#jingkook scenarios
choking-on-tae · 7 years
BTS Reaction to: You coming home from work extremely frustrated
Request: “eyy bby can i request a reaction from the bts boys for when you come home from work extremely frustrated bc of coworkers ?? please and thank you !!” 
Author’s note: Thank you for calling me bby, that definitely made me blush. Hope this is kind of what you had in mind. Gifs aren’t mine. x     
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The moment Seokjin heard you drop your bag onto the floor he knew something was up. Usually you wouldn’t let it fall down and just place it on the counter. So he got up and made his way into the hallway, where he saw you rubbing your temples. 
“Everything okay baby?” 
You shook your head as he opened his arms for you. You flashed him a small smile before walking towards him and embracing him tightly. Seokjin rested his chin on your head as he slowly rocked you two back and forth. 
“Long day?” 
“Yeah, my coworkers just suck.” 
Seokjin pressed a kiss against your head as he said, “I know baby, but if you keep working hard you’re gonna get that promotion and you won’t be around them anymore. It will all be okay I promise.” 
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“What’s it baby?” 
You looked up from where you were sitting on the couch, only to see Yoongi standing in the doorway with a frown on his face. He instantly knew that something was up, that’s why he came over to see you. Usually you always replied with pretty long sentences but this time you only texted back 1 or 2 words, so he knew something was wrong. That’s why he left his studio to make you feel better. Yoongi sat down next to you as he wrapped his arm around your back, trying to make you feel a little more comfortable. 
“Sorry, it’s just that my coworkers are stressing me out. They drop all the work on me and expect me to do it all. I’ve tried to tell them that I can’t do it all alone but they don’t seem to listen.” 
Yoongi nodded his head understandingly as he moved his hand to gently run his fingers through your soft locks. 
“Maybe you can try to talk to your boss about it? She might be able to solve the problem.”  
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Hoseok felt his heart break at the sight of you looking so stressed. He knew work was tough on you but he didn’t know why. He assumed it was because you just had a lot to do but when he found out it was because of your annoying coworkers he grew concerned. Hoseok knew how important it was to be able to connect with people you’re working with. It just makes it so much nicer and more bearable. Work sucks when the actual work you’ve to do isn’t nice but it’s even worse when you’ve coworkers that are annoying. So he tried to cheer you up. 
“Y/N, I know your work isn’t really going great but maybe we can do something fun to kind of take your mind off of it? Maybe we can go for a nice walk at the beach? Would you like that?” 
A small smile covered your face as you saw him smiling brightly at you. Even though you didn’t want to smile you ended up doing it anyways. That was just the effect Hoseok had on you, and you secretly loved it. 
“I’d like that very much.” 
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Namjoon knew that your work hadn’t been easy lately and that your coworkers were a pain in the ass, but he didn’t know how much it affected you. Sure he knew that it was stressful but when he saw you at 7 in the morning on a Saturday standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee he grew worried. Namjoon knew that you hadn’t been sleeping too well lately but he didn’t realize how bad it was until he saw the bags underneath your eyes. Your skin looked a lot paler and your eyes looked tired. 
“Baby, are you okay?” 
You let out a deep sigh as you shook your head no. Namjoon flashed you a sad smile as he walked up to you and pulled you in for a hug. You tightly wrapped your arms around his middle as you pressed your face against his chest. Namjoon sighed deeply as he held you close. 
“Y/N, I know work has been stressing you out lately and especially your coworkers. This really isn’t healthy baby. Maybe you should try to look for something else? Something that makes you happy perhaps, since that’s what’s most important.” 
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The moment Jimin saw you letting yourself fall onto the couch he let out a small sigh. You looked exhausted and really stressed. So he decided to do something about that. He moved to sit down next to you as he gently pulled you up and started to massage your shoulders. You let out a happy sigh as you threw your head back, making him smile. 
“You feel so tense jagiya, you really need to relax.” 
“I know Jimin but I can’t. My coworkers expect me to do everything for them and I can’t do that. Every time I tell them it’s too much they just laugh at me and say ‘welcome to the real world.’“ 
Jimin frowns as he moves his arms around your middle as he rests his chin on top of your shoulder. 
“They sound awful.” 
You chuckle as you say, “Trust me they are.” 
“Maybe you should talk to your boss about it. They might be able to talk to them.”
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Taehyung loved you very much and seeing you so stressed really hurt him. He wished he could take some of your stress away, so that’s exactly what he was gonna try to do. He knew talking to you about it would only frustrate you even more, so he decided to settle for a warm bath. Taehyung made his way into the bathroom as he started to run the water. He opened the cupboard and took out a pink bath bomb and threw some soapy flower petals in the water. Once the bath was full he turned the water off and walked back into the living room. Where you were sprawled out across the couch. 
“Y/N, are you coming?” 
You groaned from where you were laying on the couch, making him chuckle. Taehyung gently lifted you up from the couch as he carried you to the bathroom. Your eyes grew wide when you saw the bathtub filled with hot pink water and flower petals. 
“Did you really do that all for me? Taehyung you’re the best! Thank you so much!” 
He smiled brightly at you as he sat you down on the edge of the bath before taking off his shirt. You smiled brightly at him before pulling him down for a kiss. 
“Seriously, thank you Tae this is really sweet.” 
