#jesse chromeans x male reader
riotlain · 2 years
Slashers with an Agre Boyfriend
i can do a petre one if asked :3
i usually do rz michael but i never specified so i am rn💀💀
(Rz)Michael Myers
Crafts crafts crafts
He already loves making masks so now you 2 make them together
6'9 mf. He always picks you up randomly
Will not really rough house with you or anything like that
Homeboy too too strong
Listen he cant do too much like take you to the park or anything
But Michael is not above stealing from children
He doesnt like punishing too much bc he just doesnt feel like dealing with it
Whenever youre throwing a tantrum he'll literally just leave the room💀💀
Jason Voorhees
Knows what hes doing but doesnt at the same time
Loves to carry you around!! He's incredibly strong he can definitely hold you
Loves to draw with you!! He breaks the pencils and crayons sometimes so bare with him😭
Jasons punishments are usually just you sitting in the corner or something similar
Cant spank you no no no just not him
Keeps you in the cabin whenever there's trespassers
Bonfires and roasting marshmallows, going on lil walks outside
He can bring out the old canoe too!! (He can row for you its ok)
Vincent Sinclair
Please please please dont go to the basement while regressed
If you do you have to swear on your LIFE (pinky swear) that you wont touch anything
Just sit politely by him and draw
Doesnt know how to deal with brats bro hes like
🧍‍♂️*shaky signing* 'Y/n, honey, please calm down' *LOUD CRASH*
Theres tourists in Ambrose?? Youre staying in his room. Ignore all the yelling.
Doesnt want you to use his nice coloring stuff so he got Lester to find some crayola crayons for you
Any plushies he manages to get his hands on?? BAM IN YOUR ROOM
Vincent is horrible at giving punishments. Like he was always a good kid growing up and his parents were... well yknow
Very good at keeping a schedule tho!!
Fav activity is probably crafts
Literally the best caregiver ever
Like he doesnt understand at first so after you explain it to him
But like once he gets it?? MAN WILL SPOIL YOU
Will not tolerate brats tho sorry
Like hes not... too stern with punishment
You can get away with alot with him ngl
If you go to work with him youll stay with him in his office and have a coloring book
Yes he will color with you whenever he can
Will kill anyone who says anything (stares dead at preston)
Never infront of you ofc!!
Fav activity is probably rough housing!! (hes letting you win all the time but shhh)
Either rough housing or hide and seek
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noxnephilim · 2 years
Hi! Could I ask for some headcanons / scenarios (whatever you prefer honestly) with a reader who has frequent nosebleeds? Even if they didn't do anything to bleed.
For inspiration maybe they're cuddling and they start staining their lover's clothes in blood, or maybe they get angry and they start bleeding and getting dizzy and the slasher gets worried and ends the argument in that exact moment to help them, maybe while they're showering/bathing together or maybe while they're just taking a walk. These are just ideas, you choose! I'll be glad with anything tbh :)
I would love Hannibal and Jesse but whoever you prefer is alright :) 🤍💛🤍
I am soooo incredibly sorry for noticing this ask now, mi amigo.
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You didn't know why you were arguing to be honest, it had been so long, and you were so tired
Words were being thrown, hurtful jabs made. But you noticed your vision getting blurry, and a warm wave engulfing you.
You saw, kinda, Jesse stopping signing and looking at your shirt then at you. Looking down, you saw the patch of blood on your shirt
"Dammit" you said, rushing to the counter to get a tissue to block the flow. Jesse hovered behind you, worried about you falling over.
And he had been right. Blood loss was beginning to get you, and you had to be helped to sit, before attempting any kind of shower alone.
Worried he might have triggered it, he began apologizing. You waved his concern away, apologizing firstly for saying hurtful things.
All while you were trying to look better than the corpse bride.
Did he pump you full of food and vitamins to replenish your blood? Yes he did. He had the fancy stuff.
Point made: never argue when your emotions are so volatile
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Cuddling on the couch:
The moment he felt a wet patch on his shirt, he looked down. Were you crying? Drooling perhaps?
Imagine his surprise, and well hidden concern, when he noticed the blood stain. Were you injured?
Shaking you awake, he saw the trail that fell from your nose. Much to your confusion, and horror when you realized what had just happened
Before you could say "sorry" he went and came back with a wet tissue to block your nose
Being the doctor he was, he asked a number of questions to determine the gravity of the situation.
Satisfied, he let you on the couch, he changed and dumped the ruined shirt. He wasn't going to make you feel guilty for staining a shirt. Not when it wasn't your fault.
"No, don't worry. It was a horrible shirt anyway. Are you feeling better?" Nodding, you apologized profusely.
He's still going to make light fun of you, but he's genuinely worried about it. Especially if it's a common occurrence.
Don't worry, Doctor Lecter he's in, and he's going to attend his favourite patient quickly
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hooman4ever · 3 years
I was wondering if you would do hc's about if our slasher bois were asked by their s/o to mercy kill them due to them being terminally ill or getting gravely injured? I had this idea but held off. Idk why it's been in my head lol
Sorry this took so long to get done!
Contains: Sick Reader, Hurt Reader, Begging to Be Killed, Lightly Edited, Might be OOC, Gender Ambiguous Reader
Jesse |Chromeskull|
Jesse was confused at first. He’s never been begged to kill someone before.
You intrigue him and he finds himself staring at you for a moment too long, his knife held in the air just inches from you.
“Why?” he types on his phone holding to you with a hand in your hair. Was this some kind of ploy? Something to distract him?
“I’m dying anyway.” that took him aback, you sounded so sincere, and you looked so sad.
At first, he was relieved. Good, he could get this done quickly.
Jesse couldn’t do it though. In the end, he ended up stealing you away from the world.
After all, it’s been a while since he’s had a pet and you seemed like the perfect candidate.
Jesse was a man that has seen many things. Many gruesome and unforgiving horrors in the night, most inflicted by his own two gloved hands. Jesse wasn’t one to hesitate. He was quick and efficient in his work never faltering.
Yet as you gazed up at him, eyes shining with so much pain and suffering, he stilled. Only for a moment before your next words had the man pulling his mobile from his pocket. “Please,” you had said from where you sit. A pool of red dripping from the gash in your side. “Please, make it end.”
It was a pathetic gut-churning sight, your pleading. Had it been any other day, any other conditions Jesse wouldn’t have hesitated in fulfilling your request. Today though, he pulled out his phone typing in the simple question that would set you on a long drawn-out path filled with twisted love given to you from your assailant turned savior, Jesse.
Michael Myers
“What’s this?”
At first, Michael would be confused and then angry. Were you messing with him? You thought you could catch him off guard with such a stupid distraction. No one wants to die, right?
He swung his knife down at you and stopped inched from your face when you closed your eyes and relaxed.
Boring was the first word to come to Michael’s mind. There was no joy for him when it came to killing someone who couldn’t or refused to defend themself.
He would leave you alive and alone that day. If you survived and saw the man again he would disregard you unless you approached him.
After a while, though curiosity would get the better of him and Michael would end up going back to your home. He wouldn’t attempt anything unless you did first. Michael would simply watch you (as long as raid your fridge, the little shit.)
As long as you didn’t get in Michael’s way he would make no further attempt to kill you.
You were so utterly boring.
Michael Myers was disappointed as he held the intimidating kitchen knife inches from your face. No fear flashed behind your eyes, instead, something akin to relief was what greeted Michael.
He had followed a few drunken teens into your home late at night. They were obviously drunk and breaking in. Not a good combination in Haddonfield, especially with a curious killer on the loose. Funny enough Michael had practically saved you from the teens filled with ill-intent that night before coming for your head.
The killer had caught you at a bad time. You were hunched over– lungs heaving as you coughed into your hand. Red was the first thing that had captured Michael’s attention when you pulled your hand from your mouth. Blood was staining your palm as well as the corner of your mouth.
That night you had stared up at the man begging him to end you. Too scared to do it yourself you had admitted through a weak smile.
Michael had left you there disappointed and slowly dying. The Shape didn’t stray from you for long, it seemed that the smell of death acted as a magnet to the killer, and before either of you knew it the man was beside you again. Staring at you with a tilted head as you lay in your bed watching him back.
Bo Sinclair
He would bark out a laugh. “What’s this now?” gun tucked under your chin “Wan’ me to kill ya?” once you nod your head he’s smiling “Gladly–”
While he was sure you were pulling his leg as many others have done before thinking they could catch the man off guard or win him over with sympathy. Once he pulled the trigger on the rifle and you didn’t flinch only closing your eyes he scowled.
Will blow up on you, ranting about “How fuckin’ dumb can ya be!” while dragging you to your feet and trying to make you run from him “Save yer sorry fuckin’ ass!” he will get mad that you weren’t trying to live.
He’ll end up locking you away somewhere funny enough as he tries to figure out what he wants to do with you.
