#jim rose circus images
The Best Things ~ J.V. (Part 10)
A/n: What, thought I was done with this series. HA NO!! I still have a playlist for this shit and it fuels me. Just, slowly.
Word Count: 5000+
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"Parents will never admit to this, but they always have a favorite." Jerome looked at Jeremiah as he lounged on his chair. "Right, brother?" Harley felt eyes on him so he looked over, only to look directly in Bruce's eyes. There was something there that spoke to Harley what both boys knew- this wasn't about Bruce. The younger boy seemed to be trying to reason or apologize without words, but Harley just looked away. It was far too late for that bullshit. "The one who cleans their room. Does their homework." Every word was a twist of a knife Harley didn't realize was buried in his chest. He was maybe the one who understood Jerome the most. Maybe that's why they'd gotten this far with each other. "Who doesn't try to kill everybody." Harley smiled. "Little Mr. Perfect here? Yeah. He was that guy. He was adopted by rich folks. Went to the top schools, then a top college." Harley suddenly felt angry. Angry at Jerome's family. At everyone in Jerome's past, in fact. Especially at Jeremiah Valeska. And you know what... at Bruce Wayne too. "Meanwhile, I got dragged through the circus by my depressed, alcoholic mother. Forced to clean up elephant dung every day."
"Who cares?" Someone in the crowd shouted. People began to speak up in agreement.
Harley stepped forward. "Don't interrupt the man!" He hefted his bat and the crowd suddenly went silent.
Jerome looked pleased, but his smile died quickly as he returned to his little rant. Harley moved behind him, running his free hand through Jerome's hair every once in a while. "Do you know how big those things are?" He was completely calm, but in a sort of empty way as his eyes searched out people in the crowd. Harley recognized the plea. For understanding. For pity. For anything. Someone to get him and not judge him and tell him that he was right to be doing what he was doing. Everyone's disapproval didn't stop him, but he yearned for someone to love him and it was so very clear to Harley now more than ever that it upset him. Why were people always so cruel? "But I know something mommy and daddy," Jerome continued. "They never knew. You’re as crazy as I am." Jerome dropped the mic, standing. "It's in your DNA." He turned to Jeremiah, Harley right next to him, still brandishing his bat as he watched Jerome's back. "See, we got the same blood running through us. We are practically identical. You are a killer." He had a knife and he moved close to Jeremiah, obviously trying to put him on edge. "It's in your nature. Stop trying to fight it." He cut Jeremiah's ties and there was a pause. "Take your best shot."
"What?" Harley demanded, turning around. He found his body stiff with panic. Hard to move and respond with. Jeremiah was holding the knife Jerome had been a few seconds before. He went to step forward to stop this, but Jerome held up a hand. Harley looked at Jerome with rage. "Jerome-" Jerome shushed him.
Perhaps the man still could take Harley by surprise.
Jeremiah looked at his brother, his features slowly twisting with more and more anger until he screamed, trying to tackle Jerome to the ground but failing. Jerome giggled as he kicked Jeremiah and Harley frowned. He stepped away, irritated that Jerome hadn't at least cued him in on this part of the plan. At least given him a head's up or something... As he looked away, he noticed Bruce. This time the boy was looking at Jeremiah, his face twisted in pain and anger. Harley rose an eyebrow. He'd seen Bruce be pissed by injustice before, but there wasn't just his sense of right or wrong driving him to these emotions. There was a sort of protectiveness in the way his hands curled into fists. He'd only seen it when someone had gotten a little too rough with Y/n back in the days, or when Selina had been in danger those few times Harley had seen Bruce get protective of her.
What were the odds that Harley wasn't the only Wayne that had a crush of some kind on a Valeska?
From the way he struggled against his ropes, Harley was starting to think they were getting more probable by the second.
Everything was cut short as gun fire went off on the rooftops, diverting Jerome's attention just long enough to be shot in the shoulder by Jim Gordon. Bruce escaped, Jerome's trigger didn't work, and everyone was scattering as a giant blimp began to inch across the sky. Harley moved to Jerome, slinging Jerome's arm around his shoulders. Jerome pulled away though. "What's up?" Harley demanded, desperate to escape in the chaos.
Jerome groaned. "I have an idea. But we need to go up." Harley hesitated but then nodded, both of the men running to a nearby building and up the flight of stairs to the roof. Harley hid just out of sight when Jerome told him to. Jim busted onto the scene moments later and Harley ducked out of sight, moving so he could still see even if he couldn't quite hear. Words, at least. The gun shots he heard clearly. One to Jerome's hand, knocking the phone away. Another to his stomach, and Jerome was falling. Back. Off the ledge and over.
Harley almost threw up. He was stunned, eyes wide as he watched Gordon scramble forward. He only got comfort when he heard talking over the side and saw Jim reach down a hand... Harley rushed forward, hitting the back of Jim's head with the bat he still had. The officer crumbled.
Harley leaned over the side to see Jerome barely dangling by a pole. "You idiot." Only now did Harley realize he was crying. He reached down but Jerome just frowned, not taking it. Something then dawned on Harley and the boy paled. "You weren't going to take his hand either, were you?"
Jerome grunted, rolling his eyes. "This is the end of the line for me, Harley."
"No the fuck it isn't," Harley snapped back. "You promised me we'd talk about us later." He shook his hand, offering it again. "You've been driven by hate and loneliness and spite your entire life. You didn't think past that night you killed your mom, did you?” Something changed in Jerome’s face, but Harley was too angry to stop. “You barely tried to hide it, and you made minimal effort to get away with it. Then after, you stayed in Gotham to, what? Destroy your brother?" Harley scoffed. "I'm tired of this Jerome. Damnit, I'm tired of watching people suffer." He sniffed and Jerome's face seemed to relax as he actually listened. "We can kill whoever you want, I don't care. But my brother and your brother have a crush on each other and it's hilarious and I need you here to laugh with me about it, okay?" He choked up. "I need you to rule this stupid town with me. Or to not to. Maybe we could stay lowkey or leave. Maybe we could hide out somewhere and just go missing or fake our deaths and never show our faces again so no one knows we're around to even find us. Maybe..." He shrugged. "You can take me to whatever hell you want to Jerome. Let's blow more things up and kiss over dead bodies. You don't have to ruin your brother just because he ruined you. Or maybe you do. Whatever. Just come back with me, okay? Please." Harley stretched out his hand more and Jerome got a new look on his face.
He took Harley's hand, and Harley hauled him up, struggling only minority. The second he was standing, Harley grabbed his face and kissed him. Jerome hooked his good arm around Harley's waist, keeping them close. "You love me."
Harley held tightly to Jerome, closing his eyes as he tried to let go of the mental image his brain was trying to create of Jerome being flattened on the street below. "More than I even love myself," Harley confirmed. "It's probably why I've stuck around, really."
Jerome hummed. "Our brothers have a thing for each other, huh?"
Harley laughed. He leaned back and Jerome reached up, wiping the tears away. "Maybe we could just let them be." Harley shrugged again, struggling to come up with the words to explain how he was feeling. "If they really do like each other..."
"My brother is as messed up as I am," Jerome warned. "I'm at least fun- he's just manipulative."
Harley nodded. "Then what better way to break them than have them break each other, hm?" Harley nudged him. "And if he does end up being total shit, then we can turn him crazy just like you want to with that gas of yours." Harley sighed. "Just, I don't know, my brother deserves to be happy. He's lost his parents and now his brother and his whole world is on its head and-" he stopped cold, sucking in a sharp breath. "It's his birthday today." The day occurred to him suddenly and he looked up at Jerome, pleading. "Would it be too much to ask for?"
Jerome pursed his lips. "When he hurts him-"
"You can kill him, and I'll help you."
A smile finally grew on Jerome's lips. He knew this was a win-win. Either he was wrong about his brother and they all got somewhat of a happy ending, or he was going to see some actual fun. Either way, it was going to be entertaining. "Fine." He sighed. "We have to get to his little base quick then, though." His smile grew and Harley felt himself get excited.
"Hey Handsome."
Jeremiah jumped at the sound of Harley's voice. He went tense, looking around for his brother who usually accompanied the boy in front of him. No sign. "What are you doing here?"
Harley shrugged. He was pretty amicable so Jeremiah calmed even if he didn't totally relax. "I killed Jerome."
