#jericho apreciation society
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sydsaint · 2 years ago
Rizz master Danny G 💜
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Summary: The reader keeps running into Daniel. And their conversations are always fun.
You're running late to Dynamite on account of your Uber getting lost. The show has already been on the air for half an hour when you finally arrive and hurry backstage. You quickly type out a text to Wheeler, letting him know where you are.
"Well well well, slow down there, sweetheart." Angelo Parker stops you backstage when he sees you trying to hurry by.
"Ugh," You look up from your phone. "Not you two stooges." You glance between Angelo and Matt. "Where's the third stooge? Too busy kissing Jericho's ass to hang out with his buddies anymore?"
Your snark earns a chuckle from Matt, but Angelo remains stoic. "Funny," He sneers at you. "Where are you off to in such a hurry, dollface? You ain't running off to your Blackpool Combat Club buddies so soon, are you?" He asks you.
"Well, they are certainly better company than you fools," You laugh. "Now can you move? Or do I have to go through you?" You set a hand on your hip and challenge Angelo's willingness to keep you.
Angelo stares at you for a few seconds before he eventually gives in. He looks like he's about to move off to the side when the star of the show graces you with his presence.
"Damn, Y/N. You ain't even been here ten minutes and you're already in a bitchy mood?" Daniel pops up between Angelo and Matt. "But, I guess having to pretend to be interested in that loser Wheeler Yuta would do that to any girl." He flashes you a smug smile.
"Oh, and the prodigal son returns!" You roll your eyes. "You know it was nice of you to remove yourself from Chris Jericho's ass for a moment so the three stooges could reunite, Danny."
Daniel laughs and steps in front of Matt and Angelo. "So snarky tonight, Y/N," He licks his lips, taking a moment to look you up and down. "Keep that fire going baby. I love a challenge."
"Ew," You sneer, wrinkling your nose in disgust. "Get over yourself, ladies man." You push his chest with your hand and move Daniel off to the side of you. "You aren''t as cute as you think you are, Garcia."
"I know," Daniel replies. "I'm even cuter." He winks at you. "And you're into me, Y/N. You just don't want to admit it. But don't stress about it baby. Imma make you mine soon enough."
You roll your eyes again and walk past the three stooges. "In your dreams, playboy." You shout behind yourself as you turn the corner out of sight.
Later into the night you're hanging at ringside with Wheeler whiile Mox and Claudio are in a tag match against Penta and PAC. Wheeler stands guard while you lean against the corner of the ring casually.
"Yuta, come on, relax," You notice the tense look on Wheeler's face. "You're stressing me out over here."
"Sorry, Y/N." Wheeler stops pacing and comes to a stop in front of you. "It's just, I have a bad feeling about being out here." He explains.
You push off the ring post and put a hand on Wheeler's shoulder. "Why? We've got nothing to worry about, Yuta. Mox and Claudio are gonna beat Pac and Penta. Then we'll be back in the safety of the locker room before you know it." You assure him.
"Right. I guess if you're not worried." Yuta nods.
You mimic his nod and go back to leaning against the ring post. The action in the ring ends with Mox picking up the win by pinning Pac. The bell rings and you wait for Mox and Claudio to finish up their gloating when suddenly the JAS theme plays over the speaker system.
"Oh, god," You glance up the ramp to see Angelo and Matt heading down the ramp with Daniel at thier side.
Wheeler wastes no time in posting back up at your side at the JAS comes down the ramp. Matt and Angelo make a B-line for Mox and Claudio. This leaves Daniel a clear path to you and Wheeler.
"Man, you just don't know when to quit, do you, Garcia?" You ask Daniel as he comes around the corner, a smug look gracing his face.
"Nope," Daniel replies. "It's part of my charm." He winks at you.
Wheeler steps in front of you puffed out chest, ready to defend you. "Leave her alone, Garcia."
"Go help Mox and Claudio, Wheeler." You stop him with a shake of your head.
"But-" Wheeler protests.
You shake your head again and point to the ring. "Go! I can handle Daniel." You assure him.
Wheeler slips into the ring with a nod and you turn back to Daniel.
"Damn, didn't take you long to train him, huh, Y/N." Garcia jokes with a grin. "Does he carry your bags and come when he's called too?"
"He does," You reply cooly. "Why? You looking to be ordered around, Garcia? I thought Chris was already handling that for you? Or is it Sammy Guevara that's got you on a leash now?" You ask him with a smug grin.
Daniel scoffs with a half-smile. "I'd watch my mouth, dollface. Before it lands you in trouble." He warns you.
"Ooo, I'm shaking," You laugh. "Please, Garcia. I've been more scared of bad airplane food than you. You've lost your edge, Danny."
"Have I now?" Daniel steps towards you and you unconsciously take a step back. "You know I bet this whole bad bitch thing you got going on is all an act." He suggests. "I bet behind closed doors you ain't so tough."
Your back hits the ring corner back but you don't back down. "You couldn't handle me behind closed doors, Daniel." You assure him.
"Yeah? Wanna bet?" Daniel replies sharply, his gaze switching from your lips to your eyes a few times.
Before things can go any further Wheeler's got ahold of your arm and is pulling you to safety. Daniel turns sharply on his heel and glares at Wheeler. You laugh at his anger and back up the ramp with Wheeler, Mox, and Claudio.
"Looks like I win this one, Garcia!" You shout at him. "See you around, Danny!" You wave to him as you walk off.
"Damn it," Danny muttered as he watched your retreating form, your taunts echoing through his mind. This wouldn't be the last time your paths would cross, Danny would make sure of it. 
