#jer was under pressure pressure
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wanderingelvis · 2 years ago
i was wondering (and totally lmk if i’m like spamming you i totally don’t mean to) if you could write a fic where elvis meets an innocent reader on the set of a movie.(the reader is an extra) and elvis begins to notice the readers little space habits and suspects it. one day, after overhearing some of the other male cast members make rude remarks about the reader and elvis decides it’s time to take the reader home where he can protect them. elvis calls the reader over to his trailer and starts to make the reader drop, so that he can take the reader home and be their daddy.
i loved this request sm that it’s gonna be a two-parter!! so here’s part 1! ✨
🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻
Word count: 3,101
Pairings: 70s CG!Elvis and Little F!Reader
Warnings: little space lifestyle, manipulation
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It was your first proper job. The one that you were proud of, that your parents would tell their friends about and it was a lot of pressure.
You were the newest person to Elvis’ little performing circle and Elvis always made a point to get to know his band and performers - how else could he put on a successful performance if not everyone was on the same page and trusting each other?
After spending time alone with you and in a group setting, Elvis had his suspicions about you. You had all the qualities of someone with a little personality - docile, submissive, wide-eyed, easily overwhelmed and eager to please. Now, Elvis knew that this meant that you could just be sweet and innocent, adjusting to the chaos of his world, but Elvis figured that even if you were just that, the little lifestyle would certainly help you cope in dealing with all of it.
The first time Elvis really suspected anything was during a break in recording, when a stuffed animal fell out of your locker in front of everyone. You furiously tried to stuff it back in, hoping that no-one had seen, but you'd caught Elvis', Jerry and Sonny's eyes as well as a few others. Your cheeks heated a violent shade a pink, as you tried to sort yourself out, getting increasingly flustered and overwhelmed. As Elvis observed you from afar, he knew you couldn't look after yourself properly, someone was going to have to do it for you.
From then on, Elvis had quietly instructed Jerry to have someone watch over you, making sure you were okay and reporting back to Elvis.
Elvis had been told by Charlie that he’d spotted you in the park by the studios colouring pretty pictures under a tree, whilst Red had informed Elvis that you stopped past every stray cat in the lot, crouching down to speak to it, feed it if you could and stroke it.
Elvis knew you were a little angel sent straight from heaven and he knew he had to have you. Elvis devised a somewhat sinister little ploy to get him in your good graces, for you to see him in a caregiver light from your first proper encounter.
The fame and power that came with Elvis meant that all he needed to do was slip the security a $100 dollar bill and in exchange, he and his small entourage were given the keys to every locker. He only really trusted Jerry with this operation as he made Jerry break into your locker and retrieve your teddy bear from your locker and bring it to Elvis. Now, Elvis knew that his actions were going to cause you distress, but he figured that in the grand scheme of things, you’d be better off for it - that’s how Elvis liked to justify many of his less-than-moral escapades.
“Thanks, Jer.” Elvis said, grabbing the plush, brown teddy bear with a pink bow tie from Jerry who remained slightly confused at Elvis’ intentions.
“Now what, EP?” Jerry asked, curiously.
“Now, I’ll give it back to her when the timing is just right.” Elvis said, leaving Jerry just as bewildered. Jerry figured it was better to just let Elvis do whatever it was that he needed to do rather than question it. There was a method to his madness, Jerry tried to tell himself.
When you realised that your beloved and treasured teddy bear, Binky, was missing, it felt like your whole world had fallen apart - or at least the secure feeling of it that your teddy bear gave you.
You tried real hard not to let the sheer panic and distress seem obvious as you stood at your open locker, quietly hyperventilating that your most trusted teddy was gone. She was a reminder of home, that helped steady you when things where getting all a bit much for little, sweet you.
You began to pace the locker room, thinking maybe she’d fallen out of your bag somewhere and been misplaced but the panic inside of your tummy was growing as your started to realise she was nowhere to be seen.
You see, Elvis was watching you from a tall window above the entry locker room, from the top of a stairwell as your distress confirmed to him that you were indeed a little, even if you didn’t know it yet.
You tried to keep your composure as you went into rehearsals with Elvis and the rest of the crew. It was safe to say you were feeling very wobbly and nervous, your lost teddy bear playing persistently on your mind. You were worried you’d dropped her in a puddle or left her on the bus on the way to the studio, what if she was scared? You could’ve sworn that you’d put Binky in your locker along with your bag, but you knew your memory wasn’t the best and now you were just so confused, right before you had to go and record.
Sheepishly, you wandered into the studio where a couple of people were already set up and chatting. You walked over to your stool and microphone, sitting down and patiently and quietly waiting for Elvis and everyone else to appear.
You were trying to remain calm, you knew you needed to be a big girl right now, not crying over some silly bear, you just couldn’t help the anxious feeling that was creeping its way into your body.
When Elvis appeared he went around the small room greeting everyone, making sure they all felt comfortable and good - and that’s when he landed on you.
“Ready to record, Y/N?” Elvis asked in a surprisingly softer tone, a little more hushed than usual.
You offered a small smile and nod, your quiet demeanour making Elvis raise his eyebrow at you, even if he knew why you were quiet.
“Everythin’ alright honey?” Elvis asked gently.
“Just tired.” You mumbled albeit remaining very polite. Elvis nodded and continued on.
The recording was going well until your microphone fell from its stand as you tried to adjust it, causing a loud bang in the isolated room. You apologised skittishly, and you thought everything was going okay until you screwed up your lines, your brain just going fuzzy.
Feeling a little worked up, you apologised again, especially to Elvis, who just sent you a nod of acknowledgment before continuing.
When the horrendous session was finally through, you quietly began to gather your bearings and sort your equipment when you realised someone much taller had approached you.
“Y/N? Elvis would like to see you right away in his trailer.” A man, who you believed to be called Jerry, told you. You gulped, realising you were likely in for a big telling off after ruining several takes with your clumsy and distracted self.
You followed Jerry compliantly, you wouldn’t ever disobey any command, you didn’t trust yourself to know better and you wouldn’t dare go against anyone. Jerry led you to Elvis trailer, doing an odd pattern of knocking, probably so that Elvis knew it was him. Jerry nodded at you and opened the door, before walking off to tend some other business.
You tentatively wandered into the trailer that you’d never been in before. You liked it a lot, velvet reds, an oddly comforting scent of cigar smoke, designs for performance outfits pinned on a wall and even a few pistols laid out on a counter.
“Y/N?” Elvis said cooly, snapping you out of your observations, you noticed you’d begun nibbling your finger whilst looking around - a childish habit that for some reason, you couldn’t get out of.
You just smiled sweetly, unsure what Elvis wanted but fearing you’d let him down during the recordings.
“Do you know why I called you here Y/N?” Elvis asked gently, relaxing on the couch as you stayed fixed in your spot, not daring to move unless told to.
The size difference between you was immense, you felt utterly dwarfed by his presence. He wasn’t even the tallest guy on the lot, despite being very tall, yet he seemed to tower over just about everyone.
You panicked a little at the question, fiddling with you fingers. “M’in trouble for messing up the recording?” You asked meekly, shy to even admit it.
“Not in trouble sweetheart,” Elvis assured gently. The pet name made your tummy do a little somersault - a sensation that was foreign to you but one that you quite liked. “Everyone’s got bad days, you didn’t seem yourself in there,” Elvis said observantly.
You were feeling wobbly. Now, you weren’t actually accustomed to the little space lifestyle so you didn’t really understand the feelings you often experienced, you couldn’t really articulate them in any way to yourself, let alone to somebody else. But you knew when you felt a little different, you felt, as you put it, wobbly. It was that feeling of anxiety, mixed with neediness and vulnerability.
You weren’t exactly sure what triggered feeling wobbly either. You knew that it could happen when you woke up in the morning, if something out of the ordinary happened in your routine, if you were scared or even if you were happy.
You blinked a little, worried about a potential onset of tears if you admitted to Elvis you’d lost Binky.
“I, um, I lost somethin’ just before the session, and, and,” You frowned a little, getting frustrated at yourself at tripping over your words. “I guess, it was just on my mind lots. M’sorry, it won’t happen again, I promise.” You said earnestly, your nerves and flustered state seeming obvious to Elvis, who patted the spot on the couch next to him.
“C’mere.” Elvis cooed and you complied without a second thought, making your way over and sitting down next to the big man. “Whatcha missin’ darlin’?” Elvis asked, despite knowing.
“My bea-“ You stopped yourself, feeling all hot and bothered at mentioning that you were so devoted to a soft toy, thinking how silly you’d look in front of Elvis. “No, it’s silly.” You mumbled.
“If it’s causin’ you this much upset little one, it ain’t silly.” Elvis soothed, the pet name doing a number on you again, giving you those strange wobbly feelings.
You’d always found Elvis attractive, even before you started working with him. However, there were little things that you really liked about him, such as when you were standing in line next to him in the canteen area, he’d always help serve your plate up, always insisting on more green vegetables to keep you healthy.
It was like he was a dominant albeit gentle and encouraging presence and you really were drawn to him, even if it was unprofessional.
“I have a teddy bear and I lost her and she’s really special to me and I don’t know where I put her a-and I thought, I thought,” You we’re starting to get worked up and panicky all over again, this time in front of someone so famous and powerful that it was making the situation worse. “I put her someplace safe but when I looked she was gone and she helps me and I don’t know what to,” You whimpered, your voice cracking as tears began to pool in your eyes.
You dared not look at Elvis, only imagining his face when he realised how weird you were. Yet all you felt was a large hand on your back, gently rubbing soothing circles which helped.
“Oh little one, I’m sorry.” Elvis cooed as you hiccuped adorably by his side, your feet not quite reaching the floor in comparison to his which were outstretched. “What does she look like hm?”
“Um, um, she, she’s got um, brown fur and she’s got a pink bow tie and it’s um, it’s real pretty,” You stammered, feeling so wobbly and small as tears began to trickle down your puffy cheeks.
“A pink bow tie?” Elvis asked with you nodding and sniffling in response. “Well, I did happen to notice a teddy bear out in the entrance to the lot earlier, a teddy bear with a pink bow tie in fact.” Elvis said and for the first time since you entered his room, you looked straight up at him.
“Really?” You sniffled, your eyes wide as you wiped them with your sleeve.
“Want to come with me and we can take a look and see if she’s yours?” Elvis said gently. You nodded yet again, feeling just a bit too wobbly to keep using words. “Okay sweet girl, let’s go.”
Elvis helped you up a little, taking your small hand in his large one as you went to another room. You realised that lots of trailers were interconnected from the inside and Elvis had so much space.
You were surprised at how sweet and kind Elvis was being. You’d expected him to find you odd, but he was being gentle and soft with you, as if he knew you were feeling a little unsure of yourself and in a wobbly state of mind.
When you turned a corner, you entered a room where lots of other men, who you realised later were Elvis’ Memphis Mafia, were all lounging on the couches, laughing and drinking. At the sudden surprise at the large crowd of loud men, you tried to hide behind Elvis a little, shuffling your body behind his whilst holding his hand a little extra tightly, which he couldn’t help but smirk at.
“Outta here, fellas.” It was just three words but they all quickly obliged Elvis’ request, leaving within a minute of the command. It made you realise the power and control Elvis held. “Sorry about them, honey.” Elvis said, offering you a smile.
He led you a draw, opening it and pulling out Binky, with you tearing up all over again at the mere sight of her.
“That’s her, that’s Binky.” You said, wiping your eyes again as you hiccuped. Relief washed over your small body as you wrapped your arms around Elvis, as far as they would go. “Thank you, thank you, you saved her!” You cried sweetly.
“Oh darlin’, look atchu, look at the state you’re in, all worked up, hm?” Elvis cooed, grabbing some tissues from a box on the table and kneeling down to gently dab it under your eyes and nose. You felt a little embarrassed at the way you were, but you couldn’t help it if you tried, you were just an overwhelmed little thing.
“M’sorry, I was just real worried and she, she’s real special t’me.” You said softly.
“I know she is, I know baby. Binky’s a pretty name, you give her that name sweet girl?” Elvis asked you, trying to make you feel better.
Elvis was secretly thrilled at how everything had turned out, you were even more vulnerable than he’d initially anticipated. He could tell that you were feeling little, you just didn’t know how to articulate it, just like a little one.
He wanted to protect you and take care of you so badly, here you were, right in front of him, a sweet, beautiful, docile, gentle, naive little thing and he just had to have you.
“Uh huh.” You said sweetly, “I had her all my life and she just makes me happy and helps me when I’m feelin’…” You trailed off a little, unsure of how to describe how you felt to Elvis.
“A bit confused hm?” Elvis said, finishing your sentence for you. You nodded, grateful that Elvis was able to think for you. “I bet she’s been helping you with your new job here?” Elvis asked.
“Jus’ get scary sometimes.” You admitted, almost whispering as Elvis continued to kneel in front of you.
Both you and Elvis realised you were feeling extremely ‘wobbly’ as you’d put it, as you started chewing on your fingertips anxiously.
“I know it can baby, you’re doin’ a real good job of it baby.” Elvis hushed.
“Really. How’s about I make you a lil’ promise honey?” Elvis suggested, gently taking your fingers from your mouth and holding them in his own hands. “How’s about, whenever you feel scared, or even a lil’ bit nervous or confused, you come knock on that door and you come find me? You can do whatever you like, you and Binky, you can even have a nap if you need to. How does that sound, little one?” Elvis said, pushing stray hairs behind your ear tenderly, making shivers go down your spine.
You nodded again, liking the idea very much. You had some friends in this place but you often found it all very overwhelming and stressful. Elvis had been nothing but a calm, authoritative presence and you craved more and more of him.
“Good girl.” Elvis praised.
And that’s how the next couple of months ensued. Elvis delighted in you seeking him out for comfort. At first, it was only a couple of times a week but eventually, you’d be in his dressing rooms practically every day.
Elvis had made it a safe haven for you, he’d even given you your own draw, where you’d keep Binky, knowing she was much better off there than in your locker. It also held a colouring book with lots of different paints and colouring pencils for you, which you enjoyed doing quietly between each rehearsal. Elvis has even put some of your favourite snacks in there for if you were ever feeling peckish.
It had everything and Elvis gave you everything. You felt so looked after and cared for that it was becoming difficult to not become totally dependent on Elvis. It was at the point where Elvis, or one of his men, would now pick you up from your little apartment and drop you back, even if that meant you staying far later than your finished time. But you didn’t mind, you loved the tranquil and safe space Elvis had made for you. You loved doing your pretty colours for Elvis whilst he worked on other projects throughout the day, as you eagerly awaited his return so that you could run up to him and show him all your pretty pictures.
Elvis was surprised at how quickly you seemed to slip into the routine he’d provided for you. You were everything he wanted and more - beautiful, gentle, kind, naive and little.
The only thing left to do was to officially introduce you to the little lifestyle, and Elvis couldn’t wait.
taglist: @eliseinmemphis @prompted-wordsmith @vintagegirl2005 @imaginationlast @presleyenterprise @librafilms @ccab @wolywolymoley @wwebaby657 @billhaderstan420 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @elvispresleywife @ellie-24 @hollbunn @sassanoe @gothicphantom @fallinlovewithurlove @astralheart21 @elvisbf @slimerspengler @octobers-snow @meetmeatyourworst @reddie-freddie @kxnnxy @lana-4life
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kiankiwi · 2 years ago
Oopsie Daisy:
Summary: You were pretty wobbly in your headspace today and you fall causing Jerry to have to take you to the ER. Cue a worried and piss Elvis
*Littles Are Known AU*
"Good job, lovie. Go go go!" You were in the headspace today that walking was hard for you so as you were happening to walk a little bit, granted it was wobbly and clumsy steps, Jerry was still trying to encourage you.
Jerry was babysitting you today as Elvis was at the studio for what the Colonel called an "emergency session". So Jerry was there to watch you and keep you company during the day while Elvis was out.
