#jim jiminee
mickmercer-goth · 7 months
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JONNY SLUT post-Specimen. Join my Substack, free to subscribe.
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d-j-a-t-o-m · 2 years
大都会 vol. 6 at 心斎橋 Contort, 7th January 2023
part 1
More Than This / Roxy Music [EG/Polydor, 1982]
Ram On / Paul McCartney [Apple, 1971]
The Look of Love / the Lettermen [Capitol, 1968]
優しくだまして / 小林明子 [Fun House, 1985]
Everyday I Write the Book / Elvis Costello & the Attractions [F-Beat, 1983]
Frontin' / Jamie Cullum [Universal, 2003]
Karabali /Herbie Hancock [CBS/Sony, 1984]
Secret Garden / Madonna [Marverick, 1992]
Minute by Miunte / the Doobie Brothers [Warner Bros., 1978]
I Can Dream about You / Dan Hartman [MCA, 1984]
part 2
Sister Fate / Sheila E. [Paisley Park/Warner Bros., 1983]
Just the Two of Us / Grover Washington [Elektra, 1980]
Happy Hour / the Housemartins [Chrysalis, 1986]
Town and Country Blues / Jim Jiminee [Beatwax!/Southern Studios, 1989]
Casanova / Coffee [De-Lite, 1980]
Digging Your Scene / the Blow Monkeys [RCA, 1986]
Young Bloods / 佐野元春 [Epic, 1985]
If You Were There / the Isley Brothers [T-Neck, 1973]
Deep in Vogue / Malcolm McLaren and the Bootzilla Orchestra [Epic, 1989]
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salonasundaes · 7 years
-another sunny day- DJ Playlist “すべてのセレクトには理由がある” 全選曲解説
2017年12月2日 b-flower & The Laundries Live 
-another sunny day- 本来はムクドリの会アケシンさんがDJ担当予定でしたが、急病のため急遽降板、代役として同じムクドリの会から高田博之とサロが担当しました。さてさて、彼らは何を考えながら曲を選んでいたのでしょう? ** DJ playlist(解説)** DJ:トシ今井(=サロ from ムクドリの会)
 (お馴染みサロさん、22年ぶりのDJ登板。都内でプレイするのは25年ぶり。四半世紀。そんなサロさん、その当時のDJネームは『トシ今井』。トシ矢嶋をもじったいつものおふざけですね) ・yura yura teikoku - dekinai(extended remix)
(bでゆら帝���でもこれがなかなかいいんだな。DJリハで何度も掛けちゃったよ。この12インチかなり音圧絞らないとヤバイ音がする) ・akira mizumoto feat.yasuyuki horigome - fairground(シンプリーレッドの名曲カバー。ちょっと懐かしいね。これもリハで延々とかけてたよ) ・donovan - mellow yellow(八野さんのおやすみソングツイートから引用。ドノヴァン。お約束だけどメローイエロー飲みたくなる(笑)) ・the pooh sticks - who loves you
(『本当はON TAPEがいいんだけどな(サロ)』。プースティクスは俺らのアイドルさ)
 ・cibo matto - sugar water remix
(チボマット!Birthday Cakeかこれかで迷って結局こっちにした) ・gol gappas - albert parker
(エルレーベル!といえばこれ!ゴルガッパス。ぱーぱぱぱぱぱー) ・morrissey - interesting drug
(そして真打ち登場。モリヲソロの初期名曲。なんどこのPVを見たか。) ・the trash can sinatras - circling the circumference
(そしてトラキャン。ランドリーズといえばトラキャン。外せないよね。12インチはアルバムとは違う別ヴァージョン。) DJ:HIROYUKI TAKADA(ムクドリの会) (ここからムクドリの会終身名誉会長、高田博之の登場、なのですが、実はトラブル発生によるものです。開場中でしたが、チケット確認処理でトラブル発生(スマホを使った電子チケットを採用したものの、いざ入場チェックする段階で電波障害発生。チケットカウンターが半地下だったためにうまく受信出来ないトラブル。テスト時にはうまくいったんですけどね)。そのため、サロさんが用意した分のレコードを使い切ってしまい、急遽会長が穴埋めする事態に。まあその点百戦錬磨な会長、なんとかします) ・eggstone - my trumpets(予備で持ってきてた盤。クラブヒットにして名曲。タイトルからして泣) ・everything but the girl - when all’s well
