#jieun locks
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w-loc · 2 months ago
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♪ ᝰ🖋️.ᐟ 𝒥 ieun (iu) ᧔᧓ ℛandom locks
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prplocks · 1 year ago
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ᴄᴏᴍᴇʙᴀᴄᴋ: ɪᴜ
the winning
reblog if you save
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misotsukiiyeooo · 6 months ago
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"Just one more?" Part 3
Pairing:Husband!Father CSC x F! Mother!Reader
A/N: I'M BACKKK!!! After the polled votes came in I immediately started to write lmao! This one will also be a bit longer since it's the last one...or is it? jkkk unless...Enjoy!
Genre: Fluff (Hint of crack)
Word count: 16.6k (Not proofread sry)
Synopsis: After Seungcheol finds out you're pregnant, again, the whole experience has been, tender, lovely, and well....shocking
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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3 Months Later
Everything with Seungcheol has been so perfect. Well, this is your fourth kid but that's what made the experience even better.
He already knew how to help you with your cravings and everything.
Telling the rest of his members was also fun. Of course, Soonyoung, Seokmin, and Joshua ran up to hug you first.
And telling your children was also exciting with Seojun, your oldest son hugging you while Jieun, your second child blabbers on how she's going to dress up the baby. Your youngest, Dohyun just smiles handing you a toy to play with him.
Today, You and Seungcheol are so excited because you can finally find out the sex of your child.
"Babe, we're going to be late!" He's rushing you, clearly he's more excited than you are.
"I'm coming hold on!" You grab your sweater and wave goodbye to your kids and thank Seungkwan once again for watching them.
Seungcheol holds your hand as you walk down the stairs. "I'm only three months, Cheol..." He still treats you as if you were going into labor this instant.
"I know....but we still need to be careful" You look at him while he continues to talk nonsense.
Entering the car, he closes your door; going to the driver's side.
"What do you think the gender is?" You ask him, curiously. "Hm, probably another boy. But whatever the gender is, I'll love them either way." He looks at you fondly.
"You're so cheesy! But I think it'll be a girl because we just had a boy and it seems like a pattern." Seungcheol thinks about it, nodding. "You're probably right, but there's only one way to right out." He starts the car.
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As you enter the hospital, you are greeted with warm smiles. "Hi, I had an appointment for an ultrasound today." The nice lady behind the desk looks at you. "Oh yes, Choi Y/n was it? Please fill out these papers and bring them back to me."
She hands you some medical papers and you take them, walking to a seat where Seungcheol's already at.
After filling out the papers you hand them to the lady to take your seat again but before you even sit back down, your nurse calls you in.
"Choi Y/n?" She calls out. "Yes?" You both lock eyes, smiling. "Follow me right this way."
You hold Seungcheol's hand, excited and nervous to find out the sex.
You are seated in the reclined seat while Seungcheol stands beside you. "So you're finally three months! You're here to find out the sex, right?" You nod.
The nurse puts the cold gel on your belly causing you to twitch. You look at the screen above which shows the ultrasound.
"Seems like your baby's doing well." She continues to look at the screen. Her eyes widen, causing you to get scared.
"Is something wrong?" You and Seungcheol both look at her. "I'm afraid I'm not able to say anything. Only the doctor could, and she shall be here shortly." She exits.
You feel anxious, many negative thoughts running through your mind. 'Is the baby sick?' 'Is the baby alright?'. Taking you out of your thoughts, you feel Seugcheol grip your hand.
"Everything's going to be okay, alright?" Just the right words you wanted to hear.
A few seconds later, the doctor enters. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Choi. Is everything alright? I just received some information from the nurse who was here, and I want to check it out for myself."
"If you don't mind me asking, what's wrong?" Seungcheol asked, looking quite nervous himself.
The doctor now looks at the screen. "There seems to be two babies in here."
"What!?" You and Seungcheol both say in unison.
"How's that possible? When I came here two weeks ago they said they only saw one?" You're utterly confused.
"You are quite early in your pregnancy so mistakes like this can occur, especially with the babies hiding and such. But yes, look here," She points to the screen. "There's two babies in here, congratulations. You're having twins!"
You're both left shocked, mouths gaped. "I'm not mad...however I'm just in shock." You let out, not knowing whether to be excited or in tears.
"What are their genders?" Seungcheol pitches in. "I'm sorry I almost forgot to even tell you. This one's a girl and the other's a boy." The doctor points at the screen, identifying each baby.
"A boy and a girl?!?" You still can't believe this.
"Yes but if you'll excuse me, I have another patient that needs to be checked. If there are any more questions, you can ask anytime, take care and remember not to stress too much." The doctor exits and you sigh, now facing Seungcheol.
"You did say you wanted another baby" He smiles. "Yeah, but I didn't expect to have babies!" You both look at each other, breaking the silence with laughter.
"I'm a bit scared though...we have to get two of everything and more stress, more waking up at night, more everything! And no wonder I'm so huge at only three months!!" Seungcheol wants to let out maybe even the tiniest bit of laughter but knowing how hormonal you are, he could never do such a thing.
"It's going to be alright baby, you need to remember; that I'm also here. I would never let you do this alone." He holds your hands.
"Hm...You're right, I'm sorry but still, these are two babies!" You let out. "I can't even imagine the boy's faces when I tell them," Seungcheol said.
Arriving home you see Seungkwan and the kids playing together. "You sure you don't want to have your own kids?" You rest your hand on your hip, smiling at him.
"No, most definitely not. I'm good as a fun uncle, not a father." He lets out a chuckle causing you to also laugh.
"Well, I have some news...we're having twins!!" His face has shock written all over it.
"Twins? Twins!!" Seungkwan rushes over to you, hugging you tightly. "Kwan...the twins, remember?"
He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and then let go, apologizing.
"When are you going to tell the rest of the boys?" Seungkwan asks. "Maybe tomorrow? I can't wait to see their faces!"
Seungcheol comes back from the kid's room after putting them to bed while you are talking with Seungkwan. "Well as much as I love to stay and talk with you, I have to get home. Practice is pretty early for us." He looks over at Seungcheol.
"Right, get home safe Seungkwan." Seungcheol waves as you walk Seungkwan out.
After saying your goodbyes' he left; leaving you and Seungcheol alone. "I still can't believe everything that's happened today..." You hug Seungcheol who already has his arms open for you.
"I know, I'm even more excited now that I know it's twins," he says as he kisses your forehead, then your nose, and finally your lips causing you to giggle.
"Should we get ready for bed? You also have a long day tomorrow you know." You said earning a pout from him. "But I wanted to spend my day with you and the kids tomorrow..."
Smiling at his cuteness, you play with his hair, "How about we visit you during practice? We do have to tell the boys about the twins."
"I do like the sound of that." Seungcheol kisses you once again before you head off to bed.
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Next Day
You wake up to an empty bed. However, you do see a post-it note on the side dresser.
'Good morning my beautiful wife, I made breakfast for you and the kids ;)'. Smiling at the note, you get off of bed and freshen up for the day until your kids wake up.
As soon as you got out of the bathroom Dohyun, your three-year-old was walking up to you. Slowly but surely.
"Mama, where dada go? I went to room but no one there" He has his hands in a shrugging position while shaking his head. 'Aw this cutie' You thought.
Taking him into your arms and pampering him with kisses you, finally answer. "I'm sorry Dohyun, dada went to work. Do you want to go surprise him later?"
He doesn't let even a second go by before yelling out excitedly, even waking up the rest of the kids. "Dohyun...you woke me up..." Jieun walks out rubbing her eyes while Seojun's just a couple steps behind her.
"I'm sorry kids, but Dad made you guys breakfast! So after eating, we can get dressed to see him at work."
They both look at each other, then you. "Does that mean we can see our uncles too!!" They say in unison happily.
"Yes, you can but, not if you don't eat breakfast." Seojun and Jieun race to the table to eat the food Seungcheol made in no time.
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After driving to get some food, you finally make it to Seungcheol's workplace.
You enter the elevator with the kids. "Mommy, I'm so excited to see Uncle Gyu!" Jieun jumps excitedly.
"Hm, and why is that?" You ask. "Because he's so tall and I can pretend like I'm flying!" She puts one arm up as if she were.
"Well, it's a good thing we're here now." You all exit the elevator and they're already used to the place; running to the practice room before you can even get there.
As you approach, all you can hear are indistinct screams of joy.
Entering the practice room you see all the boys surrounding your kids. Seungcheol notices you immediately and grabs the food out of your hands.
"Babe...why didn't you tell me you were downstairs? I could've helped you with the food." He pouts.
"It's okay, Cheol. It wasn't that heavy." Seungcheol still takes the bags.
"Y/n!!" Mingyu runs to hug you but slows down; eyeing you. "Wow..." You laugh at his face.
"I know, right?" You affirm, moving toward him to offer a reassuring hug because he was too hesitant to do so himself.
"Uncle Gyu! Carry me, carry me!!" Jieun wastes no time asking for what she wanted this whole time.
"Ms.Jieun, please keep all arms and legs in the vehicle at all times." Mingyu bends down so Jieun can go on his back. "Prepare for take off!!" As he runs around the practice room with Jieun, you take the opportunity to head towards everyone else.
"Hey guys!" They all look at you, waving, smiling, and coming up to hug you.
"Thanks Y/n for the food!" Soonyoung thanks you while taking another spoonful. "You're welcome!"
Dohyun walks to Wonwoo- calmly sitting on his lap, you've always noticed Wonwoo was his favorite uncle. Probably because they're both calm people.
And Seojun simply talks with his favorite uncle, Seokmin. He knows how crazy Seokmin is; however, he just finds him enduring.
You sit with everyone, patiently waiting to drop the news. "When are you going to tell them?" Seungkwan whispers next to you. You hit him for whispering too loud, "I'll tell them now..."
You eye Seungcheol, signaling to him that you are ready to tell them. "So guys...I actually have some news." They look at you confused on whether it's good or not.
"Is something wrong?" Jeonghan asks. "Well, no. It's just shocking."
"Tell us, tell us!" Chan grows impatient.
"So, I went to my ultrasound yesterday, and turns out...I'm having twins!!" You finally let out.
Many expressions were shown but you can tell they were all happy; just shown in...different ways.
Mingyu, Soonyoung, and Seokmin literally jump like animals.
Minghao, Jihoon, Wonwoo, and Vernon congratulate you with the biggest smiles.
Junhui and Chan both sit down in shock.
And lastly, Jeonghan and Joshua run up to hug you, again.
"I'm so happy for you!!" Joshua tells you. "Oh my gosh! We can make them just like me and Seokmin!" Everyone pauses; looking at a happy Soonyoung.
"Or maybe not." He shuts up completely as we all laugh.
The rest of the day was spent with the kids playing with their uncles while you talked it up with the ones who weren't occupied.
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6 Months Later
Everything has been going well with you carrying twins and all.
Your best friend, Seungkwan threw you a baby shower with the help of your parents.
Your kids felt the twins kick, and Seungcheol almost cried.
Seungcheol even decorated a whole room for the twins. And now you're 9 months pregnant and shopping at the mall.
"That dress in that store looks cute! Let's go Cheollie." You hold your back as you walk into the store.
Grabbing the dress in your size, you head to the changing room, Seungcheol steps behind you.
You managed to successfully put on the cozy dress but taking it off was a hassle. "Cheol? I need help."
He comes into the changing room worried. "What happened?" He asks.
"Nothing too serious I just need help taking off my dress." He lets out a sigh of relief and helps you.
As he lifts up the dress a bit you pause.
He looks at you puzzled, but lets go.
"Either I just peed my pants or I think my water just broke..." Eyes widening he panics. "Your water broke?!?"
You simply nod, panicking yourself. Out of all places, your water broke before; it's never been at a mall.
You knew you were going to give birth at any point just not right now!
"We-we have to go!" You groan at the contractions. You both try to walk out of the store but get stopped by security.
"Ma'am you can't leave without purchasing the dress." He puts an arm out.
"Add it to my tab, I'll call this place later. It's an emergency." Seungcheol holds you by the waist attempting to calm you before you yell at this man. But the guy once again has his arm out.
"That's what they all say. I'm afraid I can't let you leave without paying."
That's it
"My water just broke and it just so happens to be I was trying on this dress! So if you don't want two fucking babies coming out of me in this store I suggest you listen to my husband and let us fucking go!!" The security's eyes widen, looking you up and down and gulping.
