#jim always gets the credit for the work that Ed and Oswald do
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wrensgeekyvibes · 2 years ago
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The Smartest Man in Gotham
"Think, think, think. How did they beat you? How did they figure you out? Gordon must have stolen the blueprints to the maze, found one of the bombs, and sabotaged the sequence."
It was Edward Nygma, the smartest man in Gotham, who solved your maze riddle. This is Ed erasure, and I am not having it. He figured out the blueprint with no help, and Gordon gets the credit? Awful. Gotham should be thanking him for the work that he did.
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inappropriatefangirlneeds · 5 years ago
Gotham s5ep11  “They Did What?” Personal Review & Rambling 
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“We need to make it a bomb again.” Absolutely no warning cause that’s all no spoiler anymore for a long time 
So I´m not sure if it´s good thing I´m watching this ages late, partly I guess I could be more emotional, partly not. It´s sweet to see how everyone and their aunt is teaming up for the city. “Well, this is gonna make one hell of a bedtime story some day.”   With Nyssa al Ghul holding the baby I briefly totally forgot the plot and wondered where did that child come from again? And my brain went back to the (godawful) “Ra´s present for Barbara is a child” theory, and then I remembered oh no it was Jim ..and I was like .. eh, magic baby would have been the better plot. So that´s how we started this but at least Jim and Barbara were quite sweet, even with the child (I usually just cringe and crumble in sheer terror of what kind of responsibility a child is whenever one of those appears but they made it sweet)  BARBARA KEAN & JIM GORDON were such a great team!  Also Barbara just looks so damn fine, they really did good with that. And just bless the FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHERS of the Show , handcuffed Barbara taking out the guy with her legs > Jim later handcuffing Nyssa to keep her close to not get shot at < Good Stuff!  * ~ 24:05 even up to the Steps of SELINA KYLE , Just the way she walked before fighting Bane was such a neat detail   ”My father made his name destroying empires.” NYSSA AL GHUL I guess with more time she´s got potential but rushed like that her character is just boring. 
“Can we really be so cavalier about the destruction of Gotham?” Oh OSWALD COBBLEPOT that´s part of why I fell in love with you. So he and EDWARD NYGMA go over the whole “listening to your heart never did you any good Oswald” spiel, and “I´ll miss you”, or “not so much”, Ed kind of is saying “don´t go” , but just not quite, the usual, you know, I can´t bring myself to care much but damn do I like watching their pretty selves talk through it.  * Edward later follows Oswald, claiming it´s about the city, says the submarine can only operated by two people, and actual people, dog didn´t work.  The usual. * Holy Shit, JIM GORDON ´s so gorgeous. It´s not like I had forgotten how pretty he is but damn that episode hit me hard again with Jim feels. Him over that map, going through their strategy. Daaaamn daaaaaaaaamn. * JIM GORDON & OSWALD COBBLEPOT in something that might as well be just fanfiction: “Oswald, come in.” / “Still have those eyes in the back of your head, Jim.” / “No. You just have a remarkably recognizable odor. Part dandy, part snake. After all these years, it hasn't changed. Drink?” / “No, thank you. Dulls the senses.” /  “That's what I was going for. Surprised you're still here. Figured you'd be long gone by now. That storm you've warned me about for so long, it's finally here.” /  “Sure, I could escape... with money, I might add... but then what? Stand on the shores of the mainland and watch the army burn it to the ground? Then watch tasteless industrialists and vapid politicians rebuild it? No. My life is etched on the walls of every alley and dirty warehouse here. My blood lives in its broken concrete. I'm staying to fight. For my legacy.” * LESLIE THOMPKINS caring about the people of the Narrows was great, I don´t know, if I like that she “abandoned” them in order to stand next to Jim but I can let it pass because of the way she did: She respected and trusted BARBARA KEAN to get them out. I can accept a plot that doesn´t pit those two women against each other (anymore). It was equally great that Lee just told Jim to “yes, go to your child”, and not to forget the scene where Barbara is thanking Lee for what she did, and “Barbara Lee Gordon”  * Lucius is full on providing gadgets for Bruce, including that Bat Beacon that slowed down Bane. Nice but eh.  Also they rehash Jeremiah´s plan to turn the city in a labyrinth to slow down the army. “We need to make it a bomb again.” Battery goes Bomb again, but eh, kind of fell flat for me
* HARVEY BULLOCK pointing out they are fighting SOLDIERS that are just following orders was a good touch. And it makes sense that JIM could brush that aside, he knows what they signed up for. That´s what you do, that´s what you accept. * Also I can stan a good  story that rejects and is a slap in the face of  the "NUREMBERG DEFENSE" so props to that! Just the execution fell so remarkably flat for me. I felt nothing then the people came back with Barbara, nothing when the soldiers pointed their guns at Bane.  BRUCE WAYNE & SELINA KYLE   Just Selina checking in with a “Bruce?” to make sure he actually wants to do that bomb thing was so precious. Also her recognizing that he is and accepting his choice. [Rant Below]  Them later sitting on the stairs and talking was sweet too, except for what they talked about.  SELINA KYLE MRs. & MR WAYNE So apparently they paralleled those in this episode 1.  Selina´s shadow is just right under the painting of Mrs & Mr Wayne and Bruce just plants the bomb right in the middle of her shadow ~19:40) 2.  Selina telling Bruce on the stairs she will be there whenever he needs her and Bruce replying that this is what his parents used to tell him.     Which is a good setup for the kind of conclusion Bruce draws out of all of this but also I´m gonna rant about it below but first:  3. Bruce says his parents would have and did sacrifice everything for the city. He´s making the same choice but apparently can´t see that Selina has as much a choice to do so as he and Mrs & Mr Wayne have .  So in the end I´m getting overly emotional, angry, hurt, let down to be precise:  How dare BRUCE WAYNE leave SELINA KYLE  behind like this?! Given the backstory that´s bound to be so much more painful than whatever Jeremiah or Bane ever could do. Selina has been through this after Jeremiah and she made a choice. She stayed, she thought and she was (not that that matters but let´s not forget it) damn good at it. I know Bruce thinks he´s making a “sacrifice” but how dare he take away this choice from her. How dare he hurt her like that.
* Most importantly though ALFRED PENNYWORTH in that COAT at the end looked so damn dashing. I´m in love. But I don´t like that they made a point of benching his character like that. He added plenty to the fight, he´s been in hospital before, he can add still contribute like he always did. Don´t let it end like this. Yeah I do need at least three seasons to magically happen before the 5th. OSWALY COBBLEPOT & EDWARD NYGMA Round #2  * Edward apologizes for freezing because of the grenade, Oswald understands. Edward gags when seeing Oswald´s hurt eye but claims it is just a scratch. * Back in a remarkable awesome looking place they lick their wounds: > Oswald feels not appreciated he wants “credit for our loyalty, our selfless bravery?” aka Love.  > Edward however feels better than everyone else. He used to be “Shy awkward, pathetic Ed”. Not anymore. He´s better! “I don't want their thanks. Or their respect. You know what I felt, standing shoulder to shoulder with those people out there? Nothing. I... feel... absolutely nothing for those drab... boring people.” Never again. I've shown this city who I truly am once before, and I will do it again. They will bow to the Riddler, and they won't get up until I permit them to.” >> The notion of the “Thankless Job” is there too with Ed but Ed get his kicks out of separating himself from the people, he´s different and above them he doesn´t care about their opinion and has no real stakes in their well being. Oswald however obviously still want´s the recognition of said people, and he wants the good and nice kind, so it´s important that they aren´t miserable.  However “Yes. You're right. Our accomplishments have been erased, our brilliant minds underrated. If they had let me run this city the way I wanted to, it would not be in ruins now. I had the men, the money, - the guns... “ 1. Oswald falls in line with Ed´s reasoning, appeals to his brilliance spleen but tweaks it for his need.  Edward says he has to rule and they have to bow to him.  Os says Ed is right, follows in line with Ed in reassuming a strife for leadership but adds his twist that this is necessary not so much because he (just as Ed thinks he is) is superior but because his leadership is “good” for the people. He´ll do good for them so they´ll like him.  >>> Oswald wants to rule to not have the city in ruins and get praised for that >>> Edward wants to rule because he´s better and deserves so regardless of other imbeciles thoughts or needs.  2. Divide et Imperare Edward is quick to make sure to point a finger to an enemy and separate Oswald from Jim “Gordon took them.”  Oswald just might as well try to go back to old methods and try build alliances with Jim and the law again, Edward recently saw Oswald and Jim kind of teaming up again and he just can´t have that. Just like Mr. Penn was in the way. Jim is a threat.  One to be undermined at all costs: “Gordon took them. Why? Because he still sees you as Fish Mooney's umbrella boy, and he always will.” 
3. One Ring to bind them. Edward starts with a selfish reason but is quick to put Oswald back into the plan. First there´s “I” suddenly he talks about a “We”:  “I only came back to help him save this city so that I could take it for myself. We would be stronger together. No one could stop us.”  4. Do they believe each other?! Apparently they don´t because the both go in the hug with a drawn knife but are relieved when they don´t feel one in their own back. Which was really nice and fitting imagery. I can live with that “conclusion” but I have so much open questions.  I really got to look for post that worked through all of this. > Oswald obviously must be weary of Edward because (I just have to believe) that he sees through the manipulating words of Edward. (as listed above) [[[ Especially the scene with Jim: They had a rather respectful, familiar interaction. I can´t quite believe that he follows Edward´s claim that JIM only thinks of him as that umbrella boy. I do think Oswald gets that Jim takes him serious, just well considers all his crime stuff to be wrong, and that´s quite a different thing than what Ed claims.]]]  > What is Edward´s angle there? Yeah he might not have been able to operate the submarine alone but granted his speech it sounded like he would think that he is capable of taking the city for and by himself. Why is he appealing to Oswald to form a “we”?  Just to get him in the hug situation and test him, asses a possible future threat to his claims?  The only other proper motivation for that would be …. he likes Oswald.  5. “Brothers” Hahahah * Okay, but Oswald´s face when Edward and his mirror self do their thing …Damn …. * 8:26 Are the “Captain Jim Gordon” letters on his door window colour ??! * Jankey Piss Whiskey, what is Jim drinking?  * Oh no, not the General
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gothamloveforever · 6 years ago
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May 3, 2019 Great article about how the Gotham cast wants to reprise their roles!
In closing out its final season, Gotham launched viewers to the point in Gotham City's future when Bruce Wayne finally returned to his crime-ridden home turf in full Dark Knight glory. Of course, the episode held its focus on all the other colorful and iconic characters that have populated Gotham throughout its five seasons, granting Jim Gordon, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Ed Nygma and others a fond comic-book-infused farewell. But could these characters return in our future one day?
The #1 hope, of course, is for another network or studio to hurry up and pick up where Gotham left off, but even if it takes time, there are feasible ways to jump back into Gotham's story. It's not likely that every single cast member would be able to pick back up where their characters left off, but CinemaBlend asked a handful of stars, including Cameron Monaghan, if they would be down to return. Let's run through their answers.
Cameron Monaghan - Jeremiah / J / The Joker
Of all the elements that made Gotham such a blazing romp, its greatest weapon was the sporadically utilized Cameron Monaghan, who inspired increasingly Joker-esque pandemonium as both Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska, as well as the finale's Mr. J. Oker. (Not the actual character name, but wouldn't that be a hoot.) Thinking about Gotham returning in the future without Monaghan's sadistic villain – or even just his laugh – is a bummer, so it's a good thing we don't need to do that.
CinemaBlend spoke with Cameron Monaghan for this year's Television Critics Association winter press tour, which took place ahead of the finale's airing, but after the principal photography was shot. The actor was very pumped for fans to get a load of Jeremiah's final turn, and I had to ask if he would be interested in reprising Gotham's version of The Joker in the future. His response:
“Yeah, maybe. I think that it just depends on the context that it's within. I think that this specific version probably wouldn't be used if I was to return to it. It would be in a different capacity. It's like one of those things, because The Joker, to me, is like the most distilled version of an antagonist ever, and he is the counterpoint to whatever he's in a scene against. And he needs to shift depending on the context around him. So if I was to return back with these characters, he would probably be different, and reinvented again, you know? It's one of those things where he has to be completely tailor-made to the tone and the story of whatever it is he's a part of. So I would be willing to go back if the story was good and it made sense, but it would probably be different.”
 The last time we got to see Cameron Monaghan's Joker was in his first face-off against Bruce Wayne's Batman, although it was a severely short-lived one. The scarred-up J took a Batarang through the hand, and then one to the top of the dome, which knocked him clean out, though it definitely didn't kill him.
Considering the finale was viewers's big introduction to the post-Arkham Jeremiah, it would make total sense for his next appearance to head down a different creative route. Assuming the next Gotham project would get to feature more of Batman, that would automatically change the writers' approach to weaving a Joker storyline into it. And I'd love to see it, if someone can just make it happen. Someone?
Ben McKenzie - Commissioner Jim Gordon
If there was a load-bearing character on Gotham, it would definitely be Ben McKenzie's Jim Gordon, as close to a working-class superhero as there is. The fact that the finale even hinted at him trying to quit the GCPD was surprising, given the character's legacy, but the story obviously worked itself out in Gotham City's favor. Even if he had to shave to make it happen.
I also got to talk to Ben McKenzie during TCA, where we talked about him facing fellow former teen hunk Shane West as Bane. McKenzie is a pragmatic actor who loved his time on Gotham, even if he didn't flip out with excitement over Batman's arrival. But would he return to play Jim Gordon again someday? His answer:
 Sure. Possibly. I mean I think that, in the right context, sure. I think this, for what we were doing here, we really bookended it in a way that feels true and honest to the characters that have been fleshed out here. So this feels like a real ending. But if in the future, it were to come back around again in some way, yeah of course, I'd always be open to thinking about and talking about that, and doing it possibly. I mean, I've mainly played three characters in 15 years, you know? Three different shows, and each of them kind of stick with you a little bit, and it's fun to re-explore and think about again, if you haven't thought about them a lot.
 Three different shows that might seemingly have three very different fan demographics, too. Ben McKenzie starred in both the teen drama The O.C. and the non-comic cop drama Southland before hanging his hat in Gotham City, and I've no doubt that fans of both of those shows would love to see them get revived in some form or fashion.
 Regardless of any of that, though, Ben McKenzie sounds like he'd be willing to slick his hair back anew to lead the GCPD against whatever dangerous threats lie over the horizon. Just imagine if the newest recruit on the squad was his Southland character Ben Sherman, and if Joker's newest henchman was The O.C.'s Ryan Atwell.
 Robin Lord Taylor - Oswald Cobblepot / The Penguin
After five seasons of watching Robin Lord Taylor committing some Penguin-lite acts as Oswald Cobblepot, Gotham fans were introduced to the most genuine iteration of The Penguin that TV has seen since Burgess Meredith waddled around for the 60's Batman series. The penultimate episode injured his eye to set up the monocle, and a rough decade in Arkham Asylum led to his weight gain and heightened levels of frustrated anger.
I got to talk to Robin Lord Taylor on the phone just ahead of the finale's airing, and he seemed to still be riding that one-of-a-kind Gotham high, championing the work he got to do alongside Cory Michael Smith as Ed Nygma. When I asked Taylor if he would ever want to get uncomfortable in The Penguin's signature garb again in the future, he was down, but only if his co-stars were making the return with him.
“Absolutely. I totally would. It would have to be the right circumstances. I don't think I could do it...in fact, I know I couldn't do it unless the actors I worked with on Gotham came back as well. It's like, there's no way I could be in a scene with a different Riddler. I couldn't do it. It wouldn't be justice. It would be blasphemous to what we had done before. So again, if the circumstances were right, in a heartbeat I would be there.”
