#jenko’s requests
arcadiabay · 2 years
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WENTWORTH ( 2013 ) S8, E1 | “Resurrection”
requested by @justfuckininsane​
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hollandandi · 5 years
4 from the prompt list with uni!peter would be so extremely cute !!! 💓💓💓
you’re damn right it would be!!!! thank u for requesting 😎🥰
Sat on your boyfriend’s dorm bed on a Monday afternoon; with your legs crossed and a pen in your right hand - you tried your hardest to fill in the blanks of the crossword you were currently faced with. Peter had picked up the local paper while on the bus to campus, which you had found thrown messily on his bed while he worked at his desk. You had flipped through several news stories, but suddenly realised they were all quite depressing - so skipped to the gossip and puzzle section of the paper. Your eyebrows were furrowed hard, not shifting from their determined, yet slightly confused, expression, as you tapped the lid of the pen against your lips while you thought.
You had completed a couple of downward hints, plus even a couple of horizontal clues - but even with those initial solutions, it only got more difficult. You were running out of questions you could actually figure out the answer to, and unlike usually; Peter was occupied with an important assignment, preventing him from likely teasing you about one of them, telling you it was “kinda obvious,” before scribbling the answer down for you. Then he’d probably tell you “We did it!”, even though you had at-least ten more answers to fill in, before taking the paper out of your hands and throwing it to the other side of the bed. Shifting his body, so he was now hovering over you, he would make some semi-lame joke about one of the questions, and then press his lips to yours - in which you’d happily return the effort.
Today was a little trickier than that. You didn’t want to Google the answers - the crossword writer’s little memo box above the puzzle made it clear that it was cheating, and you were not a cheater. So instead, you sat in a frustrated silence; chewing the pen lid slightly as your eyes flickered over the remaining hints, once again assuring that you knew no more. Reluctantly, you took a glance up at the brunette who was sat a feet away from you. One of his hands ran throughout his, slightly greasy, head of hair, whilst his fir-hand scribbled several sentences down into his subject notebook.
His assignment was theory and research based - which for Peter, was difficult. He didn’t find a lot in his Physics degree hard to grasp, but he struggled to use more than evidence to back up his results. He knew what happened when you mix chemicals, and he knew what happened when you mixed certain chemicals to make web fluid - but he struggled to find out why. He had to research what other people thought, and his professor seemed to prefer more of that, rather than actual results found by the students - and that is what he found difficult, but he didn’t have much choice in the matter. You saw him sigh slightly - ruffle his hair and shake his head lightly at the words he had written down. You took it as an opportunity to help yourself out a little, but also take his mind off his work, even for a second.
“Pete,” You hummed, moving the pen away from your lips and sitting up a little straighter now, in which his head lifted considerably and his shoulders relaxed at your familiar voice. He didn’t turn to face you, his eyes still locked on his hand-written notes as he let out of a response.
“Yes, my love?” The brunette muttered, using his hand that was once within locks of his hair, to push up the front of his glasses. His pen flickered within his finger-tips, before scribbling down a further line of thoughts. “Have you got any idea what fish is related to mackerel?” You sighed softly, racking your brain slightly. You knew that once the answer had been figured out, you would realise you knew it all along - but for now, you had to ask for help. “It’s four letters,” You added, looking up at the boy with slight plea in your eyes.
There was silence for a couple of seconds, as Peter dropped his biro pen and shifted his position slightly to get a better look at you. He smiled at the sight he found - you had somehow combined the look of confusion, with one of cuteness. He noticed how one of his science-themed shirts clung loosely to your figure, and took note of the messy ponytail you had thrown up shortly after starting the puzzle. You looked pretty close to perfect in his line of sight, and it allowed him to inhale a deep breath, shake off some of those jittery worries, and focus on you for a moment.
The boy opened his lips, and out came “Tuna.” He had, with ease, responded - a smile laced to his expression as he told you, and no more than five seconds later, he watched your face light up slightly, your eyebrows lift and a smile, close to matching his, form on your lips. “Tun,- of course!” You muttered, your eyes now slightly widened as you scribbled the four-letter fish down on the thin sheet of paper, before lifting your vision to meet his glance.
“Thank you, Pete!” You expressed, happiness laced to your voice, sending him a thankful smile as your eyes moved back to the puzzle, now making a little more sense after the new letters your boyfriend had given you. Expecting him to nod, turn back and continue to work on his assignment independently, your eyebrows began furrowed again as you attempted to return to your daily challenge. He did so, suddenly scribbling down an entire paragraph of research on his page - but then, to your surprise, Peter turned back to your crossed-legged figure and continued.
“Love, please c'mere - you can sit on my lap whilst I finish this assignment,” He spoke, a slight tone of desperation laced within his voice. “I can help you finish that, too.” He added, in an attempt to fully convince you in taking up his offer. He had realised that in that short distraction, where you were his main focus - his heart had calmed, sweat on his forehead had cooled and his mind had cleared completely. You helped him write more in the last thirty seconds that he had written by himself in the most recent thirty minutes, and because of that - he needed you to distract him; just slightly.
To his assurance, a smile grew within your expression once again - as you nodded enthusiastically and lifted yourself from his red duvet. “Of course, love.” You quickly responded, moving towards his study chair and placing yourself down gently onto the top of his legs. His left arm immediately found a temporary home around your waist, as he pulled you even closer to his chest with it. Using his dominant hand to continue writing within his lined note-book, he pressed a kiss to your clothed shoulder as he saw you begin to focus on a particular clue once again - now feeling much more optimistic about the work he needed to complete.
