#jerena headcanons
@wine-drunk-on-elizabeth per your request, here are your HCs my love
Lost in the Sauce
Now, we all know that our dear Jamie is always cooking and Serena is always… well, doing what Serena does best 😂 stealing bites of whatever Jamie’s cooking and making cheesy (and overtly suggestive) puns. So, a typical night in the Castillo household goes something like this:
So that night Jamie’s got fresh tacos spread across the counter and is working on 4 different kinds of salsas to go with them
And of course there has to be nachos because cheesy carbs are a must in their household
She’s getting ready to start her signature cheese sauce and Serena strolls into the kitchen
“I demand cheesy carbs Jamieson.”
Jamie just grins and hands her the bowl she already had prepared
It’s full of shredded cheese and Serena grabs for it happily, appeased for a moment as she wanders around the kitchen
“Can I taste this Jamieson?”
“Is this spicy Jamieson?”
“Where’s the cheese Jamieson?”
Jamie just smiles at each question, answering accordingly and working on her cheese sauce
Soon Serena has abandoned her cheese bowl and is holding the small bowls of salsa, swirling them as if they were wine glasses
Because it’s Serena 😂 so of course she is
Chip in one hand bowl in the other she starts to taste each one, reviewing them
“Hmmm. A fresh lime and cilantro bouquet with subtle notes of avocado and jalapeños. Exquisite.”
“Mmm, fresh tomato, pan roasted and… is that a hint of chipotle? Lovely.”
Jamie just shakes her head and laughs because Serena is a dork but she’s adorable
As she’s pouring the cheese sauce onto the nachos Serena steals a chip to taste
And the moan she lets out is, well
It makes Jamie blush
“Marry me Jamieson.”
“We’re already married, Ser.”
No “Fine. Let’s skip to the honeymoon. I wanna get lost in your special sauce Jamieson.”
The jaunty wink that accompanied Serena’s statement made Jamie roll her eyes but of course
She couldn’t help but smile
Because yes, Serena was a dork 😂 and she had spilled a little of the sauce and burned herself with the cheese
But she was Jamie’s dork and Jamie wouldn’t have it any other way
So she pulls Serena into her arms and plants a big kiss on her lips, rubbing their noses together
“Do you want your cheesy carbs now Ser Bear?”
And Serena nods and looks up at Jamie like 🥺🥺🥺 and Jamie melts
“And do you want any of those special sauces on top?”
“I wanna get lost in the sauce Jamieson. Sauce me up.”
Jamie chuckles and kisses her and gives her another squeeze
And they have dinner together and laugh and goof off and end up cuddling on the couch
And it’s a perfect evening, full of cheesy carbs and Serena’s cheesy puns
And love
A lot of love 🤍
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
For none other than Jerena of course 😆
9. How would they hold up in a pillow war?
10. What’s their sleeping position?
Also I’m totally not imagining a Jerena pillow fight 👀
I knew it’d be Jerena hahahah
9. How would they hold up in a pillow war?
Jamie goes easy on Serena at first because she’s so tiny, but Serena uses this to her advantage because being tiny allows her to do sneak attacks with her pillow. Once Jamie realizes she doesn’t have to go easy on Serena, they both get super competitive and maybe knock over a few things in the process. Serena is a lot stronger than Jamie had assumed so when she realizes Serena just might win, she breaks the rules and just picks her up. She expects Serena to squirm and try to break free but, instead it leads to Serena kissing her and Jamie carrying her to the bedroom and then...
10. What’s their sleeping position?
Their usual sleeping position is Jamie as the big spoon and Serena as the little spoon, but one night Jamie, Serena, and little Ollie are watching a horror movie in the living room. Although neither of them like to admit it, Jamie and Ollie are a little scared and sit close to Serena who is completely unphased. They both fall asleep on the couch before the movie ends mainly because they don’t want to pay attention to the movie. Jamie’s resting her head on one of Serena’s shoulders and Ollie on the other.
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