#jereau children
Do You Hear Me?
The second part of 'How You Say It' was posted on the 3rd last year, but I missed it's fic-aversary, and since the 3rd part came out tomorrow last year, I'm posting the 2nd today. Anyway. The story continues with a friendly game of flag football! The team and kids coerce Penelope into playing too, but will Luke be able to clue Penelope in on his feelings for her?  WC: 2,319 of fluffy bonding Ao3
Emily, Luke, and Will were huddled with the kids on the north end of the field, to the south the other team was made up of the remaining parents, along with Spencer and Tara.
Emily cupped her hands, calling out to the team of adults, “We hardly think it’s fair that eight of you are against ten of us!”
Derek, grinning, shouted back from the other side, "What? Trying to draft more players, Princess?"
Distracted, Luke couldn’t stop thinking about what Will had said earlier, "sometimes we say things with words, other times with a look, people say things different…” How did Penelope say things? She said it with gifts, like the sweater and cookies for Roxie, with food, like the treats she greats them with without fail every time they make it home. She says it with exactly what a person needs, she says things with thought and care. Did she know what he needed was her? If she did would she be willing to give it? To give them a chance? And how did he say things? Will was right, he’d never been much of a talker, he was much more of a listener, he was a comforter, secure in his roll as protector and lover, he said things with looks and with touch. If he wanted to be heard, he was going to have to be more forthright.
Luke glanced to the side lines, yelling over, “Nah, we’re gonna kick your butts either way, but it looks like we’re missing someone...”
Following his line of sight, Tara responded impatiently, “We’ve already been over this, Rossi and Krystall are ref-ing, Alvez, use your big, dorky ears and listen.”
“Nice, but I’m talking about Garcia.” he laughed.
Attention suddenly on her, she slowly sunk low into the chair from her place on the patio, pulling the wide brim of her black sunhat down, willing herself invisible. "Come on Chica, everyone else is playing! You can’t lounge in that chair all day.“ How could he tell her anything if she wasn’t near him?
"Yeah! You chose this activity, if anything, I should be the one to sit out…” Reid crossed his arms and pouted.
“Not a chance Pretty Boy, we saw what you could do at the softball game, show us what you got here!”
Penelope sat up a little more, shouting over to her team and their spouses, "I am hardly dressed appropriately!”
JJ, who definitely wanted to see where this was going given Penelope’s reaction to Hank’s question earlier, was not having any of it and yelled back “You’re wearing capri leggings, Garcia! For once, you’re dressed very appropriately! Just play barefoot.”
Luke leaned down whispering to Hank at the same time Will started talking to Henry.
The boys turned with wide grins. "Come on Auntie! Come play with me!” “Yeah Penelope! Come play with us!”
Suddenly the large brood of sweet, sweet babies had turned on her, chanting and calling for her, at which point, all of the adults join in as well, pressuring her to play. A audial mob of “Come on, Penelope!”, "Garcia!”, “It’ll be fun”, “...promise not to mess up that pretty hair”, and “Just for a little bit!” bombarded her, pushing her into reluctant submission.
She glared across the yard, singling out the one face that had started all of this. Trying to be heard over the noise she yelled to him, “No fair using my nephew and godson against me, Alvez!”
He smiled wide and open and full, he’d gained her attention. “Payback, Chica. Now get out here.”
Derek looked from Luke to Penelope. He may not be a profiler anymore, but his ability to read people wasn’t stripped once he quit. He could see Luke’s goal a mile away, wanting that happiness for Penelope, he decided to help push things along. What better way, he thought, than a little friendly rivalry and well placed jealousy…and he could test Luke just a little bit. “Come on, Hot Stuff, you’re with me.” he purred holding out a hand, and beckoned her to join him.
Penelope huffed toeing off her heels and stalked towards the field. “I do not run! I am not a runner!”
He responded in his warm, deep voice,“Oh, Sweetness, I remember. You don’t run for anything.” Penelope teased back, swiping at his arm,”I always run for you, Sugar.” then extending her arm, "Here, help me with my belt?”