Bo knows he will get no satisfaction out of killing you so what’s the point. He can’t let you leave however so locking you away in Ambrose seemed like the next best option.
“What?” Bo breathed out. His look of pure ecstasy as he reminisced in the feeling of blood coating his hands quickly turned to a scowl. “Please, just shoot me, I’m not gonna last long as is.” Bo couldn’t believe his ears. You had ruined his day with your insolent pleading.
“Fine by me,” he spat out shoving the barrel of his rifle right between your brows a determined look on his face. You closed your eyes at the clicking of the gun– then nothing.
The rifle was empty. Bo knew it was.
Lester Sinclair
This man rarely has to actually kill a person as it is, but the situation where a tourist forces his hand has happened before. He’s used to the usual begging and sobbing but nothing could prepare him for you.
You had begged Lester, begged him to end your life.
That had him breaking. He couldn’t do it.
Lester will question you almost tearing up himself before taking you back to his home to hide you from his brothers. The man will feel conflicted about you, especially if you still beg after he has you safely locked inside his home.
“Please, just kill me.” your sobs were like glass cutting into Lester’s heart. He wasn’t unfamiliar with the feeling of ending one's life, but as he looked down at you he couldn’t do it. Couldn’t push his dull hunting knife through your chest.
You were so weak, so tired. It reminded him of his mother, how she had looked all dried up and miserable. Strapped down and used as a living ginny pig to his father's sick means of medicine. Lester couldn’t kill you now, nor ever.
With shaky hands the man latched onto your arms, his hands squeezing the flesh there as he dragged you to his car. Thankfully you didn’t protest, letting the man drag you along while stifling your coughs.
Vincent Sinclair
While Vincent would be warry he would see his mother in you and the way you had begged for death.
His own mother had done the same when her brain started deteriorating. She wanted to die as she was. Not as what she would become. Even then though, Vincent couldn’t do it. Bo on the other hand— could.
Vincent would hide you away feeding and caring for you despite your pleas for death. He wouldn’t let anyone touch you, much less his brothers.
“Sick dog,” Bo had called you “needed to be put down,” you couldn’t agree more. Vincent could though.
As time passes he will see you less as his mother your differences are too vast to ignore but it would be too late by then. Vincent was attached.
He knew you were going to die but he would try everything in his power to stop it.
Vincent had rushed away from the dining table that day leaving a disgruntled Lester and Bo behind. A spare bowl of food was nestled between his hands as the masked man walked. Making his down the stairs to the basement where you resided.
“Hey Viney,” you greeted him as soon as you heard his heavy footsteps. He nodded in return making his way next to you before setting down the hot food and helping you into a sitting position. As soon as you noticed the bowl your face fell “Not hungry,” you muttered looking away from the man in front of you. He was used to this.
Grabbing your face he gave you a pointed look. Begrudgingly you accepted the food eating slowly.
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nofoundboy · 2 years
Hello, I just read the cheating one and... I am in P.A.I.N so I wanted to ask for this request, (it could be like an alternate thing from the other one) but what if the slashers (Asa, Jesse, Bo) where their s/o had a nightmare about them cheating and kinda went quiet and started being a little distant.
Look I just need something to help with the pain I'm feeling in my slasher loving heart might now 😭😭☠
Please and thank you, love your work btw💓💓
Tysm, I needed this too, I was also in pain abt that one haha sorry for the delay, this is finally my free week
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-When you woke up covered in sweat, you were relieved that you had only been dreaming.
-Asa was looking at you intently, for your sudden reaction had woken him up instantly.
-"It was just a nightmare," you said at last, after calming down and trying to compose a sincere smile.
-And although in fact, it had only been that, you couldn't help but feel terribly overwhelmed by what your mind had fabricated during your rest
-Asa said nothing, simply turned off the light in the room again and lay back down.
-You didn't know how he was going to react, but you decided to cling to his back, hoping he wouldn't pull away from you on the spot.
-Fortunately he didn't, but you couldn't fall asleep again.
-And how could you when that succession of painful images seemed to refuse to leave your mind?
-Seeing Asa caressing someone you didn't know while you could do nothing but watch helplessly had devastated you.
-Especially since Asa had shown no remorse or shame whatsoever, and had even urged you to leave the room as coldly as possible.
-That was what had hurt you the most, for although it had been a figment of your mind, you were aware that Asa's personality had not changed in your dream. He was capable of telling you something like that if he felt like it.
-Hence, you began to doubt what he really felt for you.
-The next morning you were much quieter than usual. You answered him in monosyllables and at breakfast you didn't even dare to look him in the eye.
-Would it be less painful for you to distance yourself until your dream happened?
-Of course Asa had noticed, you could never escape his perceptive eye.
-After a few days in which you maintained your erratic behavior, Asa finally confronted you. Serene but firm, he asked you what it was that ailed you. He was not used to showing concern, even with you, for that was a sign, in his opinion, that he was ceding power by being too soft.
-But your behavior had degraded to that of a complete stranger, so he did not hesitate to finally attend to it.
-You didn't want to keep those painful thoughts inside you any longer. It didn't matter if he confirmed your fears or proved you wrong, you just wanted to let it out once and for all.
-And so you did, you told him everything you had seen in your dream and waited for his response.
-I don't intend to leave you. There's no one I'm more interested in than you" was definitely not the right answer, it wasn't romantic, but it was so authentically Asa, that you took it as a lifesaver.
-Usually you felt before him like an insect being examined, but not this time, because this time you felt a special look coming from him. As if he was struggling to maintain that unperturbed facade he always had.
-You walked up to him, looked at him for what seemed like an eternity and then, deciding he was telling the truth, you hugged him tightly.
-And the way he reciprocated, so untypical of him, made you erase all your fears.
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-That was the day Jesse returned from one of his longest business trips, and although you had tried to look as presentable for him as possible, the signs of sleep deprivation on your face were too obvious to hide.
-Once he stood before you, with his arms outstretched, he could tell perfectly well that something had happened to you during his absence, for you even seemed hesitant to embrace him when you usually yearned so much for his affection and did not hesitate to pour it out unreservedly when he was in front of you.
-When he asked, you only answered that you had not been sleeping well, and although it had been partly because of his absence as he took for granted, it had also been because of the uncertainty about what he was doing on those trips without you, apart from his already known activities.
-He was also exhausted, so instead of having the usual welcome, you cuddled up together to sleep.
-As the days went by, your appearance did not improve and you became more and more reserved and fearful in your approaches to him.
-So, direct and demanding as he was, he tired of observing your strange deterioration and got straight to the point.
-What's the matter?" his hands moved quickly and his gaze told you how concerned he was. If you were sick, he would not hesitate to get you the best medical attention, but first he needed to know what was ailing you.
-Not being able to touch him and show him your affection the way you wanted to was killing you, as was the uncertainty about the possibility of his infidelity, so you decided to express your fears to him once and for all.
-You would cheat on me?", immediately after the question you looked down, you wanted to disappear, because you didn't know if it wat a good idea it was to ask him.
-"Never" was Jesse's answer, then he took your hands with some force so that you could look him in the eyes.
-"I'm sorry…it was just a nightmare, but since then I couldn't sleep, I was almost convinced it was real" now that you heard it out loud, you felt stupid.
-"Never," Jesse repeated, ticking off each letter with his fingers.
He looked at you for the last time and then leaned down to kiss you, and you, desperate, reciprocated until at last you had the longed-for, intimate contact that your fears had delayed.
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-"Are ya' all right?" he asked, his voice slurred from his abrupt awakening. You had been terribly agitated during your dream, your nightmare.
-"Yes, I'm sorry," you whispered apologetically. Bo knew you were not well, he could see it in your eyes, full of water that you would not let out. Besides, he had heard you in your sleep, shaking and moaning as if you were in pain.
-He was too tired to insist, yet he turned in your direction and draped an arm over your body.
-Although the warmth of his action comforted you a little, you could not prevent your mind from wandering back to those undesirable places.
-The next morning, the ravages of your lack of sleep were evident, as was your clear refusal to stay too close to Bo.
-Your reasoning behind it was to get far enough away so that the moment some sufficiently attractive tourist came to Ambrose, you wouldn't have to face the same scorn.
-The best thing to do was to talk it out, of course, but you didn't know how you could express it without sounding like an idiot.
-Of course Bo didn't stand idly by, that abrupt change in your treatment began to frustrate him to the point where he couldn't take it anymore and exploded at the moment when you felt most vulnerable, because you couldn't take it anymore either.
-"What the fuck is wrong with ya'?" he asked with a very obvious expression of annoyance after you rejected his hand in your waist
-You remained silent, staring at the floor until, with a trembling voice, you answered him
-"I'm afraid you could cheat on me," and proceeded to explain your nightmare.
-"Sorry to tell ya' honey, but that's bullshit, come here. Now"
-You know he doesn't have the greatest tact or the best temperament, but you didn't expect such an abrupt response.
