simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 10
Soundtrack: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Bing Crosby
With the air cleared and Michael and Siobhan gone, the rest of the Goth family settled themselves into the living room for coffee.
At 8 o'clock sharp, there was a strange noise by the fireplace. Cassandra looked up just in time to see a man dressed all in blue appear out of thin air - what?! Father Winter?!
After her conversation with Cassandra this morning, Bella had been in touch with Father Winter, who they really did meet on holiday in Sulani a few years earlier, and invited him to spend Winterfest evening with family.
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Of course, Father Winter's work is wrapped up early, as he delivers presents while all the Sims are still in bed, so he was more than happy to pay a visit to his chums (they still exchange post cards every year).
"I'm so embarrassed..." Cassandra admitted guiltily. "It's just, some of the kids at school said that Father Winter was really your parents. And I told them we'd met you on holiday, but they all just laughed, thinking it was a joke..."
Of course, Father Winter is a right jolly old elf, he's not one to hold a grudge.
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Alexander was elated to meet THE FATHER WINTER (oh my Watcher, all the kids in school would be so jealous), and Cassandra being the best big sister ever, left him to monopolise Father Winter's attentions.
She sat down at the piano to play her favourite concerto - an upbeat melody that made her think of falling snow.
Cornelia drew in closer to listen to her granddaughter play. She was suddenly transported back to when she was a young lady herself, back in Champs Les Sims - she remembered how her parents were trying to push her into a marriage with a certain Mr Straud, that funny older gentleman who had moved into town. On paper, he was everything, but in reality, he had a habit of hissing at the strangest moments.
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Cornelia felt it was only right to share this story with her teenage granddaughter. "I realise now, that you must feel how I did then. There are more important things to look for in a partner than a bank balance."
Cassandra got ready for bed that night feeling pretty satisfied. It had turned out to be a good Winterfest after all. But she had one more fence to mend before she went to sleep.
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"Hey, Watcher, how are you?" Cassandra began self-consciously. "I know I don't ever pray to you really, I guess that's what I'm doing now? But I wanted to say... if Father Winter is real, then you must be real too? And I'm sorry I doubted you, and your plan for me. And... well, that's it really. Happy Winterfest."
We all know Father Winter doesn't hold a grudge, but the Watcher? She's a vengeful sort...
The End
Happy Winterfest!
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 7
Soundtrack: Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses
*Edit: going back and adding the pictures to my post!*
Part 7 of my Jingle Bell Goth story disappeared, and it's basically the key part, and I can't get to my laptop tonight. I'm sad.
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Anyway, the story is - Bella's brother Michael arrives for Winterfest with a surprise addition, who you'd recognise at Siobhan Fyres.
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Bella and Michael argue, Bella is annoyed that he's brought Siobhan, and heavily implies that Siobhan is far too young for Michael.
Michael explains that they met last night in the Blue Velvet, Siobhan had said she wasn't looking forward to spending Winterfest with her sister, Michael had jokingly said hey why not come spend it with my sister.
The next morning, he received a call from the hotel front desk, Siobhan was waiting for him in the lobby. Plus, it's rude to ask a lady's age, okay?
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Alexander, overhearing part of their argument, rushes upstairs to tell his sister, who was upset following the earlier conversation with her grandmother, but even she can't resist meeting the mystery new girlfriend.
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Cassandra meets Siobhan in the hallway, and Cassandra is pissed off - turns out Siobhan is a mean girl that bullied Cassandra in school. Siobhan says that Cassandra is "so high school" for not letting go of the past, and suggests that Cassandra should be nicer to her - she might be her new aunt one day.
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Cassandra runs to the kitchen and spills all to her mother, the run in with Siobhan, and the conversation with her grandmother.
Bella is horrified to hear that not only is Siobhan generally too young for her brother, she actually only graduated high school last year! She's only one year older than his niece! (Making Siobhan 18)
Bella is angry at both her brother and mother-in-law, but knows that confronting them equals a ruined Winterfest for everyone. She makes a pact with Cassandra to remain civil and calm until after dinner, when she will make an excuse to send everyone home early, leaving the family to enjoy the rest of their Winterfest together.
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 6
Soundtrack: Last Christmas by Wham!
