#jihadi death cult psychopaths
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eretzyisrael · 10 months ago
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servant-queegueg-blog · 8 years ago
Well, for the past few months now I’ve been on a long distance hike across the eastern United States. During this time I rarely get access to new information, news, and the like. However I have been able to stay up to date on some current events, more specifically those events perpetrated by a certain Religion of Peace. Son now I’ve got a little of a “Yo Dre” moment, but with a different meaning.
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I’m writing this shortly after an attack in Paris, in front of the Notre Dame du Paris, where fortunately the only one injured was the Jihadi Joe, now with hammer wielding action. This attack came only hours after an attack in London, which came only days after an attack in Manchester, which came only days after an attack in London…you get my point? Now some may look at these attacks, cover their ears and scream about how terrorism has no religion, #notallmuslims yada yada. While others may update their Facebook profiles with a temporary translucent national flag, #prayfor…insertcityhere… However one thing that people refuse to do is take action against the people, and the ideology that has inspired the greatest evil the civilized world has ever seen. Sometimes the action necessary is only talk, but it would seem as though we’re cracking down on the mere mention of criticizing Islam. Don’t believe me? Don’t look now, but Canada is looking to begin enforcing blasphemy laws. [1] This is greatly disturbing, as it limits the freedom of speech that many of us take for granted. Every idea and ideology is open to review and scrutiny, but for whatever reason we are told that we cannot touch one. Ironically, it’s the one that refuses to get along with everyone else.
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Now, why is it that Islam can’t coexist peacefully with…well, anyone? Does it stand to reason, your honor, that there is a key flaw within the very foundation of the religion? Is it possible, that the largest death cult the world has ever know, is based off the teachings of a (possibly possessed) murdering, child raping, psychopath and so, as he is held up as the example that every Muslim should follow, might have a negative impact on anyone who takes the teachings of the Q’uran and Hadiths to heart?
Yeah, it stands to reason. And just to prove it, let’s go on a little journey.
The religion of Islam was inspired after Mohammed had an experience with a being which he actually believed to be a dark spirit (Bukhari 9:111) but was later convinced by his wife Khadija that it was an angel. Not a great way to kick off a religion, huh? Its no small wonder that in light of this, as S. Thomas Aquinas said, “no educated men, men trained in things divine and human followed him [Mohammed] from the beginning” [2] So, not having the brains and intellectual ability to spread his new creed by words of mouth, Mohammed resorted to violence and submission. BTW, Islam means peace through submission. And so, the crescent moon was brought to the world through Jihad, holy war, at the tip of a spear. Following in the example of their false prophet, Islam took Damascus in 635, Antioch in 636, and Jerusalem and Alexandria in 638. In 668 The Moslem hordes besieged Constantinople, but were repulsed. In 711 they invaded Spain, and within four years, had taken in almost in its entirety. In 717 they tried again to take Constantinople, and again they failed. In 732, Moslem invaders crossed the Pyrenees Mountains, unsatisfied with the whole of the Iberian Peninsula. Charles Martel, the hammer, stopped them at Tours. In 792 they again tried an invasion of France, to the same results. In 827 they invaded Italy and Sicily, the later would be held by Moslems until 1091. By 846 they had reached Rome, where they sacked old St Peters, and St Paul Outside the Walls. In 848 they tried again to attack France, and again failed. Finally, in 1059, Pope Urban II called for the first Crusade. This long history of warfare was following in the footsteps of the holiest of prophets, who led a life of war and brought terror on those who did not believe in his word. At Badr, Medina, and Muta (a loss) Mohammed seems to have had very little provocation in attacking, and certainly not with the level of ferocity with which he did. He attacked and slaughtered Jews and Christians alike, as well as other Arab tribes like the Bani Mustaliq and Lihyans. He gave his soldiers permission to rape the women (Bukhari 34:432) (Abu Dawud 2150), and in cases like the Banu Qurayza, had captives mass executed. Cool, add war crimes to the list of teachings and condoned activities by the holiest of prophets.