Luke watched the pair, Penelope all smiles and giggles, Derek smoldering and winking and wrapping his arms around her to fasten the flags...And for the first time, Luke felt a bitter pang of jealousy seeing her laugh and touch him back. It wasn’t directed at Morgan, not really, he knew what their relationship was, it wasn’t the first time he’d seen them together. No, it was the fact that she would never do that with him. But, then that’s the exact thing he was working on fixing. Getting her to hear him required breaking through that armor...
“Alright, that settled? Then let’s get this game started!” called Rossi.
For all the rule violations, you’d think none of them had ever played flag football, the referees were of no help either, with one wooing the other through song and sweet nothings. JJ ran down the field only to be tackled to the ground by Emily, belt torn off as she fell. Matt’s preferred move was to simply scoop up whatever child had the ball and run with them tucked under his arm as if they were the ball, tickling them until they dropped it behind the goal line. Derek, getting sucked in to the game, tried his best to keep things on track, coaching the team in next moves and directing plays that never worked out, while Spencer tried to block Chloe from passing the ball to Jake or Henry. Tara was fast, keeping up with changing hands, spitting trash talk to the adults on the other team, and giving playful mean looks to approaching children. Luke was all encompassed with getting close to Penelope and Penelope was oblivious as he chased her up and down the field.
He’d caught her in his line of sight, zoning-in he raced forward, the toe of his shoe digging into grass, he lunged. Penelope swung her hips and twirled, flags fluttering against her movements, darting just out of reach, squealing. Luke falling, pitching forward, recovering, chasing again. Penelope quickly found that what she lacked in speed, she made up for in grace and agility, forever just out of reach. “Ha! You call yourself a profiler? Profile this-“ Quickly answered back by, “Oh, I’ll get you, Chica, there is no doubt in my mind.”
You didn’t need training to see what was going on, his single-minded determination was apparent to everyone on the field. Like a dog with a bone, he chased her relentlessly. With or without the ball, Luke stayed on Penelope.
“You think we should say something?” Savannah, standing at the far end turned, asking Spencer.
“Nah, we tend let them think we don’t know, makes things easier.” replied Spencer.
“And we’ve all got our “dawning” moment picked out and want to see who’s right.” added Tara.
Savannah nodded as the pair came rushing back towards her, Emily and children close behind.
A final vault and Luke flew through the air, tackling Penelope to the ground in a protective roll inches from the goal line. He came down hard on his elbows, hands tucked behind her head and neck. Heat flared up from his stomach staring down at her shocked face so close to his. Penelope, held her breath, stunned at being tackled to the ground, at having Luke Alvez on top of her. His eyes caught hers and held them, she could feel him hovering just above her, holding himself ridged, the fine layer of atoms separating them pressing against each other, buzzing between them filling her with electricity. And that felt…oooh...that felt lovely, and scary, and too real. He breathed hard, his voice a whisper, low and quiet, slow and impossibly close, “Got ya, Chica...” he trailed off as a hand snaked its way from under her head down her side, brushing her waist and tugging, flag belt falling loose to the ground below, his eyes never straying. The touch was light and his gaze so heavy she closed her eyes, goosebumps flaring in his wake. She was vaguely aware of everyone else around them, of needing to pull out of this space that had formed. She blinked, snapping back to, her hands pushing up, “Ugh, Newbie! Get off me!” came hurtling into his face. It was sudden and harsh, shattering the moment. He almost thought he’d imagined what had transpired until he caught the quick quirk of her mouth, a sly smirk igniting a grin of his own.
*floof* There went part of the armor.
"They have got to be some of the most oblivious…”
“For a profiler, I’m kind of disappointed in Luke… But, well, we try not to profile each other, at least not when talking to one another. This, this though, this is so obvious it's fair game."
They all lay collapsed on the grass, last flag having been pulled, last touch-down made, laughing and catching their breath. One by one, kids began to squirm and mill around, breaking off to once again play with bubbles, inspect bugs, and do cartwheels.
"Remind me again how you all convinced us to play a tackling game with agents…” panted an exhausted Kristy.
"Actually, according to the official rules, Flag Football is a contact-free sport. Liberties were clearly taken.” Reid supplied helpfully dusting off his pants.
JJ rolled onto her stomach, Will draping an arm across the middle of her back "Seriously, Emily, it’s a game.”
Emily rolled her eyes, "That’s a loser's attitude, JJ, and I won’t have losers on my team, so it’s a good thing I happen to be on the winning team.” she gloated.