One minute Jerry was watching you stumbling around as you were practicing walking and the next second, he had just blinked and you were screaming and on the floor as he watched blood pool from your face
You had tripped over your own two feet and banged your face on the corner of Elvis's coffee table. "Oh, shit, shit, shit, baby, c'mere let Jer see." Jerry turned you over onto your back and saw a big gash on your chin where what seemed like buckets of blood was leaking from. "Shit, that's pretty deep lovie." Jerry grabbed you up, setting you on his hip and took to the kitchen, grabbing a dishtowel (the first thing he could see to grab) and pressing it to the gash in your chin as you continued to scream and cry. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry that happened." Jerry said as he pressed the dishtowel with some pressure to your face.
"DADDY! OWIE! WANT DADDY!" You screamed as you tried to grab the dishtowel off your face and throw it askew. "No, no, leave it there, bub. We gotta get your owie to stop bleeding." Jerry paced with you on his hip as he pressed the towel to your face and giving your hair kisses to try to soothe you.
Ten minutes later, it was still bleeding. "Shit," Jerry cursed under his breath. He only hoped you wouldn't repeat any of his expletives to your caregiver "Alright baby, I think it's time to go to the hospital baby, you need some stitches." You tried to fight Jerry away, wanting nothing but your daddy to make everything better. "No, no. Want daddy! Daddy make it better!" Jerry shushed you, hugging you closer not caring that your blood was getting all over both your clothes.
"I'll call daddy on the way, sweetheart. He'll meet us there okay? Now hold this on your face and don't take it off. Okay? Good job! Now let's get in the car." You whimpered, doing as you were told and making sure the towel didn't move on your face.
"What do you mean you're going to the hospital, Jer? What the hell happened?" Elvis was furious. He was having a shitty day to begin with because he felt bad that he had to leave you in headspace and now you and Jerry were headed to the hospital and he could hear you crying on the other end as Jerry explained you two were on the way to the ER.
"She was walking around the living room and you know she's wobbly today. So she tripped and banged her face on your coffee table and has a pretty big gash on her chin." Then Elvis could hear you whimpering and Jerry talking to you, "Oh I know, baby, it's okay." "Want Daddy!" You whimpered, screeching. You just wanted your daddy to fix everything with one of his infamous bear hugs. "I know sweetheart, I know. Talking to him now, okay?" Elvis had enough of this, he just wanted to get to you and comfort you. "Tell her I'm coming." Elvis slams the phone down and Scotty eyes him.
"Okay boss?" He shakes his head, grabbing his jacket and glasses. "No, Y/N is on the way to the ER!" Scotty's eyes widened. "Well is she okay?" Elvis groaned, angrily not wanting to sit around and explain. "She needs stitches. I need to go." Scotty nodded. "Go, I'll handle the Colonel. You just take care of your baby."
Not even twenty minutes later, you were cowering on the corner of the hospital bed as you watched the door for Elvis. Jerry was trying to comfort you and hold your hand but you wanted nobody but your daddy right now. "It'll be alright sweetheart. Daddy's on his way. He'll be here so soon."
And just then, Elvis burst into the room and looked for you, expecting you to be covered in blood. You burst into a new round of tears as you see your daddy's finally here and you can finally be comforted. "What happened darlin'?" Elvis asked as he sat beside you on the bed.
"I got an owie daddy. Jerry said I gotta get 'ditches'." Elvis and Jerry chuckled at your mispronunciation of the word. "Yeah I see you got an owie. Did you fall?" You nodded, still pressing the dishtowel, now gross with semi dried blood to your cut as you waited for a doctor to look at it. "Yeah, I falled." Elvis nodded, taking you into his lap. "Yeah, I'm sorry baby, you're being super brave though. I'm proud of you." You flashed Elvis a small smile squeaking out a small "tank'oo." Elvis wrapped his arms around you protectively as you sat in his lap, squeezing tight. Despite the circumstances and where you were, Elvis was just happy to have you in his arms again. He had missed you all day and now he had to watch you get stitches? He was not ready for that.
"Hi all, I'm doctor Ramsey and I hear someone needs stitches." You raise your hand a little bit, still holding the towel to your face. "Oh hello. Can I just take a look real quick?" You looked at your daddy for confirmation that it was okay. Elvis nodded. "It's okay baby, let them help you, okay?" Elvis helped you gently take the dishtowel off your face and you eyed the doctor nervously. You noticed as the crisp hospital air hit the fresh gash in your face. The doctor gently examined your bloodied face and tsk'd at you. "Yeah, that's gonna need some stitches sweetie. How'd this happen?" Elvis looked over to Jerry to explain.
"She's been practicing walking in her headspace in the living room and she tripped over her own feet and banged her face on the corner of the coffee table." "Ouch! I bet that hurt." You nodded, shrinking back against Elvis as you continued to get nervous.
The doctor turned her attention to Elvis as she removed her gloves and washed her hands. "Okay since the injury is to her face and since we also need her to not move during the stitches, I think it's best we give her a bit of anesthesia to make her sleepy. We usually use some lidocaine to numb the area but since it's to her face, I think it'd be better to let her have a little sleep instead of getting a needle to the face." Elvis nods. "That sounds like the better option. Will she scar?" Elvis asks, placing his chin on the top of your head. "Based on how big the wound is, I bet she'll only have a little scar." Elvis nodded. "Okay so I'm going to go get all my tools I need and we'll get to it." Elvis and Jerry nodded as she left the room.
Now it was time to explain everything to you. "Baby, Doctor Ramsey is going you some medicine that's going to make you super sleepy before we fix your cut okay? And then when you wake up, your chin will be all better, alright?" You didn't really understand but you nodded anyway. You were just glad your daddy was here.
A nurse came into the room, hiding her IV supplies so that you wouldn't be scared of the needles. "Alright, Dr. Ramsey asked me to start an IV on Y/N here so that they'll be nice and sleepy by the time she'll be back to do the stitches."
You were getting nervous now, not knowing what they were going to do to you. "Daaaddy?" You whimpered as you turned your face toward Elvis's chest. Elvis didn't care that you were still bleeding all over his shirt. He just wanted to comfort you. "It's okay sweet girl. It'll be over so quick and you can take a little nap." You squeaked at the feel of the alcohol pad on the back of your hand. Elvis quickly took off his rings, so that they wouldn't hurt your fingers when you grabbed his hand. "Here baby, squeeze daddy's hand. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze." You squeezed Elvis's hand as hard as you could, squeezing your eyes shut as you pressed your face into Elvis's chest. "Ouch baby, that's a good squeeze!" Elvis said trying to distract you.
"Real quick pinch." The nurse warned as the needle entered your skin. It was a pinch and a burn and you immediately screamed into Elvis's shirt as he shushed you. "Doing so good baby, it's almost over. You're being so brave, lovie." It took five minutes for the needle to be out of your hand and for the IV to be taped to your skin, giving you a drip of medicine to make you sleep.
"Good job!" The nurse exclaimed as she threw her opened supplies away. "Now we just need to wait about 10-15 minutes for her to get drowsy and I'll tell Dr. Ramsey she's good to get her stitches." Elvis nodded as you situated yourself a little bit to curl up in his lap more, laying your head on his arm. Elvis kissed your head as you got comfortable. "Daddy, we go home?" Elvis shook his head. "No baby, we gotta fix your ouchie before we can go home." You were not the type to be able to fall asleep anywhere, unfortunately. So Elvis expected a tantrum about you having to sleep here even for 30-45 minutes to do your stitches. "Wan' go bed." Elvis chuckled as he watched your eyes get sleepier and sleepier. "You want to go to bed? You never want to go to bed, silly."
The IV caught your eye and you sleepily held your hand in front of your face studying it. "What is that baby?" Elvis chuckled as you got more and more loopy, studying your hand. You reached your other hand up to pick at the tape around your IV but Elvis pulled your hand back and put it into your lap. "No, no, leave it be. It needs to be there." You started to whine and cry, wanting to be at Graceland in your bed more than anything. "I know baby, I know. Just close your eyes and let yourself sleep okay?"
Elvis was rocking you gently as he shushed you and finally Jerry spoke up from the corner of the room as he sat, waiting with you and E, not wanting to leave you there. He felt responsible for this despite it being an accident. "Sing to her, E. Your singing always works." He looked back at you. "Do you want me to sing you a song, baby? Would that make you feel better?" You wiggle in his arms, wanting out, out, out. And to feel clear headed again. But Elvis was calm and him singing to you would help a bit. "Y-yeah." You nodded. Elvis nodded, rocking you as you pushed against him, not liking the numbness and warm feeling spreading all over your body.
Wise men say
only fools rush in
But i can't help falling in love with you
Shall i stay? Would it be a sin
If i can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes somethings are meant to
You only got that far into the song before you finally slipped off to sleep and passed out in Elvis's arms and the doctor came in to finally stitch up the nasty gash on your face.
You were afraid when you woke up. "Daddy? Daddy?" You whimpered, disoriented. The doctor had finished your stitches about forty five minutes ago and Elvis had decided to just sit with Jerry and talk a bit while they waited for your anesthesia to wear off. But you woke up with a start, disoriented.
Seeing you sit up, looking around for him, Elvis rushed to your side, sitting you in his lap and hugging you to him. "It's okay baby, it's okay. It's all over. I'm still here." You reached up and touched the big white bandage sitting on top of your stitches. "Yeah, we made your owie better, huh?" You nodded, still a bit sleepy.
Jerry waved at you as you tried to get your bearings and calm your heart a little bit. "Hi sweetie. How do you feel?" You reached out and placed your tiny hand in Jerry's. "My owie's better." Jerry smiled. "Your owie feels better? Good. Now we can go home okay?"
Half an hour later, Elvis had just finished buckling you in your carseat in the car and you were dozing off again. "E, I'm sorry this all happened." Jerry spoke up and Elvis was turning out of the ER parking lot, toward home. "Jer, don't say another word about it. I trust you with her and you said it yourself, she was wobbly today. It was just an accident. There was nothing you did wrong. That shit just happens." Jerry nods and checked on you in the mirror and smiled when he noticed you had fallen asleep again.
There's my ER fic! I got inspired by @mooodyblue who published their doctor fic before me. I hope this was good <3 Time to answer some asks!
@plasticfantasticl0ver @ellie-24 @arianatheangel-girl
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years ago
Congrats on 500 followers! I love your writing style and always smile when I see a new post from you.
Anyways, I'd like to request the shower drabble with secret six Jervis, please make it nsfw
Love ya!
A/N: asdfghjj hnnnggg he'd be so down for this, he’d be down for anything really. I can imagine this is the only way to get him to shower, period. Anyways, thank you sweet anon! I'm glad I can make you smile, I hope you enjoy!
Trigger Warning: explicit sexual content (shower sex, shower head play? Iykyk,not sure what it’s called but jervis gets off humping against you rip), reader is afab but otherwise uses gender neutral pronouns, hint of temp play? and heavy touching and kissing.
Word Count: 501
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Secret Six Mad Hatter - Sharing a Shower
A stream of warm water lubricated your bodies as you two got tangled up in each other’s touches. You had to be on your knees on the shower floor in order to be face to face, but your knees going numb was a small price to pay for this sweet and passionate moment. 
Jervis’ calloused hands were everywhere his hands could reach. Your chest, your waist, unclipped nails every now and then biting into your flesh. 
Your lips and tongues were just as entangled as your arms and hands. Every now and then Jervis nipped on your bottom lip or your tongue, which caused you to giggle and strive to get back at him. 
After some more intense lip-locking, a mischievous idea formed in Jervis’ mind.
“Oh, my dear, could you bring nozzle down to here?” 
Confused, but nevertheless intrigued you brought the shower head down off it’s holder and Jervis quickly gestured for you to hand it to him. 
Jervis then circled around you, with the nozzle still spraying asteady stream. Now he was behind you, giggling and humming all the while. 
“Jervis…what’s you do-” 
Jervis shushed you, “relax, darling…rest assure, this is for your utmost pleasure.” He chuckled. You didn’t notice him rising the temperature of the water and changing the speed of the spray. 
Before you knew it, his arms were around your waist and under your own arms. You were sitting now on the floor with your back leaning against Jervis’. He leans his head in to bring your lips back to his. 
As his lips distracted yours, he was able to bring the nozzle and aim the stream to your unsuspecting clit. 
You almost jolted out of your skin, a moan ripped out of you that caused you to break the kiss. Jervis looked on as your eyes rolled back and you laid your head against him. 
“J-J-Jer-Jervis…” You moaned, as your limbs and joints continue to curl with every tantalizing spray and vibration from the nozzle. 
As much as your mind was clouded with pleasure and the overwhelming knot in your gut, you couldn’t help but feel another pressure along your back. It began rubbing against you in a harsh pace. 
You could hear Jervis whimper in your ear, as he pressed the nozzle harder into you, before he began a deliberate rubbing motion. 
Between the oncoming assault from both the front and back of you, the noises Jervis was making, and the steam from the shower caused you to be overwhelmed in a cloud of euphoria as you finally reached the precipice. 
“Jervis-Jervis!” You cried as your legs convulsed and your nerves were lit up with electricity. He joined you soon after based on the breathless sigh that breezed in your ear and a sticky fluid clinging to your back. 
Once you two regained some composure, Jervis brought the nozzle back around and rinsed off your back. 
Jervis snickered. “Not matter how clean we be, you never cease to inspire naughty thoughts for me.”
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voidselfshipp · 1 year ago
Cw: body horror,angst,Michaels descent into madness and tma spoilers.
Summary: the night Michael becomes an avatar, he goes to the one person that he knows Will help.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
A/n: havent finished tma yet so I dont know the specifics. Thats not gonna stop me tho,enjoy this hurt/comfort-y fic.
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Jerico was just closing up shop for the night,her body is tense, Like the strings of waves that form her faux muscles and skin are taut like ropes on a ship.
Theres something picking at the back of her mind,something that its not sitting right, Like waves breaking against stone,something thats disturbing the water.
Shes about to flip the store's sign to show the back that says "closed".
And then the strangest thing happens,a door appears in the middle of the street, white,simple,unassuming. It reeks with weird magic,spiraling, almost disorienting, her eyes take a second to focus.
"Oh no" her pupils widen and her heart beat is fast and her body feels both weak and strong with the rush of adrenaline, Like a dangerous waterfall.
The door slams with a horrible dry thud sound, a figure collapses onto the wet pavement of the empty street, dead Weight limp.
Jerico's breath leaves her,she doesnt need to breathe but it feels like theres not enough oxygen in the world to supply her thundering heart.
She recognizes the figure,oh yes she does,she recognizes that fluffy Orange hair and that soft mischevious hair. She holds him close to her chest, dragging him to the sidewalk, the door dissipates.
--Michael--jer breathes out,feeling Like shes going to pass out her heads light.
--Jer...ico--Michael has no breath, his eyes are endless swirling spirals that flicker in and out of view, she gets glimpses of his beautiful brown eyes that look like swirling morning coffee with the streetlights.
--What...what happened?--she asked,trying to scoop him into her arms with a desesperation akin to human feelings. His body slips from her grasp like hes melting,like hes literally slipping past her fingers,his flesh like goopy liquid that pools on her Palms.
--I- I think we succeeded.-- he said--But...it hurts,im- I cant move...I could barely- barely get he-here-- he coughs,spitting blood onto the pavement,but it seems to seep into the concrete.
--Al-alright...--She stuttered, confused, mind blank-- lets- lets get inside
The weather is ever indiferent to the situation below it, overcast night, not a ray of moonlight to be seen. Theres a horrible chill in the air, she drags his body to the entrance,his limbs stretching and retracting like his body is struggling to Keep a coherent form.
She gets to the entrance of the shop, she passes like usual but...Michael doesnt. He hits that barrier,she tries one,two,three times,but he cant.
"Hes not human"is the realization that hits her like shes deep,deep underwater under the hadal pressure of the sea.
The only way in for him in is for her to invite him.
