#jeytiri gifs
nattikay · 28 days
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they nuzzle like cats it's canon
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Jake: "Damn, I'm beat. G'night, baby."
Neytiri: "I want another child."
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563 notes · View notes
ronwestbreeze · 8 months
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you're gonna go far | 8
pairing: jake sully x neytiri x tsu'tey x fem!human! reader summary: a scientist arrives on pandora (unwillingly) a year after the exile of the rda. now she must deal with the likes of a clan leader, a great warrior, and a thanator rider. word count: 3.8k
read on AO3
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There was blood that sputtered out of your mouth before you lost consciousness. Tsu’tey’s eyes widened and out of instinct—or perhaps his body had a mind of its own at that moment—caught you before your body could hit the ground. He held you up with one arm, his tension gave way to a perplexed emotion clashing with his barely restrained anger
“Take him to the Tsahik!” He shouted toward the warriors who had yet to leave. They had been waiting on his order. But they should’ve been gone by now. They should’ve been rushing back to save his little brother.
The sounds of the pa’li galloping away did not dissuade his focus on you. Blood roared through his ears, the rain became heavier to where their skin would be slippery to the touch just as the ground became a mess of mud and green. But you never once slipped from his hold. His grip was sure.
His baby brother was lying unconscious, bleeding out. And then there was you. Somehow at the scene. No explanation. No context that could’ve calmed his stormy mind. This Sky Person carrying his injured brother. That very sight would’ve sent him into a violent rage. You would’ve been dead without question.
And yet Tsu’tey didn’t let your limp body go.
There was the anger that stayed but it battled with something else he didn’t want to acknowledge. Distrust wrestling with a flicker of something he couldn’t—wouldn’t place.
He could’ve just left you for dead, making all of this easier.
So why wasn’t he? Why didn’t he just let you go? Why wasn’t this an easy decision for him like it should’ve been? Why was his mind a raging storm of conflict?
It should’ve been easy. It was easy. For his people, for his brother, he would leave you here to die. One less Sky Person on his land would’ve made no difference to him.
But. But.
If he were heartless, if he were a true warrior, a true Olo’eyktan, then he wouldn’t have been so hesitant right now. He wouldn’t have been coming into blows with his sense of morality. He would’ve been able to ignore your unexpected vulnerability and kept to his instincts that Sky People were nothing but soulless demons. Who, themselves, didn’t have a sense of morale. Who wouldn’t have thought twice about destroying his home? If he was a good leader, he wouldn’t have any problem returning the favor. It shouldn’t have mattered to him whether it was wrong or right to leave you here. The People came first.
The forest whispered its ancient secrets to him. Unknown eyes watched him. Pandora was waiting. A delicate balance hanging in the air like an unspoken truth. This heavyweight—this decision—bore down on him. And if anyone were there to witness this, they would not see the stone-faced, sure warrior that was Tsu’tey the Olo’eyktan. But instead, they would see the clash of emotions carved onto his stone-like face. Not of a warrior but of a man.
This simple decision…the hesitation was enough of an answer.
So Tsu’tey called to his pa’li, who had stayed at his side instead of wandering off with the rest of her kin. He heaved your body onto the back of the creature before he got on himself. Your body now slumped against his chest as he yipped at the pa’li to move forward.
He wasn’t a good warrior. He wasn’t a good Olo’eyktan.
His hold tightened around your waist to keep you upright as the pa’li moved.
Yes. That much was so.
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This rope of foreboding never loosened from Jake’s chest, even hours later.
Even after the warriors came back with Arvok’s limp and bloodied body—it was worse then. Finding the young warrior pale and at the brink of death, not knowing how this happened or why, it brought a sense of unyielding dread that weighed down on his chest. An unbearable weight. This powerful wave of emotions crashing against Jake relentlessly, hoping to knock him down to his knees.
And he nearly toppled over. He nearly staggered.
But he was now in the Tsahik’s hands. They had gotten him back in time for Mo’at to do her work rather urgently yet precisely. Arvok had been stabbed but after she had gotten a better look at it, it wasn’t fatal. No vital organs were damaged and there wasn’t an exit wound. The problem was just stopping the bleeding.
Which was why Jake’s hands were dried and sticky with red. It took a while to get Arvok to stop bleeding. At some points, Jake, who had his hand pressed against the wound at Mo’at’s orders, could’ve sworn his heart stopped a few times from how much blood he was losing by the hour.
Eventually, Mo’at miraculously got the bleeding to stop. She placed a molding paste against the wound. And once the paste dried she wrapped his waist up with long grass to add pressure against it.
Now there was an eerie quiet that settled in the Tsahik’s hut. Tsu’tey had Arvok’s head resting on his lap, whispering words of comfort to him now and then. Arvok had been awake moments before, whimpering from the pain. But even when he was long asleep, Tsu’tey did not stop his comfort, nor did he let his brother go.
Neytiri, throughout all of this, had helped her mother with Arvok. She grabbed the ingredients, the medicine, the tools, all of it with a barely composed expression. If she were training to be the next Tsahik, then she would have to be level-headed and composed just as her mother was. But even then, Jake could see her mask break whenever Arvok suffered through the hours. He saw the glassiness in her eyes as she handed Mo’at a bowl that was mixed with crushed medicine and the salty waters of her worry.
Perhaps it was different for Neytiri as she practically saw Arvok’s birth and watched him grow up. But for Jake, Tsu’tey’s brother wasn’t just another clan member. He was different from his mother and often sought the approval of his elder brother. He was a kind soul, one that wasn’t as easily swayed by his mother’s bitterness nor his father’s meek will.
Arvok was family. There wasn’t a question about it.
It was a simple mission gone wrong. Arvok had been tasked to meet with some of the warriors from the Tipani clan. The details after that were unknown to Jake, Tsu’tey, and Neytiri. They wouldn’t know what had happened until Arvok woke up and was conscious enough to retell the events leading up to Reeds finding him and bringing him to their warriors.
For all they knew now, the Tipani warriors might’ve attacked Arvok. Which was the worst-case scenario. It could lead to a war between clans. A war that they were trying with all of their power to prevent. Undone by an attack.
Jake prayed it wasn’t the Tipani that did this. He prayed for no war every day. He prayed that his days in battle had finally come to an end.
Then there was you.
Neytiri had been glancing toward your still avatar body that lay a few feet away ever since they entered Mo’at’s hut. Jake knew you would’ve long unlinked from the body but that didn’t mean the avatar didn’t need tending to as well.
After Mo’at had gotten control of Arvok’s bleeding, she identified the deadly poison and made medicine for it to hopefully save your avatar’s body. But the chances were highly unlikely as the poison had already made its way deep into your system. With the sweat coding your pale skin and the tremors in your muscles Jake felt when pressing his ear against the avatar’s chest to listen to the heartbeat, he wasn’t sure it was looking good for your avatar’s body.
There were moments when Jake noticed the subtle glances Tsu’tey shot toward your avatar. An unknown expression fell onto his face every time he did. In those moments, Jake wanted to ask, he wanted to know what troubled him so when it came to you. This reaction wasn’t the usual he had when it came to you. This was different.
But right now, Jake didn’t have time to pick apart Tsu’tey or your interactions. Right now, the focus was Arvok.
And that was all that mattered—
Norm had suddenly burst into the hut, surprising all four of them from the tense silence they had been sitting in before.
“How dare you, demon!” Tsu’tey snapped, his vicious scowl replacing his previous grim and exhausted expression. “What gives you the right to be in the Tsahik’s hut?! And without my say-so—
“Calm yourself, Olo’eyktan.” Mo’at raised her hand toward him, her eyes never wavering from Norm’s, whom Jake noticed was torn with despair and anguish. Mo’at stood, “Jakesully, there has been a development,” Before Jake could ask how she knew this, she continued, “Go with your friend and listen to his words carefully.”
At that Jake pushed to his feet, and squeezed Tsu’tey’s shoulder before he followed Norm out of the hut.
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Hours later, Neytiri finally cried.
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A sudden pain struck your body and jolted you awake.
You took in a sharp gasp as someone hissed over you, “Shit!”
Immediately, your body went into defense mode just like when you had woken up on the ship with DeVoe. But before you could gather full control of your body, firm hands restrained you.
You screamed when more pain—a burning sensation—hit your shoulder. There was no rational thought left in your mind as you fought so hard to get out of this iron grip. But whoever had you made an effort for their grip to remain sure.
“Reeds, Reeds—listen to me!” It was Jake’s voice. He was somewhere around you—no, close to you—far away? Was that a comfort then? Your body—which was somewhat relaxed—must’ve thought so. The larger hands moved from your waist to cupping your face, “You’re safe, okay? You’re with the People. Tsu’tey brought you back…”
The People? Did he mean the Omatikaya? How did you get here? What—why were you with Jake?
You were so out of it that you could barely register your surroundings.
“I can’t—why—why am I here?” Slurred words spilled out of your mouth, jaw too tight to speak properly.
“She’s awake!” Jake called out to whoever was there. “Someone get the Tsahik now!” Your body was too heavy but you managed to grab something firm—an arm—and held on as tightly as you could. Like you were trying to grasp onto whatever ground you, stopping you from falling away into the murky waters.
“Sully—what’s happening to me?”
You weren’t even sure if he understood your question. Or if what you said was words at all. They were so slurred together and hard to get out like your body didn’t want to cooperate with you. A whimper left your lips next, tears itching in the corner of your eye sockets.
Thumbs gently wiped away the tears that threatened to roll past your cheek, “You’re gonna be fine, Reeds. You…” He paused as if considering his words. “Arvok said you had taken an arrow to your arm—the tip must’ve been poisoned—Tsahik.”
The last part wasn’t directed toward you but rather someone else. “Hold her down, Jakesully. We do not want her to move for this.”
“Hey, Reeds,” One hand gripped the side of your face as if to bring you back to where you were. To keep you here with him. With them. But the black dots in your eyes worsened and the blur in your vision never went away. “You gotta hold still for me. We’re gonna get the rest of the poison out. I just need you to work with me—”
A scream tore through your throat when your skin suddenly burned again. More hands pressed you down to the ground, keeping you from moving any further.
As time went by—or maybe no time went past—the searing pain wouldn’t stop. You tried swallowing your screams, skin sticky with sweat at this point. The pain stayed but the exhaustion grew heavier. So heavy that it practically knocked you out.
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The next time you woke up, Neytiri was holding your hand.
There wasn’t much pain this time but you didn’t feel any better than before. You felt different but sick. A different kind of sickness. You had never felt this awful in your entire short existence.
But there was a sort of comfort in all of this. The warmth from Neytiri’s hands around yours grounded you a bit, but everything else still felt off.
You curled in on yourself with a quiet whimper, her hold on your hand tightened and her other hand gently caressed the curve of your very high-temperature cheek.
