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10 Ways to Kill Your Slacker Coworker Who Got Promoted Over You (the advice everyone needs in the workplace these days . picture me nodding my head sagely while going down one of those buzzfeed lists)
ok so this is a supergirl fic. don't know if you've seen the show (if you haven't i don't recommend it lol) but basically the protagonist kara/supergirl is maybe the worst employee/coworker i've ever seen in fiction she literally slacks off on her job so much and is so unqualified for her position but she keeps getting promoted 😭 i would literally hate her so much if i worked with her. so anyway this is a comedy fic about one of her coworkers snapping and trying to kill her in various ways but most of them don't work because she's an invulnerable superhero unfortunately 😔 sad!
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wait we're actually the same height that's crazy 😭 i thought u were gonna be taller than i was cause u were older
yes I'm team average lol I stopped growing at 14 and I was pissed. I thought I was going to be 5'8. I wish being older came with being taller. Reaching 20 should come with an extra inch or two all women so I could go from 5'5 to 5'7
I should have a tragic backstory of being bullied for being tall or something but I'm down here 😔
People online always seem to think I'm tall. Spiritually I'm 5'9 though
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tagged by @jioinfocommlimited for a favorite female character poll !
tagging my beloved mutuals @swaglet @aftonfamilyvalues @drachenstochter @cool-sepulchre @kronkk uhh @normallesbian and @femmesandhoney 🙂↕️☝️
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Nigmos bestie <3 ty for the tag!
tagging @jioinfocommlimited @limeade-l3sbian @hellanahmean @bollywood-bloodbaths @blairwentzproject @aizenat @chocolate-covered-whiskey @haitianweirdo @jawz @kittie0o @guavamandering
I'm starting a tag game for songs stuck in your head.
Reply, or reblog with a song that's been stuck in your head this week, and then tag some people you might want to.
For this game I tag: @grossmuppet @coolmomvinyl @socalledmixtapelife @cr33pyspo0kytr33s @maylilithreign @xlittle-ghost @beardyoakenshield @subpixie420 @sensualkiwi aaaaand @justabitchwithunsettlingdesires
#these three have just ...been rotating nonstop#especially kill bill#its such a beautiful song#Spotify
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top five modern AU fics that you thought were good?
oh now THIS one was really hard + interesting because, even though there are many well-written modern AUs in this world, they don't tend to be my favorite type of fic! so these are some of the ones that really stuck out to me. they all ended up being f/f even though i read m/f and gen fic too:
for what binds us by emollience (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Catradora): ok this one's kind of cheating because yes it is a modern AU but it's also canon-divergent due to magic shenanigans. however i remember having a lot of fun with this one!
goodnight, dear void. by coalitiongirl (Once Upon a Time, Swan Queen): i tend to like OUAT modern AUs more than most other fandom modern AUs largely because OUAT already kind of has a built-in modern AU going for it so the characters don't have to be stretched so much to fit the setting. this one's a take on "you've got mail" (which is a movie i've never watched, but i find the basic premise more compelling than most rom-coms since i looove dramatic irony) that does really fun things with the character dynamics but eliminates the bizarre plot from the movie where the one character, like, causes the other character's business to close or whatever.
Send Up a Signal (that everything's fine) by coalitiongirl (OUAT, Swan Queen): an AU where the characters are actors on a show resembling OUAT. this is basically a meta-commentary on OUAT and OUAT fandom and tv production and fandom in general. it is NOT rpf though to be clear or meant to be read as a commentary on the personality or intentions of any of the actors, the author is very clear on that in the notes. i think this one has a fun rivals-to-lovers arc and some very incisive and thoughtful commentary on femslash fandom and its ups and downs. og hook is an asshole in this though just in case any of my followers are fans of the guy and don't want to read him being portrayed like that.
Andrey's 24 Hour No Money Back Laundromat by gveret (CW Supergirl, Supercorp): an AU where the characters meet at a laundromat, as you might guess from the (excellent) title. cute and funny with a nice twist that helps ground the fic in feeling more like the canon universe even though it's not.
love like on a silver screen by powergrapes (CWSG, Supercorp): a bachelorette AU with a lot of fun character dynamics and plot twists and a ton of interesting commentary about reality television. also jason from the good place is there.