(again, so sorry about no cut. will add one ASAP!)
tag-list: @therealme13posts @aliceinwhateverland @augustus-did-not-get-stabbed @ive-got-more-wit  @tonystark-mcu @pinkmarvel @soulspideys @spidey-bites @itspenisparker  @underoosbws @adventurousbooknerd @casuallytumblingdownthestairs @xxxxdelenaxxxx  @valkyrie-holland @space-starz @crxssourbones @heartssick @smexylemony
mutuals: @sunshinehollandd @kilieria @spideyjlaw @spideyboyx @amxliaponds @hoefortomhoelland @parkerpuffwrites @sunsetspidey ​ @rachramblesstuff @spideycentral @holland-peters @lavenderholland @parkerstcr @parkerstan @tomegranate-seeds  @avengvr ​ @peter-is-the-best-avenger-2 @peter-is-the-best-avenger @sqideychelle @upsidedownparker @plushparker @wazzupmrstark @lostinspidey @sp1deybarnes @joyfulholland @afterglowparker @poetrypeter
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late-nightdevil · 5 years
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Word count: 1066
Warnings: mention of drug abuse, suggestion of rape (does not happen)
Summary: misunderstood girl meets understanding boy, part one
Inspiration: Candy is my favorite song rn and this idea just popped into my head, enjoy
Authors Note: the first thing I’ve written that I’ve completed before I deleted! It’s a bit rough, but it’s a start! I hope you enjoy!
p.s. if you have any requests, I’ll be happy to try my best for you! I’m a bit rusty and could use all the practice I can get!
“I don’t give a shit about becoming an addict, Michael! It makes me feel good. Why isn’t that enough for you? You’re not my fucking mom!”
“Because some people actually give a shit about you, y/n! Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?”
“I’m fine, Mike. I need this to keep me calm and collected. My life isn’t necessarily easy and you’re not making it any easier.” I take the bag of white pills out of his hand, stuffing it in my bra.
“Oh, that’s fine. Real classic. Blame it on anyone but yourself.”
Before I could say something I’ll regret, I grab my keys, phone, and wallet and leave the apartment. I fucking hate this place, and I hate him. No one has to live my shitty ass life and the last thing I’m gonna do is take shit from someone that barely knows me.
Too emotional to drive, I begin to walk down my block towards the bar that sits at the end of the street. It’s late and I know I shouldn’t be alone, but frankly I think I’m ready for whatever the world throws to me at this point.
Just as I catch view of the bar, a whistling noise comes from the alley to my right. Out steps two guys who tower over my small frame, forming a barricade that prevents me from moving around them.
“Well, well.. look what we have here. Don’t you think it’s a little late for you to be out here all alone, darlin’?” The bald one spoke first, obviously a bit more forward than his friend, who seems to hold his composure by staying silent.
“Last time I checked, I don’t have a curfew, thanks for checking. Don’t you think it’s a little played out to hunt girls down in the middle of the night?” I’m too wired for this bullshit right now, and I don’t have the effort in me to fight them off. Fingers crossed my words will work.
But of course, that seemed to just piss them off. They stopped speaking and grabbed me from either side, easily picking me up and begin to make their way to the darker part of the alley. I don’t even bother to struggle, knowing that’s probably exactly what they wanted. Before I even have a chance to use my wits again, I feel the guy on my left drop my weight and my feet land on the ground. Soon after, baldy drops his side and I stumble, but make a quick recovery to assess the situation.
Visible only by the dim hue of the street lamp, a tall and slender figure hovered over the two men, landing punches into their faces and legs. Trying to prevent them from getting up, I presume. The adrenaline in me seems to be stilled because I truly could not bring myself to move.
The figure stands up, much more visible now. His white blonde hair is a bit of a mess, but a faux hawk nonetheless. Ink covered every inch of his arms, and the light danced off his nose and ear piercings in such a complementary manner. His bright blue eyes met my brown ones and I was immediately entranced.
“Are you okay?”
“I.. I think so.”
“C’mon, let me get you a drink.”
My shock seems to fade slightly as he walks forward and gently places an arm on my shoulder, steering me in the direction of my original destination.
“I feel like I should be getting you a drink. You have no idea how much I appreciated that.”
“How about this,” he pauses slightly and glances down at me. “I’ll get the drinks, you tell me why you look like you’ve been through hell and back. Sound good?”
I laughed softly, a positive feeling for the first time all night. “Sounds good.”
Once inside, we squeeze through dancing bodies and take our seats at the bar. “What’s your poison?”
“Whatever you’re having is fine.” It can’t be anything worse than what I’ve had before.
“Yeah? You sure?”
I nod my head. “It’s all water at this point, to be honest.”
He hails down the bartender and orders, I’m not paying much attention until four shots of a dark liquor is placed in front of us, followed by two beers. The aroma makes its way to my nose, and I recognize it as Hennessy. The sweet smell brings back bitter memories.
“Cheers.” We say in unison, both grabbing the first shot and clinking. There’s a small grin on his lips, and I can’t help but mirror it. Our heads swing back as the liquor goes down our throats. The burning sensation hit my throat, but quickly disappeared. Our glasses hit the counter as we grabbed for our second shot, tossing it back just as we did the first one.
“Well, now that that’s in us, start talking.” He takes a sip of his beer before leaning on his elbow, propping his head up so he can focus on me.
A million words came to my mind, but I couldn’t comprehend anything other than the cool blue of his eyes. His stare made me feel welcome, like he already knew all my troubles and he was there to make it okay.
Three beers, a basket of french fries, and a couple tissues worth of tears later, I find myself laughing obnoxiously with him over the story of his first time taking shrooms.
“I shit you not, it was exactly like Schmidt’s trip in 22 Jump Street.”
“That’s insane, because my first was definitely like Jenko’s. It’s probably why I got such a bad habit of taking them whenever I felt like it.”
He nodded his head in a silent agreement, then paused for a moment of what seemed to be deep thought. “What about all the others, then? Why do you think we can’t stop?”
