#jensenackles fafic
jawritter · 5 years
You and Me...
Chapter 5
***SERIES WARNINGS**** Rape, non-con, male!rape, injury, violence, description of injury caused by rape, nightmares, self-harm, panic attacks, implied female non-con, language, ass hole Jensen, hurt!Jensen, dark fic, smut. If there is anything else I will add it as I go.
***Chapter Warnings*** Drepressed Jensen, implied self-loathing, angst, swearing, kidnapping, I don’t think there are any triggers in this chapter. Sorry If I missed something.
Word Count: 1534
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Jared x Reader, OFC Justin X Reader
A/N: Anyway, all mistakes are mine, please don’t copy my work, Feedback is golden. If you want to be added to the series tag list, or my tag list just let me know! I hope you enjoy this one. After this chapter things tend to start to pick up a little.
Summary: It’s funny how one choice you made can change your whole life. One mistake can alter your course, and set you on a path that forever will haunt you. Two people find themselves getting through one of the hardest trials of Jensen’s life, on just one small promise. You and Me. We’ll get through it together…
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Walking into work the next morning you felt a lot better about the situation with Jensen. Talking to Alex always seemed to make you feel better. 
He was right, maybe you were being a little too touchy, but you weren't exactly as ready to apologize as you thought you were. So you decided today when Jensen came in to record that you would just kind of avoid any contact with him that wasn’t strictly business. Not put yourself in a situation to get into any sort of conflict with him, and if he said something hurtful to you, you wouldn't let it get to you.
"What's up Justin," you say, flopping down in your chair in the recording room. 
Justin looked a little afraid. Like he had something to tell you and was afraid of what you would do when he told you. 
"Y/n...I got some bad news this morning, please don't shoot the messenger," he said, holding his hands up in surrender. 
You narrowed your eyes at him and gave him your best deadpan bitchface you could come up with. 
"Okay... That depends on what you're about to tell me."
What the hell can go wrong now? 
"Jennifer called and quit this morning. She wouldn't tell us why. We tried everything to make her stay, but she refused. Steve wrote and emailed her a letter of recommendation so that she can find her another job quickly, but that's gonna put you bringing Jensen whatever he needs until we can find a replacement." 
He put his hands up in a defensive pose waiting for you to throw something at him, saying everything he had to say in a rush. 
"She quit," was all you could say, shocked at what you were hearing. 
Why in the world did she quit? She was all excited to work with Jensen yesterday. She was such a big fan of his work. Head over heels for the man. You hadn't noticed him being rude or mean to her at all. What the hell happened overnight?
Your thoughts were interrupted by Jensen and Jared walking into the recording room. Jensen said nothing, just kept his head down, and stood quietly behind Jared. 
Jared on the other hand seemed to be in a good mood as always, joking and laughing at everyone in the room.
"Ready to get started?" Justin asked Jensen. He just shook his head, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. 
He made his way with his head still down, staring at the floor, towards the recording room. He looked horrible. He was pale, and he looked absolutely exhausted. 
All the anger you had seemed to fade at that moment, and concern took its place. Why the hell did you even care? 
 "Okay, take it from the top Mr. Ackles," you tell him as he situates himself on the stool with his guitar. 
You had never seen him so quiet. You give Jared a questioning look, and he just shrugs. 
After about five takes of the same song, you call for him to take a break. He seemed distracted, and if he couldn’t get it together you were going to just tell him that it might be best to come back and take it from the top tomorrow. 
Finally, he spoke to you for the first time that day. 
"Y/N? Can you bring me some coffee, please?" 
The soft, polite tone that he took with you threw you for a lope. You just sat there blinking at Jared and Justin who sat there staring back at you, just as taken aback as you were. 
"Sh...Sure," you tell him, standing to go and get him his coffee. 
"Is he sick or something?" you asked Jared as you headed for the door.
"No idea. He's been quiet all morning," he said, watching his friend through the glass. A worried look on his face. 