There were quiet sniffles next to you, “Ma’ tanhi.”
A part of you the small non-sluggish part of your brain, wondered what tanhi meant. You always meant to ask ever since she started calling you by that. But you just never found the time nor bothered to bring it up.
And why did she call you that with such—adoration? Gentleness?
“—not out of the woods yet.” That was Norm. Wasn’t it? The new voice sounded eerily similar to him. “She’ll have to sweat it off. The poison’s out, now she just has to deal with the—well, the after-effects of—”
You didn't hear the rest, even when you tried willing yourself to stay awake.
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At some point, you could’ve sworn you heard a baby crying.
Crying. Crying. Crying.
Why is anyone getting the baby?
Then you saw the tank amid all the darkness. Within the glass, the lights were red. You couldn’t see the avatar inside of it. You couldn’t see the baby.
Where was she? Where was the baby?
Eventually, you woke up. Or maybe you were still asleep.
Frustratingly enough, your body still felt heavy. But you could see a bit of your surroundings better than before. You weren’t at Hell’s Gate, that was the first thing you noticed. But instead in some hut of sorts. The floor underneath you was soft—like a mat. Your skin wasn’t hot or sticky. Instead, you felt the coolness of the air hit your back with the smell of rain brushing against your nose and easing the tension in your tremoring muscles.
Across from you was a hunched figure. It must’ve been Jake.
You forced out your words through your dry throat, “Is the baby…is she okay? Where’s—Where’s Norm—”
“You should worry about yourself, demon.”
“—he was just here…I swear I heard…”
Something shifted within the hut. It wasn’t you, your body wasn’t moving anytime soon. But a sudden shadow loomed over you and there was a slight tug against your arm, where it had been burning before.
Something touched your forehead and then went away in an instant. Then a hand grabbed at your wrist, a thumb pressing just below your palm. The hand stayed there for a moment longer than before and eventually disappeared, leaving cool air brushing along your fingers.
“You should be dead. And yet the Great Mother has favored you, dreamwalker. But you are still not well. The Tsahik wants you to rest. So rest.”
And you did so. You allowed your heavy eyelids to close.
Not even realizing that it wasn’t even Jake’s voice that you had spoken to just then.
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Some part of your body moved without you realizing it. A lower part of your body—your right leg. Your ears twitched and your tail swished slightly.
“She’s made progress.” A voice—Mo’at said. Good, you were starting to recognize voices better in this state.
Instead of heaviness, your muscles were sore. Fortunately, you weren’t as hot anymore either. Mo’at’s words were true. Your body was improving, that much was so.
How long have you been out?
You still felt exhausted. A different type of exhaustion than you were used to.
“How long until she’s awake?’ Jake. That was Jake this time.
“Soon,” Mo’at responded. “The poison’s completely out of her system. She should be waking up in the Great Mother allows it.
Your body was still tense. Leg still twitched now and then. Like there were tremors there. You’d have to massage it out once you were fully recovered.
“It would take time for her to adjust since the process was so abrupt—”
Your leg wouldn’t stop twitching. At this point it was uncomfortable.
“Jakesully.” Mo’at must’ve read your mind because you mediately felt a pair of hands on your twitching leg. “Put your hands there—” She said the rest of her orders in Na’vi but seconds later larger hands joined Mo’at’s—which, if you had to guess, was Jake’s.
They both began massaging the leg.
Eventually, you fell back to sleep. Not unconscious.
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It took you a while before you opened your eyes and everything kind of fell into place.
You were still in your avatar. Somehow, you managed to stay in this body without unlinking which you sluggishly wondered how that worked.
Slowly, you sat up. Good, you were now in control of your body at least.
And you were still in a hut, not Hell’s Gate.
Jake—he mentioned you were at the new base for the Omatikaya clan. Which surprised you since their Olo’eyktan specifically was adamant to keep you away from their land. But now you were here?
That’s when you remembered everything that had happened before you passed out in the forest.
Arvok. The arrow—you were poisoned. Something about the tip of the arrow.
How long were you out for? Was the baby okay?
There was crying—was that even real? Was everything you saw when you were “awake” real?
You looked down at yourself to find that you were still in your shorts but your shirt was shredded. Your left shoulder—from the palulukan attack—was now wrapped up in green. Your right arm didn’t throb anymore and the slit from the arrow tip was now hidden away by green mush.
But other than that, you did not doubt that you looked particularly rough.
After taking in your surroundings and slowly gathering your senses, you tried to stand next. Albeit wobbly, you managed to balance yourself quite well. Like you were walking for the first time—like you were back in the days when you were training to control your avatar body.
“Whoa, hey!”
You jumped as Norm in his avatar—who practically appeared out of nowhere, rushed into the hut toward you. “Hey, hey, take it easy. Mo’at says you shouldn’t be moving too much yet.”
“I’ve barely moved an inch.” You mumbled as Norm stood at your side to support some of your weight. “And I can walk perfectly fine, thanks. How long was I out anyway?
Norm paused before responding, “Three days.”
You nodded. “Felt longer—how’s the baby? Is she—”
“She’s fine, Doc, could be born any day now. But I need you to listen to me real quick—”
You frowned at him as you finally stood straighter on your own, “My crops better still be alive, Spellman—”
Two more figures suddenly entered the hut. Both you and Norm looked to find Jake and Neytiri staring at the both of you in surprise and relief.
Neytiri rushed toward you and pulled you into a tight hug, “Oh, thank you, Great Mother! Thank you!”
Despite how flattered you felt at her expressive worry, you hugged her back stiffly, still quite surprised by the sudden physical affection from the woman. Over her shoulder, you looked at both Norm and Jake curiously, both holding grim expressions—Norm in particular avoided your quizzical gaze when you tried silently asking him what you had missed.
Neytiri pulled away a bit, analyzing your face with a relieved smile and puffy red eyes. You frowned, “I take it that my being poisoned was rough then.”
Now it was Jake who didn’t say anything and kept his gaze toward the ground.
Norm cleared his throat, “Something like that.”
You hummed, “Sorry for the inconvenience.”
“No, Reeds,” Norm shook his head, his ears lowering. “that’s not…Something happened after the poison set in. After you were brought to the clan…”
Your heart lurched at how serious he sounded. At how serious and grim he appeared. Neytiri now held your hands tightly in hers while Jake watched your reaction carefully.
For some reason, you suddenly felt cornered.
Norm ran a hand over his face before continuing cautiously, “You went into cardiac arrest in the link bed—I don’t know, maybe the sheer shock of the poison caused it—we took you out and we did—we tried…”
You felt like throwing up.
“Ma’ tanhi—”
Neytiri had reached to comfort you. To ease you before you heard the inevitable truth that Norm had yet to reveal.
Instead of sinking into her hold, instead of using her as a way of protection, you flinched out of her hold and backed away from the three of them. Staggering backward, your legs becoming jelly.
“Your human body died, Reeds. When you were brought to the clan—back at Hell’s Gate you were already gone. And when I came back here to get your avatar, they told me you were awake. I don’t know how—”
“Guys, I think we should cool off a bit.” Jake tried reasoning.
“It was Eywa,” Neytiri said firmly. “She saved you. There is a reason—”
You dropped to your knees.
“Whoa, whoa,” Jake rushed to your side. You shook your head, breaths shaky. “Okay, why don’t we slow down with her—it’s a lot to take in right now.”
You just couldn’t breathe.
Your hands trembled and the warm atmosphere of the hut blurred in your vision.
Jake’s hand grasped the back of your neck, “Hey, look at me. Breathe. It’s okay, just breathe, Reeds.” He gently pressed his hand against your chest and began breathing in and out slowly himself. “Just copy me. In and out.”
It started shaky but you copied him. Neytiri knelt next to Jake, watching you steadily as you struggled to get yourself to calm down.
She squeezed your arm gently, her heart clenching at the broken sight of you.
Oh, Eywa, she hated seeing you this way.
Eventually, not perfectly, you got your breathing to a steady pace that was far more manageable than before. Jake gave the pack of your neck a little squeeze, “Yeah, you got it. Good girl.” He then looked over his shoulder at Norm, “Let’s give her some room, okay?” At that, he looked at Neytiri who frowned at this. “Let her rest some more.”
Neytiri didn’t like it. But seeing as you were in no condition to receive any comfort nor did she wish to push you any further and hurt you more, she gave in to Jake’s wishes without protest.
You didn’t hear them leave. Nor did you feel Jake’s hand leave your neck.
At some point you were alone.
Alone with your new body.
Your only body.
The bile finally came up and spilled onto the ground next to you.
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i felt bad leaving y'all on that cliffhanger last chapter. so what do you know, i went ahead and wrote up chapter eight for y'all. yes it's a lot shorter than all the other chapters but the next chapter is definitely longer so don't worry!
let me know what you think. and thanks for reading!
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(i'm not adding any more people anymore!)
taglist: @doggyteam2028 @bigbootahjudy @innercreationflower @n7cje @celi-xxmoon @readerofallthingss @sillyblues @saturnhas82moons @1mawh0re @aprosiacperson @loserwithnofriends @garfieldsladybird @slutforsmut4ever @lik0
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jakexneytiri · 10 months
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thigh tap supremacy 🫶🏼
731 notes · View notes
eywaseclipse · 5 months
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She was so silly for that
375 notes · View notes
liliesonpandora · 1 year
I’m a Warrior Like You
Pairing: Jake Sully x Daughter! Reader
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(Gifs by World-of-Pandora)
Plot: You are Jake and Neytiri’s only daughter and youngest child. You disobey your father’s orders and leave home to join the mission where you put yourself in danger. He saves you and you have a fight when he gets home.
Warnings: violence, family conflict, angst
Note: single quotation indicate inner thoughts; double quotation indicate spoken dialogue
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You and Lo’ak sat crosslegged in your family’s tent at High Camp, waiting for Neteyam to return with news from the war party. As his figure appeared at the entrance, you both got to your feet anticipating his report.
“Teyam, what’s going on?” You asked him without hesitating, curious to find out what the mission was.
He paused to take a breath after running all the way back. “Cargo train is on schedule to come through pretty soon. It’s carrying weapons and all kinds of materials. We’re gunna stop it on the route and steal as much cargo as we can before they hit us back.”
You and Lo’ak exchange a look. You both knew that hitting a cargo train was huge. They go incredibly fast and don’t do unplanned stops until reaching their destination. They wouldn’t be expecting an attack.
“When do we head out?” You ask Neteyam.
He quickly glances at his brother with an expression you don’t quite recognize. He hesitates a little with his response, which is different from the conviction he had less than a minute ago. “Um Dad’s waiting on a report from Tarsem, and then he’ll give out orders any minute now.”