“I mean, it’s like candy. It’s so tiny and easy to take, it’s almost guilt free. And you can always get more.” I tore my eyes from his and stared at the liquid swirling in my bottle. “We’re pretty fucked up, huh?”
The last of his bottle goes down his throat. He licks his lips slowly, and I can’t help but stay tranced on them. Like I wanted them on me. “Not fucked up. Just trying to fix some damage.”
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multiplechoicepast · 5 years
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//To make this year a little more difficult, my body decided to gift me with yet another lovely kidney stone that has still yet to pass. It hit on Tuesday and I’m still in misery and having to go to work with it as well. I’m tired and physically exhausted. I’ve had this image done and that image done and been to my urologist. Been doubled over in pain and all the fun awesome things that come with this little bastard of hurt.
That said, I’ve come to some decisions as far as the future of this blog... I know that I may be super tired and loopy from pain and pills that make me not feel like I want to die, but I’ve been thinking about this for some time now and feel this is a decision I needed to make.
As you may know, I branched out and moved my Bruce Wayne/Batman, Allie Knox, Selina Kyle/Catwoman, Bob the Goon, and Vicki Vale to their own blogs and brought them to my RP group. I’ve realized in this time that I honestly missed having single muse blogs. I missed being taken seriously as that character and in that fandom. I miss the aesthetic of a single muse blog and the energy of it. I miss picking who I am feeling most and being there. 
I think, perhaps, my time here on this multi may be coming to an end. I’m not 100% positive on that, but I do know that what I’m planning on doing is looking at the following favored/primary muses of mine and taking them back on their own. Those muses will be behind the cut.
The Joker/Jack Napier
Eddie Blake/The Comedian
Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias
Ian Malcolm
John Connor
Gomez Addams
Doc Holliday
George McFly
Dr. James Wilson
Lily Munster
Thomas A. Wayne
Alexander Veidt
Eric Draven/The Crow
Duckie Dale
Greg Jenko
Jasper Whitlock Hale
Luke Luke
Daryl Dixon
Bella Swan Cullen
Dr. Lawrence Kutner
Harvey Dent/Two Face
John Doe/Joker
Erik/The Phantom
Marcos Maez/The Mime
All other muses may possibly just remain something I do on discord on request. I’m also still deciding if I want to still take all of those to their own blogs for sure. I just know these are my primary muses and the ones I would most like to keep and keep on their own.
If you wish to follow any of them, as I make decisions and build blogs, please just let me know. I probably will link to them at some point. 
If you have any questions or concerns or other muses you’d love to see me take with me and on their own, please leave me a comment or send a message!
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football-rambles · 8 years
Low Blood Pressure - Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
For your Christmas OS can I have the Ox one when we go out and I get dizzy and faint all of a sudden and it turns out i was pregnant and didn't know:) - Asked by anon!
Thanks for requesting! I hope you like it <3
I had woken up feeling very fuzzy and feeling very sick. I think I had caught the stomach flu somewhere because I was sick many times throughout the morning, and just genuinely feeling sick for the past few days.
Alex had made me stay in bed for the last couple of days, much to my dismay but I had to compromise it was either stay at home in bed or that he would ring his or my mother to come and look after me.
As much as I love his mother and that I get on with her really well I really didn’t want to have them here. I was no company, I had been on and off asleep most to days just to see if that made me feel better. So I compromised and told Alex I would stop in bed for the next few days until I’m feeling better.
As the day went on, I had been feeling better. My stomach was growling at me, probably due the fact nothing was in there and I had emptied the content of my stomach throughout the morning.
I started to make myself some food as I was getting rather hungry and I was feeling light-headed so I had decided it was probably because I had not eaten all day. I was feeling a lot better than I had been so I thought maybe I could try some food.
I had just finished making my sandwich when I heard the door open and voices. Alex walked into the kitchen and noticed me “Why are you out of bed?” He asked sternly, like I was a naughty child that shouldn't be doing what I wasn't told to do.
“I had to get some food, I was hungry” I told him as I smiled at the lads who was stood behind him, often I would come home to find that Alex, Carl, Aaron and Kieran would be playing FIFA sometimes Theo would come and even Calum.
“Gosh, Y/N you look awful” Carl informed me. I sighed and shook my head. I didn't even look at myself in the mirror today. “Dude, She's ill” Alex pointed out to me and I sighed. “Thanks Jenko, and you wonder why your single?” I smile before winking at him.
“He’s a Grandad that's why, he be in bed by 7 tonight” Alex said to him as Aaron interjected before the argument started, it wasn't an argument it was more of the banter but today I wasn’t feeling it.
“You really should go back to bed Y/N” Kieran told me as I smiled “As much as I love your concern. I just want to eat my sandwich okay?” I say looking at the sandwich. Which now looking at the sand which was making me feel sick again and feel light-headed as I hadn’t eaten in a while.
I sat down on the sofa, as the lads carried on what they came to do. Play FIFA on the tv, not that I minded. I quite like having the lads around, it was alway a laugh when they were over. I quite happily sat and was catching up with the day’s social media, while the lads had been playing.
I stood up and felt a bit light-headed, I caught my balance when Alex shot up from his seat, pretty much knocking Theo in the process “Y/N” He asked, his face just looked full of concern.
I smiled “I’m fine, I just got up quick that's all” I tell them as I continued to take my plate into the kitchen. It was then when I felt a wave of nausea over me. I felt awful again. I thought this time I’d better listen to Alex.
I walked out into the lounge leaning on the door “Alex...” I say quietly as he didn’t hear me “Alex” I continued, trying not to throw up in the process as I could see Carl look over at me and nudged Alex who then stood up. Everything just turned to blank.