That seemed to take Jeremiah by surprise. Understandable. He wanted to doubt Harley, but the boy's expression was open and honest. Even vulnerable, like he was apologizing. "Why?" He asked instead of voicing doubts that were slipping away. Harley was wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans now, different from the little fancy get up he'd been wearing while with Jerome. There was something different about the boy in front of him as well. Something distinctively different than the Harley that had flirted with him a foot away from Jeremiah's brother, who was presumably also Harley's boyfriend.
"He tried to kill Bruce." Harley sighed, leaning against the wall behind him. "We had an agreement that Bruce was untouchable. If he died accidentally because he was being an idiot, fine. But Jerome sought him out specifically. And on his birthday." Harley clicked his tongue, shaking his head back and forth. "Bruce can hate me. He has every right to. But he's still my younger brother." He looked away. "He means everything to me, you know. We used to be best friends." He smiled softly but then looked back at Jeremiah, clearing his throat. "Sorry. I'm sure you're not wanting to hear that after I've told you your own brother is dead."
"No,"Jeremiah reassured. "It's actually quite a relief." Harley nodded as if he understood. "Wait but why did you come here? Just to...tell me that?" Harley held up a purple package with a huge silver ribbon. Only then did Jeremiah realize the boy had been holding it at all. "And what's that?"
"Jerome came up with a gas. Had Scarecrow make it himself. Kind of like fear gas, but it makes you..." Harley tilted his head back and forth as he searched for the word. "More like Jerome, to put it nicely. Unhinged." Jeremiah stepped back from the box, curling into himself. "I didn't want his plan to succeed, so I'm here to step in."
Jeremiah looked at Harley, confused again. "Why would you care what happened to me?"
A smile rose to Harley's face, soft and rather attractive. Jeremiah had already come to terms with the fact that he was attracted to Harley Quinn. He was also attracted to Bruce Wayne, so maybe it was just that the Wayne bloodline produced very good looking men. Whatever it was, Harley seemed much more welcoming and friendly now compared to his flirting the last time they'd had an extended conversation. One where Harley had stood up for Jerome and seemed to hate Jeremiah. One that had left an impression to someone who was quite opposite of the man standing in front of Jeremiah now. "I see the way my brother looks at you."
Jeremiah felt his heart pick up. "You- what?"
Harley giggled. "I don't think even he knows yet, but he does have some feeling toward you. I figure he's lost enough people. Had far too many opportunities for something he deserved pass him by. He's sacrificed enough." Harley stepped forward, closer to Jeremiah. "I guess I want to get you guys together. Maybe one relationship between a Valeska and Wayne can actually work out." Harley's smile was strained here and Jeremiah felt pity for the boy. "So what do you say? You couldn't tell him I was around, of course, but I'm sure you'd do a lot better with a bit of help."
Excitement rose up in Jeremiah's features. "You can stay here if you want. I have a free room I could make into somewhere you can sleep."
Harley grinned. "How sweet. I actually would appreciate that, if you don't mind." He stepped away. "I have to dispose of this, but... you know, I think we're gonna be good friends." He nodded in a silent farewell and Jeremiah smiled in return. Harley found his way out himself. Jeremiah didn't think anything of it as he was far too excited thinking about the possibility that Bruce Wayne could return his feelings on any level, as well as the possibility of having a real guy friend his age. Ecco was cool, but branching out a bit wouldn't hurt.
It took five minutes for Harley to find his way out. He skipped to the waiting car then got in the driver's seat, starting it up and taking off. Jerome grinned from the passenger seat. "How is it that you got around without that little blonde girl following you?"
Harley scoffed cockily. "If you and him think the same, then I can just as easily figure out that maze of his as you can. The same way I assume Ecco has it down as well. She knows Jeremiah like the back of her hand. The same way that I know you." He shot a wink at Jerome who smirked, leaning back in his seat.
"So you're my little secret weapon, eh?"
Harley giggled as he pulled to a stop at the building they'd been hiding out in since escaping Arkham. "Something like that."
Jerome leaned over, catching Harley's chin in his fingers, and then Harley's lips with his own. The kiss was slow and deep and purposeful, and it made all of Harley's insides light on fire. "You know, I love you too." Harley's head was spinning and he couldn't wrap his mind around that kiss let alone the words that had followed it. Jerome had never kissed him like that.
"What a joker," Harley croaked. It had become a bit of a running gag  to call Jerome that. "Cute but totally rude."
Jerome's hold on Harley's face tightened. He looked angry. Maybe Harley had offended him. But how could he have? “You know Harley, I show you every time I've been genuine. You've seen me afraid. You've seen me sad. You've seen me confused. You've seen me have many other emotions beside just amusement and anger which is what most people see. You've seen me about to jump off a building and end it all for god's sake." Harley swallowed, trying not to let that exact instance come back to him as a memory in his already muddled state. "Do I look like I'm joking to you?"
Harley wet his lips. "Why me?"
Jerome smiled, giggling softly. "Because you're just like me, and you accept that. You thrive off of it. I don't have to bend and twist to get it out- you wear your crazy like a badge. You walk through fire to be with me just because I've asked you to. Because you love me, and I like it, even though I’ve despised the thought of love... until now. You're probably the only person in my life who's ever loved me." His hold loosened in favor of caressing Harley's face. "You were right, you know." He snorted, as if amused by the sentence. He must not have said it a lot. "You can't just belong to me. And you don't. I belong to you too. I really would do anything for you." Smiling, Harley leaned forward and kissed him again.
There was a certain excitement in the moment. Jerome loved him.
There was also a sense of dread. A sense of being locked up, in a sense. Jerome had never been loved before. Had never loved anyone more than he loved himself before. He wouldn't handle it well if Harley was hurt or left him. Harley couldn't imagine wanting to leave Jerome after everything they've been through, but normal relationships always had the recognition that it might happen, right? You dreaded that moment and hoped it never happened... By the look in Jerome's eyes, Harley knew that wasn't a possibility. They were stuck together forever now. It was Jerome's Harley and Harley's little Joker. Forever.
Or, at least, until death do them part.
"Hey Lovebird," Harley greeted brightly one morning.
Jeremiah scoffed, but he was smiling so Harley knew no harm had been done. "Good morning Harley."
Harley waved at Ecco who nodded at him in return, a small smile on her face. "Any plans today?" Harley asked, setting himself down next to Jeremiah.
A little coy curve of his lips was answer enough, but Jeremiah explained anyway. "Bruce is coming over today to see the new prototypes." Here he got excited, going into full nerd mode. Harley and Jeremiah had begun to get close. It was kind of wild to see a sane version of Jerome. Boring though. Harley could never bring himself to spend too much time with Jeremiah before he needed to visit his boyfriend again.
His boyfriend. Jerome had finally made it official and had picked up the pet names again. Harley was weak over it. He didn't think he'd ever have a boyfriend, let alone one who was so unapologetically proud of being with him. Someone who really loved him and encouraged him to be himself. It was exhilarating.
Ecco brushed her fingers along the back of Harley's head. The boy knocked out of his thoughts and looked up to see Jeremiah looking expectantly. "Oh sorry." Harley blushed, embarrassed. "What did you say?"
Jeremiah shook his head, but he still had that amused smirk on his face. A teasing expression. Lighthearted. "I was saying that I was thinking about maybe asking him on a date after. If... if you think it's not too early to do that? Or if he won't totally shoot me down?" He got nervous.
It seemed that Jeremiah had gotten into the habit of ignoring little odd things Harley did. He still hadn't asked how Harley so easily found his way through the maze, nor did he question little moments like just now. What could Harley be so happy about? Maybe he wrote it all down to Harley's time with Jerome and his excitement for the possibility of his brother being happy or something. I think Jeremiah was basking in the feeling of watching two brothers really care about each other- something he never experienced but undoubtedly had wanted in some way or another. Harley was curious but couldn't ask, himself. All the odd things he was doing didn't need to be brought to light in favor of exposing the little odd things Jeremiah was doing. And Ecco seemed to trust Harley enough, as long as he made no move to hurt Jeremiah in any way. So for now, it was fine. I guess.
"I don't really know," Harley relented. "The only relationship I've ever been in wasn't exactly... normal."
Jeremiah suddenly got very serious. "Of course, sorry."
