w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 1 year
Closed w/ @jewelsoffaith
There was much more than Cesare expected that went into an orgy that would be filmed, edited, and later submitted to various different festivals for consideration; they needed to find a good handful of vampires who’d be into it, a venue, several cameras and microphones to pick up video and audio from all angles, and a massive bed for them all to have sex on or around. He’d wanted to use old film cameras rather than digital, but had had difficulties finding any without even trace amounts of silver in them so conceded to using digital cameras that were now set up on the stage of a small, historic theater that he had rented out for this occasion. He’d gotten B-Roll shots of the theater and the opening POV shot of someone approaching him on stage, and now, he was ready to begin. To allow all vampires entrance, he’d set out welcome mats by the door to properly invite them in, and was waiting for them on a massive bed that took up almost the entirety of the stage, dressed in white sheets that would soon be soiled by all manners of bodily fluid. He had since stripped his robe off to complete nudity and sat in the center of the bed with his legs spread, inviting whatever vampire would arrive next in even more so. Orchestral music played softly in the background, setting the tone for the participants but not loud enough where it would be hard to edit out afterwards. The plan was, once all vampires had arrived and started having their fun, the human would be sent in, walk down the middle aisle of the theater, and join the swarm on stage. Having been turned only fairly recently, Cesare’s body still bore some relatively fresh blood that flushed their pale skin with a vibrant pink, a color that matched that of their nipples and their wet, eager pussy that they were rubbing in anticipation. It wouldn’t be long until the others arrived, he could hear the door to the building open, and with that he sent out a message to each of them mentally, informing them to come into the auditorium, informing them that everything was in order.
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lenagrace-designs · 7 months
Radiant Riches: A Closer Look at Gemstones in the Bible
Gemstones have held a significant place in human history, often revered for their beauty, rarity, and symbolic meanings. The Bible, a timeless source of inspiration and wisdom, mentions various gemstones that carry deep significance. Join us on a captivating journey as we explore the fascinating world of gemstones in the Bible, unraveling the stories and symbolism behind each precious stone.
Jasper - Foundation Stone of the New Jerusalem: The Bible mentions Jasper as the first foundation stone of the New Jerusalem. Its varied colors symbolize the diverse attributes of God. Explore the rich symbolism associated with this gemstone and its role in biblical prophecy.
Sapphire - Divine Blue Brilliance: Known for its enchanting blue hue, the Sapphire finds mention in the Bible as a symbol of divine favor and wisdom. Discover the biblical references to Sapphires and their representation of heavenly blessings.
Emerald - Green Glory of God's Throne: Uncover the biblical significance of the Emerald, often associated with God's throne and the vibrant colors of nature. Delve into its symbolism as a representation of God's eternal promises.
Ruby - Fiery Passion and Divine Love: The Ruby, with its fiery red allure, is a gemstone that symbolizes passion and love. Explore biblical passages where Rubies are mentioned and their connection to themes of beauty and virtue.
Diamond - Eternal Purity and Brilliance: As a symbol of purity and brilliance, the Diamond is associated with divine clarity and perfection. Discover how Diamonds are referenced in the Bible and their representation of everlasting strength.
Topaz - Golden Glow of God's Presence: The Topaz, with its golden hues, is often linked to God's divine presence. Explore the biblical references to Topaz and its symbolic meaning in connection with heavenly radiance.
Amethyst - Royal Purple of Righteousness: Known for its royal purple color, the Amethyst represents righteousness and spiritual clarity. Unearth the biblical passages that mention Amethyst and their connections to virtue and holiness.
Beryl - Aquamarine: Waters of Healing and Revelation: Beryl, including the captivating Aquamarine, is associated with healing waters and divine revelation. Journey through the biblical references to Beryl and its connection to spiritual insight
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Lovers Reunited
a drabble for @jewelsoffaith
Kore hadn't told Charlie where they were going when they snuck out of the castle in the night, but the journey was certainly a new experience for the girl. She had never left Thisbinar, and now, she was an adventurer, it seemed, like so many things in her life, without her consent, but she did her best not to complain. She wasn't being beaten about by the drow and she wasn't being fed upon on the behind-closed-doors-demon that was the Magister. It did worry her, she had to admit, that she didn't know where they were going, but she tried not to ask. She supposed that it would be easy to leave her behind if she got too annoying, even though Lady Kore had been kinder than all of the other masters so far. She just didn't intervene, remaining a bystander, and then healing her... out of kindness or to hide her husband's monstrosity? Charlie wasn't sure.