I woke up hearing a lot of chattering as I opened my eyes to see my boyfriend and his friends looking down at me “What happened?” I asked groggy as I tried to get up.
“You passed out on us...Carl has gone out to get the car and I’m taking you to the hospital” He explains. I sighed “I’m fine Alex it’s because I hadn’t eaten a lot” I say as I sit up. Alex wasn't having any of it. Carl had driven me and Alex to the hospital.
I was still not feeling well, and was leaning with Alex for support as he told the nurse at the desk everything and said they’ll see us as soon as they could. I sit down on a seat “They look busy, maybe I should have waited to see the Dr. on Monday” I sighed as I rested my head on Alex shoulders.
I was soon called in and they were running some tests, I was hooked up to the monitor as the nurse was taking observations Alex was stood watching concerned as I took his hand squeezing it gently.
I hated hospitals and tried to avoid them at possible “Well Miss Y/L/N it seems that you have low blood pressure which isn't common in someone your age” She says taking the wires off me and moving the machine.
“I’m just going to chase up the other results and see what could be causing the low blood pressure” She says to me as I nodded, I sat up on the bed and looked at Alex who looked at me “I’ll be fine” I assured him, he smiled and kissed my head softly.
I could of easily fallen asleep, even though I was sleeping on and off most of the day I was tired. The nurse walked in, she had a blank expression on her face as she looked at us both. “Is it okay if I talk to you alone?” She asked me.
I looked at the nurse then Alex, I was nervous at what she would say and I shook my head “I want Alex to stay please” I say as I talk Alex hand again as he sat on the edge of the bed and agreed.
The nurse looked at us both and nodded “It appears that you are pregnant” She tells us, I could feel Alex tense up, Pregnant? I thought. I hadn’t even thought of that. “I’ll leave you guys a few minutes, I’m referring you to a midwife so they can keep an eye out on that blood pressure and stuff” She says to us.
I nodded as looked at Alex. We hadn’t even talked about children, we had not long moved in with each other. Alex was great with kids, he was really was, often I imagined him with out future kids.
I looked up at Alex who was still staring into space “Alex...please say something?” I asked, it was scaring me. He didn’t speak was he happy? sad? angry?. He looked at me and smiled “Sorry, I was just thinking” He kissed my temple.  
I played with my hands “What we’re going to do” I mumble as I look at him, as he wrapped his arm around me “We will get through this together, I promise” He tells me. I smiled “Really?” I asked as he nodded “Of course, this will be the making of us” He smiled as he kissed me cheek.
Here we go! I hope you like it! Feedback is much appreciated :)
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Singapore Smart Grid Market to Grow at a CAGR of 10.41% (2016-2024)
According to Goldstein Research, Singapore smart grid market is expected to reach USD 1.6 billion by 2024 from USD 765 million in 2016, growing at a CAGR of 10.41% over the forecast period 2016-2024. The factors such as adopting energy tri-lemma strategy, energy security, economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability are majorly driving the growth of the Singapore smart grid market. Singapore smart grid market segmentation has been done on the basis of hardware, software, services and geography. Based on hardware, smart meters held the largest market share of 48.7% in 2016 owing to the smart meter installation plan of the government. Singapore smart grid market large growing capacity for the strategic geographical location i.e. being a tropical country it has huge insulation of solar energy. Thus, 2.8 MW Micro-grid installed that unifies various sources of energy, but solar energy source has the largest share.
Browse Full Report: https://www.goldsteinresearch.com/report/singapore-smart-grid-market-size-report
Market Segmentation
On the basis of our in-depth analysis, Singapore Smart Grid Market can be segmented as follows:
By Hardware
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
Smart Meter
Networking Hardware
By Software
Advanced Metering Infrastructure Software
Grid IT and Asset Management System Software
Smart Grid Communication Software
Cybersecurity Software
Distribution Automation Software
By Services
Consulting Services
Integration and Installation Services
Maintenance Services
By Geography
Tier-I Cities Smart grid Market
Tier-II Cities Smart grid Market
Tier-III Smart grid Market
“Singapore Smart Grid Market Outlook 2024” contains detailed overview of the Singapore smart grid market. On the basis of our in-depth analysis, the market can be segmented in terms of market segmentation by hardware, software and services.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, Singapore Smart Grid Industry Report encompasses the industry growth drivers, market challenges, risk analysis, market attractiveness, BPS (Base Point Scale) analysis, Porter’s five force model and SWOT analysis. Thiscompetitive intelligence reports also includes competitive outlook of some of the major players profiling of companies such as Silver Spring, GE, Jenko, Omnetric group, Seimens, Schneider Electric,  EnerNOC, NEC, Space Time Insight, Pacific Light, etc. The company profiles include business strategy, geographical revenue distribution, major information of the companies which encompasses business outlook, products, services and industries catered, financial analysis of the company and recent developments. Overall, the report represents the Singapore smart grid market trends along with market forecast that will help industry consultants, technology providers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
Download Exclusive Sample Report: https://www.goldsteinresearch.com/request-sample/singapore-smart-grid-market-size-report
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Based in the US, Goldstein Research currently has a strong presence in the American and Asian countries. In the next five years, we strive to expand our reach to 50+ nations spanning across Europe, Asia and parts of the Middle East and Africa. We strive to realize a strong brand presence globally through our quality research and forecasting solutions.
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Browse Similar Report: Smart Grid Market Report
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hollandandi · 5 years
#121 with tom? bc i just wanna see how you’ll do it haha 🤷🏻‍♀️
my beautiful veronica!!! u challenged me with this one, but i hope you like it regardless. 💘🌈🥳💫
Laying on your back, a patterned fabric duvet resting against your skin, you had your arms stretched out slightly, a book within your hands. You had changed reading position multiple times in the last hour - but you were getting to a heavily interesting point in the story, where all the built-up tension and drama was about to explode within each character’s lives. Your eyes were glued to the individually printed words on your current page, your lip bit gently as you absorbed more of the story. Your hands were gripped tightly on each side of the novel, and your boyfriend, sat next to you, glanced at your state from the corner of his eye.
