafiikassa vedokset sarjatuotetaan paperille, usein teknistä täydellisyyttä tavoitellen. Viljasen teoksissa moista ei olla haettu. Hän uskoo enemmän vimmaan ja intuitioon ja tekee vedossarjojen sijaan uniikkeja teoksia. Hän on valinnut näyttelyä tehdessään vedostustekniikakseen muun muassa monotypian sekä carborundumin, joiden jälki on rujon eläväistä.
Näyttelyä on tukenut Taiteen edistämiskeskus.
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muka-rapak · 2 years ago
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Master Beekeeper Jorik, the predecessor of The Master from the Krabat fanfiction Das 4. bis 6. Jahr by Gringo
I adore that he chose to become a beekeeper after leaving The Mill, because it already tells us from a visualized standpoint that he's pretty much the opposite of Krabat's Master.
No fancy, and very pale clothing. Just like the beekeeper's wore back in those times.
That, and bees have a theme of life, happiness and warmth to them. Krabat's Master had a theme of death, ... any negativity in general, and the cold.
I like these parallels!
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ostrov-ostrov · 5 years ago
4 (vyprávění o cestě na ostrov)
1: Tak jo, kamarádi a kamarádky, když jsme se tady tak hezky sešli a všichni jste souhlasili, že budete chvíli poslouchat, co vám chci vyprávět, prosil bych vás, abyste se utišili a já teda pomalu začnu.
2: Jirko, Jirko, prosimtě podej mi pivo.
3: Jojo, jasně.
2: Dík.
1: Tak jo. Můžu?
4: No jasně. Nemáš papírek?
1: Já mám.
4: Myslim dlouhej.
1: Jo, tak to ne. Já teda začnu.
5: Tady máš.
6: Kde je Hanka?
1: Jaká?
7: Nojo, Hanka tady neni.
2: Jaká?
8: Hele už je tady.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: Čau Hanko.
9: To už začínáme, jo? Čau.
1: Tak si prosim vás sedněte a já bych teda začal. To bylo tenkrát, když jsem bydlel na Klinice. Jéžiš, tam byla zima, to si ani neumíte představit. Taková zima to neni jako zima, kterou znáte normálně třeba z ulice. Já jsem musel spát ve třech bundách a kožichu, ještě mít zapnutej přímotop a vypít trochu piva, abych v klidu usnul.
2: Kožišník. 
3: Pšt.
9: Kde je druhá Hanka? Teda jakoby třetí.
10: Já sem tady.
9: Hani, co tam děláš?
10: Já si tady něco prohlížim.
1: ...ale když už jsem teda usnul, tak jsem spal dlouho. No ale proč vám to vyprávim.
11: Ježiš ahoj, já se omlouvám za zpoždění, jsem šla pěšky a musela jsem ještě něco řešit, pak do toho tondlenc a když už skoro to, tak ještě tudleto, tak se teda omlouvám, ale už jsem tu. Za deset minut teda musim jít ale, tak hopem.
1: ...proč vám to vyprávim je fakt, že v tu dobu jsem vlastně získal dědictví po babičce Jarmile a asi poprvé v životě jsem měl nějaký peníze.
4: To je smutný.
6: Ale ne, to je život.
5: Jo.
11: Já se omlouvám, že to přerušuju, ale co se teď vlastně děje?
9: Chce nám říct příběh.
1:Jojo. No a říkal jsem si, když mám ty peníze, že bych takzvaně investoval do toho, aby mi už nebyla taková zima.
7: Hele já se hrozně omlouvám, že přerušuju vyprávění, ale já si budu muset odskočit, počkal bys minutku, já bych nerad o něco přišel.
1: No jasně, v pohodě, já počkám.
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I’ll have to ask the others but when you went into Barovia, tell me everything that you did. And I mean /everything/, please. Up until I found you. -Maddie
We went into the village of Barovia to look around. At the time I was still being referred to as “Pickle”. We found a crying woman who said she had lost her daughter. We were going to go find her when Anyo revealed her Vistani heritage and I regained my lost memories. I wanted to bring them to the castle to meet the man they had all agreed to work for, but Anyo ran away. We began to fight and I may or may not have gotten my fair share of shots at a certain tiefling paladin. I had to retreat back to the castle after Aiko stabbed me in the back. That’s when you and... Jirko found me. I took you back to the castle with me and that’s all I know about that night.
