#jensaarai oc
sunnyvandsephi · 10 months
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It's hard to say, that I'm back on a straight line You see my path is in fact just a fault line It's in my blood, it's in my lungs and it won't die I fight these words, I bite my tongue so I don't lie.
Though it's me to blame There is no more shame in me. - I am a Stone, Demon Hunter
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madpufferfish · 2 years
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Really quick sketch of an OC I have--literally did it on the train haha. Hope u guys like it :)
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katarvitz · 2 years
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"You have been taught much over the past months on fighting style, martial arts, and baseline tactics. From here on, I want you to forget most of that. They're a useful guideline but they're not the beginning an end of fighting. Stick to their every rule, refuse to build upon them, or simply fail to innovate, and you'll end up dead. Just because we expect you to use lethal force as a last resort doesn't mean we don't expect you to fight dirty when it's required. Or that we want you to make the same mistake of other Force users, and abandon pragmatic thinking the second you're given a taste of power.
These lessons won't be teaching you how to fight. They'll be teaching you how to survive odds of a hundred to one, and still walk away in one piece.
Understood? Good. Then let's begin."
This was the second of two pieces that art-finds-a-way (who can also be found on rayn44 here, and on DeviantArt)
was kind enough to accept, and she did a fantastic job with it. As mentioned in the previous commission, this was intended to show Tarvitz and Rhan in more of a contrasting role, in poses and positions that would normally be reserved for their typical counterpart. In this case it was Rhan having a stance relating to less of a builder or teacher, and showing her as a combatant. While Tarvitz is a butcher who spent ten years emulating what most of us do when dropped into a Fallout game, Rhan is hardly a stranger to surviving among the harsher environments of the wider galaxy. So, I wanted an image to display some of that without making it seem as if she was just emulating Tarvitz's typical behaviour.
The dialogue here is something I threw in, so everything in the image is what Rayn44 created after I gave a few general outlines. Please check out her gallery, as if you think this is good you should see some of the things created with her own characters. No, really, there's no end of sheer hilarity and brilliance in there.
You can find out more relating to this and other character stories in Clan Odan-Urr in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, which has been running decades spanning storylines since the late 90s.
If you are interested in joining then take a look here.
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dxnniquee · 3 years
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Meet my oc’s : Darin Quee !
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star wars?
{ Hmm, well, taking in the entirety of the Star Wars universe, I know nothing about the Extended Universe, or, well, Legends now, I suppose. But I have a bit of an obsession with Maris Brood and I think I’d like to explore her. idk why her in particular, but, I just liked her, even tho Starkiller totally kicks her ass The Force Unleashed.
As far as film canon goes, Rey might be fun. She’s a cutie and I think that getting into her head would be fun.
What I would most likely do tho is make some OCs. In fact, I’ve been contemplating making a Knight of Ren OC. We know so little about the Knights of Ren, and I think it would be so interesting to explore why a person would follow Kylo and their thoughts about everything. Or I’d take my concept for Hera’s SW verse and make a Jensaarai OC. Because, clearly, I am obsessed with the Jensaarai and find their entire origins and philosophies and all of it just so interesting! }
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pristinepastel · 7 years
OC Masterlist!