"Well, I'm sorry for not reading the room. Please, go on and give birth to your twins.." He finally moves his hand and you and Seungcheol rush out of the place.
Entering the car, your screams only get louder and louder. "We're almost there, Baby. Almost there.." Seungcheol holds your thigh while driving as fast yet safely as possible.
You make it to the hospital and Seungcheol does the talking for you. "My wife is going into labor." He attempts to stay as calm as possible.
"Come right this way." A nurse brings you to a room while you're very much in pain.
Multiple nurses enter now as your contractions are getting close. "Ms. Choi, breathe, just breathe."
Did she really just tell me that?
"What the hell do you think I'm doing?!?" You counter back. Seungcheol smiles at the lady apologizing for you.
The pain was unbearable, those twins were really doing a number on you.
A doctor finally walks in, "Hello, your contractions are pretty close I see, I'm going to need you to push."
Push!?! Can't she see I can barely even breathe?!?
Seungcheol holds your hand as you are preparing to push.
"And 1, 2, 3, push!" Said the doctor. Only screams were heard; everything felt hazy you didn't know if you could even do it.
"You got this, Babe. Just keep pushing." He never once left your side as you continued to push.
"Just one more Ms.Choi-There we go. A beautiful boy!" The sound of the newborn baby crying calmed you in a way that brought you back to your senses.
The nurses took that baby to clean him while you still felt in pain. "One more Ms.Choi, you got this come on."
"I-I I can't. I can't do it" You felt exhausted, this was serious pain.
"Y/n, look at me- Look at me. You need to push; I know you're tired but there's still our daughter in there waiting to be brought into this world. So push!! I'm right here for you." Seungcheol's words help you realize, you have to keep going.
For the sake of your daughter.
You push as hard as you can, taking breaks, tears leaving your eyes, and even sweat dripping from your forehead.
But that didn't stop you from completing your mission.
And with the last push, your daughter was finally out. "Congratulations Ms. Choi, you did well."
You drop your head on the pillow, and tears of happiness and pain keep escaping your eyes. "You did it Y/n...it's all okay now." Seungcheol kisses your forehead and those are the last words you hear before falling into deep sleep.
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After some time, you blink your eyes open only for them to be set on Seungcheol holding two babies in his hand. Tears of joy leaving his own eyes.
"Oh look, mommy's up! let's go say hi." He walks up to you so you can see your children.
"They look perfect, right?" He said as you can't even keep your eyes off them.
"I know, they must've gotten that from me." You chuckle at your newly found confidence. "I think they did." He adds on giggling himself.
"What should we name them?"Seungcheol asks you. "Hm..I don't know yet..."
"How about I name one and you name the other?" He proposes. "But they should rhyme, no?" You ask. "If you want them too."
"Well then, what if...she's Jisu and...he's Jiho?" You pitch in, pointing at each kid, waiting for his response.
He nods, "I think it's perfect. Jisu sounds cute like her and Jiho sounds manly like this handsome boy here." He kisses they're cheeks.
"Jisu and Jiho it is."
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Reqs are open!!
This adorable divider is by @dollywons !!
@jjunie-0 @minminghao @honglynights @allieyaaa @bath1lda @black-swan-blog27
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mrkis · 2 years ago
the best man. (m.l)
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PAIRING: mark x reader GENRE: smut, fluff WORD COUNT: 6.5k
SYNOPSIS: meeting the one for you at your best friend's wedding wasn't exactly how you imagined this day turning out, neither was fucking him in the bathroom of the venue.
CONTENT WARNINGS: plot with smut, explicit content, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, bathroom sex, riding, big cock mark, marks a lil goofy
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You can remember the first day you met Jieun: her soft hair curled in waves down her back, the rosy red tint of her cheeks from the cold weather, how her smile and eyes gleamed when she introduced her twelve-year-old self to you at the playground, dressed in a sage green sweatshirt and some jeans. It was a simple outfit choice, but you couldn’t deny how gorgeous she looked in it.
You can remember the first day you experienced Jieun suffer through heartbreak: her hair thrown up messily with strands falling in front of her face, eyes puffy and wet, lips curled into a frown with a sage green blanket wrapped around her form, shoving her nose in endless of tissues that were scattered in her room, leaving a trail from the door to her bed. It’s crazy, you think, she still looks gorgeous.
You can remember the first day Jieun met ‘the one’: her hair tied back into a sleek ponytail, glittery makeup decorating her eyes and glossy lips, sage green jewellery dangling from her ears and around her neck. Her cheeks were flushed a soft pink as she met the eyes of the barista that was taking your coffee orders, mouth shifting into a shy grin as she kept her gaze locked on his, completely mesmerised by his appearance. Her voice was soft, her boldness sizzled into nerves and shyness, but yet again, she still looks gorgeous. 
Today will be another day that you will remember in the future𑁋her wedding day. You’re starstruck by her absolute beauty: her hair is curled in waves down her back just like the day you first met her with some strands framing her face, her makeup is light and gentle, eyes shining with excitement in the reflection of the mirror as she patiently waits for the makeup artist to apply the finishing touches, how her body is adorned in the most beautiful sage green wedding dress you have ever seen.
“Are you going to cry?” Jieun's voice teases you as she meets your eyes in the reflection of the mirror. “Because if you start crying, I’ll start crying”
The makeup artist tuts, pointing her brush warningly at you. “No crying”
“I’m not going to cry” You laugh as you gently pat under your eyes, hoping to not feel any moisture. “You just look gorgeous, that’s all”
“Thank you” Jieun smiles softly, giving another quick thanks to the makeup artist who had finished touching up her face. Jieun leans towards the mirror to take a good look at herself, pleased with the results. “My mother wasn’t too happy about me switching out a white wedding for more of a coloured theme”
“It’s your wedding. You do whatever you want” You tell her, taking a quick peek down at your silk cream bridesmaid dress, hands rubbing over the material. “Sage green has always been your colour anyways. I would’ve been surprised if it wasn’t included in your wedding”
Jieun beams at that, “Right? But on top of that, my dad wasn’t happy that we weren't going for a traditional wedding in a church… He’s not exactly thrilled to be invited to his only child greenhouse wedding”
“This wedding is for you and for Johnny, not your parents” You say with a straight face, clearly not impressed with her parents thoughts towards the special day. “If anyone needs to be happy and satisfied, it’s you two”
“Well, I would be even more happy and satisfied if you brought a date𑁋”
“Are you seriously bringing this up again?!”
“It’s my wedding!” Jieun whines, turning around in her chair to face you with a pout. “How could you not bring a date? What happened to the guy you were speaking to on Tinder? I thought things were going well with him”
You scoff, “He was obsessed with talking about himself, was freaking out over the fact that his untrusting roommate had to cat-sit his cats and he refused to eat dessert because it had fruit in it… You know, for a guy called Ten, I rate him a fucking zero𑁋maybe a three because he had nice teeth”
Jieun purses her lips together in deep thought, fingers mindlessly playing with the end of her curls and you watch as the cogs turn inside her head, immediately shaking your head when you see the wide smile creep upon her face as she meets your eyes. 
You know that look all too well. She’s got an idea brewing in her head, or maybe she’s already got something planned for you and you’re ready to disagree with everything that’s about to spill out of her mouth until the door to the room you’re in slides open, revealing Jieun's mother who gasps at the sight of her daughter.
You take this as your cue to leave, wanting the two to be alone to talk and experience this moment together. You mumble to Jieun that you’re going outside for some fresh air before giving a quick greeting to her mother, rubbing her arm gently as you slip past, allowing the door to slide shut behind you.
The exhale you breathe out is deep, heels clicking against the marble flooring of the house as you make your way outside and into the sun, using your hand to cover the bright beams as you stare over at the greenhouse conservatory where some of the guests linger outside while others are already seated. 
You smile when you see a few people you recognise, waving at a few old classmates that Jieun had invited and you go to walk towards them to give them all a proper welcome until your right foot twists beneath you, your heel getting caught on the concrete below you.
A panicked ‘Oh my god!’ yelps from your right as a hand reaches out to curl around your upper arm, tugging you upwards and steadying you before your clumsiness could cause some real damage. You hiss through your teeth at the slight twinge of pain in your ankle, enough to cause a little discomfort but you’re grateful to see nothing was broken when you glanced down, cursing wildly under your breath for wearing heels that you weren’t used to walking around in.
You turn your head to thank your saviour, expecting to see them staring at you while laughing at your mistake but you’re surprised when you see a boy with messy light blue hair staring at you with a startled expression, deep brown doe-eyes wide and round with his mouth agape. 
You’re immediately taken back by his attractive appearance and with him being such an unfamiliar face, you’re intrigued𑁋curious to know who this boy is and who he might be in relation to at the wedding. But before you can even open your mouth to even speak a single word, he’s the one that breaks the silence between you both.
“You almost died”
Your brow raises in amusement. “That’s a little dramatic”
“No, I’m serious. That was a Final Destination moment waiting to happen. Ankle snapped in half, face smashed to the ground, blood everywhere… I had the visions, dude”
“You have an interesting way with words”
The corner of his lips quirk upwards into a smile. “And you have an interesting way of walking”
“Touché” You purse your lips together, looking down at the heels with a soft hum. “I blame the shoes. They’re difficult to walk in”
“I’d offer you to swap but, uh, I don’t think they’d go with the outfit”
“I don’t know…” You tease as your eyes take him in, using this opportunity to really check him out. His white dress shirt is tucked neatly in the waistband of his black trousers, accentuating his pretty little waist. His black blazer is left unbuttoned and the matching coloured tie lays clean and ironed against his chest. You grin, “I think you’d look pretty good in a pair of heels”
He splutters out a genuine laugh, a slight pinkish hue casting over his cheeks as he rubs the back of his neck before his hand shoots out in front of you, introducing himself as Mark. You smile as you take his hand in your own and you introduce yourself, and the sound of Mark repeating your name softly is enough to have you weak in the knees.
Mark tells you that he’s close with Johnny and that he’s his best man to which you then fill him in on how you know Jieun and that you’re her bridesmaid. 
He’s smiling so gently at you as you explain your long friendship with Jieun, nodding as he listens to you intently, even adding his own little comments to when he first met Jieun and how well she and Johnny are matched and you immediately agree.
The conversations between you both flow so easily that you’re almost shocked, unable to understand how you can feel so comfortable and click so well with somebody you just met𑁋you more or less wish you had met someone like him on Tinder instead.
“The ceremony is about to start,” Mark announces as he takes a quick glance at his phone that he pulls from his pocket, checking over the time before pocketing it back. He wets his lips as it curls into a grin, offering his arm out to you. “Can I walk you inside? Just in case you, you know, trip over your heels again”
You surprisingly feel a little shy at his offer and you can’t help but grin back as you nod, sliding your arm through his, pressing your hand to his bicep. “Yeah… Just in case”
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The ceremony was the most beautiful moment you have ever witnessed.
Having Jieun walk down the white carpet of the greenhouse arm in arm with her father and a beaming smile spread across her lips was enough to set off the first wave of waterworks, subtly patting beneath your eyes as you take in how gorgeous she looked.
The second wave of waterworks came when you saw how happy and in love Jieun looked when she and Johnny whispered their vows, holding each other close as they shared a loving kiss and the guests cheered with boisterous claps and hollers. 
The third, and thankfully final, wave of waterworks happened when you heard Mark say his best-man speech, claiming how in the many years he has known Johnny, he has never seen him this happy and that a permanent smile was on his face all thanks to Jieun and how eternally grateful Mark would be to her for giving his best friend his happiness.  
You weren’t going to cry again, although the food you were all served at dinner tasted like pure bliss and you were so close to getting on your knees and praising the chefs for their hard work and tasteful dishes, but you kept your emotions steady and thanked them as they came across your tables to clear your plates.
“You know, I always knew Jieun would be the first one out of our class to get married” Soojin states as she stares over at Jieun mingling with Johnny’s parents, embracing them tightly with a grin. Soojin smacks her painted red lips together and takes a sip of her wine before nursing the glass in her hand, “She’s always had this aura about her. Meets the perfect guy young, loved up and married in her twenties, ends up living in a fancy home surrounded by a white picket fence with her husband and kids𑁋maybe a dog too. God, I would love to have my life planned out like that”
“Nothing is stopping you” You point out, taking a gulp of your own drink. “How are things going with you and Chan?”