 Did I mention that Mohammed married a six year old? Did I mention that she was only nine when he consummated the marriage? (Sahih Muslim 8: 3309) And did I mention that he beat her? (Sahih Muslim 4: 2127) Oh yeah, and over the course of Mohammed’s life, he had 13 wives, 11 at one time, whom he treated likewise. This doesn’t count concubines
Recently as I was hiking, we were in a car and we passed a Chik-fil-a, asking to stop, I was shot down because my liberal hiking friends linger under the delusion that they “believe that all gay people should be shot”. Not only is this a blatant lie, but the opposite is true. And somehow, they have come to believe that making a business decision not to cater at gay weddings is the same as literal murder. Well its not. But do you want to know who does literally want to kill gays, Muslims. Christ admonished sinners and ordered them not to sin again; but for the sin of Lot’s people (homosexual sodomy) Mohammed definitely wanted them dead. (Abu Dawud 4462)(Abu Dawud 4448)(Sahih Bukhari 72:774)(al-Tirmidhi, Suana 1:152). In seven Muslim countries, there are laws on the books where homosexuals can be killed.
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Sheikh Khalid Yasin, of Tunisia, in 2016 stated that “God is very straightforward about this, not we Muslims, not subjective, the Sharia is very clear about it, the punishment for homosexuality, bestiality or anything like that is death. We don’t make any excuses about that, it’s not our law, it’s the Koran.” Well now, that doesn’t seem all too gay-friendly. But no, lets villianize the Christian bakers and photographers, simply for practicing their religion in a way that doesn’t actually hurt anyone, but simply wishes to avoid guilt by association. Oh yeah, meanwhile Muslim bakeries in Dearborn, MI refuse to bake cakes for gays, no-one complains. [3] Could it be that language like this from the holiest of prophets is what inspires laws like this, and horrific acts like the Pulse Nightclub shooting? By the way, first reports I heard from that shooting was a white Christian did it. Nope.
 Now that we’ve tackled some of the language of Islam, and its holiest of prophets, we’re going to take a look at what’s been going on in the world lately. CNN reports that terrorism in the developed world has surged 650% in a single year[4], while elsewhere in the developed world, Sweden has shot up on list of rapes per capita (although mass coverups have been revealed) likewise in Germany.[5] We see headlines like Paris, Nice, Calais, Paris II, Brussels, London, Miami, Manchester, London II, and attempts around the world all the time. And I for one am not only no longer surprised, but get genuinely exasperated when I see names like Khalid, Mohammed, Sayeed, as the perpetrator. But what is also as unsurprising and tiring, is the politicians and celebrities that come parading out afterwards, to tell us how Islam is a religion of peace, that #notallmuslims, that terrorism has no religion. And that the murdering savages “are as Muslim as me”. Lets take a look at the last two before I wrap up. Has no religion? Yeah it does, and its called Islam. Global terrorism trends show that Islamic groups are responsible for almost all fatal terror attacks in the past 15 years, and why? Because their prophet commands jihad, He tells them to slay the infidel (non-Muslims) and kill the apostates (also non-Muslims, but also other sects of Islam). As for the last statement, there is a surprising trend among Jihadis to maybe be recent converts, or to have lived very un-Islamic lives. So I’d like to share with you something radical. In multiple areas in the Q’uran and Hadiths it is made very clear that the only way for a Muslim to gain paradise is to die in Jihad. If you’ve ever met a born again Christian, you’ll see that they throw themselves into their faith with a burning love, trying to wash away their sins with good works. Well in Islam that doesn’t work, and so the “Muslim version” of born again Christianity looks a lot more violent. (Q’uran 4:95)(Q’uran 8:15-16)(Q’uran 9:39)(Q’uran 3:169-170)(Sahih Muslim 20:4678)(Sahih Muslim 20:4649)(Sahih Bukhari 52:46)(Abu Dawud 14:2515)
 I also want to lay something up for my fellow Christians, under no circumstances are we to consider Mohammed a prophet. His religion says that Christ is not God, and that our sacred texts, (the Bible) have been corrupted. Our faith stands accused of falsehood by this man and his creed, but I am willing to bet that the creed that I profess, the faith of my fathers, is true. Are you?
 I’m gonna start to wrap this up, as I need to hit the road soon. (now that hiking’s my life and full time job) So yeah, not all Muslims are terrorists, obviously. Bet every single one who takes literally the teaching of Mohammed, and follows in his path is. I expect that I’m going to get crap for this post. My blog may be removed, and when I put this on Facebook I might get Zucc’d. I cant tell the future, but I can say that I’ll be here, I’m not hiding, and I’m not alone.
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                                            Frater, Memento Mori
[1] http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/03/canada-passes-103-motion-islamophobia-170324074557381.html
[2] Summa Contra Gentiles 1.6,4
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgWIhYAtan4
[4] http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/16/world/global-terrorism-report/index.html
[5] http://www.bild.de/regional/duesseldorf/ralf-jaeger/die-liste-der-schande-44239678.bild.html
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