But finally, one day the lady told the girl that they were close, and by that time where afternoon becomes evening, they had found an entrance to a cave... to rest for the night? But as soon as they had entered the cave, finally inside to safely rest, a voice thindered above and around them, echoing through the chamber.
"Who goes there?!" The women started, but made no response, prompting the voice to speak again. "Answer me, travellers, or face your doom!"
Something was strangely familiar about the voice, but she wasn't really thinking about it as traps and challenges began to reveal themselves around the chamber.
"M'lady..." Charlie whispered warningly, trying to back away, back to the cave entrance, but Kore stopped her. Charlie's stomach twisted; was she once again to be used as meat, even so far from her captors? But the lady nudged her, and the girl looked up... to see a face... the face of the person preparing to introduce them to their doom... that face... She froze in shock; she knew that face... yes, she strangely recognized even across the years and across the space of the entire room... but could it be?
Quietly, but loud enough to hear, even over the sound of the traps readying themselves, she called out to him, but not with her name... with his. "Kovacs?" The traps all froze, and so did the warrior.
He looked closer at the face, despite the long distance, his hand on the hilt of his greatsword that he had partially drawn from his sheath. He looked uncertain, as if maybe she was a figment of his imagination or some sort of cruel magical trick, and the girl had to admit that she felt much the same... but he called out to her, the threatening edge gone from his voice, leaving a vulnerable softness that gave him away immediately as he called her name. "Charlie?"
The girl gave a quiet whimper and took off toward him, and he, too, quickly let his sword slide back into his sheath and hurried to her as well, clambering down from his spot above the trap-covered floor.
It didn't take long for them to reach each other, and for the first time in too many years, they wrapped each other in their arms and clutched at their clothes with tight, knotted fists as they stared at each other intently, looking for any sign that all of this could be a cruel fake or trick. The happy conclusion was easy to reach as they looked at each other in awe.
"It's you..." They said it together, and it made the girl laugh a teary but musical laugh that made the man smile.
He towered above her still, but she reached up to grab the knot in his cloak to drag him down so that she could plant a firm kiss on his lips as she began to softly cry.
She didn't notice the others that had ocme to join their would-be protector, and she forgot Kore, still standing beyond the sea of traps, only having eyes and thoughts of the beloved she had thought long gone. She had found him, and was in his arms again.
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bloodenkids · 2 years
I know I haven’t done this before but I figure I should. This is my main blog, but you can find me other places! I follow from here for my sideblogs:
@petpsycho (John Doe / A Nightmare on Elm Street)
@jewelsoffaith (Dark and Dicey multimuse)
@allexandrianrejects (CR oc multimuse)
@horrorcomeshome (HHN oc multimuse)
@childrenfromthecrypt (Tales from the Crypt OCs)
@messers-storm-and-tender (American Murder Song multimuse)
@legendsofthewitchlight (Legends of Avantris multimuse)
@hatchetmen (Starkid's Hatchetfield multimuse)
@moreinterestingtimes (BG3 Tavs and Durges)
@ddarkroomm (Adam Faulkner-Stanheight / Saw)
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What's your proudest rp moment?
Who's your favourite character you've ever written?
Do you know that you are loved, and you are fantastic?
Mhmmm, I kinda mentioned on another blog that someone considered me their idol in a small fandom... but generally I feel proud when I realize that people really recognize me behind the screen. That makes me feel like I've transcended something when people show they care
That's so hard to pick! Probably Lucy at @bloodenkids, but as far as canon characters go, I think Kovacs from Dark and Dicey on @jewelsoffaith just because of the amount of lore I've put into him and how much I unconditionally love that messy dnd series
I really try to think about that! It's something I'm working on in therapy to see my own worth, so conceptually yes, but I'm still working on it in practice!!!
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willowdied · 3 years
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@jewelsoffaith : ‘  reports  of  my  fame  are  greatly  exaggerated!  ’ 
eyebrows raised as the widest of grins spread upon her face, chuckling just a little bit and shaking her head. “ well fame is fame and i know just a little bit about it. not from me, though. from my mama who is like, not to brag too much... the most famous singer of all time ever! and she should be! because wow! she is really really talented. ” she shook her head a little before tilting her head, smile not falling all the way though it was still serious, curious, light, and warm. jester hummed, “ will you tell me about it, though? your adventures? beyond the reports? ” 
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jewelsoffaith · 3 years
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Fire: Victorina Stormwind ( @jewelsoffaith )
Ice: Kent Parsons ( @birdhouse-in-thesoul )
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Writers, Ye Be Warned!
