#jinyonug au
daemour · 3 years
You’re Still My Universe Pt. 8
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Title: You’re Still My Universe
Pairing: Jinyoung x BamBam
Genre: Angst, maybe fluff, parent au
Warnings: Car crash, panic attack
Word count: 3755
Summary: Jinyoung’s life is devoted to his son. But the first time he’s been separated, so many other people barge into his life and start taking up what little free time he has left.
Sorry this took so long! I might have to push updates to biweekly instead of weekly because I no longer have a buffer.
It has been a week since Yugyeom had returned and Jinyoung is intent on avoiding Youngjae. The younger had, at first, stayed with BamBam for two days, giving Jinyoung space and time. But as time goes on, he tries to catch Jinyoung in conversation multiple times. But Jinyoung is nothing if not a master at evading conversations, even if the two live in the same apartment. One of the tricks is spending time with Yugyeom because he knows Youngjae wouldn’t bring it up around the kid, and so Jinyoung has no qualms in utilising his child.
Except, he had misjudged Youngjae’s persistence. Youngjae had tried multiple times to get BamBam to watch the child for long enough. And even if Jinyoung had asked BamBam to decline, he knew his boyfriend would soon cave. BamBam had even been telling him that he needs to speak to Youngjae about that. Jinyoung knows that, he just doesn’t want to.
He should, as BamBam told him time and time again, and Jinyoung knew it definitely would have to come before Jaebeom made his way over. But for now, Jinyoung was content with acting like a petulant child. Even if Yugyeom had caught on to their feud and now quietly sides with Jinyoung (of course he would, the child loved his father as much as a four-year-old could), Jinyoung still would not be an adult about that.
“Hyung, are you monologuing again?” BamBam comes up behind Jinyoung, who is leaning on the younger’s kitchen counter, wrapping his long arms around the broader man’s waist. Jinyoung turns his head to look at the younger man, who has hooked his chin over Jinyoung’s shoulder.
“...No.” The pause tells BamBam all he needs, and the skinnier man laughs and leans forward to press a quick kiss to Jinyoung’s lips.
Jinyoung tucks his head in BamBam’s shoulder, trailing kisses along the smooth skin of his collarbone and BamBam sighs at the feeling, pressing even more kisses to the crown of Jinyoung’s head in response. “I know I keep saying this, and you keep hearing it, but you really gotta talk to Youngjae about this, you know.”
Jinyoung whines into BamBam’s neck. “I don’t wan-na.” He’s just further cementing the idea that Jinyoung is literally a toddler in a twenty-eight-year-old’s body. BamBam laughs again, a little bit both breathless and exasperated.
“Don’t whine, baby. We’re not fucking just yet–” Jinyoung slaps a hand over BamBam’s mouth, ears burning red. BamBam cracks up, loud and happy, and Jinyoung hides a smile in BamBam’s cheek as he presses a series of quick kisses to the soft skin.
Not a day goes by when he’s not endeared by the younger, gorgeous man. Jinyoung is always happy he met BamBam at the bar that one night. He honestly thinks he could see a future with BamBam forever– Yugyeom loves the man as well, and that is all Jinyoung needs in his life. God, what did he do to deserve this?
“Hyung,” BamBam’s whiny voice cuts into Jinyoung’s thoughts, “you’re thinking again.” Jinyoung giggles, face still pressed into BamBam’s cheek.
“But thinking is important. If I didn’t think then I wouldn’t have gone out to meet you,” Jinyoung retaliates, words mumbling into BamBam’s face.
BamBam huffs and rolls his eyes. “You can think, I love it when my boyfriend uses his brain. But I prefer it when my boyfriend kisses me.”
Jinyoung immediately complies, pressing kiss after kiss on BamBam’s cheeks until he reaches the younger’s chapped lips. As he fits his lips in between BamBam’s, the younger’s slender hands come up to cup Jinyoung’s face. The kiss they share is sweet, unusual for these two, but something about it makes Jinyoung’s heart flutter.
BamBam leans forward a little, deepening the kiss, and Jinyoung pulls BamBam closer by his waist. When Jinyoung pulls back to just take in the sight of his boyfriend, BamBam whines and tries to capture the older’s lips again. Jinyoung smiles at the (slightly) shorter man, leaning in and letting their lips meet again.
They stay like that for who knows how long, just breathing in each other and practically becoming one. Jinyoung could stay like that for ages. It’s only when Jinyoung’s phone rings and startles the both of them do they separate. Jinyoung’s face is warm from the press of BamBam’s lips against his and the younger’s close proximity as he answers his phone without looking at the caller ID.
Jinyoung’s eyes widened. “Jaebeom hyung? What’s up? This is a pleasant surprise.”
“Jinyoung, Yugyeom and Youngjae were hit by a car they’re at Cha Medical Centre Jinyoung please–” Jaebeom’s frantic voice cuts off with a choke. Jinyoung doesn’t even know how to respond, standing still. The words haven't even registered in Jinyoung’s brain. It’s only when BamBam’s cool hand finds Jinyoung’s back does Jinyoung snap back to reality.