"No worries," Harley dismissed. "I just mean I would probably be a bad gauge of timing. I think you should go for it though. Maybe try to be subtle, but definitely drop some hints and give it a try." He smiled and Jeremiah mirrored the expression, relaxing as he daydreamed just a little bit about things that might happen if this whole thing went well. "Until then," Harley continued, flicking Jeremiah's shoulder to get his attention back. Jeremiah blushed, making Ecco smirk and roll her eyes. "Let's make some dinner. Nothing will get him to stay like some good food, and knowing him, he'll probably have skipped a meal again while still unsure if Jerome is alive or not." Harley looked at his hands.
Jeremiah swallowed. "Yeah, makes sense." He moved to Harley, nudging Harley's shoulder with his own. "Come and help me?" He was trying to be a good friend and keep Harley distracted from sad thoughts. Little did he know that Harley was simply annoyed. He just wanted to be happy with his boyfriend without his brother trying to find them both and throw them back in that hell hole Arkham.
"Fore sure," Harley responded anyway, forcing a smile. "We better hurry. Waynes have high standards for food."
Harley chilled in the room with all the monitors as Jeremiah showed off his prototype to Bruce. Jeremiah had moved the operation to the room to allow Harley to listen in and gauge Bruce's reaction to things. Harley couldn't help without coming out and revealing himself, but Ecco went back and forth so if Jeremiah really needed a hand he could give advice through her. Harley and Ecco together were really good at coming up with solutions and dealing with romance. They seemed to be able to find a whole braincell between them, and it worked well. It was quite impressive actually.
Bruce seemed super interested in Jeremiah's little project, but every once in a while those eyes full of light and excitement would turn from the energy thingy - Jeremiah had explained it maybe hundreds of times to Harley, but he still didn't exactly get how it worked - to Jeremiah, and his eyes would get even brighter; his smile even wider. Harley got it, honestly. Jeremiah was shy and soft spoken for the most part but get him talking about his idea for this cleaner power source and he came alive in a way that made him all levels of adorable. He used his hands to talk when he was excited, and kept looking between the project he was explaining and the boy he was explaining it to. Every time the boys' eyes met, both of them got a little pinker and it made Harley giggle.
"They're such nerds," Harley scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"They're idiots," Ecco agreed. "Which is crazy considering they're both seen as geniuses in Gotham. Especially Jeremiah." They both laughed softly before Ecco headed out again, leaving Harley alone.
Watching them took quite a while, and as time passed Harley found himself getting more sad. He wished that he could do things like that with Jerome. Flirt and geek out together and share little looks and innocent moments. Go on dates and hold hands and share long looks and dusty pink blushes. Harley wondered if Jerome had ever looked at him like that. No, such a soft look didn’t belong on Jerome’s face.
Eventually it ended and outside the compound, Jeremiah asked Bruce on a date. Obviously the boy said yes. Inside, the trio of friends celebrated as Bruce went home that night. And after they’d cheered and congratulated, Harley told Jeremiah that he needed some air and headed out.
This was another odd thing that Jeremiah was choosing to ignore. Sometimes Harley stayed the night and sometimes he didn’t. No one questioned it.
Harley headed to the hideout where Jerome was waiting for him. He was busy though, seeming distracted by a small book and lots of drawings. Harley planted himself on the couch to give Jerome some space. Whether he was planning or just musing, Jerome likes his space when doing it. Harley was willing to wait and give it to him.
In the quiet, Harley’s mind wandered back to his thoughts from earlier. He imagined just for a second, a world where Jerome’s smiles were soft. Where his smiles were warm. Where his eyes were wide and his words were honest and soothing. Where his touch was gentle. Where they were together and they cuddled in the park during lunchtime and had a picnic as Jerome rubbed his back and they both lay in peace and quiet. He imagined kisses that brushed rather than bruised. It was a sweet thought. A fantasy he’d loved as a child.
Did he still like it? Could he imagine himself in a life where he got a job and wore a suit or even a tshirt and jeans like he had been for Jeremiah? Like he had when he wasn’t Harley Quinn? Honestly, he couldn’t.
A frown took his face. He had nothing to distract him and icky feelings began to rise up, so he defaulted to habits that had yet to fail him. He went out to the store and got a drawing notebook and a pack of pencils and then colored pencils and got to work. He sat and drew as he continued to wait for Jerome, sifting through his mind.
He expected to draw that fantasy. That park and the grass and the serene expressions on his and Jerome’s faces. He couldn’t seem to bring himself to do it though and instead spent the next however long drawing memories rather than fantasy. All of them were Jerome, and there was blood everywhere. Most of them were just doodles, but the expressions he focused on. He made sure to capture the twisted enjoyment in each recall.
Only then did he divert to that sort of calm Jerome. Not Jeremiah, who was a coward and awkward and kind of annoying and paranoid and boring. A Jerome who’d grown up in a place that was loving and a world that was accepting.
This drawing took time. It was detailed and careful as Y/n drew the smiling face of a boy that had been destroyed before he even had a chance to begin. There was softness and warmth and gentleness and it made Y/n grown even more deeply.
“What’s that?”
He hadn’t realized Jerome and gotten up, but it didn’t bother him to show his boyfriend what he was doing. Harley had nothing to hide. “I’m having these thoughts. Watching Jeremiah and Bruce today...” he shrugged. “It made me think.”
Jerome hopped over the back of the couch, landing next to Harley. He tilted his head in curiosity. “Think about what?”
Harley offered a small smile. “You don’t want to hear about it.”
Raising an eyebrow, Jerome countered, “You don’t know what I want to know. Tell me!”
Sighing softly, Harley gave in. “You know every tine we have sex, it’s rough. And every time you kiss me it’s hard and desperate. Like it might be the last time. Every time you look at me there’s a heaviness in your expression. Like your affection for me is weighed down by something. By fear or anger or lust rather than love. And- I mean I don’t mind it. I like our sex.” He chuckled, rolling his eyes at himself. “I don’t know I just saw how they looked at each other today. And the awkward way that they communicated. Being coy and innocent and flirty. It was kind of cute. Made me realize I’ve never had anyone look at me like that.”
Jerome nodded as he listened. He was getting better at that as time passed. He was easily bored and antsy, but spending time with Harley seemed to ease him in some way. Just enough that the two could hold out a surprisingly functional relationship. It was why Harley spoke so honestly now- there were no more secrets between them.
Jerome tugged the book and writing utensils out of Harley’s hands, setting them on the ground before pushing him down on the couch. “Is that what you want?”
Well that wasn’t expected. “Do I want someone else? Of course not.”
“No,” Jerome corrected. His hand rose to stroke Harley’s neck. The boy shivered. “Do you want me to be gentle?”
“I-“ Yet again Jerome had somehow surprised him. “Why?”
Jerome shrugged. “You deserve the world, my dear. If you want someone to look at you like those idiots in those sappy movies, I’ll do it at least once. My motto is that you have to try everything at least once to see if you like it. It’s how I figured out I like men.”
That made Harley chuckle. He touched Jerome lovingly, humming in thought. “You don’t have to change for me, J.”
“I know.” His hips dipped and he grinded into Harley. The boy beneath him gasped, his lips parting and his head pressing into the couch as his grip fighting in Jerome’s arm and shoulder. “Do you want me to do it or not? Just so you know.”
Taking a second to regain his breath, Harley nodded. “Just as long as you’re in charge.”
Jerome grinned. “Good, because tonight I’m in the mood to make you feel really good.”
Male reader tag List: @sheepfather
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raisonroux · 3 years
OTAS: Ch. 6
Going Down
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Jim, the terrified elevator mechanic, busies himself on his data pad, desperate to try and convince the impatient Kylo that he was actively working to fix the elevator (despite there being nothing he could do). His heart sinks as he watches the coordinates of the elevator move past the current location to a commander’s floor above; those floors always taking priority over the common floors. With the six minutes up, Kylo reaches a gloved hand for the man's shoulder.
Just then the lift returns and the door opens to Lieutenant Mitaka flanked by two stormtroopers. Mitaka, Kylo hates Mitaka, the sniveling lackey of General Hux. Kylo clenches his jaw at the unwelcome annoyance and enters the crowded car.
“Commander Ren,” nods the Lieutenant, his tone firm as if speaking to a peer - obviously trying to show leadership in the presence of the two troopers.