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rodindies · 2 years ago
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Lucha Brothers vs Best Friends vs Blackpool Combat Club 3.2
The Gunns vs FTR (Tag Team Championship) 3.5
The Butcher & The Blade vs Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita 3.9
Chris Jericho & Saraya vs Adam Cole & Brit Bakker 4.2
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Jack Perry & Hook vs Bandido & Preston Vance (Texas Tornado Match) 4.6
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House of Black vs The Best Friends 3.7
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The Elite vs Jeff Jarret & Jay Lethal & Santman Singh 3.7
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House of Black vs The Elite vs Jericho Apreciation Society 3.8
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wrensflight · 2 years ago
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sydsaint · 2 years ago
My fav chaotic bitch.💜
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Summary: The reader is new to AEW. She makes quick friends with Ana Jay who introduces her to Angelo Parker. Parker is immediately smitten with the reader.
"And remember, stay out of the way of Jericho and all of his obnoxious JAS buddies." Bryan reminds you one last time before he lets you go explore backstage.
"I know, Bryan. I got it." You assure him and turn to leave.
Bryan catches your arm and stops you again. "Are you sure that you don't want to take Wheeler with you? I'm sure that he'd be happy to go." He asks you.
"I don't need a babysitter, Bryan." You huff. "I'll be fine. I'm a big girl, Bry." You assure him with a small smile.
"Alright." Your brother sighs and lets you go. "Just...be careful, please."
You nod and are finally freed from the BCC locker room. You skip backstage with a grin, happy to be out of Bryan's shadow for the night. Tony Khan has just signed you as an AEW wrestler, so you're eager to start getting to know everyone and make friends.
Your journey takes you down near the women's locker room where you spot a pretty blonde woman on her phone. You recognize her as Ana Jay and decide to introduce yourself.
"Hey." You walk over to Ana with a friendly smile.
Ana looks up from her phone with an annoyed grimace. But her look softens when she sees you. "Oh, hey. I don't think I know you." She comments.
"Yeah, I'm new. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you." You cough sheepishly. "I'm, Y/N."
"Y/N, huh?" Ana surveys you curiously. "Cool, I'm Ana." She cracks a grin. "I love that top by the way. It's super cute."
Your nervousness starts to melt away and you match Ana's smile. "Thanks! I love your work in the ring!" You pay back the compliment.
You and Ana get to chatting and you totally forget that Bryan warned you about the JAS earlier. Ana just seems so nice and cool. She can't be as bad as your brother warned you about. So how bad can the rest of them be?
"Oh, speaking of my friends." Ana is busy talking about the rest of the JAS when she spots a few of them come into the room. "Come on, Matt and Angelo just came into the room."
You turn with Ana and glance across the room at her companions. You glance at Matt first and he doesn't seem to acknowledge you. But when your gaze moves to Angelo, it's the complete opposite. You lock eyes with Parker for what seems like an eternity as Ana drags you over to him and Matt.
"Matt! Angelo! This is my new friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Angelo Parker and Matt Menard." Ana introduces everyone.
Your voice seems to get caught in your throat as you stare at Angelo. He stares back with a pair of soft yet intense brown eyes before he blinks a couple of times and clears his throat.
"Y/N, huh?" Matt speaks up first. "Nice to meet you, sweetheart." He flashes you a smile.
"Nice to meet you." You agree with a small nod.
Angelo steps a bit closer and smiles at you. "Don't mind him, he's got no manners." He insists. "I'm Angelo like Ana said. It's a pleasure to meet such a pretty face, Y/N. Welcome to AEW." He welcomes you with a smile that makes your heart thump against your chest.
"Thank you, Angelo." You smile back at him.
"Ew! Angelo!" Ana scoffs and grabs your arm. "Stop hitting on my new friend. Come on, Y/N." She turns you around and begins to walk off.
You nod and let Ana drag you off again. But as you're being dragged off you glance back at Angelo with a dreamy look on your face. He locks eyes with you again and winks as Ana drags you out of the room.
Once you're gone Angelo and Matt turn to one another. "She was kinda cute," Matt comments with a chuckle. "Too young for me though."
"Not for me." Angelo chuckles. "And she wasn't just cute, Matt. That girl was gorgeous." He corrects his partner. "Y/N." He repeats your name. "Stunning."
Later in the night, Ana is walking back to the locker rooms with you after giving you a tour of the backstage area. You hang on to one another like old friends and joke around.
"So. Now that you've met basically everyone. Anyone catch your eye?" Ana asks you with a sly smile.
"There are a couple of interesting people." You shrug with a grin. "Ricky Starks is kinda cute. And that Darius Martin guy was hot." You drop a couple of names.
Ana listens intently, nodding in approval of your choices. "Okay, you've got good taste." She giggles. "Anyone else?"
"Yeah, that Angelo Parker guy that you work with?" You nod. "He was super hot." You admit.
"Ugh, him?" Ana groans with a frown. "He's so weird though. What about Daniel? Girls are always trying to get with Danny. But he's usually not interested in groupies. So you totally have a shot with him."
You shake your head and lean into Ana. "He was cute, yeah. But not my type. Now, Angelo on the other hand. Ana, please tell me that he's single?" You ask her.
"Yeah, he's single." Ana sighs. "I'll give him your number if you want." She offers. "But don't come crying to me if things get weird."
"Yes!" You cheer. "You're the best, Ana!" You hug her.
At the end of the night, you meet back up with Bryan who bothers you for details about your night. You explain that you made fast friends with Ana then proceed to listen to him scold you about that.
While Bryan is lecturing you, you get a message from an unknown number.
- Hey, is this Y/N?
-Yeah, who this?
-It's Angelo Parker. We met earlier tonight? I was the handsome guy that Ana works with. She gave me your number.
-The Handsome one huh?
-That's me ;) You maybe wanna grab a drink with me tonight?
-Well that all depends Mr. handsome one.
-Depends on what?
-How does saving me from my annoying brother sound?
-name a time and place, my damsel in distress
-locker room 197. asap
- got it. :) omw
Around five minutes later, Bryan is still lecturing you with seemingly no end in sight. You sigh and are about to try and get him to stop when suddenly the locker room swings open. Matt and Angelo burst through the door and Angelo hurries over to you while Matt distracts Bryan.