Michael knows how the barrier works,she doesnt say it outloud,she has to think it.
"You are allowed in"
Finally,the barrier subsides and lets him in,she lays him across the floor where he is a mess of tangled stretching limbs.
He knows shes worried and scared,he smiles weakly to try and put his hand on her cheek--Hey...hey beautiful its...its...--He cant bring himself to say the words.
--just breathe....--She said softly, stroking his beautiful fluffy Orange hair-- calm down
Michael tries to Keep his mind on her voice, he tries to Keep that smile, to calm jer down as his body burns with searing hot pain. His atoms feel like theyre trying to pull away from eachother and re-arrange in an unatural way, twisted,curling inwards and outwards in a tight,coiling spiral.
Theres a brief silence as she thinks about what to do,hes become an avatar fornThe Spiral. Hes no longer human,and her brain cant think of a protocol to follow, she tossed and turns up all the knowledge she has in her mental library.
So Many stories...so many, there has to be something here somewhere.
And the silent moments drag on and on,painful,stresing. Only broken with Michael's ragged sharp breaths.
--Im..im gong to be okay,right- right jer?--His voice breaks her from her stupor, naively hopeful,cracking with big puppy dog eyes.
Bless her heart,for she cannot lie. So for a moment,shes silent as a grave.
One shaky inhale is all it takes to center in, she clears her throat,nodding to herself as if shes debating within her mind. --Okay...okay-- jerico breathes out, regaining that composture thats so characteristic of her.
Looking down at him,her eyes scan the limbs that grow and retract, she notes that they are slowly subsiding as time passes
Its just like when she first took human form.
Which means...
--Okay,heres what I need you to do--She hates how he looks at her, so trusting of her judgement.-- I need you to breathe, deep,as deep as you can, reach out to your body, your limbs. Theyre still yours, theyll obey you
--my- my whole body hurts-- he says with a pained chuckle.
--Good, well- not good good-- she shakes her head,rolling her shoulder back to stop herself from going off track-- anchor to that pain, one limb at a time, go at your own pace. Itll help you feel your body. Connect with it again,do what feels right
Michael nodds and she knows she doesnt want his life in her hands. Not out of selfishness of course,if something happened to him because a wrong desicion she made,jerico could never forgive herself.
But he does as hes told, his concentrates first on the hand thats on her cheek. He uses the pain across his tendons like conduits, as if hes rewiring his nervous system.
He feels the smoothness of her skin, his thumb strokes her cheekbone, he feels autonomy over his hand, and then the other.
Then,his legs,one at a time.
Finally,his breath becomes normal,still shaky,but stable.
Carefully,he sits up,blinking a little as he settles down. His body feels different, still coiling but...not painfully. He opens and closes his fist, then he looks at jer and finally gives her a genuine smile.
--Th-Thank you-- he says
Jerico scoffs in disbelief before breaking down into loud,loud sobbing. Her throat produces Sharp cries that scratch her vocal chords, she launches himself at him and cries.waterfall of tears, salty and warm.
He holds her and rocks her side to side,cooing-- Im okay,im okay,all thanks to you
She wails with loud sharp cries,muttering things like "I was so scared" , "I dont want to lose you". Moments later shes talking in full spanish and he doest understand a Word.
Jerico is like a banshee by that point,crying and screaming with stress and fear,shes weak and melts against his body that holds her tight like a dam around a waterfall.
--Easy,easy-- he reassured her,soft and lulling-- im okay,im here, Because of you...
His eyes fall on the clock on the far wall and...its already four am. How long have they been at this?
When she pulls away,she looks a mess, eyes red and lip quivering. Her hair falls messily on her face and she can barely hold his gaze.
Michael goes to undo her bun,to let her hair fall naturally around her face. His hand goes to pull back the stray strands when he notices sharp,long claws where his fingers used to be.
--Thats...New-- he mutters,being extra carefull and hooking the ends of his claws to the hairs to pull them back safely.--Just breathe, itll be fine
Jerico does calm down eventually, she sniffs a little and rubbs her eyes. She then looks up at him,has he always been that tall?
--I think...I think we need some tea--He offered with a reassuring smile.
She chuckles,nodding-- alright...okay
He stands up,finding his footing like a newborn deer. Then,he offers his hand and pulls her up, she takes it.
The walk down the corridor and up the stairs to the second floor is deathly silent. She makes tea with a grief filled look in her eyes, she doesnt know how hes going to take the News.
But she settles the cups down on the coffee table when theyre done, she sits by his side and he pulls her into a hug. Jerico is taken by surprise as her green eyes widen and he squeezes her.
Michael takes his tea and drinks from it, sweet and heartwarming that helps him calm down. He looks at her like nothing ever happened, still smiling.
--So...--She says,unsure, faltering-- do- do you know what you are now?
He cleared his throat--I- yes...im an avatar,right? Of- of the spiral
--which means im no longer human-- he followed up,so far he was sort of on boat-- thats why I couldnt pass past the barrier earlier..
Jerico nodded, taking one long sip of her drink. That was enough to unsettle her companion-- what Gertrude mightve not told you,or well- know, is that avatars have a tendency to... lose their humanity as time goes on
He stops what hes doing, and blinks slowly--...What?
--So- so youre basically a vessel for the spiral, youll act on its impulses, you- you might start seeing things its way,not yours-- she sees him start to freak out-- BUT! but you can fight against it,ill...I can help
Michael seems to settle down, and nodds--I- okay,I trust you
And again comes that sting,shes willing to give it a try. She scoots closer and one of his hands cups her cheek, and Michael kisses her. Its brief,meaningful.
--Thank you-- he says with a warm smile.
--Im always here-- she promised, willing to bet her very essence on it-- youre not going to face this alone
All he can give in response is another kiss, still short but embued with love. And once their drinks are finished and the Sky pushes into sunrise,They cuddle on the couch.
The day is still overcast,and the curtains are drawn in her home. Its dark,and cozy,comforting.
Jerico holds on to Michael, close to her chest to Keep him safe,praying and hoping.
However,the Years wouldnt be kind to the New avatar. Even with his trusty friend,Michael doesnt take long to lose what he was, be it because of unfortunate circumstances or fate itself.
Hes almost irrecognizable,a mischevious,uncaring,blood thirsty entity. A wide disturbing smile with too Many sharp teeth, an echoing disorienting laugh to replaced the bubbly laughter he once had.
Jerico watches horrified, she managed to contain the damage The Spiral could inflict upon her Friends psyche. She gave him advice, she supported him, she went over their best and worst moments together.
When he was around her,he was that good ol' sweet Michael. Once he left though, oh what a stark contrast.
Yet,his Love for her never died,he still clung to that bit of humanity in him. Love, ever persevering and ever present.
This New,irrecognizable form, it wasnt his, its not his. But he wears it with pride,a twisted,Coiling, writhing spiral of hatred for the world as it is and the humans that live within it.
But even after Jerico does find someone else, Gertrudes replacement no less,hes happy for her. There are things he cant give her, of that hes sure.
Yet if his love for her was still there,who said it wasnt mutual?. Whenever the time is right,he'll make his move
In the meantime,he'll watch from the sidelines,cause a bit of trouble, enjoy his time spent with the one person who has never stopped loving him even after everything hes done and maybe,just maybe help out that wet cat of an archivist if the situation calls for it.
Deep within him,within her as well, that loving flame still burns ever brighter.
There were things these entities couldnt take away, a hopeful confort perhaps, that showed theyre not all powerful.
Michael just comforms to sit on that old sofa and drink a cup of tea as he laughs his ribs off with his best friend for eternity. That,was perhaps, enough for him.
Yes. Yes It was enough
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theallenshorefangirl · 1 year ago
@voidwritesstuff new Chapter >:3
After the Tapes Chapter 5
As the smell of breakfast cooking and the colors of the end of October shows through the windows.Lucas of course went to wake everyone for breakfast.Starting with the easiest Desmon just a simple tap on a cymbal he took off his drum startled the therapist awake causing him to fall out of bed."Morning Desmond,sleep well" the military man chuckled."Yeah,I was having a nice dream til you woke me." Desmond got up and went through his closet for something to wear."Also it's your turn to do the laundry." Desmond nodded.Lucas went to wake up Jerico next,he had a warm smile and knocked on the door."Jer,Breakfast." "Just a minute I'll be out shortly!" She cheerfully called out.
Lucas was then in the last room,he knew getting these two up after they finally found a sleeping schedule that works for them will either be easy or very hard."Allen,Zoe breakfast!" He called out and knocked on the door.No response and he tried again.No response again and he opened the locked door with the key he had.Allen was asleep in his bed with a heavy weighted blanket and Z was hugging his arm facing away from Allen.Lucas carefully awoke Allen by a couple of nudges on the shoulder.
"Huh,oh is it breakfast?" Allen was half awake and Z was still asleep sobbing quietly curled up."What happened?" Lucas's expression was a worried one."She's been having more frequent panic and anxiety attacks in her sleep and she feels safe when she's close to me.She mumbles about the fire and pain,It makes me upset to see her like this." Allen sounded like he was holding back tears himself,using his other hand to carefully rub circles on her back.Lucas left the room and came back with Desmond and Jericho.Allen carefully awoke Z and helped her out of bed.
Jerico hugged her before the whole group joined in,Z lets the boiling hot tears fall down her cheeks as the group kept her in the hug.She smiled and sniffled."Thanks, guys." "Whatever you're dreaming about is not real,they just want you to be guilty about something you couldn't handle under the pressure and whatever happened in the past.We are here for you,don't push us away, we want to help you,alright?"
Jerico grabbed a tissue and wiped Zoe's tears away as she said those soothing words."Yeah, we help each other out no matter what!" Allen chimed in."Don't let him pester you,we all have our own strengths and weaknesses,but together, we can conquer whatevers bothering us as a group." Desmond chimed in aswell.Z nods and takes deep breaths."There you go,now come on breakfast is getting cold y'all!" Lucas crossed his arms.
"First one to the kitchen gets the hot meal!" Z ran out followed by Jerico and Lucas and Desmond and Allen dashed to the kitchen as well.They all had a nice hot breakfast.The bacon sausage and egg bagel fueled everyone up for their chores.Desmond took care of laundry,Lucas went to burn the trash and get food supplies,Allen cleaned the bathroom and kitchen.Jerico was cleaning the hallway and the living room up and Z carefully ironed and folded clothes and placed new bedsheets and blankets on the beds.
It was around 10 pm when the warm breeze blew past the group.They all took a walk to the top of the radio tower and were amazed at how the autumn color palette looked. The orange and red colored trees were breathtaking and stunning."It feels like yesterday I was here calling out for your help Lucas from the unconscious mind." Desmond looked at Lucas with a look of comfort."I read you loud and clear brother." Lucas chuckled as he pointed to a similar star he pointed the giant satellite to.
"Holy shit you communicate through a star in the unconscious mind!?Ooh the stars have spoken!?" Zoe pulls out her tarot card deck and spreads the cards out on their covers not revealing the art of the front.Z flicks the deck of cards and catches one of the cards that flew out and reveals it to the group." And what card is it that flew out of my deck?" Z said confidentiality.The three were baffled and all in unison."The star tarot!?" Z nodded with a smile.
"Maybe the stars are lucky tonight.Pick a star and close your eyes and think of something to wish about.I know it won't come true, but it's a time to be positive." The group closed their eyes and tilted their heads to the stars.They of course all whispered their wishes and fell asleep and it was about 2am when they all woke from the now cold breeze.They all rushed home and hopped into their pjs and all fell back to sleep in their rooms.
As morning arose and they all were half asleep and up for morning breakfast.The air of November was more chilly, and well, they all looked under the weather."Season allergies or seasonal cold?" Desmond said, sniffling."I think we all have a cold?" Jerico mumbled."Bad idea falling asleep up there." Allen had his head on the table already falling back to sleep.Z was sound asleep at the table pulling up the blanket she dragged from her room."Well Al,Des I do have a remedy for us three.And girls, you might have to find something else for your chest congestion." Lucas pulls out three shotglasses and pours whisky in the glasses."It will burn, but it will cure what ales you,so bottoms up." Lucas down the shot of whiskey like it was nothing.Desmond hesitated but quickly drank it."Holy shit that burns!" Desmond coughs."Works like a charm." Desmond went back to his room to lay down for a bit.Allen never had anything stronger than a bottle of beer,he downed the shot and flinched at how it burned his throat like it was fire."Careful kiddo." Lucas rubbed Allen's back as he clenched his head."I'll take you to bed,Jerico do you think you could make some tea for you and Zo.Their is some chamomile tea in the cupboard,put a teaspoon of honey in the cups that should do for the both of you.Im gonna lay down myself."
After Lucas took Allen to bed, he went to his room.Jerico brewed some chamomile tea and added a teaspoon of honey into the cups. She nudges Z awake and hands her the glass."Her drink up while it's still hot." Z, of course, took small sips and kept nodding off, but Jerico kept an eye on her.Afterward, they went back to their own rooms, and they laid down to rest.
As they rested, their minds almost collided as they all woke up in Sorrow's Observatory,in their own shadow forms.Shade was more human and had a set of wax wings and his bone like hands ran though his hair and yellow eyes gleemed in curiosity.Flash was more human but had a military suit and ghillie suit and eyepatch covering a no socket eye and a glowing eye that looked around the room to find Blaze who was looking around the place. Desmond freaks out as he touches the four fluffy wings that are behind his back.
The skyroof opens, and Sorrow quietly walks in without a sound.The table was in the center of the room,magically set with tea and snacks.They all watched in amazement as it happend infront of them they didn't see the giant woman behind them with bone like hands drumming on the floor.The lights go out as a yellow and purple eyes figure was finally seen from the group and they all jumped.The lights quickly powered on and a soft chuckle came from Sorrow."Did I scare you?" They all stood in fear before calming down."Holy shit you can,become an even giant woman!?" Shade was baffled."Not just 1 or 2 or 3 but 4!?" Blaze was in awe.Sorrow shrunk herself to her first form, wearing a more non wax version of her outfit, and sat at the astronomy table."Come on, we have a lot to discuss."They sat and chatted for hours,drinking tea and munching on sweets,discussing dreams and nightmares they all have from time to time and even having Savior play his guitar and Flash play his drums and of course Shade playing his keyboard as Blaze and Sorrow sang along to songs they know.
They sang and played games through the 5 level Observatory like hide n seek and instead of puzzles Sorrow uses stain glass that represents a different shadow form and it was the last one to put up of and it was fallen patients forms there within the glass were different colored spider lilies that made the peice pop.Flash wielding it together hung it up on the empty and now finished window.The colors chose for it were sad and very beautiful,the reds,pinks,and blues and purples really brought the thing together."Rest well." Sorrow pleaded in tears, and the others had a moment of silence.
The Observatory skyroof started to close as Day was approaching,Flash,Blaze and Savior were already waking up, and Shade stayed with Sorrow.Shade sung a familiar tune as Sorrow closed her eyes and then himself, waking in the real world.
(Holy shit its 4:20am oops I should have been asleep)
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yokefellows · 9 months ago
In God, Not Out of Trouble
Today’s Saying
They dwelt in the presence of the enemy, because they dwelt in the presence of God.
Today’s Scripture
"And seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the Lord: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest" Jer. 45:5.
Today’s Sermonette
A promise given for hard places, and a promise of safety and life in the midst of tremendous pressure, a life "for a prey."
It may well adjust itself to our own times, which are growing harder as we near the end of the age, and the Tribulation times.
What is the meaning of "a life for a prey"? It means a life snatched out of the jaws of the destroyer, as David snatched the lamb from the lion.
It means not removal from the noise of the battle and the presence of our foes; but it means a table in the midst of our enemies, a shelter from the storm, a fortress amid the foe, a life preserved in the face of continual pressure:
Paul's healing when pressed out of measure so that he despaired of life; Paul's Divine help when the thorn remained, but the power of Christ rested upon him and the grace of Christ was sufficient.
