#jenna ortega x basketball reader
spidermanstealyohoe · 2 months
pairings: jenna ortega x gn reader
summary: you meet jenna during your basketball game against another school, your team unfortunately loses but before you could grieve a girl, you’ve never seen before walks up to you.
warnings: arguing, trespassing, language
a/n: this is my first time writing here pls spare me😭
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the crowd counted down as you dribbled the ball in your hands; it was the fourth quarter of the game with only 10 seconds left, and your team was down by three points. you quickly passed the ball to a teammate, who caught it.
your team passed the ball around to each other as the opposing team attempted to stop you to ensure the ball did not go in.
you clapped your hands and signaled to your teammate with the ball to pass it to you. he did so as you caught in midair, and sprinted to the side court to get clear of the defender before launching it into the basket.
everything seemed to move in slow motion for a second as soon as the buzzer sounded; the ball sailed through the air as you thought the shot was good to go in, it was blocked by the opposite team.
as you lowered your shoulders in disappointment and sighed softly, the other squad celebrated their victory. several of your teammates approached you and gave you encouraging pats on the back, but you couldn't help but grit your teeth in opposition to the other squad.
"it appears that the gray knights have won against the blue ravens!" the commentator exclaimed as you rolled your eyes in frustration.
you and your teammates sulked in the locker room, some more than others. one of them was you, who leaned against your locker and stared blankly at the floor.
"what the hell was that, (l/n)?!" your coach came in and roared in fury as he glared at you. the others became silent in dread since the coach could be intimidating at times when he was angry.
"what was what?" you inquired, scoffing with an attitude, as your coach cocked an eyebrow at you, hands on hips, and waved a warning finger.
"don't fucking talk to me like that!"
"well why are you yelling at me like i'm the only person on this team!" you reasoned as your coach stared at you.
"because it was you who missed the shot! i had faith in you to lead the squad and win the games—not lose them! were were so close to the finals, but what happened? you completely botched it!” your coach yelled right in your face as you grimaced at the bad breath and leaned your face away.
“coach, it's not their fault." your best friend, mason, stood up for you but was ignored by the coach. "stay out of this gooding." he said firmly, keeping his focus on you and hands on his hips.
"know what all of you leave so i could talk to (y/n)." coach said as the players feared to leave you alone with the enraged coach.
"what are you waiting for?" go!" the coach yelled as everyone stood up and fled the changing room in fright. as soon as the final player went, the coach turned to face you again, angry and unhappy.
"how? how could you do this to your teammates?" he asked, sitting on the bench in front of you.
"what did you expect me to do? go back in time and make sure that guy does not block me." you asked, furrowing your brows in anger and annoyance.
your coach massaged his temples and let out a quiet groan. "listen (y/n), you have to comprehend my perspective."
“you gotta be fucking kidding me, man.”
"(y/n) look, i gave you my all to lead this team, but you disregarded my instructions." you raised an eyebrow at that.
is this man stupid? the guy literally blocked me, how is that my fault?
"what else do you want me to tell you? i told you the damn guy blocked me!" you yelled at how unreasonable he was acting, filled with rage and frustration.
“don’t raise your voice at me.”
“don’t keep blaming me for something that i can’t control.”
your coach got to his feet, rolled his eyes, and shot you a hard look. "then get your shit together, (l/n).” his voice was forceful but calm.
before leaving the locker room for his office, he gave you one last glance. you didn't take your eyes off of him until he was out of sight.
as you went to remove your basketball uniform so you could change into regular clothes, you took a deep breath, shut your locker, and sank into the little bench behind you.
maybe it was my fault…
you were startled out of your reverie by the sound of the locker room door opening. you lowered your head and inhaled deeply before speaking up.
“what now, coach?” you assumed it was your coach and asked without even looking up at the newcomer.
“i’m not your coach.” a soft voice chuckled out.
you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, you turned to see a pretty gorgeous female standing in the locker area, her hands in her back pockets.
you somewhat recognized her as one of masons friends, but never bothered to speak to her, and you didn’t even know her name.
“you’re mason friend, right?” you asked and you stood up slowly from the bench. she nodded and smiled at you softly as she took a step closer to you making you frown on confusion.
“uhm, why are you in here?” you questioned as you leaned against the lockers besides you.