“Do you see a ring on my hand?”
“Not yet” A chuckle leaves your lips, pushing Soojin’s hand out of your face as she teasingly waves it in front of you and she laughs, retracting back to tuck her hair behind her ears. “What about you? Have you been seeing anyone recently?”
“No” You can’t help but sound a little bitter as you give your answer, not particularly in the mood to remember your failed tinder dates and endless hookups that have left you unsatisfied and annoyed. “I’m going to live a miserable single life. Maybe I’ll get a dog to make me feel less lonely”
“The last time we spoke you were seeing Jieun's cousin right? Was it Jaehyun?” His name makes you grimace and Soojin snorts, covering her mouth to conceal the rest of her amusement. “That bad?”
“To be fair, he did warn me that us fucking in his apartment would be risky because of his roommate being there”
“What? Like he never leaves the apartment?”
“No. They share a room. The end of their beds are literally pressed together, toe to toe!” You wail with a frown and Soojin’s unable to control her laughter, almost spitting her wine across the tables as she splutters but you take no notice, shivering at the memory of the beds. “They turned the perfectly capable extra bedroom into a makeshift gym. It was scarring”
“Your dates can’t be all that bad” You almost broke into the story of your recent date with Ten until a soft call of your name grabs your attention, shifting in your chair to see who had called for you and you’re surprised when you see Mark standing behind you with a boyish yet kind grin.
It takes you an embarrassing amount of time to realise that he had asked if the chair beside you is free for him to take and you dumbly nod, giving him your best smile as you expect him to lift the chair and take it to wherever he needs to go, but your brows raise in surprise when he slides the chair out from beneath the table to sit beside you. 
“Johnny and Jieun are talking with his family” He explains to you despite you already knowing and he folds his hands in his lap. “Feeling like a third wheel over there so I hope you don’t mind me joining you?”
“Not at all” You smile. “Your speech was amazing by the way”
“She cried” Soojin joins in almost immediately with a teasing tone and you roll your eyes, nudging her with your shoulder as Mark laughs. “She’s right though, your speech was incredible”
“Thank you” Mark smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks tint a slight pink and you mentally awe at the sight, wanting to reach out and pinch his flustered cheeks but you keep your hands to yourself respectfully, keeping them busy with holding the wine glass in your hand. 
It doesn’t take long for Soojin’s boyfriend, Chan, to join the table and he instantly makes Mark feel even more welcomed and comfortable, indulging with him in all sorts of conversations that has him laughing loudly and unable to keep his body up straight as his shoulder continuously brushes against your own, it makes you feel a little bit flustered when you feel his body warmth radiating to yours. 
You are so touch starved. 
Chan excuses himself to go buy the entire table a drink and Mark tags along, quickly asking you what’s your preferred drink but Chan’s already clamping his hand down on Mark’s shoulder and boasting about how he’s already got the drinks memorised, tugging him towards the bar. 
“He’s cute” Soojin states, watching after the pair with a smirk before she turns her gaze to you. “He’s cute” 
“I’m aware” You nod, chuckling lightly. “I met him earlier, actually. Saved me from tripping over these heels like an idiot”
“Wow… you literally fell for him”
“Funny” You snort, downing the rest of your wine and placing the empty glass on the table before swallowing, patting the corner of your lips with a napkin. You watch him at the bar laughing along with whatever Chan’s talking about and you can’t help but smile at the sight. “Fuck, he is really cute”
“Ask for his number” Soojin smiles. “Or bring him home with you later, keep your bed warm”
“This is a wedding, I’m classy today” You tease.
“I’m far from classy” Soojin scoffs, sending a sultry look over to Chan who meets her eyes from across the room and sends her a wink. “I almost fucked Chan in the bush outside when I saw him dressed in the suit”
You don’t have time to fully comprehend and laugh at her words as the pair are already returning to the table with a tray of drinks, each handing them out to their respective person and you wait for your turn, grinning up at Mark as he takes his seat back beside you with two red wines in hand.
He passes one with a gentle smile, “You cool with red wine?”
You snort, taking the glass between your fingers, “I’m cool”
Mark grins at that, cheeks tinting a slight pink. “Cool”
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The drinks start to flow through your system and it doesn’t take long for you to become tipsy and chatty, conversing with the table about different topics and even about the wedding as Jieun and Johnny finally join. Mark seems to be on the same boat as you𑁋tipsy and chatty with a hint of touchiness. 
It doesn’t bother you when you feel him unintentionally lean against you to listen to what Jieun was saying, hanging onto her every word and laughing when Johnny pipes in with a joke or flirty commentary that has Jieun nudging him while blushing. 
You notice during this interaction how much Mark uses his hands when he speaks, explaining various things with his hands flying around or clapping them when someone says something too funny. 
But it's when Mark sighs dramatically at Johnny’s teasing jokes towards him and drops his hands down that catches your full attention, feeling slightly taken back when you feel the heat of Mark’s hand splayed across your thigh, fingers mindlessly tapping against your skin.
He hasn’t noticed𑁋maybe he’s too tipsy to notice what he’s just done and you’re unsure of whether to subtly let him know or leave it be seeming as you wasn’t exactly opposed to him touching you. It feels nice, comforting… and a little hot. 
You bite back any type of response or comment, hiding your grin behind the rim of your wine glass as you take a sip, ignoring Soojin’s lingering eyes on your lap and how she teasingly nudges your side. 
Jieun catches on quickly too, wiggling her eyebrows in your direction before she leans into Johnny’s ear to whisper. You wanted to roll your eyes when Johnny looked back at you.
The attention is finally brought off of the two of you and back onto the conversation topic which makes you let out a sigh, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by Mark and he leans in close, his breath fanning across your ear as he whispers.
“You good?” He asks you with concern. “Did you have too much to drink?”
“I’m okay” You tell him, turning to face him with a smile and he immediately smiles back. He goes to say something else but you accidentally shift in your chair, causing his hand to move slightly and Mark’s head shoots down to see his hand on your thigh, choking on a cough.
“Oh shit” His eyes are comically wide as he slowly moves away. “Oh, man, I’m so sorry, I didn’t𑁋”
“It’s okay” You tell him once again and you make a brave move to place your hand on top of his, causing his hand to drop back down onto your thigh and you see his adam’s apple bob as he swallows, cheeks dusting a light shade of red as he looks back up at you. You decide to remind him again, “It’s okay”
“You sure?” Mark asks and despite wanting to make sure you were fully okay with what you were doing, he turns his hand around beneath yours, palm against palm, fingers twitching against your own as he was desperate to lace them together, but it was you who took that initiative. 
You interlace your fingers together and hold his hand tightly in your grasp, causing him to shy away from eye contact as he looks down at the table, unable to hide the goofy grin that spreads across his lips as his own grip tightens around your own hand, his thumb grazing across your knuckles comfortingly. 
“I love this song!” Jieun gasps loudly as a familiar song blasts from the speakers, her guests already standing up to dance. She pulls Johnny up with her and looks over at you, “Do you want to dance with us?”
You’d like to, but you also don’t want to let go of Mark’s hand just yet. You feel a little selfish. “You go dance together. I’m going to finish up my wine”
“Okay” Jieun smirks, sending a sly wink your way as she pulls Johnny to the dance floor.
“Mark, Do you want to come dance with us?” Chan asks this time as he stands up from his seat with Soojin on his arm, grinning down at Mark who licks his lips nervously.
“Uh, you go first. I’ll join you guys later” Mark tells him and you don’t miss the way his hand subtly squeezes yours.
“Suit yourself” Chan shrugs as he, Soojin and the majority of the table head to go dance together. You smile as you watch the couples on the dance floor, how happy and in love everyone looks, especially Jieun and Johnny who are holding each other close, whispering sweet little things into each other's ears while sharing a few kisses.
You’re too focussed on the couples and the music to realise Mark is speaking to you, voice hushed due to the volume of the music. You struggle even more to hear him so you lean in close for him to whisper in your ear, shivers running down your neck as you feel his breath fan across your skin as you listen to him shyly if he can have your number. 
You’re not sure why you’re stunned, but you are for a brief moment until you immediately nod your head, watching as he fumbles to grab his phone out of his pocket with his free hand, not wanting to let go of yours that he’s still holding in the other. 
He hands you his phone, unlocked and ready to have your number and you can’t help but smile, typing in your number with your name and jokingly adding a heart to which he chuckles upon first seeing. You’re surprised when he shuts off his phone and puts it back into his pocket, not bothering to get rid of the heart or change it to a completely different emoji. 
It’s silent between you both for a while as you enjoy each other's company, listening to the music, watching others dance and mingle. Usually you’d be the first on the dance floor amongst your friends, letting the music take over your body and feel the base through the speakers but you’re surprisingly content right now sitting beside a cute boy with your hand locked in his. 
“So, why didn’t you want to dance?” You dare to ask Mark, glancing over at him as you take a sip of wine and he looks a little flustered.
“Oh, I, uh… I’m fine right here” He replies, chuckling awkwardly. “Why didn’t you want to dance?”
You smirk, “Because I didn’t want to let go of your hand”
“Jesus” Mark laughs, face reddening up as he shakes his head, tongue coming out to swipe across his bottom lip as he struggles to hide a smile. “You make me feel so nervous, man…”
You quirk a brow, “A good nervous or a bad nervous?”
Mark exhales deeply, meeting your eyes. “A really good nervous”
“Interesting” You state, feeling a little more confident as you lean in close to him, fully pressing your side against his and he laughs, allowing you to do as you please as he squeezes your hand again, the close proximity making him feel a little nervous but hot under the collar.
But he forgets he’s nursing his glass of wine in his free hand as he’s looking at you fully now, biting down on his bottom lip as your face is merely inches from his own and he accidentally loosen his grip on the stem of the glass as your nose brushes his, causing the contents inside to spill over his lap.
He makes a noise of shock and reels back in surprise, letting go of your hand to grab the now half empty glass of wine and stare at the mess he’s created.
He’s obviously embarrassed, sitting in shock and not muttering a single word as he assesses the damage and you’re already gasping loudly, hand flying to your mouth in shock. 
You blurt out multiple apologies, regretting having made a move and occupying his attention which resulted in causing this mess and you quickly reach for a napkin off of the table. You’re patting his lap, hoping to dry his expensive looking pants as you still whisper countless apologies. His pants are black, so no stain will be shown yet you’re still feeling bad and entirely at fault. 
Mark’s silent as he stares at you with wide doe eyes as you pat the napkin around his crotch, body frozen and mouth unbelievably dry as he feels you press against his cock. He’s unable to move, unable to tell you to stop what you’re doing until you begin to wipe and that’s when he reacts, snatching your wrist in his grasp as a choked groan leaves his lips.
“I’m fine” He strains and you pull back almost immediately once you realise how you were touching him. You wanted to apologise again, but you remain quiet due to your own embarrassment and look away from him, unable to meet his eyes although the thought of making him hard just from some mere touching leaves an ache between your legs and you press your thighs together, clearing your throat.
“Do you want another drink or something?” You ask him, quickly glancing at his half empty glass before looking at the bar. “I can get you another”
“No, no it’s okay” Mark coughs, shaking his head. He clears his own throat and shifts in his seat uncomfortably, pulling at his blazer to hide the obvious bulge in his trousers. “I’m… sorry, by the way”
“You don’t need to apologise” You quickly tell him. “It’s my fault for distracting you and causing you to spill your𑁋”
“I wasn’t talking about that” He cuts you off and your face immediately heats up, fully aware of what he’s meaning and you shake your head, wanting to tell him that it’s okay but he’s already continuing. “I don’t… It just happens, you know, and when you touched m𑁋”
“It’s flattering, really” You admit, letting out a slight chuckle. “It’s fine, I promise. I get that it’s totally normal though so don’t worry. It's cute”
It’s silent for a moment until he speaks with a lighthearted tone, “Did you just call me getting hard cute?”
You grimace, “Pretend you didn’t hear that, I don’t know what I’m talking about”
Before you can even begin rambling and make up your excuses, you’re already being cut off as you feel Mark’s hand slide back into your own, fingers interlacing and you bite back a shocked gasp when you feel him pull your intertwined hands to his lap, pressing the back of your hand to the bulge in his pants so casually that it makes your head spin. 
You need him. You want him. The thoughts that run through your mind and needy ache between your legs has you desperate to be touched, to be fucked, all by him. 