Lord, give me my life for a prey, and in the hardest places help me today to be victorious. --Days of Heaven upon Earth
We often pray to be delivered from calamities; we even trust that we shall be; but we do not pray to be made what we should be, in the very presence of the calamities;
to live amid them, as long as they last, in the consciousness that we are, held and sheltered by the Lord, and can therefore remain in the midst of them, so long as they continue, without any hurt.
For forty days and nights, the Saviour was kept in the presence of Satan in the wilderness, and that, under circumstances of special trial, His human nature being weakened by want of food and rest.
The furnace was heated seven times more than it was wont to be heated, but the three Hebrew children were kept a season amid its flames as calm and composed in the presence of the tyrant's last appliances of torture, as they were in the presence of himself before their time of deliverance came.
And the livelong night did Daniel sit among the lions, and when he was taken up out of the den, "no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God."
They dwelt in the presence of the enemy, because they dwelt in the presence of God.
Today’s Supplication
Father, Grant us not only deliverance from our calamities, but also the strength and wisdom to become who we should be amidst these trials."
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crownedhopelesss · 2 years ago
@jeremydied liked for a starter.
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ALL SAMMY WANTED TO do was let off a little steam. things have been tense, especially between the both of them, because of the intense pressure that was thrust upon the both of them. sammy was never one to get things done in a timely and orderly fashion. she took each day just like that; one day at a time. and tonight was a night where she wanted to let loose. it didn't seem like jeremy was on board with the same spontaneity. she had ordered two tequlia shots with a lime wedge for the both of them, excited once the bartender had slid them to her. she takes both and turns to face him in her stool, music blaring, she leans in and smiles, extending out his shot. she laughs, ❛ let's pour one out for the big guys down below, am i right ? ❜ and before she takes her, she notices the slight disgruntled attitude jeremy was presenting. she leans back, taking his shot with her. ❛ damn, jer, what's up your ass ? i'm just trying to ---- never mind, forget it ❜ she scoffs softly under her breath. she proceeds to take one then the second shot back to back and sucks on the lime wedge. ❛ i'll leave you alone and see you in the morning, i guess.... ❜ she trails off, getting up from her stool and sliding cash to the bartender. she felt bad for forcing jeremy to come out tonight but she didn't want to let this spoil her night of fun either. it was supposed to be their free time and if jeremy wants to spend it mopping around, that's his prerogative.
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starshower1215 · 4 months ago
Never experienced Coraline, but this makes me think a little too much of McGonagall. The color scheme and the silhouette of the tree is what got me going. Then I made something questionable. Some violent late night hallucination, I think.
CW: gory-ish I suppose
The crunching of gravel underfoot prickles her ears as she creeps in closer to the tree, gnarled and black in the abyss of the night. Shafts of silver slit through the leaves, and a slash of moonlight cuts open the tree's trunk, gaping open like a wound from its middle, all the way to the crumbled slab of stone half-struck inside the Earth at its base. Grown cold and overrun by moss, Hange could almost think that this place has been untouched for years. Yet she knows it isn't, or won't be anymore.
And so, she starts to dig.
The shadows warp in and out as she does, affected by the pacing of the small black cat that'd tailed along. Its shape is all she can see of him, prowling at the edge of the iron gate ahead, save for those luminous green eyes of his. He hisses, a warning clear as bells, but Hange turns away.
A couple minutes of it begins to feel like a couple hours. She wipes her forehead, drenched from the thick, humid air. She'd accounted it to the heat of the night before, but can't deny it now. Each spade full of soil brings on a growing coiling in her chest: a pressure. Like the air is packing in dense and tight around her, pressing in on all sides. She hears the cat mewl.
Each pierce and pull of dirt brings her deeper and deeper down. The cat circles the grave, eyes wide and watchful, and a chill runs through her. She stabs the spade in again, and a piercing pain shoots through her side.
The cat begins to wail. "Shhh!" Hange snaps, but he keeps going, the drawn-out cry making her hair stand on end. She can't quiet him no matter what, so she hefts the shovel instead. It's growing cold now, and the digging is worsening that stabbing in her ribs.
Hange grimaces, breathing labored. She strikes the shovel down again and again, scoops up dirt and hurls it back. It isn't until much longer that she realizes the end of her shovel is dark, wet. It reeks, too, sharp as iron, and she has to swallow down her revolt. She turns to ask the cat, to find some sort of comfort, but he's vanished. Gone, and the world is almost silent.
Footsteps come up behind her, not the soft ones of the cat's, but heavy, rapid, like boots—
She whirls around. There's no one. Just trees. Shadows.
Hange turns back to the hole, heart pounding, mind racing, and kneels. The shovel hurts her side too much. She'll have to use her hands, she's almost to the bottom, anyway. Damp soil cakes her nails quickly, but it's faster scooping it out like this, easier. Then something squelches in her fingers, warm and wet, chokes out such a gasp from her that she almost misses the groan that comes from underneath.
Her veins turn to ice.
"Hey." Hange shoves aside her spade, frantically roots her hands into the dirt, throat closing up. "Hey! Are you alive?" Her side stings as she crams aside handful after handful, stomach twisting, her intestines coiling up as her palm meets that warmth again.
It comes back bloody, invades her nostrils with the metallic stench.
A shudder runs through her.
Another groan comes, and she rams down the bile in her throat, the pressure on her chest, reaches in blindly to grip it by shoulders and, finally, hauls it out of the earth with a gasp.
Its weight comes down on her like a guillotine's blade, and she grunts under the added pressure. It's damp and stinks of decayed flesh that eats at her lungs, suffocates her insides, but it must be alive, so she pushes it up and opens her mouth—
—and freezes, eyes wide.
Brittle brown hair that's matted with dirt, sunken cheeks as withered as a rotted apple. Its skin is bloodless, gray, eyes glossy behind cracked and shattered goggles' panes. With a hollow moan, its head lolls forward, makes Hange jerk back, gasping. Her eyes flit to the tear in its side, an open wound still bleeding red. Any hope for doubt drains from her body.
Somehow, it's her.
A quiet laugh rings out behind her. Ice jolts in her chest, and she whips around and comes face to face with bright green eyes.
The boy stares at her head-on. Jet black hair, small and slight. Then his cracked blue lips stretch grotesquely, a yawning gash in his face, a wide, twisted white grin.
"You found her."
She can't even move when he tips her into the grave.
adventurer and guide
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The Cat's fur is soft and glossy, almost shining under the moonlight. He's a tad small, but cute. Hange cocks her head to the side. The world rotates; she can understand it better if she shifts, bends and twists it according to her own perspective. The Cat scrunches his nose at her scornfully, as if looking down at her peculiar behaviour. Hange pays it no mind, she's used to that treatment. "Who are you?" she asks. He doesn't reply, of course, and she doesn't need him to. She already knows the answer. He's her new friend.
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ggwritesstuff · 2 years ago
Make Me Purple
pairing: elvis presley x wife!reader
content warnings: smut!! minors dni!, a little bit of public play, fingering, unprotected sex, breeding kink, a dash of degradation, probably missing some so pls proceed with caution
a/n: apparently whenever i write smut it’s always gotta be a slow burn LOL. i really like this one tbh it’s a little goofy, a little fluffy
a/n 2: ok so i’m done with it and just read it over and i am unsure about it but i’m posting it anyways bc yolo either way please leave some feedback <333
can be read either with elvis or austin!elvis in mind :)
read part 2 here!
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You were sat next to Elvis during another one of the weekly meetings to discuss anything about the show. You didn’t really want to be there, it was late and you were tired but Elvis begged you to tag along; it’s nearly impossible to say no to him when he’s got his lips hot against your neck.
The meeting seemed to drag on for hours and you were getting sleepy, so you absentmindedly rested your head on Elvis’ shoulder. He placed his hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze in response. You thought nothing of the gesture until you felt the subtle dance of his fingertips inching further and further up your thigh. You moved your hand to cover his in an attempt to stop him from trying anything in the middle of this meeting, but the strength of just his one hand had overpowered you and was already tracing a finger outside of your panties. You tried to swat his hand away but to no avail, he continued what he was doing, and doing so with slightly more pressure now. It began to take effect on you and you had to bite down on your lip to keep yourself quiet. It became increasingly difficult as Elvis had slipped your panties to the side so he could tease his fingers at your entrance.
“You alright, y/n? Lookin’ a little pale over there.” A voice spoke from across the table, catching both yours and Elvis’ attention. “EP, why don’t you and your girl get some rest? We’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”
Elvis carefully and inconspicuously moved your now uncomfortably drenched panties back into place. “Thanks, Jer.” He stood up. “C’mon love, let’s get you in bed.” Elvis winked and presented his hand for you to take before you stood from your seat. He’s lucky he did because you felt like your knees could give out from under you.
You both bid your good nights to the crew and silently walked out the door. Once you were sure you were out of earshot, you stopped Elvis in the middle of the hallway with a light and playful hit to the shoulder. “Elvis Aron Presley! Are you out of your damn mind playing with me like that when your daddy’s not three feet away?” You scolded through giggles.
“What? I was bored! We would’ve been there all night if little Mrs. Presley wasn’t lookin’ so pale!” He defended himself, quickly tiring of your halted position in the hallway and picking you up to toss you over his shoulder like a rag doll. You didn’t even bother protesting. “Now lets go, mama, gotta give you some of that color you’re missin’.” He said as he carted you off to the suite, landing a playful spank on your bottom.
“Ooh, I like colors! Can you give me purple?” You said innocently, purposely making yourself sound a bit like a bimbo.
Elvis fumbled with the room key before damn near kicking the door open and tossing you onto the bed. “I think I could make it happen, angel.” He smirked, already hovering over you and diving into the crook of your neck. You felt his plush lips first, and then you felt him biting and suckling at your sensitive skin. He smiled against your neck when he felt you shiver beneath him.
“Already makin’ some pretty colors on you. Come look, baby.” Elvis pulled away and marveled at the marks he’s left on you. He pulled you up from the bed and lead you to the mirror. With one arm holding you from behind, Elvis had the other arm exposing your neck in the mirror and directing your gaze to his work.
“Don’t get all bashful on me now, sweetheart. Take a look.” He gently grabbed you by the jaw when he noticed your shy eyes wandering away from the reflection in front of you. “Lookin’ so pretty with a necklace like that on you.” Elvis complimented.
He loved to leave his mark on you, and he loved that it acted as a sign that read ‘private property of Elvis Presley’. You loved it just as much as he did. You loved that he wanted everyone to know that you were his girl.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt both of his hands fall to your hips, so strong and calloused from years of dedicated musicianship. He gripped them tightly and pressed himself against you. “Drives me crazy seein’ you like that.” He whispered so sultrily in your ear, now grinding ever so slightly into you while sliding the straps of your dress off your shoulder. The dress was already loose, his body pinned up against you was the only thing keeping it up.
Elvis pushed you forward just a bit to let gravity finish undressing you, quickly assuming his place against you once the soft fabric had pooled around your feet. You saw him smirk in the reflection of the mirror when your bare breasts were exposed, your nipples already reacting to the change in temperature and the growing arousal. “Thought I saw somethin’ under that little dress of yours.” He whispered against your ear, taking one of your nipples into his fingers and pinching it just hard enough to elicit a soft moan from you. He was still holding you impossibly close against him, you glanced at him in the mirror to find that the gorgeous blue irises of his are nearly nonexistent in this moment. The black of his pupils dominated his eyes as he fell deeper into his lust for you.
That look in his eyes did something to you. It enveloped you wholly and any sense of composure and self control you still had was thrown to the wind. You quickly turned around to face him, snaking your arms around the back of his neck before jumping into his arms, confident that he’d catch you, and he did. Your ass rested on his forearms as you moved in to kiss him hungrily, all of his teasing coming to a head. Elvis leaned into it and matched your neediness, sliding his tongue to meet yours as he sat back down on the mattress. He placed you so that you had one leg on each side of him, straddling him. At this point, you began to feel his length beneath you. He rocked his hips ever so slightly into you and you took this as your sign to grind yourself down onto him, a groan rumbled in his chest at the new sensation.
“Fuckin’ hell, angel, you got me feelin’ like a hormonal teenager again.” Elvis broke the kiss to press his forehead to yours, his usually strong and confident voice was now laced with aching need.
“You’ve got too many clothes on.” You noted as you tangled your fingers into his hair, tugging at the roots just a tad. He reached between your bodies to undo the few buttons he had done on his shirt and shrugged it off. As soon as he did, you pulled yourself as close to him as humanly possible, feeling his warmth radiate from his bare chest to yours.
This level of skin to skin contact felt overwhelmingly intimate. You were used to sex with Elvis being hot and rough; needy hands and mouths grabbing and latching onto whatever skin it could find fastest. While in this moment it was all still very needy and desperate, it was also slow, cherishing and careful. You could feel the beating of his heart on your own chest. You felt closer and more connected to your new husband than ever before. You basked in this feeling for a moment, resting your forehead against his and embracing the warmth he provided.
It wasn’t long before Elvis had flipped your position so that you were now on your back. He stood between your thighs that were still loosely wrapped around his hips, beginning to remove his remaining clothing.
You gazed up at the man above you, astonished that he’s actually your husband. “I’m so damn lucky.” You mused adoringly.
He closed the gap between you and went for your neck again, “I’m the lucky one here, darlin’.” He mumbled against your skin with a smirk, it set every last nerve of yours ablaze with desire; you shuddered beneath him once again. Now that he’s fully bare, you can feel how painfully hard he is as he lays on top of you, grinding himself right against you. The friction made a small moan tumble off your lips.
There was nothing Elvis loved more than knowing how riled up he’s got you, even if he’s hardly touched you. He moved to then drag his tip from your clit down to your entrance, mixing his leaked precum with your arousal and spreading it.
“El, baby, please, no more teasing.” You whined at the sensation.
He continued to taunt you, resting the tip of his cock at your entrance, “Aw, you sure honey? You’re makin’ some pretty noises f’me.”
“Please-“ You begged as you attempted to maneuver your hips in a way that would just slip him right in, but he jerked his hips back before you could pull him where you desperately needed him the most. You must’ve looked and sounded pathetic.
He clicked his tongue at your desperate attempt. “Patience, darl- oh fuck.” Elvis interrupted himself when your patience grew thin and you pushed his cock inside you by pulling him in with your legs, crying out in relief of finally being full. He stilled himself inside of you to get his bearings, letting out an impressed chuckle.
“Needy needy girl,” he tutted before he swiftly began fucking into you. Your hands flew to his shoulders with a yelp, digging your nails into his skin and raking them down his back.
The intimacy you felt earlier from holding each other close together had quickly dissipated and turned animalistic. There was no time for embellishments anymore. His thrusts were rough, hard, and fast, but precise enough to make sure you felt every last inch of him. His head fell to the crook of your neck as a deep groan vibrated in his chest.
“So damn tight for me, angel. Feels so fuckin’ good when you’re squeezin’ around me like that.” He muttered between his thrusts, each of which repeatedly slamming against your g-spot and making you scream so loud that the entire hotel could’ve heard you.
You heard fragments of thoughts and praise fall from Elvis’ mouth as he continued his assault on your aching pussy.
“Takin’ this dick so well, my good girl.”
“My perfect little slut.”
His words combined with the relentless snap of his hips against yours made you dizzy. You looked up at him through your lashes, hardly able to keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. He let out a dark laugh as his fingers continued to dig into your hips. “Look at you, mama, all fucked out under me.” He comments.
It was all just too much. Your entire body was overwhelmed, each of Elvis’ thrusts was just pushing you further and further to the edge until you felt like you couldn’t hold back anymore. “Fuckfuckfuck El, keep talking like that, gonna make me cum.” You panted, strengthening the grip your legs held around his torso to keep him as close as possible.