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fall2021curse · 3 years ago
Session 4
Bluto, a fisherman, is missing from the town. He has a fishing shack on the lake. (You found a fish hook stuck in the lock on the church crypt).
Visited the town blacksmith, Jirko, he is one of the soul-less.
Visited the Blinksy Toy shop, lots of creepy toys. Blinksy himself is there, making a doll that looks like crystal’s character. He also has a pet monkey.
Group turns invisible in the shop. It’s something that happens sometimes when crystal’s character is around?
Met with the Baron, Vargas, he’s a real shithead. Very full of himself. Constantly says “All will be well!”
He’s convinced that keeping the people of Vallaki happy will keep The Beast at bay.
Constantly has festivals to keep the people happy. Most of the village are just exhausted by it.
He has been arresting people for ‘malicious unhappiness’ and locking them in the stocks in the town square.
After their time on the square, they have to go to a reformation house to convince the baron and his men that they are indeed happy, before they are released.
He has a right hand man, Izek, who glared at you as he left when you arrived at the Baron’s mansion.
Izek had a monstrous right arm with spines, ended in a huge claw.
He’s missing two servants.. A butler and his wife’s lady in waiting.
Wife’s name is Lydia.
Son’s name is Victor.
Son is strange but happy!
Baron thinks that Lady Fiona Wachter, the scion of a wealthy, ancient local family, has something to do with the disappearances of the servants.
He says that Wachter has always wanted power in the town.
He says that Wachter has always been bitter after a marriage fell apart between her mad daughter and Victor, the Baron’s son.
Offers you diplomatic immunity and a hero’s welcome if you’ll sneak into Lady Wachter’s mansion and find out if she’s up to something fishy.
After meeting with the mayor you are approached by a man named Ernst Larnak, a man who works for Lady Fiona Wachter she wants to meet you for tea.
Ernst is promptly run off by another man, Rictavio, the person who’s place sitting you keep seeing at the Blue Water Inn. He wants to meet you at the inn later that night.
You meet with Fiona Wachter.
She thinks the Baron and his right hand man, Izek, are torturing people in the reformation house.
She sees Strahd as less of a monster and more of a negligent landlord.
He hasn’t been to Vallaki in decades. She thinks the whole happiness thing is bonkers.
She tried to align herself with the Baron by arranging a marriage between her daughter, Stella, and his son, Victor.
Victor said or did something to Stella that drove her mad.
She thinks Victor dabbles in black magic.
She wants you to sneak into the Baron’s manor and find some proof of wrongdoing, something that will help her bring the Baron down and take control of the town.
The party met with Rictavio.
He’s the head of a carnival.
He fell asleep and woke in Barovia with just his horse, Drusilla, and his wagon.
His wagon is the one you saw in the stockyard earlier.
He’s looking for a safe place to settle down in Barovia.
He thinks Vallaki is a powder keg.
Wants to be on the right side of history with the whole thing goes up in flames.
The party snuck into Lady Wachter’s house. Discovered a secret door in a closet that opened to a staircase leading down.
The staircase led to a basement. There were footprints leading from the staircase straight to a blank wall.
Mati went to investigate the wall and walked off the path of the footprints.
8 skeletons rose from the ground and there was a fight.
Discovered a secret door in the wall that lead to a room with a pentagram on the floor.
There were five people in robes surrounding the pentagram.
They all rose and pulle dout knives.
Possible quest lines: 
- Where are the missing bones? 
- What happened to the wine shipment? 
- Break into the Mayor’s house, find evidence of wrong doing. 
- The fisherman is missing
- Break into Wachterhaus. ;)
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existentialcrisis-101 · 3 years ago
Strach je pěknej debil a jeho jediná personality trait je to, že je katolík...
eVrOpA uŽ nEnÍ kŘeSťaNsKá
...go cry about it to kardinál duka...
Nejvíc ze všeho me dostalo to jeho "Česká republika už není taková, jako za starých dobrých časů"
Jirko...pls...za jakých dObRýCh čAsŮ
Snad zná historii, když je takový vlastenec a tradicionalista a já fakt nevím, jaký dobrý časy myslí...