You run over to the weapons shelf to grab your bow and secure it on your body. Lo’ak and Neteyam watch you and you can already tell what they are thinking without having to ask. ‘So that’s what this is about,’ you think to yourself. You speak before either one of them could say anything.“Dad is gunna let me come this time, he has to.”
“I don’t know, baby sister. Don’t get your hopes up,” Neteyam warned while giving you a sorry look. Your father rarely lets you join the war party like your brothers. You were the youngest. But you’ve been practicing your flying and hunting everyday. It was only a matter of time that he let you come on the mission. And this one was big… they would need as many eyes in the sky as possible.
“If you guys are going on this mission, then so am I.”
Lo’ak shot one more skeptical look at Neteyam and shrugged. They could think whatever they wanted, but you didn’t care. A few moments later, Jake came sprinting into the tent. His eyes scanned the area to take a look at his children, and they settled on his eldest first. “Okay, we’re moving out. Neteyam, report to Tarsem. He will put you and the other young hunters in position. Follow his orders.”
“Yes sir,” Neteyam replied with a nod before exiting the tent.
He turned to Lo’ak next. “Lo’ak you’ll be spotting from above and calling in any enemy aircrafts. You know what to do.”
‘So do I,’ you think.
“Wait for your mom’s signal and then head out, copy?”
“Copy.” Lo’ak’s eyes linger on you for a while while he is exiting the tent. You give him the slightest nod, letting him know that you would be okay. You watch him leave and then turn back to your father. He is now reaching for his rifle and checking his ammo. You wait patiently for your order, but it never arrives.
Without even looking in your direction, Jake begins to walk out of the tent. You couldn’t believe he was doing it again. ‘Theres no way he’s going to ignore me,’ you think. You run after him and clear your throat. Suddenly there was a lump that wasn’t there before. You remember that every other time up until now, you had stayed home while your parents and brothers went on missions. You never complained, only obeyed. But today was going to be different. Today you were ready, and you were certain of it.
“Um Dad, what about me?” But no response. ‘Is he too preoccupied? Or is he ignoring me?’
“Dad!” You shout, which finally gets his attention and he looks in your direction, waiting for you to speak. You can’t tell what the expression on his face is. ‘Is he annoyed?' You don't know and you don't care. His eyes travel down to your body, like he is only now noticing that you are equipped with your bow. You swallow and speak.
“What should I do? I can get in position with Lo’ak when it’s time,” you offer.
“No babygirl, stay here with your grandmother.”
“You heard me, y/n. I don’t have time to argue with you right now, get back inside.”
You open your mouth to protest, but he interrupts before you can. “Don't make me repeat myself, you understand me?”
You said nothing, only stared at him while your bottom lip started to quiver.
“Do. you. understand me?” He said once more, but much slower and harsher. ‘What was this tone? He had never spoken to you like that before. Why was he being so mean?’ You were fuming with anger. Why was he so unwavering in his decision? You hesitated for a little, considering talking back. But you knew this wasn’t the time or place, it would only make him mad. So you swallowed your pride and answered him.
“Loud and clear,” you say through gritted teeth, making sure he knew how you felt about the situation. Without another word, he mounts his Ikran and takes flight. At this point, you are fighting back tears. You couldn't believe he would force you to stay home once again while everyone else was out fighting. But you knew one thing... there was no way you were going back inside.
Everyone had already left, and your grandmother was stationed in the healing and recovery tent. You could leave and no one would even realize you were gone. You moved swiftly because you knew that if you gave yourself more time to think, you would talk yourself out of it.
You ran to your ikran, which was already saddled up. It provided for a smooth mount. You connected your queue with hers and felt her deep breathing through tsaheylu. “Okay girl, let’s do this,” you tell her. And within seconds, you were off gliding through the air.
Lo’ak had left a good while ago, but that didn’t matter. You knew exactly where to meet and you would catch up to him in no time. You often listened in on the war party’s strategic meetings. Not only were your senses keen, but you were also good at staying hidden and evading anyone before being caught. It served you well.
You eventually spot Lo’ak and circle around, greeting him. A smile lit up his face and he looked excited to see you. You had to admit, it felt good to be out here with him; it was exhilarating.
“Y/n! Dad let you come?”
“Yeah, he gave me orders right after you left,” you lie.
His smile of excitement turns into a skeptical smirk. “Bullshit, then how come he didn’t just tell us to leave together?”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance at how quick he assumed you were lying. You thought about continuing the lie but ultimately decided against it and admitted the truth. “Alright fine, he told me to stay home. But I left anyway.”
He put his hand up to his head and groaned. “Jesus, you’re done for.”
“I’ve always done what he asked of me and this is the first time I’m doing something for me. He can’t be that mad.”
“I don’t know sis, first offense is always worse cause he expects more from you. Take it from me, a repeat offender," he warns with his palms up in the air.
You hate to admit it, but Lo’ak might actually be right about this one. You really didn’t want to disappoint your father, but you felt like you would be easily forgiven. Yeah you snuck out, but you were being safe and useful. You decided that the reward was worth the risk. “Don’t worry about me,” you tell Lo'ak.
“Okay come on, I’ve been circling the area.”
“Anything, yet?”
After waiting for what seemed like five minutes, you spotted something down in the forest. “Lo’ak, AMP suits 9’ o clock.”
“Holy shit, I didn’t even see em.”
“Hurry up and call it in. Or do I have to do your job for you again?”
“Damn sis, go easy on me. Maybe Dad should have you out here."
You smiled at him proudly. You’d call it in yourself but you left your tech at home, which was an amateur move on your part. Oh yeah, and there's also the fact that you weren’t supposed to be there and your dad would kill you if he found out.
Lo’ak pressed the mic on his comms and called to your father. “Devil Dog come in, this is Eagle Eye.”
“Eagle Eye, send your traffic.”
“Got eyes on two AMP suits, carrying heavy gear.”
“What’s their position? Over.”
“About two klicks south, right past the old cave. Over.”
“On my way. Over.”
Lo'ak turned to you next. “Y/n, you should probably get out of here before Dad sees you.”
“No way, things just got exciting.”
“It’s your funeral.”
“We’re so far away from the action, it’ll be fine. I’ll leave before he-
“Eagle eye come in, this is Devil Dog.” The sound of your father's voice interrupted you.
“I read you," Lo'ak responded.
“We’re taking fire over here, I won’t make it to you. Abort the mission and get to cover!”
“Copy that!"
"Alright baby sis, we gotta go," Lo'ak said to you.
“Wait, we can do it.”
“Dad can't get here in time, but you and I can do it.”
“I like a little adventure as much as the next guy, but that plan is actually insane.”
“It will work. You saw all that gear they were packing, it's a major jackpot. There's two of them and two of us. If we attack from above, they won't even see us coming. They won't have time to hit us back."
“I don't know about this. Usually, I'm the one doing stupid shit. Who are you?”
You ignored his joking demeanor, you were serious. “Aren't you tired of being overshadowed and ignored?”
“Yeah, I guess?”
“I don't know about you, but I wanna prove what I can do. And I know I can do this.”
He looked like he was thinking it over, going through all the scenarios in his head. And then finally he agreed. “Okay.”
“Okay?” You repeated.
“Let’s do it.” You knew you could count on him, he always had your back. The both of you began to dive down into the forest, getting closer to the targets.
“How’s your aim?” You asked him.
“Could be better.” Suddenly he was worrying you.
“That’s not what I wanted to hear, big bro.”
“Don't worry, I got this.”
“That’s more like it.”
The two of you go over the plan a few times while flying to the location. Hidden amongst the trees, you would aim your bows and take them out simultaneously as they were walking in your direction. If either of you failed, it would alert them to your position and trigger a counterattack. So you knew you couldn't fail. You took a few deep breaths, all your training had prepared you for this moment. You lined up your arrow and signaled for Lo'ak to do the same. "On me," you whispered. He nodded in agreement. Then you mouthed a countdown silently and… released.
You watched as both arrows instantaneously pierced the glass of the suits and the bodies that inhabited them. The machines, no longer having someone to control them, fell to the ground with a huge thud. You and Lo'ak looked at each other in amazement. He put a finger to his lips, telling you to stay quiet. You waited for a while in silence, wanting to make sure they were dead. When it felt safe, you jumped down from the trees, leaving your ikrans perched. Creeping up behind the machinery, you confirmed the kills. "Oh my god,” you exclaimed, in disbelief that it actually worked.
"We actually did it! Woohoo!" Lo'ak yelled while raising his arm to give you a high five. You slapped his hand with yours and pulled him in for a hug. "Hell yeah, I knew we could do it!" You cried. The smile on Lo'ak's face was big and bright.
"Okay, now let's see about the gear," he reminded you. You nodded in response. You were about to begin opening cases of weapons when you were interrupted by the loud whirring of a helicopter approaching. You looked to the sky to see where it was coming from. ‘Oh no.’
“Shit! Run back to the Ikran, go!" Lo'ak screamed.
Without another word, you took off running as fast as you could. Why the hell would you leave the ikran so far away?! You weren't thinking.
"Call Dad!" You screamed over your shoulder at Lo'ak, but you couldn't see where he was. Your vision was blurred and your legs felt like jelly from the adrenaline. An explosive hit the ground by your feet, flinging your body into the air. You hit the ground below with incredible force. And then there was just darkness.
“Y/n! y/n! Baby, wake up please!” You slowly opened your eyes and your father's face came into focus.
“Oh thank god, what the hell are you doing here y/n?!”
Then you remember where you were and what you did. You opened your mouth to speak, but it was difficult to talk. “I just... wanted to help.”
You moved to sit up, but dizziness overtook and there was an aching pain in your head. ‘And where was Lo'ak?’ you wondered. “Woah not so fast, I got you.” Your dad said before he scooped you up in his arms and began to run.
"Yes, baby."
“My head hurts.”
“You must have hit it pretty hard. But you know who I am and where you are, so that’s a good sign.”
“I’m sorry. Are you mad?”
“Never mind that. I’m gonna get you home now. Just try to stay awake for me okay?”
“Okay.” But you could already feel your vision getting blurred again, and your eyelids felt extremely heavy. The last thing you remember is your father calling your name before the darkness.
You opened your eyes to the ceiling of the tent. You were lying in one of the bigger hammocks at home, and there was wrapping all over your body. You guess that's where you were wounded. You notice that your head no longer hurts like it did before. Grandmother must have healed you. You begin to sit upright. “Ma ite, you are awake," your mother said softly with a smile.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better. Where’s Lo’ak?”
“He is with Neteyam, he is alright.”
“And Dad?”
“He is taking care of the aftermath of the mission, he will be home soon. You hit your head, we were so worried about you.”
“I’m sorry, mom.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to scold you. I’m afraid your father will do enough of that for both of us.”
“You don’t agree with him, do you?"
“That doesn’t matter right now, my love. You know how much worse this could have been. You are never supposed to go off on your own, even if your brother was with you.”