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By the time Mortimer and Alex returned home with the Grandma and Grandpa Goth, Bella and Cassandra had dinner well in hand, they were washed and dressed, you'd hardly know the hours they'd spent sweating in the kitchen.
"Happy Winterfest, Grandma," Cassandra greeted Cornelia with a kiss on the cheek.
"Don't you 'happy Winterfest' me, young lady. Why weren't you at church today? One day a year, that's all I ask. This Winterfest could be my last, you know."
Bella jumped in, ready to rescue her daughter from the viper's bite, "I'm so sorry about that, Cornelia, but Cassandra just insisted on helping me in the kitchen today when she found out I'd be cooking two grand meals this year, now that you're a pescetarian. She's just so kind and thoughtful, you know that."
"Hmph," sniffed Cornelia, as Bella led her to the living room where the men of the family were already sat chatting away.
"And besides, a meat free diet is so good for you, you'll probably outlive the whole lot of us! Cassandra, why don't you pour the tea?", Bella asked as she deposited her mother-in-law onto a sofa, before retreating to the safety of the kitchen.
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Without her mother there to protect her, Cassie was once again the focus of her grandmother's attention.
"I was so sad to hear from your father that you had ended your courtship with the Langraab boy, Cassandra, such a shame. They are such a wealthy family you know, and well respected. What did you do? Perhaps you should send him one of those messages on your mobile telephone and try and patch things up?"
Cassandra made some empty promise to do just that, before slinking off to her room for a cry. Even her grandmother could see that she wasn't good enough for Malcolm.
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 4
Soundtrack: Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms
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"Mum, Dad, he's been, Father Winter's been!"
Bella peeled their eyes open groggily, the clock said almost 5.30am, which is pretty decent for a Winterfest morning.
"He has? Wow, let's go take a look! But I'm going to need a coffee first..."
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Later, Mortimer is making his special Winterfest waffles for the family, while Bella begins prepping for dinner.
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Mortimer almost choked on his waffle when Cassandra walked into the kitchen. "Young lady. Don't tell me you're planning on wearing ripped jeans to church this morning?"
"No, actually, I'm not coming to church," declared Cassie boldly, "If mum's not going, then neither am I."
Sensing an argument brewing, Bella cut in before Mortimer could respond, "I know you don't feel like celebrating today sweetheart, but you know how much this tradition means to your grandmother. This could be her last Winterfest! I would be there too if I wasn't cooking two dinners, because your grandmother is a pescatarian now, apparently..."
Cassie couldn't even look up from her waffles. It wasn't in her nature to defy her parents, but she stood her ground.
"Well, there's no time for you to change now," Mortimer conceded, wiping the chocolate sauce from his moustache with a napkin, "You can stay at home, but - I want you in the kitchen, helping your mother."
"Thanks Daddy", Cassandra replied, all sweetness and light now she has her own way.
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 5
Soundtrack: Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt
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Once Mortimer and Alexander leave, Bella seized the opportunity to talk with her daughter. "What's wrong, Cass? I know we're not really a church family, but usually you love to go and sing the Winterfest songs, and get fussed on by your grandparent's friends..."
"It's just -" Cassandra doesn't know how to say it. "Mum, I don't believe in the Watcher anymore. If there really was someone watching us, why would they let Malcolm treat me like that?"
Bella is shocked to hear that from her daughter. Yes, they're not a church family, they worship the Watcher by being good and charitable and kind, but there has never been any doubt in her mind - of course the Watcher is out there.
"Cassie, you know that the Watcher can't be held to account for every action. Autonomy is on full, and then there's neighbourhood stories. The Watcher wants what's best for us, but not everything is within her control. And, maybe, this is all just part of your story, an event that happens on the way to becoming future Cassandra." Bella is almost pleading, desperate to help her daughter understand.
But Cassandra won't listen to Bella's reasoning, she just ploughs on with her existential crisis.
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"And don't even get me started on Father Winter. Ha! It's laughable to think I've believed in that for so long."
"Father Winter?" Bella asks, confused.
"Yeah, like, as if there's some old man who mysteriously teleports into your home to drop off presents while you sleep. I know it's just you and dad, you can stop pretending."
"But.. it's not. Cass, we met Father Winter in Sulani a few summers ago, when he was on holiday. Remember? He said he'd be sure to get you that book you wanted, and then you got it. Of course your Father and I do buy you some extra gifts, but..." Bella's words dry up, she can see there's no changing her stubborn daughter's mind.