Kylo ignores the empty greeting and motions to the panel to press his floor, but sees it is already lit. “Hmm. You are going to R6?” He immediately regrets the question, as it opens the door to further conversation.
“Yes, Sir," says the Lieutenant, eager to show his productivity to the apathetic Commander. "The troopers on that floor have failed to update their status. It is most likely a delay in the Comm System, but it is protocol for an officer to check and maintain order.”
Ruminating on this new information, Kylo knows it is not a comm delay… it is the rogue stormtrooper. It has to be. The more he considers the actions of the trooper, making fools of both he and the Order, the more uneasy he becomes. He shifts his stance and tries to push the agitation of a potential force sensitive trooper out of his mind, instead focusing on the task at hand - the Pilot.
The elevator door opens on R6 to reveal another solitary stormtrooper in Kylo’s path. Except this one is flailing on the ground, moaning as he humps inappropriately against the floor. The two men behind Lieutenant Mitaka snort loudly as they attempt to hold in a laugh.
A visibly startled Mitaka blinks in confusion, then lets out a shaky command, “FN-1165, stand and explain yourself.” Despite the order, the thrashing resumes.
Incensed, Kylo turns toward Lieutenant Mitaka and the stormtroopers, “Are all you little shits defective?!”
Attempting to regain the appearance of control, Mitaka quickly motions to the troopers at his side. “Get him up!” NOW!"
Kylo huffs. Choosing not to wait, he uses his long legs to step over the gyrating body. Before he completes the stride, he stops short to smash his heel into the troopers outstretched hand. Expecting a howl of suffering, Kylo looks down to see that the man appears to be impervious to the pain, solely fixated on his invisible pleasure. Jaw clenched in anger, he twists his weight deeper into the cracking bones; but still no reaction. At the faint sound of a gulp, Kylo looks up and is relieved to see a frightened Mitaka, quaking in fear. Lowering his helmet to the edge of the man's forehead, Kylo makes one final comment, “Take control of your fucking men or these won't be the only bones I break today.” The terror in Mitaka's eyes satisfies Kylo and he turns to leave. His thick black boots march onward with determination down to the cell, as the sound of armor hitting the steel floor echoes throughout the hallway.
Just before entering the interrogation room, Kylo steadies himself - reconnecting with his innermost darkness, only to hear the rustling of armor to his back right. Perturbed with the constant interruptions, he pivots just in time to see two other languid troopers attempting to rise to attention. Kylo growls furiously and uses the Force to jerk one trooper to him. “Enough of these antics! I want answers!” The trapped trooper tries to nod in compliance but is unsuccessful against the hold of the Force.
Not waiting for a reply, Kylo continues, “I want to see all security footage of this cell and hall!”
“Y y y… Yes. Yes, sir.” Regaining his faculties at the release of the hold, the guard fumbles with his data pad and types furiously. He pauses and his shoulders drop before looking up, “There is no video sir. An order was placed to cease recording.”
“Who put in the order?” Kylo’s deep voice speaks slowly as he twists the hand by his hip. The guard feels an invisible strength circling his throat, and gulps.
“WHO PUT IN THE ORDER?!” Kylo asks again as his free hand latches to his sabor. The other trooper takes a step backward.
The frozen trooper stumbles over his words. “It’s… it's… mmm my… my login code, but I…I… I don’t remember-” before he can finish his admission, Kylo tightens his fist and thrusts out his arm; the unforgiving Force propelling the strangled man into a nearby wall, already dead before impact. Hearing a gasp, Kylo turns his attentions to the other guard.
“Tell your General to get his ass down here! His inability to lead is turning the Finalizer into a circus and I AM NOT AMUSED.” Kylo hisses. He takes a step forward as a door to the cell opens. Right away his brain fogs with the oddest sensation. Even odder is the prisoner, asleep on the table, a contented smile glued to his face. This would typically annoy the Commander, like everything else about this day, but his emotions stay steadfast in a satisfied, almost sensual, calm.
“Wake, now.” Kylo orders coolly as he wields the force to jostle the prisoner’s head to attention. “I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board… Comfortable?” The comment is meant to be a jeer, but observing the prisoner’s sated state, it appears to be true.
“I’ve been better,” admits Poe shrugging his shoulders, still hazy from his euphoric high.
“I’m impressed,” Kylo continues as he saunters toward the trapped man as an enigmatic heat fills his torso. An urge to touch Poe's chiseled cheek makes his fingers twitch. Clenching his fist, he fights the compulsion. “No one has been able to get it out of you… what you did with the map.”
“You might want to rethink your technique,” Poe smirks. He closes his eyes and takes in a full breath, losing himself in a thought, “The uh… Lady interrogator.” He sighs out, gently shaking his head, ”Hoo… yeah. I would have given her anything, and given it to her good.” He chuckles through his nose before focusing back on Kylo, “You on the other hand… aren’t really my type. But by the look of those tight pants, it seems I’m yours.”
“ENOUGH!” An embarrassed Kylo silences the smug pilot. Without another word, he hovers his palm over Poe’s mind, untangling and unearthing images from his brain. The first image he pulls loose is a memory from minutes earlier. It is one of arousal and pleasure, and Kylo finds it too enticing to ignore. However the memory is blurry and the face of the initiator, a woman, isn’t clear. Only her mewls are heard.
“This has to be a dream,” Kylo reasons to himself, “but it looks too real.” Tantalizing goosebumps dance across Kylo’s sensitive skin. Suddenly the quiet room fills with a hedonistic sigh, his own - at once alerting him to his mental voyeurism. Kylo scolds himself for lingering too long on this diversion, as tempting as it might be. With a groan forming in his chest, he clears his throat and digs deeper until the image of a droid in the desert is made clear.
After reading the same paragraph four times, Rose throws her book to the floor. “Agh! Where the kriff is she?!” With every distraction failing, she opts to visit the refresher. Trying her best to keep a positive mood, like her best friend, she encourages herself, “Everything is okay. Y/N will be back at any moment.” Grabbing her robe, she repeats the affirmations to herself all the way to the refresher room.
However upon her return, her hopeful smile fades when she sees a still empty bedroom. Dejected, she flings herself onto her bed, only to feel a buzzing against her chest. Scrambling the bedding out of the way, she pulls out her data pad, alerting her to a message. Eyes closed, she prays it is you as her fingers open the screen. Unfortunately it isn't Y/N. It is a work notification from her manager, “Emergency Call - Please report to the machine space of vertical transport 101A for an internal investigation.”
“Shit!” Rose's mind races. This is bad. This is very very bad. An internal investigation could point to her, and she knows she has to reach the assignment first to name another cause and sway suspicion. Zipping up her plain gray jumpsuit, she shoves her wet hair into a hat, and runs to the incident.
At the scene, her eyes widen to see the other Portside Lift tech already working. “Damn it, I’m too late.” She takes a deep breath before greeting her peer, “Hey Jim. What’s the situation?”
“Thank Kriff you’re here,” he motions down to the data pad screen to share his findings. “I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s a forced reboot flagged from the Electromechanical interlock, but all of the inner parts report back as stable. I’ve tried running different test scenarios virtually, but nothing is coming up. It looks like one of us will have to board the car ceiling to manually inspect.” His eyes slowly look up to stare at Rose. “So?”
“You want me to do it?! Why not a droid?” Rose asks nervously. Due to the advanced technology of the self-diagnostic computer systems and the aid of droid techs, Rose never had to enter a hoistway. Even in the apprentice program, manual checks of this nature were only discussed theoretically.
“One is already in the pit, checking for anything out of the ordinary. The other was crushed, remember? Hasn’t been replaced yet.”
Rose recalls seeing the gnarled pieces of the recovered droid on top your worktable after it got twisted into the rails. She shudders before pointing her finger at Jim, “Why not you?”
“Hell no! I had to babysit Commander Ren on Common Deck C2 for nearly a half hour. That’s way more dangerous than the hoistway. It’s your turn,” declares Jim, holding out a flimsy harness to his partner.
“This is pointless… I already know the origin of the error,” Rose lets slip as she throws her exasperated arms in the air, refusing the harness.
“You do? How?” questions Jim, eyes narrowing.
Rose bites her lip, knowing if she says anymore she will implicate herself. She tries to think of an excuse, any excuse to explain the reboot, but nothing comes out of her mouth.
“Just as I thought, you don’t know either.” Smug in his assertion, he ends up throwing the harness at Rose.