“Jaebeom”—Jinyoung’s voice falters but he powers through—”Jaebeom what happened? Bam and I are on the road now and I need you to tell me what the f-uck is going on.”
He is shoving his heels haphazardly into his shoes, BamBam close behind him. Jaebeom seems to be inconsolable, sobbing after every other word.
“They were trying to go to the park but a car ran a red light. I’m on the bus but it’ll take a good five hours–” Jaebeom cuts off with a crackle of static and a half-heard sob, and the call ends. Jinyoung curses, the words heavy in his mouth. His foot is basically out of the door now, only BamBam shrugging on a coat.
Once BmBam finishes up what Jinyoung felt was slightly unnecessary, the two hurry down the hall. Waiting for the elevator seemed like too much of a risk to Jinyoung, so he basically ripped open the door to the stairwell instead. This proves to be a mistake—BamBam lives on the sixth floor—but adrenaline keeps Jinyoung going until they reach the lobby. BamBam steps out to get a taxi while Jinyoung calls the hospital and sits down to catch his breath.
“Hello, Cha Medical Centre, how can we help you?” A crisp voice answers the call, and Jinyoung feels a twinge of embarrassment about his state.
“Hi, I’m Park Jinyoung. I was wondering if my son, Park Yugyeom, and the man he was with, Choi Youngjae, are there?” The person on the receiving end of the call hums, and Jinyoung can hear papers rustling in the background.
He waits on hold as BamBam tugs him towards the taxi, and the person soon returns to the call. “Yes, both are here. Unfortunately, I am unable to give any more information over the phone. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
Jinyoung thanks the person and ends the call, but once that is over he doesn’t even know what to do with himself. His hands find their way to his lips and he busies himself with picking and peeling. His lips weren’t chapped by any means, but they weren’t exactly soft, and there was a sting of pain every time Jinyoung’s nails caught onto a particularly rough patch.
BamBam sighs, looking at his anxiety-ridden boyfriend out of the corner of his eye. Even if he was the one who kept telling Jinyoung to stop worrying and thinking so much, he certainly did his own share. Instead, he opts just to place his hands over Jinyoung’s and squeeze comfortingly.
Jinyoung has never told him about Eunbi and how he had gotten Yugyeom, and BamBam has never asks. It is the unspoken line of uncertainty between the two. Jinyoung sees it as something to hold on to, perhaps in the case that BamBam doesn’t work out the way he wishes. He doesn’t know how BamBam feels about not knowing, and Jinyoung knows he would have to tell the younger at some point. But for now, he is content with just gripping onto his boyfriend’s hand, using him as an anchor to the real world.
Jinyoung is more worried than he would let on; it feels like a fever dream to him. Is there a proper way to react? How is he even supposed to react to the news? Jinyoung can hardly think, his grip on BamBam’s hand tighter than intended.
What if Jaebeom didn’t make it either? What if Jinyoung never apologises to Youngjae? What if Yugyeom– Jinyoung can feel a tear fall but if he acknowledges it he knows he will break down. He cannot. He needs to be strong.
But when the taxi arrives and they step out into the hospital, the pristine, almost imperceptibly off-white walls and floor, Jinyoung can feel his resolve crack. His paper-thin facade of strength. He can hear his heart roaring in his ears, can barely hear the receptionist and nurse explain that Yugyeom is still in surgery, only somewhat understands when they direct him to the room where Youngjae waits.
Though BamBam basically supports him all the way to the door, Jinyoung stops just short of it. “BamBam-ah,” he breathes, “I don’t think I can go in.” He can feel the sweat, sticky on his forehead, his throat, dry. He swallows. “BamBam-ah,” he tries again, voice just as weak and thick.
BamBam’s hand is the only thing grounding him, Jinyoung feels like he’s floating away like a balloon, his hand the string connecting him to the real world. BamBam sighs, his free hand coming to grasp Jinyoung’s and turning the older to face him. “Hyung, if you don’t go in and talk to Youngjae, you may never do it. You need to talk, both of you. He’s important to you, you can’t throw this away.”
Jinyoung just looks up at BamBam, eyes shining and tears dripping down his face, larger than BamBam had seen and rolling into each other and dripping onto their connected hands. “Bam–”
BamBam looks around, and quicker than a blink, presses his lips against Jinyoung’s and pulls back. “You can do this, Jinyoung. Go in there. Talk to Youngjae. Not even about your problems or resolving your fight. Be there for him. Don’t let your differences take away your friendship.”
With a little resistance, BamBam untangles his fingers from Jinyoung’s and guides him into the room where Youngjae lays. He hangs back around the door while Jinyoung treads forward carefully, as if walking too fast would cause Youngjae to break into pieces.
