#jesus christ gladdy!
bumblebyaf · 2 years
you’re a whole world and i’m just a traveller will be stuck in my head for the rest of my fucking life
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major-artery · 7 years
It me.
I’ve been tagged a few times for this meme-er thing. Specifically by @atarostarling and @mandakatt. I think there was someone else, but, I can’t find it in my post-con haze. ♥ Thanks for the taggies!
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Name/nickname: Jessi. Jessibell when I was younger. Pumpkin.
Gender: Female.
Star sign: Virgo.
Height: 5′3″. SO SMOL. 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin, which never ceases to blow my mind. I honestly expected Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. 
Favourite animal: I love cats. D: I really do. They’re such cute douchebags. I’m also gaining an affection for birbs. 
Hours of sleep: On average, 4-6 per night.
Dogs or cats: *Screeches* KITTIES. 
Number of blankets: A comforter, a quilt, and a throw blanket. So, three. 
Dream trip: TAKE ME TO GERMANY. 
Dream job: Baker! I would love to own and operate my own small bakeshop.  
Time: 12:52pm ET. 
Birthday: September 18th. 
Favorite Bands: Dir en Grey, Combichrist, MAXIMUM THE HORMONE, Ghost.
Favorite Solo Artists: Gackt, Spose, MC Frontalot, James Blake. 
Song Stuck In My Head: “He Is” - Ghost.
Last Movie I Watched: Saw II.
Last Show I Watched: Seven Deadly Sins!
When Did I Create My Blog: Oh shit, when did I create this blog? *Searches.* July, 2011. Jesus. 
What Do I Post/Reblog: What don’t I reblog / post about? Dante. Devil May Cry. Final Fantasy VIII. Final Fantasy XV. Pretty women. Shit about my friends. Selfies. Anything I indulge in. 
Last Thing I Googled: "How the fuck do I find out how old my tumblr account is”.
Other Blogs: None. 
Do I Get Asks: Not really~. 
Why I Choose My URL: I like art. I was trying to be punny. Because. Major artery... Art. Ery. I’m done. 
Following: 973???
Followers: 248---wait. 248?? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??
Lucky Number: 13.
Favorite Instrument: Violin. It brings me to tears often. 
What Am I Wearing: "Unmata” tank top, jeans, Sailor Moon hoodie. 
Favorite Food: Ramen. I fucking love the noods. 
Nationality: MURICA, FUCK YE--yeah. I’m American. 
Favorite Song: "Cage”, Dir en Grey. 
Last Book Read: Do cookbooks count?? If not,  “ Snow Country” by Yasunari Kawabata.
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Jesus christ this question sucks for me. I would ultimately want to live in a world where there is magic. (1) Eos. Take me to fuckin’ Eos. I’m in love with the landscape, I’m in love with the creatures. Especially some of those human-dudes. >_> (2) Hyrule. (3) Azeroth. I’ve always been attached; it still has a big piece of my heart. 
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I think I’m supposed to tag some peepers. So - @diadyn @gladiolus-mamacitia @alexthecowardlylion @royaldumptruck @melodux @gladihoes @wicked8heart @dan-gladdy-your-bobbies @amicitonia @nenoka @isata-rose @letsglamourcharm @thirdstreetcettin @hwecqi
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
i feel you. I used to treat ignis and gladio the same but then like, I dig a bit deeper with Ignis and I was like holY SHIT. so you know. But I just never got into the hype with glad??? like, i adore him, but idk. Noctis is just relatable and I fucking love Prompto jesus christ but noctis has my heart.
I mean it’s all personal preference ya know?  Like personally Gladio’s my #1 cause I’m on the heavier side so the idea of having an s/o that can pick me up is gr8 and also there’s so much of him to cuddle bruh so that’s why I’m into Gladdy *finger guns* but yeah the only time I can really get into Iggy and Noct is when it’s the time skip version of them sigh
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