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ofdivinechaxs · 5 years ago
💝 - what’s the best gift you’ve received?
“Stiles gave me duct tape when he left for college, which was kind of a shitty gift at first but then I realized it was more symbolic than anything. It was like...he trusted me and Mason to take over for him and Scott and that was nice. It made me feel a bit better about all of them leaving. It was surprising, too, especially since he doesn’t trust easy. I honestly thought he’d never trust me again after everything that happened with the super moon and Hayden and Scott.” 
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ofconfusion · 5 years ago
7 (malia), 11 (olivia), 14 (ellie)
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💪🏻 ✏️ 👢 🎨 🐾 😁
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“ yellow and purple.”
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“ ambivert but i usually tend to be more extroverted.”
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alicezhou · 5 years ago
🎈 - do you have any party tricks?
I don’t think I can do anything out of the ordinary.
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littledeadhunter · 5 years ago
Closed Starter for Jeremy
When Gabe had broken free of the womans grasp his hand went immediately to his neck, it stung and was bleeding heavily. He managed not to cry out in pain as he just ran. He didn’t stop running, needing to get away from her as fast as possible. 
Once he realized she hadn’t come after him he slowed down, stumbling forward. He’d forgotten all about his quest for food, instead now just wanting to get home and forget about this awful experience. 
He had turned a corner only to collide with a solid form, looking up to find a strange man in front of him he flinched back, wincing when it pulled at the wound on his neck. 
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de-leons · 5 years ago
@jergilbrt​   | It didn’t matter how hard he brushed it off, he could feel the layer of dirt on him, a second skin of grime and death that for a moment he wondered if it’d ever vanish. God, resurrection fucking sucked. Dying was shit, but that? Whatever the hell that just was definitely took the prize for things he’d like to never, ever repeat again. Nothing like clawing your way from a shallow grave to really welcome you into a town. But he continued on, footing finally solid enough to wander through town without feeling like a zombie extra. The moon was full over head and that should have maybe worried him a bit more. But in that moment? He was out, alive and god damn free. And like the sun emerging from the mother fucking cloud of gloom that was his current situation, across the road he saw him. Finally, someone.
 “Jer!” the hunter called out, seeing him turn but not quite spot him. The man tried again, his own steps picking up speed as hands cupped his mouth. “Hey, GILBERT!” 
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hxllxway · 5 years ago
@jergilbrt​ | Closed Starter for Jeremy 
Drawing people as they walked by was a good exercise in gesture drawing, but it wasn’t the kind of thing that really interested Nolan. No, he liked faces. He liked to see how close he could get to accurate, he liked to see how well he could capture different emotions, and his favorite place to do so was as outdoor cafes. The seating meant he had more than ten seconds to analyze people’s features and the atmosphere made him feel a hell of a lot less isolated - it was a win-win really. The only downside was the inherent risk of getting caught - well, that and accidentally getting something on the drawings when he inevitably got hungry and ordered some greasy monstrosity his ex-coach would’ve murdered him for eating. 
It was mid-afternoon, the day just on the right side of overcast, and Nolan had found his inspiration in the form of a couple of college kids currently trying to toss french fries into eachothers’ mouths. They looked happy and one of the young women had too nice a smile not to draw. Unfortunately, he was having trouble getting it just right and he couldn’t figure out why. 
Maybe it was the teeth? Teeth could drop into ‘uncanny valley’ very quickly. 
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raynedays · 5 years ago
@jergilbrt​ | Closed Starter for Jeremy
He’d seen ‘Teas and Trinkets’ several times in passing, the storefront one of many in that small town, but he’d never been inside. He had no reason to go inside. And yet...there was something about that shop that drew him in, something that made him stop on his way back to his apartment, turn on his heels, and enter. 
The first thing that hit him was the strong scent of dozens of unidentifiable herbs he was sure had something to do with tea, the combination was dizzying and it took him a second to get his bearings and continue through the shop. He could hear a heartbeat, someone was inside, but no one was currently at the register. Were they closed? 
“Hello?” He called out, poking his head through the door off to one side of the register only to find a whole separate section of the shop. Kaleb figured it fulfilled the ‘Trinkets’ half of the name judging by the shelves crammed with an eclectic assortment of items from books to pocket watches to...were those glass eyes? 
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hvntedmoons · 5 years ago
Kelsey usually tried to avoid certain places around town, and the store Jeremy worked in was definitely near the top of that list. Everything looked way too breakable, and she’d get way too distracted and shatter something belonging to a dead monk or spill tea in less than ten minutes flat. But she was restless, waiting on a call far too ominous to be good and in need of distraction and plus, she really did want to see if they hosted tea parties there. So making her way in, the brunette glanced around before searching him out, finding him alone. “So listen I know you had an issue before with teaching me how to -- “ She mimes staking, and then fangs. “But what about teaching me how to smite --” Kels glances around conspiratorially, leaning in. “-- Demons. Seriously, time to go full Buffy.” She’d never seen the show, but she’d guessed a lot of the premise, so. | @jergilbrt​
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wknahq · 5 years ago
Real talk time.... who's hooking up at Rebekah's bash this weekend?