(キラキラギターの代名詞。クラブ映えするね) ・raintree county - here it comes
(アズテク直径のギターバンド。派手さはないもののいい味してます) ・the lilac time - dreaming
(ライラックタイムのクラブヒットと言えばこれ。これとヒポポタモーマスは90年代の僕にはなんと��くセットなやつ) ・the trash can sinatras - hayfever
(本日二度目のトラキャン。この12インチが出た時の事は鮮明に覚えてる。名作「CAKE」以後、待ちに待った待望の新作!って僕は池袋waveでCDシングルで購入したんだけど、同じ日にゼストには12インチが入荷してた。待てずにCDで買ったんだけどすぐさまアナログも買ったんだよね) ・the jam - happy together
(ジャムで好きなのはダントツでこれ。好きなアルバムはギフト。最高す) ・belle and sebastian - another sunny day(さて、ようやく20分押しでライブスタート。トップバッター、ランドリーズの入場SEはイベントタイトルに合わせてベルセバのanother sunny day。夢の続きを見ましょう) (The Laundries LIVE) ・danny wilson - mary’s prayer
(ランドリーズの熱い演奏の後、少しだけクールダウンを狙って。これも八野さんおやすみソングより) ・rocketship - hey, hey, girl
(ロケットシップ初期名曲。これこそがインディーポップたる輝きを秘めるもの) ・star tropics - another sunny day
(今回の目玉のひとつ。2017年ニューカマー。アナザーサニーデイ繋がりも手伝って最新型は必要ですよね) ・the field mice - sensitive
(全曲からの繋がりでここはやはりのフィールドマイス。みんな好きだよね!彼らの存在は偉大です) ・jim jiminee - town and country blues
(古のクラブヒット、ジムジミニー。今も昔もゲロゲローンって踊った人はたくさんいるよね。) ・blue rondo a la turk - klacto vee sedstein
(ファンカラティーナ名曲。マットビアンコの前身バンド。んんんんあ!ってさ(笑)イカしてるね) ・spearmint - a week away
(スペアミントはいつだって僕らのレコードバックに入ってる。まさにスペアミントな清涼感抜群) ・the smiths - you just haven’t earned it yet,baby(説明不要。b-flowerもカバーしてた名曲。僕の中ではスミスベスト3に入る。カースティマッコールのカバーも秀逸) ・pat boone - april love
(冬なのに『四月の恋』はこれいかに) ・another sunny day - you should all be murdered(そしてここで登場SE。今度はサラのアナザーサニーデイ。これがかかる少し前に卓の方から『SE曲はフルでかけてくださいと、バンドから指示でてます』と。もうこれはb-flowerのアナザーサニーデイに対しての尊敬の念と愛情の現れだよな、と思い、ブース内で感涙に咽び泣いておりました(笑)) (b-flower LIVE)
・Livingstone daisy - desire(b-flowerライブ後、アンコールの最後にすごいサプライズが!本日出演者全員によるペイルファウンテンズのカバー。しかも曲が『(Don't Let Your Love) Start A War』だなんて。深い、深すぎる。そして素晴らしい・・・。の演奏の余韻冷めぬ中、お客さん全く帰る雰囲気がない中、まさかのダブルアンコール!ってなりそうな中、卓からの指示でDJプレイ。ここ、実は結構ひやひやものだったんです。あれだけの演奏を目の当たりにしてまさかのここで終わりな雰囲気、一歩間違えば暴動でも起きそうは雰囲気。それでも、ええぃいってしまえ!とLDのdesireを。一瞬間があってすぐさまb-flowerがステージに再登場。メンバー紹介してダブルアンコールに応えてくれた。や、まじで、ホッとした瞬間。一度止めて再プレイ。ライブ終了後エンディングは最初からこれって決めてた。だってミラーボールがあるし(笑)) ・the wake - crush the flowers(サラは偉大なのよ。そういう一面がよく解る曲。まあこれはジャケがね) ・the trash can sinatras - twisted and bent(本日3回目のトラキャン。清さと逞しさを兼ね備えた愛すべきナンバー) 
・the pastels - speeding motorcycle(イベント終了後、b-flowerのサイン会も催されていました。フロア中央部分のDJブースの横。そのためその場にいらっしゃった細海魚さんが僕のレコードを見てて『パステルズある?』と!そこで、はい!これならありますといってすぐさまプレイ。そりゃ持ってきてますよ〜だってこれ魚さんもカバーしてたじゃないですか!外しません) 
・the go-betweens - bachelor kissed(これも八野さんおやすみソングより。ネオアコ名曲のひとつだね) ・echo & the bunnymen - never stop(エコバニなにか持って行こうと思って結局ベスト盤にしたんだけどエッジの効いたこれなんか最高やね。エコバニってどうしても冬のイメージなんだけどそれは『やまあらし』のせいだと思う) 
