min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Hi there my friend!! I'm glad to read again your works!! So happy!! I love them!!
I would want to request a fic about our lovely BTS boys in an imposter event, whatever you choose, it even could be the Grammys or whatever.
And the sickie baby being Hoseokie, the nerves plus the jet lag having him tired, he didn't slept well and during the event he began with a headache, so the members notice this and the cameras, he is looking sick, tired, and rubbing his temples and forehead, he looks pale, sweating and a little in pain, he keeps closing his eyes.
After the event lucky for him he survived, but during the vlive next following the event his headache developed into a full-kicking-ass bad migraine (uffff how I hate those) he tries to hide it, but his stomach is upset, he is now dizzy, nauseous, his eye sight is blurry, the lights stings and electrifies his eyes with pain and blindness, the noise and voices makes his skull turn into a drum and almost burst open from pain, and now his cute tummy is upset, whirling like a washing machine.
They notice soon he feels sick, he confess having a migraine je stands up and falls into Jungkook, who has to carry him bridal style to his hotel room, after the vñive finishes the found a sick Hoseok, he had vomit all over the bed, himself, he is whining in pain his head and stomach jurst so bad, he can speak from pain, and his legs are like jelly.
Members began to take care of him, medicine, bath, cleaned clothes, cold ice compress to his head, and warm ones for his stomach, a bucket, etc.
Hope you can write it! I really would appreciate it!!! Fighting!
Hello there! I'm glad you like my work! that motivates me to keep going so thank you for reading and enjoying it!
I'll choose the AMA's since it wasn't too long ago. I also there's a lot I can take from that night.
Sickie: Hobi
Caretakers: OT7
TW: mention of descriptions of V****
Thank you so much for requesting!
The members finally got a chance to sit in the crowd of people. They all sat in a row of couches They tried to look calm, collected every time the camera role in front of them. But they were all excited and nervous. Hosek felt like he was the most nervous out of the seven members. He was typically more outgoing and would usually be ready to bust a move, especially for the camera. The members when having a good time standing up and dancing, enjoying the music from other artists. Everyone except hobi. He had an elbow on the small table provided to hold drinks. He had the worst headache. He was also terribly get lagged. He couldn't really enjoy the even like the others, he couldn't muster up some fake fun.
He was hoping that if a camera came by that it would capture namjoon, v, jk, and Jimin who were all standing. Or focus on the two older hyungs who were sitting but clapping along and enjoying the loud music. but no out of all the members the cameras caught him. They played hobi's weak reaction to the music on the screen. The members got quiet, the members standing still danced along to the beat. All the member's attention is on the screen. He looked so... sick? The younger members brushed it off as nerves, but the other members plus the leader knew better. They knew something had to be wrong with hobi. namjoon looked back at hobi and so did Jimin.
Before Joonie had even said anything to him he stopped and looked at j hope. He was super sweaty, every now and then he'd rub his temples like his head hurt. All of the colors were gone from Jhope's typically warm and inviting skin tone. Leaving him to look pale and sickly. Jimin spoke up before Joonie finished examining him with his eyes. " Are you ok hobi? " There was so much concern in Jimin's voice. " I think I have a headache,... well.... to feels worse than that maybe a migraine?" Hobi closed his eyes and put his head in his hands. joon noticed how sweaty hobi was. He was surprised he hadn't sweat threw his shirt completely.
He knew hoseok was in a lot of pain, Jimin must have sensed it too because he quickly sat down beside hoseok and began to comfort him.
________________Time Skip __________________________
It was finally over, hoseok can barely believe he made it out of that place alive. He was so tired. He wanted nothing more than to lay down. His headache was a full-blown migraine now, he was sweating bullets and his stomach was starting to feel upset. how is he still nervous even after the event. He almost didn't notice but the vlive has already started. The crew left what felt like the brightest lights they had for the vlive. The lights sting his eyes and electrifies the pain that felt like was banging behind his eyes and temples. he knew it was a migraine when his vision began to blur he could barely see anything. his stomach swirls. he doesn't even bother with the celebration food all the members picked and ate. he didn't even want to give his stomach a chance.