“mason told me what happened, plus your coach is pretty loud.” she laughed softly. damn, that laugh was angelic.
"yeah,” you dragged out and played with your hands. “he was right though, it kinda was my fault."
“hey, don't say that I thought you played great; your coach is probably just grumpy because he hasn't gotten laid in a while." she smiled teasingly, you laughed as you raised an eyebrow at the girl.
"don’t let him hear you; he'll get upset and blame you for that." you chuckled out as she laughed. you smiled at her for a moment taking in her features.
her soft dark hair, her cute freckles, dark brown eyes that you could get lost in at any moment, her soft pillow lips… no stop! you barley know her.
"well, i have to take a shower, but it was nice meeting you…” you trailed off as she spoke up from in front of you.
“jenna, my names jenna.” she smiled as you nodded slowly.
jenna, even her name was beautiful.
“jenna, nice meeting you.” you said softly.
“nice meeting you too, (y/n).”
if was a cloudy, rainy day at the coffee shop as you handled old people's orders. the coffee shop had a 70s vibe, so older folks came in more than younger people like you.
aside from few older couples sitting in their comfortable booths, smiling and happy together, the coffee shop was mostly empty.
to relieve boredom, you took out your airpod case and inserted one earbud into your right ear while playing music.
“(y/n)?” you heard a familiar voice call out to you, which made you look up from your phone just to see jenna smiling confusedly at you.
“i didn’t know you worked here.” she said as she approached the front of the counter across from you.
“and i didn’t know you came here.” you remarked as you raised an eyebrow at her. she chuckled softly and and leaned forward on the counter.
“it’s a quiet and cozy coffee shop.” she shrugged.
“valid,” she only laughed at your response. “so, what could i get you today?” you asked as you straightened up.
“surprise me.” she took her purse out and put 100 dollars in front of you.
you arched an unimpressed brow at her, "you serious?" you inquired quietly as she nodded with a smile.
you mumbled "fine..." as she was ready to sit down, but she looked at you with a confused expression. "what time do you clock out?"
"11:30, why?" you inquired, as she smiled mischievously and shrugged. “because… maybe i wanna take you somewhere."
"you'll see…”
“where are we even going?” you asked as she led you to the back of the school for some reason.
"do you normally ask so many questions?" She took your hand and ushered you into the school. you followed her as you guys were inside the dark, creepy hallway.
“isn’t this like trespassing?” being in school at midnight was strange and unsettling to you, so you asked worried questions while scanning the area for a sound or a person.
"who are you, my dad?" she questioned as she swiftly led you to the gym. you stumbled ahead due to how hard she was pulling you.
"why are we in the gym?" you inquired softly as you surveyed the dark gym.
“i know this is silly, but i want you to teach me how to play basketball." She looked down and muttered.
"are you considering joining or..?"
"no, no, i just want you to teach me. is that so bad to ask?” she said in a exasperated tone, your eyes soften and walked over to the basketballs. you grabbed one and started to bounce it on the shiny, cleaned gym floor.
"i think you would be a good basketball player." you spoke softly and tossed the ball to her, which she caught.
“i'm more into soccer but thanks." she shrugged teasingly and tossed the ball back to you, causing it to hit your chest.
"ouch, i was hoping you’d be a basketball fan.” you said as you picked up the ball from the floor with a little smile. as you passed her the ball, she said, "eh, maybe one day."
“okay, so are you going to teach me or what?" she asked with a teasing smile, you sighed and jogged over to her.
"okay, okay, so your gonna wanna grab the ball like this." you commanded softly as you placed her fingertips on the basketball.
she flushed at the contact as she looked at you, who was showing her how to stand and grip the ball. she had to agree, you were cute, especially when you rambled like this.
"like this?" she spoke gently, and you nodded from beside her. She threw the ball, and it barely touched the rim.
she gave you a teasing gaze as you quietly laughed, asking, "what are you laughing at?" she pushed you back playfully.
"you missed a simple shot, how did you do it?" she rolled her eyes, and you grinned.
"you could help instead of making fun of me," you gave her a humorous eyebrow lift as she made her suggestion.
"i am helping!" you exclaimed.
she softly murmured, "yeah, well, not enough." she then grasped your hoodie's collar and drew you in closer. "you're not a very good instructor of basketball."
you stared down at her nervously but excited? as she whispered quietly and looked up at you with doe eyes.
