#jenny on ats if only for the two people with the worst takes on angel fighting it out
theajaheira · 1 year
actually yknow what just occurred to me i wanna see jenny calendar and kate lockley interact. can you imagine how funny that would be. queen of knowing more than anyone how horribly brutal angelus was and forgiving him just to stick it to her family vs. queen of having just met angel yesterday and deciding his vibes are horrific. neither of you should be speaking. you both suck at this so hard
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Midnight Circus pt. 2
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☾pairing: Jungkook ♡→  reader ☾genre: Angst. Fluff. Mature content. badboysummerfling au ☾summary: “You’re ten times hotter this summer, you know that?”
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | coming soon
It was a delightful morning, you underestimated the amount of peace there was on a camping ground when night fell. You were fully rested and ready for the day. Everyone hadn't left the cabins yet but those of you who did go to the recreational center for breakfast. You piled the roasted potatoes on your plate and walked back to the table with Nayeon, Jin, Namjoon, and Jennie, everyone else was asleep so you guys left them alone. The weather was nice, breakfast was delicious, Jungkook wasn't here, it was close to perfect.
“After breakfast, I planned some stuff for all us.” Jennie brought the mug to her lips and sipped the bittersweet coffee. “We can get cleaned up then we'll hike up to the springs and eat lunch there, we can swim for a little while too.” When Jennie looked up to see Beah and Naeun we're coming to the table and you braced yourself, you knew who wasn't far behind them. Low and behold, Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook walked in and you sighed—he glanced at you before grabbing a plate for breakfast, his hair was so fluffy and too soft to be his own, you wondered why the worst people have the prettiest features.
“Good morning,” Jimin came to sit next to Namjoon and across from Beah, with a bowl of fruit. Taehyung came to sit next to Beah, putting the seat beside you up for grabs. 
“Did you guys sleep well?” Jennie was really just indirectly asking Jimin. 
“Yeah, I kept hearing a weird sound though like a cat or something...” Tae mumbled and Nayeon nodded in agreement.
“I heard that too,” She gasped, “oh my God, are there wildcats out here?”
You giggled as Jennie tried to convince everyone that there has only ever been one wildcat sighting, most of them weren't convinced. When Taehyung brought up the subject of the 'thing' in the tree outside of his window, you couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he was.
“There was not!” Jimin playfully slapped his arm. “You shouldn't have eaten those snacks, you were just seeing things.” 
Jungkook actually chuckled—he, of course, had to sit right next to you. His plate was piled uo like most of the guys but his plates always looked huge. You ate your potatoes, sipped your juice and got up to take your empty plate—you wanted to get away from him before you two started at it again. You grimaced at having to go back to that table, you could practically feel Jungkook looking at you—his eyes as unapologetic as ever when you looked back at him. Feeling your pink pajama shorts lift slightly prompted you to quickly tug them down. You kept your cool and walked to the fruit bar, making a nice bowl of pineapples before taking your seat beside him. It was ridiculous how he kept eyeing you like you didn't notice him staring, he scraped his fork against his teeth and just glared at you.
You ate about three pieces until you saw his greasy fingers stroll into your view, attempting to take one of your pineapples, you smacked his hand, moving your chair farther from him—he is a literal child. He doesn't understand the concept of enemies, he acts like your annoying friend one second and he's pissing you off the next. He giggled, trying to grab it again just to annoy you.
“Stop.” You glared at him—looking down at your pineapples, they didn't even look all that appetizing anymore. 
He had the nerve to scoff, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Why do you have to get worked up over pointless shit like pineapples?” He grabbed the same pineapple he was gonna eat originally and popped it in his mouth. “It's fucking fruit. You need to learn how to share.”
“It's my fruit, and I think you're forgetting that we're not on good terms.” You crossed your arms—you've never glared at anyone with such animosity. “And I don't share with heathens like you...”
“Me? A heathen?” He feigned a look of shock. “You nag about everything, no wonder you never get any-” If he would've finished that sentence you would've strangled him.
“Are you two seriously fighting over a bowl of pineapples?” Namjoon called you two out causing the whole table to stare at the both of you. Of course, you both started defending yourselves, your words clashing together like children trying to prove their points in a feud.
“Hey! We don't want to hear about your pineapples guys,” Jennie spoke up, “let's go get ready for the springs.” At that everyone agreed and got up, leaving their plates and continuing their conversations. As you were storming back to the cabin Naeun came to walk beside you, just skipping along like there was no tomorrow. You thought she was more excited to go swimming and you could understand why—swimming with all of those good-looking guys was pretty exciting but you didn't even think of that. You are going to have a good time, he wasn't about to get the best of you, not now.
You washed up, put on light make up and slid on a pair of jean shorts over your bathing suit. When you tied your hair in a ponytail you got a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, Beah and Jennie were getting ready in the mirror as well. 
“You look cute Y/N,” Jennie looked back at your somewhat uncharacteristically revealing get up, “I don't think Jeon will be able to argue with you in that, honestly you guys would be cute if you could stay in a room without killing each other.” She giggled, the way you grimaced in disgust was priceless.
“You're kidding?” You wanted to vomit—that thought never even crossed your mind, “No, we wouldn't, ugh, don't even think of that. All I see Jungkook as is a means to ruin my life. And FYI he'll lust after anything with boobs so it doesn't matter what any of us wear, he undresses people with his eyes...” They all laughed but it was true, and you were determined not to let him touch any of your friends. 
“I wouldn't mind that entirely.” Naeun walked in, she wore a black one piece with large openings on the sides to show quite a bit of skin. “He’s one of the hottest guys in school, and you get to fight with him.” She snickered.
“First of all, that's gross. Second of all, he's not ugly, that's all I have to say about his looks.” Everyone was in their swimsuits, had their bags with shoes, extra clothes and some snacks. When the five of you walked out the boys were already waiting for you guys outside of their cabin.
Jin stretched. “So how long is the hike?” 