-He's using his authoritative tone, the one that makes you shiver, so you don't hesitate to obey.
-He sits you on his lap and, with the most sincere expression you've ever seen in his eyes, he takes your chin.
-You can see the marks of the bindings on his wrists, so deep and impossible to erase. He knows you are seeing them and stands there, looking into your eyes.
-He seeks your gaze and kisses you roughly, for it is obvious that if he is comfortable enough with you to show you what he hates most about himself and his past, then you should not be afraid of the possibility that there is someone else. Never.
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brwnicons · 2 years
Maybe some Asa,Jesse and Bo( if you write for him) maybe being soft around their so? Like some sleepy boys needing cuddles or something like that
☆ Soft boys one-shots!!! Soft boys one-shots!!! I had so much fun writing this, I really hope you like it <3 ☆
Soft One-Shots
-> Includes: Jesse and Asa (separately)
-> Summary: I know they're ooc but I couldn't give less, One Shot, Reader's gender is not specified, FLUFF, long post.
-> Warnings / Triggers:
[Jesse] None
[Asa] Blood, alcohol (antiseptic), wounds, mentions of killing
Please tell me if you find any mistake
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• Once you've win his love, this man is a gigantic teddy bear. Do I look like I care he kills??, He gives the best hugs and you can't change my mind.
Jesse often needs reassurance and support because of his face issues. As he once explained you, it's "something you never get used to it".
So, in these grey days were he tends to spend all of his time inside his office, without even letting you enter with the excuse that "He is very occupied"; what he needs the most is your speciality, a self-care-and-love-your-man-day!
You approached his office with stealth steps and peeked through the half-closed door. You could see Jesse handling some paperwork and signing some others with slow movements and while leaving ocasional sighs.
His face was covered with his infamous chrome mask all while he was working and it weren't be that suspicious, if it wasn't because of the fact that he never wears that mask around you and that you know that he likes to avoid problems by focusing on work. Too much coincidence to have both at the same time.
Suddenly, your hear a metal sound that brings you back to reality and as you lift your eyes, you see that he has dropped his pen and that now is you being watched. 'What do you want. It's the third time already' he signs while the shiny mask makes "eye" contact with you.
You inhale deeply and enter the room, decided to confront him.
"I know you're feeling down and I just want to help, please"
'I'm perfectly fine. Now, go back to whatever you were doing before deciding to spy me'
You hesitated but approached his desk with your fists clenched. "What is wrong with you, Jesse?! You can't just keep pushing me away because I'm definetly not leaving!" You shouted as your fists met the table in a dry slam. "I love you and I care about you, now tell me what's wrong or I'll be the worst pain in the ass for you, big man" you tried to threat by lowering your tone, but to his sight you still were as adorable and small as always.
He sighed in defeat and moved away his paperwork in case you wanted to sit on his ebony desk.
Instead, you surrounded the table and got next to him. You lifted your hand to caress his exposed skin and whispered, "What's wrong?"
He reached to his mask and, after another sigh, he took it off. You were happy to see his face again but it soon turned to concern as you saw his sad expression.
'Don't lie to me, Y/N, how can you love someone like this?'  He signed without breaking eye contact.
You brought both hands to his scarred cheeks and caressed his face with a sad smile. Then, you led him to a soft kiss and hugged him tightly.
"If by this you mean romantic, charismatic, intelligent, hardworking, sweet and definetly a perfect lover, I swear it's kind of hard to resist" you laughed softly while leaving little pecks around his face.
He scoffed like a kid who just was told by his mother that he's the prettiest boy in the world. However, he hugged you tightly and let his head rest on your chest, allowing himself ti just enjoy the moment with his favourite person.
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• Much to your dismay, waking up next to Asa is something that doesn't happen everyday and, when it does, there is something is wrong.
The warm rays of sun caressed your cheeks and caused your dreams to disperse like smoke being blown away. You clenched your eyes and grunted softly at the light hitting you as you turned to your side in an effort of hiding away of it.
But you soon opened your eyes suddenly when you didn't felt the other side of the bed cold and as your hand accidentally met with an unexpected body. You quickly got up and stood on the bed, sat on your knees. Your hand reached for the man sleeping next to you and you touched his shoulder hesitantly.
"Asa? Are you alright?" You asked softly as you approached your face to his to examine it. You knew that he was awake since he had left some sighs and grunts when you touched him.
"Yes, Bug, go back to sleep" He answered curtly with a deep, morning voice. He turned his head and his eyes now looked hardly at you as a bothered frown told you that he didn't want to be disturbed.
You muttered a low apology and looked down worried, but on the way to your lap your eyes caught it: the white sheets around his legs had stains tinted in crimson red.
Your eyes got wider and you were quick to grab the sheets and draw them aside as your worry growed higher.
Your sight met with Asa's bare legs, which were covered in multiple bandages and gauzes.
"One of my pets tried to fight back", he read your anxious eyes and was fast to start just before you could yell at him for his irresponsibility, "Tonight was a very long night and it was late when I arrived. I didn't want to disturb you with my dumb issues".
You couldn't believe it. He trusted enough to tell you about his work but not when he was injured?!
You breathed deeply as you closed your eyes to try to calm yourself down. Once you had your mind clearer, you moved your head closer to the dirty and soaked bandages and examine them. "Don't you fucking dare to move, Asa" You stated firmly and just with a quick glare to your eyes, Asa could check that it wouldn't be clever to disobey you.
"I'm going to get some clean bandages, I'll be right back" And with that and a fierce glare that pierced the Collector himself, you jumped off the bed and headed to the bathroom. He knew he couldn't argue with you and win, so he gave up and with a sigh, he laid looking at the wooden ceiling above him.
After a while you came back carrying a stack of clean towels, alcohol and a bunch of cotton and bandages.
Asa looked at you and arched an eyebrow, "Do you even know what to do, Bug?", he asked reluctantly. You never attended his wounds since he was strong enough to face his most aggressive pets and his wounds are usually minimum (though you confront him anyways), so he always tends to return home clean and nice.
You ignored his words and began to work, it wasn't very clever to mess with the one who handled the alcohol bottle so you could have your revenge later.
You started with the nastier bandages, carefully retiring them before cleaning the wound below with little touches of alcohol soaked cotton. It was painful, but Asa have a high pain tolerance so he could allow himself to watch you work and toss a couple of grunts.
His eyes were fixed on you and your agile hands. Your focused expression was indeed one of his favorites and the way you treated him with so much love and care made him completely forget the pain.
Of course, you seemed like you were no professional and he could have limped to the bathroom and cleaned himself alone but he was to tired to argue now and seeing your tongue lightly sticking out as you focused on your work it was totally worth the experience.
He chuckled at his own thoughts and you stopped your work to look at him, "Are you laughing at me?", you asked bothered though partly embarrased too.
"Of course not, but you look too cute when focused".
You clenched the soaked cotton in your hand and frowned more to hide the heat that creeped to your face and probably already revealed your embarrassment.
You lowered your face and continued working, now a bit less careful, as you mumbled nonstop. Asa could only understand a couple of things like "I'm still mad at you for being so irresponsible", "I find you bleeding in my bed, I attend your wounds and you choose to call me cute" and occassionally a "I'll end up killing you someday".
Asa could just suppress a chuckle and let you work.
Cleaning the wounds turned repetitive to you, so once you got on track you ended up finishing in a blink of eye. When you had everything clean, you took the dirty bandages to a near trash can and thrown them away among the used cotton.
Then, you carefully took the now red tinted towels and took them away after cleaning carefully Asa's body with another.
When everything was perfect, you stood up before your finished work and smiled proudly.
"Not bad at all, Bug. You have exceeded my expectations".
"Not bad at all?" you asked offended. "Why didn't you change them yourself then, uh?" You asked him as you approached the bed and sat next to him with crossed arms.
"I was too tired. Also, it's painful to move and I didn't want to leave a blood trail either", he confessed as he adjusted his head position so he could lay it on your lap. "But I didn't think you would like or even be interested in taking care of it, so I thought I could just resist with them until the wounds healed"
You looked down at him with worried eyes as you patted his hair softly. "Why wouldn't I be interested in helping you? I love you Asa, and that's what partners do, they help eachother", you answered with a hint of sadness in your voice.
He looked up at your eyes with a straight face and furrowed eyebrows as if he were analyzing your expression. You began growing uncomfortable and even thought you said something wrong but, after a while, he looked away and sighed as he leant in your gentle touch.
"You really are the best thing that has happened to me, but don't you dare make me say corny things again or I'll kill you"
You giggled at the obvious lie in his words and kissed his forehead tenderly, "Oh, I'm so scared, Mr Collector" you mocked him as you peppered his face with sweet kisses and he could do no more than to throw grunts. Maybe it wasn't so bad to just surrender.