"Jailbreak, gorgeous!" Angelo holds his hand out for you to take. "Come with me if you don't want to die of boredom." He grins at you.
You laugh and take Angelo's hand. He pulls you to your feet and whisks you out of the locker room. You laugh as you are saved and can hear Bryan calling after you. "Bye, Bryan! Talk to you later!" You shout after him as Angelo escapes with you.
Once you are a safe distance away, Angelo lets you go. "Well, I'd call that a success. Wouldn't you?" He chuckles.
"My hero." You giggle.
"My pleasure, pretty lady." Angelo bows. "Now come on! Let's go get some drinks. All on me of course." He adds.
"Lead the way then." You giggle as he holds his hand out for you again.
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sydsaint · 2 years ago
Danny G free from the JAS finally?? We winning tonight boys.
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sydsaint · 2 years ago
Angelo Parker the man that you are 😩😩😩
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sydsaint · 2 years ago
Angelo Parker I'd just like one chance please.
Just one 😩😩😩
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rodindies · 2 years ago
The Gunns vs FTR (Tag Team Championship) 3.5
The Butcher & The Blade vs Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita 3.9
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Chris Jericho & Saraya vs Adam Cole & Brit Bakker 4.2
House of Black vs The Best Friends 3.7
House of Black vs The Elite vs Jericho Apreciation Society 3.8
0 notes
sydsaint · 2 years ago
I am a proud member of the Save DG from the JAS club. Thank u 💜
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Summary: The reader gets attacked by Ana and Tay out of the blue. The attack makes Danny question keeping his and the readers relationship a secret.
"Thanks again for the help out there, Willow." You are talking to Willow Nightengale backstage after she came to your rescue during an attack by Tay Melo and Ana Jay. "I don't know what Tay and Ana's problem is. But I appreciate the backup." You hold your arms out for a hug. 
Willow jumps at the chance at a hug and smothers you against herself with a giggle. "No problem, Y/N! I am happy to help you out, girl." She grins and sets you back down on your feet. 
You and Willow head back to the locker room to chat while the rest of Dynamite runs its course. On the way back Daniel Garcia crosses paths with you both. He locks eyes with you for a second before he nods to Willow and then looks back at you. 
"I'll meet you back in the locker rooms, Willow." You turn to Willow and put a hand on your shoulder. 
"You sure, girl?" Willow shoots Daniel a wary look. 
You give Willow an assuring nod. "Yeah, I'll only be a minute. Promise." You assure her and Willow walks off. "Daniel." You turn coldly to Garcia after she's gone. 
"Y/N." Daniel replies equally as coldly and glances around to make sure that you are alone. Once he is sure that no one else is around, his cold demeanor fades away. "Are you alright?" He steps towards you with worry. 
"I'm fine." You shoulder his hand off of you. "A heads up would have been nice though." You turn your nose up at him. 
Daniel takes a small step back, making sure to give you some space. "Hey, come on, Y/N." He pleads with you. "I had no idea that Ana and Tay were planning on fucking around with you." He defends himself. "I would have told you if I knew, you know that." 
"I know." You sigh, still slightly on edge from the attack. "You really had no idea they were planning something?" You ask as you step forward into Daniel's arms. 
Daniel wraps his arms around you and rubs your back gently. "I didn't have a clue, baby. Promise." He assures you. "And I'm sorry that it happened. I wish that I could have done something." 
"It's okay." You sigh again and pull away from Daniel. "I know that you've gotta keep us on the down low for now." You bite the inside of your cheek and try your best not to make it seem like a big deal. "I'm gonna catch up with Willow. Meet me at the hotel, later?" 
"Of course." Daniel nods and leans forward to kiss your cheek. "Stay safe, gorgeous." He teases you with a small smile. 
You head back to the locker room and find Willow waiting patiently for you to join her. You shut the door behind you and find her smiling at you with a wide grin. 
"What?" You avoid Willow's infectious smile. 
Willow skips over to you and pokes at your arm. "So you and Daniel Garcia? How long has that been going on?" She asks you with a giggle.
"What?" You defend yourself. "Me and Garcia?" You scoff. "There ain't nothing going on there." 
"Mhm." Willow laughs. "I don't blame you girl, he's hot." She teases you. 
You laugh and shake your head, unable to keep your usual cool and collected demeanor when Willow is around. "Okay, there might be something there." You admit and sit down. "But that's all I'm saying." You insist and cross your arms. 
Willow bugs you for some more details about Garcia throughout the night, but you manage to stay strong and not leak any more important information. Later in the night, you are hanging out in your hotel room when someone rapidly knocks on the door. 
"I'm coming! Geez!" You hop to your feet with a groan and walk over to the door. You open the door a crack only for it to be pushed in. Daniel comes through the door and quickly swings you around and pins you against it with a hand clamped over your mouth. "Daniel?" You question him through muffled words. 
"Shh!" Daniel silences you and glances out into the hall. 
You remain quiet for a moment until you feel Garcia relax against you. You reach up and remove his hand from your mouth and glare at him. "What the hell is the matter with you?" You confront him. 
"Sorry." Daniel is quick to apologize. "Chris and Hager were stepping off of the elevator down the hall." He explains. 
"Whatever." You roll your eyes. "You wanna let me go now?" You glance down at the hand Garcia's got laid across your stomach to hold you in place against the door. 
Daniel glances down at his arm and a mischievous grin crosses his face. "I don't know." He shrugs. "You look kinda cute all trapped like this." He teases you. 
"Daniel!" You laugh and push his chest to get him off of you. 
"Kiss first." Garcia insists. 
You struggle some more but ultimately give in to his demands. You lean forward and kiss him, so Garcia seemingly lets you go. You get about a step away from him before he picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder. "Daniel!" You squeal. "Put me down!"