“I need to go to the bathroom” You announce, catching on to the disappointed sound Mark makes as he loosens his grip on your hand but you tighten it almost instantly. “Do you want to come with me?”
Mark’s confused now, “To… to the bathroom?”
“Do you…” He’s unsure of how to word his next words. “Do you need help peeing or something?”
“No, I don’t need to pee” You can’t help but laugh and Mark flushes red. You look at him fully this time, eyes dark and tone sultry. “I just really want to go to the bathroom”
“Oh” Mark blinks, brows pulling together as he’s even more confused. But then it all seems to dawn on him as his eyebrows raise up, hidden by the blue locks of hair that's across his forehead, his eyes widened in shock. “Oh”
“So, do you want to come to the bathroom with me?”
Mark nods quickly as his grip tightens on your hand, “Yeah. Absolutely, yeah”
You’re tugging Mark up from his seat the second he gives you the confirmation you’ve needed, weaving through the people on the dance floor and heading towards the bathroom area.
Mark’s hot on your heels, chest pressed against your back with his hand still locked in yours, almost tripping over his own shoes due to the speed you’re walking and him trying to keep up with you, not wanting to stray too far from you. 
You miss the way Johnny and Jieun are watching you both with smirks on their faces, giving each other celebratory fist bumps before Johnny’s arm slithers around her waist to bring her in for a kiss.
You finally reach the bathroom area and Mark lets out a yelp as you walk inside and yank him into a cubicle, slamming and locking the door behind you both as he stumbles and falls back, sitting on the closed lid of the toilet.
“Dang…” Mark mutters as he takes in his surroundings, in awe at the white marble flooring and white walls with painted green vines. “Yo, this is a pretty expensive bathroo𑁋what are you doing?!”
Your fingers are pulling at the buttons on his pants as you simply state, “I’m going to suck you off”
“But… your dress,” Mark frowns as he watches you drop to your knees, your dress wrinkling and losing its pristine condition. 
“You’re worried about my dress? That’s cute” You can’t help but chuckle and once you finally free his cock out of its confinements, you wrap your fingers around the base which causes him to suck through his teeth at the contact. “I don’t care about my dress, Mark. All I care about is making you feel good”
“Okay” Mark slumps against the back of the toilet seat, licking at his lips as he looks down at you with hazy vision. “Do what you want”
The moment he says those words, you’re already taking him in your mouth and a string of curse words leaves his lips, raising his fist to his mouth and biting down on his knuckles to conceal the noises he wants to make. 
His cock feels hot and heavy on your tongue, and you’re taking him down your throat, sucking him and squeezing your hand around the base that you struggle to fit all the way in your mouth. He’s big and it drives you wild, the ache in between your legs becoming almost unbearable but you want to play with him a little longer, to taste him. 
With Mark watching you through lidded eyes, it fuels you to put on a show for him and that’s exactly what you do. You pull back and close your lips around his tip, sucking and using your tongue. He’s panting above you, cursing in his fist, moaning when you take him back deep into your mouth, jerking him off with each twist of your own fist.
“You can touch me” You tell him, a string of spit connecting from your lips to the tip of his cock. “Touch me”
“You’re insane” Mark laughs lightly, his free hand coming down to rest on the back of your head, fingers gripping your hair as he pushes you further down on his cock and you gag a little when he hits the back of your throat, but you breathe steadily through your nose, hollowing your cheeks around him. “You’re filthy”
You hum around his cock as you shuffle forwards to sit better between his open legs, the slight sting of his grip on your hair urging you to do better, to give him everything you’ve got. The burn in the back of your throat is pleasurable and you moan, causing his hips to jerk forwards and you take him in deeper. 
“Oh, fuck” Mark moans, pushing your head down. “Fuck, just like that𑁋oh my god”
You pull off of him with a pop, using your hand to jerk him off as you smile sweetly up at him, “You’re noisy”
“What do you expect?” Mark breaths out a laugh, hand coming down from the back of your head to caress your cheek. “I got a pretty girl on her knees in front of me sucking my cock”
Your heart swells in your chest, “Pretty girl?”
“Mhm” Mark nods, biting down on his bottom lip. “The prettiest”
The whine that leaves him when you completely let go of his cock almost makes you take him into your hands again, but you’re desperate for him now𑁋desperate to be filled with him.
Usually you’d scold yourself for allowing such a bare minimum compliment to get you hot and bothered but you didn’t care as it sounded so fucking good coming from him. 
Mark watches you as you tug your panties down your leg and discard them to the side, bunching the hem of your dress up to your waist as you sit yourself down on his lap. One of his hands comes to rest on your hip while the other touches your cheek, bringing you in for a first kiss.
The kiss is soft at first, delicate, and Mark even leans back to take a look at your face with a small smile on his face. He caresses your cheek, thumb smoothing over your cheekbone, nose brushing against yours before he claims your lips again.
This time, it’s more frantic. You’re nipping at his bottom lip, his tongue melts with yours, hands moving to fist the material of your dress, bunching it higher over your hips as your own hand dips between you both to line his cock at your entrance to sink down onto him.
Mark gasps in your mouth as you moan at the feeling of him filling you so deep, your arms winding around his shoulders to keep yourself steady as you leisurely bounce on his lap, Mark’s grip tight on your hips as he thrusts up into you. 
He’s kissing you breathless and you’re too drunk on his lips and cock to pull away for air, lacing your fingers through his blue hair as you fuck yourself down on him, putting all of your energy in riding him and it’s Mark that breaks the kiss to curse loudly with a strangled moan, panting as he stares at you with wild eyes and red lips. 
“You feel good” He groans out as you squeeze around him and you whine softly at his compliment, “Fuck𑁋you feel so good”
“You’re noisy” You repeat from before in a teasing tone even though you’re not quiet yourself, unable to keep your noises at bay as you moan loudly when he matches the rhythm of your hips. 
You like the way he sounds edging closer and closer to euphoria, and you would relish in the sound a little more if you could but you hear the bathroom door open and you hand immediately flies from his hair to clamp down on his mouth, causing him to stare up at you in alarm as someone walks into the cubicle beside yours. 
You’re still lifting yourself and dropping back down on him, and he’s still fucking up into you to keep the pace despite neither of you wanted to get caught. And you’re thankful that whoever is beside you has flushed the toilet the second you let out a cry when he cock hits deep within and Mark’s quick to silence you too, pressing his hand over your own mouth and staring into your eyes. 
You’re both panting behind each other's hands and you can make out the sound of water running from a tap before it shuts off, then the bathroom door opens and creaks shut behind them, leaving you both alone once again.
Yet, neither of you move your hand, still keeping each other silent despite the muffled noises you’re both making. 
You feel yourself tipping closer and closer to your orgasm and you wonder if Mark’s feeling the same, only getting the answer with his eyes rolling back slightly as he groans, finally dropping his hand from your mouth to grab your waist and pull you down onto him.
Letting your hand drop from his mouth to touch his face, Mark finally speaks, “I’m gonna cum”
“Me too” You exhale deeply. “Cum inside me”
“Oh fuck” Mark grunts, craning his neck up to slot his lips over yours, tongue dipping into your mouth and tangling with yours as he cums deep, keeping you moving against him to reach your own peak and you wail as your orgasm hits you, clenching around his length as you rock in his lap.
You’re breathing heavily, pulling away from his lips to try and catch your breath as he leaves messy kisses down the column on your neck, loosening his hands on your hips to wrap his arms around your waist, holding you close to his chest and yours slide around his shoulders, fingers threading through his hair as your body quivers as it goes through its last few seconds of your orgasm. 
It’s silent between you both now as you embrace each other and Mark’s still kissing your neck, rubbing your back comfortingly and you melt into his arms, fully relaxed and content although you should be both cleaning yourself up. 
“Just so you know, I don’t usually do this” Mark mumbles in the crevice of your neck and your brows furrow, slightly leaning back to get a good look at his face and he smiles at how confused you look. “I mean, like, meeting someone and hooking up with them straight away. I don’t usually do that”
“I don’t either” You tell him. “I usually go on a few dates before that”
“Noted, I’ll take you out next time” He says nonchalantly and your heart flutters at that. You wonder if he realises what he just said and if he’s serious on potentially seeing you again, you want to question it a little but you keep quiet when you notice Mark’s attention is brought to the décor of the cubicle. “Dude, this is a really nice bathroom though”
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agi-ppangx · 6 months ago
family (seo changbin x fem!reader)
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no warnings, fluff, husband&dad!changbin crumbles
author's note: teeny tiny drabble bc i thought this idea was cute, lmk if you like it !! also, i opened my requests so if you have any ideas you'd want me to write feel more than welcome to send them to me🥸
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“c’mon daddy, go!” you heard your daughter whisper from behind the door. you checked the time – it was late, a bit too late for her to be up.
“jieun?” you called her and heard a small oops. then you saw with the corner of your eye your little copy standing in the entrance to your bedroom. 
“can i have a goodnight kiss?” she asked, smiling widely at your reflection in the mirror. you turned to face her with arms spread to hug her and she didn’t waste any second, running into your embrace. you kissed her cheeks and forehead as she giggled. “okay, bye mommy!” she exclaimed, hugging you one more time and running out of the room. you chuckled, turning again to take off your jewellery and brush your hair as you heard your daughter whisper again. “you’ve got this daddy!” she said and then you heard her run to her bed with a sweet giggle, closing the door behind. you wondered what kind of secret was shared between her and changbin as he slowly entered your bedroom with rosy cheeks. he took a few steps closer to you and you met his shy gaze in the mirror.
“what’s going on?” you asked in a curious tone when changbin stood right behind you and grabbed your hairbrush. 
“nothing,” he whispered, reaching to your hair to untangle them. it took you by surprise as changbin was never too keen to do your hair before bed. you looked at his reflection but his eyes were focused on his task, making sure to be as gentle as possible. a pleasant shiver went down your spine and you closed your eyes, relaxing into changbin’s bare chest. 
“god, this feels nice.” 
“yeah?” he asked with a smirk and you let out a faint mhm, but soon he was over, placing your hairbrush down onto your vanity. 
“hey!” you exclaimed jokingly, earning a chuckle from him. 
“stay still, baby. i’m not done.” with these words he ran his fingers through your hair and gently grabbed it to start braiding it. you watched in disbelief as his fingers worked slowly but with an expert manner through your hair. “you have no idea what jieun’s doll went through for me to learn it,” he giggled, not daring to look at you, the blush on his face slowly making its way down onto his neck and chest. 
“wait, is that why you insisted on reading her bedtime stories for the past two weeks?” you inquired as realisation suddenly hit you. changbin didn’t say anything, smirking as he was done with your hair, finishing his work with jieun’s pink hair tie with a little butterfly. 
“done,” he whispered, placing a feather-like kiss on your temple, finally locking his eyes with yours. a familiar warmth spread through your chest as you turned to see the aftermath of changbin’s hard work. i love you, the braid seemed to scream. it was small things like that that made your heart swell and beat faster, even after being with changbin for so long. you couldn't stop thinking about the gesture even in the morning as you glanced in the mirror and saw the butterfly in your hair. and as your daughter woke up, running into your arms first thing in the morning and praising your hairstyle you knew you had everything you could’ve ever wanted in your life – a loving family.
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taglist ! @astraystayyh @laylasbunbunny @l3visbby @like-a-diamondinthesky @hanjsquokka @xichien @xocandyy @minhosbitterriver
269 notes · View notes
atzjieun · 9 months ago
best jieun moments from wanteez
[text in bold brackets denotes editor’s comments]
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jieun is committed to the bit
Everyone conversed amongst themselves as they waited patiently for the next member to appear at the door. After about a minute, the sound of the door being slid open caused them all to look over. 
Jieun pushed the door out of her way, carrying her bookbag in one hand and a black designer purse in the other. Black sunglasses were perched upon her nose with a silver necklace dangling from her neck.
[Who is this new transfer student?]
“Woah, is she a celebrity?” Someone asked. With a slight smirk, Jieun closed the door behind her and made her way to the front of the class.
“Hello everybody, my name is Sophie Song and I’m from Seongnam, South Korea,” she announced confidently in English, eliciting some surprised noises from the rest of the class. “But you can call me Jieun.” 
“She seems to be really rich,” Jongho commented. “Hey, Jieun. What do your parents do for work?” 
Jieun sighed as she took off her sunglasses, inspecting them.  