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aetherisntemo · 2 years
Hiya! I'm Aether! I'm the owner of this account and I'm taking requests now! I'm genuinely excited about this! I've practiced a little and I feel confident in my writing skill to bring you some nice fanfiction about your favorite people! Before you request, here are the people and fandoms I write for as well as some stuff I will not write for.
Fandoms and the characters I write for!
-Michael Myers
-Jason Voorhees
-Bubba Sawyer
-Thomas Hewitt
-Ghost face (Billy & Stu only)
-Billy Lenz
-Brahms Heelshire
-Jesse Chromeans (Jesse Chromeskull)
-Asa Emory (The collector)
-Bo Sinclair
-Vincent Sinclair
-Lester Sinclair 
-Norman Bates
-Hannibal Lecter (NBC version)
-Will Graham
-Tiffany Valentine
-Harry Warden
~Stranger Things~
-Eddie Munson
-Steve Harrington
-Robin Buckley (X Female reader only)
-Dustin Henderson
-Mike Wheeler
-Will Byers 
-Lucas Sinclair
-Max Mayfield
-Nancy Wheeler
-Johnathan Byers
All characters are from the 2019 version. Meaning they are adults.
-Richie Tozier
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Ben Hanscom
-Beverly Marsh
-Mike Hanlon
-Stan Uris
-Eyeless Jack
-Laughing Jack
-Ticci Toby
-Ben drowned 
-Slender Man
-Jeff the killer
-Everyone besides Primo and Nihil :D
I will be doing more later on but as for right now, it's only these I hope you understand!
What I write!
~Head Canons~
What I refuse to write/do not request
~Animal x Human~ (I will only do a human AUs)
~R@ pe~
~Child! reader~
~Sēxual Abūse~
You can request male, female, or gender-neutral readers! I write for all of them but I mainly do male readers because I am male myself so I work better with that but don't let that stop you from requesting Fem!readers! You can request platonic or romantic! Although I don't like writing smut that much anymore if you request it I'll write it but it might take longer than other fics.
Disclaimer! All child characters I write for are platonic only. I'm 19 and I don't feel comfortable writing romantic fics for children.
Requests are currently: Open!
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riotlain · 2 years
dumb idea where reader gets a chromeskull tattoo on their hand and when they show jesse he starts giving them hand kisses like all the time
anyways im ill
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brwnicons · 3 years
Hello! 🦋💜 would it be alright for me to ask for Jesse and Jason with a s/o who is Princess/Royalty core? Please and thank you 🤗
☆ Oh, to dance with Jesse dressed in a black suit with golden details. Excuse me for the delay, I hope you like it! ☆ I've got a lot of problems uploading this... Tumblr, please.
Slashers x Reader from Royalty
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-> Summary: GN reader, Jesse / Jason (separately), Headcanons
-> Warning: Slight reference to killing in Jesse's
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• How did you end in Camp Crystal Lake in the middle of the forest in first place??
• Probably you went to disconnect about everything
• The first time you met Jason, he got super curious about your neat hairstyle and your shiny and elegant accessories
• He will never treat you differently due to your family position, to his eyes your just another person and he doesn't see why he should refine his manners when treating you
• The moment you tell him that you're from a noble family he'll be surprised and curious about everything
• You're like those nobles from the fairy tales??
• Jason comes from a humble family so he'll have a million questions about your life
• What do you mean you eat on silver plates?? Aren't those to decorate
• Ans 7 kinds of forks for one single meal?
• And what in earth is a caviar???? His favourite meal has always been his mother's pie
• If visit him and bring him presents, clothes, food... he'll melt on the floor
• You one brought him also a family album to show him your place and family
• It all feels like from a book to him <3
• Either way, he's got the purest of loves to give. He doesn't love you for your family status nor your money, he loves you for your kindness and personality.
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• This man will know just how to treat you
• For the first time he laid his eye on you, he knew you HAD to come with him
• In the first encounters he will kiss your hand like a romantic™️
• Probably he also bows jokingly, followed by the expression: "My dearest"
• Although as yout relationship keeps growing more intimate he'll probably make laugh of your "noble family traditions" like your elegant manners even when you're drinking a cup of water or of your refined vocabulary.
• If you ask him to accompany you to a ball or a family/business meeting he'll be so excited! He knows how to behave around rich people and gain their favour, and he also gets to know part of your family!!
• About his work, he'll be glad the moment your discovered it and didn't run away
• Now with both of your money together there no policeman in the near cities that hasn't got your favour
• Nor politician
• Nor judges or lawyers
You're a very dangerous couple
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nofoundboy · 2 years
Can u pls do one more 😞
Bo Sinclair, Chromeskull, The collector, Amy other u want! Their significant other catches them cheating 😞
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Gonna cry, tysm 😔💖💖 This is my first time writing for Asa, so I hope you like it
TW: Infidelity, rage, angst, self-destructive behaviour, nsfw in some parts, violent behaviour
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- It had been a heavy day at Ambrose, for the group that had arrived on the scene was the largest you had ever seen
- The Sinclairs and you had been too busy, throughout the day, causing you to be separated on more than one occasion and for a long time
- When you saw Vincent come out of the House of Wax with blood on his clothes, you knew that everything had gone well and that there were probably no more victims to deal with.
- Hence you will start looking for Bo
- Lately, the fights had increased in number and intensity, you only got along well when you were exhausted, so you wanted to take the opportunity to talk to him and make things better
- When you arrived at the workshop, however, you heard moaning, sighing and other obscene sounds that you knew perfectly well were not the result of pain
- You would have thought it was a couple of visitors if you hadn't heard Bo's voice with absolute clarity, asking the girl he was fucking to lower her voice
- You remembered all those times he had told you the same thing. You knew exactly what he was doing with her because he had done it to you multiple times before.
- You really thought you had come a long way with Bo, that you were trusting each other and he was finally opening up to you. You could easily see a relationship going on for years...even longer....
- A gasp from him told you it wasn't true and it had been naive of you to believe it was so.
- You could not believe that even for having accepted that part of him, for being an accomplice in Ambrose's horrors, he would have maintained his loyalty. You even asked yourself if you being a guy was the problem
- The pain prevented you from thinking clearly, so you simply took the keys that he had so stupidly left in the truck and started driving
- You didn't want to know his motives, for there wasn't one worth knowing. You didn't understand
- You knew that if Lester or Vincent saw you, they would think you were helping Bo move bodies or something like that
- You had no spare clothes and only a little money that Bo occasionally kept in his glove compartment.
- But in the furious and sore state you were in, your greatest satisfaction was to make him think you'd run away and tell the police everything
- And you probably would, once you figured out how to put all the blame on Bo
- It was the least you could do, for you felt your heart exposed, outside your bones and your flesh in such a painful way, that you were well in danger of crashing from the tears that blurred your vision
- And you thought that perhaps, that would be less painful
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- Jesse's absences had become more and more prolonged so that on those lonely days you took the opportunity to go out to clear your head a little.
- You didn't want to think badly of him, but every night you spent without his company, the more your distrust increased, as your insecurities populated your mind in a terrible way
- That day you were returning from the supermarket, you had decided to buy everything to take a relaxing bath that would distract you from those parasitic ideas that made you so bad
- It was then that you discovered that Jesse had already arrived, which seemed quite strange to you because he used to arrive very late and he always warned you beforehand by phone
- As you entered, the oppressive sensation that something bad was happening invaded your now stiff body
- You left everything on the table and started to call Jesse
- Who was in what had once been your shared room, in the bed you had used so many times before, masturbating to the video of an unknown person, who was shouting his name and asking him to show them what he was doing
- Jesse was wearing headphones, but you could still hear the person's reactions, so loud was the volume
- Then you understood how you had become just another pillow, nothing more than an inanimate object in that mansion, that great golden cage
- Jesse looked at you, guiltless and almost relieved that you had figured it out
- And shit, how you wanted to hit him, to take that expression off his face and make him bleed, to let your knuckles show the anger and pain you were experiencing
- But his physical superiority terrified you, you knew very well that nothing good could come of it if you dared to take your actions to the physical realm
- "Fuck you, Jesse, fuck you" you shouted, your voice hoarse from holding back tears. You didn't want to give him the pleasure of seeing you cry
- You didn't even know what to do, there were all your clothes, all your personal belongings
- You heard his loud footsteps coming out of the room and all you could do was lock yourself in the bathroom
- You broke the ceramic sink, the mirror, and everything that made that room look nice.
