#jimmy uso? we dunno her
samijey · 6 days
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protective gf naomi has entered the chat
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Monday Night Raw 6/24/19 Review
Seth Rollins came out to start the night, for a promo obviously, and Becky Lynch quickly came out to join him. Rollins “gave Corbin credit” for picking Lacey Evans as the ref, because she did anything she could to screw him over, but he didn’t account for the best backup on the planet in Becky Lynch. Lynch then went on to call out Evans for tapping out as fast as she could. Corbin’s music hit, and then Evans attacked Lynch from behind. Rollins tried to pull Lynch off of Evans, but she pushed Rollins aside and beat her down. Corbin then attacked Rollins. The faces took down the heels, and Corbin got on the mic to claim that Lynch was basically defending the Universal championship herself. He also told Rollins to go home and make “The Man” a sandwich. They trash talked a bit, until Evans challenged Rollins and Lynch to a mixed tag match at Extreme Rules, for both of their championships. The faces accepted, under the condition that it would be the last time either of them could challenge for the belts. Then everyone left.
Grade: C. I was kinda into that match if it was the main event of Raw. it was different, there were stakes, and it meant that Corbin and Evans would be gone. For a pay per view, probably the main event, I just groaned. Especially Extreme Rules, because this was not an extreme match at all. But it is kinda cute seeing Rollins and Lynch together. They seem to be pretty happy. I also noticed that they are only calling Rollins Lynch’s boyfriend, rather than Lynch being a girlfriend. I dunno, I just think it makes lynch seem more badass.
Then we had a big 8-man elimination tag match. Xavier Woods, Big E and the Usos vs. The Revival and The Planets tag team champions. This is supposed to be “champions versus challengers,” which is weird because The New Day lost their match last night. Scott Dawson quickly tagged himself in, and had some tension with Daniel Bryan. This was compounded when Bryan tried to hit Woods with a suicide dive, but hit Dawson instead. This caused Wilder to give Bryan a european uppercut while Bryan hit the ropes, allowing Bryan to be rolled up by Woods and eliminated. The Revival quickly hit a shatter machine on Woods to eliminate the new day, so it became a normal tag match. They do this a lot now, more 2 out of 3 falls matches and elimination matches because Vince McMahon doesn’t let anyone wrestle during commercials anymore, so they have to find some other way to get you excited enough to keep watching the show. Which is extra odd, because the Usos were hitting a suicide dive as we came back, but I guess it wasn’t part of the match. There was an interesting finish where Jey got a blind tag, but the Revival didn’t notice, so Dawson went to superplex Jimmy while Wlider was up on another turnbuckle. Jey then crotched Wilder on the turnbuckle, and after Dawson hit the superplex, Jey jumped off of Wilder’s back to splash Dawson and get the win.
Grade: C+. Decent match to open everything up, but I hate that both sets of tag team champions were pinned. But it sets up some matches for extreme rules probably. Hopefully Heavy Machinery can challenge rather than the New Day, but we will see.
Then they had the Miz walking through a hallway before Miz TV, which I only mention because Abbey from the Firefly funhouse was in the background. So thats fun. Miz welcomed both R-Truth and Carmella as guests on his actual show, and apparently Miz had the 24/7 championship rule suspended during the interview. Miz showed Truth winning the belt back at Drake Maverick’s wedding. Truth talked about how he lives in paranoia with the belt now, and he can’t even have sex. He also thought that police coming up to his house to tell him that his car was on fire were superstars disguised. Drake Maverick then came out, saying that Truth ruined his wedding, and his young marriage, because they haven’t had sex. (He was studdering that he hasn’t... he hasn’t... as the crowd chanted “what” which was the genuine best use of the what chant) He then challenged Truth to a singles match for the belt, and Truth accepted.
That match was next, with Truth winning with a flatliner right away, and then being chased around by the jobbers. After Maverick lost, he was interviewed by Charly, and he just cried. 
Grade: B-. This was funny, especially the stuff about Truth mishearing the word consummation as constipation. I think it is odd that they keep suspending the rule, as it was suspended for the match as well. The fact that the match wasn’t actually anything definitely hurt the grade here, and it was weird seeing an actual segment for it. I feel bad for Drake though, poor guy.
Backstage, Evans and Corbin seemed to think that their best strategy to take out their Extreme Rules opponents was to focus on Becky. Okay then.
Then we had Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon, in a tornado tag handicap match. Reigns tried to overwhelm them with sheer aggression, but the numbers quickly became too much for him. They beat the crap out of Reigns, giving him two Claymore kicks, and spear from Shane. As Shane went for the Coast to Coast, the Undertaker showed up to make the save. I think that the match ended in a DQ, but I don’t really know for sure.