Rose catches the belt against her chest. “Uh. Fine.” As she buckles herself in, cursing under her breath with each motion, Jim calls the car to their floor.
“You’re chariot awaits,” he teases. Rose glares at him, she’s in no mood for jokes.
“I need a boost,” she huffs. Jim helps her through the hatch door of the car ceiling. Looking beyond the sling, her heart quickens as she takes in the seemingly endless vertical shaft downward. She gulps. As she steadies her feet on the roof of the car she calls down nervously, “Jim! Make sure the car is halted! I’m not dying because you forgot to click a button.”
“No can do. We have orders to keep it in service while we fix the issue. But don’t worry, I’ve kept the speed locked at 2 MGLTs.”
Rose drops back down to her knees and grips the edge of the open hatch, “WHAT?! You can’t be serious?!” she yells to her unconcerned partner, nose down in the data pad - oblivious to her distress.
Finally looking up he gives her a cocky grin and laughs, “What’s that? You want me to make it faster? Okay…”
“Just lock the damn car, Jim!” Rose’s terrified yelp echoes throughout the expanse.
But he only shakes his head, “Sorry. Superior officers are using this system. Direct orders not to halt service.”
“Fuck you and fuck orders,” Rose grits her teeth.
“Now that is no way to speak to the man holding the controls. Seriously, calm down. It’s going to be fine. I doubt you’ll even be up there long enough to-,” he pauses and all teasing stops. The elevator dings. “Oh… um… it’s been called to R6.”
“Kriff no! Pause it! I’m coming down, we will finish this later,” she says, cautiously lowering a leg through the hatch door. But it is too late, the doors begin to close.
“STOP!” warns Jim through remaining sliver of the doorway, “…it’s too dangerous! Just hang on!” The door shuts and the mechanism next to her begins to click ominously. With the rumble of motion, Rose quickly closes the rustling hatch door and lays flat against the car ceiling, careful to avoid any moving parts. In an instant, she attaches her harness to a corner hook and wraps her arms protectively about her head.
“This can’t get any worse,” she cries to herself. After a few minutes pass, the car comes to a stop, and she lets out a sigh of relief. She decides to ride back to her floor in the safety of the car. But before she can unhook her tether, in walks two reasons to stay put.
After a successful, and strangely gratifying search through the prisoners brain, Kylo at last has what he is looking for. With this step of mission complete, he calls the elevator - ready to end this day once and for all. With the elevator slower than normal, a now present General Hux has time to wrap up his conversation with Lieutenant Mitaka and makes his way next to the Commander. Kylo sneers under his helmet.
“Have you finally taken control of your men? Or does a real leader need to set them in line?” mocks Kylo as the lift door opens. Simultaneously both men take a step inside, shoulders colliding, refusing to be second to the other. As the elevator moves, Kylo looks about the cabin, sensing something out of place, but sees nothing.
“Lieutenant Mitaka is convinced it is a gas leak, no doubt from one of your many destructive outbursts,” states Hux, his face frozen in disdain. “And you? Did you finally retrieve the information that we all have been waiting for? Or are you too busy whining about troopers?”
Kylo ignores the slight, “It’s in a droid. A BB Unit.”
“Well then,” General Hux smirks, “If it’s on Jakku, we shall soon have it.”
“I leave that to you.” The cabin goes quiet as the two men stand silently in their hatred. A minute passes before Kylo continues, “And Hux, I want FN-2102 found and detained. I need to have a word with her.”
Above the car, Rose hears the name of the trooper and her mind instantly flashes to the moment she placed the helmet on your head. She scoots closer to the small perforated metal window into the cabin just in time to see the General pull out a portable Comm Link System.
“Status needed on FN-2102,” states Hux into the microphone.
“Yes, sir,” replies a voice through the speaker. “FN-2102 is currently in the med bay unconscious. Unlikely to wake, Sir.”
General Hux motions to Kylo before answering. “Commander Ren requests the trooper be detained.”
“She is immobilized, Sir. Both legs have been broken. Should we continue with customary protocol?”
“Not yet. Since Commander Ren has taken an interest, wait for removal until he gives word.” Hux turns off the comm link and turns to Kylo, “My gift to you.”
As the harrowing words rise up to unknown hitchhiker above, Rose clutches her face and tries to hold in a scream. Despite her mouth staying shut, her watery eyes watch as Kylo’s helmet snaps to the attention of the hatch. Their eyes meet through the tiny holes of the metal gate and Rose gasps. Startled, General Hux looks up to see what has caught the Commander’s attention.
“You!” Scolds the General, “Get down here and explain yourself.”
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no-other-fanfic · 7 years
I fell and rose - Part 4
Gotham - Gobblepot
It´s been less than a month now, and he´s already feeling the strain. He´s tired, not just physically but emotionally.
Strictly speaking, Jim´s not even in a relationship right now, because he´s still not sure what the hell he and Oswald are doing, let alone what they are. They are talking, they have dinner, he´s still fascinated. And Oswald tries. Jim knows he does. He tries so hard to not say anything of interest, or GCPD related, or crime related. But Jim notices the slightly too long pauses, the careful turns in conversation. Oswald is a skilled talker, under all his pretending, and still he´s slipping ever so slightly.
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Part 1 / Previous
Part 1 of the series
It's another bank robbery. Of course it is. The only difference is that this time the guys responsible are successful. They're not stealthy or quiet or even unsuspicious - they go in, shoot the cameras, shoot the security guard trying to intervene, and even take hostages, five of whom don't survive the encounter. They take the money and other valuables directly from the safe and vanish. No security footage, no suspicious hole in the ground or in a door, no broken locks. They're just gone, leaving traumatized people and baffled police in their wake.
The mayor gives a moving speech about the tragedy of it all (while rumors already mention the various ways he could be caught up in it), announcing it as a case for homicide because "our best detectives of our best division will uncover this hideous crime and they won't rest until we can feel safe again, and if it's the last thing they do". Which Jim interprets mostly as a threat. Way to up the pressure.
"Why us?", he - absolutely doesn't - whine.
"You had to make the front page. Don't go blaming me."
"We have perfectly capable cops on the streets. Why homicide? Don't we have other cases?" Maybe 'capable' isn't the best word to describe them. 'Functioning' and 'walking around' may be more appropriate. And it's not like Jim doesn't want to catch the culprits. However, there are enough murders in Gotham nobody but them cares about. He would rather help there. A case with this much of a media circus is going to get solved either way.
"Because the people are suckers for heroes, kid."
They waste the next few hours combing through the building, searching every corner for any kind of evidence. The witnesses are unreliable, too shocked, statements not matching up. Evidence is reliable. If only it were as easy to find.
"Did you know that-"
"Ed. Not now.", Harvey interrupts. Jim's secretly glad. That was the conversation starter for the entire last hour and he doesn't think his head will be able to contain what's left of his sanity if he's hearing any more information nobody will ever need again.
"Not even if I found something?", Edward asks. As usual he's the only one truly excited to be at a crime scene.
"Couldn't you start with that?"
"It isn't as much fun if you just throw all the facts out there, is it?"
"You have a weird definition of fun, let me tell you."
"Cut to the chase, Nygma. Some of us can think of more pleasant things than crawling around in this damn bank.", Alvarez interrupts. "Right, Gordon?"
"What is it?", Jim asks instead of indulging Alvarez. Even though he's right. But nobody needs to know that.
"Riddle me this, Detective: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?"
"Ed. Please. Just once give us a normal answer. I'm begging you.", Harvey groans.
"That's how you look when you beg? No wonder you have to pay for a bit action.", Alvarez grumbles.
Jim sighs. "Something on the floor? Footsteps. You found footprints."
Ed falters. "Right, yes. You're correct, Detective. Traces of a currently unknown substance, too. I'll have to analyze it."
"Don't let us keep you."
"You've got to be kidding." Harvey groans.
"No, Detective, I'm not." To say Ed looks put out in light of the - subdued - reaction to his recent fascinating discovery would only be a minor understatement. If there had been crickets in the GCPD, you could have heard them chirping.
"It's an important lead."
"You found sugar, Nygma. If I sample Jim's coffee, I'll also find sugar. So where does this leave us?"
"Maybe you should do your job, Detective, as I just did mine, and we'll see where you end up."