Masterlist and Face Claims of my OCs! :^) Okie Dokes, in chronological order:
Dragon Age Origins:
Abeera Cousland: Hanan Turk
Aahil Cousland: Riz Ahmed
Nascha Mahariel: Raytanna Williams
Elena Tabris: Eva Mendes
Alex Brosca: Willy Cartier
Borghild Aeducan: Roshumba Williams
Brandt Aeducan: Shermon Brathwaite
Cheyenne Amell: Nguyễn Thùy Lâm
Dragon Age 2:
Mariel Hawke: Ji Hye Park
Gerard Hawke: Kim Sung Han
Dragon Age Inquisition:
Shiloh Surana: Olesya Rulin
Osiria Adaar: Sayo Yoshida
Jaimie Trevelyan: Clara Luce Lafond
Evangeline Trevelyan: Tico Armand
Harice Trevelyan: Christian Dubosse
Shokrakar Adaar: Theo Theodoridis
Elisa Cadash: Aishwarya Rai
Sahrel Lavellan: Dayvid Thomas
Olivia Lavellan: Eva Mendes
Amelan: Lira
Tailor: Mau Thuy
Asaara: Jodi Boam
Laella: Kassandra Clementi
Jade Empire:
Scholar Ling: Bebe Pham
Arukama Fumi: Nichole Bloom
Arukama Mizumi and Hannah Goldstein: Hayley Kiyoko
Arukama Natsumi: Devon Naoki
Final Fantasy 7:
Rosa Mireles-Valdez: Eva Mendes
Estrella Mireles-Valdez: Fluvia Lacerda
D. Gray Man:
Wysteria: Mystic Kids Evelyn
Harry Potter:
Shurah Alton: Anton Yelchin
XMen/Mystic Messenger:
Eun-Byeol Mun: Moon Geun-Young
Aileen Wilson: Jessica Stam
Aisha Jones: Amal Arafa
Jazz Williams: Bernadette Peters
Patricia/Trisha Walker: Ellen Page
Esfir Utkin: Veronica Vernadskaya
Kingdom Hearts:
Haos and Darkus: Roxio Crusset
Aether: Valentijn De Hingh
Astera: Courtney McCullough
Carrigan Ramos: Nita Fernando
Mickey Yukiyama: Meisa Kuroki
Resident Evil:
Frida Tellers: Angela Basset
Irina: N/A
Kizochka Zima: Mountain Lion
Kay: Melina Weissman
Hand-Shadow-Tree: Blue Tongued Skink
Stacy Altaha: Marisa Quinn
Nate Bunker-Eaton: William Jackson Harper
Nora Bunker-Eaton: Andy Allo
Sally Li May: Chen Lili
Suzy Cain: Madeline Stuart
Fatal Frame/Amnesia:
Akiba Haruka and Haruko: Ryōko Hirosue
Kabat'hafti: Daouda Sonko
Nasaa Saareem: Cierra Skye
Jean Lnu: Madison Reis
Kaphar'ti: Nneka Ogwumike
Charlotte and Margaret: Anna Sviridova
Arleena: Ji Hye Park
Pops: Vin Diesel
Hâskian Jensaarai: Ines Rau
Taral Jensaarai: Onnys Aho
Adelaide Hopps: Chanty Sok
Luiz'ahan: Lea T
Legend of Zelda:
Zenaide Tellers: Chanel Iman
Tallulah: N/A
Mass Effect Trilogy: 
Chen Shepard: Tong Liya
Lan Shepard: Tong Liya
Xian Shepard: Li Yifeng
Carlos Valdez: Laz Alonso
Allison King: Sarah Geronimo
Mass Effect Andromeda:
Qingmei Ryder: Blanche Chu
Jie Ryder: Godfrey Gao
Anfisa Andreev: Kristina Asmus
Pillars of Eternity:
Waiola: Denny Mendez
Hanne: Derek Jaeschke
Siòphra: Thando Hopa
Timofei: Ivan Zakharov
Ives: Casil McArthur
World of Warcraft:
Beep-Beep: N/A
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sunnyvandsephi · 6 months
you ever realize you were wrong about your own character
and they surprise you with complexities you underestimated
because of a fundamental misunderstanding of how something worked in the setting you dropped them into
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katarvitz · 2 years
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"I know you can hear me. I'll keep this short. You've waited long enough as it is. The library is gone and your apprentice is dead, along with all those that practiced your teachings. Those that escaped your temple were hunted down and killed. You've spent the last decades as a trophy, being passed from one Moff to another. I'm sorry you have to hear this from me of all people.
Much has changed during your slumber, and not for the better.
This galaxy is a bleak place. There is no major government, no group of champions to fight against the rising tide of chaos. Every maniac with a Star Destroyer is trying to conquer everything in sight. We are about to enter an era of untold bloodshed, without the Jedi, Sith, or any great leader to help mitigate the damage. There isn't even a Republic anymore. Much of the past has been rewritten, for reasons of propaganda and simple convenience of those in power. People don't even know of the past mistakes they're supposed to learn from.
We aim to change this. And with your help, we might be able make the coming age a bit less dark…"
This was a piece that art-finds-a-way (who can also be found on rayn44 here, and on DeviantArt) was kind enough to make, and she did an outstanding job with this work. This is the first of two commissions, showing two of my characters in more contrasting positions than normal. This is much more contemplative than Tarvitz would normally look, meditating and peering into a holocron. It's likely the closest he'll ever appear to being a leader or an upstanding member of his kind in any way, but I did like the idea thanks to the general character growth he's undergone over the past few years. Same ideals, same concept, and same overall approach, but he now understands the scale of the tasks at hand and what will be lost if he doesn't boost their numbers. Also he's not standing knee-deep in corpses.