"As you wish." Daniel chuckles and drops you down onto your bed. 
You prop yourself up on your elbows and glare at Garcia standing at the edge of your bed. "You're an awful person." You sneer at him. 
"Awe, you love me." Daniel chuckles again and crawls over the bed next to you. You cross your arms but he's persistent. "Come on, admit it." He hovers over you. "You love me." 
"I refuse." You turn away from him. 
"Come on, Y/N." Daniel leans down and peppers kisses all over your face. 
You try your best to resist his charms but you end up giggling and pushing his chest to knock him onto his back. Garcia falls back and you sit up, he then scoots over and sets his head in your lap. 
"You love me?" Daniel asks you one more time. 
"I might." You giggle and look down at him. 
"Might?" Garcia raises a brow at you. 
You roll your eyes and lightly scratch the top of his head like you know he loves. "I love you, dork." You admit with a small smile. 
"Yes! Knew it!" Garcia celebrates quietly. 
On Friday you are once again out in the ring finishing up a match against Skye Blue when Ana and Tay attack. Skye is nice enough to try and help you out. But the two of you aren't enough to ward off Ana and Tay this time. 
You are too busy trying to block your face from Tay's assault of punches to hear Daniel come sprinting out of the backstage area and down the ramp. It isn't until Tay is somehow hauled off of you and tossed elsewhere do you finally see Daniel. 
"Danny?" You pull yourself into a sitting position. 
Daniel drops to his knees and fawns over you to make sure that you're okay. "Y/N! Baby are you alright?" He asks you. 
"Yeah." You breathe hard but nod. "I blocked most of her punches." You assure him as he helps you to your feet. "But, Daniel, what about Chris?" You realize that there is no hiding your relationship with Daniel now. 
Daniel shakes his head and pulls you flush to his side. "I don't care if he knows." He insists and hugs you tight. "Hell, I don't give a shit if any of them know. As long as I got you, I'm alright." 
"Danny." You hug him tightly. "I love you." You lean up and kiss him. 
"I love you too, baby." Daniel kisses you back softly. 
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sydsaint · 3 years ago
Bringing y'all some fresh Danny Garcia content ahead 📣📣📣
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Summary: On a hot night during Dynamite the reader runs into Danny while wearing a sundress that Garcia can't ignore.
Dynamite is in Arizona this week and the heat is still damn near unbearable even after sunset. You get to the arena and head inside as fast as possible, wearing as little as possible.
When you get to the BCC locker room Wheeler is the first one to greet you, as usual. "Hey, Y/N. Heat getting to you as well?" He notices the thin sundress hanging off your shoulders.
"We're inside the locker rooms. How in the hell is it still so damn hot?" You complain and kick the door shut behind you with a groan.
"It's Arizona in the middle of summer." Mox reminds you with a chuckle. "I like the dress by the way. I'm sure that Garcia will get a kick out of it when he sees you later tonight." He snickers.
"Garcia should have the right mind to keep his hands to himself. Unless he wants a heel up his ass." You snap back and sit down in a nearby chair.
Mox continues with his hearty chuckle and shakes his head. "Oh, he'll keep his hands to himself, alright." He jokes.
"Jon!" Bryan reaches across the table and smacks Mox on the arm. "Forgive him, Y/N. The man has no manners. You look lovely, by the way." He adds as he glares at Jon.
"Thank you, Bryan." You reply. "At least someone around here still has manners." You grumble to yourself and Wheeler frowns. "You too, Yuta."
You sulk in your chair, fanning yourself with your hand every so often while you wait for Mox and Bryan's tag match against Matt and Angelo later. And you hate every second of it. Your bare legs stick to the chair in the most unpleasant way and your skin radiates with excess heat.
Finally, the time comes for the tag match and you eagerly unstick yourself from your seat and match out of the locker room. The hallway is a bit cooler than the room, but you know that the arena will be even worse than that.
"Wheeler, keep an eye on Y/N." Mox barks orders at Wheeler as everyone makes their way down the ramp.
"I can take care of myself, Jon." You remind him with a sneer.
Jon rolls his eyes with a playful smile and climbs into the ring. "Sure. But when Garcia carries you off like an obsessed animal I don't want to hear it." He teases you, earning another smack from Danielson.
You roll your eyes back at him and walk over to your team's corner of the ring. The JAS comes out a few seconds later and heads down the ramp. Matt and Angelo match down the ramp with Daniel as their backup and hop into the ring. Daniel walks over to his corner and glances your way casually for a second, quickly doing a double take when he sees your attire.
"Oh, God." You sigh when Daniel comes around the corner with a smug look on his face. "Yuta, watch out for Bryan and Mox. I'll handle this." You direct him.
Yuta nods and focuses on Bryan and Jon in the ring just as Daniel comes around the final corner and over to your side.
"Well well well, damn Y/N. Who are you looking all sexy for tonight, sweetheart?" He asks you, eyeing you up shamelessly.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms. "Well, it certainly wasn't for you, Garcia." You snicker at him. "So do us both a favor and get lost."
"Not a chance in hell, baby." Daniel chuckles. "Not while you're out here looking that fine with all these virgins and losers in the front row drooling all over you like dogs." He nods to the crowd behind you.
You glance behind you for a moment and sure enough. The front row is slowly being filled with sweety halfwits pushing their way to the barricade just to get a glance at you.
You let out a small laugh and turn back to Daniel. "Awe, how noble of you, Daniel." You tease him. "But the way I see it, you should hop over the barricade and join them."
"Nah, you got me all wrong baby," Daniel replies. "You wanna know the biggest difference between me and the loser squad over there?" He asks you. "Besides the fact that I've actually seen a woman naked in real life?"
"No, enlighten me please." You roll your eyes.
A wicked grin spreads across Daniel's face and he takes a step toward you. "I'm the only one out here that's gonna be pulling this thing off of you tonight." He grins and flicks the bow hanging off of one of your shoulder straps.
