#jesus christ. this is why i can't stand her so-called ��stans”
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idiosyncraticrednebula · 1 year ago
This is why I don't take "queerbait" argument seriously. Most of the time, it comes from y'all's horny a$$ imagination, not the artist.
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soldierallen · 6 years ago
Married. 5
Summary: you're in love with Sebastian and you're one of his three best friends however he finds a women he loves and marries her.
Featuring: Chris Evans, Alexandra Daddario, Robert Downey Jr, Tom Holland, (Henry Cavill & Anthony Mackie on the phone/ in a flasback) Sebastian Stan.
Warnings: a very villainous Alexandra, probably a few curse words?
Part 4:
"I'm sorry I called I didn't know who else to go to" she paced her living room, the quiet settling in Chris looking at her as she paced and explained
"Its okay I'm always here for you, you know that" he smiled a reassuring smile at her he knew she needed the reassurance when she called.
she hated asking for help she wanted to be independent do everything herself however that wasn't easy for her when she was always shy and an only child she never had anyone growing up until she was 11, met Chris they became the bestest friends then soon met Anthony, a year later they met Henry and Sebastian.
"Okay I've made a big mistake a huge one" she looked at the four boys on the couch pacing back and fourth they followed her with their eyes
"What did you do?" Anthony asked
"I told my grandmother I had a boyfriend so she could stop setting me up on dates with her friends grandsons you gotta help me" she stopped pacing, her knee bounced up and down waiting for someone to stoop in save the day, crickets.
"Oh thanks guys FUCK" she nervously fixed her hair in an angry ponytail
"There's a guy I know that would love to take you" Chris said, the other three not following because well they didn't know who he was talking about
"I have a friend named Tom he owes me a favor" Chris said tapping his fingers on the arm chair
"You're serious? He's human right?" She asked
"Yes I'll ask him when I get home" she hugged Chris
A day had passed and he introduced them
"Y/n this is Tom Holland, Tom this is Y/n y/l/n" they shook hands "it's nice to meet you" "You're even more beautiful in person" Tom blurted out she blushed profusely he was a charmer.
"Whatever you need, I'm ready to do it no excuses" he said, Chris smiled at the interaction between the two they looked really cute together he hopes they make it far.
And from that day forward she knew the lengths Chris would go for her.
"I'm having a mental breakdown"
"Did you tell him about alex?"
"No I couldn't get to that part! I said I'm not going to your fucking wedding and I stormed off - I yelled at him i told him don't answer that fucking phone let me talk to you he answered it and my brain let hell break loose he never chooses me" She finally stopped pacing looking back and fourth as she stood up her nail digging into her skin trying to pull the skin off, a nervous habit she couldn't help it.
"Hey hey hey, you're stressing over nothing okay" he got up quickly to bring her to the couch " y/n You're in love with this man since I can't even remember how long, you can't stop loving him I understand one hundred percent you deserve to be happy" he cuddled into her on the couch her head on his chest his arm around her "but Whatever you think is right for you, do it you know yourself better than anyone else what you decide is purely what you know is good for you"
she closed her eyes and pulled in a breath letting it flow out through her nose "I think it's better if I just stop talking to him all together, I'm delaying it only because I don't want to lose him" he nodded he knows once this all blows over she'll lose him for good.
"I know" he held her stroking her hair "If you think that's good for you do it-" the door was knocked on
"hide" she whispered to Chris he stood up walking to her room closing the door behind him, she stood up fixing her clothes she had one of those chain locks, she opened the door the noise of the lock chain locking the only noise heard she looked out
The devil herself.
She shallowed not ready to face another problem today.
She opened the door fully but not letting her in, "what now?"
"I know what you saw, you seen me at the coffee shop and Henry saw me check in I know both of you know, you're not going to ruin my whole life that I built with one phrase said to Sebastian, we love each other"
"You don't fucking love him, you're cheating on him for God's sake!! you've been lying to him for months we caught you" Y/n was done being scared of her
"Well daddy knows you're CEO, you wouldn't want to loose your job at the company? Right? You're the creative director of the company. You wouldn't want to loose this opportunity all on a bad rep."
"Don't play dumb games like this were old enough to know right from wrong"
"Don't play god and you won't have to play games, Sebastian will find out sooner or later but If it comes out of your mouth you've got a lot coming y/n, if I go down you're going down with me" she said her piercing blue eyes staring right at her, getting closer to her face. this is what she was afraid of Sebastian and her job, Sebastian was going to end things with her whether he likes it or not and Alex was going to get her fired.
