#jettie is a tiger shark pup
heartscrypt · 1 year
What's Floyd and or Rook's nicknames for them ?? :]<
to floyd jettie is shark pup / same no ko-chan. hes really mad about that but floyd does not give a shit LOL. jettie bites floyd floyd squeezes jettie for biting him jettie bites floyd for squeezing him and it's the worst cycle in existence. it only ends when floyd gets bored
rook calls jettie monsieur mercenaire (monsieur mercenary) because jetties an opportunist whose loyalty can ABSOLUTELY be bought. it also refers to his indiscriminately violent nature. jettie doesn't understand french so he kind of thinks rook is insulting him but the one time he bit rook rook said something ominous enough to make jettie willingly let go of him. probably about harpooning fish or something. so jettie doesn't bite rook anymore
to floyd marron is octosquid / takoika-kun. or devil squid / oni ika-kun sometimes if marrons being especially malicious that day. dynamic of floyd beinf like "woooww oni ika-kuuun! you've really got that sucker in your clutches ^__^" and marron in response is like "why, i really don't know what you're talking about, floyd. i'm just helping out a ... friend, no strings attached." marron tolerates being called octosquid but he's not very fond of the octo part because that's floyd comparing him to azul and. well. marron hates comparison. he's much more pleased to be called devil squid funnily enough
rook calls marron monsieur marionnettiste (monsieur puppeteer) because of the way marron controls people to do what he wants for him. marron's actually a part of the film studies club that rook participates in so rook's seen marron's influencing in action when marron's directing backstage crew. marron denies it of course and says he doesn't really understand rooks nickname for him but underneath he takes pride in it because it feels like his skills are being recognized
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