“My father is the CEO of a huge company,” she said as she put them on her head. 
“And what is the name of the company?” Wooyoung asked.
[What will be this heiress’ answer..?]
With a straight face, Jieun turned to the boy and answered. 
“KQ Entertainment.” 
“Oh? Isn’t that company poor?” One of the other classmates asked, causing them all to burst into laughter, including Jieun. She quickly composed herself and shook her head. 
“No, he built it from the ground up,” Jieun said. “Now the company is worth millions.” 
“Of cents.” 
Sighing, Jieun just nodded, muttering a “Yeah, sure,” as she made her way to her seat. 
[Heiress has given up] 
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jieun proving she holds ateez’s single braincell 
“I think that the human zombie might not know whether they’re the zombie or not,” Jongho said sincerely, his forehead wrinkled as he tried to think about who it could be.
“Alright, it’s Jongho,” Wooyoung concluded suddenly, clearly fighting off a smirk. “It’s definitely him.”
As the other members agreed, Jieun remained still, her gaze locked on seemingly nothing. 
[Song Ice lost in thought] 
After about a minute of silence from the girl, Jieun suddenly looked up. Her eyebrows were raised as she brought herself to her feet. 
“It’s San.” The others turned to her in confusion, while the accused boy widened his eyes.
“What- me?” 
Jieun nodded and turned to him. 
“They said that the human zombie doesn’t get bitten, but when the Fever Time happened for the first time, all the zombies went towards me except for one who went to San. Wouldn’t more of them have gone to him because he was closer?” Her gaze cut into him like a knife, eyes narrowed. “And he didn’t have a big reaction when one of the zombies hugged him, but he usually would.”
[Good point…]
“I was so scared, honestly— I felt like I was frozen,” San explained earnestly, putting a hand over his heart. 
“But also,” Jieun said, still staring at him. “When all three of us were in the classroom, you were again closer to the zombie but instead he attacked Yunho.” 
At this, Yunho spoke up. “Although, San was kind of off to the side and the zombie was already walking towards me, so I think that’s why.” 
“And we all know that San is really a scaredy cat,” Yeosang added. “So I’m not surprised he froze.” 
Wooyoung just shook his head. “I still think we should vote Jongho out.”
“Me too,” agreed Hongjoong. 
“Yeah, same.”
Jieun looked around at her members for some confirmation, but it looked like everyone had already made up their minds. Her mouth straightened into a flat line as she looked directly at the camera with a tired look on her face. 
[…but it falls on deaf ears]
She let out a sigh, shrugging as she sat back down, “Alright, if that’s what the majority decides.”  
[Jieun-ah… fighting?] 
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a (not so) rare moment of ateez adoring their youngest member turns into a jieun exposee 
“Now for our youngest, lovely Jieun!” Hongjoong announced. The girl smiled as she walked to the center, waiting for her song. 
[Patiently waiting…] 
“Ah-“ Jieun said, smiling when the pre-chorus Seventeen’s “Snap Shoot” started playing. She mouthed the lyrics for the rap section before starting the choreo. The other members cheered as she danced, even more so during the post-chorus where, on every “chal-kak”, Jieun struck a pose. First was a big heart, then she turned and blew a kiss towards the members, who all clutched their hearts. San even fell to the ground. 
[Jieun receiving lots of love from her brothers] 
When the music stopped, Jieun bowed to the camera before quickly retreating to her spot, using her hands to cover her face in embarrassment. 
“Our Jieunie is so cute,” Wooyoung said as he tried pinching her cheeks, but Jieun just pushed him away. Witnessing this, Jongho spoke up.
“You know, Jieun always acts like she hates aegyo but I think she secretly enjoys doing it.” The others nodded in agreement. 
“She’s so good at it too,” Mingi agreed. 
“Sometimes I see her practicing her aegyo at home,” Yeosang added. Everyone began laughing as Jieun’s eyebrows raised. She turned to the boy accusingly.
“I have never practiced aegyo before,” Jieun said, waving her hand at the camera crew, all of  whom looked amused. “That’s just a lie.” Seonghwa nodded in agreement. 
“I believe Jieunie,” he said. Jieun was relieved that someone was on her side, but the relief quickly dissipated as the oldest went on. “She wouldn’t need to practice aegyo because she’s naturally cute.” 
At that, the others started giggling, while Jieun simply stared at Seonghwa with her ice-cold gaze. 
[Song Ice is back]
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jieun’s state after waking up while being high on anesthesia
“Oh, Jieunie’s awake?” Seonghwa asked, raising his eyebrows. 
Yunho immediately stood up, grinning. “Let’s go visit her.” 
A few of the members made their way to the recovery room, careful as they filed inside so as to not make any noise. Jieun was laid on one of the beds, the blanket wrapped over her body and around her head so that you could only see her face. 
“Cute,” Seonghwa said with a soft smile when he saw her.
“Who’s there?” Jieun muttered. She raised her head slightly and opened one eye, smiling when she saw the others standing there. “Oh, hi oppas.” 
[Too cute to handle] 
The members that had walked into the room immediately started smiling, some even turning away to hide their reddening faces. Jieun let out a small yawn as she curled into a tighter ball. 
“I’m glad you’re all here,” she said, closing her eyes again. “Thank you for taking care of me. Let’s all be happy and healthy in the new year, ok?” 
[The real Song Ice, everybody] 
“Yes, Jieunie,” Yunho said as he patted her head. “Take care of yourself too, ok?” Jieun hummed in response, giving a small nod before resting her head down again. 
“Jieun-ah, good night.” Wooyoung bent down, giving the girl a small peck on the head. He grinned as he stood up straight, causing Yeosang to laugh. 
“If Jieun wasn’t high right now, she would’ve stared at you like she was going to attack.”  
A clip of Jieun’s death glare from a previous episode plays
[A look that will curse the next 10 Jung generations]
“Let’s let her rest,” Seonghwa suggested. He turned, using his arms to quietly usher everyone out of the room. 
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jieun being the only sober (kinda) member + scaring Wooyoung into sobriety 
Jieun watched in amusement as the other members yelled at each other, the chain not having yet gotten to her. As she waited, she reached over and grabbed a water bottle from the edge of the table, taking a quick drink for herself before grabbing an empty glass and pouring some out. She turned and handed the glass to San beside her, whose face had gotten significantly redder in the last three minutes since the yelling game had started. 
At first he refused, thinking it was more alcohol, but Jieun shook her head. 
“Don’t worry, it’s water,” she said. “Now drink.” San nodded, gratefully taking the glass from her hand and drinking it all in one gulp. She took the glass back from him, using her other hand to rub circles on his back. 
[Thoughtful Jieunie]
Unfortunately for her, Wooyoung saw the kind gesture and started complaining. 
“Hey, why are you only taking care of him?” 
[Burning with jealousy]
Jieun snapped her gaze towards him, staring at Wooyoung so intensely that he began shrinking into his seat. 
“Ah… I’m sorry.” 
The other members started laughing as Wooyoung looked down in embarrassment, quickly grabbing a glass and downing another shot. Jieun chuckled, shaking her head as she grabbed the water bottle and handed it to him. 
“I don’t think Wooyoung’s drunk anymore,” Mingi said, laughing. 
The shoot continued, Jieun occasionally pouring more glasses of water and forcing the other members to drink them in between shots. She took a few shots here and there, but mainly focused on making sure the members with low alcohol tolerance (re: San) didn’t drink anymore. 
“Hey, Jieun,” Wooyoung said when she refilled his glass of water. “Did you even drink anything tonight?” 
“Of courth I did,” she replied, eyes wide.
Jongho laughed, raising his eyebrows. “What’s with that pronunciation?” 
She looked over at him, bringing her pointer finger up to her lips to shush him. At that moment, San let out a loud yawn. He swayed side to side before eventually falling onto Jieun’s shoulder. She moved slightly, adjusting herself so that he could fully lay down and rest his head on her lap.  
“That’s how you know she’s drunk,” Yunho said, observing the whole interaction. “She’s not fighting him off.” 
Jieun just blinked at him before letting out a sigh. She turned her head to the front and stared straight at the camera with a tired expression. 
[Jieun-ah… fighting?] 
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kooktrash · 2 years ago
guys my age | jeon jungkook DRABBLE 18+
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➣ pairings: dilf jk x female college student!y/n [she/her]
➣ genre/au: dilf au, best friends father, smut, age gap [38 & 21] flush
warnings: 2k words. smüt. pool smüt [ oral f & m receiving]
You know absolutely nothing about law, especially not the kind Jungkook works with. As a litigator his clientele consists mostly of large businesses filing copyright lawsuits, tax fraud, etc. it’s probably the most boring form of law but he gets paid big bucks for it.
You understood his work and how busy he could be so of course some weekends he still had to work. It kind of sucks when you come see him but you also understand it and try to stay out of his way when his case partner is over.
“Babe!” Jungkook called out from his office.
“Yeah?” You shouted back from the living room where you’ve been on your phone and watching TV. You’ve been lounging around pretty much all of Saturday in just a tiny pair of Jungkook’s plaid boxers and a short top looking like the definition of comfort.
“What are you thinking about for dinner?” He asked, walking into the entrance way of the living room with Namjoon right behind him. You assumed they were done for the weekend. You shrugged, resting your head on the back cushion of the couch as you looked at them two.
“Not hungry.”
Namjoon looked at Jungkook who just looked at him back, “I’ll get these filed and ready for Monday.”
“Alright,” Jungkook said walking Namjoon toward the door but stopped at the couch to be next to you as he watched his partner head the rest of the way toward the door.
“Bye Y/n,” Namjoon said with a clear of his throat, “Sorry for taking up so much time.”
You just waved goodbye and turned your attention back to the TV. Jungkook looked down at you waiting for you to say something, “You’re not hungry?”
“Not really,” you said looking down at your phone lazily.
He released a small sigh as he rounded the couch and sat down next to you. Without a word he picked you up and pulled you onto his lap despite your little whine in protest at being babied.
“You mad at me?”
He knows he works a lot and he just feels so bad. Last time he was able to drive to you for a few days but this time he begged you to come here for the weekend. Then he gets this huge workload that had to be done by Monday so he wasn’t even able to take you out yesterday or today.
Jieun’s mom cheated on him because he was always busy with work and he’s worried. He’s still scared that he’ll drive you away because of work and he doesn’t want that.
You laughed softly, running your fingers through his hair, “No? I’m just not hungry.”
“You sure?” He asked, “Sorry, I know I asked you to come this weekend and then I got all this work that had to be done and I’ve basically wasted your entire Saturday having you locked in here all day.”
You didn’t say anything, hand under his chin as you tilted his head up and placed your lips on his gently. He kissed back immediately letting his tongue swipe along your bottom lip deepening the kiss as you shifted on his lap.
Jungkook brought his hands down to your hips, moving you enough for you to get the hint and straddle him, “You’re always so sweet.”
“Liar,” you smiled into the kiss as he held you pressed against his chest.
“For the most part,” he chuckled, “Plus you taste sweet.”
“Mm, do I?” You asked, looking down at him. You did. Everything about you was sweet to him.
In the beginning you came off strong and eager and very lust driven. That’s what your relationship consisted of at first, just a lot of sex, sex, and sex. Then one day he asked if you wanted to go out for dinner after you left for school, he offered to drive down and the two of you spent an entire day in the city. After that you would call him in the evening, ask how work went, offer to drive down and see him for the weekend but you two still tried keeping it downlow.
When Jieun found out it put a stop to what the two of you did out of guilt until one day Jieun snapped at him and said, ‘Jeez you were a lot nicer when I knew you were hooking up with Y/n!’
Why’d she say that? Because she used his credit card to book a flight to Tokyo with Yoongi. So really, that was her weird way of saying that he needs to date someone so he can relax and it just so happened to be her friend. She still gets grossed out when she sees you two kids but she also feels awful for blaming him for the divorce and Y/n’s her best friend so she got over it pretty quickly. Soon the two of you were officially dating, doing grocery runs, shopping together, going on real dates and all of it. You never blamed him for having to work or not call because he would do little things to make up for it like deliver food to your place, maybe some flowers to your new job—a traditional dating man, you always said. Nobody had ever gotten you flowers and that was just so ridiculous to him that not a single one of your previous boyfriends ever even thought to do that!
Anyway, back to the point, you’re the sweetest little minx he’s ever met.
“What about swimming and then drinks?” You asked now that he was deep in thought, “Before it gets cold.”