"Tell me one thing, why are you leading him on like this why are you... destroying him like this Sebastian could have such a full life"
"It's like playing with toys, you have the one toy you love bring it everywhere with you show it off it means the world to you without it you don't know what would happen, but then you come home and you see that one doll you bought awhile ago it's not the prettiest in the bunch, if anyone knew you liked the old doll better they would call you a hoarder you don't want to be a hoarder so you throw everything out and only have the nice pretty thing in front of you but right behind your closet door sits the doll you've loved your entire life" She said in such a villainous tone, y/n was taken a back
"Go home you nutcase" and she shut the door on her face, y/n held her breath and pulled out her phone clicking the stop voice memo the notification popping up
"new recording saved"
"CHRIS" she yelled out
"What the actual fuck" the door opened to her bed room he looked like nervous wreck, she locked the door behind her
"Is this women a villain from a comic book Jesus Christ" Chris said Clearly distraught from hearing that story
"I recorded the whole thing" she shallowed showing Chris her "New Recording" on voice memos he picked her up and sprung her around "you're a genius how did you know it was her?"
"I knew it was coming so I've been recording whoever comes to the door since the past four hours" she laughed trying to regain focus
"You're a sneaky little person" he smiled
"I learned from the best" she said his eyebrows furrowed
"Henry" she said nonchalantly
"Oh" he said
"Mr Downey could I speak to you" she knocked on her boss's door she saw him her nerves circulating through her entire body they never truly spoke he asked for the work she did the work designing helping her team approving it and he was given the final approval and if he didn't like it all the work that everyone put since weeks could be thrown in the trash all in 5 seconds.
"You have the designs this early miss y/l/n?" He was confused looking at paperwork on his desk & back up at her
"Uh no not exactly I have to talk about something important" she was at the risk of losing her job if she had the wrong thing.
"If you want a raise I can't give it to you right now" he said "No sir i- it's personal."
"Okay shoot?" He said giving her his now full attention, "sir I've been at this company for three years as the creative director you don't understand how grateful I am to have this job, to be in this community to have you the giving and loving man that you are hire me"
"Y/n You put in a lot of hard work it was a crime not to give you this job you clearly deserved it" he said very seriously.
"Thank you sir, I have made myself an enemy in the higher ups, Mr Daddario's Daugther.."
He nodded "that man does whatever his daugther says it's a dishonor for everyone who works for him" he shallowed fixing his posture a little "she's trying to get me fired, she's going to ask her father to tell you to fire me and find some kind of excuse" she tried swallowing her nerves which wasn't helping "I didn't want to come and do this, however I don't want to lose this" she looked around at his awards for the magizne they produced the awards for articles, a whole segment he did in the New York Times.
"Please don't fire me over a phone call"
He sat back on his expensive leather chair, he loosened his tie.
"I respect you I've always have but this...ive never respected you like this ever before" she tried not to show her smile but her eyes told a different story "you really want this job?" "More than anything sir" she said being very serious
"Well, if mr Daddario tells me to fire my best CD I'll tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine" he smiled standing up "Mr Downey thank you sincerely" she went to go shake his hand "nope this is a hug moment" he said she laughed and gave him a hug, she walked out she's never felt so powerful in her entire life it was only 4 days until the wedding she knew it was over today it was finished.
She laughed in the hallway jumping, she heard someone laughing a man she turned around it was Tom...Holland
"You're back" she said with a smile, they broke up for one reason only he was leaving to another country for a job in entertainment he was a director for movies and tv shows I totally supported him however we knew the long distance wasn't going to last it's been a year.
"You know every time I see you, you have this glow you get more beautiful every time" he smiled getting closer to her her face blushed she wasn't prepared for the compilment
"What are you doing here" she said gesturing to her place of work & trying to weigh down the redness in her cheeks "I came to see you, I know your friends wedding is coming I thought maybe we could possibly...go together" he said still smiling ear to ear finally face to face to a women he did absolutely fall in love with, she fell in love with him to but she knew it wasn't right for her.
"I'm going to ruin the wedding tonight actually" he gave her a questionable look "his bride has been cheating on him for months I didn't have the heart to tell him." "That's horrible" he said "I know, you still have the same number" she laughed "yeah" he said
"Call me tomorrow we'll catch up" they hugged, everything went smoothly the entire day it was great.
It was a late night coming home, it was one of those days where it felt like you want to just be alone sulk she had a mission though..