- Your knuckles were open and you were bleeding profusely, you had no energy to deal with the loud knocking behind the door, so you fell asleep uncomfortably in that replica of your relationship
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- You knew somehow, you really always did
- Asa treated you more like a pet than his boyfriend, yet there were times when he was actually gentle and considerate with you
- His coldness was almost always compensated in some other way, so you ended up falling in love with those soft and scarce moments
- So, when Asa started spending more time away from you, you knew he had found himself a new distraction
- Not really a relationship like yours, and most likely just another victim he liked to torture to his heart's content
- You just never expected to visit him one day, after a busy week in which all you had longed for was his company, his hugs, and his warmth, and find him with the aforementioned victim
- Oh, of course, you knew who it was, that particular name had been mentioned on numerous occasions
- Arkin rested on all fours on the bed, the bed you had used so many times with Asa
- His moans, though repressed, could not help but fill the silences of the place. And you knew exactly why
- You supposed you had been too naive to believe that Asa would remain loyal to you and see the other man who had so pleased him, you couldn't help but feel worse
- He didn't even seem interested in you, in what you might think. He simply tightened his grip on Arkin's hips, accelerating the pace of his penetrations
- You knew you couldn't do anything against Asa, not unless you wanted to stay alive
- Arkin did look in your direction, mortified at being fucked by his captor and tormentor, but feeling on cloud nine thanks to the stimulation he was giving him
- He didn't know you from anywhere, but surely your expression told him everything, told him what kind of bond you had with Asa. Even so, he didn't seem interested in doing anything to avoid it either
- How could he, if you knew perfectly well how addictive the one who touched him was?
- "Close the door on your way out, okay?" said Asa, panting
- And shit, you did it, like a fool you did it while continuing to listen to the wet sounds of their bodies colliding
- You were in the most painful trance you had ever felt. You just grabbed your keys, feeling your heart sinking in your chest
- Your soul didn't even feel like yours, and all because you gave so much to the one who, honestly, never gave you anything
- You just hoped that Arkin, the one who was now moaning under Asa, wasn't as naive as you
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- Your shoulders had been slumped for quite some time, your gaze was always downcast and you found it increasingly difficult to perform your duties
- Mickey's attitude towards you was the chronicle of a death foretold, a great spoiler of what was to come
- That's why you shuffled around, smiling painfully at the ever-diminishing attention he was paying to you
- And as much as you tried to be presentable in front of him, happy and willing to do whatever he wanted on those brief occasions when you saw each other, it was more difficult for you to make amends for what had been shattered before
- You loved him too much, hence it seemed irrational that your relationship was plummeting at such a speed
- That day, the thunderous music imprisoned your brain against your skull, the alcohol previously consumed did not help at all, but you had to be there, because it gave you a chance, diffuse and almost false, to be with Mickey
- You really wanted to make amends, you loved him, and although it was scary to use that word on the verge of collapse, it was the right word for you
- Mickey disappeared from your sight for a long time, and from the looks, some of the people in the room were giving you, you expected the worst
- Sidney was trying to talk to you, you didn't know if it was a warning of what you were about to find or consolation of the same
- Groping your way through that chaotic sea of faces, music, and fear, you reached one of the rooms and with the same fear that a child has of the monster in his closet, you opened the door of the room
- Mickey was holding a boy tightly, kissing him in the same way that made your knees tremble
- You didn't just know the boy, you might as well have called him your best friend
- You shoved Mickey hard, pushing him away as them both let out a surprised yelp
- His look was a kaleidoscope of emotions, it was okay for him to feel guilt, but you found it insulting that he was surprised. That they both were
- The first thing you did was throw a punch, the hardest punch you'd ever thrown in your life
- You watched in horror and morbid satisfaction as his cheek twitched sharply from your fist
- In his bewilderment, you repeated with your other fist under his jaw, you felt your friend move towards the door, knowing that you would do the same to him
- The commotion of his screams drew attention, or else, everyone knew before you did
- You wanted to burn the place down along with your feelings
- Before they could hold you, you lunged at Mickey, this time with fury and not in the mood to play and kiss him
- You began to unleash all the cursed love you had for him on his face, the one you liked so much
- You hit in the same places you once kissed, observing with delight and fear the bruises and the blood you were causing
- Someone held you by the arms and dragged you away as they made their way to Mickey to help him.
- Behind your tears everything was red and you wanted to die, screaming until your throat ached
- That you had earned that for loving him so much and you doubted anyone could replicate that
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brwnicons · 2 years
Tilo, if I can tempt you just a bit, what do think about this idea: Jesse and Asa with their spouse who can manipulate people and things with their mind? Like telekinesis but more distructive and dangerous
☆ Totally tempted with your requests! As always, seeing you around brings a smile to my face <3 ☆
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-> Summary: Jesse x Asa x GN!Reader with telekinesis.
I think Reader's gender is not specified. Romantic, Poly relationship.
-> Warnings / Triggers: Mentions of killing, torture, sexual innuendos (everything is SFW). Nothing is too explicit but, howhever, I recommend you not reading it if you're sensible.
Please, tell me if you find any mistake!
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▪︎They both sure know how to appreciate a rare specimen
▪︎They LOVE to see you in action. The way your eyes turn blank and your voice commanding as your victim's face pales and starts trembling. They're literally head over heels within a second.
▪︎Jesse is really turned on with it, he begs you to use it on him (please, DON'T). This man has hundreds of kinks and by not doing one of them he's not going to die I promise you. Not in the mood for writing explicit stuff right now, sorry!
▪︎Asa, on the other hand, just needs a second to put a knife on your throat and grunt a low "Don't you fucking dare" in your ear if you mention the mind controlling him thing.
▪︎If you're fine with killing they'll be more than happy to bring you with them, enjoying every one of your tactics. You help them and they can watch you work, it's a win-win deal.
-> Helping Asa
▪︎Asa loves bringing you to his night plans, whether it's catching his new pet or torturing the ones he already has.
▪︎This way you can help also him try his new traps
▪︎The fact that you can order the unwanted ones to kill themselves in the most macabre ways and they will always obey.
▪︎And how you can make them scream and beg for their life between whimpers without even laying a finger on them
▪︎Or how you will always defend him, no matter if you need to throw knives directly to his enemy's head or just taking them into the air and choke them to die while they swing their legs for nothing.
▪︎It always has him smirking under his mask as he watches every show with bright eyes.
-> Helping Jesse
▪︎It's hard to convince Jesse to bring you to his job, but if you insist for weeks he'll end up accepting.
▪︎He prefers to have you in the back, watching, so you don't get hurt by accident.
▪︎In the killing part he is more reluctant to your presence but, in the chasing part, he adores your help
▪︎The way you can grab people using your power and drag them to you as if they're tied to an invisible string. Marvelous.
▪︎But, please, leave the killing part to him. As much as he loves your work he does enjoy having his fun too.
-> Saving their asses
▪︎It wouldn't be the first time you save their asses from the police.
▪︎Whenever a police detective is close to their hideout or to their identity, you are quick to remove both their memories and their existence.
▪︎On one ocassion, Jesse made some mistakes with a victim due to his urgency and the person ended up escaping. They reached the nearest police station and, because of the help of judges and the international police, they became an untouchable and unapproachable person.
Jesse's identity and life were in danger but, as soon as he told Asa and you, you headed to where the victim resided with fierce eyes.
It didn't take much to kill every cop around and make a nightmare out of everyone's life around. Then, you ordered the victim to follow you and so you gave them to Asa without hesitation. He surely would have fun with them.
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brwnicons · 2 years
Could I request Jesse with a ftm trans reader (or just male reader if you're not comfortable writing for a trans guy reader) that's got like, funky lil habits? They'll do a little jig out if nowhere or start tapping their feet like a duck when excited. Bite him when they're feeling affectionate and rub their face all over Jesse's in another affectionate manner? I think it's just cuz I'm a funky lil autistic guy but I'd love to just headbutt him and tackle him down with a hug as well.
Just kinda. Feral and quirky. I'd ask him to use his hands as my bra just out of nowhere too because I'm like that.
I hope this isn't too confusing aaaaaa 😭😭
☆ Of course I'm comfortable with it! I'm trans myself so I love seeing some representation around <3☆
Jesse x Trans!Male Reader
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-> Summary: Jesse and his boyfriend's funky little habits
Headcanons, scenarios. Male reader, Fluff. I can't remember if it's mentioned but reader is trans!
-> Warnings: If I catch you fetishizing mlm relationships or tagging this as yaoi or any homophobic slur you go blocked. Same goes with transphobic behaviour.
Please tell me if you find any mistake!
-> You have the purest soul he has ever met.
▪︎ Your habits make his heart melt
▪︎If he sees you doing a little jig while a smile is spread across your face and an improvised melody leaves your lips, he won't be able to resist the need to hug you tightly.
▪︎ "Jesse!", you squeal as his arms embrace you, "You're squeezing me!"
▪︎ The least he wants is to hurt you so he'll stop at the moment and do a quick check, he got worried.
-> Duck feet tapping
▪︎He knows you are pretty energetic so he won't suggest you to be around him when he is working in his office
▪︎But, if you want to stay there, he won't complain either. He just begs you to don't talk so he doesn't get distracted from his work.