 As great as Oswald and Ed were in Gotham's first 99 episodes, seeing them in pure Penguin 'n' Riddler glory was a gloriously batty punctuation mark on the series' run. (A question mark, of course.) Any follow-up version of Gotham would be severely lacking if Taylor's Oswald and Smith's Ed were absent. However, Robin Lord Taylor wouldn't begrudge another team picking up where the Fox drama left off. In his words:
 “You never know. All I put out there is that whoever takes up the mantle of the Dark Knight or any of the amazing characters that we got to put in Gotham, that they have as beautiful a crew and cast as we have. Because that's really the success of the show. It was built on the backs of many. No one takes full credit for being successful in this show. We all came together in this spectacular moment, and I feel like we just made something really amazing, and I'm just so proud of it.”
 Again, it should be stated that any future Gotham-y project that doesn't have Robin Lord Taylor's Penguin and Cory Michael Smith's Riddler is not the ideal iteration of that project. So other decisions should probably be made. Soon.
 David Mazouz - Bruce Wayne / The Dark Knight
David Mazouz's potential to return to Gotham's universe would a little trickier than what would happen for the others. As viewers witnessed – or didn't witness, as it were – Mazouz's Bruce Wayne was completely absent from the series finale, which wasn't announced ahead of time like Camren Bicondova's absence was. (She was replaced as Selina by Lily Simmons.) That was, of course, due to the actor's young age not exactly matching up with Bruce's for the finale's flash-forward.
As such, I didn't directly ask him about reprising Bruce Wayne for a future Gotham project, I did ask if he'd be down to play Batman on the big screen. His answer did not take long to formulate.
“Oh, absolutely. I think I would need to be a little bit older, a little bit taller.”
"I know there's a new Bruce that's going to be cast soon. I'm sure whoever they cast is going to do an incredible job. All I can say is that it's my philosophy that if you're going to do something, do it well. There's no point in doing something a half-assed. That's kind of always how I've functioned. So I feel because of what I've taken on, I sometimes decline challenges because I say to myself, 'I know I'm not going to be able to do my best on that.' And that's not acceptable to me. If I do something, I'm going to do my best. And I think this job was no exception, and it's pushed me to some limits and it's challenged me in ways that I'm forever grateful for. I feel like this role has changed me in so many ways, and this experience has changed me in so many ways, and all for the better. And I know it sounds so cliche and like, you've heard it a million times, but I'm just so grateful. It really comes down to that.”
 All that said, David Mazouz spoke so highly of his experience on Gotham, especially in the final season, that he would very likely return for more small screen vigilantism should anyone come calling. Now, someone, start calling!
Gotham is over on Fox now, but there's always the hope for more in the future. While waiting for Season 5 to hit streaming, you can watch the first four seasons on Netflix, while Hulu is still hosting the final five episodes of the series.
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thegreenfairy13 · 6 years ago
Dog Sitter Part 8 - A Hollow Victory
A Gobblepot fanfic. When Oswald loses his dog Ed, Jim Gordon finds it and does an excellent job when it comes to taking care of the mobster’s furry friend. Read it on Ao3 here.
The week passes way too quickly and not at all at the same time. Oswald is becoming more and more agitated with each passing day. Despite telling himself over and over again that that man isn’t a threat to his boy, he’s anxious and irritable. By Wednesday he’s convinced the thug has informed the syndicate he works for about Martin, and his son is about to get kidnapped any second.
His little prince had been kidnapped before. Ever since, Martin is on alert, watches his back and would definitely notice if anyone was following him.
A pang of guilt stabs Oswald’s heart. The little boy shouldn’t know what it means to be the victim of a crime. He shouldn’t have to watch out for shady figures hiding in the dark. He shouldn’t be the son of a crime lord but of loving, ordinary parents. Fear shouldn’t be his constant companion.
This little kid deserves so much better. Yet he chose Oswald to be his father and now he’s too weak to do the right thing and turn away from him again. He’s also too weak to give up on his empire. And now Martin could be in danger again.
If anything happened only Oswald would be to blame. And Jim considers him a good parent? He jeopardizes his kid’s life on a daily basis for money and power. The Captain would never do that. Jim Gordon, the golden boy, he would only endanger one life to save thousands. Unlike him, he isn’t selfish. The sacrifices this man makes are only ever made for the greater good. And while Jim lost his child, Oswald gained the love of his little prince. How he even deserves this gift is beyond him. It’s a love he doesn’t even deserve, not when he isn’t capable to respond to it.
His pride keeps him from turning to the only honest man he knows for help. His paranoia keeps him from consulting his employees. He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place and has no idea how to get out.
Yet outwardly, everything looks fine. His son is visiting school, complaining about his boring history lessons, and the uncomfortable beds at the boarding school. He’s already looking forward to the weekend when his dad comes back. And no, he hasn’t noticed anything unusual.
Maybe it’s all in the Penguin’s head. Maybe Martin is safe and sound and Brian Gold will be gone by the end of the week and he’s beating himself up for nothing. Maybe… Yet his gut tells him otherwise and his gut is rarely wrong.
By Thursday, Oswald can’t wait any longer. He texts Jim rather curtly that he’ll be bringing Ed to his place earlier than agreed upon. He’s dead set on picking up Martin from school by himself and guarding his boy himself.
If necessary, he’ll rip this Brian apart with his bare teeth if he as much as thinks about touching a hair on his boy’s head. And if his death would attract Jim’s attention, then so be it. His mother has died beneath his hands already, his son won’t follow her.
Thankfully, Jim doesn’t put up a fight, simply tells him to drop by his flat at any time. The gangster frowns. Jim Gordon, workaholic extraordinaire, has taken another day off? Yet it’s not the time to dwell on such facts. Not when he’s simply relieved Ed is going to be in capable hands while he’s taking a threat down.
He arrives at Jim’s place at ten in the morning, in a cranky and slightly aggressive mood. Even Ed feels his owner’s temper, for the dog isn’t quietly sitting in the car. Despite his little cage he’s whining and barking almost constantly. Oswald can’t help it: he screams at his dog to shut up while hitting the steering-wheel forcefully.
The pet whimpers and curls up into a ball while panting and licking his lips nervously. The gangster feels guilty but is unable to stop himself. He feels it in his bones: Martin is in danger and he needs to be in New Heaven right now.
When Gordon opens the door for him, Oswald is ready to tear their fragile truce to the ground. Whatever happens, this is the last time anyway the Captain will be taking care of Ed.
And isn’t that Jim’s fault? He trained the dog on how to endure a car-drive. For all Oswald cares, he can watch over him for a final time, collect the favor he for sure will claim, and disappear from his life again. It’s not like he needs Jim Gordon or his friendship. And after the weekend he won’t even need him to guard his pet.
In fact, he never needed him. The realization hits him like a truck. He only ever wanted Jim. The man is definitely a sight for sore eyes and he’s decidedly got a good heart. A heart that would never beat for him. Oswald was simply lusting after him all these years and now that he truly understands that, where’s the point?
Pushing past Jim, he drops Ed’s bag on the ground, ready to leave instantly when finally taking in the Captain’s wretched state. No wonder the fine policeman decided to stay at home. His right eye has a nasty black color, there are bruises along his jaw, the skin on his hands is battered, and he’s hunched slightly forward.
“Brawl at the bullpen,” he informs gruffly. “Decided it was a well enough reason to take three days off.”
Collapsing on his sofa, he waits for Ed to jump into his lap. Relieved to get away from his agitated owner, he does just that, and starts licking the cop’s hand. Jim pulls his arm away and pats his head. “Na, na, you shouldn’t do that,” he chides gently and the gangster almost explodes.
“You are in no fit state to guard my pet,” he snarls angrily. “Irresponsible as always,” he carries on, hardly holding himself back from screaming at the cop. Now he not only has to worry about Martin but about his pet, too. Jim looks like crap and can hardly move. How on earth will he be able to keep Ed in check? He’ll lose his dog again, Oswald is certain of that.
To his credit, Jim stays calm. He simply gives the kingpin a bored once over while continuing to scratch Ed behind his ears. The dog is still slightly unsettled but becoming calmer in the other man’s presence.
“My ribs aren’t even broken,” he retorts flatly. “I can assure you, I am perfectly capable of walking to the park and back.” Getting up, he hobbles slowly to the kitchen and fills Ed’s water bowl.
“You are limping,” Oswald snaps back and Jim stares at him incredulously before breaking out in loud laughter.
“You didn’t just really say that?” the cop asks, still giggling gleefully.  
Ignoring him, the crime-lord leans over the kitchen-counter and flashes his teeth at the cop.
“If that was true, you’d still be working,” he argues angrily.
Jim huffs. “Shouldn’t you be happy I’m staying in the entire weekend? Lowers the chances I’ll be taking Ed to a shootout that way,” he teases while placing a chicken on the counter and starting the oven.
Oswald examines the raw meat as well as the kitchen skeptically. He already wants to remark how something like chicken, prepared in Jim’s dirty home, will probably get his dog killed.
That is until he notes how immaculate the place in fact is. Not only did Jim buy a new sofa but also an entirely new kitchen. Gone are the shabby, white cupboards, decorated with dried sauces. In their place are rather nice, modern looking gray ones, as well as a bright-red fridge, and a new oven. It doesn’t stop there. The entire place is different: clean, cozy, well-furnished.
“Did you finally found out about Ikea-catalogues?” Oswald asks in bewilderment and Jim rolls his eyes.
“I decided this place needs some new furniture and cleaning,” he mumbles while dropping the meat into boiling water. Averting Oswald’s eyes, he turns around and washes his hands, wincing when the water comes into contact with his bruises.
“I can see that,” the gangster comments drily. “I’m almost not even afraid of getting a deadly disease in your home.”
Jim snorts in response and continues cleaning his fingernails. “When I first brought Ed here, he didn’t even want to jump onto my couch.” The cop pauses. His shoulders tense as if debating whether he should keep talking.
“I could see he wasn’t feeling comfortable here,” he continues for no known reason. “That changed when I started tidying the place…” Jim’s voice trails off.
Still not looking at the criminal he dries his hands. “And I thought...How am I living if not even a dog wants to stay here? So I bought a new sofa.”
“You bought a sofa so a dog would lie on it?” Oswald’s mouth drops open.
“I bought a sofa, and a new kitchen, and carpets cause this place looked like shit,” he states vehemently, for once dropping the stoic facade. “I just needed the dog to show me,” he whispers.
“And I’m staying in cause I’ve got the shit beaten out of me. And with your dog by my side, I have more to live for than the GCPD and swallowing way too many pain-killers.” Jim’s hands drop to his side. He opens his mouth as if he was surprised himself he confessed that much to the gangster. Or maybe there’s something else he wants to say.
Instead, he closes off again. The kingpin blinks, for once unsure what to say. This is decidedly unlike Jim. He probably doesn’t even expect him to respond. The part of him that admires Jim, the one that always wanted him to be his friend, yearns to console him, to tell him everything will be alright.
The little vindictive leprechaun in his soul rejoices at seeing the other man finally admitting how miserable and lonely his life had become. He can destroy him right now. No, he will destroy him by next week when no longer bringing Ed to his place. Oswald knows what it means to lose something that means a lot for good. Withholding the dog from him will crush him. Sure, Jim could get his own pet. But he won’t. Not with the job he has. And doesn’t he deserve it after all the times he wronged him?
Oswald always wanted Jim to admit how his quest to fight all evil in Gotham took its toll on him. And here they are at last. It’s a surprisingly hollow victory.
But a victory is a victory and Oswald could never stop himself from twisting the knife if given the chance. So he can’t help himself saying, “I’m glad to hear that old friend. And you’ll be relieved to learn that you’ll be having even more time in the near future to renovate your apartment. I guess I’ll be able to take him with me by the end of next week.”
Jim nods mutely, even bestows a little smile upon the gangster at that. “He’ll be much better off with your kid anyway,” he concedes, already walking towards the door and opening it for the gangster.
“Have a safe drive,” he tells him, unusually polite.
Only back in the car Oswald starts truly wondering about the other man’s odd behavior. Jim didn’t ask him why he had been in such a hurry all of a sudden. Shouldn’t he suspect he’s up to something shady again? He had expected to fight off a torrent of nosy questions. Instead, he had simply accepted the kingpin’s change of plans. There hadn’t even been a single insult. Maybe Jim’s himself up to something.
He forces himself not to think about Jim’s antics and focuses on getting to New Heaven as fast as possible. Martin texting him the gym lessons won’t take place due to his teacher being sick renders him even more nervous. He catches himself pushing down on the accelerator and racing to the place uncaring for any speed limits. Jim would not be satisfied with him, that’s for certain.
Despite his best efforts, he still arrives late. He’s about twenty minutes away from the school when Martin informs him his nanny is already there and they are both awaiting him at the mansion. Cursing loudly, he turns the car. He hasn’t informed his boy or his employee about his concerns, still hoping his worries would turn out to be uncalled for.
The adrenaline rushing through his veins tells him otherwise though. He just knows by now he had been wrong to let this Brian walk away. This decision had been a mistake, made under the terrible influence of Mr. Goody Two-Shoes for sure. How could he have been so stupid?  
He makes it to the house at lightning speed. When getting out of the car, he already knows something is wrong. The Penguin can practically taste it in the air. Usually, the curtains are open and Martin’s nanny is being visible from the street, preparing something in the kitchen.
Today, the curtains are closed and the lights above the door are off. Oswald grabs his shotgun from the backseat, extra ammunition, and his handgun. If this Brian survives his first attack, he’ll merrily torture him for days in the basement.
Gritting his teeth, the Penguin steps over the threshold. To his utter horror, his worst nightmares are already coming true when peering around the corner. Martin’s nanny is lying unconsciously on the living room’s floor. She had been bound and gagged, but to his relief,  she’s still breathing. At least he won’t have to explain to Martin why his nanny isn’t coming back.
Grabbing the shotgun tightly, he makes his way cautiously through the house. Martin is smart, he’s clever. Maybe he could escape the attack somehow? His faith wavers when hearing a scream from the upper floor and the sound of shattering glass.
Not wasting any time, he hurries upstairs and opens the door to his son’s room.
“Martin!” he calls, horrified when seeing his son struggling against Brian’s firm grasp. Never one to be a coward, the kid locks eyes with his dad and bites firmly down on the hand holding him. He then jumps onto his bed and makes a run for his father. Only when the boy is safely behind his back, Oswald shoots.
He misses the intruder in his haste, which gives the thug a chance to pull his own weapon. Only concerned with his boy’s safety, the kingpin slams the door shut. Grabbing his kid’s hand, he starts running downstairs to his study, already searching his pockets frantically for the key to the panic room hidden beneath his desk. Above him, he hears Brian kicking the closed door open.
It doesn’t matter, Oswald thinks. Martin will already be in safety by the time Brian has reached them. Diving beneath his desk, he unlocks the door to his secret shelter.
“Quick, get in there,” he hollers, holding out his hand for his boy. To his utter astonishment, Martin refuses to move. His eyes dart nervously from the locked door behind him to his dad and back again.
Losing his patience, Oswald hobbles over to his kid and starts dragging him towards his desk. Yet the kid doesn’t cooperate, simply digs his heels into the ground, and  stays perfectly still.
“Martin, we don’t have time for this,” the kingpin shouts, shaking the kid’s shoulder forcefully. “You need to get in there, right NOW!”
In response, the little boy wraps his arms tightly around the mobster’s bad leg, causing him to yelp in pain. Oswald’s knee buckles beneath him from the unexpected pain and he crashes to the ground.
Snarling furiously, he pulls himself together and tries getting up again. “Release me at once,” he snarls. “And get in there!”
Finally, Oswald manages to stand up again. Yet his weapon is down on the floor and Martin is still firmly plastered to his bad leg. Wincing, the mobster tries bending forward and reaching his shotgun.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he grouses. “Get into the safe room,” he repeats frantically.
Martin only shakes his head. “You’ll send me away again,” he stammers out. “You’ll send me through the hole in the floor and send me away,” he repeats in his tiny, panicked voice.