The dialogue here is something I threw in, so everything in the image is what Rayn44 created after I gave a few general outlines. Please check out her gallery, as if you think this is good you should see some of the things created with her own characters. No, really, there's no end of sheer hilarity and brilliance in there.
Also, for those who know it, I do indeed regret the character's name. I did it as a joke thinking it would get rejected, but they accepted it so now I'm sticking with it.
You can find out more relating to this and other character stories in Clan Odan-Urr in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, which has been running decades spanning storylines since the late 90s.
If you are interested in joining then take a look here.
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katarvitz · 2 years
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One piece I always loved by Shellsweet, enough to add a story to it. Please check out her other stuff, or things involving these two on the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. If you're interested in joining up at all, we've also got a character creator page here.
Silently the hunter trudged forward as he scanned the treeline for his opponent. The deep snowfall was slowing his movements, reducing his broad strides to awkward wading. Every step was accompanied by a splatter of frozen water against his palatinate-tinged armour and a loud crunch that could wake the dead. That was part of why he had abandoned any pretense of stealth as he moved through the towering forest. Well, part of why at least. The other reason was that he had no talent for it.
Ka Tarvitz was someone who was as alien to subtlety as a Hutt was to dieting. He simply wasn’t built for it. At six foot tall and broad-shouldered, he had been described more than once as a battering ram given human form when using his fists. When given a lightsaber, he could send opponents flying with sheer brute strength. The forest was not an environment he would have ever chosen to face someone in, least of all due to its odd qualities. Pausing by one tree, he stopped and looked up with his mismatched eyes, squinting against its leafless greying branches for any sign of movement or disturbance. It swayed slightly as if sensing his presence, and a deep rumble resided from within its “trunk” as several roots shifted to steady itself.
The forests walked on Trepus. At least that was the common saying, if not a wholly accurate one. The forests about Solyiat’s northernmost continent were rare things, often twisted and bent against the frequent blizzards which pelted the coastlines. They cropped up about whatever shelter could be found, typically either the volcanic mountains or hillsides and dug into the stonework.
The forests which stuck to the plains, the odd bent-backed and tall rooted Druss trees which drew swarms of Dravik birds to their branches were not wholly trees at all. They benefited from photosynthesis and drank nutrients from the earth, but each was closer to a gigantic insect than a plant. Each night they would uproot themselves, heading for some untouched area of the landscape. While they were not prone to violence, the fact that anyone could awaken at a moment’s notice kept Tarvitz on edge. That was likely why his opponent had picked this spot. Here she had the cards stacked in her favour, and was looking to show off.
As the thought crossed his mind, a warning whisper from the Force sent him leaning backward. A projectile hurtled past, skimming the edge of the nearest Druss tree and leaving a white mark. It rumbled again, and Tarvitz thought he saw a set of compound eyes momentarily blink somewhere near its middle. Another two shots followed in quick succession, as Tarvitz threw himself flaw against the snow, each barely missing him.
“Alright,” he chuckled to himself, “I guess we’re starting.”
He leaped upright, bounding forward as he kicked up waves of snow. Another shot was thrown in his wake, this one too hastily aimed to hit him. Tarvitz was counting now, judging each direction of the incoming shots. He couldn’t see the one throwing them, but he knew that she was nearby, likely somewhere to his left from that last one. With a wave of one hand, he reached out with the Force and scooped up several balls of snow, each one levitating parallel to his body as he charged forward. Then, in a single motion, he released them in a wide arc, sending each one through the broad gaps between the slumbering trees. There was no immediate response, no sudden appearance of footprints or crunch of movement. Instead, there was a short pause before another projectile of packed snow seemed to hurtle out of nowhere, clipping Tarvitz’s pauldron.
Shaking his head as snow splattered against his scarred features, Tarvitz grinned in approval. Score one to the Kiffar. He hadn’t even sensed that one coming this time, which meant that her skills were improving. Unfortunately for her, she had just given him all the information that he needed to find her. The snowball had clipped the upper edge of his pauldron, exploding into fragments at an angle which would have been impossible if she were on level ground.
