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marybatson · 2 years ago
Hello!! As one of THE best marvel family bloggers on this whole website I was wondering about your thoughts on if you'd want a story about the MF as adults (original group of N52 group). Current DC is soooo averse to anything that might have consequences or change the status quo so it's probably moot. I just think Billy in particular (with his loner tendencies and inherent, almost untouchable goodness) has the potential for some very interesting stories around identity after he's been Captain-ing for a decade-plus as he becomes less and less grounded? On the other hand, I could see the argument that the kid- to-adult-hero is so essential to the premise to be removed. Also, would your answer change based on which version of the character(s) we're talking about. Like is it more or less interesting in the versions where B and CM are seperate entities? Anyway love your takes on the MF and DC in general!!!💜
first of all that’s the sweetest thing thank u for even thinking of me ;; I swear I talk out of my ass all the time but im glad u can enjoy this nonsense!
second! that is a very good question and one that ive definitely asked myself before. before i answer i hope its ok if i go on a small tangent first lol. its the tism in me.. UNDER THE CUT BC I HAVE RAMBLING PROBLEMS
the inherent problem with hero comics is that there is no definite thing like a “post-series” or epilogue type of story because, typically, they just never end. that’s something that can be compelling but also pretty detrimental imo especially when a good story or arc has a fully satisfying ending, complete with characters and storylines developed in just the way you wanted. that can all obvs change in a matter of years depending on the next writer or event. next chapter-type stories are difficult to achieve unless you’re a legacy of some kind. if these were characters in a novel or something much more linear, i think we wouldn’t even have to ask these questions.
im just saying all this bc it kind of informs how I like to speculate about comic characters - what is the ideal plot to development to ending for x character? for billy and his family, if you want a legitimate answer it’s just that I wish anything plot-worthy they achieve would only be in their time as they are now, as kids. bc im insane ofc ive turned this particular sentiment around in my head, and I really do think that the story itself at its core, the general magic of it, is way more compelling when they’re children going through tasks an adult would usually undertake. it’s a story where a child who has a limited amount of power bc of their situation at the sound of a word receives more power he ever really needs. it isnt necessarily a jaime reyes or young justice type of story about realistic kid hero interpretations, it’s simply a child’s fairytale fantasy. at inception captain marvel’s appeal was because while he was a kid, he was also respected as an adult and as competent as one. that’s why dc’s own evolution from the golden age (for children) to where it is now as a predominantly adult hobby can never seem to place captain marvel and his family in the right place.
tbh i wouldn’t really be interested in a story where billy and the others were grown up at all, because then they would just be. adult heros. ive always thought the “ideal” end is the one where they willingly somehow choose to relieve themselves of the power and grow up happily and content without it because it’s not needed once they’re adults. the “wendy darling chooses to grow up and not stay in neverland bc she wants more than what magic can give her” kinda deal. but that’s definitely not a compelling hero story…maybe.
im trying not to let this be such a cop out answer, but if what I just said were written as a story, and if I wanted it to be a story that included the marvel fam as adults - it would be the classic coming of age story. im thinking any plot in the world with crazy world-ending villain(s) story complete with a misc hero team-up could happen, and the real story begins maybe halfway in that where the kids realize that this is the end all be all. and the point is that they’d be okay with it. so what happens happens and maybe there are developments in-between coming to terms with the end of it but the perfect end is them, together, and being okay. there are no consequences to having had the power or having lost them. everything they’d gone through while having the power could have been tumultuous and difficult, but the children are always protected. in the end, we don’t know what age they live up to, or if they decide to become nonpowered heroes or if they stay a family. I really believe in the power of an open ending once everything is resolved. and for the marvel family, I think their best ending is an uneventful adulthood after such a wild childhood. it’s the typical kind of ending i think every chosen one child deserves in fiction (rip to percy jackson)
again…this is just me and my own thoughts. and im sorry it is SO lame and predictable. other more interesting routes than this if they just continued having the power till adulthood is that they can be pretty public and free with their identities. the power is intertwined with them. but it’s not like they’re particularly important in-universe or special, more than others anyway. they just have more experience now.
(idk if it would necessarily make much of a difference depending on the versions of the characters we’re talking abt either!! I think in general I just talk about them like my preferred combination of all iterations so it becomes just a question in personality atp! lately I have really liked the separate entity thing with cap/billy but somehow I prefer it with him than with the others.. another long tangent I could go on abt LOL)
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larro-babbles · 3 months ago
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Awwww I haven't done one of these in so long! Thank you, Frisk! :3 This picrew is so cute ajdkfks
@countandra @equinoxsnow @elilinner @kurikurimix @hayyie @jenndoesntwantto
y'all don't have to but if you want to lol
i found a cool tag game on twitter and i really wanna import it (o^ ^o)
this picrew + the last song you listened to :]
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no pressure tags: @blood-loving-leech @overtaken-boredom @lesbianthatyaps @kameonerd566 @hexedvampire @laczki @anonymous-shxtposter @fleurafae @flovqy + anyone who wants to do it <3
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vidadaily · 6 years ago
You are honestly doing the Lord's work with your content, especially all the rep for Emma x Nico. Thank you so much!!!!!!