In a fit of something, perhaps insanity, I have gone through the Tarot card meme and now have possibilities for wuite a few muses!
Affected Blogs (for now... mwahaha!):
-@oughtabeinpxctures (and your blog with Fallon... i can also post these on Discord...)
If you would like to be added to this chaos, please feel free to inform me! Furthermore, if you'd like to know which muses I have down, please reach out to me as well! You are free to add or change muses as you like. You are also noy required to respond to any tagged posts that come from this ambitious insanity of mine.
@willowdied : Any tags, as of this moment, for you will be from my Romeo blog for your Juliet! If you'd like to add more muses, lemme know!
@orchestrahearts : Any tags you recieve may be from either this blog or my very naked and not set up Jack Kelly blog... because... SURPRISE.
@w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l : You may recieve tags from this blog, as well as from my Romeo blog and Johnathan Harker blog! Beware!!!!
Mun of @kurtzbergsiblings , lol... You know who you are, lol: You may recieve tags from this blog and from my Johnathan Harker blog as well!
This is Charlie and Charlie and we approve this messge! 👍
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 2 years
“Risqué” (jewelsoffaith) ((Kovacs and Henry maybe? I feel like the chaotic vs lawful energies could be fun))
9. My muse is a sex worker at a brothel
Henry had a very particular clientele at the bordello he worked in from time to time. His lean towards a more argumentative temperament made him hard to sell to certain clients who otherwise would have loved to fetishize aspects of him and made him more of a worker that would be recommended to newer clients who had yet to hear of his nature. He was mostly incredibly self-serving and wouldn’t let himself just sit and take things he didn’t like. The owners of the Bordello often thought he was more trouble than he was worth, but with the way he brought in a very particular type of high paying client, they couldn’t just part with him and let him go to their competitor. He was like a bronco they wanted to break, yet kept bucking off all but a handful of riders. Perhaps it was good that he had such hard boundaries for himself and his patrons that he made sure others followed at all times. Perhaps the best part of having him as one of the boys in Lovers’ Saddle was the fact some clients saw him as a challenge, they’d pay money to see if they could break him. They never could, but the bosses were always paid. When Henry’s been told he had a new client coming in, part of him was readying for a fight anyways, practicing his punches between stages of readying himself. Part of him wanted someone who’d not question his boundaries though, someone who’d still want him after the boundaries were set. Soon, it was time for him to go down from his room and bring the new man up himself. Each worker had a different sort of style to them, a selling point beyond physical features, some presented themselves as demure socialites and dressed the part, where Henry on the other hand was mostly just a sort of elevated version of himself, a rowdy cowboy. He dressed the part when meeting clients and taking them to his room, for the ones who stuck it out, it was more fun for them undressing him when there was more for him to take off. They’d seen artists renderings of his body in the book of available boys so it wasn’t like there was much in the way of surprise to be had there. He stopped in front of the man in the waiting room, the light jingle of the spurs on the back of his boots coming to silence. “Howdy there, big rider. You ready to saddle up,” he asked, the side of his mouth curling into a cocky smile.
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 2 years
“All the pins inside your fretted head and your muttered whens and hows, All your mother’s weaves and your father’s threads, Let me rob them of you now” (jewelsoffaith) ((Kore to Jehan?))
Jehan looked up at her, his breath shaking a little as he tried to steady himself. He often carried himself as though the world couldn't touch him, as if he was above it all, but it seemed Kore could see through it all despite his trying. She knew him better than he could even fully comprehend, he didn't talk about how he'd been when he was younger and how that messed with his head now. He hadn't been able to know his parents, the only things he knew of them were old paintings where he grew up. On several occasions when running through the halls in his childhood, he'd stop and look at the painting, yearning to touch them and only looking at his mother, comparing the face he would see in the mirror with hers. The paintings had all been done when his older brother was a baby so he was never sure of how they looked when they'd died, all he could do was imagine them. In his childhood, the only constant he had was his brother and even that wasn't a constant as unbeknownst to him, instead of caring and looking out for Jehan, he'd taken in a baby of around his own age to raise. He didn't even notice the tears welling up in his eyes as her words hit him. He'd been told similar things before, of course he had, but none of them seemed to hold the same weight as Kore's had to him. "How could they leave me here alone," he asked weakly, "How could a loving god take them away like that. My brother says all things are His plan but why then would he let me, a baby, on my own while Claude went out and found a new baby to care for," he asked. "I have a lot of loose threads and pins in my head, I hope you're good at darning."