Oswald curses. This situation must remind him of the time Sofia tried to kill him. When he faked his kid’s death and tried getting him to safety afterward. Back then, he also asked him to crawl through a door in the ground.
“I promise, I won’t,” Oswald vows, already hearing Brian’s steps approaching. “Please, just get in there,” he begs, petrified. “I’ll never send you away again, but please, get in there now.”
In response, Martin simply tightens his hold on him. Hot pain rushes through his leg, almost rendering the crime-lord motionless. Only his willpower keeps him from doubling over in agony.
And then it’s too late.
The door opens and the thug saunters into the room, grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Now that’s cute,” he remarks spitefully, already aiming his gun at the pair
The Penguin pulls his handgun and trains it at the man.
“Tzk,” Brian chides. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I’m aiming directly at the miniature penguin’s head, and I swear I’ll take him to the grave with me.”
Considering the man’s words and their sincerity for a moment, Oswald finally lowers his gun. He isn’t going to gamble with his son’s life.
“I should have cut off your head when I had the chance,” he presses out through gritted teeth.
“We all make mistakes.” Brian shrugs, driving the Penguin mad with his nonchalant behavior.
“What do you want?” he asks, suppressing a pained cry when Martin digs his little nails deep into his flesh in his distress.
“I told you,” the man responds. “I want to leave Gotham for good this weekend. I simply need some money to start over,” he explains as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.
“So you decided to kidnap my son.” The Penguin snorts. “And you think you’ll walk away with my money alive?”
“No,” Brian shakes his head. “I’ve been watching you coming here for months. When you finally noticed me, I knew it was time. I knew I had to catch the kid before you arrive here. I have to admit, if you had been here earlier, I’d probably be dead. Well, I suppose fate favors the bold.”
The mobster cringes at hearing the words he said himself so many years ago being directed at him. Oswald wants to vomit. Brian ignores him, just carries on.
“I want one million. I’ll shoot you, though,” he states matter of factly. “You’ll have to admit, I truly have no other choice. The money will only ensure the kid’s safety.” He nods at Martin. “You have a phone. Transfer the money to my account and I’ll aim a bit higher once you're done.” Brian smiles self-confidently gain.
The Penguin gapes wordlessly at the man.
“Easy and effective, right?” he continues. “If Gotham told me one thing, it’s how overly complicated plans go mostly south. Oh, and before you wonder: I killed kids before. His young age won’t hold me back. I never even understood how kids should be worth more than grown-ups.” Sighing, he stares expectantly at the Penguin.
Licking his lips, Oswald tries to evaluate the man’s words. Beside him, Martin starts sobbing while hugging his leg desperately. If he could only loosen his grasp and let him think!
“Hurry up,” Brian urges.
“And if I refuse?” he asks despite knowing the answer.
“Easy. I’ll shoot you both,” the man states. “But I’d rather only kill you and let the boy walk away.”
“How would I know you are going to do that?” Oswald asks haughtily, despite his own crippling fear. It’s not him he fears for, he notes. He accepts his fate, is calm, even. But he has to know his son will walk away from this unscathed.
“You won’t. But if you don’t take out your phone in the next two minutes I’ll shoot the little one in the head for sure. So either you take your chance or leave it. Besides, as soon as I have what I want, I won’t care less for the Baby-Penguin.”
Oswald’s mind, this effective machine that hardly ever fails him, stutters to a halt. His mother had been stabbed the last time he thought he could outsmart the person holding what was most precious captive. And now his boy shall die in his arms too? He’s the only family he will ever have, everything that counts now.
He finds himself nodding his consent. Yes, he’ll die by this worthless scums hand and come back from the dead if he shouldn’t keep his end of the bargain. The deal sounds fair, even. His life and money for Martin - an innocent kid. No, the deal is not fair. He’s worth infinitely more. Oswald knew he shouldn’t have adopted the child, shouldn’t have tainted his pure, little soul. He deserves to die, for this crime alone.
His voice is distant, contorted, disembodied when he asks the man about the account number. His fingers tremble only slightly when he starts typing.
This is going to be alright. Martin is going to be fine. He can barely hear his son’s desperate sobs by now. “Daddy, please no,” he whimpers.
Oswald pats his head. “It’s going to be fine. Everything is going to be alright,” he repeats over and over again, like a broken record. “I love you,” he tells his boy firmly. “Love you so much,” he mumbles.
“I’m touched,” Brian drawls nastily.
Looking up, Oswald already wants to hit “send” when his eyes widen in surprise.
Jim Gordon is standing behind the thug. He raises his finger to his lips, asking the mobster mutely to stay silent. Oswald nods, dazed, and then Jim raises his gun and knocks the guy out cold.
6 notes · View notes
theabominableblogger · 6 years ago
Rewatching “Gotham” S5E4
Not in chronological order, yaaaayyyy...
Also the other reaction posts for Episodes 8-10 are still a work in progress so hang on!
My sister watched it with me (as well as another episode in S5 and we both plan on watching the series finale together) so my comments will be in bold, and hers will be in regular font.  Author’s notes courtesy of me will be bolded and italicized.
AN:   I managed to record our reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
This is going to be fun.
“Shut up and die [Oswald].”  *starts singing “Waking Up in Vegas” by Katy Perry*
You are really going to hell.
I am.  It’s a curse.
*Recap shows Haven blowing up*  Welp.
Ahhhh that freaking shot [of the burning teddy bear]
Hell of a shot to open with
Also that one [of the people getting out].  That one’s good.
This whole opening just leaves you so numb.
Right?  Holy shit.
And I do like that the other villains are so shocked and horrified at this.
Right, yeah.
Yeah, like you have Penguin and Ed and the other people are like “Oh my God...”
Oh you better not-
*Barbara points her gun at an unsuspecting Oswald*  Oh come on, his back is turned!
Not right nooowww!
That’s bullshit!
*both look uncomfortable when we hear a baby crying in the background*
Everyone’s just kinda grabbing each other!
*grabs my sister and shakes her by the shoulders*  It’s like “Jim!”  “Harvey!”  “Oswald!”
*one more time*  “Bruce!”  No, I’m kidding.
*laughs*  Christ!
Yeah, whenever they use orange lighting in this show, it’s like “Ah yes, give me more!”
Except you know it means shit’s about to go down.
I know.
Or some shit has already gone down.
*Jim looks at the ruins of Haven*  Shiiit...
*Harvey hands back the badge Jim gave to Will*  Nooooooo....
Nooooo... come on.  God dang it.
*Opening titles roll*  So yeah, how’s that for an opening?
“As of now, death toll stands at 311.”  Jesus!
“49 injured, more than 2 dozen left unaccounted for.”  *very softly*  Oh my God.
I swear to God she’s [Secretary Walker] an al Ghul somewhere.
AN:  This was actually recorded a few weeks ago.  Little did I know...
“But whoever destroyed that building can't destroy the hope we've built.”  That’s not gonna do shit!
Yeah, that one lady in the crowd’s like “Oh my God...”  SAAAME!
That’s not gonna do shit, Jim!
“How are you [Jim] gonna stop it from happening again?!?”  Good question!  Honestly right now, Jim, you’re not lookin’ so hot.
I know!
“Nothing makes sense anymore.”  Someone say “It’s Gotham.”  Please God!
“SELINA!”  They just leave his [Bruce’s] ass there...
God... poor Bruce.
That’s gonna be nightmare inducing.
*Some of Ecco’s goons come in*  OH NOOO COME ON!
Ohhh the Ecco goons!
Can I preemptively say “[expletive] that noise?”
Also, I love this bit right here:
*laughs when Bruce tries throwing a wrench at a goon and missing him by a long shot*  Worth the shot, buddy!
Ugghh, so close!
*Alfred comes to the rescue*  AL-FRED!
“I was afraid you didn’t get my signal.  Lucius said the range was only a couple of miles.”  Where’d he get that?!?
*at same time*  What is that?!?
We already get that he’s Batman:  he’s pulling solutions out of his ass.
It’s Lucius.
I guess.
“How did that happen?”  “I [Bruce] let my guard down.”  *aside* You do that a lot, buddy!  You’ll do it more in the future!
“She’s [Selina] gone after Jeremiah, alone.”  *silently hurrahs*
OK, why is she [Barbara] wearing like a dominatrix outfit?
I mean, her last outfit was covered in filth so... also she has Penguin’s hair.
Yeah but- the leather corset?  Really?  C’mon...
“We heard people talking about a shady guy working around Haven before it blew.”  “This is Gotham.  You’re [Barbara] gonna have to do better than ‘shady guy.’“  *both giggle*
“How about a location? A building in the northeast corner of Harlow Park. He says the guy's holed up there.”  Also, they really need to release an official map for this because I have no idea where everything is.
They really need to.
Like I know that they use the actual No Man’s Land map
Right... but this continuity strays so much from regular DC continuity that not all of that might apply.
Yeah.  It’s like “Oh the Soothsayers are in the Granton district in the Dark Zone” and I’m like “Well where is that?!?”
Amusement Mile?!?  I know Ace Chemicals is in the Dark Zone.
Of course it is!
It’s near Crime Alley.
‘Course it damn well is!
But Crime Alley’s in Firefly’s zone.  I think, yeah.
Que interesante...
Ohhh that lightinggg!
*Penguin and Co. wait for Jim in the precinct*  Ohh c’mon... c’mon dude.
Digging the eyepatch on that guy [henchman] though
*mouths along with Oswald saying “woefully apparent”* 
“…you [Jim] are outmanned, outgunned, and out of options.”  *sings*  OUTNUMBERED, OUTPLANNED!
Hey yo, I’m gonna need a right hand man!
*groans*  I’m already dreading this.
“Take all you can carry.”  Arm yourselves to the teeth.  You’re gonna need it.
Also, they did not kill the dog.
Oh thank God.
Just to let you know!
“What do you [Jim] say, partner?”  Don’t ever say that again.
You’ve yee-d your last haw.
*Ed wakes up*  Nooo, who gives a shit about Ed?  Who gives a shit?  I don’t give a shit!
*aside*  It’s gonna become a lot more important.
I like this music here [when Ed investigates the suitcase] actually
*both end up scatting it*
Just sounds like they’re banging a bunch of coconuts together.
*imitates Ed saying “I’ve been on a trip!” hand gesture included*
*both tilt our heads in unison to read the message on Ed’s hand*
“KNOWS WHAT?!?”  Me.
Oh my God...
That’s the campaign poster [of Oswald] in S3!
Also I like how the cop cars have the grills and bars on the front and on the windshield.
Yeah... smart move!
“To hell with Penguin.  Haven wasn't your fault.”  “I [Jim] told the people it was safe. I made them into a target.”  You know Penguin’s right there!  He can hear you.
*One of the cop cars drive past Jim*  Don’t park in the puddle!  Noooo that’s what they diddd-
No they didn’t.  Nevermind.
*giggles when Oswald pulls out a megaphone*
“There goes the element of surprise.”  *both laugh*
Oh my God, he freaking winked at Jim!  Oswald, you-
Oh noooo...
*Another shot at the group*  Yep.
“We’re sitting ducks out here.”  “And one Penguin.  Hey Oswald, why don’t you crawl out there, grab that bullhorn, tell him to come out here quietly?”  *both laugh*
*both imitate Oswald’s insulted “Yooouu…”*
“Pretty cozy up here.  Thanks guys.”  C’mon buddy!  C’mon!
*claps hands*  Give us him!
Give us the goods!
Give us!
“Zsasz?!?”  Yassss....
“Oh hey guys, what’s up?”  *both laugh*
Oh my God, I’ve missed him!
*Victor blows Oswald a kiss*  YAASSSS!!
*giggles*  Yaaasss....
Oh my God what.  Is that Selina?!?
No, that’s Ed.
Freakin- what is it with him and the bad disguises?!?
But like he got through the entire precinct like that!
Everyone wasn’t paying attention!  If they were paying attention, they would’ve just ripped it [the blanket] off of him!
I know!
“I can still see your face.”  “Not when I do this, you can’t.”
It’s literally that!
It is.
*Ed runs into Lucius*  Ohhh yess!  I really like these two interacting.
“I am given and I am taken.  I was there from your first breath and I will follow you until your death.”  Oh screw off!
Your name.
“Call it a personal matter.”  I love that!
His little poses!
Yes yes!
“Well I'm [Ed] guessing you [Lucius] don't want money, because, uh, it's worthless.  I don't tend to carry snacks on me.  And if I had any bullets, I would just shoot you and take the folder.”  I really want somebody to be like “I’ll give you a load of bullets for a box of Cheez-Its.”  “DONE!”
*laughs*  Would you like the other half of this cosmic brownie?
You know who Chris Chalk kinda reminds me of?  The ally guy from “Conquest of the Planet of the Apes?”
Yeah, it does...
Hari Rhodes!  That’s the actor!
*giggles insanely when Ed tries to take the file from Lucius and utterly fails*
What the frick?
“I [Victor] did not make that building go boom, Jim.”  *both laugh*
What a way to say that.
“You gave up any shred of honor long ago!  Why should we believe a snake like you?!?”  “Because I would never take credit for somebody’s else’s work?”  *raises pen in air in agreement*
Well duh!”
“Is this about Sofia Falcone?  You should really move past that.  It’s not healthy.”  *both giggle*
This man...
This man!  He was probably raised in the South.  He would probably go “Hey y’all!  You’ve yee-d your last haw...”
Noooo noooo... he feels more like a California guy.
Yeah... *starts singing the theme song for “The OC”*
*Everyone starts firing at Zsasz*  Zsasz is just like “Nope!’
That’s the most casual duck.  Just rolls out of the way!
Come on, Jim!
I’m kinda wondering why they never got “Um guys, there’s a freaking concrete wall between windows.  He could just hide behind that!”
Or they could just like aim at an angle.
Get in the room!
This isn’t rocket science.
*both crack up when Zsasz goes for a drink break*
*still laughing*  What an asshole!
*Jim body slams Zsasz to the ground*  WHAA-
Right through the snack table!
And they destroyed his bowl of chips.
“[Victor] Glad to see you’re still with us.”  This man has never given a shit in his entire life.
“Thank you, thank you.  You were great.  Glad there are no hard feelings.”  I’ll be here all week.  Try the veal!
*laughs*  That was priceless.
“Allow me [Oswald] to deal with him [Victor].”  No!
“If he did this, I need to know if it was a part of something larger.”  Jim, you’re always a part of something larger!  READ THE SCENE!
Oh my God, they got Zsasz sitting in the back.  Zsasz is probably gonna like try to strike up a conversation.
“So, how was life?”  “Oh my God, shut up....”
It’s that bit in “Civil War:”  “So you like cats.”
This is Tony Stank!
*Selina follows Ecco and the new followers into the work site*  Oh here we go, here we go.  Here we go!
Oh Jesus... the belly of the beast.
Also, that place must smell like just terrible.
Right?!??!  If this place doesn’t smell like an armpit, then...
*Sykes dies*  ...oh God.
“Well, not with that attitude you’re not.”  *leans far and away from screen*
“Everyone, let’s reach inside and dig a little deeper, shall we?”  You prick.
*turns towards me*  Don’t you dare [sing]
*leans away when Jeremiah licks blood off his knife*  HI THANKS NO BYE!
*both groan in disgust*
YOU NASTY!  YOU TWO [Jeremiah and Ecco] DESERVE EACH OTHER, ya- mmmmmm!
Honestly though, I am kink-shaming.  I am kink-shaming so hard.
*chuckles*  They’re carrying his [Sykes] body out in a wheelbarrow.
OK, but like the Tim Curry voice- that’s an affectation!  He’s just putting that on to sound impressive.
*laughs when Jeremiah stops talking to himself and awkwardly clears his throat when Ecco walks in*
He’s like “Mm-mm!  Sorry!  Helloooo!”
*Jeremiah grabs Ecco by the neck to inspect her scar*  Noooooo...