“I know.”
The screech of your father’s ikran echoes throughout the cave. Your heart begins to race. ‘Be strong, be strong,’ you repeat over and over in your head. Your mother gives you a concerned look before she leaves the tent to greet your father.
“Hey sweetheart, where’s y/n? Is she feeling okay?” You hear him ask her. 'So he is worried about me, that's a good sign.'
“She’s inside. She said she feels much better… Jake go easy on her for now, she’s still recovering.”
'Uh oh,' you think. Your father enters the tent and walks over to you.
"You feeling better, honey?" You nod, taken aback at the question.
“What were you thinking? Do you know how dangerous that was?!"
“Yes sir."
“You deliberately disobeyed my direct order and put yourself into harms way!”
“You refuse to let me come on missions! I was just trying to show you that I can handle this! The mission was going fine, I just got ahead of myself at the end and… I messed up okay! I know that!
“There’s a reason I told you to stay home.”
“Really? What is it then?! Because whenever I ask, it seems to just be cause you said so. I have listened to you every time. I have obeyed every order from you. And the one time…”
“You’re not ready.”
“I’ve passed every test a warrior needs to pass, Dad. I am more than ready.”
“You don’t understand the gravity of what you've done. What if things were worse? I need to be prepared to get all of you out of there if something goes wrong. If I don’t even know where you are, let alone that you’re out there at all… how am I supposed to make sure you’re safe? Did you think about that?"
You said nothing.
“No, cause you didn't think at all. If you can’t even follow simple instructions at home and trust my authority, how can I expect you to do that on a mission?”
“So, you’re authority at home now too?" You don't know why you said that. You just wanted to get back at him.
“You’re grounded. If you think you’re leaving high camp in the next century, you’ve got another thing coming.” He turned to leave the tent.
‘He can't keep me here,' you think to yourself. “We’ll see,” you mutter under your breath.
He turned back towards you. “What did you just say?”
‘Fuck.’ “Nothing.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“Stop treating me like a little kid.” You don't know why you kept talking back. You were just so upset, you couldn't sit there in silence like a little soldier.
“So grow up, and stop acting like one! You made your choice and now here come the consequences. But you can’t even take em like the so-called adult you wanna be. Instead, you’re throwing a tantrum cause you didn’t get your way.”
“I'm not throwing a tantrum. I’m yelling because I’m just as good as Neteyam, but you don’t respect me enough to let me show it.”
“Guess what sweetheart, you gotta give respect to get respect.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You wanna know why Neteyam got to go on all the missions? Because he listened and acted responsibly when I asked him to. Because I know I can trust him. I can’t say the same for you.”
“Jake!” Your mother hissed at him. She knew he went too far with that one.
That hurt… a lot. “I hate you!” You screamed, tears welling up in your eyes. You looked up at the roof to slow the process but you knew that if you blinked or thought about his words, the tears would fall. You refused to let him see you cry. You refused to let him know just how much he hurt you. So you ran out of there as fast as you could.
You couldn’t even see where you were running to, but you ended up in Neteyam’s arms. He must have been there the whole time… listening to the entire argument. You tried to push him away but he held you tightly against his body until you stopped fighting him.
You let it all out, all the tears you were holding in. He held your head to his chest as you cried and ran his hand over your hair. Lo’ak appeared next. You were sure he got his ass chewed out too, but here he was to comfort you. You released from Neteyam’s hug to look at him. “You okay?” you ask, examining all the wraps on his body.
“I’m fine sis, don’t worry about me.” He wiped your tears away with his hand and tucked a few of your braids behind your ear. Neteyam’s arm was still around you, and you didn’t want him to let go. Both your brothers knew what it felt like to get scolded by your dad, so it warmed your heart that you weren’t alone right now.
“It’s okay baby sister, he won’t be mad forever. It will blow over soon,” Neteyam comforted.
“Whatever, I don’t care.” You lied, you did care. You had never had a fight with him like this. He was always so gentle with you, it felt like your special bond was breaking.
“Come on, let’s go find Spider at the lab. He’ll cheer you up,” Lo’ak offered.
“Yeah, that’s not a bad idea," Neteyam chimed in.
You appreciated that they didn't tell you ‘I told you so.’ So you nodded and agreed to go, taking Lo'ak's hand and following behind him.
“Neteyam.” You heard your father say from a distance away. It sounded like he was trying to speak quietly.
“Yeah, dad?” He replied.
“Just make sure she’s okay. And come back for dinner.”
“I will Dad, don’t worry.”
Jake probably thought you didn’t hear him say that. You could not believe he had the nerve to yell at you like that and then act like he cared.
Neteyam and Lo’ak ended up being right, Spider did get your mind off things. You told him all about today’s mission and he went on and on about how cool you were. He was a great friend to you, like another older brother… only smaller.
When you and your siblings returned home, you joined your parents for dinner. Everyone made small conversation, but you ate in silence. Your dad kept trying to catch your eye, but you tried twice as hard to avoid his gaze. You lost your appetite and could barely stomach the food, which was unfortunate because it was your favorite dish. You were sure your mom made it, especially for you.
You weren’t about to let your father think you were still affected by him, so you ate your dinner as quick as you could. You hoped that you could trick your brain into thinking you weren't feeling sick to your stomach. But that ended up backfiring because your dad reached over and refilled your bowl once it was finally empty. There was no way you could eat a second serving, so you accepted defeat and put the bowl down. Both Jake and Neytiri looked over at you in surprise. “Actually, I’m full,” you admit.
“Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart. You ate so fast, I thought you wanted more,” he explained. That was the first time you made eye contact with him all evening. He had a sad look.
“Ma ite, don’t force yourself if you can’t eat anymore,” your mom added.
“Thanks, it was delicious mom. May I be excused? My stomach is a little upset.”
“Of course, my love," she said. Your parents gave you a look of concern before Mo’at interjected. “Shall I have a look at you, my child?”
“No grandmother, I’m okay. I’m just going to go rest.”
You went off on your own for a while, trying to occupy yourself with a million different things… like sharpening your knife and continuing to bead a necklace you had been working on. You stayed away for as long as you could before accepting that you had to go home at some point. Just as you were about to enter the tent, you stopped short. Your parents were talking… about you.
“Ma Jake, you were much too hard on her," your mother said.
“I can't let her think she can talk back like that and get away with it. Her attitude is out of line.”
“Hm… I wonder where she gets it from.”
“She wants to be treated the same as her brothers but when it comes to discipline, I’m too hard on her?!”
“She is used to being your little girl. If you yell at her like that, what do you expect is going to happen?”
“Why is she so eager to go out there on missions? She’s just a kid!”
“Our kids see Toruk Makto, the great warrior and the fearless Olo’eyktan of our clan. They just want to be like you and live up to your name. Neteyam and Lo’ak were like this too. Why would it be any different for y/n?”
“She’s not ready. She’s stubborn and she doesn’t listen. I can’t have her out there, it’s too risky.”
“No, she’s headstrong and she has been blindly following your orders without question... until today."
“I know you are upset that she disobeyed you. But you know that you cannot keep her sheltered here forever. It is not the way.”
Your father began to say something but your mother cut him off quickly and continued.
“And this is not about her not being ready. She is more than ready. This is about your fear. She is your only daughter and she’s growing up. You are afraid to lose her and that is okay. But be honest with yourself and be honest with her, or she will end up resenting you for it.”
“Fuck, I just don’t know how to do this baby. It was so much easier with her brothers.”
“She doesn’t need a sergeant Jake, she just needs her father. That’s all you need to be. Show her that you care before trying to reprimand her. Right now she’s hurt and embarrassed, and you need to go to her and make it okay.”
“You always know the right thing to say.”
“I know, I'm amazing. Now go find our daughter.”
'Shit, he's coming,' you think. And you run as fast and as quietly as you possibly can. You went to a hideaway that you made with your brothers. The adults weren't supposed to know about it, but they did anyway. You were sure he was going to follow you there. You pick up the jewelry you were working on before and act busy, facing away from the entrance of the hideaway.
You hear him approach. “Sweetheart? You in here?” You don’t respond, wanting to hurt him like he hurt you.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you like that, it wasn’t okay.”
You’ve been replaying that fight over and over again in your head all day and trying to hold it together. Now that he was addressing it directly, you felt like you wanted to cry. ‘No, not now please. Not here in front of him’ you told yourself. You could hear the leaves on the ground crunch beneath his feet. He had entered the hideaway, but you couldn’t see because your back was turned.
“Please turn around, I just wanna talk about it,” he pleaded. He sounded desperate but you wouldn’t give in that easily.
“What is there to talk about when you won’t listen? It’s your way or no way, I should know that by now.” Your voice was trembling, you were so anxious now that you were being confronted by him. You couldn't hold back the tears.
“I’m ready to listen, okay? I promise.” Based on what you overheard between your parents, you knew he was being sincere. But you wanted him to suffer just a tad bit more.
“Come on, I’m trying here. Please look at me?”
But you couldn’t stay mad for long, no matter how hard you tried. You turned on your heel and faced him finally, but your eyes stayed at your feet. “Babygirl,” he called to you. His voice was different this time… softer and almost broken. When he called you that, it felt like suddenly everything would be okay again. And all you wanted to do was run to him.
You rose your head to look up at him. At the sight of your tear-stained face, he instantly dropped to his knees and opened his arms without saying a word. “Daddy!” you cried while running to him. Your little body hit him with so much force, he almost fell backward. But he held you tight, stabilizing the both of you and placing kisses all over your cheek and temple. Your crying became audible, but it sounded muffled against his body. It was like you were letting out all that you’ve been holding in today. It’s been such a long day.
“Shh, I’m here. I got you now,” he soothed you softly while running his hands over your hair. Your airways felt tight and it was difficult to breathe normally while you cried this hard.
Jake could feel you hyperventilating against him, so he motioned for you to take deep breaths with him. When your breathing returned to normal, he lifted you off the ground and began to walk over to the corner; taking a seat with you on his lap. The tears kept flowing while you spoke.
“I’m sorry… I talked back to you,” you cried.
“I know baby, it’s okay. I’m sorry too.”
“You are?”
“Yeah. I said a lot of mean things to you back there, and I wish I could take it all back.” He cupped your cheek with his hand and the warmth of his skin was so comforting.
“I’m sorry I said that I hated you, I was just so mad at you. I didn’t mean it.”
“I know you didn’t. But even if you did hate me, I’d still love you.”
“Even after what I did today?” You looked at him with surprise but then lowered your gaze down to your lap, suddenly feeling ashamed.
“Look at me,” he ordered. His voice was stern but still soft, so you obeyed.
“There is nothing you could say or do that would make me stop loving you. No matter how upset I am, or how much we argue with each other… my love for you will never change. Because you’re my daughter, and I love you unconditionally. Okay?”