You let out a small laugh, recognizing the cleverness and boldness of Garcia's claim, and push at his chest. "Smooth, Romeo." You poke his chest. "But not quite enough I'm afraid."
"Oh?" Daniel grins at you. "Alright ice queen." He chuckles. "How about I throw in a pint of ice cream and an icy cold hotel room stay?" He arches a brow at you.
You laugh again, contemplating his offer. You twirl a piece of hair in your hand with a grin and shrug. "What kind of ice cream?" You ask him.
"Y/N!" Bryan, who's been listening from the apron this whole time, scolds you.
"Whatever kind you want, baby," Daniel replies.
You laugh and nod your head. "You've got a deal, playboy." You wink at him. "Yuta! Make sure my bags get back to the hotel. Chau!" You wave at Wheeler as Daniel pulls you away from the ring and up the ramp.
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sydsaint · 2 years ago
Danny Garcia 🥰🥰
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Summary: The reader confronts Daniel after he seemingly breaks an important promise to her.
"Come on, Bryan!" You bounce nervously on your heels in front of the tv monitor. "Don't let that prick cheat to win!" You talk to yourself.
Next to you, Wheeler watches how much of a nervous wreck you are. And it stresses him out. "He's got this, Y/N." He attempts to assure you of Bryan's abilities.
You raise a hand to your face, intent on chewing your nails back to the cuticle. But Wheeler sees you move and grabs your hand to stop you. "Thanks, Yuta." You flash him a small apologetic smile before turning back to the tv.
Wheeler's face heats up when you don't pull your hand away. He's had a hopeless crush on you from the moment that he joined the BCC. Not that you have any clue that the poor boy is desperately in love with you.
"Oh my gosh!" You gasp and snap Wheeler's attention away from staring at you with puppy dog eyes. "Is that Danny?" You ask with both surprise and hope in your tone.
Those puppy dog eyes turn cold at the mention of Daniel Garcia. Chris Jericho's young protege and Wheeler's number one enemy. In his mind anyway. "What's he doing out there?" Yuta asks, turning his attention to the tv.
"No way!" A smile spreads across your face. "He's going to help, Bryan!" You insist, bouncing in excitement now rather than dread.
You pull your hand out of Wheeler's and his blood boils. He hates how all Garcia has to do is simply show up and you are instantly hooked on him. He glares at the tv monitor, wallowing in his anger at the thought of Daniel possibly joining the BCC.
"Wait!" Your voice quiets down a bit. "What's he doing?" You watch as Daniel helps Chris get one over on Bryan for the win. "What? No. Danny!?"
A hint of a smile cracks on Wheeler's face at the sight of Garcia's betrayal of Danielson. He's always known that Garcia is a weasel. He's just been waiting for everyone, especially you, to figure that out.
"I knew that he was irredeemable." Wheeler scoffs and turns to you.
Wheeler looks down at you expecting to see a look of hurt and disgust written on your face. But instead, he finds himself looking at the back of your head.
"Y/N?" Wheeler furrows his brows at you as you hurry off. "Y/N, wait!" He calls again and rushes forward to go after you.
You rush through the backstage area and to where the tunnel entrance just as Daniel comes through it with Jericho. Chris ignores you, choosing to relish in his championship gold than this relationship drama.
"Daniel?!" You stomp over to Garcia as Wheeler comes around the corner.
Yuta stops when you come back into view looking like you're about ready to kill someone. He remains in place, sure that you're about to either smack the shit out of or chew Garcia out. And either of those things would be music to Wheeler's ears.
"Y/N." Daniel takes a step back when you approach him. "Slow down now, please, babe." He asks you with a nervous chuckle.
You back Garcia into a corner and raise your hand to hit him. "You are such a fucking asshole!" You shout at him. "What happened to last night, huh? Don't worry, Y/N. I'm done with, Chris, Y/N. We can finally spill the secret, Y/N."
'Spill the secret?' Wheeler hops back to attention.
"Y/N, baby I'm sorry," Daniel replies and catches your hand as you go to hit him. "Come on, calm down." He holds your hand against his chest. "I know that you're upset."
"Upset?" You seeth. "I have been running around with you behind everyone's back for three months now, Daniel!" You remind him. "Three months of lying to my friends, to my dad!"
Daniel looks at the floor with guilt."I know." He sighs.
"You made a promise to me Daniel." You pull your hand back from him. "No more hiding. You were going to leave Chris and come be with me in the BCC. So why? What the fuck was all of that out there?" You jab an angry finger at him.
On the other side of the room, Wheeler's mouth hangs ajar in shock at the news. 'Three months?' He thinks to himself. 'She's been getting with him for three months?' He watches you and Garcia argue back and forth, unable to force himself to move or say anything.
The argument gets broken up when Bryan finally comes through the curtain. He walks over to you and Daniel and puts a hand on Garcia's shoulder.
"Y/N, you can relax." Bryan looks at you with a soft smile. "I let Garcia help Chris win. I knew that it was going to happen." He explains.
"What?" You reply in confusion.
Daniel nods, confirming Bryan's claim. "It's true." He adds.
"Danny called me in the middle of the night last night and let me know about his promise to you," Bryan explains. "He told me that he promised to leave Chris because he didn't want to lose you. But about how he also didn't want to have to lose Angelo and Matt as well." He adds.
You glance at Daniel who in turn nods silently. "It's my fault, Y/N." He admits. "I should have checked to see if Bryan explained the plan to you or not."
"Oh my god!" You choke out a laugh. "Danny, I was so sure that you did it because you didn't care about me anymore." You admit in relief.
"What?" Daniel replies. "Hell no!" He shakes his head. "Man, I could never hurt you like that, Y/N. I love you." He leans forward and pulls you into a hug.
You let out a huge sigh of relief and all seems fine for a moment. That is until you hear Wheeler scoff from across the room.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me?!" Yuta shouts, throwing his hands in the air.