・nelodies - j.p.g.(ネロリーズ!b-flowerといえばネロリーズ。これ鉄則(笑)) 
・felt - don’t die on my doorstep(b-flowerもカバーしてたね。フェルトはどうしても取っ付き難いイメージがあるけどこうした曲なんかから入ると意外にも入り易かったりします) 
・aztec camera - one and one(冬定番のwalk out to winterはあえて外してどっかにアズカメいれようと思ってこれ。『LOVE』好きなんだよね。スコテッシュソウル、センス溢れるナンバーってこういうのを言うんだよ) 
・joboxers - just got lucky
(パーティには欠かせないハッピーチューンね。しかし80年代ってなんでこんなにも名曲揃いなんだろうね) ・camera obscure - the blizzard(ラスト。2000年以降の冬名曲のひとつ。Jim Reevesのクリスマスクラシックのカバー。12月が僕の街にやってきて、もうすぐクリスマス) 以上、簡単に解説してみました。いくら代役とはいえ手を抜くことは出来ません。イベントですからDJなしなんてカッコ悪い真似も出来ない。やれることをやろうと。ディランの『やるべきことをやるだけさ。だからうまくいくんだよ』の言葉がいつだって支えなんです。うまくいかないことも多々あるぜ、ディランよ、と突っ込む場合もありますが(笑) 補足:若きDJ達へ。バンドと組むDJの時はやれることとやれないことがある。でもこれはある意味自分の真価が問われる場でもあったりします。なので僕がいつも心がけるのは「やりすぎず、やらなさ過ぎず。でちょっと踏み込んでみる」という感じ。お客さんはバンドを観に来てる。そういう状況下で1曲でも印象深い何かが残せれば大成功。そこは謙虚に、でも主張は忘れずに。これだね。さて僕は何が残せただろうか。
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disquejp · 5 years
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男気スウィング・ネオアコ名曲。 ・ ・ JIM JIMINEE / Town & Country Blues 7INCH RECORD / VINYL:VG+ / SLEEVE:VG+ 2000S / REPRO / XXX https://youtu.be/u8ETgIspV9U ・ ・ #jimjiminee #kevinjamieson #petedyes #delphinewman #nickhannan #lindsayjamieson #kagoshima #satsuma #share_kago #tenmonkan #disquejp #usedrecords #7inchvinyl #recordshop #7インチ #レコード屋 #中古レコード #鹿児島 #天文館 #黑膠唱片 (GADGET) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxGiZLHTRD/?igshid=161ub7wllphp6
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queenjo1 · 5 years
Before she was your Queen our Josephine, alongside with Nick Goddard, was Queue Dance. A Brighton based band doing their jazzy jaunty thing sounding like a young Tracey Thorn fronting Jim Jiminee or the Man Upstairs. A moment in musical history that kept life sounding fine from 1984 – 1989 ensuring that if you’re were into bands as Marine Girls, The Man Upstairs, Dolly Mixture, Dislocation Dance, Trixie’s Big Red Motorbike, early Everything But The Girl or Strawberry Switchblade you will love Queue Dance. Which is good news because so do the amazing Berlin label Firestation Records, who specialise in british guitar, jangle and indie pop from the 80s and early 90s. Much to Queenie and Nick’s delight they have backed their enthusiasm for obscure 80s indie-pop reggae jazz Brighton sounds by releasing a compilation of all things Queue Dance called Full Stop. Yes Her Majesty Queen Josephine is out in the big wide world and sounding good. Twenty-two Queue Dance tracks saving the world one glorious tune at a time.