Thank you so much for this nice message!!!!
I’m happy to help promote this show in any way I can :D
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jenndoesntwantto · 5 years ago
omg your username is so funny I saw you reblogged something from mine so it goes “basically just enjoy it” to “jenndoesntwantto” i love it
Thanks! See, as I have explained to many people in my life, it's because I frequently do not want to. It actually started as a google account many many years ago when I was forced to create a google account for youtube. Like I did it, but it felt vital to communicate I was going to be a brat about it.
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ash-overthinking · 5 years ago
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @gothiccwhore ❣️ thank you!!
Top 3 Ships (Tripled because I’m the indecisive type of gay/bi/pan/whatever and rules were made to be broken? whoops)-
Zach Dempsey & Alex Standall (13 Reasons Why)
David Rose & Patrick Brewer (Schitt’s Creek)
Ruby Martinez & Jasmine Flores (On My Block)
Rory Gilmore & Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls)
Elena Alvarez & Syd (One Day at a Time)
Casey Gardner & Izzie (Atypical)
Kat Edison & Adena El-Amin (The Bold Type)
Eleanor Shellstrop & Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place)
Ola Nyman & Lily Inglehart (Sex Education)
Last Song Listened to-
Where the Shadow Ends (acoustic) by BANNERS
Last Movie Watched-
[Streaming] “Handsome Devil”
[Theaters] “Frozen 2”
Currently Reading-
The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch
Valentine by Elizabeth Wetmore
Kissing the Witch by Emma Donoghue
and copious amounts of fanfiction (primarily rereads of favorites and working my way through the Schitt’s Creek archive)
Food (or otherwise) you’re currently craving-
Leery of food because this virus has me fucked up, but shit if I’m not craving my favorite mocha right now (s’mores type loaded with extra espresso). Also roasted asparagus?
Vodka also sounds nice.
So does tequila
I’m tagging @zeusprah ; @platonic-ideation ; @meanwhileinsidemyhead ; @fivebyfreakingfive ; @jenndoesntwantto ; @youkoartemis ; @madamehelium ; @italiangirlwithanenglishheart ; @alexstandall
(5000% no pressure and tbh I’d tag more but I’m awful at this- so if you want to do it and you’re not tagged, do it! And @me. ❤️ A little levity goes a long way right now and we could all use more connection. But we’re also all worn out I feel like, so don’t feel bad if you’re not up to doing the game or following the ‘rule’ or anything! Sending love y’all).
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kaseyskat · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @fiveyarights and here are the rules: list 10 songs you've been listening to and then tag 10 people
1. Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash
2. Runaway - AURORA
3. Living Not Alive - The Veer Union
4. Dance With You - The Prom, the musical
5. Demons - Hayley Kiyoko
6. Trying Not To Love You - Nickelback
7. Monster - Imagine Dragons
8. Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen
9. Jump - Astrid S
10. Shake it Out - Florence and the Machine
And I'm tagging: @bljessica @katia-dreamer @deetheteadrinkingdragon @my-daughter-rayla @263adder @friendlywolfgirl @willelbyers @jenndoesntwantto @astraskylark and @nadurflaa
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ash-overthinking · 5 years ago
✨@zeusprah ✨ @jenndoesntwantto✨ @fivebyfreakingfive✨
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el-im · 2 years ago
Hello!! I saw you're reading the ENT relaunch novels and I wanted you to know that a few books after the one you're reading Jonathan Archer gets described as "a crisis that walks like a man" by some Earth politicians
hi!! i just came across this one:
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oh, what i would give to be paid to write these...
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tipsysam · 8 years ago
Hey! I'm one of your followers and while my blog (which is way multifandom--though supernatural is the most reblogged fandom) doesn't really meet your follow criteria, I am a HUGE sam!girl and would love to talk about that wonderful sunflower any time!
Hiiii! It’s okay, I will check out your blog and even if I don’t follow you back, I’m ALWAYS here to talk about precious sunflower Sam! Let’s be Sam-loving tumblr friends :) 
How do you feel about Sam’s hair this season? My headcanon is that Dean pulled some awful prank with Sam’s flat iron (and surely he had one, just look at his straightened hair in s10). So Sam had to throw that thing away, and now he loves to keep his hair wild and curly ♥
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alethiometry · 9 years ago
Hello! I don't have a twitter, but if I did I would follow you so fast it would have happened yesterday. I think the main thing I'm looking forward to is my 22nd birthday which is in exactly two weeks (November 30th). Thanks for having such a great blog and doing these rates!!!!! :D
icon: 7/10url: 7/10 (is it a reference? because if it is idgi :\)mobile theme: 8/10browser theme: 8/10posts: 9.5/10overall: 9/10following? not yet but ily
blogrates, anyone? this is the last blograte!