He’s lookin’ right at the bullet...
“Bruce Wayne, and his sidekick Curls?  Or is he the sidekick?”  That’s still such a great line.
“And Curls can walk.  Really well.  Especially… for a paraplegic.”  *done*
*softly laughs in shock*  Oh my God...
*Jeremiah purrs appreciatively at Ecco*  How have these two not eaten each other alive at this point-
*sinks down in chair when Jeremiah dismisses Ecco*  Oh my God, that was a ghost kiss!  I HATE YOU!
“OK recruits, let’s do like my daddy did before my sixth birthday and move out!”  *both laugh*
That is a hell of a line!
*Selina follows Ecco and her group*  Yeah, you see him [Jeremiah] in the background just whip around!
That was like a horror movie thing, where the monster just whips around.  You can imagine a little scare chord in the background.
Also, I like how they establish that relationship in like under a minute.
Like yes, that is how you do it.
That was good.
Eat that, “Suicide Squad!”
“Evidence of deflagration would suggest something with a slower burn rate, like gunpowder or nitroglycerin.”  “But for this level of destruction, that would require a bomb that's 20 cubic feet of explosive material.”  Or a baZOOKA!
People just really love their RPGs in this show.
People just really love bazookas.  Bane uses one in the Bane Red Trailer
“Man walks into a room, alone, and is later found murdered.  There are no windows, and one door, which is locked from the inside.”  *whispers*  Toxic gas.  No I’m kidding.
“The bomb was the building.”  *imitates the way Ed says “the bomb”*
I love that.
*Ed and Lucius figure out how the building blew up*  This makes the forensics class part of me just so happy.
“Ow!  That’s a really nice table.”  *both chuckle*
“We got a dozen witnesses that saw you [Victor] walk out of that building before it went kabooey.”  *in unison*  Kabooey.
“Hey, do you guys have any canned peaches? Man, I'd trade an arm and a leg for that right now. Not mine, somebody else's.”  *both laugh*
Man, I missed him!
I know!  I’m gonna miss him so much!
“And, guys, those were warning shots. I mean, if I really wanted to kill you you'd be dead.”  If you guys could aim in this show.
I mean it’s not like the *pretends to shoot around something*
“If I blew up a building full of people, I would have covered every inch of my body in sweet, sweet scars.”  Can we see them?
*gives me a weird look*
His scars!  We only see them once [way back in S1].
I’d [Victor] let Alvarez do it.  He’s handsome.”  *both chuckle*
OK, but if the Gotham fandom isn’t already shipping them, I’m gonna be very disappointed.
*tries not to say anything without laughing*
Your stunned silence is very reassuring.
“Looks like you need a new suspect.”  *in Southern drawl*  Looks like it wasn’t Zsasz!
*Oswald arrives at the precinct*  Go to hell!
I love that shot of him.
“I know the wheels of justice turn slowly, so I'm here to provide - a modicum of grease.”  A what of what?
He said “grace” like “grease.”
What of what?  I don’t know.  I don’t know diction anymore.
“Oh, I did not expect you to go soft, Jim... Actually, I did, which is why I didn’t come alone.” OH COME ON!
“Torturing- torturing Zsasz into confessing won't give the people justice.”  And it’s not a very effective way of getting answers either!  Because they’re gonna say anything to make it stop.
Also, take a shot every time Oswald refers to Jim as “old friend.”
You’d be dead.
“There will be a trial!”  I still really wanted an episode like the “Trial” episode from the animated series.  That would have been so cool!
*waves at screen when Zsasz gets escorted out*  Bye Zsasz... you’re gonna be high as a kite the next time we see you.
We see him more in this episode.
The last episode he’s in, he’s just like “Whaauggh!”
*laughs*  What a way to go out though.
Harvey just tackles you?
I mean, if I’m gonna go out, I’m gonna go out high as a paper kite too.
*gives her the strangest look*
*laughs*  You’re judging me so hard!
*shakes head*  I can’t believe you.
I say that like I know what the hell getting high even feels like.
I love that this lazy ass [Haven bomber] just like leaves all the stuff there.  He’s like “Oh, we gotta scatter it!  Kick!”
“I truly hope you find whoever did this and make them pay.”  So he [Ed] didn’t do it.
*shakes my head like the liar I am*
“I appreciate your help, Ed.  Couldn’t have done it without you.  If you tell anyone I said that, I will deny it.”  *chuckles*
[Ed] You have one friend.  Kind of.
He so badly wants to say “No, god dammit!” but he can’t!
This show isn’t rated high enough.  Let Edward say [expletive]
*wheezes*  He’s not that kind of person who would say that.
Oswald would!
He would.  I made that meme thing!
Yeah that’s true.
Ed would catch himself and go “Oh... fart.”
*both laugh*
Oh, that was brilliant*
*The crowd at the trial becomes unruly*  Fight, fight, fight!
Oh God...
“Look at them, Harvey.”  Not another speech!
Now see, that [mural behind the staircase in Oswald’s place] is like Bioshock!  That big-  isn’t there a big mural in the-
Yeahhh, in the church, yeah!
For the workforce?
I dunno, this is more like OG Bioshock instead of Bioshock Infinite.
Because we’re past the religious stuff.
Ohh the purple lighting behind him [Oswald].
“So, will I [Victor] be appointed a lawyer?  I feel like my rights are being violated.”  I mean, technically they are.
Wait, they actually have somewhere there like transcribing the whole thing [trial]!
I also like that he’s [Oswald] wearing the sash that the choir members wore.
He [Oswald] paid off the witnesses though!  This is-
No!  Yeah, they said money is useless, so why would Oswald pay them off?
True... but this is obviously just a sham trial.
It is!  It’s a kangaroo court.  I love “The Dark Knight Rises.”
Also I like that goon in the background that looks like Neo from “The Matrix.”  With the long coat- no, that’s Morpheus.  Nevermind.
“It was a bomb.”  *chuckles*  It was a big one.
“For months now, you've been hearing me [Jim] say help is coming.”  IT AIN’T!
“This is not justice.”  This is where I pull out that quote from the first “Dark Phoenix” trailer and just insert it in here.
“I’ll [Oswald] consider that your [Jim’s] closing argument.”  That was like his opening and closing argument!
Though it did put me in mind of a much better speech from “Camelot”:  “They have forgotten justice, they want revenge, revenge the most worthless of causes.”
*Crowd calls Zsasz guilty*  What the hell were you [Jim] expecting?
And Zsasz is like “Great...”  Good job, Jim!
Thanks for that, Jim!
Great job!
There is a guillotineeee!
Oh come onnn!
They probably got it from like the natural history museum. 
Also, why would they have a guillotine in the natural history museum of Gotham?
Because this place is [expletive] up all the way up to the ears.
“Any last words?”  [Oswald] YOU PUT TAPE ON HIS MOUTH, YOU ASSHOLE!
*laughs when Victor gives his muffled last words*  He’s just stalling, I love it!
“Well said.”  *laughs*
*Victor gets rescued at the last minute*  Ohhh ho ho ho!
Shit, that was close!
*imitates Oswald yelling “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?”
I actually really hope we see Zsasz in the time jump. 
I hope so.
I will be so happy.
*Jim shoves Oswald to the ground*  MOM, HE PUSHED ME!
You self-serving asshole!
“What choice do I [Jim] have?  Either I let him [Victor] go, or he's dead for something he didn't do.”  Either that or it’s like the final scene from “Se7en.”
*very softly*  Eesh...
WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!?  No.  Zsasz is not up for that.
I think he begrudgingly gets along with Barbara so he wouldn’t do that.
“This city will never be what you it to be, Jim.  It’s always gonna belong to the bad guys… like me.”  Yes.
“What?”  “Yeah, what?”  *scoffs in hilarity*
“Give him your gun.”  OK, I hate this because Jim wants him [Victor] to shoot him. 
Come on...
He wants a shootout!
“Maybe I'm just tired of listening to you, Victor.”  Jim, come on!
*groans in frustration*
I like that shot though [of Victor being offered Harvey’s gun].  It’s like one of the westerns, with the blurry background.
“Do it.”  No...
Jim, what are you, stupid?
*sits back in relief when Victor turns him down* Oh thank God...
“So [Victor] get the hell out of my face.”  So why did he [Jim] want a shoot out?  He just wanted an excuse to arrest him again?
It’s guess it’s just kind of the built up anger.  Plus the fact that everything Jim has tried to do has utterly failed.
So he’s at the end of his rope and given up everything.
That’s true, yeah.
Ooohh that’s [the lighting for that shot of the tunnel workers walking down the hall] cool.
Yeah, where the hell is this?
I don’t know... it looks like an old parking garage.
It does!
*All the tunnel workers get knocked out*  Oh dear.
*claps when Bruce emerges from the shadows and catches up to Alfred*  LET’S GOOOOO!  Yess!
Alfred being a badass!
*laughs when Jeremiah starts fanning himself with his hat*
*mouths along with Jeremiah’s line about the river, with eyebrows and all*
“So what do we do when we feel like giving up?”  “Dig a little deeper.”   *has to sit forward in an attempt not to laugh/sing*
*still done*
*eyes widen when Selina walks up to Jeremiah and stabs him*
“Deep enough?”  Let’s go.
“Well Selina, I must say-“  Yeah, the Tim Curry voice is an affectation.
Stab number two.  Stab number three.
*in unison*  Four.  Five!  Six.  Seven.  Eight.  Nine.
Ho-ly shit!
*Jeremiah drops to the ground*  And he’s alive after that.
*shakes head*
*Selina gets hit in the head with a tool*  Ohhhhhh!  That oughta hurttt!
Yeah.... Jesus.
Also, you noticed like that he [Jeremiah] immediately calmed down like “Oh, it’s not Ecco, oh thank God- oh it’s just Selina.”
*Last shot of Jeremiah in the episode*  He looks dead.
Yeah.  Like how the hell did you survive getting stabbed in the stomach nine times?
Plus, in the next episode, there’s a doctor there.  I think it’s some sort of surgeon.
Still though... damn...
*Ed is exhausted after climbing stairs*  Mood, Ed.
“I hate stairs.”  *laughs*
What a mood!
*sings*  What a mood, what a mood, what a mighty big mood!
[1215]  Oh Jesus...
Oh my gosh, the amount of times I’ve seen a ceramic rooster thing, ugh... that brings me back.
This poor old lady!
“You were on the roof and you had some kind of a rocket.”  *softly*  Oh my God...
*The old woman hits Ed over the head*  HA!
*Ed starts to remember*  Oh my God!  He did it after all!  Oh, you- eat shit, Ed!
*points at screen*  Yeah that’s [the long hair and bowler hat] not a look!
*Ed blow up Haven in a flashback*  Why would he even do it though?
Also, I like these Windows screensaver effects.  *laughs*
Also, I wanna know how he [Ed] got the room number.
“I promise, I won't tell anybody.”  “I know you won't.”  Oh, c’mon, Ed!
No, c’mon!  Ed, no!  No no no!
*Ed shoves the witness out the window to her death*  Eat shit and dieeeee...
*tries not to laugh*  That’s from “Batman Forever!”  Because he pushes the guy out the window in the wheelchair!
Ohhhh, eat shit and dieee-
OK, OK, here’s the thing.  You’re gonna hate this ending because I hate this ending-
Oh God...
Because Jim and Barbara and it’s like-
*yowls in frustration*
*can’t help but laugh*  Same.
“[Barbara] Your tip didn't pan out.”  “Well, I've got another one.”  Nooo.
Jim does not need this right now.
He does not need this right now.
You’ve made a lot of shitty decisions this episode, Jim.
Yeah, everyone has.  And these two have [throughout the show].
“No one knows what it’s like to be him.”  *to the tune of the opening of 2001*  Shuuuutttt upppp!  SHUT UP!
Is this really the time for freakin’ anger sex?
I know!
“I told you to leave.”  No.
*shakes head*
*both say varying degrees of “No” when Barbara gets super close to Jim*
Jim, no.  No.
*Jim grabs Barbara’s arm to stop her*  Jim, no.
*bolts out of seat when Jim and Barbara start to make out* 
*in the background*  I’m goin’ out the window, bye!
*comes back to seat when end titles appear*  AND THAT IS THE end of the episode!
Nooooo!!  Jiimmm, come on!  COME ON!
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afternoonspeaker-2021-1 · 4 years ago
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Twist 那個油罐車竟然是實景拍攝
Crew Stories 昨天上午11:41 ·
On this day in 1996 Twister was released "That's no moon, it's a space station!" Tom Hanks was the original choice for the role of Bill Harding. Hanks read lines with the cast and even chose the character's wardrobe, which stayed in the final film, before dropping out. Kurt Russell and Michael Keaton were other possible considerations. Bill Paxton was chosen due to his "southern everyman charm" on a recommendation from director James Cameron. Another James Cameron connection is the name on the tanker truck that pushes Bill's pickup off of the tree is "Benthic Petroleum" which is the same oil company that Ed Harris' crew works for in The Abyss (1989). The base camp (where the crew trucks and equipment are staged) for the end sequence was at a pig farm down the road from the well-house. Every morning the cast and crew were greeted by the smell of a 2-acre pig-waste holding pond in the middle of all the trucks. 2nd AD Richard Oswald shared with us that the legendary Newt Arnold, was the 1st AD would do a loud Tarzan howl when camera was ready! During the hot summer shoot the crew went thru tons of Gold Bond for their “nether region” during dustings at lunch. Crew stories member Jeff Machit shared this anecdote about his experience on the film, my favorite Twister moment. “We’re working in the middle of tornado alley during the middle of tornado season. Many of the crew were concerned about what to do if we were threatened by a real twister. Production brought in the local TV weather man to reassure us. He told us not to worry as we have an on site Doppler radar. The radar would give us a 15 minute warning. He also reassured us that there were two helicopters standing by to evacuate all the above-the-line personnel. The rest of crew should find a ditch to jump into.” Some crew members, feeling that De Bont was "out of control", left the production five weeks into filming. The camera crew led by cinematographer Don Burgess ASC claimed De Bont "didn't know what he wanted till he saw it. He would shoot one direction, with all the equipment behind the view of the camera, and then he'd want to shoot in the other direction right away and we'd have to move [everything] and he'd get angry that we took too long ... and it was always everybody else's fault, never his". De Bont claims that they had to schedule at least three scenes every day because the weather changed so often, and "Don had trouble adjusting to that". When De Bont threw down a camera assistant in a fit of rage, Burgess and his crew had enough and walked off the set, much to the shock of the cast. I just talked to the AC now a operator and he shared this with us. “Looking back on it, I wish I had the self confidence and awareness to make an official complaint to the studio. But I was 32 years old with two young kids and I was afraid it would affect my ability to find work. Obviously, those were different times.” The camera grip and electric crew remained in place for one more week until cinematographer Jack N. Green's crew agreed to replace them. Unfortunately with just two days left of principal photography Jack Green was injured on stage, a warehouse. The set was built so the second floor would drop. It was very hot and there was air conditioning that was very loud. A test of the floor dropping was going to be done. The 1st AD called it out. Jack was underneath and because of the air conditioning didn’t hear the warning. Jack was instructing lamp operator Matt Hawkins to adjust a light and in doing so moved him out of harms way. Unfortunately for Jack the dropping floor hit him injuring his back. Jack spent some time in the hospital. Jan De Bont took over cinematography duties for the remainder of the shoot. Halfway through filming, both Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt were temporarily blinded by bright electronic lamps used to make the sky behind the two actors look dark and stormy. Paxton remembers that "these things literally sunburned our eyeballs. I got back to my room, I couldn't see". To solve the problem, a Plexiglas filter was placed in front of the
beams. The actors took eye drops and wore special glasses for a few days to recuperate. After filming in a particularly unsanitary ditch (for the first tornado chase scene, in which Bill and Jo are forced to shelter from an approaching F1 tornado under a short bridge), Hunt and Paxton needed hepatitis shots. During the same sequence, Hunt repeatedly hit her head on a low wooden bridge, so exhausted from the demanding shoot that she stood up so quickly her head struck a beam. During one stunt in which Hunt opened the door of a vehicle speeding through a cornfield, she momentarily let go of the door and it struck her on the side of the head. Some sources claim she received a concussion in the incident. De Bont said, "I love Helen to death, but you know, she can be also a little bit clumsy. " She responded, "Clumsy? The guy burned my retinas, but I'm clumsy ... I thought I was a good sport. I don't know ultimately if Jan chalks me up as that or not, but one would hope so". To simulate the high speed winds that occurs during a tornado and Ritter fans weren’t enough special effects Legend John Frazier and his effects crew (the real heroes of this production) procured some jet engines from a Boeing 707 and mounted them to flatbed trailer! This crew pulled off some pretty epic stuff on this one from dropping tractors from cranes and helicopters to driving a truck thru the facade of a tumbling house! The instrument package used in the movie, "Dorothy", is an homage to the instrument pack real tornado researchers attempt to place in the paths of tornadoes, "T.O.T.O.". Lois Smith's character is reading Dante Alighieri's Inferno when the twister hits Wakita. The book also features a tornado in the second circle of Hell that punishes people ruled by Lust. After the team leaves Wakita, there is a seemingly impossible helicopter shot in which the camera descends several hundred feet in a matter of seconds, ending up mere feet from Jonas's convoy. This was achieved by having the cars drive slower than usual and then speeding up the film. A recording of a camel's moan was slowed down and used as the sound of the tornado. Although Amblin Entertainment has collaborated with both Warner Bros. and Universal on many occasions (Amblin co-founder Steven Spielberg directed films for both studios), as of 2014, this film marks the only time Amblin collaborated with both studios on the same film. The real town of Wakita, Oklahoma had part of its old downtown area demolished by the film crew for the scenes after the twister passes. The studio then paid for the downtown to be rebuilt. The town also kept the new fire truck used in the film De Bont insisted on using multiple cameras, which led to the exposure of 1,300,000 feet (400,000 m) of film, compared to the usual maximum of 300,000 feet (91,000 m). The 35mm short ends were used to shoot Jon Favreau’s SWINGERS. pre production in Oklahoma was briefly delayed due to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Many of the crew went to the site to help with recovery efforts. This was the first movie released on DVD, and the last released on HD-DVD. After Bill Paxton died, Spotter Network choreographed 200 storm chasers to spell out "BP" with their GPS tracker blips on a radar display to honor him. This kind of tribute had only been done five times before, and it was the first time it had been done for someone who wasn't a storm chaser. (IMDb/Wikipedia/crew stories) some photos from Sound utility and crew stories member Robert K. Maxfield and Paxtonmobile by Mel Roswell,excerpts from a previous post from Matt Hawkins, Jim Plannette, Richard Oswald If you recognize any crew members comment so we may update. A special Thank you to every crew member that endured this production, you were deep in the suck and it was worth it! These kinds of popcorn movies inspired many of us to pursue a career in the filmmaking process.