Jennie pulled out a can of bug spray and offered some to everyone before spraying her legs and arms. “Like 15 to 20  minutes, it's not that long. Since I’m leading the hike, I’ll do it like my aunt does it. Everyone can grab a buddy to walk with so we don’t get separated!” She cut her eyes to you before smirking, she was doing this on purpose. 
You had your eye on Jimin but Nayeon beat you to it, your next option was Jin but Jennie purposely walked with him since they were the oldest. Namjoon walked with Beah, Tae walked with Naeun. When you looked around you saw everyone had a partner and followed Jennie into the woods, and of course, you were at the end of the line—with him.
“Jen!” You shouted from the back running up beside her, “Can I-”
“You and Jungkook are partners, you can’t third wheel with me now go back.” She shooed you away, you’ve never felt more betrayed in your life. They all walked by, talking and smiling as Jungkook was walking towards you, an innocent look on his face.
You didn't talk to him, you minded your own business and he his own—you had to admit he was actually somewhat of an enjoyable partner. 
The sound of the flow of water signaled that you guys were close to the water. It was a large body of water, the water was blue and sparkly. There was no one else at the springs and that was kind of odd.
“How come it's so empty?” Naeun began stripping off her top and you couldn't help but look fondly at the way Jimin applied sunscreen to his face like an angel.
“Yeah, it's so nice out here, I thought it'd be packed...” Namjoon took a seat on the benches near the showers and changing rooms. 
“Huh, um,” She mumbled, setting down her back pack. “this place doesn't open until twelve but I got permission to come in earlier.” She smiled, strolling over to the showers and you followed her. 
“I don't want to swim...” You crossed your arms, eyeing her bitterly.
She scoffed. “Yes you do, stop sulking. I'm sorry I stuck you with Jungkook but you guys are ridiculous.” She rinsed off in the icy cold water for a few seconds then tied her hair in a ponytail. “I know you hate him but you should let loose, have a little fun.” She winked, skipping off the short dock to swing off the rope hanging from the large tree towering over the water. 
“The water is so warm! Hurry up guys!.” She shouted from the water as she swam around, urging us to hurry up. Everyone was about to get in the water, they were all stripping to their swimsuits and suddenly you didn't want to take off your cover-up. 
“Y/N, can I use some of your sunscreen? Yours doesn't irritate my skin.” Nayeon extended her hand and you dug into your backpack before handing it to her. She was wearing a cropped rash guard but she still lathered her self in sunscreen, she was a stickler about how damaging sun could be to your skin.
“You think you put on enough sunscreen?” Beah took off her top and shorts, showing her light purple two piece to with ruffles all over it. “She's not gonna have any left in the bottle if you keep using it.” She laughed handing it back to you, she was a sweetheart when it came to taking care of you and so you naturally always repaid the favor. When you come to think of it, her bathing suit fit her bubbly personality. Naeun, on the other hand, wore the exact opposite, a black cut out suit that was cheeky and tight—that was only for the thrill seekers to showcase. 
She walked with a bit of a twitch in her hips, just to show off a little before Nayeon tackled her into the water, the sister water fight began. “I'm gonna kill you!” She jokingly shouted splashing around as Jin was playfully defending the younger girl.
“Are you coming in?” Beah reached out her hand, seeing you were still in your shirt and shorts. “You're still in your cover-up...” She tilted her head.
“I'm coming, go ahead, I'll just be a second.” You smiled ushering her to go and have a good time and after a few seconds of convincing, she was in the water. Namjoon was the only one not getting in the water, he opted to read a book.
Let loose she says, have fun she says, you can't even get a little bit of sympathy from one of your best friends—you were truly in this alone. With a heavy exhale you pulled off your shirt, then stepped out of your shorts. You couldn't help but feel like everyone was looking at you, even if it was perfectly normal for humans to swim half naked with each other you were a bit nervous to do so.
At this very moment, you wanted to run over to Jimin and splash around like a giddy teenager, just for the thrill of that so-called summer lovin’. As you applied a decent amount of sunscreen you realized Jungkook wasn't in the water, you looked back and he was taking off his shirt—you cursed yourself for staring for so long. You would never tell him this but he was so beautiful, as a human being you found him so pretty. 
He must've noticed your gaze so he came up to you, his brows furrowing as he shamelessly checked you out. For some reason, the first thing that came to his mind when he saw you wasn't disgust. He assumed it was because of the swimsuit, maybe your body was enough to distract him from everything else.
“Wow.” He cooed, briefly twiddling with the strings on your top, it felt as if he were about to untie it and you jerked away in a slight panic. “Holy shit, I actually don't hate the sight of you right now, I didn't know all of this was under-”
Instantly your hands went to tie it tighter and you glared at him. “Will you just leave me alone? Go drown or something...” Sure, you sounded harsh to anyone listening but this kind of talk was normal with him—you couldn't imagine talking to him any other way. You've said worse to each other anyway.
“Ouch. At least I have something to talk about later...Jimin will be flattered to hear you put this much effort in this skimpy little get up for him- and nice ass by the way.” He cackled at the thought of potentially discussing your body with the guys—how could he resist not mentioning it to your crush, Jimin.
“What is your problem,” You hissed, “have you ever seen a girl in a swimsuit before?” There was a long moment of just staring at each other before you just rolled your eyes.
“We're about to play water volleyball, everybody get on a team.” Jimin smiled, taking your breath away with a simple expression you just nodded.
“Okay, I'll be on- ah!” 
Jungkook jumped into the water behind you, splashing everyone around you in his wake. He swam away like he was innocent, you expected that behavior though, he was so predictable.
“I'll be the outside hitter.” He spoke, pushing his hair back as the water dripped down his body, glistening like he was out of a film. Lucky for you he went to the other side, It was you, Jimin, Nayeon, and Jin on one side and the others took their places on the other side
“Jimin, do you wanna be the outside hitter?” Naturally, that's the position you wanted but you were willing to sacrifice your favorite spot if that's what he wanted.
“No, it's okay.” He rubbed your shoulder before swimming over to the other side, “you're a great outside hitter, I've seen you at your practices.” 