Queue Dance’s Full Stop is out now on Firestation Records. Buy your copy here. Yes buy not steal people, remember home taping is killing music.
  A word from Queen Josephine about Queue Dance:
Nick Goddard and myself, Jo Bourne met in Brighton in late 1982 in Nick’s brother Simon’s band. Nick played sax and keyboards, whilst I was recruited as backing vocalist. Pretty soon we decided to try our hand at doing our own material – initially as an electronic duo, making music my dad remarked at sounding ‘very tuneful though reminiscent of musical farts’ (he wasn’t aware of Georgio Moroder or Eurythmics at the time). By the long hot summer of 1983 we had virtually ditched the synth in favour of an acoustic guitar and vocals sound, which made busking much easier. This had two purposes as playing out in the streets helped refine the songs and also kept our respective fridges stocked (with food and beer – very important!!!). Occasionally Ian would join us on acoustic bass to liven things up a bit too.
It wasn’t long before we decided to put a band together for ‘proper’ gigs. Initially Clive (percussion) and Andy (bass) joined us for some dates around Brighton. From then on, the Queue Dance live band had many line-up changes over the years (thank you Michele, Jennie, Kia, Andrew B, Andrew C, Andrew D, Martha, Pete, Mary-Julie & Eileen). But more of that later….
Nick had a four track in his bedroom and was very keen to record the songs as soon as they were ‘ready’ – hence the existence of a lot of recorded early material. There’s a smattering of jazz on many of the tracks as this was one of Nick’s passions, along with a definite pop/reggae feel which appealed to both of us. And whilst the live shows supporting mainly local bands kept flowing during the mid-80s and the search for an illusive record deal went on, we got a bit of a boost when asked to play live on BBC 1’s Saturday Superstore on a freezing February morning in 1985. The performance of Pow Pow I’m In For It Now certainly helped with exposure (in fact, after the outside broadcast I actually thought I was suffering from exposure!) and from then on we were slightly more recognisable faces around our hometown. We also secured some higher profile gigs, notably supporting the then rather famous James and the poet Ivor Cutler, along with a season of gigs as part of the renowned Brighton Festival. We also had two tracks – For A Moment and a cover of Cole Porter’s My Heart Belongs To Daddy –featured on the compilation album Paper Boats In Puddles.
Throughout the song-writing and live gigging process, Queue Dance continued busking when & where we could – not only in Brighton but also London, Norfolk and Belgium – and it was whilst performing our musical wares in Thetford that we were spotted by Ann Croft, wife of David (co-writer of Dad’s Army and other numerous successful British TV sitcoms) who went on to finance our first single Not The One For Me in 1987. And whilst this didn’t propel us to international superstardom it DID get Radio One plays including one from the famous Radio One Roadshow when it was broadcast from Brighton.
Our live band had continued to grow featuring drums, percussion, trumpet, cello, sax, bass and backing vocalists. The sound engineer at the Clarendon, Hammersmith certainly looked surprised when seven of us piled out of the van for the gig there when he’d expected a trio at the most! The name Queue Dance was eventually changed to The Crisps and finally to Jack as we sought to freshen things up a bit! As Jack, we toured as part of the 25 Years of Top Of The Pops tour presented by Anthea Turner & Mark Goodier, performing alongside such stars as Aswad, Roy Wood, Lisa Stansfield, Ruby Turner and Maxi Priest. Their single Sssensational on Tosh Records reached the lower reaches of the UK top 100. The songs on this release were all recorded between 1984 – 1989 whilst Queue Dance was still our name.