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 3 years
“Was a body on the chapel step, Someone left it there broken with a sack for a head” (jewelsoffaith) ((Maven to Molly))
Molly shuddered a little at these words. "That sounds gnarly, any idea whose body it was," he asked, looking down up from his place, seated and just sort of hanging out. "Could you tell who it was at least? I don't really trust the guards of this town a lot to tell whose body it was without a head," he stated, pushing out the chair across from him with his foot under the table. "Tell me everything you know."
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Going for an incredibly late night walk. (Jewelsoffaith) (Kovacs or Kore?)
She woke up in the wee hours of the morning, confused to find herself alone after knowing for certain that she had gone to sleep in Kovacs' arms. She sat up and gave a soft groan and a stretch before pulling on her boots, reaching out for her crutch, and rising to her feet to go and look for him. She left their little room and made her way down a hidden hallway, making her way in the dark, before finally reaching Kovacs' throne room, where finally, she saw him. She released a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding as she stopped in the doorway. "Kovacs?" Her voice was quiet and sleepy as he paced around and she reached up with her free hand to rub at her eyes. After a moment, she stepped further into the room toward him before pausing again as she frowned sleepily and started to worry at her bottom lip, trying to think of what she could say that could possibly convince her lover to follow her to bed and to rest.
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 3 years
“Beyond the thorns and strangled reeds, A wedding ring amongst the weeds” (jewelsoffaith) ((maven to molly))
Molly leaned forward, intrigued a bit by this. Maven often came to him with the latest happenings that she'd seen or discovered, it wasn't really a friendship, she just knew he loved to stay up to date and could never pass up some good gossip. "What do you think the angle is there, Mav," he asked, "Runaway bride? Runaway groom? Broken marriage leading to a fight and throwing a ring into the river?" He himself had theories, though he wanted to hear her take and what else if anything she found around the scene. "Did it look expensive? If it didn't that could be an angle too, someone was mad it wasn't as nice as they wanted it to be."
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It wasn’t often the Duskmeadow District had visitors. Frankly, a lot of people thought it was creepy here, unless they were followers of the Raven Queen. But a death cleric and a spirits bard were a good pass for traveling adventures stopping on their way to Wildemount. The High Warden Lieve’tel had let them into the commons of the temple, which seemed pretty empty now, save an auburn haired woman with red scales on her cheekbones. Looking up from her spellbook, Victorina glanced over the motley crew, eyes settling on Charlie. She might as well take a chance on her gut assumptions, given a golden shimmer in the human’s brown eyes. “May I assume you all are traveling and staying here on your way? Where are you headed?” She asked, her words the tell-tale raspy growls of Draconic.
Charlie hadn't ever had the chance to travel, so she tried her best to drink everything in, all from the safety of holding Kovacs' hand every chance she had... and so, when they walked into the temple, she didn't even see the lady as she looked so intently around... before hearing the raspy growls, and looking up, startled... confused to hear the growls, but being able to understand the words made her freeze, even as the others continued walking. "Wh-what? H-how?" She gulped, but clung to Kovacs' hand determinedly. "How can I understand you?"
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"Why." Slam! "Won't." Slam! "You." Slam! "WORK!" (jewelsoffaith) ((Maven, repeatedly slamming her spell tome either into the ground on against a wall))
Charlie watched the woman with a confused frown, even going so far as to imitate a puppy she had once tried to care for on the street by tilting her head to the side, trying to make since of the other girl's actions. After a moment, she finally gave in and spoke. "Does that help? Slammin' it around like that?" Of course, she didn't know anything about magic, so as peculiar as the action looked, perhaps it really was something to do when magic didn't go your way.
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There hadn't been much they could give Charlie originally, when it came to clothes. Kaitri and Anya lent what they could, but neither had exactly the size Charlie needed. There was a plan to take her into Allhaven proper under a disguise spell of something similar, but that wasn't going to happen just yet. They had to make due. But, while making due, no one had expected to see Charlie coming into the main room of the Dungeon't in Kovacs' clothes, (jeweloffaith)
Kovacs' clothes were HUGE on her, but they smelled like him... the way he had always smelled. It had been so long, she had almost forgotten how he smelt, but being with him again brought it all back. And the last thing she wanted, now that she was free, was to be stuck in anything related to her time in captivity, no matter how fine it was... She hated it... but now she was free....
She honestly didn't think anything of wearing Kovacs' tunic and pants into the main room where the others were. She was certain she might have looked ridiculous, with the pants rolled up so much, and with the tunic hanging down past her knees, but she felt free... and, in a way, she felt at home... or, perhaps, like she had a chance at having a home at long last...
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