“Hey, Youngjae,” Jinyoung starts carefully, “how are you?”
Youngjae turns at the sound of Jinyoung’s voice, eyes levelling at Jinyoung. “Let me think about it...you know, it just hit me that I'm doing just fine.” Jinyoung winces at both the pun and the tired fierceness in Youngjae’s voice.
“Is it serious?” Jinyoung doesn’t think he has the energy to respond to Youngjae’s jibe and it seems Youngjae doesn’t either.
Youngjae sighs as Jinyoung comes to sit in the chair beside his bed. There’s a moment of silence, and then Youngjae speaks quietly. “I’m sorry.” Jinyoung’s brows furrow and he leans forward to grasp at Youngjae’s hands.
“What are you sorry for, Jae? It wasn’t your fault.” The words feel like lead in his mouth. No, it wasn’t Youngjae’s fault, but Jinyoung can’t help but let his thoughts stray to all the possibilities of how the accident came to be.
“It–” Jinyoung shushes him quickly.
“Youngjae, please, don’t talk about it. I don’t think I could talk about it if I wanted to.” Jinyoung bows his head as if ashamed, but Youngjae nods his head in understanding, letting his warm hands comfort Jinyoung.
The two men exchange no words, letting the silence envelop their quiet comfort. The only interruption was a nurse coming in to check up on Youngjae, and that was when Jinyoung left to use the bathroom, though the both of them knew that was a thinly veiled excuse to remove himself from the suffocating hospital room.
To his surprise BamBam wasn’t where he left him, nor did he enter Youngjae’s room. Jinyoung found a text from the younger boy telling him that he was going to go get a card and gift for both Youngjae and Yugyeom. Though Jinyoung was a tiny bit disappointed that BamBam wasn’t going to be there, he understood wanting to get away, and just sent the younger a text to return soon.
After some deliberation, Jinyoung added another text stating he wanted to talk. After a moment, BamBam reads the text but sends no reply, and Jinyoung can only hope the younger isn’t worrying. Two people simultaneously worrying about the same people while waiting alone together is never a good mashup.
Jinyoung returns to the hall outside of Youngjae’s room, dropping into the bench on the side. He can’t do anything right now and he’s never felt his heart break more. He hates this feeling. The feeling of being able to do nothing, of being alone. And though Youngjae is sitting in the room next to him, eyes probably trained on the tv on the wall across from him, Jinyoung can’t help but feel the walls closing in on him like he’s the only one in this goddamned hospital. How could this have been prevented?
Was he a bad father? No, no, how could he have known? But he should have anticipated anything. Been prepared at least. And here he is, a mess in Youngjae’s room, not knowing shit. He feels stupid.
“Hey, Jinyoungie,” a familiar voice breaks Jinyoung out of his haze. Jaebeom is currently squatting in front of him, hands outreached. Jinyoung must have been sitting here for hours. “How are you doing?”
Jinyoung can physically feel his bottom lip start to quiver and he can’t tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Probably the latter. Jaebeom makes vague cooing noises not dissimilar to the ones he uses on cats, but Jinyoung can’t seem to bring himself to roll his eyes. Instead, he blubbers out a “Hyung” and falls into Jaebeom’s arms.
God, he’s such a loser. He can't help but be embarrassed as Jaebeom hums and pets him, stroking his hair softly, but it’s comforting to be in his hyung’s arms. He feels like a child again, his mother comforting. But the crown of his head feels wet. When Jinyoung looks up, a fat tear drips onto his cheek. Jaebeom is crying as well. Jinyoung feels even worse about himself. His friend has just received nes, and instead of taking time to himself, Jaebeom immediately rushed to Jinyoung.
When Jinyoung starts to pull away, Jaebeom doesn’t let go of his arms, looking up at him with such a face that Jinyoung immediately plops back down onto the floor. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I thought that maybe you’d want to go see Youngjae or something?” Jaebeom laughs with a hint of an emotion Jinyoung can’t place and shakes his head. His hands stay clasped to Jinyoung’s.
“If I see him right now I might cry even more than I already am.”
Jinyoung frowns at that, pulling away and fully standing. “Hyung, go see Youngjae. He was just in a fucking crash, go cry. It’ll be fine.” Jinyoung pauses in his words when he sees Jaebeom looking up at him with wide eyes, but his resolve hardens. Nothing will be resolved if they don’t walk to each other, trust him, he knows. “I’m going to go find BamBam.”
Jinyoung can feel Jaebeom’s betrayed eyes on his back as he moves down the halfway, but he promises himself that he’s making a good decision. Even if his thoughts are eating at his mind as he wanders aimlessly through the halls of the hospital. He knows a couple nurses are whispering about him but he’s just trying to find the exit.
“Jinyoung? What are you doing here?” Jackson? Jinyoung’s confusion shows on his face as he turns to see the older man smiling and waving from down one of the halls. “I was waiting for Mark to finish up his exam,” Jackson answers Jinyoung’s unspoken question.