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    Queue Dance’s Full Stop Before she was your Queen our Josephine, alongside with Nick Goddard, was Queue Dance. A Brighton based band doing their jazzy jaunty thing sounding like…
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randomvarious · 6 years
Deep Season - “Jesus Christ Almighty (Pylon King + Dunderhead Remix)” DJ-Kicks by Kid Loco 1999
Deep Season represents three fourths of the 80s British indie pop band Jim Jiminee. They appear to have only made two songs under this moniker, one of them exclusively for this excellent DJ mix by French electronic musician and DJ, Kid Loco. Two remixers took part in this track. Dunderhead, a British IDM/downtempo specialist and Pylon King, a British electronic musician who seems to have dabbled in a little bit of everything electronic music.
If Deep Season ever made an original, unremixed version of this song, it has yet to see the light of day. It’s impossible to know just what Pylon King and Dunderhead did to remix it and what their individual contributions to the song were. However, we do know that Deep Season consists of a vocalist, a bassist, and a drummer. I know I said that Deep Season is three fourths of an indie pop band, but this song is not remotely indie pop. No, these three men seem to have transitioned to abstract, trippy lounge music. Or maybe Pylon King and Dunderhead took something with a minimal indie pop sound and transformed it into this.
This is wild, plodding, layered, spiritual hypnosis loaded with a bunch of trippy sounds and instruments. Mark Davies leads with lulling, wordless vocals, backed by thundering, bouncy hand drums, strange nature sounds, spiritual flute melodies, drug-addled, bleepy horn stabs, a sampled cheerleading routine (???), deep, extremely taut, almost noteless, acoustic guitar string plucks, deep rumbling, squelched bass vibrations, and a xylophone. Make sure you’re under the influence of some type of psychotropic substance before diving into this one, because that’s definitely the situation this song calls for.
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joanofarc · 2 years
jim jiminee performing ‘never’ and ‘man in a tracksuit’ on ITV in 1988.
it seems kind of unfair in retrospect that jim jiminee didn’t get their time in the sun. these two tracks were eventually released in the japanese market in 2000, a full 12 years after this performance.
while ‘man is a tracksuit’ is weaker than some of their more upbeat hits like ‘do it on thursday’ or ‘i wanna work’, ‘never’ (also titled ‘never let her go’) is an absolute gem. the unspoken promises of young love sung atop banjo, tambourine, and double bass -- what could be better, right? the acoustic fare pairs nicely with kevin jamieson’s cuckoo birdcall at the end of the song, backed up by his brother lindsay.
i’d compare them with the ‘piffle’ group fat and frantic, whose share all the same instrumentation and playfulness/satire of british life. and much like faf, they have an absolute bombshell of an indiepop love song here.
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salonasundaes · 7 years
-another sunny day- DJ playlist
b-flower & The Laundries Live -another sunny day- 20171202 @ shibuya lush
DJ playlist
DJ:toshi imai(ムクドリの会) yura yura teikoku - dekinai(extended remix) akira mizumoto feat.yasuyuki horigome - fairground donovan - mellow yellow the pooh sticks - who loves you cibo matto - sugar water remix gol gappas - albert parker morrissey - interesting drug the trash can sinatras - circling the circumference
DJ:HIROYUKI TAKADA(ムクドリの会) eggstone - my trumpets everything but the girl - when all’s well raintree county - here it comes the lilac time - dreaming the trash can sinatras - hayfever the jam - happy together belle and sebastian - another sunny day
(The Laundries LIVE)
danny wilson - mary’s prayer rocketship - hey, hey, girl star tropics - another sunny day the field mice - sensitive jim jiminee - town and country blues blue rondo a la turk - klacto vee sedstein spearmint - a week away the smiths - you just haven’t earned it yet,baby pat boone - april love another sunny day - you should all be murdered
(b-flower LIVE)
Livingstone daisy - desire the wake - crush the flowers the trash can sinatras - twisted and bent the pastels - speeding motorcycle the go-betweens - bachelor kissed echo & the bunnymen - never stop nelodies - j.p.g. felt - don’t die on my doorstep aztec camera - one and one joboxers - just got lucky camera obscure - the blizzard
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