"Whoa, easy. Something's bothering you? Because you sounded like you were just talking back to me."
"I'll leave you to it.", Ed responds and slinks back to wherever he stays when there's no case to summon him with.
"Maybe try to be a bit more decent? Heard it helped."
"Oh yeah, Jim? Because you know so well how to talk to someone without screwing up? Face it, we're stuck with each other."
"That was uncalled for.", Jim retorts, feigning shock.
Harvey snorts. "That was uncalled for. You hurt my feelings."
"Feelings? Harvey Bullock? My friend, you must be joking."
"Now, that was just mean."
Jim grins. "Don't worry, I still love you."
"Aww. I'm flattered, really am. But don't you have a date already? Would hate to just be the other woman."
"Oh shit. I have to go. No, I have to cancel. We've got a case, I can't -"
"You are going. We have sugar, Jim. Sugar. Do you know how much of that shit exists in this city? Do you wanna search everywhere? You're going to do your civic duty and prevent your boyfriend - can't believe I said that - from causing the crime statistics to rise even more."
"Please. Get your ass out of here. For me?"
Before Harvey can try to mock pout at him - because, by god, that's an image he absolutely doesn't want stuck in his head - Jim relents. "Okay. I- Thanks, I guess."
Harvey winks at him. "Go get him, tiger."
"I think I'm going to throw up."
"That's a bit drastic, don't you think? I mean, yeah, he's weird and an asshole and a snitch, will most likely sell you out one day, and what the hell is up with the hair -"
"I meant you. Don't ever look at me like that again. Please. I'm begging."
"And I'm insulted."
"You'll get over it.", Jim consoles him on his way out.
"Try not to get stabbed!"
He arrives just in time, disheveled, but at least wearing a fresh suit. It's a little restaurant, not too crowded, no one too curious. He suspects that this establishment also has some ties to the mob, but Oswald never confirms or denies it. It's nice and the food is good, so Jim lets it slide. They've been there quite a few times and as long as nothing too suspicious takes place he's content to just enjoy some downtime.
Oswald is already seated, wall at his back, and Jim's really glad that he can't spot Gabe or Victor. He's anxious enough without them hovering nearby and listening in.
"Jim. You've made it." There's no frosty infliction in Oswald's voice frost - just stating a fact.
"I said I would, didn't I?", Jim answers, smiling. Oswald tentatively smiles back. A start. Jim purposefully takes a seat with the room at his back. He figures a show of trust can only work in his favor.
"How are you?", he asks, cringing internally. Small talk. How he hates it.
Oswald raises an eyebrow. "Fine. Victor got himself in a shootout and someone managed to graze him. Gabriel stitched him up. How's your investigation going?"
Jim stares.
"Come on, James. I appreciate the effort of trying to have a normal conversation but I know you hate it, so let's just talk about something interesting even if it´s work. Agreed?"
"That's not how I planned this, but okay, you're right. We're stuck."
"Planning doesn't suit you." There's a fond smile. Jim's heart skips a beat. "You didn't find anything?"
"We found sugar. Doesn't really help, does it?"
"How much was it?"
"Enough to be found on a few footprints."
"I imagine most of it should have ended up on the street."
Oswald´s right. Jim´s mind races. "...And I can rule out any accidental 'spills' as it had to be something bigger.", he concludes.
"See, James? Talking can help."
"You're avoiding subjects as much as I do. However, for what it's worth, I am sorry. I've been unfair to you."
"And I´ve been an ass. Thank you for staying."
"Anything for you. I mean it." There's that damn honest bright smile again, the one where Oswald looks like he could never even be associated with the mob. Jim would give anything to make it stay. "Just don't try these games with me again, Jim. I'm afraid that wouldn't end as well.", Oswald adds, smile hardening slightly. Back to mob boss. Jim nods. He knows that Oswald trusts him more than most of his own men, but even that has a limit. There´s only so many times he´ll risk being burned, before cutting ties. There´s too much to lose in the game for a place up high in Gotham´s underground business. So Jim will try.
"Can we eat now? Been running around all day."
"Don't let me stop you, James."
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galerieprints · 5 years
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Life on Mars...? Come and see this amazing print now on display at the GALERIE | PRINTS Gallery London - celebrating over 50 years in Music Photography - “ IT’S ONLY ROCK & ROLL BUT I LIKE IT! “ - - #repost @kevinwestenberg ・・・ MARILYN MANSON shot for NME Magazine in Los Angeles. 1990’s. ONE-OFF PRINT SALE! 24”x30” IMAGE size. (32”x38” overall paper size.) The second in a series of artist proofs. This one of Marilyn Manson at his outrageous prime. Gold lame suit and all. Shot at his house up in the Hollywood Hills on a sunny summer’s evening. This frame was unseen back at the time. Shot originally for an NME cover back in 1999 this one was printed and reworked for a special show I had back in 2007 in Antwerpen, Belgium at Gallery EXPOZONE. Originally, I met Manson during the prime time tour years of N.I.N. when Manson was Trent’s opening band and signed to his record label, Nothing Records. In the beginning he would come on stage wearing a giant strap-on cock and fling himself all around the stage. Jim Rose Circus also added extra thrills. From now until they’re all sold, I’m offering these artist proofs as part of my stock liquidation. These are all a/p prints from various exhibitions held around the world that now have to go. All one-off’s signed but not numbered. Not part of any edition. A chance to own a large beautiful print suitable for framing at 1/2 price. Created on Fuji Crystal Archive printed on the Chromira ProLab SE. These are 100% ready to go to homes now. Some small marks or flaws may exist but nothing major. Contact me direct at: [email protected] for pricing and to reserve your favorite. First come, first served. Once gone, gone forever. Westenberg Ltd covers shipping cost worldwide. Photo: Kevin Westenberg. #kevinwestenberg #realfilmrealwestenberg #london #england #usa #photography #sale #marilynmanson #spaceships #nme #nmemagazine #hollywood #losangeles #california #love #life #happiness #unframed #rockandroll #instagram #instagood #colour #filmsnotdead #fujicrystalarchivepaper #classics #galerieprints #galerieprintsgallery https://www.instagram.com/p/B3sl1IMpJQS/?igshid=x21fa88k06dy
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Just Like You Imagined: A Selected Nine Inch Nails Videography
Music Videos
Head Like a Hole
This video introduced the world to the chaotic visuals that would come to embody Nine Inch Nails. For many early fans, this became the video that they always remember when thinking of the band. There were images of a native dancer, film negatives, a bobbing model of a head, and the band performing in a futuristic studio. At one point, Trent Reznor is suspended in the air as he sings or rather screams the chorus.
In this clip, the band is fully dressed in leather performing the song in a steel cage. Furious men from all sides are climbing into the cage In order to get at the band. The entire video is aggressive and violent representing everything that fans had associated with the group in the mid-1990’s.
In this promo, David Fincher steps in to direct, which eventually led to a collaboration between Reznor and the director for films such as The Social Network. The video utilizes pin art to illustrate the singer performing this track in an office. The Apple Power Book appearing in the video actually belonged to Fincher. Every aspect of the video was created using CGI, except for a human hand and the cars in the office background.
The Perfect Drug
Inspired by the artwork of artist Edward Gorey, this video shows the band fully decked out in Edwardian costume. Trent Reznor represents a man, who is mourning the death of his child by altering his reality through the use of absinthe. Other band members appear in the video as well, most notably playing stringed instruments at the very beginning.
Starfuckers Inc.
Co-directed by Marilyn Manson, this video maintained a central theme of very dark humor towards the content of the song. Reznor and a blonde companion take a limousine to a carnival, where she tapes the singer throwing baseballs at musicians such as Michael Stipe, Billy Corgan, Fred Durst, and even Reznor himself. Other musicians can be seen throughout the clip including David Lee Roth. At the end of it, the blonde removes her wig to reveal her true identity to be Marilyn Manson. This became important because fans took it as a sign that Reznor and Manson were friends again. Manson would even join Nine Inch Nails on stage to sing the song in Madison Square Garden. More recently, due to allegations from several women, Reznor has ended any association with Manson.
The Hand That Feeds
Co-directed by Reznor, this video showed band members performing this song in very tight spaces. The clip utilized something called the pan and scan technique, which created visual distortion and blurry pixels on the screen. Towards the conclusion of the video, each member becomes even more blurry on the screen as other techniques were used to distort them.