"Wheeler?" You turn around and look at him with concern. "What's wrong?" You ask him.
"Forget it!" Wheeler scoffs again. "You won, Garcia. Congratulations. You get your idol as your mentor, get to keep your best friends, AND you get the girl!" He turns sharply on his heel and storms off.
You watch Wheeler storm off and turn back to Daniel. "What the hell is his problem?" He asks.
"I don't know." You shrug. "Come on, let's get out of here, though." You grab Daniel's hand.
"Yeah, alright." Daniel nods and leans down to kiss your cheek.
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sydsaint · 3 years ago
Danny Garcia content ahead!
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Summary: The reader is a member of the JAS and lets Daniel come out to ringside during her match against Sky Blue
Dynamite is rolling quickly through its Live show on Wednesday night. You've got a match against Sky Blue in a few minutes that you're waiting for, Daniel standing at your side.
"You don't think that you're coming out there with me, do you, Garcia?" You snark at him, fixing your hair.
Daniel rolls his eyes, leaning against the wall next to you. "I believe that I am, princess." He informs you, arms crossed across his chest. "You know that Chris doesn't like us going out to matches alone."
"Whatever." You shrug. "You can come out and look pretty in the corner I guess."
Daniel mumbles something under his breath but the sound is drowned out by your theme music being played. You head through the tunnel with a grin and strut out to the ring.
Daniel follows behind you and stands on the floor in your corner. Sky Blue makes her way out to the ring after you, and she's got her boyfriend Dante Martin with her this time.
"Ha!" You laugh as Sky gets in the ring. "What's the matter Sky? So afraid that I'm gonna kick your ass that you had to bring your dorky ass boyfriend along for the ride?" You smirk at her.
Sky grits her teeth at you and hands, Dante, her hat through the ropes. "I could say the same thing about that feral animal you call a teammate." She fires back, nodding to Daniel on the floor.
"Your ass is mine, Blue!" You glare at Sky. "Garcia! Keep an eye on the twink." You glance back at Daniel for a second and he nods.
The bell rings and the match gets underway. Sky is the first one to attack, going for a tackle right off the bat. You block your torso with your arms and shove Blue away from you to create some space. The two of you lock elbows and get into another spat when suddenly Sky kicks your knee in and clotheslines you over the top rope.
You tumble over the top rope and fall to the floor, but Daniel makes it over to you just in time to catch you before you hit the floor.
"Damn, you alright, Y/N?" Garcia puts you back firmly on your feet.
"I'm fine. You're supposed to be watching Dante!" You snap at him just as Sky jumps from the top rope at you.
Daniel moves out of the way as Sky comes down on you and tries for a head scissors takedown. You manage to stop her momentum before she can take you down and toss her hard into the barricade. The impact is dangerous enough to get Dante to come over to check on Sky, but Daniel blocks his way.
"I don't think so man, back it up." Daniel glares at Dante.
Dante gets in Garcia's face, worried about how Sky is. You notice that Daniel is getting into it with Dante while the referee is checking on Sky so you hop up onto the apron.
You walk along the apron and jump when you get close to Dante. You hit him with a successful head scissors and send him flying into the barricade just as Sky gets up.
"That's how you do a head scissors, amateur." You tease Sky. "Garcia, get his ass." You walk by Daniel and pull Sky into the ring.
Daniel goes after Dante to make sure that he doesn't get up again and you pin Sky for the win. After the bell rings Daniel pulls Dante into the rings and sets him next to Sky.
"Some couple you two are." You laugh and kick Sky.
Daniel laughs with you, sliding an arm over your shoulder. "A couple of losers, that's for sure." He adds. "Come on, Y/N, let's get out of here."
"Bye, Sky. Better luck next time. Or you know, get yourself a man that isn't a huge waste of space." You wave at her as you walk off.
"Same goes for you, loser. Get yourself a girl that can actually handle herself in the ring, man." He snarks as he walks off with you.
You and Daniel head back up the ramp and backstage. Daniel pulls his arm off your shoulder when you get through the tunnel and turns toward you.
"Damn, you are ruthless." He compliments you.
"I know." You grin. "Keep being useful like that, Garcia. And I might just have to keep you around as my permanent eye candy or something." You tease him.
Daniel rolls his eyes with a playful grin and leans in close. "It'd be my honor to be your man-candy, sweetheart." He winks and kisses your cheek gently.
"Whatever, get over yourself, Garcia." You giggle and push his chest away from you.
Angelo and Matt appear on the other side of the room and head over to you. Angelo walks over to your side while Matt wedges himself between you and Daniel, setting a hand on either of your shoulders.
"Excellent work out there, Y/N. As always." Angelo compliments you.
"Thank you, Ange." You grin back at him. "Daniel helped a little, I guess. If you can call sitting around like a pretty boy, helping that is." You continue to tease Garcia.
Matt laughs at your little quip and pats your shoulder hard. "You sure showed Sky and Dante who the boss is, that's for sure, Y/N." He adds.
"We've got some news from Chris after that little performance as well," Angelo adds. "He wants you and Garcia in a mixed tag with Blue and Martin. On the Rampage taping later." He informs you and Garcia.
You and Garcia share a look and he shrugs at the news. Angelo and Matt wish both of you luck and head off to cause what is sure to be some more hate and discontent among the backstage area.
You and Daniel both wait for Angelo and Matt to leave before turning to one another.
"Looks like you've got a chance to prove that you're more than a pretty face, Garcia." You giggle at him.
"Like Dante Martin is any match for all of this?" Daniel chuckles with you. "Come on, why don't you come hang out while I change?" He suggests. "I promise that it'll be a show."
You roll your eyes at Garcia's suggestive comment. "A show huh? Like what, a comedy?" You tease him with a grin.
"Funny," Daniel replies, pulling you into his side by the arm.
You laugh and Daniel kisses your cheek again while the two of you walk off.