“Okay...” He's seen me play? You stopped a few months ago but sometimes you'll fool around with your friends, he's actually noticed you before. Jungkook was pretty good at any sports but he was especially good at anything involving his arms. He was the left side hitter.
“Jungkook! You serve!” Tae handed Jungkook the ball and he severed.
You had never taken a game more seriously in your life. He purposely aimed the ball at you so it would potentially go out and that pissed you off, everytime it was his turn to serve he'd aim it in your direction; spiking it harder than he should have. After about thirty minutes in you declared you had enough, I'm ending this...
You lunged for the ball, finally hitting it over the net with enough force and speed that none of them were fast enough to stop it. Jungkook looked livid, He couldn't stand to lose, especially to you.
“We won! We won!” You jumped, probably way to excited for this not to be a real game—it was just nice to rub a victory in Jungkooks face for once. “Yay!” Jimin dipped under the water to go between your legs and lift you up on his shoulders, parading you around as the teams ace. 
“Jimin!?” You giggled in surprise—your heart fluttering in excitement, Park Jimin was holding you on his shoulders, those warms hands keeping you secure as your hands rested atop his head; could this moment get any better–
“The ball was out of bounds, you guys didn't win.” Jungkook retorted, looking upon you like you were the scum of the earth.
“Stop being a swore loser Kookie! We won.” Jin defended the team causing everyone to strike up the conversation of who won.
“No, you didn't, I'm not fucking blind, it was out- Hyung! Was that ball in or out!?” Jungkook shouted to Namjoon who was too immersed in his book to notice the game, he shrugged without a clue.
“It doesn't matter what Namjoon saw, it was in! Fair and square. You're just mad because there was actually a ball you couldn't get.” You managed to work your way off of Jimin and topple over into the water. You were trying to get the water out of yours eyes—it was ridiculous really, but you had to defend your honor.
“It doesn't matter who won,” Jennie began to get out of the water along with Taehyung and Naeun, “all that matters is that we had fun.” She tried to reason with Jungkook but he was swimming to the dock so he could get out and his ears were flushed in vexation.
“Hell, if you didn't spike like fucking tweety bird maybe it would've been easier to decipher the real winner.” He muttered trying to beat you over the edge, you could feel him getting closer to you before you decided to throw yourself over the ledge to get out. “In fact, the ball was out multiple times and you guys took the points anyway-”
“Fine.” You threw the wet ball at him with enough force to hurt but he, unfortunately, caught it. “You win, happy? You're so childish, I swear...” It was true. He didn't like to lose, he couldn't stand the thought of you beating him at anything, ever. You were convinced he had a power complex, it would explain a lot. Drenched from head to toe you walked over to Namjoon who was observing you and Jungkooks little squarell. Without a word, you took a seat next to him.
“Who wants snacks?” Tae had dried himself off then opened up his backpack, revealing the many treats he had bought on the way here. Tae and Beah both brought enough snacks for everyone, you decided you'd get some wfter you got a little dry; this suit was cut but it was sticking in places you rather it not.
“I'm gonna go change, I'll be back.” You excused your soaking form from the benches, scurrying over to the changing rooms and closing it. You took of your sandals off stand on the wooden floor, you squeezed out your hair, letting it fall from the ponytail and onto your shoulders. Fiddling with the strings on your suit, you paused. “Shoot, I didn't even bring a towel.”
“Give it back!” You heard Jin shout from outside of the restrooms and you heard someone run in here. Jungkook suddenly barged into your changing room and before you could even sound a protest he pushed you in the corner, a huge grin on his face. 
“What the h-” He clamped a hand over your mouth, the little bit of water from your suit still dripping down your skin as you held up your top.
“Shh.” He furrowed his brows when he heard Jin come in, muttering under his breath.
“Jungkook?” Jin knocked on the door, “Are you in there!? Give me back my shoes.”
He was actually pleading with you, or threatening, you couldn't tell. Surely he didn't think you were actually gonna be quite—he was the last person you'd try to save. He whispered. “Talk to him.” 
Not to get off subject but he smells like a weird musk—you've never been this close to him until now, he smelled like the ocean and a musky cologne. Your eyes traveled down to his bare chest, he was barely centimeters from you and your cheeks flushed in embarrassment. You pulled his hand from your mouth so you could respond—I can't believe I'm actually doing this.
“No,” You glared at him, “it's just me.” 
“Okay, if you see him let me know.” Hearing his footsteps grow farther you pushed Jungkook away from you and he burst into laughter, cackling like a fool. Why he found this so hilarious is beyond me but he needs to get out of here. He laughed, leaning back against the door relieved. “Shit, that was close.”
Inhaling deeply, you gritted your teeth. “You are literally a little bitch, you're always trying to ruin my life in one shape or form. You owe me one.” You turned him around and opened the door, trying to push him out but he was far stronger than you—he turned back around and shut the door behind him.
“Wow,” He feigned surprise, “I've never been called a little bitch by a girl before.” He looked you up and down, the corner of his lips raising as his eyes skimmed over your figure, suddenly remembering how similar bikinis looked to underwear, you were basically standing there in your underwear.
“You came in here to dry off?” He quirked his brow.
“No I came in here looking for the pool.” You exaggerated your sarcasm, he was really trying you today. “Obviously, Jungkook. Now get out.”
 “You didn't even bring a towel, dumbass.” He took the towel he slung over the side, and tossed it at your chest. “Here.”
“I don't want your towel.” You threw it back at him, and he actually had the nerve to look hurt—his body parts have rubbed this towel, you weren't about to dry off with it.
“Take it.” He extended his hand but you shook your head no—knowing how persistent he was it wasn't a surprise that he tongued at his cheek in annoyance. He shook the towel out and threw it over your head, chuckling at your temporary struggling.
“Hey! I don't want it!-” Before you could throw it back he left, how could you dry yourself off with this—then again you didn't have much of a choice. You had to suck it up—you were half way dry by now but you finished drying yourself off, out of curiosity you smelled the towel, it didn't really smell like anything, just fabric softener, that kind of soothed your worries.