This clip quickly became the band’s most popular and most divisive ever. MTV would show it in heavy rotation, but they had edited the original substantially. The storyline of the video was an illustration of a laboratory dealing with religion, sex, animal cruelty, and terrorism. Some of the controversial images included a bald woman wearing a crucifix mask, a monkey tied to a cross, a diagram of the vulva, a rotating pig’s head, and Reznor with a ball gag in his mouth.
Into The Void
This video would utilize a macro photography approach that focused on Trent Reznor to the very extreme, so you could see every molecule from his face. The end of the video shows the full band destroying their instruments and the set itself. The clip would be nominated for Breakthrough Music Video at the 2000 MTV Music Video Awards, but they would lose out to Björk.
March of the Pigs
The band actually filmed two versions of this video for the track from The Downward Spiral. Reznor decided to completely abandon the first version before filming had even completed. The finished video takes a very minimal approach showing the group in front of a white backdrop aggressively doing the song. For his part, the Nine Inch Nails frontman repeatedly dropped his microphone as he bumped into the other band members. One can see stage hands repeatedly setting equipment back up after Reznor had knocked it down. The entire clip looks to be shot in one long take that utilized the actual audio recorded that day instead of the official album version. Most music videos did not do such a thing back then. The audio recorded for the promo would be included as a B-side on the Closer cassette.
We’re In This Together
The best word to describe this music video would be ambiguous. The clip shows Trent Reznor and a large group of people clothed in black running for the entire length of the song. They run through various empty streets, get on a train, then it ends with them in a field. Many fans wondered at the time what exactly the singer was running towards in the promo? The video would be entirely shot in black-and-white to add to the general sense of vagueness.
This short film represented the four music videos released for the 1993 EP, but it was never officially released on VHS. The story within a story narrative structure for it became that of a snuff film. One of the big reasons it was never released came in the fact that the film would have had major censorship issues due to its graphic nature. Trent Reznor would later say in an interview that the entire film makes the video for “Happiness in Slavery” look like a Disney movie. The film also included two hidden tracks and a music video for the song “Gave Up” that was never officially released. The film did leak, eventually allowing fans to see some version of it through bootlegs. Today, one can view the uncensored version of the film via a hidden link on the discography page of the Nine Inch Nails site.
This two VHS tape collection includes all the music videos for The Downward Spiral and a live concert. The tape also provides behind the scenes footage of the Self-Destruct tour and Further Down the Spiral tour. The backstage footage shows the interaction of the band with Marilyn Manson, Jim Rose’s Circus, and David Bowie. One part shows how Trent Reznor loved to destroy keyboards while on tour. The second tape with the music videos inter spliced footage from educational movies and other original video between each official clip via Director Peter Christopherson. For example, you can watch an educational film from the Edison manufacturing company entitled Electrocuting An Elephant before “The March of The Pigs.” The director also included unreleased footage from the earlier Broken film that was never released. Due to overwhelming fan demand for a DVD version, the band did release one in 2001.
And All That Could Have Been
This DVD showed footage from the Fragility 2.0 tour, which accompanied the live album of the same name. The Nine Inch Nails crew used DV cameras to capture live footage, then Reznor and others utilized Apple software to edit the footage for a DVD release. The singer would later say that the decision to film it themselves came about due to cost and his vision for a more realistic perspective. The negative aspect of the DVD is represented by very shaky cameras and dark footage at times. The two disc set also included a number of Easter eggs that can be accessed by hitting certain buttons on your DVD player remote at certain times. For example, if you press the number six or seven on your DVD remote at 11:19 on disc two, the entire menu of all the hidden features will pop up.
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nishsnicheworld · 6 years
It’s a Circus at The Kibitz Room. by Karen “Nish” Nishimura
Once upon a time, I was a “night girl.”  I used to go out to clubs any day of the week to listen to live bands and enjoy a cocktail or two, but I’ve grown-up, or more accurately grown older, and it’s not so easy getting by with two or three hours of sleep and expect to function well in any day job, or activities post nightclubbing.  But a friend of mine, drummer Bill Spoke, asked me a few months ago if I would come out to Canter’s Deli and check out the band he plays with occasionally on Sunday nights – the gig starts at 12:00 midnight.  It has taken a while for me to get around to it. However, the opportunity arose on Palm Sunday, so I made it to the Kibitz Room, the little bar/nightclub adjacent to Canters on Fairfax.
The deli itself has been a landmark business in Los Angeles since 1931, first in Boyle Heights then moved to Fairfax, its current location in the early 1950s. Canters Deli is a Los Angeles celebrity in its own right with a charming history of serving the local community and the rich and famous. The number of stars that have dined there is way too long to list.  The Kibitz Room Cocktail Lounge was added to Canters in the early ‘60s and became a hangout/nightclub for deli regulars, rock music fans and top name players like Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Slash, Jim Morrison, Axl Rose, Frank Zappa, Jackson Browne, Melissa Ethridge, Gene Simmons and many more. The Kibitz Room has always been a place uniquely experienced in Los Angeles.  Amid the aromas of corned beef, rye bread, and matzo ball soup, you find a diverse mix of cocktail sipping music lovers crammed into a darkly lit little gem of a “dive bar” club adjacent and accessible to the expansive and bright fluorescent lighting of the 1950s diner/restaurant, Canters Deli. And there’s no cover charge for the nightly entertainment.
I arrived around 11:30 PM and caught the tail end of the Tim Russ Crew set.  Only in LA could you find an Emmy Award-winning actor with his band playing a rock and blues show in The Kibbitz Room.  More fans know Tim Russ for his role as Lt. Cmdr. Tuvok on Star Trek Voyager, but his talent extends into many creative areas, and I got the chance to hear Tim’s music chops before the Rock & Roll Circus took the stage.  Tim plays The Kibitz Room once a month, and it is worth checking out his show for his rocking funk version of the mash-up “Smoke on the Funky Music.”  Also, he does a great blues cover of Joe Bonamassa’s “Dust Bowl.”  It was a fine and funky set that revved-up my anticipation for the “R&R Circus” to come.
The Circus began 20 years ago in another incarnation as the “Artie Vegas Review,” playing every Sunday at midnight in Canters Kibitz Room. Seven years ago Artie Vegas left the group and then current ringmaster and bass player, Spike Baron took over the gig and changed the band’s name to the “Rock & Roll Circus.” Spike and Willie Mack Chambers were both in the “Artie Vegas Review” band, and Spike manages the R&R Circus, scheduling the troupe of players each week.
Spike Baron has been playing bass professionally in bands for 50 years and also has a thriving IT/computer repair business. Once Spike took over and renamed the group, he decided to change the format a bit, so the gig was more like a jam session which made it inclusive and flexible for the many different players he has on the Circus roster.  The show is successful and fun because of the open format that allows for special guest players and vocalists to sit in, and every singer gets to perform two or three songs of their choice.  There are no band rehearsals and no pay for the gig (except for a comped dinner in Canters Deli after the show).  The musicians in the band are all professional and play in other groups, or are session players and tour with their bands or with other artists.  For this reason, the musicians are booked in the rotation for the Circus gig according to their schedules.  There’s an A team of players; Crazy Tomes and John Worley on guitar, and John Mc Kraken on drums.  If they can’t make it one week then the B team is called; Bill Spoke and Robin Russell on drums, Jimmy Silcox on guitar, and others who sit in occasionally.  There have been horn players, percussion, keyboards, blues harp musicians that have played in the R&R Circus.  And new singers pop in all the time, some just for one night and others come back. Adelina Madera is a regular singer with Willie Chambers who also plays guitar.
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Willie Mack Chambers
Just before the set started, I sat down with Willie Chambers and Adelina Madero to “kibitz” a few minutes.  I asked Willie, “What brings you back week after week to perform here?” With a flash of his 10,000-watt smile, Willie tells me that music is medicine for the soul and it indeed has been his life force.  Willie, who just turned 80, is more vibrant than most people and his love of music fuels his energy by performing consistently. Adelina and Willie say it’s the welcoming feeling of family between the band members, audience/fans and the Kibitz Room and Canters’ crew that make them look forward to Sunday nights.  The connection, support, and a collaborative flow are the reasons this band performs so well together, even with guest singers and new players that step in and out during a set.