“Aw, you like hearing me talk while I’m ruining this pussy, angel?” His hand went to your throat, directing your gaze right onto him and cutting off your circulation just enough to make you see stars, you nodded in his grip. “My dirty angel.” He grunts out. “Fuckin’ squeezing my cock like you don’t want me to pull out- you’d like that wouldn’t ya.” His thrusts became harsher as he neared his own release. The thought of him cumming inside you was your breaking point.
“Shit- No, don’t pull out, want you to keep me full.” You whined as he lowered his head to meet your forehead once again, lips just mere centimeters away.
“Yeah? Gonna make me a daddy, angel?” He asked breathlessly.
“Wanna make you a daddy, El. Fuck-“ You uttered, the coil in your belly finally snapping. With your confirmation, Elvis’ hips stuttered as he released his load in you with a loud grunt. He collapsed next to you, absolutely drunk on the fact that you finally let him cum in you.
“You mean it?” He asked shyly after he caught his breath, taking your hand into his.
“I mean it, honey.” You reassured him, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
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chaos-grimlin · 2 years ago
Intro: No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked( Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)
Word count: 1630
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Chapter 7- Blood and Organs
^^^3rd still with Casey^^^
"Jason didnt show up till the squeal!" The man hissed out. "Now...im afraid that was a wrong answer" he said, going back to talking calmly.
"You...you tricked me" Casey muttered under her breath as she hung her head low.
"Lucky for you theres a bonus question"
Casey's head popped up as he said that.. Maybe Steve wouldn't die.. Maybe shed get to run out there pull the tape off of him and kiss and hug him..
But she knew that her wish was unlikely..
"But... Poor Steve.. Im afraid hes out" the man said, crushing Casey's already broken heart with those words.
Casey rushed to the patio door just in time to hear Steves muffled screams and a sickly sound of something spilling onto the floor.
Casey reached out her shaky hand and turned on tje patio lights just in time to see Steves head fall back and to see his organs slip out of his body and dangle from his gut.
Casey felt her body grow weak. All she felt was sadness and hatred for both herself and the man over the phone.
She wanted to do nothing but kick his ass, beat the man to a pulp and make his life a living hell.
Casey slid down the wall and moved back, she felt weak and angry, both emotions overwhelming her poor mind.
"Hey! Were not done yet!" The man over the phone growled out.
"Final question....are you ready?" He asked as Casey pressed the phone slowly against her ear.
Casey felt like giving up..she had already lost Steve...
"Please...please... Leave me alone...please" Casey begged through pointless sobs.
"Answer the question and i will" he said, a flirty yet evil tone returning to his harsh voice.
"What door am I at?" The man asked.
Casey cried more, her bottom lip quivering as her fingers grasped the phone tightly.
"There are two main doors in your house...the front door and the patio door..if you answer correctly you live"
Casey knew he was near..
He was close..
She could feel him watching her..
His eyes graced over her body and her saddened fearful face..
That face made the mans heart lurch with excitement as he licked his lips behind his mask, he couldn't wait to see what her insides look like spilled all over the grass..
"Dont do this.." Casey whispered.. The begging just made him want to kill her even more..
"I cant...i won't" she cried
"Your call" he purred.
Casey had a feeling... A feeling in her gut...
She peared around the corner just in time to see jer patio window smash open and a chair come crashing through.
Casey jumped up, her flight or fight sences kicked in, adrenalin pumped through her veins and she rushed passed the window and started to run..
Casey ran through the kitchen, smoke from the burning popcorn filled the air and burned her eyes, clouding her vision.
Casey grabbed a kitchen knife as she slowed down, she waiting as she gripped the knife in one hand and the phone in the other.
She walked closer to her window. At this point she knew someone was in her house and she needed to get out as quick as possible..
Casey opened her back door slowly, careful not to make a sound.
She slowly shut the door yet it made a loud click.
Casey's breath hitched in her throat as she stumbled and pressed her back firmly against the wall.
Casey was close to hyperventilating as she took in deep breaths, trying to settle herself down so maybe the mam wouldn't hear the thump of her heart..
Casey looked back into her house, her eyes fluttering back and fourth, trying to locate the murder in her house.
Then..she saw him..his tall lanky body covered in a black hooded outfit and a white mask covering his face, as soon as she saw him he rushed across the room, knife in hand.
Casey quickly pushed herself back flush against the wall, her shaky hand gripping the knife ever so tightly.
Casey looked out in the distance and she saw headlight....Y/n...
Casey didn't want her bestfriend to die like her boyfriend..but...just maybe
.. Y/n could save her...
Casey weighed her odds, looking back into the house and seeing the man creep around, looking for her...then she looked at the rapidly approaching car lights.
Casey dropped to her knees and quickly crawled passed the big window.
She saw y/ns car pull up into the path leading to her house.
Casey felt a ping of hope ignite in her heart.
Casey stopped crawling and looked back into the window only to see the masked man staring right at her.
"Aha!" The man said behind the glass
Casey screamed as the man punched through the glass and grabbed Casey's wrist tightly.
Casey punched the man in the face with the phone, causing him to unhand her and once he did.. Casey ran.
Casey ran along the sides of her house.. Stopping once she saw Steves lifeless body.
Casey hated seeing her boyfriend lifeless with his organs spilling and hitting the floor with a gut wrenching wet sound.
Casey kept running before her body wouldn't let her.
She was so close...
So close..
But the man jumped from the window and tackled Casey down to the ground.
Casey cried and groaned before pushing the man off of her.
Casey started running again, her legs moving as fast as they would let her.. But he caught up to her and clasped his clothed hand around her mouth and stabbing Casey in the shoulder.
Casey's breath hitched as pain flew through her body. Blood oozed from the wound as pain worse then she could have imagined pulsed through her.
The man pushed Casey down with a laugh.
Casey's whined as her fingers touched the blood that poured from her shoulder she looked at the wound as her breathing came out in sharp gasps and ecstatic cries.
The man crouched down onto Casey's torso and pressed the knife teasingly agaisnt her neck as giggles erupted from him..but... Casey knocked the knife away and the man replaced his knife with his hand.
His lanky fingers clasped around her neck and squeezed her neck tightly, cutting off her air flow.
The man choked Casey till she lifted her leg and kneed him harshly off of her.
Casey gasped for air as she laid there and heard Y/n hop out of her car. Casey heard Y/n hum to herself as she walked.
Casey fought to get up and once she did she stumbled and gasped for air, she tried to call for Y/n but her vocal cords were damaged from all the screaming and crying.
Casey saw Y/n skip up to the door, dancing to herself and humming with a sway in her hips.
Casey called out to her but her voice was barely over a whisper.
Y/n walked up to the door and knocked and to her surprise..the door pushed open.
Y/n knitted her brows togeather and stepped inside.. Only to see smoke filling the air and windows smashed. "What the hell?!" Y/n said with a cough as her eyes started to water.
Casey fell to the ground the the man was instantly on top of her
Casey reached her hand up and pulled the mask off the man and looked into his eyes as he pushed the knife into her chest.
"Casey?!" Y/n screeched out as she walked into the kitchen and saw the popcorn was on fire.
Y/ns eyes went wide as she quickly yanked the popcorn off of the stove and quickly put it out.
"Casey?! CASEY?!" Y/n screamed as she kept rushing through the house, her fear and worry getting worse as she didn't see Casey nor Steve anywhere..
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Y/n screamed out, goosebumps rising on her skin.
Y/n felt dread as she saw the patio door wide open.
Y/n quickly rushed out the patio door only to be met with the sight of Casey's boyfriend..
Y/ns hand flew up to her mouth as her throat tightened.. A feeling or dreed and guilt flooded her body..
She saw Steve sitting there.. Lifeless...
Y/n forced herself to look away and when she did...she saw Casey's body.. Handing from a tree with her stomach cut open and her organs showing.
Y/n felt her whole world crumble around her.. Her breath hitched in her throat and tears flooded her eyes.
Y/n felt so much guilt flush over her... Its her fault..
Y/n rushed over to the tree were Casey's body was hanging.
"CASEY NO! NO! NO CASEY!!" Y/n screamed out as she pulled Casey's down.
Y/n felt to the grass, cradling Casey's body in her arms. "No..no..no!" She repeated.
Y/ns hands became soaked with Casey's blood as her organs got on Y/ns bare legs.
Y/n cried hard... As she held Casey's body..
She couldn't let her go..
She didn't want to believe ber best friend was laying in her lap.. Gutted like a fish..
Y/ns looked at Casey's face and closed Casey's lifeless eyes with her bloody fingers.
"Im so sorry..im sorry its my fault.." Y/n screamed out, she screamed loud enough all of Woodsboro could have heard her....
Y/n was hyperventilating as tears poured down her cheeks and down her neck. Y/n let out cried and more crys even as she grabbes her phone from her pocket and dialed 911.......
If only she had gotten there sooner.....
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howlingday · 3 years ago
Things haven't been going so well for Jaune recently. He's already under a lot of pressure with being a teamleader, but lately his friends haven't had the time for him. Not that he could blame them of course, but that meant relieving stress far harder, especially when he felt so alone. Even Pyrrha, whose been busy with work, hasn't been able to practice with him as of late. So, deciding to head out in town, he winds up bumping into a rather familiar face he can't quite put his hands on. A young woman with rosey red hair, and only one eye, who so happens to be looking for the same comic he is. How does that go?
Jaune wasn't having the best- Oh, who was he kidding? He was absolutely miserable! He was approached by Coco of Team CFVY last night, telling him that he was now responsible for the next month of Team Leader meetings. Adding to this, he was supposed to be studying for a make-up exam on Monday for the one he failed Friday. But instead, he was on a bullhead, the worst way to travel, heading to a comic shop at the request of his teammates, who left him alone that morning to train without him!
After unloading his poor, sorry excuse of a breakfast, consisting of a single slice of bread, he made his way down the street to the comic shop. It was about six blocks away from the bullhead station, and it was practically flooding in the city. It didn't help that Nora made him watch that movie about the killer clown in the sewer a few nights ago, making him give every sewer grate a wide berth. As he waited at a crosswalk, a car slid by, soaking him even more than he already was.
After walking through the agony of wet socks, sewer clowns, and a literal empty stomach, he finally arrived at the comic store. He should be studying, but the new Wraith-Heart volume just released, and he had to get a hold of it. He greeted the clerk, an older man with balding gray hair (who seemed to work everywhere), and wandered the store for his prize. Laying eyes on it, he reached out...
...and touched a woman's hand in doing so.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" They said together. Much like him, she was also dripping wet. Unlike him, though, her outfit was a beanie, a red sports jacket, and an eye-patch. Long scarlet-red hair dripped in front of her stormy-blue eye. They shared a small laugh between them.
"Looks like it's the last copy." Jaune said. "You can have it."
"No, no, please!" The young woman replied. "You were reaching for it first."
"I insist." Jaune stepped away.
"I double insist." She stepped away with two longer steps.
"Alright." Jaune chuckled. "We'll share it. My treat."
"Oh, no, really!" She waved her hands in front of her. Jaune grabbed the graphic novel from the shelf and carried it to the clerk. "At least let me pay you back!" She grabbed a new issue from the 'New Issue' rack. "Uh, would you like this?"
Jaune pulled out his lien as he looked at the cover, and his face went immediately red. On the cover was a woman, well-endowed and barely dressed, with a white tail spotted with black rings covering her partially exposed breast. As enticing as 'Inside Mama Sen's Den' appeared, he didn't think he'd be able to read it here. Or anywhere.
"Um, n-no, thank you." He handed the Lien to the clerk. "I, uh, couldn't."
"I insist!" Without looking at the front cover, she read the price. "It's only fourteen lien!"
"U-Um..." Jaune gulped and took the change and bag for his prize. She had a determined look in her eyes, telling him she was going to anyways. He sighed. "Fine, I guess if you insist."
"Of course!" She approached the counter, handing the book to the clerk. He mumbled something to her. "My ID? Uh, sure, I guess." She handed him her ID, which he then handed back to her before ringing up her purchase. "There's a table over here we can use."
Jaune rubbed his eyes as he walked with the girl to the table. Pulling out his book, he sat next to her. "Uh, what's your name?"
"May," she answered, "May Zedong. Shade Academy."
"Oh, Shade Academy?" Jaune jerked a thumb to himself. "Jaune Arc. Beacon Academy."
"Oh, are you competing in the Vytal Festival?" Jaune nodded. "Same here. Everyone in Vacuo is going to watch us win."
"Not if my team wins." Jaune chuckled.
"Hey, just because you have the home field advantage doesn't mean you automatically win!" She reached for her book.
"Uh, well, that's at the Festival!" He said, pushing Wraith-Heart in front of them. "Let's, uh, read what we have and be friends."
"Sounds fair." She shrugged, releasing the book in her hands. Jaune sighed in relief. "How long have been reading Wraith-Heart?"
"I found it about a month ago. Something about the detective investigations mixed with ghost fighting just kind of drew me in, y'know?"
"Yeah, I get what you." May nodded, opening the cover. "Plus, these opening pages are the best, too."
The opening page in question featured Wraith-Heart, murdered detective turned crime-solving vigilante, fighting her still-alive ex-wife and arch-nemesis, Madame Wight in a long-abandoned truck-stop diner. The trucker ghosts ignored them and drank their spectral black coffee and ate their phantom hash-browns. Wraith-Heart shouted, "I thought we agreed no fighting in public when we got married?!" Madame Wight said in return, "We wouldn't be fighting if you just agreed with me! If not when you're alive, then why not when you're dead?!"
"Were they always this... problematic?" Jaune asked.
"I think they're supposed to be a statement o marriages for money or status." May replied. "A lot of comics are doing this these days."
"I guess I just don't get it." Jaune shrugged as he turned the page. "I've never been married, and my parents weren't this bad."
"Well, your dad isn't a half-ghost detective, is he?" She asked, a smirk on her lips.
"Not that I know of." Jaune chuckled.
They read for a little longer, slowly gripped by the story. The hero and villain had to team up to defeat the Night Master, a vampire CEO of a scroll company, whose plan was to enslave humanity into becoming cattle for him and his vampire kin by hypnotizing the population with a meditation application. Along the way, the two discussed their prior relationship and how unhappy it really was. It was very sweet...
Until Madame Wight was shot through the chest. Jaune and May looked at one another with open mouths, shocked at the murder of the series' earliest antagonist. By the shared expression, they both were shocked and appalled by the development.
Jaune wanted to continue, but as he looked past the girl, he noticed the time on the clock. Had it really been that long? He turned and saw that the Sun was shining with orange rays.
"I should really head back." Jaune said, standing.
"Let me walk with you." May replied. "We're both heading the same way, right? Besides, we can read this on the bullhead."
Jaune gripped his stomach. "Ugh, I don't think I'll be able to." He patted himself. "Me and bullheads don't get along together."
"Well, I can at least keep you company, right?" May reached for her purchase.
"Uh, hold on!" Jaune snatched the erotic piece from her. "Remember? This is mine." He nervously chuckled, earning a wary glare from her.
"Well," she grabbed the hero comic bag, "I guess this is mine, then. You can borrow it if you want."
"Sure thing!" He stepped out, holding the door for her.
"Thank you!" She stepped past him. "In return for mine, though, you gotta let me read yours."
Jaune nervously chuckled. "Uh, s-sure thing."
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zapsoda · 1 year ago
u - using you by mars argo , unbothered by jer, under the bridge by tha chili peppers, undone - the sweater song by weezer, under pressure by queen and bowie, cant recommend any of them but there are a lot of songs titled some variation of "unholy"
k - koi geba by atarashi gakko, komm susser tod by arianne, kristina she dont know i exist by catch 22, killer queen by queen, kill all your friends by mcr, any other song whose title starts with 'kiss' or 'kill'
ehehehe tagged by... several mutuals (hi). to do this. song url game yaaay
z - zero hour (alone by adelyn
a - against the kitchen floor by will wood
p - pour some sugar on me ninja sex party cover
s - santeria by sublime
o - oh you pretty things by david bowie
d - disappointment at the taco bell by the arrogant sons of bitches
a - as the footsteps die out forever by catch 22
@homoeroticvillain this might be torture for you actually sorry ahahaha (long url) assuming u guys have not been tagged yet.... @laulo821 @centi-pedve
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freddiefiction · 3 years ago
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How about no?