He sighed, “You can live in the water, can’t you?”
“Well…” you stared off in thought, “I’m just thinking about how we’ve never had sex in the pool before.”
“You’re gonna be the death of me, y’know? A premature death,” he said as he held you tightly and used his big strong arms to stand up with you in his arms, “Let’s go.”
You were both sexual beings despite Jungkook’s three or four years of celibacy. Even when he was with his ex wife he never felt satiated so it’s no surprise that when you came along the two of you were very intimate. You were always so eager and ready and though he loved your sweet side when he would catch you fast asleep on FaceTime while he worked away in his office, he loved your needy side too.
He was gripping the edge of the pool tightly so he wouldn't float away and angled his head to one side in an attempt to deepen the kiss the two of you have been sharing since you got in the water. He wouldn’t be surprised at all if he ever got a complaint from his neighbors from how often he’s fucked you on the poolside. He let the hand that had been cupping your cheek slide down to your neck then toward the hem of your bottoms. Your tongue poked against his and he parted his lips even more to allow you in.
He skimmed over your bottom until his hand touched the soft skin of your thigh where he pinched lightly and wrapped it around his waist. You lifted your other leg on your own essentially straddling his waist in the water as he pushed you against the wall for more support.
Needing to catch a breath, you began to pull back feeling Jungkook follow your movements to keep kissing. You nipped at his bottom lip as you separated, making him groan.
His hands were on your hips now looking down at your swollen glossy lips panting, "You have no idea the things you make me want to do with you.”
He was huffing out of breath pressing himself closer against your body making sure to keep your legs wrapped around him. He lowered his mouth to your neck placing soft kisses up your jugular.
"Yeah? Do tell, Mr. Jeon," you licked your lips smiling at the old term you gave him.
His eyes rolled back as you kissed down his jaw toward the back of his ear. He let out a breathy laugh at the tingle over his sensitive spot. His hands caressed your thighs and back making you grind against him a little, "Again with that? I thought I’ve taught you better.”
“You like it,” you teased. You felt his hand slide under the hand of your underwear, thumb pushing into the bone of your hip tracing it toward your butt. You slipped your tongue out pulling back once more to catch your breath. He looked devilish.
The messy, wet, black hair. The lip piercing he currently swiped his tongue over. The bob of his Adam's Apple as he gulped. The rough feel of his fingers inching toward your core as neither one of you pulled away from the intense eye contact.
Just like that, his middle finger was running over your clit lightly. Your lips drew open in a small gasp and he took the opportunity to go in for a tongue kiss. His brows scrunched together swallowing your moan as your hips bucked into his hand.
His hand toyed with the slick against your heat using it to his aid as he let his middle finger push between your folds.
His mouth formed an 'O' shape against yours at the first feel of your hand over his growing member. The briefs did very little to stand against your hand as you placed your palm over him. The water made it easier for him to carry you without getting tired but it almost numbed your touch—but you wanted pool sex and who was he to say no?
You struggled to tug his briefs down barely getting them under his member to let it peak out as his hand relentlessly rubbed against your clit. You finally slipped your hand over his member, relishing in the size of him as your palm ran over his tip.
The water made it hard to feel everything clearly but as you ran your fingertip along his tip you could definitely feel some sort of substance coming out.
His head dropped down against your shoulder as his hand sped up its ministrations using his free hand to guide your hips further along. His nails dug into the soft flesh of your hip.
"Fuck," he groaned feeling your hand stroke his member. Your nail ran along the thick vein underneath and thumb swiped along his slit. "Feels good," he mumbled against your neck, lips brushing against you as he relished in the feeling.
He could feel you getting close too from the way your walls tightened around his middle finger and it made him want to stretch you further. He let his ring finger toy with your entrance before sinking in feeling some constriction before you relaxed around him.
It didn't take much longer for his hips to stutter as they bucked into your fist and he had to grope at your waist to keep you from falling out of his grasp. His knees were going weak as he used one to keep you up against the wall.
"Jungkook," you moaned lightly, feeling his palm press harder against your clit bringing you closer and closer to your high, "I—I'm close."
"Mmm," he bit his lip, "Let go, pretty baby."
Your legs trembled, one hooking around him tighter pressing him further against you as you grinded against his hand. All it took was the whisper of your name so close to your ear, "Y/n, I love you.”
You nearly froze and got a second he wondered if it was wrong for him to say that. This was still new, he might’ve scared you off but that’s how he felt right now.
“I love you too,” you said in a whisper as your hand drew toward his base massaging his scrotum in your grip and at once, you both released in each other's hands kissing deeply as he mumbled it again against your lips.
Ask GMA Jungkook and Y/n? SEND IN INBOX
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cityofjieun · 2 months ago
-ˏˋ guided stepsˊˎ
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date: october 2022 era: maxident word count: <1k featuring: kang jieun, huh yunjin, yang jeongin, choi beomgyu warnings: none
a/n: sorry i've been mia lately!! senior year is actually a bitch but im on break and im locking in. i missed my fics so bad i've been tweaking.
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jia wasn’t lost. she was confident she could retrace her steps to the practice room she had left.
she had grown bored watching beomgyu and jeongin practice, quickly excusing herself to the bathroom. she ignored beomgyu's call of directions and quickly left the room, assuming the bathroom would be easy to find. as it turned out, the entirety of the hybe building looked quite similar.
jia quickly turned around to see a familiar face behind her. "oh! hello yunjin-ssi."
“it’s nice to see you, what are you doing here?”
“oh, one of my members is filming a challenge with beomgyu. i was headed to the bathroom but … i got a little turned around on my way." jia chuckled awkwardly, trying to maintain her composure.
yunjin smiled warmly. “ah, it’s easy to get turned around in here. would you like me to show you the way to the bathroom?"
jia, relieved at the offer, nodded gratefully. "yes, please. that'd be great. thank you, yunjin."
with a friendly nod, yunjin began navigating the maze-like corridors of the hybe building. jia followed closely behind, silently thanking her lucky stars for yunjin’s timely appearance. as they walked, jia couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed—getting lost in another company’s building wasn’t exactly an ideal look.
“here we are,” yunjin said, gesturing toward the bathroom door. “if you need anything else, i’ll be nearby.”
“thank you, yunjin-ssi,” jia replied, her relief evident. she quickly stepped inside, did what she needed, and rejoined yunjin in the hall.
“thanks again for saving me,” jia said with a laugh. “i thought i was going to die in that hallway.”
yunjin laughed softly, shaking her head. "no problem at all, jia-sunbaenim. it's easy to get lost in here. are you heading back to the practice room now?"
"yes, i should get back before beomgyu and jeongin start wondering where i disappeared to."
"let me walk you back," yunjin offered. "it's on my way."
“thank you,” jia replied, relieved. as they walked, jia glanced at yunjin, appreciating her kindness. “so, how has practice been for you?" jia asked, trying to make conversation. "i heard you all are preparing for a comeback.”
“yes, it’s been busy but exciting,” yunjin replied thoughtfully. “the new songs are coming along really well! it’s been good, but challenging. we wrapped up filming a couple of weeks ago, and now we’re gearing up for music shows, so the pressure’s really on.”
“i can imagine,” jia said with a nod. “but i’m sure you’ll do great—you always do.”
yunjin smiled, touched by the compliment. "thank you, jia-sunbaenim. that means a lot coming from you. how about you? what have you been up to?"
“mostly the usual—practices, performances. but i’ve been thinking about starting some new personal projects too,” jia responded. “that sounds exciting! what kind of projects?”
“i’m not entirely sure yet. maybe something with choreographing or producing. i’ve been wanting to expand my skills beyond just performing,” jia explained, her eyes brightening at the thought. “well, i’ll be waiting to see what you end up doing, i’m kind of a big fan” yunjin offered sincerely.
"that means a lot to me, yunjin-ssi," jia replied warmly. as they approached the practice room, jia could hear faint music coming from inside. "looks like they're still at it," she remarked, glancing at yunjin.
they reached the door, and jia paused before opening it. "well, thank you again for helping me out, yunjin. i really appreciate it.”
"no problem at all, jia-sunbaenim," yunjin replied warmly, stopping outside the practice room door. "good luck with the rest of your schedules!"
"thanks, yunjin. good luck with your comeback preparations," jia replied with a smile.
"let's catch up again soon."
"definitely," yunjin agreed, waving as she started to walk away. jia hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "actually, yunjin-ssi, would you mind if we exchanged numbers? it would be nice to stay in touch."
yunjin's eyes lit up with delight. "i would love that, jia-sunbaenim!" she quickly pulled out her phone, and they exchanged numbers.
"great, now i won't get lost again," jia joked, feeling a genuine sense of relief and happiness. "thanks again, yunjin-ssi." "anytime," yunjin repeated, her smile broadening. "don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."
with a grateful smile, jia pushed open the practice room door. inside, beomgyu and jeongin had finished teaching each other their dances and were running through them. they looked up as she entered.
“did you find the bathroom okay?” jeongin asked, raising an eyebrow.
“yes. some of us have an amazing sense of direction,” jia replied with a smirk. “now, how’s the tiktok coming along?”
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©︎ skz-jia, all rights reserved. pls, do not copy or repost my work
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smokefalls · 3 months ago
To release the magic in life, we need to muster the courage to open the closed door in our heart. Sometimes, no matter how hard we seem to push, pull or knock at it, the door might remain locked. Or we might have lost the key. ‘But perhaps the key has always been in our pocket,’ Jieun spoke quietly to the petals behind her. When would we then have the courage to unlock and push open the door?
Jungeun Yun, Marigold Mind Laundry (translated by Shanna Tan)
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prplocks · 2 years ago
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♡☆♡ iu wallpaper
reblog if you save ▪︎
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skzhocomments · 8 months ago
In the Dark - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter 9 - The virus
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General masterlist
Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 8 | Chapter 10
Chapter 9 - The virus
chapter word count: ~3.1k words
~Minho’s POV~
The next morning, all my emotions felt like a blur.
I kissed Jieun, and I’m certain if Nari hadn’t woken up, we would’ve had sex, because there was no way I could’ve ever controlled myself when Jieun looked at me like that, and the way she looked under me - fuck.
Just thinking about it made my head dizzy.
It doesn’t help that she is such an incredible woman too. Not only do we get along great, but the way she cares for Nari too… Eating together with her and just spending time together felt like she fit right in with us, and she was completely right, we had to think of Nari first, but in my mind, what was there to think about? Nari adores her, and she adores Nari too.
Why not?
‘Why does it feel like we’ve kissed a million times before?’ She asked, and damn, could she really be Flame? The similarities were too striking – her body, her lips on mine, even her fucking whimpers were the same.
She must be Flame.
But what if she’s not?
Then what?
I am almost certain I’m in love with Jieun by now, but… what about Flame? I know I have something going for her as well, even though I’m not sure I could call it love, or something else. But I do have some strong feelings for Flame too.
If Jieun is not Flame… then what?
Lying in bed wide awake, I didn’t even notice how late it got, until a sheepish knock pulled me out of my thoughts.
“… daddy, are you awake?” Nari whispered softly, opening the door just slightly.
“Yes, baby, come here.” I replied, and she excitedly opened the door and jumped on the bed. “How did you sleep, princess?”
“I slept amazing!”
“Do you remember waking up? You had a nightmare, poor thing.” I caressed her cheek and pulled her in a hug, letting her snuggle up my chest.
“Yes, I remember. It was a bad dream. I was at school and everyone in my class hated me, and Miss Park said mean things to me.”
“Oh no, what did she say?”
“That she doesn’t like me, and that she wishes I never came in her class.” She pouted, small tears in the corner of her eyes.
“Baby, that doesn’t sound like the Miss Park we know, does it? She would never say that.”
“That’s true! She’s the best teacher ever.” Nari affirmed quickly.
“Is that so?” I chuckled. “What do you think of her?”
“I love her a lot! She always lets me cook with her and teaches me things, and whenever we go out, we hold hands and have a lot of fun! Sometimes she scolds me for things, though, and I don’t like it.”
Just like a mom would. I smiled to myself. Fuck, she really looks after my Nari so well.
“I will tell you a secret, but you can’t tell it to anyone else, okay?” I whispered, putting my index finger against her mouth, and she giggled happily and nodded.
“I promise!”
“On your pinky finger?”
“Pinky swear!” She exclaimed, and we locked our pinkies.