▪︎So, when you happen to be around when he's doing paperwork (maybe you wanted to spend time with him or you are just curiously exploring the room) and you're not sat on his lap as usual, you take your time to wander around the room. You head to a dark wooden bookshelf at the side of his room, where your sight meets a silver decorative sword and a couple of gifts you gave him.
▪︎tap...tap...tap -Your taps start, they're are only a few at first and Jesse notices but, since they don't bother him, he doesn't tell you anything. As seconds pass, your sounds get faster- taptaptaptaptapta
▪︎Jesse calls your attention by knocking on the table he is working on with his knuckles and your tapping stops.
▪︎'See something you like?'
▪︎You swing your arms lightly before pointing with your head at your presents laying on the shelf.
▪︎"Those are mine" you say sheepishly
▪︎Jesse follows your gaze and finds what you were talking about. He chuckles softly and shakes his head.
▪︎His hand reaches for his desk drawer and once he opens it, he gives you a "come here" gesture.
▪︎'I carefully keep all of them. I've also go some in the glove compartment in my car for when I'm out' he signs as he shows you a bunch of drawings, little shiny rocks and tiny objects.
▪︎Your tapping starts again, making him chuckle softly. You give him a huge grin before sinking in his arms to give him a big hug, your tapping never ceasing.
-> Ñam -biting him
▪︎He is so confused the first time you do it
▪︎You were laying with him on his designer couch. Jesse was doing something on his computer and your head rested on his lap, your hands busy scrolling through some social media. His left arm was on your face, his hand stroking your cheek gently.
▪︎One time his hand got near your mouth and without thinking, you sank your fangs on his finger. He instantly retired his hand and looked up confused, worried that he might have bothered you.
▪︎"Why have you stopped?"
▪︎'You bit me...'
▪︎"Oh, sorry -Did I hurt you?"
▪︎Once you explain it to him he's completly fine with you giving him little chomps from time to time, he thinks it's cute, you look like a little puppy.
-> Rubbing your face all over his
▪︎The first you did it was probably while you were cuddling in bed, about to go to sleep.
▪︎He thinks it's very cute, and seeing your wide grin while you do it makes it totally worth it.
▪︎Honestly, I think this is his favourite little habit of yours.
▪︎He adopted your gesture and will also rub his face on yours!! He loves doing it when he is tickling you or when you're cuddling.
▪︎It always manages to make you giggle and laugh and he couldn't ask for more
-> Hugs
▪︎There's nothing he loves more than your hugs.
▪︎The moment that he hears the fast tapping on the floor approaching him, he quickly turns to your direction to catch you in his arms and receive your hug
▪︎You'll have to try hard if you want to tackle him, this man's a brick wall
▪︎Alas, if you catch him when he's having a bit less of balance and you succeed in tackling him, he will explode into giggles as he hugs you and rubs your head playfully
You really couldn't dream of a better partner.
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brwnicons · 3 years
Hello! can i have a oneshot of chromeskull with a gn! s/o?
plot: s/o's best friend discovered that their boyfriend is a sadistic serial killer who kills innocent women, when their best friend tried to telling them that their boyfriend is a killer s/o been like " i know" s/o's best friend was confused their reply then suddenly s/o stabs their friend in front of their serial killer lover? like they don't want to leave him and doesn't care if he's a killer.
( the reason why s/o stab their friend becuz they don't want them to tell the police about this so they have no choice to kill them instead of explaining)
i apologise if the plot is confusing
thank you and have a nice day/night!
(take care yourself too!)
☆ I may be the bright fluff and love guy, but writing about death and treason?? I loved it !!
It was kinda difficult working with two characters without an specified gender and I've never writed "bloody" things, but I really like how this turned, hope you too !! ☆
Chromeskull x reader
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-> Summary: Your best friend finds about Jesse's little hobby and that leaves you having to choose between love or friendship, but you already chose long ago. Reader's gender is not depicted, nor the friend's
-> Warnings / Triggers: Depiction of death, stabbing, angst. Mentions of blood, knives and dissociation. Reader passes through an emotional shock. Be careful if these makes you uncomfortable. There's also a slight mention of nsfw themes at the end, but nothing happens.
-> Word count: 1.8K
Please tell me if you find any mistake
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It's around two in the morning. The streets are sunk in a gloomy atmosphere, they are subtly illuminated by a few streetlights that make it able to see though they also make all kind of crooked shadows creep down sidewalks and facades.
But the streets aren't as empty as they seem, and a security camera installed on a corner is witness of it.
The surveillance piece records a person laid on a wall, both hands covering a trembling mouth while tears fall non-stop. The record shows a white glow on the floor, a previously hurled phone, though it can't be seen through the security clip what's on it that scared someone so much.
After a few minutes we see the scared person grabbing the phone with a trembling hand and running away clumsily of our visual field, fusing into the dark streets while leaving a trail of tears behind.
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Now probably around four in the morning, you are jolt awake by the sound of erratic thumps on your door. Confused, you turn to your side and see your boyfriend sighing as he tosses you a bothered look, 'No way in hell I'm getting up' signs.
This night you decided to spend some time together, so Jesse would stay with you all night and return to his own home in the morning, since you didn't live together yet.
You inhale deeply at Jesse's denial and whispered "Dont worry, if it's some bible seller I'll save it to you" and after seeing him laughing through his nose you got up and head slowly to the front door.
You open a bit the door to peek who it is, knife behind your back in case it's one of Jesse's enemies or some kind of freak, you were prepared for any kind of madman but definitely not for seeing your best friend sweating and covered with tears while sobbing uncontrollably. Confused, you couldn't even ask first, since as soon as you opened the door your friend jumped on your arms and started to stammer incoherently while hugging you tightly.
"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?!" You asked concerned, while trying to calm your friend. You placed a hand on your friend's chest and inhaled deeply, trying to match your breathing paces "Please, breath. What's happening?"
You entered your home again with your friend and sat together on your sofa. You placed a gently hand on your friend's lap while your other hand grabbed firmly the knife behind your back; you felt like it was unnecessary, but your mind was warning of a bad omen and you couldn't stop staring through the corner of your eye the closed door of the shared bedroom where your boyfriend was still resting.
"LOOK" your friend suddenly demanded, startling you. "We have to get out of this town right now, maybe even out of the country. I've already prepared everything so we can leave tonight." stated quickly, while stomping on the words
Your friend's shaky hand holds a bright screen that shows a blonde woman with an expression of pure horror and fear. Your friend presses the play button on the screen and a video starts.
The video is dark and blurry, but the woman's fear face is pretty clear and focused. She is afraid of the person recording and runs away from them in what seems an abandoned and dusty warehouse.
The woman disappears from the video and is seen hiding behind some shelves, when a leg of the person recording shoots down the shelves with a strong kick, leaving the woman laid on the floor, crying and screaming for help.
The chase ends after a few minutes where the person who records stabs repeatedly the woman on her neck, leaving a puddle of blood underneath of them.
At this moment you were totally conscious about what you were watching. In fact, you even recognized the victim, since you yourself helped Jesse capturing her. You had the knife grabbed so firmly you could swear the handle was even start to make cracking sounds.
You stopped paying attention at the video a while ago, but a sudden change of perspective from it called your attention. The camera that was recording fell onto the floor, focusing on the killer. The shiny and silver mask of Jesse was visible, though he was not wearing it. It was between his hands. His scarred face was fully exposed to the camera that filmed him quickly putting his mask on and grabbing the camera again.
You put a hand on your mouth in an attempt to look frightened of worried while whispering low disavowals
The video ended and your friend looked completely hysterical, grabbing desperately at your sleeve and holding back a bunch of tears that threatened to start falling again.
"I received this video a couple of hours ago, there's NO WAY it's a montage. I don't who sent me this but please, Y/N, we have to escape right now before your boyfriend finds us! God knows what he will do if he realizes that we know"
You placed the weapon on your pants' pocket in a quick movement, raised and and put your hands on your friend's shoulders. "Listen, Jesse's still on a work trip, we have time to prepare everything and leave." You lied with a false soothing tone.
"I just have to grab my wallet, I've got everything there" you said as you headed to your shared bedroom in order to warn Jesse about your friend. Your mind sabotaging you with your favourite memories of the time your friend and you spent together.
"NO" your friend shouted, and stopped you by firmly grasping your arm "We have to leave NOW, it's too dangerous"
Your heartbeats were growing faster and faster, the thought of having to get rid of your friend flooding your mind while thinking of all the ways you could do it. If only Jesse were awake.
Your friend started dragging you to the front door by your sleeve when you could swear you saw a shadow passing fastly near you.
Now on your front door, your friend grasped firmly the door handle.
But it didn't open. The door was now closed from the inside.