I’m under no obligation to respect Mary Austin. She was (and still is by the sound of it) a vile human being who people only defend because they don’t want to accept that Freddie was gay and wasn’t in love with her.
Here’s a quick rundown of what a “great friend” Mary was.
She treated Freddie’s loved ones like shit the moment he died. This includes: cutting off contact with Freddie’s family, disrespecting his staff, making Jim, Joe and Phoebe feel unwelcome after they were told they had to leave Garden Lodge, refusing to let them take their own possessions with them (including photographs of Freddie,) refusing to let Jim have any of the cats (and then giving two he bought Freddie away to strangers anyway,) and promising Phoebe he would still have a job at GL, only to return from holiday and suddenly change her mind.
She’s made plenty of homophobic and seraphobic comments. She referred to Freddie’s coming out as “he became a gay” and said she was grateful that Freddie didn’t continue living a bisexual life because it meant she didn’t get AIDS. She said Freddie knew he had HIV in 1986 before his diagnosis, which implies he deliberately spread the illness to Jim. She made cruel and thoughtless comments to Jim, saying “Freddie will be waiting for you” right after Freddie died, to a man with HIV. She also refused to let Joe Fanelli attend one last Christmas dinner at Garden Lodge purely because she didn’t like him. This was a man dying of AIDS and she wouldn’t even let him spend Christmas with his friends, in the only home he had known for over a decade. An article also came out where she allegedly said she kicked Jim, Joe and Phoebe out of Garden Lodge because she didn’t want her children around people with AIDS. This woman is supposed to be a spokesperson for an AIDS charity.
Wasn’t a clingy blonde? Tell that to Freddie’s inner circle, who say she would deliberately hang around whenever Freddie had a new boyfriend and try to intimidate them. According to Peter Freestone, she saw Freddie’s relationships with men as “disposable” and expected him to one day stop being gay and go back to her.
She accused everyone of “abandoning” her because they were jealous of her inheritance - when she was the one who cut off contact with them. This greatly upset Jer Bulsara, Freddie’s mother, who always saw her as a daughter-in-law. Freddie was no longer around so Mary didn’t see any need to keep up the charade that she actually cared about his friends or family any longer.
She allegedly told John Reid that she “won in the end” because she was left with Freddie’s ashes.
She refused to let Jim ride in the first car to Freddie’s funeral and decided to announce this right before they were about to set off. Imagine you’re just about to say your last goodbye to your husband, and his bitter ex girlfriend demands you ride in a different car because she doesn’t like you.
She was disliked by many people Freddie associated with, including his staff and her own bodyguards. They described her as being cold and dismissive of them, refusing to even make small talk.
She made out that Freddie pressured her into taking his fortune and that she didn’t want it. Yet she was clearing the house out and changing things around literally days after he passed. She turned Garden Lodge into a prison and to add insult to injury, she’s now wiped off all the tributes fans made on the wall and took the house off Google Maps. She claimed she didn’t want “her” house to be “vandalised,” despite the fact she doesn’t even live there - she lives in Logan Mews and only looks after Garden Lodge.
She went running to tabloids (the same tabloids that hounded Freddie throughout his life) no less than two days after he died. She spread around all sorts of misinformation, like he was blind when he died and was always complaining about being in pain - which he never did, according to the men who actually looked after him. She also allowed the press into Garden Lodge for a tacky photoshoot, where she posed like a model in all the rooms. Garden Lodge was Freddie’s safe space; you’ll never convince me he would have been happy having the press in his home.
She implied that Freddie’s (gay) friends only used him for money. She also said she didn’t believe the surviving members of Queen deserved their share of the royalties Freddie left them (she claimed they “abandoned” her too. This grown ass woman really believes people are obligated to look after her.)
Bitch all you like, those are the facts.
So no, I won’t respect Mary Austin. I don’t give two shits if Freddie liked her and would defend her. He liked Paul Prenter and Barbara Valentin, yet I don’t see anyone going to the same lengths to defend them. Do you put this much effort into defending Jim, the man Freddie called his husband, who gets hate thrown at him from all corners of the internet because people are upset he gets in the way of their Freddie/Mary OTP?
Nah, I didn’t think so.
TL;DR: Stop using Freddie as a weapon to guilt people into liking his toxic ex. Mary did awful things that Freddie would not have approved of, and people who defend her are honestly just embarrassing.
Your fave is problematic.
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prettynxsty · 4 years ago
Just a Pinch
Sub!Jungkook x Domme!Reader
Warnings:  Sweat, nipple clamps, gratuitous nipple play, jungkook has a pussy, biting, sweat, small top/big bottom, futa/girlcock, sadists will get a good kick out of this, squirting, crying from pleasure
Summary: Instead of the overplayed “sub wears vibrator out in public”, it’s the sub wears nipple clamps while working out.
AN: This is a nasty one as usual my friends, enjoy. It’s damn near pwp, honestly.
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Your teeth ground into your bottom lip, flicking your thumb back and forth as quickly as possible even though your knuckle was beginning to cramp. You take in a deep breath and your chest puffs up before slowly deflating with a sharp sigh.
“Fuck, yes.” You growled slamming your fist against the bed at your side.
Jungkook’s eyes rolled back with a groan from deep in his gut. “Oh my god, please.”
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuckmefuckmefuckme!” His voice rose into a squeal as his head dips forward.
A deeper growl rumbles in your chest before cutting short with a whoop of excitement. You threw the controller down beside where you were sitting, jumping off of the bed and onto your feet. “Yes! Now you need to make good on your end of the bargain baby!”
He covers his face with his hands, sighing before falling into a small fit of nervous giggled. “You can’t be serious babe.”
“Of course I am, it won’t be for that long anyway, you’ll be okay.” You tittered lightly, practically skipping toward your closet. “Go ahead and get ready, the faster you do it, the faster it’ll be over.
”He scratches the back of his neck, planting his feet on the floor and slinking toward the dresser across the room.
He peels his shirt up and over his head before balling it up and tossing it toward the hamper in the corner. He glances at his reflection in the mirror, running a hand over his pecs and down the planes of his rippling stomach. His fingers slip over his adonis belt, wiggling just slightly under the waistband of his black sweatpants.
He takes in a quick sigh, clenching around nothing. A spike of heat bursts and spreads in his stomach, he wondered if he should have been turned on before anything happened. He steps back from the dresser, hooking his fingers under the garment and works it down the swell of his thighs until it falls and piles up around his ankles.
He wiggles a socked foot out of the first leg hole and steps on it to free the other. This too sails through the air and lands in the hamper with a soft thump. He takes another glance at himself in the mirror.
He was a lovely shade of coffee with a few splashes of milk. He kissed his tan lines goodbye since your regularly scheduled maintenance days with him. In your days of boredom, you took it upon yourself to buy a nice waxing pot and clean his cunt of hair in places he had to (literally) bend over backwards to reach.
He thought you were going to do it somewhere like the bedroom or bathroom, but you figured that you may as well get good use of the rooftop. His pussy is easily nestled in between his tanned thighs, brown outer lips just barely hiding his sweet inner pink.
He hated that you refused to touch him until the next day, he could feel everything when you were done. Now that same time of the month was his favorite time for grooming.
Jungkook blinks, shaking himself from the vivid thought and pulls open the drawer. His underwear was neatly rolled up beside yours. He decides on a simple gray high cut thong, stretching it, stepping into it and slipping it up to his hips.
Normally he preferred to wear nothing, but he needed an extra barrier of protection for today. He pushes the drawer closed and pulls open the ones on the right and left of it. Simply, he grabs a sleeveless tee and pair of shorts. He dresses himself quickly and parks himself on the edge of the bed.
You return from the closet with a giddy smile, swinging something shiny around your fingers. Nipple clamps.
“Don’t look so happy to torture me,” he pouts.
“That’s your favorite part of it though, Junggoo~.” You made your way around the end of the bed and sat on his knees.
You reach up and cradle his cheeks, kissing him. The tension melts from his shoulders with the first and hang comfortably over his frame with the second.
“Now let’s see what’s under the hood,” your joke sails straight over his head and out of the window. He shakes his head, placing his hands on your thighs. You lift the bottom of his shirt and twist it under the collar, placing your hands over his chest.
Your fingertips trace over the swell of his taut mounds, goosebumps raise over his skin as you near his nipples. You hovered the tips of your thumbs over his nipples, admiring the rich rosy brown of his little areolas.
A moan rises in his throat, swallowed away noisily. Heat rises and exchanges between your bodies, you shift in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure on your dick. His fingers curl around your thighs pulling you even closer to him. Your dick fit snugly against his lower belly and it was starting to drive you crazy.
He leans forward, slipping his head over the juncture of your shoulder and neck. His slow breaths crawl up your skin in a way that tempts you to shiver. Jungkook was familiar with the shadow inside of you, he knew how to make it burn. His lips press over the swell of your shoulder, sending shocks zipping through your body. You should’ve known better than to wear that tank top today.
You graze your thumbs over the hardened tips of his nipples. He moans against your skin, you played with them so much that he felt like he could feel each ridge in your prints. He seals his lips around the base of your neck, gently suckling and grinding his tongue against your skin. You pinch his nipples in between the length of your index fingers and thumbs harshly, tugging.
He jerks slightly, his teeth sinking into your flesh. You hiss, arching your back before releasing his nipples and pushing against his chest. Jungkook pulls back with a whine, eyes wide.
“What’s wrong?”
You could hardly hide the fact that you were already breathless. “No, you aren’t going to weasel your way out of this one baby boy.”
The darker side of your mind was pleading for you to give in and make a mess of the bed sheets. But you knew that it’d make things filthier if you put him up to this.
You press a kiss to his pouting mouth, pulling back before he could deepen it. His brow knits together, he was already horny. He may as well make sure he didn’t get too far ahead of himself, it’d be harder to work out if he got wetter than he was now.
You slip the short chain from your knuckles, pinching open the first clamp. He seemed to be holding his breath as you pressed the chilly metal to his flesh before slowly releasing it. Jungkook throws his head back, gasping and biting down on his bottom lip. It was like a thick cloud rose and surrounded his brain, it was getting harder and harder to figure out what he was thinking.
You drag your tongue over your bottom lip with a dry swallow, you could already imagine the feeling of his pussy flexing around you. You lift the other end, the fire in your belly consumes you further when he twitches at the slightest shift of the first clip. You gently pinch the other clamp open and close it around his other nipple. He responds immediately with a drawn out breathy moan that makes your head spin.
You reach up slowly, unravelling his shirt from his collar and allow it to fall over his midsection. He looks down at you with these dark, cloudy eyes. “Can’t.. Can’t we..” He babbles as if the wind was knocked out of him.
“Come on, I’ll- I’ll go fill up your water bottle.” You tried to shake the slurring from your voice, planting your hand on the mattress and wiggling out of his grip.
The cold air of the hallway hits you like a freight train, bringing more cognizance to your mind. The heaviness between your legs was making you crazy, you hadn’t a clue how either of you would workout in this state.
You cross the way into your kitchen, it looked like the floor was blending into the walls. Grabbing your water bottles off of the drying rack, you fill them to the brim with ice and water.
Eventually Jungkook shuffles out of your bedroom with a dizzy, distant air in his eyes. He was red from his cheeks to his ears, and the sides of his neck. It was like he was wasted already, he seemed to be moving slowly to reduce the friction of the shirt over his nipples. The chain sat just right, as it didn’t really jingle as he walked.
He must’ve struggled to slip on the backpack, stopping beside you. You’d make it a little easier on him, choosing to carry your drinks instead of adding more weight to the bag on his back.
“Let’s go, we’ll be home the faster we go.”
He nods slowly, heading toward the door.
During your short walk around the corner to the gym, he spoke up suddenly. “I won’t have to do everything, will I?”
“Everything but squats, the bench, and deadlifts, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
He huffs, looking down at you like a kicked puppy. You didn’t miss how his eyes gained a glassy tinge.
“I’ll do everything you want me to when we get home, my pretty boy.” You muttered low enough for him to hear, pushing open the door with your shoulder.
“How are you doing, baby?” You coo into his ear, wrapping your arms around his waist. Not a soul wandered the locker room aside the dust and water droplets where they weren’t supposed to be.
“I’ll give you a treat,” you whispered. Your work your hand under his shorts, pushing your fingers past his thong easily. He makes a soft, pretty noise when you cup his pussy.
He leans his weight back against you, jerking with a grunt when your thumb grazes over the sticky hood of his clit and passes over his blood swollen love button.
“Just want you to fuck me,” he whines, trying to squirm away from your rough thumb. It was too much for him, he could cum right now.
“Too much?” You ask gently, receiving a nod in response. You knew better than to let up now, pinching his hood and jerking the little pink sleeve. He made a noise like he was punched in the gut, hands clutching your forearms. His hands were shaking, but he was too desperate to push them away.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cu- unh!” He pants, thrashing his head against your shoulder as you pinch it. You take a deep breath in, retracting your hand and licking your fingertips.
He slumps back against you with a disappointed groan, struggling to catch his breath.
“Let’s go, I need to reward you.” Your voice was dark, moving to take the backpack out of the locker. You helped him ease it onto his shoulders and dragged him out of the locker room. You were given a few funny looks, but you hardly noticed them through the haze settling around your mind.
He all but wobbled his way to the bedroom by himself, leaving a trail of things behind him. Jungkook absolutely needed out of everything on his body at that moment. You followed him into the bedroom, watching from the doorway as he clumsily peeled off his sopping wet panties and nearly fell during the process.
“Take them off,” his voice breaks with a shiver crawling up his waist and shaking his shoulders. He makes a pitiful noise, squeezing his thighs together as he clumsily sits on the end of the bed. The thin chain lightly sways with the motion of his poor attempts to control his breath.
You wondered if you should try this more often, he never broke this quickly. You move across the room to sit on his knees as you had before. It felt like Jungkook’s skin was on fire, the slightest sensation made his hair stand up even straighter. His nails clumsily scratch at your skin, shoving his hands over the waistband of your shorts.
He couldn’t be bothered to fumble with anything, whining with a sob as the mesh of your clothing brushes over his thighs. “Off, off please!” He fusses in a strained voice.
You rose as quickly as you began to lower yourself, he was enveloping you in the same haze as before. Your lower belly spasms with a particularly aggressive twitch of your cock.
”Shit,” you growl under your breath. You yank away your shorts and nearly deflate with relief when your dick springs to full attention. Your sanity dissolved into ash bit by bit from feeling your glans scrubbing against the waistband when you moved around.
Jungkook clutches handfuls of the sheets under him, he couldn’t touch himself if he wanted. He’d scream because it was too much. His bottom lip trembled. It looked like he was practically flushed from head to toe, a heavy tear escaping the barrier of his thick lower lashes. It splatters over his collarbone, it’d evaporate if his body was any warmer.
You yank your shirt over your head and kick it aside with your other clothes, rushing toward him. You began to lower yourself to your knees, stabilizing yourself with hands on his trembling thighs.
He made another high pitched noise to fuss at you, he was so far gone that he just couldn’t control himself. Jungkook leans forward, wrapping his hands around your hips before lifting you onto his lap. You make a noise of exclamation, placing your hands on his shoulders in a weak attempt to register what just happened.
He pushes his chest toward you, sniffling. Another tear slips from the corner of his eye,  dancing over his cheekbone before slipping under his jaw.
“Baby,” you croon and stroke his hair. You gently curl a fingertip under the chain, lifting it slowly. This squeezes a few squeaks out of him, swelling into a squeal when you tug slightly.
You gently place your fingertips on the first clamp, squeezing it open and pulling it away from his stress. Jungkook’s forehead drops against your shoulder in relief, pressing weak kisses of gratitude over your breasts.