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ash-overthinking · 6 years ago
@jenndoesntwantto help I’m dying over this 💗
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qveersam · 9 years ago
I voted for samspumpkin because it's adorable and I love that silly sunflower boy!
thanksssss! i love him too ;;
url: i don’t get it? D:/10icon: i also don’t get it? D: oh god, sorry, i suck!/10theme: 7/10posts: 8.8/10overall: 8.5/10fancast: am I following? no, sorry, but ily / yes / now / forever
no more pls, i’m just finishing up!
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van-dyne · 9 years ago
jenndoesntwantto replied to your post:I just want to tell you that you are amazing. You...
I definitely understand, especially since it’s a literal Greek Tragedy. I thought it was amazing. It’s fascinating how often you see that charismatic, golden commander-crafty, brunette lieutenant pairing. (Kirk/Spock, Cap/Bucky, Arthur/Merlin, etc)
NOOO don’t mention Merlin/Arthur when talking about SOA I will cry. It was the merlin fandom got me into this book actually, and it is so easy to draw parallels with these two. Yes I agree and I think we all have a very soft spot for this type of golden prince & dark knight pairing, how the knight is fundamentally only loyal to his one king and how the king would risk everything to protect his one knight ahhhh byeee
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semirahrose · 9 years ago
I just wanted to let you know that you are one of my all time favorite Sam!Girls out there. Your writing is amazing and your meta is so insightful. Any time I can't quite put my finger on why Supernatural is upsetting me I know I can count on you to explain it brilliantly. I seriously love that you exist!
This message just made my day. Thank you for taking time out of your day to send such a sweet and wonderful message. I’m honored beyond words that you like my writing. I wish I could find the right words to tell you how happy your message made me! 
On this site, I’ve had the pleasure of reading or seeing meta or graphics or analyses that have helped me to understand or enunciate my thoughts on something, and I’m really glad (and honored more than I can say) that my writing may have helped you in that way, too.
Thank you so much again!
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larro-babbles · 5 years ago
This was fun!! :D
In no particular order:
1. Mulan (Disney's Mulan)
2. Deet (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
3. Yagami Takayuki (Judgement/Judge Eyes)
4. Majima Goro (Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku)
5. Vegeta (Dragon Ball)
6. Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
7. Miles Morales (Into the Spider-verse)
8. Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh)
9. Shappo (Sentimental Circus)
10. Gudetama (Sanrio)
Honorable Mentions (honestly any of these can be in the top 10 depending on my mood):
Future Trunks (Dragon Ball), Brea (DC:AoR), skekGra the Heretic DC:AoR), skekMal the Hunter (DC:AoR), Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), Roy Mustang (FMA), Kiryu Kazuma (Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku), Kaito Masaharu (Judgement/Judge Eyes), Sugiura Fumiya (Judgement/Judge Eyes), Froppy (My Hero Academia), Crowley (Good Omens), d'Artagnan (BBC'S The Musketeers), Thor (Marvel), Superman/Clark Kent (DC), Wonder Woman/Diana Prince (DC), Trevor Belmont (Castlevania), Legoshi (Beastars), Molang (Molang) and too many more to list!
I tag:
@countandi @jenndoesntwantto @bluinary
This is late, but I was tagged by @theimpossiblescheme to write 10 favorite characters! Here they are in no particular order!
1) Molly Grue - The Last Unicorn 2) Professor Genius - Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland 3) Granny Weatherwax - Discworld 4) Skellig - Skellig 5) Kermit the Frog - The Muppet Show and Sesame Street 6) Miles Morales - Into the Spider-Verse (the movie; it’s rare when you actually like the hero more than the villain) 7) Cantus - Fraggle Rock 8) UrVa - The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistence 9) The Marquis de Hoto - The Night of the Rabbit 10) Kubo - Kubo and the Two Strings
Honourable mentions: Samurai Jack, Aku, Skeksil, Aughra (I like UrVa only slightly more), the Ghost of Christmas Present from the Muppet Christmas Carol, the Mad Hatter, the Phantom of the Opera (It’s one of my favorite stories, but no particular favorite character), Greg Universe, the Other Mother, Death (Discworld)
Dumbledore makes me sad because he used to be a comforting character to me growing up, but now after realizing how fishy and manipulative he was, along with all the shenanigans J.K. has been up to recently, the series in general leaves a kind of sour taste in my mouth .n.
I tag… @kumobrush @brownchickendog @un-awesomeme @stephanie568 @laura-arro-babbles @detective-manlychu @thekyuusanna @dracini @captain-calamaria and @thelegochicken
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mumfordness · 10 years ago
Hi! I just wanted to say that your Merlin-LotR sets are amazing. Seriously breathtaking and heartbreaking and just incredibly well done.
Hi! I combined two of my favourite things so that helped with the inspiration. I’m glad you like them. Thank you so much!
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