Your friend's head turned at you abruptly. "Tell me where's the key" your friend's insanity was growing more and more palpable on the atmosphere. "ANSWER ME" Your friend cried, you now pinned on a wall. Your eyes reflected a glint of complicity, and your already paranoid pal was now noticing it completley.
"Wait" your friend whispered as the realization clicked "no... it can't be..." tears again falling on the floor as your friend gave slowly backward steps "Please, he is a psychopath! Come to your senses!"
But a firm thump was heard and something stopped dry your friend from running away.
Well, more like someone. Jesse was standing right behind your friend, his silver mask on and his huge form shadowing your friend's smaller body, like a rabbit just caught on a trap watching at its hunter, begging for either mercy or luck.
Jesse grabbed your friend with a solid embrace, covering both mouth and eyes and holding his prey on place with his other arm by the hip.
Your heartbeats returned to their normal pace but your sight was now clouded with an unknown feeling, maybe the adrenaline making you a completely different person. "I know" you finally answered.
The time was now. You squeezed decided the knife's handle on your hand and, without hesitation, you finally buried it on your friend's abdomen. Not bothered by the whines and screams of the other person in the room, you left the weapon inside and slowly raised a hand to stroke the borders of your lover's silver mask
You took the mask of his face to stroke his cheeks, which you then grabbed for a deep kiss.
While the kiss lasted, your sight maintained eye contact with your previous friend and now victim that bleedeed out on the floor, accompanied with pain and treason.
You passed the point of no return way long ago, but you were just start being conscious of it.
You finally separated from the kiss to take a breath, your head still spinning from the chaos of feelings before while Jesse only had a dumb smile on his face.
"You're welcome, I guess" you said lowly, shrugging. The lust that has been gathering inside Jesse's head since he was spying the conversation you had with your friend now threatening to explode.
'God, babes, your loyalty is too hot' he signed in response. 'For a moment I thought that you wouldn't do it'
And now it was turn of realization to hit you this time.
"Wait, you sent my friend the video?" You asked as you observed the corpse on the floor, but not a hint of anger in your voice. In fact not a hint of any emotion, you were calm, the shock of the event making its job but you also knew that this day would come, you made your choices and you were completely aware of them.
Jesse only laughed through his nose and passed an arm around your shoulders lovingly, he laid his head on yours and answered: 'Your friend would have never accepted our relationship'
He guided you to the bathroom, you still half disassociating because of the shock of killing someone loved. When you woke up from your daydreaming you found yourself on the bathtub, hot water embracing you with aromatic perfumes as Jesse gently rubbed off the blood from your hands.
He finished cleaning you and snapped his fingers a couple of times before your eyes to claim your attention 'I'll take charge of the body, why don't you put on something comfortable?' You nodded slowly, the hot water and the end of the adrenaline rush hitting you, making you sleepy and lost.
Jesse helped you get out of the tub and dried your body with a hot towel, he let the towel around you and left to take care of the corpse and the blood.
You put on the first thing you saw and laid on your bed looking at the ceiling. Flashbacks of the previous events along with memories your best friend and you shared hitting you back and forth while you just tugged at your blanket firmly, repeating to yourself that this had to happen some way or another.
Jesse entered the room after he finished cleaning and saw you sleeping under a big fuzzy blanket. He thought you looked absolutely stunning covered in blood and doing such thing for him so he may have wanted to celebrate your achievement differently that night, but he understood completely that you were not in the mood nor psychological able to decide, so he just pushed the thought of the night plans to the back of his mind, he understood how it feels to kill someone loved and would wait till you feel better. He crept silently behind you and hugged you tightly, he was aware that this night you wouldn't be able to sleep well but he sure would be for you anytime you need.
And, of course, as you did such a sacrifice for him he wouldn't ever doubt of turning the whole world upside down for you.
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nofoundboy · 3 years
You think you can make NSFW with male reader, Chromeskull (public) 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Of course owo
(Canon typical violence, blood kink, knife play, seggs in a weird place and it's just dark lmao)
Learning your secrets
The blood, hot and thick, splashed your face, making you turn your head instinctively at the unpleasant sensation.
The body of a woman lay before you on the once pristine concrete floor, writhing weakly in the last throes of death.
With a handkerchief, Jesse wiped the blade of that large serrated knife. He didn't even need to see it to do it properly, it being a calculated move he had made millions of times before, an extension of something automatic in his body.
Besides, he had his attention completely focused on you, on every expression you made at the 5th murder you had just witnessed.
In your relationship, Jesse had always tried to keep you as far away from that aspect of his life as possible, but you were curious and too stubborn. You respected the fact that Jesse had hobbies, but at times, you felt incredibly lonely and displaced in that mansion.
So you demanded an answer to his absence, to understand what it was that was so demanding that kept him away from you.
And Jesse knew you, he knew perfectly well that it would be impossible to get the idea out of your head, so, much to his regret, he decided to take you with him. He wanted to believe with all his might that it wouldn't be the same with you, that you wouldn't abandon him when you discovered his passion.
And you didn't, even though he really had no clue what you were feeling, for, in all that time, you hadn't uttered a word or shown any concrete expression beyond the disgust of the blood, still warm, on you.
Jesse approached you, with a dismayed expression that his striking mask could easily hide.
His hands had begun to move as you took both of them, indicating that you wanted him to hear you first.
"It scares me" you said at last, though your expression didn't seem to indicate that at all, Jesse's shoulders dropped quickly, for it was the answer he feared.
And it was partially true. You were a boy who had been raised and educated in relative tranquility, someone who had never contemplated such direct brutality. Still, that was only part of your answer.
"But you look like the most fucking sensual man in the world while doing it" was the manifestation of that dark, danger-loving side you had heard we all possessed. In an every day, low-stakes environment, it was never going to come up, and you had internalized it to the point where you believed it to be an absolute falsehood, but there, in that secluded place, mesmerized by Jesse's deft hands dispatching someone terrified and unknown, you found it to be absolutely true.
"I may not understand it and death scares me, but I see how you enjoy it, and if it makes you happy...then I have no problem with it" you wanted to say more, to say what it made you feel to know he was a killer, to observe his strength and mastery with the knife, his delicious brutality but the words seemed to get stuck in your throat.
Jesse approached, reading your expression, sincere but dulled in more thoughts you couldn't express. He held your face gently, even with blood on his gloves.
It didn't bother you, for it was no longer warm. That alarmed you too, for you knew it was not nearly a normal reaction.
"Thank you" his hands briefly moved away from your face to move in front of you. You knew he was examining you behind the mask, watching for the slightest expression that would indicate your full feelings about the experience.
"The most sensual in the world?" he asked after a while, which inevitably made you laugh.
"You always are but...well, I don't know, the way you hold the knife, the speed with which you attack..." and there it was again, the thing you dared not accept that you felt.
But Jesse was very observant, he knew how to read you at a glance and despite his previous fear that you would be horrified by his actions, he couldn't stop himself from doing the same at that moment.
Discovering that you were turned on by his actions, but of course, you were a decent person and a decent person could not accept that he was turned on by watching his partner murder people.
It was okay if you didn't say it, Jesse had no problem with it but he could never waste the opportunity to have you at his mercy, even less so knowing that you wanted him for the same reason he had been rejected before.
His hands slid down to your throat, which he didn't hesitate to squeeze gently, making you gasp.
"Jesse..." you didn't quite know how to continue, you just wanted to express how unusual that situation would be for you, besides the fact that you didn't feel comfortable with the presence of a corpse.
And Jesse understood that, so he held your hand tightly, making your heart race immediately.
A small, strange phone booth stood in the center of the desolate place, as peculiar as it was inviting.
You knew that ideally, You should be quick, but you doubted you could fit in a short time, not when Jesse wanted to revel in your aroused horror, wanted to see what you endured of the real you.
Entering the cramped space, Jesse pressed your back to his chest, holding you by the throat as his other hand traveled down your body, pausing on your thighs, your hips and your abdomen which he knew perfectly well how sensitive they were.
The gasps coming from your mouth were not long in coming, making Jesse smile behind the mask immediately.
He loosened his grip on your throat and then pulled out a serrated knife, somewhat smaller than the one he had used on the last victim.
He stopped the knife at your shoulder, where the cold, sharp object caused you to shudder...but you wanted him to continue and you let him know it when you pressed your ass against his dick, seeking to cause friction.
Jesse, satisfied with your reaction, began to run the knife across your still covered shoulder, then tucked it under your shirt, feeling your skin, your collarbones, and the scorching heat your needy body emanated.
He then inserted the knife inside your shirt directly from the area of your abdomen, causing you to arch your back which only caused the blade to dig into your abdomen, subtle enough so that it didn't hurt too much, but still, causing a slight wound.
You repressed a curse by biting your lip. You had never felt anything like it before, a pleasure so strange, so intermingled with the pain that you didn't know where one began and the other ended, but it thrilled you just the same.
Jesse kept the knife there, while his opposite hand sought to focus on the protruding erection in your pants.