"Okay mum, if you say so."
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Cassandra changes the subject, and the pair spend a jolly couple of hours in the kitchen, enjoying each other's company and singing along to the winter songs on the radio. But their conversation weighs on Bella's mind - where does her daughter get these strange ideas from?
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 1
Soundtrack: Driving Home for Christmas by Chris Rea
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Mortimer noticed his wife's side of the bed was cold and empty when his bladder woke him. He glanced at the clock. It was 1am, Christmas Eve. After taking care of the necessary, he went in search of his wife, and found her watching Saturday Kitchen's Christmas Special, scribbling down some notes.
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"Can't sleep, my love?" he asked, sitting down beside her.
"Your mother had her chef call to tell me that she's a pescatarian now," Bella explained anxiously.
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"Ah," said Mortimer. "You know, you don't have to work this hard to impress her. What does her approval matter to you anyway? My gorgeous, talented, generous wife."
Bella sighed. "You know me, Morty. I'm just a chronic people pleaser. Come on, lets go to bed. I need to be on the road by 7am, or the shelves will be bare!"
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Bella stood outside her home, loaded down with shopping bags, listening to the sound of her children's laughter behind the closed front door. It had been a nightmare shopping trip. She's not proud of herself, but she actually took some stuffing out of another Sims' trolly while their back was turned. But it was the last thing on her list, and now she was free to enjoy the day, before the chaos of dinner tomorrow.
She let out a shaky breath, letting the tense moodlet dissolve before plastering a big smile on her face, and stepping into the warmth.
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"Mum, you're home," Alexander beamed, giving her a huge hug. "You're just in time, we're about to switch on the lights!"
"I am, oh that is perfect, thank you Alex! The tree looks magnificent."
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 9
Soundtrack: Carol of the Bells by Peter J. Wilhousky, John Williams
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"Bella," Cornelia called across the table again, "This fish is overdone."
"Well, Cornelia, since I was working on preparing two individual grand meals due to a last minute menu change, unfortunately I wasn't able to give either dish the care and attention I would usually. The turkey is dry too, if that makes you feel any better."
Bella's voice had gotten louder as she spoke. Anyone who knew Bella well would recognise the signs, it was time to end the conversation, or risk her wrath.
"I'm sorry to tell you, you're turkey is actually dry most years!" Cornelia laughed. "We should probably all just have the fish next year, and then you can give it your undivided attention." Cornelia went back to her meal, pleased to have solved this conundrum on Bella's behalf.
"You are not invited to spend Winterfest Day with us next year Cornelia, so there won't be any fish to worry about, at least not on my table. Next year you'll be paying your chef quadruple time to cook your Winterfest meal, instead of walking all over your door-mat of a daughter in law!"
The whole room went quiet. Siobhan made an excuse to leave the room and make a phonecall. Suddenly she was really missing her family.
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After a moment, Michael cleared his throat. "I'm disappointed in you, Cassandra. You're being very rude towards my guest here. She's doing her best to be friendly, the least you can do is answer her questions politely."
And with that, Bella exploded. "Don't you dare speak to my daughter like that. Your "girlfriend" was a nasty school bully who made Cassandra's life hell before she finally graduated. LAST YEAR."
"Oh my watcher," Michael groaned. It was all falling into place. Siobhan couldn't be much older than 18... he was horrified. "I'm so sorry Cass, everyone... I think it would be best if I took Siobhan home."
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As Bella cleared the dinner table, Cornelia approached her. "Bella, could we talk, please."
"Sure." Bella was calm now, after getting frustrations off her chest... And maybe a little bit embarrassed by her outburst? Well, at least her next therapy session should be interesting.
"I apologise if I have offended you, Bella. I know my constructive criticism isn't always well received... It's just my perfectionist and snob traits talking. The dinner was lovely."
Bella sighed. "Cornelia, I know you believe that your son could have done better than me, but we've been married for nearly twenty years now, our daughter is nearly an adult herself, and you still have not accepted me as part of your family, or treated me with an ounce of respect, even once. This is my home, and you have no right to speak to me like that in it."
Cornelia was shocked. Her own mother-in-law, Gunther's mother, had been a dragon - was she just like her?