“Now tell me what was going through your head today.”
“I just wanted to prove myself to you and show you that I could do it. And I know now how dangerous it was to go without informing anyone. And how dangerous it was to attack without orders. But Dad… we did it! We took out those guys so fast. We just weren’t prepared for the counterattack and everything got screwed up.”
Jake let out a deep sigh before speaking. “Babygirl, you don’t have to do things like this to prove yourself to me. Although you’re younger than Neteyam was when I let him on his first mission, you surpassed him in skill when he was this age.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Then I don’t understand. You know I can do it, so why won't you let me go?” Your mother said it was cause he was scared, you knew that now.
“Because I’m selfish.”
“You’re still young, but you’re growing up so fast. I wanted to shield you from this war as much as I could. But it was foolish of me to think that I could keep you from being anything less than what you are. You’re a warrior like me. That’s what you’re meant to be, as long as you want to be.”
“Do you mean that?”
“Mhm. Your mom and I were talking it over and I couldn’t understand why I became so angry that you would even think of doing something like this. And she said it was because I was scared of losing my little girl. And she was right.”
You placed your head on your dad’s chest, wanting to comfort him like he was doing for you. He looked down at you and smiled, then continued to speak.
“When I saw you with your bow today, all dressed for the mission… I just wasn’t ready to send you out there. And when Lo’ak called me and told me that you were there with him, it felt like my heart had stopped beating. Thank goodness Lo’ak was fine when I got there, but to see you lying there unconscious… was one of the scariest moments of my life.”
He must have felt your tears on his chest because he looked down again. “Daddy, I’m really sorry that I put us in danger today. I didn’t want to make you and mom scared. I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay, y/n. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset by telling you all of this. All that matters is that you’re safe now.”
“Thanks for saving us."
“I’ll always come and save you kiddo. Anyway, I want you to know that you are ready. It was me that wasn’t ready to let you go.”
You took a deep breath and you felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest. You could breathe again. “I feel like I’ve been fighting to be seen by you. Trying to live up to not only you, but Lo’ak and Neteyam as well. It was so hard, Dad.”
“I know baby, you can stop fighting now. You’ve worked so hard. You have exceeded my expectations, and you make me proud every day. I see you.”
Once you hear these words, you are overwhelmed with emotion. You started to believe you would never hear your father say this. You hug him even tighter and you feel his strong and steady arms around you.
“Will you forgive me for how I acted?” He asked.
“Of course I will, I love you.”
“I love you more.” He gave you another kiss on your forehead.
“Wait, this means I’m not grounded anymore right?”
He chuckled. “You are no longer grounded. But don’t think you can get away with that little attitude in the future.”
“And I can go on missions from now on?”
“For now, you’ll go on the ones I let Lo’ak go on. But you know you can’t pull today’s shit again.”
“I know.”
“You guys will follow orders, and always have your communication devices on you. No rogue missions, no impulsive decisions. Any slip ups from either of you, and you’re staying home. Copy?”
“Good girl. How’s your head and stomach feeling?”
“So much better now.”
“Good. Oh and for what it's worth... I saw those AMP suits in the forest and your aim was spot on. We got the gear too, so thank you for that.”
“Yes! I knew it!”
“Alright alright, you got your skills from your mom…”
“And my attitude from you?” You cut in.
He laughed lightly. “I was gonna say confidence, but yeah that too. You’re definitely my kid,” he said while messing up the top of your hair.
“Dad!” You groaned.
“Come on, I’ll change your wraps before bed. I’m sure your grandmother’s probably sleeping by now.” And he knelt down in front of you so you could hop onto his back for ride like when you were little. You climbed on, wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned down to whisper in his ear.
“Now you gotta redo my hair too.”
“Alright, I got myself into that one. Let’s get outta here.”
He carried you out of the hideaway and you made your way back to your tent. A father and his little warrior.
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yoildayday · 1 year
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
mother and daughter
Jake x reader x neytiri
sully family x mom reader
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When it came to being a mother you had, to make sure to divide all your attention and love among all your children. You had always done a good job of being there for all of your kids, and making sure they knew you are there for them when they need help. So whenever your kids were in trouble and need advice, and didn’t feel like going to Jake or neytiri they will come to you. Knowing that you will help them and keep whatever they told you a secret until, they were ready to share their issues with Jake and Neytiri. One day you had experience this type of situation when it came to your daughter Kiri.
Y/n “ Kiri” you went by the old school house and found Kiri there, she had gotten spooked when she heard your voice.
Kiri “ hey mama”
y/n “ hey baby girl I came to find you I heard stormed off upset, the kids came back without you"
kiri " it nothing mama"
y/n " baby girl I know you better then any one when you are upset your voice gets low, and you ears go low as well" kiri knew there was no lying when it came to you, she soon took a deep breath and looked at you.
kiri " mama why I'm different from everyone else"
y/n " what do you mean by that baby"
kiri " why I'm not like my siblings or any of the other kids .... I feel like I'm going crazy mama"
y/n " crazy because of what honey"
kiri " I feel this close connection to eywa I feel like she always with me"
y/n " oh"
kiri " I also feel close to my mom grace every time when I close my eyes, I feel like she there with me guiding me"
y/n " oh baby girl why haven't you told us before"
kiri " I felt like if I told you, dad, and mom you will no longer love me and see me as your daughter"
y/n " aww baby there nothing in this world that will keep me from loving you"
kiri " thank you mama"
y/n " so why did you come here you know your dad has forbidden anyone kids coming here alone"
kiri " I thought I could get some answer about her grace she open this place, and I feel like we can keep it going"
y/n " I think that a wonderful idea you uncle norm has bene talking with you dad about having lesson between human/avatar kids and navi kids, it will be good idea to bring some of these stuff to them"
kiri " we can do that"
y/n " yes we can and maybe this will help you feel closer to grace" kiri soon smiled towards you and soon went in for a hug, you soon hugged her back and kissed her forehead.
y/n " if you ever feel like this again you can come to me, dad, and mom"
kiri " thank you mom"
y/n " I love you baby girl"
kiri " I love you to mama"
????? " kiri" you and kiri soon looked up and saw Jake had come he stoped near the entrance it seemed like he and almost ran into the building.
kiri " hey dad"
Jake " hey I came to see you and your mama you got me worried"
kiri " I'm sorry dad"
Jake "it okay baby girl I'm happy to see you are okay"
y/n " Jake we need to talk there something kiri will like to share with you" Jake had said nothing and nodded his head and kiri started speaking with him, it seems like Jake like her idea.
Jake " we can talk more about this later honey now lets get you home mom is worried about you"
kiri : okay daddy can I ride with you and bob home pretty please"
Jake " sure honey, anything for you now come on, dinner will be ready soon" Kiri was happy once again, and soon the trio had headed home Jake brought a smile to his daughter's face as they headed home, doing tricks that made him and kiri smile but you worried. You soon smiled to see that your daughter was happy once again, and you knew it would be a long and hard road for her to find answers about herself. You will be there for her to make sure she has the love and support in her journey.
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eywacries · 2 years
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AVATAR (2009) · dir. James Cameron
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sulieykte · 1 year
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nattikay · 1 year
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haha you know that lil snippet from the original script haha yeah
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
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you're gonna go far | 5
pairing: jake sully x neytiri x tsu'tey x fem!human! reader summary: a scientist arrives on pandora (unwillingly) a year after the exile of the rda. now she must deal with the likes of a clan leader, a great warrior, and a thanator rider. . . word count: 7.4k
read on ao3
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“What do you mean pregnant?” Jake questioned looking absolutely bewildered.
Next to you, Norm cleared his throat, “While we were doing our rounds here, Dr. Reeds discovered it. We ran some tests and turns out it’s true. Grace’s avatar is pregnant.”
Jake frowned, “I’m sorry, that still doesn’t explain how she got like this.”
You shrugged, not looking up from your tablet, “Well, apparently when two avatars love each other very much—”
“We don’t know.” Norm instead answered, sending you a glare, to which you ignored.
After your rather strange discovery, Norm got in touch with Jake and an hour later the rest of the scientists were cleared out of the room. And in replacement, three tall ass Na’vi crowded around Augustine’s avatar tank while you and Norm—still in human form—stood on the other side of the tank, staring straight at the glass while Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu’tey looked over it.
Their reactions were as expected. Jake confused. Neytiri wary yet curious. And Tsu’tey with his usual scowl—you were seriously beginning to think it was just the way his face was set—but with a hint of apprehension.
“She’s two months along or more, I’m honestly surprised we hadn’t noticed it until now.” Norm frowned, looking at the small stomach. The avatar wasn’t showing yet, perhaps because of how thin they all naturally were—but upon further inspection, the small two-month-old bump was quite noticeable.
“So, it just appeared? No explanation?” Jake questioned, also frowning down at the avatar. “How is that even possible?”
Again, you shrugged and finally looked up from your tablet. “Well, that depends,” Frankly, you didn’t want to be here. Being practically stuck in the same room with two people who both pissed you off and had you on guard constantly. Like they were going to attack you at any second—perhaps throw more baseless accusations your way. It would often leave you exhausted afterward. “What exactly was Dr. Augustine doing before her avatar ended up unresponsive? Any secret relationships? Did you ever find her sneaking out—possibly to meet someone in secret?”
 Jake was the one who responded, unfortunately. “We shared a station together for three months. She never left that place or met with anyone.”
Norm nodded in agreement while Neytiri placed her hand on the tank glass, “In her last moments we tried moving her spirit through Eywa and into her false body. But she was very weak…Could she have been with child then?”
“Had to be. She couldn’t have been pregnant after—after she passed.” Norm crossed his arms—almost like he was hugging himself.
Well, that wasn’t much to go on but you didn’t say it out loud since the very sight of this woman’s avatar—or at least talking about her clearly made the four of them react.
You had no personal connection to the late Dr. Grace Augustine, she was your role model of course but that was about it. You’ve never met her, therefore you were the only one with an unbiased perspective.
Their reactions were different but the same in some ways.
Norm hid it by pushing forward and moving the conversation along. Neytiri doesn’t hide her emotion when talking about Dr. Augustine. Her face was gentle and grief-stricken. You wondered if Neteyam, who was snuggly strapped to her chest, felt his mother’s strong emotions.
Jake wore a mask of sorts but you could still see the traits. Low ears, tail tucked behind his leg, avoidant gaze—it was then you realized how easy it was to read Na’vi’s expressions. You wondered if reading humans was difficult for them, except for Jake. Na’vi just had a more expressive face. Unless they were experienced at hiding it well.
Like Tsu’tey. The clan leader looked distant and was the quietest out of the four.
You supposed that Grace seemed to be the one thing that bonded the four. Especially Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu’tey. They had each other to lean on, you could tell by how unconsciously they neared each other.