"I just can’t believe you chose this, Garcia.” Matt was crawling awkwardly over to his wife, the last of their children having run off to play. “I would think it was a little rough and tumble for you.”
"Penelope likes things a little rough sometimes…”
There was no mistaking who's voice that was. Everyone got quiet, JJ and Emily trading looks with Spenser and Tara. Did he really just say that out loud? In front of everyone? Savannah choked down a laugh and elbowed Derek.
Penelope's mouth dropped open, tongue catching up seconds later. “You wouldn’t know.” she scoffed haughtily.
Rossi, who was sitting on the steps just next to the grass called over "If I had known what it would do to my lawn I wouldn’t have let her. The seed was imported!"
She ducked her head, chancing a glance at Luke sitting up cross-legged tossing the ball shallowly to himself, a stupid satisfied grin plastered across his face. "I honestly thought I’d get away with just watching all you fine physically fit people running around.” her look then settling back on Matt, “And it seemed like it would be fun for the kids.” she finished with a bright smile.
"Indeed, fun for the kids, not so fun for my gardener or wallet.” muttered Rossi surveying the freshly torn turf and gaping dirt pits.
“Sir, I am so sorry! If I had known Alvez was so heavy footed I would have banned him from the game!” Teasing him, not unlike how she would at work, giving him shit, but here the difference was the earlier situation and mixed company. Savannah’s voiced suspicions had almost thrust Penelope out into the light and there was no way she could continue working with him if he knew, if everyone knew, it would just be awkward. Even if he had the same feelings they couldn’t act on them…but she didn’t have feelings for him. No, he just had a pretty face. And perfectly sculpted abs…and hard biceps that she secretly enjoyed watching more than Matt’s, imagining them holding her and ripping her close, his mouth pressing against hers…like a romance cover. No. It was just his pretty face.
Luke stopped mid-ball toss looking over and raised an eyebrow smirking, “If I had known messing up Rossi’s yard would get me sidelined with you, Chica, I would have brought a tractor.” She glowered at him and looked away.
"So…uh.. about dessert...?” Spencer chimed in.
After a few minutes more enjoying the soft squish of Rossi’s admittedly amazing grass, the group slowly began to disperse, parents calling children back, child-less agents shuffling towards the brick patio. “I’ll start the espresso and coffee.” Rossi said, disappearing into the house. Luke walked over, bending low in front of her, offering a hand to Penelope who was brushing strands of vibrant green off her leggings. They were alone, everyone else having already gone. She looked up at him, his shy friendly smile, eyes glittering. She looked to his hand, a small smile instantly appearing at the offer it presented, and took it, slipping her palm against his, fingertips brushing his wrist.
*floof* There it went again...
Luke pulled her up gently, allowing her body to follow his hold. When she was up, his other hand wrapped around her shoulder pulling her in close, his tongue darted out moistening his lips, leaning down next to her ear he murmured, chest rumbling, "Nice playing with you, Chica, but I think we should stop the game…” She felt his lips skim her cheek as he righted himself. Then he let go, turned, and walked away. Message, he felt, delivered. Penelope stood breathless and immobilized, ears burning, cheeks hot, watching his retreating form. The thoughts, what the fuck was that? and we should always play flag football colliding in her head, derailing all other functions.
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Hotch, interviewing Rossi for the job: So I know you work with us before so–
Penelope, in the bullpen: Derek get off the table your going to fall!
Derek, tripping and falling into his desk: ow
Emily: *laughing maniacally*
Rossi: Is he okay?
Hotch, unfazed: Yes. So anyways I know you have the qualifications and we would be happy to–
Spencer: The coffee machine isn’t working! Fix it or I’ll die.
Hotch: I’ll get it later! Anyways you would be an amazing addition to the team and we’d love to have you–
JJ, screaming: Spencer how is your coffee on fire?
Spencer, still drinking it: I don’t know *sip*
Hotch: Please, excuse me. *grabs fire extinguisher and put out his coffee* Can you guys not behave like children for five minutes? *fix’s the coffee machine* I’m in the middle of working and I have to come out to fix your problems. *Puts a bandaid on Dereks bleeding head and gives it a kiss* You would all be dead without me.
