#jess fleming x y/n
mysunshinetemptress · 3 months
Would you write something for jessie fleming?
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No matter what, I love you
Jess Fleming x musovic!reader Warnings: Slight angst mainly fluff
Jess Fleming Canada's wonder kid and now one of Chelsea's star midfielders had held your attention from the minute your older sister introduced you. You don't know why she's so quiet and timid and you're so loud and outgoing but you're so drawn into her it shocks the entire Chelsea team.
Your first meeting doesn't last long, it's a flying visit to England during a short break from college. The second time you meet Jess asks for your Instagram immediately and you both spend your few days together laughing at the videos you send back and forth.
This time when you get back to Sweden you don't have to mark on the calendar how long until you see her again because you're texting or FaceTiming every night. She's in Canada and you're in Sweden when she asks you out promising that the next time you are in London She'll be the Jess you have come to know as a chatterbox and not a silent mouse only when you do eventually get back to London it's like every other time until your woken up by a knocking on your hotel room and before you can even open the door fully Jess has thrown herself at you kissing you desperately as if kissing you as if she has lost the pull of gravity and you're the only thing keeping her on earth.
Your relationship is never the same after that in the best way possible, Jess is joined to you at the hip unable to go without you for more than a few hours. Three days later you're flying back to Sweden and five days after that your parents open the door to a very lost Canadian.
This happened on and off during your last year of college until you finally decided to follow your girlfriend and older sister to London.
You and Jess move in together a short while later and your relationship only seems to get better, coming home from work to find Jess sitting on the couch or making dinner.
But when her final season at Chelsea begins your relationship begins to take a turn.
Jess goes back to being her quiet self, she doesn't talk unless you've started the conversation, and she no longer sits on the couch to watch TV or cook you both dinner because she's never home until you're in bed.
She doesn't pull you closer in bed and whisper how much she loves you while she thinks you are sleeping. She doesn't rise at the same time as you, she's restless a borderline insomniac by the time you're counting down the days to the Christmas break maybe then she'll talk to you about what's going on in her head instead of what's going on in your life, your sisters life anything to avoid the topic of her.
Jess seems to open up a bit more when the Christmas break finally comes along and you take her back for a short break to Sweden, she's smiling more, talking more, to you, to your family, she's dancing with you in the kitchen and holding you close at night.
But as you hand over your passports to the flight attendant you feel as though you're back to square one.
It's another late night when Jess crawls into bed and stays curled up on her side refusing to touch you, this time though you've had enough and grab the back of her top forcing her to turn before resting your head on her chest, you smile slightly as Jess's hand automatically comes up and starts playing with your hair.
"I was at a meeting with my agent." Jess lets out quietly, you don't move "Well I didn't think you were cheating Kärlek." Jess seems to relax "You didn't ?" you shake your head "You would have told me the moment you kissed another girl you're way too soft to keep something like that from me."
"I'm leaving Chelsea." Jess continues this time with a nervous shake in her voice "I guessed so too." Jess stops running her fingers through your hair "What, when." you sigh turning your head to look up at her, "You have been unhappy since you came home from the World Cup, you have been out late doing extra practices since and you don't go out with anyone on the team except Zecira and Niamh." Jess turns her head to meet your gaze "You're way more observant than you let on to be." You laugh "I know, now where are we moving to." Jess doesn't seem to register your words.
"I'm signing with Portland Thorns so I'm leaving at the end of the month and before you say anything i have thought about it, we have done long distance before we can do it again and then you can visit me in the summer and I can come stay with you here in the off season, we can make this work." You smiled nodding "Ok, I can deal with being without you for a few months, I'll start looking at teaching jobs in Portland in the morning, but my contract doesn't end until the end of this school year so i can't apply to new schools until after, oh i wonder if the kids would wan't to learn Swedish words like my kids now." Jess looks at you confusion clouding her features "What do you mean, I...you're staying here." You shake your head "Where you go i go, might take a bit longer but we aren't spending anymore than a couple months apart anymore, lifes to short." Jess pulls you into a kiss suddenly overcome with her love for you.
Jess leaves for America a few weeks later and you whisper to her nightly as you doze off to sleep how much you love her.
Zecira wonders around London with you in your final weeks in the country that has brought you so much love, your on the hunt for a ring as your sister tries to talk you out of moving across the world. "I mean, I love Jess I do but are you sure you want to move across the world with her, you'll be so far away from me, from Mamma and Pappa but mostly me." You laugh before looking down at the various diamond cuts.
"She isolated herself for weeks, months from you, what if she does that in Portland." Zecira places her hand on your shoulder worry etched on her face, you turn away from the rings to look at her.
"She stopped making dinner, stopped sitting on the couch, stopped holding me at night and whispering how much she loved me, but i never doubted her, never doubted that she would talk when she was ready, or that she loved me." Zecira looked at you confused "How." you smile your eyes falling on an oval cut diamond. "Becuase she has kissed me as if she has lost the pull of gravity and I'm the only thing keeping her on earth, every morning before she left for training, any time she saw me through out the day, she told me how much she loved me in thoses kisses. She might do it again but she'll come back to me when she's ready everytime and as long as she keeps kissing me like that I'll be here for her no matter what." You smile at the jeweller and pointing to the engagement rings "Can I look at this one please."
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jflemings · 5 months
— lovechild
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pairing: jessie fleming x arsenal!reader
synopsis: your daughter accidentally exposes you and jessie’s relationship to the public
warnings: none
a/n: srry if ur name is piper 🫶🏼🫶🏼 also this fic is more kid-centric than initially planned but it’s cute. lmk if you want more of piper in any capacity bc i am more than willing to write it
“mum” piper says whilst holding tightly onto your hand, holding her ninja turtle raphael plush in her other hand as you walk into the change room “when can i wear mama’s jersey to a game?”
you bit your lip and placed your stuff down at your cubby, leaving some space to allow your five year old to sit down. she swings her legs as you dug through her ninja turtle backpack for the snacks you had packed her, handing them off and grabbing out your hair brush.
“when i’m dead” leah interjects from her own cubby “y/n you cannot put your kid in a chelsea jersey”
piper huffs “i wear it all the time at home!”
“y/n!” katie exclaims loudly before walking up to mia and stealing two of her crackers “you didn’t”
“guys she wears jessie’s jersey” you try to explain “it’s not like i’m putting her in a james or reiten shirt” rolling your eyes you turn to your shocked teammates.
there were many reasons why piper couldn’t go walking around in a blues shirt, one of them being that you and jessie weren’t publicly a couple. the two of you had somehow managed to keep your relationship totally private from the beginning, only interacting as rivals on the pitch before you’d go home and cuddle on the couch.
when you and jessie started seeing eachother you made it very clear that piper came first before anything. jessie, of course, had understood immediately and assured you that she wasn’t trying to barge in on the life that you and piper had created and that she was more than happy to follow your lead in the relationship when it came to her.
you had introduced jessie one afternoon on your day off and your daughter had taken an immediate liking to her. you didn’t know if it was the raspberry and white chocolate muffins that she had brought over or the fact that jessie had sat down with her and coloured whilst you finished up some laundry. it didn’t matter though, piper had talked her ear off about anything and everything whilst the two of them swapped coloured pencils and ate their muffins.
she piled question after question onto jessie, never dwelling on one answer for long before quickly moving onto the next thing. jessie didn’t mind, always answering simply and straight forward as the young girl babbled away contently. when you had finished putting the load of laundry on you returned back to where the pair were sitting happily, sitting down and grabbing your own colouring page so you could join.
when jess had left your apartment later that evening piper was quick to ask when she’d be back and if you knew she played for chelsea.
“yes, i know jessie plays for chelsea”
“auntie leah don’t like that”
“yeah katie” piper blows a raspberry at the irish woman cheekily before swatting her hand away as she tries to steal another cracker.
“so mummy when can i?”
katie ruffles her hair affectionately before picking the girl up and throwing her over her shoulder, making piper giggle loudly and forget waiting for your answer as she makes airplane noises and holds out one of her arms like a wing. you shake your head and follow them out of the change room to walk on the pitch, both katie and piper’s laughs echoing in the halls.
piper sits on the bench throughout the game with her raphael plush and plays with lotte, stealing glances at the chelsea bench when she sees that jessie isn’t on the pitch. guro spots her and waves, a cheeky grin on her face as she ducks behind fran to play a game of hide and seek. piper copies her, her small hands gripping onto lotte’s coat sleeve as she occupies herself before guro gets subbed on.
it’s when you go down during a tackle with niamh that her attention is drawn back to the game. she frowns deeply kicks her feet “that was mean of niamhy” she whispers, gripping the turtle toy tighter.
lotte looks at her “it’s just the game pip, you know that” she smiles “your mum’s tough though, nothing to worry about.”
you don’t waste any time getting back up and dusting yourself off before a long ball from kyra lands at your feet. you expertly weave through chelsea’s back line and find yourself an opportunity that lands in the back of the net past hampton’s fingertips, the sold out emirates crowd erupting as arsenal lead 3-1. piper jumps up and onto her feet quickly, holding onto lotte’s shoulder as she cheers and claps loudly for you.
the halftime whistle blows and piper allows herself to be carried back into the change room by katie, too distracted to notice she’s left her raphael where she was sitting. she sits through jonas and kim’s tactical and motivational speeches quietly before she reaches for the turtle toy. when she doesn’t feel it beside her like she expects, she begins to look around her frantically.
“mum” she whines, lifting her head up to look for you. when she can’t find you she scans the room for katie, only to not find her either. piper begins to panic as she digs her little arm through your bag, pulling all of your things out and over your cubby before emily comes over.
“what are you looking for pip?” she asks kindly as she squats down
“raph! i can’t find raph!” her bottom lip begins to wobble “emily i can’t find him!”
“okay, okay, he’s around. he’ll be here somewhere” the american soothes, catching the attention of lotte and kyra. once emily is sure he’s not hiding in a pocket, she packs all your stuff back into your bag and urges lotte and kyra to have a look around.
the two of them look under bags and coats and cubbies, quickly roping alessia into their search. “he’s gooone” the five year old all but wails as tears stream down her face “raph is gone”
you and katie return to the change room to a scene. piper is hoisted up on emily’s hip whilst kyra, lotte and lessi quickly put things back in their place with solum looks on their faces. your jaw drops as you rush to take your daughter off your teammate “what’s wrong?” you coo, wiping her cheeks.
piper sniffles and tucks her head into your neck “raph is gone mummy! no one can find him”
you rub your hand up and down her back soothingly “honey he’s not gone, he’s around here”
“no we looked he’s gone”
to avoid anymore tears you begin to bounce her slightly whilst walking back out to the pitch, piper’s cries now reduced to quiet sniffles in your neck.
you hand her off to lotte again, kissing her head and getting back on the pitch. kyra is subbed off ten minutes into the second half and immediately goes to sit by lotte and piper “did you leave him out here?” she asks softly whilst getting on her knees. lotte joins her and the two of them look under the bench and around the area, the australian getting up to ask other players and staff if they’ve seen your ninja turtle.
the search is fruitless and you slouch as kyra sits back down “i’m sorry piper, i’m sure mummy will buy you a new one”
piper wipes her eyes with the back of her hand “b-but mama got him for me! he’s special!”
kyra and lotte now suddenly understand the out of character outburst, giving eachother a sad look over her head as her little shoulders sag. lotte brushes stray hairs out of her face “i’m sure jessie will get you another one”
your daughter’s eyes widen “you can’t tell her, you can’t tell mama i lost him”
kyra furrows her brows “piper, your mama won’t be mad”
she shakes her head “i can’t tell her” piper stresses, holding her pinkie finger out for kyra to take “promise me you won’t tell”
the midfielder sighs but interlocks their pinkies anyway, a sad smile on her face “i promise” she whispers.
piper nods once and pinches her face as she turns her attention back to the game. she spots jessie and sinks into herself, half hiding behind kyra as she watches the canadian nutmeg leah. she snickers lightly at the thought of her auntie leah grumbling to herself like she does sometimes, her frown returning when she watches jessie frustratedly throw her arms when guro misses the net.
it’s only a few minutes later when she comes out of hiding at the sight of you running with the ball, alessia not fair behind calling for it. you cross it and lessi headers it in, your cheers seemingly echoing off of the sold out stadium as she jumps into your arms. the final whistle blows and piper remains reserved in fear that losing this game will mean that jessie is even more likely to get mad at her for losing her special raphael.
the teams shake hands and come off the pitch, leah and katie quickly throwing piper in the air in celebration. when her feet get back on the ground you’re quick to snatch her up and put her on your hip, her little legs locking around your waist securely as she squirms away from your hand that’s wiping at her face again.
piper pushes your hand and lays her head in the crook of your neck once again, making you frown at her behaviour. your daughter was a gunner through and through, even when the london derby came around, so for her to not even have a smile on your face broke your heart.
“piper, honey” you whisper “you didn’t find raph?”
piper sniffles and shakes her head in your neck. you place a hand on her head and lean your cheek on her forehead “i’m sorry baby, i’m sure mama will get you a new raph!”
you knew that she was disappointed, she had the whole set of teenage mutant ninja turtle plush toys and would alternate between the four of them whenever you went out.
raphael was for when you played chelsea or tottenham, because his bandana is red.
leonardo was for when the two of you got to watch a chelsea game, because his bandana is blue.
michelangelo was for when piper went to visit sam or katie, because he’s funny like them.
and donatello was for whenever, because he reminded her of jessie.
you thank all your lucky stars that piper hadn’t brought donatello, or else it really would’ve been a shit show.
you continue to soothe her as you wave to fans and idly talk to leah and kim, the two of them quickly coming over to see what was wrong. piper lifts her head and attentively listens to kim’s soft assurances, even if she didn’t believe them, nodding along and slightly smiling at the arsenal captain.
it’s when she sees jessie with fans over kim’s shoulder that she perks up immediately, her jaw dropping and beginning to squirm in your hold “mummy, mum, down. i want to get down please” she whines whilst pushing you.
you’re confused, and quite frankly shocked, at her sudden burst of energy but put her down without much fight. her feet hit the grass and she’s off running, her little legs carrying her as fast as she can go “mama! mama!” she yells as she pushes past emily.
jessie instinctively whips her head around at the sound of the little voice, squatting down and holding out her arms. piper barrels into the canadian and latches on “mama you found raph! you’ve got raph!”
jessie ignores the eyes that she knows are on the two of them and hoists piper up “you left him on the bench at half time”
piper’s lip wobbles as jessie puts the turtle into her hands, tears beginning to well again “i thought- i thought he was gone” she shakily says, wrapping her arms around your girlfriend’s neck “but you have him”
you bite your lip anxiously as you watch jessie and piper embrace, the look of shock across fan’s faces making you nervous. leah claps you on the shoulder “it’s fine, y/n” she says “it was bound to happen”
“i don’t even know if the public knew we were friends, let alone in a relationship” you whisper before beginning to walk over to the two of them, your brain on autopilot as you approach.
jessie gives you a shy smile over piper’s shoulder and her hand flexes against your daughter’s back. you can tell that she doesn’t know what to do in this situation, her otherwise confident demeanour being betrayed by the anxious look in her eyes.
“mama found raph” piper tells you excitedly as jessie adjusts her hold “he wasn’t gone i just left him on the bench”
she waves the toy in your face and you smile “i told you he wasn’t gone”
she nods shyly and plays with the tails of his bandana. emily comes up to the three of you smiling “you got him” she says excitedly, clearly relieved that she wasn’t going home without him.
“was on the bench” she replies before facing jessie again “i didn’t mean to leave him there mama”
jessie frowns “i know. it was an accident, accidents happen.”
the five year old nods again “so you’re not mad at me?”
the chelsea player’s jaw drops and she looks at you. you furrow your brows “why would mama be mad?”
“because i lost him and she got him for me” she answers you quietly, still playing with the red mask tails. it all seems to click for you. her outburst, her being so sure that he was gone, the anxiety. piper didn’t want jessie to be mad
“pip” jessie whispers, gaining her attention “there’s no reason for me to be mad about that. you got distracted and left him, it was an accident. you just need to be more careful that’s all”
she nods and smiles “i will, i promise” she tells jessie whilst holding out her pinkie. jessie smiles and links their pinkies before kissing her forehead gingerly, brushing hairs out of her face.
“did katie mess up your hair again?”
— —
later that evening the three of you are sitting in the living room watching a national geographic documentary about sea turtles. piper has all of her ninja turtles lined up and sitting against a throw pillow as she sits crisscrossed on the floor completely engrossed in the documentary.
your feet are resting on jessie’s lap and she idly runs her fingers up and down your shins, her eyes also glued to the tv. you snicker quietly at the two of them before your phone vibrates, a message from katie appearing on your lockscreen.
send a link
lovechild 🤣🤣 creasing
your brows furrow as you open her message, clicking the link to the tiktok she sent you.
the video is of a girl, early twenties maybe, wearing an arsenal jersey with a shocked look on her face. the sound is pretty funny, a low, short ‘huh’ playing in the background to go with her shocked expression. the text on the video says ‘when y/l/n’s daughter runs up to jessie fleming yelling mama after arsenal beat chelsea 4-1 at a sold out emirates’.
you clench your teeth and part your mouth slightly in an ‘oh no’ expression before opening the comments. quickly, people are met with the whole story. a fan that was at the game comments that piper had a toy in her hand during the first half but left it on the bench at half time and jessie had picked it up and taken it with her, and that piper had been upset until she’d seen it with her at the end of the game. replies ask if your daughter had actually called jessie mama, to which another fan confirmed, sparking more confusion.
multiple comment that they didn’t even know that you and jessie were friends, and others start to theorise that maybe the two of you had gone through IVF in secret and began to call piper your secret lovechild. from there it seemingly exploded. some user’s saying how unlikely it was because piper was five and jessie hadn’t moved to chelsea until she was three, and others said how she was from your previous relationship.
they weren’t wrong, piper was a product of a relationship you were in when you were twenty before you figured out you weren’t into men. you had gotten pregnant right before you broke up with him but had raised her as a single mother because he was still upset over the reason the two of you ended. it was a tough situation. piper wasn’t jessie’s biologically but that didn’t mean that she was her daughter any less.
you snicker and catch jessie’s attention “what are you laughing at?”