His vision often flickered over your figure, his phone in his right hand as his thumb moved upwards across the screen - occasionally stopping to tap a button. Growing a little bored at his actions, he clicked the top button of his device and placed it on the bedside table, sitting a little straighter and shifting towards you. “Darlin’,” He began, his hand lifting and landing on your right leg which was laid beside him.
His voice fluttered within your ears, but your eyes remained glued to the book at hand - simply muttering a small response as you read. “Yes, love?” You spoke, moving your hand briefly to pass one page to the other, proceeding to read from the fresh page. His eyes moved up as he heard your voice, and although he was a little underwhelmed from your response, he continued his intent. “I’m bored,” He started, his hand beginning to brush against your hip and waist, making you squirm a little and let out a slight laugh.
A smile formed on his expression when he took note of your movement, taking the opportunity to further tickle your skin, his fingers moving underneath your shirt slightly. His fingers brought your concentration to a halt, finally shifting your eyes to his hand, and then to his face, shaking your head lightly and reacting to his actions. “Babe, I’m trying to read,” You laughed a little more, attempting to cough gently to mask how ticklish you were this afternoon, giving him a soft, joking glare as you spoke.
Despite your initial reluctance, Tom continued to try his luck - swiftly taking the book from your hands, folding the corner of the page and placing it next to his phone on the bedside table. “Hey!” You expressed, sitting up after his actions and reaching out with your arms, attempting to grab the novel from his hands - but before you could get it back, you found his fingers finding a temporary home on your waist, beginning to move them in a frantic position against your skin, a wide grin planted on his face.
Your breath hitched, squirming to remove yourself from his grasp as a desperate laugh emerged from your lips, your hands grabbing onto his wrist. “Tom! Stop,” You began, another giggle running off your tongue as his hands moved faster and in more elaborate movements, tickling you more with each second. “I told you I was bored, love!” He laughed to himself, moving so he was hovering over you a little more now, kneeling between your legs - his hands not stopping his frantic shaking over your sensitive skin. You laughed harder, attempting to speak between the giggles as you tried to stop him - you had a feeling this wouldn’t end well, you always grew fed up with a tickling fight, not long after it starts.
“I-I’m,” Another laugh rippled through you, “serious, Tom!” Your hands lifted from his wrists, moving to grab his shoulders, and then attempt to push him off via his stomach - all of which only spurred him on to tickle you faster, and harder. His laughs grew louder, as he moved his hands all over your sensitive spots, repeating the fact that he was bored and you were ignoring him - quite frankly, finding the entire situation fairly hilarious.
“You look so funny, ba,-” He began, your arms continuing to move in an equally frantic routine over his body, before his actions stilled completely and he appeared to double over and wince. “Fuck, babe! Jesus Christ!” He yelled, falling onto his back with his hands crossed over his sweatpants covered crotch. His eyes shut tightly, as his face scrunched up in discomfort, his body moving from side to side slowly to further reinforce the pain he was suffering.
Your breathing soon became regular again, as you quickly propped yourself up and found yourself kneeling next to his figure, watching his hands and soon grasping a basic understanding of the incident. “Shit, love - did I punch you?” You asked, even though you pretty much understood what you had done thirty seconds previous. His face continued to show pain, as he let out deep breaths and opened his eyes to see you briefly, before shutting them again. “Punched is one word, fisted is another!” He expressed dramatically, still gripping his crotch until the discomfort begins to subside.
You bit your lip hard to muffle any laughs that would leave your lips after that comment, but you couldn’t prevent your mouth curling slightly into a small smile. Opening his eyes once again as the pain began to ease off, he caught your expression and glared softly at you. “It’s not funny, Y/N,” He muttered, taking a final deep breath before sitting up a little, leaning against the headboard and lifting one hand from the painful spot. You shook your head in response, “I know babe, I know. But in my defence, tickling me isn’t funny either,” You argued, raising an eyebrow jokingly as your hand moved to his right knee.
He sighed gently, lifting his other hand from his crotch and placing it over your knee. You scooted a little closer to him, squeezing his knee gently as you leaned over and placed a kiss to his cheek, before sitting straight again and sending him a soft smile. “I’m sorry for tickling you,” He began, returning the gentle expression you had given to him. “It’s okay,” You assured. “I’m sorry for ignoring you,” You concluded, which made him squeeze your hand gently - implying that the forgiveness was mutual. He let out a content sigh this time, leaning his head against the headboard as he looked around the room slightly - his lips parted slightly, ready to suggest something for the both of you to do, but he paused as you spoke an idea first. “How about I make it up to you?” You muttered softly, your hand moving a little further up his leg, sending a wink as you did - something Tom was more than happy to agree to.
(i’m, again, sorry for no cut. will add one soon!!!!)
@therealme13posts  @aliceinwhateverland @augustus-did-not-get-stabbed @ive-got-more-wit  @tonystark-mcu @pinkmarvel @soulspideys @spidey-bites @itspenisparker  @underoosbws  @adventurousbooknerd  @casuallytumblingdownthestairs @xxxxdelenaxxxx  @valkyrie-hibard @space-starz @crxssourbones @heartssick @smexylemony
mutuals: @sunshinehollandd @kilieria  @spideyjlaw @spideyboyx @amxliaponds  @hoefortomhoelland @parkerpuffwrites  @sunsetspidey ​ @rachramblesstuff  @spideycentral @holland-peters  @lavenderholland @parkerstcr @parkerstan @tomegranate-seeds  @avengvr ​ @peter-is-the-best-avenger-2  @peter-is-the-best-avenger @sqideychelle @upsidedownparker @plushparker @wazzupmrstark @lostinspidey @sp1deybarnes @joyfulholland @afterglowparker @poetrypeter
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hollandandi · 5 years
maybe the reader is kind of self-destructive and always hides her feelings and pretends to be happy for others but then peter finds out and encourages her to open up a little bit more? thank you!