“Ah.” Jinyoung is still not sure of what is occurring around him, barely managing to respond with one word. Jackson waits patiently, letting Jinyoung gather his thoughts. “Youngjae and Yugyeom, ah, they–”
Jinyoung is saved from responding (or is it really being saved?) when a nurse comes up to smile at Jinyoung before turning to Jackson. “Mr. Wang, Mr. Tuan has finished his check-up. You’re welcome to go back in.”
As the nurse leaves, Jackson turns to Jinyoung with a smile still on his face. “Want to come in? Mark will be happy to see you.”
Jinyoung just nods—anything to avoid thinking about Yugyeom and Youngjae and Jaebeom—and follows Jackson back down the hallway. Maybe he’s a little bit of an idiot for just ignoring his problems, but everyone is a genius in hindsight.
The door creaks open to reveal Mark sitting at the edge of a bed with his eyes closed as he breathes out deeply. The sight confuses Jinyoung but Jackson is unperturbed, just beaming and walking up to Mark. “Hey, Markie! Guess who I found!” Mark just grunts, tilting his head up to face Jackson but not opening his eyes.
Mark sighs heavily. “Is it Jinyoung?” Mark’s voice is almost void of any emotion and excitement, and Jinyoung doesn’t move from his spot right next to the door. Jackson, however, doesn’t have any restraints and laughs loudly.
“Yeah! How did you know, Markie? Oh, nevermind that. But yeah, it’s Jinyoung! We keep running into him.” Mark grunts, finally opening his eyes and sending a small smile to Jinyoung.
“Nice to see you, Jinyoungie. What brings you here?” He’s short of breath, Jinyoung notices, but says nothing about it.
“Yugyeom and Youngjae got into a car accident.” It’s strange saying it out loud, as if Jinyoung is speaking it into existence. All this time, it was just a fever dream but now it is real, solid. It happened.
Jackson’s eyebrows furrow and he jumps up. Mark gets up as well, albeit a bit slower. “Oh my God,” Mark breathes out. Jinyoung refuses to look either of them in the eye. If he does it might become even more true than it really is. Even now, he’s hoping he’ll wake up and Yugyeom will be curled up on his chest, like how the child often ends up every night.
But when he blinks, Yugyeom is not there, in the comfort of Jinyoung’s bed. Yugyeom’s surgery. Jinyoung’s standing in Mark’s hospital room, both Mark and Jackson looking at him with both pity and unsurety in their eyes. He can’t do this. Jinyoung can’t breathe. There’s an unsettling feeling in his stomach.
Jinyoung turns around, finds the nearest trash can, and retches. Mark starts and Jackson hurriedly makes his way to Jinyoung, placing a soothing hand on his back. Jinyoung can’t seem to stop emptying his stomach of nothing and his soul of everything though. Jackson’s hand on his back is grounding but Jinyoung needs BamBam. Where is BamBam?
Jinyoung jerks his head up, stumbling to his feet and bumping into a wall. He can’t seem to regain his balance but he fumbles for his phone. “Hey, hey, you need to sit down,” Jackson tries to say but it feels like cotton is stuffed in Jinyoung’s ears. He can only hear the roaring of his own blood. He can’t breathe.
“Bam”—Jinyoung chokes out the name, thrusting his phone at Jackson haphazardly—”call BamBam–”
Jinyoung only gets out half the words he wants before Mark finally stands and comes over, placing his hand on Jinyoung’s shoulder. “Hey.” His voice is low, quiet, and grounding. “Come on, let’s go sit on the bed, all right? It’s going to be alright.” Jinyoung is all but hoisted onto his feet by Mark and led to the lone bed.
He can’t tell when he’s sitting nor when he’s standing, just that Mark is beside him and rubbing small circles into his back.God, why now? Why in the middle of the goddamn hospital? He couldn’t have had a mental breakdown in private? Jinyoung knows he’s being unreasonable but he can’t help his mind from running a million miles a second.
“Jinyoungie?” Jinyoung’s head snaps up and he can faintly make out BamBam through his blurry vision. “Oh, Jinyoungie.”
The blob moves closer, and Jinyoung can see BamBam’s soft face through his thick tears. “BamBam,” he blubbers, and he’s not afraid to admit it (well, maybe just a little). Jinyoung holds out his arms and BamBam laughs softly but not unkindly as he settles in Jinyoung’s lap to properly wrap his lanky arms around Jinyoung.
Mark and Jackson quietly leave the room to let the couple have their moment, and as soon as the two are gone, Jinyoung buries his face into BamBam’s neck. The younger doesn’t pull away at the tears and snot pressed into his neck, only pulling Jinyoung even closer and murmuring nothings into Jinyoung’s soft hair.
OnceJinyoung has cried until his eyes dried up, he finally pulls away, wincing at the wetness of BamBam’s neck. “‘M sorry,” he mumbles out, but BamBam, bless him, just chuckles softly.