You slipped on your shorts and draped the towel over your shoulders, leaving the dressing room to go to the tables where everyone was eating. Jungkook was eyeing you subtly, not making it obvious that he was looking as he ate snacks and drank a cola. He took the wet can and held it to his lips, tilting the bottle up so the ice cold liquid would trickle into his mouth—some of it seeped from the corner of his lips, streaming down his chin and almost to his tanned chest before he wiped it away. 
That had to be the prettiest he's ever looked, anytime you weren't talking he was nice to look at. You'd look at him and remember how much you despised him, how many times he's messed with you just because he felt like it. When you remembered that, that pretty face wasn't so pretty anymore.
He watched you take a seat on a separate bench and boy you had never looked so ethereal. It must've been the heat, or the water, or something, there had to be some reason for his sudden interest in your appearance. But whatever reason it didn't matter, he knew you despised him and he hated you but a relationship based solely on the physicality's didn't sound so bad to him—what am I thinking, he shook his head to himself.
You wrapped yourself in the towel and strolled over to your bag, pulling out your water and phone. It was past noon, just a few hours until sunset, you were already feeling sleepy from the water and you wanted to shower.
“Jen,” You walked over to pat her shoulder, “can we head back?” 
“Uh, sure, is everyone ready to go?” She announced, receiving a sound of agreement from the boys. As they packed up you stood near the path to the cabins, your bag in hand and the shower on your mind.
“After we get washed up we'll start the camp fire!” 
“You guys suck.” You lightly kicked the door, storming off in a mild tantrum. Naeun and Beah took the showers, Jennie and Nayeon went to her aunts personal showers and here you are, on the steps sulking. How they managed to get in there first was beyond you, you were so determined but ultimately failed. 
Taehyung walked out of the cabin, stretching his arms and exhaling—judging by his damp locks he had just showered. “Y/N, you're still in your suit?” He came up to you, tilting his head a bit.
“All of the showers are taken...” You grumbled.
“You can use our showers, come on.” 
“It's okay, really I'll-” He grabbed your arm pulling you towards the door and not guving you much time to grab your stuff. As soon as he opened the door you realized just what you were about to do. All of the boys were in here. Taehyung could be so innocent at times, so you weren't sure what you were walking into.
Namjoon, Jin and Jimin were watching tv in the living room and looked to the door as you emerged from behind it—they didn't think much of it though, it was normal for one girl to shower in the boys cabin, I guess...
“The bathroom to your right, we have an extra towel if you need it.” He was so genuinely kind, if it had been anyone else offering you would've said no. But Tae had a way with words.
“Thanks...” You walked into the bathroom, there was no lock on the door so you had to make this as quick as possible. You quickly stripped, throwing your clothes to the floor and closing the curtain—the warm water washed off any impurities caused by the water and you sighed in content.
“Where's my shampoo!?” He shouted for one of his hyungs, when he realized none of them were gonna answer he stepped out of the shower, searching the counter and drawers for it as he littered the floor with water, then he remembered—I showered in the other bathroom last night. So he just had to go get it, he took his white towel from the back of the door and wrapped it around his waist. 
He left a trail of water and as soon as he made it to the other bathroom he didn't bother knocking, he just barged right in—meanwhile, the opening of the door was almost enough for you to scream but you bit your tongue, who just walked in here knowing you were showering? Your eyes went wide in panic, that can't be him...
“Hyung, did you use my shampoo?” He mumbled almost incoherently, that's Jungkooks voice—great. “I think I left it in here last night.”
He thought you were Tae, luckily he wasn't phased when you neglected to respond. It was a miracle he didn't see your clothes on the ground if he had you knew he would've said something. You heard the zipping and unzipping of cosmetic bags and you couldn't bear to peek out, in fear he might see you and you'd die from embarrassment. The urge to look was far too great so you looked past the curtain and there he stood, wet hair, with a towel on—this situation would look really bad if someone were to walk in. You saw his silhouette get closer to the curtain and you prayed the shampoos would miraculously appear.
“Hyung, did-” He paused, “oh, I found it.” He took it from the side of the tub.
Finally, he left the bathroom with a little singsong hum. And you let out a tightly held in sigh, that had to be the scariest thing to happen to you since you've been here.
Tae was walking by with a cup of juice to his lips and he nearly choked on it when Jungkook stood in front of the bathroom door, it really did look bad.
“Um, Jungkook, whatcha doin?” He gave him an awkward smile, seeing Jungkook half naked, walking out of the bathroom you were in.
Jungkook nearly had a heart attack. “I thought you were-...if you're not in there than who's?-”
“Y/N is in there, the other showers were taken over at her cabin so I offered ours.” He was nonchalant, walking back into the living room, leaving Jungkook red-faced—that red face quickly turned into a smug look.
All he could think about was what you were gonna say when you came out, they decided to play a game of Uno at the girl's cabin but you hadn't come out the bathroom yet—maybe she's embarrassed? No.
“Y/N, can you bring the popcorn over here?” Nayeon brought Jungkook out of his train of thought and he nearly broke his neck trying to look back at you.
“Ok.” You went to drop your stuff on your bed, she was too into the game to get up and get it herself I guess. By the sound of a voice, you assumed everyone was here, including Jeon. It really wasn't a big deal, all he did was walk in on you while you were showering, there wasn't much harm in that. You made your way to the kitchen, pulling out a bowl and grabbing the popcorn from the snack bag, pouring it out to bring to the group. 
“Here you go- where's Jennie?” You looked around just now realizing she wasn't in here. 
“She's setting up the fire.” Beah gestured to the window where you could see her from the side. This was the perfect getaway so you wouldn't have to be in Jungkooks presence. 
“Hi Mrs. Yoo, how are you?” Immediately she came to give you a hug.
“Y/N, look at you! You're all grown up now!” The three of you laughed in unison, she had no idea. “Is that you're boyfriend?” She glanced behind you, instinctively you looked to who she was gesturing to, I wish. You shook your head no and Jimin proceeds to talk to Namjoon in the door way.