“maybe the reader hides her feelings, but then peter encourages her to open up a little bit more?”
hello lovely! thanks for requesting a prompt - i really appreciate it and i hope you enjoy the result of it! I completely butchered this, but i hope it’s somewhat acceptable!
Peter had been a strong part in your life for several months - meeting during a Biology class, where you had seen him performing a task that was definitely not on the syllabus and questioned it instantly. Surprised to hear a voice that was not his close friend’s, Ned, his head snapped up and his hands scrambled to hide the potion-like experiment he was occupied with, before meeting your eyes. His face quickly softened, and a smile curled up slightly on the edges of his lips as you asked a question he was more than happy to answer.
As time went by, you only grew closer to the school-boy and his friends, who you knew now as Ned, Betty and Michelle - meeting for lunch on a daily basis, and regularly meeting up after the academic day and unwinding with LEGO creations and homework. It was different, having a solid small group of friends you could rely on, and although it had more perks than negative connotations, it was still a little overwhelming at times.
Something that always seemed to help your heart-rate resume to a steady pace, however, was the science-loving brunette who introduced you to the new second family you were apart of. Undeniably, he had a soft power over you - friendships were not the only thing that increased and strengthened over time, as your feelings you had for the boy only grew too. You hardly went a day without your heart doing jumps, your stomach doing flips and your eyes following his facial expressions, especially when he lifted his head back and did his all-too-familiar laugh that filled the cafeteria. And at this point, it was safe to say you had fallen for Peter - but that was something you would never be able to admit, especially now.
Several weeks ago, banners expressing the countdown to Homecoming had begun finding themselves around the school walls. Tickets were on sale, and outfits were being bought every weekend as excitement and whispers grew throughout the halls. Consequently, the number of couples littering the corridors began to grow too - people were being asked every school day that passed, some in more exciting ways than others, and unsurprisingly, the tradition had spread throughout the friends you had surrounded yourself with too.
A couple of days previous, Ned and Betty had decided to share their news with the lunch table, not able to hold in their excitement until the big day actually came. “I know we said we were going to go as the Dynamic Fivesome,” (Ned’s idea of the group name, not everybody else’s.)
“But, I felt like it would be wrong of me not to ask Betty, seeing as we’re girlfriend and boyfriend now,” The boy expressed with a large smile, before concluding his announcement. “I hope this is okay with everybody,”
You wanted to be completely happy for them, you really did - but something inside of you was utterly jealous of Ned’s bravery, and ultimately, their happiness. You wanted nothing more than you and Peter to be able to express an announcement similar, and although the only thing holding you back was your own fear of rejection, you still couldn’t find it inside yourself to be one-hundred-percent happy for your friends. Regardless of what was occurring inside of your heart, you spread a large, but soft smile across your features, and verbally expressed the opposite of what you truly felt. You hoped you were convincing to everybody sat across the table, and it succeeded for most, all except the boy you usually had your eyes on, who now had his watching your expression. He could tell something was off slightly, but not wanting to impose, or make Ned and Betty concerned, he planned to ask you about it later, if he remembered.
And now, not even a week later, everyone was once again sat around the familiar lunch table in the corner of the cafeteria - sifting their way through their chosen lunches and occasionally sipping their drinks throughout consistent conversations. Some you contributed towards, and some you took as an opportunity to enjoy your food, but one had made your ears perk up and your eyebrows fumble.
“Honestly, Peter, you should just ask Liz! The worst she can say is no,” Ned, his closest-friend expressed across the table, as the boy shook his head and laughed lightly, taking a large bite of his sandwich before replying to his friend. “I’m not even into her anymore, Ned,” Peter had replied, raising an eyebrow towards the boy who had his hand in his girlfriends, and only continued to attempt to persuade him. “Yes, but then at-least you may have a date! It doesn’t matter who it’s with,” He tried to reason, giving Betty’s hand a comforting squeeze, before expressing to her that she played a big part in his decision, unlike what he had recently suggested. However, that part of his argument, for a reason purely associated to the feelings you had for Peter, made you speak up and take part in the discussion. “I don’t think you should ask people for the sake of having a date - it should be someone you like in that way,” You argued back, taking a small sip of water before continuing your argument and expressing several more sentences surrounding your opinion on the subject.
Your comment perked the brunette’s ears entirely, a smile appearing across his features once he realised you had actually opened up with an opinion of your own during the usual lunch-time drabbles the group held. He liked it more than he expected to, hearing your voice with a little bit of passion and truth clinging to it - most of the time, you cracked jokes, or talked about what other people thought or what other people would say in response. He knew this well, which is what made your unexpected contribution lace his hearing a little more than most people’s. He wanted to hear things like this more often - wanted to know more about you than you knew about him; but it came at a slow pace. After knowing you for a little while, he had gotten quite good at realising when you were acting one way, but wanting to express the complete oppposite - especially realising his new talent when he had picked up on your slight disappointment after a recent announcement Ned had made relating to Homecoming.
“I agree with Y/N. By the way, it’s good to hear your thoughts. You should say them more often,” Peter smiled, taking a bite of his food and waiting for Ned’s retaliation to the subject. Peter’s comment was unexpected, but heavy on your heart. To this point, you were worried that saying what you really wanted to say would make people look at you funny - or ignore that you had said anything at all. New friends were exciting, but you sometimes felt like you were stepping on eggshells - not wanting to make anybody dislike you. Therefore, saying little was better than breaking your chances of long-term friendship - but now, such a small comment was having a big impact on your outlook on the subject.