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optimisticcritique · 7 years ago
Gotham 4x04 - Re-watch Review
Preparing for Gotham’s return...
Fun fact: This was the first episode of Gotham I ever watched live. I caught up a few days before the episode aired. I remember the riddle rap promos and speculations.
The way that they state the kid’s name...it almost makes you think he is a significant character. Normally the throw away characters do not get such an introduction.
I feel bad for these two. They never stood a chance. Only serving the purpose of being murdered. 
Should have just taken the knife home instead. 
Love the Oswald collage and fanart wall Ed. Did you make it all yourself? Oswald would be touched. 
So, where did he get all these papers without anyone recognizing him in his overly discrete green suit? Did he steal some of them from Myrtle? Go to the local library? 
I just imagine Ed getting a pile of research and Oswald news from someone. They probably thought he was an obsessive fan. 
Was Ra’s just stalking Bruce this whole time? Does he not have other hobbies? What does Ra’s do in his spare time? 
I hope Harper doesn’t end up being the Pinkney of the season. I like her. 
“What’s so special about the knife?” Asks about five main characters in the last two episodes. 
Oswald stares intently at his beloved hat. I really want to know what he was thinking with such an intense stare. Probably something not fit for family audiences. 
“Knocking Victor!” What exactly were you doing Oswald that required knocking notice? 
I give Oswald credit for at least being suspicious of Sofia first. Too bad his hubris and emotions will get the best of him again. 
Sofia is good. Great at emotional acting and pretending to be innocent. 
If Jim can’t go to Penguin for intel, it must be up to Babs!
“You like this me better?” Calm Babs is going to end up being the mother of Batgirl soon, isn’t she? I see Jim being turned on by this.
Bruce, you are not very subtle. What happened to being discreet?
Jim is actually convincing Bruce to tell the truth...yeah, I believe Ben wrote this episode. 
I wonder how differently this all would have gone if Bruce told Jim about Ra’s sooner.
“how do you spell-” One of the best quotes of the entire episode. I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t know how to spell it either if I didn’t see it so often. Just don’t try to ask about pronunciations...that’s a whole different debate. 
Jim and Bruce team up! Always nice.
Riddle raps!!! I am trying to picture Ben writing all this. “Foe...know...lame brain. Genius work, Ben!” *high fives self because it is 3 AM and Morena is asleep*
Just when I think Ed can’t be more extra, he ALWAYS proves me wrong. What’s next? A glittery jacket and hat to match?
I know that there was singing fruit last season...but like...does Oswald know that this Ed is just Ed being Ed? It isn’t his brain damage doing all this stuff. He’s just this extra. 
Oswald looks so done with everything lol
This is Victor’s jam! I love it.  
Reference of the two Victors! I love this. Now when are they going to reference the two Harveys? Or are we pretending Dent doesn’t exist now?
I really want to know what Ed meant, if he didn’t mean the pier.
Poor kid. He really should have just been honest about the knife sooner, given it to Bruce, and went into hiding.
Awe missed opportunity for Bruce to show off more fighting skills. Bummer. 
 I didn’t know Ra’s was a Clark Kent fan. Love his cosplay.
Such a deep moment for Bruce...too bad it doesn’t end up meaning much.
“Weirdly cool”. I wish someone would call me that. All I get is “weird”.
Award for best subtle acting in this episode: Ra’s. I would say he is the most subtle (unsubtle) villain ever in this show but...we all know he’s not. 
Alfred, why?! Just because you think about punching someone, doesn’t mean you should! Wait, I forgot. This is Gotham. Most people act on violent impulses.
Nothing can restrain Alfred when it involves saving Bruce.
The lengths Sofia will go to bettering her game is astounding.
She’s trying to get in your head, Penguin. Don’t psych yourself out.
Well, to be fair, everyone has secrets in Gotham, Jim. You better than anyone know that you don’t always share everything.
Do you think if Alfred was allowed to go, he could have convinced Bruce to give up the knife? I don’t imagine he would but you never know...
I have a petition for more riddle raps. Oddly enough, Ed and the Riddler are the only two signatures on it so far. 
Oswald’s facial expressions are always such moods 
I am still kind of surprised Bruce denied Ra’s the knife. Was he expecting him to be bluffing? 
I feel like they would have shown the kid dying on screen if this was GoT.
Give him something to believe? Umm...do we really need to repeat everything you’ve seen in Gotham so far, Jim?
Angsty Bruce! No, anything but angsty Bruce!
The “here!” makes me laugh every time for some reason.
Actual children. 
“Your riddles suck!” Well, he’s not wrong.  
Wow, Ed looks so broken. Like his favorite toy (his mind) got taken away. 
Remember what Ed said Oswald? Gloating is one of your least attractive qualities...I’m just saying.
6 hours? Is that how long it took Ben to write the riddles?
You know, you could have just stolen the riddle from somewhere, Ed. The fact that he wanted the perfect riddle himself is amazing though.
“Yeah, I will!” “Uh no, you won’t!” A+ villain banter. Take notes kids. 
Oswald is totally done with death threats. He’s been through it all. He knows of his plot armor now. 
Oswald knows how to get under Ed’s skin and find what hurts him, doesn’t he? 
Really Ed? You weren’t expecting that he would try to freeze you again?
“Got it, same pose”. Why isn’t Freeze on here more often? 
It must be pretty bad if Ed is admitting defeat. 
Oswald - a guy who can look almost heartbroken and cocky at the same time. 
Jim and Sofia? Who would have foreseen this? :O 
Man, that was some fine glass, Jim! You better be paying for that. 
Over all: A decent episode. It had some good moments. Ed and Oswald reconnect, only for them to part ways and throw away the revenge plot. Sofia and Oswald meet, Sofia starts her manipulations. Jim finds out more about Ra’s, hooks up with Sofia. Bruce blames himself for the death of a nice kid, starting his angsty/angry path against Ra’s. He continues to keep the knife as Ra’s is arrested. 
Previous review: 4x03 Next: 4x05
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sunlitroom · 7 years ago
Gotham – s4e10 – Things That Go Boom
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Jim got his tainted captaincy from a tainted man by tainted means.  Oswald knows that Sofia paid off the mayor, but only asks that she never betray him again.  Oswald wants Ed back from the narrows.  Barbara shot Cherry.  This is Lee’s turf!  He’s eating cooking them.  Martin is in danger.  Jim arrested Pyg. Sofia will never be Jim’s enemy.  Martin told what he saw.  Oswald says Sofia will pay for what she’s done.
 As always, long post will be long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot might appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
Arkham, and the usual parade we get.  Thanks, show. Strolling over to the gramophone player, Pyg changes the record to Ave Maria and does some Hannibal-esque hand movements in front of it, eyes shut.  He’s such a tool.
The other patients seem ok with the new music - except for one who doesn't like the song.  His mother used to beat him to it, and it was playing when he killed her.  He tells Pyg to turn it off or he’ll do the same to him.
Pyg smiles nastily and walks towards him.  In a mocking tone, he asks why his mother beat him – was he naughty?  Did he soil his trousers?  Did he stutter?
The poor man, visibly struggling, swings a punch at him.  When Pyg reels away – we see a close-up of his face, which looks strangely distorted.
Telling the man he wishes he hadn’t done that, he pops his jaw back into place.  He comments that he paid a fortune to look this good, deliberately flicking the record back on again.  When the man rushes towards him, enraged, Pyg stabs him in the gut with the cracked record, and then slits his throat with the other half, and we see the man die to the tune that tormented him.
Pyg goes back to conducting. I start to ponder who I’d like to kill him and how.
 At GPCD, where Jim and Lucius are examining an x-ray.  Pyg apparently has titanium plates under his skin, altering his appearance, as well as having had his fingerprints burned off.  Lucius says he must have had multiple surgeries.  Jim says this makes no sense – Pyg is a ‘glory hound’, a classic sociopath: why doesn’t he want the credit?  He asks Lucius if he could reconstruct Pyg’s original face, and then leaves.
 Harper catches him on the way up to his office, and tells him he has a visitor: Sofia.  He thanks her.  Entering the office, he asks Sofia what she’s doing there.  Sofia says that she hadn’t heard from him in a few days. Jim looks askance at her, and remarks that he didn’t know he was meant to call.  Sofia replies that after the other night, she thought they were seeing each other again
(An aside – yeuch. Really, Jim?)
Sofia is very bright and smiley.  She thinks Jim’s worried about Oswald, and tells him he doesn’t have to be – she told him. Jim’s eyes widen
You did what?
Sofia claims that she has it under control – she’ll remove Oswald, and then they can be together.
Jim shifts uncomfortably. He tells Sofia that whether Oswald is in the picture or not, they’re not going to work.  He doesn’t see a way forward for them.  Sofia’s face shifts into a huffy, affronted expression very similar to the one she wore when Carmine told her she wasn’t ready for Gotham.
(A lengthy aside.
Ugh.  I’m really hoping that we find there’s more to Sofia in the next episode, and that she was playing Jim here as much as she has apparently been playing Oswald.  There was plenty about her that was interesting early on.  The fact that we view her in a parent/child context due to her being Falcone’s daughter, her manipulativeness, her sulkiness at being overlooked, her ability to seem non-threatening: these were all characteristics that gave her a certain kinship with Oswald, the man she was in town to overthrow.  That gave their relationship room for nuance – would she empathise with the man she was planning to ‘remove’?  Feel conflicted?
Her close relationship with her brother meant that she had ample cause to resent Jim and want revenge, even though she was seemingly in town to help him out, as well as sleeping with him.
If, from those promising beginnings, what we’ve actually ended up with is yet another character who holds Oswald in total contempt for no good reason, and yet another woman who has mystifyingly decided that Jim is her one and only – then I’ll be pretty disappointed.
Another ugh – this ‘relationship’.  If she is sincere, what has Sofia’s romantic past been that a relationship with Jim looks so enticing?  There’s been an occasional fuck after business meetings and lots of mistrustful staring and now she’s starry-eyed?  Am I supposed to be sold on this?  The whole thing has just seemed tawdry – especially from Jim, who seemingly continued things even after hearing Sofia describe Harvey – the guy who saved his neck more than once - as weak, incompetent and a burden.  
It’s never really felt particularly passionate, either.  There’s no trust, no emotional engagement, no romance.  You could at least see emotional neediness at play in his makeshift relationship with Valerie Vale – but what the hell was I supposed to see here? It’s just seemed sordid.  And torpid.  Turgid.  Flaccid. Putrid.  Take your pick.)
 The Narrows - where Lee is holding court over a dispute.  Ed advises, but Lee wants to solve issues peacefully.  Where Ed remarks that allowing one to stab the other would solve the problem, Lee wants them to join forces.  Before the man leaves, Lee asks after his daughter.  He tells her that her fever is down, and thanks her.
Ed looks at her.  He says that
These bums are so lucky to have you
Lee sighs, and says she hasn’t forgotten about him.  Ed, agitates, says she says that, but he’s still a moron.  Lee says that she said she’d fix him, and she will.  
Their conversation is interrupted by a man with a broken nose.  Someone called Samson did this after he refused to pay protection money and told him Lee was in charge. Ed says she has to show him that she can't be pushed around, and she should send Butch.  Lee says she can’t have Butch solve everything while preaching peace to everyone else – it’s hypocritical.  Ed asks what she is going to do, then?
 As Sofia gets home, we hear stormy weather outside, and see Oswald waiting for her.  She feigns a smile, and says that this is a pleasant surprise.  Oswald smiles tightly and assures her that this is nothing pleasant.
Oooooh – Victor strolls into the room.  Hi Victor.  Take me now, Victor.
Oswald continues.  He says he was continually suspicious of her – but she always had the perfect explanation to defuse his suspicions
(An aside – this alone is implausible.  Oswald has played that game before – he knows that too many perfect explanations are suspicious in and of themselves.  It doesn’t wash that he’d have put it to one side.)
He says, though, he finally has proof of his enemy.  She told him she hated Jim, but she is – in fact – his lover.  Martin saw them both.  She tries to deflect, but Oswald says he’s had enough of her lies, their entire friendship - the intimacies they shared: all a pathetic charade
Sofia insists that she cares for him deeply.  Oswald says that he wishes that were true, but he did some digging and found out about Jim’s trip down south just before Sofia arrived in town
(An aside – again, implausible.  We’ve seen that Oswald tends to know Jim’s home address.  He was likely to be keeping a particular eye on him at that time due to their disagreement over the Pax.  Yet he’s only just found out he went on a short holiday?  Nope)
Sofia stares at the floor, apparently caught out.  Victor chips in
Coincidence?  I think not
Oswald says that they were plotting to destroy him the whole time.
Sofia’s face changes, and takes on a shark-like blankness.  She spits venom.
Bravo, Oswald. I was warned you were a mastermind, but you were an easy mark. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with goulash and a good foot rub.
As if things weren’t already weirdly domestic enough between them at the Iceberg Lounge, Victor glances at Oswald’s feet.
