#jevil is a circle draw the circle its easy
the-meme-monarch · 8 months
"why are you drawing jevil like a twink!!!! that's what spamton's for!!!!" thing i said to my sibling earlier that made xem cackle that i just remembered
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Don’t make deals with the Jevil- Chapter 1
My very first Deltarune fic! I don’t think i’ve ever put in so much effort in something that started out as a tickle fic, and still kiiiinda is?? It still has tickle stuff, but it isn’t quite the main focus. Hope you enjoy!
“After all the trouble I went through to lock him up, you want to release him?”
“Perhaps a little chaos might be fun.”
“If you can call THIS luck...no, it’s more like a curse…!”
Those words rang around in Ralsei’s head as the elevator descended downwards. At first, he was all for freeing this odd prisoner. The King didn’t seem to be very fair, so it was very likely he was just an odd monster the King didn’t like and happened to lock away. But, after hearing those words from the one who sealed him away...It didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore.
“Are you sure about this? This seems like a really bad idea.” Ralsei noted as elevator stopped. Kris lead the way out, carefully stepping down the stairs.
“Don’t be such a stiff. We went to all the trouble of getting this damn key, we’re gonna use it. Besides, I can handle the worst case scenario.” Susie assured. They walked until they reached the bottom of the staircase. All there seemed to be was large door with no way of opening. As they approached, a voice laughed with joy. “Uee hee hee! The key, the key! A marvelous fun is about to break free! Won’t you let yourself outside?~” The voice mused. Ralsei took a step back, unsure of what to think. Maybe he was being too judgemental. Kris took out the key, placing it in what he assumed was the keyhole. After a moment, the key faded and produced another, smaller door that opened up. Kris walked inside, Susie having to crouch. The landscape seemed warped beyond belief, causing weird illusions. In the center of the room was a small, odd looking jester-like creature. He balanced on his tail, gripping his feet as he laughed. “Uee hee! Visitors, visitors!” He cheered, landing on his feet. “Now we can play, play! Then, after you, I can play with everyone else, too!” Susie looked skeptical, crossing her arms. Ralsei stepped forwards, looking much more friendly, though his eyes gave away his nervousness. “So, what are we playing, exactly…?” He asked softly. The creature giggled, jumping upwards to float in the air.
“Oh, it’s a simple game~” At that moment, several things that looked like scythes dropped in front of the group, causing them to have to stumble backwards.
“You smile or laugh, you lose~” He purred, holding his hand out as one of the scythes landed back in his hand. Susie scoffed, lifting her axe up slightly.
“Doesn’t sound too hard.” Jevil laughed at her response, smirking.
“Your confidence is amusing! Let’s see how long it lasts~” He teased, waving to her. Susie growled, leaping up in the air with her axe. She brought it down, though it struck the ground. Jevil reappeared behind her, cackling. She growled with rage, slashing at him. They repeated the process several times, Jevil appearing close by and vanishing before he could be hit. Eventually, Susie caught on the pattern he had. She spun around in a circle with her axe out. As Jevil reappeared again, the axe slashed at his side. There was a pause before he simply started laughed again, much more frantic like than before.
“Oh, your attacks to nothing! They tickle me so~” He purred teasingly. Susie glared daggers at the creature, lifting the axe above her head.
“I’ll show how ‘tickly’ this axe is!” She yelled, jumping up to slash at him again. Jevil stayed put the time, only moving slightly to grab the axe in midair, holding it and Susie in the air with him.
“No, I think i’ll show YOU how tickly this axe is!~” He vanished, only taking the axe with him, leaving Susie to fall on the ground. He reappeared and tossed the axe into the air, snapping his fingers. The axe melted into glowing, purple feathers. They swirled in the air all together, and then dove straight for Susie. She didn’t have much time to run and when the feathers caught up, they swarmed all over body, brushing and spinning in small circles where they could reach. Susie instantly knelt down and laid down on the ground, holding her stomach in laughter. She swatted the feathers the best she could, though it only pushed them to different spots. She turned on her back and started pounding the ground with her fists in protest, catching a few feathers in the process. When pressed into the ground by her fist, the feathers turned to dust. While there was a way to get rid of them, it didn’t seem like she had much of a chance of getting rid of all of them.
Ralsei simply stared in amazement, watching as Jevil lowered himself to the ground beside her, scythe in hand.
“Looks like I have one, who seems to be a bit of a sore loser~” He smirked. He pounded the end of the handle of the scythe on the ground a couple of times, the blade of it turning into a large, curved feather.
“Who’s next?~” He asked, staring at Ralsei. The prince stepped back a little, still staring in awe.
“Y-You...you know what...what tickling is…?” He asked carefully. Jevil giggled in response, putting his hand over his mouth.
“You sound surprised! What kind of fool do you take me for?” Jevil asked, crossing his arms as he balanced on his tail.
“W-Well...I had to have tickling explained to me...and i’m pretty sure there’s more in the dark world who have no idea what tickling is. It’s just...surprising.” Ralsei explained, hoping his words might calm the creature down a little. Jevil stopped smiling for a brief moment, staring back at Ralsei for what seemed like forever. He finally laughed again, shaking his head.
“You were unaware! I see, I see, this is quite awful, awful!” He yelled, tossing his head back dramatically. Kris glanced at Ralsei, putting his hands together and putting his head on his hands to mimic sleeping, then making a singing motion. Ralsei nodded, and cleared his throat in preparation to sing.