Hotch, back in his office: Sorry about that, like I was saying you would be a great addition to the team and we’d love to have you back.
Rossi, ready for the chaos: Where do I sign up?
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word-scribbless · 4 years
Smile Again Part 1
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Note: This is part one of my new Hotch series!!!! There is a whole lot of just back story in this one and setting the scene! More cuteness to come! A lot of slow burn fluff and some hurt comfort not really full blown angst!
X female reader
Summary: JJ’s cousin Y/N has been through a lot in her 37 years of life. She’s moved to Virginia to start to move on with her life,until meeting Aaron Hotchner throws a wrench in her plans in the best way.
Masterlist ——— Series masterlist
Y/N Y/L/N had just moved to Virginia to be closer to her best friend and cousin, Jennifer Jareau. If she were being honest this isn't how she'd imagined her life at 37 would be when she was younger. If you asked her then she'd have told you that she saw herself married with kid number 2 or 3 on the way, not a widow running from her past. Life has its own ideas for the way our lives will go though doesn't it. Y/N had a few things on her side however, she had her dream job as a translator for a publishing company where she worked remotely. She also had a loving, if not overbearing family to lean on, and lean she did. For the past three years Y/N was living and helping out on her parent's farm in Pennsylvania. She recently decided it was time to move to be closer to JJ, and the publishing company she worked for. She loved all the help and support her family gave her but she also needed to start over fresh and she knew that meant moving on physically as well. It wouldn't hurt to also get away from her family treating her like glass and closer to her cousin that, while just as overbearing at times, knew she was capable of more than grieving the death of her husband, and her hopes for the future.
She knew after the first week of living in Virginia near JJ that she made the right move, she finally started to feel like a human again. Y/N loved living in an apartment not far from her favorite cousin and her family. She especially loved that she now got to watch and hang out with her favorite little kids, Henry and Micheal, whenever JJ and Will both had to work. That morning Y/N was woken up at 4:30 in the morning to the ring tone she saved for JJ, Spice World, at top volume.
"Ugh, I never thought I'd say this but it's too early for spice girls." she grunted as she picked up the phone.
JJ chuckled and said "Sorry my dear. Wil is away for training and we just got a case that they need me on do you think..."
"I'm on my way" Y/N cut her off "I'll stop for coffee and bagels"
"You're my favorite person," she says.
Y/N rushed to get ready and grab her go bag. She learned quickly to keep one after she moved to Virginia and picked up more munchkin sitting duties, as she calls them. She headed to JJ’s favorite coffee shop, which was quickly becoming hers too. She arrived at the Jereau-Lemontague house quickly and was getting settled in on the couch when she heard JJ’s phone ring.
“Jayje, a handsome man named Hotch is calling” she whisper-yelled into the kitchen looking at the photo icon of Hotch on her cousin’s screen.
“That’d be my boss, He’s single by the way” she winked as she took the phone.
“Shut up” Y/N replied with an eye roll.
“Hey Hotch” JJ answered.
Y/N could make out most of the conversation from where she was perched drinking her coffee. She could tell that JJ’s boss was telling her that he was running behind because someone named Jessica had an emergency and couldn’t watch Jack. She assumed Jack was his Son as she heard JJ respond that Will was away too so he couldn’t watch him.
“Psst” Y/N called trying to get JJ’s attention without being rude. “Jack is Henry’s best friend right?”
JJ nodded.
“Tell him to bring him over, I’ll watch him. The more the merrier right?”
“Hang on Hotch” JJ said, turning to Y/N “you’re sure? He’s a great kid, you'll love him, but that’s a whole other human.”
“I’m sure! Tell him” she gestured to the phone.
“Hey Hotch. My cousin,Y/N, is watching the boys. She's amazing with them and she says Jack is welcome to join the party.” After a bit of convincing Hotch agreed with many ‘thank you’s. Before she knew it the very handsome man (who was even more handsome than his picture) showed up at the door with a very sleepy little boy in his arms.
“Hi I’m Y/N, JJ is just grabbing her bags, I’ll show you to Henry’s room.” she smiled.
Hotch got jack settled on the un-used bunk of Henry’s bunk beds and kissed him on the head. Y/N led him out of the room and turned to him.