The longer the live went on, the longer he had to sit with a bookie of food in front of him, just looking at the food made his stomach swirl like a washing machine. he rubbed his stomach. Ever since Jimin and namjoon noticed, that he wasn't doing so hot all of the members have kept an eye on him. They noticed everything from him sweating, to him constantly touching his temples and closing his eyes trying to hide and shield them from the light.
It was all too much he just couldn't take it anymore. He confessed out loud to everyone to having a terrible migraine and wanting to go to bed. Yoongi notices a weak he looks and asked if he needed help getting to bed. " I think I got it." Jhope falls down, landing almost completely onto jungkook. Jungkook slightly messing around took this as an opportunity to lift up hope and carry him. Jhope was completely surprised at this and so was his stomach. His stomach didn't like being carried around at all. Jungkook carried his hyung bridal style. Jhope was way too tired to even argue as to why he wouldn't let him walk there himself , hobi just kept his face hidden in jungkook chest hiding his eyes from the bright lights of each hall they walked through.
Jungkook gently placed his hyung in the bed. Let me know if you need anything at all. Jungkook turned off the lights in hobi's room and the light outside in the hall knowing that would help out hobi's migraine a bit.
As soon as the vlive was over they all rush over to hoseok's room to check on him. They instantly smelt something awful. Jimin turned on a small lap to see what was going on but did not want to disturb jhope if he was still sleeping. Once they could finally see what was going on all of their jaws drop to the floor. Hoseok was in fact awake he was sitting up with his hands on his stomach winning about the pain but not saying it in actual words. Hoseok was covered in chunks of unproperly digested food. from his shirt to his pants.
The was vomit everywhere. V had to step out of the room momentarily, he felt like he might gag at the sight and didn't want hobi to feel bad if he did. The sight was no for the weak stomach. Yoongi stepped into action after dealing with this many times before. Joon grabs him some clean clothes. "got It!" joon says going into hobi's duffle bag. V go grab some towels. "already on it." v yells out. before yg could say anything else Jimin had already left out the room for cleaning supplies. Jungkook looked for something to put hobi's sheets in. "can you help me with him?" yoongi asked Jin knowing he'd have a strong enough stomach to help with the actual sickie. Jin pulled off hobi's shirt and yg got his chunky vomit-covered pajama pants.
Together with Jin and yoongi lead hobi to the bathroom for a bath. they let jhope sit there for a while with the lights off. Jin and yg help jhope get cleaned up and dressed while everyone else prepared hobi's room to sleep in. V couldn't go inside his room until the smell had aired out so he opted for grabbing the complimentary water and crackers he found in the kitchen of the hotel. Namjoon and Jimin cleaned the bed the best they could and ordered a sheet and a comforter for the room which had arrived in a fast manner. Jungkook took the messed-up sheet and clothes and threw them in the washing machine. He hoped to salvage them for the hotel's sake but figured if he couldn't they'd just add a big extra to the tip and buy hobi more clothes.
Things finally died down. There were fewer members running around doing stuff. hoseoks' room was finally ready. He got into clean clothes with the help of yoongi and jin who guided him to his bed. J hope looked at the bed, it was as if nothing even happen in the room. He wishes he could thank the boys for the help they all gave him but he was still in far too much pain to speak.
All seven of the members stood and watched as hobi was guided and placed carefully into bed. V ran out and ran back in with a bucket to place by his side. " just in case" v stated. Suga walked out for a moment and grabbed medicine for jhope from his marry Poppins bag. " this one will help with nausea and this one will help with your migraine it works very well. " yg fed him the medicine using the water tae placed be side hobi's bed. The members all wished hobi a good night and left. Jimin stayed behind to rub hobi's stomach until he fell asleep.
this fic was cute I liked doing it a lot.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
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