"all right, then come here." as she turned to face you and stood in front of you with her back to you, you spoke softly and placed the ball in her hand, guiding the tips of her fingers to grasp it correctly.
“like this?" She turned her head to face you, your faces mere inches apart. you could feel her breath fan against your lips as you nodded.
“yeah, perfect.” you said not even looking at the ball but more at her eyes.
jenna leaned closer, so your lips were millimeters apart. before either of you could do anything, a sound was heard, prompting you to grasp jenna's hand and guide her into a dark corner.
it was the janitor, and after looking around to make sure no one was present, he shrugged it off and left the gym.
jenna huffed a soft laugh against your chest as you smiled down at her. "see what happens if you trespass," you whispered quietly, as she rolled her eyes and leaned against your chest. "okay grandma…"
you two kept staring at each other, your eyes staring at hers and she couldn't take it longer, grabbing a fistful of your collar and forcefully pushed her lips onto yours.
you gave a quiet grunt at the strain but kissed back after a few seconds. you wrapped your arms around her waist, and she wrapped hers around your neck.
after a few seconds, you carefully parted from her lips, only to discover her smiling softly and biting her lip.
"you have no idea how long i've wanted to do that…" she whispered gently.
"well you feel glad you finally did?"
"more than glad." she grinned as she kissed you again before she parted.
"hey, want to go back to my place? my parents are out of town, my sister is staying with friends, and i do not want to be alone, please.” she begged as she gave you puppy dog eyes.
“i don’t know-“
“i’ll buy you dennys for breakfast tomorrow!”
you two were snuggling in her room, her head nuzzled against your neck and your arms around her hips, as the only light in the room came from the outside.
"so i was thinking of quitting basketball." you whispered into her hair, she frowned and raised her head to look at you. "why? i thought you enjoyed it."
"yeah, but maybe i just need a break. coach was right—we lost, and as the team leader, i could have stopped it." you mumbled as you ran your fingers through your hair.
"hey, it's not your fault, okay? it doesn't matter if you lost or not; you're still a fantastic basketball player in my eyes." she poke sweetly but sternly while gently caressing your cheeks.
“yes, you are the best basketball player on that team, regardless of your performance. you are my basketball player." she spoke quietly as she pressed her lips onto your gently unlike the first time.
and just like that you two fell asleep nestled up to one other, the only sound being your quiet breathings.
maybe losing the game was a blessing in disguise...
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tonyspank · 1 year
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Words: 1.2k A/N: I decided to turn the imagine into a book! This isn't published on Wattpad yet so feel special LMAO
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You didn't know the exact number, but it was quite a few people sitting together at your dining room table. Everyone was laughing, talking, and enjoying each other's company. You examine the scene in front of you, taking a quick sip of your iced tea.
You couldn't help but smile, feeling the warmth of the moment as your mom laughed loudly placing an arm on your dad's shoulder. He leaned into the touch, smiling even wider than before.
"No! Honestly, you guys are like Mr. and Mrs. Smith." John, your father's best friend says, letting out a heartwarming chuckle. Your mom and dad look at each other, their eyes twinkling with love and joy. They both nod in agreement, finding it hilarious to be compared to the movie couple.
"Don't you think Jenna?" Jenna turns at the sound of her name, humming in agreement. "Just like em'. Remember when they were them for Halloween?" John laughs, nodding in agreement. "That was a good one, wasn't it?" He turns to your mom and dad, giving them a wink. "And you two were perfect for the part."
Jenna smiles, grabbing her glass of wine. Her diamond ring shining in the light of the room. "Y/N," a voice says at the end of the table. You raise your eyebrows, looking at the older blonde-haired woman. "My son, Chris, wants to know if you're still playing basketball."
You nod, taking a sip from your glass. "Yeah, I'm still playing." You say, smiling. The woman smiles back, "That's great. Chris would love to hear more about it." You nod again, placing down your glass. "Sure, I'd love to. Why don't you let me know when he's free and we can talk about it?" The woman nods, "I'll do that. I'm sure he'd be happy to hear what you have to say."