“I know you don’t have much time but do you have anything specific you need to tell me?” She said handing him a note with her full name and phone number on it.
“Thanks. He’s pretty easy going but I wrote down some basics that I usually give to baby sitters. JJ trusts you though, so I do too.”
“Thank you. Call whenever you want okay? Be safe, and keep my Jayjee safe too.” She smiled.
“Always” he nodded.
Hotch and JJ decided to carpool to Quantico for the briefing.
“Y/N seems nice.” Hotch says as he drives, face serious as usual but JJ can see the softness. She knew Y/N and Hotch would get along. They had more in commen than most people knew, but unfortunately that included a big lose and both Being very closed off to new relationships. However she had hope.
“Yeah, she’s my very best friend. She’s amazing with kids too so Jack is in very good hands.” She smiled.
“I can tell” he replied.
“I’ve missed her, she was back in PA for the last few years but before that she lived in Maryland so it wasn’t too bad of a drive. Still this is way better."
“Does she work with children for a living?” he asked, trying to seem his normal nonchalant self, but not truly caring because he knew JJ saw straight through him anyway.
“No she is a translator for a publishing company. She translates books to and from other languages. She studied linguistics and Languages in college and has her PHD. She’s basically the whole package!" She said with a wink, causing Hotch to chuckle.
“Why so many questions? You interested boss?” she asked jokingly.
“wh-, I-, she’s watching my kid, I was just...” Hotch stumbled in a way he prided himself on not doing often.
“It’s okay, I think she’s interested too.” She said quietly.
“She had the look after you talked” she laughed at Hotch’s confused face.” It’s a look I’ve only seen a few times but it means she’s interested so do what you will with that just be careful with her. She’s been through a lot.”
“JJ” Hotch warned firmly.
“I know I know, I’m dropping it!” she said and stuck to her word, changing the conversation to their kids and their adorable antics.
Throughout the case JJ and Hotch each called Y/N every night to check on their little ones. JJ made sure to check on Y/N too while Hotch usually kept their chats short but couldn't deny he enjoyed talking to her. She found herself looking forward to his call each night, she knew it was stupid but she let herself enjoy the butterflies a little bit anyway.
She had also been enjoying her time with not only 'her boys' but also Jack. Jack is a sweet kid and she loved talking to him about school, and soccer, and his family. One night before bed, after Michael and Henry fell asleep, Jack asked Y/N if she had any favorite stories.
“Of course I do, my mom used to tell me a story about fairies every night before bed.” Y/N replied.
“My Daddy says that my Momma used to sing me special songs before bed.” Jack said with a sad smile. “Daddy sings them sometimes but they make him a little sad, I wish he had someone to make him happy.”
“He has you sweet boy” Y/N cooed and kissed his head.
“I know but I mean besides me” Jack said.
“You don’t have to worry Jack, because I like to think that no matter how much someone hurts, there is always someone else out there that will make them smile again.” She assured him and smiled as he cocked his head to look up at her. “I lost someone who made me smile too, but I still find new people who make my life happy. My cousin and her family, you…” she smiled
“My daddy?” Jack asked.
She smiled and said, "Yeah your Daddy too, I don’t know him very well but he has to be great to have a kid like you!” she chuckled.
“He’s the best.” He said as he snuggled into her side, “You lost some one you love, like how daddy and I lost my momma?”
“I did” she nodded. "His name was Connor, he made me very happy but I know he looks over me and keeps me safe. Just like your Momma does for you and your Daddy.”
Jack looked up at her and smiled as he started to tell Y/N all about what he remembers about Hailey and how he feels. Y/N snuggled up close to him, listening and adding in here in there until he falls sound asleep.
She knew that when Aaron and JJ come back she’ll have to talk to him about this but for now she’s just happy that that that sweet little boy feels comfortable enough to open up to her. Their conversation however had her begin to think about Connor, and the day her whole life got turned upside-down. Hearing Jack talk all about his mom made her almost want to open up about her own feelings about her late husband after all this time, but for now she’s just curl up with some tea and JJ’s Netflix account.
Thank you to @winterscaptain for the encouragement and help.
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theneedforreid · 4 years
Seeing Jennifer Jereau with children makes me want to go full domestic.