“If my parents could deal with my endless messes and sobs as a child, I can dea with your perfectly valid tears.” Jinyoung looks away at that, but BamBam’s hand finds its way to Jinyonug’s chin and draws the older to look at him again. “Really, Jinyoung. I do love you, you know. It’s all right. Let’s get cleaned up, yeah? Then we can go find out what happened. I’ll be here for every minute of it, all right?”
Jinyoung nods almost miserably, leaning around BamBam and grabbing a handful of tissues from the box on the bedside table. He wipes sullenly at BamBam’s neck, but cracks a smile when BamBam whines and tries to wipe off the tears and snot with Jinyoung’s sleeve. BamBam holds a hand and there’s only a beat of a heart (Jinyoung’s or BamBam’s, who would ever know) before Jinyoung takes the leaner man’s hand.
“I’m sorry,” Jinyoung can’t help but whisper again. BamBam says nothing and just wraps an arm around Jinyoung’s shoulders. There’s not much he can or would say but it’s enough for Jinyoung. He can make it through this if BamBam is there with him.
Mark and Jackson are waiting anxiously outside the door with a man Jinyoung doesn’t recognise. “Hey, Jinyoungie,” Jackson starts to say carefully, “this is Doctor Kim Seokjin. He’s here to tell you about how Yugyeom is doing.”
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wrappedinpetals · 6 years
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⋅ a camboy!au series, featuring Got7’s Park Jinyoung and the reader.
⋅ smut; masturbation, mild dirty talk, and that’s about it for now. *wink*
⋅ length: 1.2k
a/n: this is something i never thought i would write but here i am posting part one of who knows how many parts there will be. i hope you all enjoy this ^^”
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“Dude, I don’t know much about it but I mean... it sounds hot. Yeah?” Mark Tuan asks, offering a sense of calmness to Jinyoung’s nerves.
“Yeah, but is being a webcam model even worth it? What if people find out who I am?” Jinyoung asks. This is now the fourth time having this conversation with his roommate Mark and Jinyoung is now closer to the liking of this web cam model idea.
Jinyoung was a simple college student; broke and desperate for some extra money. The on-campus job he had working in the coffee shop did not even pay close to enough. So, when he found a random retweet of a camboy advertisement, curiosity and impulsivity began to overwhelm him.
“True. But you can always put your main profiles on private and separate your webcam profile with an email different than your main one.” Mark opens two bottles of beer, handing one to Jinyoung. “Besides, you really could use the money and if you don’t have to show your face just yet then what’s the harm?” Mark asks, bringing up points too good to argue with as they sip on their beers together, waiting for their food delivery.
Mark is incredibly supportive of Jinyoung and this camboy idea. They are both roommates, living in a two bedroom apartment just off campus and they have been the best of friends since the beginning of their college experience. 
Honestly, Jinyoung never thought he and Mark would get along in the beginning but they both actually understand each other quite well. Their friendship has become so open and free of judgement while knowing how to be genuinely honest with each other.
Jinyoung brought the idea up to Mark who told him about one of the webcam model websites he’s heard of, Model7.
“Yeah, a guy on the basketball team was telling me that he’s dabbled with it for a while and even managed to make enough money to move out of his old place. Check it out, man.” Mark tells Jinyoung.
Jinyoung tilts his beer bottle back and forth on his leg, pursing his lips as he thinks about Mark’s words. He then starts to pull up the website on his laptop, checking it out for himself. 
“But hey, Jinyoung. If you start making more money than me, then it’s you who’s paying for dinner from now on.” Mark tells him before leaving him alone with his on thoughts.
Jinyoung downs his beer as he begins to scan through the Model7 website in its entirety. Surprisingly neat and minimal, Jinyoung’s eyes finally spot the page he was looking for, “become a webcam model”. He hesitates for a while, the conversation he and Mark had a few hours ago replaying in his head.
A few arguments later with his inner self, Jinyoung decides to build his profile, figuring there really could be no harm. 
He already read through the company’s policy and safety guidelines for the models and felt he could handle it. Jinyoung started on his username, profile photo, and taking into consideration exactly what he’d want to do during his webcam “shows”.
       Model7 profile:
            Username: camboiyoung94
            20 year old male, looking for some extra $$$ and to please my viewers.
            strip teases, lace, pillow humping, toys, masturbation, free chat.
Simple enough, he thought. 
        Create Profile.
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        camboiyoung94 is online.
Light waves of r&b bass fill Jinyoung’s room as he prepares his webcam show, positioning it so that the only thing that can be seen is from his lips down. 
He removes his shirt, leaving his jeans on with the belt unbuckled and button open. Jinyoung finds it weird but he is already turning himself on. The whole idea of this situation is kind of… hot, he thought to himself.
The screen shows only his body on camera and over to the side of the screen where the chat appears are little green lights next to usernames popping up one by one. It seems a few people have taken an interest in Jinyoung, making him smile to himself.