“people on tiktok think piper’s our lovechild” you wave your phone “it’s funny”
jessie smiles and shrugs “we didn’t even know eachother beyond playing against eachother for our national teams” she says quietly, turning her attention back to the tv.
“so?” you question “she basically is”
the midfielder cocks a brow “i’ve only been in her life for two years”
“doesn’t mean you’re not her mum” you point out, not missing the way jessie’s face softens before she goes back to running her fingers up and down your leg.
you toss your phone and sit up straighter “she calls you mama and you treat her like she’s your own. she’s got two mums. you and me.” you say sternly but softly, wanting to get the point across “biology doesn’t mean anything to me”
she squeezes your leg and nods her head “i know” she mumbles.
“mama” piper says abruptly “you’re not watching”
jessie is quick to look at your daughter sitting on the ground. she’s got a pout on and her brows are furrowed “sorry pip”
piper nods once firmly and turns back around, adjusting her turtle plushies so that they too are paying attention.
“does this mean she can wear my jersey next time we play against eachother?”
“if you can outrun my whole team, then sure”
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meazalykov · 2 months
moving on to you
jessie fleming x reader
summary: after leaving your old life behind in germany, you realize that you'll have a better one in portland
warnings: none
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being back in the states was exciting to your fans. 
to most, they’ve believed that you would’ve never left your old club in germany. 
bayern munich was your life at one point, you arrived in 2019 from washington spirit and never wanted to leave. 
now, in 2025– you found yourself in portland, wearing new colors. 
many people know why you left germany, it was obvious to anybody who’s kept up with your lifestyle over the last three years. 
however, you pushed it to the back of your mind. you wanted to restart instead of holding onto something that will never be the same. 
your national teammates– sophia, sam, and olivia– greeted you with open arms. when you walked into sophia’s apartment the afternoon you arrived in portland, you threw yourself into her arms and didn’t let go for a few minutes– ignoring her fiance on the couch who was waiting for your “hello” too. 
sam offered her extra bedroom for you to stay in until you were ready to move in your own.
the problem wasn't finances– portland offered a record breaking salary to you. 
you didn’t want to live alone yet, especially in the emotional state you found yourself in. 
on the first day of training, you met all of your new teammates. 
during that training, you were paired up with jessie fleming for penalty drills. 
you knew of jessie due to her time at chelsea, but you weren’t friends with her. 
she was gentle with you from the beginning, jessie knew what you were going through. 
months later, you were doing better emotionally. besides sophia, you’ve been a star with the thorns. 
you’ve found yourself closer to the canadian on your team as well. 
jessie and you went on solo dates to cafes, national parks, record stores, anything you can think of. however, she always made a move on you– you never seemed to make a move on her. 
some of the girls noticed this, and you had to defend yourself. 
“do you like jess?” sophia asked one night, she had a cup of green tea in her right hand that she gently hands over to you. 
you take the mug and sip on the peppermint beverage, thinking about the question your bestfriend asked. 
“i do—” you pause. sophia almost speaks before you mumble,
“that’s scary.” 
“what’s scary?” sophia asked. she looks over at her fiancé who sits on the recliner in her apartment as you zone out, looking at a book on sophia’s coffee table. 
“the whole idea of getting into another relationship again.. everyone knows what happened last time.” you sigh as you take one more sip of the tea, before putting it down on the coffee table. 
sophia frowns before pulling you towards her. she wraps her arm around your shoulder as you sigh. 
hugs felt foreign to you recently. 
“you can’t let one bad relationship affect you for the rest of your life.” sophia whispers, scratching your back with her manicured nails as her fiance looks at you with sympathy. 
“that's the thing.. lena and i didn’t have a bad relationship. i thought everything was great until she tells me that she didn’t love me anymore and moves on to another girl in the same week. what did i do wrong? i don’t want jessie to see what lena might’ve seen in me and run away– you know?” you let yourself go from sophia’s arms and rub your eyes, resting your head in your hands as your elbows rest of your thighs. 
you never wanted to leave munich. 
lena used to be the love of your life, someone you dreamed of marrying.
dreams don’t come true– most times. 
“there’s nothing wrong with you, y/n.” sophia’s fiance, mike, says. 
sophia nods her head in agreement. 
“there is nothing wrong with you. you’re beautiful and you’re one of the best defenders in the world. she might kill me since i am telling you this– but jessie highly values you. she really likes you a lot and you should give her a chance whenever you’re ready.” sophia says, scratching your back before standing up to grab everyone a snack. 
a week later, jessie and you were walking out of a pizza place in the heart of portland. this was after an afternoon full of training then a tiny-bit of bar-hopping. 
in your mind, you knew that you had to make a move to show jessie that you did like her– and that you were ready to move on to her. 
“jessie, i’ve been having so much fun with you lately.” you say as you stand closer to her. 
the both of you were waiting on her uber ride, so you had to be quick before she left. 
“i’ve had a lot of fun with you too, y/n” she smiles. you blush– not realizing how much she’s made you happy lately. 
“i’m not going to cut corners with you jessie. i like you a lot. you’ve been my everything since i’ve arrived in portland.” you spill as a tear poured out of your right eye. 
jessie blushes as she takes her thumb and wipes your tear away. she holds your right arm and her left arm comes down to your waist. 
“i like you too y/n. trust me, you might’ve not been verbal about it– but i know how much you like me through your actions.” jessie quietly says as she leans in and kisses your cheek. 
the canadian was right. your subtle touches, hugs, praises at her during game-days, constant invites to events, and looks told her all that she needed to know. 
“can i be your girlfriend?” you mumble. 
a piece of jessie’s hair flys onto her face in the same moment, you take your fingers and move it behind her ear as she closes her eyes– relaxing as she hoped that you would be the one to ask. 
“yes you can, as long as i can be yours?” jessie smirks as you gave her a cheeky smile. 
“yes you can.” you gave her a peck on the lips.
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hgfictionwriter · 5 months
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie's surrounded by star athletes day in and day out - and you're not one of them. Sometimes you can't help but wonder why she chose you or if you fit in.
Warning: Smut. Language.
A/N: A bit of angst, but mostly comfort and reassurance. Written in response to this request.
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“Okay, who’s ready for a game of pick-up?”
Your stomach sank as you looked over your shoulder to see Morgan holding up a ball before dropping it and skillfully lobbying it over to Sam.
Excited chatter started up and people started to move towards the field. You remained rooted to the ground as they navigated around you.
You were at a park with Jessie and a bunch of her teammates for a Saturday afternoon BBQ. The day had been fun so far, you got along with her teammates well and you’d been having a good time. You shouldn’t have been surprised that football would work its way into the day, regardless, you were hoping otherwise.
While everyone here was a star football player, most even Olympic medal athletes, you were just…well, you.
Somehow, you found yourself as the lucky recipient of Jessie’s love and affection. And for the most part, things were amazing. Falling in love with Jessie was easy and she said the same with you, but still there were moments, like this one, where you really felt like you didn’t fit in.
The girls were splitting themselves into teams and Janine waved you over.
“Come on. It’s just for fun!”
You gave her a wave of thanks and shooed her off, and she eventually relented. Yeah - like you were going to go out there and end up keeled over after 5 minutes of half-ass running while they sprinted circles around you. Worst part being that would’ve been them legitimately going easy on you.
“Here, split this with me.”
Your stomach fell further. Jessie. Your sweet Jessie. Who would never abandon you or make you feel left out.
“Go on, Jess,” you told her gently as you turned to face her, seeing her holding up a drink and two cups. You mustered up a smile and nodded to the field. “I’m okay, really.”
“I play football pretty much every day of my life. I’ll survive,” she laughed. “I’d much rather have a drink and conversation with you.”
“Jessie…,” you trailed off, some of the defeat bleeding into your voice.
“Come on, sit with me,” she encouraged as she set down the drinks and pulled together a couple of lawn chairs.
You offered her a tight smile and sat down. You should try to be graceful about it all.
“My bet’s on Morgan’s team,” you told her, trying to rid your voice of the heaviness you felt. “Loser buys dinner next.” Jessie gave you a dazzling smile.
“What’s on your mind? You’ve seemed a little off all afternoon.”
You sighed internally, disappointed in yourself for not better masking the funk you were in.
You nestled your head in a bit to Jessie’s shoulder as you laid in her bed together that evening.
“It’s nothing, really.” You answered and hoped Jessie would drop it. Her fingers idly grazed along the side of your arm, her head leaned against yours.
“Okay. But you’ve seemed a bit…I don’t know, yeah, just off, since the park,” she said. “Did I do something wrong?”
You lifted yourself up to look down at her with a concerned frown.
“Not at all. You’re amazing. Seriously,” you went on before laying back down and wrapping an arm across her torso. You exhaled slowly. “Maybe a little too amazing.”
This obviously caught her attention. You felt her shift and angle herself to try to catch your eye. You pulled her back down onto the bed and though she relented, she asked, “What are you talking about?”
You huffed, more-so in irritation with yourself than anything. Eventually, you sat up, though your legs remained entwined with hers. You distractedly played with the hem of your pyjama shirt.
“I-” You faltered and rolled your eyes. She sat up with you and grasped your hand gently. “I guess I’m just feeling a bit self-conscious.” You looked to her and she watched you quietly, giving you space to speak.
“I mean, I obviously knew going into this that you’re a title-winning, medal-winning, all-star athlete and I’m clearly not, but,” you paused, taking a breath to swallow your doubts and forge on, “I guess I just felt very out of place today.” You watched as a subtle frown formed on her face.
“In what sense?” She asked. “The team loves you.”
“I know,” you relented, “but don’t you ever feel a bit embarrassed that I’m the only one who's not an athlete? I'm, I don't know, average? You had to skip out on the game because of me. And if we ever do physical activities as I group I can’t keep up. And I can’t relate when you’re all talking about training and diets and all of that. I just don’t live in your world. I don’t want you to make accommodations for me or to hinder you in any way. I'm sure everyone expected you to date another athlete. Not even necessarily a football player, but anyone in that world.”
“Baby.” To your surprise Jessie was nearly smiling. “That’s what this is about? I’m so sorry that you’re feeling that way. Have you felt like this before?”
You looked away and shrugged. “Now and then. I try not to let myself get caught up in it.”
“Babe. I wish you would’ve told me,” she said, somewhat chiding but with evident affection. “But I’m glad you told me now. Hey, look at me,” she instructed gently as she grabbed your other hand, now holding both. She went on once you reluctantly met her gaze.
“I don’t need you to be an athlete. In fact, one of the things that drew me to you was how you aren’t one. I don’t care if you can run 2 minutes or 120. What I care about is that I feel so connected to you, how we can talk for hours, how we laugh together, how we support each other. And I’m sorry that I’ve left you feeling like you fall short in some way when it’s just the opposite.”
You gave her a small look and she lifted a hand to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“I’m surrounded by football players and sports people all day every day. If that was something I was looking for, I’d say I’d have my pick. But that’s not important to me. And even if it doesn’t seem like it right now, there is life after football for me. Above everything I just need you to know that I love you and I wouldn’t change anything about you.”
You leaned in and wrapped your arms around her, tucking your head into the crook of her neck.
“Thank you. That means so much. I’m sorry I got in my head,” you told her. She kissed your crown.
“Please tell me anytime you’re feeling a little down or insecure. I’m here for you. And I’m happy to reassure you any time you need.”
“Even if I don’t have a 6-pack,” you joked.
“Mm, come on, baby. You know how irresistible I find you,” she said, tone now changing as her hand snuck under the back of your top and her fingers traced along the band of your shorts.
You hummed into her neck as a small shiver went up your spine. Your hips shifted restlessly as a sensation began to stir between your legs.
Jessie moved slightly, causing you to sit up with a pouting look. She smiled at you and leaned in to capture your lips before grasping your hips and shifting you both so she was sitting with her back against the headboard and you were leaned back against her torso, nestled between her legs. She gently brushed your hair to the side and began laying soft, tender kisses along your neck. A small moan worked its way up your throat.
"You're so beautiful." Jessie spoke softly as she continued to lay teasing kisses. "And I want you all the time."
One of Jessie's hands reached up your shirt and cupped one of your breasts, which she began to slowly knead. You let your head fall back against her shoulder, inadvertently opening your neck further up for her, which she took advantage of, now pulling the soft skin gently between her teeth and grazing her tongue along it.
"Jessie," her name already needy on your lips.
"Yes, my love?" She asked rhetorically as she brought her other hand up to rest on your stomach before inching down and sneaking beneath your shorts and the band of your underwear. You rolled your head back further against her in anticipation and you reached down, splaying your fingers out against her thighs and gently digging your nails into the firm muscles you found there. She instinctively rolled her hips up against you and groaned into your neck.
"Baby. You have no idea what you do to me. You get me so wet with just a touch," she whispered against you, goosebumps forming on your skin in response.
"Please don't tease me," you pleaded, hips helplessly thrusting up against the hand that lay achingly close to your clit, but refusing to go over the edge and make contact. You brought your hand up to cup the back of her neck before running your fingers through her hair.
She chuckled against your neck, breath warm and tickling, before she reached further down. Her fingers gently parted your lips, tracing down and you inhaled sharply with a hissing sound.
"I love the way you feel in my arms," Jessie said as she began to kiss the shell of your ear. A shuddering breath escaped you and you rocked your hips against her fingers, looking for more contact. "And I love the way you move for me."
You released a moan as she ground her hips against you and her fingers found your clit, two fingers settling on it and gently, but firmly circling.
"Oh God," you breathed. You could feel your arousal growing and starting to pool at your entrance as she continued to work your clit and trailed her tongue slowly along your earlobe. You began to claw at the back of her head and she groaned low in her throat.
"I couldn't want anyone more," she told you, now switching her hand to your other breast and pulling you tighter against her. Her other hand and fingers remained steady on your clit, dipping down between your folds now and then and prolonging your pleasure. Soft, wet sounds now came from between your legs with each motion of her fingers.
Soon, your hips were moving in time with hers as her breathing began to grow heavier in your ear and only turning you on more. Her fingers continued to attentively explore your slick lips and always returning to your sensitive bud, each time causing you to melt further into her arms and she embraced you without fail.
Your head was turned in towards hers now and you were tugging at her hair as your peak approached. Your hips began to stutter against her fingers, jaw slack and eyes closed.
Suddenly, she withdrew her fingers, your eyes reluctantly opening at the unexpected loss. You tilted your head back to look at her and you saw her eyes trained steadfast on you.
"I want to see you," she said, her voice thick and needy as she began to maneuver you both. She turned you around and kissed your neck hungrily as she began to peel off your clothes. "God, you look amazing," she breathed in admiration as her eyes devoured you.
She laid back on the bed and pulled you on top of her so you were straddling her waist. Her hand was cupping your heat, fingers languidly massaging you as you settled in and looked down at her.
You leaned down, bracing your hands on her chest as you kissed her deeply. The kiss was interrupted, your mouth falling agape as she sunk two fingers inside of you, her thumb now nestled on your clit.
You let out a high moan, tossing your head back and pushing your hips back against her hand.
"Fuck, baby. You're so wet," she said as her thumb began to circle your clit again.
"How can I not be?" You managed to say, pulling a small smirk out of her. She rushed up to meet you, kissing you deeply and wrapping her free arm around your waist before pulling you back down with her onto the bed.
You kissed each other hot and heavy, contact only breaking when high moans fell from your lips as Jessie held you close and steadily pushed in and out of you.
"I'll never get over how good you feel around me," she whispered into your kiss as you rocked against her, your arousal pooling in her palm. "You're perfect for me."
Her strokes were deep and measured, each sending waves of pleasure through you. Between that, passionate kisses and her words of adoration, it felt like she was engulfing you in the most amazing way possible. It wasn't long before you drew a deep, sharp breath and you began to spasm around her thick, generous fingers.
"Oh fuck," you breathed, clutching yourself to her, "Jessie. Oh my god."
"I love you," she responded as she held you tightly through your orgasm. She kissed your face as your body shuddered.
Several moments passed and you eventually collapsed on top of her. She held herself inside of you and slowly played with your hair, laying lingering kisses along your temple as you caught your breath.
You lay in each others arms, neither of you feeling the need to speak. You continued to rest your head against her shoulder and she relished the feeling of your body on top of hers.
Eventually, she spoke, her voice soft to not disturb the mood too much.
"Can I get you some water?"