#this was actually quite a tough question i commend your ingenuity#jioinfocommlimited#duck's impeccable fic recs
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003 for the student council of ohtori academy (i think that's five if we count nanami)
ok real
nanami OBVIOUSLY there's one right answer and she is it!!!
saionji i think.......guy who sucks so bad but is so close to getting it
miki my little baby misogynist bird guy
ok i feel bad putting juri so low on this list because she rocks but i don't feel as compelled to pick her apart the way i do for a lot of the other rgu characters sorry ms. arisugawa however you are still epic and awesome
ok now envision an enormous gulf
5. touga's ONLY redeeming quality is that he likes cats sorry i know he's a victim of akio too blah blah i don't care how could you do that to your own sister bro!!!!! also his hair is ugly
#ruka would be above touga for the record he gets points for being snarky to touga#the absolute destiny apocalypse#jioinfocommlimited
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🥝(kiwi), 🍏(green apple) and 🍎(red apple) (these apple emojis look kinda weird tbh) for the fruit emoji ask game
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
I enjoy writing metafiction a lot. I have two published works in that vein and I have a couple more in the works.
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
I don't know if I'm self-aware enough to answer this question tbh!!! If anyone has noticed any patterns do kindly tell me.
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
I won't write smut lol.....the farthest I'll go is a tasteful fade to black. I tend to skip over smutty parts in fics because I don't tend to find them interesting and I'm equally bored by the idea of writing it. Also I don't think I'd be good at it lmao.
#i used to overuse characters bitterly saying 'ha'#my playwriting professor in college called me out on it though so now i'm hyperaware of that#jioinfocommlimited
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for the ask game this question - the character who I do not understand - for utena . i'm doubting that there's anyone u don't get though lol
omg i love ur faith in me....there is someone i struggle to get tho! i'm just gonna do all the questions if u don't mind...
The first character I fell in love with: Utena, I was like wow she's just like me fr <3
The character who is my ‘baby’: Utena and Anthy and Miki and Nanami are all so YOUNG like yes the others are teenagers too but they're middle schoolers bro 😭 they're actual Babies
The character who I do not understand: Mikage confounds me...like I think there's some really interesting commentary his character is doing on the social construct of the "genius" and he works very well as a foil to Utena and I think his flashback episodes are very good. But his deal with Tokiko is so ??? what does he want from her??? Also what was up with those 100 boys, did he kill them or not 😳 and the thing is that does make his character really interesting to think about, I kind of like that there's this big part of RGU that I still struggle to comprehend and that can be read in so many ways, it keeps me on my toes. But also it kind of frustrates me because, much like Mikage, I think I am the smartest specialest person ever and so I hate not understanding things on the first try lol.
The character that I think the show ruined: No one because it is a good show :)
The most attractive male and female character: In terms of character design I have to give it to Anthy and Saionji. Both of them have such luscious locks.
The character death that was the worst for me: The death of the idealized childhood past that you can never return to no matter how strongly you desire it
The character that is the most like me: Utena but also Miki tbh.
The character I think the writer(s) love: I think they loved Nanami as is good and proper.
The character that I just want to be happy: Anthy bbgrill I hope you're doing okay. Same for Utena. And Nanami my steak egg alien girl we gotta get you out of Ohtori!!!
My four favorite characters, past or present: Nanami Kiryuu, Utena Tenjou, Anthy Himemiya, Chu-Chu :3
My four least favorite characters, past or present: Souji Mikage because my difficulty understanding him also means I don't really connect with him emotionally at all, Akio Ohtori who I dislike more than Mikage but I refuse to put him first because he is not even special or cool enough to be my least favorite and also baby Dios makes me sad so he gets one (1) point for that, Keiko sorry girl but whyyy do you like that man, and Touga Kiryuu the That Man in question who gets one (1) more point than Keiko for being a confirmed Cat Guy.
#quickest way to get me to sympathize with a man is to have him like cats...a simple yet devastatingly effective trick#jioinfocommlimited#the absolute destiny apocalypse
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for the choose violence game number 11 for buffy the vampire slayer !!
11. number of fandom-related words you’ve filtered
I actually only filter out anti tags for characters or ships I don't want to see hate for, largely because I curate my dash very heavily so I just don't see a lot of stuff I don't like, and I only go into very specific main tags. For the Buffyverse I only have the anti tags for Cordelia Chase and Cangel blacklisted, for times when I go into my very specific main tags of choice. So...2!