He grips your cock with both hands, slowly jerking your flesh up and down. You groan, resting one of your hands in the center of his pecs as you blindly feel around for the second clamp. Your fingertips cascade over his flushed bud, causing him to seize up. His grip tightens in a way that raises the gentle drip of your precum into a syrupy faucet.
You were likely already starting to drip over his fingers. His grip slowly relaxes, regaining his steady pattern. You press the tip of your thumb and index finger over the ends of the clamp, pinching it open and allowing the chain to drop between you.
You stroke your fingers over the back of his neck. “Let me see them,” you whisper with warmth and conviction. That tone of voice always sends his head into a spiral, he seemed to struggle to lift his head.
He shakily circles his thumb around your tip, spreading your precum all over his finger. You seize up, growling through clenched teeth. Jungkook quickly returns to stroking you firmly, he couldn’t stand the thought of you being unable to touch him.
You lean forward gingerly, dragging the tip of your nose through the cleft of his pecs. You tongue lolls out of your mouth, carefully resting on the edge of his areola before flicking upward.
He almost jerks away, sighing sharply. It was like you held the metal of a used lighter to his skin. It was enough to wipe what little thought remained in his head in a flash.
You tilt your head toward the other, slowly swirling the tip of your tongue toward the center of his nipple. He trembles below you, utilizing what strength remained to stay still.
“Want you to fuck me,” he croaks.
You glance up at him with a smile, nodding to oblige.
You plant a hand, carefully shifting yourself off of him and further onto the mattress. “Get on the middle of the bed, knees.
”He took his time to move, slowly twisting and crawling on. You reach to the left, yanking open the nightstand drawer with a flick of your wrist. You rip open the tube of lube, nearly breaking the loose plastic hinge of the cap. You squeeze a fat globule at the base of your cock, smearing the excess over the side of your lower belly before snapping it shut and shoving it back away.
You nearly forget to shut the drawer, pushing it closed with your ankle before crawling toward him. “Turn around.”
He plants his hands and crawls until he’s facing away from you, leaning back on his haunches.
Your dick prods the cleft of his ass as you seat yourself behind him, swiping your fingers through the thick, clear jelly. You do a messy job of lathering yourself up, leaning forward and slipping your dick under him.
You spread your index and middle fingers, smearing some of the lube over his pussy lips. He opened up like a pretty little flower, his cunt was already lush and puffy.
You drag the crook of your finger over his clit hood, coaxing a soft keen out of him. You press your fingers together, slipping them over his inner pink and press them into his hole. This time it was your turn to moan, his pussy swallowed your fingertips with ease.
He arches his back, molding against you with a whine. God, it felt so good but he wanted more. More than that. His inner velvet flutters around your fingers in a way that makes your toes curl already.
You work them in and out for a few strokes before you couldn’t stand it any longer. You wrap your hand around your cock, momentarily lowering yourself to press against his pussy. He slumps heavily against you with a coo when your cock begins to spread him open.
“Ooh,” you hiss, steadying yourself by moving your other hand to his stomach. Reaching the hilt, you shift your grip to clasp both of his forearms as leverage. The first thrust makes a filthy noise, excess lube squishing around your length.
To this, you lose yourself in him. You piston your hips forward, using him like the warm, wet hole he is. You fuck into him with reckless abandon. His voice is high, shaking with breathy and noisy squeals.
He does his best to refrain from squirming in your hold, thighs twitching with the urge to close. The room before him was a blur of shapeless splashes of color, it amazed him how you could get even deeper when he was on his back. Jungkook felt ridiculously full, his head dropping forward, babbling slurred expletives.
Your thighs burn, you knew he came by the way he started to flutter and squeeze around you. You could feel it barreling toward you, wrapping one of your arms over his hips to keep him steady.
You shift a hand, flicking your finger over his swollen nipple. His voice reaches a new pitch, thrashing his head around in a futile attempt to remain on this plane of existence.
“No! Gonna-” he tried to squeal, digging deep half moons into his thighs. You set your teeth tightly, your balls slap against his skin as you ground deeper. It felt like he was going to wring you dry.
You lean back for him to slump his weight against you fully and attack his other nipple with a harsh pinch. His shout catches in his throat, his head thumping against the thick of your shoulder.
Your control is carried away by the wind, the noise you make is ungodly when you cum. You couldn’t lose steam, his cum cakes up with yours as you plunge in. It felt like your sanity was melting out of your ears.
You roll the tips between your fingers, scrubbing them back and forth with your middle fingers. Something inside him broke, his jaw snapping shut as he began to shake uncontrollably.“Gnh, ah!” He grits out, his squirt splashing around your cock and splattering over the sheets.
Oh. Oh. You slow your thrusts with a breathless chuckle before allowing your softening cock to slip out of him with a wet plop. You’re met with a noisy sniffling, stroking your hands over his trembling stomach.
You shift your weight onto one knee and lay down behind him. “Shhh, shhh..” You continue to stroke your hand over his belly as the shocks become weaker and weaker.
The tension in his body takes a few minutes to melt away before he can fully sink into the mattress, timidly scooting back for you to fully spoon him.
“You okay?”
You hadn’t made a mess like that in a while, but you supposed he might have needed it as much as you. You’d soak in the bath later with him.
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
Liz Truss is fighting for her political survival, with Conservative MPs threatening to oust her and even allies warning she has just days to turn around her premiership despite ripping up her economic strategy and appointing Jeremy Hunt as chancellor.
The beleaguered prime minister will attempt to shore up her crumbling support by gathering her cabinet ministers at No 10 on Monday evening and then embarking on a series of meetings with mutinous Tory MPs before the next budget in a fortnight’s time.
After crisis talks at Chequers over their new fiscal plan on Sunday, Hunt insisted that Truss was still “in charge” despite her increasingly perilous position, as he warned of further public spending cuts and failed to rule out more U-turns on her disastrous mini-budget including scrapping the 1p cut to the income tax base rate.
Ministers will wait anxiously for the markets to open – the first test of whether Truss’s decision to sack Kwasi Kwarteng as chancellor and tear up her mini-budget will be enough – amid fears that sterling could head towards parity with the dollar and rising bond yields put upward pressure on mortgage rates.
Labour leader Keir Starmer increased pressure on Truss, calling on her to make an urgent Commons statement on Monday, with party insiders saying they would do everything possible to force her to come.
“The prime minister says she is in charge but the evidence this weekend suggests she is in office but not in power,” he said.
A poll by Opinium for the Trades Union Congress using the MRP method to estimate constituency-level results, projected a 1997-style landslide for Labour, with the party winning 411 seats.
It suggests the Conservatives would lose 219 seats to end up on 137, with the Liberal Democrats on 39 seats and SNP on 37, with 10 cabinet ministers including Jeremy Hunt, Jacob Rees-Mogg, and Thérèse Coffey losing their seats in a general election, along with former prime minister Boris Johnson.
Meanwhile, plotting at Westminster continued with a group of senior Tory MPs, many of them supporters of Rishi Sunak, planning to meet on Monday night for a dinner hosted by ex-Treasury minister Mel Stride, amid speculation that as many as 100 no confidence letters have been submitted to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee.
The veteran Tory MP Crispin Blunt was the first to go public in calling for Truss to step down, saying he did not think the prime minister could survive the current crisis. “I think the game is up and it’s now a question as to how the succession is managed,” he said.
The former minister, who was the first MP to call for Iain Duncan Smith to quit as party leader back in May 2003, told Channel 4: “If there is such a weight of opinion in the parliamentary party that we have to have a change, then it will be effected. Exactly how it is done and exactly under what mechanism … but it will happen.”
Another backbencher, Jamie Wallis, who entered parliament in 2019, broke cover and joined the call for Truss to quit, confirming to the Guardian that he had submitted a no confidence letter.
“In recent weeks, I have watched as the government has undermined Britain’s economic credibility and fractured our party irreparably. Enough is enough. I have written to the prime minister to ask her to stand down as she no longer holds the confidence of this country,” he said.
Later on Sunday, Andrew Bridgen told the Daily Telegraph: “We cannot carry on like this. Our country, its people and our party deserve better.”
As she tries to stave off open rebellion, Truss will this week continue her meetings with small groups of Tory backbenchers as she desperately tries to convince them to back her, while Hunt will hold a series of roundtables on the economy for MPs.
However, Downing Street insiders acknowledged the prime minister’s position was extremely fragile. “Her decision to bring Jeremy on board buys us some time. The budget will look very different now. But we’re taking one day at a time,” one said.
Another government insider suggested that it would be “one helluva gamble” for Tory MPs to try to oust the prime minister when there was no obvious successor to take over from her. But one leading rebel said: “I don’t see how Liz can survive. Jeremy is a good man but her credibility is below zero.”
The executive of the 1922 Committee will meet on Wednesday, as usual, with members expected to discuss the precariousness of the prime minister’s position. However, officers of the committee are expected to meet today. Sources close to Brady have suggested he would feel compelled to tell Truss to stand down or face defeat in a vote.
The group’s treasurer, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, told the BBC that the rules that keep Truss safe in office for a year could be ditched if enough Tory MPs support it. “Of course we have the power to change the rules,” he said.
However, he added that such a move would require the backing of a substantial number of Tory MPs. “We will only change the rules if it is very clear that a large majority, by which I mean probably 60% to 70%, of the party want the rules to be changed.”
The new chancellor, appointed after the sacking of Kwasi Kwarteng in a day of chaos on Friday, has spent the weekend trying to offer reassurance that the government had control of the economy.
Yet Hunt painted a grim picture of what it would take to stabilise it after a turbulent few weeks during which the government scrapped plans to cut the 45p top rate of income tax and freeze corporation tax. He is also understood to be considering pushing back by a year plans to cut a penny off income tax next April.
“We are going to have to take some very difficult decisions, both on spending and on tax,” he told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg. “Spending is not going to increase by as much as people hoped and indeed we’re going have to ask all government departments to find more efficiencies than they had planned. Taxes are not going to go down as quickly as people thought, and some taxes are going to go up.”
Treasury sources admitted that even defence spending, which Truss had promised to increase by 3% of GDP, and the health service would face cuts. The Office for Budget Responsibility is understood to have identified a black hole in the public finances of £72bn – even greater than the £62bn outlined by the Institute for Fiscal Studies last week.
Truss’s remaining allies hope that Hunt’s appointment, and Truss’s dramatic U-turns on tax, will buy her enough time to get through to the budget on 31 October. Tory MPs are also struggling to coalesce around one obvious replacement.
Sunak, who came first among MPs in the leadership contest, remains the favourite, although Penny Mordaunt, who came third is understood to be sounding out colleagues and defence secretary Ben Wallace, popular among Tory members but who did not run last time, could also be a candidate for an effective Tory coronation.
On Sunday night Mordaunt used an article in the Telegraph to call on her party colleagues to back the embattled prime minister, saying the country needed “stability, not a soap opera”.
“There is a talented team of energetic and dedicated public servants at every level of government in this country. They are matched by leaders in just about every field of human endeavour. They know the problems we face are difficult and complex,” she said.
“The national mission though is clear, as the prime minister said. That is what we should all focus on now. It needs pragmatism and teamwork. It needs us to work with the prime minister and her new chancellor. It needs all of us.”
Truss starts her most difficult week in power yet faced with speculation that she could be gone by the end of it. “Lots of my colleagues are facing wipeout at the next election and they may conclude that it’s better to try to get rid of her now and spend the next 18 months rebuilding,” one MP who supported Truss said.
Robert Halfon, a senior Tory backbencher, warned that a general election now would be a “bloodbath” for his party. He said Truss should apologise to the British people for “the mess of the past few weeks”, warning “it has to happen pretty soon, I can’t give you hours or days”.
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everyhowlmarksthedead · 5 years ago
Anon #1 asked: if it’s not a bother to you could you do 83&88 with angel reyes💖
Anon #2 asked: 84&87 with angel reyes
Anon #3 asked: 91&96, nsfw/smutty, angel reyes♥️
83. “Raise your ass”.
88. “Your father is in the other room”.
84. “On your knees”.
87. “Put on my kutte”.
91. “Should be illegal taste so good”.
96. “I’m virgin”.
Word Count: 4k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @cherieann-2001 💖
Author comments: I'm not sorry for this, guys. I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You frown pulling him into the empty clubhouse, as he crew stared at you because of his words. He's laughing loud, feeling him somewhat alleviated after so much tension the last three days.
“What's so funny?”
“Shit, baby… was that what worried you?”
“That I'm virgin? Yeah, of course!”
Angel just hugs you, confusing you because he doesn't seem angry at all. 
“God… I was feeling so fucking insecure, saying to myself that I fall in love for first time and she isn’t attracted to me”.
“I am, you idiot”. 
“Yeah, but you stopped me every time I tried… you know, going farther”. He says almost chuckling gently kissing your head”. Shit, you broke the barometer of feeding my ego, mi amor. But, it's okay, I'll wait ti—”
“I'm ready, Angel. I just… I didn't know how to tell you”.
He looks at you with both eyebrows raised, surprised and excited in equal parts.
“My father is not gonna be tonight at home, you could… come over”.
“Yeah, I'll definitely come”. He jokes with you with a singsong voice. 
“Angel!” You laugh strongly patting his chest. 
“What? You asked for it, mi dulce”.
“So… you're okay with that?”
“Of course, yes, baby. You don' know how happy you're making me feel right now”.
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After your father is already gone, having warned you to lock all the doors in his ‘overprotective-mood’, you run to your room to get ready. You change your clothes, wearing nothing but a black lace panties and one of Angel's shirts you usually put on when he's out of town. You've been together for a month, even though you only found out about his feelings for you six days ago. One day, you just decided to give him a chance, and you couldn't have been more wrong, thinking he would fuck up by hanging with some chick or getting tired of you.
Having one last look at yourself in the mirror, you go to answer the door bell. Angel is already there, letting his eyes travel around your body, as soon as you open the door.
“Shit, baby… It's the first time I see you wearing one of my shirts”. He babbles totally amazed.
“Does it look good?” You ask then, turning around for him. 
“Fu—Fucking good”. He nods swallowing.
“Has your last neuron collapsed?”
“I have zero doubts”. He nods again keeping his parted lips, whilst holding his hand to guide him to your room. 
Soft Lights are hanging on the wall. And you don't know why, but it feels like if it was Angels first time too. He was acting so confident that morning, that you can't help but chuckle a little when you find him shaking under your grip, He sat himself on the edge of the king size bed.
“So… If I hurt you at… anytime, just tell me, please”.
“I will, Angel. Relax. I'm virgin, not an atomic bomb about to explode, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah… fuck, I'm sorry”. He says when you're placing a knee next to his body.
“Why the fuck are you apologizing?” You laugh somewhat loud, finally sitting on his lap while he holds you.
“Shit, 'cause I'm fucking nervous!” He frowns softly. “I wanna do'et good. I wanna make you feel good. It's a big responsibility”.
“If you d—”.
“Of course I want”. He sighs, resting his forehead on your chest for a second.
His lips close around your skin, kissing it gently enjoying the scent of vanilla on your skin, the smell so sweet it drives him mad the closer he gets to your neck. His fingers grip your shirt while yours caress his head. A low moan escapes from your mouth when Angel bites you, pulling you a little closer, growling over your collarbone. Then Angel takes off your shirt, trying to calm himself down and go slow to not make you feel uncomfortable. With his eyes on yours, he brings his lips to one of your nipples; sucking and licking them. It gives you some chills when he sighs against it, so pleased that you can't help but swing your hips softly.
“You're a fucking goddess, mami”. He gasps reaching your lips.
His tongue finds yours inside your mouth, caressing it as you begin to feel the erection I his jeans, a delicious friction to your panties that make you moan a little. Without breaking the kiss, Angel takes off his rings to put them inside a pocket, before place his hands on your back.
“It's okay if I s—?”
“Don't ask, Angel, just do'et”. You whimper somewhat desperate.