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saberdeity · 4 years
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Thank you so much for supporting my account and for trusting me with your request! I really hope you like it and I do it justice! 
you can request anything you like as long as it follows these guidelines:)
I have every write to refuse a request if I don’t like it or it doesn’t follow the guidelines I have set 
You can send a request either through an ask or private message me if you feel uncomfortable sending an ask! 
𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬:
* I do write smut (not very well) but I try and I just ask that none of the following is requested; nothing to do with children (breeding kink is okay), nothing about rape or incest, nothing involving animals, anything about body fluids (cum is fine)*
I have a right to refuse a request if I feel that I don’t/ can’t write it
𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬: 
*Tell me the characters name, a brief description of your request, pronouns you would like me to use, appearance description (Optional). Requests may take a little time but I will try to get them posted asap. 
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫:
⤷ Steve Rogers 
⤷ Bucky Barnes 
⤷ Thor Odinson 
⤷ Tony Stark 
⤷ Loki Laufeyson
⤷ Natasha Romanoff 
⤷ Wanda Maximoff 
⤷ Pietro Maximoff 
⤷ Stephen Strange 
⤷ Clint Barton 
𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫:
⤷ Aaron Hotchner 
⤷ Spencer Reid 
⤷ Derek Morgan 
⤷ Matt Simmons 
⤷ Emily Prentiss 
⤷ Jennifer Jereau 
⤷ Penelope Garcia 
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫: 
⤷ Anakin Skywalker 
⤷ Obi-Wan Kenobi 
⤷ Captain Rex 
⤷ Commander Cody 
⤷ Commander Wolffe 
⤷ Captain Gregor 
⤷ ARC Trooper Fives 
⤷ ARC Trooper Echo
⤷ Hunter 
⤷ Tec 
⤷ Wrecker 
⤷ Crosshair 
I also now write for Chris Evans, Andy Barber and Sebastian Stan :))
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Unloved // Jennifer Jereau
A/N — I’m super happy! This is my first request, ugh this is so exciting. Thank you Anon! Let me know what you think of it x
- Blue x
Requested: EEEP yes my first one!
Warnings: maybe a slight bit of angst? Feelings of being unloved too
— JJ’s POV —
Having three kids was never easy, I mean having Will around helped but it still never made it super easy.
They were my world though. All three. A teenage girl, a loving husband, and two small boys that made my heart melt with happiness without even trying. Just seeing them all in the mornings or after a case made goosebumps raise on my skin.
Being a teenager wasn’t easy either, and to see that all happening was always so heartbreaking.
To watch her struggle with school, see her anxious about things, to have to sit back and let her do what she wanted because she wouldn’t let us help. It hurt, but it was the best I could do.
“Boys! Come on, school tomorrow, bed time.” I say, standing up from the couch and looking at the time displayed on the TV.
8:32 PM.
“But mum, just a little longer.” Micheal pleads, looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes, the exact same ones as he threw at me every night before bed.
“No, come on. You’ll be tired in the morning.” I fight, walking behind them with a gentle hand on their backs, ushering them into their bedroom of our house.
“Mum, can I talk to you a second? I need help on my homework.” She shouts from her room, where she had been sat all night, not crawling out of the cave long enough to sit down and have a conversation.
“One second, babe, putting these two to bed and I’ll be in.” I shout back, tucking the Henry and Micheal in, kissing both their foreheads lightly and heading back out of the room.
Being a teenager seemed to consist of sitting in your bedroom, not moving all night and talking to your friends. It included getting some homework done, watching TV and YouTube videos until late at night, wishing you were the popular kid at school.
“Hey, hun, you still need help?” I ask her, voice gentle.
“Yeah, can you h-“ She begins, before Henry runs in and starts clambering all over my tall frame, distracting me from her question.
“Muuuuum I can’t sleep!” He shouts, voice loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Go back to bed, I’m trying to help your sister. You’ll get to sleep soon, I’ll be in in a second. Go try and sleep baby, ok?” I say, turning him around as he runs back out of the room, laughing his way down the hall.
“Ok, I’m sorry. What was it?” I ask, looking at the sheet of paper before us and tucking one of my blonde strands behind my ear.