You shook your head. "No. Stay with me." She nodded against you and gave you a light squeeze.
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inuyashaluver · 9 months
ello! can i request a sisters bestfriend fic with niamh charles where youre jessie flemings sister and came to live with her and meets niamh and they fall in love
sister’s best friend - niamh charles
niamh charles x reader
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description: in which your sister’s best friend are secretly dating, until your sister spots a hickey and it all comes crashing down
warnings: flirty, swearing, little long
a/n: this is a cute request hehe!!, thank you for the request, love, enjooyyyy!! ❤️ feeding you all with niamhy content x
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you and your girlfriend, niamh had a funny start to your relationship, through mutual pining and endless amounts of flirting, you began to date secretly, until it was blasted out to your sister.
you were also a footballer, playing alongside your older sister your whole life. the fleming sister duo was relentless and everyone knew that, hence why clubs would offer you both package deals just have you under their belts.
and so, in 2020, you and jessie were offered deals as a winger and a midfielder for chelsea, both of you agreed.
your sister may seem shy but she was always the one that made friends first. it took you quite a while to warm up to new people, not because you had anything against them, it was just..difficult for you.
it was one of the main reasons you confided in your sister but she didn’t mind, you were best friends and she wanted to protect her little sister no matter what.
the first time you and jessie went to training, you were extremely nervous. you stayed back while jessie acquainted herself with everyone, one person she particularly took a liking to was niamh.
you were changing into your boots when someone plopped down on the bench next to you, you look up to see niamh looking at you with a bright grin. “hey, you’re (y/n) right?” she questioned, you nod and smile shyly at her. “hi, you’re niamh?” you ask softly, she nods back at you, mirroring your shy smile.
you engage in small talk, finding yourself extremely comfortable around niamh. jessie, also changing into her boots beside you, looks pleasantly surprised to see you making friends. throwing you a wink and a thumbs up when you glance over at her.
you could all tell you were going to be best friends.
one day during training, you and jessie pair up for drills. during a mini game, you and jessie are on the same team while niamh is placed on the other. niamh makes an effort to be the one marking you for the match.
the girls obviously knew of yours and jessie’s reputation but seeing the two of you work your magic on the pitch was intimidating even for them, they were glad to have you on their side.
everytime you got the ball, it was difficult, niamh was able to predict your every move and it got you frustrated. it was the fourth time she was able to clear the ball from you, and when she heard you groan she laughs.
“good thing we’re teammates after all this, huh, fleming?” she says cheekily, running beside you as you watch the other team get a goal when sam gets a hold of the ball.
“yeah yeah, charles, whatever” you tease, trying to shake it off before the next play started. whenever niamh would mark you, her hand would make its way to your waist. it made you nervous, it made you even more nervous that she’d see the effect she has on your poor cheeks but she does. and she loves it.
you smile when you see jessie and niamh joking around with each other, they were goofing off and play fighting when jessie yells your name, causing you to turn and smile amusingly at them. they had gotten so close in a short amount of time, it was incredibly cute.
“help your sister!” jessie pleads, niamh was fully on top of her and pressing her into the grass of the pitch, you laugh while shaking your head and drinking your water just watching.
“no, (y/n), don’t help your sister!” niamh laughs, looking up at you with a charming smile that made your stomach swarm with butterflies.
“jess, i can’t really do anything” you shrug, laughing at your sister’s expression of betrayal, suddenly, she whispers something to niamh that you can’t hear, they both look up at you with mischievous grins and you make a run for it.
“get her!” jess exclaims, both of the girls hot on your trail as you sprint as quick as you could away from them, dropping your water in the process that jessie quickly picks up.
niamh reaches you first, lifting you up off the ground causing you to let out a little yelp of surprise.
“sorry, she put me up to this” niamh says lowly in your ear, you were sure you were bright red at this stage. niamh places you on the ground and straddles your waist, pushing you into the grass with her hips as she held your hands with hers, smiling at you apologetically but also cheekily.
jessie then bolts over, squeezing the entire contents of your water on you and niamh. you both gasp in surprise, obviously the water was just meant for you. jessie laughs loudly, bending over and holding her stomach while you both look at each other, drenched and in shock.
niamh still above you, rips off her training top and chucks it at a now running jessie, she’s now left in just her sports bra. you look up at niamh with an unreadable expression, she laughs when jessie falls over before she looks down at you, mouth slightly agape when your eyes meet. “oh, sorry!” niamh exclaims, moving off you and holding your hands to help you up.
“it’s okay” you breathe out, now unable to look at her. niamh swears her heart stops when she sees you take off your wet shirt also, watching as you wring it out with a shake of your head. both of you walking together in just your sports bras and shorts has you both extremely nervous, both of you internally conclude you like each other.
when you both near the change room, you both try to get into the door at the same time but failing. you both laugh and niamh places a hand on the small of your back to let you go first. your skin burns under her contact, slightly disappointed when her hand leaves.
at yours and niamh’s red cheeks, jessie looks at you challengingly, narrowing her eyes at both of you. she quickly lets it go, there’s nothing there and she knows it. (silly)
at yours and jessie’s flat, niamh would come over quite often as she lived really close, hanging out in your living room with jessie. sometimes you would hang out with both of them, not missing the way niamh’s eyes would brighten when you would sit next to her. at this point, both you and niamh knew you liked each other, you were both waiting to see who would make the first move.
you and niamh would shamelessly flirt with each other, surprised your sister wasn’t at least suspicious about the two of you. she thought it was innocent and just the dynamic between the two of you. the tension was growing between the two of you and everyone knew it, except for jessie.
it was a random game day, all of you agreed to carpool in jessie’s car. when you arrived at niamh’s place, jessie told you to go and get her, you hesitated but nonetheless got out of the car and knocked on the girl’s door with a shy smile.
she opens the door with a bright grin, she winks at you before bending down slightly to catch a glimpse of jessie’s car. “i need five minutes!” niamh yells, jessie just nods and waves her off, scrolling on her phone.
niamh smiles and nods her head to her door, inviting you inside. “you look pretty” she says sweetly, closing the door after you enter.
you shake your head amusingly, giving her a light shove, “you’ve seen me look like this almost everyday, charlesy” you smirk, she laughs and moves slightly closer to you, “yeah i know, but you look really pretty” she challenges, you smile and move slightly closer to her as well, making her smile nervously.
“you look really pretty as well” you say shyly, niamh moves her hand up to pinch your cheek quickly, moving quickly to grab her kit bag from her room.
you wait by her door, smiling when she comes out from the room, “got everything?” you question, you watch as niamh opens her bag and gives it a quick glance before nodding.
she walks up to you with a cheeky smile and you narrow her eyes at her, “i need to do one more thing” niamh claims, you nod, “hurry up then” you place a hand on the strap of her bag and she tugs the bag forward, causing you to stumble directly into her arms.
you look up at her in shock, both of you pink in the cheeks at the proximity. she trails her eyes over your features before settling on your lips, looking at your eyes quickly. you nod and she smiles, closing the gap and kissing you softly, you lean into her, placing a hand on the back of her neck to keep her close to you, she moves her hand to your waist, pressing you against her as you share the kiss.
she pulls away with a quick peck, you giggle once you pull away.
“what’s so funny?” she teases, kissing your lips once more to stop your little fit of giggles. “the time you finally make a move is when my sister is waiting for us outside to drive us to a game” you lean up to kiss her again, she tries to deepen it but you push her away gently,
“you look so good, i couldn’t help myself” she retorts, tugging her bag over her shoulder and winking at you. “let’s go then, pretty girl” she smiles cheekily at you, placing her hand on the small of you back and directing you to the car.
after fighting about who should have the front seat, niamh begrudgingly settles in the front seat when you squeeze her bicep warningly.
“five minutes? that was 7” jessie groans, starting the car again and driving off. “didn’t realise you were counting, baby canada” you tease, jessie glares at you in the rear view mirror and you and niamh stifle giggles when she curses you under her breath.
niamh subtly moved her hand behind the back of the front seat, you move your hand towards hers and hold it gently. when your hands make contact, she squeezes it every so often, making you both smile.
when you arrived at the game, you and niamh would look at each other subtly, giving each other little heart attacks when you would touch one another. whether it was a hand on the arm or back, it would have you both extremely shy.
during the game, you were passed the ball from jessie, you work it upwards towards the goal and see niamh open, you make eye contact quickly before sending it to her, letting out a bright smile when she sends it to the back of the neck.
you can’t help but laugh when she bolts over to you and lifts you off the ground, you subtly kiss the top of her head when you cradle her head to your chest. it was quick but felt slow motion to you and niamh. the moment between the two of you was interrupted when your sister hugs you both, kissing your cheek affectionately before she claps niamh on the back.
when you and niamh get into the change rooms first after full time, niamh hugs you again tightly, kissing your cheek repeatedly making you laugh brightly. “you’re the best” she gushes, kissing your lips quickly before pulling away before anyone comes in. “you’re the best” you mock her accent, receiving a little shove from her when you laugh a bit too much at her look of shock.
jessie drives you all back to your flat, all of you collapsing on the couch exhausted. you and niamh huddle up under a blanket as you watch a movie, you were cuddled up into her side as she drapes an arm over your shoulder, your legs intertwined under the blanket.
jessie smiles at the both of you, before focusing back on the movie. (she’s clueless and both of you can’t believe it) niamh absentmindedly rubs her thumb on your shoulder as she pulls you closer, occasionally whispering in your ear and making you both giggle with each other.
at one point, jessie stands up and claims she’s going to bed, “night, see you at training, niamh?” jess asks tiredly, halfway near her room as she spoke. “yep, night!” niamh yells after her, waiting for her to close the door before turning to you with a big smile immediately.
“i think it’s too late for you to go home, niamh, i think you should stay here to be safe” you say shakily as she kisses your cheeks softly. she hums against your skin, “it’s half past eight, baby” niamh says teasingly, letting her lips kiss all over your face.
“and? half past eight is late, you can sleep in my room” you smirk, she giggles and nods, leaning down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss, she cradles your jaw with one of her hands to keep you close to her, letting out a little gasp of surprise when your tongue swipes against her bottom lip.
at that, she quickly hoists you up on her waist, clumsily walking towards your room without breaking the kiss.
she closes your door gently and lays you down on the bed, pulling away breathlessly to look at you as she hovers over your body. you smile at her lovingly, her heart beats out of her chest. you both spend the night making out, the girl leaving a couple of marks on your body but you dismiss it, no one would see it anyway.
you woke up early in the morning for training, niamh sleeping soundly on top of you, her chest rising and falling as her arms are wrapped around your waist, head on your chest and your legs were tangled in the sheets.
you slot a hand through her hair, “niamhy” you say softly, smiling as she stirs. “niamh” you whisper, this girl needed to go home asap to get ready for training. “baby” you plead and suddenly the girl is wide awake, hovering over you with a smirk and kissing your lips quickly. “oh you little shit” you laugh when she parts from you, she squeezes your hips gently before getting out of bed, you let her out quickly, not before she pecked your lips repeatedly as you shoved her out the front door.
you get dressed for training and wait for jessie, “you’re up early” she says surprised when she walks into the kitchen. you shrug and hand her a protein shake, she takes it looking at your rare cheery self in the morning before grabbing her back and heading to the car. you were picking up niamh again.
when you pulled up to her place, jessie nods her head to the door and you excitedly get out to retrieve niamh.
when you knock on the door, it’s answered almost immediately, she grabs your hand excitedly and pulls you inside, yelling to jessie “give me 5 minutes!” again jessie waves her off and goes on her phone.
niamh smiles at you brightly before gripping your hips and pressing you against the door, kissing you sweetly. “hello, beautiful” she whispers against your lips, “hi, baby” you grin, pecking her lips quickly. she rushes to her room to get her kit bag, giving you a wave of deja vu. “got everything?” you smile, “no” she smirks and quickly kisses you, moving your lips with hers before she hastily pulls away.
“will you be my girlfriend?” she asks nervously, you grin brightly and nod your head, she pulls you closer and kisses you until you’re absolutely breathless.
slinging an arm over your shoulder while she opens the door and heads to the car.
training goes well, you pair up with jessie to keep her off your back, a few of your teammates caught the lingering looks and touches with niamh and smirked at you knowingly. it was clear everyone knew but your sister.
it was until all of you were in the change room and were getting changed to go home, you take off your training top and completely forget about your current appearance under the shirt. you hold your hoodie in hand about to change before you hear a fearful screech coming from your sister beside you.
“what the fuck are these?” she cries, staring at you chest completely bewildered.
niamh tenses from the other side of the room when she hears the scream, looking over at you nervously. everyone was watching you expectantly, “they’re bruises jess, they’re from the game” you laugh nervously, niamh looks between the sister duo nervously. jessie seems almost convinced until none other than sam kerr held her hand up for a high five at niamh, causing jessie’s eyes to widen, and causing you and niamh to sigh.
“niamh charles” jessie says angrily, niamh curses under her breath and shoves sam, but nonetheless moves over to you and jessie.
“hi” niamh breathes out, making you laugh but immediately stopping at the glare of your girlfriend and your sister.
“we were going to tell you, jess, it’s really fresh” you plead, holding niamh’s arms and pulling her close to you. “yeah i can fucking see that” she scoffs, referring to the marks littering your chest and neck.
“it’s serious, jessie, i really like her” niamh says earnestly, looking at you with an affectionate smile before settling back on your sister.
jessie looks at you both angrily before it fades into happiness, “this is good actually, if you get married, niamh will be my sister” jessie concludes with a shrug, you and niamh burn.
“jessie!” you yelp, hiding your face in niamh’s arm out of embarrassment, causing your girlfriend to giggle profusely.
jessie walks up to niamh, a serious expression on her features, “you hurt my sister, i hurt you, got it?” niamh nods understandingly, “never” she promises, smiling at your sister reassuringly when she claps her on the shoulder.
you and niamh have now been dating for over 3 years. jessie truly loved your relationship, happy to see her sister and her best friend so happy. you’d become a popular couple, people loving how your relationship was filled with love and laughs.
you and niamh brought out the best in each other and everyone saw that.
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you know the drill - just pretend it’s you, ily magda!!
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liked by _jessflem and 44,232 others
niamhcharles17: easy to say i’m a fleming magnet
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yourname: a hot one too
↳ niamhcharles17: my pretty baby
_jessflem: we have beef, charles
↳ niamhcharles17: what!
↳ _jessflem: you stole the innocence of my dear sister
↳ yourname: it’s been three years! get over it!
↳ _jessflem: no!
↳ niamhcharles17: sorry jessie
↳ yourname: baby, don’t apologise
↳ _jessflem: buy me a coffee and all will be forgiven
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queen-of-reptiles · 8 months
description: in which jessie and her long term girlfriend are sweet like candy
jessie fleming! ucla x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: this is a short one! just fluff
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y/n giggled again as her girlfriend pressed multiple kisses to her cheek, the brunette keeping her arms tight around y/n's waist as the cheerleader tried once more to slide from the bed.
"Jess!" y/n laughed aloud, the girl huffing as y/n tried to push, knowing full well that her girlfriend was stronger than her by a fair amount.
"Stayyy." Jessie whined, trying to pull y/n tighter to her body
"I have practice." y/n denied, Jessie shaking her head against her shoulder.
"It's a Saturday." Jessie countered, her voice muffled from the fact it was pressed into y/n's shoulder.
"And I have to go." y/n says. Jessie's arms squeeze tighter in response and y/n chuckles. "My gorgeous girl." y/n hums, pressing kisses to Jessie's head.
The soft feeling on her lips makes Jessie hum and y/n's hand begins to scratch down the footballers back, at the sensation Jessie is asleep in seconds, the girl falling back to the bed and her grip loosening.
y/n smiles at her girlfriend softly and slides from the bed, the girl pulls on her cheer uniform, trying to be as quiet as possible as she moves to the connecting bathroom in her room - which she was very grateful to have.
y/n quickly applies her make-up, only a light coat because she couldn't be bothered with anything else, then once she looks less like the walking dead, she grabs a hoodie (of Jessie's), and leaves a note on the side.
'love you jess.'
y/n then creeps from the room, carefully closing the door as she spots her friend Amber waiting for her with an amused grin being sent her way.
"Jessie?" Amber asks knowingly as they walk from the building and into the bright morning sun.
"Oh yes. Wouldn't let me get out of bed." y/n chuckles as she tilts her face toward the crisp morning sun which made her smile in slight relief, her mind slowly waking up quicker now she was outside.
"What got her asleep again?" Amber asks.
"Back scratches and hope." y/n tells her friend, the girl laughing as they walk into practice, most greeting the co-captains and third years with bright 'hello's'.
"It's too early for your youthful glow guys." Amber whines, and the group laughs.
"Okay, It's the girl's game tomorrow, it's a big one. It's against USC." y/n explains and there is an excited noise which echoes from everyone.
"The football guys will be there in support, most will, so we better keep these legs high and arms straight, yes?" Amber asks, she was the more hard-ass of the two.
"Right, we'll start with a warm up." y/n says and the group split into space to prepare.
y/n let out a long sigh as the group took a rest she looked through her bag and groaned at the realisation that she had left her water bottle back in her room.
They had been working for nearly two hours now and she was gasping for a drink, but of course, in her rush, she left it sat on her bedside table, next to the still sleeping Jessie.