“Okay, I trust you to keep your word, then.”
“What is it???”
“Miss Park said that…” I started, but didn’t finish the sentence, building up more excitement.
“What? What did she say?” Nari sat up and pushed her two little hands against my chest.
“She said thaaaat-”
“Dadddyyyyy, tell me!!!” She jumped up and down the bed.
“She said that you’re her favourite!” I exclaimed, then I got up and started tickling her, and she laughed happily, but not without protesting.
“She said that?! When?” She asked between her giggles.
“Yesterday after you went to sleep. She likes you a whole lot!”
“I like her too! I wish she were my mommy, so she could be here with us allllll the timeeee.”
Oh? I chuckled.
“Anyway, what do you want to do today, Nari?”
“Today? Hmmm, can we please go to the mall? I went there with Miss Park last time and she took me to a crafts shop, and we bought some coloured pencils, but they didn’t have pink. I want the pink one!”
“Okay, go get dressed and let’s go!” I instructed her, and she ran out of the room.
~Jieun’s POV~
Fucking hell, I should stop drinking already.
I shook my head in disapproval, remembering last night’s events – specifically, Minho’s hands on my body, his lips against mine, on my neck…
Stop it, Jieun. I tried telling myself. This is not right. Besides, you still have to meet Charisma if he books you, otherwise how will you even pay for grandma’s expenses?
I sighed.
Why the fuck was he so similar to Minho? The way he kissed and touched me, and his weight on top of my body was the fucking same.
However, it was simply illogical for Minho to be Charisma. There was no way.
If he were or weren’t, though… then what? It didn’t matter either way. How would I ever justify me being a prostitute, when he’s not only looking for a potential wife, but also for a mother for his child? Would he want a whore to bring Nari up? I doubt it.
You talk like you know what he’s looking for. A voice in the back of my head mocked me. Maybe he just wanted a one-night stand or something.
Did he only want that, though?
“Just so you know… I’m not regretting anything that happened tonight…”
Was what he said. Why did he feel the need to say it, if he only wanted a one-night stand? He could’ve just let me go.
I shook my head again and got up, deciding to get dressed and head to the mall. Charisma gave me a gift last time we met, so why not use at least part of it and get me something? Shopping always got my mind off things, and right now, my feelings were too complicated.
After browsing through shops and getting myself some new lingerie sets and some shoes, I decided that enough money has been spent, so I started making my way back through the mall, when I passed by the art store I took Nari to last time we came here.
Hm, I wonder if they have the pink pens now. I thought, and entered the store, heading directly to the pens isle.
After rummaging through the new pens they brought, I finally found one single pink pen.
Yes! I cheered in my head.
“Miss Park?” A familiar voice distracted me, and I turned around to see Nari and Minho.
“Nari? What are you doing here?” I asked, then smiled at her and nodded shortly at Minho, who returned my smile.
“I came with daddy to see if they have the pink pens.”
“Really?” I chuckled. “I came here for the same thing! I found one for you!” I said, showing her the pink pen.
“Wow!!!” Nari exclaimed and snatched the pen from my hand, examining it carefully.
“What do we say, Nari?” Minho intervened.
“Thank you, Miss Park.”
“No problem, sweetheart. We still have to pay for it first, though. Do you need anything else? I found these really cute stickers for your notebooks.”
“Yes! I love stickers!”
“They are so cute, right?”
While talking to Nari and showing her some other things in the shop, my eyes wondered over to Minho a few times, who just looked at our interaction with a smile plastered across his face. When we were finally done and Nari picked up a few more things, we headed together to the checkout – Minho, holding my shopping bags and Nari’s stuff, and me, holding her hand.
I didn’t know exactly why I was still in the shop, but Nari grabbed my hand, and I didn’t have it in me to let go, so I didn’t, and Minho didn’t say anything either.
“Okay, Nari, I’ll see you tomorrow at school, yes?” I asked once we exited the shop.
“Miss Park, daddy and I are going to the dog café, don’t you want to come with us?”
“Huh?” I asked, surprised, then looked over at Minho, who looked quite happy by this outcome, and simply shrugged. “But don’t you want to spend time alone with daddy?”
“No, I want you to come as well. Daddy, can Miss Park come with us?” 
She turned to Minho, who nodded and replied with an “Of course, princess. Don’t you want to get Miss Park a little gift for taking care of you yesterday? We can get her a big cake slice!”
Fucker. I chuckled.
“Yay!” Nari jumped happily and held my hand tighter.
“… okay.”
What else was I supposed to say, anyway?
We headed to Minho’s car in the underground parking lot and I hopped in the backseat with Nari, while Minho placed my shopping bags and her art supplies in the trunk.
Seeing his car again, memories of that night when he picked me up came flooding in. I had just met Charisma, and I was stranded, for my phone didn’t have any more battery and the bus wouldn’t come, and Minho just happened to be there, wearing Charisma’s perfume.
Why was Minho there?
Could he really be Charisma?
I looked at him curiously, and his eyes met mine through the rearview mirror as soon as he got into the driver’s seat.
It wouldn’t be impossible. After finding out he has a personal chef during the week, it’s quite obvious that Minho has a lot of money.
But still, is he the type to go to hookers?
Charisma also hesitated to kiss me for many weeks straight, and I initially thought he just found me dirty and didn’t want his lips to touch mine, but I figured out after our last two meetings that it wasn’t the case. He must’ve had a reason to not want to kiss me.
Minho, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate at all.
But their lips felt the same…
Fuck, my head hurts.
We quickly got to the dog café, and we all stepped out of the car, and Nari grabbed my and Minho’s hands immediately.
We entered the café together and sat down at a table. The tables were rectangle shaped, and Nari and I sat down on one side, while Minho sat down in front of me. Dogs were roaming around and coming for pets, and Nari was quite happy to play with all of them.
We ordered a few cake slices and milkshakes and just as we wanted to start eating, a waitress approached us with an instant camera.
“Hello! Would you like me to take a picture of you? You’re such a cute family!” She asked, a smile plastered across her face.
“That would be amazing!” Minho exclaimed and turned his body to face the camera.
“Oh, I should probably-” Just as I wanted to sit up and step away to let Nari and Minho take a picture together, Nari hugged my arm and posed to the camera.
I smiled as well, and the waitress took three pictures – one for each – and scribbled the date and the café name on it, then gave them to us.
Looking at the picture warmed my heart. We all looked so happy, and this was sure to be a sweet memory, no matter what the future had in store for us.
We then started to eat while Nari spoke about what she wanted to paint once she gets home. We talked a bit about school and her friends, about what she wanted Santa to get her for Christmas (which was quickly approaching), and we enjoyed each other’s company for almost two more hours, playing together with dogs and ordering more drinks as time went on.
~three days later~
Wednesday already came, and with it a whole new set of issues. In just three days, half of my class was sick with an apparently new virus that was super contagious and would make you sick enough to have to lay in bed for at least a few days, and Charisma still hasn’t booked me yet, even if the week started two days ago.
It’s not like I desperately needed the money. He booked me enough times already to build a nice savings account for when my grandma needs it, but… I wanted to see him.
Somehow, though, it might've been better that he hadn’t booked me yet. The thought of meeting Charisma brought me some anxiety because of Minho. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Obviously, I couldn’t give Charisma up, not for the time being, anyway, and I also couldn’t ‘confess’ to Minho that I sell love in my spare time. I also genuinely liked Charisma and didn’t want to stop seeing him.
I’m so selfish.
It was like he could read my thoughts, because just as I was having this inner turmoil regarding Charisma, a notification from In the Dark popped up on my screen.
CHARISMA – personal form
THINGS I ENJOY: Hello, Flame. Long time no see. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise of seeing you everyday. I really wanted to, but work got in the way (as it usually does). Are you free to meet me today?
CONDOM / NO CONDOM: no condom
Just as I was about to send my response form back and accept seeing Charisma, an unknown number started ringing, informing me that I had to come to the hospital immediately.
I dropped everything I was doing and grabbed a cab, and when I arrived, I was met with some horrific news. One of the nurses tending to my grandmother got the virus, and she passed it over to her, who in turn not only got sick, but she also developed pneumonia, making her general condition weak.
I was also not allowed to see her for the time being, due to the high chances of me also carrying the virus and potentially making her even sicker.
With all the rush to the hospital and the anxiety of having to listen to bad news, I haven’t noticed 6:45 rolling around. I haven’t accepted, nor have I denied Charisma’s request for the day, and he didn’t book me again the rest of the week.
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After reading Minho’s message, I got dressed and went outside. He said that Nari doesn’t have much of an appetite, but I still grabbed a few pretzels, as they go great with tea. Whenever I would be sick, my grandmother would make a ginger and lemon tea, so I bought some fresh ginger and a few lemons as well, as both are very rich in vitamins and should help the immune system.
I made my way to Minho’s place and knocked on the door.
“Hey.” Minho smiled seeing me.
“Good morning. How are you? How’s Nari feeling?”
“Not so good.” He replied and let me come in.
“Which one?” I asked, unsure of which question he answered.
“Oh no. What’s wrong?”
“I hate having to go to work when she’s sick.”
“Mhm… Try and finish faster and come back home earlier, maybe. Is that possible?”
“I don’t know, Jieun. I’m so stressed. We still have a lot to work on, and the pressure from our boss is insane. My other coworkers came down with the flu, or whatever this fucking virus is, and the workload is so much bigger without them.”
“I’m sorry, Minho. It’s the last week though, right? Just try and hang on for a little bit longer.”
“I will. This virus is a bitch. The family doctor will come by tomorrow afternoon to see Nari, unless her symptoms are getting worse, in which case he said to take her to his practice immediately. Can you please let me know if anything happens?”
“Of course. You don’t have to worry. I think she caught it in school. More than half the class has it. It’s so bad, I think classes will probably get cancelled next week.”
“Give me more good news.” Minho said, ironically. “The last week before the deadline, and Nari stays home. Fucking great.” He ran his hand through his hair, stressed.
“Don’t worry, Minho. If class gets cancelled, I can always come and stay with her during the week.”
“And if it doesn’t get cancelled, who will she stay with her until she gets better? God damn it.” He cursed silently.
“Miss Park?” Nari came out of the living room, her cheeks red and her eyes watery.
“Nari, baby, what happened, hm?”
“I think I’m sick.” She replied in a small voice and came to me, asking for a hug.
“Oh no. Lots of your classmates are sick as well, aren’t they?”
“Yes.” She nodded. “I don’t feel good. Daddy, can’t you stay home?” She asked Minho, and I swear I could hear his heart breaking in his chest.
“Daddy will come back as soon as he can, okay, princess?”
“Do you promise?”
“Of course. I’ll go and finish work for the day and come stay with you, hm?”
“Okay.” She nodded again.
“Now, Nari, let’s eat something. If we want to be strong and fight the virus off, we have to eat. We’ll also make some good tea, so let’s go to the kitchen together while daddy gets ready for work.” I said, handing her my hand.
“What tea are we making?”
“Ginger and lemon!”
“Yuckkk, I don’t like ginger.”
“Of course you do! It’s in a lot of foods that you like!”
“Yes. So, let’s make some. Do you want to help me squeeze the lemons?”
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~Minho’s POV~
Jieun hasn’t been texting back since 3 PM.
She is also not picking up the phone.
Did anything happen?
She would’ve called, right?
Anxious, I was barely able to focus on work in the last 2 hours, so, when 9:30 hit the clock and I still haven’t gotten any replies to my texts or calls, I decided to call it a day and head home.
The apartment was dark and silent, and instead of turning on the lights, I turned on my phone’s flashlight, not wanting to potentially wake up a sleeping household.
I headed first to Nari’s room and opened it quietly, in case she was sleeping, but she wasn’t in her bed. Confused, I went to the living room, which was empty as well.
I then made my way to the guestroom and tried not to pay attention to the uneasiness rising in my chest; Jieun would never go anywhere with Nari so late at night without telling me first, so there was no point in me being anxious in the first place.
I opened the door slowly and was met with the most heartwarming sight. Both girls were sleeping, Jieun’s arm around Nari, holding her protectively, with Nari cuddled up to Jieun’s chest.
I looked at them for a little while with a big smile plastered on my face, and I felt my breathing become normal, the uneasy feeling in my chest replaced with warmth.
They both looked so peaceful, that I decided to simply close the door as quietly as I’ve opened it and let them sleep undisturbed.
