#jezyk cantaville
theskyehealers · 10 months
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Near dawn, and Alynne turned over to note Jezyk standing there.
The winds had been howling through the night, attracting not one but two of their children. Yawning gently, she laughed under her breath.
"Do not look at me like that. The last time you did, she happened." And picked up Ula, their youngest. She fussed and reached her arms out to her father, while Alynne stayed snuggled in bed with some of their brood.
"Fine..." and reluctantly pushed herself out of their bed, "I need to speak to Lady Calliope and Lady Phoebe about preparations."
And stole Ula away while she left him with their other children. "Roslyn is in her room. You have Genevieve, Junelle, and Julien to mind." And smirked, "Good luck!" And scampered off, laughing lightly, and tip toeing her way to stoke the fireplace.
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thewaywardhealers · 3 years
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Exene and Eris had arrived at The Stony Hills with the gracious welcome of Alynne and Jezyk.
The Mystical Telekinetic and Dragon of Barley would come upon a throng of wolves, new homes, and the news that Exene already knew...
War was brewing, and they arrived in time to fight.
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theskyehealers · 1 year
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It had been a happy departure.
The War in Arbor had kept both Alynne and Jezyk from their four children, and they had returned to Hillside, happy to be with them, when the invitation to Alexandria's wedding was received. They left a fortnight after, and witnessed the joyous event.
Where drinks were shared, and Alex out-drank each and every one of her challengers. It was a raucous night, and the day that followed just as entertaining.
When the time for their happy departure loomed closer, they said their proper goodbyes, offers of welcomed visits extended, and even a plan for a family reunion at The Stony Hills and Oxbow Lakes was voiced.
The carriage carrying Alynne, Jezyk, Helena and Ulrich did not reach the docks before Alynne began to feel uncomfortable. And the carriage was soon filled with the sounds of her panting, as her early labor began.
Helena assuaged Jezyk's fears of his child being born too early.
Alynne breathed hard, panting as she was carried on a litter onto the ship, where the crew at first bristled at the idea of a woman actively in labor being brought on board, but they caved to the Giant Red Wolf's demands. Ulrich lead them to the room, where only Helena, Alynne and Jezyk remained.
As the ocean waved them closer and closer to Hillside, another call went out. The crew's chanting for protection and calm seas.
It would be Maris, in the dead of night,who heard the call in the deeper parts of Hillside who heard. And searched the waters for the newborn, birthed at sea.
Maris was an odd sight, emerging from the water, with nothing but water droplets clinging to her skin, and beckoned for the babe.
Alynne clung to her newborn, still born in her sac, a true mermaid's birth, another good omen.
Maris bestowed onto the newborn a promise, one that carried her voice across the sea, that she would never be alone. Her gift, a necklace to remind her of a promise never to be broken.
From Maris' words came Jezyk's suggestion for a name.
Returned to Hillside, and emerging from her seven day seclusion, Alynne spoke, with Jezyk by her side. The marking of red and black ocher staining their newborn's nose and forehead, earning a soft uncomfortable wail, she began.
"Our daughter saw the sea first, the ocean's allure settles deep within her. She is called upon by her animal totem, a bird of the ocean; a white-tailed eagle." and caressed her daughter's fair hair. "Jezyk and I have decided to honor her with the name of Ula for you are a jewel of the sea....and Vesna born under the watch of Vesna, the goddess of spring...she is of Clan Skye, and Clan Cantaville." she whispered to her. "our little mermaid."
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theskyehealers · 1 year
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"I am yours, and you are mine..."
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theskyehealers · 3 years
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Alynne thought the happiest she had ever seen her mate was when he was thought to be utterly alone with Julien. Both of them were enamoured with their newest addition, and while Julien settled quietly in his mother's arms when she nursed, was sung to and rocked him, it was only Jezyk who could soothe Julien to sleep almost every night. Julien had awoken her, fussing and hungry, but as she handed their son over, and she marveled at the sight of them. Julien so content to be sleeping against his father's bare chest, almost out, when she leaned over. "I am so happy with my boys." And laughed lightly, whispering. "Do not let Ros, Junie or Evie hear me say that." and lay her head against Jezyk's chest as well, watching Julien fall into a deeper sleep. "I should have gotten you a gift of some sort..." and pat Julien's bottom, "mayhaps, I already did."