"Looking for this?" A voice asks.
y/n turns, grinning at her now awake and dressed girlfriend, and the water bottle which she held in her hands, the green bottle refilled with water via Jessie, who then walked over to the field, knowing how much her girlfriend loved that water bottle.
"You are a lifesaver." y/n breathes out in relief and Jessie grins.
"if you want it, you gotta pay the tax." Jessie smirks and y/n lets out a sigh as if it was such a hardship.
y/n jumped slightly, pressing her lips against Jessie's, the footballer grabbed her waist and pulled her closer keeping a tight grip on her as she tried to deepen the kiss.
"Oi, Fleming! Give me my co-captain back!" Amber yells from behind them.
y/n pulls away laughing as Jessie flips off Amber, the cheerleader gasping dramatically and rolling onto the floor as if she'd been shot. y/n chuckles watching her.
"Drink." Jessie said, holding out the straw section to y/n, the girl ducked her head slightly, sucking a large gulp of water from the bottle.
She took several more swigs from it, Jessie holding the bottle still finding satisfaction in the way her girlfriend was letting her take care of her.
"Good girl." Jessie cooed, brushing a loose strand of hair behind y/n's ear, which in its habit did not stay tucked for long.
At the compliment y/n's cheeks flared pink, Jessie grinning evilly at the sight, knowing those words always got to her. y/n rolled her eyes, finally not thirsty for water as she took her water bottle from Jessie.
"Thank you baby." y/n hummed kissing her cheek. "Have fun at training." She adds as she goes to walk back to the group of cheerleaders.
"Uh, no!" Jessie whines, tugging on y/n's wrist and bringing her back to face her. "Good luck kiss." She huffs, the two having a ritual to do one before every training session and game.
y/n chuckled but leant up and pecked Jessie's right cheek, then her left, then her nose and then finally her lips, keeping their lips together for a little longer before pulling away.
"Better?" She asks her girlfriend who nods.
"Very." Jessie grins. "Love you!" She adds before racing off, grabbing her football bag from the floor where she had left it.
y/n watches her go, a small-lovesick smile on her face as Jessie runs off so she wasn't late for training, y/n walked back to Amber, who was still laid dramatically on the floor.
"You too are so sweet, it makes me sick." The girl tells y/n who rolls her eyes.
"Sweet like candy." y/n winks and Dan, one of the male leaders pretends to throw up, however shrieks when he is sprayed with water from y/n's bottle.
y/n just posted on their story
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_jessflem just posted on her story
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Games against USC were always violent and with Jessie playing more of a defensive midfield role today, y/n had been watching in fear as she nervously bit at her lip, trying to keep their cheers going.
It was currently 3-3 and there were only 3 minutes left. UCLA currently had a corner, and y/n and her group ran through another cheer, Amber doing a back flip just as the ball was kicked into the box.
y/n watched in shock as her girlfriend jumped, the ball bouncing from her head and into the back of the net as the clock hit one minute.
The stadium around erupted, especially for Jessie who was well known due to her international playing for Canada as well. y/n screamed in excitement, the cheerleaders all shaking their pom poms with cheers.
Jessie sprinted over to y/n, wrapping her arms around her and spinning her excitedly, which made y/n laughed. The two shared a quick peck which caused the crowd to erupt into 'awws' before Jessie raced back to her position.
The next few minutes were tense, UCLA trying to desperately defend their lead, as the whistle finally blew, the students and teachers cheered as y/n and her group did their final routine a wide grin on all their faces.
Jessie smiled as y/n hopped from Amber's hands, the cheerleader jumping on her as Jessie caught her, y/n's legs wrapping around her as she clung.
"My superstar." y/n murmured into Jessie's hair, not minding that she was rather sweaty.
"My sexy cheerleader." Jessie hummed back, y/n pulling away with a roll of her eyes as she jumped down.
"I was trying to be cute." y/n laughed as Jessie grinned and tucked y/n into her side with a strong arm around her waist.
"I can't help it, you in that skirt." Jessie groans, her head falling against y/n's own as she huffed out a breath, her hand creeping down to squeeze at the shorts which sat underneath the cheer skirt.
"Oi." y/n warns, Jessie giggling as she pressed a cheeky kiss to her girlfriend's cheek. "You behave and I might wear it tonight." y/n grins, winking at Jessie before running over to Amber, leaving Jessie stood in shock.
"You alright Flem?" Someone asked her, patting her on the back.
"I'm the luckiest lady alive." Jessie said, grinning widely as she watched her girlfriend talk to a sophomore who was thinking about joining the cheer team.
"You guys are so cute." Her teammate smiled. "It's gross." She adds. "Come on, debrief." Her teammate adds, before dragging Jessie to the clump of players pitchside.
_jessflem just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on her story
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combined two into one for this request! xx
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thirstywoso · 3 months
Five years down, forever to go // Jessie Fleming x Reader 18+
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Synopsis: You and Jessie may be celebrating your fifth anniversary but that doesn't mean the raw attraction has gone
A/N: Please enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it
Warnings: 18+ mdni Smut, just pure smut. Light/minimal choking, fingering r receiving and giving, strap on use r receiving, oral r receiving and giving, marking, praise kink, minimal/barely mentioned/implied alcohol usage, implied squirting, finger sucking, semi public, aftercare, I think that's it?
W/C: 3.6k
Five years, five years yourself and Jessie had been together you thought to yourself as you fixed your hair in the hallway mirror waiting for Jessie to appear from your room. You heard a small cough and turned to see a suited up Jessie stood in the door way. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of her, five years and she still flawed you every time you saw her.
Jessie was wearing black pants, a matching long sleeve shirt that was unbuttoned down to the middle of her chest paired with some white air forces. Her hair was slicked back and she had the biggest grin on her face as she took you all in.
"Are you sure you're still hungry enough to go out?" You laughed turning back towards your own reflection
"Mhmm, why?" Jessie looked at you puzzled
"Because you practically just ate me with your eyes Jess!" You smirk at her through the mirror
"Can you blame me, you look gorgeous tonight babe"
"I could say the same about you but it wouldn't do how good you look justice"
After a few minutes of you both just staring at each other Jessie made a move to get the car keys from the bowl by the door. Making her way to the car she opened the door for you, like she still did after all these years having never once let you open it for yourself.
You got in and drove in relatively comfortable silence, occasionally one of you would steal a glance at the other a few times making eye contact and quickly looking away. You felt like a giddy school girl with a crush on the cutest girl in class.
Once you got to the restaurant you were seated in the usual dimly lit booth in the corner, the same table you sat at the last five years you had been here. It had become tradition that you'd repeat your first date every year sitting at the exact same table, ordering the exact same drinks and the exact same food.
Before long though you found yourself unable to concentrate on the conversation that Jessie was having with you.
"So do you want to go?" Jessie asked picking your hand up from the table
"I said would you want to go?"
"Go where?" You questioned your eyebrows furrowed together.
"Y/n were you not listening to me? I said it's Niamh's 25th soon and she asked if I'd fly back to London for her party with you. Would you want to go?"
"Oh sorry.. yeah I'd like that" you said after thinking for a second, it wasn't a difficult choice a trip back to England to see one of your good friends with the love of your life. It was practically a no brainer.
Yet within seconds you were distracted again
"Baby what's wrong? You've hardly listened to a word I've said" Jessie stoked her thumb along the back of your hand concerned.
"Nothing Jess"
"It's definitely not nothing, you've been zoning out all evening"
"You're right, I'm so sorry I know tonight is supposed to be special but I just can't help but picture that outfit on our bedroom floor Jessie and it's doing things to me"
Jessie giggled as you kicked her leg under the table
"It's not funny" you whined
"It is too, but you'll have to wait. Let's get through dinner and then we can head home?"
"I'll try" is all you could mutter
A few minutes later and you were trying so hard to keep conversation with Jessie without your thoughts wondering when you felt Jessie's foot grazing along the inside of your thigh under the table.
"Jess don't"
"Don't what baby? I'm not sure I know what you're talking about"
Which earned her a glare from you, that didn't stop the way her foot which was now shoeless making its way up and down your thigh.
Slowly getting closer to where you wanted her most and the inner turmoil you were having debating between grabbing her foot and stopping her or rocking yourself into her was causing sweat to bead along your forehead.
"You've got five seconds to stop before I pull you into that bathroom Jessie" you warned her
"Well you better get ready because I'm not stopping" Jessie tried to call your bluff.
Within seconds you were grabbing her hand and dragging her down the hallway to the bathroom, shoving her into a stall and locking the door behind you.
Your lips found hers in a passionate kiss before she'd even had chance to fully back into the cubicle, cupping her face and tangling your free hand in the curls on the back of her neck you trapped her body against the wall with your own. Deepening the kiss by swiping your tongue against her lower lip begging for entry.
Jessie moaned into your mouth allowing your tongue to slip in and roam around tasting the beer she had been drinking, her legs subconsciously spread and your knee found the place she needed you most.
You tugged lightly at the nape of her neck causing her to groan as her hips lifted looking for the pressure she so badly needed.
You pulled away slightly, lips puffy and red as you looked into her eyes
"You're so fucking gorgeous Jess, you don't understand how bad I need you"
Before Jessie could respond you found the button on her pants looking back up at her and receiving a nod you undone the button your fingers finding their way into her soaked underwear.
"Fuck Jess"
"Shut up y/n/n, it's your fau.." Jessie tried to blame you
but instead of you being the one to shut up it was Jessie as soon as your fingers glided across her slick finding her bundle of nerves. You applied some light pressure earning some whimpers and mumbles from the girl you had in front of you.
You kissed her again swallowing her moans as one hand continued to scratch at the back of her neck the other tracing her folds before slipping a singular digit into her wet heat. Jessie tilted her head back and gave you that look.
Which you knew meant only one thing, she needed more. It didn't take much encouragement before you added a second finger and then a third pumping rhythmically into Jessie as she bit down on your lip grunting as you curled into her.
That's when you heard muffled voices coming towards the bathroom door and stepping inside. The air in the cubicle was stifling and you attempted to move earning a small moan from Jessie. To which you quickly removed your fingers from inside of her to cover her mouth, at the sudden movement your knee brushed against her core causing your fingers to push more tightly against her lips.
After what felt like an eternity you heard footsteps leave the bathroom and you looked back at a panting Jessie who stared back at you, eyes dilated as she opened her mouth and gently took the fingers still covering her into her mouth sucking off her own arousal.
She hummed and hollowed her cheeks as she sucked and swirled her tongue around your digits before releasing them with a pop. A sudden rush of wetness surging to your aching core.
You grabbed Jessie and kissed her almost intoxicating yourself from the taste of herself on her lips. Groaning your fingers found their way back into Jessie's waistband taking mere seconds to find exactly what you were looking for again.
Jessie's pussy swallowed your fingers with ease as you used your hips for leverage and slowly rocked into her. Jessie slammed her head back against the wall riding your fingers as you thrust harder into her your free hand gently squeezing the base of her neck.
Your lips finding their way to where her jaw meets her neck. Gently sucking and soothing the same spot with your tongue, you squeeze a little harder and thrust your fingers deeper than before.
Jessie struggling to keep on her own two feet as you used your own body to pin her up, legs weak you were keeping her from falling to her knees.
After establishing her as your own with the bright red marks along Jessie's neck which would definitely land you in the bad books tomorrow morning when she had to go to training looking like she had been attacked by a vampire. You released her neck after one extra squeeze and whispered in her ear "I'm going to fuck out every last orgasm you have in you tonight"
Jessie closed her eyes and whimpered
"I'm going to make sure everyone knows you're my good girl Jessie, you'll be screaming my name by the end of the night because that's the only word you'll remember" you husked into Jessie's ear your breath gently tickling her skin goosebumps decorating her body.
"Fuck y/n I'm going to cum"
"Not yet baby" you say with a smirk your fingers speeding up.
"Please, I can't hold back much longer y/n/n I need to cum" she looks at you pleading.
Just as her legs start shaking you remove your fingers shoving them into your own mouth and groaning at the taste eyes rolling back.
"Get yourself dressed we are going" you demanded
You walked back to your table and paid for you meal waiting for Jessie to return after freshening herself up.
As soon as you got back home you had Jessie up on the kitchen counter stood between her legs. Lifting her shirt over head and removing her bra before doing the same to yourself. All items of clothing discarded recklessly on the floor.
Your hands came to Jessie's waste slowly stroking up and down before meeting her waste band for the second time that night. Again you looked at her and she nodded. You removed them along with her panties leaving them strewn on the floor with your other garments.
Once naked on the counter in front of you, your eyes raked over her perfect body taking in every curve and every freckle until your eyes became glued to her glistening core. You licked your lips subconsciously which earned a giggle from Jessie.
Which was unwise on her part because you dropped to your knees and grabbed her hips scooting her to the edge before diving into her. Licking broad stripes across her centre to her hooded clit circling it before adventuring back across her folds and dipping into her clenching hole. Tasting her nectar right from the source.
"Fuck" you mumble into her, which earns a smirk from Jessie.
"You taste so fucking good baby, my perfect girl"
Jessie's hips arched off of the counter and bucked into your mouth. Your arm resting over her hips subtly pushing her back down onto the counter.
It wasn't long before you felt her excitement dripping down your chin, you smiled into her as your fingers rubbed loose circles around her clit.
Her hands finding their way into your hair tugging gently at every slight jolt of electricity you sparked inside her.
You worked Jessie back up close to her peak just like before and it didn't take long for her to start begging.
"Please let me cum this time, please baby, I'll do anything for you I just need to cum on that pretty tongue"
You knew this time you couldn't deny her request and were relentless, lips attaching to her clit sucking rhythmically as your fingers entered her once again. Curling deep inside her hitting the spot that made her legs shake.
Within seconds Jessie's hips began stuttering following your mouth and fingers. Head snapping back and white heat filling from the depths of her stomach before flickering across the back of her eyelids. Wet heat gushing from her as you lapped at her. Her toes curling shuddering as she came down.
You gently picked her up from the counter carrying her to your bed placing her down against the pillows. It didn't take long before Jessie got her breath back and recovered from her mind blowing orgasm.
"Take your pants off"
Jessie gave you a look that you knew you were not to mess with and did as you were told
"That's a good girl"
You smiled at her abashedly
"Come here" she motioned to you as she laid back against the pillows. You looked at her confused when it clicked. You kneeled on the bed kissing your way up her body, across her navel and the swell of her breasts along the marks you'd made at the restaurant before placing a quick peck on her lips.
You straddled her chest and her hands guided your hips so you were hovering above her face. Jessie gently lowered you down on to her lips.
Her pretty pink tongue poking out slightly to flick along your clit, you were absolutely soaked at this point. Feeling yourself drip down her tongue your face flushed red with embarrassment.
"You're so hot like this" Jessie praised into your centre, spurring you on.
You ground down harder on Jessie's face as her tongue lapped around your entrance sliding into you as she gripped your hips rocking you back and forth.
Her nose gently bumping against your bud of nerves making you feel so alive like your skin was on fire.
Your head thrown back in pleasure as her fingernails dug into your thighs, the only thing you could focus on was the immense desire that you felt.
"That's my baby, ridding my face like a good girl" Jessie groaned out as your hips fell out of rhythm.
You were embarrassed but her actions and words soon had you cumming down Jessie's throat. You squeezed her hand still entwined with yours before falling next to her on the bed.
Your head rested against her chest as you gently traced shapes along the valley of her breasts. You were deep in thought before Jessie looked down at you.
"Can I fuck you with the strap?"
Your pussy stirred at her words and you nodded your head eagerly.
Jessie jumped up grabbing your strap from the draw, placing it around her hips and securing it making her way back over to you, the mattress sinking under her weight.
You sat perched up on your elbows watching as she got closer.
She kissed you gently pushing you back before mindlessly playing with your throbbing pussy. After awhile of tasting you she brought her hand up to her mouth spitting on her fingers before returning to your opening.
Jessie slowly enter her fingers scissoring them stretching you open, getting you ready. It was then she began stroking the tip of her strap where you needed her. Jessie kissed you gently lacing your fingers together as she pushed in slowly.
With each inch Jessie studied your face to see if there was any discomfort before she bottomed out in you her hips flush with yours. The end of the strap bumping against her own clit.
You squeezed her hand showing her you needed a minute before you allowed her to continue.
Jessie was gentle with you as if you were made of glass. When she was content that you were ready to begin again she slowly slid in and out of you before you groaned in frustration.
"Please Jess, I need more"
With that Jessie's hips snapped into action and she pulled out almost all the way before slamming back inside of you, earning an ear piercing moan that your neighbours definitely heard.
This was all Jessie needed to hear before she flipped you onto your front grabbing your hips and fucking you senseless. Grabbing your hair she pulled you up so you were on all fours your back arched as she ravaged you.
Pulling harder your back pressed flush against her front as she rutted into you over and over again until your vision became blurry.
One of her hands momentarily leaving your waist before a loud crack rang out around the room as her hand landed on your ass.
Satisfied with your reaction she repeated the movement on the other side until your other cheek had an identical hand print.
Listening to you moan and pant mixed with the pleasure the end of the strap gave her made her legs burn, biting your shoulder, closing her eyes and gently urging herself to continue. Her hips smashed into yours with precision, the wet sound of you taking her deeper filling your ears along with how breathy she was.