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Hollywood I, Spike Baron, Bill Spoke, Jimmy Silcox
This night the Circus cast included Spike on bass as usual, and Bill Spoke on drums, trading off with drummer Robin Russell for a few songs.  Jimmy Silcox on guitar (played a thrilling solo on “Voodoo Child”), and guitarist and vocalist Krystal Khali (she was sensational) stepped up to play and sing in a few tunes.  The rockin’ blonde, Hollywood I, who has performed before with the R&R Circus, jumped in and went center stage in a rousing rendition of “Whole Lotta Love.” Adelina and Willie would step in and out either providing background vocals with other singers or singing solo on tunes they wanted to perform.  Adelina delivered an awesome performance of “Sweet Emotion.” Willie thrilled the happy fans with “Long Tall Sally.”  Wayne Collins Sr. closed the set with vocals on “Mustang Sally” and “Hard to Handle.”
Krystal Khali, Bill Spoke, Spike Baron
Adelina and Willie
Adelina Madero, Robin Russell, Spike Baron
Jimmy Silcox
Wayne Collins Sr.
The Rock & Roll Circus show at The Kibitz Room in Canters on Sunday nights is a temple of music for band members and the followers who come to the show to be refreshed and saved from the distresses that life often brings.  Willie Chambers told me, “You never know what you are going to get each week,” speaking of the show’s format, but I believe everyone realizes they get a soul-enriching joy by being part of the show.  Joining the Rock & Roll Circus can transform your entire week, and you can find them at The Kibitz Room every Sunday.
#kibtzroom #canters #rock&rollcircus #williechambers #adelinamadero #timruss #krystalkhali #billspoke #spikebaron #rock #music
      C'mon and Join The Show! A Rock & Roll Circus show at The Kibitz Room Sunday nights It's a Circus at The Kibitz Room. by Karen "Nish" Nishimura Once upon a time, I was a “night girl.”  I used to go out to clubs any day of the week to listen to live bands and enjoy a cocktail or two, but I’ve grown-up, or more accurately grown older, and it’s not so easy getting by with two or three hours of sleep and expect to function well in any day job, or activities post nightclubbing. 
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junker-town · 7 years
The Marlins home run sculpture might go away, and I'm devastated
Derek Jeter will have a lot to answer for if this goes through.
The new Miami Marlins owners are likely to remove the gaudy, 60-foot tall home run sculpture, according to Jon Heyman, and you should be devastated. The gory details:
One thing someone connected to the Jeter group has suggested will likely go: the home run sculpture in left-center field that was designed by artist Red Grooms and has been the subject of controversy.
Hopefully, this is just the idle speculation of someone who hasn’t even seen the thing in person. Hopefully, this is just someone who believes his business card gives him or her the unilateral authority to suggest such a thing. We don’t have a name attached to the proposal. We don’t know what Derek Jeter thinks. We doing know anything except for the second-hand note that “someone connected to the Jeter group” maybe isn’t the biggest.
Because at the risk of being solipsistic, this might completely ruin my brand. More so, even. I enjoyed being the Howard Cosell to the sculpture’s Muhammed Ali, poking and prodding, partly skeptical and mostly a true believer, as I used way too many words to describe this gift to the world. Really, we should be concerned about the people most affected by this. Namely, me.
EDITOR: Grant, real quick, I was just checking the standings, and did you realize there are 10 possible playoff teams in the American L
What will happen to my metaphor? What will happen to my precious words?
In 75 years, the Home Run Sculpture will be iconic. It will be a destination. the ballpark will be ancient and adored, and people will walk into this classic piece of Americana, walk through the tunnel to get to their seats and see it in the distance, with 80 years of weather and air conditioning aging it more than a touch, but in the most charming way possible. A father will put his arm around his son or daughter and just stare.
And, fine, I guess the Marlins and their fans might possibly be affected by this. It’s only fair to note that the majority of sports fans hate the home run sculpture.
But that question was posed to a national audience, and I’m telling you, the thing grows on you. Here’s what Marlins Park looks like without it:
Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports, Staff
That looks like a domed stadium with windows on the side, which is better than a domed stadium without windows on the side, but just barely. That’s a stale ballpark. New, clean, and stale.
Restore it to its natural state, then.
Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports
There’s no mistaking where you are. It adds scale to the cavernous park. It adds a landmark. It takes it from, “Watching baseball in a dark stadium with a retractable roof that wouldn’t be opened if it were 72˚ and zero percent chance of rain” to “Hell yeah, Marlins Park, let’s see Giancarlo Stanton break one of those stupid flamingo beaks off with a 110-mph dinger.” It’s exactly the kind of spice the ballpark needs to stand out.
Have you ever stopped to think about just how stupid the Mets’ Home Run Apple is?
PETE: Got an idea for the new stadium, Carl. Gonna put in a home run apple.
CARL: A home run apple, eh? Reckon it’ll be the size of an apple.
PETE: Nope. It’s gonna be a big apple. The size of two elephants.
CARL: A big apple, you say?
PETE: To celebrate the Big Apple. And it’s going to pop out of a top hat whenever there’s a home run.
CARL: A gigantic apple popping out of a gigantic top hat. Are there words on the top hat with the home run apple?
PETE: There are. “Home Run,” the words will read.
CARL: I can see it now. This is completely normal and definitely not stupid.
It’s not aesthetically different from the Cubs putting a gigantic inflatable dancing car dealership thing in right-center to celebrate the Windy City. Whooooosh, look at those suckers go whenever Kyle Schwarber hits a home run, ha ha! It sounds ridiculous, but it’s not stranger than a gigantic apple emerging from a top hat like Cthulu from the briney deep. We’re just used to it. See what will happen when Mets owners buy the team from Gxys Wilpon in 2494 and threaten to take the apple away. It’s not going to be taken lightly.
Without the Marlins sculpture, it’s incumbent upon the new owners to figure out a new brand for the team and the stadium. We all should have known this was coming, that the first order of business would be to de-weird the Marlins. But there’s a difference between an ownership group undoing the sins of the previous owners and the new guys coming in with a sledgehammer and turning the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow into Jim Rose’s Face Painting and Bouncy House Emporium. Is the plan to completely button the team down? If that’s the case, they’ll need to get rid of the fish tank behind home plate and the making-of-Star-Wars-bonus-features green around the ballpark. They’ll need to get rid of these guys:
Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images
They’ll need to get rid of everything that makes the park unique, because otherwise they’ll only be a quarter-weird, the Hot Topic shirt of baseball. Just strange enough to make you furrow your brow, not strange enough to elicit a chuckle. Not strange enough to stand out and have a purpose in life.
In a just and pure world, a division rival would purchase the sculpture and repurpose it to cheese off the Marlins. The Nationals could have spinning eagles and American flags. The Phillies could have a Phanatic-themed sculpture. The Mets could make the whole thing out of apples. The Braves could put ... actually, let’s not see what the Braves would slap on there. But if the Marlins sculpture is going away, it needs to survive somewhere. Like the Hall of Fame. Or Marc’s house.
Again, this is all premature. Heyman is a fine reporter with plenty of contacts, but this is still just one anonymous source close to the new ownership group. It might be that Derek Jeter gets to tour the inside of the thing and suddenly understands it. It might be that the new owners talk to the fans and realize they enjoy watching baseball clarnk off it in batting practice and in games. Or maybe Jeter watched baseballs pepper it during the Home Run Derby, fell in love just like most of us, and hasn’t had time to seek this sculpture-hater out to set him or her straight.
If it goes, it goes, and there will still be nine innings played at Marlins Park every day, give or take. The foul lines will still meet at a 90-degree angle, and the balls will still be home runs when they go over the fence. But it won’t be the same Marlins Park. It’ll just be a park. How the new owners plan to make up for that will be mighty interesting, because I’m not sure how removing it helps them at all. The Marlins need to get less weird, but they don’t need to get duller. And it’s a fine, fine line between those two.
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DO STRANGE THINGS - click on link below
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." - Jim Rose - #jimrose #jimrosecircus
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FUN FACT - click on link below
Here is a fun fact brought to you by Jim Rose: "If you cut off all your body hair and laid it end to end, you'd be be a fucking weirdo." - Jim Rose -
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A MAGICAL PLACE - click on link below
"The world is a magical place full of people waiting to be offended by something." - Jim Rose - #jimrose #PhotosOfJimRoseCircus
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