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theskyehealers · 5 years
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At dusk, Alynne emerged with Jezyk by her side.  With little Junelle, and Roslyn clinging to their mother’s skirts, smiling and waving to their family members. In her arms, she cradled protectively her new baby girl.  Her hair dark, like Jezyk, and her same nose. Alynne glanced to Jezyk who moved in closer, holding the two little jars, one red, one black, mixed with tallow and oil to mark their daughter’s face. Glancing to her mother, Alynne felt timid, yet held firm and breathed out, “Today, I introduce, the first born to The Stony Hills & Oxbow Lakes.  A daughter, a warrior, a protector to these lands.” Carefully, she dipped her finger into the small bowl of red ochre, and ran the paint along her tiny nose. “You are here and now named Genevieve, for you shall be the leader, a tribeswoman to carefully, yet fiercely defend these lands.” and dipped another finger into the second bowl of black ochre. “You shall be protected, by the gentle, yet majestic snowy owl.” she added and heard Genevieve cry out, uncomfortable at being outside of her own warm blankets and mother’s embrace. “The moon and skies are yours Evie.” and kissed her daughter’s round cheek, and slowly handed her over to Jezyk, while she took hold of his free hand.
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theskyehealers · 5 years
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Amongst the wolves, Evie would grow, protected by Alynne, Jezyk, her sisters, Junelle and Roslyn. And the wolves, who howled their warning, these lands belonged to their new little princess, Genevieve.
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theskyehealers · 6 years
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Alynne growing rounder and each day passing had continued working with Jezyk, Esme and some of the wolves in building the Stony Hills & Oxbow Lakes.
Homes built and tucked creatively into the stone hills, and within the eyeline of the countless oxbow lakes that littered the high lands.
Alone and at times accompanied by either Jezyk or Esme, they explored, marking areas they deemed livable and marking paths to create for the future residents.
Dawn, her favorite time of day, Alynne found herself peering out over still clouds and half-smiled as Junelle clung to her, happily nursing, yet admiring the lands as well. Roslyn, more her father looked skeptically at the sights as light broke through the clouds.
"Home mama?"
"Yes, we are home poppet."
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theskyehealers · 4 years
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Meanwhile in The Stony Hills & Oxbow Lakes....
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theskyehealers · 7 years
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One sister and one brother planned, refusing to allow Alynne to rise from her bed, but both knew it was inevitable.  Alynne would participate in every portion of the naming ceremony, choosing to included Jezyk as well, including Daphne, showing her explaining why the Skyes chose to wait a full 7 sunrises to name their children. Even as her newborn slept soundly and bundled skin to skin to her body, she sat, joking with Seth about leaving her sister alone, but complimenting helping Aviva making some of the most beautiful babies she had ever seen. Alynne had her own plans for her newborn daughter’s future, and looking out at the people of Arbor and how they praised the fair-haired babe, she smiled with pride, showing them those grey-blue eyes that matched her own, but how, just like Roslyn, the little newborn girl looked like Jezyk. As the day came, The Tree People hummed, thumping at the ground again, and incorporated the Skye rituals, as Alynne and Jezyk stood before Alden & Daphne.  But Alynne refused to have the ritual without Aviva & Seth, and all their children. Jasper, Roslyn, Roark, Rickard, Rivka, Veda stood there, curiously noticing the newborn girl, before Alynne & Jezyk marked their daughter’s little button nose. The red line across her forehead first, “You little beam of light are named Junelle, to honor your fierce father who will watch over you with every breath in him….” and smiled at her daughter, “You honor the men in my life, Junelle….your second name is Adair….for you speak the heart of my brother…your uncle Alden.” and glanced to her brother, smiling to him as Alden swallowed hard, honor and pride written all over his bearded face and tightened his hand around Daphne’s. “You are a Skye still…you bear the blood of our family, you are a Skye.” she reiterated, and glanced to Jezyk, “and living proof of the venerability of a Cantaville.” Alynne mentioned as the second line, made from ash and oil marred her nose. “I have seen a falcon…” and smiled again, “You are protected from high above, and from the mother (earth) as well.” and soothed her fussy newborn with a kiss to her cheek.