"I'm so fucking close Jess"
"Please don't stop"
"Oh godddd Jesss"
You could stop whining as she claimed you.
Flipping you over onto your back again Jessie hunched over you sucking down on your left peak catching the other between her forefinger and thumb tweaking it before releasing your breast with a pop. Bringing you ever closer to the edge before swapping and paying the same attention to your now stiffening right peak.
The cold air meeting the saliva left on your nipples sending a spark between your legs.
"I want to see your face as you cum"
Jessie leaned down capturing your lips, pounding into you as your nails scratched down her back drawing blood and you screamed out. Jessie watched as she ripped another orgasm from deep inside of you. Eyes rolling back mouth hanging open as an ungodly amount of curses spilled from your mouth.
Jessie continued pounding into you as she chased her own orgasm, causing you to become oversensitive. Breathless you couldn't express yourself to Jessie as she too found paradise and fell against you pushing deep inside. As you came down you begged Jessie not to move so that you could regain the feelings in your legs and not become even more sensitive.
After sometime Jessie asked if she could remove herself and you allowed her to. Apologising she threw the strap to the floor before kissing your temple and curling into your side.
Jessie stroked your warm and sweat damp skin as you regained your breath, slowly your panting stopped and you began to reach your regular heart rate.
After a few minutes Jessie removed herself much to your protest.
"Where are you going?"
"I'll be back shortly, just one second"
"That's more than a second!"
Jessie came back in with a warm wash cloth and washed you gently between the legs before handing you a bottle of water.
"And you said you'd rip every orgasm from me but here we are" Jessie shrugged
Void of much energy you just rolled your eyes at her.
"You want me to go make a snack?" She asked sweetly as if she hadn't just fucked you into another world.
"I'm good but I could do with a shower" you counter
Within seconds she'd swept you off your feet and had you in the shower.
Her hands gently massaging your scalp with your favourite coconut shampoo, nails digging in and your eyes closing with pleasure. Although different from the sexual pleasure moments ago the new action made your heart swell with so much love.
She then lathered your body in soap, running her hands along your curves, the soft flesh of your inner thigh and to the valley of your breasts where you now saw purple bruises forming from the way Jessie had gone to town on them not to long ago.
Once fully lathered and clean she began to rinse the suds from your body, kissing each part as it became clean, first your shoulders, your stomach, your arms, down your legs before a quick kiss to your bikini line and a peck on your lips.
"What did I do to deserve you?" You ask her
"The real question is what did I do to deserve you?" She retorts
After you got out of the shower Jessie dried you off bringing you back into the bedroom handing you a pair of her Canada shorts and her UCLA hoodie before she tucked you in bed grabbing you some hot coco.
Slipping into the bed with you after cleaning up your clothes from the floor and you had finished off your mug of liquid heaven (that was unfortunately not Jessie's) you placed the empty vessel on your nightstand
Turning back over you snuggled into Jessie's side as she read her book, stroking your hair tearing eyes away from her book to smile down at you before reading again.
"What are you reading? Do you think you could read it to me?" You ask her
"It's just a book about photography and how to take the best shot" Jessie tells you
"Sooo I just love listening to you"
"Baby you won't like it"
"I like anything if it's your voice reading it" which was the truth, you found her voice soothing.
She was never one to deny you so you lay there listening to Jessie's soft voice talk to you about aperture and the importance of picking the correct lenses and the rhythmic beat of her heart as you slowly doze off on her.
The last thought you had 'five years down, forever to go'
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hoe4sports · 5 months
“Take care of Clara” p1
Jessie Fleming x Reader
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A/N: Mentions of car accidents and death, anxiety . P2 here.
Summary: An unplanned meeting between your daughter and Jessie ends up with your daughter as the mascot. But your daughter has anxiety, and it’s about to break lose.
“Mmm, Jess, the door” you mumbled half asleep as you and your girlfriend Jessie was snoozing in bed a lay Saturday morning. Your head was pounding from dehydration. Jessie had the weekend off, and you had decided to have a date night with a few drinks. A few being closer to 10, but that was besides the point.
“JESSIE, the door!!” You yelled as you kicked a half asleep Jessie out of bed. It was her apartment after all, and you had only been dating for 15 months. It was a good 15 months. You had gone on a few weekend trips together doing anything from hiking to going to the beach. It was nice, it was casual which was obvious considering you had been best friends for well over 10 years. Practically growing up hand in hand until you moved away as a kid, and since the world wasn’t very online back then; you lost contact. Things had changed when you went to a friends dinner party and you had found your designated seat next to a name card that said “Jessie”. When she sat down, you couldn’t believe it. You instantly clicked as you talked all through the night, not noticing anyone else. That night you walked home together and exchanged phone numbers, immediately feeling like back in the days when you would bike around in your neighbourhood and Jessie would be giggling beside you. At first the friendship was platonic, but after a few months of talking and hanging out, you had drunkenly admitted to liking her and when she asked you about it the next morning; there was no room for refusal.
“Oh my god, hold on will ya” Jessie said under her breath as she was jumping on one leg to get her shorts on. She was about to run out to the door when you shot her a look. “Jess, look, I like your tits; they are mine and I would like it to stay that way” you said as you gestured down; she had forgotten to put on a top. She blushed to the color of a tomato and sweared under her breath as she threw on your tank top from last nights. As she walked out to sort out whatever was going on, you grabbed your phone. All out of battery, of course. Luckily Jessie had made sure to have a charger at your side of the bed so you could have access to charging whenever you needed; especially considering you would struggle with sleep from time to time. Well technically, it was her bed, but the side was also technically yours since that was where you’d sleep when you stayed over just like the right side was always her side when she was staying over at yours. You placed down your phone in exchange for the water bottle that Jessie had gotten for you after you had went to bed. The water was still somewhat cold and it felt soothing going down your sore throat. “Ehm, Y/N/N!” You heard from the front door. “This is all you babe!” You shouted back as you giggled, jumping a little when your phone was finally turning on. Her apartment, her neighbour, her issues. You suddenly stopped dead in your tracks. It was weird, you could swear that you heard a tiny voice. You shook it off and tapped in the code of your SIM card. 3-0-0-1. Then you heard the voice again, slightly concerned as you held your breath trying to figure out what was going on. “I really think this is something that you might wanna sort out, I would love to but I haven’t really met her because you wanted to make sure that we-“ Jessie rambled as you heard her footsteps closing in on the bedroom door. But she was cut off by small sobs and it struck you like lightning. You could recognise those cries a mile away, as they belonged to your daughter, Clara.
Clara was extremely shy, and was in treatment working to overcome her biggest fear before it could develop into something worse. She was only 5, but had endured enough hardship for a lifetime. The only place she didn’t feel shy was on the field with her little teammates. That was where she could let everything go and just play. You has gained guardianship over her when your sister and her husband had tragically passed away during a high speed car accident when Clara was just a baby. You had been the only motherly figure that she’d know since she was 6 months old. Your parents weren’t able to take her as they were getting older and had their own health issues, so you decided there was no other choice but to adopt her honouring your sister’s wishes. Jessie barged in and you could see the panic in her eyes. You’d probably also panic if it wasn’t for the raging headache you had going on in the background. You quickly jumped out of the bed and threw on your shorts and Jessie’s UCLA sweater before you bolted towards the door. There she was, your bestfriend with your little daughter clinging on to her leg. “Mommy” she sobbed as you reached your arms towards her while still walking towards the front door as your daughter ran into your arms clinging to you as if the world was ending. Clara wasn’t good with changes in plans, especially not when the plans was something she had looked forward to. “Hi Ella, what’s uh, sorry, why are you here again?” You asked confused as you had already planned for her and Clara to spend the weekend together while you were with Jessie. You hoisted your daughter up on your hips causing her to relax and lean into your side while placing a hand on your neck. You kissed her head as you held her tight and whispered; “Hi princess, it’s okay, mommy’s got you. You are safe.” The words causing her sobbing to soften. “Hi Y/N, I am so sorry but my brother has gotten into an accident and it’s bad so mom asked me to catch the first flight home. I tried calling you, but I could get through and you weren’t at home, so I had no option but to bring her here or take her with me to Wisconsin which I could but I don’t have her passport.” She said as she had a serious grin on her face. “Oh my god, I’m sorry for not answering. My phone was dead. It’s all good, go be with your family. Tell your mom that I’m seeing her love” you said as she nodded and handed you her little pink backpack with her pink Nike cleats in before running towards the taxi waiting to take her to the airport. You sat your daughter down in Jessie’s couch as your pulled her comfort blanket out of her bag to wrap around her before turning her favourite show on the iPad in hopes that it would distract her enough to let you pack.
Your thoughts raced in sync with your heart as you paced to the bedroom to pick up your stuff in an instant terrified of what Jessie would say. She looked terrified when she came to tell you that your daughter was there, and you knew that it wasn’t the right time. Jessie wouldn’t want to waste her weekend on a kid, let alone a kid that wasn’t hers when she only had a few limited weekends of each year. Clara was also a lot more demanding than your standard kid which meant that it was harder for others to connect with her. There was this tiny voice in your head that were trying to convince you that Jessie would think Clara was too much. This exact thing had happened before and it left both you and your daughter heartbroken when they left because Clara was too much. That day you vowed yourself to never let anyone close to your daughter again. It had worked perfectly until you met Jessie.
You grabbed your bag as you scattered around the room to find all your belongings before Jessie could come out from the en-suite. “Love, what’s going on?” A familiar voice said from behind you making you jump but immediately relax when you felt the warmth of her hands on your waist. “It’s was Ella, she had to go to Wisconsin because her brother was in an accident. So I need to take care of Clara. This has been nice and all but we shouldn’t be bothering you on your weekend off.” You mumbled as you could feel tears burning behind your eyelid while you got out of her grip to find your last missing items. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, I can pretend to be your friend if that makes it easier?” Jessie said as she pulled you into a hug and wrapped her arms around you as if she was a baby koala. “I have told you about how Clara is? She’s very shy, anxious and have big issues with talking to people. I get that she’s challenging, but she’s a good kid. I get-“ your rambling was cut off by Jessie. “If you let me, I’ll gladly spent time with the both of you today darling” she finished as you nodded and a tear rolled down your chin in relief.
“Clara?” You said carefully as you walked towards her making sure not to scare her. She looked up at you and nodded, feeling shy of the unfamiliar house around her. “Mommy, home?” She said with tears in her eyes scared of why she wasn’t home. She didn’t really feel safe in new places, let alone places you couldn’t prepare her for like the psychologist had advised you to. You sat down next to her as you tucked her long brown hair behind her ear making her little earrings show. Earrings she had begged you for since she could talk. “We are not home, that’s right. We are at Jessie’s house. Jessie is mommy’s friend.” You said as you took her into your lap while Jessie sat down next to you. “Do you wanna say hi to Jessie?” You asked as she shoved her head into your sweater and shook her head. You shot an apologetic smile to Jessie, but she mounthed “it’s okay” to you.
“Pass it Kiera!” Clara yelled as she ran across with the ball on the field outrunning all the other little girls. «I honestly don’t know where she gets it from, you know. She’s fast and she is very mature.” You said as your eyes watched over your daughter with the bright pink shoes and the bright pink shirt. “She’s a natural, way better than I was her age” Jessie said as she rested her hand on your thigh. In this moment, everything felt perfect. It felt like you were normal. Like any other girl with her partner and their daughter. “Hello miss Y/N, did you finally bring Clara’s mom? Gosh, they look so much alike! I could’ve spotted their bond from a mile away.” Another football mom exclaimed as she sat down. Sure, your daughter had chocolate brown hair and the same warm deep brown eyes as Jessie, but you had never considered their similarities. When you compared them, they were spitting imagine. You had blonde hair and blue eyes just like your sister, qnd none of you had anything close to athletic skills. Your little girl however? She had a gift, a talent and a drive to play. “Something like that, yes” Jessie said as you snapped out of your thoughts. You realised that you forgot to answer the other mom. Crap. Jessie squeezed your hand as you relaxed. “Well, Miss?” The mom continued. “Jessie” your girlfriend said as she smiled towards the woman. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Jessie.”
*4 months later*
You were walking along on the sidewalk with Clara in one hand as you were headed to the park to meet Jessie. She had met your daughter a bunch of times, and it was definitely a process as Clara still refused to talk to Jessie. The issue wasn’t that she didn’t like her, because she did. But she couldn’t get out a word whenever she tried. Jessie on the other hand wasn’t bothered the slightest. She’d talk to Clara, but not expected any response which was making Clara feel safe. “Look princess, it’s Jessie” you said as you pointed towards the Canadian. She looked in the direction and gripped your hand while her feet were shuffling next to you. “What’s in her hand, mom?” She said almost soundlessly as she noticed the gift in Jessie’s hand. “I don’t know, I’ll have to ask her when we get there.” A few minutes later, you were 10 steps from meeting Jessie. Jessie hunched down to be in Clara’s level as you approached. “Hi doll, I got you something!” Jessie said excitedly as Clara’s eyes widened. The box was pink and sparkling with a silver glitter bow on top. Jessie held out the box as Clara held your hand tight. “Do you want me to open the box so you can see what is inside?” Jessie continued patiently as your daughter nodded excitedly. Jessie’s hand pulled the top part of the bow towards Clara and she gestured for her to pull it. Clara’s little hand was still shaky, but she touched the bow as she pulled carefully. “Wow Clara, you are such a smart girl!” Jessie said as she removed the rest of the bow and opened the lid of the box before she held the box out in front of your daughter. Clara peeked into the box and gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand. Her face moved towards you as her eyes were sparkling. Jessie pulled out the gift revealing the tiny little Chelsea jersey with “Fleming” on the back. “See Clara, it has my last name and my number so we can match!” Jessie explained as she flipped the jersey around with a toothy grin. Clara was in awe and her eyes were lit up. It made you melt and it didn’t help when your daughter dropped your hand as she embraced Jessie into a hug. Jessie looked as surprised as you before she carefully wrapped her hand around Clara while the other hand touched her head. Clara pulled away from the hug smiling as she beamed and did a few more excited jumps. “Do you want to try it on?” Jessie asked as Clara instantly nodded. “Can I help you?” Jessie asked as bit hesitant as she feared that she had pushed her too far. Clara took a moment to make up her mind before she nodded and let go of your hand. Her arms reached out as Jessie slipped it over her head. “Maybe you can wear it when you come to see me play on Sunday?” Jessie asked as Clara’s eyes lit up. She had always talked about how she wanted to see Jessie play football on the big field, not just in your backyard. However, she made sure to only tell you. Clara’s gaze shifted towards you as she sent you her best please look without using words. “Yes Clara, we can go watch Jessie play on Sunday.” You confirmed as Clara jumped up and down once again attacking Jessie into a hug causing Jessie to lose her balance and fall to her back from the squat position she was in with Clara giggling on top of her.
*The following Sunday*
“Alright Claramell” you said as you sung her nickname. You had made it up as she loved caramels as a baby. She looked up at your from her little drawing table where she was busy drawing and colouring. “We have to put our jersey on when the timer ends” you said as you stated the timer so she could feel in control and make things easier for everyone included. “Mommy, will Jessie be there?” She asked as she looked up at your with her chocolate labrador eyes. “Yes, Jessie will definitely be there. She is gonna play, and we are gonna watch her! And if you want to, you can walk with her on the field with the other kids like we talked about. That means that you can walk out to the middle of the field with the other team and judges holding Jessie’s hand and then the teams sing. After that, you run back to the tunnel.” Clara nodded as she turned around to keep drawing again drawing as precisely as her hands would allow her. “Okay, Claramell, I’m just gonna get ready in the bathroom” you said as you pressed a kiss to her head and breathed in the balsamspray in her hair.
You got to the bathroom, and hopped in the shower. Your thoughts were quickly wandering around what would happen with Clara on the field. You had told her countless times that she didn’t have to do it, and that she could say no whenever she liked; but once she got in the field, she had to stay with Jessie. All kinds of scenarios took place in your head. The biggest worry of them all would be a full blown panic attack mid stadium in front of thousands of people not being able to get to your little girl. What would Jessie do if that were to happen? Would she leave you? Clara had yet to open up to her and hadn’t spoken a full sentence to her. The warm water washed your worries away as the damp of the water filled the room making it feel somewhat close to a tropical island. The damp hot air felt soothing in your lungs. After thinking and worrying for a bit, you hopped out and dried yourself off. You rummaged through your drawer and found your favourite mascara, some tinted sunscreen, a sheer lipstick and some blush from nars that you got as a teen. Lord knows that all girls has that one old makeup product that dosent compare, and you were no exception. The makeup made your face come alive before you glanced at the clock and realised that it was time. “Clara! It’s time!” You called out as your heard Clara’s little slippers tap on the floor in your direction. “Okay mommy, a bun with long hair” she said as she popped up into the sink in front of her, it was basically routine by now. She would come in and you would do her hair in whatever way she wanted it. Today was a half up half down kinda day, and you were softly brushing through her beautiful brown hair. “Mommy,Jess gonna be there?” She asked as she looked at herself in the mirror with her little feet in the sink. You nodded as you finished doing her hair. “Yes, Jessie will be there” you confirmed as her little brows furrowed. “Promise?” “Pinky promise.”