Looking up, Tarvitz began to squint among the branches overhead, trying to pick out any oddities among them. Then, almost as soon as he started, he quickly gave up. Each one was near identical, filled with roosting clusters of slumbering birds and heavy with resting snowfall from the brief storm that morning. Tarvitz knew that he could have spent hours hunting between them and trying to find even the smallest difference, likely while being pelted by snowballs all in that time. No, it was time to cut a few corners.
Raising two gauntleted fingers to his lips, Tarvitz released a piercing whistle into the air. He might as well have thrown a grenade. Among the branches, a thousand birds shot into the skies, each one squeaking loudly at the sudden disturbance. Each of the trees shuddered at the sound, issuing their own series of throaty rumbles in irritation at being woken, or the echoing clicks of their language. And far above him, some distance ahead of Tarvitz, a small figure briefly blinked into existence as she fell backward from a larger branch. He reached out, slowing her descent with telekinesis before allowing her to fall back into the dense snowdrift and left a person-shaped hole in the white dune. She barely managed to rise to her feet before Tarvitz was upon her.
Sirra was short even for her young age. A childhood of malnutrition and infrequent meals had led to his sometimes-apprentice having a slight build which barely reached his waistline. It was perfect for stealth and infiltration, not so much for overpowering others. Tarvitz easily snatched her up, one arm hooking itself about her middle as the other mashed a snowball directly into her short brown hair.
“Had enough?” Tarvitz said, and then laughed as the image of a white flag appeared in his mind. “Yeah, I don’t blame you.”
Stamping down several times to give her a hardened platform to stand on, Tarvitz gently set the Kiffar down upon it before dropping back into the drift to catch his breath.
“You were close, you know,” he said, still chuckling as she shook the snow from her hair. “You’d probably have won if it wasn’t for the birds.”
Sirra frowned in confusion, and Tarvitz sighed as he felt her mind pressing against his. Lowering his mental barriers for a moment, he focused on an image of himself planted headfirst down in the snow with her standing triumphantly over him. She giggled at the picture, apparently getting his meaning, and Tarvitz felt a brief sensation of joy and appreciation in response. It was by no means a perfect system of communication, especially given his own limited talent when it came to telepathy, but it was the best that they could manage for the moment. Unfortunately, he had yet to think of an easy way of asking “Best of three?” in a way which she could easily understand. As she finished brushing snow from herself, Sirra looked at him and projected an image of the Jedi Temple into his mind, followed by a ticking chronometer.
“Fair enough, I did say we’d only be gone for a couple of hours,” Tarvitz said with a slight smirk. It faltered slightly as he looked back, and realised that their trail here was hardly the easiest one to follow. “I don’t suppose you remember which way is back to the ship, do you?”
Still linked to his mind, the Kiffar apparently caught onto his meaning and nodded. Looking past him, she raised one hand and closed her eyes. Several of the Druss trees released a low, almost subsonic groan as they stretched into life. Tarvitz gave her a worried look, reaching for the sword sheathed at his side, but the creatures merely looked at them for a moment with their multifaceted eyes before stomping off to one side and clearing the start of a small path for them.
“Nine hells, you are growing up,” Tarvitz breathed, looking at Sirra as she beamed in approval. “It’s certainly a step up from scaring hawk-bats.”
Sirra just kept smiling and reaching out with her hand, but nothing else moved. Instead, another image emerged inside Tarvitz’s mind, of two people exchanging coins. He looked at her in confusion for a few seconds, only for her to follow it up with several others, particularly one with Sirra buried up to her head in snow, before he understood.
“I suppose that’s fair,” Tarvitz laughed while patting her on the shoulder. “Just don’t try this with one of your Masters. I don’t think it’d end well.”
Rising to his feet, Tarvitz turned and knelt down before the Kiffar with his back to her. He grunted slightly as she leaped onto his back, scrambling for purchase against his plasteel armour before she settled into place with her arms wrapped about his shoulders. Slowly, careful to maintain his balance, Tarvitz stood upright as he hooked both arms under Sirra’s legs to keep her in place.
“Alright then,” he said as they began to march out of the forest. “Lead the way."
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dxnniquee · 3 years
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Meet my oc’s : Darin Quee !
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