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sydsaint · 3 years ago
DG content ahead!
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Summary: The reader is a member of the JAS and is growing tired of Daniel always fighting her battles for her and getting in the way. She is unaware of his crush.
It's the middle of a sweltering day in the Florida heat and the gym air conditioner is doing little to beat the heat. Your breathing is strained as you jog on the treadmill, desperate to complete your last mile so you can be done.
You've got headphones on so you can't hear anything of the conversations going on around you. But you can see Daniel and Angelo chatting while glancing your way every once in a while. 'Are they talking about me?' You wonder to yourself. You complete your last mile and switch the machine off with a sigh of relief.
Done with your workout for the day, you grab your water bottle and head for the locker room. You pass Wheeler Yuta on the way and stop to chat for a moment. "Hey, Wheeler. What's going on?" You ask him with a friendly smile.
"Hey, Y/N." Wheeler smiles back at you. "I'm just headed to meet Mox and Bryan for a training session." He explains. "You just get done working out?"
"Yeah." You nod, breathing still a bit labored. "I'm gonna grab my stuff and head back to the hotel until the show." You explain.
Across the room, Daniel and Angelo are still talking casually when Daniel spots you talking to Yuta. He dismisses himself from Angelo's side quickly and makes his way over to your side.
You and Wheeler are happily chatting when Daniel pops up at your side with a scowl. "Get lost, loser. You ain't got no business talking with her." He warns Yuta with a growl.
"Daniel!" You turn to your side and frown at him.
"It's fine, Y/N. I'll see you later." Wheeler puts his hand up to keep the peace before he walks off.
You watch Wheeler walk off before you turn fully to Daniel and glare up at him. Daniels expression remains passive as he returns your gaze.
You huff in frustration at Garcia's lack of emotion. "Do you have to act like a dick all of the time?" You ask him.
"When you're talking to loser nobodies like Wheeler Yuta, I do," Daniel replies. "You should have told me that you were done on the treadmill. Come on, I'll head back to the hotel with you." He offers, though it sounds more like a demand.
"I can take myself back to the hotel, thank you very much." You roll your eyes. "You're not my babysitter, Daniel. Remember?" You remind him.
Daniel mimics the roll of your eyes and stares down at you. "I'm coming with you, princess. So deal with it." He crosses his arms across his chest.
"Whatever." You grumble to yourself. "Come on then. I want to get back soon so I've got time to shower." You turn sharply on your heel and walk towards the locker rooms.
Daniel nods and follows you so he can grab his stuff as well. He glances back at Angelo as he walks off and Parker gives him an enthusiastic thumbs up. Daniel rolls his eyes and turns back around mumbling to himself.
Matt walks over and joins Angelo. "Where is Garcia going? I thought that he wasn't done with his workout?" He asks him.
"Y/N got caught taking to Wheeler, so naturally little Daniel had to go puff his chest out and protect him, girl." Angelo chuckles. "Not that Y/N knows that's what going on. She still thinks that he's just being his usual dickish self."
"He could always tell her that he's in love," Matt suggests with a laugh.
Angelo laughs again and shakes his head. "Yeah right. I think that he'd have a better chance at spontaneously combusting than telling Y/N how he feels." He insists.
Back at the hotel, you stomp into the hotel room and shut the door behind you. Daniel runs into the door from the hallway and opens it back up with a sigh.
He comes into the room and watches you drop your bag on your bed before stomping to the bathroom.
"Are you going to pout for the rest of the night?" Daniel asks you and walks over to his bed.
"And what if I am?" You huff and glance back at Daniel.
Daniel rolls his eyes and sits down. "Fine! Be mad then. You'll get over it eventually." He crosses his arms and lets you slam the bathroom door.
You take your shower and complain to yourself quietly about Garcia the whole time. You hate how he's always getting all up in your business all of the time. You're a big girl and can take care of yourself. You don't need him hovering over you like a guard dog all the time. It's annoying.
You exit the bathroom a little bit later and sit down on your bed. Daniel is sitting on his bed doing something on his phone from the looks of it. "You know, I still don't get why you can't just mind your own damn business, Daniel." You ask him, still in a pissy mood.
"Yeah yeah." Daniel rolls his eyes. "I'm just looking out for you, Y/N. Trust me, you'll thank me someday." He insists with a grin.
"Doubt it." You sneer and drop the subject for the moment.
Later in the night, you and Daniel arrive for Dynamite and head backstage to meet up with the rest of the group. You are both on your way there when you run into Bryan and Jon who stop you both in the hall.
"Y/N, just the lady we were looking for." Mox greets you with a smile.
Bryan nods in agreement and eyes Daniel standing at your side and tensed up. "We're here to make sure that you understand something, Y/N." He explains.
"Oh?" You sneer and eye both men cautiously. "And what's that?" You ask them with a hand on your hip.
"You need to stay out of Wheeler's way. That's what." Mox explains with a growl. "We don't need you flaunting it around him and distracting the kid from his training."
You raise a brow at Mox's statement and scoff. "Excuse me?" You sneer.
You go to tell Mox and Bryan to fuck off but before you can, Daniel beats you to the punch. You watch him step in front of you with his chest puffed out and an angry glint in his eye.
"Both of you better stop fucking talking right now before I beat both of your asses." He growls at Bryan and Mox. "You say some stupid shit about Y/N again and you'll have my foot up both y'alls asses." He glares at them.
Mox and Bryan share a look and decide that it's best not to get involved. They came to warn you to stay away from Wheeler, not get into a fight. The pair walk off and Daniel remains in front of you until they are gone.
He turns back around after a minute and looks down at you. "You good?" He asks you. "Because if not I'm gonna go beat the shit out of those two."
"I'm fine, Daniel." You nod, heart, beating a little faster now. "...thanks." You quickly add.
"Yeah well, no one talks bad about my girl and gets away with it," Daniel replies and pulls you into his side before you can protest.