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theskyehealers · 7 years
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She knew she shouldn’t, but Alynne, ever headstrong, wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and stepped out into the cool air and felt the first flakes of snow touch her nose and face. It had not taken long for her to recognize that life here was just as comfortable for the Tree People as things were for her in Hillside, despite the warring, despite the recent deaths. Six moons in, she touched her belly, feeling her little one respond, kicking her in return. Jezyk had only heard in passing what she had planned for them, for their future in Hillside and beyond.  The Skyes were not of royal blood, Aviva had interest in returning to Barley and her life there.  Alden was content in Arbor, and Alynne wanted to find her footing again.  She knew with the death of Shadrian, and his followers raiding Hillside, that she was now seen in a different light. What healer killed? Before she had departed, Alynne took her mother aside, and spoke of her desires; to begin to establish homes in The Stony Hills & Oxbow Lakes, and with great hesitation, Helena agreed. A scroll would arrive: ‘Alynne, Your father is headed to Arbor.  Send my love to your siblings, and to my grown boy Alden and his little family.  If the fates would have had it I wanted to be there with you all.  A Skye must always be in Hillside. There are 3 families that have expressed interest in following you.  It is a start.  Hillside was but a speck on a lone road.  You shall start and prove yourself my darling girl.  Be strong my little moonbeam. Your mother.’
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theskyehealers · 5 years
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While she wasn't the only one with child, Alynne was undeterred and traveling...
Where she was needed most, for the time being.
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theskyehealers · 7 years
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Long travels, dense lands, and finally she felt the change, something amiss and something familar. The gates had been closed, denying Helena a chance to return, but she persevered and finally, she was allowed home.
Guards were sent in search of Alynne, while Helena returned to the tiny cabin, where Hillside had first began. A little stretch of land, with a cabin and that fragrant first garden.
There, Helena would relax and find herself at peace, still unaware of all that had happened. But it was in the air, where wolves wandered and protected.
Alynne moved with Jezyk and Roslyn, and Esme, ever cautious after all that had happened.
A bruised Alynne reunited with her mother again, where she felt the protective and tender embrace once more, soothed by her words.
Tomorrow, they would talk, but for now, Helena was home.
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theskyehealers · 8 years
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Every night she yearned to sleep beside her beloved pirate. Every night, she comforted her daughter instead and remembered her heady task. She was still practicing, holding taut to that dagger and launching it with the ease of an expert archer. For she was. However, she never forgot Esme's words, and kept the dagger with her at all times, where it become an extension to her. With Roslyn on one hip, the other bounced against the dagger. Ros slept, bundled warm as she rehearsed throughout the night, jabbing hard into that dead tree; the victim to her frustrations, chipped deeply, with some limbs snapped clean and others jagged. "There is only one way this will end."
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theskyehealers · 3 years
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Alynne had been happily celebrating the happy occasion; her sister in law Tisha was to announce her engagement to Eddard. It had been intended, but as everyone was seated, Alynne's waters broke, and she was whisked away. With their own home too far and the contractions coming quicker and quicker, Tisha offered up her own home in the Stony Hills. She laughed at the mention of an escape for the pair of them, but also the very real possibility she would return in the same state she was in now. As their fourth child made their way into this world, she was sans midwife still. Liliana had been called, word sent to her via Matorin and Phoebe, where she was indisposed of for the time being. And so, Jezyk played the midwife to his own wife and child. Her laboring was short and soon enough, with one body wracking contraction, she was able to feel the baby turn and pull the baby free and to her. Once the newborn lay against her chest, she had Jess bring a towel and wiped their child clean, and to Jezyk's elation and Alynne's surprise, he announced, "Tis a boy love! We did it... A tree among the blooms now." There they waited, Alynne still connected to her son, Jezyk holding them as finally Liliana made an appearance. She helped quietly to offer a cleaned blade for Jezyk to use to separate mother from child. It would not be lost on the pair of them that their midwife had arrived so late and in such a state. In the end though, the trio rested together, son pressed against her mother's bare skin, tired from his own excursion and both cuddled into Jezyk. Seven sunrises and sunsets would pass before Alynne would emerge, with her newborn in her arms. But she addressed her people, smiling and with Jezyk by her side and their three daughters skirting the pair. "The Stony Hills & Oxbow Lakes welcomes its newest member of the clan." and glanced to Jezyk, where she made sure both shared the honor of naming and marking their child. She had asked Jezyk to carry the little jars of black and red ochre paste. Smiling at her son, she began with the black ochre, "Welcome Julien to this clan, our son. Named for your mighty father." and left a black mark across his tiny forehead. There was some oohing and ahhing from the crowd, where some jesting that Jezyk had finally proven himself. Alynne could not help but laugh, "Wolves protect you here, Fillan...and shall evermore." she added and ran the red ochre down the bridge of his nose. "You are Skye, you are Cantaville, you are one of all of us." And kissed her son's soft cheek, while Julien's sisters still marveled at their baby brother and her eyes turned to Jezyk.
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