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Jungkook hated seeing you upset or stressed. So when he realized you were both stressed and upset he got worried. He started to think of something that could make you feel better. Right then he realized that you love anime just as much as he does. So he got his laptop and made his way to the bedroom. Jungkook grabbed a couple of pillows and placed them against the headboard as he grabbed a couple of blankets as well. He quickly started his laptop as he picked a nice anime to watch. 
“Y/N! Can you come here for a sec?” 
You frowned before making your way to the bedroom, where you saw Jungkook laying on the bed, back resting against the comfortable pillows that were pressed up against the headboard as he had his laptop on his lap. 
“What are you doing?” 
He patted the spot next to him as he flashed you his signature bunny smile. 
“Come on, we’re gonna relax a bit. Let’s cuddle while we watch something nice.” 
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chimchimvkook · 7 years
Jimin 1
This is a little scenario where the reader is a girl born in America but now lives in Korea. She is a friend of an employee of BigHit entertainment. They are low on staff so she is asked to help. I apologize in advance for making this in first person. It’s what I’m most comfortable with. Enjoy!
“Hey, are you available March 13-April 13?”
“Um, depends haha what do you need me for? And what times?”
My phone buzzes and continues to buzz as I get ready for work.
“You still have your makeup license right? I’m thinking of going on a trip. Let’s go! You’ll be doing some volunteer work too. You will have fun, trust me! It’s in America too!”
I finally look at my phone. I froze. In America? That’s my home! I do not hesitate to answer her and tell her I am available. I disregard her question about my license because going back home was my priority. I’ve always been thinking about going back I just never knew when the right time was. But Su Jee insisted on going. It would be nice to go home with a friend.
“Meet up with me at my building! During your lunch break!”
I go on my way to the school and teach my class. I’m an english teacher at an international school in Korea. I’ve been teaching english here for two years. I met Su Jee because her little brother is a student of mine. She was nice to get to know me and was interested in different cultures because she works in an entertainment company under a band called BTS who is wildly famous internationally. I’ve always been a fan since I lived in America but as I grew up, I grew out of them. She knew I used to be a fan and would tease me about it. However we were both adults and kept our job issues strictly professional.
The lunch bell rang and I gather my things. I clock out and hop onto the bus. BigHit entertainment was just two bus stops away. On my way there, I text Su Jee and tell her I’m on my way. As I arrived, she was waiting outside the doors.
She greeted me with a hug and said, “I’m so glad you said yes! You’ll be doing me a huge favor.”
I just smile at her, confused but I don’t ruin her little moment. As we enter the building, she scans her ID. Security here is very strict because they do not want fans trying to sneak in. As she scanned her ID she signed me in and gave me a visitor sticker to put on. I’ve visited her at work sometimes so I’m used to the process. We head to the elevator to her floor with the other staff. They’re discussing a tour that would be happening in March. Su Jee introduces me to the employees, some already knew who I was and some didn’t.
“This is Y/N She will be volunteering.” She exclaims.
I gather with the employees and we wait for the head of department to arrive. They give us papers for the program and what would be needed. Everything started to process in my head and realized what I had gotten myself into. Su Jee baited me into being a makeup/coordi “noona” for BTS’s tour. I didn’t want to make a scene so I waited until the meeting was over. She walked me out and I hit her.
“Yah!! You didn’t tell me I would be volunteering for BTS! Girl!!!”
“I’m sorry! We were just very understaffed and the tour is coming soon. Plus we need more people for makeup and wardrobe because the live band will be on stage too. It’s okay, you’re not hired staff so you’d be in charge of the band.”
I arrive back at the school. I would have to request for a month off. A month! I agreed to volunteering for the experience but I also knew my job wouldn’t accept a request like this at such short notice. So I would have an excuse as to why I couldn’t help Su Jee. So, as I clock back in, I head over to my boss and have a little chat with her. I told her that I had a situation coming up in the next few months. I explained how I would be doing volunteer work for a month and where it would be. She said she would get back to me.
After our little meeting, I finished teaching my last class and head out to the office to clock out. Before I got to leave, my boss passed by.
“Y/N! I was about to send you an email but since you’re here I’ll just tell you. I’ll be accepting your request. During that month, the children would just review and we could use your class periods as study periods because finals are coming up. You are free to go!”
“Oh, thank you!” I respond as I bow.
I walked home to process everything that just happened. My friend baited me into working with her and my actual job is allowing me to. I would be going back to America and work alongside with BTS. This was too much for me to handle.
Months have passed and it was finally March. When I didn’t have any classes to teach, Su Jee would invite me to meet the band. I got to know them so I could understand their different styles. She also let me observe them practice so I could understand the theme of the concerts. From time to time, the band would invite me to go out for drinks. We have been hanging out for a few weekends until March 13 came. I had just finished making my teaching plans for when I’d get back. I also finished packing and met up with Su Jee at her house. We went together to the airport and waited for the rest of the company to arrive. I stayed with the rest of the staff and volunteers while BTS stayed with their management crew.
We all went through the airport and finally arrived at the first location, Chicago. We entered our hotel and unpacked in our rooms. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to room with Su Jee because she was a PD and I was just a volunteer. I roomed with another volunteer but we didn’t talk much.
I’m sorry. The first few chapters are very background based and set the story so you could get a little perspective. Don’t worry, I’ll get to the good stuff!
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satanasssss · 7 years
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that’s the problem boy.
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