Oswald tears up listening to her.
Now I see the real you.  I was blind to your manipulations – but I will correct that mistake
Oswald apparently has decided on a very specific person to take revenge for him, the Dentist – a tall, thin man who appears in the doorway.
 Jim is visiting Pyg at Arkham.  Pyg is pleased his ‘little scuffle’ brought Jim along.  Jim, though, says that he wants to know who Pyg really is
Don't you know, Jim?  I’m a reflection of you
Jim, being almost comedically unreflective, doesn’t get this, and punches Pyg in the face instead. One of the plates shifts.  Jim asks him who is hiding behind the mask. Pyg tells him what he sees is what he gets.  Jim brushes past this – telling Pyg he craves attention, so why not take credit?
Pyg smirks that the whole town is crazy for him – but Jim tells him he’s yesterday’s news,  a second-class psychopath.  Jerome, Fish, Oswald – now they have staying power.
(An aside – Jim, you total nitwit, if you complimented Oswald like that to his face he’d probably have agreed to dismantle the Pax and take you to dinner.)
Pyg gets agitated at this. Jim says he’s already forgotten, and this is his last visit.  He’ll never think about Pyg again.  Pyg laughs at this, claiming it’s just mind games.  I dunno – Pyg, ask Jonathan.
Jim calls the guard, telling him
We're done here
Pyg is irate
We’re not done here
He tells Pyg to have a nice life
Pyg’s accent abruptly shifts and becomes��.southern.  Sorry – I can’t do any better than that.
Don't you walk out on me
Jim smiles, satisfied
There you are
 Back at the Narrows, Lee and Ed are visiting Samson.  Lee tries to negotiate reasonably, while Ed bristles at being described as a has-been. Despite Lee’s efforts, Samson remains stubborn – he doesn’t want to negotiate, he wants to take.
Ed recommends using Grundy again, but Lee sees Samson cough blood into a handkerchief and quickly invents an illness – Narrows’ Lung – which she says she will treat in him and his people free of charge.  
Samson laughs at the idea he gives a damn about his people.  His laughing turns to more coughing.  Lee tells him she’ll be back to negotiate in a few days with his replacement, after he’s drowned in his own blood.  She and Ed turn on their heels, but Samson calls them back.  Make it 30% of fight night profits and they have a deal.  Ed whispers that this is too much, but Lee agrees, and tells him to come by the clinic.
 The Dentist is manipulating Sofia's jaw left and right, examining her teeth, which he looks forward to seeing in his trophy case.  Sofia tries to pull the ‘do you know who I am?’ trick, but the Dentist knows only too well.  She’s the daughter of the man who killed his brother.  He turns on his drill, and says he’ll enjoy this.
Sofia turns stone-faced again.  She says it’s true her father killed his brother. She says, too, that she knows the address of the Dentist’s wife and son, and that she learned every detail of Oswald’s organisation
(An aside – either she’s outright bluffing, or a whole bunch of stuff has been happening with absolutely no hint to the viewer – which is irritating)
Sofia essentially says she knows everything about everything and has orchestrated everything that has happened.  If he kills her, then his wife and son will be murdered.  She leans back, smirking, and tells him to drill away.
The Dentist tells his assistant to tighten her restraints.  When he leans in to do so, he murders him.  Sofia tells him imperiously that he made a wise decision, and orders him to untie her.
 Immediately after this, she leaves the house.  However, the car door is locked, and peering inside, she sees her driver is dead.  Tabitha, Barbara and Selina have shown up, and proceed to kidnap her.
 At the gun shop, Sofia is tied up.  Barbara wakes her up, and introduces the curiously boring girl gang.  This recap is taking forever, and I care increasingly less about any of the characters in this scene, so – Barbara wanted to use Sofia as leverage over Oswald when she though he and Sofia were bffs, but now Oswald wants her dead instead.  That doesn’t matter to Barbara, though, because that means Os will negotiate to get her back either way.  Sofia makes more superior noises about her super awesome master plan that only worked because Oswald was suffering an unfortunate attack of ooc again.  
 Oswald is in his office. Martin is in his chair, and a smiling Oswald says he’ll grow into it.  Martin helped him vanquish his enemy, and has a beautiful future ahead. Oswald is going to impart all his wisdom, and if Martin pays attention, all this could be his one day.
Martin shakes his head, looking unhappy.  A worried Oswald asks him what’s wrong.  Martin writes in his pad
I lied
Agitated, Oswald asks what he means – did he not see kissing?  Martin did see kissing, but Sofia wanted him to report this back to Oswald. Oswald is confused for a moment, but then twigs.  She knew how he would respond and wanted this confrontation.
(An aside – does that mean the whole affair with Jim was just part of her plan?)
Victor enters the room and tell Oswald they have a problem.  The dentist has gone – whereabouts unclear, and now Barbara has Sofia.
Oswald yells in temper – asking how Victor knows this.
Hilariously, Victor pulls an exaggerated scandalised shush face, and tells him he knows because Barbara is
On.  The. Phone
Barbara and Oswald talk. She has Sofia – but will exchange her in return for the gun shop and complete autonomy.  When did that become so important to her? Didn’t seem to be an issue when she worked for Ra’s.
Oswald agrees to this, and says he’ll send Victor over to collect her.  Victor smiles.  Oh my.
Martin looks nervous, and Oswald irritably tells him that their conversation is not over.  This poor child.
 Lucius and Jim have a new sketch of Pyg.  Jim tells Lucius to start the search in the South.  
(An aside - All of it? Isn’t it quite big?)
Lucius suggests that Pyg was faking, but Jim is certain it was a slip-up.
(Another aside – Probably not a coincidence that we learn Pyg is from the south in the same episode where Oswald clearly reminds everyone that Jim took a trip south before Sofia’s arrival)
Walking to the clinic, Ed asks Lee why not just let Samson die.  Lee says Narrows’ Lung is made up – he just has bronchitis.  Her smile fades when she opens the door, and sees the clinic trashed. Ed tells her this is the kind of person they’re dealing with.  No more diplomacy – she should take Butch and end this.  
Lee refuses – she’s got a better idea.
 Back at the gun shop – Sofia says this is too easy.  Oswald couldn’t wait to get off the phone, so they need to get out of here.  She tells them she’ll give them everything they want when she’s in power, but Tabitha bridles at Sofia’s assumption of being in charge.  Selina, meanwhile, has spotted Victor in front of the shop with a rocket launcher.
Outside, Victor shoots, and then grins widely.
(An aside, would you shoot that right beside your ear?)
We see that Tabitha, Barbara, Selina and Sofia have escaped through the back door.  Barbara snarls that she’ll break Oswald’s little beak in half. After what Barbara pulled last season, I’d say she had it coming.
 Sofia runs into GCPD, face all smeared with soot and tears.
She turns on serious crocodile tears.  She underestimated Oswald, and now he’s tried to kill her!  She tells Jim he won’t stop until she’s dead and he needs to
Use the position I gave you and end this
Jim has an army, she points out.  He should take the fight to Oswald.
Light finally fucking dawns on Jim’s face.  This was her plan all along.  She never had the numbers to start a war, so she schemed to set them against each other – make Jim captain and send him to take Oswald out.
Sofia says his job is to stop criminals, and that’s what he’d be doing.
Jim says it’s not that simple.  It never is with Oswald, eh Jim?
Sofia says they can bring law and order back – this is what he wanted, and it’s his for the taking. He needs to crush Oswald.
 At the Iceberg Lounge, Oswald is telling Martin he betrayed him.  Martin writes in his pad.
She used me.  I'm so sorry
Oswald wonders aloud about sending him back to the orphanage, which is a shitty thing to do, Oswald, so stop it.  
Victor returns, but before he can speak, Oswald dismisses the little spy from the room.  A tearful Martin leaves, and an incredulous Victor watches him go.
He tells Oswald the place went up in flames.  Oswald grins, and tells Victor they are going to unleash a crimewave like the city has never seen to teach Jim a lesson for cheating on him with another gangster aligning with Sofia Falcone. Victor gives Oswald a hilariously smitten smile.
I wouldn't make that call
Jim is here.   He tells Oswald he spoke with a very alive Sofia. Oswald says he has witnesses as to his whereabouts.  Jim says he’s not there to arrest him.  They’ve both put up with Sofia long enough. Oswald knows when it’s time for some sexually-charged antagonism and bargaining, and asks Victor to give them a moment.
Oswald sighs wearily and tells Jim he has his attention.  Jim says that Sofia deliberately put them on the path to war, and will let the city burn to the ground to prove herself to her father.  He can’t allow that.
Oswald asks what he wants from him.  Jim says he’ll put her on a train, and he doesn’t want Oswald involved.  Oswald wants her to suffer, though, and laughs incredulously at Jim’s notion that she’ll meekly accept this betrayal and go home.
Jim says if she returns to the city, he’ll jail her.  If Oswald refuses, Jim will use GCPD to tear him apart piece by piece
(An aside – GCPD is Jim’s personal grudge squad, apparently)
Oswald says that doesn’t sound pleasant, and he is willing to  put aside personal feelings for the good of city, but
Where does that leave us?
(An aside - the shippy stuff just kind of writes itself)
Jim says there can be no more licenses - but he won’t have to worry about Sofia.  He holds out his hand.  Oswald looks down at it and smiles.  He says it’s good to know, after all they’ve been through that they can resolve this diplomatically.  
Jim gives him a smile which can best be described as flirty, and leaves.
 Back on Samson’s turf. He mocks Lee’s Narrows’ Lung ruse. Lee tells him she wants him out of the Narrows by the end of the day – Ed backs her up.  Samson says they’ve dug own graves.  Lee claims to have had Samson’s drinks poisoned, and claims to have the antidote.  He caves fairly fast, and she tosses him the antidote.
 Jim and Sofia at GCPD. Jim says he’s doing this to protect Sofia.  She tells him not to pin this on Oswald – if he’s got something to say he should say it. She kisses him, and tearfully tells him they’re the same, she saw it the moment they met.
(Lord – this shtick again from one of Jim’s love interests)
They both want power, she says, but it’s easier to send her away than confront that.  Jim draws the scene to a brusque close by cuffing her, telling Harper to take Miss Falcone to the train station.
 A fairly relaxed Oswald drinks at the bar of the Iceberg Lounge.  Victor says that Jim did indeed put Sofia in a train, and Oswald amiably remarks
Talk about a turn of events - I didn't see that coming
(An aside – seriously, this is all so domestic.  What did he need Sofia’s friendship for again?)
Victor asks if Martin is to be sent back to the orphanage.  Oswald has the good grace to look regretful, at least, and says that won’t be necessary.
He walks through to his office and begins to apologise before seeing that Martin is gone.  A note of panic slips into his voice, and his eyes widen when we see Martin has left a picture illustrating a kidnapping, at which he panics in earnest.
 Martin is shoved into a car by Selina.
(Hey – remember when Selina was an individual with her own unique moral code, and who would likely never have considered this?  That was good, wasn’t it?)
Barbara comments that Martin is cute.  Selina says he doesn’t talk.  Tabitha says he gives her the creeps. Tabitha, being someone who liked to listen to a confused Gertrud crying and begging to see her son, is quite the authority on creepy.
Sofia is on a train with Harper, who tells her to get comfy.  We hear tickets please, but it’s not a conductor, but Victor.  Hot, hot Victor.  
He knocks Harper out and asks Sofia where the boy is.  She smirks, and tells him he’s alive, and if Oswald wants to keep things that way, he’ll meet her at Crown Bridge in an hour.  Victor shoots her cuffs off.
(An aside, that’s the second child Sofia has threatened to murder in this episode alone.  She also does not seem give a tuppenny fuck at the thought of abandoning her orphanage)
Everyone is under the bridge.  Sofia is using Martin as a bargaining chip.  Barbara, Tabitha and Selina – standing alongside her – are tacitly OK with this.
Oswald promises martin everything will be alright.  Sofia says if he hands over control, then she’ll let Martin keep his head.  Oswald says the Falcone name meant something once, and her father would be disgusted by her actions.  Sofia snaps back that her father would be proud.
Oswald smiles, sensing a raw nerve, and possibly remembering what Jim said earlier.  He tells her it must be hard, living her whole life trying to get daddy’s approval.
Sofia’s face twitches, and we see he’s hit home.
I myself can’t relate, seeing as my parents loved me without condition
(That was downright beautiful, Oswald.  Drag her.)
Sofia’s temper has flared.
Say one more word and I will kill him and execute you.  I am choosing compassion but I am willing to change my position.
Oswald tells her not to kill the boy – he’s innocent.
Barbara smirks.
(Remember when Barbara used be halfway likeable too?)
Oswald says he submits. Sofia releases Martin, who heads straight to Oswald. Oswald tells Martin he's sorry for what said earlier: he does really care about him.  A tearful Martin nods, and Oswald sends him to wait in the car.
Looking over at Tabitha, Victor does a tear down the face motion.
Martin gets in the car as Sofia watches.  Oswald looks at her.
You were wise to use the boy, as you know – my heart is my greatest weakness.  But I will not allow him to be used as a pawn in your game. 
 Lifting his hand, he presses a button on a remote device, and the car explodes.
Oswald’s men start shooting, and Barbara retaliates.  Oswald screams at Sofia
You wanted a war, you got one!
(God - Victor’s shooting stance.)
 At Cherry’s Place, Lee asks Ed why he’s so blue.  He feels useless – he’s not a sidekick, but Samson is right, he’s a has-been.  Lee says that since he trusted her, she’s going to trust him with something.  There’s nothing wrong with Ed’s brain – his ability to guess Samson’s actions proved that. The block is psychological.  
Ed asks how she could have lied to him – looking genuinely hurt.  She says that she was afraid he would simply go back to being the Riddler, and she likes who he’s become – who he used to be: Ed Nygma, her friend.  Ed looks touched.
 Sofia, Tabitha, Selina and Barbara trudge sulkily into Sofia’s mansion.  She wants to hit Oswald again.  Selina says she lost.  Sofia is still scheming aloud – and Barbara comments acidly that she probably didn’t get told ‘no’ a lot as a kid, and reiterates that she lost her shot.  
Sofia says she’s not done, and she’ll cut them in – telling them they need here.  Oswald might have won the battle, but she’ll win the war.
 At the Iceberg Lounge, we see Oswald alone, looking thoughtful.
Victor is there with Martin, who - of course – is not dead.
My boy - you did a splendid job of dying
There was an escape hatch in the car.
Oswald tells Martin that Victor will take him to a safe location, and he can never return
Martin shakes his head, and writes in his pad
I don't want to leave you
A tearful Oswald comforts him
There there.  This is what I have to do to protect you.  You’ll understand when you’re older.
Martin steps forward and hugs him tightly.  Oswald hugs back.
Victor is impatient and wants to finish Sofia now, while they have the advantage - but Oswald wants his top man to take Martin to safety.  Victor has a mini internal conflict over the desire to go do some killing, and puffing his chest a little at being described as Oswald’s top man.
Besides, Oswald remarks, he has a better plan for her.
 At GCPD, Lucius says Pyg was known as Lazlo Valentine down south.  His crimes were also very different.  Jim says serial killers don’t change MO.  Lucius then comments that he was never released but escaped.
 At Arkham, walking down a dark corridor, a guard walks towards Pyg’s cell – where we can hear strange noises.  As he enters, he sees the cell is empty, before a noose drops round his neck from above the door, and we see him hanged.
 Somewhere in Cherry’s club, Ed washes his face.  When he glances back up at the mirror, we see his Riddler persona, behaving much like Bad Ed used to.  Ed seems dismayed to see that he’s back – angrily calling out
 Back at Arkham again with Jim – who finds Pyg’s cell empty and the guard dead.  There’s a message on the wall
It's been fun, James – Lazlo.
General Observations
It’s hard to say too much, since there’s obviously a lot to be continued next week.  Some temporary thoughts, then.