“Finally, something new. With so much booze around, something scandalous is bound to go down. I think Rebekah, the humble host, should get the ultimate reward in Jeremy Gilbert. Liam and Theo should just get it over with. Nolan and Kylie could kiss under the jungle gym, that’d be cute. I’d love to see Isaac have some fun, it’s the least he deserves. Alek could stand to loosen up, what about DJ? Penny? Maybe throw Derek into the mix and just see what happens. If Stiles hasn’t atoned for his sins with Lydia, maybe he and Theo should just get to it? Or he could surprise us and hook up with, say... Malia? So many possibilities.” ( @hcpelessdevotion @jergilbrt @ofdivinechaxs @hellschimera @hxllxway @ncstaglics @hollowgrave @stratcsphere @cfretribution @ofevolution @cfanotherlife @sunnysxrcasm @mcgalomaniacs @itsmaliatatetbh )
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alicezhou · 5 years ago
closed starter. @jergilbrt​ (Jeremy Gilbert)
This time, Alice went to Tea and Trinkets looking for the hunter. The pack seemed to trust him, which meant they were counting on Jeremy for information and help, and Alice needed to see for herself if they were in safe hands. With actual demons taking the town, she decided to try to get over her first (or second? maybe third?) impressions and focus on what really mattered: the people she needed to protect. “Gilbert? Hey, I come with a peace offer.” She said, walking into the store and looking for him.
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de-leons · 5 years ago
Xander had laid it all out in the living room, belatedly hoping Elena wouldn’t come home and be alarmed by the literal weapons all over the coffee table. But when the lock in the door turned and someone entered through, it was Jeremy who greeted him. “Hey, Jer. Long day selling oolong and earl grey?” It was teasing, mostly. He himself had spent the day trying to sort out his prospects, regain access to some accounts, take stock of what he now knew of himself and the town and regroup from there. It helped steer him away from feeling like too big a failure, he’d even had some cartons of chinese delivered on his way back to the apartment. It sat in the kitchen now, his hands currently a little too stained with gunpowder residue. “I know I mentioned wanting to check out the town a bit but--” the thought of going out right now had his mind and psyche screaming in protest. “ I just uh, started to clean one and then another and now well...yeah.” @jergilbrt​
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hxllxway · 5 years ago
Jermey & Nolan: Text Conversation (06.15.2020)
Jer and Nolan talk about life, childhood, and rodents. @jergilbrt​
TW: rats (squirrels, raccoons), theft 
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alicezhou · 5 years ago
closed starter. @jergilbrt​ (Jeremy Gilbert)
Since Alice last spoke to Alek, a lot had happened. She needed to vent and to ask her friend for advice, so she headed to Tea and Trinkets. There, the vampire was unpleasantly surprised to find not Alek, but Jeremy Gilbert. Since she was already there, she would take the oportunity to a say a few things she wanted to get out of her system. “Hey, Jeremy, is Alek here? And does he know you’re a hunter, by the way?” She didn’t even know Gilbert was working there, but she was sure Alek knew. He knew everything. Alice just wanted a reason to tell Jeremy that she knew, and was now aware that him talking to her weeks before was probably just an excuse to find his way to killing her. 
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hxllxway · 5 years ago
Closed Starter for Jeremy | @jergilbrt​
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Perhaps it was unusual to invite Jeremy ice skating, but he hadn’t been in forever and between the full-moon and the fact that Gabe was apparently alive once again, it felt like the perfect time to do something he loved and was actually good at - both a rarity in his mind. The rink was rarely busy during the summer unless the local youth hockey team had practice, and while the top twenty radio station that blared through the tinny speakers wasn’t the best sound objectively, it had a certain nostalgic quality to it that just added to the atmosphere. 
Setting his skates beside him, he checked the time on his phone, cursing himself for showing up so much earlier than he and Jeremy had agreed. He didn’t like just...sitting around feeling awkward, but he didn’t want to step out onto the rink and lose track of time. His best compromise was to scroll through twitter and try not to be too disheartened by the state of the world, hopefully wasting enough time for the man to arrive while also avoiding unwanted conversation with strangers. 
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wknahq · 5 years ago
i saw nicola and jeremy kissing and i gotta say, he could do better
“Are you kidding? She’s the least problematic person in town. It’s what Jeremy deserves. Sure, she’s got problems but she’s not out here masochistically biting into people’s necks during sex or waiting until they’re on death’s door to pretend like they have a soul or is walking around with some kind of god-complex or refusing to talk about their emotions and needs to their partner of 3 years.... Nicola could be much worse.” ( @sunnysxrcasm @jergilbrt @hellschimera @hcpelessdevotion @mcgalomaniacs )
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wknahq · 5 years ago
what's jeremy's deal?
“You mean other than being gorgeous? I mean... I think we’ve found our hottest living being in Beacon Hills, am I right? And he has no drama, so someone oughtta get on that before that changes...” ( @jergilbrt )
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