Komunismus? Totalitu? Ruskou okupaci? Mnichovskou dohodu? Protektorát? První a druhou světovou?
Prosím, pane Strachu, proberte se
Tak potom, co jsem si v Reflexu přečetla rozhovor s Jiřím Strachem ohledně norské verze Popelky, můžu s čistým srdcem říct, že Strach má veliké štěstí, že nejsme na západě! Tam už by byl ukončený dřív, než by stihl říct "Ježíš!".
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sietovka · 4 years ago
Vojtěch Matocha Prašina 3 Biela komnata
Vojtěch Matocha Prašina 3 Biela komnata
Na Prašine sa opäť niečo deje. Čierne mračná visia skoro nad zemou a v tichosti sa schyľuje k poslednej bitke. Po prvých dvoch dieloch sa fanúšikovia českej trilógie konečne dočkali posledného s podtitulom Biela komnata. Hlavní hrdinovia – Jirko, En a Tony sa dostanú do veľkého nebezpečenstva. Azda väčšieho než kedykoľvek predtým. Kniha, ktorá je primárne určená mládeži, zapôsobí na všetky vekové…
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tobis-filmwelt · 4 years ago
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📽 TobiView 📽 *BLADE TRINITY* Kinostart 20.01.2005 New Line Cinema, Amen Ra Films, Shawn Danielle Productions Ltd., Marvel Enterprises, Imaginary Forces, Warner Bros. FSK 18 ▪️ Prolog: Regisseur, Autor und Co-Produzent David S. Goyer verfügte über ein geschätztes Budget von ca. 65 Mio. Dollar für die Realisierung der zweiten Blade-Fortsetzung, basierend auf den gleichnamigen Marvel-Comics. ▪️ Inhalt: In einer Wüstenregion erwecken die Vampirfürsten den Urvater ihrer Spezies zu neuem Leben: das grausige Monster Dracula. Der furchterregende Vampir trägt jetzt den Namen Drake und kann inzwischen das Tageslicht ertragen. Nur der “Daywalker Blade kann ihn aufhalten, arbeitet dazu aber mit der Untergrundorganisation ‘Nightstalkers‘ zusammen. Dazu gehören Hannibal King und Whistlers Tochter Abigail. In ihnen findet Blade schlagkräftige Verbündete. ▪️ Besetzung: Wesley Snipes spielt wieder Blade. Ryan Reynolds verkörpert Hannibal King und Jessica Biel spielt Abigail Whistler. Auch Kris Kristofferson ist wieder als Whistler dabei. In weiteren Rollen sieht man u. a. Dominic Purcell als Drake, Parker Posey als Danica Talos, Patton Oswald als Hedges oder Paul ‘Triple H‘ Levesque als Jirko Grimwood. ▪️ Epilog: Ein Satz mit X, das war wohl nix. Irgendwie ist der Film ein Schuss in den Ofen. Trotz vielversprechender Darsteller bin ich mit “Blade 3“ nie so richtig warm geworden. Blade ist nach wie vor eine obercoole Socke, aber sein Gegenspieler ‘Drake‘ wird von Dominic Purcell so schlecht dargestellt, dass es schon fast peinlich ist. Auch die aufgesetzte Rivalität zwischen Blade und Hannibal King macht viel kaputt. Zudem nerven die teilweise dümmlichen Sprüche etwas. Schade, ich hatte nach dem sehr guten ersten und dem guten zweiten Teil mehr erwartet. ▪️ Fazit: Enttäuschend Wertung: 4 ▪️ #TobisFilmwelt | #TobiView | #BladeTrinity | #BladeTrinityMovie | #Blade | #Daywalker | #Vampirehunter | #AmenRaFilms | #ImaginaryForces | #MarvelEnterprise | #NewLineCinema | #ShawnDanielleProductions| #WarnerBrothers | #WBHE | #Filmstagram | #Filme | #Kino | #News | #NurmeineMeinung | #Movie | #Cinema | #Moviegram | #Filmblog | #Movieblog | #Germanblogger | #Filmblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CBvDQmqFR9P/?igshid=1hofxedkhmz9c
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