His fingers hover over the keyboard, typing out a few words before hitting ‘Enter’. 
         camboiyoung94: this is my first time. I hope I do well for you all.
         wangjacky78: you're doing fantastic so far, why don't you show us what's under the jeans?
Jinyoung’s lips pull up into a smirk before taking in the bottom lip between his teeth. His hands slide down from his chest to his waist, his skin cool under his fingertips. He slides his fingers into the waistband of his underwear, his cool fingers touching his own hot, hard member. Jinyoung’s lips spread open at the sensation. 
His eyes flickered back to the chat.
           wangjacky78: so hotttt.
           molamola: very nice camboiyoung. can we have more?
           wangjacky78: I'll give you more if you take those jeans off for me please
Jinyoung breaks into a smile, removing his hands from his underwear to harshly pull off the belt, folding it so he can snap it, the sound so loud it reverberates against the walls.
           camboiyoung94: enjoy the slow tease, wangjacky78.
Jinyoung pulls the opening of his jeans apart so the zipper unzips swiftly, revealing his dark colored boxer briefs. He begins to slowly push his jeans down his legs, the musical bass thumps fill the background of Jinyoung’s little show.
His member hardening as his fingers start to trace the outline of his member over his underwear. His lips parting again at the sweet sensation. 
Jinyoung started to feel euphoric with the exposure and the praise he is getting. His eyes scan the chat once more,
           girlmagnetic: such a pretty little camboi, with such pretty, pretty lips.
He was shocked when he noticed the username because it seemed like it would be from a girl. Jinyoung only expected boys to be his main audience but he liked the idea of having a girl watch him. Jinyoung’s cheeks began to blush a soft rose color.
           camboiyoung94: you’re too sweet girlmagnetic, making this little boy blush...
Jinyoung wraps his fingers around his dick, pumping his length at a slow pace beneath his underwear. He bucks his hips into his hand a few times, loving the sensation.
            camboiyoung94: shall I come for you? will that make you happy?
            wangjacky78: god yes, be a good boy for me.
            molamola: I will pay more if you let us see all of you while you cum
He smiles, that's what he wanted to see. 
Jinyoung slides his underwear down far enough just to release his hard member free. He looks down to see his dick so hard and reddened, leaking of precum. Jinyonug inches back from the webcam enough to show more of his bottom half, still making sure not to expose his face.
He continues to get himself off, soft moans start to leave his mouth.
“Help me cum.” Jinyoung’s deep voice whines breaking the silence.
Reading the chat of his viewers praising him for being a good boy and praising him of how good he looks, Jinyoung is ready to blow his load; he just needs one more push.
             girlmagnetic: such a dirty little obedient boy. you're doing so well.
And with that simple comment he cums all over his hand as his hips buck up into his own hold. 
He continues to pump himself through his high, covering his member with his cum. Jinyoung smiles at the webcam, his bottom lip appearing plump and pink from sucking and biting on it.
             camboiyoung94: you made me cum so well. did you cum with me? i hope so... see you next time.
Jinyoung smirks one last time, biting his bottom lip as he walks toward his computer and signing off.
              camboiyoung94 is offline.
Jinyoung shuts off the webcam and scrolls through his points and earnings of his first show. He sits for a moment, taking in the reality of the past half hour.
A small smile breaks onto his face as he exhales in exuberant disbelief. He never imagined himself as a webcam model. Ever. 
Jinyoung also never imagined himself enjoying it as much as he did. He was overcome with a new sense of confidence, taking on an alter ego of himself in which he found the deepest of pleasure.
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daemour · 3 years
You're Still My Universe Pt. 9
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Title: You're Still My Universe
Pairing: Jinyoung x BamBam
Genre: Angst, fluff, parent au
Warnings: Hospitals and such
Word Count: 1960
Summary: Jinyoung’s life is devoted to his son. But the first time he’s been separated, so many other people barge into his life and start taking up what little free time he has left.
Sorry this one is so short compared to the others, I was really struggling with this chapter
Truth be told, Jinyoung doesn’t know what on earth the doctor was saying. Doctor Kim Seokjin was talking fast, a smile on his face, and Jinyoung just wanted to sit down and cry. How could he be smiling? What did he do to deserve this life? Yugyeom was still in surgery, Yugyeom was alive, and there were complications. The doctor had pity written all over his face. Jinyoung didn't want pity.
In the end, BamBam had to take Jinyoung out in the hall, and Jackson and Mark had offered to relay the information back to Jinyoung. “Hey, hey,” BamBam hummed as he took a seat next to Jinyoung on the bench, “it will be fine, yeah? Yugyeom’s a hardy kid. The doctor said he’s alive, the complications weren’t too serious.”