Betty quickly looked up, expressing that she also agreed, and was glad someone stood up and argued with her boyfriend after his ‘silly’ comment, and at one-point, even Michelle nodded along with your verbal retaliation. Maybe, your points were valid - and actually, welcomed. Maybe you got this whole friend thing wrong, maybe they really did value you as much as you appreciated them.
Your contemplations were quickly snapped out of by Ned, finally retaliating after your sudden increase of confidence and comfort within your now, closest friends. “Who do you like in that way, then Y/N? Who would you ask?” He joked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down in a light-hearted fashion, making others at the table laugh a little.
Swallowing a bite of your lunch, your eyes met your favourite brunette’s lightly before falling back to Ned who sat opposite from your seat at the table. Without much consideration, or thinking at all for that matter; on a high of confidence and validity, your lips opened and expressed to the table, “I’d ask Peter.”
A verbal gasp emerged from your lips once you clicked with what just flew from your throat - maybe confidence wasn’t the best thing to learn a week before Homecoming.
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hollandandi · 5 years
Hi Charlotte!! I'm so happy that you're back :) (not sure if you remember me, but yeah hi :) May I request a blurb of the reader having a really bad day and then Peter is all supportive and tells her really bad jokes to try and make her feel better and it's all cute n stuff? (I really tried my best to come up with a good request lol) Thanks! I hope you have a lovely rest of your day
hello my lovely! sorry it took me so long to complete this, but i hope you enjoy it! my day started off a bit rubbish today, so this prompt fits perfectly! hope you’re well
(p.s) what’s a dessert’s favorite actor? robert brownie, jr!
word-count; 789, peter parker
The sky was gloomy, and so was your mind. A cloud was constantly hovering over your head - in the classroom, the cafeteria, and even the library - the place you thought you could always go to for comfort. It was a heavy, dark and ultimately - nuisance cloud, and you tried your hardest to shake it off; not let this theme of bad luck ruin the entirety of your day, but you were losing the battle. 
It started as soon as you woke up this morning - after setting your alarm to meet up with a professor before school began for a feedback session; one that you desperately needed as this project came to a close, it failed to ring - leaving you to wake up almost an hour later, and scramble around your room, throwing a random set of clothes on and rushing out of your family home without breakfast or a properly packed backpack. 
The familiar yellow school-bus drove past your figure, regardless of your frantically waving hands that the driver could very likely see through his rear mirror; leaving you to make your own way to school underneath literal rain-clouds. With tangled, stuck-together hair, soaked-through text-books and puddles within your shoes, you finally arrived to the school grounds with a couple of minutes to spare - at-least you made it in time.
By twelve, your stomach was almost yelling at you - begging for any food to enter it, even if it was as greasy as your hair would be when you got home later. You lifted your feet from your desk, grabbing your back-pack swiftly as you made your way to the classic cafeteria - the one you knew you’d have friends waiting within it; and as soon as you walked in, the cloud above you brightened ever so slightly. Not even thirty seconds later, you were seated amongst your closest friends - known as Ned, Betty, MJ and Peter, laughter filling your ears, and the sight of smiles connecting to your eyes. 
“Hey! Y/N! We were wondering when you’d get here,” Ned exclaimed, nudging you gently with his right shoulder, followed by several similar greetings from the remainder of the gang. “So - what’s on the famous menu today? Let me guess,” Ned began, pulling his thumb and pointer-finger to his chin, mimicking a thinking expression before blurting out, “Peanut Butter and Jelly?”
“No! She had that yesterday,” Peter, the brunette sitting across from you interrupted; inserting himself into the conversation his best friend had started. “I’m guessing,” He began, copying the previous action Ned had made. “Ham salad?” The boy suggested, darting his eyes over to you to see if his was correct - but instead, was met with your hands frantically searching through your back-pack, laying textbooks in-front of you to make more space, before slowing your hands and sighing to yourself, cursing quietly.
“Were we right?” Ned pried, taking a large bite of his sub as he waited for your response, not observing your obvious struggle in finding your non-existent lunch, that of course, you forgot to pack. Before you could look up at him, though, you saw a partly-opened paper-bag slide across the table, coming from Peter’s direction. Inside, was half of his chicken-salad sub he had bought earlier on his de-tour to Delmar’s before school. He smiled softly at you once you realised, looking up and connecting with his eyes. “Peter, you don’t have to, really,” You began, watching him shake his head and push the bag slightly closer to you, concluding with, “I can buy something.”
Interrupting your attempts at changing his mind, he broke out with humour, shaking his eyebrows slightly as he spoke to the small group of friends sat around you. “Did you guys hear the joke about the peanut butter?” He expressed, watching you smile to yourself and slowly slide out the remainder of his lunch from the paper bag. “I would tell you, but I’m worried Y/N might start spreading it!” He concluded, a wide grin forming on his face as he delivered the punchline, the joke causing you to stop in your tracks, and small laughs to begin falling out of MJ’s, Betty’s and Ned’s lips; you joining in quickly behind them. 
Within the next couple of minutes, similar jokes rolled from Peter’s tongue; each one having the pure intention of making your eyes light up slightly and so he can hear a light laugh fall from your slightly-chapped lips. With each one, your cheeks grew pinker, and soon enough, you found yourself gazing at the brunette sat across from you - and before you knew it; the cloud that had been above your head, had soon become a rainbow. 