*2 hours later*
The stadium was huge compared to Clara. She had her little Fleming Jersey on, and she had insisted to wear her bracelet that she made at home a few weeks ago with pink beads. Clara’s hand tightened around yours as she stared at the stadium and the tons of people going in. She looked up at you with fear in her eyes and a stressed look in her little face. “Mommy, carry?” She whispered as you instantly popped her up in your hip wanting to hold her until she refused to be held anymore. People would always scold you for carrying her, but your sister would’ve carried her until she physically couldn’t and you intended to keep her wish alive. She wasn’t gonna want to be carried until she was a teen, so you wanted to make the most of the time you had with her. You followed the instructions that Jessie had given you, finding the side entrance with guards checking id’s towards a database with invited and pre-register people only. It was fairly quick as there was a significant difference in the amount of people that were at the special entrance.
When you got through the area you followed the signs until you found a room where the mascots were waiting. Clara was intimidated by the amount of children and adults and causing her to cling to you like cling wrap. “You can always say no, and nobody will be upset Claramell” you whispered as she nodded. She had insisted on bringing her pink purse in the shape of a heart with what she said was important things. Usually that would include her fake keys, a lip balm and a snack. After a few minutes, a women came to get you leading you through the big corridors of the gigantic stadium. You were looking at all the tapestry on the walls with pictures of the players in action. “Mommy, mommy, it’s Jess” your daughter whispered as she wiggled out of your arms and bolted towards Jessie. “Is it my two favourite girls coming to see me play? How lucky am I!” Jessie said picking Clara up as she spun her around and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Clara nodded and placed her hand on Jessie’s chest for safety. You greeted Jessie as you had a wide grin on your face from seeing your daughter and your girlfriend together. Jessie held Clara tight and it relaxed you knowing that she was doing what she could to make her feel safe. “Alright, walk on in 2!” A guy with a big headset yelled out in the tunnel. Clara seemed to get somewhat startled of his sudden loud voice. Her little heart beating like crazy in her chest. “Alright, Clara, we are gonna go out there in front of all those people while you hold my hand and then we will sing. Afterwards, you can run to mommy or I can carry you there.” Jessie said as she placed Clara down. Clara nodded attentively as Jessie unzipped her team jacket that Jessie had gotten for the occasion. You bent down and kissed Clara’s cheek as she smiled back at you. You had to go to the back of the line as the players were about to enter which Clara didn’t seem to mind. Her little hand held onto Jessie’s as they both turned around to wave at you. She seems excited, and she seemed like she felt safe with Jessie. Her curious eyes were wandering around the tunnel and towards the opening of it towards the cameras. The loud league music started on the field and the referees started walking on followed by the lot of the players in two lines. Just before Jessie and Clara was supposed to move out, Clara stalled. You could see Clara tensing up. Her little shoulders rising towards her ears. Her head turned towards you and you saw her eyes becoming glassy. Her lip was going from a pout to a wobble. Her eyebrows furrowed in a tense frown. Her chest moving slightly heavier than usual.
Your pulse immediately went up and you felt a need to scoop her up before this escalated. Was this gonna end in yet another breakdown? Would this trigger her anxiety? How were you gonna get a hold of her? And worst of all; was this gonna embarrass Jessie enough to want to end it with you?
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flemingsfreckles · 5 months
Personal Shopper
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Synopsis: based off this request of reader helping Jessie shop for new clothes
Warnings: nothing, it’s fluffy
WC: 1.2k
A/N: here’s some fluff to ease your mind with all the angst I’ve put out recently :)
“I feel like I look silly.” Jessie voice came over the top of the dressing room.
“Just show me.” You were sat outside on a bench, waiting patiently for your girlfriend to try on and show you the mountain of clothes you had picked out for her.
“Jessie come on!” You encouraged her. “Just let me see.”
It was no secret to anyone that Jessie could use some wardrobe help, you had heard her teammates tease her for years, she even mentioned it herself on numerous occasions. She was quick to pick up a sweatshirt and throw on the same black Nike shirt and black hat that she always wore. When it came to fancier clothing, she was even worse, owning a couple of plain button ups and a few pairs of solid color slacks.
After she had complained one too many times about her wardrobe and not knowing what to wear, for your own liking. So you had taken her to various stores, spent hours looking through racks and piles of clothing, trying to find something for the Canadian.
She cracked open the door. Peaking out at you, “Don’t laugh please.”
You shake your head at her, “I won’t, I’m never going to laugh at you for trying something on.”
She opens the door fully for you to see her outfit. She had thrown on a plain black shirt, more tightly fitting than her regular choice of shirt. The shirt showed off more of her figure than her standard Nike black shirt. She had also put on a nice pair of pants. Black and white in a small checkered print.
“Oh wow.” You can’t help but let the words fall out of your mouth when your eyes scan Jessie head to toe. It wasn’t often that you got to see her dressed up.
“Stop.” She gives you a firm look.
“No babe, it looks so good.” You admire her for another second before looking to her face. She looked uncomfortable. “You don’t like it?”
“I don’t know, it’s just,” she turns back to the mirror to look at herself. “It’s different.”
“Okay.” You come up to rub her shoulders. “If you’re uncomfortable in it, don’t buy it because then you’ll never wear it. But it looks nice, so if you’re just uncomfortable because it’s new, then that’s okay.”
“I like the shirt.”
“Jess it’s a plain black shirt of course you like it.”
“Yeah but the fit is different, it’s tighter.” It was, her biceps were being restrained by the fabric, it was tight across her chest and shoulders, it looked good, a little too good given you were in public.
“Alright, try it on with another pair of bottoms then.” You push her in the direction of the changing room. She out a huff but closes the door and changes again.
Jessie hadn’t been super thrilled when you dragged her from store to store, she knew she wanted new clothes, a new style but it was the actual act of shopping and trying on that she hated so much. You on the other hand were thrilled Jessie had finally asked for your help.
You didn’t mind her clothes, they were never an issue to you, but they were an issue to Jessie which then made them your issue when she would come to you asking to borrow your clothes because she didn’t want to wear anything she had. You liked seeing her in your clothes, but you decided it was time she was happy with her own wardrobe.
The issue was not just having clothes but it was the fact that Jessie didn’t know how she wanted to dress. To be fair to her, the majority of her life is spent in athletic clothing, a game kit, training kit, or in some form of a team branded shirt, sweatshirt, or sweatpants. When she’d get home from training or a game she’d usually slip into another pair of athletic shorts or sweats, only throwing on jeans and a simple shirt if you were going out.
“I think I like these better.” Jessie opens the door, she’s got on the same black shirt, now paired with a pair of maroon dress slacks.
“Those look nice on you.” You let her look at herself in the mirror again, she turns looking at the back of the pants. “They make your ass look good, don’t worry.” You give her a smile in the mirror as she rolls her eyes.
She looks at them for a couple more seconds, contemplating the pants. “I think I’ll get these.” She finally decides. “And the shirt.”
“Okay take them off, put your jeans back on and try this on.” You had her a couple of linen button up shirts.
“Ughhh.” She groaned as she turned back into the dressing room, the linen shirts in her hand.
Jessie comes out in the sage green shirt, her jeans from home back on. She’s got a smile on her face.
“You like it?” You ask, hopeful based on her smile.
“Yeah, it actually feels comfortable, it doesn’t feel like I’m wearing a costume or someone else’s clothes.” Jessie looks at you for your opinion.
“That color looks good on you.”
“Yeah it’s different but I like it.” You could see the genuine smile on her face, it made you happy, seeing her satisfied with something she was trying on. She spins in the mirror one more time before closing the door behind her.
She comes out a moment later with the maroon pants, black shirt and linen shirt in one hand. The black and white checkered pants in the other. Jessie places the black and white pants back on the rack and then makes her way over to the display of linen shirts. You watch as she picks up one in white, blue, black, and a coral color adding them to the pile of clothes she was holding.
Jessie must’ve noticed the strange look you gave her as she turned around with the shirts in her arms. “What?”
“Nothing.” You say with a small shake to your head.
“I like the shirt, it’s comfortable. I’m ready to check out.” She knew you were questioning the fact that she just grabbed four identical shirts to the one already in her hand.
“I know.” You hold your arms out to her to offer to hold the shirts. “Whatever you want babe.” Sure it wasn’t what you had in mind when you had taken her shopping but at least she was walking out with something new that she liked, you couldn’t complain too much.
You watched as Jessie checked out, refusing to let you pay for any of the clothing for her. She did however make you carry the bags with all the clothes, which you did happily.
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flem17ng · 9 months
can i request a jessie fleming x reader fic? where someone (u can pick who) is getting closer to jessie (like physically and emotionally closer) and reader gets jealous. all the tension leads to a big fight where jessie ends up reassuring reader that she loves them and all that (r and jess are in an est. relationship). and (only if ur comfortable writing it!) smut ensues
Thanks so much for this request anon! I’m always having jessie fleming brain rot so this was an enjoyable write.
pairing: Jessie fleming x reader
warnings: slightly suggestive i guess
word count: 1.35k
summary: reader catches jessie flirting with a fan after a big chelsea win. (established relationship)
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The game was supposed to be the best night of your life. The crowd was cheering, the stands were a sea of blue and you had just scored a fantastic header from a corner that your beautiful girlfriend had taken. Needless to say: you were supposed to be happy! 
The crowed erupted as the ball hit the back of the net and for a moment everything was still. The players stopped, you stopped, the goalie looked up in disbelief. You had scored a goal in the final few minutes, putting chelsea in the lead. 
When reality set in you were swarmed by the team: Sam slapped you in the back while Millie cheered into your ear and pushed you towards the crowd to celebrate the inevitable win. 
It was then that you saw her: your wonderful Jessie, smiling and waving to a fan in the other side of the barricade. The girl (maybe 20) was wrapped in a fleming jersey with a sign over your head that read “marry me number 17!”.
You felt your throat tighten for a moment. Yes this was pretty normal: being in the public eye you often had thirsting fans chasing you (jessie probably more so than most).  And yet something about the way the girl winked at jessie made your stomach churn. 
Before you could say anything, the game was resuming. No time to worry about some little interaction. You were being jealous, that’s all. 
The game ended soon after. A whirlwind of cheers ushered you through the tunnel and into the change room where bottles of champagne waited for you. 
“y/n! that goal was amazing babe! I’m sorry i didn’t come to celebrate with you!” Jessie ran towards you, her shirt halfway off and a big grin on her adorable face. Usually this would be when you grabbed her rosy cheeks and kissed her, but your stomach was still churning so instead you gave her a quick hug and a nod before moving to get changed. 
The team was going to be moving onto a pub after everyone showered so it wasn’t long before the dressing room began emptying out. As the room got quieter you could hear a conversation Jessie and Lauren were having in the corner. 
“who was that eh jessie?”
“mmh? oh the girl! I don’t know, just a fan probably”
“bit of a looker though”
Jessie hummed but didn’t respond. You supposed that should have made you feel better but the fact Lauren had noticed the interaction at all made you a little uncomfortable. You and Jessie had been dating for almost a year now but had decided it was best not to tell people at work. You were both private people after all, it made sense to keep things quiet. 
It didn’t make it any easier when people tried to hit of her though. 
“hey jessie I recon i’ll walk to the pub” you called out at you gathered your things and pulled your jacket on. 
“hey are you sure? I’ll give you a lift if you want” Jessie looked at you curiously, her big brown eyes piercing into you. 
“yeah i’m sure. I want to cool my muscles down a bit” you shot her a weak smile before walking out of the room. The truth was you felt like the jealousy was eating you alive (and not in a nice way). 
You had been ok with keeping things private at first, but now the thought of other people, other women desiring Jessie, wanting her… it filled you with anger. She was yours. And you were hers. 
The pub was full when you arrived: Not only with the team but with family members, admin people, managers and coaches. The music was thumping loud enough to make the walls shake. 
You needed a drink. 
You pushed so to the front of the bar, attempting to get the attention of one of the bartenders when someone caught your eye. 
Leaning against the bar a few metres away was that girl, the fan that winked at Jessie. It look you a moment to realise the girl was pushed up against someone: her hands were resting against the bar on both sides of some girl. As you watched you realised it was Jessie. Your wonderful, perfect girlfriend was pushed up against some dumb blonde fan girl. 
Jessie must have said something funny (of course she did) and the girl reached forwards, placing a hand on jessie’s cheek, using the opportunity to get infinitely closer. 
The churning in your stomach had become a full scale tidal surge. You needed air, you needed to go home, you needed that woman to get off your girlfriend. 
What could you have done? no one else knew she was yours. 
Just as you turned to leave, Jessie looked around, locking eyes with you for a second before you were lost in the crowd. 
you couldn’t stand there, you had to leave. 
“Y/n! Y/n please wait up!” you could hear her yelling for you was you walked up the street but you couldn’t, wouldn’t stop. 
“please Y/n. that wasn’t what it looked like!”
You spun round, cheeks red, temper rising. 
“really Jessie.  because to me it looked like you were having a nice time getting felt up by some groupie.” you yelled, causing jessie to stop abruptly. 
“Don’t babe me Fleming. I saw that girl in the crowd. That’s why you didn’t celebrate with me. Because you were too busy eye fucking some dumb blonde?”
“Don’t be crass y/n”
“Don’t be crass! Jesus, Fleming! You think I like to watch you getting all touchy with those girls? Do you think I enjoy that?”
you walked back a few steps only for Jessie to walk even closer. 
“Don’t ben ridiculous…” she breathed. 
“Jessie stop. You’re being mean.”
You started to turn around before remembering you would end up at your shared apartment soon enough. 
“y/n look at me. please.” Jessie’s voice sounded needy, desperate. Maybe that’s why you turned. Suddenly she was a whole lot closer than she had been before. 
“Y/n that girl… she is nothing to me. She cornered me at the bar while I was waiting for you, she kept… touching me. I felt gross but I- I didn’t know what to do!” Jessie’s eyes looked wet now as she talked. 
“on the pitch when I went to take my corner she yelled… well she yelled something pretty fucking gross if i’m being honest. the only reason i gave her the time of day was because I was so upset.” Jessie sighed and looked down. She fiddled with her ring as she spoke. 
You covered her hand with hers suddenly feeling the need to be nearer to her. 
“Y/n I love you. I mean, I am in love with you. I think I have been for years now. Even before we went out I loved you.”
you looked at her, taken aback
“please I need you to know this. No one compares to you. No one. Don’t you ever feel second best because you are always first in my heart.” It was your turn to tear up now. Jessie wasn’t always the best with words, this was… a first to say the least. 
“Jessie I want to tell people about us. I want to be your everything. I want there to be no room for doubt in anyone’s mind that i’m yours. Jessie please I just… I can’t do this anymore. I want to be with you and I want the whole world to know about it.”
Jessie grinned, her cheeks going red in the dim light. “darling, there is nothing i want more.”
she reached up and held your face, bringing you in for a deep kiss. You grabbed her waist, pushing her gently up against the building beside you and deepening the kiss until you were both panting. 
Slowly you dipped your head and kissed her neck, listening to her sharp breath as you went. 
“don’t ever talk to that girl again. understand”
Jessie looked down, mouth open and breathless. 
“take me home Y/n”
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ilovefootballwrs · 2 months
With Me Forever - Part |
A part of the So Long, London series.
Reader x Jessie Fleming
Based on a Norwegian song called "For Evig", by Chris Holstein.
"If that was all we got, was only a moment. Then it's with me forever. If it's the last night, and we'll never see each other again. Then it's with me forever."
The news of Jessie's departure didn't shock me, I already knew about it long before the others. What shocked me was how far she was going, and everything went so fast. Soon she was going to be living almost a 10 hour flight from London, from me. I would never try to stop her, it wouldn't be fair, but at the same time the distance wouldn't be fair for either of us.
. . .
"It's so weird that it's Jessie's last day in London today. When is she leaving again?" Guro asked me. Guro was always like a big sister to me. We both play for Norway, and with her being a couple of years older than me, she basically watched me grow up and our bond grew into a sibling like friendship.
"Uhm...I think her flight leaves at midnight, so probably some time before that." I said with a sad smile on my lips.
"Listen, I know how hard this is for you. You know you can always come to me if there's anything wrong, right?" She asked with a look of concern on her face.
"So cliché." I laughed. "I know Guro, I will." I gave her a genuin smile. "I have to go now, I'm helping Jessie pack the rest of her stuff, bye!"
. . .
The feeling I'm feeling right now got to be the worst feeling on earth. Packing away her stuff for her to move away is the last thing I want to do. My heart clenches for every item I pack away.
I'm just placed the last of her items in the box when I hear footsteps behind me.
"It's much more emptier now." Jessie said as she went to sit on the bed.
I looked up at her. "Well, I guess you were the one that owned most of the stuff in here.
I stood up and went to sit beside her, putting head on her shoulder and interlocked our hands.
"I'm sorry for leaving" I could her the sadness in her voice. I took my head of her shoulder to look at her. Her cheeks were slightly more red than usual and she had tears in her eyes.
"Please don't cry, Jess." I put my hand on her cheek and continued to talk. "I don't blame you for leaving, I will never ever blame you. This is just something you have to do." I tried reassuring her.
"I'm still sorry. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you." The tears fell down her face and I could feel my eyes starting to tear up.
"I don't know either." I whispered. "I never wanted to lose you."
"You don't have to you know. You don't have to lose me." She said.
"Jess-" I started before getting interrupted by her.