Jinyoung just tightens his lips in response, body still stiff. BamBam doesn’t need to say anything else. Jinyoung doesn’t want to hear anything else. As BamBam holds him close and whispers nothings into his hair, Jinyoung lets the first tear fall. “BamBam, I don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with this.” BamBam hums comfortingly, prompting Jinyoung to continue. “I don’t know how to help Yugyeom. I just want him to be fine.”
BamBam hums again, carding through Jinyoung’s hair with his free hand. “It’s a strange situation, yeah? You don’t ever expect to have to deal with it, even if it feels like you prepare for it your whole life. But the best you can do is be there for Yugyeom. He is a good kid, he’ll be fine. And I’ll be here to support you through it as well.”
Jinyoung can’t do much more than just sniff and agree with a wet huff. He hates that he’s already this vulnerable in front of BamBam when they’ve only recently started dating. Hell, it had just been a couple weeks since they labelled their convoluted relationship. But BamBam is with him and maybe Jinyoung can get through this.
The door to their right opens and out steps Doctor Kim Seokjin, Mark, and Jackson. The Doctor stops in front of Jinyoung, his shoes shining almost mockingly at Jinyoung. “I really am sorry about your son, Park Jinyoung-ssi. I hope you’ll be able to get through this.”
Jinyougn can only muster a nod, not looking up, and the doctor walks away slowly through the hall, his shoes clicking on the tile of the floor. Jackson and Mark take their place in front of Jinyoung instead and stand in silence for a moment before the former breaks the silence. “Yugyeom will be fine, Jinyoungie, don't worry,” he starts, and Jinyoung quiets his soft sobs. “Doctor Kim said that the complications would only lead to a longer surgery. Yugyeom is in no danger. It’ll be fine.”
Jackson’s warm voice does a little to comfort Jinyoung but his mind is still whirring. It’s only when Mark leans down and places a warm hand on Jinyoung’s arms does Jinyoung let his mind still. “You know, when I first found out I had heart problems, I couldn’t stop crying.” When Mark starts his story, Jinyoung tries to protest, but Mark just smiles kindly and hushes him. “It was a big change. It still is. But you need to trust that things will turn out all right. Things can change, and things will change. That’s life. But you can’t let it control everything you do.”
The four friends sit in silence for a moment until Jinyoung smiles waterily at Mark. “You sound cool, is it the American?”
Mark snorts at that, his hand hanging as his shoulders shake with quiet laughter. It breaks the tension between all of them and the rest of them freely laugh as well. The moment of happiness lingers when Jackson and Mark say their goodbyes and leave Jinyonug and BamBam at the hospital. “Do you think you want to go back to see Youngjae now?” BamBam treads carefully, not wanting to disrupt Jinyoung’s mood, but Jinyoung just smiles back at him.
“Yeah. He’ll probably kill me for ditching him with Jaebeom, so I gotta pay my dues.” BamBam laughs.
“I won’t deny that. Hyung can be scary.” Jinyoung’s arm loops around BamBam’s waist as they walk down the hallways. “I’ll come in with you this time though.” Jinyoung hums, tucking his head in BamBam’s neck.
Jaebeom apparently had been waiting outside of Youngjae’s door, and Jinyoung can’t help but feel the rising flames of anger in his gut again. “Jinyoungie, don’t run off like that again.” Jaebeom tries to scold him, but Jinyoung frowns even more.
“Hyung, did you even go in and see Youngjae?” Jaebeom’s silence is telling after Jinyoung’s question. “Hyung, really. You’re being a child.”
Jaebeom deigns not to respond, instead just looking away, and Jinyoung sighs. He’s not in the mood to fight anymore. Instead, he just pulls open the door to reveal Youngjae, currently reading a book. “Hey, JaeJae. Guess who’s here,” Jinyoung catches Yougjae’s attention. For a moment, Youngjae falters, his eyes widening, but not long after they brim with tears.
“Hey, Jaebeommie.” At Youngjae’s words, Jaebeom melts away and practically runs to Youngjae's side, hands coming up to cup Youngjae’s face. “I didn’t expect you here.”
It’s Jaebeom’s turn to laugh wetly, leaning down to press a quick kiss against Youngjae’s forehead. “Idiot. Before any other titles, you are my friend.”
Youngjae cries easily. Always has, Jinyoung knew this. But still, watching Youngjae sob into Jaebeom’s shirt and draw the older closer sent a longing feeling into Jinyoung’s stomach. He knows he shouldn’t linger on Eunbi, but watching them hold each other makes him wonder if he would ever be able to live like that again. BamBam is amazing but again, he had only known the younger for a smaller amount of time than any other relationship.
“What are you thinking about, babe?” BamBam’s lips hand found a place behind Jinyoung’s ear, pressing soft, quick kisses against the ridge. Jinyoung just smiles, turning his head to let BamBam press a kiss to his lips. He vaguely thinks about his still wet cheeks.
“Just wishful thinking. Worrying. Things dads do.” BamBam laughs less carelessly at that.