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hollandandi · 5 years
blurb requests PLEASE!!
i really want to get back into my writing mojo, but would love to start with some blurbs before diving into a one-shot, could anyone please send me a request?
thank you!!! jenko
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hollandandi · 5 years
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i love my anons
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hollandandi · 5 years
can u do a fluffy imagine with tom based of the song blessed by thomas rhett?? it’s such a wedding song i love it sm xx
coming right up, babe
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hollandandi · 6 years
How about friendswithbenefits!tom but he’s in love with you and you don’t know it so he can’t stand hearing you talk about other guys around him or of the sort you don’t have to of course :D
thanks for the absolutely amazing idea, my babe! i have written up the prompt in my drafts and will complete this tonight (in an hour or so). thanks for being my first request, it made my heart patter a little 💓💫 plus, who doesn’t love some angsty and fluffy tom?
this fic is completed 💞 https://hollandandi.tumblr.com/post/176748238744/you-dont-know-whats-good-for-me-because-if-you
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hollandandi · 6 years
Can I get uhhhhhh....Boxer tom! Au please? Thank you! :)
of course! it may be a little blurb if that’s okay! :) 
i’ll get thinking about a story-line, it will probably be a full imagine though :) thank you for your request!!!
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hollandandi · 6 years
reader accidentally walking in on one of mob!tom's meetings? literally have been seeing you asking for requests everywhere, so, i thought i'd give it a try :) thanks.
love it! this one is in my drafts ready to go 💞❤
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hollandandi · 5 years
jenko’s masterlist :-)
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hello my lovelies! welcome to my master-list. here you can find my fan-fics, any mini-series i’ve managed to finish start, as-well as any blurbs/drabbles you guys have requested.
my requests are forever open through my ask - i write for both tommo, and peter parker at the moment, but if you want someone else, don’t feel afraid to ask!!! ok, let’s get to it
a) peppermint (THREE PARTS)
“soulmates were pretty obvious in this day and age, there were no countdowns or visions anymore - your name just appeared on their skin, it was as easy as that. right?”
imagines; (1K 'ish' WORDS)
1. “i love you, but i don’t like you right now.” (ANGST & FLUFF)
“You were more than an hour late, Peter, of course I wasn’t there anymore.” You scoffed - your eyes had turned more frustrated now, they weren’t angry, but you were surprised at how naive he was acting to the situation.”
2. “come on, have a bloody heart.” “i do, i’m holding one.” (MOB!TOM)
“For fucks sake!” Tom yelled, clenching his fists within the silk handkerchief before passing his father and heading for the steel door that marked the difference between beatings, murder and interrogation, and that of business, meetings and phone-calls.”
3. “that was, by far, the stupidest thing you have ever done.” (ANGST & FLUFF)
“I mean, look at you, look at the bruises! The cuts! For gods sake, Peter!”
4. “you weren’t supposed to hear that.” (ANGST & FLUFF)
“Okay, great.” You smiled softly, tucking a piece of loose hair back in your ponytail carefully. “But remember, no telling Tom.”
5. "you don't know what's good for me,” (ANGST & FLUFF)
“In this moment, his mind raced with memories of you, similar to this one. Where you would lay peacefully, silently mostly, and yet, the room felt full. It felt warm, and calm - it was where Tom wanted to be all the time.”
6. “i think i’m falling in love with you.” (FLUFF)
“A drawing of your beloved boyfriend in his suit grazed majority of the page, but the top corner was the most important to you, as the sentence, “I think I’m falling in love with you,” rested, sunken into the pad.”
7.  “you still owe me a dance.” (ANGST & FLUFF)
“Your feet should have been moving you across the confetti-covered dance-floor, and your hands should have been softly intertwined with the boy who had promised to be there, dancing with you. “
8. how to fall in love in a book-shop (FLUFF)
“For the last couple of weeks, you had struggled to find one book in the local book-shop; even with new novels, best-seller lists and friend recommendations. Somehow though, on this random Thursday morning, you left with two, and with your heart a little bit fuller.”
9. “it’s good to hear your thoughts,” (FLUFF)
“You wanted to be completely happy for them, you really did - but something inside of you was utterly jealous of Ned’s bravery, and ultimately, their happiness.”
10. “thanks for saving me, spider-man.” (ANGST & FLUFF)
“Y/N, what’s the matter? What happened? Show me where it hurts,” He pried, glancing over your figure with frantic eyes, attempting to find the route of the problem.
11. mixing business with pleasure (BODYGUARD!TOM)
It was almost silent - except for your light breathing and his happy sigh that escaped his lips once he took a proper look at you and the clothes that hung perfectly to your skin.
12. crosswords on a monday (PETER PARKER, FLUFF)
You knew that once the answer had been figured out, you would realise you knew it all along - but for now, you had to ask for help. “It’s four letters,” You added, looking up at the boy with slight plea in your eyes.
13. “punched is one word, fisted is another!” (ANGST & FLUFF)
“Babe, I’m trying to read,” You laughed a little more, attempting to cough gently to mask how ticklish you were this afternoon, giving him a soft, joking glare as you spoke.
blurbs & drabbles; (500-1000 WORDS)
a. “what do you expect me to do now? stand here and beg?” (ANGST)
“Forget it.” You mumbled, before glancing up to connect the hold he had on you. “Just go. Have a good trip.”
b. “the rain was pouring,” (FLUFF)
“Would you like to walk with me? I can give you a little shelter.” He offered, and made your gaze meet his as he did.”
c. “just a standard shoot today,” (FLUFF)
“So a couple of head-shots, a few full-body and maybe some fun ones,” You joked, before proceeding to load your camera with a fresh SD card.
d. “did you guys hear about that peanut butter joke?” (FLUFF)
“Ham salad?” The boy suggested, darting his eyes over to you to see if his was correct - but instead, was met with your hands frantically searching through your back-pack, laying textbooks in-front of you to make more space.
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