I will be surprised and confused if it’s not revealed that Pyg was put in place by Sofia, all part of the same plan to unsettle Oswald and bloat Jim’s ego.
Jim rattled on about sociopaths this week.  If anyone showed a much darker side to herself this week, it was Sofia – blithely willing to murder two children to further her plans, faking tears to manipulate, and dropping into a stone face when found out.  If she’s behind Pyg, then she effectively ordered the slow, painful deaths of several cops – including Harvey.  I still think we might find something out about her next week - maybe from Carmine.
I am so bored by the Sirens. So bored.
Sofia learned a lesson that others have learned before her, Jim will flip his loyalties/attentions back to Oswald when pressed.  How long, you have to wonder, did it take him to edit her out of the picture after he got the captaincy? He just about tells Oswald she’s a third wheel that neither of them needs to be bothered with. Fickle, fickle Jim.
We again have a situation where our main villain – Jim openly recognises how dangerous Oswald is – is more sympathetic than just about anyone else.  Sofia’s a poor creature – all dead eyes and a desperation to please daddy. Jim is…well, Jim.  The Sirens are all smirks and catsuits.  Oswald does terrible things – but again demonstrated a selflessness that we don’t really see elsewhere.  He loves Martin, and he’s desperate for companionship – but he’ll send him away to keep him safe.
Poor Lee is destined for disappointment with the return of Bad Ed/Riddler.
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thedeevirus · 8 years ago
Why I Think Barbara Kean Is Overrated
Now, before I get beaten up, I have nothing whatsoever against Erin Richards. She really threw everything into the role and seems like a genuinely lovely person.  But looking back over the series, the material she was given to work with was mostly subpar. Barbara has bothered me since S1 despite the emergent love the fanbase has for her characterisation from Season 2 onwards. Whether it’s because she is an LGBT character that can actually be that way openly on screen (which is of course incredibly important!) or people loving her gleefully insane characterization, I can see why many people like her and I am genuinely happy they can. Also the lady has some really amazing outfits!
This list is purely my personal opinion, is definitely not a slam against those who enjoy Barbara as a character and believe me, I know she’s not the only character the Gotham writers have mishandled. This list is just a way for me to arrange my thoughts on why I, personally, find it difficult to connect with the character.
Plot Armour Without it, Barbara would be dead. I know in Gotham people don’t stay dead but Barbara has escaped several situations now that she just would not have without the help of the writers. Oswald would have stabbed her before leaving the Sirens and Ed would not have let her out of that room after re-creating Isabella’s death in such an obnoxious manner. Heck, Oswald would have gunned her down for daring to interrupt that meeting when Ed was torturing Butch and Tabitha. As a matter of fact, after this, why did Barbara say people thought she and Penguin were ‘friends’?
Her bark is worse than her bite Barbara’s first on screen fight had her lose to Leslie Thompkins despite the fact that Barbara had the element of surprise on her side as well as the ‘strength of a madwoman’. She may have killed her parents but they were an elderly couple and Barbara once again had the element of surprise and was backed up by the  incredibly sadistic and violent Ogre. As a ‘member’ of the Maniax Barbara never actively participated in any violence save for abusing the helpless Aubrey James. She was only broken out to act as a distraction for Jim Gordon: Theo is actually way overestimating her abilities (probably appealing to her ego) when he claims she has ‘ferocity’. I find it very hard to take Barbara’s taunting of others and their resultant fear of her seriously when her only real on screen victory was against that clerk in ‘Stocks and Bondage’ who, let’s be honest, seems to enjoy that kind of treatment. This habit of making promises she can’t back up goes way back to Season 1 when she slept with Montoya immediately after breaking up with Jim despite Montoya’s determination to bring Jim down and Barbara swearing to support him and take ‘half of what he carries’.
She is toxic To her credit, Barbara admits this herself but then she does absolutely nothing about it. The show tries to give her some form of Freudian excuse: her parents may have been abusive. I have used the word ‘may’ on purpose. Barbara is an unreliable narrator and, given her past history with drink and drugs, I have to question: is Barbara’s indulgence in them as a result of genuine child abuse? Or is her parents’ coolness (which we see evidence of on screen) actually a result of Barbara’s substance abuse? I have an easier time believing Barbara (probably high on crack and juice) stormed out of their house and cut off all ties with them when they tried to intervene rather than them abusing her, purely based on what we see of Barbara’s patterns of behaviour. This assertion really needed more exploration to be convincing. This latter interpretation of events would also explain the extravagant apartment Barbara owns in S1: her parents still support Barbara despite the bad choices she’s made. Also why would she go back to her parents when she was feeling vulnerable if they had been abusive?
So, is Barbara mad or not? The show obviously wants us to feel sorry for her when she is released from Arkham and Jim rejects her but why should we? Jim makes bad decisions, yes, (understatement of the century!) but is he supposed to instantly forgive Barbara because on this one occasion she decided to help him? He has no reason to believe her claims of ‘not wanting Jim to see the monster’ and with her track record, has every reason to reject her. The way the scene is shot, the writers want us to feel sympathy for Barbara but it’s totally unearned. The road to redemption is a long one but any hopes we had of seeing Barbara undergo a meaningful character arc by rediscovering who she is were wasted when she instantly fell back into bad habits. Jim’s rejection triggers her relapse into madness despite the fact that Barbara should have anticipated this reaction. If that was all it took to make her slip back into insanity, she didn’t really want to be ‘normal’ in the first place. She wanted an excuse not to try and make up for her mistakes and take the easy option. She isn’t crazy because she knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s just incredibly self-absorbed and an egomaniac. Which leads us to-
She has delusions of grandeur Barbara’s impulsive, hedonistic nature is not a suitable fit for anybody who wants to run Gotham. Oswald, whilst violent and hot tempered recognises the value of alliances and tolerates Tabitha’s presence because he realises she is more valuable to him alive (to hold over Butch’s head, to use as an underling, etc) instead of indulging his desire for vengeance in killing her. Barbara has no experience in running a gang (never mind the dozens jostling for position in Gotham) and she and Tabitha gleefully murder the heads of those remaining once Oswald is out of the way. If Barbara had not had plot armour (as mentioned above), Gotham would have descended into anarchy and she would have been in no position to control it. Her restyling of herself as a ‘queen’ is childish and petty as well: her only interest is in money and power but she has neither the skills or the savvy to attain or hold onto either for long.
Finally, she is simply an awful friend Barbara makes anyone she attaches herself to weaker and only gets by thanks to their kindness and tolerance of her behaviour. She shamelessly uses Tabitha (by contrast a multi-faceted, surprisingly principled killer who is a far stronger female character) and it becomes clear how unequal their relationship is as soon as Barbara gets what she wants. Barbara loves power but has no appreciation for anybody who helped her get it. She is disloyal, manipulative and shallow: just look how quickly she bumps Tabitha and Butch down the totem pole when Nygma becomes much more valuable to her. She’s not strong or empowered: she’s pathetic, lonely and has torn her only meaningful relationship apart with her own hands. This is a realization the Season 3 finale actually highlights very well. Her downfall is entirely due to her own selfishness but she (as always) refuses to see it as such. 
To sum up I understand Barbara is supposed to be a ‘love to hate’ character but for me personally the negatives far outweigh the positives.
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fathersonholygore · 7 years ago
Fox’s Gotham Season 2, Episode 19: “Azrael” Directed by Larysa Kondracki Written by Jim Barnes & Ken Woodruff
* For a recap & review of the previous episode, “Pinewood” – click here * For a recap & review of the next episode, “Unleashed” – click here Theo Galavan (James Frain) resurrected has become Azrael. He yells at the “heathens” and the other sinners. He talks to himself, hearing voices, one he labels as sister. He’s come back “mad as a Hatter” and stronger than any normal human being. Looks like Azrael is repeating snippets of The Will and Order of St. Dumas, the sacred text of those “12th century crusading knights” from which his family descended. His brain, reanimated, is all mixed up. Not so sure Hugo Strange (BD Wong) is interested in curing him, though. That’s when the Director of Arkham receives a visit from Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie), working privately outside of the GCPD. Jim wants to talk about Karen Jennings, asking questions concerning Pinewood Farms, Thomas Wayne, all that. The Director claims Wayne kept everyone in the dark, playing ignorant, innocent. Hugo doesn’t mince words, either. He makes clear he has no obligation to answer any questions. But Jim inadvertently gets what he’s looking for, tricking the Philosopher at his own psychological games. What are things like at Arkham? Ed Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) is fitting in just fine with all the crazies. Manipulating them like he tries with everybody else. He’s plotting, trying to figure out the puzzle of the asylum to get himself out. He’s keeping an eye on things, eavesdropping on Strange and Ms. Peabody (Tonya Pinkins), offering assistance with Gordon. Nygma shows the director how useful he could be to him. Down in the depths of Indian Hill, Hugo visits Theo, no matter the danger. The reanimated man is quite violent. The Director refuses any help. Rather, he uses the story of Azrael – “the redeemed one” – from the St. Dumas book to give him identity as Azrael himself. This is likewise the beginning of Indian Hill’s grand purpose, of giving their reanimated monsters new identities with which to greet the world. Setting up more reanimations I’m hoping to see; coughJeromecough. Bruce (David Mazouz) is getting the information on Strange from Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue). Also, the kid is hearing about the difficulties. Time’s passed, there is little to no evidence. Justice isn’t always easy, or fast. This doesn’t make Bruce happy, he wants justice no matter what the cost outside “bureaucracy and red tape.” Jim advises the young billionaire: “You need to be better.” He can’t go down the same road as the detective. Sneaking around after getting into the halls, Nygma is looking to find out what Strange is hiding. Meanwhile, Azrael is being given some competition. They need to test out his skills. So, they use big Helzinger (Stink Fisher) for practise, goading Theo into his new identity more and more. And this brings us to Azrael’s first task as the “Angel of Death“: kill James Gordon. Captain Barnes (Michael Chiklis) doesn’t believe any of what Jim tells him when they meet later. The cap won’t have any of that shit, about monsters and Strange’s experiments. At the same time, they’re introduced to Azrael in his elaborate costume, wielding the Sword of Sin, given him to by Hugo. The villain is there to kill Gordon. The two cops draw on him, but I’m not so sure that’s going to do anything significant. Thus begins a brutal fight. The detective is nearly cleaved in half when the GCPD bust in. Azrael makes it out of there, climbing the walls to freedom. What’s Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) been doing? Well, his father’s place is just nasty, what with Grace’s dead body wasting away at the dinner table. Seems Oswald is just, y’know, hanging out, and letting the place go to filth. We’re witnessing a bit of dissociation on Azrael’s part. He still has vague memories of his real life as Theo. Barnes and the Strike Force, the rest of the GCPD are ready to drag the city looking for him. Except Jim, he’s being kept in lockup, the cap knows he helped Karen get out of Blackgate. Love that we’re seeing Strange pick out stories for all the various personas of Gotham supervillains we know. We even get a tiny peak at his interest in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, foreshadowing that we’ll hopefully see the Mad Hatter crop up at some point. And at the GCPD, the lights go out. Very supsicious. Both Barnes and Gordon are prepared for anything other than electrical troubles. Just as Azrael comes crashing through the windows. All hell breaks loose, officers are cut, slashed, stabbed. Gunfire does nothing against the knight’s suit. At least they let Jim out of his cell, though he’s almost immediately taken out by Azrael. Nothing can down the knight. Even when Barnes puts almost a full clip into the guy, nothing. The cap tries luring Azrael up to the roof, while Jim looks for better firepower. When Barnes fights with him he knocks the mask off, discovering the truth of Theo being alive once more, and he also winds up getting stabbed in the gut. Jim arrives up top to see it all, along with a combat shotgun. He fires it into Azrael until the guy takes a tumble over the side of the GCPD, smashing into a coroner truck. The news captures presumed dead Mayor Galavan limping away from the scene. Azrael: “Come to me, and I will show you the way to hell.” Gordon: “I know the way” Barnes is in critical condition, rushed to the hospital. When Bullock arrives he hears all the news about Galavan. But what about Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) at home with Butch (Drew Powell) and Barbara (Erin Richards)? Will her brother come knocking eventually? She sees him on the Gotham News, though. Just like Penguin, too. Oh, man. This is looking to get interesting now. Over at Arkham, Nygma stumbles down into Indian Hill after his search, discovering all the insanity far below the ground. On the streets, Azrael is still loose, roaming Gotham.
Fantastic, again! This series is way better than I initially gave it credit for during Season 1. I’m amazed, at every turn. I’ve been a lifelong comics fan in regards to Batman, so what’s nice to see is a different take on the characters, particularly being before the emergence of Batman in Gotham City. So much uniqueness in the writing here. Brilliant. If only the DC films could take some direction from these stories. “Unleashed” is the following chapter. Gotham – Rise of the Villains, Episode 19: “Azrael” Fox's Gotham Season 2, Episode 19: "Azrael" Directed by Larysa Kondracki Written by Jim Barnes & Ken Woodruff…
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theabominableblogger · 7 years ago
My Reaction to “Gotham” S4E20
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post (even though about 20% of this post is screaming and inarticulate flailing)
*imitates the Epic Voice Trailer guy doing the Gotham commercials*
Oh my gosh...
[RIP Jerome Valeska Second Time’s the Charm] Hahahaha!
“To Jerome!”  *tries to toast but can’t do it with a cell phone*
*The Jester rolls up on her motorcyle*  It you... OK.
Oh that costume is awesome...
She has bells!  On her coat!  Oh my gosh!
“Dig me [Jerome] up!  Dig me up!”  *nervously laughs*  Whaaaaaa.....
They keep reusing that same panning shot from the angel statue on...
“I [Jim] don’t need that crap thrown in my face right now.  [Harvey] Get outta here!”  Hooooooooo....
When is Lee going to cut this crap out?
“I’m [Lee] not betraying my friend [Ed].”  Are you serious?
“If the law has lost its meaning, it's because people like you [Lee] are turning your back on it.“  Hooooo....
“I don't want to send you to Blackgate!  That's the last thing I want to do.  Don't you know I wish I could let you walk out that door, turn my head?”  “What's holding you back?“  The laaww....
Guys, c’mon, I want them [Jim and Lee] to be happy.  Not necessarily together but happy.
That’s the same freaking font as the one on the Wayne Enterprises “gift” that Jeremiah got
[PLAY ME]  Oh my God
Oh my God!  That font though [on the screen]!
“I want you to throw me a wake at the GCPD.“  Nooooo...
Air horn!
Noooo-oh my God!
Oh no-oh my God!
*Jerome’s cult brings the casket*  THEY DID IT- WHA-
“I [Ed] would sooner debate you all on teleology versus deontology than leave her [Lee] with that overgrown Boy Scout [Jim].“  Whooohoohoohoo....
Oh my God...
“Team, we have everything?  Bicycle pump?  Can opener?“  Are they preparing a jail break or fixing the TARDIS console?
Pickle jar?!?
Oh I like that shot of Ed putting on the hat
Oh God... ooooohhhhh God.
“But right now, Jeremiah's maze may actually be the safest place for them.“  *nods*
OK, a 2 by 10 (whatever that is) plank is not going to barricade the door!
Did they say open the armory?  Oh my God.
“This wake is just intended to distract us while his followers hit the real target.“  What’s the real target?
*claps hands*  I like this plaaannn....
*sing songs*  [Electricity whirring down]
*The generator turns on*  Oooohhhh.... ooooohhh... wow!
Oh my gosh, there’s a solution poster of the maze on the wall in Jeremiah’s office.
That [generator] is HUGE!
“You’ve kept this project a secret, yes?”  “No one outside of Wayne Enterprises knows it exists”  *hisses*  This just seems really dubious...
“It's the ones who are closest to you that you have to keep your eye on.“  OK what does that mean?  What does it meannn...
“Arkham Asylum sent me [Jeremiah] Jerome’s personal effects.  And amongst them, I found his diary.”  What?