"Y/N we, us, don't need to be over just because I'm leaving. Obviously I would never ask you to leave Chelsea for me, but we could do long distance." She said with a pleading look. "Please Y/N- don't let this be the end of us."
"I really wish it was that simple Jess, I really do, but I don't think I could do it. My heart couldn't take it Jess." At this point I was sobbing, not giving a care in the world. "I'm really sorry Jess, I really am."
. . .
We ended up spending the last couple of hours in each others arms before Niamh came to pick Jessie up. We both figured it was easier for the both of us if it was Niamh driving Jessie to the airport.
Niamh was sat in her car to give us space to say our goodbye. We hug before Jessie pulls away. "I'll always love you Y/N. No matter what happens, you will always be the love of my life."
She pulls me back in to give me a kiss. "Our memories will be with me forever, Jessie. As will my love for you." I tell her before she has to go.
I watch her get in the car and give her a wave and a smile when she's inside it. She returns the wave with a sad smile.
. . .
It's been two weeks since Jessie left. The two most horrible week. My whole routine has changed now that Jessie is gone. I don't wake up the smell of fresh coffee and a kiss anymore. I don't get to steal my favorite hoodie of hers anymore. I don't get the "I love you"s from her anymore. And there is no one to hold me in the nights anymore.
When vacuuming the bedroom, which Jessie usually used to do, I stumble across a box under the bed. It must've been Jessies. I pick it up and put it on the bed, while I also go to sit on the bed. I don't know what to do. Should I open it? Maybe she wouldn't want me to do that? Was that the reason for why it was under the bed? Because she didn't want me to find it? I thought about it for a while before thinking "What the hell." and opening it. The box was full of pictures. I recognized some of the pictures from being from our dates together, but most of them was just of me. It was literally just of me doing the most domestic things ever, like cooking or cleaning. I look through the pictures for a while before seeing a smaller box inside the box. I can feel my hands shaking as I go to pick up the box. I open the box and see the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen. I take it out of the box and try it on. It fits perfectly.
I immediately pick up the phone.
"In how long can you come over?" I ask.
A/N: The other parts of this series are going to be longer, this was just a start of it.
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mysunshinetemptress · 3 months
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Jess Fleming
No Matter what I love you
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jflemings · 4 months
— loose lips sink ships pt4
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pairing: jessie fleming x reader pt 1, pt2, pt3
synopsis: jessie’s lack of proper explanation has her pleading
warnings: so so angsty, language
a/n: lol
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍁 ⋅ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
the tick of your eyebrow tells jessie that this isn’t going to be one of those times when you two talk it out.
“great!” you say clapping your hands “so do you mind telling me why you said that bullshit instead of behind honest with me about your two and a half year relationship?” your falsely cheery tone paired with the sarcastic smile across your face is unsettling for jessie. “and while you’re at it, why don’t you tell me what the problem with this photo is?” you say as you slide your phone across the counter. the photo that was on jordyn’s story stares back at jessie.
“y/n” the canadian starts “i really— it’s not—” she huffs and scrubs a hand over her face. “i was standing up before the photo and she moved over so i could sit down. there wasn’t much room so we had to squish together, and she stood up pretty much immediately after the photo was taken”
you nod once as you purse your lips “and the lying?”
“i didn’t mean to” jessie says, now leaning back “it just came out and i don’t know why i didn’t correct myself”
her reasoning makes you feel worse. you think you maybe would’ve preferred her purposely lie and stick to it, rather than stick to an accidental lie for almost four years. tears begin to well in your eyes as you watch jessie cast her gaze to the floor in front of her.
“so you kept up with an accidental lie for almost four years because… what? because you couldn’t tell me the truth afterwards? because you didn’t think it was anything? like, what was the reason, jessie”
“it’s not like i thought about it!” jessie stresses “it never came up again so i forgot about it”
“until you saw her again, right?” you spit at her, folding your arms over your chest.
your girlfriend stays silent and rolls her head on her neck. she continues to not say anything as she scuffs her shoes against the floor.
you can’t help but laugh at yourself. you feel stupid, so, so stupid. “it took you less than twenty four hours to, what?, second guess your four year long relationship? are you—”
“i’m not second guessing shit” she says, now looking at you “don’t even start with that”
“start with what jessie?” you raise your voice and push off the wall “start with the fact that there’s every chance that i’m just a rebound you got in too deep with? that we were seeing eachother and you weren’t over her?”
jessie pinches her eyebrows together “you weren’t a rebound! i wasn’t even looking to date when janine introduced us—”
“because you were still in love with her”
“jesus christ, will you let me finish?” jessie grits out.
“when you start telling me something that’s gonna make me believe that our whole relationship isn’t just because i was the first person shoved under your nose when you got to london” you sneer at her.
jessie deflates, her hands going lax by her sides “is that seriously what you think?” she asks quietly “that i only started dating you because you were there?”
“what am i supposed to think, jess? that it was a coincidence that we started dating just after you get out of an almost three year long relationship?” tears fall down your face at the thought of janine introducing the two of you so jessie could get over her ex. you turn your face away from her and sniffle.
“it was a coincidence” jessie stresses “i didn’t want to date anybody, and janine thought i needed friends outside of the club so she introduced us. that’s seriously it” she says as she approaches you carefully.
you look at her through tears “did seeing her again bring up old feelings?”
jessie hesitates and bites the inside of her cheek before looking away. you don’t try to get her to look at you, don’t try to get her to answer you quicker, you simply just wait. it’s only now that you get to fully take in what she looks like. her unbrushed bed head, her oversized ‘i heart aus’ t-shirt she wears to sleep, the way one sock is kind of flopping off her foot whilst the other is still on. the version of jessie in front of you is your normal, your safe space.
this version of jessie likes her eggs made a particular way and buries herself under the covers to avoid the sun when she wants to sleep in; she wakes you up with kisses all over you face and tells you corny jokes, and she doesn’t have the weight of a nation’s expectations on her shoulders. she’s carefree and so full of love that sometimes she doesn’t know what to do with it.
this jessie is the love of your life, and right now you feel like you’re watching her slip through your fingers.
when you watch silent tears fall down her face you know you’ve got your answer. you shut your eyes “right” you say coldly before turning around and heading for your shared bedroom.
jessie’s head snaps towards your retreating form “wait, y/n!”
“jessie i can’t” you say as you grab a bag out of your closet. you begin pulling clothes you know you’ll need: training, home and away kits, socks, underwear, pyjamas, a few shirts and jeans. you count them in your head and then stuff them in your bag just as jessie comes into the room.
“what are you doing!?” she half shouts as she closes the wardrobe “can you please let me explain before you take off?”
you don’t stop walking around your shared bedroom “i just gave you a chance to and you couldn’t look me in the eye” you spit at her, not turning around to look at her.
a fresh wave of tears fall down jessie’s face “i was trying to figure out what to say, y/n, please!”
she walks around the bed to you, putting her hand over yours when you open your bedside drawer to grab your watch. her hand is warm and soft wrapped around yours and you are filled with the overwhelming urge to give into her. you turn your head to face her.
“p-please” she stutters “i swear, i have an explanation for all of it” she whispers to you, trying to hold eye contact through teary eyes “please don’t leave”
you own lip trembles “i need to, for a few days at least” you whisper back to her, pulling your hand out from under hers “it’ll give you time to think about whatever it is you want to say”
“but i don’t need time, i—”
“i do” you interrupt “you have no idea what finding this out has done to me, jess. i just need to step back”
the canadian looks defeated as you move to your bathroom to pack up your toiletries bag. she’s rooted to her spot and find herself wondering how she got here when it was only yesterday morning the two of you were rolling around in bed giggling.
she harshly wipes her tears as you slip your shoes on. the sight of her makes you want to drop everything and wrap your arms around her, make sure she knows that you still love her, but you can’t. you can’t stand here and deny yourself time apart, even if it is just a day or two.
“i’m gonna go stay with sam” you sigh “i just— i really think we both need a little bit of time”
jessie helplessly nods “okay” she whispers as you pick up your bag “i love you”
you bite your lip and turn to her, the weight of the duffel bag in your hands suddenly getting a lot heavier “i love you too” you whisper back to her, hopefully not for the last time.
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wosowrites · 2 years
Are You Jealous? (Jessie Fleming x Reader )
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Warnings: None!
A/N: Jealous Jessie is my fav ( also the interview from this gif is my all time favorite. strongly recommend it. ) Tell me if you guys like it :) Based off this request:
Prompt: Jessie and the reader have been dating for years in secret, so when Guro starts flirting with y/n, Jessie gets jealous.
You had been playing for the first Chelsea team since you were 16 years old, the youngest ever pro singing in the WSL. You played for the club a solid five years before meeting the woman that made your world spin, your heart beat. You had never publicly dated anyone before, the idea of having your relationship broadcasted was just never appealing to you. But it wasn’t as though your current relationship was public either. You and Jessie Fleming had been together since the second month Jessie was at Chelsea. You decided not to tell anyone for a while because Jess was still getting settled, and after a while, the sneaking around, sneaky touches and fleeted loving looks became… exciting. So you kept it that way, everyone thinking you were just especially close friends. When you left for international break, it was always a bit hard, but you managed. Surrounding yourself with your loyal Spanish teammates. Jessie was the only person you had ever dated, so it was normal that you didn’t pick up on flirting easily. You weren’t used to it, your canadian girlfriend and you had jumped into a relationship very quickly. People flirted with you a lot, fans, opposing team players after the game, and in one particular instance, a creepy ass referee. So when one of your Chelsea teammates, a certain norwegian, started flirting with you. You didn’t even notice.
You walked out of the team bus, walking towards the plane and dragging your heavy suitcase behind you. You and Kadeisha Buchanan were known as the over packers, both sharing a love for sneakers. "I call y/n!" Guro Reiten yelled, slinging her arm around you and smiling at you wildly. You usually sat with your girlfriend, and very much liked too, but you were a big believer that change was a good thing. "Sure! Hey i got a new game to play with two people on my phone. Play with me?" You asked, slinging your free arm around her. "Hell yeah!"
You guys both walked into the plane, smiling for the camera that was filming, not noticing that Jessie was glaring suspiciously at the back of Guros head.
You spent the entirety of the trip laughing, teasing each other, and eventually, Guro fell asleep on your shoulder. The photographer took a picture in which your head was resting on hers as you read a book on your phone.
You had zero clue that Jessie, who was sitting with Guro’s usual bus/plane buddy, Sam, was feeling really insecure.
When you landed, you got a notification saying that Chelsea had tagged you and guro in a post. You looked at the post, where one picture was of you and Guro laughing at something while walking into the plane, and the other was Guro asleep on you. The caption read "Guro x y/n, a classic duo."
It was true, almost 3/4 of your goals were from Guro’s assists, and your on pitch chemistry was amazing. But that was it, that was all. The only off pitch chemistry you cared about was the one you had with Jessie. You turned off your phone, and looked up, seeing Jessie walking with Sam. You rushed up to her, struggling with your suitcase. "Hey, Jess! How was the flight?" You asked her, quickly grazing your palm on her lower back. "It was fine." She answered coldly, making you frown and making Sam seem a bit uncomfortable. "Uhm- Millie’s… I- Mills!" Sam yelled, rushing up to her and leaving you alone with Jessie. "Jess? What’s wrong my love?" You whispered to her. "What is wrong?" She whispered back angrily. "Nothing. Just- leave me alone." Jessie said, speeding up. "No! Jessie you are my girlfriend and your upset with me. I want to make it better. I love you." You told her. Jessie’s face remained impassive and she didn’t say anything. "Jessie. I hate it when you go silent when you’re mad." You told her.
Jessie and you lived together, everyone’s assumed you were just roommates, which made sense because you were experts at keeping your private life, well, private. But, because you lived together, and we’re dating, you shared a car. Meaning the drive home from the airport was silent, and awkward. Jessie was at the wheel, and you were sitting in the passengers seat, fiddling with your necklace. "Jessie are you going to say anything?" You said, starting to get worried, your heart felt tight. "No." Jessie answered. "You said something…" you teased, it didn’t work. "Pull over, Jessie." You told her. She kept driving straight. "Jessie Alexandra Fleming. Pull over right now because we are not going home until you tell me what’s wrong because there is no way in hell i’m letting you go to sleep mad at me." You told her.
Jessie’s face did not soften, but she did pull over, parking on the side of a road in the countryside.
You unbuckled your seat belt and turned to look at her. "Baby… what is wrong. And how can I make it better." You told her, reaching your hand out and putting it on her thigh.
"Baby? How about you go call Guro that." Jessie said coldly, not meeting your gaze. You were taken aback a little, not expecting Jessie to be jealous. "Oh my god… Jess… are you jealous?" You asked, smiling at her. "Don’t laugh, y/n! What is wrong with you?" She said. "I’m sorry, i’m sorry." You answered quickly, composing yourself. "Jessie look at me, I love you. I love your freckles, and your laugh. And I love your hair and the way you always know what food I want, even when I don’t. I love the way you look good in everything, and I love when you talk about which coffee mugs are the best. I love when you put your hair in that little bun and how your calves pop when you run. You mean everything to me. You’ve always meant everything to me. And I hate that you felt as though you didn’t. As though I could replace you with anyone." You told her, your heart aching at the fact that she felt as though she was anything less than your entire world.
Jessie looked at you, a smile creeping onto her face. "You do?" She said quietly. "Yes! I do. And I obviously don’t say it enough so get ready for me to tell you it every day. All the time." You told her, leaning in and pushing your forehead against hers.
You kissed her, letting your hand slip under her shirt, grazing your nails up and down her back.
"I think it’s time to tell people about us." Jessie said as she pulled away. "Really?" You said, smiling at her. "I want everybody to know you’re mine." Jessie whispered, her voice slightly hoarse. "Possessive Jessie. I’m into it."
The next day at training, you told your teammates who all looked like they saw a ghost. It was clear to you both how well you had hidden your relationship. And you both even decided to take it to the next level and post about it. You’ve always wanted to be a role model for young girls in sports, but being able to be one for the queer community would just be another plus.
When you went to bed the night of your public relationship announcement, you could see that Jessie was slightly nervous. Jessie was the most private person you knew. You were private but you still posted often, and liked to keep in touch with what fans were saying on social media. "It’s gonna be okay, Jess." You told her. "I know. And I know I’m the one who wanted to tell people… and i’m happy we did. It’s just scary. Only my sister knew about us. And you of course. And now everybody does. It’s a leap." Jessie said, lying her head on your chest. "But i’m really happy I took the leap with you." She finished. "I’m happy too." You said, passing your fingers through her hair.
"I can’t believe how jealous you were." You snorted after a moment of silence. "Shut up!"
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hgfictionwriter · 5 months
Handy - Part Three
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Your projects with Jessie are coming to a close. What's next?
Warnings: Nothing again - just more corny, cheesy romance.
A/N: Final part! Thanks again everyone. Part One and Part Two if you need them.
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“Oh good, you have my bed set up already,” you said with a pointed look over your shoulder as you approached Jessie’s couch that had a pillow and blankets laid out on it. You reached out asking her to hand you your bag, which she’d insisted on carrying inside for you.
She raised her eyebrows and wordlessly walked into her bedroom with your bag.
“Jessie!” You scolded as you practically stomped after her.
You spied the subdued smirk on lips as she set your bag down on the bed. You came up next to her and tried to grab your bag, but Jessie wasn’t budging.
“Jessie.” You repeated and she merely snickered. You planted your feet and tried to push against her with your shoulder to get to the bag. She hardly swayed. You tried to push her arm with your hands, which was an even worse idea because now you were brutally distracted by how her muscles were flexing under your grasp. Jessie just kept laughing under her breath.
“Come on,” you whined now. “I can’t kick you out of your bed again.”
“I’m offering it to you. You’re not kicking me out,” she corrected calmly. “If it means anything, I give you points for effort.”
You exhaled with a frustrated groan and crossed your arms. You vaguely noted how she smiled quietly at you.
“Whatever. Fine,” you said flatly.
“Great. Thank you for being so accommodating,” she said wryly with a short laugh. “Now wait here. I’ll get you that heat pack for your back.”
Your face was still heavy with a frown as you peered over your shoulder when she walked to another room. You contemplated your options for a moment before closing the bedroom door and getting changed as quickly as you could. You opened the door gingerly, trying to be discrete and rushed out to the couch to get under the covers.
“It might be a little too hot, so just be care-” Jessie stopped mid-sentence and mid-step, a deep frown quickly settling on her face. When she spoke her voice was high and taut. “What the hell is this?” You laughed, very satisfied with yourself.
“Guess you’re taking the bed,” you said smugly.
She scoffed, putting the heat pack down on a table. “You clearly underestimate me.” She crossed her arms and looked down at you. “Y/N. Please get up and take the bed.”
“Jessie. It’s only fair. Come on - you took the couch last time.”
“I’m not moving,” you told her defiantly. “And you have a game! You need to get a good sleep.”
“I won’t sleep well if you’re on the couch,” she said without missing a beat. You rolled your eyes.
“Jess, you’re being silly. Just take the bed. It’s your apartment!”
“I will ask one more time,” she said calmly. “Please get up.”
You were in a stare down and you chose not to speak. Neither of you broke eye contact for several moments before Jessie raised her eyebrows slightly and exhaled.
“You asked for it.”