“Y/N, help me set up the chairs.” She beckoned you to come and you were more than happy to do so when you saw everyone trickling outside one by one.
You began to unfold the lawn chairs and she could've sworn there was a slight blush on your cheeks. She looked around, trying to conclude the source of it but she didn't have a clue.
“What's up with you?” She decided she'd ask bluntly.
“What'd you mean? There's nothing up with me.” As convincing as you thought you were she only shook her head in disbelief.
“Then why are you blushing?” 
“It's hot outside, it's natural for a face to get flushed. Why're you so suspicious...” You left it on that and she didn't bother you anymore after that. That night began, we roasted meat and vegetables over the fire for dinner but what we all really wanted was the smores. Jungkook kept looking at you, you didn't know if it was a coincidence but his eyes lingered a little too long for comfort. Maybe he was glaring at you, you couldn't imagine his reason for doing that though. It's not like I barged in on him while he was showering- wait, could the infamous fuckboy of the century be flustered? Normally he'd be running that big mouth of his about it but he hadn't said a thing. It really shouldn't have but you felt a tinge of control from that thought, deep down he really was just a boy.
“Who wants to play a game. Truth or dare Or never have I ever?” Namjoon spoke up, “Or spin the bottle?” smiling from ear to ear with a can of beer in hand. The sun had finally set, some of them had their blankets and others sat gawking at the deep blue night sky.
“Sounds fun.” Naeun added.
“I’m not playing spin the bottle.” You scoffed, tipping up your bottle to swallow the sweet and bubbly liquid. 
“Everybody has to play! That means you Y/N.” 
“We’ll start with never have I ever, I’ll go first.” Jin sat up, setting his bottle aside and raising up his hands. “Never have I ever had a hang over.” 
Of course Jungkook’s finger went down, Naeun, Jimin, and Namjoon went down too. 
“Never have I ever killed anyone.” Jimin went. All fingers were up.
“Never have I ever been incarcerated.” Beah went. 
The game continued on with simple questions but like you expected the questions got continuously dirty and you seemed to be the only person with all of your fingers up.
Jungkook cleared his throat, he had 6 fingers up and you found that to be hilarious.
“You’re turn Y/N.” Jennie shoved at your shoulder for you to go.
“Um, never have I ever, um, gone skinny-” 
“Wait, you’re fingers are all still up?” Jungkook had to point you out. “There has to be something you've done, damn.” He snorted, provoking you to say something.
Your expression soured. “I didn't know it was a crime to not do everything under the sun.” You looked to his especially. 
“Let's play truth or dare.” That was a random subject change—you knew he had some bad intentions for this game.
You smirked, you remembered something that would definitely be a good to shut him up about you. “Jimin,” You asked sweetly, batting your lashes, “truth or dare?”
“Hmm...” He placed a finger on his chin in thought. “Truth.”
“That one day Jungkook skipped the biology test and you vouched for him, saying he had a stomach virus, what really happened?”
By the sounds of Jimin's nervous laughter, you could tell this was gonna be good.
“Um...” He sort of looked to Jungkook for approval, but all the maknae did was glare. “I won't tell everything but let's just say he wasn't at the mental and physical readiness for a test.” He thought he was safe with a save like that but you shook your head, Jungkook was about to shoot you for this.
“That's one way to put it but that's not the truth Jimin, where was he exactly? I know his parents were out of town that week.” You questioned.
She is so fucking petty.
“He was sick but it wasn't a stomach virus, it was from some bad weed, so he was kind of sick and high.” Jimin finally let out the truth, you couldn't help but laugh, it was so ironic for something like that to happen to him.
“Hyung, you promised...” Jungkook looked to him, whining with a pouty lip. 
“I'm sorry Jungkook but you have to admit it, you had it coming.” Jin shrugged.
“You can't smoke weed on the day of a test.” Jennie shook her head, giggling at the thought and visual.
The guys bursted into laughter, Jungkook kind of laughed a bit, it was no big deal to him now. He beat the hell out of the guy who sold it to him though. When he glanced over at you he got to thinking, you actually knew why he wasn't at school, because he asked you if your mom had any medicine for food poisoning or something like that—if this is how she wants to play then that's how we'll play.
“Truth or dare?” Naeun looked to you—these games have quickly become entertainment for everyone to watch you and Jungkook bicker.
“Since you and can't seem to leave each other alone I think you two should do some bonding, I dare you to...” She looked around, eyes darting here and there before smiling at her brilliant idea. “Sit on his lap for the rest of the night.” 
“What?! No!”
“Im offended.” Jungkook put his hand on his heart. “And you can't refute a dare, but if my lap scares you that much...” He wanted this, you could tell by the way he bit his bottom lip—if this is what it takes to prove a point to him you concluded that that's what you were gonna do. Surprising everyone, and even yourself by surprise when you put down your blanket and walked over to him.
“Nothing about you scares me Jungkook.” As foreign as it felt, with as much confidence as you could muster you stood right in front of him. “Move your hand.” You swatted his hand off of his thigh and he gave you a cocky grin. When you sat your bare legs over his ripped jeans you could feel an unfamiliar nervous feeling in your stomach. It's like the rest of the night was a blur, his hands hadn't dared to touch you, knowing he'd get cursed out if he tried something. Somewhere in the night you found yourself relaxing into him, all of those hateful thoughts about him sort of vanished—maybe it was summer heat.
It was funny how he could tell you weren't completely disgusted by him, he would even go so far as to say you liked it—he'd be lying if he said he didn't. You guys didn't make it awkward, you kept your distance while at the same time making each other somewhat satisfied. He was battling his natural instinct to grab your waist and pull you closer but then he realized just who you were, and why you were sitting here. This was a dare, you were sitting on his lap because of dare and for some reason that made him upset. He wasn't used to physical restrictions, if he wanted you he had you—as simple as that. Why were you so confusing to him? Why did he hate your guts but at the same time love the small scrunch in your nose when you get flustered—maybe it was the heat.