“When the light is running low, and the shadows start to grow…”  
“And the places that you know seem like fantasy~” Ralsei’s eyes opened in shock as Jevil’s voice joined in the song, sounding oddly melodious and soothing. Jevil gently held Ralsei’s snout shut. Ralsei was already falling under the spell of the song, looking quite sleepy. Kris also felt quite tired suddenly, kneeling down on the ground. He was suddenly jarred out of it by a loud scream. He perked up again, rubbing his eyes. Susie screamed again, as if to snap Ralsei out of his trance as well; but it was too late. Jevil pulled away, ending the song and Ralsei fell to the ground, completely passed out. Kris rubbed his eyes again, drawing his sword. He dashed over to Ralsei, lifting him onto one of his shoulders, using his other arm to point the sword at Jevil. The creature responded by laughing, tilting back slightly. Susie picked herself up and wandered back out of the door. The feathers vanished as they left, stumbling to the floor. Ralsei perked up slightly, looking around.
“H-Huh…?” He asked. “What happened?”
“Some bitch...decided to fuhuhuck with us…” Susie giggled, still brushing the ghostly feeling off of her.
“Dohohohn’t worry about ihihit…” She assured. Kris nodded in agreement, standing up. They’d get Susie a new axe. They’d get ready, and they’d face the King, no problem. They’d be fine.
Kris regretted his own thoughts as he watched Susie kneel down to the ground, gasping in pain and exhaustion. The battle against King Spades was a lot harder than all three of them had anticipated. Ralsei was down for the count, and Susie looked to be on the same path. Kris was the only one who seemed to be up to fighting. He kept his eyes hidden, but dashed forward and slashed his sword. Barely missed. He tumbled to the ground as the king walked back a step, out of the way. He smirked, crossing his arms. Kris tried to get up, but was forced down by a great, sudden weight on his chest. King Spades had placed his foot and all of his weight onto Kris to keep him from getting up.
“Pitiful lightners...I should have known this would be an easy battle to win. Maybe you’ll learn to keep to your own world, at least until we take over.~” He purred, kicking Kris off to the side, near the ledge. Susie gasped, trying to crawl towards the two.
“No! D-Don’t you d-dare!” She stuttered, trying to bare through the pain. King Spades glanced back at her, scoffing.
“And what are you going to do? Yell at me some more? How horrifying.~” He mocked, rearing his foot back to kick Kris again, when he suddenly fell backwards with a yelp, causing the ground to shake slightly. Kris glanced up to try and see what had happened. A familiar scythe flew through the air back into its owner’s hand. Jevil laughed maniacally, jumping up to float above King Spades.
“There you are! How’s my oh so favorite care bear?~” He purred. King Spades simply stared in shock for a moment.
“H-How…? How did you get out?!” He yelled, trying to sit up. Jevil tilted backwards, smirking at Kris.
“Some people don’t think it’s very polite to shut the door on their way out.~” He mused, tilting back upwards. King Spades glared at Kris, clenching his fist.
“I should have known this was your doing!” He growled and started to step forward, but was stopped by Jevil hooking his scythe around him.
“Now now, boring bear, we have some unfinished business to attend to!~” He cackled. He lifted his scythe up in the air and pounded the handle of the scythe on the ground. Both him and the king vanished in a cloud of sparks, Jevil’s laughter filling the air.
“Well...guess that’s taken care of!” Ralsei smiled, tilting his head. Susie glanced at the doorway, then back at Ralsei.
“Guess it’s time for you two to go, huh?” Ralsei sighed, turning away.
“B-But what about Lancer? I wanna say goodbye to him!” Susie growled, though it sounded more sad than anything.
“Susie, it’s time. You need to go. I’ll say goodbye for you. It’s time.” Ralsei urged. Susie huffed, pushing Ralsei out of the way. Kris quickly followed, waving.
“Goodbye you two! I’ll miss you!” Ralsei waved, sighing as the two disappeared. It hurt, but they had to go home. It was for the better.
Kris was more than sure it wasn’t going to work a second time, but it was hard to say to to Susie, who was not only violently persistent, but was clearly very desperate to see her friend again. She basically dragged Kris back to the supply closet one day after school. They waited inside for what felt like forever. Kris glanced at his wrist as if checking a watch, glancing up at Susie.
“J-Just give it a minute! C’mon!” Susie pleaded. Right after, the floor seemed to fall beneath them, and they fell down once again. Kris allowed himself to fall, preparing himself to hit the hard surface of the rock. Instead, he fell into a giant pile of soft, fluffy...feathers? He tumbled out of the pile, staring at it in confusion. Susie popped out of the pile, spitting out a few feathers from her mouth.
“This wasn’t here before, right? Cause if you landed this while I landed on rock the first time, i’ll be pissed.” She growled playfully, dusting herself off as the two walked. The landscape was a lot more colorful than last time. It seemed like music was playing, no matter where the two went. Every place seemed different in some, subtle way.  The grass seemed to be almost fuzzy. There weren’t hardly any monsters outside anymore. The two stayed silent until they finally got to the castle. It was hardly even a castle; it had been changed to look like a circus tent. Right outside stood the familiar, ominous figure laughing his familiar, ominous laugh. Jevil turned slightly, smirking at the new arrivals.
“Welcome back, lightners! Care to play?~”
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