Grade: C. W-what? Why? Who? When will this tag match happen? Why is it happening? I really don’t know. The match was fine, and I was certainly shocked that Taker showed up, but I am so confused and distraught. I just do not get it. The beatdown itself was fine, I just don’t know where this is going.
Then there was a tug of war between Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley. Strowman won, and Lashley attacked Strowman afterwards. He even attacked him with the rope, so we will probably get a bullrope match for Extreme Rules. 
Grade: D-. A worked tug of war is lame. This was boring, I don’t like this feud. The only reason that it doesn’t get an F is because I kinda like the idea of a big man bullrope match for extreme rules.
AJ Styles was then welcomed back to the ring from Charly, who asked why he wants to challenge Ricochet. He said that he wanted to fight the best of the best. Just then, he saw the goodbrothers partying with the conga line. Styles admonished them for not taking the competition seriously, even though they have a match with the Viking Raiders.
That match was next, and the two teams traded control back and forth. Not much happened in particular, and the Viking Raiders won with their finisher.
Grade: B-. Not a bad match. That’s all I have to say about that.
Backstage, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross were talking about how Cross screwed Bliss out of her match at Stomping Grounds. Bliss did not be outwardly mean to Cross, but didn’t say that it wasn’t Cross’s fault. She just said that Bayley is good at manipulating people into being angry and stuff. I like where this is going. Bliss wasn’t hugely pissed, but you could tell she is annoyed. So burn, very good. 
Natalya and Naomi talked to Nikki Cross about how Bliss isn’t a good person. Bliss then walked in and confronted everyone, which ended with Naomi challenging Bliss to a match. 
Then we were supposed to have Heath Slater vs. Mojo Rawley, but Truth showed up before the match with the people in tow. Slater was able to land a neckbreaker and win the belt for himself, only to lose it right back to Truth, who then lost it to Cedric Alexander, who then lost it to EC3, who then lost it back to truth. I enjoyed this, just fun. 
Ricochet was then interviewed about winning his first championship. He was just happy and grateful.
Before the Sami Zayn vs. Kofi Kingston, Kevin Owens and Zayn asked Kofi some interview questions that sorta vaguely insulted him. Kingston said that Owens had a zit, and Zayn said that Kofi was a paper champion who always needed help from the New Day. Kingston then pointed out the flaws in Zayn and Owens’ friendship, while saying that the New Day are brothers. Seems like foreshadowing to me. 
Into the match, Kingston vs. Zayn. Owens was helping out Zayn when he could by attacking Kingston while the ref’s back was turned. Zayn was in control for almost the entire match, even hitting a good looking Michinoku Driver. But eventually Kingston rolled him up for the win.
After the match, Owens challenged him to another match right away, and Kofi actually accepted. So then they had a match, where Owens was very much in control. However, Kingston still won by giving Owens an SOS on the ramp and winning unceremoniously by countout. Then out of nowhere, Samoa Joe attacked Kingston and threw him around on the ramp before choking Kingston out.
Grade: B-. I get the point of this, they made Kingston into a huge underdog here, fighting off dastardly heels and barely surviving, only to beat beaten down afterwards anyway. I think that this means we will be getting a Samoa Joe championship match, but he should earn it in a number one contendership match. Especially since he just lost the US championship last night.
They then announced that it would be Reigns and Taker vs. McIntyre and Shane at Extreme Rules. I figured.
Then we had Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss. This match was quick, as Naomi accidentally hit Cross with a baseball slide. Bliss then won the match and continued to attack Naomi. She then tried to get Cross to attack too, and Cross pushed both women down. Natalya then ran out to stand with Naomi, and it turned into a tag match. Cross had a nice looking hot tag where she took down both opponents. Cross even hit the swinging neckbreaker for the win, but Bliss was the one who got the pin.
Grade: C+. A couple meh matches that furthered the Cross and Bliss storyline. I think it will be a while before the turn, and I’m okay with that. Slow burns are awesome.
And in the main event, we had a returning AJ Styles vs. Ricochet. They were grappling a little bit, when AJ just suddenly took him to the mat. And as they were wrestling, the Good Brothers came out, although not looking particularly friendly for either of them. Anderson did try to get involved, but Styles quickly told them to beat it. So they restarted the match and had a mix of both fast paced striking and submission holds, even pulling out some moves that were reminiscent of indie wrestling. At one point, Styles hit an awesome reverse DDT which looked really brutal. In the finish, Styles hit a Phenomenal Forearm for the win.
Grade: B+. Good match, but this is nowhere even near what they can do. This definitely sets up Styles for a United States Championship match on Pay Per View. That is when they should cut loose. Sucks that Ricochet lost in his first match as champion. Still, they put on the match of the night. 
Overall grade: C
Pros: Main event
Cons: opening promo; handicap match; tug of war; 
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