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pis3update · 9 months ago
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Jets Pool Edge Floors by Jet4571
"Adds 3 floors for making pool borders and surrounding area. Currently making a new world and was making a pool for the gym and I wanted a border around it like you find on pools rather then the concrete going right to the edge but none of the floors in the game really worked for what I wanted. So I made 3 floor tiles for bordering pools.
There is the solid one for making the concrete patio, an edge tile for going on the sides of the pool, and a corner tile for the corners of the pool. They have 3 channels for Create a Style except the solid one which has 1, They are the solid the border part and a joint line on the border to break it up into segments or not. The border part is best used with a solid color but you can mess with any pattern.
They are found in the Misc. section of the floors using the default patterns the floors they were duplicated from used. They will be light tan colored in the list of floors. It looks OK as is so I didn't change it.
...continued + more pictures on nexusmods."
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strangegamingyt-blog · 6 years ago
Welcome to Vault 88!
Today i show you around my new humble abode. My very own Vault! It isnt complete but i am proud of the hard work thats gone into it! With a few mods here and there, Ive made it feel like home 🏡
12 Potted Trees
By: jet4571
Chinese Stealth Armor; V.1.1 for Xbox
By: Apalmemnom
Fallout UIF
By: DarkClawRaven
[XB1] Ashara FO4 Cyborg Armor
By: Ashara
AK400 - Assault Rifle
By: HyperX
By: Sanmu
Thanks to all mod creators for there astounding and amazing mods! Cant wait to checkout more!
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skyrim5v · 6 years ago
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Волчье стальное оружие by jet4571 Описание Добавляет в мир Скайрима кучу оружия, которое имеет две версии текстур, чистое и ржавое. Плагин добавляет:лук, стрелы, одноручный меч, двуручный меч, одноручный боевой топор, секиру, булаву, одноручный боевой молот, двуручный боевой молот, кинжал, также щит. Оружие можно сковать в разделе «Стальное» после получения кузнечного перка «Даэдрическое». Оно может быть заточено и зачарованно. Чистая версия оружия имеет на два показания больше урона, чем у Даэдрического оружия, а ржавое идентично. Ржавое начнет появляться в игре с 40 уровня, может быть перековано в чистую версию. Чистая начнет появляться в инвентаре кузнеца с 38 уровня. Автор добавил два сундука, оба находятся по дороге из Хелгена, с обеих сторон. Требования: Skyrim Установка: Стандартная Удаление: Стандартное Автор jet4571 Локализатор TheDarkForce Язык Русский Размер мода 101.5 МБ Оригинал nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85329 ЛОР Частично ЛОРен Распространение Ни при каких условиях Дата добавления/обновления 17.07.2017 в 15:06 0 Сообщение Волчье стальное оружие by jet4571 появились сначала на Скайрим 5 skyrim the elder scrolls - читы коды моды скачать .
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greymods · 7 years ago
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so, i recently installed ICW, and while i do like a lot of what it does, since I mostly only do the college quest with one character, I decided to give the Arch-Mage’s quarters a bit of Velothi love ;>  there’s some oddities going on, but it may be because I tried to create a separate esp. before giving up on that and just going ham on ICW’s esp instead. Shadows are bad bc old computer, and the pillows are purple and textureless because the ck hates that bed (which is a mashup of the dunmer bed from DB and this resource by jet4571 and Elianora)
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pis3update · 9 months ago
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3 Roof Patterns by Jet4571
"Adds 3 Roof Patterns. They are a dark brown asphalt shingle, a dark grey asphalt shingle, and a rusty corrugated metal roof.
...more pictures on nexusmods."
More Info + Download @ nexusmods.
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pis3update · 9 months ago
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Jets Wood Patterns by Jet4571
"Adds 12 wood Patterns and 3 floors. They come in 3 varieties, 1 reddish brown pine, honeyed pine, and rough wood. There is also vertical and horizontal solid wood and vertical and horizontal planks. They can be used in Create A Style no matter the direction the texture wants to go with or without planks and be able to match furniture floors, walls… well everything ofcourse. The patterns for CAS are a tad dark but the default was to fit the 3 floors.