One of his hands crawls down your right side to your stomach, reaching under your panties. His skin is so cold compared to yours, closing your eyes the moment that he slides a finger among your folds, digging in. You drown a moan on his lips, watching him biting his own with some strength that makes you shake just with that view.
“Fuck, mi dulce… Look at you… So fucking wet fo' me”. His hoarse voice gives you nice chills, licking your lips with the tip of his tongue.
His finger feels so good exploring you, slightly curved, thrusting you softly. Angel drinks every gasp he provokes you, memorizing every gesture of your face. He doesn't want to forget it. Choosing him to lose your virginity with, makes him feel like the most lucky man on earth. He loves you, he wants to please you at all costs, show you every single emotion he feels for you. Without asking, he slides a second one having to cover your mouth with a hand to drown a low moan. 
“Don' fuckin' do that or 'am gonna stop”. Reyes slaps it with his free hand making you chuckle as he thrusts into you a little fast. “I'm dying to taste you”.
He sounds desperate, trying not to lose control when he finds your hips bouncing low over his hand.
“Do it”. You almost beg for it, seconds before he is pulling out his fingers to help you to lie on your back.
His calloused hands run over your thighs before sliding your panties off and throwing them aside. Kneeling next to the bed, Angel lifts up your legs to his shoulders, leaving some soft bites on your skin getting closer to your center. Maintaining your look, he explores your entrance with his tongue. Your back arches when he catches your swollen clit between his lips, sucking it so delicately as if it was the best thing he has ever try out. 
“Fuck, Angel…” You groan placing your hands on his black messy hair.
He smirks proudly sinking his mouth into your pussy, tucking in two fingers again. He knows exactly what to do, making you squirm under the arm holding your waist to hold you closer. His hand works you out faster than before, as his tongue explores your wet skin from top to bottom making some pressure against it. Angel sighs when he's out of air, biting and sucking your pelvis to leave a beautiful small bruise.
“It should be illegal taste so good”. He mutters, rubbing his scratchy cheeks against your thighs, moving his wrist nailing his fingers inside you. “I wan'ya to cum in ma' mouth, keep makin'me happy, mi dulce”.
You can't even say a word when he devours your pussy again, shaking your breath and your body, going deeper and somewhat fast. You're aroused because of him, that you know you won't take much longer. Angel knows exactly where to touch you to make you scream his name, while the heat runs down your spine flowing out in your abdomen.
“Fuck, Angel!” You cry out feeling how the delicious orgasm wraps your body, while he continues only with his mouth, drinking your juices so delighted. “Oh, fuck, baby…”
Your phone starts to ring with ‘The Imperial March’ over the nightstand, you two growl, stretching a hand to it.
“Please, don' answer”. Your boyfriend begs you, crawling on the mattress.
“El presidente is calling”. You snort showing him the screen. “Hey… dad”.
“Can you open the door? I forgot my keys”.
“I'm in”. Leaving the phone away, Angel rolls on the bed, getting up as you find something to wear that it's not his shirt. Finding some pajamas and putting them on as you walk towards the entrance. 
“Were you sleeping?”
“No… Yes… I mean…”
“Looks like you had a nightmare”.
“Yeah… something like that”.
“Do you want me to stay, ah?” He asks putting an arm over your shoulders, leaving a smooth kiss on your sweaty temple. Then, you shake your head. “Okay, go back to bed, but lock the door. And call me if you have another one, I'll be here in less than five minutes, princesa”.
“Vale, papá”. (Okay, dad).
“Te amo, lo sabes, ¿verdad?” (I love you, you know it, right?)
“Yo también te amo”. (I love you too).
“Go back to sleep, c'mon”.
Kissing his cheek hugging him tightly, you leave him leading going back to your room. Angel is behind it about to have a heart attack. Closing the door and locking it, you pull him into you, crashing your lips with his. Taking off your clothes while his big hands paw every inch of your body, you attack his belt undoing it.
“Your father is in the other room”. He mutters when his back finds the wall.
“So, what?” You reply on his lips standing on your tiptoes, losing your shit when you unzip his jeans to free himself.
“Fuck… Go on your knees, mi dulce”. He whispers, biting your mouth, watching you take it as an order.
Rolling his pants and his boxers, after Angel he takes off his boots, heel against heel; you wrap his throbbing cock in your hand jerking him off slowly, Seeing how he tries not to make a single noise. His hands go straight to your hair, getting tangled in it,when your tongue draws some circles over his reddened glans. Angel has his eyes strongly closed, his back slightly curved, urging you to suck his cock. Your mouth receives it totally pleased, pressing your throat and holding it there for a few seconds. You can see Angel opening his lips, eliciting a loud moan. You hear Bishoos steps getting closer to the door, as he knocks he says
“One last thing”.
“Yeah, dad?” You quickly ask.
“Your bike is losing oil, Angel. Fix it tomorrow, I don't want you to have an accident”.
“Su—Sure, prez”.
“Good. And use condoms”.
“Fuck, prez… We're ju—We're just gonna sleep… together”.
“Use it if you want to stay alive, Reyes!”
You can't help but break out in laughs when you're sure your father is already gone. Angel can barely breathe, But before he can complain about your father, you're sucking his dick again deeper. He finally moans as he wanted to do. His hands on your head marks the rhythm, somewhat faster, wetting all his extension with your tongue. He keeps his eyes on you,on your lips, enjoying the way you have to blow him so needy as he was eating you out. And it tastes good. Angel tastes so good.
But he can't handle much longer the desire to fuck you, to make you his. By grabbing your chin with two fingers, he urges you to stand up, devouring in a dirty way your mouth. Your salivas getting mixed with the flavor of your own juices, walking backwards to your bed, to lay down there. He takes off his shirt, throwing it to the floor, breaking the desperate kiss to give you the leather jacket.
“Put on my kutte. I wanna fuck you wearing it, mi princesa Maya”.
Your legs tremble hearing say that. And you do, before he makes some space between your legs, spreading it and ignoring Bishop's warning. Neither of you want to use it for your first time, and you already have a pill for tomorrow just in case. Angel looks at you, totally naked, opened waiting for him. And he's realizing that heaven must looks like that. 
“Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful, mi amor”. He whispers amazed, lying on top of you, stroking himself close to your clit. “Tell me if you need to stop, okay?”
You nod starting to be terrified. You know that mostly it hurts a little, and Angel is so big. More than you could imagine. But you know that he's going to be understanding and careful, guiding his glans among your wet folds. He moves his pelvis slowly, growling because of how warm and tight you are, not wanting to lose a single expression on your face.
“Shit… hold a second, Angel”. You beg closing your eyes when his cock finds your limits.
“Okay, okay, baby. It's okay… you want me to pull it out?”
“Please, do—don't move”.
“I will not”.
He tries to comfort you leaving smooth kisses all around your face, caressing your arms with his fingertips. You can't deny that it hurts and itches to some extent, until almost a minute passes by. He moves himself slowly, when your body is less tense, surrounding you with his arms. Now, you can feel it. You can feel the pleasure of his hard cock stretching your tightness, once and again. Slow. So slow that it's driving you insane.
“¿Estás bien, mi dulce?” (You okay?) He whispers with shaky breath on your ear. You just nod. It's impossible for you say a single word. “Fuck, baby… this is the fuckin' paradise”.
He makes you chuckle, pounding you as soon as he knows that you're good with that, hitting your g-stop and making you scream out full of pleasure.
“That's it, baby… Fuck... Do it again”. He begs you, thrusting his pelvis against you somewhat harder. You can't help but moan loudly again. 
He's helping you to discover feelings that you never thought you would be able to feel. The mix between tickles, pleasure and chills, making you lose your mind. His thrusts become constant, deeper, faster, as your vocals. He's enjoying more the fact that you're whimpering his name, that the pleasure of your first time gives him narrowing his cock inside you.
“Oh, fuck… Angel, don'—don't stop, please… I fucking beg you!”
“Not until you cum on my dick, princesa”.
His growls against your mouth increasing the heat running through your body, bristling your skin. Leading his lips back to your neck, your boyfriend bites hard, pressing your fingers on his nape to push him closer. You open your legs a little more, but surrounding his waist with one of them intensifying the pleasure. You didn't finish yet, and you already want to do it again.
“Fuck, mami… on all fours. I wanna fuck you from behind”.
And that's sound so much better, until you feel empty whining upset a little, but adopting the position he has ask you.
“Chest down, mami”. 
When your weight is over your palms and your knees, he softly presses your nape to the bed.
“Raise your ass and spread those fucking beautiful legs fo' me”.
You do it, without complaining, anxious for feeling him inside. A strong slap right to your ass makes you squirm surprised, crying out because of it. But before you can say anything, his cock is pushing into your body again to the limit, drilling your pussy with repetitive moves. You're sure that your neighbors are going to hear you scream his full name, agsin and again. His fingers rabbbng on your hips and his pelvis colliding against your folds creating a delicious wet melody that floods your room, intermingling with your noises.
“You like it, mi dulce?”
“Yes… Yes… Fuck, Angel, you're so… so fucking big”.
Reyes tangles a hand in your hair, pulling you up until his chest finds your back covered by the kutte.
“This big cock is only yours, mi princesa”. He grunts into your ear, biting your lobe.
The position changes a little with your body stuck against his. His left hand travels to your throat holding it, while the other goes down to your pleased pussy being thrust into with all his strength, rubbing your clit with his forefinger. When you thought he couldn't give you more pleasure, he just does this other thing. Fuck you. Finger you. Bite you. All in one, and you can't fight your feelings much more.
“Angel… Angel…”
“Fuckin' cum, mi vida… make me happy”. He begs looking for your lips, twisting your neck a little.
“I wanna do'et rid—riding your cock… please. Shit, please, Angel”.
You're going to kill him, asking him those things. He's falling in love with you somewhat more every time you open your mouth. He pulls out himself, knowing that he's close to cumming, lying on the bed to let you sit on his lap. He doesn't miss a single detail, nor a single gesture, nor a single move, biting his lower lip and watching how you lead his cock back to your pussy. 
Your hips bounce on him, dancing above his pelvis, going a little bit deeper. You could say that coming to an orgasm is similar with using your fingers, but you would be lying. It hits you harder, warmer, closing your fingers on his chest and going faster when you feel the explosion inside your belly, arching your back. A howl full of pleasure in your throat, with your boyfriend's name on it.
“Shit, baby…” You're almost crying, leaping on top of him.
“Don't stop, mi dulce… I'm gon—gonna fuckin' cum…”
You're not. You want to feel him, speeding up your moves. By his heavy breathing you know pretty well he is on the edge, bending over his chest looking for his tongue. Kissing him, your hands lead his straight to your ass, slapping it again before squeezing it and helping you to go deeper on your pussy.
“Fuck, daddy… cum inside me…”
“Shit, how di—did you c…”
“Daddy… My daddy”. You gasps somewhat exhausted while he pushes you with non-stop.
“Beg for it, mi dulce… Beg for your daddy's cum”. 
Rolling over the mattress, putting your back on it, Angel thrust his cock faster with a hand wrapping your throat tightly.
“Oh, fuck…” You sob with your legs trembling a little more than before. “Fuck, daddy… Daddy, please… Cum inside me, I deserve it, please…”
“Yeah, babygirl… Daddy is gonna… make you feel full. Only your daddy Angel, you hear me…?”.
“Only you, daddy, but… fuck… please cum inside me”.
You catch his lips between yours, kissing him dirtly exploring his whole mouth with your tongue. Your boyfriend is out of air, moaning into your mouth when he feels the lash of heat hitting his lower abdomen, filling you with his seed and feeling how it spills down your thighs when he pounds you again, pressing his body against yours as much as he can. He holds it inside you, looking at your eyes burning in lust. Every time he bites his lip, your heart jumps, doing it as he pushes you a little more moving your body above the mattress some inches.
“Angel! Fuck!” You cry out, making him chuckles between some gasps.
“Fuck, mi dulce… You feel so good… so warm… so tight. Your pussy is suffocating me… so fucking much… shit, it feels so good, I swear to god”. He mutters exhausted, touching your lips with his.
“Hold it just a little more, please…”
“All the time you want, mi amor… This cock is only yours… Only for you”. 
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Crossing the clubhouse' main door sounds easy, but it's not. Your holding hands with Angel, carrying the helmet in the other. He looks at you for a second, leaning towards you to press his lips with yours. You know everything is going to be okay, even so you can't help but feeling a little terrified. 
“What's'ap, bro?” 
The guys receive you and, by the emotion on their faces, you realize that Angel probably told him. Finding your father stepping out from the Templo, followed by Taza and Tranq, you try to look calm.
“Buenos días, princesa”. He says practically ripping you out of Angel's arms, to hug you closer.
“Buenos días, papá”. You mutter a little nervous.
“Yo, Bish… op… Bishop. My bike. Is okay”.
“Yeah, it is”. He just say, holding you against his chest.
“How did you kn—”.
“I know every fucking smell of my daughter, pendejo. I ‘made’ her, remember? I've been taking care of her since she was fucking born”. Your father is pointing at him with his forefinger, again, showing his overprotective and jealous mood. “And you use that… fucking cologne that has a strong smell”.
“Dad, please… stop”.
“Listen to me, princesa. Si este pendejo te hace llorar, lo ataré al techo y le arrancaré la piel pedazo a pedazo. Después, se la haré comer”. (If this asshole makes you cry, I'll handle him from the rooftop to rip off his skin, piece by piece. Then, I'll make him eat it).
The whole group could have heard Angel swallow. But then it seems like heis reborn like a phoenix. Grabbing you from your father's arms and placing a hand on your waist.
“Look, Bishop. I'm not gonna fuck this up and I don' give a shit if you like or not. I love (Y/N), and I'm gonna take care of her”. You're freaking out, along with the crew. And God, he's so hot in that mood. “So, no matter how hard you try, she's my princ—”.
“Finish the sentence, and I'm gonna bury you alive, motherfucker”.
Taza is making a sign to end the conversation behind your father. Not this road, Angel Reyes. Don't ride this road. Obispo is lower than him, but he has his balls so fucking high.
“Mi hija, mi princesa. Don't you dare to cross the limit, Angel”. Your father is facing him, with his chin raised up. “I don't give a fuck what you do with her, when I'm not close. Unless you hurt her. But I'm here, and you're gonna fucking respect my rules”.
“Okay, dad, eno—”.
“Shut the fuck up, no one is talking with you, querida”.
Frowning, you know it's your time to set off the fire. Grabbing your father's kutte, you pull him outside of the clubhouse, while he continues threatening Angel in the distance. You lead him to the warehouse, closing the door behind you. 
“I'll fucking bury him, if he tries to call you again ‘princesa’ in my presence!” He shouts at you.
Here he is. Your jealous father. The most jealous man on earth. 
“Ok, dad, we all get it”.
“Don' fucking joke with me! You don' know how painful this is”.
“What the fuck, dad…?”
“Seeing you spending more time with him than with me. I understand it, you're growing and all that shit. But one day you will say ‘goodbye, I'm moving’ and I'll see you one or two hours every… I don' know how much days”.
“Okay, dad… calm down”.
You notice that your father is having a panic attack. Quickly, you help him to sit on a metallic box, kneeling close to him and taking off the kutte to undone some buttons of his shirt.
“Dad, breathe, okay? Breathe…”
He tries while you hold his hands, leaving some kisses on the back of them, until he starts to do better.
“You will always be mi rey, the one and only love of my life… okay?” He just nods with his gaze away from you. “There's no man , and no woman I could love more than I love you, you hear me? And I will not… limit myself visiting you just one hour every day, in the case I move on. And if I do… it will be in a lot of time”.
He doesn't say anything, sitting you on his lap and resting his face on your chest, closing his eyes, trying to keep calm.
“I hope you fucking used a condom”.
“Did you?”
“... I don' think so”.
“See, dad? Family business”.
“I'm gonna fucki—”
“Papá, te amo”.
“Shut up. Don' fuckin' ruin the moment”.
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