The rest of the night went by smoothly, everyone being glad to celebrate your parents' success with their recent client. You were grateful for your parents. They loved you dearly and always made sure you knew that despite their busy schedules.
You had a deep appreciation for their dedication and hard work. You wanted to make them proud, and you knew that meant doing your best in everything you did.
Everyone was gone except Jenna who was talking to your father at the kitchen island as your mother and you were washing the dirty dishes used for the get-together. Jenna was telling your father about her plans for the future. Your mother and you were silently listening, washing the dishes as Jenna talked. You could tell your parents were proud of her and the plans she had made.
She was their youngest friend, but one of their closest. They looked at her like another daughter, and she looked up to them as mentors. "But yeah, that was about it." Jenna finishes off. Your father nods with a hum, stroking his beard. Jenna smiled, a peaceful look on her face.
"Could you put these glasses away?" Your mother asks, gaining your attention. You look away and grab the glasses, putting them away in the cabinet. You turn back around and your father winks at you causing you to laugh.
Your mother smiles, shaking her head. She knows your father and you are always joking around. "We have some news." Your mother speaks up, leaning against the kitchen counter.
Your father nods, sitting upright on the bar stool. "We're leaving for Europe tomorrow morning for business." You nod, already knowing this information.
You feel there's a but coming in, "But..." There it is. "It's a three-month-long trip." Your father speaks up immediately reading the look on your face, "Well, it was supposed to be a month and a half but your mother and I want to take some time to relax."
You shrug and nod, knowing that you can handle the extended trip. You turn to your father and smile, "It's all good. I'll be on my best behavior. You two deserve a vacation." Your father side-eyes your mother, who takes a glance back at her husband.
Okay. What's going on? "We know... because Jenna will be watching over you." You snap your head to Jenna, your brows furrowed together before glancing between your parents.
"You're leaving Jenna to babysit me?" Jenna smiled nervously, not knowing what to say. Your parents exchanged a look before your dad spoke.
"Honey you have to understand, it's three months. We trust Jenna to take care of you."
You sighed and crossed your arms, not wanting to accept the reality. You knew what they were saying was true, but you just didn't want to believe it. You looked at Jenna, who was still smiling nervously. You turn back to your mom, uncrossing your arm. "I'm eighteen!"
Your mom raises an eyebrow at the rise of your voice. You took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "You just turned eighteen. Watch your tone." You exhaled sharply and nodded, conceding to the fact that you had to wait before you could make your own decisions.
You glanced at Jenna, who was still sitting patiently, and then back at your mom. "Okay, I understand," you said, before turning your attention back to Jenna. Jenna smiles at you, relieved.
"And since you're under some new supervision we talked about some ground rules." First a babysitter and now ground rules? Were you fourteen? Your mom looks at your dad who nods quickly, turning his attention to you.
"We're taking the keys to your motorcycle," your eyes widen and you drop your jaw. He continues despite your reaction, "Please consult with Jenna before you do anything. No random invites, no random going out, tell her."
You nod your head in understanding. You know that this rule is for your own safety. "And finally go to class. No skipping! If I get a call from the office telling me you missed class, all hell will break loose. You hear me?" Your mom buts in, a stern look on her face.
You nod again and mumble, "Yes ma'am." You take a deep breath, knowing that your mom is looking out for you. Your mom raises from the counter, walking over to you and rubbing a hand on your bicep and saying, "We love you. We want you to be safe and responsible."
She gives your arm a gentle squeeze stepping back and facing Jenna, "Jenna you can stay in the guest room upstairs. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask, and make yourself at home." Jenna smiled and thanked her.
"There's plenty of food in the kitchen, and feel free to watch TV or use the internet if you want." Jenna nodded, giving your mom a warm smile. She thanked her again, and your dad stands up giving Jenna a squeeze on her shoulder before sticking his tongue out at you and heading upstairs.
Jenna laughed and your mom shook her head, amused following behind the tall man. Once your parents we're out of the kitchen Jenna looks at you, her dark brown eyes staring into yours. She smiled brightly and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad babysitter."
You shake your head, smiling. "Please stop. The term babysitter is so embarrassing." Jenna laughed and said, "I know you're not a baby, but I guess I'm still going to have to look out for you." She winked and you both laughed. You were relieved that she wasn't going to treat you like a child.
This was going to be a crazy three months.
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