Chapter 8 | Chapter 10
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svtcupid · 9 months ago
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A home is a place where your family are they say. But...
'yah! Wake up or your going to be late.' the mother banged on the door.
'ehh. I’m awake.' the 15year old teen said in a scratchy voice as they left their room slouched walking towards the bathroom but before the latter could enter a force was pressed against the latter back as they landed on the wall groaned from the impact as the door to the bathroom was shut and locked causing the later to bang on the door in annoyance.
'Yah! Min! Gat out of the bathroom! You Jer-'
'No cussing!' the mother shouted.
'Eomma! Min is in the bathroom.'
'Then you should of went in quicker.'
the latter rolled their eyes before unlocking the door causing the boy in the shower to scream.
'Noona!!! Get out!!' The boy cried out to only go deaf to the girls ears who picked up her toothbrush and began her toth routine before doing her face routine seeing how long the boy was taking.
'Yah! Min if you don't come out in 2 mins. I am dragging you out of the shower.' The girl said coldly causing the boy to finish his shower and leave the bathroom not withiut cursing his sister.
After getting ready the girl bid her farewells to her grandparents who seemed to be in peaceful silence as grandfather read the daily newspaper while her grandmother was knitting a sweater as she likes to tell you the weather is getting colder or your growing and you need more clothes.
'Halemoni, habeoji I am going.'
'My granddaughter have fun and tell me if you meet any cute boys.' her halemoni said in a whisoher.
'what boys?! No boys!' Haboji ruled out as he glared at his wife playfully whilst the girl found the scene very amusing and loving.
‘Eomma, i’m leaving.’ The girl notified her mother who was busy in the kitchen.
‘What was the three rules?’ The mother quizzed causing the girl to whine.
‘Do i seriously have to recite it right now.’ The teen whined to only sigh seeing the stern look from her mother
‘Stay with my group and don’t get lost .’
‘Don’t talk to strangers and don’t accept anything from them.’
‘To take my meds on time if slight pain.’
happy?’she asked sarcatically
‘Hmm very happy.go.’ Mother said back sarcastically causing latter to grumble in annoyance as she left the kitchen to only be pushed again by the younger but the girl did not let it slide this time pulling the younger by his collar of his blazer causing the latter to gasp in surprise.
‘Asih. Noona let me go!’ The boy whined in annoyance.
‘While I’m gone take care everyone.
‘hmm. Don’t worry and stay there forever if you can.’ Said sarcastically
‘Hmm.sure.’ The girl rolled her eyes before messing the boys hair who groaned in annoyance.
The teen ran outside the house hearing repetitive beep of the horn causing the girl id her family once more before running towards the vehicle to see the culprit smiling innocently.
‘Driver, you serioulsy need to be fired from your job.’ The girlcomplained.
‘I’m sorry princess. I don’t meet your standard.’ Said sadcastically causing the girl to roll her eyes.
‘Is there water?’ The girl asked looking through the compartments of the car.
‘Hmm. There should be at the back.’causing the girl to reach at the back seat to retrieve a water bottle.
‘Did you not take your meds yet?’
‘I was rushing.’
‘Aish,how many times do i have to tell you to take your meds on time.’ Scolded the girl .
‘I’m sorry sir.’
after reaching the entrance of school the girl towards the driver and the and waved goodbye.
‘Na Jieun!’ Hearing her name the girl turned to see her friends waving at her
‘Bye appa.’ The girl shouted before running towards her friends.
‘Hmm. Have fun and becareful okay?’
Jieun and her class took the KTX to reach seoul then taking the coach to get to their hotel.
'You all must split into 4s and no mixing.' their teacher warned.
After getting comfortable in their hotel room, Jieun and her friends decided to go and window shop. Jieun was looking around in awe when she didn't see the person walking towards her causing the girl to stumble abit and same goes for the male teen causing the two to bow each other in apology before jieun left.
The girl was getting scolded by her friends for always being such a cluts, if only she stayed a minute longer.
The teen boy was about to leave when his eyes landed on something shining under the lights causing the latter to lift the shiny object before looking up to see the girl to only see no one.
Jieun was dragged into a hotpot restaurant where they decided to have their dinner little did they know, they were being surveillanced.
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casuallyimagining · 2 years ago
When September Ends (Teaser)
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Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: Six years after leaving your home planet, you’re forced to confront your past… and the one you left behind. Teaser Word Count: 633 Genre: Star Wars au, friends to enemies to ???, angst, fluff Teaser Warnings: mentions of minor character death, mentions of weapons
Notes: Thank you to @daechwitatamic and @the-boy-meets-evil for beta-ing this for me. you're both saints for listening to me complain about this fic for months.
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“Thank you for coming, Captain Min,” one of the commanders says.
Didn’t really have a choice, Yoongi thinks. But it’s not like I had anything better to do.
“We’ve received your official request to return to duty,” the commander–Commander Vela, Yoongi notes, though he’s only seen the man a small handful of times. “All four of them. Given the circumstances, we wanted to give you the opportunity to discuss this in person.”
What is there to discuss? Yoongi wants back in. He’s bored, itching to get back out in the field. He’s exhausted, he’s not sleeping, but that’s nothing a little adrenaline can’t fix. If he stays here, sitting around, doing nothing, he’s going to go fucking insane. And truthfully, not doing anything feels like he’s letting the Empire win, like Kitt and Feeney and Jieun’s deaths meant nothing. 
And he won’t let that happen.
But instead of saying all that, he says simply, “You need spies. I’m a spy. I don’t see where the issue is.”
Commander Vela hums, his attention falling to the data pad sitting on the table in front of him. “You’ve been through a lot, captain. Most men would, understandably, need to take time off to-”
“I don’t want time off.” Yoongi can tell his interruption isn’t taken well based on the grumbles that ripple through the room. But he can’t help it. If they would just listen to him, he could convince them that he was fine. Or, at least, that he would be fine if he could just get his life back to normal. “I’ve had time off. I want to get back out there. You need me back out there.”
It sounds cockier than he’d intended, but the sentiment is true. They’d just lost three of their best intelligence operatives. Yoongi knows they can’t afford to lose another. 
“How can we guarantee you’ll perform to standard?” A Mon Calamari major pipes up from the corner, his gravelly, grumbly voice cutting through the rabble that Yoongi’s words have caused. “How do you know you’re ready?”
The question catches Yoongi off-guard. “I just do,” he answers, and though it feels like a feeble, desperate answer, his voice comes out cool and confident.
More of the committee speak up. Yoongi can feel his blood pressure rise as the questions come, both more probing and more asinine. How is he feeling? How is he processing? Is he still up to date on his marksmanship training (even though his marksmanship training was basically just here’s a blaster, go shoot stuff)?
He’s fine. He’s processing well. Why don’t you give him a blaster and stand at twenty paces, and you can check yourself if his training is up-to-date?
Yoongi feels like he’s being interrogated. Do they treat their Imperial prisoners like this? He can feel the heat on his skin, can feel the thrumming in his veins. He takes a deep breath to calm himself, forces himself to unclench his jaw. He can’t let them see how much the questioning has affected him, even if the effect is just to piss him off. If they think he’s anything less than perfectly collected, they’ll never let him back in the field.
A dark-skinned commander is halfway through a long-winded question about security protocols, and safety, and something else that Yoongi has lost track of when a voice rings out above the din of the room.
“This is ridiculous,” it says, and it takes Yoongi a moment to find the speaker.
His heart rate picks up, and he can feel his palms get clammy as he zeroes in on her. There, three seats to the left of Commander Vela. He’d know that voice anywhere. And when her eyes lock with his, the room stops, the rest of higher command doesn’t matter.
It’s you.
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this fic has consumed 99% of my thoughts for several months now, and it's nowhere near completed, but I wanted to share what I've been working on and why I've not posted for a while.
I'd love to know your thoughts, whether you're excited, what you think so far. this fic is going to end up being massive, and I'd like to share more things along the way as I go, so I'd love to know if you're as excited about it as I am.
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moccahobi · 1 year ago
Tangled Mess: Game Night 1
Summary: yoongi is stuck in his thoughts during a game night, trying hard not to fall in love
Paring: Hoseok x GN Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook
Genre: Soulmate AU, Grad School AU, Young Professional AU, Angst, Fluff
Warnings: A Breakup
Word Count: 498 words
Part 1 << lMasterlist >> Next Part
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Yoongi looks on as Jungkook pushes against Y/n, the two locked in an intense mario kart game that will determine who gets to challenge Seokjin in the finale. He doesn’t know how this even happened. One minute, Hoseok was talking about meeting someone new who needed support and the next there was a new person being invited to their weekly game nights.
Which started because Yoongi was too damn shy to answer the silent question Jungkook asked when talking about going to a gaming cafe together. 
Yoongi knew that Jungkook was trying to ask Yoongi on a date, but Yoongi couldn’t cross that boundary. It was too big, a large insurmountable mountain that Yoongi was content looking up at and imagining a life where he was on the top. So instead Yoongi excitedly said yes and talked about inviting Taehyung and Seokjin who were also big gamers. 
The next day Jieun and Hoseok feigned upset at not being invited and another game night was planned at Jieun’s place. 
And in turn Namjoon and Jimin decided that they needed to be invited too and all the sudden it was a regular thing and people brought all different types of games to play. Some nights, ten people jammed into Jieun’s apartment all crowded around different games and talking philosophy. 
Now it was eleven people who are always invited to the game nights. Jungkook decided that for Y/n, he saw their gloomy exterior break into a smile once and decided that there would be a friendship and that Y/n was his child. It totally didn’t make Yoongi fall in love with Jungkook just a bit more. 
Nor did Jungkook sitting them down after he pulled them into a welcoming hug to talk about how competitive everyone here was and how sometimes they could get rough. It was a little silly to see him lecture Y/n on boundary settings and ask what they were comfortable with after he just hugged them without asking, but that just made Yoongi like him more, as a friend. Jungkook had done that to Yoongi after he’d pushed the poor man away during the hug. Soon after, Yoongi found himself never getting any affection unless he initiated it. It was a barrier that Yoongi didn’t know how to feel about. 
Tonight, Yoongi didn’t have energy or drive to compete in games and found himself sitting on the couch with Namjoon and Minseo (Namjoon’s current boyfriend). They were talking about the state of the world and how they navigate the grueling capitalistic system. 
Truly the perfect (worst) conversation to have to unwind after a day in said grueling capitalistic system. Especially as the two canoodled in between points and kissed each other when they said something “prophetic” or smart. It felt nice to be a third wheel, to be reminded in such an explicit and visible way that he was not in a relationship and could not get the same things. 
Yoongi needed it.
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skz-jieun · 1 year ago
Jieun's Phone
*Disclaimer: Not all pictures match the described items/are fitting to the description
[Phone, Case & Earphone]
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Jieun owns an iPhone 13 in pink, her favorite color. She owns headphones which were gifted to her by Chan, with cute heart symbols on them. Her Airpods are in a white shiny case with a pink flower. Her phone case is clear, and she has two polaroids from her group in it. One from the beach where they filmed ‘Mixtape: Time Out’ and another one from a concert.
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{Icons / Layout}
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Her phone layout is cute but simple. Her favorite color is also represented in her icons and her interest in fairy core is also found. She did this in a livestream with the help and opinion of Stays.
[Lock- & Home screen]
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Her lock screen is a picture of two hands that are touching but not really holding each other. Stays have first seen this in late 2021 and have started to speculate whose hand it could be. It appears as if both hands are female, which only fuels the rumors and speculations. Jieun has not made a statement to these rumors. Her home screen is a painting of Hyunjin that matches her icons and her vibe.
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners.
© skz-jieun - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
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atzjieun · 3 months ago
♫ LeeHi · H.S.K.T (feat. Wonstein)
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eundaimonia ❄️
View all 30,393 comments
eundaimonia 📸: wooyoung oppa (he forced me to credit him)
↳ wooyounggg__ you dragged me outside against my will >:(
↳ eundaimonia you WANTED to go outside
↳ wooyounggg__ nuh uh
↳ no1likeme8_8 you guys are idols if you’re going to bicker then do it privately
↳ imfinalho_ not at our dorm though. it’s peaceful right now
↳ im_ovation not at our’s either. yunho’s locked in on his game
↳ _starhwa_ neither of you live at our dorm so not here
9024kickthat not the teezers using jieun’s instagram as a forum post😭
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