You drew yourself into the couch briefly before exclaiming as Jessie reached down and hoisted you up off of the couch in her arms. You flailed momentarily before gripping onto her tightly for fear of falling.
She crossed into the bedroom in a few easy steps and set you down on the bed, her face inadvertently closer to yours than expected. You released each other quickly and though Jessie’s face was suddenly crimson red, from the heat you felt on yours, you imagined you weren’t far off either.
Jessie took a couple of exaggerated steps back from the bed and clasped her hands behind her back, gaze meeting yours briefly before falling to the floor.
“I’m sorry. That was probably highly inappropriate. But I feel very strongly that I will take the couch.”
“Okay,” you accepted mildly as you were still far too distracted by the physical proximity of the exchange. “You win.”
“I’m really sorry,” she went on, her blush not letting up and now she scratched her temple nervously. “We do stuff like that all the time - like, me and my teammates. I didn’t really think. It doesn’t mean anything, you know.” She rambled on.
“Okay. It’s fine,” you told her. And it was. More than fine. If anything you hoped she was lying when she said it didn’t mean anything.
“Um, here,” she started before scurrying out and back in with the heat pack held out for you. “Careful - it’s still really hot,” she went on.
“Jessie. It’s totally fine. Thank you.” You took it from her and she took another large step back. “I didn’t mind at all. We’re good,” you assured her with a laugh. She nodded rapidly and gave you a stiff smile.
“Okay, well, have a good sleep.” Her fingers were now twisting and tapping against one another in front of her. “I thought I’d make us French toast for breakfast.” She trailed off slightly in volume. “You said you like that.”
While you’d recovered, Jessie was clearly still anxious about the whole exchange. You got up and you saw her swallow as her eyes followed you. You smiled at her.
“That sounds amazing. Thank you.” You closed the space between you and wrapped your arms around her in a hug, which she was slow to reciprocate, but soon her arms were wrapped tightly around your back. You soon pulled away, trying not to let your nerves get the best of you as the touch lingered. You smiled at her again. “And thank you for all of your help today. Sleep tight.”
She returned your smile, looking far more relaxed now than a minute ago.
“Good night.”
You’d offered to get a head start on painting while Jessie would be at her game, but she was adamant that you wait for her. It didn’t take much convincing, your body honestly needed the break.
While you’d been to Jessie’s - well, Janine’s - games before, you couldn’t say that you’d ever arrived together.
You were so distracted the entire lead up. Her getting her bag ready, quietly witnessing her pre-game rituals and it affected you in a way you didn’t fully expect.
Jessie pulled over a couple of blocks away from the stadium and turned to you.
“I hate to do this, but you should get out here. The media team loves taking videos and photos of players arriving and you don’t want to get caught up in that.”
You nodded eagerly. “Yeah, no thank you!”
“I’ll find you after the game.” Jessie told you. She was very much in a serious headspace, but she cracked a radiant smile for you. “And we should still have enough time to finish the final coat.”
You gawked internally at how your body almost instinctively leaned over to give her a kiss. You blushed and she frowned at you, likely confused.
“Okay. Have a great game. I’ll see you after.”
You took your time and made your way to your seat in the stands. You followed up on missed messages while you waited for warm-ups, but your mind was constantly drawn back to the past 24 hours with Jessie. More than once you caught yourself smiling.
Eventually, staff and some players from the visiting team started to trickle out onto the field. Soon enough, the Thorns came out and you cheered alongside the rest of the crowd. With zero effort, you spotted Jessie in the group of players as they began to run drills.
As usual, Jessie was very in the zone. She wore a subtle frown on her face as she went through exercises. It was the norm that Jessie steadfastly ignored you as soon as she was on the pitch, so you weren’t bothered. Janine, on the other hand, waved up at you enthusiastically, drawing out a laugh from you.
However, a wave of surprise went through you when Jessie was jogging back to the start of a drill and glanced up at you to gave a small series of quick waves, coupled with a tight-lipped smile. You were so caught off guard you didn’t even wave back in time before she turned and began sprinting again.
Warm-ups ended and you watched as the team retreated back to the tunnel. Your eyes were drawn to Jessie who walked back, her cheeks adorably rosy. She glanced up at you, catching each other’s eye. She lifted her hand tentatively in a half wave. This time you readily waved back.
You squinted as Janine came running up behind her and slung an arm around her shoulders, immediately leaning in and whispering something. You frowned further as Jessie ducked her head, dodging away from Janine - cheeks redder than before - and gave her a light shove before running off. Janine simply laughed and waved up at you again.
The game went by quickly. Probably aided by the fact that Jessie played the full 90, keeping your attention squarely on her the game.
The final whistle blew and you killed time in the stands. After the crowds dispersed you heard a loud whistle ring through the stands and you saw Janine waving you down to the pitch.
You gave her a skeptical look as you saw the smug smirk on her face as she leaned against the barrier and waited for you.
“Good game,” you said slowly as you eyed her. “That goal was a banger.”
Mention of the goal seemed to momentarily distract her and she went with it, giving a flamboyant flip of her hair. “Oh that? No big deal.” Her expression then turned impish. “You know what is a big deal though?”
“I’m afraid to ask,” you said in a flat voice, already rolling your eyes.
“Spending the night at Jess’s house,” she whispered conspiratorially while waggling her eyebrows at you.
You felt heat rushing to your face immediately but worked to fend it off.
“Oh please. Don’t even start with me,” you said dismissively.
“Oh no. You’re not getting off the hook that easily,” Janine responded with a wicked grin.
“What are you implying anyhow?” You asked, sounding disinterested.
“Oh I don’t know. Just two of my best friends having a ‘friendly’ little sleep over and purposefully hiding it. Seems a bit sus to me,” she teased.
“Oh my God, Janine,” you chided. “And truly. There’s nothing going on anyway.” You tried to rid your voice of disappointment. She shot you a doubtful look. You huffed and when you spoke your voice was low. “Seriously. There’s nothing to report.” You paused, a small spark of hope burgeoning in your chest. “Unless if Jessie’s telling you something different.”
Janine rolled her eyes and guffawed in exaggeration. “Seriously? You think she’s telling me anything? She guards things like they’re state secrets.”
“Well you heard I spent the night.”
“Simply through powers of deduction,” Janine corrected before grinning once more. “The only confirmation she gave me was the bright red blush on her cheeks. And now you confirming it too.”
“Oh my God,” you complained. You had to laugh at how self-satisfied she looked though. “And for the record. She slept on the couch. Even though I told her I’d take it this time.” You rolled your eyes in recollection.
“This time?!” Janine asked, eyes wide and leaning in. “As in more than once?”
Oh shit.
“What are you two talking about?”
You felt a lightness come over you as you heard Jessie’s voice. You turned your head to her with a smile as she came up beside Janine.
“Oh nothing,” Janine said very innocently, but with a concealed grin on her face.
You shot Jessie a look and she immediately sighed.
“You’re giving her a hard time too, now?” She asked. “Leave her alone, Janine.” The blonde merely snickered. Jessie gave you a nod, beckoning you. “Let’s go.”
“Have fun painting,” Janine called after you both. “Domestic bliss looks good on you!”
Both you and Jessie stopped in your tracks, mouths open, scandalized. You both turned on your heels.
“Shut up!”
Blushes immediately formed on your faces as you looked to each other and Janine keeled over laughing.
“You’re in sync already!”
You shot each other a look and hurried out.
With Janine’s razzing behind you, you both focused on applying a final coat of paint throughout your apartment.
It was easier and faster than yesterday, not only with a bit more practice under your belt, but your teamwork was even more cohesive.
Were you still distracted when Jessie came out of the bathroom in her paint clothes, casually walking over to you as she tucked in her shirt and put on your hat again? Yes. Or when she was cutting in on her section of the room, brow furrowed in concentration as she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand? Certainly.
Never mind when she approached you, retrieving the towel she had hanging from her back pocket. “You have something…do you mind?” She asked as she gestured to your cheek and held up the towel. You merely shook your head and she gently wiped away some paint before tucking the end of the towel back into her pocket.
That just about did you in.
You ate a late dinner together, huddled up on the floor, letting the paint dry before moving furniture back.
With everything more or less back in place, Jessie stood by the door once more ready to leave.
“Looks really good in here,” she said as she took in your work.
“Thanks to you.”
She gave you a mild look, but cracked a smile.
“So…,” She trailed off. “What’s the next project?” You peered around, but ultimately shrugged.
“I really don’t know. I’m pretty happy with everything as is.” You made a slight face and spoke regretfully. “I think that might be it. For now anyway.”
Jessie gave a slow nod paired with a small noise of acceptance, but didn’t say anything. You took a breath and spoke instead.
"I've really enjoyed spending time with you these past few weeks. It's been a lot of fun. It didn't feel like work," you gave a small laugh, "-well, I suppose because you did all of the work. Anyway, I hope you take me up on the offer to hang out even without projects, because...I've had a great time and I hope we still get to see each other."
Jessie nodded with a tight smile. "Yeah, of course. I-I had a good time, too." Neither of you spoke for a moment until Jessie gave you a wry smirk. "If I run more errands near your office we can still go for lunch. If you have time."
A small wave of disappointment went through you despite the wink and nudge of her comment. You didn't want to just have lunch with her. You gave a small smile.
"Yeah, that's always an option."
Jessie smiled, but didn't say more. You searched your mind for other ways to encourage momentum.
"Hey, you mentioned that new restaurant downtown, maybe we could check it out together,” you proposed hopefully.
Belated realization crossed Jessie’s face and she nodded. "Oh yeah. That sounds good."
A small pit formed in your stomach. She didn't seem all that excited. She eventually brought a finger up to her chin in contemplation.
"I have international duty coming up, so I'll be gone for a few weeks. But, when I get back?"
You smiled. "Yeah, of course."
Jessie exhaled through her nose. "Okay. Well. You've gotta work tomorrow, so I'll let you go. But, um, yeah. It looks great in here." She repeated as she stood idle for a second before smiling at you. "We'll text."
You offered a stiff smile. "Yeah."
A few beats passed before you both initiated a hug. It lingered longer than usual, but you still felt the weight of disappointment when she pulled away.
She gave you a small smile. "Night." You mustered up a smile of your own and nodded before she gave you a wave and left.
You closed the door behind her and stood there for several moments, unsure of what just happened. Things had been going so well and then suddenly fizzled. You frowned. Did you read into things? Maybe she legitimately just wanted to help you and that was it. She was really that thoughtful and generous of a friend.
You sighed heavily and turn on your heel. You were too much in your feelings and needed to relax. You should reflect on things in the morning instead.
A knock came at your door, pulling a perplexed expression out of you. You turned back and walked over to the door to peer through the peephole.
Jessie. You frowned further. She was looking around and seemed tense. You opened the door.
"Hey Jess. Everything okay?"
She moved past you quickly before stopping in front of you.
"Yeah. I just forgot something," she told you, almost short on breath.
You didn't get a chance to inquire, because she took a step forward, her hand coming up to cup the side of your neck and kiss you. The kiss was hard and a bit stiff and it caught you completely off guard. You let out a muffled noise of surprise and she pulled back with the cutest look of worry on her face though her hand remained warmly on your neck.
"Wa-was that okay? I didn't ask first."
You reached forward and grabbed her hoodie, pulling her back in and kissing her once more. She stumbled into you, but quickly recovered and relaxed into the kiss. You continued to kiss, wrapping your arms around one another. You would've felt beyond embarrassed by the slight moan that escaped you as she deepened her kiss, if not for the one that came from her immediately after.
When you broke apart, you were both breathless and warmth radiated from your cheeks. You held back your smile of elation.
"Took you long enough," you teased as you bundled her hoodie in your hands and gave her the gentlest push. She smiled, giving a sniff of a laugh as she pulled you closer. You kissed her again.
"You had me worried at the end there," you told her quietly. She exhaled, her eyes searching yours.
"Yeah, that didn't end the way I was picturing it would," she said before cracking a smirk. "Hence me coming back."
Your smile grew and you cupped her cheek. You kissed her once more, her readily returning it.
"I'm so glad you did." You let out a small laugh and frowned at her. "I was legitimately contemplating if I'd misread everything and you were really just itching to do some renovation projects."
She laughed in return, a blush returning to her cheeks.
"Yeah, not entirely," she deadpanned. "I legitimately enjoyed doing those projects with you, but yeah, I can't say I didn't have ulterior motives." She snickered lightly. "Kelli heard I've been doing this work for you and she's been asking me to come by and fix her kitchen faucet. I keep dodging it and telling her I'm busy."
"You mean you don't do this for everyone?" You feigned surprise before continuing. You laced your fingers behind her neck and idly ran a thumb along the nape of her neck. You worked to cap the feeling inside of you as she leaned into your touch.
"If I was really smart," you continued, "I would've dragged this out until you built me a whole new apartment."
Jessie didn't skip a beat.
"I'll build you anything you want," she said, her tone serious and gaze steady. You bit your lip. Who was this girl?
"I really, really like you," you told her softly and slowly. "Have I told you that?"
"Not exactly," she replied before gesturing to your surroundings with a nod. "I think half your condo is a testament to how much I like you."
You bit back a grin. "You could always say it...," you coaxed hopefully. She gave you a quiet smile.
"I really, really like you, Y/N."
You captured her lips again in a kiss. When you pulled back a soft sigh of disappointment escaped you.
"Are you sure you have to go?"
Your heart raced as she leaned her forehead against yours and squeezed you tighter. You could hardly believe what was happening. A short while ago Jessie was telling you "We'll text" and now her body was flush against yours, she was telling you how much she liked you and kisses peppered your conversation. It was like a new evolution of Jessie - a side of her you'd only dreamt of.
"You're making it very hard to leave," she said with a sigh. "Believe me I don't want to." She leaned her head down to lay a single kiss on your neck and very successfully sending shivers down your spine. "I have a team meeting first thing in the morning."
You bit the inside of your lip. You should really try to be good. But with Jessie finally in your arms, you didn't want the moment to end.
"I can drive you in the morning." You smiled at her. "It's only fair." She chuckled and you leaned in. “And, if you’re comfortable with it, no one has to take the couch tonight.”
A/N: Well, that's all, folks! Thanks again for the indulging me. Hope you all enjoyed!
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aftermidnightfmk · 9 months
Part 2: April 11, 2024 to July 22, 2024
Tumblr limits posts to 100 links, thus the necessity of splitting of the Guests page into parts. It is inconvenient, yes. Click here for a list of all parts.
Alphabetical by last name, unless they don't have a surname, in which case, good luck.
Looking for the host? Try the Taylor Tomlinson tag.
Is a name misspelled? Link broken? Dear god, please tell me.
Please note: “kill” choices are (usually) not tagged. Therefore the links below may not be inclusive of every guest’s appearance on After Midnight.
Alaska 5000
Utkarsh Ambudkar
Marcella Arguello
Scott Aukerman
Todd Barry
Kimia Behpoornia
Doug Benson
Hannah Berner
Mike Birbiglia
Ashley Nicole Black
Katherine Blanford
Flula Borg
John Ross Bowie
Guy Branum
Drew Carey
Catherine Cohen
Sherry Cola
Michelle Collins
Kelsey Cook
Stephanie Courtney
Terry Crews
Rhys Darby
James Davis
Lori Beth Denberg
Debra DiGiovanni
Colton Dunn
Alex Edelman
Rich Eisen
Mary Elizabeth Ellis
Felipe Esparza
Nat Faxon
Chris Fleming
Daniel Franzese
Ana Gasteyer
Solomon Georgio
Zach Gilford
Lisa Gilroy
Eliot Glazer
Leo González
Brandon Kyle Goodman
Patty Guggenheim
Harvey Guillen
Dave Hill
Chloé Hilliard
Dave Holmes
Pete Holmes
Sandy Honig
Aaron Jackson
Gillian Jacobs
Penn Jillette
Jay Jurden
Moshe Kasher
Echo Kellum
Laurie Kilmartin
Jessica Kirson
Hari Kondabolu
Bert Kreischer
Thomas Lennon
Joe Lo Truglio
Jon Lovett
Jessica Lowe
Aasif Mandvi
Joe Manganiello
Joe Mantegna
Jack McBrayer
Jess McKenna
Heather McMahan
Kate Micucci
Liz Miele
Kel Mitchell
Mandy Moore
Laci Mosley
Morgan Murphy
Aparna Nancherla
Kevin Nealon
Atsuko Okatsuka
Patton Oswalt
Adam Pally
Punam Patel
Johnny Pemberton
Eddie Pepitone
Diona Reasonover
Laura Ramoso
Franchesca Ramsey
Jim Rash
Chris Redd
Pat Regan
Caitlin Reilly
Andy Richter
Jason Ritter
Kristen Schaal
Reid Scott
Rory Scovel
Josh Sharp
Timothy Simons
Brian Simpson
Jason Sklar
Randy Sklar
Blair Socci
Betsy Sodaro
Chris Sullivan
Carl Tart
Danny Tamberelli
Chrissy Teigen
Sarah Tiana
Jackie Tohn
Steph Tolev
Paul F. Tompkins
Jenna Ushkowitz
Milana Vayntrub
Baron Vaughn
Lisa Ann Walter
Sydnee Washington
Michaela Watkins
"Weird Al" Yankovic
Bassem Youssef
Sasheer Zamata
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