Whatever it was, it was making you look too good to not say anything. 
“I'll be back.” You got up to go to the bathroom and Beah went with you. When you got out you expected her to be in the other but she was waiting for you.
“I thought you had to-”
“I'm so shocked, I never thought I'd see you sitting on Jungkooks lap, you looked like you were enjoying yourself.” That's why she came with me. 
“I wasn't enjoying myself but I was dared to, it doesn't mean anything.”
You two walked back outside. “Yeah, but I thought you hated him, like, for real hated him.” You laughed a little, you didn't know it looked like you disliked him that much.
“I do. But I'm trying to prove a point, I'm not intimidated by him and he isn't as irresistible as he thinks.” 
“Wow, this is-” The buzz of your phone cut your comment on the movie short. “My mom is calling, I'll be right back.” You got up from your comfortable spot on the couch to talk outside. 
“Hello?” You answered, still walking to the small wooden dock, sitting on the edge with your feet dangling over the edge. 
“Hi honey, how're you?” 
“I'm good, how's the cruise?”
Well isn't this just a coincidence. Jungkook was on the over side of the dock, taking a late night swim to clear take his mind off of a certain something. Ever since you left the campfire he couldn't get you off of his mind, he didn't want to say he missed you but he wished you would've stayed longer on his lap. A mischievous idea came to his head.and being the impulsive person he was he decided to act on it.
“Yeah, love you too, bye.” How could they talk to you so happily when they kicked you out of a family vacation—you tossed your phone out of the way and sighed.
“Huh...” You leaned back, kicking your feet in the water, smiling at the reflection of the moon, it was a full moon tonight. 
He swam as quitely as possible under the dock, unbeknownst to you he was looking at your legs kick back and forth, you were so oblivious.
“Agh!!” You screamed, something grabbed onto your ankle and you tried to jump up and run—you fell in. 
He was laughing and at the same time trying to keep you from drowning as you flailed around violently—almost hitting him in the face when he tried to grab your arms. Water went up your nose you started coughing, not really knowing who you were clinging to but at least you weren't drowning. “Hey, calm down, it's just me baby.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you against him.
You wiped the water from your eyes and finally got a good look at the person responsible for you falling into this water. Jungkook, that face of his was pretty and glowy like the moon and for a second you just stared at him, realizing that his bare skin was now pressed against you. 
“W- why are you swimming at 12 o'clock at night, in the lake, that's dangerous.” You got out of his grip and threw yourself over the dock. 
“Do you really want to know?” He crossed his arms up, grinning at you like a guilty child. 
“Wait...are you naked?-” You looked behind you, seeing his clothes sitting in a pile—he's skinny dipping, by himself?
“Why don't you come in and find out...” 
“Oh, fuck off.” You sneered.
Instead of verbally responding he pushed himself out of the water, giving you a sense of relief when you saw his swimming trunks. He sat beside you, leaning back on his hands and sighing in content. 
“I'm leaving.” You didn't want to be out here with him any longer so you were about to get up and leave but he placed a hand on your thigh.
“You know, skinny dipping by yourself is no fun...you wanna join me?...” 
“You're gonna get amoeba swimming in this lake, and I'm gonna be laughing at your funeral...” You could be so harsh with your insults for him. When he didn't come back at you with an insult just as bad you looked at him confused by his unusual character. When you looked to him he had a thoughtful expression, his eyes dropped to your legs then up to your face
“You looked so good today...” That was sudden. You swallowed, your cheeks flushing at the comment. “Honestly, I wanted to rip that damn bikini right off of you, fuck. You kept flaunting your little cute ass around, it’s like you were practically begging me to do something. And I couldn't stop looking at your ass, your whole body in general- you have a really nice butt though-”
You cut him off. “Why're you telling me this? You can't even stand me, where's all this coming from?...”
“The heat, I guess.” He laughed a little, his nose scrunching adorably. “Yeah, let's say it's the heat baby girl...” His finger tips ghosted over your cheekbones before cupping your cheek, pulling you into a languid kiss. Not even giving you time to protest he hastily deepened the kiss, his tongue pushing at your own and boldly urging you to move more. He tasted like honey, sweet and too much at once—his lips had never even crossed your mind, and now they were on yours, stealing your self control. He placed your hands on his chest and his hands went to your sides, kneading you like he had never felt anything so soft. 
He was taking your breath away, literally he wouldn't let up so you couldn't take in a single breath without panting. Still assaulting your lips, he harshly grabbed your waist, forcing you to lay down on the rough wood as he adjusted your thighs to sit one knee in between them, your clothed body was rubbing against his bare chest, exciting him in ways he couldn't quite explain—but he loved it. He trapped you underneath him, causing your heart to skip a beat when you caught a glimpse of his eyes—his eyes were so mysterious right now, they said so much but at the same time neglected to say anything at all.
He went back at it again, tugging your bottom lip between his own, and switching the angle he was in to make it last. When he finally pulled away he giggled before dropping to the crook of your neck, you wrapped your arms around his neck and you let him kiss you for a few seconds until you realized what he was really doing. He attacked your neck, like you'd expect of a teenage boy with raging hormones. “Hey, don't, you're gonna leave a mark...” The more you pushed at his chest the more he resisted to be pushed away, he was seriously trying to leave a big ass hickey on your neck. You managed to push him off, he was a panting and smiling mess, trying to get up but you pinned him down.
“Are you serious?” Your hand went to your neck, you could already tell it was probably a little bit noticeable. 
“What?” He feigned ignorance.
You sighed. “You are such a pain, I don't know why I let your dirty hands touch me...If this bruises, I swear, you're gonna get it Jungkook.” You walked back to your cabin dripping wet and cold, coming in quietly, you the girls were are asleep—you knew they couldn't hang. 
Jungkook decided to go back to his cabin, he dried his body off as best as he could before walking back inside. All of the guys were up and he couldn't escape passing them on his way to the shower.