But you and Norm? Maybe you could lean on each other but it wasn’t necessarily the same.
You lost your mother. Who could you lean on?
It must’ve been nice.
You knew you had been staring too long when Tsu’tey’s eyes locked with yours.
As subtly as you could, you looked away to tune in back to what Norm was saying, “So obvious questions aside, what should we do?”
“That’s not an obvious question?” You frowned, earning a jab in your side from him.
The three were quiet as they glanced at each other—or rather they were having a silent conversation with each other. You could tell by the way Jake raised his brows in question. Neytiri’s meaningful look. And Tsu’tey’s narrowed eyes.
You tucked the tablet under your arm and cleared your throat, drawing their attention to you, “While you guys decide who should take care of it, the avatar would have to stay here. The baby—if there is truly one in there—would have to be born here.”
Norm nodded in agreement, “Grace’s avatar will be under Dr. Reeds’ care since she is the one who identified the fetus—"
“No.” Tsu’tey instantly scowled.
“Told you,” Norm mumbled next to you.
You rolled your eyes, briefly locking eyes with Neytiri who watched the two of you with a small frown. There was a flash of something that floated passed her eyes, something you didn’t have time to make out right now.
“The Sky People know nothing about caring for a child of our people.” Tsu’tey scowled. “None of them do! I will not trust the child—or sa’nok’s body in the hands of—”
“—Demon. Yeah, you’ve made that clear.” You cut in calmly, earning a warning look from Norm and a vicious glare from the clan leader. You ignored both, “The facts don’t change. The body cannot be moved. The avatar is essentially dead—this tank is its life support, therefore the baby’s life support. So, if we keep the avatar and the baby here—"
“You do not get to decide this—”
Now you were irritated. You tried. You really did. “Then deal with a dead fucking baby for all I care—”
“Reeds.” Norm frowned.
“Tsu’tey!” Neytiri hissed, giving the man’s arm a slight shove.
The only person who appeared calm was Jake—which wasn’t surprising. He was looking at you, not with malice or accusation, but with contemplation. “If we keep the baby here…?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line and let out a short, agitated breath. “Since the avatar is basically dead, it can’t push the baby out the usual way when the time comes to it. We’d have to perform a C-section to get it out.” Tsu’tey opened his mouth to protest but you quickly beat him to it, “Once the baby is born, it’s yours. I nor the rest of us have an interest in keeping it here. It would be illogical. Are rations are terrible already—we don’t have the resources to take care of a baby. So you won’t have to worry about it being raised by demons.”
In the last part, you directed your pointed look toward Tsu’tey was still glaring at you. A part of you was smug, the fear and hesitation around him slowly going away.
You really didn’t care much for what he thought about you and you made sure he knew it. Of course, being this reckless with your mouth wasn’t the smartest idea and he probably didn’t appreciate it—but perhaps that was the best part about it.
He hissed something in Na’vi at you, which he knew you wouldn’t understand. The one thing he had over you. And with his own carefully crafted smugness, he knew this too. You rolled your eyes.
Neytiri snapped at him in response which seemed to surprise both Tsu’tey and Jake. You glanced toward Norm with a questioning look. He leaned toward your ear and mumbled, “Essentially, Neytiri’s okay with you watching over Grace’s avatar.” You both watched Tsu’tey reply with the same amount of ferocity. “And Tsu’tey’s pissed that she’s siding with you.”
You hummed but didn’t respond. Neytiri agreed with the plan, this also surprised you but you refused to allow the others to see that. Instead, you’d hold your chin high and bathe in your victory of having at least one of them agree with you for once.
It was nice that Neytiri was defending your idea. At least someone in this room was sane enough to.
Jake, who had been silent up to this point, suddenly cut into Neytiri and Tsu’tey’s argument, which caused the both of them to turn to him. He said something to them in a lowered voice and before you could ask Norm what he was saying, Neytiri and a begrudged Tsu’tey suddenly left the room.
You watched their retreating figures with quiet curiosity, until Jake spoke again in English, “Norm, can Reeds and I have the room?”
Now you were frowning. Hell, you were sure you looked like Tsu’tey then. Norm gave you a pleading look, one that said, ‘Just talk to him’.
And it took a lot. Every bit of strength to restrain yourself from snapping at Norm and telling him it was a bad idea to leave the both of you alone.
But instead, you ended up holding back a groan in your throat. You wouldn’t let him see you snap like that. You wouldn’t break your resolve so easily around him again.
 Eventually, you nodded stiffly, “Go ahead. We’ll be quick.”
After a nod and a pat on your shoulder, Norm left you and Jake alone.
The last time the two of you had been alone was when you set your mother’s lab on fire. You wondered if this was his chance to find fault in you again. To throw more accusations your way.
Jake watched you. And you watched him.
Stubbornly, you weren’t going to speak first. After all, he was the one who wanted to talk to you alone.
After another few seconds of you sizing each other up, he finally spoke, “Why the sudden interest in looking after Grace’s child, huh? What’s in it for you?”
You raised a brow, “Do you want some kind of sinister motive?”
He frowned at your very sardonic response, “No. Just the truth, if that isn’t too much.”
“The idea of truth seems subjective here.” You argued dryly. “No matter what I say, somehow I’m still made into this heartless demon you all have painted in your image. Don’t be surprised when I start acting like it at some point.” The latter was a dark joke of your own. But you failed to make that known to him.
Jake glared, leaning on the tank. The glass was impenetrable, it wouldn’t break under his weight. But it would leave unnecessary hand prints for someone to clean later. “Christ, can we just be straight with each other? You said yourself you had no interest in raising it. So why willingly volunteer to watch it?”
Despite your dislike for being alone with him—or him in general—you expected this question. It was an easy answer to which you had no problem responding to. Whatever it took to get this interaction done and over with as quickly as possible.
So, you gave a simple shrug, “The avatar got pregnant without having any intercourse. And I’ve checked. The development is impossible but remarkable. I want to study it closely, to learn how it happened and how it will continue to develop over time. Hell, we’re not even sure if this is an actual baby inside. Could be something else. We won’t know until it’s out.”
The answer didn’t seem to satisfy him. You could tell by the way his ears remained pinned at the side of his head, “So that’s what all of this is to you? A science project?”
“I’m a scientist.” You said plainly as if the answer was obvious. “Plus, it gives me something to do here. I have to make up the time I’ve lost.”
Jake frowned as if waiting for more. You did not offer more.
“And you think you are capable of doing it?” It was your turn to frown. That was a question you weren’t exactly prepared for. More or less that was the last thing you expected him to ask. “Are you really equipped to take on something like this? Especially now?”
You glared now, “Are you questioning my credentials?”
“No, I have no doubt that you’re good in your field—”
“Excellent. I am excellent in my field.”
“—Your actions are unpredictable—”
“Ah, so you’re questioning my stability.” Your skin boiled with barely hidden rage. You wouldn’t let him see you snap like that. You wouldn’t break your resolve so easily around him again. “Afraid I’ll blow up another lab?”
Jake scowled, “That’s not funny.”
“It wasn’t a joke.”
It was a standoff. The two of you. Jake’s gaze was intense and yours severe. His jaw tightened and he shook his head with a humorless snicker, “You're impossible.”
“And you have no right to question whether or not I am in stable condition for a job I am qualified for.” You snapped back, your resolve barely holding by a thread. “So, is this what you wanted to talk to me about? Is that why you wanted to see me alone so that you could ridicule me without eyes watching? Do you think you’re a better man for that, Sully? Why don’t you just be straight with me, like you wanted? Stop fucking beating around the bush!”
“Yeah?” He challenged with a mocking chuckle. “You want me to be straight with you? Fine. Tsu’tey doesn’t trust you with Grace’s avatar—”
You scoffed, “Clearly!”
“—and I don’t either.”
With a shrug, you placed your tablet down, “Frankly, Sully, I have no interest in earning your trust. I’m here to do my job. That’s all. A job I have no choice in doing since I am stuck here on your planet. Trust has nothing to do with it.”
He looked resigned, guarding his face once more. The silence was all too consuming.
Jake didn’t want this. He was supposed to be making peace with you. At least attempt to be cordial with one another.
But you were impossible. You were difficult.
You saw no point to this conversation. Never did from the beginning. Why he wanted to talk to you in private only to rehash what’s already been said. What’s already been known. You didn’t understand what he was trying to do here. There was nothing else they could possibly talk about past the subject of the mysterious fetus. You did not want to be here.
He was impossible. He was difficult.
Jake straightened his back—a small inkling in the back of your mind wondered if that was the Marine in him. Standing to attention, as if addressing someone with power well above him. Or his enemy. You really couldn’t tell with them. “So where does that leave us?”
“It’s really simple, actually.” You crossed your arms. “The body can’t be moved. The avatar stays here. And so does the growing fetus. You clearly want it so it will be all yours when it’s born. Far away from my destructive hands. Does that work for you?”
After a long—unnecessary bout of silence—Jake finally pushed away from the tank, “Norm will be with you?”
You glared and clenched your jaw, “If that will get you to leave quicker, then yes.”
His tail lashed behind him, “Fine. Do what you want.”
Finally, he left. And you were alone.
After a moment of silence. After a moment of gathering yourself with a bit of pride left , you moved closer toward Dr. Augustine’s tank and frowned down at the growing stomach, “Good luck, kid. If you’re not careful, he just might end up as your father.”
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The following days continued as usual, except after you were done with your garden, you headed over to the tank room to check on the fetus. You did things like making sure it’s kept healthy and or safely growing in the womb. Surprisingly, it was just as peaceful as tending to your garden. Sometimes a few scientists would pop in every now and then to check on other tanks, but most times it was just you and Dr. Augustine’s avatar. And it wasn’t entirely so bad being in almost total silence for the first time in a while.
Neytiri would come to the gardens whenever she could. Either keeping you company while giving advice and directions about how to better your crops. Or gently scolding you about how loud you continue to be while trekking through the forest.
Today, you were doing the latter. It was something different, a little change in your usual routine. You now carried your tablet in a bag in case any alert from Dr. Augustine’s avatar notified you as you followed Neytiri through the forest. Mimicking her every movement like you had done last time.
“You move with the forest. You listen. You see.” Neytiri jumped over a branch as you finally finished the climb up the tree the both of you were on. A part of you was envious of her ability to climb with ease while your cheeks only flushed with both being out of breath and embarrassed as she watched you try and fail to climb this godforsaken tree.
“Okay,” You nodded as you settled on the branch with her. It was uncomfortable, especially squatting the way she was. “What exactly am I supposed to be seeing?”
Neytiri frowned, “I cannot make you see. Only you can.”
You looked down at your now bare feet, not really sure how to respond to that or what it really meant. And you had a feeling that if you asked again, she’d probably scold you for it and further confuse you. So instead you looked up at some of the leaves above you. You raised your hand and let your fingers gently graze it, so very gently as if it would crumble beneath your touch.