“You know it doesn’t matter, it’s ok I’ll just ask my teacher tomorrow.” She says, picking up some of her sheets and placing them back down on the floor.
“Hey, no it’s ok. What’s up? You don’t normally give up that easy.” I say, my brows furrowing on concern.
I knew she was the girl that tried her best at everything. She always gave things her best go, even if that resulted in having to ask for help. She never gave up, she was quiet but knew when to ask - never mind leaving her question before getting an answer. I knew this was weird for her, dismissing everything. That’s how I knew something was bothering her, that something in the back of her mind was telling her differently than I wanted.
“Oh, it’s nothing honestly mum I’m fine.” She replies, eyes not meeting for contact with mine.
“Hey, come on tell me. I’m your mum, I know when something’s up. That’s my job.” I say, interlacing our fingers as she looks at me with sadness in her kind eyes.
“I don’t know, I-I just feel like sometimes you’re more bothered about Henry and Michael than me, y’know? You always make sure they’re happy, they’re in bed and ok. But when I ask for your advice or your help, it kinda gets thrown off really quick because they need attention.” She says, a sigh leaving her mouth as she looks down to her crossed legs, cheeks flushed.
Then, I see it.
I see that she’s telling the truth. The boys get more attention, they get shown more love than I show her and that’s unfair.
I love them all equally, they’re all my children, after all.
“That’s not true. All of you mean the world to me, I would die before letting anything happen to you. I love you, but sometimes the fact that the boys are so small gets in the way. I’m so sorry, I haven’t shown you enough love and attention as I should be doing, and that’s my fault. How about, this week sometime we go on a girly day trip, huh?” I smile, lifting her chin up with my nimble fingers gently.
“What about the boys?” She asks me, darkness lifting from her being as each minute passes.
“Your dad can look after them, Will is there dad he knows how to do that. We need a day, just me and you.” I say, seeing a smile break through.
“Yeah, yeah ok that sounds good.” She grins.
“See, that’s what I wanna see, that amazing smile I know.” I tell her, getting up, kissing her forehead gently and walking out of the room.
“I love you.” She shouts, her voice carrying through the hall and into my heart, being stored there with everything else.
“I love you too, babe.”
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graygublerreid · 7 years
Feeling like a clown
Prompt: the reader is nonbinary and Spencer comforts her when she is overwhelmed because of people’s meanness.
@paradiselover-18 @overcastmisfitkid
Hotchner, Jennifer and you were going to the crime scene where the officer of the city was waiting for you. In fact, when you arrived he was asking where the BAU was.
“We’re right here Chief Wilson.” Jennifer said shaking the man’s hand “I am Agent Jereau, he is Chief Hotchner and they are Agent (y/l/n).”
He looked at you confused. That’s how people always reacted at the way your team referred to you. You were more comfortable with it, but it seemed that people were not.
Wilson must have called his colleagues, because when you arrived at the police station to meet the rest of your team, everyone were snickering at you. Like you were a clown. But you were just (y/n).
All day was like this. Laughs and strange looks were referred to you and at the end, you had to leave that place.
“Hotch? I know the day is still not finished, but can I go to the hotel? You know, I… tired.”
Hotch knew what you were tired off, but he didn’t want to force you to talk so he told you it was ok of you leaving.
You really couldn’t understand why people had to act in that way. You tried to answer that question staring at the stars looking out of your hotel window. You were so into your thoughts that when someone knocked at your door you got scared.
Spencer was standing in front of your door, wearing his pyjama and a book on his hand.
“Can I come in?”
Of course he could. He was the one who could understand you more than everyone else and of course he knew why you left work early.
You two sat on the edge of the bed, your legs were touching as your arms were. You were grate he came.
“You know, we talked to the policemen when you left.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hotch told them to stop to act like children and Morgan almost did threat to beat them.”
You chuckled at Derek’s protectiveness.
“And what did you say?”
He was smiling while saying that.
“I said that you are the most wonderful person who can ever exist and you don’t deserve to be treated like this. I also said that I know how to use a gun.”
At his words you laughed more. He always know how to make you forget about your unhappiness.
“I am serious (y/n). You are wonderful, no matter what. And I am glad to have you in my life.”
You smiled because there was no reply to his sweet words. You were glad too to have someone like Spencer in your life.
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