#if there were a way to filter out more specific fandom opinions i can think of a few i'd like to never see again#like 'spike is literally a lesbian'#(tho again that's something i see in main tags not on my dash)#jioinfocommlimited#it's what you do afterwards that counts#well love is love and not fade away
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completely forgot u could write "said [character]" instead of "[character] said" like i was reading your snippet and i'm like omg that's a thing writers can do...
LOL. iconic of u tbh
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utena + number 12 . my reason is kinda funny because i went in completely blind and thought all the characters would be female 😭
oh no bestie 😭
12. What attracted me into checking it out?
I actually remember pretty clearly how I got interested in it; back in high school I used to go to Anime Boston with my friends and one year during the AMV contest they played this AMV and I was like :o whoa cool I should watch that. I looked it up on Wikipedia first though so I definitely knew some stuff beforehand.
#i told one of my friends who went with me to the con this story one time and they were like yeah i didn't think that amv was very good#i leave it up to you to judge.....#jioinfocommlimited#the absolute destiny apocalypse
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does ricky the cat count as a character for the bingo or is he disqualified on account of being real
no you're so real for this actually. here are my @rickybabyboy opinions
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number 14 for the female characters asks because i have also seethed over a bad rgu interpretation ... i know ur pain
14. Top 5 female characters I wish had (a) better love interest(s)
I'm going to restrict myself to female characters who either (A) never had a good love interest throughout the whole work and/or (B) ended the work in a relationship with a bad love interest. Because otherwise this list would be impossible to limit to just 5 characters.
Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf cuz they really made this poor girl date Jackson (asshole + Colton Haynes), Aiden (murderer), Parrish (GROWN MAN), and Stiles (had a creepy crush on her the whole show). Even if they couldn't make her a lesbian could they at least have let her date Scott or something 😭
Valencia Perez from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend...look I'm sorry Beth is funny but she doesn't have an actual personality and Valencia's lesbian awakening should've been caused by an Actual Character.
Remember when they made Joan Watson from Elementary have a thing with Mycroft? 🫠
I don't even LIKE Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time and I think she was actually a pretty terrible girlfriend herself (anyone else remember when she uhhh violated her boyfriend's soul while he begged her not to and then wiped his memory of this event and kept carrying on with their relationship as if nothing had happened?) but also all 4 of her canon love interests were terrible too. And not in an interesting way either. Just in a 'misogynist scruffy white man' way.
I maintain that Athena from Battlestar Galactica's arc was ruined by the writers' insistence on shackling her to Helo Agathon, the literal most boring fictional man ever invented.
#can't believe i almost forgot athena. that's how boring helo is lmao#jioinfocommlimited#thanks for the ask beloved mutual. nice to kvetch about something less gasket blowing :)#the bite is a gift#and it's the story of us#something about pylons#new holmes. new watson. new york.#life doesn't make narrative sense#joan watson queen of the universe#this is my choice#ghosts are obsessed with me#self igniting molotov cocktail
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most shippable character innnnnnnnn supergirl
i feel like this one has to be lena luthor just because katie mcgrath's acting style is so flirtation-heavy. also since she is written as a morally gray character/character who Might Turn Evil™!!! it means there is more tension/complexity in her scenes which means her relationships are generally more interesting.
#feel like new followers might think i am a supergirl blog but to be clear it's not one of my main fandoms it's just good kvetching fuel#jioinfocommlimited#up up and away
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10 gifs screencaps for 10 shows
tagged by @sideguitars! except i'm doing screencaps instead of gifs because i wasn't a big fan of the gif options tumblr suggested. these aren't necessarily my top 10 shows ever, they're just 10 shows i thought of good screencaps for 😁
no-pressure tagging @cassphos, @nocticola, @jioinfocommlimited, @all-seeing-ifer, @cauldronofmorning, @loisfreakinglane, @02511213942, @spikeface, @sunwukxng, & @boyvandals !
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make a poll of your favourite female characters and see which your followers like the most! for @loisfreakinglane ^_^ i'll do one girlie per media to keep things exciting...
tagging @sunwukxng, @jioinfocommlimited, @occidentaltourist, @nocticola, @rhyslahey;
@sideguitars, @all-seeing-ifer, @spikeface, @transmascutena, @ablubluh, & anyone else who wants to do this :)
#i actually don't know who i'd vote for on this list#the consequences of having impeccable taste.....
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