The forest was overwhelmingly beautiful. Every day it was like you were looking at it for the first time. The healthy trees and plants. The wildlife that you avoided but watched from afar. Hearing the quiet streams of water running about in whichever direction you turned.
Somedays it reminded you of what you lost back on Earth. What the world had done to it. And how many, many years ago it had once looked as beautiful as this.
On other days, you appreciated the forest. For its food, for its beauty. Sometimes you liked the idea of calling this place your new home even though you weren’t quite sure what the exact word ‘home’ meant to you right now.
While caught up in your misty thoughts, you missed the way Neytiri watched you quietly. How she noticed your hidden wonder. The way your lips almost curve up until it’s back in that firm straight line again. Or how your face became gentle even for the slightest second before it’s gone as quickly as it had come. Like you were consciously keeping yourself from being content.
It was intriguing, watching how Sky People worked. Though of course, Neytiri would never admit this out loud.
But most of all, it was intriguing—almost alluring—watching how you worked.
Eventually, she caught sight of your mother’s songcord still wrapped around your wrist with a small frown.
Your slow methodic thoughts were soon interrupted when Neytiri grasped the wrist with your mother’s songcord around it. Instantly you tensed as she brought your wrist closer for her to see. But once you realize she made no sudden moves to take the cord from you, you relax. Only slightly.
She thumbed one of the beads, “When you die, your family sings your songcord to remember your life. And then it is given back to you.” Neytiri looked at you then, curiously. “You do not know your mother’s songcord.”
It wasn’t a question but more a knowing statement. Carefully, you took your wrist back from hers and held it close to your chest, “Obviously, I didn’t get much of a chance to.”
She nodded but didn’t push on the subject. Instead, she stood up on the branch just as something shuffled below the both of you.
Neytiri grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet, “Come, come!”
Shed led you through the trees. It was especially difficult to keep up going from branch to branch and copying her movements to the best of your ability. At some points, you nearly slipped only to be quickly caught by Neytiri and forced to keep going. You both admired and envied her ease in prowess.
At some point, you both landed in a tree that gave you both a good view of the forest floor. There, was a creature slinking around the thick bushes. Neytiri crouched on the branch to watch the creature just as another came out into the light.
“Nantang.” She pointed at the creature below. “You Sky People call them viperwolf.”
“Nantung.” You repeated slowly, crouching down next to her.
“Nantang.” She corrected.
With a small nod, she gave your forehead a little shove with an open palm hand, “You are not good with our language.”
But she didn’t seem annoyed when she said this. Instead, she looked rather amused with the way her ears were raised high and her tail swinging behind her.
Below you, the viperwolves began moving away from the trees and further within the bushes. You watched them curiously, moving Neytiri’s hand from your forehead, “Are they dangerous? The—Nantang?”
“Most are.” Neytiri frowned, dropping her hand to her side. She then stood. “We leave them be. We do not kill unless—unless we have no choice.”
“Hmm, so no hunting them then?” You watched her thoughtfully. “So are you guys vegetarians?” She stared at you blankly. You pressed your lips into a thin line and reconsidered your words, “Do you not eat any meat?”
Understanding crossed her features as she nodded, “We do. Just not them.”
You nodded, crossing your legs together on the branch you were sitting on as you thought about this. After another pause, you took out your tablet from your bag to take down some notes—only for Neytiri to smack your arm and scowl, “No. None of that! We move.”
“Alright, alright.” You sighed, placing your tablet back into your bag. “But if I slip again, just let me fall. I deserve it for being so unathletic.”
Neytiri rolled her eyes and pushed forward. Reluctantly, you followed her.
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At some point, you stopped wearing shoes in your avatar body.
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After unlinking for the day, you headed over toward the tank room, only to find a certain Na’vi already there talking to Norm. Both noticed you and stopped whatever conversation they had upon seeing you enter.
“Ah, Reeds!” Norm cleared his throat as you approached Dr. Augustine’s avatar. “We were just finishing up here. We’ll be out of your way soon.”
You shrugged, tucking your tablet under your arm as you studied the controls of the avatar’s tank. “It’s not like you’re not allowed in this room. All I do is make sure the baby is healthy and leave. Doesn’t really take that long.” Eventually, you allowed yourself to acknowledge the Na’vi curtly. “Sully.”
“Dr. Reeds.” Jake nodded back with a tight, awkward smile.
“There haven’t been any big updates if that’s what you’re here for.” You said while staring at the avatar. It twitched every now and then as usual.
“We were just catching up.” Norm explained with a faint smile sent your way. “How’s the garden holding up?”
You shrugged, keeping your focus glued to your work, “Everything’s growing just fine. In a few weeks, we might be ready for harvesting. It’s actually fascinating how fast everything’s growing.” If you were in your avatar body, your tail would be wiggling from side to side at this revelation despite your monotone voice. “Neytiri’s been a big help too—the Na’vi way is a lot more effective compared to human techniques and efficiency. I’m actually starting to wonder what else I could learn from her…”’
It wasn’t intentional, but you were really beginning to become intrigued by the Na’vi and their culture. If you were going to be on Pandora—for what seemed like a long time—then you’d have to get accustomed to their ways at some point. Especially, when you didn’t have any particular interest in causing problems with them by doing everything wrong and very human-like. Attempting to do it their way was the only way to go and the easiest path so far.
Norm was grinning at you and you frowned, “What?”
“Nothing. I’ll leave you to it.” He then turned to Jake. “You stayin’ longer?”
Right, you had forgotten about him for a second. Briefly, with little interest, you glanced toward Jake who gave a short nod, “Yeah, I’ll stay for a little bit.” He then met your gaze, matching your guarded expression. “If that’s not a problem”
Norm watched the two of you, noticing the tension.
You stiffened. What the hell was this guy’s problem? Did he enjoy fighting with you, what was it? There was nothing stopping him from waiting until you were done so that he could have the room alone. But for some reason, he thought staying with you there was a good idea.
He must’ve been some kind of masochist. Yeah, had to be.
That, or he was keeping a close eye on you. After all, he did say that he didn’t trust you. Wouldn’t be a totally impossible thought.
So instead, you answered his question with one of your own, “Is it a problem for you?”
His tail swished behind him, “No. Not at all.”
He watched you. And you watched him.
You sniffed and returned your focus back on the avatar, “S’like I said. I won’t be long.”
Cautiously, Norm spoke, “I’ll leave the both of you to it then, yeah?” He walked passed to you, not before mumbling, “Play nice,” and he departed, leaving just you and Jake in the tank room.
The room was deathly quiet as you worked. You figured since Jake was going to be here watching over your every move, you’d ignore him and just do the work. Quick enough for you to leave and be out of his presence. That was all that mattered at the moment.
There was just nothing more to talk about with him. Besides the fetus, you couldn’t fathom what else there was to be discussed.
So far, you were actually doing a good job pretending he wasn’t there. Sure, he was a ten-foot-tall alien that practically towered over you and made you freeze every time something in the corner of your eye moved—it was him every time—the work in front of you was distracting enough. And so was observing the mysteriously pregnant and obviously brain-dead avatar.
It was weird, no, fascinating. How an avatar would end up pregnant without the user actively using it was beyond you. It was like one of those unsolved patient stories or records back on Earth. Only this time you didn’t have to worry much about necrophilia. At least you hoped you didn’t. You put that in your notes.
“I’m sorry about your mother.”
Despite your stubbornness, you froze. Unsure if what you heard was real or perhaps that you imagined it. A part of you hoped you imagined it. A part of you hoped that you had just gone crazy. Yes, that should’ve explained it. Some childish part of you just wanted someone to pity you for once. To say these words to you. And so you imagined them to cope. You imagined someone would for once see you passed the Dr. Reeds. Human. Demon.
It was only your imagination—
“And I’m sorry for how I acted before.” Jake continued on the other side of the tank. Your grip on your tablet tightened as you listened to him. He paused for a long moment as if carefully considering his words. “You’re in a difficult position and I didn’t make it easy on you. That’s on me.”
So much for ignoring him.
You forced yourself to look up at him, a frown on your lips, “What do you hope to gain from this? Why apologize now?”
He winced but didn’t back down. His resolve was much more brazen unlike yours which was still barely hanging on by a thread. Unlike you, he wasn’t exhausted keeping it up all the time. “A truce. Especially, since I will be visiting often.”
Now you were more annoyed than confused, “Why do you need to keep visiting? I already said there haven’t been any updates. Plus, Norm would be telling you whether or not you’re needed here—”
Jake shrugged, ears twitching, “Well if I’m hoping to be her father, I gotta see her progress for myself, don’t I?”
You stopped and watched him both warily and—maybe intrigued by this new piece of information. It wasn’t shocking, really. You kind of figured he would end up taking responsibility for this child. And you had no doubt Neytiri and—possibly Tsu’tey agreed to this considering how much all three of them seemed to care for Dr. Augustine. It wasn’t at all surprising that they decided to raise the child as if it were their own.
“And you’re willing to endure interactions with me for this child?” You chuckled humorlessly. “How brave of you.”
But Jake shook his head, “No, it’s not just about the baby. We have to work together on this. All this hostility—it has to end right here right now. We don’t have to like each other—but I will admit I wasn’t fair to you and I let the situation—your whole arrival get to me. A rookie mistake on my part. I thought—I was protecting my clan.”
For a moment you really considered him. Considered his words. Considered all of him. All of what you knew of Jake Sully so far.
And then you remember Norm’s words to you all those nights ago. When you were going to meet the Tsahik. You remember him saying that they were scared when you had arrived and you remembered understanding that. In the midst of your anger, you understood why they acted the way they did. Still to this day, a part of you knew they were justified in their hatred for the Sky People. Hell, you faced DeVoe and developed a certain dislike toward those people as well.
But it was still your anger. You would not take the blame for something that was out of your control. Something you had no part in. You would not apologize for being put in unfortunate circumstances.
Surprisingly, Jake seemed to read your mind as he said, “I’m not asking anything from you in return. Just a truce and an apology. You deserve that, at least.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, clutching your tablet close to your chest, avoiding his gaze, his expectant look that waited for you to respond. Right now you really wished you were in your avatar body because you hated him looking down at you. You hated being small around him.
But your steeled spine made up for it at least. “We don’t have to like each other.”
Jake nodded, “We don’t.”
You sniffed, “Good. Because I don’t particularly like you still.”
“Yeah,” He sighed, massaging his face. “Sometimes I don’t either.”
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Neytiri didn’t come the next day. Which wasn’t out of the ordinary. Some days she just didn’t come. She had a baby and a clan to worry about after all. You couldn’t exactly expect her to put all of that on hold for you and your little garden.