Haha oh my God!
I don’t want to even ask why there’s a glittery ice cream cone sticker on the cover
“Maybe you [Jeremiah] shouldn't spend so much time reading it.“   Yeah....
Oh my God...
Why don’t you actually close it?
*Bruce puts his hand down in the middle of the book*  There we go.
“Your brother is dead, Jeremiah.  It's time for you to come out of this bunker and join the world.“  *nods*
This just seems really dubious!
“Jerome Valeska’s acolytes are kicking off again”  *whispers*  Oh shit!
God, look how freaking paranoid Jeremiah is!  Man!
Is that how it’s gonna kick off?  What happened to his face?  Didn’t it turn white?
“He’s alive and he’s coming after me!”  He’s dead.  He’s dead.
*Glass shatters in the background*  Oh God, please...
*Alfred gets attacked offscreen*  Oh my Goddd!!
“Bruce, I [Jeremiah] need to tell you something.”  Oh, he’s gonna tell him about the gas!
I can’t freaking believe that this is the same actor.  Bravo, Cameron!
“What if I [Bruce] could show you he's [Jerome] dead and buried?“  Is that gonna help?
“Then I’ll [Jeremiah] try.”  There we go!
“You’re a good friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest and leans back in pain*
Ugh, man, they’re gonna set this up and then it’s just gonna go downhill from there
Oh God, who brought the chainsaw?
Oh my God...
Is that the Jongleur character?
AN:  Yes
“Hi, guys.”  *in best George Clooney Batman voice* Hi guys, I’m Jim!
Freaking Jim gritting his teeth... I love it
Oh my God...
Oh my God, what happened?!?!?  WHAT HAPPENED?!?
“He [Alfred] was on his way to your office. He'll wait for us there.“  Bruce....
“What was that?”  Oh my God, he’s so paranoid!
Oh my God, they actually dug it up...
*Jeremiah bolts*  Haaaaahahaha!  Oh my God!
Yeah, no, Jerome’s dead.  He’s so dead.  I’m sorry, man, but he dead.
Oh my God... they’re [Oswald and Butch] watching cartoons!
Wouldn’t make-up work for Butch?
“Not run apace”.... that’s a new term
“Did you [Oswald] just shush me [Butch]?!?!?”  Hahahahaha!
“Confusion is always an opportunity for the clear-headed.“  Oooohhh, that’s a good line.
You’re gonna interrogate him [Jongleur] with a cattle prod near reporters?!?  Are you serious?
*The Riddler arrives*  Oh crap!
“We need a costume shop.”  Oh my God, they’re gonna go in disguised as some of Jerome’s followers.  Oh my God.
Lee, get up!
I like that dude with the black lace umbrella in the background!
Guys, what are we doing?
Of course he [Jeremiah] hides in a freaking... mausoleum.
That shot of Bruce is awesome.
“You can trust me because I'm your friend!”  *whimpers*
“I want you to be my friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest*
“And then you came along and offered me everything I could dream of.”  “Because I believe in you, Jeremiah.“  Oh my God...
This is breaking my heart.  This is freaking breaking my heart!
“All we have to do is get out of here.“  *starts singing “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” by The Animals*
*Jeremiah fires off a warning shot near Bruce’s feet*  WHOA!
Where did he get the gun?
“You can fool everyone else but I [Jeremiah] know you made a switch.”  Oh my God...
*actually clutches hair in stress*  Oh my God...
“And you can't hide, not even behind that new face of yours.“  What?  Wait, what?  What?
“I know it’s you.”  What?
“I know it’s you, Jerome.”  Whaaaat?!?
Oh my God, Jeremiah, noooo....
“You killed my friend Bruce. Now it's time to put you back in your grave.“  Nooo....
*Jerome’s casket is revealed to be actually a beer cooler*  HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA...
*slaps chair in hilarity*  Oh my gosh...
*Lee accidentally knocks out Ed*  Oh my God!
Jiiiimmm..... this is such a bad idea, Jiiiimmmm....
OK, there’s the generator.  They left it on?  Why did they leave it on?  They just wanted to see how long it would run?
Whoa.... what’s going on?  What’s going on?
*Jerome’s corpse is found propped up next to his tombstone*  OHHH MY GOD!
Jerome’s hair looks different... whoa...
*The Jester points a gun at Jim*  Oh my God!
Is he [Jerome] just.. gaslighting the crap outta him [Jeremiah]?
*Jeremiah goes after Bruce with Jerome’s straight razor*  Oh my God!
*gasps when Jerome starts getting strangled by someone offscreen*
Oh my God...
AN:  Take a sip every time I’ve said this during this reaction.  Careful, there’s a lot of them.
“Hold still, brother.  Let's peel off that grotesque facade.”  Oh my God...
What kind of rule is that sharp that it can embed itself in a wall?
OK, what’s going on?  Seriously, what’s going on?  What’s going on, what’s going on, what’s going on...
*jaw drops to the floor*
Whaatt... whaaat...
*Jeremiah shoots one of the cult followers through the chin*  AAAAAHHHHH!!
What’s going on, what’s going on...
*absolutely screams when Jeremiah starts wiping off his makeup*
*absolutely screams again when Jeremiah does the same thing in the video that Jim is watching*
Oh my God, there’s ten minutes left!  WHAAAAAATT?!?
“Other than some mild cosmetic effects...”  Hahaha my God...
Oh my God...
I just wanna know where Jerome found the time to make a freaking journal of all his escapades
Wait, so did he [Jeremiah] set up the whole thing?
Ohhhh my God....
“I [Jeremiah] would hate to be within a mile of it [the generator] if it were to... overload.”  Oh my God...
“Jerome wanted to slather you [Bruce] in honey and have you eaten alive by corpse beetles.“   Eeewww...
Also, whoa there, Jerome.  Calm down.
Can’t believe I’m kink-shaming a dead clown.  What has this world come to?
“Are you gonna listen?  Or you gonna behave like children?”  Pfftttt.....
See, I [Jeremiah] don't want to kill you [Bruce], because I want to show you how much I've changed things. How much we've changed things.”  Oh my God... oh my God....
Bruce doesn’t know about the generators.  Ohhhh shit!
Oh my God, they’re not gonna kill off Jim!
“See those generators that we built with your [Bruce’s] money, they work even better as bombs.“  Oh my God...
*gasps when Jeremiah’s bunker blows up*
“Jim Gordon is dead.”  No Jim ain’t dead.  C’mon.
“In fact, I [Jeremiah] can honestly say... you [Bruce] are my very best friend.“  *through gritted teeth*  Oh my Goddd...
My hands are actually shaking...
“I [Oswald] don't expect you [Jongleur] to betray the memory of that old corpse.“  Hoooo...
Roll credits!
“Is your [Butch’s] plan to gain his sympathy by reciting your tale of woe?“  Pffffttt....
*Butch starts shoving chicken bones up Jongleur’s nose*  AAAAAAHHHHHH!
Hahaha Oswald in the background!
*pumps fist*  Whoo whoo!
So do they [Ed and Lee] actually like each other here?  What’s going on?
“I'm assuming you [Ed] brought one of those [clown costumes] for me [Lee]?”  “Oh.  Now, I would be into that, but they only had one.“  Hahahaha oh my Goddd...
*jams out to “Rockers” by U.K. Subs*
*Ed and Lee share a kiss*   Oooooohhhh....
“Don't just wrap me [Ed] around your finger, Lee.“  That is exactly what’s she’s doing.
“You know, it's funny, it kind of reminds me [Harvey] of my first apartment in Crown Point.”   “How long ago was that?”  “I still live there.”  Heehee...
*Ecco shoots the guards*  OOHHHHH
Wait, are they [Jeremiah and Ecco] holding each others’ arms?  Almost protectively?
I’m.. actually totally down to see where this relationship goes in this show.  I know it was mentioned that Ecco is “devoted” to Jeremiah so I’m not sure how far that goes. 
There’s definitely an implication of romance in this bit but I’m very interested in how this goes down.
Ohhhh my God...
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theabominableblogger · 7 years ago
My Reaction to “Gotham” S1E18
Another non-chronological reaction post in the middle of the afternoon because I can... *sashays off into the distance*
P.S. I’ve been apparently spelling Oswald’s last name wrong in my tags but I’m too lazy to go back and change them  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
*Jim tries getting hospital food for Alfred*  Aawww....
“Had a slight puncture. Leaked a bit.“  Just a flesh wound!
[Alfred] Tell him [Jim] it was Reggie!
*Bruce hugs Jim*  Aaww!
“Why not tell him [Jim] the truth?”  “Well, believe it or not, Master Bruce, Reggie's a mate...”  But he stabbed you!
“But he nearly killed you.“  Exactly!
*Alfred rips out his IV*  Why do people always do that?  They rip out their IVs?
No, nope!  Stay!  In bed!  You [Alfred] have a puncture wound!
“Ah.  [Fish] You're awake.“  *sings*  I’m wide awake!
The guy who plays Doll Maker looks really familiar.  What is with this show that has actors that look really familiar but I don’t know them?!?
*exactly eight seconds later*  Oh my God, it’s Colm Feore!  That’s Laufey from “Thor!”  Ohhh, it’s Loki’s dad!
*mimics Doll Maker saying ‘panache’*
*Fish rips out her IV*  Stop doing that!  God... dang it!
Oh it’s blue [Fish’s new eye]...
Oh, they didn’t have the jingle there.  Oooohh...
“The mystery witness was provided by Commissioner Loeb.“  Oh of course.
Go after the commissioner!
“Jimbo!  You heard the good news.”  Eff you [Flass]!
Did I just see Jeffrey Combs in the opening credits?
Please kill this dude [Flass] off!
“Ah, Detective Gordon. I had a presentiment I [Loeb] might be seeing you.“  Presentiment!  A new word for the lexicon!
*Bullock is revealed to be the mystery witness*  Nooo!
WHA- what?!?
So does this show do a thing where they at least try to mention the title of the episode within the episode?  Like in “Jessica Jones?”
Hi Kristin!
*running away to throw something away*  NO NO NO ED NO!  NO!
“But one can't always trust such an animalistic method to find a suitable partner.“  Nope!  Nope nope!  Nope!
“I know that you two [Kristin and Flass] were dating, and if the attraction wasn't intellectual How could it be with that gorilla? Then it must be physical.“  No!
“I've [Kristin] realized there are far better men in the world than Arnold Flass.“  Yes, thank you!  Thank you!
Ed, no, what are you doing?  What are you thinking?
I like that snow...
I wish we could see Harvey [Dent] more in this show.
They’re gonna hang out in a locker room instead of an actual interrogation room?  Really?
So does Loeb work for one of the mobs?  Or is he really corrupt?
What’d they do to her [random patient’s] face?!?
“Kidney transplant. We threw in a new face for free, and none too soon.“  *jaw drops*  WHAT?!?
That’s a nice study.
“When do you stop being you and become something new?  That's what fascinates me.“  Isn’t that the slogan from “Robots?”
Why be you when you can be NEW?
*jaw drops when we first see one of Doll Maker’s experiments*
This is some... Tim Burton shit!  But it looks CGI as crap!
“Ivy sneaks in a few times a week.  Steals food from the sickies.“  That’s mean.
*Selina hugs Bruce*  Awwww!
Lucky Cat!
Racketeering?  Or money laundering?
[Jim and Dent] Run through the kitchen!  There we go.
*Harvey comes to the rescue*  There we go!
That was a big ass knife that guy was swinging at Gordon!
Oh my God!
OH CRAP they’re [Jim and Harvey] going to Oswald!
*sing songs*  Heeeeccck noooo!
“I'll [Jim] owe you [Oswald] a favor.“  NOOOO!!!
“Five minutes with the files and a favor from Jim Gordon? Done!“  Nooo!  No!
Take a shot every time Fish waggles her finger.
“But first things first-”  I’m the realest!
“What would you prefer, Detective Bullock?  A sign saying ‘super secret blackmail hoard?’“  *chuckles*
“Uh-uh.  [Oswald] You’re coming along.”  Haha!
“Uh, Margie was a nurse over at Arkham. And I working on the rail road.“  Arkham?  Really?
Why would you keep the keys to the door right next to the door?!?  Especially when it’s a secret door!
*Jaw drops when Miriam Loeb is introduced*
This is some Jane Eyre crap!  What?!?
Aw, he [Ed] got her [Kristin] flowers!  OK!
Who’s the actress that plays Miriam?
AN:  Nicholle Tom AKA the voice of Supergirl in the DCAU
“What’s it [Miriam’s jewelry] made of?”  “Bones!”  Ohhhh!
Oswald, what the hell did you do?
“I [Loeb] see you still haven't learned the art of knocking, Detective Gordon.“  One of his allies won’t either!
“[Jim] You're willing to hold my [Loeb’s] daughter hostage to achieve your ends?“  You better not!
“So it seems.”  *groans*  C’mon, Jim...
“With you [Loeb] I [Jim] have leverage.”  Over whaaat?
I like this music here.
“It's become something of a habit to stand up here with Detective Gordon-”  HAHAHA!  Oh my God...
This is such a fake smile, oh my God!
Penguin and his stupid hair!
Freaking... Oswald!
Where did they film this library or study for Doll Maker?
They’re [Doll Maker’s facility] in the middle of freaking nowhere!
*boogies out to ending theme*
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theabominableblogger · 7 years ago
My Reaction to “Gotham” S1E8
Decided to take a break from an exTREMELY tedious animation project that I’ve been working on most of the evening and fit a reaction in because why not :D
Flickering lights and the entire floor is empty... get some salt, dude, you got a demon problem.
OK, this started out way more intense that I thought it would be!
Why does it always look like it just finished raining?
“Going by overall coagulation, I’d [Ed] say time of death is midnight.  But he’s only been here a couple hours.  Rats have just started on his ears.  Sneaky little buggers.”  Shouldn’t there have been flies around the body before rats started feeding off it?  Rats don’t usually do that until like 20 days after the body has died.  They wouldn’t even go near the body.
Unless there’s like super duper cannibal rats there in Gotham and if that were the case, I would not be surprised.
*Ed pulls a thumb out of the victim’s mouth*  OOhhhhh!!
*imitates Oswald tsk-ing Fish with his finger*
*hums along with opening theme*
Ohhh, we’re gonna see Bruce at school...
“Define normal and make a good case for it.”  *chuckles*
Oswald’s bangs are out of this world.  They look so gothic
This GCPD doctor needs to be freaking fired if he’s knocking out patients with a freaking club instead of giving them morphine
Sionis?  Like RICHARD Sionis?  The dad of ROMAN Sionis?!?  Black Mask?!?
Are we gonna get Black Mask in this show?
Whaat is going on?
Is Ed qualified to do an autopsy?
Why does everyone look like they’ve been beaten up?
Oh and Sionis’s office is covered in masks... because of course
Whoa, Jim, calm it down...
That is a HUGE school if there’s that big of a staircase
Oh please don’t tell me Bruce was beaten up...
Jim, let Barbra say “I love you”!
Why does Sionis’s hiring process include the top three contenders fighting each other for the top role at his firm?
What the...  Selina?!?
Alfred, encouraging Bruce to go after Tommy and beat him up for insulting his mom is NOT the way to take care of a bully.
*Bullock gets after the GCPD for not helping Gordon*  There we go!
Jim’s fighting Sionis with the blade from a paper cutter.  That’s awesome.
“I [Liza] want out.”  Oh no.
Oswald, what are you doing?
Oswald’s freaking swinging back and forth while Timothy is.  It’s just the little details here and there that make me have a good chuckle.
“And if we don’t fight for this city, who will?”  Bertmern.
Wait, so that old lady on stage was actually Fish’s mom?
Barbara, pick up the phone!
Selina, what are you up to?
“I’m [Bruce] angry all the time.  Will it ever go away?”  With time, and probably something that doesn’t involve a future Batsuit.
*hums along with credits theme*
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