“Wouldn’t know much about that.” Jinyoung doesn’t wince at that but feels a pang of guilt. He forgot that BamBam's father died young. But BamBam seems to brush it off, instead smiling at Jinyoung carefully. “You wanted to talk to me about something, yeah?”
Jinyoung nods carefully. “Yeah. Can we go to the cafeteria to talk?” BamBam nods, curious but not prodding, and Jinyoung lets the younger lead him around the hospital. The cafeteria isn’t empty, but it’s empty enough for Jinyoung’s needs, and BamBam finds a relatively empty spot in the corner.
The two sit across from each other in complete silence for a full five minutes. Neither knows how to start the conversation, and neither wants to. Jinyoung knows BamBam doesn’t know what he’s about to bring up, but he also knows BamBam hates starting confrontation. The atmosphere is awkward, but Jinyoung finally sighs.
“Kwon Eunbi is—was—the mother of Yugyeom. She was my first serious ex.” BamBam says nothing, just nods and allows Jinyoung to speak. “I was planning on proposing. But we got into a huge argument. The argument was...dumb at best, and horrid at worst. But that’s not what I meant to say.
“When we broke up, she was pregnant. I didn’t know. And I never spoke to her after that. I was wallowing and she was struggling.” Jinyoung takes a shaky breath, and BamBam leans over to put his hand over Jinyoung’s but still remains silent, which Jinyoung appreciates. “She died in a car crash as well, when Yugyeom was one. After that I was so eaten up by guilt. And that brings us to now. I...I’m unsure about how I feel about you, Bammie.”
BamBam hums, bringing his other hand up to fully cover Jinyoung’s. “What do you mean by that, hyung?”
Jinyoung takes another big breath. “I do like you, Bammie. But I don’t know if it’s because I pity my own failed relationship and are treating you like a second chance. Or maybe I do like you. I just don’t want to lead you on.”
BamBam laughs quietly at that, not letting go of Jinyoung’s clammy hands. “Hyung, I’m not stupid. I understand why you feel this way.”
Jinyoung hangs his head. “I get it if you don't want to be with me. It’s not a pleasant feeling to be loved because of pity.”
BamBam tuts, bringing Jinyoung’s hands up to his mouth and pressing a kiss to Jinyoung’s knuckles. “Jinyoung hyung, don’t be daft. I don’t really show it much, but I do really like you. This isn’t some kind of fling to me. I’m not going to let your past define our relationship. If you’re unsure, you’re unsure. But that doesn’t mean it’s a certainty.
“And even if it was, I would stay with you. Feelings can change. Come back to me when you’re not overwhelmed by all this and we can reopen this subject, yeah? I’m not sixteen, I can make mature decisions.”
Jinyoung can’t help crying again. Unlike Youngjae, he’s probably only cried once or twice in front of others, and never in a public area. But something about BamBam’s sincere stare and determination to stay and continue loving Jinyoung hurt the older in a splendid feeling. The certainty of BamBam’s love affected him a lot more than he’d care to admit. But he didn’t need to admit it, BamBam already knew. He can hear BamBam quickly moving around the table to properly wrap Jinyoung in his lanky arms, and if he’s not mistaken, he can feel BamBam’s tears on the top of his head as well as the younger buries his face in Jinyoung’s soft hair.
Maybe it is a day where he can be free to cry. There is no worry here. The doctors wouldn’t judge him, he knows they have seen families fall apart in even worse situations than he is in. Yugyeom will be fine, he and BamBam will be fine. He doesn’t know if Jaebeom and Youngjae will be fine but he can hope. And if they aren’t , they’re adults. They will work it out and he doesn’t need to play parent to them. (Jaebeom would skin him if he tried anyway.)
All too soon, though, BamBam pulls away. Jinyoung whines a little, poking at BamBam’s shoulder but the younger one doesn't bend, instead smiling quietly and motioning behind Jinyoung’s back. When Jinyoung glances over, he blinks. “Doctor Kim Seokjin.”
The doctor just smiles, inclining his head as if a greeting. “Mr. Park Jinyoung. Please, just call me Seokjin. I came to update you on Yugyeom’s condition.” At that, Jinyoung shoots up in his seat, eager to hear what news the doctor brings. “Yugyeom is currently faring well in surgery. The stabilisation hasn’t seen any major problems aside from a small complication. The estimated time it will finish will be in about an hour, give or take.”
Jinyoung can’t help the smile that breaks out on his face. “Yeah? He’l be fine, right?”
Seokjin nods, still cheerful. “Yup! There’s a low chance for any complications regarding the child, so he will be fine. The recovery time will take about a month, give or take. More information will be provided when he’s out of surgery, but I suggest you take leave from work or work from home.”
Jinyoung sighs at that. He knows he’ll have to take off but his boss will, quite literally, kill him. But he can worry about that later. Right now, he needs to focus on what is happening at the moment. Yugyeom will be fine, Seokjin said so.
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