“Jungkook, where were you?” Tae was the first to ask. 
“I went for a swim.” Tae thought nothing of it and went back to the movie, but Namjoon was watching and he knew something was up so he got up to follow Jungkook to the bathroom.
“Jungkook, you went for a swim? Alone?” He stood in the doorway, urging Jungkook to elaborate his explanation. “Yeah, in the lake.” He tight lip grinned, trying to close the door to stop any more questions—but Namjoon had to chuckle at that blatant half-truth. “Jungkook, you know I could see you on the-” 
“Goodnight Hyung~” Jungkook hummed sarcastically, waving as he closed the bathroom door.
Coconut? He picked up the coconut scented body wash and the corner of his lip crooked up at the bottle. He popped the cap to smell it and he knew that fragrance—that's the body wash you use. That's why you always smelled so good, it was this body wash. When he thought back to just a few moments ago, you were just dangling your feet in the water and you fell in, the moment picked you up was unforgettable.
Your eyes were so dreamy and innocent—that very moment had to be one of the prettiest things he's ever seen.
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kellexplainsitall · 4 years
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There is so much to say and I want to remember as much as I possibly can.
Tuesday, March 24
Tim and I both worked from home for the day. My sciatica had flared up pretty badly, but I really, really wanted to try to run. I prepped myself that I may not be able to, but Tim and I got dressed and from the first step, I knew I was going to get my 2 miles in. My back was uncomfortable, but bearable! Tim and I ran 2.32 miles and I smiled the entire time. I am so happy I got in that last run with Tim before baby!
The rest of the day went surprisingly fast. I had most of my work stuff wrapped up anyway, and Jenny picked up Miles after our last walk. Tim and I ate dinner and then we packed the car and headed to the hospital. It was so weird to keep thinking ‘this is the last X before baby.’
Our appointment was at 6, and we got checked in very quickly. By 7 p.m., they started me on cervidil, as I was still only 1 cm. dilated. Cervidil takes about 12 hours to work, so Tim and I settled in to try and get some sleep. Unfortunately, cervidil almost immediately caused me to have some seriously painful contractions.
I eventually caved and asked the nurse what to do – I thought I may be in labor, to be honest. The contractions were that strong. Unfortunately, she said it’s a normal side effect. They gave me a baby-safe Ambien, which helped me sleep a little – and also made me very, very goofy.
There was some type of pain medication that they said they could give me only twice during labor so I was apprehensive about getting it so soon, but I eventually (maybe around 2 a.m.) asked for it. It worked so well, and I was able to get some sleep.
Wednesday, March 25
In the morning, they checked to see how the Cervidil worked and turns out I was still only 1 centimeter dilated. I could have cried.
The next option was to try the balloon method, in which they basically take a very long instrument, shove it up you and then expand it like a balloon. This was INCREDIBLY painful, the pain meds had worn off, so I was dealing with this very intrusive measure, in addition to strong contractions, as the pain meds had worn off. I cried a lot. And then I kept apologizing for crying.
This could take up to 12 hours, but fortunately for me, it only took about 4. However, I had to ask for the second dose of pain meds for the contractions. It feels like the worst period cramp you can imagine with terrible pressure in your back. The nurse told me to just go for it, as I was struggling.
I should mention that we had hired a doula, but due to coronavirus, only Tim was allowed in. She had given Tim a crash course in doula-ing, and he did such a good job of helping me through contractions. He would put pressure on my hips to help relieve it and also try to distract me by talking about running. He is just a good partner.
Anyway, once the balloon came out (Fun fact! You pull it out like a tampon! BUT WOW IT IS MUCH LARGER THAN A TAMPON.), they checked me again and I was only 3-4 cm. Sigh. However, I was still having strong contractions, so they moved me from pre-labor to Labor and Delivery, which was great because we had a much bigger room! Everyone thought the baby would be coming so soon!
But that didn’t happen. Around 3 p.m., my contractions were so painful, I was crying again. I was trying to put off the epidural for as long as I could, but my angel of a nurse told me to go for it. The epidural did hurt, and it was very hard to stay still because of the contractions but after about 30 minutes, I finally, finally had some relief. But it also made me vomit profusely – so any calories I had down were gone.
However, that meant I couldn’t eat anymore or move my legs. BUT, worth it because I wasn’t crying in pain. Everyone thought the baby would come either later Wednesday or early Thursday. I am not sure what we even did to pass the time. I know we didn’t read or watch television. I guess we just talked? We had nurses and midwives coming to check me. You’re supposed to progress about 1 cm. every two hours and I was barely making it. Also, since you can’t walk, they empty your bladder FOR YOU! I was slowly losing any concept of modesty.
Tim and I eventually fell asleep and around 11 p.m., my water broke. It was the CRAZIEST thing! I felt this POP! And suddenly, water was gushing out of me. It was such a strange feeling. We really had hoped that would lead to labor, but I was still only about 6 cm. dilated. Once they cleaned me up, we went back to sleep – hopeful real labor would start soon!
Thursday, March 26
I was only allowed to have Italian ice – so I ate six orange ones over the course of the epidural! There was so, so much downtime, and I really thought I would be bored. But I wasn’t! I don’t even know what we did, but the time passed.
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Around 9, they came in and checked me and I was 10 cm. dilated! FINALLY! They told me I would start pushing soon. That happened around 10, and I naively thought baby would be coming soon. So many people told me I would have an easy and fast delivery because I was so active. However, that was not the case for me, and the epidural really didn’t help with vaginal pain, it was just blocking contraction pain. And the vaginal pain HURT.
Every time I could feel the pressure of a contraction coming, Tim would hold one leg and the nurse would hold the other, and I would have to hold my thighs with my arms out like chicken wings, and then push as hard as I could as they counted until 10. Pushing was so, so, so hard. I was so tired from being in labor for so long and also, I had not really eaten anything in hours.