You grabbed the coffee quickly and opened the door to the room Jensen was sitting in, looking down at his feet, and strumming ideally on his guitar. He looked like he was a thousand miles away from yourself and this little room.
He looks up at you and takes the coffee from your hand. His fingers brushing yours briefly. Your stomach did a flip that surprised you. 
“This guy's an ass Y/N. Don't let his good looks get you,” you think to yourself, trying to ignore the number of butterflies that seemed to take flight in your stomach. 
"Thanks," he mumbled and looked back down at his feet. You were just about to walk out the door when he spoke up again. 
"Where is Jennifer?" he asked, you tried to ignore the jealousy and the annoyance at the way he seemed to favor the young girl over you. Still, you couldn’t deny it gnawed at you. 
"She's no longer employed here. Called in, and left this morning," you tell him shortly, unable to completely hide your annoyance like you wished you could have. 
He just nodded his head, looking back down at his feet again almost like a dog that had been kicked too hard too many times.
“Did she turn him down or something?” you think to yourself as you take your seat in the recording room again. The thought of that makes you smirk just a little. 
"Okay, Mr. Ackles one more time, and we should have it. Then we can wrap for today okay?" you say into the speaker. 
He just nods his head and starts strumming again. Jared never took his eyes off his friend, staring at him and trying to read behind whatever Jensen was hiding, because something was very, very wrong.
Time Jump One week.
Jensen sat in the almost empty bar owned by his best friend looking out over all the empty tables as the music played softly around him. 
It was late, very late. Jared was already gone home, asking him if he would keep an eye on the new bartender he'd hired today. 
Shep had contracted a stomach bug, and Gen needed help with the kids. 
Sitting at the end of the bar watching the young boy count down the register Jensen heard the bell ding as the door opened. He turned to see two very large men enter the bar and sit down on either side of him. As soon as they did an uneasy feeling hit Jensen right in the pit of his stomach.
"Sorry, guys I forgot to lock the door. We're closed,” Jensen said, looking back and forth between the two men. 
"Oh come on Jensen, just one little shot for me and my boys," The rather large man said that was sitting to his left. 
He was heavily tattooed. Several teardrop tattoos under his eye told Jensen he'd done some jail time. Maybe it was a good idea to just give the guy the shots then they could go.
Jensen signaled to the young bartender to give the men the shots when two other men came in and sat down at the table directly behind Jensen and the two other men. Jensen knew that they were all together, it was obvious, and they weren’t really trying to hide it. 
Jensen swallowed hard, looking over at the young bartender. 
"Son, why don't you go ahead and take that to the back and put it in the safe. We'll let them have this one on the house and then they can be on their way." 
With that, the boy who was just as anxious to get away from the men as Jensen was to get him away from them did as he was told. As soon as the office door shut the man to his left placed a heavy hand on his shoulder, gripping it painfully. 
"You're gonna come with us, pretty boy. You and I are going to have a little chat about what you did to my little sister last week,” 
Standing up the man on his right gripped his other shoulder, and Jensen’s stomach fell to his feel. 
“You're a hard one to find you know," he snarled, looking at Jensen like he was a piece of meat. 
Jensen swallowed hard. He was screwed and he knew it. He stood quickly and swung at the man to his right that was holding his shoulder, hoping his years of playing a hunter on TV had paid off. 
Before his fist even met the man's face the other three men grabbed Jensen and threw him over one of the tables in the bar, tying his hands together with a twist ty tightly. The large tattooed man clicked his tongue disapprovingly at Jensen, then leaned down, pressing all his body weight onto Jensen’s back, licking the side of his neck. His hot breath and tongue made Jensen’s stomach lurch, and he fought against the uncontrollable urge to throw up. 
"You shouldn't have done that boy," he said, as he stood up, and the other men hauled Jensen to his feet, slapping silver duct tape over his mouth they started dragging him out the front door. Jensen struggled the best he could. Before he reached the street something hard came down on his head. 
A sharp pain shot through his body, and everything went black. If only it had stayed black.
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@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​
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