Stop that god damn wedding.
She changed out of her work clothes into normal clothes which consisted of a sweater jeans and sneakers, she made a conference call to the three boys "Its happening I have the keys in my hand and it's happening im freaking out" "Don't be nervous it'll look suspicious" Henry said "like Henry said chill we're gonna get through this together" Anthony said "I just I'm- I don't want to break his heart.. I never wanted to break his heart"
"His heart was going to get broken anyways" Chris said "Yeah but not by me."
At Sebastian's house
"Why is she not coming why won't she answer my calls" he said to himself as he brushed his teeth
"Babe who are you talking to?" Alex yelled out
"Nobody" he yelled back she came to the door and knocked on it he opened the door she wore a silk lacey nightie it's like she wasn't even wearing clothes..that was the idea I guess
"Baby what's wrong?" She said he spit in the sink "I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want you to know, she's not coming to the wedding" he was really upset "who" she asked
"Y/n she got angry she was trying to tell me something and I wasn't caring I answered your phone call and she blew up on me when we got here, she screamed I'm not going to your fucking wedding my heart broke she's been with me my entire life I'm getting married to the women I love and she's not coming?"
Alex thought here's her chance to ruin it all.
"Finish I gotta tell you something" she patted his chest and sitting on the bed, he rinsed and sat next to her
"What's up" he said giving her a comforting look his hand on her leg
"I didn't want to tell you this I've been keeping this secret it's been killing me for months, y/n threaten to ruin the wedding because she's in love with you"
Sebastian's stomach turned he felt like he was going to throw up his nerves circulating through out his entire body
"What are you talking about?" He said his voice coming out shaky his nerves getting the better of him, this wasn't what he was expecting.. she's in love with me? He thought...why didn't she tell me why was she doing this
"She told me she's going go ruin the wedding and and - I don't deserve to be with you" her fake tears about to well up "I told her you're trying to ruin our lives at what cost?"
"For him to be with me, she's a psycho I told her if you ruin my wedding he'll never forgive you" her fake tears ran down her face he was soothing her through her "grief"
"I didn't want to tell you because you love her like your sister I wasn't going to ruin it for you I'm so sorry" she cried "Its okay I'm going to fix this" he stood up "what are you going to do?" She said wiping her face "ruin her like she did to you." He called her on the phone he was angry she threatened his wife? What kind of animal does that!
"Where are you" he asked trying to calm his anger
"I was coming over to you?" She said
"Don't I'll be there in 20 minutes" he said
"Seb what is this about?" She said
"Me and you everything" he hung up ready to get into his car and end his friendship with y/n.
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Tagged: @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandom @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91
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the-firebird69 · 3 years ago
Your friend is suggesting overhead power transmission be added wherever we can and as it settles we'll have to be repairing wires instead of constantly repairing underground which would take forever by the way we can pull out the wires and use them it's a great idea and we need to cut a lot of trees and constantly cut trees and it will help us against clones
Is other idea is to use pipes top side and pressurize them and pump them in sewer and to put it so we can level it with the stand and he says that Stan will and Bill can help us they have experienced on heavy highway and they know exactly what he's talking about and I understand too there's a few more utilities but they go up in the pool and we need to sue treatment facilities that are on terra firma or built to actually sink a little on Sand but not to be damaged and he says it's not too hard but if you don't do it it's not going to get done and you can tell which ones work and the thicker is stronger and use rebar so I do get that but you can't make it thick and hard and heavy without making it strong we're going to talk to them and we're going to start getting going on this and we need a lot of temporary facilities national guard generators water water purification is going to be a problem and we'll need to build a whole bunch of big plants we need to get these contracts out and his people say they can build it and we need to assure people it's necessary and we will tell them why and we have our geophysical guys already noting that some areas are sinking and some are over sinkholes and need to relocate immediately and we need construction people now. Lily Bay Rudy has volunteered to duty to educate people and she's calling at builder Bob courses for children a young age 7 to 12 years old and the 12 year olds will become the foreman and she knows what she's talking about and her uncle was really her nephew he helped her out. And it is going to work we have an idea what we're doing.
I'm getting to work on this and he needs some work and we can do it cash and he can want to drive a truck around. And the system of pipes of course.
And we thank you any thanks me cuz I did a lot of hard work I could use some help I got him the place I have some help with it I got in the laundry and Jesus Christ then Lord guys driving us the wrong way all the time he's going to have a fight down there the clones are fighting him too
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