You huff as Daniel pulls you into his side but don't make an effort to fight out of his grip. "Your girl?" You repeat him. "Since when?"
"Since right now." Daniel insists. "So deal with it. Because you're stuck with me, princess. "
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sydsaint · 2 years ago
Angelo Parker my beloved 💜
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Summary: The reader is Daniel Garcia's sister. She is on a mission on Halloween night to finally get Angelo to notice her.
"Come on, Danny. At least try and look a little excited to be here." You frown at your little brother sulking at your side.
A sour look remains on Daniel's face. "This is dumb, Y/N. Remind me how old you are again?" He asks in a judgy tone.
"You flip around on a stage in your underwear in front of thousands of people for a living, Danny. So let's not get into who's the mature one here." You remind him with a grin. "And since when do you not like parties?" You add.
"Hey, I like partying as much as the next guy," Daniel replies. "This ain't nothing like that. This is a stupid costume party." He quips.
"Oh, get over it, Daniel." You roll your eyes. "You don't have to come you know?" You remind him. "You could always sit alone at the hotel and sulk all night with some booze and cheap candy."
Daniel grumbles to himself but knows that you are right. And when your boss and CEO of the company that's given you everything asks you to come to his costume party for Halloween. You go, regardless of if you want to or not.
Tony Khan's costume party is later tonight, so you've dragged Daniel out to shop for a couple of things you need for your outfit. And to find Daniel something to wear as well.
"Remind me what we're looking for, again?" Daniel asks you after you've been wandering around the mall for a while.
You pursue the racks and racks of various Halloween accessories in front of you. "I still need a lasso and badge to finish the outfit." You answer your brother. "I'm going as a wild-west sheriff, remember?" You remind him matter-of-factly.
"Right," Daniel grumbles. "So original."
"Oh, screw off, Danny." You roll your eyes. "Hangman offered to lend me one of his hats and I couldn't resist. Plus, I heard from Matt that Angelo has a thing for cowgirls."
Daniel scrunches his nose at the mention of his mentors in such a way. "Ew, Y/N, don't even start." He scolds you.
"Not my fault that your mentor is hot, Daniel." You shrug with a grin at the disgusted look on your brother's face. "If all goes right tonight, I'm gonna be playing cowgirl with Angelo Parker in more ways than one." You add.
Daniel gags and hurries off before you can bombard him with more horrid details on how you plan on seducing one of his friends and mentors.
You eventually find what you're looking for and head back to the hotel after Daniel manages to find a costume that he doesn't hate.
You spend the next couple of hours getting ready for the party before you head out with Daniel. Your sheriff look is complete with badge, lasso, hat, boots, daisy dukes, and shirt with a few buttons loose. Because if you're not dressing skimpy on Halloween. Are you really even celebrating the holiday right?
"Well well well, yeehaw cowgirl." Hangman runs into you on the way into the building. "Tha hat looks great on you, Y/N. I love the outfit." He compliments you.
"Thanks, Adam." You thank him with a grin. "The hat is a perfect fit. And I love your Powerpuff girl costume. Where are the other two?"
Adam chuckles and nods behind him. "Matt and Nick will be here any minute." He informs you.
You laugh at the thought of what Matt and Nick's costumes look like and head inside for the party. You weave through the crowd of your colleagues all dressed up in various outfits. Your favorite one is Orange Cassidy dressed up as Danhausen and vice versa.
"Woah there, sheriff." Matt Menard runs into you first. "I see that you took my advice on a costume for tonight." He greets you.
You giggle and nod, glancing around for Angelo at the same time. "Yep, thanks for that, Matt." You thank him. "Speaking of Angelo, where is your other half?" You ask him.
"I left him over by the bar." Matt gestures to the other side of the room. "He's dressed as a chip n dale's dancer." He informs you.
"Oh really, now?" You raise a brow at this interesting development. "Well then, I should be off." You go to dismiss yourself. "I've got a Chip n Dales show that I absolutely don't want to miss." You giggle and walk off.
"You go knock 'em dead, sweetheart." Matt chuckles and sends you on your way. "I'll make sure and keep your brother busy for you." He adds as you walk off.
You expertly weave through the crowd like a woman on a mission. It's easy to spot Angelo's broad and bare shoulders sitting at the bar so you walk up behind him.
"Stick 'em up, cowboy." You jam your fingers gently into Angelo's back.
You feel Angelo tense up at your touch as he swivels around in his chair. "Hmm? Oh, hello cowgirl!" His eyes widen a bit when he sees you.
"That's sheriff to you, mister." You reply with a fake look of seriousness. "And you sir, are definitely breaking all kinds of decency laws with that outfit." You toy with him a bit.
"Oh am I now, babydoll?" Angelo chuckles. "Because I don't think that I have ever met a sheriff wearing shorts quite that short." He grins at you with a sly smile.
You giggle and lean in next to Parker as close as you can get at the crowded bar. "That so?" You challenge him. "I'd watch your tone, sir. Or I might have to take you in for questioning."
"We talkn' a one-on-one interrogation here?" Angelo replies, clearly having fun with your little game.
"Just you and me, cowboy." You grin. "And this here lasso ain't seen any action all night." You tap the prop lasso fixed to your side.
A staring contest ensues and it's like all of the noise of the party fades away. It's just you and Angelo there for a moment.
"Well come on then cowgirl." Angelo grabs your hand and pulls you away from the bar. "Let's see if you know how to ride a bronco like a real cowgirl." He teases you.
"Yeehaw!" You laugh and swing your hat around as you're dragged off.
On the other side of the room, Daniel sees you being dragged off by Angelo and gags again. "Great." He grumbles. "Now I can't even go back to my hotel room tonight." He complains.
"You can bunk with me for the night" Matt pats him on the back. "I got a feeling that Angelo's gonna be busy all night." He chuckles, earning another groan from Daniel.
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