Maneuvering as fast as you could, you slipped off your pants until you felt them slide down to your calves. You intended to do the same with your boxers, but Jesse's gloved hands took care of them for you, giving you a playful slap on your ass as he finished.
Next for your pleasure-dulled mind, Jesse traced abstract lines on your body with the knife, lines that sometimes left small, bloody scratches.
Your cock was already dripping with pre-seminal fluid, and you dug your fingernails into Jesse's thighs, letting him know that you were enjoying that combination of pain and pleasure.
You could still smell the pungent odor of blood on Jesse's clothes, making your member throb, for blood had always been a promise of the most bestial side of humanity and love, that which had caused the most fascination since the annals of time.
"Jesse, fuck me please" you pleaded feeling the knife blade deepen one of the wounds in your chest. You moaned loudly, nails still on his thighs, wishing he would finally repair to your aching erection.
Perhaps, as a small punishment for being too curious, he took his time, briefly touching the tip of your member until you wanted to scream.
You were about to break free from his grip, desperate for his touch when you heard the buckle of his pants, a sure sign that he would finally attend to your desire.
You hadn't been prepared beforehand, so you knew it was going to hurt, but you were also aware that at that moment, it was what you needed most, the most pleasurable pain Jesse could inflict on you.
And Jesse knew it, by the firmness that would leave its mark, with which he held your hip it was clear that he was also looking to mistreat you a little. A mixture of discipline and curiosity to know your limits.
And finally, you felt the tip of his member enter, causing you to grit your teeth from the immediate pain. But you didn't want to stop, so you endured until you felt your entrance filled with him.
You stayed like that for a few moments, not moving at all, with his left hand squeezing you and his right hand with the knife, firmly pressed against your neck.
Adrenaline coursed like sweet nectar through your veins, clouding your thinking until the pain turned to pleasure, to the satisfaction of finally feeling such a longed-for intrusion.
Slowly, Jesse began to move inside you, hard and deep, but enjoying every second, taking his time to feel the delicious pressure of his cock between your walls.
The blade of the knife would not leave your neck and each penetration brought you closer to it, making you feel the edge of its surface on your skin like the sweetest of threats.
Jesse was using the same force with which he had annihilated his victims, thrusting in and out of you with passionate violence, and although you were used to him being rough with you, this was at a level that made your knees tremble uncontrollably, completely lost in the delicious sound his balls made as they slapped against your buttocks.
Jesse finally plunged the knife into your flesh, making a deep cut just below your collarbone, and between that pain and the magnificent pleasure his dick was giving you, you came, moaning so loudly that it was more like a scream.
Your orgasm made you squeeze Jesse inside you, as if you wanted to squeeze out his own ecstasy, so that seconds later, his cum running down the inside of your legs, you felt replete.
Neither of you had ever cum in such an intense way before, letting you know that what you had experienced had to be repeated, under the same perverse conditions.
When Jesse came inside you, you felt hopelessly alone, so you turned around as fast as the confined space would allow and clung to his neck.
"Thank you for letting me come here, for trusting me" accepting that there was something wrong with you, that you sought, like a shipwrecked man seeking rescue, all the danger Jesse could bring you, was so much easier with those strong arms holding you.
"I love you" Jesse's hands moved softly and lazily, clearly exhausted from all the physical activity of that day.
"I love you too" you replied, pressing your trembling body against his, inhaling the smell of death and sex from his skin.
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nofoundboy · 3 years
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I hope you like this <3 @sir-ligh
31. Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other's lips
46. A lingering kiss before a long trip apart
50. A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck
You hated the feeling of knowing what was coming next.
The anticipation of the emptiness that hit you with all its might every time Jesse started to get ready to leave on another of his long business trips.
You trusted him unconditionally, he always came back to you, with the same enthusiasm as that first time, when you had just moved into his mansion. Still, the loneliness in which you ended up for several days and sometimes even weeks, was too much for you.
You lay there, in the middle of the messy bed, in your underwear and with no desire to get up. You just watched Jesse move gracefully around the room as he dressed.
Your silence caught his attention, so he stopped in his tracks with a tie in his hand, looking at you and waiting for you to be ready to speak.
"Can't you really stay at least one more day?" you pleaded rather than asked, knowing the answer in advance but still making the attempt.
Jesse stared at you for a long time, then approached you and held your face gently. Your body reacted to his touch in an instinctive way, so you didn't hesitate to straighten up, raising your head to look directly at him.
He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your lips, showing you one of the many reasons you had so many times why you didn't want him to leave.
He briefly pulled away from your lips and then kissed your chin, making you smile with delight.
His kisses began to descend until he reached your neck, which he sweetly attacked with multiple short kisses that made you laugh, because of the tickle his hot breath and kisses had provoked in you.
Still, you knew he hadn't decided to stay, as much as he wanted to.
"Come with me to the airport."
You contemplated this for a moment, before nodding, defeated, and finally getting out of bed to change.
All the way in the car to the airport, you kept touching his hands, running your fingers over his face, down his neck and even briefly down his thighs, treasuring every part of him that you managed to caress so that your imagination would store them well in the time to come without his presence.
It was not something Jesse would tell you, for he liked to keep certain secrets, but the way you despised his departure and longed for him whenever he was near made him melt and feel loved in a way he had never felt before.
Once in the spacious place, you stood, staring disdainfully at the clock that brought the time of his farewell closer.
"Is there really no way you can tell them your boyfriend has to go too?" you tried one last time. Jesse sighed and draping his arm around your shoulders, shook his head.
Before you could insist any further, Jesse took your chin and kissed you lovingly. When he pulled away, his eyes seemed to want to freeze your gaze so that it would be the only thing he saw in those days away from you.
"I have never felt so safe with anyone, so cherished and loved" you whispered against his lips, knowing full well that the closeness transformed your words into a subtle caress against his lower lip. "I know I'm not the perfect man but if you love me with the same intensity as I do, then I must be damn great, because for me, you are indeed, the perfect man."
Jesse looked at you again, so intensely that you felt your body shrink before such intimidating attention, he didn't know with what words to express how much he adored you and how much he was moved by your statement.
You were lost in his eyes, but he could perfectly perceive the polite and strident voice urging people to board his flight. The attentive first class staff was already waiting for him.
He took your face between his two hands and without caring in the least where you were, he kissed you passionately, with the same hunger and desire he showed when you were alone in the mansion.
His tongue was eager to memorize every corner of your mouth, rubbing against your own tongue, against your teeth and your lips and then attacking again with his own in a kiss that would shame any movie, one capable of making you forget your name and your sorrows.
He pulled away from you little by little, with an apologetic expression on his face and proceeded to board his flight, leaving you with your knees trembling before the best kiss you had ever been given in your life.
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nofoundboy · 3 years
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(in ao3 I just work with my ships)
I write only for male/nonbinary/gender non conforming readers. Transfem readers are welcome too if they want representation.
All the hcs and imagines and stuff are female and as a trans dude myself, I want to write for the ones who struggle to find things with male/gn pronouns.
If you're female I can't stop you to interact here but please, don't be disrespectful. This profile is a safe space for all the LGBTIQ+
Requests are: OPEN
Current Requests: 5
Kiss Prompt thing
Who I write for:
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Michael Myers
RZ Michael Myers
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Billy Lenz
Poly Ghostface (Billy and Stu)
Mickey Altieri
Daniel Robitaille (Candyman)
Jesse Chromeans (Chromeskull)
Leslie Vernon
Billy Chapman
Kurt Kunkle
Josef (Creep)
Pennywise (2017 version)
Norman Bates
Tiffany Valentine
Carrie White
Martin (1977)
Ash Williams (I know he's not an slasher stfu)
Star Wars
Obi-wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Lando Carlisian
Qui-Gon Jinn
Jynn Erso
Peter Parker (any version)
Stephen Strange/Dr Strange
Otto Octavius
Arthur Harrow
Bucky Barnes
Pietro Maximoff (any version)
Joker/Arthur Fleck
Joker (Heath Ledger)
Jerome Valeska
Edward Nygma/Nashton (any version)
Oswald Cobblepot (any version)
Jonathan Crane
Abner Krill (Polka Dot Man)
Harley Quinn
Barry Allen (Ezra Miller's, I didn't watch the show)
Ratcatcher 2
Bruce Wayne/Batman (any version)
Clark Kent/Superman (any version except Smallville one)
Other characters I write for
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Eddie Munson
Dewey Riley
Jimmy Mcgill/Saul Goodman
Hutch Mansell
Dewey Finn
Tommy Bomowski (Coach Boomer)
Jareth The Goblin King
Abe Sapiens
Jason Dean
Robert Van Helsing
Dennis Rafkin
Ships I write for
Josef x Aaron
Josef x Sara
What I write
What I don't write
Full fics (only one-shots and headcanons)
Any bathroom kink.
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