Plus, there wasn’t much to check in the garden anyway today. All you had to do was water it and make sure the sun was shining on the correct plants. So, you spent most of your time foraging in the forest—making less noise like Neytiri showed you—gathering new fruits and mushrooms to plant once your other ones were finished growing. Of course, you’ll already have the seeds from the newly grown plants but it was nice to have a few extras just in case.
When you finished your foraging and stored all the fruits and mushrooms in a safe place, you unlinked from your avatar and went to the tank room. Technically, you weren’t really required to check it every day once you got a better understanding of the tank. It was specifically created to hold a growing avatar, sure, but you didn’t know if that stretched to a pregnant avatar or not. So checking on it every day was an extra precaution.
You weren’t exactly well informed about how the whole avatar creation or technology worked. All you knew was the information that was given to you through your mother’s diary videos. Even then she really didn’t go into too much detail about it as she kept jumping from one point to another with haste and excitement.
So, during your visits to the tank room, you took notes. By now you are almost halfway through your journal the more you write. And it wasn’t even organized, just a bunch of random notes and thoughts on a piece of paper. With writing that looked like chicken scratch.
When you had nothing more to write or look at on the tablet, you examined what would be Dr. Augustine’s face on the avatar.
Norm came in at some point and you asked him, “What was she like? Dr. Augustine.”
He’d smile fondly at the avatar, his eyes glazed over in memory, “A brilliant woman who cared a lot for the Na’vi. You know she had a school? It’s what made her fall in love with it all. The children loved her.”
You raised your brows curiously when he said that, “You mention you’re around children for most of your day. Are you running her school now or something?”
“No.” He laughed as if the thought were impossible. “No, I just help out with the Omatikaya children whenever I can. Sure, I do teach them English but not on the level Grace did it. Not even close.” His eyes twinkled when he looked at you. “I think she would’ve liked you.”
You didn’t say anything to that. Instead, you offered, “Don’t sell yourself short, Spellman.”
“Same to you, Reeds.”
A few days went by and it was time to harvest your garden.
Neytiri came with Neteyam strapped to her chest. He was wide awake, staring around wide-eyed and curious as usual. Your chest felt just a bit lighter watching him, his innocence so very infectious. You had never been around many babies—no younger siblings and all. It was always you and your mother. And many other scientists. Come to think of it, you weren’t really surrounded by many children your age. If any at all.
You filled the second basket up with more fruits from your garden before glancing toward Neytiri who was picking the mushrooms and collecting them in her arms.
“How are they?” You called.
Neytiri looked back at you and nodded, “Very healthy. Enough to feed an entire village.”
You walked over to her and hummed, tail swinging slightly. “You think it’s too much?”
She shook her head and smiled contently, “No, you did really well with them. Do you plan to make more once you’ve harvested?”
“That’s the hope.” You nodded, crossing your arms. Neteyam’s large yellow eyes looked at you quietly as you moved around her to get a better look at the mushrooms. “Maybe I’ll dial it back with the next one. Technically, I didn’t plant these, all we did was save it from dying. Imagine if we let them die, all of this. What a waste it would’ve been.”
“I’ll help whenever you do,” Neytiri assured, which surprised you. She then grabbed your wrist. “Come. We should put this all away. We’ll travel through the trees again today.”
Intrigued by this, you nodded. After you brought all the freshly picked fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms to the scientists to put away, you followed Neytiri into the forest.
It was the same as last time. Both you and Neytiri quietly moved through the trees—it was a struggle still to climb again but thankfully Neytiri didn’t notice. Or if she did, she didn’t say anything. Just correct your body whenever you are doing something wrong. Whenever she did correct you though, it made the climb a little easier as you went.
You ran into one of those viperwolves but were able to get past them without any problems—again, thanks to Neytiri. But you did eventually end up running into a couple more creatures that seemed to be less dangerous.
One of them being those horse-like creatures.
“Pa’li,” Neytiri had called these creatures while petting one of them.
You watched them in awe and interest as she mounted it. She took her braid—queue—and placed it near the pa’li’s antenna. Your eyes widened when the tendrils between the queue and the antenna connected. Once it did, the creature calmed underneath Neytiri. Becoming familiar with her, as if they had known each other for a while. And maybe they did.
Neytiri smiled down at it, “We bond with them just as we bond with the rest of the life here. It is our way.”
A few other pa’li galloped toward you. One nudged past you but was quite skittish about it. At first, you didn’t approach it right away. Instead, you tried to remember how Neytiri did it. Slow in approach, which actually worked. The pa’li watched you, both warily and intrigued.
When you were close enough, you grabbed your queue and placed it near the antenna. Awed, you watched the tendrils slowly connect. A sudden unfamiliar feeling hit your body when your queue connected with the pa’li. The sensations were strange but you felt another emotion that wasn’t your own. The pa’li.
Scared but curious about you. Hesitant to get near you but also feeling the bond beginning through your queue. It was all so strange and unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
A sudden shudder hit your spine just as the pa’li screeched and ran off, breaking the connection.
You grunted while Neytiri laughed, “Maybe next time, tanhi.”
There was a small pout on your lips, a quiet part of you missing the strange and new connection, “Guess I’m just not an animal person.”
“You will try again soon.” She assured as she slid off her pa’li with Neteyam babbling against her chest. “But it will not be today. I must leave for a hunt soon. Another day, perhaps, I will teach you.”
You were surprised at this, “Really? Teaching a Sky Person, huh? Does that mess with you morally or…?”
Neytiri frowned, “Teaching you will help you survive. Not me.” She patted the snout of the pa’li before watching it gallop away with his group. “It is not the first time I have taught a Sky Person our way.”
It took you a moment to realize what she meant, “You taught Sully, didn’t you?”
She did not answer this of course, but you had a feeling you already knew it without her having to say it. “Do you want to learn or not?”
Your tail swished, Neytiri noticed. “I’d like that. Besides, you’re a pretty good teacher as far as I can tell. I don’t think I’d want anyone else.” There was probably no one else who would even offer to teach you like Neytiri did. So, this was the kind of offer you couldn’t refuse.
Neytiri nodded, the beginnings of a smile reaching her lips. For a moment you admired her smile.
And then the next you envied it.
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Jake was in the tank room on another day. You entered as usual in human form. A week had passed since your agreed-upon ‘truce’ and you were slowly growing accustomed to his presence the best way you could. Most days, he wasn’t always there. Those were the days when you were relieved and felt like you could relax a bit.
But on the days he was there, you took to ignoring him like you originally planned. And thankfully, he didn’t seem bothered by that. Sometimes he’d ask questions here and there about the fetus, but other than that, the two of you were in your own little worlds.
And you were fine with this. Perhaps Jake had the right idea about this little truce. It certainly made things easier. You were still tense around him of course—mostly because you felt like he was watching you whenever he thought you weren’t looking—but it was manageable.
Upon observing the avatar, you noticed the belly bump becoming just a little more visible as time went by—which wasn’t much time at all. You began to wonder about the differences between Na’vi pregnancy to human pregnancy.
Currently, you are going through past video logs of Grace Augustine to get some idea of how her avatar came to be pregnant.
Once more you were reminded that you weren’t alone as Jake spoke from the other side of the room, “Any theories?”
You glanced over your shoulder to see that he was watching you work with an intense look—or maybe his face was naturally like that.
A beat went by before you considered responding to his question, “Besides divine intervention? No, not really.” You turned back to the logs and made a face when Norm started showing up more in her videos. You turned back to Jake who was still watching you, “Norm and Grace didn’t—”
“No, no, they didn’t.” Jake quickly said, looking just as uncomfortable as you felt asking. “God, at least I hope they didn’t—I wasn’t always around them when linked up—he was always with Trudy actually—you know what, I rather not think about it.”
You hummed, “It was worth a shot asking.” After shutting and placing your tablet down on the table you sat at, you sunk further into your chair as you began mumbling to yourself. “Looks like I might as well have to stick with your Eywa impregnating her. Virgin Mary and all.”
Another silence settled between you two. You wrote down in your notes while absentmindedly listening to Jake’s quiet breaths further behind you, too acutely aware of his presence.
“About what I said about not trusting you…” Jake started and you refrained from rolling your eyes at the interruption of your note-taking and thoughts. “I’m not here to monitor you or anything and I didn’t mean—”
“Sure you did.” You say simply, glancing back at him with an impassive expression. “No point in going back on it now.”
“I was reckless with my words—”
“Reckless words have some truth to them.” You shrugged and turned back to your notes. “If it helps, I don’t trust you either, Sully.”
“Neytiri does.” That made you pause. That made you look back at him in both defense and confusion, trying to figure out just what he was trying to get at here. Jake wore a look of contemplation as if he were trying to figure something out himself, “She was the first one to agree to you watching over Grace’s kid. She fought Tsu’tey on it when usually she’d be on his side whenever it came to humans. That means something to me.”
You considered his words. Truth be told, you didn’t know why Neytiri agreed to it. Frankly, it was going to happen either way—but having Neytiri unexpectedtly on board with the plan wasn’t something any of you saw coming. You still didn’t necessarily know how to feel about that yet.
But it seemed Jake did.
Instead of addressing it, you clicked your pen close, “I’ll send updates through Norm if anything changes. Maybe through Neytiri too whenever she makes her rounds over here.”
After a pause, Jake nodded, “Copy that.” Surprisingly—and quite relieving—he began to take his leave. Which meant that the conversation was now done, thankfully. Before he left the room, he turned back to you with a twitch of his tail, “And thank you, Doc.”
 “Just doing my job, Sully.” You shrugged, closing your notebook. “It’s about time, right?”
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It meant something. It had to. Even if he wasn’t sure if he believed in all this Eywa stuff, he believed in Neytiri. He respected Mo’at.
They saw something in you that he clearly could not see just yet. Perhaps it was now time he had to open his eyes.
Perhaps it was time for Jake to finally see.
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hiii! wow, sorry about the wait! my schedule got so crazy the past couple of weeks, i barely had a moment to actually sit down and write this. but finally, here is chapter five!
i know a lot of you were worried i dropped this but don't worry, i'm still here! just barely surviving life lol.
anyways, looks like jake and reeds are finding each other at least tolerable now...
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(i'm not adding anymore people anymore!)
taglist: @doggyteam2028 @bigbootahjudy @innercreationflower @n7cje @celi-xxmoon @readerofallthingss @sillyblues @squirtlebob @saturnhas82moons @1mawh0re @aprosiacperson @loserwithnofriends @garfieldsladybird
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945 notes · View notes
jakexneytiri · 6 months
“but this woman must also choose me.”
“she already has.”
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212 notes · View notes
eywaseclipse · 2 months
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The eye contact yeah.. butterflies
183 notes · View notes
jakesullyspillowtits · 5 months
i want to swallow them
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50 notes · View notes