"Thank you, Bella, that was very honest of you. I have never meant to make you feel that way. I have the utmost respect for you, to be truthful. You are a very capable woman, your children adore you, as does my son. You juggle your career, a family, your charity work. I'm envious, in fact. I always wanted to be a career woman myself..."
Bella was touched. The two women spoke more, and negotiated a truce. Next year, Cornelia is bringing her own fish.
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 3
Soundtrack: The Chipmunk Song by Alvin and the Chipmunks
Back home it's time for another Goth family Winterfest Eve tradition - cosying up in Winterfest pj's watching a heart warming movie.
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Even broken hearted Cassandra can't help but enjoy herself, as her family laugh and joke and share stories - remember that time when Alex was a toddler, he snuck downstairs and opened every single present?
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After the movie, Alexander took his father downstairs to fix up some snacks for Father Winter, and to make sure the fire was well and truly out - we can't be responsible for Father Winter's demise!
Bella took the opportunity to have a hear to heart with Cassandra.
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"Honey, Malcolm is not a nice boy to treat you like that. Do you really want to end up with someone who thinks its ok to behave that way?" asks Bella, confident that her always sensible daughter will see reason.
"Well, he's right, we hadn't actually said we were exclusive..." Cassandra trails off. This is her fault, she assumed that he felt the same way she felt. And she loved him.
"But you hadn't agreed that you weren't either, and you'd been dating a little while by now. So he should have spoken to you if he didn't think you were exclusive."
Cassie gave a small nod in agreement. She could kind of see her mother's point, but deep down she knew the truth - she wasn't good enough, otherwise he would have wanted to exclusive. This was going to be the worst Winterfest ever.
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 2
Soundtrack: Sleigh Ride by The Ronnettes
The Goth's have a Christmas Eve family tradition - ice skating in San Myshuno! Last year was Alexander's first year on the ice, and he flailed around like Bambi for about 10 minutes before tapping out. This year though, he was prepared. He'd been reading books on ice skating. He was bound to be a pro.
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Bella and Cassandra glided gracefully over the ice - ice skating backwards? Easy. Pirouettes? No problem.
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Mortimer was, as always, unashamedly awful - his family always suspected he was putting it on for comedic value, he really was that bad!
Stopping for a short break, Cassandra saw a familiar figure across the park - it was her boyfriend, Malcolm Landgraab! She wandered over casually, surprised to see him - he'd mentioned some family commitment, maybe the Landgraabs come to skate too?
Cassandra quickened her pace as she saw him casually wrap his arm around a girl and whisper into her ear... Who is that he's with? The girl turned her head to the side, and a cold sweat washed over Cassandra as she recognised her finally - Luna. Oh my watcher, how could he? His ex? Such a cliché.
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Her disappointment quickly turned into anger, she marched over and demanded an explanation. "Well," she said, "I'm waiting."
At least he had the decency to look flustered for a moment, before he slid his cool calm and collected mask back on. "Cassandra... What's up with you? We never said we were exclusive..."
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The conversation went much as expected, and instead of grovelling for forgiveness, Malcolm actually broke up with Cassandra. On Christmas Eve. The audacity.
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 8
Soundtrack: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams
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The family (plus Siobhan) gathered in the dining room for their grand meal. Bella placed herself as far away from Cornelia ass possible, and opposite Siobhan, so that she could keep an eye on her.
Everyone was in a jolly mood, apart from Bella and Cassandra that is. Cassandra felt like she had a stomach full of slithering snakes, she wasn't sure that she could eat a bite.
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"Bella, dear, is this fish wild caught? It doesn't taste wild caught."
'I can run, but I can't hide', thought Bella, as Cornelia called over the table to her.
Hiding her annoyance, she called back politely, "I'm not sure, there wasn't much left at the fish mongers yesterday, so I couldn't afford to be too picky.'
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Cassandra is not doing quite as well as Bella in hiding her irritation - it's written all over her face as Siobhan tries to make conversation.
"What are your plans after graduation, Cassandra? Will you be going to university?" Siobhan is desperate to find an ally in the room, this feels like a very grown up dinner party, nothing like Winterfest at home, where they lounge in their onesies most of the day, picking at the selection boxes before having a late dinner.
Cassandra's response is short and snappy, leaving no question - this conversation is over.
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