The three floors are shiny and use a plank texture, honeyed pine the vertical and the other two the horizontal. Plenty of not shiny floors that can be used with CAS.
The 3 different woods and their floor are in 3 separate packs so you don't need to use them all.
...more pictures on nexusmods."
More Info + Download @ nexusmods.
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pis3update · 8 months ago
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Emerald Island Vacation Destination by jet4571
"Adds a new populated or unpopulated vacation world. This is not a regular choose the world to live in world but a vacation world that can only be accessed through the travel menu and only with NRAAS Traveler installed. It does require NRAAS Traveler, without it you cannot access it as without it only China, Egypt, and France can be visited for a vacation.
Ever complete the adventures in France, Egypt, and China then send your sim on vacation to one of them and find there's just nothing really to do so they sit around at their vacation home doing the same things they do at their normal home when they have a day off? Have NRAAS Traveler and send your sim to a normal world and find it to be as exciting as just going to public lots at home? That's the reason for this world. A vacation destination with a little something for everyone with all new parks, restaurants, and bars to visit… lotsa bars as most all parks have one.
Art loving sims can go to the art park, paint, sculpt, or draw, grab a drink from the bar then visit the art gallery. Sporty sims can visit the gym for half a workout and then go to the sports park to finish the workout, dance, practice golf, or swim in the ocean and get that drink from the bar. There's a park for virtuoso sims to do some DJ fun or play music, maybe dance or have a drink at the bar. The public garden and nectary has plants for gardener sims and a bar at both for drink. Genius sims have a park they can make potions, play chess, do some karaoke, or play with a telescope, try to catch a robot fish or just drink at the bar… and that's not all.
There are 3 base camps, a campground for loving the outdoors, The Cabins for couples, and a hotel for the whole family. Sadly the game doesn't allow you to choose which one is your sims base after buying property, you get a choice of the purchased property or The Cabins. But the adventure notice boards in all 3 work to give your sim an opportunity to complete though not anything adventure like. I got a win a chess tourney, go play guitar in Egypt, and one I cannot remember. They have an allowed on public lots stove mod I made for this world but sadly your sim can't use it unlike the stove in China and France. Kitchens in the cabins and hotel as well as a stove in every restaurant so I am not removing it… stupid restrictions.
...continued + more pictures on nexusmods."
More Info + Download @ nexusmods.
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pis3update · 9 months ago
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Crescent Island by jet4571
"Adds a new populated or unpopulated playable world. Named because the main island is vaguely shaped like a croissant and I am not creative with names. In the world is the usual places of work and to visit, summary below.
The residents are primarily living in 3 neighborhoods, the poor and just starting out are in the trailer park, all 1-2 bedroom trailers. Then you have the middle class neighborhood filled with 2 or 3 bedroom track houses. The neighborhood has 2 house designs and mirror versions of them so not a whole lot of variety as expected by track houses(20 of them is why I did track houses lol). Then you have the upper middle class/lower upper class neighborhood. There's a point with the two wealthy families living on beach front property with a third property there waiting for your Sim to build a beach front mansion that makes theirs pale in comparison. 3 homes on the small islands and 3 households on the coast of the main island. Unpopulated version the homes are there just nobody is living in them.
Downtown is mostly shopping but it has the laundromat, Salon and tattoo, Bistro, Day Spa, and the theater. On a dead end road off downtown is a business park. That includes the science facility, Plumbob pictures, the military facility, and EA's headquarters(I find it funny to call it that). The rest of the commercial lots are scattered about the island.
The Sims themselves are rather bog standard boring Sims. 51 families to make and you get real sick of Create A Sim real quick. Though their homes are setup to suit them. There are no celebrities, pets, or any other kind of sim than plain boring human. It would have required a save file instead of a populated world to fully implement that. The game will change that though if you let it but not having them natively reduces the time to remove them if you don't want them.
Not much more to say about the world other than see for yourself and the summary…
...continued + more pictures on nexusmods."
More Info + Download @ nexusmods.
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