Tim was counting until 10 for me (I’d do it 3-4 times per contraction) and he kept yelling chicken wing in lieu of a number to remind me. After 90 minutes, more nurses and midwives came filtering in, so I knew I finally had to be close. (And yes! I did poop myself. I was MORTIFIED, but they told me it was a good sign – it meant that I was using the right muscles.
ANYWAY. The final pushing took so, so, so long. The pressure was so painful, I was crying at the end, swearing that I could not possibly do it anymore. In fact, I looked up at the mirror on the ceiling (WTF!) and could see his head stuck coming out. Little nugget has such a HUGE head, it was essentially stuck in my birth canal. It hurt so bad. I cannot even think of words to describe that pressure. It was the most excruciating thing I have ever felt.
People keep asking if it was like running a marathon. No. It was like running 12 marathons back-to-back at your 5K pace.
Finally, at 12:01 p.m., Keegan made his way into the world. Unfortunately, they had to whisk him out immediately, which was so, so, so, so, so scary. He wasn’t making noise and his hands were blue. Fortunately, he was just stuck in the birth canal a little too long, and they were able to get him to cry and they finally laid him on my chest. All the cliches are true - as soon as I met him, I felt this love that I never even knew existed. I never felt particularly attached to him in the womb, but now that he is out, it's a whole other world.
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I still had to deliver the placenta, and they had to stitch me up - somehow, I only needed one stitch! The midwife said that the price I paid in delivery will most likely lead to an easier recovery. I didn't tear as much because the muscles had time to stretch. Anyway, Keegan is 21 inches long and weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces.
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This is already so long, so I will be back to talk about the rest of the hospital stay, breastfeeding, coming home and adjusting to our new normal.
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journal-of-a-gamer · 7 years
Who I Am
Chapter 3 : Affirming the Situation
Hayden Dogma was the captain of the WSC Alexia; a class three Helios Cruiser. She had originally left Earth with her family but sold everything she had left to get her wings after the terrorist attack on the Mars colony that initially left a third of the population dead and another third of the colony suffering from radiation exposure waiting to die. Those lucky enough to not to be dead; or in waiting, had to wait six months until the Shu Confederation stepped in and sent an evacuation force to the colony. Only by the time help arrived it became all too clear that the terrorists had not died earlier; half of the response ships were scattered into atoms when the terraformer went critical. The absolute-zero fusion reactors froze half of the green planet in a matter of seconds. Of the seven billion population that Mars had boasted, only thirty thousand escaped what had been home for humanity for the past three hundred years. The captain doesn’t talk about what she left behind, the only reason we know that she came from Mars is from her snow-white complexion that the residents of Mars evolved as a result of the lower than earth atmosphere and reduced UV exposure. She also had an old sweater that she wore late at night and early in the morning; not that you could ever tell half the time in deep space since time of day is relative; which had an old picture of the two moons Phobos and Deimos rising over the Mars University of Technology and Agriculture. She was as kind a captain that you could ever ask for in the Wei fleet considering she had only been on contract with them for the last fifteen years. However, that didn't mean that she was soft and wouldn't load you into an airlock in your underwear and then launch you into space to float in the buff forever if you crossed her intentionally or said something about the Iscariot Runners, her favourite Turbo Plasma Death-match team who also came from Mars. She liked nothing more than to kick back in the evening, drink fruity tea and watch terrible horror movies from before her time in her quarters.
I had been with the crew for time and while not everyone ate at the same time, I seemed to decide to eat at the same irregular pattern that Hayden also ate. Over this time, we shared at the table I got close and really bonded with the captain; listening eagerly to all the stories that she would swear had actually happened both from her life and the lives of other crews and ships. One time she told me that ships had encountered a race of angels that drifted through deep space that were, apparently, the most beautiful beings in all of creation and that their skin was as pure as snow atop the highest mountain of Earth three and their long flowing hair as bright a red as the common fox. Now this was really something unfathomable to me. Earth three was the third planet outside our solar system that had been colonised, the planet was almost identical to Earth except that it was five times the size of Earth and in one other crucial regard. The planet had been untouched by man; meaning that everything on this planet was how ours should've been, the sky, ground and sea were all clean. A no pollution planet that could easily home and support the entirety of the human race. The snow fall atop mount King was said to be so pure that it could make the worst war criminal weep with true remorse till they froze. Earth three was hailed as a paradise on its discovery and millions flocked to what seemed like the new home for humanity. Earth three was a fairy tale when I was born, one that existed but had long since vanished from the known universe. One day it was there with all the new hopefuls and the next; poof, gone along with every trace of everyone that had dared to hope. I’m still kind of confused as to if it was real and serves to tell us to look for this fairy tale utopia; or if it’s a horror story as we don't know why it disappeared.
Thinking back on it Hayden was always getting us the deep space jobs that most people wouldn't take. Not because the rewards were bad or that they were dangerous. But deep space is inherently scary and beautiful at the same time. The darkness of the deep void with stars twinkling in the distance, but the whole time you are years away from any kind of help or contact that isn't already on your ship. It was lonely and it wasn't unusual for members of a crew to go crazy from the isolation if they were on the awake shift. Luckily, we had number three-forty-five to watch over us while we all slept in cryogenic pods.
It was the last day of the year and I wanted to be the first to wish the captain a happy new year and to tell her how glad I am that she took me into her home and gave me a better life. I looked everywhere for her. The ‘gym’ room was occupied by Jenny and Jerome now that the temperature regulator was working again. The common room or kitchen was busy with everyone else except the captain tucking into the roast turkey dinner that Ewan had made to celebrate the coming of the new year, dozens of empty bottles lined the pool table and the counter. Hayden wasn’t there joining her crew for the celebration. I ran with worry up to bridge to find it empty, the monitors and instruments giving off the usual lights and bleeps. Clutching at my chest, I staggered in the direction of Hayden��s private quarters.
The door was like all the other doors on the ship. It was capable of locking and trapping or protecting the person inside or outside the room; it really depended on how you used it I guess, it was made up of two grey slate panels that slid together and apart. I got closer, my heart beating quicker and quicker, sick with worry. The door was open.
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